Why Hollywood Left Emily Browning Behind: Cause they offered her a lot of roles and she just said "no, thanks" so they felt obligated to kinda move on, despite still trying again from times to times.
Kat I know. All I'm seeing here is credible reasons she's not taking bigger roles. She's one of those truly reserved actresses that decades from now will be hailed.
Allen Frey my favorite part of these series is that inevitably after I see one it takes weeks or a month and theres a huge new movie, or other big deal project!
Wow. Gorgeous, with a brain, that isn't willing to pretend she is an over-done ditzy stereotype of females that perpetuates negative images of woman. She is truly a substantial, not greedy person. Makes me want to watch all of her indie movies and support her more!
I think its more why EMILY left Hollywood behind. Im glad she had the smarts to not sell out and be used, abused, and thrown away by hollywood like so many people end up. Good for her. I personally like all her films.
No, it's because she turns down a lot of scripts (100+) either because she doesn't like the character or because she's too tired or something of the sort.
I'd just like to point out that "the truth" is just her opinion. Over the years there have been quite a few box office movies with strong female roles but for some reason they like to only see the bad roles. Take Terminator or the Aliens franchise which both came out years ago but never seem to get any acknowledgement from the feminist point of view and that is only 2 off the top of my head. As for her "turning down Twilight", they even showed in the interview that she said she was never even asked to audition for the role so how is that her turning it down?
Roland Deschain uuuuh alien and terminator get plenty of recognition for being feminist. Except it's only movies and it was only recently that big box office loves with main characters that are female, so of course they were still gonna focus about bad roles
I've seen plenty of her work,but I've never been familiar with her personality as an actress.Never read any of her interviews or something.But now,I respect her a lot and I certainly get why she was casted as Laura in American Gods.She seems to be a real feminist and demand a better representation of women in the film industry.She's a true badass
mina_minaki but what's a better representation? Many women take pride in being a wife and/or a mother. Yes, those aren't my thing as a woman but talking down on these roles is talking down on women who take pride in being a traditional woman. Feminism fought for women to get equal rights, opportunities and to make own decisions. It rejected traditional roles enforced on women but it's not about rejecting what women choose to do freely. Are traditional roles not worthy to be played as characters? Makes no sense to me.
well,I think it has nothing to do with being ''the wife''.The problem is that in many cases-especially in action movies the wife is just a hot,sweet,innocent wife that plays no role at all and is just the part of the protagonists ''paradise''.They barely get any lines and either they get victimised or they are just so clueless about the whole plot and they seem to be a part of the background.That's the type of roles she's rejecting and I totally accept that.And don't forget about how sexist these type of movies are.Most of the times the 50+ or 60+ male actors are married to 20+ and 30+ female sensations.That what she hates in film industry,not being the multi-dimensional,active and supportive wife and mother
But that probably because action movies are targeted mainly to their hardcore fan bases which are mostly men. So, the protagonist is male and in most action movies the characters are not that "deep". It's just about cool fights, car chases and stunts. The main guy is also this stereotypical brute guy who can fight really well . Action genre is not a go to for any type of multi-dimensional characters. I saw this youtube video some time ago made by a female youtuber and her take was really nice on this "female characters are just there to be victimized" accusations. She mentioned how people assume victims are weak and how she thinks they aren't. They have gone through hardships themselves and survived physical and/or emotional trauma. She said something like that's your own bias to assume that's a weak role. Don't forget that any bystander that is not the lead usually is a normal civilian and clueless to fighting and whatnot. Not just the lead's wife or gf or kids. Another thing she mentioned was in "a guy saves the girl" plot it's the female's life that is ultimately valuable and male lead's life is very disposable because he will sacrifice his well being just to save someone he cares dearly about or in some cases someone he didn't know well. Male audience relates to this because that's just how men are in real life too. Male lives have been disposable since military draft and "women are children first" were a thing. Or even further than that when protecting one's tribe was a thing. So, it's not surprising that media was also used to sensationalize this martyr complex to male audience and glorify it. It is beneficial for the community to have males wanting to sacrifice themselves for women and children. This is also not just a cultural influence but also a biological one. Higher testosterone level increases protectiveness. It's just evolution making sure that what's more valuable to carry on the species (women and children) are protected. It's no wonder that this is reflected in the media somehow. "Most of the times the 50+ or 60+ male actors are married to 20+ and 30+ female sensations." What are these movies? 30 to 50, I will believe you but 50 to 60 male actors in every other movie? I can't even name male actors within that age who have movies out so often. Another reality is most couples have an age difference and males tend to be older than their female partners in real life. Hollywood is not so far fetched.
Momilkie ikr?! I remember being mad at the time because she's one of my favorite actresses and she's the first one I thought of when I was reading the books. But I'm SO GLAD she didn't do the films. They weren't good lol
Yeah, I seen that. I'm disappointed it wasn't a bigger role lol. Also, I've noticed that in almost every movie or show she's been in, she dies in some way or form.
