Man, I don't remember the last time I clicked a notification so aggressively when I saw this. I'm hyped for this!!! I hope to see a high placement for Surgical Steel for most of you. 😎
I find it very relaxing to watch Carcass rankings because, as far as I'm concerned, every album is brilliant. So, I can see any possible ranking for this band and say "yup, that makes sense to me."
Necrotic Nick- I was looking forward to this one because this band's evolution is incredible from where they started to where they are now. They really influenced a ton of stuff in extreme metal in general. Carcass rules is pretty much what I'm saying here. lol
Great video as always! For me, Symphonies of Sickness still reigns supreme, to this day I have yet to hear an album that matches Symphonies disgusting atmosphere. Love all their albums but I do wish they would return to that style one more time, it could be a 3 track EP and I would be satisfied.
It’s my favorite as well! It was the time I discovered Carcass. I still remember when I saw them live on this tour in 1990 here in Germany, with M. Amott fresh in the band. At that time they still had the Dead Can Dance intro, when they turned off all the lights & played Dead Can Dance‘s Summoning of the Muse. By that time I didn’t even know about Dead Can Dance, & that moment gave me the chills. Haha, great memories!
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! I love Symphonies of Sickness but for me that album is hard to beat either Necroticism or Heartwork. Heartwork was were I jumped on as Carcass fan and it blew me away but Necroticism was the next one and it's one of my favorite death metal albums ever.
It's my favorite also. I loved reek of putrefaction when it came out. But symphonies took it to another level. It had the grind mixed with better production and the sick vocals. Still my favorite. I saw them on this tour with Death and pestilence in Houston. The infamous show that ended in a riot because Chuck walked off the stage after someone threw water on him. Carcass stole the show though!
New subscriber and enjoying all of the videos I've seen so far. Keep up the good work Saw Carcass in Ft. Lauderdale on the Heartwork tour with Life of was unbelievable!!! Necroticism is #1 for me
I went to university in Liverpool and used to go drinking in The Swan and regularly saw Jeff Walker in there, which blew my tiny little mind at the time, haha. Only ever talked to him once, despite seeing him in there a few dozen times.
One of my top five favorite bands of all time. Can’t wait for this one! Although I believe they have no bad albums, I still ranked them: 1. Necroticism 2. Symphonies 3. Heartwork 4. Surgical Steel 5. Swansong 6. Torn Arteries 7. Reek Again, I love every single one of these, I just gotta listen to Torn and Reek more 🤘
Necrotic Nick- There are 5 that I absolutely love in their discography that made this ranking tough as fuck and even the other 2 I still like somewhat, just not as much.
Awesome Mortiferum shirt, I have the same one! Carcass is one of my all time favorite bands. Hard to rank, but here goes: 1. Necroticism 2. Heartwork 3. Surgical Steel 4. Torn Arteries 5. Symphonies of Sickness 6. Swansong 7. Reek of Putrefaction
Apart from their grindcore stuff, I love their discography. Heartwork and Surgical Steel are my favourites! Nice to see my fellow countrymen getting recognition from all across the international metal community!
Necrotic Nick- Cracass pretty much rules in general in my book. I'm not the biggest fan of Reek or Swansong but I still like that they took chances and made vastly different sounding albums. They deserve all the love from every corner of the world.
My Ranking: 1. Surgical Steel 2. Heartwork 3. Necroticism 4. Swansong 5. Torn Arteries 6. Reek Of Putrefaction 7. Symphonies Of Sickness I think alot of that has to do with when I got into them which was about 10 years ago and the fact that in those ten years I started from a thrash or die mentality and have since expanded my outlook into more extreme forms of metal and Carcass is one of the biggest factors that caused this 😁👍
Necrotic Nick- That "thrash or die" vibe is definitely a big part of Surgical Steel's sound so I can see why that would be up there. I love that album. One of the best comeback albums ever.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Yeah, we've all been buds for awhile now. If you've got some metalhead buddies hit them up and see if they'd like to start a channel with you. It could be a lot of fun.
Good job guys. My first exposure to Carcass was when Heartwork came out, and it's always been my #1. Surgical Steel and Torn Arteries probably go back and forth as my #2 and #3.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Heartwork is what got me into Carcass as well. I immediately when out and got Necroticism not long after and then I just wanted all things Carcass after that. The new albums are incredible but I just have a stronger connection to Symphonies, Necroticism and Heartwork.
Carcass is just awesome, even with "only" 7 albums they influenced so much in many genres. Love the content Thralls! Looking forward to another ranking.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! I legit agree with everything you said about Carcass there. Hell, "Carcass worship" is pretty much it's own subset of death metal and grindcore. That alone shows how influential they are.
Yes! the mighty Carcass! loving this episode, feels like I'm among friends talking about music we all love. I'll never ever forget the time I saw the heartwork video. first time I listened to Carcass and it was awesome. like life-changing stuff. That record IMO has it all. Masterpiece. and Carcass are awesome, they can't make a bad record as far as I'm concerned
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! We try to keep things loose and fun in these videos. This was a tough one to rank as all of them are but I kindle knew Heartwork was taking home the gold on this one. It's just fucking brilliant.
@@thrallsofmetal keep up the good work man! 🤘🏻 I started watching your channel when searching for reviews of "nightmares of the decomposed" hahaha.. I still to this day go back to that video every now and then 🤣 it's so damn funny
One of my all time favorite bands 1. Heartwork 10/10 2. Reek of Putrefaction 10/10 3. Surgical Steel 10/10 4. Symphonies of sickness 10/10 5. Necroticism 10/10 (I’m a giant goregrind fan. This was never gonna rank higher than Symphonies or Reek) 6. Swan Song 7/10 7. Torn Arteries 5.5/10 Aight been a bit so imma update my list 1. Necroticism 10/10 2. Symphonies of Sickness 10/10 3. Reek of Putrefaction 10/10 4. Heartwork 10/10 5. Surgical steel 8/10 6. Swan Song 7/10 7. Torn Arteries 5.5/10
Great video! My progression through musical heaviness was Kiss, Priest, Pantera then Carcass. They truly blew me away and opened my eyes to what "heavy" could be when I was first played Heartwork by a mate. I went back and checked out the early stuff but prior to Necroticism I can leave alone. I agree Heartwork is a modern metal classic and really paved the way for much of the "mellowdeath" that followed. One of my alltime top 5 bands and the combination of Walker \ Steer should go down in metal history as god tier. For me: 5 - Necroticism 4 - Surgical Steel 3 - Swansong 2 - Torn Arteries 1 - Heartwork
Great video! Reek is my #1 because of the production. I love the absurdity of it. Not to mention the beginning of goregrind. It's the first I heard as a teen too so it's hard to not consider it #1.
