When I was a wee lad on my 1st playthrough of Legend of Dragoon I was so excited when I finally recruited Kongol, and then equally horrified watching Lenus annihilate him in his first boss fight.
Yeah Kongol is basically a victim of when he's recruited. He would have been amazing in the early game, but right after he joins the party, a huge majority of the bosses transition from mostly physical damage to magical damage.
Get him a Legend Casque and some Bandit Boots and you essentially win the game if you want over kill equip him with a Phantom Shield. He will literally never die (unless he gets hit with a Can’t Combat)
Given how he's introduced with a counter mechanic that punishes the player for failing to complete additions, I would love for Kongol to keep some form of counterattack when receiving physical damage. Speed would be slightly less of an issue and the Pandemonium item gets an interesting niche use.
@@boebie5052 he's not useless. He's more or less as usable as anyone else. The idea that Kongol sucks is mostly just groupthink that ignores a lot of information.
@@keinlanz I've been playing this game for years. Tried everything I could to make kongol viable. The fact is without bandit gear on him he is too slow to do anything and just sits there like a big brown turd. I like kongol I don't like battle with him though. I have better options with faster characters
Kongol's spell list should be been all support stuff, they must have realized he could never deal magic damage and just didn't care enough to trow him a bone.
And if they didn't want to program/test a bunch of new features for his spells, there's an easy solution: Bump his dragoon magic bonus from the standard 200% to 300 or 400%, he doesn't need to be a magical powerhouse as a dragoon, but you shouldn't feel like you're wasting your turn with him.
What most people miss when evaluating Kongol is that his damage multipliers in dragoon form come closer to matching others than in human form. He gets 260% compared to everyone else's 300%. What this means is that he should always attack against single targets and use his magic against multiple targets. He in fact does not need support spells because his optimal action is always to attack. Lavitz got a support spell because his offense in dragoon form is inferior to Kongol's. Arguably, Dart and Rose are actually less usable than Kongol due to being too average in everything.
I saw an interesting tactic online, they say that the best thing to do with him is use him as a punching bag for the enemies you fight, have someone throw the [Pandemonium] re-usable item at him and enemies can waste time nibbling on his pecs. The one issue I have with that strategy is... I just don't think the game is difficult enough to warrant that much strategy.
Yea, you kinda need to add your own challenges. There's stuff like starting equipment only, or the japanese version without the pocketstation extras, or even the hell mode mod out there (somewhere). That might make the extra stategies useful, maybe?
It is a great strategy to lvl dragoon lvls if you equip him with the emerald earring. He so slow that that he'll get hit so many times before pando runs out that he can easily get between 500-1000 extra sp in a single random encounter
I wish Kongol could use his Magic Attack Barrier he used in Kongol fight 2 as a unique move option that only he and no other party member can use, even when he's not in dragoon form
@@enforcer0175 A bit late, but males use Bandit items and females use Dancer's. You could use it on Haschel who's pretty fast by default too though, or Dart who you're going to be running no matter what.
Kongol with the bandits shoes, bandits ring and legend casque unstoppable. If I use him I couple him with Meru the two of them go hard after enemies while Dart largely stays in a support role
I did the double bandit build on Kongol on my last playthrough and he was my fastest character. He did take a punch from magic, but it was so rare that any enemy would live inbetween the 2 consecutive Kongol turns that it didn't matter, the rest of the party (Haschel) would sweep and Kongol just needed like 2 or 3 guards every 5 fights to recover. I say he is stat-wise very lacking to make up for how straightforward he is to play... Lemme just say this: SIMPLE STRONG FINAL ADDITION WITH NO COUNTERATTACK, and tanky as shit.
I like using power up item on him. If you buy a legend casque he seems pretty good even with just 50 speed. Can run therapy ring too to go super saiyan. He can do 1500+ damage currently in snowfield with his maxed ultimate addition and power up. His biggest weakness imo is not his speed or magic defense. It's the fact that unless you got very lucky, you don't have access to bandit shoes for a long time so your accessory slot is unchangable. 50 speed feels just right and he isn't really killable if you buy legend casque and flex accessory slot.
