The Rhapsody and Agony of Love

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @trg1408
    @trg1408 7 років тому +78

    That's so true, how the fuck am I supposed to get over it.

    • @namelesscapone4786
      @namelesscapone4786 7 років тому +6

      Taylor G. "trg1408" you lie to yourself

    • @VishwaJay
      @VishwaJay 7 років тому +21

      Accept that it was never "forever" to start with. The "forever" part of that is an illusion. Nothing, not even our own agony and grief, is "forever" because we are finite beings. Love is the only thing that is truly universal. But grief is universally human.

    • @majinTejas
      @majinTejas 7 років тому +2

      Taylor G. "trg1408" I guess we can only try our best to be grateful for the love .. as they say that it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

    • @amandataylor1468
      @amandataylor1468 7 років тому

      Creative Spices

    • @amandataylor1468
      @amandataylor1468 7 років тому

      Creative Spices

  • @janhuylebroeck3955
    @janhuylebroeck3955 7 років тому +49

    You should make a movie with you just talking for 2 hours. I'd watch that every day of the week

    • @hola66.99....
      @hola66.99.... Рік тому

      Es la verdad la verdad el perdon el amor por los demas es simple no se puede expermentar

  • @Brianforeverbsb
    @Brianforeverbsb 7 років тому +96

    This is by far my favorite video of yours Jason. Just pulls on those heart strings. Thankyou for blessing us with your thoughts. You're amazing :)

    • @Brianforeverbsb
      @Brianforeverbsb 7 років тому +2

      Perfectly said Mikal :)

    • @paper_man
      @paper_man 7 років тому +6

      I don't think we choose to born or we choose this "reality", so i don't think neither of us signed up to this. Its a tragic truth, maybe we are not made to feel that sort of complex and deep feelings, maybe our minds are trying to achieve something we can't do, that's the tragic truth, that maybe "love" does not exist, or it does but it doesn't last forever, so we are all doomed to get our hearts broken, either by someone or by time. (My english is far from perfect, sorry for any mistakes).

    • @Maladringe666
      @Maladringe666 5 років тому

      Paper_Man what do you say is ‘real’. Does time exist for you or does it exist outside of reality. Do we live in time or do we exist relative to an external eternal clock?

    • @hola66.99....
      @hola66.99.... Рік тому +1

      ​@@paper_man ☑️

  • @sahilhanda6543
    @sahilhanda6543 7 років тому +22

    *The statement, "'I'm In Love With You" is in the present tense.* I am love with this moment, I feel what it's like to be alive right now and the whole word has become a blur as I stare into your eyes. There are some things we can't control; everyone we love and have ever loved will die and we may never find a way to eternalize that feeling of rapture and bliss when we connect with ourselves and those we love. However, that doesn't mean it can't be meaningful. That doesn't mean life is worthless. You don't hate the fact that you listened to that incredible song or danced that magical dance because they ended, so there's no need to regret the incredible memories that you made with a lover while you were together. Good things may come to an end, but they happened. They existed. They were real. They were true in our minds and in the way we felt while we experienced them. You can be thankful because you know how lucky you were to have them now that you know what it feels like to be without them. The whole of life can become a dance if we understand that we were so lucky to even be born in a time and place that enabled us to live those moments. They don't have to last forever to be meaningful. *People change, difficult situations arise, the best of times may end and there are things that we can't control, but the present moment is what we've got. It's all we'll ever have, and it just may be enough to make life worth living.*

  • @NorfolkTraveller
    @NorfolkTraveller 7 років тому +17

    Love can bear the ageing of love - because real love transcends lust and infatuation. Love may be ignited by passion, but it lives on by shared experiences, trust and respect. Until it becomes unbearable for one to go on without the other. Great video, very inspiring.