Necrotic Nick- I think it made every single one of our lists for 2021 so it was definitely a mutual favorite. Flesh Ripping Sonic Torment Limited is definitely a new favorite of mine to jam.
@@MrAaronbathory I have to go back and check. It’s been quite a while since I made that video, but I think there was quite a bit of quality death metal released that year as well.
Necrotic Nick- Heartwork was where I got into them but Necroticism and Heartwork are like 1A and 1B for me honestly. They're both absolutely brilliant.
Program note: Macht translates loosely as "makes" or "will make." In medieval times, the phrase was "city air makes you free" or "GTFO your damn farm, peasant. Get you to a burg." Or, "Stadluft macht frei." That's where the Arbeit Macht Frei came from on the Auschwitz gate and that is where the song comes from. Thank you for coming to my TedSpriek.
Excellent stuff, been looking forward to this one. I find it hard to rank them, as I was there at the start, I saw them live so many times in the late 80's, bought Reek the first day it came out. I loved the first 4, then refused to buy Swansong, out of principle.was lucky enough to see Carcass play in 2016, with Napalm Death, Obituary & Voivid ( Away did the tour posters & tee shirts!!), and they were stunning ( supporting Surgical Steel). Torn Arteries was in my year end list as well, excellent stuff. Great video gents, cheers 🍻 🤘
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! This one was definitely tough to rank since I love most of their albums but for different reasons since their albums are very different from one another. I own them all and I return to them all (Swansong a bit less. I really try with that one. lol) and it's amazing how well they've aged.
Swansong is amazing. Never understood the backlash. Great riffs, catchy choruses…one of my favorite albums ever. With that said, Heartwork is THE best album. My ranking with ratings would probably look like this (and 4 5 star albums is no joke): 1. Heartwork (5/5) 2. Swansong (5/5) 3. Necroticism (5/5) 4. Surgical Steel (5/5) 5. Torn Arteries (4.5/5) 6. Symphonies of Sickness (4/5) 7. Reek of Putrefaction (3/5)
Necrotic Nick- For me, it's just one of those albums I've tried to like for years but I just can't get into outside of a few tracks. It kinda feels like a half baked idea that came during a fractured point in the band's history. Following the monolith of awesomeness that was Heartwork was a tremendous task though. Solid ranking, bro.
I was at a bar and met people whom I’ve seen at death metal shows. When I said Symphonies of Sickness, they were all like ”Hell yeah!!”, and we started mimicing the intro of ”Reek of Putrefaction”
1. Heartwork The one and only for me, their other albums never caught my ear. Perfect 10. Not only great for Carcass, but one of the all time best death metal albums too.
My rank of Carcass albums: every one of them on first place! Including Wake Up and Smell the Carcass compilation because it's all new content and the artwork is sick
Did you know both Jeff Walker and Bill Steer were in a band before carcass together? Known as smeg in the heads. There number one was a the absolute Zinger Om. Absolute classic. Thralls give it a listen
Pretty easy ranking for me: 1. Necroticism (this is my #1 by A LOT I adore this album) - 2. Symphonies of Sickness 3. Heartwork 4. Reek of Putrefaction 5. Surgical Steel 6. Torn Arteries 7. Swansong
Even I, who has never touched a guitar or drum before and has not listened to a ton of metal related records knows about Carcass. I mean I have heard about 100 metal records but still.....that is not much. But I definitely know about this band. I just haven't listened as of yet. But I do plan on doing just that. I hope soon.
Sorry I haven't been able to catch the last few videos I'm out of town for the week! But Swansong and Torn Arteries have been in my rotation for quite awhile now
probably redundant to say it since everyone else is, but carcass is one of my favorite bands. I've only been into extreme metal for a couple years now but they're one of the bands I found that made me excited for what death metal can offer. i remember clearly the first time I was recommended necroticism on youtube and going "huh weird cover art. I've heard of these guys before, I better check this out"
Necrotic Nick- Honestly, I never get tired of hearing about all the love for Carcass. They're one of my favorites as well and they really helped shape the sound of extreme metal in general. You started with a killer album by the way.
Carcass are one of my all time favorite bands, and it gets hard for me to rank them, but here goes. 1. Heartwork 2. Necroticism 3. Surgical Steel 4. Symphonies of Sickness 5. Torn Arteries 6. Swansong 7. Reek of Putrefaction The bottom 2 are still great in my book, I just listen to the other ones so much more.
ooooh yeah baby, first time a ranking drops of a band i've already listened to beforehand while i've been a fan of the channel pretty clear cut ranking for me but lets see what they think 1. heartwork 2. necrotocism 3. surgical steel 4. torn arteries 5. swansomg 6. symphonies of sickness 7. reek of putrefaction the last two are the only ones i dislike, the 4 proper melodeath albums are four of my favorite death metal albums ever
Cool episode Thralls 🤘. I think I align most closely with Jammin' Jon, though ShredLord comes close. Blasphemous opinion: Surgical Steel is far and away my favorite Carcass album. I think I would also put SwanSong at #4 or 5. I love that song Rock The Vote. The single off the album, Black Star (I think it was the single) was good too. Other than Dance Of Ixtab, I wasn't really too into Torn Arteries.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Again, I think this is one of those discographies where there are so many potential #1's I don't think it's that "blasphemous". I love the fuck out of Surgical Steel but I just have more of a connection with Heartwork, Necroticism and Symphonies. I thought Torn Arteries was a banger too. Swansong has it's moments but for me it's just a really dull album.
Nice video. Torn Arteries dissapointed me. I remember I thought "Damn, this feels like they activated some kind of Carcass Riff Generator App". For me it's Heartwork, then Necroticism then Surgical Steel.
Great video, found out a few bits of trivia I hadn't heard before. Cool to hear everyone's opinion on their discography. One of the best bands in metal, got to meet Bill and Jeff after a gig on the Deathcrusher tour and they were cool to talk with. 1. Necroticism 2. Symphonies 3. Heartwork 4. Surgical Steel 5. Reek 6. Torn Arteries 7. Swansong
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! I figured we'd all have different opinions on this band's albums considering how different they can be from one another. I'd love to meet Bill and Jeff one day just to shoot the shit with them.
@@thrallsofmetal Yeh they were both easy to talk to and took photos with a few fans after the show. Apparently they showed up at a local rock bar here after 2 of their gigs and again were supposed to be cool with any fans talking to them.
I was maybe 16-17 yrs old, watching headbangers ball. I knew Carcass but never listened to them, all I knew that Michael A. was their member and I listened lot of old Arch Enemy. But when I saw the video of No Love Lost, I thought: "Why the fuck I never heard this before?" That main riff just stuck in my head! Then I listened that whole Heartwork album and my soul was sold! Full of tasty riffs. Definitely my all time-fav DM albums.