I feel like giving him a counter ability kind of like how his boss fights are would help him in the DPS department. So he can still inflict damage between the long wait times between his turns. This would also make the Pandemonium item more useful as well. Make it scale off his currently equipped addition and also function like an addition QTE as well so you have the potential to miss it. on topic of additions, I feel like giving him 1-2 more would be worth it, also making them uncounterable too. I think it's a nice little idea that Kongol be the only one who's additions CAN'T be countered by enemies and it also makes sense. Making most of his spells buffs rather than magic attacks seems like the best way to go for his Dragoon form. A straight up Physical Attack boost for the party for a few turns would probably be the best bet. Perhaps a debuff spell to enemy defences as well.
I wish the game had a reverse-counter mechanic - like if you perform a qte on being attacked and succeed you get to counter with an addition. Bind it to an accessory. It could balance slower bulkier characters in this way.
I know of one fight where Kongol can be exceeeeeedingly broken. That being the "final" fight on Disc 3 against Lloyd. If you give him a Talisman and Dragoon JUST him, Lloyd will usually only target him w/ his insta-kill attack.
@@dudeguy8686 That's only if Kongol is the only one transformed. Idk how the target is determined if 2or more are transformed. I expect then that the target is chosen randomly.
Increase base speed by 10, give a new addition with 400 power. I think thats all you'd have to do to make him decent without changing his niche at all. If you want to make him great instead of decent, give him a dragoon spell that causes him to counter enemy attacks (kongol still takes the damage from the attack though) for 3 turns with a physical 200% attack and another dragoon spell that lets him take 1 single target attack for either ally.
Don't forget the item Speed Up! It really helps Kongol out before you get the equipment. I think the only change he needs, considering equipment fixes the majority of his issues, is in relation to his Dragoon magic. Aside from dragoon form being nigh worthless overall, I would've liked to see his "magic" changed to do physical-type damage. And add a fourth spell that either doubles his speed or enables counters
It's not useless. I've said this a couple of times now, but you have to consider that his damage modifier in dragoon form is comparatively high since it isn't reliant on human addition bonus damage. It's 260% compared with everyone else's 300%. The fact is he gets a huge power boost in dragoon form and easily outdamages anyone else with physical attacks.
If there's one spell that I feel would completely make Kongol viable, I feel it's a spell that would cover the party for 3 turns (similar to Rose Storm), but it causes Kongol to hit an enemy with a physical attack (just a percentage of his attack damage, not a full on addition) if they attack a party member under the effects of the spell. I think that'd go a long way towards evening out Kongol's damage compared to the other characters.
On my latest run of the game I went with bandit shoes, legendary casque, his dragoon armor, and a therapy ring, man was a brick house. His innately high HP synergizes well with the ring so he can just be on offense constantly.
I mean I love having Kongol in my party, the damage you can do because of his easy additions means you can do huge damage early on. I never use him for magic, but you can improve his speed with a bandit ring so he gets a turn comparable to other team members on speed. Also, enemies don’t tend to use magic until they’re on Red health, so with big damage numbers from kongol you can kill the enemy before they can cast magic, with exception of bosses.
I think the funniest thing about Kongo is that the official guide book he is one of the recommended characters along with Albert in the boss strategies in the end game
I think i used him in a playthrough, is fun to not use always the same character but he needs equipment to be viable, he's strong and get the last addition pretty early, but magic attacks really hurts him
Buff ideas: Support ability = Double Guard -> Can guard himself and teammate next to him (25%) -Receiving Magic Damage boosts Attack+ for one turn -Has a death buffer (hp stops at 1)
That's not even the worst of it when it comes to the Golden Dragon, Anything that flies is IMMUNE to this dragon's damage (Just off of experience from the PS1 Era)
I must be crazy because my All-Star team has always been dart kongol and lavitz. I simply give speed boosting items to Kongol and 1 to lavitz/albert and equip both of them with the helmet item that cost 10000 gold that reduces magical damage drastically and even increases their magical damage to make them feasible. It is even a great combo for the secret boss since he takes no magical damage and you have to rely on physical
So my approach to improving him would be as follows: First make his ultimate weapon one that increases his damage as his life total goes down. This means that our tanky boy actually gets to take advantage of his huge hp as a defensive and offensive too. Second give him a third spell called Golden Heart. It is self cast only and can't be cast on allies, but for the next three turns he can't be reduced to below 1 hp. He takes damage just like normal, no special buffs, but once he hits 1 HP is invulnerable giving him also a greater use of his ultimate weapon. Lastly make all of his damaging dragoon spells the opposite of Haschel with a twist. His first two do 50% and 100%, even with the boost his magic is still garbage so it sounds like getting a lot but really not. Lastly his dragon would be 125 but increased to upto 175 based on how high his HP was, so basically the opposite of his ultimate weapon. This way it encourages using his dragoon form as an opener to nail a big bad, then revert, take a pounding with Golden Heart and swing swing swing his axe to victory.
