One thing I love about Nameless' fight is when before he takes his dragon's soul you can see his weapon trembling like he really doesn' want to kill his draconic friend
Can someone explain to me why that’s considered one of the most difficult boss fights in the souls series? I have significantly more trouble with Seath, Centipede demon, the bell gargoyles, bed of chaos, firesage demon, and Capra demon than with Ornstein and smough. I’ve never died to them, but I’ve died to all others listed a ton
Gael leads you through your journey till this point. He is searching for the Dark Soul so the painting can be done. When he finds the pigmy kings he realizes that their blood is basically gone by that point. So he does the only thing he could think of - eats them to absorb the Dark Soul into his own body so his blood can be used to paint the world. He knew he would go mad and it would consume him - hence why he guided you here, to kill him and take his blood to the painter..... Gael character is tragic - he is a Slave Knight, these guys were used as cannon fodder by the Gods as they are Undead. So in fact he is the LONGEST surviving being in this world. Where so many went insane he persisted with unbreakable will and pushed forward - in order to create a new world free from the machinations of Gods and the curse..... Gael represents the will of humanity and ability to self-sacrifice..... That's what makes this fight so beautiful....
Exquisitely descried , such is the beauty and tragedy of dark souls, marvelous character development on par with many fantasy epics of this and ages past . Simply spectacular if I do say so
Gael makes me cry. The weight of that sadness, the journey ranging ALL of history from the end of the Age of Ancients to the dawn of the much delayed Age of Dark. Never going Hollow all that time, fighting hopelessness until the very end when he sees us, and his shattered mind barely registers who we are. He is within a goal over ten thousand years in the making. He knows he can't possibly succeed, he's too far gone. So he gives it all up. If you kill him, She can paint a world. It doesn't matter if you can't, he knows you're Undead. You'll keep coming back until you take the Dark Soul from him and his quest will be complete. An immovable object facing an Unkindled unstoppable force. No matter what happens, he knows She will get her pigment, and finally there will come to be a cold, dark, and very gentle place.
The attack where Gael leaps into the air, fires off a cross bow volley, and then slams into the ground is one of the God damned coolest things I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t even made when I died to it, I just thought “holy shit that was awesome”
I didn't rate the ringed city. The lore and visuals are great and the bosses are top notch. But the area is a pain in the ass and not much fun, it's nowhere close go the old hunters for me
sam cole Ringed city has 2 of the best bosses in the series,offers weapons on the level of trick weapons from bloodborne and the main city is beautiful but it’s pretty underwhelming other than that.
@@SunSeeker-iy6zl I feel like everyone sleeps on the first ash covered part of the dlc, then its demons flying you to the ringed city is in my opinion better than the anor londo one, and the demon princes are hella fun to fight against with gael and patches/lapp
momo penguins The main problem with Dark Souls 3 is that even though it has(in my opinion)the best bosses in the series,most of its areas feel like chores and its bad bosses are REALLY bad.The 2nd DLC kinda fixed this,but some of the areas still feel uninspired and boring.
I always loved how the final battle in the souls series is two nobody's fighting in a city made from the ruins of past kingdoms idk I feel it just fits the dark souls theme
Gael the Slave Knight Phase one: a beast who tries to kill you. His movesets and aggressive approaches rival artorias and Orphan of Kos Phase two: Guts
It's such a badass fight, phase 3's music is the best in the series, the lightning, the screams and the landscape are perfect. he deserves the title of last dark souls boss.
It took me 47 tries to beat Artorias. I had to learn every single one of his attacks and learn how to roll against it and after a week of screaming and frustration, I finally took him down after a sludge attack. One of the best feelings in a souls game I’ve ever had
I remember how i first entered this DLC and was going through the forest to find a bonfire, i had just 3 estus flasks, half health, and when i saw a giant build, i thought that it was a safezone with bonfire, i came in and... holy crap i was scared af to see Artorias coming to the centre of arena. 3 estus flasks, half health and fear to die. I killed him 1 attempt and that had given me a huge doze of serotonin, so Artorias of The Abyss is my favourite boss of Souls series now :D
@@SimplCup mine is a tie... Its between Ornstein and smough... And manus... Artorias I won and was avle to beat... I could not with manus...but he is a boss that made me think
I've beat him in my second try guess im a pro? Or maybe i just defeated ornstein&smough for like a thousand times and its my first time fighting artorias and i liked the fight even though i killed him with a dragontooth+5
I trained in the way of the bonk, I have mastered striking the monster just right in the head to knock on its side, and then I can move in to remove one of its limbs, roast it, and then make it into my new hammer. (At least in World. I am utter shit with Hammer in Rise and the older games. Great Sword gels better with me in the older games and I’m not sure with Rise.)
I think Gael has been the only fight in ds3 where I never got frustrated when I died. There were too many times where I was like holy shit, that’s so cool. It’s such an amazing boss fight that I cannot help but become in awe of the fight. Not to mention the lore is so wonderful and tragic. All of this couples together to create the best boss in the entire game.
@@f-14enthusiast63of course you could always bring out the busted Blasphemous Blade on her. She’s hard, but her cheesability is what keeps her from being my hardest FromSoft boss. That honor goes to Nameless King
I'm stuck on him rn, as amazing as the fight is loghtning screwed me over like 5 times now where im rolling for my life from gael and it kills me, really tilted me hard
Gael is a masterpiece of gameplay and lore while also representing the overarching themes of the world to perfection. You could write a damn novel about this character.
@@malikzeshan1958 i feel like every boss is easy mode when you get used to them, it's all about first impressions and to me gael's first impression was very very hard, from halflight to gael it made a really big difference to me at least
@@amiri7437 There's just a poetic grimness to splattering blood over a field of pure, white flowers. It's not really important for the mechanics of the fight, but is something that helps its presentation a lot and that boss fight is very heavy on its presentation.
Well, yeah. Considering the shit that happened to this world... Yeah... I guess theh are basically fighting over nothing. Cuz the Beautiful and Wonderful world of Dark Souls was basically raped and destroyed. Why do i have a feeling that the Story of Dark Souls was somewhat inspired by Evangelion?
@@user-pr8pw5qk9t Think the exact opposite of how you play Bloodbourne. Lots of heavy armour, probably slow, maybe a shield, and a f*ck off greatsword or something like that. Your primary stats are Vitality, Strength, and Endurance. Maybe Faith so you can heal yourself with using precious Estus Flask. You basically take the hits that speedy Dex builds can't, due to your high Poise stat and being overall harder to knock down or be staggered. The flip side is that you're slower and your stamina regenerates a little slower. But you take less damage. It's personally my favourite build in the Souls series, which is why Bloodbourne kicks my ass.
Kinda gutted that the Soul Of Cinder wasn't here, sure he's not as hard as say the Nameless King but narratively and the music always gives me the feels. The Final Defender of the First Flame and the remnants of Gwynn.
@Chephren Parker I mean, Gael is literally the most powerful being any dark souls protagonist has ever faced in any of the games. maybe not seconds but i'm not sure guts would last more than 5 minutes
@Chephren Parker Ashen One is the strongest DS protagonist and the only one who's actually fought Gael so I'll be referring to him. The difference between the two is that Ashen One both survived to the end of time (literally, the only things left alive at the Gael boss fight is AO, Gael and some random ringed knight) so that alone should say how powerful he is. Second, DS3's main final boss, Soul of Cinder, is literally the amalgamation of every Lord, including Gwyn, and also Chosen Undead himself. So you're essentially getting gang banged by DS1's protagonist as well as every major boss in the entire series at once and still come out on top. And yeah, he has insane luck, but is that really a valid feat? Could Nathan Drake kill Spiderman just because of insane luck? I don't think so. Lastly, Guts' Beserker Armor is pretty much plot armor. He would have easily died by Grunheld when he turned into a dragon if Guts wasn't wearing it. A dragon. Something that each DS protagonist has killed at least twice. Not to mention, Ashen One killed Midir, which was pretty much the most powerful dragon in all of DS lore.
@@boypiss Nah gael is quick, but guts is faster. I've seen guts take down guys much more powerful than gael. I mean, he took down Mozgus who was said to have impenetrable armor, could literally fly and breath fire like a dragon. His wings crushed his enemies, and his feathers become fists, which can pulverize his enemies many times over. Yet guts endured multiple of his attacks, and eventually killed him. Meanwhile, in this game, you can kill gael with a dagger if you're good enough, whereas guts is wielding a gigantic sword, automatic crossbow, cannon arm, throwing knives and bombs. Plus guts has the berserker armor, which increases your strength and speed to unimaginable levels. It also makes him ignore pain completely, amplifies negative emotions which makes you fight harder, and it can temporarily repair debilitating wounds like broken bones by injecting thin spines from itself, into the broken bones and set them back in their proper places to restore the limb's functionality. Not to mention the armor can repair itself. He could literally just outmanoeuvre gael, and cut him in half with his sword. If gael tried it, his sword would be stopped by the berserker armor, and guts would probably just cut gael's arm off. Also guts was able to fend off zodd (an actual god of war), even when he wasn't in his prime. If you've seen any guts anime, you can easily tell he moves much faster than you (the unkindled), and has much more strength. When using an ultra greatsword, your character swings it at a barely reasonable speed in combat, whereas guts would be swinging it around as if it weighed as much as a regular shortsword. Even without the armor, guts is very tenacious, not making any stupid decisions in combat and keeping his cool.
The Abyss Watchers was definitely my favorite at least in Dark Souls 3. I loved the intro and the story behind why they are fighting, and also how they continue to fight each other during the boss fight
@@0816M3RC I think it had a few good bosses besides those 2 and it was the first soulsborne game I played and it is still a great game just the worst of the souls games I played
Honestly, as controversial as it might be to say this, but my favorite boss comes from Dark Souls 2. The Burnt Ivory King From his graceful fighting style, and epic arena, with a unique mechanic that really makes you feel like the area you have been fighting through has lead up to this point, to the lore implications of the Chaos being the Bed of Chaos, left untended, to the character himself being a true, selfless hero, loyal to his country and people, perhaps being one of the few true good people in Soulsborne, He just is my favorite. I think my favorite part about him, is the lore behind him though, often forgotten. Him, a fabled warrior from a far-off land, traveling to a land he has no duty to, simply because he heard someone was needed, beating back the chaos personally, choosing to build his throne right above the chaos he swore to guard, making him the first line of defense for his people. On top of that, he managed to do what no one else could, and fundamentally changed a child of dark, which could have ruined him like they did so many others. Loving her as his queen to the very end, even if it meant his ruin, making a being of pure fear gain the confidence to be a self-less warden herself. And finally, dying a hero's death. I have nothing but respect for the Ivory King as a character. Does not help that his transposed weapon is one of my favorites to use as well.
I'm glad you noted the lore implications of Alsanna taking the Ivory King's place guarding over the Old Chaos after his "death". Unlike the other three shards of Manus' soul, she was rehabilitated by her environment and managed to find comfort through love and courage rather than through deceit and power. It speaks to how strong the Ivory King was as a leader, and it forces us to question if our Bearer of the Curse has what it takes to be a true monarch if a man like the Ivory King failed to do it. I'm spit on how much I like his actual boss fight, but there's no doubt in my mind that he's one of the most interesting characters in the series as a whole.
Idontcare news It's the cold hard truth that most people consider DS2 a failure. Personally it's my favorite outta the three because I adore the lore and some of the bosses like Fume Knight, Sir Aloone, Sihn, Ivory King Pursuer, Dark Lurker, and even the Smelter Demon (Don't judge me).
and while Gascoigne isn't really the tutorial boss of BB (Cleric Beast would be), is the first mandatory boss and, among all the first mandatory bosses in the franchise, he's the only one i still kinda struggle against... Even if there are harder bosses in BB, the music and the lore makes him one of my favorite in the whole franchise
If you liked rolling around and two handing weapons and believe the only use for a shield is the pareezzz than play bloodborne as soon as you are done with sekiro.
Artorias feels overrated for me. He's kinda outdated in term of difficulty and moveset variety. His OST is mediocre to me. He's still in my Top 4 DS1 bosses, but I strongly disagree with #3 of the ENTIRE FRANCHISE.
He's quite agile for his appearance as a hulking husk of a great knight, with his somersaults and such. Even his corruption comes in to have a swing at you. DS bosses never really progressed in difficulty; they just are different with their mechanics. Artorias is an iconic boss with an interesting story behind him. Well deserved top 5
I remember I woke up real early one morning and decided to fight Midir. It took me 5 gruesome hours to finally get his moveset down and after I beat him I was so happy. I immediately went to fight Gael, thinking he would be much harder and was surprised to see it took me half the time it did to beat Midir. Both were great fights though and left me with a feeling of accomplishment that I've never felt in a souls game before.
