4. NAVY SEALS SCAM.... My nephew was about to join the Air Force, and some Navy recruiters got a hold of him.. pumped him up on becoming a Navy SEAL.... only the hardest job in the World. They really suckered him in with that "Dude, you are so buff, well built.. how often do you go to the gym... WOW... you're a sure thing for the SEALS. Here's the SCAM.. drop out rate from the SEALs is about 95%.. Once you drop out, the Navy can put you ANYWHERE they want and need you most. So, you end up a cook on a cramped cruiser for the next 4 years... 1. STAY AWAY FROM THE NAVY... you know you end up on a ship at sea 9 months of the year, most of the time... Its the NAVY daah.. 2. Navy is VERY CRAMPED QUARTERS... vs Air Force, there is no comparison. 3. Navy tech, vs Air Force tech.. The Air Force out classes the Navy by miles... No comparison. 4. Navy vs Air Force, in the AF when you are off duty, you walk off base go anywhere you want until duty time the next day. Try that in the Navy when you're at sea. You can NEVER get away from your job.
IF you are already looking at the failure rate for Navy Seal then you shouldn't even consider being a Seal. What did the recruiters do?? Talk him into believing in himself? It is not a scam and I refuse to believe anything about the Navy is a scam. I want anyone to know who is reading this that the 5% that pass could be you. Don't ever let fear of failure hold you back from anything you want to do in life. And to follow up with your other questions.... 1. I have only been on a ship 6.5 months out of 5 years in the Navy. 2. I live in a 2 bed 2 bath condo in Long Beach...pretty spacious and uncramped 3. 3/4 of them never even see this technology 4. At sea in the Navy, you are correct..you will always stay on the carrier until you hit port. Somedays I spent the afternoon watching jets fly by...or the sunset on the horizon...and I also saved around $8k by not going out and spending money. What about those Air Force port calls though...
Admit it, 6.5 months on a ship over 5 years is the exception, not the rule. and a 2 bdrm condo doesn't come to the average E1-E4's The SEAL SCAM is.. pump up young boys to think that's even possible, when the true intent is to back fill a bunch of rotten jobs that no one wants, with washouts from SEAL training... SUCKERS... Suckers make good cooks and dish washers... Once you break them, they're too demoralized, humiliated to go home, because they already told their friends and family they were going to be a Navy SEAL. If you have issues with your masculinity join the Marines. Air Force duty stations depend largely on your job, but your duty station shouldn't be the reason you join either.
The point to this view is "3 BIGGEST LIES That Navy Recruiters Tell You"... my comment was an experience I am personally aware of. "RECRUITERS" regardless of military branch have quotas to fill. To be completely honest, it is very difficult to fill many of those jobs. The question is, should "Recruiters" take advantage of 17 to 20 year olds.
I think I said that in my original post..... "Once you drop out, the Navy can put you ANYWHERE they want and need you most." People keep trying to rebut my comments, and end up agreeing with me.
Don’t forget this kids, no matter what your recruiter tells you. You CAN back out of your Delayed Enlistment Program(DEP) contract. So if you get a job you didn’t want and your recruiter won’t try and change it for you with MEPS, just back out. Your recruiter won’t be happy... but at least you will be.
True, you can back out of your contract when you're in the DEP program, but if you do, it'll be a hit on your record and other branches might not want you after that. Just some helpful info.
Same bro. My contract said E1 and i have like 60 credits. I'm suppose to go in as an E3 my recruiter was supposed to have the paper work ready days ago. I'll be dammned if i go to bootcamp as an E1
They told me after looking at my test scores that I could do any job in the Navy. They gave me a Chinese menu with rates sorting by categories. They told me to choose a category and I was guaranteed a job in that category only. I had no clue. I chose one. When I got tested further in boot camp, they took me aside and told me if I passed this swim test, I could be an AW (secret and not on the list). Ended up living in Hawaii flying around inside a P-3 all over Asia. I say I got lucky.
Almost 7 years in and this has been one of the best decisions of my life. No it's not for everyone, but the Navy can improve your life immensely and you're going to get out of it what you put in.
Did 26 years. Retired as a SCPO. Love getting my retirement check and VA disability every month. One thing I would have changed about my career? I'd apply for an officer commission. I'd much rather be getting $6K-8K a month instead of $3K-$4K a month!
I remember my brother trying to join the AF and was talking to recruiters. On the day he was going to sign papers the recruitment office was closed and right next door is the navy recruiters and they got him to join the navy the same day. Always thought that was funny
lmao, same thing happened to me! AF recruiter treated me like trash after i said i wouldn’t do open general or security forces. as i walked out of the AF office, the NAVY recruiter walked out and spoke to me about joining. they have so far been extremely helpful and kept up with me since. they have provided tutoring lessons to help me prepare for the ASVAB to score high for the job i want. Never felt forced, rushed, or like they’re just trying to fill a spot. Heading to meps in a few weeks 🙏🏼
And you should never lie to yourself... thinking Galley duty, toilet cleaning and mopping decks, Watchstanding and firefighting was someone else's job that only the other recruits had to do...
So you're joining a branch of the Military and you rely on ONE source for your information... and atop that, you need to be told that being in the military means you could be killed. You know how many calls a recruiter has to make before they come across an applicant who is so clueless? I agree recruiters for the Military shouldn't lie...but if this is the sort of stuff you didn't educate yourself on, I'm betting people have successfully lied to you well before you walked into a recruiter's office.
My recruiter was actually very honest. He didn't pump me full of BS and he told me the good and bad that could happen. Explained what rates spend more time at sea, etc, etc. Now, he didn't mention mopping water up off the decks topside while it was raining. :)
I mean, did you want to haul buckets of water up onto the deck to clean it? Is that a better alternative in your opinion? Heh quick question, how many buckets of water do you think it'd take to scrub the entire flight deck of an aircraft carrier?
@@hydruxsybilla43 100% large parts of my family literally buy and sell houses off the retirement military money...an Uncle of mine pushed through it now runs a sector of the Pentagon and negotiates multi-million dollar contracts. You have to hold on. 20 years 50% income, 30 yrs 75% and they were making way more than 30k a year by that time. But it can be a waste if you squander it also like anything else...
@@TheBatugan77 GI bill has to be earned over time. if he went to uni while active duty it probably took him twice as long to get a masters. youth well spent eh?
MA is like the Air Force’s Air Police. You end up doing an outstanding job! Outstanding in the hot sun, outstanding in the rain, outstanding in the freezing snow.
I did play for the All Navy baseball team for 2 years then played on the Military Baseball Team for another 4 years we played college teams minor league baseball teams played pro teams in Japan and Korea all while on active duty
I dont know about anyone else, but i joined to embrace the suck. I personally love a challenge that nearly kills me, but those are the only ones that are worth it in the end. The harder, the better
Here's some cadences we used at RTC in '70... GI beans and GI gravy, gee I thought I joined the Navy. another was..... Three more days and I'll be home, drinking beer and pi$$ing foam.
I guess I was the exception. I WANTED to enlist when I walked into my recruiter. I didn't even have a specific job in mind, I just wanted to get out of South Jersey. I was sick of dead-end construction jobs. Ended up spending 6 years as a Hull Tech. Got to spend most of my time at sea, which was what I wanted. You better not bash the Hull Techs, we're the guys who "Keep The Ship Afloat"!
IS's are information specialist, all i know is that they overview information, what they actually do i have no clue but does anyone know anything about ctr, i swear it's the least talked about rate online so i have almost zero info in it
@@michaelh9750 u have to take the asvab then get a physical exam, depending on how good u did, any physical problems, and if that rate is available u can get it
The Navy recruiter who I met in high school was a hell of a salesman. In the end, it was the Air Force base I saw when I was 16 that sold me on the AF. I had to call the Air Force recruiter and he didn't even try to sell the AF.
For any branch 1. You're going to have a fun time 2. It's a giant party man 3. You're going to have a stronge sense of brotherhood... ... ... 4. You can change your job whenever you want 5. It's only 4 short years
Can't blame the world for everything. Blame ourselves for our decisions and actions. People around the world don't have the opportunities U.S have. That we have. Make the best of those 4/6 years. Rank up. Study. You can get a bachelors in 6 years hell you can. If you want to blame others you are to be blamed too.
I’m 64 now, enlisted in the Navy in late ‘75, struck for AT (Avionics Tech) went to U.S.S. Midway. Home port Yokosuka, Japan, made E5 in way under four (about 30 of us got weird onetime waivers dropping some time in service requirements), they tried hard to get me to re-enlist (RE R1). Offered immediate E6, Subic (VRC 50), Blue Angels. Got out, went back to college on GI Bill, bought home on GI Bill, Now JD, All in all, joining the Navy was the single best decision I ever made.
My older brother joined the navy in the early 80's. The recruiter told him he didn't have to put down any of his troubles he had gotten into as a teenager. Got through basic, was excelling in electronics,started getting clearances for security. Background checks brought up his past the recruiter said he didn't have to put down on enlistment. Instant out,he was devistated. Came home, went to the same recruiter and he denied it all. My mom heard him on the phone with someone saying he wasn't takin the fall for it. Lost my brother 2yrs ago to drinking n hard living. He never could shake how he was stabbed in the back.