Her character Pet was meant to play a more important role in the sequel to the Host, but the poor reception by critics and viewers to The Host seemed to have destroyed the possibility to a sequel
-grunt you must have dozed off a bit. Jobless? let's see-starting 20 yrs.ago and going to school as well, she has 18 full length films, 2 short films, 10 TV projects and 3 albums to her credit. And she's just 29. Not to mention she knows hollywood is full of shit so she does what she wants, when and where she wants. If young American actresses had her wit, there wouldn't be near as many trainwrecks coming out of Disney and Nickleodeon studios. She is an absolute exception to the rules of hollywood and way better off as a result. So I guess anyone could call that jobless, if they don't know what they're talking about.
I think some day Emily will get an amazing role and she could very well win an Oscar. She seems to have a great head on her shoulders. She's unbothered about how much you can pull at the box office. Good for her.
Half comments saying she's a stuck up bitch, half saying she's down to earth. Did we watch the same video?! Maybe people don't understand how Australians are, she seems down to earth to me.
They probably think she's stuck up for what she said about other actors aspiring to go onto Nickelodeon shows, like she looks down on them, when what I think she meant was that they were seeking instant fame and gratification and wanted to all be child stars when what she wanted was more serious roles and a more serious acting career. She wanted challenging roles, not just the ones that would get her the most attention. She didn't just want to be famous, she wanted to be a good actress and work on unique projects rather than playing a cliche female character, no matter how much more lucrative that would've been. Which is a bit privileged to be honest. Most aspiring actors who live paycheck to paycheck will take whatever job they can get. They're just stunned that she can get to pick and choose what she wants. Do remember though she did do a huge blockbuster movie as a child, so she probably made bank off of that, which means she doesn't have to just take jobs to survive, and with her looks and acting skills she would've been at the sort of place where she doesn't have to audition for work, they just send the scripts and ask her if she wants it. Surely with huge project she'd need to make a bit more effort but she doesn't want those jobs is the whole point.
More like half the people recognizing what an independent, self sufficient and strong woman is and the other half intimidated that she's not parading herself around like a Jennifer Lawrence type pretending to be independent, strong and self sufficient. Lawrence is an act. Browning is the real deal. She's not doing it for fame. Success. Attention. Or Acceptance. She's just doing it for self fulfillment and because it makes sense to her. It's in direct contrast to the modern feminism to you which is essentially teaching women that attention and fame/infamy is better than true independence and self fulfillment. Doing something cuz it means something to you and not just because it's a fad and everyone else is doing it.
Nurse Harley299 that’s not what bella was supposed to be. bella wasn’t written strong so she wasn’t supposed to be portrayed that way. as it probably would have been more enjoyable, it wouldn’t have been true to the original written story.
Jade Eden I know Bella wasn't badass or anything in the story but I also don't remember reading her as a completely helpless and emotionless/awkward girl. A little awkward maybe but the way Kristen played the role she played it as if she knew it wasn't meant for her. Although most of her old roles seemed all the same, she seems to have more depth as an actress now
"Why Hollywood Left Emily Browning Behind" translates to: a actress who doesn't want to be part of the whole Hollywood scheme where women are mostly portrayed as one and the same lame girlfriend part in a movie for men to shine. She does well by this, taking on various roles for interesteing characters and stated time and time again that she doesn't want to be famous and would hate it so she stays away from blockbusters.
I have nothing but respect for the way Emily has been conducting her career. It's nice to see someone who lives life by their own terms, rather than being led around by the nose until they self-destruct. Kudos!
I frickin like this girl alot i must say, i liked her already but i have even way more respect for her now. I had no idea that she was this cool. Now i get why i always enjoy the movies that she's casted in. True artistry right there.
All of you that are taking up for her saying stupid sh*t like “maybe she doesn’t want to be famous”, did someone put a gun to her head and say act or die? If she doesn’t want to be famous she should go work at Subway. I promise no one will care about anything she’s doing anymore.
So you are telling me that this woman who got in the industry very young was conscious of not letting it go to her head even as a teenager, stayed true to her initial passion for acting, carefully selected roles she thought meaningful and fun, and took good care of herself in the process? This video should be celebrating her! Love and respect for this beautiful woman.
I'm reminded of something I read in Robert Llewellyn's autobiography, _The Man in the Rubber Mask_. He played Kryten in _Red Dwarf_, and was the only cast member from the original UK production who was invited to be part of the Hollywood version which bombed. He wrote that on the set in the UK, it was always complete pandemonium: people sneaking joints, shrieking, bouncing off the walls, playing practical jokes, and lighting parts of the set on fire. The Hollywood production, by contrast, was dead silent and ultra-serious. When he tried to crack a joke, the rest of the cast scowled at him and told him to be quiet because they were "getting into their roles." Hollywood sounds like a terrible, humourless place.