I think the four kings might be my favorite just based on how terrifying the setting is. You fall down a hole only to find yourself in the absolutely pitch black darkness of the abyss with the only physical things you can see being the four eldritch horrors trying to murder you. What makes it even more terrifying is when you didn't even know about the abyss beforehand
@@MouseR985 They're not really though, since you still have to deal with the obnoxious DPS check. One king is fun (limited moveset though), but the fun suddenly drops massively once you have to deal with several at once.
Gael is such a good fight. You're at the end of the world, fighting a disgraced Knight. He's consumed half of the world at this point, bearing the most Dark of anything. In Phase 2 he somersaults, summons lightning, has a repeating crossbow and, most dangerous of all, can teleport. He is undoubtedly the most badass boss in the whole series. No.1 on my list.
10. Orphan 9. Artorious 8. Nameless 7. Ornstein and Smough 6. Maria 5. Gehrman 4. Friede 3. Kalameet 2. Ludwig 1. Gael I like that we agree with the top 2. I love Ludwig, but Gael was just too nice of a fight to not be #1.
Dude, welcome back, from the bottom of my heart. I was so worried you were done with UA-cam. Will there be a place for us casual UA-cam folk to view playthroughs? I really wanted to see the rest of Spider-Man and I REALLY wanted to see the Kingdom Hearts games
I’m happy he’s finally putting all his time Into UA-cam I always felt like if he would have just stayed consistent and uploaded about 3 quality videos a week his channel would’ve easily had 500,000 plus subscribers by now but he instead took a break but now he’s back so he can do it !!!
Yeah, he isn’t uploading playthroughs to UA-cam anymore. But you can always watch them on Twitch. I think the VODs last 100 days or something like that, so if there is something you want to watch that he’s played recently, you have plenty of time.
My favourite boss is the abyss watchers from ds3, the closest boss I've ever had on my first playthrough, I won with 0 estus left and about 1/8 of my health I went for one last hit as they swung and we hit at almost the same time he died and I was left on none visable health, plus they look cool as hell and have a really elegant fighting style, favourite boss sound track is gwyn from ds1
Same for me! My favorite thing was the one abyss watcher doing the legion etiquette gesture as the intro cutscene. It looked so badass holding the greatsword and the dagger thing
It was one of the hardest boss fight for me. He is very fast, very aggressive and precise. And both phases were hard for me, when 3 of them spawned at once and all of them were coming for me... damn... and second phase was even harder
Man I cannot get the hype behind abyss watchers tbh, they’re the first great boss in ds3 but there are so many fights after just in the main game that outshine it in terms of atmosphere, intensity, move set, difficulty, and overall enjoyment. Only thing this boss excels at is its ost, which is top 5 boss osts in soulsborne but still, I find the boss itself to be good but not this Fromsoft magnum opus
@@sleddinggybe142 just a preference, they look amazing and make you feel like you’re fighting the devil himself… his move set is one of the best looking in all of dark souls since it’s so clean looking which really makes him nice to fight even when you’re getting beat up
I absolutely agree with Gael being the best, though I'd say the boss he reminds me of the most is actually Ludwig, with his first phase being barely more than a beast, galloping toward you on all fours, completely erratic and barely articulate, but once you hit the cutscene, he remembers what he is doing and reverts back to a more ordered assault where he stands on two legs and uses his sword and crossbow. I also think that the fight is purposely designed to keep players from getting frustrated. The first phase is, in my opinion, way harder than the rest since his attacks are very erratic as opposed to his second and third phase, which are way more spectacular but also a lot more telegraphed, so it's mainly about outlasting phase 1 with enough Estus to last you through the rest. And when you lose the endurance fight, you don't feel annoyed the way you do with, say, Orphan of Kos. Instead you feel motivated because "if I'd had just one more Estus I would have won this!" So you go back to phase one and try to keep that one more Estus. This pushes your frustration toward phase 1, not phase 2 or 3. Also, if you pay close attention, Gael can actually get hit by the lightning strikes and it does a whopping 1 damage to him. I find that hilarious whenever it happens.
I'd be lying if I said that I never CONTEMPLATED getting Gael to kill himself with his own lightning. Never did it, but the thought that it's possible amuses me. =)
Gael's first phase is him where he believes his journey is still not yet complete or even failed despite all it took to get here only to have what he needed dried up, he's lashing out, tossing you around, and throwing himself with reckless abandon at you as he doesn't care, the Dark Soul is all that matters and composure when you have nothing left to lose is meaningless. When he realises the Dark Soul may now be inside him, he picks himself up and chooses to give you a proper fight as to die a warrior and be killed properly and not like a dogged fool, using all kinds of miracles, damaged equipment, the powers of his magic scarf cape thing, even using his damaged executioner sword correctly now to make you fight like hell. My respect to him.
@@squalinator I read a theory somewhere that smough wanted to give ornstein a more honorable death than being killed by an undead, but I don't know if there was any evidence
A lot of people find DS3 to be much harder than the other games, namely people who started with it. It's really just a matter of which game you start with. Once you know how the series works it's a lot easier to get through.
Not really, I started with ds1 way back then, played every "soulsgame" and every dlc, and both DS3 and Bloodborne are in another level of dificulty, if you take into account every boss in the game, no boss is DS1 comes close to any boss in any of the dlcs of DS3(excluding wolf boy and oldmonk 2.0), or Bloosborn's Ludwig, Orphan, defiled dungeon watchdog, just to name a few. If you want to compare the base game, I'll say that DS3 is defenetly harder than DS1 boss-wise, some areas on DS1 might be harder if you are not familiar with them, as for Bloodborne VS DS1 basegame I think that's more debatable.
I played ds3 first it was a hard game yes..then played ds1 found that it is a balanced game in terms of difficulty. But when i played ds2 i found it very hard harder than ds3... take in mind that i never use (summons/parry's vs bosses/shields/summons) in all my playthroughs. Unlike ds3. Ds2 doesnt have harder bosses but harder enemy's harder invades/areas and harder mechanics such as (less s/ Harder stamina management/healing mechanics...)
Michael Mahoney I think some of the main factors of difficulty with DS1 is the clunkiness in the gameplay. It certainly isn’t buttery smooth to play like DS3 (not talking fps), but DS3 boss design is certainly harder and has multiphased fights. Which is designed in function with the faster gameplay. If you threw DS3 or BB bosses into DS1 oooh boy.
Well, maybe, but I started with Dark Souls 1 and got pretty good at it, but found that my preferred strategy, a slow but powerful weapon and a bigass shield, put me at a pretty significant disadvantage when I started DS3. Mind you, I never play any PvP in either game, but regardless, shields leave you much more vulnerable in DS3 to kicks and certain weapon arts, and that's discounting their much smaller hitboxes, so the entirely new playstyle I had to adapt to meant I found it very hard.
@@Kahez It mostly depends on your style of play. For me, so far all of the bosses in DS3 except Pontiff were easy kills (last one I beat was Dragonslayer Armour). I killed Dancer on my first try, Yhorm with the Stormruler is on the level of Pinwheel, Aldrich is a joke if you're using a buff. Manus is way harder to beat than half of the bosses in DS3.
The boss area for Isshin is so beautiful and epic at the same time especially in the last phase with all the lightning. Also his entry is so fucked up and that final shot when you execute him has to be the best game endings Fromsoft has done. Sekiro is more cinematic than DS and BB because of the final execution blow you do after defeating the bosses.
I always like to give Honorable mentions to the Ivory King fight in the Dark Souls 2 DLC as one of the most fun fights in the franchise. While base game was perhaps disappointing to a lot of people, the DLCs all being interconnected with incredible, changing architecture and the final boss being more of an all out epic High Fantasy battle at the heart of chaos with allies AND enemies. It really feels like a grand event and I adore it every single time.
I didn't play any of the DS2 DLC's because the base game was so bad, but I went and watched a video of the Ivory King fight after seeing your comment and I gotta say I don't understand the allure. Copy+Pasted allies vs Copy+Pasted enemies which then culminates in a boss who has a pretty narrow moveset that is largely defeated pretty easily and the same way as every other boss by that point in the series (Roll+2xR1). Not to be a downer I just don't see how he would even hit Honorable Mentions over almost any boss in either Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3.
@@jackwalker1405 I suppose its one of those things that had to be experienced in the moment. It's important to remember that at the time, this was all the souls we had. I would say that if we take I to account all the from soft games published up to today pretty much every fight in the first few souls games start to fall behind. Even Artorias, to me, doesn't compare to half the bosses in Elden Ring for spectacle and grandeur and fun. I would even go so far to say that the allure for me is much the same as the General Radahn fight, a massive arena full of a lot of characters all fighting in a much bigger battle than your usual 1v1 or 1v2 souls experience. You're totally entitled to your opinion, but for me it was the highlight boss fight of that game.
Ivory king is annoying sometimes because you have to go throught all the knights every time he kills you and the king himself, while much better than most ds2 bosses, is really not anything special when compared to some other bosses. Great lore tho. I would give a honorable mention to sir alonne
@@bigsmall2842 Artorias might not be as impressive today as he was when he came out, it's just a fact that bosses have gotten better with time, but there are 2 arguments I always use when advocating for him. The first and most obvious is that outside the fight itself, you're fighting Artorias and all the lore implications that come with it that you learned throughout the base game. When you see him, you know that you're up against a legend. You can't say that about something like Sullyvhan, yes he has lore behind him but before encountering him you basically know nothing about him and even after the fact you really have to dig to find out who he even is. And the second argument being... While Artorias has definitely aged, his fight is still impressive. That boss came out in 2011 yet he's mechanically more complex than literally every boss in DS2 DLC included barring maybe Fume Knight, and he even has speed and agressivity to boot. He was so ahead of his time that he honestly wouldn't be that out of place in DS3, it's incredible just how fleshed out he is for such an ancient boss.
Unorthodox opinion: The Demon Prince is a fully perfected form of the Ornstein and Smough duo battle and deserves a spot more than O&S. Hear me out on this. O&S is regarded as a "balanced" fight because Ornstein is quick, has lower defense and does less damage while Smough does more damage, but is tankier and slower. A lot of other shitty ganks in the series don't follow this, often by having both enemies be a combination of too fast, too aggressive, or just otherwise annoying. However, in practice, Smough still closes the gap annoyingly fast due to his charge attack, making it difficult to separate him from Ornstein if you have bad RNG. Ornstein's charge attack is also broken as fuck, we all know that. It's also literally wasted effort attacking both due to the Phase 2 trigger instantly healing the remaining one of the two to full health and negating anything you did to them. However, Ornstein and Smough ARE iconic as fuck in gaming at large and not just Dark Souls for being the quintessential "holy fuck this game is hard" boss everyone pointed to when Dark Souls first rocked the gaming world in 2011. That's something no other boss can top them with. Almost everyone that started with the original Dark Souls remembers well the horror stories people would tell of Ornstein and Smough beating them over 30 times before they finally succeeded with only 10 health left. (I beat them my first try) Now, compare them to the Demon Prince. Unlike Smough, who is SUPPOSED to be fat and slow but in reality charges at you like an angry freight train constantly, the Demons ARE the perfect combination of fast & quick vs slow & dangerous. When one of the two demons is on fire, they attack rapidly and charge after you but do less damage per attack and telegraph well. Comparatively, the extinguished demon slowly follows you, but uses dangerous toxic ranged attacks to ensure you still have to treat him as a threat. Easily dodged, but still incredibly lethal if you aren't paying attention. And unlike Ornstein and Smough, any damage you do to both demons matters. Once the first one is defeated, the second doesn't flip you the bird and heal to full, they keep the damage you did to them. During this whole process as well, they switch up their tactics to ensure that you can't just target one of the two specifically without facing potential consequences. Killing Ornstein is regarded as much easier as you can keep him baited outside of Smough's range to effectively remove Smough from the first part of the fight. And then, once you defeat BOTH the demons, not just one, the second phase ALSO changes depending on which demon you killed first. Just like Ornstein became huge and got a lightning buttslam and Smough gained lightning damage (and a lightning buttslam lol), the Demon Prince brings new, dangerous attacks to the table as a consequence of your Phase 1 fight. But unlike buttslams and basic lightning damage, this changes if the Prince fires gigantic mouth beams at you if you move too far away, or if they cast fireball pyromancies and tries to keep its distance from you. As DeMod said, Ornstein and Smough is supposed to be a "fatty and slim" but just ends up being a "wow Smough moves annoying fast" and having very little actual chances to attack one or the other. The "fatty and slim" becomes "fattyslim and slim". The Demon in Pain and the Demon from Below ARE slow and fast separately. The extinguished demon actively stays out of direct combat instead of chasing you down like Smough ISN'T supposed to, and the ignited one encourages you to attack him by chasing you down like Ornstein IS supposed to. You have a true "fatty and slim" instead of one on paper but not in execution. The Demon Prince takes everything about the Ornstein and Smough fight and enhances it to act better and more refined. Instead of Fromsoft trying and failing repeatedly to capture more lightning in a bottle, they looked at the old bottled lighting on their shelf labled O&S and thought "What if we just made our previous success better?"