  • @d1v1nesp1r1t
    @d1v1nesp1r1t 7 років тому +40

    Yeah. This hits me real hard. Been coping for the past few months on how I couldn't be what she wanted. I got lost in my monkey mind and self loathing, and meanwhile she was busy falling in love with someone else right in front of me. Now she is gone and happy, which makes me happy, but there is also that chaotic sadness that sits inside of me. The constant loop of "should"-ing on myself. The what ifs. Reliving those moments where I felt that "flow state" awaiting, but I let my brain get in the way and then it slipped away. Now I dwell in the choice between suffering and moving forward to find myself and exercise my potential. To bring it into action instead of leaving it in thought. For now I'll dabble in both, but I AM seeing the light ahead and leaving the darkness behind.
    "We never lose our demons. We only learn to live above them."

    • @MeeraAlMidfa
      @MeeraAlMidfa 6 років тому +1

      The Nameless same boat :( hang in there. Great quote

    • @voytek528
      @voytek528 5 років тому +1

      It's disturbing how universal this experience is. I'm right in the middle of it all now, about the same stage you were in when you wrote this.

  • @pranveraferri3848
    @pranveraferri3848 7 років тому +9

    This was the most touching video you have ever created

  • @batmospherecreations2548
    @batmospherecreations2548 7 років тому +5

    God. I started tearing up immediately. I wasn't ready for this channel lol 😢💗👏

  • @szellemsam
    @szellemsam 7 років тому +15

    I never thought i could live to hear you say fuck.

  • @BirdKeeperToby
    @BirdKeeperToby 7 років тому +34

    I just watched this twice an cried. Like yeah. How? What, what do we do? I'm so sad this video ended when it did and you couldn't just give me an answer. Like daym it, somebody make it better, somebody give me an answer! I suppose if I can't find an answer, I'll try and make one for myself. Thanks for this video Jason

    • @rajkuwarsingh3577
      @rajkuwarsingh3577 6 років тому +4

      The answer is subjective, yet mine was be selfish and be selfless as well, do things which u want and not what are expected of you , if you wake up in the morning with a purpose, nothing can stop u, our journey is to find purpose. And in that journey if I find a seeker like yourself searching for the same thing, my friend u will find purpose.

    • @kathleenkaleookalanismith8724
      @kathleenkaleookalanismith8724 5 років тому +1

      Bird Keeper Toby, the answer is the simplest and hardest thing to realize. Accept yourself for yourself. The more you do this, you will realize that no relationship is worth not accepting yourself. And you will also end up surrounded by people who love you just for you and would never throw you away. xo

    • @nils9208
      @nils9208 3 роки тому

      The answer is spiritual awakening. Then you will feel an overwhelming love for the whole creation !!

  • @Amalvyr
    @Amalvyr 7 років тому +71

    What you speak of in the beginning is infatuation, not love. Infatuation comes effortlessly as it involves closing your eyes to the imperfections of another and seeing the other as a God or Goddess (putting them on a pedestal as you say). While you are in this stage you can never truly love the person you are with because you are closing your eyes to their 'clay feet' and their flaws rather than embracing them and loving them in spite of their imperfection. Only once this illusion of perfection is shattered can you make the commitment to love another person for who they truly are and experience a more profound love than before:
    'Light is easy to love, show me your darkness' - R. Queen.

    • @RedSunChick
      @RedSunChick 7 років тому +14

      This is so accurate. Love is what you feel after infatuation has long passed. Love is not fleeting but rather, permanent. Love isn't what causes relationships to fail; it's lack of love, empathy, respect,'s being unable to fully understand someone's perspective and personal experiences. Lack of love is what makes someone unwilling to work towards a happy and healthy relationship. I strongly believe that love doesn't either loved someone or never actually did. Love is not something you get over, infatuation is. Personally, despite the betrayals of my exes, I still love each one. But loving someone doesn't necessarily translate to "being in love" with them and wanting to pursue a relationship with any of them. You can love someone from a distance and want only good things for them. I think this is what true love is... a more selfless concept.

    • @cobrider2
      @cobrider2 7 років тому +1

      You are right. And this is why I find the videos of the school of life to be wiser than Jason's.