Panda Monium Why? The movie was shit but Kristen did it and now she's a known and acclaimed actress since she was able to do a lot of great Indies after.
My thoughts exactly, American Gods is one of the best new shows I've seen in awhile. Great writing, incredible talent, and Emily Browning is, indeed, amazing.
Suckerpunch is a boring music video trying to be a movie. A real pile of shit. American Gods is awesome and she kills it as Laura Moon, my favorite character of the show!
Your favorite movie by her is one of her exact reasons why she left Hollywood. The perpetual stereotype of a pretty girl dressed in little to nothing to gain fame and attention. She left because she didn't want to be a stereotypical dolt like Jennifer Lawerence.
I love how Emily Browning manages to keep off of big Hollywood productions, but it is still known and remembered, and actually happy with her work. She is one my favorite actress, and she seems to be following her path just the way she wants to. I cannot wait to see her in a new role, she was the best thing about American Gods!
Well, I just checked her IMDB page and she's currently #33 in popularity. I don't think she was left behind by Hollywood. Stop making these videos with fake information.
Actors and actresses like her who shun the bright lights of Hollywood and all of the accepted norms surrounding it, for me, are the REAL actors.For them, their roles are not just jobs: they're representations of what they stand for. Kudos to Emily.
I find it funny how people call the cinema industry hollywood, Americans didn't invent motion pictures and Los Angeles isn't the whole place in the world that produces films
Woo Wee Yolanthe Cabau van Kasbergen was a close friend of my cousin when they were younger. We even had a short thing going once at her birthday. Then she marries some singer and now she is the wife of some major football player. Weird to see people up the ladder all of a sudden.
Same! And living in Australia I was even lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the stuff she did when she was even younger, such as Blue Heelers, as reruns and stuff on tv.
I love this girl. She is honest and not just anyone who has been in the industry has the courage to stay true to himself or herself, usually everyone is blinded by the attention. This girl is a role model to me.
I wish she had played Bella. I can't stop staring at her face. She has a unique beauty that is unlike most of the cookie cutter female types in the industry.
bro she chooses quality and plot and strong effective charecters over sleazy small and numerous roles which can make her someone like kristen stewart. she has taste and is decisive.
The way I understand it, she did not go for the audition as this video says. If she went to the audition she might not have been chosen and so she did not really "turned down" any offer to play Bella.
I agree with lucentgem and that was the way I interpreted it. She was most likely invited to come for an audition but declined to go and so lost the opportunity. But obviously others have been "invited" to the audition too, and still more who volunteered to go on their own. The point was that there was competition: you could say she "turned down Twilight" only if she was actually chosen from the candidates that came for the audition but she turned down the role.
I love Emily Browning. I'm a little sad that she didn't have the drive to do back to back big films but at the same time I'm glad she's not a sell out.
I remember being in highschool with the rumor floating around that she would play bella in twilight. Looking back now im soooo glad she was exhausted from shooting The Uninvited. She dodged a hell of a bullet.
I think Sucker Punch was a great setback to her career, coming at a time when she was supposed to have a breakthrough adult role. Sucker Punch was obviously intended to be her star vehicle, and could have done for her what Twilight had done for Kristen Stewart. It was a high-profile film with director Zack Snyder fresh from 300 and had a very strong cast. She was the main character among the five girls, but the others - Jena Malone, Abbie Cornish and Vanessa Hudgens, with only the possible exception of Jamie Chung, all had been female leads in other movies. The poor box office and even worse critical response to Sucker Punch in which Browning arguably played the first major adult role were undoubtedly important factors.
Really liked Sucker punch (although sadly most didn't understood the movie) and her version of sweet dreams by M.Mason was awesome! but I can't believe nobody's talking about Sleeping Beauty. I've seen some weirdness in life and that movie was spot on. Really well done. Love her passion and how she doesn't sell out, looking forward to seeing her in more interesting movies.
I like that she does her own shit and does not try to conform in any of the hollywood standard bullshit. Be you and don't let that cancer industry ruin you.
Blimington Bear I do respect her for not wanting to be a stereotypical girl archetype and wanting to do good movies not just sell out. But yeah she isn’t completely right, there’s a lot of strong female characters yet nowadays I would understand her since directors and producers nowadays in Hollywood don’t understand how to make a good strong female character correctly, and I can believe there was some problems for her since the catty girl shit is pretty overused in teen movies and such, but I will miss her since she was a great actress, a great singer I loved her version of Sweet Dreams, and she seems like a good and principled person.
What's been your favorite Emily Browning role to date?
Nicki Swift I still love SUCKER PUNCH no matter what anyone says.
I agree but she's also amazing in American Gods.
Cassandrabellex yea
The Uninvited
'Legend' Awesome flick.
More accurately: Why Emily Browning left Hollywood behind
Lol, I was about to comment that! They should change the title.
Why Hollywood Left Emily Browning Behind: Cause they offered her a lot of roles and she just said "no, thanks" so they felt obligated to kinda move on, despite still trying again from times to times.
