During the last months I actually had that problem. This weekend I kinda played on tilt, lost like 10 matches in a row and had a small mental breakdown which made me ask myself what I really want to archieve. 'I just want to enjoy the game' is what I made clear for myself. Now after that I'm on a 8 game win streak because after that weekend I lost my anxiety I hope and just played different things not just my tryhard builds. I just wrote this to share my personal experience with this last radical strategy to get rid of ladder anxiety even though it wasn't my plan to lose 10 games in a row.
I have had this same chat with so many players, within various games. If you are playing games because you like winning, you should play games where you are against an AI and playing reasonably well gets you the win -- you get to feel good about your performance, you get your "I'm a winner" fix, and all is right with the world. There are many games out there. SC2 PvP is pretty much the opposite of the sort of game you like, even if it does look cool and offer you the chance to occasionally feel like a champion. You won't get that feeling often enough to sustain you. The higher you climb, the less often that feeling will come. You'd have to just keep making new accounts or lose some games on purpose to match vs easier opponents to keep that feeling coming in steadily. If you are playing multiplayer games, you CANNOT chase that "winner" high. The better you do, the harder the game gets due to matchmaking mechanics. No matter how strong you are, you are eventually going to start losing half your games. Unless you are fully OK with the roller coaster ride that is one week of doing well followed by a week of doing bloody awful, you need more than just the thrill of winning as a reason to play. You need something that you 100% enjoy even when you lose. In a game like SC2, let's say you REALLY like Vikings. Use them. Use lots of them, every time you play Terran. The matchmaking system will determine (slowly) at what rank someone who really likes to play mass Vikings should be at, you'll get even games there where you lose half the time, and you'll get to playing with Vikings all the time. You don't have to care whether you win/lose in the short run -- just play what you like, the way you like to play it. If you set your heart on being the best there ever was in a game like SC2, keep two things in mind... Winning does not matter. You require the gathering of knowledge and the development of skill, which you get whether you win or lose. You just play a lot, seeing how your decisions (and your opponent's) affected the outcome. Imitate, then innovate. You can't just be a pale copy of the people ahead of you on the ladder. The best advantage you have is that you are the only you. Imitate the basics, then use those basics to develop your own unique way of playing the game. Hit people with strategies and tactics that make a lot of sense to YOU, that feel natural to you and are easy to navigate for your brain in particular. Plans you build yourself are easier for you to remember, execute, and audible than ones you are just imitating. Pros win not just because they are good at the game -- they win because they play their own style of the game. That goes for you too, once you are past basics like micro/macro mechanics. I suffer from EXTREMELY debilitating anxiety. My best advice to others who have it is to remember how much joy you bring another player when you give them a good game and they still beat you, or you make a terrible mistake and your opponent squeees with delight because they were sure they were dead. If you can find joy in the victory of a fellow player, every game is a celebration. You can say GG and mean it, and not feel bad. It is isolating ourselves and only valuing our own wins that makes us unhappy.
I'll add, as an aside, that BeastyQT's style of Protoss is the most potent and fun to watch that I have ever seen. He favors mass Disruptor, and he's extremely good at micro'ing with them. A lot of the tricks against Disruptor become less effective when there are so many on the field and you pair them with units that need less micro. That's his solution, and why it works for him. Everyone who plays the game can find their own way, just like that. Play the units YOU think are good; make them good by the way you play them. And you'll get somewhere. Maybe not the top, but you'll get somewhere. And honestly, looking at how well people play in various leagues, just reaching Diamond and managing to stay there long-term is something to be proud of. Success not about winning/losing an individual match.
Thanks for this Beasty. Long time watcher of SC, but experience this a lot in my game of choice (Chess). Good to know at least it's something other people experience at least, and thank you for the tips.