@@jazzmaster909 I do normally put it like that, but in this case the love for Ornstein and Smough is very much correlated to nostalgia. Demon's Souls was a thing but everyone really remembers Dark Souls 1 as the first Souls game, and Ornstein and Smough were a very prominent and key part of that game, so much so that EVERYONE always remembers them. How many people actually remember the Gaping Dragon or the Moonlight Butterfly off the top of their head when somebody mentions Dark Souls bosses? In contrast, the Demon Prince is quite literally the 4th-to-last Dark Souls boss EVER to be released. Even though I love them a lot, I still forget them often due to the fact that I rarely fight them, as they are completely end-game DLC and Dark Souls 3 is a VERY long game compared to the few hours it takes a seasoned player to get to Anor Londo and face Ornstein and Smough. Keep in mind that the Ringed City is actually the only DLC in the entire franchise that requires mandatory completion of the entire vanilla game before you can access it. Oolacile can be accessed directly after you kill Ornstein and Smough, the DS2 DLCs are scattered around the game in various stages through to mid-end game, and the Painted World of Ariandel is nearly at the start of Dark Souls 3. tldr: Compared to the dozens of times people have fought Ornstein and Smough in the average DS1 playthrough, paired with DS1 just being around longer, the Demon Prince is often forgotten for statistically being one of the least-fought bosses in the Souls franchise. In terms of mechanics, arguments can be made, but I will hold that the Demon in Pain and the Demon from Below are statistically provable mechanical upgrades from Ornstein and Smough. It's the same concept, the same arena filled with debris to block fireballs, and the same "quick and light damage + slow and heavy damage", just finally perfected.
Personally I found Ludwig's second phase pretty easy, especially in contrast to the brutal first phase. In my first playthrough I got thrashed by the Accursed over and over again, but it only took me getting to the Holy Blade twice for me to down him, which felt pretty anticlimactic. While that second phase is a glorious spectacle, that vast difference in difficulty keeps him from being one of my personal favorite fights.
The accursed phase is very easy, in my experience. Very readable and VERY punishable, and I got him to second phase almost every single time. HOLY BLADE PHASE on the other hand is the hardest boss fight in the game, 100x harder then beast form ludwig. I guess everybody differs.
Yeah same, I struggled with the unpredictable and warped form of many of the beast enemies in the game. Ludwig gave me more trouble than anyone aside from the Orphan, but when he hit phase 2 it was way easier. His attacks just feel far more logical and less varied, still a very cool fight though.
Sir Alonne is an epic warrior but his black swipe attack that you can only dodge to one side (for no reason other than bad hitbox) and the super annoying path to the boss really degrade the experience.
Lawrence gave me a lot of trouble :( in fact I would say that Lawrence was up there with abhorrent beast, which was my personal hardest fight. That fight doesnt feel fair at all lol.
@@kitkat-zr6lg 98% of that 70%'s content is trash. Also, not liking someone's content is entirely different from not liking someone as a person. I'm insulting their content, not them. Also, when 98% of 70% of content on this website is trash, that's pretty telling of where this site is going.
RoachDogg Jr Frieda was really hard at that time because I wasn’t great at the souls games, I just bought ds3 again on ps4 (I was Xbox) to get my revenge on Friede, Gael and midair. Because I beat isshin with bell demon and no resurrection. I’m far greater at this moment. I’m just here redeem myself of dying 20+ times on each bosses.
Even though O&S was an absolute struggle for me to get through, I couldn’t help but appreciate the design of the fight and it was an insanely satisfying victory when I finally beat them. Even when I was still trying to figure it out, I could feel that it was very possible to win and I just needed to keep trying. A lot of times gang bosses feel almost impossible but O&S despite the difficulty is still accessible. It was definitely the first major wall for me but when I got past it I felt like I could take on anything, and just the experience of defeating ornstein and smough gave me a level of confidence that carried me through the rest of the game with little trouble. If you can beat O&S you can beat the game, and if you can beat dark souls you can beat any other game in the series
I relate to this comment so much. Just beat gael and soul of cinder today and I was thinking about how much confidence beating o&s for the first time gave me (I completed the Dark souls games in order)
My favorite boss so far is the abyss watchers. I havent known anything about the souls/borne series until about a month ago. I saw dark souls 3 at my local family dollar for 13 bucks, and thought, "well, my friends like the series, so i should give it a try". I went into dark souls 3 only knowing that it was considered the easiest. I didnt like the high stats and levels of the other classes, so for my first ever play through i chose deprived, and boy did i make a descision that i dont regret one bit. It starts off strong with a boss fight immediatly after the tutorial, and as a complete noob to darks souls' fuckery, this caught me more off guard than ive ever been. After 30 sweaty minutes i managed to beat ludex gundyr down with my club. After that, im completely hooked. I already have over 50 hours since i bought it a week ago, and i have to say its pretty much my life now. I have only just gotten to champion gundyr and it made me stop and take a minute to reflect on what had transpired in these last days. I realized i went from knowing barely the name of the game, to loving it with everything i have. Throughout my years, i never had any trouble with games, they always came naturally to me, until i got to dark souls 3. For the first time ever i had to think, strategize, and formulate new ways of thinking that i couldnt comprehend 2 weeks ago. For an inexperienced player to go into dark souls as a deprived, i found the game to be the most challenging one of my life. My friend told me that some people quit when they get to the abyss watchers, which only put more fuel on the flame. It took me 3 painstaking hours to defeat the abyss watchers, and when i did, it was the moment of reckoning. Dark souls 3 hit me. Hard. Upon completion of the first lord of cinder, thats when my real journey began. And to any new players to the series, dont give up, itll only get better.
Haha, maaan. Amazing story, it was almost the same for me. I choosed sorcerer and first half of the game cock suckage was hard, I summoned help to half of the fights but after Abyss watchers I bet all bosses myself except Aldrich and sister Friede +Ringed fights :) My magic longsword +10 and staff +10 with intelligence 50+ finally made me strong and I even started to PVP, lol :) Than I went into NG+ as cleric (thanks for respec) and made a new characted as knight... Finished game in 66 hours with dlcs first time, than 51 hours, than 40+ hours. Than finished BB, DS2 and DS1R. The last one still being the pain in the ass not because of bosses (mostly easy) but because of darkness, narrow passages and scarce bonfires. I realised why people love series, you really want to get better. First game where I seriously was learning to play, learning boss movement etc. etc. This game made quaranteen so much better and co19 doesnt exist because you are fighting Kos or 4 kings :D It is matter of time when I will buy PS5 for demon souls R and Elden Ring, haha. Amazing games. For new players - I'd say dont be shy to summon help your first walkthrough, you may have 2nd, 3rd or 4th one when you will be able to beat all bosses with no help :) Yes, I think as far as battles got DS3 is the best, atmosphere, lvl design, vibes etc. BB definately, so mad. BB DLC add new difficulty layer, I actually summoned help for all hardest boss fights but even than it was super challenging and exciting. DS2 a bit.... I dont know, completed just 1 time. As much as I hated some parts of DS1R I still beat it 3 times. Well, Blighttown, Fortress and Tomb are a pain. Tomb with all darkness feels like cheap design choice, guys didnt know how to make hard and exciting levels those years (hello DS3 and BB). Still the vibe of DS1R is strong... It has something what makes you want to return and try another class, haha. Games have faults of course, but they are sooo goood anyway... PVP could be better, balance not so good, servers are lagging, some OP builds exist... Dont care, I play this games for insane PVE and a bit of coop. Wish they made game DESIGNED for coop boss battles like Monster hunter but raising number of people to 6-10 players with buffs, classes, spells, paladins etc :)
Gael as number 1? I think i just came! Honestly i shouldnt even try to put it into words whats awesome about this fight; music lore, the fight itself, everything was over the top awesome! I fought gael up until NG+7 and died probably more time than i would ever admit. However no matter how many times i fought him, sometimes it just gets to me and i get the sudden urge to fight him again, which says something on its own for i have rarely done multiple playthroughs in videogames as a whole. Also the second phase cutscene is in my opinion the most epic, badass, intimidating in the whole series! First phase you have bean beatin the shit out of this whithered old beardy dude, he finally gets to his knees, loses his mind completely, goes hollow stands up again, changes the weather, two-hands his swords, music changes-whoops i might have co me again! And i feel no shame about it at all! Edit; On top of that gael also functions as the final boss of such a great series i had so much fun to play, and due to the high difficulty its gonna take a good chunk of your time and patience before you can finally end your journey. The expectations of being the last boss of this series have been pretty high by default, cinder was cool and had fanservice, but the ultimate challenge kinda lacked, gael however far surpassed the already high expectations and in my opinion is more than worthy of being the final boss to this series!
Same with me although i have to say, that im not skillfull enough to take him down in ng+8. What damn its some of the finest work in all of video game history
Gael is the best bos in all of gaming in my opinion and he doesn't even sound like the best boss in ds3 since the abyss watcher r a fusion of artorias and maria also I hope sekiro can give us a boss even close to his level of amazing
One of my favourite bosses in the series is Twin Princes because ds3 was my first game in the series and the whole game is build around that boss fight. Everytime in firelink shrine you see the highest throne and from almost any area in the game you look at lothric castle which is named after the younger prince and finally are given the chance to face this guy after beating yhorm aldrich and abyss watchers and walking in the bridge of the castle just oww... it's pretty balanced and challenging but also one of the most creative boss designs and movesets overall. Wish you added him instead of Pontiff.
definitely deserves to be on the list instead of Pontiff. really cool how the big bro is crawling around on his knees most of the time and has little bro hanging on his back.
Naw, Pontiff also deserved his spot too. But I guess the real travesty here is that this list only has 10 spots, since DS3 has some very memorable bosses.
Ranking just 10 of the best bossed must be so hard, every boss here is valid but I can't help but think "but what about sir allone, soul of cinder, abyss watchers, demon princes, gascoigne, orphan of kos?" Just so many amazing bosses in this series, I can't imagine having to pick just 10
Gael is absolutely my favorite boss out of these, but I actually wish they made it so you would stagger him less often. That would make the fight perfect in my eyes
Gael is definitely my favorite boss in Dark Souls 3, I was expecting our last fight in the series to be against Gwynevere in an effort to finish the last of Gwyns bloodline and possibly end the cycle of undead being used to continue the Age of Fire. Instead we delve deeper into Gwyns tyranny in his imprisonment of the Pygmys, eventual abyss corruption of Midir, and an abandoned child just waiting to wake up and finally see her father again, only for the shell to crack and show us the world as it really is in a desolate landscape of nothing but Ash, really showing the world has been burned so much to keep the Gods Age thriving that it only led to the destruction of everything, all to find our friend Gael, who showed us the way here, consuming all the Dark Souls and turning it into the blood that he knows you must draw from him, all this, for his lady's painting, and in the end, it is made more sad that the girl will never see Gael again, and Gael will never see the world she wanted to paint for him.
The good thing is, Gael lead you there to kill him so you can help in finishing his quest that started at the beginning of time and will end at the end of all
What a great video to start your return to UA-cam with! I’m so glad you’re back, and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! Edit: Gael has always been my favorite boss in the series, and I am so glad you feel the same way!
Entering the coliseum to fight Artorias will always be the most jaw dropping moment to me, absolutely love him and everything he represents as a character
I feel like im late but please remember that Knight Artorias was without his greatshield and one of his arms was broken, add on that his faithful wolf companion wasnt there either. Hes a shell of his former self but that still. Picture a fight against this legendary warrior at the peak of his strength for the honor of challenging Quin.