From a former Navy Recruiter who didn't lie...if you're taking to kids that have never been in ... please don't use acronyms that a kid doesn't know what the heck you're even talking about... thanks.
Do you love hunting and fishing? Yes.....well then the infantry is definitely for you. Didnt mention I'd have to hump 50 miles with 100 pounds on my back to get to my campsite.
When I joined the Navy I had two things on my side, 1) My dad had just retired from the Navy after 22 years so I knew how the Navy worked, well at least back then in 1992 and 2) I had already been in the Army Reserves for 3 years and was only a year removed from being deployed for Desert Storm. My Navy recruiter was pretty straight forward with me.
Just stumbled upon your channel, I’m an old navy man I’ve been out for 40 years now but think about it very day, no regrets here I cherish my time in the navy and watching your channel has shown me just how much has changed and for the better I might add , but it seems recruiters have not, the one big lie back in my day was the “buddy-buddy“plan , the recruiter told me and my cousin that we would be together through our whole enlistment only to find out after boot camp that it doesn’t exactly work like that way although we did go to the same A school but after that I went to the west coast and my cousin went to the east coast, when my brother enlisted after I got out I went with him to the recruiter and made sure he got what he wanted and then some, so I would suggest to someone wanting to enlist to take someone who has been there and done that with them when they talk to the recruiter. Go Navy
I went into the Air Force expecting to be a pilot. Little did I know I was placed into a job I didn’t want. I stayed in and went to a flight academy on my own dime and got my private pilot and instrument rating. At the time Air Force was needing pilots but I was never selected. I separated after 8 years and pursued the rest of my ratings for the airlines. The point is that military is not there to cater to your dreams you are there to fulfill their needs. Now as a civilian I’m catering to my own needs.
@@criostasis military is the low key dime out there to get rich nobody wants to admit. I saved my first 10k while serving just as an e02 and this was on deployment and spending recklessly which I won't do anymore. I'm saving to invest it
USAF = u shouldn't all fly. everybody I know that joined the air force expected to be pilots from it, but there simply isn't enough jets for everyone and most pilots are officers and going to the air force academy really helps, but it's hard to get in.
same, honestly,I have many reasons for joining and one of em is that hopefully an "accident" happens and I hopefully die just alive to be alive, nothing to live for anymore
1) you can request to change their job before leaving to Navy Boot Camp. The potential individual need to talk to their recruiter to submit a “DAR”. 2) along with what he mentioned, you may change your job by request with your career counselor Around 18 months before your contract end date although it is limited to your ASVAB score and your “job detailer and if you get permission too”. Although the main jobs you’re able to change it for earlier than that are ; special operation jobs (depends on Criteria); Also LN (legal enlisted job) 3) NAVY quotas: .Are not gender or ethnicity specific. yearssss ago it was the case with ALL branches. The only Jobs that are : Navy nuclear, Navy Reserve & Spec war. All other jobs are open first come first serve. 4) “Navy recruiters don’t sell the bad only the good” : Yup about 85% of them will , as well with all branch’s, car salesmen or anyone promoting something. -The good ones mentor you using the Navy “DEP” program during the process of signing there job.. to leaving to Bootcamp. Be real with your recruiter and ask all the dirty questions. Happy enlisting !
Dirty questions such as “what can I expect with living conditions, food Quality , deployment lengths, mainly worse case scenarios . Talk about sexual assault and their personal Navy experiences good but also bad. Is there hazing, how do females treat eachother , what does going “TAD” mean . So I have to work in the galley or another place of work as part of my command duty? Does everyone get PPV housing? How about barracks housing, do you need to live on a ship? When can I get BAH? Etc so much but takes asking the bad and the good. Sorry I am not perfect in explaining .
you will be assigned a job that you pick before going to BootCamp. There are a FEW ways to change your date or your job: 1) Your recutier /office MIGHT contact you if you would like to "Ship" to BootCamp earlier or later. They MIGHT even give you other jobs they can change you to IF you accept to "Ship" on the date of their choosing. 2) Let's say you have a job (HM- Coprsman) now let's say it been a few weeks and for SOME reason you really want another job because of XYZ. Provide the reason why you want to change your job and GIVE the branch ideally 1-3 jobs you're open to (more the better). Therefore you request to change your job(rate). If that Rate becomes open (available) they should be able to apply for you to switch. (This is VERY situational so take it with a grain of salt..although I personal did this many times )@@godismysavior6428
When I was due for shore duty, they offered me two options, Recruiting or RCC (Now RDC) Aka pushing Boots. I was not about to sucker kids into joining but I will gladly make them regret signing up.
Austen Alexander Think about this: Y get to sleep after you put them to bed and you have to wake them up so you need to be up before revile. Also, the political back stabbing is baaaad
@@a.s.dreier3665 we had a "bowling alley" of my FFG (FFG-58) it wa just a narrow space that had cooling motors and pumps but it was called the bolling alley
In my experience my Navy recruiter actually was straight up about rates. The AF recruiters are just rude af. That speaks a lot about them. A big turn off. The Army didn’t even accept me bc of my flat feet. This video fits more to Marine recruiters that over hype the job.
Thank you for the information, this was a lot of help. My recruiter told me she was a SWO officer and it was easy to switch jobs for her and I could do the same. Makes me feel better knowing more people are telling me the same things as you so I should choose my job wisely.
Went in to the baltimore MEPS and passed all the physical stuff. Went to my navy liaison and met with a recruiter from the same office I had visited to start this process. They gave me 3 papers to look at for potential jobs. I didn't know what any of them were. I really wanted CTN( Cryptologic technician network). I said I didn't want the jobs they presented and the guy doing my paper work calls in the recruiter loud and annoyed saying I didn't want to pick from what they had. They talked me into it and once I read the job description it was actually a lot better than thought. So I stuck with it. I am shipping out next week sometime as they asked for any males in the DEP (delayed entry program) if they want to ship out earlier and I volunteered to do so.
The petty officer in charge of the McAllen, Tx recruiter station threatened to kick me out of the DEP because i wanted to change my job. HT was big mistake i requested a job change, and he tried using intimidation, lies, and he even got personal by trying to talk about god in how i should feel blessed and privileged. I got my job changed to HMDA because my dad was a marine with rank and knows a lot of people at MEPS
My recruiter never even offered me a job lmao, he was just like look up four to five jobs that you like then once you get to MEPS pick the one you like or the one you are offered. My whole experience with the Navy recruiter has been pretty easy and straight forward, but I had initially tried the Army recruiter and everything you said in this video unfortunately applied to him, I don’t blame him tho he was just tryna do his job
I go to swear in tomorrow and my recruiter hasn’t even told me one job. Atm I don’t even know what jobs the navy has 😂 (edit) I just got back from meps and I qualified for a AME and I ship out June 6th
Kaye Williams I hope everything goes well and you do. If you go to Great Lakes in early June and see a guy named colton white there that’s me and say wassup 😂
Some recruits in my division in the Navy were afraid of water...The recruiter told them they wouldn't have to serve on a boat at all. They were Boatswain mates.
A master chief bosun's mate back in 1970 had to have been one tough, old school salt who totally had his shit together. You got a good one and if anyone had ever "been there and done that," it was him. (Never saw a recruiter...I was drafted in early 1968 and joined USN as fast as I could to avoid the army.)
I was going to join the Navy in 1994. I had a decade of nursing experience as an RN and two undergraduate degrees. This recruiter tried every trick he could think of to get me to commit to working on a nuclear sub. For those of you in the Navy with some advanced time, what was he trying to do? I was a Registered Nurse.
He was trying to get you to do HM and do,whats called IDC which is independant duty corpsman. Sub docs generally have some training but when you have that much experience they would rather jave you there then some younger people.
I had good recruiters. I scored a 77 on the ASVAB I asked them for the jobs that I qualified for with my score and gave me a list. I researched each rate and got others opinions on it (I also recommend making a top 10 list of jobs for when you go to MEPS) CTI CTT and CTN were my top 3 but they weren’t available so I picked AM and I’m loving it. They told me what would be cool and the parts that would suck. By far the best outcome I could’ve asked for. My recommendation for all of you future enlistees is to find out the jobs you qualify for and research them on your own. Don’t let your recruiter lie off their a$$ and you wind up hating the next 4-6 years of your life.
I entered with a college degree. The recruiter said after bootcamp you'll automatically be a third class petty officer. I wound up staying for 23 years and am proud of the Navy career I had.
My recruiter called up my parents and told them that I was enlisting into the Navy. When I found out about this, I cussed out my recruiter in front of everyone. Told the meps people that my recruiter told me to lie to them. I threw my recruiter to the wolfs due to he took something away from me.
@@kristianmoore7099 Just imagine you got a job, your excited to tell your parents about the job. But they didn't seem surprised that you got that job. You tell this to your new boss. Boss states, "Oh, I already call and told them about the job." Would you feel robbed on giving good information to your parents, due to someone you don't know and the person doesn't know your parents told them?
I was sitting eating in my highschool cafeteria and a recruiter straight up slapped a paper in front of me to fill out, with a fancy pen. It’s my sophomore year and their already trying to bring me into it
It's funny it remind me of starship troopers. At face value The Federation makes it sound all cool killing bugs. But the movie itself is a satire for fascism. I'd be weary of any recruiter.