About learning from losses, makes me think on chess. Even chess pro players check where there was a blunder and keep on improving and having fun. Therefore, playing Starcraft in order to have fun and learn from losses are really good suggestions. Thanks mate for the video! My I suggest a video regarding how to analyze replays, please? 😝 Cause I have the feeling that something is missing in my own replay analysis... 🤔
Well, I usually play for fun and In Starcraft II I found this fun in Campaign mode and Co-op mode. I may not be the best player out there but at least I got my 100% achievements in Wings of Liberty Campaign and I'm confident with the stuff I'm doing in Co-op Mode. As soon as I enter 1v1 or 2v2 (ranked or unranked doesnt matter, it's just a thing of going against real players) I'm getting super nervous and I keep messing up my stuff. I've won 9 out of 22 games on ladder so far but all those games I won were pretty much against players who played even worse than I did. I'm at Silver 2 right now (started playing last year when it became f2p). I found your chanel when I saw your insane challenges (1 Terran vs 4 Gold was the first one I saw). I don't know if I was made for playing against real players but I got a feeling that I should stick to campaign and Coop mode...or do you maybe have any advise for me?
TL:DR [Tips at the top, life story at the bottom.] I feel ya, some ways that might help that i try, is play a campaign mission to warm up and kinda calm, and get into the mindset. Or try playing a match against the AI to practice your build and have an idea right before you do your first ladder match each day. Even just thinking that my opponent is probably having the same issues with the game and messing up a lot as well. Lastly, just thinking that my opponent has to build up as i build up so they cant just come and kill me if they know more, straight from the beginning so there's always a chance, and just knowing what you wanna practice or do. i always have anxiety when i first start playing for the day and its caused me to make really hasty decisions, so SC2 helps me a lot with calming down and thinking under pressure. I started playing about 2 months ago and was silver 3, rank 5 before the change of the season. Normally i dont care about mmr and leagues but i started caring cuz i was getting closer 1 of silver 3, and my win was like 27 to 25 losses which was the first time i'd had more wins than losses. I was happy that the leagues got reset so id get to try again and not care about rank, but i started playing way worse than before, and got frustrated, which makes it worse. When i play campaign i can do whatever i need get my build right, and think clearly with ease, as well as when playing with the bots no matter the difficulty, i dont always win but im not ever nervous. But when i queue up for a real match, idk if its just because its a real person, but i start getting nervous and my hands will shake from the nerves which obviously messes up my whole build and timing. i don't mind losing, every loss i've been able to learn something from and loss is really only a true loss if you fail to learn anything from it. But usually after the first match no matter if i win or lose i can start relaxing, the nerves go away and the matches get easier from there. Sorry for the novel lol hope anything helped if not well good luck, youll find something!
@@ParasiteEvel new season started 2-4 for me. and I keep running into guys with ~double my APM (my APM sucks tbh, usually around 60) but I only win to total noobs who don't even see my widowmines after being revealed. I'm Silver 2 but I don't really care for ladder. I like playing coop or do campaign achievements. those games just don't really help me with ladder as that's a completely different playstyle (In coop missions I exactly know when the first attack wave comes in each mission, so I focus on economy first before building up my army, as with most commanders I can defend attack waves with either hero units or abilities like Karax' orbital strike. In coop I'm way more relaxed because for once I have an ally who can help me out if I happen to be out of position and I pretty much always have some special ability to back me up, and I don't really have those "Oh Shit!"-Buttons in vs mode. Going vs AI is not really helping, as the AI keeps screwing up when Siege Tanks and/or Liberators are in play.
Great video beasty.. i also think toxicity from other players is a major contributor. People can say "dont be so sensitive" but if every time you get a win people are wishing death and cancer on your family... it makes the entire atmosphere negative and certainly generates ladder anxiety. I personally think in game toxicity is probably impossible to deal with or change, but nonetheless it is extremely negative
I understand. There's no way to stop toxicity in anything that is online related. A good thing you can do is to piss those who trash talk you off by copy pasting a smilling lenny face/ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for every comment that they make. I swear it really works!
@@flx2463 Team games tend to be more toxic because most people want to shift blame to others for why their failing, and they usually do it automatically without even realising.