Necrotic Nick- I think it was the video for Heartwork that I saw first and I was blown away. I loved how vicious the song was but it had such distinct melodic hooks to it. I remembered seeing a ton of people trash it so I didn't get it till much later. Shouldn't have waited because that is one of my favorite all time albums.
The band that made me want to play death metal at age 14! Honoring the Gods of Grind!!!! 1. Necroticism 2. Symphonies 3. Heartwork 4. Surgical Steel 5. Torn Arteries 6. Swansong 7. Reek
Necrotic Nick- There was definitely a theme with the first exposure to Carcass being a higher album us on here and I think it can really depend on where you start in their discography.
Speak of the Devil. Carcass will be at Psycho Las Vegas this year. I did see them with Slayer in 2016. And even 200 Stab Wounds is going to be at PLV 2022. These album rankings are awesome. 🤘🎸😈💀
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Looking forward to seeing them at MDF this year and I'll be seeing 200 Stab Wounds with Obituary and Gruesome this Saturday in Cleveland.
One of my favorite bands of all time I love all of their albums 7.Swansong 6.Reek of Putrefaction 5.Symphonies of Sickness 4. Torn Arteries 3.Surgical Steel 2.Heartwork 1.Necroticism
Necrotic Nick- It's getting smoother as I get better at editing and shooting these but it is still time consuming. I love seeing the end result though. We were a bit divided on Swansong to say the least. lol
Couple of side notes, the band Carnal Forge took their name from the Carcass song. And the Australian death grind/gabba band The Berzerker has a cover of Corporal Jigsore Quandary on their 2002 album Dissimulate.
Necrotic Nick- I actually knew about the Carnal Forge bit. I own all their albums but I didn't know about The Berzerker's cover of Corporal Jigsore Quandary though. I need to check that one out.
@@thrallsofmetal The cover of Corporal is pretty cool. It has the Carcass spirit, but with The Berzerker touch to it. Dissimulate was the only Berzerker album to feature a live drummer. They're no longer active unfortunately, as far as I know
I really love "Wake UP and Smell the Carcass" which consists great songs which were recorded during the Swansong's session but these songs are much better than most of the Swansong's songs.
Great ranking ! Can't really go wrong. They're all so different, but they all sound like carcass (except maybe Swansong). 7. Swansong 6. Reek of Putrefaction 5. Symphonies of Sickness 4. Torn Arteries 3. Surgical Steel As for 1 and 2 .......i can't.
Hey guys, its a few months old at this point but you should REALLLLYYYYY check out Final Resting Place - Prelude to Extinction. This is a brutal death metal band/album that features members of various hardcore bands, and was released on the hardcore Label DAZE new sister label for brutal stuff like this, DAZE Brutal. I HIGHLY recommend checking it out. It is fucking awesome!
I love watching your videos, they are entertaining, informative and funny. Have you heard of Carnage from Sweden? Michael Amott played on their Demos and only album Dark Reflections.
Necrotic Nick- Thank you! I'm very familiar with Carnage and I love that one off album. Shred and I actually did a retro review on Dark Recollections awhile ago if you haven't checked it out yet.
Surgical Steel would've been a great follow-up from Heartwork I think but going to see them live in May in Glasgow Scotland for the first time, been one of my all-time favourite bands n been listening since I was 13 n I'm 42 so it's a bucket list thing. Really wanted to check of Obituary, Electric Wizard n most of all Carcass so I'm two down with one to go n I can't wait
@@thrallsofmetal yeah, I discovered them with the 1st 2 albums so I'm very partial to them. You briefly mentioned that Heartwork was a shock for some people, it was for me, for years I didn't know if I liked it or not! Weird to think of that now that it became such a classic, but it was not everyone's cup of tea when it came out.
Imo to difficult of a catalog to rank. Similar to Death, every album is killer, different, and several albums started a sub-genre of metal. Do I pick as my favorite the first album I bought by them - Symphonies or the first time I saw them live- Heartwork or I could pick Torn Arteries since I probably jammed it non stop for the last year. Good luck and looking foward to how you rank them.
Necrotic Nick- Despite how much I've jammed these albums this was trickier than I thought. I definitely have a strong connection to Heartwork since that's what exposed me to Carcass in the first place but Necroticism blew me away as well and their last 2 have been amazing.
I just listened to Necroticism for the first time, and it might just be my numer one. I'm still new to the whole extreme music thing, because that's how I spent my COVIDcation, and Carcass is one of those bands that struck a visceral nerve. I shuffled through their first two LPs - alright for what they are, but not super-impressive. Then, I listened to Heartwork - incredible stuff, but a little "too" catchy. Between checking out all the other music I've been getting into lately - everything from Hank Mobley to Morbid Angel to Last Exit - I had somehow never even realized that Carcass released an album in between! Granted, it's still fresh to my ears, which are way more adjusted to the nuances of "zhe extreme" than they were last year, but holy fuck - WHAT HAVE I BEEN MISSING?! Necroticism... It's the best of both worlds!!! I can't wait to dig on the comeback album, from what everyone says. It still might be a toss-up between the two Amott albums, but Necroticism... FUCK YEAH!!! P. S. Excellent work, guys. Tuning in to this channel is always a good time. "Edu-tainment," as the kids like to say. Keep it up, motherfuckers!
The first two Carcass album covers have a theme going on....bacon and cheese. I used to work in a record store years ago and we always called those first two that. I couldn't unsee that color pallete after a coworker pointed it out.
@@thrallsofmetal The people of Liverpool are called scousers 😁 Shred said “Liverpool, London” which is kinda like saying “Cincinnati, New York”. It’s two completly different places. But it’s all good, can’t know everything 🤘
I'm not familiar enough with their discography to do a ranking, but I'm pretty sure Heartwork would top my list, followed by either surgical steel or necroticism. Haven't actually finished all of Torn Arteries lol.
Amott was actually asked to join on Sickness but declined the offer, he regretted that decision a soon as he heard how good it came out. It’s still my favorite, there is a creepy feel on that they never recaptured…
He toured with carcass during the symphonies of sickness tour. Like you said though he wasn't on the album. I agree its still my favorite carcass album and luckily I saw them on that tour.
For me with only full lengths, 7. Reek 6. Sawnsong 5. Symphonies 4. Necroticism 3. Surgical steel 2. Torn arteries 1. Heartwork Honestly 1 and 2 are much closer than I care to admit. I almost put torn arteries at 1. Reek and swan song are good, but the rest are amazing. The eps are pretty damn good too
Carcass is a die hard metal fans type of band. When someone says, they like carcass or respect carcass, you can bet whatever comes out of their mouth next is probably going to be pretty accurate. Carcass is like the Beatles in a since that whether or not you like their collective work, you absolutely have to respect the impact it had on the music at the time. They never gave a fuck about what they thought the label or the fans wanted to hear, they did it their way. That's why their Carcass. 1-Hearwork 2-Surgical Steel 3-Necroticism 4-swansong 5-torn arteries. I put surgical steel over necroticism because of the diversity and as you guys mentioned, some of the best production in the history of metal. "Sanjib no Peck" Literally lmfao. Fast and accurately moderated their.