    • @Fulphilment
      @Fulphilment 7 років тому +2

      Snyzz, they don't talk about ecstatic joy and psychedelics though. I wouldn't compare them. Every channel, every artist has it's own beauty and flaws.

    • @nick3790
      @nick3790 7 років тому +1

      i agree, but there's something about Jasons that are ust so much more real and relate-able. school of life is factual and usually pretty relevant however they seem so distant from their own emotion, their videos give you philosophy, they give you information, but not humanness

    • @cosmonaut42
      @cosmonaut42 7 років тому +1

      Craig Watson Yes love is a mixture of altruism and passion.

  • @harryv6752
    @harryv6752 2 роки тому +1

    You had me at Radiohead. Forever one of my all time favorite bands since I discovered them way back in the 90s with Pablo Honey when I was still so young and so lost and in so much angst and confusion and trying to find myself. Their music helped to get me through those many dark moments of being lost in the reality of my own mind and seemingly wandering in this reality and toing through the motions just to go through them. In my 40s now and still sometimes feel lost and unsure about things here and there and time to time. But my step is surer and my vision clearer. And the thought of being or getting lost just invites the thrill of discovery and the chance again to learn something new, or to see and re-learn something again from a different vantage point, especially with love.
    Thank you for the insight. 🤘

  • @junjunswag6369
    @junjunswag6369 7 років тому

    every word u said is exactly what i felt. love is the most powerful and mysterious feeling that can alter the component of our reality. we feel suffered from lost love bc of our memories. can we rewire our memories? every time i felt so much suffering, i always remind myself of the quote:If you are depressed you are living in the past.
    If you are anxious you are living in the future.
    If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

  • @ferasusif
    @ferasusif 7 років тому +3

    Wow. One if not your best videos Jason. I can see that you have utterly succeed in allowing us into your mind.. Such intensity of living...of experiencing even of sad moments is what makes us human. It rectifies our very existence as active and meaning pursuing beings.
    Thank you

  • @eTheRealEm
    @eTheRealEm 3 роки тому +1

    Could be my all-time fave of yours Jason. I ride every single wave of emotion with you in this epic monologue... oh my heart... thank you for giving it a voice

  • @deebssammy5000
    @deebssammy5000 7 років тому +2

    Wow, first time I sense sadness with Jason!! I think the concept of space rekindles those moments you talk about to a limit. Yes those moments will never feel the same again as it did the first time, but little shots of awe more often beats that one time pleasure!

  • @JurianDeCocq
    @JurianDeCocq 7 років тому +2

    What an incredible episode. My favorite one so far!

  • @9333matzi
    @9333matzi 7 років тому +3

    Got goosebumps at this one, well done jason!

  • @NochSoEinKaddiFan
    @NochSoEinKaddiFan 7 років тому +10

    How the fuck am I supposed to get over the fact that there is nothing in my history to get over? How can I deal with the fact that I realised the meaningless of life and existance, the agony of the existential bummer in my head, while my heart is aching from the pain of the lonelyness that is myself by myself?
    How can it hurt so much to miss something you never had?

    • @InfinityOnHi
      @InfinityOnHi 7 років тому +2

      You don't miss it, you crave it. You crave an experience that you never had.

    • @InfinityOnHi
      @InfinityOnHi 7 років тому +1

      Go out and experience everything that makes your heart ache. Because it's your heart calling out for it. Your mind may be able to contemplate and understand meaninglessness in existence, but your human experience isn't solely based off the subjective viewpoint of your mind. You have a heart and gut(soul), too. And they crave things, too.

    • @mashalahmad4705
      @mashalahmad4705 7 років тому

      May be you're right... May be that feeling (that some of us have) is not because of missing something, but because we crave it. We crave it but we're still unable (not just the physical thing) , we can't just make our mind, neither could we play blind toward our hearts and that conflict is killing us.