My personal list (including Sekiro): 10- Manus, Father of the Abyss 09- Demon of Hatred 08- Lorian and Lothric, The Twin Princes 07- Champion Gundyr 06- Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough 05- Darkeater Midir 04- Ludwig, the Accursed/Holy Blade 03- Isshin, the Sword Saint 02- Knight Artorias 01- Soul of Cinder Honorable mention: my boy sir alonne
Awesome to see how opinions have changed, really awesome video. My favourite boss in the series is Orphan of Kos, followed closely by Lorian and Lothric. Surprised to see neither made the cut for you, but I can hardly dispute any of these are worthy of the top spot.
If you use the shield you get from sif’s soul on Artorias it literally blocks every single attack he does perfectly with almost no stamina drain, can literally go through the fight and lose no health if you attack at the right times and just hold the shield up
I do wish there were some kind of cutscene after Gael fight is over. I know that's not Dark Souls style but still. For it to be the last dlc and the end
I know a lot of people say DS3 is easier than the other games, but I really don't think it is. I think it is more a matter of fans of the series getting better with time. They can't make the games harder with every entry since that would cut off people just trying to enter the series. I really think Dark Souls 3 is much harder than Dark Souls 1 overall. I started with DS2 (ew), and didn't play other games in the series until DS3. I loved it, and then immediately played DS1 after finishing it. And guess what? For me Dark Souls 1 was a breeze. Using the metric other people seem to use, that must mean DS1 was a joke (it isn't, but it seems that is how people treat DS3). If you actually look at enemy and boss design, level complexity, and combat mechanics, Dark Souls 3 in my opinion is the harder game (not necessarily better, but definitely more difficult).
I think its the easiest. Even after going back and replaying all of the games a few times I find DS3 the easiest. The DLCs are tough, and the second half is sorta tough, but the first half is easily the easiest in the series. Also with the ridiculous amount of stamina and massive iFrames on rolls you can spam rolls and avoid most bosses. I think mechanically DS3 is the easiest by a ways. Enemies and bosses are fine (well, bosses in the first half are a joke and easier than most enemies, but later bosses are good) but just mechanically its so much easier than other games. Its still a great game, but easiest in the series.
@@danielantony1882 Man I had a long well written response but I clicked and it got deleted :\ But basically no, DS3's second half bosses and DLC bosses are FAR tougher than DS1's. I think DS1's first half bosses are considerably harder than DS3's though. But overall I think DS1's level design and world is considerably nastier than DS3's. Even little hollows could stagger kill you to death if you got hit by the wrong move. You were slower and used more stamina and also regained it slower. Less iFrames as well, and you couldn't spam back to back rolls as easily. Also the groupings of the enemies and their movesets for the most part. On that same note, while I enjoy all the bosses in DS1 (for the most part) most if not all of them have glaring weaknesses (stand in between spider legs and you cant get touched, under Sif you're safe, outside Golem legs, don't need to aggro big skeletons, etc.) or are super easily beatable. I think only Gargoyles, O/S, Artorias, Kalameet and Manus are the well done bosses in DS1 that still kinda hold up to BB and DS3 bosses, and even then I think MANY BB and DS3 bosses are better. If im doing a no death run (Which I can only do in DS1 and DS3, DS2 and BB are too hard for me currently) in DS1 im most likely going to die to a mob or the environment, the bosses I can beat easily. In DS3 im probably going to die to a very late game/DLC boss or mob, most of the main game I think is very easy. Thats my opinion on it at least!
@@wr5488 Alright. I understood your point. And i know your frustration, brother. That comment delete happened to me several times. Fortunately, i can press control+z on PC. Though there's nothing i can do about it on Androids and stuff. Yeah...
Dexiant I had a friend that struggled on the God damn Bed of chaos boss. It took him 23 fucking tries to beat! (yes I kept count, it was too hilarious not to) DS3 he beats Nameless King on his 2nd try. Bosses in DS3 are epic but they honestly aren't that tough/unfair as some of the terribly developed bosses in the first game.
One thing I love about Nameless' fight is when before he takes his dragon's soul you can see his weapon trembling like he really doesn' want to kill his draconic friend
Wait, why does the dragon even have a soul? I thought they didn’t have any besides midir and sinh but neither of their souls are true if I’m correct
@@glctcthnkr8059 They do have souls, the ancients dragons prolly didnt have souls but the storm drake is a different species evolved from them
Bro if you follow with the lore you would know that the king if storms is actually ornstein
@@owenliboiron3762 That's just a theory.... a game theory
@@adamapple8638 thanks for watching
Describes Ornstein and Smough as a Threesome where you're the only bottom.
I've never heard one man describe hell in such an accurate way
If it’s hell I’m enjoying the demons fucking me
@@blackironwalterkus3851 hol upp
@@blackironwalterkus3851 upp
Can someone explain to me why that’s considered one of the most difficult boss fights in the souls series? I have significantly more trouble with Seath, Centipede demon, the bell gargoyles, bed of chaos, firesage demon, and Capra demon than with Ornstein and smough. I’ve never died to them, but I’ve died to all others listed a ton
Gael leads you through your journey till this point. He is searching for the Dark Soul so the painting can be done. When he finds the pigmy kings he realizes that their blood is basically gone by that point. So he does the only thing he could think of - eats them to absorb the Dark Soul into his own body so his blood can be used to paint the world.
He knew he would go mad and it would consume him - hence why he guided you here, to kill him and take his blood to the painter.....
Gael character is tragic - he is a Slave Knight, these guys were used as cannon fodder by the Gods as they are Undead. So in fact he is the LONGEST surviving being in this world.
Where so many went insane he persisted with unbreakable will and pushed forward - in order to create a new world free from the machinations of Gods and the curse.....
Gael represents the will of humanity and ability to self-sacrifice.....
That's what makes this fight so beautiful....
well said
What about patches
Wow what a great comment! Well said
Exquisitely descried , such is the beauty and tragedy of dark souls, marvelous character development on par with many fantasy epics of this and ages past . Simply spectacular if I do say so
cl1cka what if....the new world painted with his blood...was bloodborne
Gael makes me cry. The weight of that sadness, the journey ranging ALL of history from the end of the Age of Ancients to the dawn of the much delayed Age of Dark. Never going Hollow all that time, fighting hopelessness until the very end when he sees us, and his shattered mind barely registers who we are. He is within a goal over ten thousand years in the making. He knows he can't possibly succeed, he's too far gone. So he gives it all up. If you kill him, She can paint a world. It doesn't matter if you can't, he knows you're Undead. You'll keep coming back until you take the Dark Soul from him and his quest will be complete. An immovable object facing an Unkindled unstoppable force. No matter what happens, he knows She will get her pigment, and finally there will come to be a cold, dark, and very gentle place.
@Luis Martinex It's okay if you're not one who enjoys the story of a game, but don't get snide with those who do.
@Luis Martinex your hostility makes no sense to me. Bugger off.
@Luis Martinex cringe
@Luis Martinex mad cringe
@Luis Martinex بس انت انت يا
The attack where Gael leaps into the air, fires off a cross bow volley, and then slams into the ground is one of the God damned coolest things I’ve ever seen.
I wasn’t even made when I died to it, I just thought “holy shit that was awesome”
100% my favorite boss move in the game. I could never be close to that bad-ass.
I just beat him yesterday and dying to that attack is just one of those moments where you put the controller down and just clap at your monitor
Gael is a level up of abyss watcher with more HP and cooler move
I cheesed the last phase
And this is why I love this franchise. Sometimes you just get fucked so hard that you’re not even mad.
Ashen one: *attacks Midir’s legs and does no damage, gets blasted by fire*
Midir: “you should have gone for the head”
Clever reference
Very good reference
Brilliant reference
Amazing reference
Resident Evil?
The Ringed City is the perfect DLC and fighting Gael is the perfect ending to a brilliant series.
I didn't rate the ringed city. The lore and visuals are great and the bosses are top notch. But the area is a pain in the ass and not much fun, it's nowhere close go the old hunters for me
sam cole Ringed city has 2 of the best bosses in the series,offers weapons on the level of trick weapons from bloodborne and the main city is beautiful but it’s pretty underwhelming other than that.
@@SunSeeker-iy6zl I feel like everyone sleeps on the first ash covered part of the dlc, then its demons flying you to the ringed city is in my opinion better than the anor londo one, and the demon princes are hella fun to fight against with gael and patches/lapp
momo penguins The main problem with Dark Souls 3 is that even though it has(in my opinion)the best bosses in the series,most of its areas feel like chores and its bad bosses are REALLY bad.The 2nd DLC kinda fixed this,but some of the areas still feel uninspired and boring.
Batman The Dark Knight I disagree, each game in the series has bosses like the ones you describe, and I feel that every area in the game is unique.
I always loved how the final battle in the souls series is two nobody's fighting in a city made from the ruins of past kingdoms idk I feel it just fits the dark souls theme
they're also the 2 last people alive. other then the painter. 2 nobodies fighting for the end of the world, at the end of the world
@@BunnyBunzowo dont forget the random ringed knight in the corner of the arena
Gael the Slave Knight
Phase one: a beast who tries to kill you. His movesets and aggressive approaches rival artorias and Orphan of Kos
Phase two: Guts
"artorias was my cosplayer 's Cosplay"
all phases: spongier then spongebob
It's such a badass fight, phase 3's music is the best in the series, the lightning, the screams and the landscape are perfect. he deserves the title of last dark souls boss.
Don't you mean Ludwig?
Phase 3: Heavy metal album cover
is that me in your intro mate?
When's the hollow knight experience?
Maybe you're just a trendsetter
Nah nah nah the skin tone is different.
Lenny's lost brother perhaps
Club penguin experience 3
It took me 47 tries to beat Artorias. I had to learn every single one of his attacks and learn how to roll against it and after a week of screaming and frustration, I finally took him down after a sludge attack. One of the best feelings in a souls game I’ve ever had
I remember how i first entered this DLC and was going through the forest to find a bonfire, i had just 3 estus flasks, half health, and when i saw a giant build, i thought that it was a safezone with bonfire, i came in and... holy crap i was scared af to see Artorias coming to the centre of arena. 3 estus flasks, half health and fear to die. I killed him 1 attempt and that had given me a huge doze of serotonin, so Artorias of The Abyss is my favourite boss of Souls series now :D
@@SimplCup mine is a tie... Its between Ornstein and smough... And manus... Artorias I won and was avle to beat... I could not with manus...but he is a boss that made me think
Artorias was easy af. You can literally chug through his strongest attack and not even flinch.
@@Jason-hz6cm no, he's not, you need to have skill to win him easily
I've beat him in my second try guess im a pro? Or maybe i just defeated ornstein&smough for like a thousand times and its my first time fighting artorias and i liked the fight even though i killed him with a dragontooth+5
imagine the tower knight accidentally drops his shield on his foot
SavageCabbage TNT more like:
The good thing is that he wouldn’t have a foot for Long so the pain would subside
@@bedeoof5948 pressure =force over area
"If you want the big damage, attack Midir's head"
Monster Hunter Hammer bros: I've been training my whole life for this!
Lionzero Streams i mean midir is basically safi jiva before safi was a thing lol
Way of the unga bunga
I trained in the way of the bonk, I have mastered striking the monster just right in the head to knock on its side, and then I can move in to remove one of its limbs, roast it, and then make it into my new hammer. (At least in World. I am utter shit with Hammer in Rise and the older games. Great Sword gels better with me in the older games and I’m not sure with Rise.)
i have been summoned
Make sure to tenderize it first.
"Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt..."
Listen here you old fart
I kicked your ass once
And I'll gladly kick your ass again
@@wamlythecrabgod2199 I did more than kill him.
Honestly, makes me want Gehrman in smash bros.
Ahh, Gehrman... or some say the First hunter... Grant us a good fight for bloodborne 2...
will bloodborne 2 be a prequel or a sequel if it comes out
I think Gael has been the only fight in ds3 where I never got frustrated when I died. There were too many times where I was like holy shit, that’s so cool. It’s such an amazing boss fight that I cannot help but become in awe of the fight. Not to mention the lore is so wonderful and tragic. All of this couples together to create the best boss in the entire game.
Same here with Malenia in Elden ring . Shes the blade of miquella you know?😂
@@Kistenboynah, she was just unbalanced bullshit lmfao. I bear her without summons a single time and never again lol
@@f-14enthusiast63of course you could always bring out the busted Blasphemous Blade on her. She’s hard, but her cheesability is what keeps her from being my hardest FromSoft boss. That honor goes to Nameless King
Same with Ludwig
I'm stuck on him rn, as amazing as the fight is loghtning screwed me over like 5 times now where im rolling for my life from gael and it kills me, really tilted me hard
Gael is a masterpiece of gameplay and lore while also representing the overarching themes of the world to perfection. You could write a damn novel about this character.
Gael is easy mode compared to isshin.