Some recruiters a direct others no. Those papers are surveys and are now required by our boss. They want to see how many people we talk to at school visits.
I already became the process of enlisting into the Navy. But what I appreciate about my recruiters. You could tell they weren't trying hard to sell me on anything. They have been pretty much straight forward with me. I originally wanted to become a seal eventually. But they told me that they have a age limit.
Your main focus is on the asvab is arithmetic reasoning, math knowledge, paragraph comprehension, and word knowledge. Study for the whole asvab. You can pass the asvab and still not qualify for a job.
My dad is retired navy and I’ve always grown up as a navy person obviously (defending the navy as the “best branch”, etc) but as I’ve started researching options in the military progressively over the past year, as the time to start thinking about that stuff has come around for me, I believe any branch has the ability to meet your goals and are equally great in their own ways. It’s still the United States military, the best in the world, defending the best country in the world. So you just have to research what you want to do and join a branch accordingly. What I just said probably doesn’t relate to anything, but I just read a comment saying the navy sucks, so I just felt like saying that.
Right on, I always speak up for the fleet in some way myself. Same story here only I ended up being a forth generation gunners mate just like my ancestors. And you said it, any branch will get you there, but naturally, I had to go Navy. God bless you and yours in all you do.
I'm retired navy, FCCS. While I like your videos, you have way more time on your hands than I ever remember having, except for maybe on my twilight tour. Keep up the good work, nonetheless. A key piece of getting around the lies is doing your research. Some of the dumbest things I heard as an RDC, instructor, etc., was "I hope I don't have to go out to sea." Of my 22 years in, I was underway over 3000 days. I was in a sea going rate and I knew as FC I would be frequently haze grey and underway. This was why I chose FC over ET. I wanted to go to sea. MA2 here, is not in sea going rate, not really. On a CG or DDG there's as many as 40 FCs, but only 1 MA. Many in the navy will say, "choose your rate, choose fate." No matter what the choice is, just as I learned when was 19 years old in Yokosuka, Japan, the navy is what you make it. If you choose to hate life, you'll hate life. If you choose to have fun, you'll have fun. Some also say NAVY stands for Never Again Volunteer Yourself. I said F*** That! Volunteer for everything. That's how you get the coolest experiences. I will say, however, that I don't miss standing watch in CIC. It sucks 99% of the time and really cool only 1% of the time. I'll take MA2's watch any day over a CIC watch, but perhaps his grass just appears greener.
I went to college in 71 to beat the draft. Dropped out in 73 because I was not learning anything. Joined the Navy. My dad was a CTOCS who became a LCDR LDO. I signed up with a date for boot camp and a date to go to CTO school. I made CTOC in 8 years (my first time up for Chief) and CWO2 at 14 years. Was early selected for CWO3 and CWO4. Retired after 22 years. Recruiters will do anything to fill their quota because they will get sent to the worst duty station for their rate if they continue to fail to meet their quotas.
As a former Nuclear Reactor Operator (enlisted ET1/SS), I would certainly say the recruiters “leave a lot out of the sales brochure”. They have to or most people would never join. I’m proud of the service I did (just under 10 years) and frankly, I ended up better off than if I hadn’t joined. All that said, I had NO IDEA how much I would end up working as submarines have VERY SMALL work “divisions” and you can never turn that reactor off... someone has to watch it 24/7!
@@typicalname3845 that’s a whole lengthy conversation. Unless things have changed drastically, there are essentially 4 “nuclear” roles for enlisted people - Reactor Operator (nuke ET), Electrical Operator (nuke EM), machinist mate (nuke MM) and ELT (Engineering Laboratory Tech - starts off as a nuke MM first). They can only guarantee you nuke MM but you can ask for anything. All very hard, very rewarding. Can’t speak for surface ships but on an attack submarine, you will work MOST of the time... in port or at sea. Great for job opportunities after the fact, whether in nuclear field or not
I was told I was colourblind and couldnt become a technical sailor. So I ended up joining as a supply sailor. A few years later I went out and wanted to get a commercial pilots licence (already had private pilots licence). I said to Doc, how was my colour vision. Doc says, perfect, I asked for a letter. Went down to my boss, who happened to be my old recruiter and said there is nothing wrong with my colour vision. He looks at me and says, yea but I had too many tech sailors and no supply sailors that month
Many years ago, my recruiter was very honest. Probably because I walked into his office and told him "I want advanced electronics, nuclear power, and subs." When I did the recruiters assistance program I learned just how many points I was worth when I walked in the door (Don't know if they still do it that way, but recruiters had a body and point total goal for each month). Recruits going into different occupations were given a point value based on what job they were shooting for.
I was an AO and back in the early 90's the WTs were being phased out and they were offered to cross rate to AO, or GM, for the lower ranking guys it wasn't to bad but for first class and above they all had to take a pay grade deduction because the Navy didn't have enough openings for them at the time to cross rate to those positions. Things got really nasty and the senior enlisted all felt like they had been cheated. So about 6 months later the Navy told them they could either take what they were offered or they would face retirement at their present rank. Most of them said the hell with it and took retirement. Kinda sucks when you're a Chief and they want you back as a first.
I had a very good recruiter who was very honest with me. I’ll always be grateful to him for getting me properly prepared (as much as any can ever be ready). However, I know my experience is in the minority. My problems came later, when I had to deal with the detailers about changing rates and choosing duty stations out of A school.
Another method to use is a DAR..a Dep Action Request. While in the delayed entry program if another job becomes available by someone else in that region becoming disqualified, your recruiter can initiate this request to change your job by taking the disqualified persons job. In most cases your ship date will also change. Remain open and in contact with your recruiter expressing your desire for a job change.
My recruiter looked at my ASVAB and told me to pick what I wanted. He told me boot camp would be 8 weeks of hell/head games. He told me I would not talk to my mom or girlfriend hardly ever during boot camp and he told me that based on my rate I would probably be at sea 60% of the time. He also told me I could try out for the SEALS in boot camp but that it had a high failure rate. I had a great recruiter that caused me to have no surprises. He did not tell me that NATTC in Millington TN was the arm pit of the world lol.
Meh...I served 20 years in USN and have no regrets. Went in as an undesignated airman under a 2-year active duty program. I got to see and do a lot of things, also learned a lot about other people; all these experiences have served me well throughout life. Interestingly, I was served more BS from Command Career Counselors (back when it was just an NEC and cookie to wear on the dungarees) than I did from my recruiter. Not much different in the private sector though where institutions of higher learning use ACT and/or SAT scores to sell high school kids crap degrees that leaves them $60K+ in the hole regardless of graduating or not. Many that graduate actually believe that piece of paper makes them entitled to a $100k/yr job on day one.
Went in undesignated and struck into PC I worked in deck department 2 years and was a postal clerk the other 2 years was trying to do corpsman but didnt score high enough the Navy is what u make it overall it is a great learning experience
So true..that's why my daughter Daisy joined the Air Force 🇺🇸 God bless her over at Cannon Air Force Base Security forces. That's exactly what they told her.."you can change your job" we all walked out.
Could you please do a video on joining the navy as a college graduate? Like do we have to go through bootcamp too? Or yeah everything you want to talk about regarding this topic. Thank you! ✨
A man I know who has been a great friend of mine for my entire life has been recruiting for the Army for years, and when I asked him about the 'quota' requirement, he told me there is no quota requirement - at least not for the Army. While he does encourage persons to join, and he goes on these school tours and such to get the young people to enlist, he plainly told me there is no quota to meet each month.
He was full of CRAP!!! Lied right to your face. Military recruiting, all of them, is quota based! Like how the Army was 15,000 enlisted short in FY22! If those ain't quota, I got some beach front property in Iowa to sell you!
Thanks, very in depth video. I was in the Navy, and my circumstances involved having to change rates. I came in with intentions to start as Machinist Mate. A-school (BECC) proved to be quite challenging for me, and I ended up failing out. I then ended up having to be re-rated, unfortunately that wasn't a very pleasant experience. I remember the PN doing the rate change paperwork was a total dick for some reason. I had virtually no choice at this time for my job. It was either start at a ship as Undesignated and strike later for a rate, or SK - Storekeeper (now LS - Logistics Specialist) So there is another way to change rates: you can intentionally fail out of A-school and they will re-rate you. But yea, only do this if you really don't want to do that rate. It can be a risky move.
They say that the ship I'll be riding on got; 1) Phasers and Photon torpedoes, 2) Multiphasic shields, and 3) Warp speed. The last time I remember I was saying, "Where do I sign?"
I was talked into signing up as a nuke power ET. I never even made it out of basic electricity school, and when my instructor tried to send me out to the fleet as a non-rated deck hand, his chief forced him to reclass me. Admittedly, I wasn't even rated ET - yet - but I ended up being sent to the other side of Great Lakes and going through HM A-school. The story I heard was that for every recruit who made it through nuke power school, the recruiter got a cash bonus. Don't know if that was true, but I graduated and finished my four years on the Nitro as the junior corpsman. While a recruiter's lies can be a headache, what determines how you get through it is your attitude and flexibility. After all, I've been lied to a lot since I got out of the Navy, and some of them had worse consequences.