  • @ankydinu4153
    @ankydinu4153 5 років тому

    wtf is this man made of??? i'm absorbed with every single word and from far away, my favourite video , never heard or been moved more than right now ..Jason ..i just adore you :)

  • @LubnaMohsen
    @LubnaMohsen 7 років тому

    I've come back to this a few times...and every time it ends, I'm at a loss for words. But this time I can't leave this page without saying that this is protruding with more honesty and poignance than I can bear, and in spite of that, I would happily revisit this video/reminder/feeling. Thank you.

  • @bitkowin
    @bitkowin 7 років тому +66

    404 girlfriend not found

  • @Morphick
    @Morphick 7 років тому +4

    What do we do? We do vipassana meditation and experience firsthand the true reality of existence, see it clearly for what it is, learn through years of meditation to accept it fully, and then experience nibbanic peace. At least, this is the path that I am currently walking. Infinite Peace & Joy to you, Jason. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

  • @sp00g37
    @sp00g37 6 років тому

    not gonna lie, your vids are staple for whenever im on a trip or a roll. its like listening to old and deep music, it brings out that things that im normally afraid of to show.

  • @josefinabd
    @josefinabd 10 місяців тому

    I feel like I need a recovery session for myself after this video… hitting poignantly all my existencial strings. Thanks for this 🙏🏻 you’re an unmatched troubadour

  • @majinTejas
    @majinTejas 7 років тому

    Jason Silva inspires me to look at the bright side of any situation !
    I have been trying for a year now to look at the bright side of having fallen in love and then to have lost them, as a consequence of life. How we must find our way on our own and such.. so I find it is kind of reassuring to know that even he has no way of finding the bright side in the agonizing realities of love !

  • @alexbrass6905
    @alexbrass6905 3 роки тому

    love this jason you a beastttttt. keep them rolling please. i am gonna run out of shots of awes to watch. will need to smoke a 'cbd' joint and try to watch them again and enjoy them like watching again for the first time!

  • @trexfczzz
    @trexfczzz 6 років тому

    I watch this video over and over again, something here truly resonates with me. Like there is something here that I haven't seen yet, something I've missed. The missing piece to the puzzle that is me.
    Breath taking, awe inspiring and bliss inducing. Thank you.

  • @JonOsterman59
    @JonOsterman59 7 років тому +1

    The key to a durable love is loving the whole person with it's flaws, not just the idealization in your mind, and learning to forgive

  • @LoveAndPeaceOccurs
    @LoveAndPeaceOccurs 6 років тому

    WOW! Jason your message ... your presentation (even if you might edit, I've seen one were you don't) ... Your Passion .... Love LOVE ... L O V E this (and thus far every video I've watched of yours thus far ... WOW! Shots of Awe earns it's title with you ... For over 22 years I experienced a grand Love that just kept getting better ... deeper ... more and more safe and comfortable and the bliss and ecstasy continued to flow for all those years ... not in every moment ... not on every day ... but when it did it still took my breath away ... when he died I had a very hard time (still do in some moments) ... but I am again in Love and am again finding the passion. THANK YOU Love and Peace to All

  • @willabdelmalik7992
    @willabdelmalik7992 7 років тому +1

    best one of recent Jason its thoughts like this is why I come here

  • @TaraRoseDavison
    @TaraRoseDavison 7 років тому +3

    This sounds like the infatuation stage of "love," which can last for years. I've definitely been there but I feel like there's another stage of love that's an even deeper connection minus the dopamine Jason describes... I'm guessing it doesn't feel like as much of a high but I'm also guessing it is more real and lasting. I look forward to experiencing that kind of love.

  • @kylemonkeyn54
    @kylemonkeyn54 7 років тому +2

    Jason. Amazing and beautiful. Your stream of consciousness simply amazes me.

  • @Fatherjohn76
    @Fatherjohn76 5 років тому +1

    In all my 42 years this is one of the most poetic and accurate descriptions of the tragedy at the heart of the human condition I have ever come across.