1. Heartwork 2. Necroticism 3. Swansong 4. Symphonies 5. Torn arteries 6. Surgical steel 7. Reek. everyone else did a ranking so theres mine, and yes I love Swansong! "Wake up and smell the carcass" is awesome too. Thanks thrallers for another cool video.
I disagree that Symphonies of Sickness has bad production. Just because an albums production sound is somewhat dirty doesn't make it bad. I do get where you guys are coming from though. That's why I personally love classic Death Metal, and Brutal Death Metal over a lot of the modern stuff out there today. The sounds are so different for every band, every album, whereas today's bands often sound alike, and even use the same exact equipment to get their sounds. Everything is on a grid and every note is too perfect. I still love newer bands, but there was something about those early years of Death Metal that will never be done the same way again.
Necrotic Nick- I think they got what they wanted for Reek in terms of the sound they were chasing on Symphonies. It is very raw and still a bit muddy but I think that was the idea. I prefer more analog sounding production overall when it comes down to death metal as well because it's closer to what you're going to get live. While I like the precision of a tech death band I prefer something more raw and visceral largely in part to those earlier Carcass albums.
@@thrallsofmetal Surgical Steel was my entry point to the band so that likely plays a big part in it's placement. The top 3 are all basically perfect albums for me though.
Carcass will always be a Top 5 band for me. They just have that perfect blend of riffs, brutality and melodies for me.
Man, I don't remember the last time I clicked a notification so aggressively when I saw this. I'm hyped for this!!! I hope to see a high placement for Surgical Steel for most of you. 😎
Necrotic Nick- I can pretty much assure that Surgical Steel is going to get some love on this one. That album fucking rules.
I find it very relaxing to watch Carcass rankings because, as far as I'm concerned, every album is brilliant. So, I can see any possible ranking for this band and say "yup, that makes sense to me."
Necrotic Nick- I was looking forward to this one because this band's evolution is incredible from where they started to where they are now. They really influenced a ton of stuff in extreme metal in general. Carcass rules is pretty much what I'm saying here. lol
Great video as always! For me, Symphonies of Sickness still reigns supreme, to this day I have yet to hear an album that matches Symphonies disgusting atmosphere. Love all their albums but I do wish they would return to that style one more time, it could be a 3 track EP and I would be satisfied.
It’s my favorite as well! It was the time I discovered Carcass. I still remember when I saw them live on this tour in 1990 here in Germany, with M. Amott fresh in the band. At that time they still had the Dead Can Dance intro, when they turned off all the lights & played Dead Can Dance‘s Summoning of the Muse. By that time I didn’t even know about Dead Can Dance, & that moment gave me the chills. Haha, great memories!
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! I love Symphonies of Sickness but for me that album is hard to beat either Necroticism or Heartwork. Heartwork was were I jumped on as Carcass fan and it blew me away but Necroticism was the next one and it's one of my favorite death metal albums ever.
It's my favorite also. I loved reek of putrefaction when it came out. But symphonies took it to another level. It had the grind mixed with better production and the sick vocals. Still my favorite. I saw them on this tour with Death and pestilence in Houston. The infamous show that ended in a riot because Chuck walked off the stage after someone threw water on him. Carcass stole the show though!
Love the Carc. Thanks for the vid. Much love from Japan.
these rankings are some of my favorite videos, and ive always wanted to do a deep dive on carcass! love this shit guys cant wait for the next one
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! As tough as these are I really love doing these videos.
Ahhh it's always a good day when Thralls releases an album ranking 🙌
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man!
Looking forward to this ranking.
Necrotic Nick- We had a fun time with this one for sure.
New subscriber and enjoying all of the videos I've seen so far. Keep up the good work
Saw Carcass in Ft. Lauderdale on the Heartwork tour with Life of was unbelievable!!!
Necroticism is #1 for me
I went to university in Liverpool and used to go drinking in The Swan and regularly saw Jeff Walker in there, which blew my tiny little mind at the time, haha. Only ever talked to him once, despite seeing him in there a few dozen times.
Necrotic Nick- Dude, that's pretty damn cool. I'd just want to shake his hand and thank him for all the awesome snarls and music. lol
@@thrallsofmetalliverpool is not in london its in the north/west of england 👍🏻🤘🏻
I just listened to Necroticism this album is freaking amazing.
Necrotic Nick- One of my favorite all time death metal albums. You really can't go wrong with that one.
Great video guys!
My ranking is:
1. Necroticism
2. Heartwork
3. Symphonies
4. Swansong
5. Surgical Steel
6. Torn Arteries
7. Reek
Necrotic Nick- Solid ranking, man!
One of my top five favorite bands of all time. Can’t wait for this one! Although I believe they have no bad albums, I still ranked them:
1. Necroticism
2. Symphonies
3. Heartwork
4. Surgical Steel
5. Swansong
6. Torn Arteries
7. Reek
Again, I love every single one of these, I just gotta listen to Torn and Reek more 🤘
Necrotic Nick- There are 5 that I absolutely love in their discography that made this ranking tough as fuck and even the other 2 I still like somewhat, just not as much.
I agree with Necroticism as #1, subjectively my personal fav and objectively their most influential to grind, death and heavy metal in general
@@jboogedy for sure. I’m my opinion it’s like a mix of their first two albums with a little extra from other death metal records at the time
@Robert Showler I love that song. The riffs kick ass. Stay Metal 🤘
Heartwork is a milestone album. Its highly essential for metal albums, like all metal. I think.
Man wild to think Heartwork came out 4 days after I was born haha, great vid as always! My second watch of this
Awesome Mortiferum shirt, I have the same one!
Carcass is one of my all time favorite bands. Hard to rank, but here goes:
1. Necroticism
2. Heartwork
3. Surgical Steel
4. Torn Arteries
5. Symphonies of Sickness
6. Swansong
7. Reek of Putrefaction
Apart from their grindcore stuff, I love their discography. Heartwork and Surgical Steel are my favourites! Nice to see my fellow countrymen getting recognition from all across the international metal community!
Necrotic Nick- Cracass pretty much rules in general in my book. I'm not the biggest fan of Reek or Swansong but I still like that they took chances and made vastly different sounding albums. They deserve all the love from every corner of the world.
My Ranking:
1. Surgical Steel
2. Heartwork
3. Necroticism
4. Swansong
5. Torn Arteries
6. Reek Of Putrefaction
7. Symphonies Of Sickness
I think alot of that has to do with when I got into them which was about 10 years ago and the fact that in those ten years I started from a thrash or die mentality and have since expanded my outlook into more extreme forms of metal and Carcass is one of the biggest factors that caused this 😁👍
Necrotic Nick- That "thrash or die" vibe is definitely a big part of Surgical Steel's sound so I can see why that would be up there. I love that album. One of the best comeback albums ever.
