Nemesis reacts to Seraphine & Shurelya Changes

  • Опубліковано 21 лют 2024
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    #Nemesis #leagueoflegends


  • @yuvarlananucak7131
    @yuvarlananucak7131 4 місяці тому +60

    they are changing her ratios randomly and hoping it works

  • @Snoui
    @Snoui 4 місяці тому +24

    They fixed the shurelyas thing if it did originally go through. Built it in practice tool and was normal 75s.

    • @rufus7551
      @rufus7551 4 місяці тому +3

      same trying it rn

    • @KormitTheFrag
      @KormitTheFrag 4 місяці тому +2

      sad, was about to join that one crackhead player who only plays shurelya vlad botlane if those changes went through

  • @amethonys2798
    @amethonys2798 4 місяці тому +13

    I don't even get the random stray Sera got on her ulti damage. That thing already doesn't do damage compared to the double Q that follows it.

  • @wojciechszatko
    @wojciechszatko 4 місяці тому +3

    There's a problem with her design in general. She was supposed to be a utility midlaner, but her passive increases her effectiveness when there are allies near her, her W has more value with allies near her and she has synergy with other CC with her E... Of course she will be stronger as a botlane carry than mid with that kind of design. And honestly? There's nothing wrong with her being primarily a botlane carry, just let her stay there and balance her around it.

  • @starz333
    @starz333 4 місяці тому +2

    mana increases and damage increases are good changes imo. however, id love for the champ to go away from a spamming champion you can’t interact with in lane to a champ that punishes bad positioning harder.

  • @zachtemoro2116
    @zachtemoro2116 4 місяці тому +1

    Feel like they should have started with it being on a 45 sec CD for 3 second duration. Nerfing the Duration by half doesn’t exactly make it a more desirable even with the CD reduction. Maybe if they also enhanced the Movement Speed gained? Otherwise Trailblazer is just better despite it being intended for Wardens/Tanks

  • @brubie7584
    @brubie7584 4 місяці тому +7

    I think they want support seraphinr to max e and carry max q first. Carry serphine is intended to be nerfed

  • @user-mt3hp6ty4y
    @user-mt3hp6ty4y 4 місяці тому +1

    People who said 90 AP for the 15% AP ratio buff of E to cover the 10 base nerf at rank 5 did meth instead of math

  • @Friezje
    @Friezje 4 місяці тому +1

    People do not factor in items. If you're mid you can rush the ludens item, you won't spam as much as before, since mana matters more.
    You probably max e second now instead of w so your slow + double q is pretty much guaranteed if enemy doesn't have dash.
    For support you can max w second and have more mana regen to battle with mana costs.
    Also late game you have a blue buff pretty much all the time so no real worries about mana. W is still very strong as enchanter because of the support items, if you want to support your team.
    Riot wants you to make a conscious decision about being a support or a carry, it's not fair for the game if you get to do both all the time. That's how you get things like funnel jungler. It's fun and viable, but shouldn't be free.
    I think everyone knows about double healer bot in soloq and how unkillable they get later on, especially in lower elo since they don't get punished as hard.

  • @luccamaino4118
    @luccamaino4118 4 місяці тому +55

    Embrace her as a midlane mage as you intended, we don't want Vel'Koz/Lux/Zyra/Brand/Morgana/Karma treatment anymore. At this point, it's embarassing how riot can't balance midlane mages to stay there.
    And also, Seraphine in paper is a burst mage with utility tools and she is one of the few midlaners who has that kind of power, but riot gives up again and replaces her original style for another enchanter. Sona v2.0 was a meme, now is a reality?

    • @joaobrito2653
      @joaobrito2653 4 місяці тому +5

      The thing with seraphine mid is that it’s very hard for her to be a midlaner without being op botlane. It’s easy to buff midlaner and nerf support, but it’s very hard to buff midlane without making her super op botlane because bot seraphine has access to more gold

    • @kaisercheese4011
      @kaisercheese4011 4 місяці тому +2

      @@joaobrito2653if they wanted to they could find a way like removing extra ally notes reducing the w utility on targets other than herself and making her tied more to the solo lane level advantage. At the moment they don’t seem to care about even thinking about it as a possibility