Goldie Hawn (AKA 'Private Benjamin') got sold on the Army when the recruiter told her everyone gets their own condo. "What if I don't like it?" she asks about life in the Army in general. Recruiter says with a straight face, "Quit." I was USN 1978-85 and retired from the USNR in 2005. I know it happens but my Navy recruiter in Red Bank, NJ never lied to me. If anything, he wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing. Great series of videos, shipmate!
You can go in unrated (or rated and fail out of your tech school), get assigned to deck Dept. and then "strike out" for a rate you want. At least that's how it was when I was in (85' - 89').
In 1991 the Navy had a 2 year program. Apprenticeship they called it. I was told two lies. 1. You would come home right after boot camp before you attend ATD school. And like you mentioned you can change your job in this program. You pick a field like engineering, say engineman, you can strike out and try electrician, etc etc. And of course I started with the worst , engineman, and was stuck.
Based on what you've said, I think I'm one of few people who have had a completely honest recruiter. I'm not enlisted yet, but I've been speaking with a recruiter for a while, and he's laid everything out as it is. I've double-checked with some friends of mine who have been or are in the rates I'm interested in, and they've confirmed what he's said.
Panzer Priest92 Same here, both the recruiters in the Navy office are both genuine and keep it real. Everything they say are straight forward and right to the point. Both of them are honest people!
From my experience, it's easier to recruit honestly since all the information is available online anyway! Plus it builds trust and allows the future Sailor to stay positive during their enlistment as they know what they are getting into.
Welcome to glowing in the dark. Just hope you can pass your background checks, and aren't clostrophobic. Also remember if you do complete the course, you'll pretty much not be able to discuss what ship you're assigned to for national security reasons
I haven't shipped out yet, I'm hoping to go as an MC which I'm pretty confident I'll stick to. My recruiter gave me the list of rates way before we went for processing so I had time to go through them with my grandfather who is a navy vet. I think I'd advise any person who's going to the recruiter for the first time to ask him/her for the rating list, or fish them online, then do a research on what they are all about cause they won't give you time to think on what rate to choose at MEPS
They won't give you time because people feel the pressure and cannot say NO!. You have the rest of your life to decide and can walk away at anytime, even after you have signed and raised your right hand. This is VOLUNTEER force. Yes, they try to scare you and pressure you because you think you do not know, but the truth is, you can do what ever you want.
Why would a recruiter give you a list?? They have no idea what you qualify for just by talking to you. Get on line, do all the research you want, you still might not qualify for the job you want. It's more than an ASVAB score. You'll get disqualified for all sorts of things. Example: you can be color blind or color deficient and not know it, if that's you, there goes 60% of Navy jobs!
the few rates in the Navy allow you to be on a ship and have a majority of the time playing video games 😂 then work 8 hours then back to video games. I forgot what the job is but it's a super chill one
Joseph Kellehhan to review the contract. What most people don’t realize is the military contract is very complex and most don’t understand the specifics. Mainly the “business points” which are specifically what the government is promising you, mainly rate or designation, training and schools, your rank upon completion of training, and what happens if you “wash out” of training. Be very careful before executing the contract because it’s almost impossible to get out of it.
2001-2005, EM3 USS PELELIU LHA-5 and MDSU-1 DET-1. Loved my Navy time. My recruiter told me “pick a job, don’t go undesignated”, best advice given to me.
4. NAVY SEALS SCAM.... My nephew was about to join the Air Force, and some Navy recruiters got a hold of him.. pumped him up on becoming a Navy SEAL.... only the hardest job in the World. They really suckered him in with that "Dude, you are so buff, well built.. how often do you go to the gym... WOW... you're a sure thing for the SEALS. Here's the SCAM.. drop out rate from the SEALs is about 95%.. Once you drop out, the Navy can put you ANYWHERE they want and need you most. So, you end up a cook on a cramped cruiser for the next 4 years...
1. STAY AWAY FROM THE NAVY... you know you end up on a ship at sea 9 months of the year, most of the time... Its the NAVY daah..
2. Navy is VERY CRAMPED QUARTERS... vs Air Force, there is no comparison.
3. Navy tech, vs Air Force tech.. The Air Force out classes the Navy by miles... No comparison.
4. Navy vs Air Force, in the AF when you are off duty, you walk off base go anywhere you want until duty time the next day. Try that in the Navy when you're at sea. You can NEVER get away from your job.
IF you are already looking at the failure rate for Navy Seal then you shouldn't even consider being a Seal. What did the recruiters do?? Talk him into believing in himself? It is not a scam and I refuse to believe anything about the Navy is a scam. I want anyone to know who is reading this that the 5% that pass could be you. Don't ever let fear of failure hold you back from anything you want to do in life. And to follow up with your other questions....
1. I have only been on a ship 6.5 months out of 5 years in the Navy.
2. I live in a 2 bed 2 bath condo in Long Beach...pretty spacious and uncramped
3. 3/4 of them never even see this technology
4. At sea in the Navy, you are correct..you will always stay on the carrier until you hit port. Somedays I spent the afternoon watching jets fly by...or the sunset on the horizon...and I also saved around $8k by not going out and spending money. What about those Air Force port calls though...
Admit it, 6.5 months on a ship over 5 years is the exception, not the rule. and a 2 bdrm condo doesn't come to the average E1-E4's
The SEAL SCAM is.. pump up young boys to think that's even possible, when the true intent is to back fill a bunch of rotten jobs that no one wants, with washouts from SEAL training... SUCKERS... Suckers make good cooks and dish washers... Once you break them, they're too demoralized, humiliated to go home, because they already told their friends and family they were going to be a Navy SEAL.
If you have issues with your masculinity join the Marines.
Air Force duty stations depend largely on your job, but your duty station shouldn't be the reason you join either.
The point to this view is "3 BIGGEST LIES That Navy Recruiters Tell You"... my comment was an experience I am personally aware of.
"RECRUITERS" regardless of military branch have quotas to fill. To be completely honest, it is very difficult to fill many of those jobs.
The question is, should "Recruiters" take advantage of 17 to 20 year olds.
I think I said that in my original post..... "Once you drop out, the Navy can put you ANYWHERE they want and need you most."
People keep trying to rebut my comments, and end up agreeing with me.
@@270AndAhalf I thought rescue swimmer was available as a side gig for any rate
K boomer
Clearly not smart if you write in capitals.
Oh goodness! Just fell off my chair laughing.🤣🤣🤣
Don’t forget this kids, no matter what your recruiter tells you. You CAN back out of your Delayed Enlistment Program(DEP) contract. So if you get a job you didn’t want and your recruiter won’t try and change it for you with MEPS, just back out. Your recruiter won’t be happy... but at least you will be.
True, you can back out of your contract when you're in the DEP program, but if you do, it'll be a hit on your record and other branches might not want you after that. Just some helpful info.
OMG thankyou thankyou
I signed papers in meps for 4 years, can I still back out??
@@andyconcepcion5883 did you ever go ? Lol
Yeah they lied to me too. Glad I did go but they did lie to me and said I couldn't back out. LOL!
The recruiter told me the Navy pays for everything. Bullshit they charged me for the haircut when I went to boot camp and I didn't even want it
LDG 508 😭😂😂😂😂
LDG 508 at Air Force bmt they were like “you all get a $400 advance. Then yeeted us and made us spend $200 on ABUs on the second day!
Biggest lies my recruiter told me:
1. I'm going to call you right back.
2. I'll have that information for you in the morning.
Same bro. My contract said E1 and i have like 60 credits. I'm suppose to go in as an E3 my recruiter was supposed to have the paper work ready days ago. I'll be dammned if i go to bootcamp as an E1
Oh man have I heard that
Yeah well my question is what’s is bootcamp food like ???
@@None-dk2dq Navy bootcamp? Really good. But be ready to eat it within 5-10 minutes. If you're a fast eater, you'll love it.
Lmao yeah same she said I’ll call I after u get out of school and never did
If it's not in writing, it's NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
@Lee b yea
Don't believe anything you hear until after it happens, and then doubt it.
James Dyess then you don’t have to follow your end of the deal, a contract has to be met by both parties. If not it’s invalid
They told me after looking at my test scores that I could do any job in the Navy. They gave me a Chinese menu with rates sorting by categories. They told me to choose a category and I was guaranteed a job in that category only. I had no clue. I chose one. When I got tested further in boot camp, they took me aside and told me if I passed this swim test, I could be an AW (secret and not on the list). Ended up living in Hawaii flying around inside a P-3 all over Asia. I say I got lucky.
I cant even swim! 😭
I wish I could have that same luck. It would be perfect like that I could have my Samoan girl live out there 😁
I was the same way, no idea what job I took really. I thought I'd shoot planes off the catapult and whatnot. But no, I got lucky and got AW as well
What's AW?
Also, did you know that you can’t join the U.S. military if you’ve been a former terrorist? Smh. Their standards are ridiculous.
Duck Bread that makes sense tho
@@foeloko wooshity wooshity wooooooooooooooosh
Seenshitsnake meme back at you idiot
They probably have waivers for that in the recruitment office, they have waivers for everything
Almost 7 years in and this has been one of the best decisions of my life. No it's not for everyone, but the Navy can improve your life immensely and you're going to get out of it what you put in.