Great ranking video. I am psyched that the are playing on this upcoming tour 20 minutes from my house.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Yeah, they're missing my area on that tour but I'll see them at MDF this year.
Maan you guys are so lucky to have each other!! I wish i could be a part of the show with you guys! Love the channel!
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Yeah, we've all been buds for awhile now. If you've got some metalhead buddies hit them up and see if they'd like to start a channel with you. It could be a lot of fun.
Good job guys. My first exposure to Carcass was when Heartwork came out, and it's always been my #1. Surgical Steel and Torn Arteries probably go back and forth as my #2 and #3.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Heartwork is what got me into Carcass as well. I immediately when out and got Necroticism not long after and then I just wanted all things Carcass after that. The new albums are incredible but I just have a stronger connection to Symphonies, Necroticism and Heartwork.
@@thrallsofmetal makes sense! And Necroticism in particular is a really killer album.
Carcass is just awesome, even with "only" 7 albums they influenced so much in many genres. Love the content Thralls! Looking forward to another ranking.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! I legit agree with everything you said about Carcass there. Hell, "Carcass worship" is pretty much it's own subset of death metal and grindcore. That alone shows how influential they are.
I love these ranking videos! For me it’s
1. Heartwork
2. Necroticism
3. Surgical Steel
4. Torn Arteries
5. Symphonies
6. Swansong
7. Reek
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Solid list, bro!
Yes! the mighty Carcass! loving this episode, feels like I'm among friends talking about music we all love.
I'll never ever forget the time I saw the heartwork video. first time I listened to Carcass and it was awesome. like life-changing stuff. That record IMO has it all. Masterpiece. and Carcass are awesome, they can't make a bad record as far as I'm concerned
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! We try to keep things loose and fun in these videos. This was a tough one to rank as all of them are but I kindle knew Heartwork was taking home the gold on this one. It's just fucking brilliant.
@@thrallsofmetal keep up the good work man! 🤘🏻 I started watching your channel when searching for reviews of "nightmares of the decomposed" hahaha.. I still to this day go back to that video every now and then 🤣 it's so damn funny
One of my all time favorite bands
1. Heartwork 10/10
2. Reek of Putrefaction 10/10
3. Surgical Steel 10/10
4. Symphonies of sickness 10/10
5. Necroticism 10/10 (I’m a giant goregrind fan. This was never gonna rank higher than Symphonies or Reek)
6. Swan Song 7/10
7. Torn Arteries 5.5/10
Aight been a bit so imma update my list
1. Necroticism 10/10
2. Symphonies of Sickness 10/10
3. Reek of Putrefaction 10/10
4. Heartwork 10/10
5. Surgical steel 8/10
6. Swan Song 7/10
7. Torn Arteries 5.5/10
I’m glad to see you have come to your senses. Seeing Necroticism on 5th place hurt my soul.
Great video! My progression through musical heaviness was Kiss, Priest, Pantera then Carcass.
They truly blew me away and opened my eyes to what "heavy" could be when I was first played Heartwork by a mate.
I went back and checked out the early stuff but prior to Necroticism I can leave alone.
I agree Heartwork is a modern metal classic and really paved the way for much of the "mellowdeath" that followed.
One of my alltime top 5 bands and the combination of Walker \ Steer should go down in metal history as god tier.
For me:
5 - Necroticism
4 - Surgical Steel
3 - Swansong
2 - Torn Arteries
1 - Heartwork
Great video! Reek is my #1 because of the production. I love the absurdity of it. Not to mention the beginning of goregrind. It's the first I heard as a teen too so it's hard to not consider it #1.
Going to see carcass in Liverpool in June. Hometown show will be awesome. I can’t wait
Torn Arteries was my favourite death metal album of 2021. It's SO FREAKING GOOD.
Necrotic Nick- I think it made every single one of our lists for 2021 so it was definitely a mutual favorite. Flesh Ripping Sonic Torment Limited is definitely a new favorite of mine to jam.
I agree it exceeded my expectations -
Bloody hell. Was their good albums on the list?
@@MrAaronbathory I have to go back and check. It’s been quite a while since I made that video, but I think there was quite a bit of quality death metal released that year as well.
@@wheelsofmercury Obviously. Carcass was a letdown. Psychic Secretions!
Necroticism for me, a special album growing up in the early 90s Amazing all the way through
Necrotic Nick- Heartwork was where I got into them but Necroticism and Heartwork are like 1A and 1B for me honestly. They're both absolutely brilliant.
Program note:
Macht translates loosely as "makes" or "will make." In medieval times, the phrase was "city air makes you free" or "GTFO your damn farm, peasant. Get you to a burg." Or, "Stadluft macht frei." That's where the Arbeit Macht Frei came from on the Auschwitz gate and that is where the song comes from.
Thank you for coming to my TedSpriek.
Excellent stuff, been looking forward to this one. I find it hard to rank them, as I was there at the start, I saw them live so many times in the late 80's, bought Reek the first day it came out. I loved the first 4, then refused to buy Swansong, out of principle.was lucky enough to see Carcass play in 2016, with Napalm Death, Obituary & Voivid ( Away did the tour posters & tee shirts!!), and they were stunning ( supporting Surgical Steel). Torn Arteries was in my year end list as well, excellent stuff. Great video gents, cheers 🍻 🤘
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! This one was definitely tough to rank since I love most of their albums but for different reasons since their albums are very different from one another. I own them all and I return to them all (Swansong a bit less. I really try with that one. lol) and it's amazing how well they've aged.
I'm not ready to say it's their BEST album but the one I most often have an urge to listen to (at least these days) is Surgical Steel.
Swansong is amazing. Never understood the backlash. Great riffs, catchy choruses…one of my favorite albums ever. With that said, Heartwork is THE best album. My ranking with ratings would probably look like this (and 4 5 star albums is no joke):
1. Heartwork (5/5)
2. Swansong (5/5)
3. Necroticism (5/5)
4. Surgical Steel (5/5)
5. Torn Arteries (4.5/5)
6. Symphonies of Sickness (4/5)
7. Reek of Putrefaction (3/5)
Necrotic Nick- For me, it's just one of those albums I've tried to like for years but I just can't get into outside of a few tracks. It kinda feels like a half baked idea that came during a fractured point in the band's history. Following the monolith of awesomeness that was Heartwork was a tremendous task though. Solid ranking, bro.
45 minutes of joy listening to you all chat about carcass albums 👏👏👏
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! I'm glad you dug it!