    • @joaobrito2653
      @joaobrito2653 4 місяці тому

      @@kaisercheese4011 if you make her tied to exp you are also gutting support

    • @Nitram_xyz
      @Nitram_xyz 4 місяці тому

      Morgana and Karma aren't midlane mages

    • @luccamaino4118
      @luccamaino4118 4 місяці тому +5

      @@Nitram_xyz they were, when released

  • @kador7182
    @kador7182 4 місяці тому +6

    well they killed the champ

  • @ssbbSephi
    @ssbbSephi 4 місяці тому

    seraphine is one of those easy enchanter champions that i woudnt mind nerfing to the ground. She has more of a support kit than a mage, but is played as a mage. When i ban a seraphine mains champions he becomes from a diamond player to a silver player,( or in phreaks case master to silver) And i get an easy free win or dodge.

    • @walkelftexasranger
      @walkelftexasranger 4 місяці тому +2

      She's not Enchanter tho.
      She poorly balanced Artillery Mage, that has been forced to Bot lane, because Riot kicked her out of Mid lane.

  • @williamlatvis8574
    @williamlatvis8574 4 місяці тому +5

    I play seraphine mid lane the most. I rush tear into seraphs into support items. Her W late game is definitely busted with how shielding she gives to all of her champions. But i truly believe these are hard nerfs she doesnt deserve . She derserves some nerfs but imo i think these are too much! >.

    • @williamlatvis8574
      @williamlatvis8574 4 місяці тому +3

      I am only emerald so my comment is hella invalid lol

    • @Friezje
      @Friezje 4 місяці тому +1

      ​@@williamlatvis8574it's valid exactly because you are emerald. In high elo sera gets punished way harder so she doesn't get the time to scale and that's why she isn't played much there.
      These changes are not that bad if you factor in current items. Although you probably have to make a conscious decision if you want to play carry seraphine or support seraphine now, since you probably can't do both at the same time with these changes

  • @DaIncredibleEgg
    @DaIncredibleEgg 4 місяці тому

    Those Seraphine "changes" are twenty-five lines of making her worse in lame ways. The last time I saw nerfs this harsh was pre-rework Evelynn, where Riot explicitly said that she was so unhealthy for the game that they were deliberately making her awful on purpose so nobody would play her seriously until her rework was done. I'm no fan of Seraphine but damn are they doing her dirty.

  • @kaikoxi2667
    @kaikoxi2667 4 місяці тому

    All i wsnt about seraphine is rylar fix. W/e you say but it shouldnt root instant after rylai

  • @geloyzarsadias4244
    @geloyzarsadias4244 4 місяці тому

    They're.....not nerfs They're buffing Sup and nerfing APC waveclear
    What I don't get is why not remake seraphine W......if they don't they can't balanced her

  • @S0rakaban4na
    @S0rakaban4na 4 місяці тому +2

    But.... Support Seraphine is already utter garbage right now. Let's just make it absolutely unplayable and give this nerf to Adc Seraphine because she's too strong there.
    Like where are you supposed to play her? Just not play her?
    Enchanter Seraphine gets Nerfed with that too. Like what do they want us to do? Play full Ap Seraphine Support?! Surely my Adc won't go mental then and run down the game right?

  • @shracksta4221
    @shracksta4221 4 місяці тому +6

    Well, botlane sera has like 55+% winrate in most elo's. Why wouldn't she be getting nerfed?

    • @filthyjones6150
      @filthyjones6150 4 місяці тому +2

      i don't think anyone disagrees with adc seraph needing nerfs. People are just annoyed cuz at this rate she is just being balanced as an bot lane ap champ and is slowly becoming unplayable in any other role. So mid lane players (like nemesis) and support players find these changes annoying since the champ isn't even that good for them. There is also the fact that she is getting shoehorned into being a rrylai cc bot which seraphine players don't seem to enjoy, including myself. I also wish she was either a shield bot or a utility burst mage a la orianna and not a "build rylai spam e" champion.

    • @TheMolabola
      @TheMolabola 4 місяці тому +1

      Seraphine support sucks and lets not even talk about midlane Sera.

    • @shracksta4221
      @shracksta4221 4 місяці тому

      Yeah it sucks, riot are bad at balancing champs with multiple roles. But she's needed nerfs in bot for a long time.