Kat tttrrrrruuuueeee
She is so good in "American Gods" =)
Kat I know. All I'm seeing here is credible reasons she's not taking bigger roles. She's one of those truly reserved actresses that decades from now will be hailed.
So this is less "Why Hollywood Left Emily Browning Behind" and more "Why Emily Browning Left Hollywood Behind"
Exactly she read 150 scripts and chose two small films. That sounds like her choice
Another misleading title. It should be "Why Emily Browning left Hollywood"
Allen Frey my favorite part of these series is that inevitably after I see one it takes weeks or a month and theres a huge new movie, or other big deal project!
Allen Frey she's just picky with roles
*actress says she prefers to live away from the spotlight and manages to do so
*somehow that's a problem
Sounds like she left Hollywood behind. Doesn't sound like she cares, either. Good for her.
Tina Walton in the UK up to IP up IP 9 Io in RV 10
She’s in American gods..
Basically, Emily Browning is too advanced for an archaically-minded industry. Good for you.
so shes an opinionated feminist. got it
Brad Etter not necessarily. If she was. She were writings her own fucking movies. You fucking piace of shit.
Fortune Maker yes, and that’s a good thing, you birdbrain
Girls from Oz don't take no b******t
Wow. Gorgeous, with a brain, that isn't willing to pretend she is an over-done ditzy stereotype of females that perpetuates negative images of woman. She is truly a substantial, not greedy person. Makes me want to watch all of her indie movies and support her more!
palacsintakat If you get a chance, watch her in Sleeping Beauty. Its really good!
You damn feminist
that isn't feminist
God, you said that so well! Thanx!!
Jennifer Lawrence is like the opposite of her
I think its more why EMILY left Hollywood behind. Im glad she had the smarts to not sell out and be used, abused, and thrown away by hollywood like so many people end up. Good for her. I personally like all her films.
So.... she tells the truth and doesn't get work.... sounds good.
No, it's because she turns down a lot of scripts (100+) either because she doesn't like the character or because she's too tired or something of the sort.
Wdeemar Wdeemar and is lazy and turned down twilight.
I'd just like to point out that "the truth" is just her opinion. Over the years there have been quite a few box office movies with strong female roles but for some reason they like to only see the bad roles. Take Terminator or the Aliens franchise which both came out years ago but never seem to get any acknowledgement from the feminist point of view and that is only 2 off the top of my head. As for her "turning down Twilight", they even showed in the interview that she said she was never even asked to audition for the role so how is that her turning it down?
Roland Deschain uuuuh alien and terminator get plenty of recognition for being feminist. Except it's only movies and it was only recently that big box office loves with main characters that are female, so of course they were still gonna focus about bad roles
Wdeemar Wdeemar She could have gotten Twilight if she wanted it
what the hell is going on with this video? you're trying to shame Emily for having a brain. unbelievable.
Sarah Goode They aren't shaming her
Did we watch the same video?
and shaming her for knowing what she wants and not just going after money and fame. Sigh.
@@LadyIsTheChamp Give me ONE timecode as evidence!
I've seen plenty of her work,but I've never been familiar with her personality as an actress.Never read any of her interviews or something.But now,I respect her a lot and I certainly get why she was casted as Laura in American Gods.She seems to be a real feminist and demand a better representation of women in the film industry.She's a true badass
Totally agree. She might not become a household name but at least she can say she walked her talk every time.
mina_minaki but what's a better representation? Many women take pride in being a wife and/or a mother. Yes, those aren't my thing as a woman but talking down on these roles is talking down on women who take pride in being a traditional woman.
Feminism fought for women to get equal rights, opportunities and to make own decisions. It rejected traditional roles enforced on women but it's not about rejecting what women choose to do freely. Are traditional roles not worthy to be played as characters? Makes no sense to me.
mina_minaki agreed!!
well,I think it has nothing to do with being ''the wife''.The problem is that in many cases-especially in action movies the wife is just a hot,sweet,innocent wife that plays no role at all and is just the part of the protagonists ''paradise''.They barely get any lines and either they get victimised or they are just so clueless about the whole plot and they seem to be a part of the background.That's the type of roles she's rejecting and I totally accept that.And don't forget about how sexist these type of movies are.Most of the times the 50+ or 60+ male actors are married to 20+ and 30+ female sensations.That what she hates in film industry,not being the multi-dimensional,active and supportive wife and mother
But that probably because action movies are targeted mainly to their hardcore fan bases which are mostly men. So, the protagonist is male and in most action movies the characters are not that "deep". It's just about cool fights, car chases and stunts. The main guy is also this stereotypical brute guy who can fight really well . Action genre is not a go to for any type of multi-dimensional characters.