I mean he has one redeeming quality. He'll never die if you give him legend casque. At least nothing I fought did anything to him soooo if you're willing to drop 10k He's basically unkillable through normal means. Buuuuuut honestly you could just give the matching equipment that boost defense to high hell to Meru and it achieves basically the same result.
Also for spells an earth shield on one character could be something. maybe make it nullify the next magic spell damage on the character who has the shield active. could be amazing for all types of spells such as insta death spell. Or when fighting Lenus Dart may actually survive a normal playthrough. This could then counterbalance his absent magical defense or just help others...if for some reason you felt he didnt need to just attack.
They really should have just made everyone's magic stat in dragoon on equal playing ground. The elements are locked behind each party member outside of item magic and at the end of the day most of the attack magic ends up useless. And even then after Meru joins you there is only 1 boss in the entire game left weak to water.
The answer is no. He's not s tier but LOD is pretty well balanced and he's more or less as good as anyone else (except Meru at high level due to her weirdly high attack scaling). Because of his low base speed, +speed gear makes an even bigger difference for him than others. It effectively functions as a gear tax, but considering +speed is best for anyone it's not a big deal. Low speed also does have some situational advantages that you might want to make use of. I disagree with the idea that he needed support spells. It's possible it would make him more interesting, but the fact is his setup is simple and it works just fine - he uses spells against groups of weaker enemies, and always physically strikes single stronger enemies because he is unquestionably the best physical damage dealer in dragoon form (which is why Lavitz has the good support spell and not him). This means you don't need to conserve his MP for boss fights. Incidentally, this is also why Meru has strong spells, because she is actually comparatively weaker as a physical striker in dragoon form than she is in human form - the inverse of Kongol. So, in a nutshell- Meru is somewhat overrated and Kongol is somewhat underrated by the community at large because of groupthink and a bit of myopia.
Give him a weapon between the tomahawk and battle axe in power named the bandit's axe that gives him a speed boost. Give him a fourth spell that slows the enemies for three turns.
The only problem with that is Legend of Dragoon has the annoying old RPG habit of making all the bosses immune to all status effects. I'd be 100% fine if Kongol's dragoon magic applied status effects to compensate for their weakness though. I could easily see him cracking a geyser of poison gas, or stunning the enemies with an earthquake, or trapping them in loose earth to slow them or... just terrifying enemies by being a juggernaut, but since the only fights that really matter are the boss fights none of these changes would really address any issue with him at all... (Oh, and being able to slow a boss sounds like a recipe for the most powerful spell in the game, juts saying)
I just OP Kongol with Bandit’s Shoes and Bandit’s Ring and leave him the Legend’d Casque. I grind and maxed out everybody in this game. I ended up with 2 legend’s casque I love your dedication to LOD. I’m a huge fan of your channel!
I mean. I used about every team you can think of. He is my childhood favorite and you can’t change my mind. I would say that’s one of the greatest things about this game was there was literally no “bad team” other than shana rose and dart
Man, you literally ripped into two of my three character set up, and called them bad in one video. Oh well, I love Kongol, and Rose, and will continue to use them in future runs.
I'm in the process of replaying this great game and I'm trying to use people I tend to not like and do things a little more equally. Right before Kongol joined the party I did some grinding to get a second bandits ring, it took time but that was a blessing because after getting the Giganto I went to buy his DG spirit and I saw I had the money for a Casque. Meaning once I get the boots he can be perfect 😂 it'll be the first time I've ever bought that that helm and first time using him more than a handful of fights
I would make two of his spells boosting spells, like regenerate Hp. The other would be boost attack, kinda the opposite of Rose Blossom. His Dragon spell would be his only attacking spell, and do 100% of his Attack stat rather than magic stat.
He's such a cool character, and considering how late in the game you get him and his dragoon ability, I was hoping he would make up for his weaknesses with sheer power or something, but nope. Final addition does 300%. To be honest, if they changed nothing else but made that addition do 500% or even Meru's 600%, I'd have liked using him. Huge amount of damage, but only once in a while seems fair to me.