Back doing rankings! These videos are awesome. Heartwork is the definitive Carcass masterpiece!
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! We have a lot of fun doing these. Heartwork pretty much speaks to us all here at Thralls.
Love these album rankings!!
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man!
I was at a bar and met people whom I’ve seen at death metal shows. When I said Symphonies of Sickness, they were all like ”Hell yeah!!”, and we started mimicing the intro of ”Reek of Putrefaction”
1. Heartwork
The one and only for me, their other albums never caught my ear. Perfect 10. Not only great for Carcass, but one of the all time best death metal albums too.
Necrotic Nick- Legit agree with everything said here. Well fuckin' put, bro.
My rank of Carcass albums: every one of them on first place! Including Wake Up and Smell the Carcass compilation because it's all new content and the artwork is sick
Did you know both Jeff Walker and Bill Steer were in a band before carcass together? Known as smeg in the heads. There number one was a the absolute Zinger Om. Absolute classic. Thralls give it a listen
Necrotic Nick- Wasn't that the band they played in an episode of Red Giant way back in the 80's?
@@thrallsofmetal haha red dwarf but close enough
Necrotic Nick- There is is. It’s been so long since I’ve seen it but that show was pretty entertaining.
@@thrallsofmetal honestly one of my favorite shows ever. It's star trek turned up to 11.
Pretty easy ranking for me:
1. Necroticism (this is my #1 by A LOT I adore this album)
2. Symphonies of Sickness
3. Heartwork
4. Reek of Putrefaction
5. Surgical Steel
6. Torn Arteries
7. Swansong
Necrotic Nick- I thought this would be easier but it was a bit trickier than I thought. Regardless it was fun listening to all of this again.
I am there with your brother. I would rank them the same. Awesome. :D
@@antondzajajurca7797 awesome man!
Reminder set! One of my all time favourite bands!
My ranking:
Torn Arteries
Surgical Steel
Necrotic Nick- See you at the premiere!
Even I, who has never touched a guitar or drum before and has not listened to a ton of metal related records knows about Carcass. I mean I have heard about 100 metal records but still.....that is not much. But I definitely know about this band. I just haven't listened as of yet. But I do plan on doing just that. I hope soon.
"I got this poster in my kitchen, because that's where it fckn belongs" Hahahahaha! Classic.
Sorry I haven't been able to catch the last few videos I'm out of town for the week! But Swansong and Torn Arteries have been in my rotation for quite awhile now
Necrotic Nick- No worries, man. It's totally understandable. Can't go wrong with Carcass in the rotation at all.
@@thrallsofmetal Reading these comments make me feel like a outcast for loving it...
Carcass - My favorite Extreme Metal band. This is my ranking:
1- Reek of Putrefaction.
2 - A carousel composed by the rest of their discography.
probably redundant to say it since everyone else is, but carcass is one of my favorite bands. I've only been into extreme metal for a couple years now but they're one of the bands I found that made me excited for what death metal can offer. i remember clearly the first time I was recommended necroticism on youtube and going "huh weird cover art. I've heard of these guys before, I better check this out"
here's my ranking
1. surgical steel
2. necroticism
3. torn arteries
4. heartwork
5. symphonies
6. reek of putrefaction
7. swansong
Necrotic Nick- Honestly, I never get tired of hearing about all the love for Carcass. They're one of my favorites as well and they really helped shape the sound of extreme metal in general. You started with a killer album by the way.
Keep up the great content!
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man!
Carcass are one of my all time favorite bands, and it gets hard for me to rank them, but here goes.
1. Heartwork
2. Necroticism
3. Surgical Steel
4. Symphonies of Sickness
5. Torn Arteries
6. Swansong
7. Reek of Putrefaction
The bottom 2 are still great in my book, I just listen to the other ones so much more.
Necrotic Nick- We definitely have some similarities here... but I can't say where... yet. lol
1- Heartwork
2- Necroticism
3- Torn Arteries
4- Surgical Steel
5- Wake up and smell (ok)
6- Reek
7- Symphonies
8- Swansong
1. Surgical steel
2. Heartwork
3. Necroticism
4. Torn arteries
5. Swansong
6. Symphonies
7. Reek
ooooh yeah baby, first time a ranking drops of a band i've already listened to beforehand while i've been a fan of the channel
pretty clear cut ranking for me but lets see what they think
1. heartwork
2. necrotocism
3. surgical steel
4. torn arteries
5. swansomg
6. symphonies of sickness
7. reek of putrefaction
the last two are the only ones i dislike, the 4 proper melodeath albums are four of my favorite death metal albums ever
Necrotic Nick- For me, there are 5 of their albums I absolutely love and then 2 that I think are still good, I'm just not that into.
Thanks for ranking CARCASS !!!
Necrotic Nick- It was our pleasure, man! Carcass rules!
Cool episode Thralls 🤘.
I think I align most closely with Jammin' Jon, though ShredLord comes close.
Blasphemous opinion: Surgical Steel is far and away my favorite Carcass album.
I think I would also put SwanSong at #4 or 5. I love that song Rock The Vote. The single off the album, Black Star (I think it was the single) was good too.
Other than Dance Of Ixtab, I wasn't really too into Torn Arteries.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Again, I think this is one of those discographies where there are so many potential #1's I don't think it's that "blasphemous". I love the fuck out of Surgical Steel but I just have more of a connection with Heartwork, Necroticism and Symphonies. I thought Torn Arteries was a banger too. Swansong has it's moments but for me it's just a really dull album.
Swansong is really underappreciated, for what it is it is an amazing album.
Nice video. Torn Arteries dissapointed me. I remember I thought "Damn, this feels like they activated some kind of Carcass Riff Generator App". For me it's Heartwork, then Necroticism then Surgical Steel.
Great video, found out a few bits of trivia I hadn't heard before. Cool to hear everyone's opinion on their discography. One of the best bands in metal, got to meet Bill and Jeff after a gig on the Deathcrusher tour and they were cool to talk with.
1. Necroticism
2. Symphonies
3. Heartwork
4. Surgical Steel
5. Reek
6. Torn Arteries
7. Swansong
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! I figured we'd all have different opinions on this band's albums considering how different they can be from one another. I'd love to meet Bill and Jeff one day just to shoot the shit with them.
@@thrallsofmetal Yeh they were both easy to talk to and took photos with a few fans after the show. Apparently they showed up at a local rock bar here after 2 of their gigs and again were supposed to be cool with any fans talking to them.
I was maybe 16-17 yrs old, watching headbangers ball. I knew Carcass but never listened to them, all I knew that Michael A. was their member and I listened lot of old Arch Enemy. But when I saw the video of No Love Lost, I thought: "Why the fuck I never heard this before?" That main riff just stuck in my head! Then I listened that whole Heartwork album and my soul was sold! Full of tasty riffs. Definitely my all time-fav DM albums.