I saw this youtube video some time ago made by a female youtuber and her take was really nice on this "female characters are just there to be victimized" accusations. She mentioned how people assume victims are weak and how she thinks they aren't. They have gone through hardships themselves and survived physical and/or emotional trauma. She said something like that's your own bias to assume that's a weak role. Don't forget that any bystander that is not the lead usually is a normal civilian and clueless to fighting and whatnot. Not just the lead's wife or gf or kids. Another thing she mentioned was in "a guy saves the girl" plot it's the female's life that is ultimately valuable and male lead's life is very disposable because he will sacrifice his well being just to save someone he cares dearly about or in some cases someone he didn't know well. Male audience relates to this because that's just how men are in real life too. Male lives have been disposable since military draft and "women are children first" were a thing. Or even further than that when protecting one's tribe was a thing. So, it's not surprising that media was also used to sensationalize this martyr complex to male audience and glorify it. It is beneficial for the community to have males wanting to sacrifice themselves for women and children. This is also not just a cultural influence but also a biological one. Higher testosterone level increases protectiveness. It's just evolution making sure that what's more valuable to carry on the species (women and children) are protected. It's no wonder that this is reflected in the media somehow.
"Most of the times the 50+ or 60+ male actors are married to 20+ and 30+ female sensations." What are these movies? 30 to 50, I will believe you but 50 to 60 male actors in every other movie? I can't even name male actors within that age who have movies out so often. Another reality is most couples have an age difference and males tend to be older than their female partners in real life. Hollywood is not so far fetched.
Good for her , she knows what she wants , no one can take that from her. Dignity
Christ, if emily took the role of Bella, the twilight series would of been actually enjoyable.
Momilkie ikr?! I remember being mad at the time because she's one of my favorite actresses and she's the first one I thought of when I was reading the books. But I'm SO GLAD she didn't do the films. They weren't good lol
Yeah, I seen that. I'm disappointed it wasn't a bigger role lol. Also, I've noticed that in almost every movie or show she's been in, she dies in some way or form.
Her character Pet was meant to play a more important role in the sequel to the Host, but the poor reception by critics and viewers to The Host seemed to have destroyed the possibility to a sequel
I might not have fallen asleep 10 minutes into the movie then!
It still would have been shit. Lets not blame the whole movie on one actress.
I can see her playing as a Targaryen if GOT makes their prequel about the Targaryen dynasty
Outstanding idea but for the fact that GOT is an awfully grand scale production and she expressed a firm dislike of that sort of thing.
Yeah, she gives me Targ vibes because of her paleness.
She rocks. I've always loved her, she's doing it her way! Longevity
Longevity? I call it jobless!
-grunt you must have dozed off a bit. Jobless? let's see-starting 20 yrs.ago and going to school as well, she has 18 full length films, 2 short films, 10 TV projects and 3 albums to her credit. And she's just 29. Not to mention she knows hollywood is full of shit so she does what she wants, when and where she wants. If young American actresses had her wit, there wouldn't be near as many trainwrecks coming out of Disney and Nickleodeon studios. She is an absolute exception to the rules of hollywood and way better off as a result. So I guess anyone could call that jobless, if they don't know what they're talking about.
@@jaggedcut8603 Longevity. I just saw her in Class of 07 and everyone I recommend it to knows Emily Browning
I think some day Emily will get an amazing role and she could very well win an Oscar. She seems to have a great head on her shoulders. She's unbothered about how much you can pull at the box office. Good for her.
Great observation!!
Half comments saying she's a stuck up bitch, half saying she's down to earth. Did we watch the same video?!
Maybe people don't understand how Australians are, she seems down to earth to me.
Daniel Jacob or down under ☺
I thought the same thing. haha
They probably think she's stuck up for what she said about other actors aspiring to go onto Nickelodeon shows, like she looks down on them, when what I think she meant was that they were seeking instant fame and gratification and wanted to all be child stars when what she wanted was more serious roles and a more serious acting career. She wanted challenging roles, not just the ones that would get her the most attention. She didn't just want to be famous, she wanted to be a good actress and work on unique projects rather than playing a cliche female character, no matter how much more lucrative that would've been. Which is a bit privileged to be honest. Most aspiring actors who live paycheck to paycheck will take whatever job they can get. They're just stunned that she can get to pick and choose what she wants. Do remember though she did do a huge blockbuster movie as a child, so she probably made bank off of that, which means she doesn't have to just take jobs to survive, and with her looks and acting skills she would've been at the sort of place where she doesn't have to audition for work, they just send the scripts and ask her if she wants it. Surely with huge project she'd need to make a bit more effort but she doesn't want those jobs is the whole point.
Where? I don’t even see one comment calling her stuck up!?
More like half the people recognizing what an independent, self sufficient and strong woman is and the other half intimidated that she's not parading herself around like a Jennifer Lawrence type pretending to be independent, strong and self sufficient. Lawrence is an act. Browning is the real deal. She's not doing it for fame. Success. Attention. Or Acceptance. She's just doing it for self fulfillment and because it makes sense to her. It's in direct contrast to the modern feminism to you which is essentially teaching women that attention and fame/infamy is better than true independence and self fulfillment. Doing something cuz it means something to you and not just because it's a fad and everyone else is doing it.