2 things we can do already, Bandit Shoes + Rings and a Legend Casque. The other I would do, is similar to yours, second spell don't do damage at all, but doubles everyone speed for 3 turns. It would be a perfect opposite to Lavitz Rose Storm. We expect wind to give speed and earth to give defense, and since Lavitz gives defense...
Slap some bandits boots on him and he's just as fast as base Dart, with his attack and tanking abilities that's very viable. I originally beat the game with Kongol and Rose mind you 😂 not because I wanted to challenge myself or anything, but because I was young and those were the 2 characters I liked and had the best equipment.
This is what Kongol needs in extremely simple changes, one you mentioned 1. Needs Rose/Blossom Storm in his magic, Boulder Storm or whatever. Give Lavitz a speed up spell. This fixes two problems with both of their magic. 2. 10 more speed. He will still be slow, but not molasses slow like he was before. 3. Other comments said this, but: alternatively, give him a counter attack and he wouldn't need the speed. He punishes enemies with higher speed who attack him. Since there are no passives in this game, he could guard to activate it. It makes no sense for him to be able to counter in his boss fights and not when he joins. This is probably the best fix mentioned by others. This makes you decide if you are going to Dragoon, attack, or use an item on his turn. With this his speed works WITH him rather than against him. His counters build full SP, as his speed is garbage anyways. 4. Base his offensive magic off of attack.
While not as good in boss fights; I remember people saying 10 years ago that they wish he kept his counter from when you fight him. Bosses mostly use magic so not that great but it's a way to buff him and keep his low speed. I also really think he should have gotten the damage down spell lol. Another idea is that he casts a spell that gives the party a shield that absorbs 25-50% of Kongols HP. That would make the Kongol/Lavitz combo more appealing (since it's horrid right now due to speed) as well as more credence to the Physical Ring over Bandits.
I believe I could help him with one change: He is short one spell, so give him one called Avalanche. Boost damage and speed by 1.5x for 3 rounds but take damage each round while active.
Something that could have been nice, is that one of is magic (or all) would do physical damage (so based on is attack and dragon attack) instead of magic
Honestly, I think dropping his HP to be a bit closer to Lavitz but making his Magic Defense match his Physical Defense would have balanced him greatly. True, he'd be nigh unkillible, but it would justify his speed being what it is and the trade off would feel much better. The big, beefy, slow moving tank character that DOESN'T get knocked over by a light breeze. It would make him more viable at least. (And I wouldn't have to keep justifying why I put him on my team the moment he shows up in disc 2, lol.)
@@airiakizuki5592 yeah speed is the best but you could still use the bandits ring/shoes. A versatile chest or head slot would be pretty cool and have you weigh out what you want elsewhere.
Honestly if he had a spell that just let him counter for like 3 times someone is hit physically as his like tier two skill I think that could work. And it's a bit part of his identity too as he counters you in his boss fights if you mess up your additions. Idk I feel like it's decently balanced not overpowered and works with what he's already like in some form.
I think one of the best things they could've done was make him join the party in disc 1 where more physical enemies are Where you get him in disc 2 is just immediately followed by magic bosses (water dragoon, ghost, water dragoon, divine dragon) which really turns you off using him
I feel like Kongol should get a buff spell akin to Rose Storm(maybe offense based to make it the "opposite") so that he will have something to do with his MP.
I think the simplest fix for kongols dragoon form is to make his dragoon magic dmg based on physical atk. For support spells he should have got something that raises the parties magic defense and blocks status effects.
Every character should have had a support spell. Dart - ATK Up Lav/Albert - SPD Up Meru - MDF Up Hash - MTK Up Kong - DEF Up / Tanking Shana - Healing Rose - Drain Attacks /Enchantment of Draining attacks. Idk, something like this to better balance
I put the speed boost shoes on him, and pop him with the agility magic and hes actually pretty good. I go dragoon with him and only use the attack option, as there is no reason to use his magic.
Kongol should've been the berserker of the group. Insanely high DPS, high HP, decent speed, but everytime he gets hit, your butt clenches like a cigar cutter. His first two spells should've been self buffs, one trading defense for attack for a few turns, the second trading magic def for speed for a few turns, and the dragon dealing damage, but lowering physical/magical resistance to enemies. He would've been a good character if everyone just didn't do everything he does, only faster.