Gehrman in my opinion has the best lore in all series. And that lore is so sad, emotional. Despite I love Gael, Gehrman always be for me the best.
Yes I'll call it "berserk"
@@malikzeshan1958 i feel like every boss is easy mode when you get used to them, it's all about first impressions and to me gael's first impression was very very hard, from halflight to gael it made a really big difference to me at least
@@malikzeshan1958 no one is talking about the difficulty of the fight and sekiro has no connection to dark souls
If the flowers in Gehrman's arena got splattered with blood over the course of the fight it would have been perfect.
they do
*snake eater plays*
What? Why? How does that matter?
@@amiri7437 There's just a poetic grimness to splattering blood over a field of pure, white flowers. It's not really important for the mechanics of the fight, but is something that helps its presentation a lot and that boss fight is very heavy on its presentation.
I would love it started raining halfway through like in isshin's boss fight
Hand it over that #1 spot on your list
@@sealdogderp26 it's a play on words Gail sez "hand it over your Dark Soul "
@@dougp5044 oh ok damn I should have gotten that gael is my favourite boss
@@sealdogderp26 all good my friend. He is my favorite boss also
Douglas Powders Finally a conversation that doesn’t end in a r/WhOoOsH even though he didn’t get the joke
Your character in the Lady Maria cutscene killed me in my nightmares
the number one spot.
Two nobodies in the middle of nowhere fighting over nothing.
not bad
Not bad? Perfect, in fact.
More like the 2 most powerful beings ever fighting at the end of the world for the future of literally everything.
@@howielowis458 not the 2 most powerful, the 2 strongest willed undeads would be more fitting
Well, yeah. Considering the shit that happened to this world... Yeah... I guess theh are basically fighting over nothing. Cuz the Beautiful and Wonderful world of Dark Souls was basically raped and destroyed. Why do i have a feeling that the Story of Dark Souls was somewhat inspired by Evangelion?
@@markopusic8258 i mean... Everyone else is dead, so... They're basically the only survivors. Gods And everyone else Perished.
12:15 "Hello, my name is Lady Maria della Torre dell'orologio astrale. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Why in spanish language?
@@Gastonepisellone That's Italian, unless this is a joke and I just can't tell sarcasm.
@@blamethelag4992 è la seconda, mio caro
@@Gastonepisellone Ah I see, sorry then. Carry on.
@@blamethelag4992 kinda reminds me of the recent video from ThePruld about Alvina where he labels the Italian in the subtitles as 'fake spanish'.
"A slab of metal that can be barely called a sword" you've been redeemed for that Berserk ref
I mean he literally said he channeled his inner Guts :D
also starts it with summon his inner guts im thinking that was on purpose... welll played sir!
@@nyoom9814 i primarily play fat nigga build or magic builds if im really bored
Think the exact opposite of how you play Bloodbourne.
Lots of heavy armour, probably slow, maybe a shield, and a f*ck off greatsword or something like that.
Your primary stats are Vitality, Strength, and Endurance. Maybe Faith so you can heal yourself with using precious Estus Flask.
You basically take the hits that speedy Dex builds can't, due to your high Poise stat and being overall harder to knock down or be staggered.
The flip side is that you're slower and your stamina regenerates a little slower. But you take less damage.
It's personally my favourite build in the Souls series, which is why Bloodbourne kicks my ass.
@@blue_caduceus592 I've played a lot of dark souls 3 man and in my opinion Bloodbourne was far more enjoyable.
Kinda gutted that the Soul Of Cinder wasn't here, sure he's not as hard as say the Nameless King but narratively and the music always gives me the feels.
The Final Defender of the First Flame and the remnants of Gwynn.
I'm insulted that the Ivory King isn't here
Not only the remnants of Gwyn... but the remnants of all the champions who have kindled the flame. that includes you... The Chosen Undead.
Actually wish he had more power like atleast to be the strongest when he is the final boss
Soul of cinder didn't look as cool as other bosses physically, the fight was great but I was hoping for a more badass looking final boss
@@ashank9856 idk, I thought he looked fucking sick
The best and hardest bosses:
5:Covetous Demon
4:Prowling magus and congregation
1:True king Allant
Bonus:Witch of Hemwick
100% agreed
You missed bed of chaos
@@James.Stark.Ben.Edition nah bed of chaos sucks ass. But ROM is the real MVP
Oh,and the Deacons of the Deep
@@SymplyAmazingJD b-but rom was actually good (the one outside the chalice dungeons, that is)
“Summoned his inner Guts...” yup that’s the most Guts fight in all of Dark Souls
@Chephren Parker gael would murder guts in seconds
@Chephren Parker I mean, Gael is literally the most powerful being any dark souls protagonist has ever faced in any of the games. maybe not seconds but i'm not sure guts would last more than 5 minutes
@Chephren Parker Ashen One is the strongest DS protagonist and the only one who's actually fought Gael so I'll be referring to him. The difference between the two is that Ashen One both survived to the end of time (literally, the only things left alive at the Gael boss fight is AO, Gael and some random ringed knight) so that alone should say how powerful he is. Second, DS3's main final boss, Soul of Cinder, is literally the amalgamation of every Lord, including Gwyn, and also Chosen Undead himself. So you're essentially getting gang banged by DS1's protagonist as well as every major boss in the entire series at once and still come out on top. And yeah, he has insane luck, but is that really a valid feat? Could Nathan Drake kill Spiderman just because of insane luck? I don't think so. Lastly, Guts' Beserker Armor is pretty much plot armor. He would have easily died by Grunheld when he turned into a dragon if Guts wasn't wearing it. A dragon. Something that each DS protagonist has killed at least twice. Not to mention, Ashen One killed Midir, which was pretty much the most powerful dragon in all of DS lore.
@@boypiss Nah gael is quick, but guts is faster. I've seen guts take down guys much more powerful than gael. I mean, he took down Mozgus who was said to have impenetrable armor, could literally fly and breath fire like a dragon. His wings crushed his enemies, and his feathers become fists, which can pulverize his enemies many times over. Yet guts endured multiple of his attacks, and eventually killed him. Meanwhile, in this game, you can kill gael with a dagger if you're good enough, whereas guts is wielding a gigantic sword, automatic crossbow, cannon arm, throwing knives and bombs. Plus guts has the berserker armor, which increases your strength and speed to unimaginable levels. It also makes him ignore pain completely, amplifies negative emotions which makes you fight harder, and it can temporarily repair debilitating wounds like broken bones by injecting thin spines from itself, into the broken bones and set them back in their proper places to restore the limb's functionality. Not to mention the armor can repair itself. He could literally just outmanoeuvre gael, and cut him in half with his sword. If gael tried it, his sword would be stopped by the berserker armor, and guts would probably just cut gael's arm off. Also guts was able to fend off zodd (an actual god of war), even when he wasn't in his prime. If you've seen any guts anime, you can easily tell he moves much faster than you (the unkindled), and has much more strength. When using an ultra greatsword, your character swings it at a barely reasonable speed in combat, whereas guts would be swinging it around as if it weighed as much as a regular shortsword. Even without the armor, guts is very tenacious, not making any stupid decisions in combat and keeping his cool.
11:01 "Do you find it risible when I say the name... Biggus... Dickus?"
I'm late but man, this is GOLD!!!!
"Next time you see something you're afraid of, just eat it."
*Me, looking at syringe:*
Finally some good fuckin' food
I really enjoyed the Abyss Watchers the music and how their souls all merged into one was awesome plus the fire effects
It wasn't their souls it was "wolves' blood"
The Abyss Watchers was definitely my favorite at least in Dark Souls 3. I loved the intro and the story behind why they are fighting, and also how they continue to fight each other during the boss fight
Jared Sergent not the hardest but at the time I first tried them it was by far, scaling wise. And it was just a beautiful fight all together
‘ I’m flowey the flower’
@@M.A.R.S. Ah ah ah there souls all merged when they took on the wolves blood
Gael really is the best Soulsborne boss. Music, arena, lore, epicness, gameplay and difficulty. Everything.
@@thekillers1stfan ;)
@@PoorEdward Reply.
I agree with this
thekillers1stfan in terms of difficulty, sure, but not in terms of lore and overall boss quality.
‘’Cries in dark souls 2’’
Sir Alonne :(
Fume knight
The only two good bosses.
@@0816M3RC I think it had a few good bosses besides those 2 and it was the first soulsborne game I played and it is still a great game just the worst of the souls games I played
mirror knight sir alonne fume knight aava sinh and of course the best the famous covetous demon
Dude... I can't take everything seriously when i'm dying of laughing from this 11:00
His character looks like Jey Leno
The face you see in your nightmares 😂
his character looks like he doesn't want to be kissed
Sammmmeee bro
Honestly, as controversial as it might be to say this, but my favorite boss comes from Dark Souls 2.
The Burnt Ivory King
From his graceful fighting style, and epic arena, with a unique mechanic that really makes you feel like the area you have been fighting through has lead up to this point,
to the lore implications of the Chaos being the Bed of Chaos, left untended,
to the character himself being a true, selfless hero, loyal to his country and people, perhaps being one of the few true good people in Soulsborne,
He just is my favorite.
I think my favorite part about him, is the lore behind him though, often forgotten. Him, a fabled warrior from a far-off land, traveling to a land he has no duty to, simply because he heard someone was needed, beating back the chaos personally, choosing to build his throne right above the chaos he swore to guard, making him the first line of defense for his people.
On top of that, he managed to do what no one else could, and fundamentally changed a child of dark, which could have ruined him like they did so many others. Loving her as his queen to the very end, even if it meant his ruin, making a being of pure fear gain the confidence to be a self-less warden herself. And finally, dying a hero's death.
I have nothing but respect for the Ivory King as a character. Does not help that his transposed weapon is one of my favorites to use as well.
couldnt have said it better myself, ivory king has so much story to him the way it is told is just beautiful
I'm glad you noted the lore implications of Alsanna taking the Ivory King's place guarding over the Old Chaos after his "death". Unlike the other three shards of Manus' soul, she was rehabilitated by her environment and managed to find comfort through love and courage rather than through deceit and power. It speaks to how strong the Ivory King was as a leader, and it forces us to question if our Bearer of the Curse has what it takes to be a true monarch if a man like the Ivory King failed to do it. I'm spit on how much I like his actual boss fight, but there's no doubt in my mind that he's one of the most interesting characters in the series as a whole.
But he's in Dark Souls 2 thus he isn't worthy in this list.
@@IrrelevantOaf Sadly that is what most people think.
Idontcare news It's the cold hard truth that most people consider DS2 a failure. Personally it's my favorite outta the three because I adore the lore and some of the bosses like Fume Knight, Sir Aloone, Sihn, Ivory King Pursuer, Dark Lurker, and even the Smelter Demon (Don't judge me).
The hunter fights in Bloodborne are fights I will never forget Gerhman and Lady Maria especially
But you gotta appreciate Ludwig's theme
Im dead Inside it still gives me goosebumps
They r fights aren't they
and while Gascoigne isn't really the tutorial boss of BB (Cleric Beast would be), is the first mandatory boss and, among all the first mandatory bosses in the franchise, he's the only one i still kinda struggle against... Even if there are harder bosses in BB, the music and the lore makes him one of my favorite in the whole franchise
"Didn't get the artorias feel"
Literally throws a corpse at you like artorias did.
Idk much about bloodborne, but I have to agree with the DS bosses
play bloodborne wtf its so so good
@@mithex8414 would, but busy with sekiro. Perhaps after
If you liked rolling around and two handing weapons and believe the only use for a shield is the pareezzz than play bloodborne as soon as you are done with sekiro.
Artorias feels overrated for me. He's kinda outdated in term of difficulty and moveset variety. His OST is mediocre to me.
He's still in my Top 4 DS1 bosses, but I strongly disagree with #3 of the ENTIRE FRANCHISE.
He's quite agile for his appearance as a hulking husk of a great knight, with his somersaults and such. Even his corruption comes in to have a swing at you. DS bosses never really progressed in difficulty; they just are different with their mechanics. Artorias is an iconic boss with an interesting story behind him. Well deserved top 5
Gael is the kind of boss you start fighting and realize, damm this has got the be the best boss in the game
>"Top 10 Best Bosses in the Souls Series"
>Not a single boss from Ds2
Fume knight is one of my favorites boss battles of all time, it definitely deserved a spot on the list or at least an honorable mention
@@cesarleon451 or the burnt ivory king
I would have put Sir Alonne.
@Mr P Bad 2 maybe the burnt ivory king
Yep. As it should be.