  • @dawnajacobs5979
    @dawnajacobs5979 6 років тому

    No words can express how that made me feel....your soul and energy touches the deepest parts of my soul.

  • @sonialuna1399
    @sonialuna1399 5 років тому

    “What the fuck am I supposed to do? I didn’t sign up for these terms.”
    That is everything, I’m still grieving and I’m still mourning I felt it, love is beautiful but once you accept an I love you it’s “forever”

  • @Lv-qf6kj
    @Lv-qf6kj 7 років тому +2

    I love the way he speaks

  • @orderchaosmagic1809
    @orderchaosmagic1809 7 років тому +2

    Everyone who knows deep down the despair of drowning from being discarded for being deficient in the delicacies of their desire's desires had their head held heavy in their hands this whole time.... If only the clock could go backwards right?

  • @Divineshot
    @Divineshot 7 років тому +1

    Beautiful message. My friend.

  • @Music-nl8lr
    @Music-nl8lr 5 років тому +3

    Me inspiraste a decir esto:
    Y le puse voz a las ideas
    Para poder escucharte
    Porque esto no viene de mi si no por mi
    Tú vienes de un lugar infinito
    De un lugar que quisiera algún día conocer
    Para perderme en la sutileza de tu espíritu
    Y en ese amor que no tiene fin
    En tu complejidad mi alma
    Puede entenderte
    Sé que estas aquí para portegerme
    Y en la distancia estas cerca
    Y no estando presente
    Lo estas
    Porque muchas veces te necesite
    Y me brindaste compañía
    Y en tu silencio te pude oír
    Y aunque quisiera definirte no puedo
    Eres vacío y lo llenas todo
    Eres todo y nada a la vez
    Y aunque te conozco nunca te he visto
    Mas siempre he sabido
    Que Estas aqui siempre conmigo
    Amandome como yo
    Nunca lo he sabido hacer

  • @JoseDeSous19
    @JoseDeSous19 7 років тому

    One of your best videos Jason Silva

  • @mianmoaz1417
    @mianmoaz1417 7 років тому +3

    Who can bear the ageing of love? Very intense!
    Stretching out the initial ecstacy to last for eternity is exactly what for many people is the concept of 'heaven'.

  • @DrDroopsify
    @DrDroopsify 2 роки тому

    Every so often, through life’s intricacies, I end up here and am reminded that “nothing is real that lasts forever”.

  • @Amber-yx1jw
    @Amber-yx1jw 7 років тому +1

    I sensed vulnerability towards the end of this video, perhaps the most connected I've ever felt with him. He can talk about everything in the world but when it comes to Love he speaks his most true.

  • @OutLoudMedia
    @OutLoudMedia 7 років тому

    Jason you never fail to amaze me I love the channel and will continue to be watching don't ever stop...

  • @daviddiemedio7665
    @daviddiemedio7665 7 років тому +2

    Authentic human poetry... WOW!

  • @arsenioseslpodcast3143
    @arsenioseslpodcast3143 7 років тому +2

    DAMN! That was the most powerful! Speechless.

  • @larisasmith7206
    @larisasmith7206 7 років тому

    Yes I do! Forever I do Jason

  • @bhillrach
    @bhillrach 7 років тому

    I love these! I love the energy and insight! Thank you!

  • @aliajay
    @aliajay 3 роки тому

    I had tears in my eyes watching this. I felt this one, every single word straight to the heart🥺

  • @joelporcaro2977
    @joelporcaro2977 7 років тому

    I admire this guy's honesty so much about how he actually feels, admitting what most people are too guarded to say.

  • @kristinabrown1661
    @kristinabrown1661 Рік тому

    My love did show me the worst parts of me and it made us stronger because I fixed me. Because of his flaws, I love him more. Because of my flaws, I have learned to be more humble and control me. The evolution of the mind requires this "show"... without it, it is rare for anyone to ever completely know themselves.