Emily Browning would have made an amazing Bella Swan, she could've brought some depth and badassery to the character
Nurse Harley299 that’s not what bella was supposed to be. bella wasn’t written strong so she wasn’t supposed to be portrayed that way. as it probably would have been more enjoyable, it wouldn’t have been true to the original written story.
Jade Eden I know Bella wasn't badass or anything in the story but I also don't remember reading her as a completely helpless and emotionless/awkward girl. A little awkward maybe but the way Kristen played the role she played it as if she knew it wasn't meant for her. Although most of her old roles seemed all the same, she seems to have more depth as an actress now
Kristen Stewart's acting is wooden
I agree. Don't watch the twilight films to this day because of Kirsten's acting. Ugh!
More like Brownings left Hollywood behind! 👋🏾 Kudos to her, calling her shots!
"Why Hollywood Left Emily Browning Behind" translates to: a actress who doesn't want to be part of the whole Hollywood scheme where women are mostly portrayed as one and the same lame girlfriend part in a movie for men to shine. She does well by this, taking on various roles for interesteing characters and stated time and time again that she doesn't want to be famous and would hate it so she stays away from blockbusters.
Im pretty sure she's just staying true to herself instead of selling out like most of the people you make videos about and there's no problem with it
I have nothing but respect for the way Emily has been conducting her career. It's nice to see someone who lives life by their own terms, rather than being led around by the nose until they self-destruct. Kudos!
Agree wholeheartedly
It's good to see people who are down to earth like this. Love her
Dang she looks so different every time you show a picture or video of her... I wouldn't even guess some of these are the same woman
Also: makeup.
makeup is literally just putting on a different person's face if you use enough of it.
I think she has extremely soft features so when she wears makeup it changes her face a lot. If that makes sense....
Sucker Punch was such an awesome and sadly misunderstood movie.
I don't care what anyone says, but suckerpunch was one of the best movies to date
I agree a whole ton, sucker punch is absolutely amazing, the soundtrack, story, everything, i loved it so much.
the ending depresses me so much i.i poor Babydoll.
Idk why, I found it enjoyable but ultimately unsatisfying, like it was missing something.
It was a great movie! Even the soundtrack was awesome and I usually don't even like these kind of fantasy kinda films
I frickin like this girl alot i must say, i liked her already but i have even way more respect for her now. I had no idea that she was this cool. Now i get why i always enjoy the movies that she's casted in. True artistry right there.
Sounds like the girl has beauty and brains.
Emily is way above the futility of Hollywood. She is an intelligent, articulate actress with obvious artistic integrity
I think Sucker Punch is such a good movie, unfortunately most people don't get the premise of the story, which is the abuse of young women.
*damn nicki, stop hating on Emily for having a brain*
Suckerpunch is a sick film. Sleeping Beauty is amazing too, but really *really* dark. Also, maybe--just maybe--she doesn't want to be super famous.
sick as in awful?
All of you that are taking up for her saying stupid sh*t like “maybe she doesn’t want to be famous”, did someone put a gun to her head and say act or die? If she doesn’t want to be famous she should go work at Subway. I promise no one will care about anything she’s doing anymore.
She is beautiful and talented
She played the little girl in the movie, Ghost Ship.
So you are telling me that this woman who got in the industry very young was conscious of not letting it go to her head even as a teenager, stayed true to her initial passion for acting, carefully selected roles she thought meaningful and fun, and took good care of herself in the process? This video should be celebrating her! Love and respect for this beautiful woman.
I'm reminded of something I read in Robert Llewellyn's autobiography, _The Man in the Rubber Mask_. He played Kryten in _Red Dwarf_, and was the only cast member from the original UK production who was invited to be part of the Hollywood version which bombed. He wrote that on the set in the UK, it was always complete pandemonium: people sneaking joints, shrieking, bouncing off the walls, playing practical jokes, and lighting parts of the set on fire. The Hollywood production, by contrast, was dead silent and ultra-serious. When he tried to crack a joke, the rest of the cast scowled at him and told him to be quiet because they were "getting into their roles." Hollywood sounds like a terrible, humourless place.
NoJusticeNoPeace 8
makes sense, some actors prefer make the big $$, others are seeking that Oscar, and others just like to do what they want.
KoToCoNDoR yeah we need more people who do it cuz they enjoy it and the same goes for the people who make the movies nowadays
Or do what they love too..
Thank God she dodged twilight lol.
Panda Monium Why? The movie was shit but Kristen did it and now she's a known and acclaimed actress since she was able to do a lot of great Indies after.