Still relevant in 2020! The "leave 10 games in a row" is genius. For me it's a two edged sword. I'm anxious of pressing the button and end up not pressing it, then I'm getting depressed because I can't overcome the anxiety. I'll give that a go :)
Thanks this helped me! Like 6 mounths ago my computer video card got shit so I bought a new after 2 mounths but I didnt was in the mood for sc2 because I was a plat 3 but I tought I dont wanna lose and get to bronze.. But now I know when I started the game I didn't cared.. Thanks for helping I will play more often
I also second the "Play 2v2 games". They're fun and you can learn from team mates, no matter how bitchy they are. If they don't like suggestions, take their suggestions. Ask for them if you have to. Even if they are shitty ideas, you will then KNOW they are shitty and perhaps your partner will too if you have the luck of finding a partner who has the ability to self-reflect. Good 2v2 experience can make 1v1 stress a breeze just because most people are just so damn salty and you can sit back and watch YOUR strats win!
What i did to help me overcome this is queue on a different race ( im terran main, queued on toss ) and just played. I lost horribly but i didn't care because i knew it was just my offrace and it doesnt matter. I did that until i got used to pressing that Ranked button and started playing terran again and now im happily loosing against protoss in diamond
You mean unless you're Serral's brother, or some other player who doesn't play professionally. lol You're point is proven! Love your videos. The ones where you challenge the 1v7 ai got me into your channel. I often challenge myself and work on builds against crazy odds like that.
It's funny. I stopped playing matches at WoL beacuse I was so stressed. Than after many years I returned and some of anxiety is still there but I have also fun with this :D
i always hit a milestone like plat,dia or master on my second account frist and then drag my main up ... i am way more chilled like this.... games on my second account do not matter ... and once i got there i now i am abel to do it
the best way i find help me get rid off my anxiety playing a ranked game is knowing that until master league 2 im shit at the game and there are a shit ton of shitty player in master league anyway so the leagues master 2 and below don't matter anyway so just have fun try the silliest strats, troll people and laugh if they troll you back until you're about to reach master 1 then get serious because by that time you should know enough about he game that the anxiety doesn't have that much effect on you or it easier to deal with
Sometimes leaving 10 games in a row doesn't really help, I don't get ladder anxiety in SC2 but in Hearthstone and being top 50 it hurts to conceede when I am there and it's kinda smurfing as well in SC.
You don't have to read all of this if you don't want to maybe just a sort of rant. Sometimes I literally just stare at the ranked button for minutes on end worrying xD , what do you do if you couldn't play for a while cause of exams and you return but you know your skill has dropped @Beastyqt do I just play ladder and lose those games. And doesn't one improve faster vs better players? if you lose 10 games in a row sure you would win after that cause your rating has dropped significantly . But what If you don't get back to where you were. And isn't knowing that you have not improved the least motivational feeling in the world. And you say play the game for fun but what if hypothetically I enjoy winning ? Not saying that's all I enjoy just saying. Also what do you do if you lose vs same build order each time even after trying to switch things up? get someone to practice that vs ? or something else . And if you do practice that vs someone what does one do not make it so you are always prepared if you can blindcounter whatever. Cause on ladder you wont even have the slightest hint at what they are doing beforehand. Unless you can afford to practice vs most conceivable build orders and always know how to react but I don't have 6+ hours a day to throw at sc2. Every time I click on the ladder button I feel like if I lose I will be wasting another persons time. they were willing to press ladder to find someone who is proficient at the game. Whilst I do not feel that I am good enough to play vs them . How do you overpower the self doubt? or do you just lie to yourself and convince yourself that you are indeed good at the game until you reach a decent level of play . And if how do you not look at streamers such as yourself or pro players and not feel insignificant . I mean hell even master feels like an unreachable barrier for me yet you pass that without a second thought. I feel like im slow in play and in thinking when playing vs high level opponents and when I lose a game vs someone that I know is worse than me but he played better I become very depressed and stop playing the game for days at a time. And cause I didn't play for a while I know I will lose once I hop on again . And I don't want to lose. And I know I get worse and that I don't put in enough time to improve. I do research on effective practice and all that bs and try to implement it into my game and over thinking things makes me play slower and I lose more , you could say the more you do it the more you will get used to it but not having the time to play all the time makes it hard. Maybe if I get some time off ill just invest like 8 hours a day for like a month . But if I don't see progression after that I don't know what ill do . Ill keep pressing the ladder button for 45 days draught for 8 hours a day and do 2 hours of research and watch my own replays . If I Don't reach master ill just go play fps, rpg or some other braindead geanre .