I remember I woke up real early one morning and decided to fight Midir. It took me 5 gruesome hours to finally get his moveset down and after I beat him I was so happy. I immediately went to fight Gael, thinking he would be much harder and was surprised to see it took me half the time it did to beat Midir. Both were great fights though and left me with a feeling of accomplishment that I've never felt in a souls game before.
“Hand it over, that thing, your number one spot.”
It's not a soulsborne game
“I need it for my ladys painting”
"For my lady's top 10 list"
I think the four kings might be my favorite just based on how terrifying the setting is. You fall down a hole only to find yourself in the absolutely pitch black darkness of the abyss with the only physical things you can see being the four eldritch horrors trying to murder you. What makes it even more terrifying is when you didn't even know about the abyss beforehand
but then you just put your havel set and tank every hit, heal, tank, hit hit hit, heal, tank, hit hit hit, they are dead...
From a gameplay perspective, they are really eh. I mean, they are fun when you don't go full Havel, but why would you do that?
@@MouseR985 They're not really though, since you still have to deal with the obnoxious DPS check. One king is fun (limited moveset though), but the fun suddenly drops massively once you have to deal with several at once.
Gael is such a good fight.
You're at the end of the world, fighting a disgraced Knight. He's consumed half of the world at this point, bearing the most Dark of anything.
In Phase 2 he somersaults, summons lightning, has a repeating crossbow and, most dangerous of all, can teleport.
He is undoubtedly the most badass boss in the whole series.
No.1 on my list.
10. Orphan
9. Artorious
8. Nameless
7. Ornstein and Smough
6. Maria
5. Gehrman
4. Friede
3. Kalameet
2. Ludwig
1. Gael
I like that we agree with the top 2. I love Ludwig, but Gael was just too nice of a fight to not be #1.
it's better than this list for sure
Where's Pinwheel? Best boss of all Soulsborne.
Maria's too low
Huh. Kalameet number 3 but Midir is not on the list at all? That's...interesting. Oh well, it's your list. I also love all the bosses you listed.
Dude, welcome back, from the bottom of my heart. I was so worried you were done with UA-cam. Will there be a place for us casual UA-cam folk to view playthroughs? I really wanted to see the rest of Spider-Man and I REALLY wanted to see the Kingdom Hearts games
You should check the video where he announced his return there will be no more playthroughs on youtube
you spoke what I was thinking all the time.
I’m happy he’s finally putting all his time
Into UA-cam I always felt like if he would have just stayed consistent and uploaded about 3 quality videos a week his channel would’ve easily had 500,000 plus subscribers by now but he instead took a break but now he’s back so he can do it !!!
Welcome back to the land of the living.
Yeah, he isn’t uploading playthroughs to UA-cam anymore. But you can always watch them on Twitch. I think the VODs last 100 days or something like that, so if there is something you want to watch that he’s played recently, you have plenty of time.
My favourite boss is the abyss watchers from ds3, the closest boss I've ever had on my first playthrough, I won with 0 estus left and about 1/8 of my health I went for one last hit as they swung and we hit at almost the same time he died and I was left on none visable health, plus they look cool as hell and have a really elegant fighting style, favourite boss sound track is gwyn from ds1
Same for me! My favorite thing was the one abyss watcher doing the legion etiquette gesture as the intro cutscene. It looked so badass holding the greatsword and the dagger thing
I had almost the same feeling, and later Champion Gundyr gave it back
It was one of the hardest boss fight for me. He is very fast, very aggressive and precise. And both phases were hard for me, when 3 of them spawned at once and all of them were coming for me... damn... and second phase was even harder
Man I cannot get the hype behind abyss watchers tbh, they’re the first great boss in ds3 but there are so many fights after just in the main game that outshine it in terms of atmosphere, intensity, move set, difficulty, and overall enjoyment. Only thing this boss excels at is its ost, which is top 5 boss osts in soulsborne but still, I find the boss itself to be good but not this Fromsoft magnum opus
@@sleddinggybe142 just a preference, they look amazing and make you feel like you’re fighting the devil himself… his move set is one of the best looking in all of dark souls since it’s so clean looking which really makes him nice to fight even when you’re getting beat up
I absolutely agree with Gael being the best, though I'd say the boss he reminds me of the most is actually Ludwig, with his first phase being barely more than a beast, galloping toward you on all fours, completely erratic and barely articulate, but once you hit the cutscene, he remembers what he is doing and reverts back to a more ordered assault where he stands on two legs and uses his sword and crossbow.
I also think that the fight is purposely designed to keep players from getting frustrated. The first phase is, in my opinion, way harder than the rest since his attacks are very erratic as opposed to his second and third phase, which are way more spectacular but also a lot more telegraphed, so it's mainly about outlasting phase 1 with enough Estus to last you through the rest. And when you lose the endurance fight, you don't feel annoyed the way you do with, say, Orphan of Kos. Instead you feel motivated because "if I'd had just one more Estus I would have won this!" So you go back to phase one and try to keep that one more Estus. This pushes your frustration toward phase 1, not phase 2 or 3.
Also, if you pay close attention, Gael can actually get hit by the lightning strikes and it does a whopping 1 damage to him. I find that hilarious whenever it happens.
I'd be lying if I said that I never CONTEMPLATED getting Gael to kill himself with his own lightning. Never did it, but the thought that it's possible amuses me. =)
For me the first phase was always the easiest. The moves seemed so much easier to dodge than later phases
If you can see closely at 3:38, you can see Ornstein and Smough's third companion trying to enter the fight because he came in late.
I paused at the right time and there is nothing
That fog gate closed too damn fast man.
Colby McAllister its the fog gate dude
Gael's first phase is him where he believes his journey is still not yet complete or even failed despite all it took to get here only to have what he needed dried up, he's lashing out, tossing you around, and throwing himself with reckless abandon at you as he doesn't care, the Dark Soul is all that matters and composure when you have nothing left to lose is meaningless. When he realises the Dark Soul may now be inside him, he picks himself up and chooses to give you a proper fight as to die a warrior and be killed properly and not like a dogged fool, using all kinds of miracles, damaged equipment, the powers of his magic scarf cape thing, even using his damaged executioner sword correctly now to make you fight like hell. My respect to him.
This man talks faster than Boris Johnson
Try watching this on 2x like I just did.
@@MiroslawHorbal theres no diffrence!
@@SUCCTION08 lmao
Sounds cringey too. Like he is belittling the games.
you underestimate the people in ads
4:51 Smough gets as big as Seath and Ornstein becomes pure electricity
We need that fight
Nameless kings' hand is shaking when he absorbs his Drake's soul... That's kinda sad...
I like how Ornstein actually checks to see if Smough is dead or not unlike Smough...
@@squalinator I read a theory somewhere that smough wanted to give ornstein a more honorable death than being killed by an undead, but I don't know if there was any evidence
@@squalinator That would make a lot more sense, lol
@@squalinator isn't ornstein actually still alive, considering that it's hinted that he went to search for the nameless king
Gael is so inspired on Artorias that both of them throw an enemy against you
Idk. Artorias more so than any other boss felt more like a dance. I'm Happy enough that he's #3 though
his battle is a mix of orphan of kos and ludwig
The character's face at 15:53 is a perfect summation of how I felt finding out Friede had NOT JUST TWO, BUT *THREE* phases.
How about we all agree that Leechmonger is the true best Souls boss
Nah dude. forlorn from DS2
@@midnighttmorn Forlorn is so OP that he doesnt care that you have killed him 15 times, he is always back
@@ChibiGwen no need for bonfire aesthetics either
@@midnighttmorn ;)
that's an odd way of spelling covetous demon XD
A lot of people find DS3 to be much harder than the other games, namely people who started with it. It's really just a matter of which game you start with. Once you know how the series works it's a lot easier to get through.
Not really, I started with ds1 way back then, played every "soulsgame" and every dlc, and both DS3 and Bloodborne are in another level of dificulty, if you take into account every boss in the game, no boss is DS1 comes close to any boss in any of the dlcs of DS3(excluding wolf boy and oldmonk 2.0), or Bloosborn's Ludwig, Orphan, defiled dungeon watchdog, just to name a few. If you want to compare the base game, I'll say that DS3 is defenetly harder than DS1 boss-wise, some areas on DS1 might be harder if you are not familiar with them, as for Bloodborne VS DS1 basegame I think that's more debatable.
I played ds3 first it was a hard game yes..then played ds1 found that it is a balanced game in terms of difficulty. But when i played ds2 i found it very hard harder than ds3... take in mind that i never use (summons/parry's vs bosses/shields/summons) in all my playthroughs. Unlike ds3. Ds2 doesnt have harder bosses but harder enemy's harder invades/areas and harder mechanics such as (less s/ Harder stamina management/healing mechanics...)
Michael Mahoney I think some of the main factors of difficulty with DS1 is the clunkiness in the gameplay. It certainly isn’t buttery smooth to play like DS3 (not talking fps), but DS3 boss design is certainly harder and has multiphased fights. Which is designed in function with the faster gameplay. If you threw DS3 or BB bosses into DS1 oooh boy.
Well, maybe, but I started with Dark Souls 1 and got pretty good at it, but found that my preferred strategy, a slow but powerful weapon and a bigass shield, put me at a pretty significant disadvantage when I started DS3. Mind you, I never play any PvP in either game, but regardless, shields leave you much more vulnerable in DS3 to kicks and certain weapon arts, and that's discounting their much smaller hitboxes, so the entirely new playstyle I had to adapt to meant I found it very hard.
@@Kahez It mostly depends on your style of play. For me, so far all of the bosses in DS3 except Pontiff were easy kills (last one I beat was Dragonslayer Armour). I killed Dancer on my first try, Yhorm with the Stormruler is on the level of Pinwheel, Aldrich is a joke if you're using a buff. Manus is way harder to beat than half of the bosses in DS3.
Isshin the Sword Saint:"Hold my sake".
We looking at the best not the easiest
Isshin deserves a spot on the list of best bosses, definetly
I think he should be second after Gael, and demon of hatred in top 10 too
Never Gonna Find Me he’s not east
The boss area for Isshin is so beautiful and epic at the same time especially in the last phase with all the lightning. Also his entry is so fucked up and that final shot when you execute him has to be the best game endings Fromsoft has done. Sekiro is more cinematic than DS and BB because of the final execution blow you do after defeating the bosses.
I always like to give Honorable mentions to the Ivory King fight in the Dark Souls 2 DLC as one of the most fun fights in the franchise. While base game was perhaps disappointing to a lot of people, the DLCs all being interconnected with incredible, changing architecture and the final boss being more of an all out epic High Fantasy battle at the heart of chaos with allies AND enemies. It really feels like a grand event and I adore it every single time.
@@bigsmall2842 yeah maybe O&S but not artorias
I didn't play any of the DS2 DLC's because the base game was so bad, but I went and watched a video of the Ivory King fight after seeing your comment and I gotta say I don't understand the allure. Copy+Pasted allies vs Copy+Pasted enemies which then culminates in a boss who has a pretty narrow moveset that is largely defeated pretty easily and the same way as every other boss by that point in the series (Roll+2xR1). Not to be a downer I just don't see how he would even hit Honorable Mentions over almost any boss in either Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3.
@@jackwalker1405 I suppose its one of those things that had to be experienced in the moment. It's important to remember that at the time, this was all the souls we had.
I would say that if we take I to account all the from soft games published up to today pretty much every fight in the first few souls games start to fall behind. Even Artorias, to me, doesn't compare to half the bosses in Elden Ring for spectacle and grandeur and fun.
I would even go so far to say that the allure for me is much the same as the General Radahn fight, a massive arena full of a lot of characters all fighting in a much bigger battle than your usual 1v1 or 1v2 souls experience.
You're totally entitled to your opinion, but for me it was the highlight boss fight of that game.
Ivory king is annoying sometimes because you have to go throught all the knights every time he kills you and the king himself, while much better than most ds2 bosses, is really not anything special when compared to some other bosses. Great lore tho. I would give a honorable mention to sir alonne
@@bigsmall2842 Artorias might not be as impressive today as he was when he came out, it's just a fact that bosses have gotten better with time, but there are 2 arguments I always use when advocating for him. The first and most obvious is that outside the fight itself, you're fighting Artorias and all the lore implications that come with it that you learned throughout the base game. When you see him, you know that you're up against a legend. You can't say that about something like Sullyvhan, yes he has lore behind him but before encountering him you basically know nothing about him and even after the fact you really have to dig to find out who he even is.