Necrotic Nick- I think it was the video for Heartwork that I saw first and I was blown away. I loved how vicious the song was but it had such distinct melodic hooks to it. I remembered seeing a ton of people trash it so I didn't get it till much later. Shouldn't have waited because that is one of my favorite all time albums.
great video keep em comin !
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man!
7. Swansong
6. Torn Arteries
5. Heartwork
4. Surgical Steel
3. Reek of Putrefaction
2. Symphonies of Sickness
1.Necroticism Descanting The Insulubrious
Carcass was the first band I ever heard doing blast-beats. I could not comprehend what I was hearing :)
Necrotic Nick- I think Cannibal Corpse and Deicide were my first ones in terms of blast beats but Carcass blew me away when I heard them.
The band that made me want to play death metal at age 14! Honoring the Gods of Grind!!!!
1. Necroticism
2. Symphonies
3. Heartwork
4. Surgical Steel
5. Torn Arteries
6. Swansong
7. Reek
Necrotic Nick- For me, they showed me how melody and brutality could mingle perfectly in a uniform sound. In Carcass I continue to trust.
1. Surgical Steel ( First carcass album ı listened)
2. Heartwork
3. Torn Arteries
4. Necroticism
5. Swansong
6. Symphonies of Sickness
7. Reek of Putrefaction
This is my order, too! Surgical Steel was also my first time listening to them. So glad I found this band, they rule.
Necrotic Nick- There was definitely a theme with the first exposure to Carcass being a higher album us on here and I think it can really depend on where you start in their discography.
1. Heartwork
2. Necroticism
3. Surgical steel
4. symphonies of sickness
5. swansong
Is that a Mortiferum shirt?? Those guys killed on the Immolation tour
Necrotic Nick- Yes it is and fuck yeah they did! That's where Jon and I got our shirts.
Speak of the Devil. Carcass will be at Psycho Las Vegas this year. I did see them with Slayer in 2016. And even 200 Stab Wounds is going to be at PLV 2022. These album rankings are awesome. 🤘🎸😈💀
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Looking forward to seeing them at MDF this year and I'll be seeing 200 Stab Wounds with Obituary and Gruesome this Saturday in Cleveland.
@@thrallsofmetal Gruesome is awesome. Hope to see them someday soon. Seen Obituary five times and they are legendary.
Love this '... Albums Ranked'. Would love to see one day 'Gorguts, Cryptopsy, Obituary, Deicide, Atheist, Autopsy and Immolation Ranked'.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! I'd be down for all of those eventually.
One of my favorite bands of all time I love all of their albums
6.Reek of Putrefaction
5.Symphonies of Sickness
4. Torn Arteries
3.Surgical Steel
Necrotic Nick- They'd be up there with my favorite metal bands ever honestly as well.
@@thrallsofmetal was your name inspired by Carcass?
Necrotic Nick- Slightly. I just liked the way it flowed honestly. lol
I'd imagine the editing process for these longer videos can be tedious, we appreciate y'all! Can't wait to hear the consensus on swansong.
Me too, I still jam Swansong all the time. It's toward the top of my list!
Necrotic Nick- It's getting smoother as I get better at editing and shooting these but it is still time consuming. I love seeing the end result though. We were a bit divided on Swansong to say the least. lol
What band shirt is nick and jon wearing. They look badass
Necrotic Nick- I'm rocking a Slugdge shirt and Jon's got a Mortiferum one on. Both are killer bands.
Thank You for this ranking, now I'm jamming Carcass on a shuffle playlist lol
Necrotic Nick- Hell yeah! That's the best response we could hope for, bro!
Couple of side notes, the band Carnal Forge took their name from the Carcass song. And the Australian death grind/gabba band The Berzerker has a cover of Corporal Jigsore Quandary on their 2002 album Dissimulate.
Necrotic Nick- I actually knew about the Carnal Forge bit. I own all their albums but I didn't know about The Berzerker's cover of Corporal Jigsore Quandary though. I need to check that one out.
@@thrallsofmetal The cover of Corporal is pretty cool. It has the Carcass spirit, but with The Berzerker touch to it. Dissimulate was the only Berzerker album to feature a live drummer. They're no longer active unfortunately, as far as I know
I really love "Wake UP and Smell the Carcass" which consists great songs which were recorded during the Swansong's session but these songs are much better than most of the Swansong's songs.
Great ranking !
Can't really go wrong. They're all so different, but they all sound like carcass (except maybe Swansong).
7. Swansong
6. Reek of Putrefaction
5. Symphonies of Sickness
4. Torn Arteries
3. Surgical Steel
As for 1 and 2 .......i can't.
Hey guys, its a few months old at this point but you should REALLLLYYYYY check out Final Resting Place - Prelude to Extinction. This is a brutal death metal band/album that features members of various hardcore bands, and was released on the hardcore Label DAZE new sister label for brutal stuff like this, DAZE Brutal.
I HIGHLY recommend checking it out. It is fucking awesome!
These guys are absolutely one of my top ever death metal bands.
Necrotic Nick- One of the most influential bands in all of extreme metal. Carcass rules.
I love watching your videos, they are entertaining, informative and funny. Have you heard of Carnage from Sweden? Michael Amott played on their Demos and only album Dark Reflections.
Necrotic Nick- Thank you! I'm very familiar with Carnage and I love that one off album. Shred and I actually did a retro review on Dark Recollections awhile ago if you haven't checked it out yet.
Surgical Steel would've been a great follow-up from Heartwork I think but going to see them live in May in Glasgow Scotland for the first time, been one of my all-time favourite bands n been listening since I was 13 n I'm 42 so it's a bucket list thing. Really wanted to check of Obituary, Electric Wizard n most of all Carcass so I'm two down with one to go n I can't wait
I skipped school to wait for the record store to open. I bought Hearwork with stolen money. It was worth it.
Such an awesome discography! My top;
1 - Symphonies of sickness
2 - Necroticism
3 - Reek of putrefaction
4 - Heartwork
5 - Surgical steel
6 - Swansong
7 - Torn arteries
Necrotic Nick- Man, that's an interesting ranking but it shows how diverse the band's fanbase is honestly. Solid list, man.
@@thrallsofmetal yeah, I discovered them with the 1st 2 albums so I'm very partial to them. You briefly mentioned that Heartwork was a shock for some people, it was for me, for years I didn't know if I liked it or not! Weird to think of that now that it became such a classic, but it was not everyone's cup of tea when it came out.
Imo to difficult of a catalog to rank. Similar to Death, every album is killer, different, and several albums started a sub-genre of metal.
Do I pick as my favorite the first album I bought by them - Symphonies or the first time I saw them live- Heartwork or I could pick Torn Arteries since I probably jammed it non stop for the last year.
Good luck and looking foward to how you rank them.