  • @Stoff_Rocks_Packs
    @Stoff_Rocks_Packs 4 місяці тому +2

    Getting the yuumi treatment I like it.

  • @ghibli5111
    @ghibli5111 4 місяці тому +1

    Seraphine nerfs? I'm here for it everyday of the year

  • @zyad48
    @zyad48 4 місяці тому +1

    Alright, essay time.
    Riot has no idea what to do with any of their enchanter/damage dealer hybrids, these being champions who are supposed to be "supportive" but also have separate builds to allow for more of a focus on damage and bullying. These would include Karma, Senna, and Seraphine. The problem these champions cause are largely due to two factors:
    1. Riot's misunderstanding of what _role_ these champions are actually supposed to play in team compositions, and then also committing to those roles. (For example, is your champion supposed to scale into the late game? Are they supposed to be strong early and then fall off because either they get less gold or just scale worse with gold and/or exp? And if any of these cases are true, does riot ACTUALLY try and make them stick to those roles through offering tradeoffs)
    2. Riot's misunderstanding of what place items actually _have_ in how the game works. For that matter, the fact that despite having lots of stats that can facilitate different methods of scaling, roles or playstyles, riot usually just defaults to everything scaling from a damage stat like AD or AP. (And to compound this with my point about Roles, what items and stat combinations should allow for different playstyles and scaling curves on these various champions)
    Karma has historically been rather annoying with how she has a boatload of damage in the early game and also is supposed to scale later on through her crazy strong shielding with the right items and build. The problem that arises here is that she doesn't even buy enchanter items as much anymore and just got a buff that incentivizes _against_ building them with her Q getting another 20% AP on the up-front burst damage. Not that it was necessarily better before this change but it just makes it more obvious now, if you want to shield well as Karma in the late game you can probably still do it well by building full AP since Karma's AP ratios on her shielding abilities are super super high even before buying any Shield Power (Her E has a 60% AP ratio on the shield, and with ult shields for 105% of her AP, late game AP numbers hit around 700+ now so that's a pretty big shield to contend with). In effect it means you can still use your shields to save either yourself or your teammates late game while still pumping out a lot of damage.
    Is Karma's damage supposed to scale into the late game? Maybe. Is she supposed to scale into the late game with huge shields? Probably. Should she be scaling by doing _both_ well in the late game? I'd argue probably not. Realistically she wouldn't be annoying to balance or cause problems if, for example, to shield well in the late game she had to build Shield Power and NOT damage. Conversely if she wants damage then she should _probably_ not get nearly as much from items that help her Shielding scale.
    So what's the solution then, clearly we shouldn't just nerf all enchanter items to not give as much AP, nor should we nerf mage items for giving too much AP. Imo the issue is mainly that riot doesn't seem to like making champions buy items that facilitate their gameplan despite expecting that they'll probably buy them anyway. What I suggest is maybe we actually tie things like ranged spell damage to a stat like Heal & Shield Power, call it Spell Amplification, it does the same thing as Heal & Shield Power, but amplifies the damage of your spells.
    In effect this would also mean reducing the amount of base damage and AP ratios on just about everyone (besides maybe immobile melees like Mordekaiser who literally can't make a glass cannon build work and needs the slots to build tank in order to function) and changing up items to have Spell Amplification and Heal & Shield Power on items that literally make sense to have them. The upshot of this approach is now most AP items can give LOTS of AP because without specifically going for a full spell amp or full heal power build, the numbers won't really get obnoxious enough to break things. This can open things up like Deathcap to enchanters or simply allow other classes of champions that have some supportive outputs access to new and exciting items.
    For champion design this means Karma needs to build spell amp to have her damage scale OR build shield power to scale supportively. For Seraphine it means we can more properly design her to EITHER have good scaling damage OR scaling supportive power instead of trying and failing to balance both at once. For Senna this means she'd lose the Lethality ratio on her Q's heal, probably tie the slow on her Q to AP, and maybe give her scaling on her Stealth field's radius through Heal & Shield Power to emphasize it's use more as a supportive tool than for greedy escapes.
    Now this completely ignores some critical things about my own argument, champion roles. What exactly are champions supposed to do? Well part of the issue here is that riot is very much incentivized to make their new champion releases strong in general so that they can recoup their costs of development through having them be popular and therefore getting skin sales. Popularity with champions VERY much scales with champion viability so it's not surprising that most champion releases these days are strong on release, and if they're not they get buffed. (See: Hwei. Though there are exceptions like Smolder who hasn't been changed all too much, probably because he is already kinda strong with a particular build, but was also popular due to being a cutesy character already)
    What does this mean for roles though? Well if a champion is gonna be strong, that means they likely scale well late game. Regardless of how riot likes to their they're good at making champions strong only in specific phases of the game, the fact is that since _literally everyone in the game scales well with Gold income_ (And which each new release this has been slowly creeping _up_ over time) inevitably every champion that gets released these days is a late game scaler, and riot doesn't really care to try and genuinely make the early games of these champions worse to compensate.
    It isn't that you can't have strong early and strong late champions, the problem is that mid game barely lasts at all, snowballing is incredibly strong and so people will be further behind _anyway_, and games usually end around 30 minutes or in an FF15, so those champions with strong early games don't usually hit a point where they genuinely fall off anymore. This is likely less of an issue in Pro Play, but for SoloQ it means things are just hell and unfun and don't feel remotely fair. Conversely a lot of these strong early champions are also fucking garbage from behind and so with some careful play you can effectively nullify an enemy player's pick, but then that also comes with the cost of "Well now it's entirely a game of who gets the first kill and snowballs harder?"
    In any case, one thing that riot hasn't figured out with Karma, Senna, and Seraphine is really whether or not they're supposed to carries, scalers, or early game monsters. Karma has elements of being an early game bully but also scales her supportive ability well enough by building items which make her EVEN MORE of a bully. Senna is ostensibly a late game scaling marksman who can also be a support but also builds no supportive items when playing the role because her ability to support isn't punished when building carry items, she can usually grind lanes to a halt as well bully and stomp lanes about as good as her Husband on TOP of having her amazing scaling AND her good supporting power. Seraphine is supposed to be a burst mage but feels so hard to actually land spells without setup that people usually prefer playing her support, especially when her supportive tools are pretty strong on their own and get better with enchanter items. They can't make up their mind on whether or not Seraphine is supposed to be good in the early game, a scaler, or a support, and they try to balance all three outputs without actually taking action to give her proper pros and cons to committing to one style or the other.
    Doubt anyone's read this far, but if I see someone saying "This is too much emphasis on items!!! It should be about the champions!!!" then I'm going to scream. Items are going to be a part of league, and at the very least they _are_ a part of league right now and don't seem to be going away any time soon. What I'm suggesting here primarily is to simply use the item system we have more effectively than it is to try and _help_ make champions less frustrating to fight and to play. If you really cared that much about items being impactful, go play Heroes of the Storm, no items whatsoever, _just_ exp and passive scaling, clearly it's the game for you.