It can be easy to miss the speed increase equipment (if you aren't using a guide or a veteran player.) My advice would be the following and not all at once (except 1 and 2); 1) Make everyone's speed stat closer together. Kongol at 40, Lavitz at 45, Dart at 50, Rose at 55, Haschel at 60, Shana at 65, and Meru at 70. Everyone but Lavitz and Kongol are 5 points away. I don't think they need to suffer 10 points below the next person. 2) Give Kongol 1 or 2 more Additons and change the scaling of existing ones. (All maxed out) Pursuit = 125% damage + 100 SP (he needs help leveling his Dragoon Spirit since he gets his so late. Unless you save up Spirit Potions). Inferno = 225% damage and 45 SP. Earth Smash = 300% Damage and 25 SP. Bone Crush = 375% damage and 102 SP. Optional Addition: Giganto Fury = 275% damage and 75 SP. I didn't want to give him TOO high % because even at lower % he can still deal a lot of damage. But this would make his Human Form attacks MUCH better and give him a chance for a pick over other Physical characters. 3) Alter or completely change his Dragoon Magic and give him a 4th spell. Grand Stream: 50% Earth Magic Damage to ALL enemies. Enemies next attack/spell does half damage to Kongol. (20 MP). Meteor Strike: 75% Earth Magic Damage to ALL enemies. Enemies hit cannot inflict status ailments to party members for 3 turns (does not include Instant Death. 20 MP). Terrain Pulse: All allies are healed for 10% Max HP at the start of their turn for 3 turns and receive half Physical Damage. (they do not gain the effect of Defend. 30 MP). Earth Dragon: 100% /PHYSICAL/ Damage to ALL enemies (80 MP). His Dragon attack can now actually do something. Everyone, except Lavitz, gets a decent Magic Attack, so why not make their Dragon's Physical based? 4) Give him unique armors/legs that slightly increase his base speed at the cost of having higher defense/magic resist. Also give him an Earth Weapon... like why didn't he get an elemental weapon? 5) Maybe Swap Earth - Wind countering each other for Wind - Thunder. This balances Haschel a little and makes him useful when he (idk why he does anyway?) gets his Thunder element weapon. Kongol will still get hit hard by magic but at least Wind won't one-shot him. 6) Just give him 9,999 HP at his starting level. The whole game could use some number tweaks for weapon power/additions but that's for another discussion lol.
In my case i would give him. 1. Increase his speed by giving him bandit ring or / and bandit shoes. 2. Giving him legend casque to boast his magical defense. As for magic attack i dont rely too much on him since i can either shana/miranda or meru for that job. Giving him power up and speed up on him during battle then everything will be ok.
Change his 'spells' to be based off of physical instead of magical, with smaller modifiers due to hitting multiple targets. That'd be a pretty significant upgrade.
Huh, just realized, no mention of Legendary Casque to boost his magic attack & defence stats? I always make sure he & Albert get them as that's the only way they survive magic attacks + their spells become moderately useful (outside of Lavitz/Albert's amazing Rose Storm of course) with the boost.
My guides generally make the assumption that any character with the right legendary armor will succeed and therefore focuses on not grinding to infinity to get them copies!
@@tantacles Huh, fair enough. I never really saw the point of the Legendary Armour though. The elemental dragoon armours are nearly as good plus that sweet juicy protection from your home element... which is awesome especially when you go up against Faust. The Legendary Casques are one of the best pieces of equipment in the game period. Worth farming those darn OOPArts for the money.
For my next run im gonna do an initial equip except accesorys only allowed. I think Kongol will do well with this. 50 speed to darts 70 isnt (assuming both are equiping bandit rings) should make him at least do some good damage.
At a glance, it looks like Kongol was supposed to counter his weakness by just sheer brute force. He has over triple the attack stat of Meru which, 1 for 1, would balance out her speed stat. The issue is multipliers. Perky step is a 600% multiplier at max level. Now it's been twenty or so years since I last played Legend of the Dragoon but that SHOULD put Merus damage at the same level of Kongol and his 300% addition multiplier...so now Kongol doesn't even have that going for him AND he's being lapped by Meru. Even assuming bandit gear for Kongol that just makes him ALMOST as good as Meru physically while she is still going to whoop him in dragoon form. Just...give his final addition 500% attack and call it a day. Let him be the BEST at punching people in the face and let everyone else even it out with their dragoons. Considering Rose storm and legend casques along with bandit gear it's easy enough to shore up his other weaknesses...he just needed his own strength that didn't evaporate by end game.