I’m pretty sure if she was to take the role of Bella, twilight would’ve been 1000 times better:
I would have rather it had been her then Kristen Stuart
She would be awesome in the character of bella
Emily browning was one of my first crushes
Sucker Punch is a dope movie
Yeah, a fascinating spectacle for sure.
wrong. Sucker punch blows ass
Zack Snyder's movies are always better when someone else directs them.
she looks a hottie in sucker punch!
I'm a bit bored of people hanging shit on it all the time. It was a unique movie that did what it intended to do. It wasn't trying to be Titanic.
She did great in American Gods one of the best new series of 2017.
Sooo, she is smart? :)
She's amazing actress. The Uninvited is my favorite! I love Ghost Ship, Sucker Punch!
I just love her. She is smashing it in American God's!
I love SuckerPunch too. 💖💕💜
She is amazing as "Dead wife" in American Gods.
My thoughts exactly, American Gods is one of the best new shows I've seen in awhile. Great writing, incredible talent, and Emily Browning is, indeed, amazing.
I agree, she is amazing!!!
Suckerpunch is a boring music video trying to be a movie. A real pile of shit. American Gods is awesome and she kills it as Laura Moon, my favorite character of the show!
I absolutely understand it. It still sucks.
I thought Sucker Punch was a great film.
They was a amazing movie.
It was epic!
I love Emily browning! She's so pretty and a really good actor, my favorite movie is sucker punch lol
Samuel Gorton ok and that's your opinion I loved the movie so Idc what you honk about it 👋🏼
Your favorite movie by her is one of her exact reasons why she left Hollywood. The perpetual stereotype of a pretty girl dressed in little to nothing to gain fame and attention. She left because she didn't want to be a stereotypical dolt like Jennifer Lawerence.
very underrated movie and very awesome too !! the fact that most of people didn't get his idea really really makes me angry !
Eva Foxxx she is so sexy in sucker punch!! 😍
I love how Emily Browning manages to keep off of big Hollywood productions, but it is still known and remembered, and actually happy with her work. She is one my favorite actress, and she seems to be following her path just the way she wants to. I cannot wait to see her in a new role, she was the best thing about American Gods!
My favorite Emily Browning movie is the musical God Help the Girl. It really shows off her ability as a singer.
And Plush.
anyone forget her role in legend..that’s her best role to date!!
What an impressive woman.
Also, she's grown to be beautiful (those fashion shots!).
I just downloaded "Sleeping Beauty" (2011) ;-D
I missed her out completely.
... Wait, no. I saw "The Host"
I loved her in the Uninvited and her singing is great too. Sucker Punch was badass when I first saw Sucker Punch
Well, I just checked her IMDB page and she's currently #33 in popularity. I don't think she was left behind by Hollywood. Stop making these videos with fake information.
Actors and actresses like her who shun the bright lights of Hollywood and all of the accepted norms surrounding it, for me, are the REAL actors.For them, their roles are not just jobs: they're representations of what they stand for. Kudos to Emily.
I find it funny how people call the cinema industry hollywood, Americans didn't invent motion pictures and Los Angeles isn't the whole place in the world that produces films
Brenda exactly. But you know, Americans think they're the only ones in existence. It's a very self centered culture.
Good for you girl! Now I'm going to watch more of her films.
I loved 💜Emily Browning as Baby Doll in Sucker Punch💜. She is so gorgeous❣
It's awesome to see somebody so young critically thinking and seeing the evils of Hollywood good for her because of this God will bless her
Sooo basically she only wants to do projects she can be proud of? Yeah, what's wrong with her...
What a bitch, right?
Emily has integrity, intelligence and great acting skills. I salute her for being choosy about the roles she takes on.
I went to the same high school as her. It's so weird seeing her in films.
Was that in Eltham?
Woo Wee
Yolanthe Cabau van Kasbergen was a close friend of my cousin when they were younger. We even had a short thing going once at her birthday. Then she marries some singer and now she is the wife of some major football player.
Weird to see people up the ladder all of a sudden.
Is she nice?
She's clearly someone selective and into more indie or unique projects, doesn't seem like she was "left behind" in any way
What about her in Ghost ship?
DevilDogMuNky ugh yes I thought the same thing.
Same! And living in Australia I was even lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the stuff she did when she was even younger, such as Blue Heelers, as reruns and stuff on tv.
DevilDogMuNky I just watched Ghost Ship! That's why I looked her up to see what she has been up to. Then I found this video
thought the same thing
When I think about her, that movie always comes to my mind xD
this makes
this made me like her even more
American Gods! lol she's such a perfect person for it, I hate and love her character. but damn! she's so skinny in the show. She's real.
Wow, a celebrity I can actually appreciate! Props to her I'm gonna have to go check out some of those indie films now.
Kellie Schmitz Watch "The Uninvited" (2009) I think you gonna like it.
I like her more. She's actually underrated and amazing.
I love this girl. She is honest and not just anyone who has been in the industry has the courage to stay true to himself or herself, usually everyone is blinded by the attention. This girl is a role model to me.