Necrotic Nick- Despite how much I've jammed these albums this was trickier than I thought. I definitely have a strong connection to Heartwork since that's what exposed me to Carcass in the first place but Necroticism blew me away as well and their last 2 have been amazing.
I just listened to Necroticism for the first time, and it might just be my numer one. I'm still new to the whole extreme music thing, because that's how I spent my COVIDcation, and Carcass is one of those bands that struck a visceral nerve. I shuffled through their first two LPs - alright for what they are, but not super-impressive. Then, I listened to Heartwork - incredible stuff, but a little "too" catchy. Between checking out all the other music I've been getting into lately - everything from Hank Mobley to Morbid Angel to Last Exit - I had somehow never even realized that Carcass released an album in between! Granted, it's still fresh to my ears, which are way more adjusted to the nuances of "zhe extreme" than they were last year, but holy fuck - WHAT HAVE I BEEN MISSING?! Necroticism... It's the best of both worlds!!! I can't wait to dig on the comeback album, from what everyone says. It still might be a toss-up between the two Amott albums, but Necroticism... FUCK YEAH!!!
P. S. Excellent work, guys. Tuning in to this channel is always a good time. "Edu-tainment," as the kids like to say. Keep it up, motherfuckers!
The first two Carcass album covers have a theme going on....bacon and cheese. I used to work in a record store years ago and we always called those first two that. I couldn't unsee that color pallete after a coworker pointed it out.
Necrotic Nick- I wish I could see bacon and cheese but the large poster I have in my kitchen brings out all the "details" in the collage work. lol
Thank you for doing Carcass! I hope in the future you guys can do Immolation, Enslaved, King Diamond & Metallica.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! I would legit love to do all of those bands in the future. Next up we have Exodus, Mastodon, Pantera and Crowbar.
@@thrallsofmetal are you going to include 80’s Pantera?
18:43 Hope that no scousers are watching 😬
Necrotic Nick- I take it that's slang for something us yanks wouldn't get, huh? lol
@@thrallsofmetal The people of Liverpool are called scousers 😁 Shred said “Liverpool, London” which is kinda like saying “Cincinnati, New York”. It’s two completly different places. But it’s all good, can’t know everything 🤘
Necrotic Nick- Shit. He probably meant to say England and said London by mistake. lol. I didn't even catch it editing it down. lol
I'm not familiar enough with their discography to do a ranking, but I'm pretty sure Heartwork would top my list, followed by either surgical steel or necroticism. Haven't actually finished all of Torn Arteries lol.
Jam Torn Arteries front to back, it's fantastic.
@@RussFerri Yeah man I've been meaning to get to that record for a while now actually. Hopefully can jam it soon though lol
Necrotic Nick- Honestly, it's a relatively short discography so I'd say just dive on in and check it all out.
Amott was actually asked to join on Sickness but declined the offer, he regretted that decision a soon as he heard how good it came out. It’s still my favorite, there is a creepy feel on that they never recaptured…
He toured with carcass during the symphonies of sickness tour. Like you said though he wasn't on the album. I agree its still my favorite carcass album and luckily I saw them on that tour.
1. Heartwork
2. Torn Arteis
3.Surgical Steel
4. Swansong
5. Symphonies
Necrotic Nick- No room for Reek or Necroticism?
@@thrallsofmetal Reek nr 6 and Necoticism 7
For me with only full lengths,
7. Reek
6. Sawnsong
5. Symphonies
4. Necroticism
3. Surgical steel
2. Torn arteries
1. Heartwork
Honestly 1 and 2 are much closer than I care to admit. I almost put torn arteries at 1. Reek and swan song are good, but the rest are amazing. The eps are pretty damn good too
I love Groove Metal and Swansong is unbelievably groovy.
It's my #1
Carcass is a die hard metal fans type of band. When someone says, they like carcass or respect carcass, you can bet whatever comes out of their mouth next is probably going to be pretty accurate. Carcass is like the Beatles in a since that whether or not you like their collective work, you absolutely have to respect the impact it had on the music at the time. They never gave a fuck about what they thought the label or the fans wanted to hear, they did it their way. That's why their Carcass.
2-Surgical Steel
5-torn arteries.
I put surgical steel over necroticism because of the diversity and as you guys mentioned, some of the best production in the history of metal.
"Sanjib no Peck" Literally lmfao. Fast and accurately moderated their.
My rough ranking:
1. Surgical Steel
2. Heartwork
3. Necroticism
4. Symphonies of Sickness
5. Torn Arteries
6. Swansong
7. Reek of Putrefaction
Necrotic Nick- We're pretty close on this one. My top 5 album on this one I see as all being brilliant as hell.
I got into Carcass in 1988. Great fucking band.
1. Heartwork
2. Necroticism
3. Symphonies
4. Torn Arteries
5. Surgical Steel
6. Reek
7. Swansong
Necrotic Nick- Man, that's pretty close to how my ranking went. Nice list, man!
Fun fact Bill Steer recorded all rhythm guitars on all albums. Michael only played lead guitar . Heartwork is top 5 in my list of albums period.
1. Heartwork
2. Necroticism
3. Swansong
4. Symphonies
5. Torn arteries
6. Surgical steel
7. Reek.
everyone else did a ranking so theres mine, and yes I love Swansong! "Wake up and smell the carcass" is awesome too. Thanks thrallers for another cool video.
Necrotic Nick- Thanks, man! Solid list!
I disagree that Symphonies of Sickness has bad production. Just because an albums production sound is somewhat dirty doesn't make it bad. I do get where you guys are coming from though. That's why I personally love classic Death Metal, and Brutal Death Metal over a lot of the modern stuff out there today. The sounds are so different for every band, every album, whereas today's bands often sound alike, and even use the same exact equipment to get their sounds. Everything is on a grid and every note is too perfect. I still love newer bands, but there was something about those early years of Death Metal that will never be done the same way again.
Necrotic Nick- I think they got what they wanted for Reek in terms of the sound they were chasing on Symphonies. It is very raw and still a bit muddy but I think that was the idea. I prefer more analog sounding production overall when it comes down to death metal as well because it's closer to what you're going to get live. While I like the precision of a tech death band I prefer something more raw and visceral largely in part to those earlier Carcass albums.
Last days of humanity albums ranked next!
7. Reek of Putrifaction
6. Swansong
5. Torn Arteries
4. Symphonies of Sickness
3. Heartwork
2. Necroticism - Descanting The Insalubrious
1. Surgical Steel
Necrotic Nick- Nice list, bro! It's good seeing their newer stuff get so much love.
@@thrallsofmetal Surgical Steel was my entry point to the band so that likely plays a big part in it's placement.
The top 3 are all basically perfect albums for me though.
The BBC/Peel Sessions is essential if if you don't dig the muddy necro sound of the Reek era.