Maybe he could cast a Status Effect Shield for 3 turns as a level 2 spell? That would be unique. Petrify and Can't Combat are 2 of the most annoying effects. Loving the Kongol thirst!
He seems like a rushed character. They didn’t think his stats out very well. No good Dragoon Spells, only three additions. His Dragoon form is the only optional one too ( I know that you will get it at the end if you didn’t get it earlier ). Without the broken op equipment he is trash and those make even the hardest boss in the game a joke.
Kongol is a character that needs 1-2 items to patch up his weakness's, however, unlike other characters who may still be meh in other departments after their weakness's are patched up, kongols base defense and hp compensate so well, that if you say buy a legend casque for him, all you really need is either the bandit ring or shoes, and he'll start performing as well or better[cept for double speed boosted meru, because....turns for daaaays] then other characters because he'll always have high hp, and hit hard even without the extra stats other characters gets from actually able to equip other gear. He is also the easiest dragoon to perfect attack with due to having, what like 2 less needed button presses? meaning if your not good with additions, especially dragoon additions, more then likely you'll be able to perfect attack with kongol, which means unless your fighting a wind based boss, you'll never need to special with him for that. Honestly aside from speed, his most glaring weakness, is two fold. 1. Unless you google it, there is a good chance you'll miss his dragoon spirit until the end of the game, and if he's in your main party, this can hurt, real bad, especially if you don't get him legend casque and you fight more magic based bosses later on 2. While he is easiest one to get the last addition on, the lack a dedicated sp addition can hurt, while yes pursuit can be very serviceable, if you want bone crush, you HAVE to use inferno, which means 80 turns[if you hit every time that is] of 20 sp, and while bone crush's 100 sp from the get go helps, this still makes him fall behind, because unless you grind out inferno asap, other characters will stay 2-3 dragoon levels ahead of him at minimum due to having at least one addition that's dedicated to gaining sp around the time you get inferno[even meru who won't get cool boogie till later, will really start to out gain him ,especially if you give sp enhancing gear] outside of that, a small support in his dragoon arsenal[I mean hell...he has THREE spells, I think they had room for one support spell ] would have helped, tremendously. it sucks you really need endgame gear to make him not be burden earlier on, especially against a certain disc 2 boss, and even more so against a disc 3 boss, but if you do grind it out, and get it, you'll find that he really becomes the team tank as he'll survive mostly anything from then on
Just beat the game on ps4 with my final team being Dart, Albert, and Kongol. Giving Kongol a legends casque helps compensate for his abysmal magic defense.
When I make suggestions on how to fix a character I tend to prefer making as little custom changes as possible and instead rearranging the available assets in the game. Here's what I would do to balance things a bit. First of all change his ultimate addition to 400% or 500% power, so he further excels at the one thing he's good at. Next somewhere in the game I would place another pair of Bandit shoes, currently there is only one guaranteed pair for men and because Dart is constantly mandatory it makes using a set on Kongol not that viable, this would allow easy access to a second pair. Finally I would change rose storm to only reduce magical damage by 50% for three turns. Then I would give Kongol a new level 2 or level 3 spell that functions like rose storm but affects physical damage by 50% for three turns to all party members. He still wouldn't be top-tier but he would be worth using. To make the entire game and all of the characters truly balanced would take numerous changes so this is what I would consider the minimal needed to take him out of the trash can while keeping the game as original as possible. With these changes he would be about as good as Dart or Rose
Kongol is like a more extreme version of Lavitz: more HP, Atk, Def, less Spd, M.Atk, M.Def. The main imbalance is that Lavitz gets the good spell. The "fix" is obvious.
I'm gonna add a few things. The only time in the game where Kongol spells are useful is if you get Kongol's Dragoon before phantom ship. He one shots the ghosts in the boss fight(not the captain though), but then again I think Dart can also do it with explosion. In any case, the fight becomes ridiculous easy. None of his additions can be countered. His dragoon addition deals slightly less damage than bone crush, but you want to Dragoon him anyway because of the boost to magic resist, and it also means Dragoon attack hits harder than previous additions for most of the game. It's also is 4 instead of 5 and personally, I can't hit 5 consistently, but 4 yes. For how frail he his against magic, he also dishes ridiculous damage to magic types because they usually have low physical armor, including Faust and Polter Armor (but bring shana or Meru along, Kongol needs the heals) If you use Dragoon Special from him, you will be in earth special for longer than any other character.