  • @mashalahmad4705
    @mashalahmad4705 7 років тому

    My heart always sinks when I watch your video. There is always so much pain and bitter reality.

  • @strongerandwiser2023
    @strongerandwiser2023 5 років тому

    This guy has serious talent when it comes to getting a message across. Drives it right through you. I think he is on another level when it comes to presenting ideas and information. I Envy that.

  • @ankydinu4153
    @ankydinu4153 5 років тому

    Definetly, my favorite one video of Jason >3 and Jason as well...I just fall for this guy!!!

  • @ThatOneGuy7550
    @ThatOneGuy7550 7 років тому +2

    deep shit, bro. I feel you, all those loves lost...

  • @BlondeManNoName
    @BlondeManNoName 7 років тому +1

    Something to think about.

  • @ronjohnson4566
    @ronjohnson4566 7 років тому +2

    the farther something gets away from you the grayer, blurrier, vaguer, it gets. Time heals all wounded. The rest of us find another addiction.

  • @monikafauck178
    @monikafauck178 2 роки тому

    I love you. Thank you. Such flow!

  • @Thisguysgoinplaces
    @Thisguysgoinplaces 7 років тому

    Radiohead's lyrics are practically inexhaustible

  • @Arjunandthevectors
    @Arjunandthevectors 7 років тому +4

    Needed this. Like a drug. Like her. Damn. Love you man. Nothing but tears and respect.

  • @hamletgomes6818
    @hamletgomes6818 7 років тому +2

    There is no getting over it. it's been more than 2 months I still can't get over it. I still can't stop thinking about her. I try to numb it but I fail miserable each time.

    • @crownsedge
      @crownsedge 7 років тому +9

      hamlet gomes 2 months? Boy are you in for a ride, it's been 5 years for me, I know people that 20 years down the line still think about their lost soul mate.

    • @Ahmadbeik99
      @Ahmadbeik99 7 років тому +1

      hamlet gomes 3.5 years mate

  • @jamiewood2643
    @jamiewood2643 7 років тому +7

    wow he just summed up the failure of the whole love relationship

  • @Nostravinci
    @Nostravinci 7 років тому +3

    How are you suppose to get over that?
    Forgive all and forge forward into the future with fearless ferocity.
    Simple, no?

  • @d1v1nesp1r1t
    @d1v1nesp1r1t 7 років тому

    Fuck...Now I miss her more and I didn't think that was possible. I thought it was supposed to get easier. You're right. We never ever get over it. We just try our best to learn to live above it, but still we slip down into that pit of despair now and again. Shattering boundaries yet again.

  • @LarryPanozzo
    @LarryPanozzo 7 років тому

    The song actually goes, "And if I could be who you wanted / If I could be who you wanted / All the time / All the time."
    Sends the same message.
    Complicated by Robin Thicke has the exact line Jason says.
    Thanks for opening up Jason. Highly self-aware and experience-embracing people like us really feel this shit the most, because it's the most tragic for us.

  • @nick3790
    @nick3790 7 років тому

    i love how real silva can be, while i struggle with that word, "real", as i believe things are so much more beautiful and complex than real or fake, i cant get over how human jason silva makes me feel. I cant get past how deep he cuts because he not only speaks from knowledge, but from experience.

  • @andrewmichaelD
    @andrewmichaelD 7 років тому

    one of your best! thank you

  • @yadwindersidhu9943
    @yadwindersidhu9943 7 років тому +1

    Love is a powerful in love or die Trying...

  • @disdainw3422
    @disdainw3422 7 років тому

    New subscriber here , im constantly in awe by the way you worded your thought , it sounds so articulated goddammit you're literally what i want to become , that way of speaking .

  • @youssefrochdi1994
    @youssefrochdi1994 7 років тому

    These videos are cathartic.