Hello is there a way I can message you on any social media please?
I'm interested in joining the navy and just want some opinions
@@dis3927 so how did it go?
Did 26 years. Retired as a SCPO. Love getting my retirement check and VA disability every month. One thing I would have changed about my career? I'd apply for an officer commission. I'd much rather be getting $6K-8K a month instead of $3K-$4K a month!
@@Joe26003 what are the requirements for that? Is it hard I’m still confused whether e to go or not
I remember my brother trying to join the AF and was talking to recruiters. On the day he was going to sign papers the recruitment office was closed and right next door is the navy recruiters and they got him to join the navy the same day. Always thought that was funny
Aaron G your brother got lucky
dude the same thing happen to me i go in just to talk i walk out wit a appointment tomeps lol
@@danitel9716 😂😂
lmao, same thing happened to me! AF recruiter treated me like trash after i said i wouldn’t do open general or security forces. as i walked out of the AF office, the NAVY recruiter walked out and spoke to me about joining. they have so far been extremely helpful and kept up with me since. they have provided tutoring lessons to help me prepare for the ASVAB to score high for the job i want. Never felt forced, rushed, or like they’re just trying to fill a spot. Heading to meps in a few weeks 🙏🏼
@@drumsandmoreSA my navy recruiter experience was great
If they want you to put your life on the line every day defending for your country they should never lie to you to start off with
William Osullivan that’s why some put their life in the line I guess
And you should never lie to yourself... thinking Galley duty, toilet cleaning and mopping decks, Watchstanding and firefighting was someone else's job that only the other recruits had to do...
So you're joining a branch of the Military and you rely on ONE source for your information... and atop that, you need to be told that being in the military means you could be killed. You know how many calls a recruiter has to make before they come across an applicant who is so clueless?
I agree recruiters for the Military shouldn't lie...but if this is the sort of stuff you didn't educate yourself on, I'm betting people have successfully lied to you well before you walked into a recruiter's office.
Why not, it's super effective. - Every military recruiter every
"It's just like call of duty"
ghost2recon777 😂😂😂
The recruiter told me it’s just like call of duty u know advanced warfare and I started dying in my afjrotc classroom
@@nofearjosegaming3387 Man, you should've joined, that sounds awesome.
@@nofearjosegaming3387 dude get a exosuit hell yeah
Wrong branch 😂
My recruiter was actually very honest. He didn't pump me full of BS and he told me the good and bad that could happen. Explained what rates spend more time at sea, etc, etc. Now, he didn't mention mopping water up off the decks topside while it was raining. :)
I mean, did you want to haul buckets of water up onto the deck to clean it? Is that a better alternative in your opinion? Heh quick question, how many buckets of water do you think it'd take to scrub the entire flight deck of an aircraft carrier?
So basically they're like car salesman, but you pay with years of your life.
You get paid also.
@@jbac5767 is it really worth 30k/yr for your youth
@@hydruxsybilla43 100% large parts of my family literally buy and sell houses off the retirement military money...an Uncle of mine pushed through it now runs a sector of the Pentagon and negotiates multi-million dollar contracts. You have to hold on. 20 years 50% income, 30 yrs 75% and they were making way more than 30k a year by that time. But it can be a waste if you squander it also like anything else...
My brother got two Masters Degrees with the GI Bill. A youth well spent.
@@TheBatugan77 GI bill has to be earned over time. if he went to uni while active duty it probably took him twice as long to get a masters. youth well spent eh?
MA is like the Air Force’s Air Police. You end up doing an outstanding job! Outstanding in the hot sun, outstanding in the rain, outstanding in the freezing snow.
lol this is true
Do they still give you just three bullets
Only issue is its hard to rank up
dude i cant stop laughing
A recruiters job is not to sell a job. It's to sell the navy.
My recruiter told me the Navy would teach me to get my farts to break the time-space continuum. I thought he might be lying, but I enlisted anyway.
Funniest recruiter lie i heard in bootcamp. The recruit said his recruiter said that RTC had a professional basketball team and played every day
CB1942EO 😭🤦🏽♂️😩
Yea, I bet it's also called EOD hot potato.
Ezekiel Jones oh shit🤣🤣🤣
I did play for the All Navy baseball team for 2 years then played on the Military Baseball Team for another 4 years we played college teams minor league baseball teams played pro teams in Japan and Korea all while on active duty
I dont know about anyone else, but i joined to embrace the suck. I personally love a challenge that nearly kills me, but those are the only ones that are worth it in the end. The harder, the better
Right there with ya man
I have nun to lose life gets hard and I’m up for a challenge wherever the universe takes me I say
A cadence we marched to in '72 at RTC
Dont feel sad and dont feel blue..
My recruiter screwed me too..
Lol (true story)
They gave me 100 dollars and took back 99
Also ends up true sometimes...
Here's some cadences we used at RTC in '70...
GI beans and GI gravy, gee I thought I joined the Navy.
another was.....
Three more days and I'll be home, drinking beer and pi$$ing foam.
I remember one very similar. Someone said this at the end of Air Force basic.
Rainbow rainbow don't be blue
our recruiters screws us too
I guess I was the exception. I WANTED to enlist when I walked into my recruiter. I didn't even have a specific job in mind, I just wanted to get out of South Jersey. I was sick of dead-end construction jobs. Ended up spending 6 years as a Hull Tech. Got to spend most of my time at sea, which was what I wanted. You better not bash the Hull Techs, we're the guys who "Keep The Ship Afloat"!
Don't get fooled by the recruiterrzz people
ever had anything crazy happen at boot?
IS's are information specialist, all i know is that they overview information, what they actually do i have no clue but does anyone know anything about ctr, i swear it's the least talked about rate online so i have almost zero info in it
Is it hard to get MA? And I thought u have to go through the asvab until u sign ur job at meps
@@michaelh9750 u have to take the asvab then get a physical exam, depending on how good u did, any physical problems, and if that rate is available u can get it
@@michaelh9750 www.thebalancecareers.com/navy-enlisted-rating-descriptions-qualifications-3345832
The Navy recruiter who I met in high school was a hell of a salesman. In the end, it was the Air Force base I saw when I was 16 that sold me on the AF. I had to call the Air Force recruiter and he didn't even try to sell the AF.
what base did you see?
For any branch
1. You're going to have a fun time
2. It's a giant party man
3. You're going to have a stronge sense of brotherhood... ... ...
4. You can change your job whenever you want
5. It's only 4 short years
Can't blame the world for everything. Blame ourselves for our decisions and actions. People around the world don't have the opportunities U.S have. That we have. Make the best of those 4/6 years. Rank up. Study. You can get a bachelors in 6 years hell you can. If you want to blame others you are to be blamed too.
I’m 64 now, enlisted in the Navy in late ‘75, struck for AT (Avionics Tech) went to U.S.S. Midway. Home port Yokosuka, Japan, made E5 in way under four (about 30 of us got weird onetime waivers dropping some time in service requirements), they tried hard to get me to re-enlist (RE R1). Offered immediate E6, Subic (VRC 50), Blue Angels. Got out, went back to college on GI Bill, bought home on GI Bill,
Now JD, All in all, joining the Navy was the single best decision I ever made.
Fu** that do 20 years!
@@ricks1314 Yo, in the showers do you go in there buyt naked with your peen out? Haha(Serious question)
Yato_ God yes yes you do
My older brother joined the navy in the early 80's. The recruiter told him he didn't have to put down any of his troubles he had gotten into as a teenager. Got through basic, was excelling in electronics,started getting clearances for security. Background checks brought up his past the recruiter said he didn't have to put down on enlistment.
Instant out,he was devistated. Came home, went to the same recruiter and he denied it all. My mom heard him on the phone with someone saying he wasn't takin the fall for it. Lost my brother 2yrs ago to drinking n hard living. He never could shake how he was stabbed in the back.
Damn sorry to hear that 😔😖😢
I’m so sorry
From a former Navy Recruiter who didn't lie...if you're taking to kids that have never been in ... please don't use acronyms that a kid doesn't know what the heck you're even talking about... thanks.
It's a habit lol kind of hard to switch off. I got you!
LoL, yep or veterans who forgot!! :)
I became a squid to ride the waves ! oh, and see the world...good times..west pac 77
@@charleshowlett1291 70 - 72 EN.
Geez, lighten up Francis
i got lost in the acronyms..
Good presentation but spell it out- MA aka....Master at Arms...a military police position.
lost in the acronyms? lol try the acroarmy
Do you love hunting and fishing? Yes.....well then the infantry is definitely for you. Didnt mention I'd have to hump 50 miles with 100 pounds on my back to get to my campsite.
Neil Rainford my heart is shaking, I’m scared
I love this 😂
When I joined the Navy I had two things on my side, 1) My dad had just retired from the Navy after 22 years so I knew how the Navy worked, well at least back then in 1992 and 2) I had already been in the Army Reserves for 3 years and was only a year removed from being deployed for Desert Storm. My Navy recruiter was pretty straight forward with me.