During the last months I actually had that problem. This weekend I kinda played on tilt, lost like 10 matches in a row and had a small mental breakdown which made me ask myself what I really want to archieve. 'I just want to enjoy the game' is what I made clear for myself. Now after that I'm on a 8 game win streak because after that weekend I lost my anxiety I hope and just played different things not just my tryhard builds. I just wrote this to share my personal experience with this last radical strategy to get rid of ladder anxiety even though it wasn't my plan to lose 10 games in a row.
Great video mate, anxiety is shit.
I remember my first WoL matches, I thougth I was gonna die.
How to deal with ladder anxiety? Play co-op and never think about ladder ever again
Coop gets old with time, ive played a bunch and am like 87 masteru and every commander leveled and only play mutations now.
Alexandr Belov Agreed. The problem with coop is that it tends to be ridiculously easy
4:05 "Unless you are Serral from SC2" XD
And along comes Reynor
"Losses are good, it's where you learn"
That kind of thinking helps my anxiety! Thank you for the tips!
Beasty boy speaking some good shit as always
Such underrated video. I keep watching this video like more then 10 times every year. To remind myself and this helps me so much.
I have had this same chat with so many players, within various games.
If you are playing games because you like winning, you should play games where you are against an AI and playing reasonably well gets you the win -- you get to feel good about your performance, you get your "I'm a winner" fix, and all is right with the world. There are many games out there. SC2 PvP is pretty much the opposite of the sort of game you like, even if it does look cool and offer you the chance to occasionally feel like a champion. You won't get that feeling often enough to sustain you. The higher you climb, the less often that feeling will come. You'd have to just keep making new accounts or lose some games on purpose to match vs easier opponents to keep that feeling coming in steadily.
If you are playing multiplayer games, you CANNOT chase that "winner" high. The better you do, the harder the game gets due to matchmaking mechanics. No matter how strong you are, you are eventually going to start losing half your games. Unless you are fully OK with the roller coaster ride that is one week of doing well followed by a week of doing bloody awful, you need more than just the thrill of winning as a reason to play. You need something that you 100% enjoy even when you lose.
In a game like SC2, let's say you REALLY like Vikings. Use them. Use lots of them, every time you play Terran. The matchmaking system will determine (slowly) at what rank someone who really likes to play mass Vikings should be at, you'll get even games there where you lose half the time, and you'll get to playing with Vikings all the time. You don't have to care whether you win/lose in the short run -- just play what you like, the way you like to play it.
If you set your heart on being the best there ever was in a game like SC2, keep two things in mind...
Winning does not matter. You require the gathering of knowledge and the development of skill, which you get whether you win or lose. You just play a lot, seeing how your decisions (and your opponent's) affected the outcome.
Imitate, then innovate. You can't just be a pale copy of the people ahead of you on the ladder. The best advantage you have is that you are the only you. Imitate the basics, then use those basics to develop your own unique way of playing the game. Hit people with strategies and tactics that make a lot of sense to YOU, that feel natural to you and are easy to navigate for your brain in particular. Plans you build yourself are easier for you to remember, execute, and audible than ones you are just imitating. Pros win not just because they are good at the game -- they win because they play their own style of the game. That goes for you too, once you are past basics like micro/macro mechanics.
I suffer from EXTREMELY debilitating anxiety. My best advice to others who have it is to remember how much joy you bring another player when you give them a good game and they still beat you, or you make a terrible mistake and your opponent squeees with delight because they were sure they were dead. If you can find joy in the victory of a fellow player, every game is a celebration. You can say GG and mean it, and not feel bad. It is isolating ourselves and only valuing our own wins that makes us unhappy.