  • @JeneeMichelle
    @JeneeMichelle 7 років тому +2

    Breathe. The suffering comes from the idea that you are supposed to be "as one" in love. The more you believe that... the further away you will get from it. Love... in a partnership... is a solo, inside job. We have been tempted, teased and turned to the idea that love is found in "the other." I get it. I was there. It lead me to being taken advantage of, emotionally abused, divorced and left me a long distance parent even. What if you loved yourself as hard as you wanted to love someone else? What if you didn't have to expect to have to "get over it" ... because you weren't being asked to "perform" in love? Wow... all I can say is... once you get this sorted out inside... she is going to blow your fucking mind. #sheisontheway

  • @PrinceGBuddha
    @PrinceGBuddha 7 років тому

    i've watched this so much i can almost recite it.. its unreal. beyond touching to me. thank you.

  • @biancabce
    @biancabce 7 років тому +1

    OMFG, OMFG the most amazing catarse about love. Gratitude from Brazil!

  • @MikeOrkid
    @MikeOrkid 7 років тому

    Exactly what I am going through right now after parting ways with my wife. We always ask ourselves, what could we have done different? What could it have been. Should I have tried or pushed harder? Was I not good enough? It really is a mindfuck losing someone who you promised to be with for the rest of your life. Still wanting and feeling the need to be with them every minute of everyday. I don't see it as learned behavior or "comfort zone" but as the two people who created 1 life together in each others eyes now lost. Now on the polar opposite of how it should be. Perfectly said; "I'm still mourning. How the fuck am I supposed to get over that?"

  • @jonhowe6633
    @jonhowe6633 7 років тому +2

    Ahhh, Jason. Give a listen to Mayan shaman Martin Prechtel's "Grief and Praise."
    You trigger the tho't that no pedestals are necessary. Grace/love is something that, if we are lucky, we touch...but it's not something we can hold. What is the difference between "love" and "in-love?" Which of them is sustainable? Which sustains? In which can we find mutuality? Thank you.

  • @MsJatek
    @MsJatek 2 роки тому

    I’m still mourning every love I’ve lost, too.

  • @xkkkrazyyx
    @xkkkrazyyx 7 років тому

    I think understanding that people are meant to come and go in your life helps, at least for me. It's ultimately all about growth. It is when we become too attached that we end up suffering but the real beauty of love is selfless, a kind of mature love without attachment (or high expectations). Because it's easier to have people make us happy and if we give them all of that power we won't have any left for ourselves when they leave. I can relate to what Jason is saying though, I've felt an immense euphoria from a past lover and I even thought it was too good to be true, but I enjoyed his presence while it lasted knowing it probably wouldnt last because, you know, we're only human and everyones path is different and that's ok. (And if it happens to work out for a long time, even better! Ill take what I can get) What really helped was the transparency, honesty and unconditional love that we had, because we agreed that no matter what happens, we are cool, it's all good. It's all love, and our friendship will remain. Of course it takes to two understanding individuals to reach this level but its doable as long as you are open. And guess what it only took 6 months to get over him :) I can't help but feel grateful now.

  • @sentosaco
    @sentosaco 6 років тому

    To love one another is to become whole. To become a yin and yang. But don't forget you're either yin or yang or your heart will be broken when the 'whole' collapses. Therefore, love is a dance. A dance between opposites. If you are ready to love, you better get ready to dance.

  • @menapira1695
    @menapira1695 6 років тому

    Hi...for me life and love and everything runs through a tree in the four seasons...and I think we can only stay in that bliss if we respect this cycle...this process...loosing the moment of bliss is one side of the coin, the other side is re-entering this beautiful piece of heaven on earth...again and again...

  • @humanandrade1537
    @humanandrade1537 7 років тому

    we are infinite. we are basically supposed to find thoughts that pleasure us for the rest of our lives... everything else is irrelevant. and it is possible to stay in love forever. we have to think mazing thoughts about the other person as we do at the beginning of the relationship...