Just stumbled upon your channel, I’m an old navy man I’ve been out for 40 years now but think about it very day, no regrets here I cherish my time in the navy and watching your channel has shown me just how much has changed and for the better I might add , but it seems recruiters have not, the one big lie back in my day was the “buddy-buddy“plan , the recruiter told me and my cousin that we would be together through our whole enlistment only to find out after boot camp that it doesn’t exactly work like that way although we did go to the same A school but after that I went to the west coast and my cousin went to the east coast, when my brother enlisted after I got out I went with him to the recruiter and made sure he got what he wanted and then some, so I would suggest to someone wanting to enlist to take someone who has been there and done that with them when they talk to the recruiter. Go Navy
I went into the Air Force expecting to be a pilot. Little did I know I was placed into a job I didn’t want. I stayed in and went to a flight academy on my own dime and got my private pilot and instrument rating. At the time Air Force was needing pilots but I was never selected. I separated after 8 years and pursued the rest of my ratings for the airlines.
The point is that military is not there to cater to your dreams you are there to fulfill their needs. Now as a civilian I’m catering to my own needs.
Thanks to military money
@@themaing4451 damn you sound salty like the money came outta your pocket 😂
@@criostasis military is the low key dime out there to get rich nobody wants to admit. I saved my first 10k while serving just as an e02 and this was on deployment and spending recklessly which I won't do anymore. I'm saving to invest it
USAF = u shouldn't all fly. everybody I know that joined the air force expected to be pilots from it, but there simply isn't enough jets for everyone and most pilots are officers and going to the air force academy really helps, but it's hard to get in.
@@rdiddyspace1708 the selection process wasn’t that rigid in the 90s now you gotta have a congressional endorsement.
I would drive convoys in Italy. Did 10 years. Never been to italy, never been in a convoy.
I literally have no other thing to live for 😂 ima bout to join the navy
my man!
Same im only 18 🤣😂
Mood...my grandma told me I should join the navy now look at my mind😅...Cheyanne talk to a recruiter Cheyanne join the navy🤦♀️
same, honestly,I have many reasons for joining and one of em is that hopefully an "accident" happens and I hopefully die
just alive to be alive, nothing to live for anymore
@@sherry.4351 Don’t know what going through man, buts it’s ok. God loves you. Whatever it is, you’ll get through it. Trust me.
1) you can request to change their job before leaving to Navy Boot Camp. The potential individual need to talk to their recruiter to submit a “DAR”.
2) along with what he mentioned, you may change your job by request with your career counselor Around 18 months before your contract end date although it is limited to your ASVAB score and your “job detailer and if you get permission too”. Although the main jobs you’re able to change it for earlier than that are ; special operation jobs (depends on Criteria); Also LN (legal enlisted job)
3) NAVY quotas: .Are not gender or ethnicity specific. yearssss ago it was the case with ALL branches. The only Jobs that are : Navy nuclear, Navy Reserve & Spec war. All other jobs are open first come first serve.
4) “Navy recruiters don’t sell the bad only the good” : Yup about 85% of them will , as well with all branch’s, car salesmen or anyone promoting something.
-The good ones mentor you using the Navy “DEP” program during the process of signing there job.. to leaving to Bootcamp.
Be real with your recruiter and ask all the dirty questions.
Happy enlisting !
What are the dirty questions?
Dirty questions such as “what can I expect with living conditions, food Quality , deployment lengths, mainly worse case scenarios . Talk about sexual assault and their personal Navy experiences good but also bad.
Is there hazing,
how do females treat eachother ,
what does going “TAD” mean .
So I have to work in the galley or another place of work as part of my command duty?
Does everyone get PPV housing? How about barracks housing, do you need to live on a ship? When can I get BAH?
Etc so much but takes asking the bad and the good.
Sorry I am not perfect in explaining .
So I can’t request to change my job before going to boot camp in the navy?
you will be assigned a job that you pick before going to BootCamp. There are a FEW ways to change your date or your job:
1) Your recutier /office MIGHT contact you if you would like to "Ship" to BootCamp earlier or later. They MIGHT even give you other jobs they can change you to IF you accept to "Ship" on the date of their choosing.
2) Let's say you have a job (HM- Coprsman) now let's say it been a few weeks and for SOME reason you really want another job because of XYZ. Provide the reason why you want to change your job and GIVE the branch ideally 1-3 jobs you're open to (more the better). Therefore you request to change your job(rate). If that Rate becomes open (available) they should be able to apply for you to switch. (This is VERY situational so take it with a grain of salt..although I personal did this many times )@@godismysavior6428
My recruiters were the best, kept everything upfront and gave me all the information I needed looking back. They were GM2, IC1, ENC all great sailors.
When I was due for shore duty, they offered me two options, Recruiting or RCC (Now RDC) Aka pushing Boots. I was not about to sucker kids into joining but I will gladly make them regret signing up.
hahah RDC would be a fun job. I would love to be an RDC
Austen Alexander Think about this: Y get to sleep after you put them to bed and you have to wake them up so you need to be up before revile. Also, the political back stabbing is baaaad
This is a whole mood
Oh shit😩🤣🤣🤣
"You can pick any rate you want if you're undesignated" 😂😂😂😭 Lies.
lol ive heard this many many times
You can imagine how awkward it was when my recruiter and I ended up in the same command. 😂
You can pick but it doesn't mean you will get it.
Wow haha that would deff be weird. What command?
I was at VFA-34. She joined the command a year after I got there.
"There's a bowling alley on an aircraft carrier." Um.. no there's not.
The expansion joint is a big long hall that is called "the bowling alley"
@@a.s.dreier3665 Hall? You mean a passage way aka P-way...... That must be some mid-shipmen lingo
Any pool tables? I love shooting pool!
Ray Bin not one... not one...
@@a.s.dreier3665 we had a "bowling alley" of my FFG (FFG-58) it wa just a narrow space that had cooling motors and pumps but it was called the bolling alley
Once I took the Oath at Meps I realized I was I was Uncle Sam’s property for 4 years! 🥱🤭🥵👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🥶
In my experience my Navy recruiter actually was straight up about rates. The AF recruiters are just rude af. That speaks a lot about them. A big turn off. The Army didn’t even accept me bc of my flat feet. This video fits more to Marine recruiters that over hype the job.
My recruiter never lied to me about anything. Guess I got a good one. Dude was very honest and straight forward about everything.
Thank you for the information, this was a lot of help. My recruiter told me she was a SWO officer and it was easy to switch jobs for her and I could do the same. Makes me feel better knowing more people are telling me the same things as you so I should choose my job wisely.
Went in to the baltimore MEPS and passed all the physical stuff. Went to my navy liaison and met with a recruiter from the same office I had visited to start this process. They gave me 3 papers to look at for potential jobs. I didn't know what any of them were. I really wanted CTN( Cryptologic technician network). I said I didn't want the jobs they presented and the guy doing my paper work calls in the recruiter loud and annoyed saying I didn't want to pick from what they had.
They talked me into it and once I read the job description it was actually a lot better than thought. So I stuck with it. I am shipping out next week sometime as they asked for any males in the DEP (delayed entry program) if they want to ship out earlier and I volunteered to do so.
The petty officer in charge of the McAllen, Tx recruiter station threatened to kick me out of the DEP because i wanted to change my job. HT was big mistake i requested a job change, and he tried using intimidation, lies, and he even got personal by trying to talk about god in how i should feel blessed and privileged. I got my job changed to HMDA because my dad was a marine with rank and knows a lot of people at MEPS
My recruiter never even offered me a job lmao, he was just like look up four to five jobs that you like then once you get to MEPS pick the one you like or the one you are offered. My whole experience with the Navy recruiter has been pretty easy and straight forward, but I had initially tried the Army recruiter and everything you said in this video unfortunately applied to him, I don’t blame him tho he was just tryna do his job
Same here!!
I go to swear in tomorrow and my recruiter hasn’t even told me one job. Atm I don’t even know what jobs the navy has 😂 (edit) I just got back from meps and I qualified for a AME and I ship out June 6th
CW 3 that is so exciting I’m waiting on medical records to find out if I can join hopefully leaving in June!
Kaye Williams I hope everything goes well and you do. If you go to Great Lakes in early June and see a guy named colton white there that’s me and say wassup 😂
CW 3 haha i’m a mixed girl named D’anna 😂
He forgot to mention they sail out 60 sailors and come back 30 couples ..😂
What do you mean?
@@arandom1311 isss gay jooke
Big gae
@@steeldragon9701 Saw more gay stuff from the guys in my MEU than the people from my ship. Ha haa. Bored Marines cause a lot of trouble.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Some recruits in my division in the Navy were afraid of water...The recruiter told them they wouldn't have to serve on a boat at all. They were Boatswain mates.
Enlisted in 1970. Recruiter was BMCM. Was 100 percent honest. Told me exactly what I was going into and told me straight and fair
A master chief bosun's mate back in 1970 had to have been one tough, old school salt who totally had his shit together. You got a good one and if anyone had ever "been there and done that," it was him.
(Never saw a recruiter...I was drafted in early 1968 and joined USN as fast as I could to avoid the army.)
Can’t even get a hold of my recruiter yet alone hear lies 😂
same !!!
