Forgot to mention that with this model you are not able to program your fbl controller.. You get what you get..and god help ya if you need customet support from heli direct..took 3 weeks for anyone to reply to my emails..and when i would call..i would always get the same message..."you have reached us outside our normal work hours..bla bla bla"...ITS 1:00 IN THE AFTERNOON!!! ...jesus!! What is normal work hours !? is a joke
The RS4 venom does not come with an FBL unit. It only comes with the motor and you provide the rest of the electronics yourself. I don't know what you're talking about.
A side by side view of what your hands are doing on the remote would be ace with they aerodynamics , that’s some show 😁
Wow wow wow. This is pure insanity. I gotta get this model
Forgot to mention that with this model you are not able to program your fbl controller.. You get what you get..and god help ya if you need customet support from heli direct..took 3 weeks for anyone to reply to my emails..and when i would call..i would always get the same message..."you have reached us outside our normal work hours..bla bla bla"...ITS 1:00 IN THE AFTERNOON!!! ...jesus!! What is normal work hours !? is a joke
The RS4 venom does not come with an FBL unit. It only comes with the motor and you provide the rest of the electronics yourself. I don't know what you're talking about.
Depends onthe kit. @photosbynickel
It is you the joke if you dont know whayt you buy... and how to setup your heli... it is easy to have all the caracteristics now on the web.