  • @TheWafaGW
    @TheWafaGW 6 років тому

    Good question! The answer is a mix between metaphysics and physics actually. let just put this equation Forever= here+now. If we restain from thinking about the futur, and start living every moment while it is happening, the here and now, it will become our forever. It doesn't matter when it is going to end, it doesn't matter why it ended. Why? Simply because we changed the idea, the definition that we gave to the word " forever". My forever, is the moment I EXIST IN, I LIVE IN. The burden of the futur and its anxiety does not depend on me. I don't live in the futur, I live in the present. What is unfolding for depends of how I live my here and now. My love is how I feel in the here and now. Every day is a new day, and getting into a relationship like this prevent from the pain we inflict on ourselves because of high expectations. Everything comes from us, your expectation should meet your own need in the here and now. If you expect someone to behave in a certain way toward, ask yourself from where this needs comes from, why do you need this person to love you in this way and not HIS way? why do you want to change this person to meet your own expectation, is it because you think you can't achieve those things on your own? or is it because of this universal fear tied to the FEAR OF ABANDONMENT, the FEAR OF LONELINESS. we all have this fear and this fear makes us stay in abusive relationship, make us not reach for what we want..and this fear is related to futur, we project that this person might one day leave we focus on this idea instead of focusing on enjoying, and caring for the moments shared in the here and now. This fear turn us into obssessed, anxious, jealous, envious, needy, clingy persons...we forget that this person might have the same fear too. LOVE doesn't dissolve with isn't correlated to time, it knows no time, if we focus on living in the moment.

  • @galvestonkayakoutfitters4446
    @galvestonkayakoutfitters4446 6 років тому

    Actually, we did sign up for this when we accepted the beauty and pain of life. There are those who reconsider whether it is worth it and in a sad state, decide otherwise. Every morning when we awake, knowingly or not, we recommit to the reality of life and the acceptance of all pain and love potential the day may bring. It is an old habit, one in which we should praise ourselves for all the years of courage and all the optimism that we've maintained. Frankel was correct, it's all about attitude and our awareness of the power we wield through our ability to choose. " He who has a why to live , can bear any how," be your own "why" and live to create a life of beauty, a life of grace.

  • @yogapalacepalacedelalma9878
    @yogapalacepalacedelalma9878 7 років тому beautiful. Thank you Jason

  • @007phokus
    @007phokus 7 років тому

    Thank you Mr. Silva
    My thoughts exactly...

  • @philippealbiz5265
    @philippealbiz5265 7 років тому +1

    WOW... this was powerful!

  • @baronnashor158
    @baronnashor158 7 років тому

    Extremely Powerful video , one of your best

  • @rawadyonus5659
    @rawadyonus5659 7 років тому

    Welcome back Jason, it's been awhile.
    I like the the fact that you got angry.

  • @sthalxndr
    @sthalxndr 7 років тому +3


  • @addy5282
    @addy5282 3 роки тому


  • @aaronlegeyt638
    @aaronlegeyt638 7 років тому

    Your Mojo is so dope Jason

  • @shivakumar499
    @shivakumar499 6 років тому +1

    Fuck this thing called love... Can't move on even after a year... I hate my life...😢

  • @BackseatCharlie
    @BackseatCharlie 7 років тому

    "Nothing is real if it's not forever"--mind blown

  • @sophywong5053
    @sophywong5053 5 років тому

    So beautiful...

  • @melendeztono3294
    @melendeztono3294 7 років тому +1

    Jason really u make me cry.

  • @KelleyFrye
    @KelleyFrye 4 роки тому

    I'm in awe of what he's explaining because that's how I feel.

  • @AbdallahSimeda
    @AbdallahSimeda 7 років тому +5

    Till last 40 seconds, i didn't sign up for this. 💙💙

  • @JDfukface
    @JDfukface 7 років тому

    Wow. Thank you, Jason.

  • @mashalahmad4705
    @mashalahmad4705 7 років тому

    that laugh at 3:33... It took my heart

  • @tomgreen589
    @tomgreen589 Рік тому

    That was poetic.