Facts I was texting and calling my recruiter for info and they never texted nor call me back smh
Bro idk if its because im going nuke but my recruiters answer messages on their off days XD cant believe they aint even contacting yall
I was going to join the Navy in 1994. I had a decade of nursing experience as an RN and two undergraduate degrees. This recruiter tried every trick he could think of to get me to commit to working on a nuclear sub. For those of you in the Navy with some advanced time, what was he trying to do? I was a Registered Nurse.
He was trying to get you to do HM and do,whats called IDC which is independant duty corpsman. Sub docs generally have some training but when you have that much experience they would rather jave you there then some younger people.
I had good recruiters. I scored a 77 on the ASVAB I asked them for the jobs that I qualified for with my score and gave me a list. I researched each rate and got others opinions on it (I also recommend making a top 10 list of jobs for when you go to MEPS) CTI CTT and CTN were my top 3 but they weren’t available so I picked AM and I’m loving it. They told me what would be cool and the parts that would suck. By far the best outcome I could’ve asked for. My recommendation for all of you future enlistees is to find out the jobs you qualify for and research them on your own. Don’t let your recruiter lie off their a$$ and you wind up hating the next 4-6 years of your life.
I entered with a college degree. The recruiter said after bootcamp you'll automatically be a third class petty officer.
I wound up staying for 23 years and am proud of the Navy career I had.
did you become a PO3 after bootcamp with your degree?
@@brokentissuebox nope they made me a e-3. I had to earn my crow
My recruiter called up my parents and told them that I was enlisting into the Navy. When I found out about this, I cussed out my recruiter in front of everyone. Told the meps people that my recruiter told me to lie to them. I threw my recruiter to the wolfs due to he took something away from me.
I’m confused, you didn’t want your parents knowing?
@@kristianmoore7099 Just imagine you got a job, your excited to tell your parents about the job. But they didn't seem surprised that you got that job. You tell this to your new boss. Boss states, "Oh, I already call and told them about the job."
Would you feel robbed on giving good information to your parents, due to someone you don't know and the person doesn't know your parents told them?
Still sounds like you overreacted.
I was sitting eating in my highschool cafeteria and a recruiter straight up slapped a paper in front of me to fill out, with a fancy pen. It’s my sophomore year and their already trying to bring me into it
Start em young
Dew et
It's funny it remind me of starship troopers. At face value The Federation makes it sound all cool killing bugs. But the movie itself is a satire for fascism. I'd be weary of any recruiter.
Some recruiters a direct others no. Those papers are surveys and are now required by our boss. They want to see how many people we talk to at school visits.
I already became the process of enlisting into the Navy. But what I appreciate about my recruiters. You could tell they weren't trying hard to sell me on anything. They have been pretty much straight forward with me. I originally wanted to become a seal eventually. But they told me that they have a age limit.
Your main focus is on the asvab is arithmetic reasoning, math knowledge, paragraph comprehension, and word knowledge. Study for the whole asvab. You can pass the asvab and still not qualify for a job.
Kevin Michel that’s me
I saw that many times, people with good asvab scores who didn’t qualify for shit.
Lol i got an 80 without studying
D3vitron same I got 88 my recruiters like “I’m not letting you go DC, you should try for nuclear engineering”
I struggle with the math portions been doing practice test tho as well as shop and I'm OK on auto
My recruiter was straight up with me. No beating around the bush just all the facts, good and bad. Tarango great man
My dad is retired navy and I’ve always grown up as a navy person obviously (defending the navy as the “best branch”, etc) but as I’ve started researching options in the military progressively over the past year, as the time to start thinking about that stuff has come around for me, I believe any branch has the ability to meet your goals and are equally great in their own ways. It’s still the United States military, the best in the world, defending the best country in the world. So you just have to research what you want to do and join a branch accordingly. What I just said probably doesn’t relate to anything, but I just read a comment saying the navy sucks, so I just felt like saying that.
Right on, I always speak up for the fleet in some way myself.
Same story here only I ended up being a forth generation gunners mate just like my ancestors.
And you said it, any branch will get you there, but naturally, I had to go Navy. God bless you and yours in all you do.
I'm retired navy, FCCS. While I like your videos, you have way more time on your hands than I ever remember having, except for maybe on my twilight tour. Keep up the good work, nonetheless.
A key piece of getting around the lies is doing your research. Some of the dumbest things I heard as an RDC, instructor, etc., was "I hope I don't have to go out to sea." Of my 22 years in, I was underway over 3000 days. I was in a sea going rate and I knew as FC I would be frequently haze grey and underway. This was why I chose FC over ET. I wanted to go to sea. MA2 here, is not in sea going rate, not really. On a CG or DDG there's as many as 40 FCs, but only 1 MA. Many in the navy will say, "choose your rate, choose fate." No matter what the choice is, just as I learned when was 19 years old in Yokosuka, Japan, the navy is what you make it. If you choose to hate life, you'll hate life. If you choose to have fun, you'll have fun. Some also say NAVY stands for Never Again Volunteer Yourself. I said F*** That! Volunteer for everything. That's how you get the coolest experiences. I will say, however, that I don't miss standing watch in CIC. It sucks 99% of the time and really cool only 1% of the time. I'll take MA2's watch any day over a CIC watch, but perhaps his grass just appears greener.
Swore in as an LS on Tuesday! Yes they will persuade you to take Jobs glad I have family in the navy to inform on all the jobs
Hey i think youre really funny!
I leave for boot camp on Nov 25 as an LS how has your experience been??
I expected that in the Navy I’d be wearing short shorts and wave at the girls at the ports...
I went to college in 71 to beat the draft. Dropped out in 73 because I was not learning anything. Joined the Navy. My dad was a CTOCS who became a LCDR LDO. I signed up with a date for boot camp and a date to go to CTO school. I made CTOC in 8 years (my first time up for Chief) and CWO2 at 14 years. Was early selected for CWO3 and CWO4. Retired after 22 years. Recruiters will do anything to fill their quota because they will get sent to the worst duty station for their rate if they continue to fail to meet their quotas.
I was very allergic to honey bees. are you allergic to bees, me.. yes, has a doctor ever told you this... yes, just be quiet about it.
Wheres the lieeeeee????? I was told the same thing. I have the same allergy.
@@celestialunique9348 No lie I suppose. Just sharing. I did 8 years, no bee stings
@@celestialunique9348 lying by omission. I'm uncomfortable with all of that, they told me not to disclose anything about ER visits, etc.
"You are not a doctor".
Best line ever!
As a former Nuclear Reactor Operator (enlisted ET1/SS), I would certainly say the recruiters “leave a lot out of the sales brochure”. They have to or most people would never join.
I’m proud of the service I did (just under 10 years) and frankly, I ended up better off than if I hadn’t joined.
All that said, I had NO IDEA how much I would end up working as submarines have VERY SMALL work “divisions” and you can never turn that reactor off... someone has to watch it 24/7!
Im interested in this MOS, would you mind telling me more about your experience, good and bad? Thank you
@@typicalname3845 that’s a whole lengthy conversation. Unless things have changed drastically, there are essentially 4 “nuclear” roles for enlisted people - Reactor Operator (nuke ET), Electrical Operator (nuke EM), machinist mate (nuke MM) and ELT (Engineering Laboratory Tech - starts off as a nuke MM first). They can only guarantee you nuke MM but you can ask for anything. All very hard, very rewarding. Can’t speak for surface ships but on an attack submarine, you will work MOST of the time... in port or at sea. Great for job opportunities after the fact, whether in nuclear field or not
@@bobellison7752 thank you so much for answering! its a super lengthy process for sure
All recruiters lie. Period,at least now young kids have resources like this to tell the honest truth and help them make an educated choice.
Not all of them do but I heard from someone who is in the navy that some do
So what I am getting from this is...do not believe anything until it is on paper?
And get copies for yourself
I was told I was colourblind and couldnt become a technical sailor. So I ended up joining as a supply sailor. A few years later I went out and wanted to get a commercial pilots licence (already had private pilots licence). I said to Doc, how was my colour vision. Doc says, perfect, I asked for a letter. Went down to my boss, who happened to be my old recruiter and said there is nothing wrong with my colour vision. He looks at me and says, yea but I had too many tech sailors and no supply sailors that month
Many years ago, my recruiter was very honest. Probably because I walked into his office and told him "I want advanced electronics, nuclear power, and subs." When I did the recruiters assistance program I learned just how many points I was worth when I walked in the door (Don't know if they still do it that way, but recruiters had a body and point total goal for each month). Recruits going into different occupations were given a point value based on what job they were shooting for.
Army Recruiter: Biggest lie they told me is that : In Basic Training They will give you Star Bucks every morning xD
Store bought make your own maybe. It's actually not bad.
Ok if they did it. I be like that's it my final decision is made.
We had a guy at Benning fill his cup with Pepsi. It was worse than if someone ate the cake...
I really like your video. You don’t bash the Navy but you’re not sugar coating anything. It’s very straight forward and honest.
My Navy recruiter did not lie to me to get me in. He fed me bourbon.
This happened to a family member recently! She stuck to the job she wanted & wasn't persuaded!