I'll add, as an aside, that BeastyQT's style of Protoss is the most potent and fun to watch that I have ever seen. He favors mass Disruptor, and he's extremely good at micro'ing with them. A lot of the tricks against Disruptor become less effective when there are so many on the field and you pair them with units that need less micro. That's his solution, and why it works for him. Everyone who plays the game can find their own way, just like that. Play the units YOU think are good; make them good by the way you play them. And you'll get somewhere. Maybe not the top, but you'll get somewhere.
And honestly, looking at how well people play in various leagues, just reaching Diamond and managing to stay there long-term is something to be proud of. Success not about winning/losing an individual match.
sometimes when i lose a game, i'm pissed of myself cause i played so bad and i know i can do better :D in this case i need a break.
It is frustrating when you make stupid unforced errors that you normally do not make. I should probably cut down on the pre-game bong hits...
@@richardblabla xD dont do it, the bong hits are very important :D
This is such an awesome video man, I literally could not ever play starcraft ladder, its way way to stressful for me XD will try all your advice out
Thanks for this Beasty. Long time watcher of SC, but experience this a lot in my game of choice (Chess). Good to know at least it's something other people experience at least, and thank you for the tips.
2018 WCS Signature: "...I learn the most from losing..."
Guess he hasn't learned anything in the last year
Game vs Guru in background :D
9:20 Thats was satisfying xD
About learning from losses, makes me think on chess. Even chess pro players check where there was a blunder and keep on improving and having fun. Therefore, playing Starcraft in order to have fun and learn from losses are really good suggestions. Thanks mate for the video! My I suggest a video regarding how to analyze replays, please? 😝 Cause I have the feeling that something is missing in my own replay analysis... 🤔
these are your options from best to worst:
1. win and learn something
2. lose and learn something
3. win and learn nothing
4. lose and learn nothing
The day before yesterday I went up 300mmr, the next day I lost 9 games in a row. Im learning that just happens and I just got to try again.
Cool stuff man. Husky did a similar thing years ago but didn't get into the usefulness and, well, psychology of it like this. Neato.
Well, I usually play for fun and In Starcraft II I found this fun in Campaign mode and Co-op mode. I may not be the best player out there but at least I got my 100% achievements in Wings of Liberty Campaign and I'm confident with the stuff I'm doing in Co-op Mode. As soon as I enter 1v1 or 2v2 (ranked or unranked doesnt matter, it's just a thing of going against real players) I'm getting super nervous and I keep messing up my stuff. I've won 9 out of 22 games on ladder so far but all those games I won were pretty much against players who played even worse than I did. I'm at Silver 2 right now (started playing last year when it became f2p). I found your chanel when I saw your insane challenges (1 Terran vs 4 Gold was the first one I saw). I don't know if I was made for playing against real players but I got a feeling that I should stick to campaign and Coop mode...or do you maybe have any advise for me?
TL:DR [Tips at the top, life story at the bottom.] I feel ya, some ways that might help that i try, is play a campaign mission to warm up and kinda calm, and get into the mindset. Or try playing a match against the AI to practice your build and have an idea right before you do your first ladder match each day. Even just thinking that my opponent is probably having the same issues with the game and messing up a lot as well. Lastly, just thinking that my opponent has to build up as i build up so they cant just come and kill me if they know more, straight from the beginning so there's always a chance, and just knowing what you wanna practice or do. i always have anxiety when i first start playing for the day and its caused me to make really hasty decisions, so SC2 helps me a lot with calming down and thinking under pressure. I started playing about 2 months ago and was silver 3, rank 5 before the change of the season. Normally i dont care about mmr and leagues but i started caring cuz i was getting closer 1 of silver 3, and my win was like 27 to 25 losses which was the first time i'd had more wins than losses. I was happy that the leagues got reset so id get to try again and not care about rank, but i started playing way worse than before, and got frustrated, which makes it worse. When i play campaign i can do whatever i need get my build right, and think clearly with ease, as well as when playing with the bots no matter the difficulty, i dont always win but im not ever nervous. But when i queue up for a real match, idk if its just because its a real person, but i start getting nervous and my hands will shake from the nerves which obviously messes up my whole build and timing. i don't mind losing, every loss i've been able to learn something from and loss is really only a true loss if you fail to learn anything from it. But usually after the first match no matter if i win or lose i can start relaxing, the nerves go away and the matches get easier from there. Sorry for the novel lol hope anything helped if not well good luck, youll find something!