I love her mentality. So real.
I wish she had played Bella. I can't stop staring at her face. She has a unique beauty that is unlike most of the cookie cutter female types in the industry.
Great actress who is clearly smart enough to be conscientious of Hollywood's hollow and shallow pitfalls
bro she chooses quality and plot and strong effective charecters over sleazy small and numerous roles which can make her someone like kristen stewart. she has taste and is decisive.
Damn she turned down twilight ??...
The way I understand it, she did not go for the audition as this video says. If she went to the audition she might not have been chosen and so she did not really "turned down" any offer to play Bella.
Yeah i didn't get that either. She didn't audition nor did they offer her the role so how is that turning it down?
It sounded like the video was saying she was invited to audition but didn't go. So, she turned down the opportunity to audition.
I agree with lucentgem and that was the way I interpreted it. She was most likely invited to come for an audition but declined to go and so lost the opportunity. But obviously others have been "invited" to the audition too, and still more who volunteered to go on their own. The point was that there was competition: you could say she "turned down Twilight" only if she was actually chosen from the candidates that came for the audition but she turned down the role.
Brianna Anderson She didn't. She just wasn't able to audition because she just recently shot another film so she's too tired to audition.
She is doing indie projects, she was even on that american gods series, it's not that hollywood won't cast her, she doesn't care.
Wrong. American Gods is the most sought after role. And is beyond epic.
And thats why I've always liked her, doesnt give a fuck. Smart girl. No time for mediocre hollywood bullshit.
Sorry its the other way around Emily Browning my personal Queen left them behind she didn't have time for Hollywood's bullshit
I love Emily Browning. I'm a little sad that she didn't have the drive to do back to back big films but at the same time I'm glad she's not a sell out.
She's gorgeous.
At last, a channel that tells us to subscribe and like the video *_AFTER_* we watch the damn thing! Liked! :)
She wouldve been amazing in Twilight 😭 Cant blame her though for not wanting to be a part of twisted Hollywood.
She probably followed her heart and knew that progect was not for her.
What about ghost ship. She was in that too.
Loved her in Legend!
I remember being in highschool with the rumor floating around that she would play bella in twilight. Looking back now im soooo glad she was exhausted from shooting The Uninvited. She dodged a hell of a bullet.
I think Sucker Punch was a great setback to her career, coming at a time when she was supposed to have a breakthrough adult role. Sucker Punch was obviously intended to be her star vehicle, and could have done for her what Twilight had done for Kristen Stewart. It was a high-profile film with director Zack Snyder fresh from 300 and had a very strong cast. She was the main character among the five girls, but the others - Jena Malone, Abbie Cornish and Vanessa Hudgens, with only the possible exception of Jamie Chung, all had been female leads in other movies. The poor box office and even worse critical response to Sucker Punch in which Browning arguably played the first major adult role were undoubtedly important factors.
failed to mention her rol in Ghostship as Katie the little ghost girl that helped main character to escape the doomed ship
She should get an Emmy for American Gods.
I remember when everyone wanted her to play Bella in Twilight and later on Katniss in the Hunger Games...
Really liked Sucker punch (although sadly most didn't understood the movie) and her version of sweet dreams by M.Mason was awesome! but I can't believe nobody's talking about Sleeping Beauty. I've seen some weirdness in life and that movie was spot on. Really well done. Love her passion and how she doesn't sell out, looking forward to seeing her in more interesting movies.
Guess what, she's a millionaire and she's doing what she loves and even has the luxury of choosing scripts she likes. An inspiration, indeed.
In light of recent events throughout Hollywood, I wonder if the offer of the casting couch had anything to with her withdrawal as well.
She probably refused her casting couch audition and then was blacklisted.
Love her on American Gods.
I'm a huge fan of her in _Sleeping Beauty_, which is an underrated gem of a movie in my opinion.
I love Emily Browning. I'm glad though that she's turned her back on the illuminati industry.
she's underrated and that's it.
Whatever...i loved Lemony Snicket and Suckerpunch and Legend
I had a huge crush on her when I was a kid.
I liked sleeping beauty a lot
so in other words, she didn't get left so much as she did the leaving
I like that she does her own shit and does not try to conform in any of the hollywood standard bullshit. Be you and don't let that cancer industry ruin you.
Tottally agree with you
Good for her! This makes me want to watch what she does appear in even more.
Every-time there's a strong female character in hollywood, it's "the first strong female character" ever xD
Blimington Bear I do respect her for not wanting to be a stereotypical girl archetype and wanting to do good movies not just sell out.
But yeah she isn’t completely right, there’s a lot of strong female characters yet nowadays I would understand her since directors and producers nowadays in Hollywood don’t understand how to make a good strong female character correctly, and I can believe there was some problems for her since the catty girl shit is pretty overused in teen movies and such, but I will miss her since she was a great actress, a great singer I loved her version of Sweet Dreams, and she seems like a good and principled person.