And the second argument being... While Artorias has definitely aged, his fight is still impressive. That boss came out in 2011 yet he's mechanically more complex than literally every boss in DS2 DLC included barring maybe Fume Knight, and he even has speed and agressivity to boot. He was so ahead of his time that he honestly wouldn't be that out of place in DS3, it's incredible just how fleshed out he is for such an ancient boss.
I think you meant "a Charged Up Smough and a Super Sized Ornstein."
Waiting for this comment lol. Love your vids Ray
didn't expect to see you here
Ray i love your videos
what you doing here ? go one shot every soulborne boss again lol
Okay i'm on number 2 now, and if Pinwheel isn't number 1 i'll be mad
Be mad
I will die lol
Screw Pinwheel. Bed of Chaos is where it's at.
@@Londoniusthe3rd Uh, Covetous Demon and Prowling Magus & Congregation are so much better and way harder.
Gael's second phase soundtrack is my favorite game music ever.
MistaGitGud agreed, isshin is also a honorable mention.
I would agree with you if second phase
Soul of cinder didnt exist
Unorthodox opinion:
The Demon Prince is a fully perfected form of the Ornstein and Smough duo battle and deserves a spot more than O&S.
Hear me out on this.
O&S is regarded as a "balanced" fight because Ornstein is quick, has lower defense and does less damage while Smough does more damage, but is tankier and slower. A lot of other shitty ganks in the series don't follow this, often by having both enemies be a combination of too fast, too aggressive, or just otherwise annoying.
However, in practice, Smough still closes the gap annoyingly fast due to his charge attack, making it difficult to separate him from Ornstein if you have bad RNG. Ornstein's charge attack is also broken as fuck, we all know that. It's also literally wasted effort attacking both due to the Phase 2 trigger instantly healing the remaining one of the two to full health and negating anything you did to them.
However, Ornstein and Smough ARE iconic as fuck in gaming at large and not just Dark Souls for being the quintessential "holy fuck this game is hard" boss everyone pointed to when Dark Souls first rocked the gaming world in 2011. That's something no other boss can top them with. Almost everyone that started with the original Dark Souls remembers well the horror stories people would tell of Ornstein and Smough beating them over 30 times before they finally succeeded with only 10 health left. (I beat them my first try)
Now, compare them to the Demon Prince. Unlike Smough, who is SUPPOSED to be fat and slow but in reality charges at you like an angry freight train constantly, the Demons ARE the perfect combination of fast & quick vs slow & dangerous. When one of the two demons is on fire, they attack rapidly and charge after you but do less damage per attack and telegraph well. Comparatively, the extinguished demon slowly follows you, but uses dangerous toxic ranged attacks to ensure you still have to treat him as a threat. Easily dodged, but still incredibly lethal if you aren't paying attention. And unlike Ornstein and Smough, any damage you do to both demons matters. Once the first one is defeated, the second doesn't flip you the bird and heal to full, they keep the damage you did to them. During this whole process as well, they switch up their tactics to ensure that you can't just target one of the two specifically without facing potential consequences. Killing Ornstein is regarded as much easier as you can keep him baited outside of Smough's range to effectively remove Smough from the first part of the fight.
And then, once you defeat BOTH the demons, not just one, the second phase ALSO changes depending on which demon you killed first. Just like Ornstein became huge and got a lightning buttslam and Smough gained lightning damage (and a lightning buttslam lol), the Demon Prince brings new, dangerous attacks to the table as a consequence of your Phase 1 fight. But unlike buttslams and basic lightning damage, this changes if the Prince fires gigantic mouth beams at you if you move too far away, or if they cast fireball pyromancies and tries to keep its distance from you.
As DeMod said, Ornstein and Smough is supposed to be a "fatty and slim" but just ends up being a "wow Smough moves annoying fast" and having very little actual chances to attack one or the other. The "fatty and slim" becomes "fattyslim and slim". The Demon in Pain and the Demon from Below ARE slow and fast separately. The extinguished demon actively stays out of direct combat instead of chasing you down like Smough ISN'T supposed to, and the ignited one encourages you to attack him by chasing you down like Ornstein IS supposed to. You have a true "fatty and slim" instead of one on paper but not in execution.
The Demon Prince takes everything about the Ornstein and Smough fight and enhances it to act better and more refined. Instead of Fromsoft trying and failing repeatedly to capture more lightning in a bottle, they looked at the old bottled lighting on their shelf labled O&S and thought "What if we just made our previous success better?"
xdude228 plus it’s not buggy like O and S
xdude228 I mean you’re absolutely right, but nostalgia will cloud people’s judgment
Kahgro "people dont agree with me? so it must be nostalgia"
@@jazzmaster909 I do normally put it like that, but in this case the love for Ornstein and Smough is very much correlated to nostalgia. Demon's Souls was a thing but everyone really remembers Dark Souls 1 as the first Souls game, and Ornstein and Smough were a very prominent and key part of that game, so much so that EVERYONE always remembers them. How many people actually remember the Gaping Dragon or the Moonlight Butterfly off the top of their head when somebody mentions Dark Souls bosses? In contrast, the Demon Prince is quite literally the 4th-to-last Dark Souls boss EVER to be released. Even though I love them a lot, I still forget them often due to the fact that I rarely fight them, as they are completely end-game DLC and Dark Souls 3 is a VERY long game compared to the few hours it takes a seasoned player to get to Anor Londo and face Ornstein and Smough. Keep in mind that the Ringed City is actually the only DLC in the entire franchise that requires mandatory completion of the entire vanilla game before you can access it. Oolacile can be accessed directly after you kill Ornstein and Smough, the DS2 DLCs are scattered around the game in various stages through to mid-end game, and the Painted World of Ariandel is nearly at the start of Dark Souls 3. tldr: Compared to the dozens of times people have fought Ornstein and Smough in the average DS1 playthrough, paired with DS1 just being around longer, the Demon Prince is often forgotten for statistically being one of the least-fought bosses in the Souls franchise.
In terms of mechanics, arguments can be made, but I will hold that the Demon in Pain and the Demon from Below are statistically provable mechanical upgrades from Ornstein and Smough. It's the same concept, the same arena filled with debris to block fireballs, and the same "quick and light damage + slow and heavy damage", just finally perfected.
So basically O & S but perfected
Personally I found Ludwig's second phase pretty easy, especially in contrast to the brutal first phase. In my first playthrough I got thrashed by the Accursed over and over again, but it only took me getting to the Holy Blade twice for me to down him, which felt pretty anticlimactic. While that second phase is a glorious spectacle, that vast difference in difficulty keeps him from being one of my personal favorite fights.
The accursed phase is very easy, in my experience. Very readable and VERY punishable, and I got him to second phase almost every single time. HOLY BLADE PHASE on the other hand is the hardest boss fight in the game, 100x harder then beast form ludwig. I guess everybody differs.
Yeah the holy blade is really not that hard
Yeah same, I struggled with the unpredictable and warped form of many of the beast enemies in the game. Ludwig gave me more trouble than anyone aside from the Orphan, but when he hit phase 2 it was way easier. His attacks just feel far more logical and less varied, still a very cool fight though.
just finished BB for the first time the other day and had this exact same experience
Not even an honorable mention for Sir Alonne. Rude. Also welcome back.
Sir Alonne is an epic warrior but his black swipe attack that you can only dodge to one side (for no reason other than bad hitbox) and the super annoying path to the boss really degrade the experience.
Easily my favorite part of dks2.
Also, he's a DkS2 boss. So no...
@@snapslav end yourself. He put shitty Bloodborne bosses on this list. (Maria is fine)
@@KindredFenrir Bloodborne is 100x better than ds2. And how are Ludwig and Gehrman shitty bosses?
My favorite boss so far is The Orphan of Kos. I can always feel him going after me, if I stop moving he gets me. Plus the lore is pretty good
Same. The boss arena is also my favourite in the series
His intro cutscene is so cool, and it's a very hard but fair challenge. If only I could use his placenta weapon...
Orphan was probably my favorite boss too. I love how , even when Id get my butt kicked by him, I didnt get frustrated because it felt fair :)
shiori p yeah, but it’s bot the same with Lawrence, The First Vicar. He is so annoying!
Lawrence gave me a lot of trouble :( in fact I would say that Lawrence was up there with abhorrent beast, which was my personal hardest fight. That fight doesnt feel fair at all lol.
We missed you brooo
You inspired me to make my own gaming channel
I’m glad you got a new drive for UA-cam
Motivates me more
With all do respect, most game-related content on this website is trash. Not demodcracy, he's one of the few exceptions, in my opinion.
@@purplehaze2358 you just insulted about 70% of youtube's content creators
@@kitkat-zr6lg Your point being?
@@kitkat-zr6lg 98% of that 70%'s content is trash. Also, not liking someone's content is entirely different from not liking someone as a person. I'm insulting their content, not them. Also, when 98% of 70% of content on this website is trash, that's pretty telling of where this site is going.
Dr Bright 83. Dr bright is not allowed upload visual memetic kill agents to any imageboards
I love how ironic it is that at 13:26 he says “dodge an attack perfectly” with footage of him getting whacked
RoachDogg Jr Frieda was really hard at that time because I wasn’t great at the souls games, I just bought ds3 again on ps4 (I was Xbox) to get my revenge on Friede, Gael and midair. Because I beat isshin with bell demon and no resurrection. I’m far greater at this moment. I’m just here redeem myself of dying 20+ times on each bosses.
Ornstein zooming around is the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long while
"Nyooooom!"--Ornstein, probably
Im gonna fly for you!
"Zoom Zoom Orstein, round and round Anor Londo he goes, where he stops NOBODY KNOWS"
why am I watching this I don’t even play Dark Souls
you are missing out on life
Same, but I can appreciate the lore, and the cinematics. My favorites are Atorias and Midir
daniel these videos got me into souls
ye honestly these are what I'm watching to hype myself up to get into Souls games
Even though O&S was an absolute struggle for me to get through, I couldn’t help but appreciate the design of the fight and it was an insanely satisfying victory when I finally beat them. Even when I was still trying to figure it out, I could feel that it was very possible to win and I just needed to keep trying. A lot of times gang bosses feel almost impossible but O&S despite the difficulty is still accessible. It was definitely the first major wall for me but when I got past it I felt like I could take on anything, and just the experience of defeating ornstein and smough gave me a level of confidence that carried me through the rest of the game with little trouble. If you can beat O&S you can beat the game, and if you can beat dark souls you can beat any other game in the series
Amazing comment and deserves way more likes.
I relate to this comment so much. Just beat gael and soul of cinder today and I was thinking about how much confidence beating o&s for the first time gave me (I completed the Dark souls games in order)
10. Abyss Watchers
9. Abyss Watchers
8. Abyss Watchers
7. Abyss Watchers
6. Abyss Watchers
5. Abyss Watchers
4. Abyss Watchers
3. Abyss Watchers
2. Gaping Dragon
1. Watchers of the Abyss
Malachi Casad Casual.
I 100% agree with this list lol
My favorite boss so far is the abyss watchers. I havent known anything about the souls/borne series until about a month ago. I saw dark souls 3 at my local family dollar for 13 bucks, and thought, "well, my friends like the series, so i should give it a try". I went into dark souls 3 only knowing that it was considered the easiest. I didnt like the high stats and levels of the other classes, so for my first ever play through i chose deprived, and boy did i make a descision that i dont regret one bit. It starts off strong with a boss fight immediatly after the tutorial, and as a complete noob to darks souls' fuckery, this caught me more off guard than ive ever been. After 30 sweaty minutes i managed to beat ludex gundyr down with my club. After that, im completely hooked. I already have over 50 hours since i bought it a week ago, and i have to say its pretty much my life now. I have only just gotten to champion gundyr and it made me stop and take a minute to reflect on what had transpired in these last days. I realized i went from knowing barely the name of the game, to loving it with everything i have. Throughout my years, i never had any trouble with games, they always came naturally to me, until i got to dark souls 3. For the first time ever i had to think, strategize, and formulate new ways of thinking that i couldnt comprehend 2 weeks ago. For an inexperienced player to go into dark souls as a deprived, i found the game to be the most challenging one of my life. My friend told me that some people quit when they get to the abyss watchers, which only put more fuel on the flame. It took me 3 painstaking hours to defeat the abyss watchers, and when i did, it was the moment of reckoning. Dark souls 3 hit me. Hard. Upon completion of the first lord of cinder, thats when my real journey began. And to any new players to the series, dont give up, itll only get better.