@@ParasiteEvel new season started 2-4 for me. and I keep running into guys with ~double my APM (my APM sucks tbh, usually around 60) but I only win to total noobs who don't even see my widowmines after being revealed. I'm Silver 2 but I don't really care for ladder. I like playing coop or do campaign achievements. those games just don't really help me with ladder as that's a completely different playstyle (In coop missions I exactly know when the first attack wave comes in each mission, so I focus on economy first before building up my army, as with most commanders I can defend attack waves with either hero units or abilities like Karax' orbital strike. In coop I'm way more relaxed because for once I have an ally who can help me out if I happen to be out of position and I pretty much always have some special ability to back me up, and I don't really have those "Oh Shit!"-Buttons in vs mode. Going vs AI is not really helping, as the AI keeps screwing up when Siege Tanks and/or Liberators are in play.
Great video beasty.. i also think toxicity from other players is a major contributor. People can say "dont be so sensitive" but if every time you get a win people are wishing death and cancer on your family... it makes the entire atmosphere negative and certainly generates ladder anxiety. I personally think in game toxicity is probably impossible to deal with or change, but nonetheless it is extremely negative
I understand. There's no way to stop toxicity in anything that is online related. A good thing you can do is to piss those who trash talk you off by copy pasting a smilling lenny face/ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for every comment that they make. I swear it really works!
Now lets find the root of the problem shall we?Let me ask you why are you so sensitive towards a comment from a random guy on the Internet?
Luckily Sc2 isn't as known for toxicity as other games are.
@@flx2463 Team games tend to be more toxic because most people want to shift blame to others for why their failing, and they usually do it automatically without even realising.
Still relevant in 2020! The "leave 10 games in a row" is genius. For me it's a two edged sword. I'm anxious of pressing the button and end up not pressing it, then I'm getting depressed because I can't overcome the anxiety. I'll give that a go :)
Thanks this helped me! Like 6 mounths ago my computer video card got shit so I bought a new after 2 mounths but I didnt was in the mood for sc2 because I was a plat 3 but I tought I dont wanna lose and get to bronze.. But now I know when I started the game I didn't cared.. Thanks for helping I will play more often
People fear LOSING. you made the point.
I also second the "Play 2v2 games". They're fun and you can learn from team mates, no matter how bitchy they are. If they don't like suggestions, take their suggestions. Ask for them if you have to. Even if they are shitty ideas, you will then KNOW they are shitty and perhaps your partner will too if you have the luck of finding a partner who has the ability to self-reflect.
Good 2v2 experience can make 1v1 stress a breeze just because most people are just so damn salty and you can sit back and watch YOUR strats win!
I played on US instead of normal EU. Funny enough my second account (US) was superior than my EU, because I didn't care ranking
Thanks. I didn't know I had this but I do.
Nice tips! :)
How did that game end though ?
With some salt like always.
What i did to help me overcome this is queue on a different race ( im terran main, queued on toss ) and just played. I lost horribly but i didn't care because i knew it was just my offrace and it doesnt matter. I did that until i got used to pressing that Ranked button and started playing terran again and now im happily loosing against protoss in diamond
You mean unless you're Serral's brother, or some other player who doesn't play professionally. lol
You're point is proven! Love your videos.