  • @DXT706
    @DXT706 4 місяці тому +3


    • @xmorose
      @xmorose 4 місяці тому +11

      because she got nerfed?

  • @MI-nv8np
    @MI-nv8np 4 місяці тому +7

    I feel like Spideraxe is just spitballing here. I bet only like the 3 of all the proposed changes he's posting here are going to go through.

    • @andressilva2055
      @andressilva2055 4 місяці тому +10

      Spideraxe puts the changes in PBE, not the ones that are going to ship.

    • @quinngeiger8750
      @quinngeiger8750 4 місяці тому +4

      do you think he's just making these up? lol

    • @raulbrenes778
      @raulbrenes778 4 місяці тому +2

      Spideraxe does not work at riot and does not make shit up.
      He just checks the pbe, compares pbe numbers with live numbers, and uploads the changes to his twitter.
      He also compares the current pbe numbers to previous pbe numbers, so if any new sera changes happen, he will post follow ups

    • @akutan4078
      @akutan4078 4 місяці тому +3

      me when im yapping and i dont now what im talking about

    • @IsohelXX
      @IsohelXX 4 місяці тому

      People have no idea and still talk like they do, it's crazy

  • @London_Tipton
    @London_Tipton 4 місяці тому

    She deserved the nerfs. They can still do some follow up buffs later if supp is nerfed too hard

    • @TheMolabola
      @TheMolabola 4 місяці тому +1

      support is sitting at 47%wr, midlane is nonexistent they have no clue what to do with this champ.