Ps, i just beat the game, and am currently on my journey number 2
People quit on pontiff not watchers
Haha, maaan. Amazing story, it was almost the same for me. I choosed sorcerer and first half of the game cock suckage was hard, I summoned help to half of the fights but after Abyss watchers I bet all bosses myself except Aldrich and sister Friede +Ringed fights :) My magic longsword +10 and staff +10 with intelligence 50+ finally made me strong and I even started to PVP, lol :) Than I went into NG+ as cleric (thanks for respec) and made a new characted as knight... Finished game in 66 hours with dlcs first time, than 51 hours, than 40+ hours. Than finished BB, DS2 and DS1R. The last one still being the pain in the ass not because of bosses (mostly easy) but because of darkness, narrow passages and scarce bonfires. I realised why people love series, you really want to get better. First game where I seriously was learning to play, learning boss movement etc. etc. This game made quaranteen so much better and co19 doesnt exist because you are fighting Kos or 4 kings :D It is matter of time when I will buy PS5 for demon souls R and Elden Ring, haha. Amazing games.
For new players - I'd say dont be shy to summon help your first walkthrough, you may have 2nd, 3rd or 4th one when you will be able to beat all bosses with no help :) Yes, I think as far as battles got DS3 is the best, atmosphere, lvl design, vibes etc. BB definately, so mad. BB DLC add new difficulty layer, I actually summoned help for all hardest boss fights but even than it was super challenging and exciting. DS2 a bit.... I dont know, completed just 1 time. As much as I hated some parts of DS1R I still beat it 3 times. Well, Blighttown, Fortress and Tomb are a pain. Tomb with all darkness feels like cheap design choice, guys didnt know how to make hard and exciting levels those years (hello DS3 and BB). Still the vibe of DS1R is strong... It has something what makes you want to return and try another class, haha.
Games have faults of course, but they are sooo goood anyway... PVP could be better, balance not so good, servers are lagging, some OP builds exist... Dont care, I play this games for insane PVE and a bit of coop. Wish they made game DESIGNED for coop boss battles like Monster hunter but raising number of people to 6-10 players with buffs, classes, spells, paladins etc :)
I consider 1 the easiest
@@strangegreenthing only with sorcerer. Levels are harder. Only bosses easier.
Gael as number 1? I think i just came! Honestly i shouldnt even try to put it into words whats awesome about this fight; music lore, the fight itself, everything was over the top awesome! I fought gael up until NG+7 and died probably more time than i would ever admit. However no matter how many times i fought him, sometimes it just gets to me and i get the sudden urge to fight him again, which says something on its own for i have rarely done multiple playthroughs in videogames as a whole. Also the second phase cutscene is in my opinion the most epic, badass, intimidating in the whole series! First phase you have bean beatin the shit out of this whithered old beardy dude, he finally gets to his knees, loses his mind completely, goes hollow stands up again, changes the weather, two-hands his swords, music changes-whoops i might have co
me again! And i feel no shame about it at all!
Edit; On top of that gael also functions as the final boss of such a great series i had so much fun to play, and due to the high difficulty its gonna take a good chunk of your time and patience before you can finally end your journey. The expectations of being the last boss of this series have been pretty high by default, cinder was cool and had fanservice, but the ultimate challenge kinda lacked, gael however far surpassed the already high expectations and in my opinion is more than worthy of being the final boss to this series!
Same with me although i have to say, that im not skillfull enough to take him down in ng+8. What damn its some of the finest work in all of video game history
You came to some guy on the internet putting a boss you like in a certain position in a countdown video? *Nice.*
You forgot ‘have’ between might and came
Gael Gael is Gael is my favourite boss in all of gaming
Gael is the best bos in all of gaming in my opinion and he doesn't even sound like the best boss in ds3 since the abyss watcher r a fusion of artorias and maria
also I hope sekiro can give us a boss even close to his level of amazing
I absolutely love the abyss watchers. The cutscene was amazing and I loved the friendly knight idea.
One of my favourite bosses in the series is Twin Princes because ds3 was my first game in the series and the whole game is build around that boss fight. Everytime in firelink shrine you see the highest throne and from almost any area in the game you look at lothric castle which is named after the younger prince and finally are given the chance to face this guy after beating yhorm aldrich and abyss watchers and walking in the bridge of the castle just oww... it's pretty balanced and challenging but also one of the most creative boss designs and movesets overall. Wish you added him instead of Pontiff.
definitely deserves to be on the list instead of Pontiff. really cool how the big bro is crawling around on his knees most of the time and has little bro hanging on his back.
+1 on this. Agreed with basically everything on the list except for Pontiff. Twin Princes is one memorable fight.
Naw, Pontiff also deserved his spot too. But I guess the real travesty here is that this list only has 10 spots, since DS3 has some very memorable bosses.
It's fun walking into a castle and kicking the shit out of two crippled manlets
I also love what Lothric says when you defeat him. It's sends chills down my spine.
Ranking just 10 of the best bossed must be so hard, every boss here is valid but I can't help but think "but what about sir allone, soul of cinder, abyss watchers, demon princes, gascoigne, orphan of kos?" Just so many amazing bosses in this series, I can't imagine having to pick just 10
One does not simply pick 10
Gael is absolutely my favorite boss out of these, but I actually wish they made it so you would stagger him less often. That would make the fight perfect in my eyes
“And in some way I even began to enjoy that you can’t get a hit in after every dodge”
Ah yes, the classic masochist souls player
11:00, I had to stop the video I was laughing so much.
15:51 had me weaaak
Yo can we get Gehrman as a character just so we can have the character card “GEHRMAN! JOINS THE HUNT!”
Oh my god, you should do a list called "Top 10 BMIs in Bloodsouls"
Gael is definitely my favorite boss in Dark Souls 3, I was expecting our last fight in the series to be against Gwynevere in an effort to finish the last of Gwyns bloodline and possibly end the cycle of undead being used to continue the Age of Fire.
Instead we delve deeper into Gwyns tyranny in his imprisonment of the Pygmys, eventual abyss corruption of Midir, and an abandoned child just waiting to wake up and finally see her father again, only for the shell to crack and show us the world as it really is in a desolate landscape of nothing but Ash, really showing the world has been burned so much to keep the Gods Age thriving that it only led to the destruction of everything, all to find our friend Gael, who showed us the way here, consuming all the Dark Souls and turning it into the blood that he knows you must draw from him, all this, for his lady's painting, and in the end, it is made more sad that the girl will never see Gael again, and Gael will never see the world she wanted to paint for him.
The good thing is, Gael lead you there to kill him so you can help in finishing his quest that started at the beginning of time and will end at the end of all
What a great video to start your return to UA-cam with! I’m so glad you’re back, and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!
Gael has always been my favorite boss in the series, and I am so glad you feel the same way!
When Demod died after getting Ludwig’s health that low, I felt that
Entering the coliseum to fight Artorias will always be the most jaw dropping moment to me, absolutely love him and everything he represents as a character
I feel like im late but please remember that Knight Artorias was without his greatshield and one of his arms was broken, add on that his faithful wolf companion wasnt there either. Hes a shell of his former self but that still. Picture a fight against this legendary warrior at the peak of his strength for the honor of challenging Quin.
Note:the Abyss buffes him
My personal list (including Sekiro):
10- Manus, Father of the Abyss
09- Demon of Hatred
08- Lorian and Lothric, The Twin Princes
07- Champion Gundyr
06- Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough
05- Darkeater Midir
04- Ludwig, the Accursed/Holy Blade
03- Isshin, the Sword Saint
02- Knight Artorias
01- Soul of Cinder
Honorable mention: my boy sir alonne
Soul of Cinder... but not Gael? I gotta ask, why would you say something so controversial? (Tbh though I loved SoC, shame he barely gets recognition)
How is Gael not on here?
Again, no Gael?
Hey man, I loved soul of cinder he was my fav in the whole series but isshin beat him, artorias is a joke if it weren’t for the lore.
Awesome to see how opinions have changed, really awesome video. My favourite boss in the series is Orphan of Kos, followed closely by Lorian and Lothric. Surprised to see neither made the cut for you, but I can hardly dispute any of these are worthy of the top spot.
I like orphan a lot too!
My first few deaths on Gael came from me going “OOOOH” and “AAAAAH” at all the pretty scenery and epic music.
Yes, that room those two are guarding does indeed contain two very large treasures. Oh, and also the lord vessel I guess.
What about the orphan of kos :((((
That one was by far the hardest and most satisfying ass boss I have ever fought
To be honest the best boss for me is Artorias, pretty epic fight and fitting envaiorment and amazing sound track.
Soul of Cinder is just Gwyn but better in every way.
potato unicorn agreed.
He's Back!!!!!
And He's Better Than Evar!
Or is he....
Sir Alonne is also an incredible fight and one of the few that stands in ds2
I liked the Dragonslayer Armour. Design looks beast, attack style is very strong/ heavy, fast paced music, fighting on a bridge over a black abyss.
You should do a top 10 best boss soundtracks
all bloodborne chalice dungeon boss battles have AMAZING soundtracks
midir #1
@@schn33 No Competition, by far the best
Unpopular opinion: ds boss music isn't so good, most sounds the same
And now he has.
Get ready for the Sekiro's bosses ranking !
If you use the shield you get from sif’s soul on Artorias it literally blocks every single attack he does perfectly with almost no stamina drain, can literally go through the fight and lose no health if you attack at the right times and just hold the shield up
I was hoping to see Orphan, and the Twin Princes but a great list nonetheless.
I do wish there were some kind of cutscene after Gael fight is over. I know that's not Dark Souls style but still. For it to be the last dlc and the end
I know a lot of people say DS3 is easier than the other games, but I really don't think it is.
I think it is more a matter of fans of the series getting better with time. They can't make the games harder with every entry since that would cut off people just trying to enter the series.
I really think Dark Souls 3 is much harder than Dark Souls 1 overall. I started with DS2 (ew), and didn't play other games in the series until DS3. I loved it, and then immediately played DS1 after finishing it. And guess what? For me Dark Souls 1 was a breeze. Using the metric other people seem to use, that must mean DS1 was a joke (it isn't, but it seems that is how people treat DS3).
If you actually look at enemy and boss design, level complexity, and combat mechanics, Dark Souls 3 in my opinion is the harder game (not necessarily better, but definitely more difficult).
I think its the easiest. Even after going back and replaying all of the games a few times I find DS3 the easiest. The DLCs are tough, and the second half is sorta tough, but the first half is easily the easiest in the series. Also with the ridiculous amount of stamina and massive iFrames on rolls you can spam rolls and avoid most bosses. I think mechanically DS3 is the easiest by a ways. Enemies and bosses are fine (well, bosses in the first half are a joke and easier than most enemies, but later bosses are good) but just mechanically its so much easier than other games. Its still a great game, but easiest in the series.
@@wr5488 So, apparently the cheesy Dark Souls 1 bosses make the game harder?
@@danielantony1882 Man I had a long well written response but I clicked and it got deleted :\
But basically no, DS3's second half bosses and DLC bosses are FAR tougher than DS1's. I think DS1's first half bosses are considerably harder than DS3's though. But overall I think DS1's level design and world is considerably nastier than DS3's. Even little hollows could stagger kill you to death if you got hit by the wrong move. You were slower and used more stamina and also regained it slower. Less iFrames as well, and you couldn't spam back to back rolls as easily. Also the groupings of the enemies and their movesets for the most part.
On that same note, while I enjoy all the bosses in DS1 (for the most part) most if not all of them have glaring weaknesses (stand in between spider legs and you cant get touched, under Sif you're safe, outside Golem legs, don't need to aggro big skeletons, etc.) or are super easily beatable. I think only Gargoyles, O/S, Artorias, Kalameet and Manus are the well done bosses in DS1 that still kinda hold up to BB and DS3 bosses, and even then I think MANY BB and DS3 bosses are better. If im doing a no death run (Which I can only do in DS1 and DS3, DS2 and BB are too hard for me currently) in DS1 im most likely going to die to a mob or the environment, the bosses I can beat easily. In DS3 im probably going to die to a very late game/DLC boss or mob, most of the main game I think is very easy.
Thats my opinion on it at least!
@@wr5488 Alright. I understood your point. And i know your frustration, brother. That comment delete happened to me several times. Fortunately, i can press control+z on PC. Though there's nothing i can do about it on Androids and stuff. Yeah...
Dexiant I had a friend that struggled on the God damn Bed of chaos boss. It took him 23 fucking tries to beat! (yes I kept count, it was too hilarious not to) DS3 he beats Nameless King on his 2nd try. Bosses in DS3 are epic but they honestly aren't that tough/unfair as some of the terribly developed bosses in the first game.
"One wrong move and you're BLOODY TOAST" was that a PUN!?!?!