The ones where you challenge the 1v7 ai got me into your channel. I often challenge myself and work on builds against crazy odds like that.
anxiety hit me when i don't play for a few days then i know im gonna lose a couple of game in a row
It's funny. I stopped playing matches at WoL beacuse I was so stressed. Than after many years I returned and some of anxiety is still there but I have also fun with this :D
0 dislikes, just what this video disserves. Ty beasty
i always hit a milestone like plat,dia or master on my second account frist and then drag my main up ... i am way more chilled like this.... games on my second account do not matter ... and once i got there i now i am abel to do it
the best way i find help me get rid off my anxiety playing a ranked game
is knowing that until master league 2 im shit at the game and there are a shit ton of shitty player in master league anyway
so the leagues master 2 and below don't matter anyway
so just have fun try the silliest strats, troll people and laugh if they troll you back until you're about to reach master 1 then get serious
because by that time you should know enough about he game that the anxiety doesn't have that much effect on you or it easier to deal with
Thank you =D good points (laughed on serral point)
Philosophy time!
its hard to have fun when you get cheesed every 3rd game and if not cheesed then just get completely stomped
Sometimes leaving 10 games in a row doesn't really help, I don't get ladder anxiety in SC2 but in Hearthstone and being top 50 it hurts to conceede when I am there and it's kinda smurfing as well in SC.
wrg, no anxietyx etc for suchx, anyx, do any no matter what and any be perfx, comepex or not doesn't matter
He talked about it today
you so smart beasty....
I wanted to see end of the game.
yes, f10 n ten games in a row to lose all the mmr you were worried about in the first place. it's not that hard, just press find game and play.
You don't have to read all of this if you don't want to maybe just a sort of rant. Sometimes I literally just stare at the ranked button for minutes on end worrying xD , what do you do if you couldn't play for a while cause of exams and you return but you know your skill has dropped @Beastyqt do I just play ladder and lose those games. And doesn't one improve faster vs better players? if you lose 10 games in a row sure you would win after that cause your rating has dropped significantly . But what If you don't get back to where you were. And isn't knowing that you have not improved the least motivational feeling in the world. And you say play the game for fun but what if hypothetically I enjoy winning ? Not saying that's all I enjoy just saying. Also what do you do if you lose vs same build order each time even after trying to switch things up? get someone to practice that vs ? or something else . And if you do practice that vs someone what does one do not make it so you are always prepared if you can blindcounter whatever. Cause on ladder you wont even have the slightest hint at what they are doing beforehand. Unless you can afford to practice vs most conceivable build orders and always know how to react but I don't have 6+ hours a day to throw at sc2. Every time I click on the ladder button I feel like if I lose I will be wasting another persons time. they were willing to press ladder to find someone who is proficient at the game. Whilst I do not feel that I am good enough to play vs them . How do you overpower the self doubt? or do you just lie to yourself and convince yourself that you are indeed good at the game until you reach a decent level of play . And if how do you not look at streamers such as yourself or pro players and not feel insignificant . I mean hell even master feels like an unreachable barrier for me yet you pass that without a second thought. I feel like im slow in play and in thinking when playing vs high level opponents and when I lose a game vs someone that I know is worse than me but he played better I become very depressed and stop playing the game for days at a time. And cause I didn't play for a while I know I will lose once I hop on again . And I don't want to lose. And I know I get worse and that I don't put in enough time to improve. I do research on effective practice and all that bs and try to implement it into my game and over thinking things makes me play slower and I lose more , you could say the more you do it the more you will get used to it but not having the time to play all the time makes it hard. Maybe if I get some time off ill just invest like 8 hours a day for like a month . But if I don't see progression after that I don't know what ill do . Ill keep pressing the ladder button for 45 days draught for 8 hours a day and do 2 hours of research and watch my own replays . If I Don't reach master ill just go play fps, rpg or some other braindead geanre .
Losses are normal, but losing 15 games alnost in a row is not (hint:I lost 15 games in a row).
it's anxiety not axiety or you are exit ;p
so I guess ladder anxiety is problem for people who don't wanna learn and hate watching their failure on replays :