    • @London_Tipton
      @London_Tipton 4 місяці тому

      @@TheMolabola midlane is whatever because she simply doesn't have players there. Supp is weak and can't be buffed because her APC is top strong. They need to nerf her before they can apply buffs that will benefit support

    • @TheMolabola
      @TheMolabola 4 місяці тому

      @@London_Tipton She doesn't have players because Sera mid is unplayable she has no agency and takes forever to come online. Riot designed her to be a midlaner but yet again couldn't design another midlaner to stay there. Everyone can agree that APC botlane Sera is too strong but a lot of players still want her as a carry which should be mid not botlane.

    • @London_Tipton
      @London_Tipton 4 місяці тому

      @@TheMolabola not exactly true. In the past where she was a very viable midlaner for 2 years straight since release she still lacked players in midlane. She never acquired a relevant play rate as a midlaner which simply indicates that ppl are disinterested in playing her there

  • @firan4907
    @firan4907 4 місяці тому

    id be happier if they just remove the champion

  • @giulsen2028
    @giulsen2028 4 місяці тому +9

    seing these people mald over those changes warms my heart, degenerate playerbase on that champ, sending death threads to skin devs.

    • @Seraph821
      @Seraph821 4 місяці тому +4

      Minority doesn't represent the whole group, it's literally just players of a champ not a hivemind

    • @giulsen2028
      @giulsen2028 4 місяці тому

      Dont really care, the people malding on twitter are always the biggest no lifers and weirdos, but yeah for the not so smart fellas, obviously not everyone who plays this abomination is a bad person, I thought in 2024 u dont have to specify that everytime u say something.@@Seraph821

    • @loserhimself4044
      @loserhimself4044 4 місяці тому

      what a nice human being you are, though, aren't you? The irony...

    • @giulsen2028
      @giulsen2028 4 місяці тому

      Being happy about bad people being mad surely is on the same level as threatening to end someones life over a virtual character design. did I hit a nerve, are u one of these people by any chance ? 🤔@@loserhimself4044

  • @vastroy6307
    @vastroy6307 4 місяці тому +6

    How about making the champ more skillful

    • @oxey_
      @oxey_ 4 місяці тому +1

      do you actually play seraphine? I don't think any sera player wants this. Her being simple is a core part of her as a champion

    • @overlookingview5621
      @overlookingview5621 4 місяці тому

      nope she should be good so bobthebuilder69 can pick her and press his silly buttons and perma clear waves remove lane phase completely. oh, mb, that would be every midlaner now anyway

    • @kaisercheese4011
      @kaisercheese4011 4 місяці тому

      @@oxey_do you play seraphine? A lot of players want this

    • @loserhimself4044
      @loserhimself4044 4 місяці тому

      she has 3 skillshots already, much more skillful than the vast majority of melee champions, what more do you want? Her jumping on minions like Yasuo?

  • @ImSnowl_
    @ImSnowl_ 4 місяці тому

    They should just remove seraphine xd useless champ

  • @gabito1337
    @gabito1337 4 місяці тому +3

    seraphine is broken and they just buffed her lol she needs to be gutted like yuumi

  • @TheJimCarry
    @TheJimCarry 4 місяці тому +9

    If you play Sera bot you are just elo inflated hard and have 0 skills and are silver with every other champ 0-1 plz

    • @Gellaini
      @Gellaini 4 місяці тому +12

      damn tell us where seraphine hurt you

    • @TheMicakuh
      @TheMicakuh 4 місяці тому +4

      @@Gellaini apparently in the botlane

    • @yuvarlananucak7131
      @yuvarlananucak7131 4 місяці тому +1

      then play seraphine and rank up easily

    • @marikafukuroi86
      @marikafukuroi86 4 місяці тому +4

      Weak bait, can't even troll well, absolute failure

    • @akutan4078
      @akutan4078 4 місяці тому

      not the nilah player talking about cancer inflated

  • @officialkazakhstanbrick2709
    @officialkazakhstanbrick2709 4 місяці тому

    delete the champ boring champ nobody who is not mentally ill plays