I was an AO and back in the early 90's the WTs were being phased out and they were offered to cross rate to AO, or GM, for the lower ranking guys it wasn't to bad but for first class and above they all had to take a pay grade deduction because the Navy didn't have enough openings for them at the time to cross rate to those positions. Things got really nasty and the senior enlisted all felt like they had been cheated. So about 6 months later the Navy told them they could either take what they were offered or they would face retirement at their present rank. Most of them said the hell with it and took retirement. Kinda sucks when you're a Chief and they want you back as a first.
I had a very good recruiter who was very honest with me. I’ll always be grateful to him for getting me properly prepared (as much as any can ever be ready). However, I know my experience is in the minority.
My problems came later, when I had to deal with the detailers about changing rates and choosing duty stations out of A school.
Another method to use is a DAR..a Dep Action Request. While in the delayed entry program if another job becomes available by someone else in that region becoming disqualified, your recruiter can initiate this request to change your job by taking the disqualified persons job. In most cases your ship date will also change. Remain open and in contact with your recruiter expressing your desire for a job change.
My recruiter looked at my ASVAB and told me to pick what I wanted. He told me boot camp would be 8 weeks of hell/head games. He told me I would not talk to my mom or girlfriend hardly ever during boot camp and he told me that based on my rate I would probably be at sea 60% of the time. He also told me I could try out for the SEALS in boot camp but that it had a high failure rate. I had a great recruiter that caused me to have no surprises. He did not tell me that NATTC in Millington TN was the arm pit of the world lol.
That's where their headquarters are located... I noticed on their website.
Meh...I served 20 years in USN and have no regrets. Went in as an undesignated airman under a 2-year active duty program. I got to see and do a lot of things, also learned a lot about other people; all these experiences have served me well throughout life. Interestingly, I was served more BS from Command Career Counselors (back when it was just an NEC and cookie to wear on the dungarees) than I did from my recruiter.
Not much different in the private sector though where institutions of higher learning use ACT and/or SAT scores to sell high school kids crap degrees that leaves them $60K+ in the hole regardless of graduating or not. Many that graduate actually believe that piece of paper makes them entitled to a $100k/yr job on day one.
Went in undesignated and struck into PC I worked in deck department 2 years and was a postal clerk the other 2 years was trying to do corpsman but didnt score high enough the Navy is what u make it overall it is a great learning experience
So true..that's why my daughter Daisy joined the Air Force 🇺🇸 God bless her over at Cannon Air Force Base Security forces.
That's exactly what they told her.."you can change your job" we all walked out.
My son is an osprey crew chief at cannon.
Could you please do a video on joining the navy as a college graduate? Like do we have to go through bootcamp too? Or yeah everything you want to talk about regarding this topic. Thank you! ✨
A man I know who has been a great friend of mine for my entire life has been recruiting for the Army for years, and when I asked him about the 'quota' requirement, he told me there is no quota requirement - at least not for the Army. While he does encourage persons to join, and he goes on these school tours and such to get the young people to enlist, he plainly told me there is no quota to meet each month.
He was full of CRAP!!! Lied right to your face.
Military recruiting, all of them, is quota based!
Like how the Army was 15,000 enlisted short in FY22! If those ain't quota, I got some beach front property in Iowa to sell you!
Thanks, very in depth video. I was in the Navy, and my circumstances involved having to change rates. I came in with intentions to start as Machinist Mate. A-school (BECC) proved to be quite challenging for me, and I ended up failing out. I then ended up having to be re-rated, unfortunately that wasn't a very pleasant experience. I remember the PN doing the rate change paperwork was a total dick for some reason. I had virtually no choice at this time for my job. It was either start at a ship as Undesignated and strike later for a rate, or SK - Storekeeper (now LS - Logistics Specialist) So there is another way to change rates: you can intentionally fail out of A-school and they will re-rate you. But yea, only do this if you really don't want to do that rate. It can be a risky move.
"You won't die"
Mine told me the same thing. She said the marines will die for us lol
Kay Faith Thats fucked lol
They say that the ship I'll be riding on got; 1) Phasers and Photon torpedoes, 2) Multiphasic shields, and 3) Warp speed. The last time I remember I was saying, "Where do I sign?"
i actually laughed out loud when I read this...did they tell you about the Combat Amazon delivery guys?? Will deliver a package in the heat of battle
Space Force?
I was talked into signing up as a nuke power ET. I never even made it out of basic electricity school, and when my instructor tried to send me out to the fleet as a non-rated deck hand, his chief forced him to reclass me. Admittedly, I wasn't even rated ET - yet - but I ended up being sent to the other side of Great Lakes and going through HM A-school. The story I heard was that for every recruit who made it through nuke power school, the recruiter got a cash bonus. Don't know if that was true, but I graduated and finished my four years on the Nitro as the junior corpsman. While a recruiter's lies can be a headache, what determines how you get through it is your attitude and flexibility. After all, I've been lied to a lot since I got out of the Navy, and some of them had worse consequences.
Goldie Hawn (AKA 'Private Benjamin') got sold on the Army when the recruiter told her everyone gets their own condo. "What if I don't like it?" she asks about life in the Army in general. Recruiter says with a straight face, "Quit."
I was USN 1978-85 and retired from the USNR in 2005. I know it happens but my Navy recruiter in Red Bank, NJ never lied to me. If anything, he wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing.
Great series of videos, shipmate!
You can switch your job in dep. I need you to figure out what a Dep Action Request is.
Can you really
@@christianmichaels6834 yup, I did, went from corpsman to nuke, and when I was a recruiter I helped people switch it all the time.
I'm going in as a dc could i switch to swwc if so how do i go about of doing it.
I joined, btw what's a latrine specialist?
One of my recruiters told me how she saw someone get chopped up by a plane propeller as i wanted to be a mechanic. Now im stg.
Sounds like my job at ups
You can go in unrated (or rated and fail out of your tech school), get assigned to deck Dept. and then "strike out" for a rate you want. At least that's how it was when I was in (85' - 89').
In 1991 the Navy had a 2 year program. Apprenticeship they called it. I was told two lies. 1. You would come home right after boot camp before you attend ATD school. And like you mentioned you can change your job in this program. You pick a field like engineering, say engineman, you can strike out and try electrician, etc etc. And of course I started with the worst , engineman, and was stuck.
Meps took options from me to choose since I scored high on the asvab “theyll never let you choose this with these scores”
Based on what you've said, I think I'm one of few people who have had a completely honest recruiter. I'm not enlisted yet, but I've been speaking with a recruiter for a while, and he's laid everything out as it is. I've double-checked with some friends of mine who have been or are in the rates I'm interested in, and they've confirmed what he's said.
Panzer Priest92 Same here, both the recruiters in the Navy office are both genuine and keep it real. Everything they say are straight forward and right to the point. Both of them are honest people!
Same here!
From my experience, it's easier to recruit honestly since all the information is available online anyway! Plus it builds trust and allows the future Sailor to stay positive during their enlistment as they know what they are getting into.
If my brother weren’t in the Navy, I wouldn’t have a damn clue what these acronyms are lol
Truly appreciate guys like you keeping it real
Just sworn in as an MT on Tuesday can’t wait to see what I can do for the Navy and what the Navy can do for me.
Welcome to glowing in the dark. Just hope you can pass your background checks, and aren't clostrophobic. Also remember if you do complete the course, you'll pretty much not be able to discuss what ship you're assigned to for national security reasons
TheMariusDarkwolf i dont mind tight spaces too much
I haven't shipped out yet, I'm hoping to go as an MC which I'm pretty confident I'll stick to. My recruiter gave me the list of rates way before we went for processing so I had time to go through them with my grandfather who is a navy vet. I think I'd advise any person who's going to the recruiter for the first time to ask him/her for the rating list, or fish them online, then do a research on what they are all about cause they won't give you time to think on what rate to choose at MEPS
This is very true and you did the smart thing. MC would be an awesome job
They won't give you time because people feel the pressure and cannot say NO!. You have the rest of your life to decide and can walk away at anytime, even after you have signed and raised your right hand. This is VOLUNTEER force. Yes, they try to scare you and pressure you because you think you do not know, but the truth is, you can do what ever you want.
Why would a recruiter give you a list?? They have no idea what you qualify for just by talking to you. Get on line, do all the research you want, you still might not qualify for the job you want. It's more than an ASVAB score. You'll get disqualified for all sorts of things. Example: you can be color blind or color deficient and not know it, if that's you, there goes 60% of Navy jobs!
the few rates in the Navy allow you to be on a ship and have a majority of the time playing video games 😂 then work 8 hours then back to video games. I forgot what the job is but it's a super chill one
Bruh that sounds dope
Hire a attorney to attend the recruitment meetings and review your contract. It’s the best $1,500 spent.
DL VOX really what for?
Joseph Kellehhan to review the contract. What most people don’t realize is the military contract is very complex and most don’t understand the specifics. Mainly the “business points” which are specifically what the government is promising you, mainly rate or designation, training and schools, your rank upon completion of training, and what happens if you “wash out” of training. Be very careful before executing the contract because it’s almost impossible to get out of it.
Don't need an attorney just realize the contract says the navy can do anything it wants and you can't.
2001-2005, EM3 USS PELELIU LHA-5 and MDSU-1 DET-1. Loved my Navy time. My recruiter told me “pick a job, don’t go undesignated”, best advice given to me.