Where's the one person on every video that slides in to cry about how the bad character is actually really good with the right equipment?
Give it time. 🔥🔥🔥
There is no party formation, equipment setup, or period in the game where this character is the best choice over other options.
Yes there is. If you’re going for the hottest party.
@@tantacles as long as lavitz is in there
@@DrewDragoon I wholeheartedly agree.
If he was the best and strongest of his race, maybe there's a reason they died out
If magic attack was rephrased to Int, that would make so much sense
SAVAGE! My heart man, I feel so bad for him haha
That's Cold Blooded...🥶
When I was a wee lad on my 1st playthrough of Legend of Dragoon I was so excited when I finally recruited Kongol, and then equally horrified watching Lenus annihilate him in his first boss fight.
Yeah Kongol is basically a victim of when he's recruited. He would have been amazing in the early game, but right after he joins the party, a huge majority of the bosses transition from mostly physical damage to magical damage.
Lol I got smoked by Lenus for weeks in first-second grade. Kongol and Miranda were my endgame party though
Loved kongol. Smoshed my head into the wall that is kongol/Albert playthrough for my first run through as a kid
Get him a Legend Casque and some Bandit Boots and you essentially win the game if you want over kill equip him with a Phantom Shield. He will literally never die (unless he gets hit with a Can’t Combat)
Ya that Lenus fight made me quit the game because I was hard stuck on using Kongol and Albert and I just couldn't win that fight lol
Given how he's introduced with a counter mechanic that punishes the player for failing to complete additions, I would love for Kongol to keep some form of counterattack when receiving physical damage. Speed would be slightly less of an issue and the Pandemonium item gets an interesting niche use.
This is a mint idea/consideration😊
Yeah this is one of those instances where the badass boss becomes playable, but gets nerfed to the ground and becomes useless
Yeah, that would be good but you had to create unique mechanics for other characters or the game would feel "unbalanced" or that something is off
@@boebie5052 he's not useless. He's more or less as usable as anyone else. The idea that Kongol sucks is mostly just groupthink that ignores a lot of information.
@@keinlanz I've been playing this game for years. Tried everything I could to make kongol viable. The fact is without bandit gear on him he is too slow to do anything and just sits there like a big brown turd. I like kongol I don't like battle with him though. I have better options with faster characters
Legend Caeque, Bandit Shoes, and Bandit Ring equals absolute destruction.
Sometimes I put armor of legend on kongol because I know it will make UA-cam angry
Kongol's spell list should be been all support stuff, they must have realized he could never deal magic damage and just didn't care enough to trow him a bone.
And if they didn't want to program/test a bunch of new features for his spells, there's an easy solution: Bump his dragoon magic bonus from the standard 200% to 300 or 400%, he doesn't need to be a magical powerhouse as a dragoon, but you shouldn't feel like you're wasting your turn with him.
What most people miss when evaluating Kongol is that his damage multipliers in dragoon form come closer to matching others than in human form. He gets 260% compared to everyone else's 300%. What this means is that he should always attack against single targets and use his magic against multiple targets. He in fact does not need support spells because his optimal action is always to attack. Lavitz got a support spell because his offense in dragoon form is inferior to Kongol's. Arguably, Dart and Rose are actually less usable than Kongol due to being too average in everything.
You're severely underestimating how bad developers often are at balancing the games they make.
Geez. It's really Kevin up in this comment section.
@@kevingriffith6011 There are dozens of us.
I saw an interesting tactic online, they say that the best thing to do with him is use him as a punching bag for the enemies you fight, have someone throw the [Pandemonium] re-usable item at him and enemies can waste time nibbling on his pecs. The one issue I have with that strategy is... I just don't think the game is difficult enough to warrant that much strategy.
Yea, you kinda need to add your own challenges.
There's stuff like starting equipment only, or the japanese version without the pocketstation extras, or even the hell mode mod out there (somewhere). That might make the extra stategies useful, maybe?
It is a great strategy to lvl dragoon lvls if you equip him with the emerald earring. He so slow that that he'll get hit so many times before pando runs out that he can easily get between 500-1000 extra sp in a single random encounter
Giganto deserves some love. Giganto thanks you for this opportunity to redeem Giganto.
Just started playing this again as it randomly popped in my head. Great to see you're making quality content for it, keep it up 😊
Fun fact: Big PP damage was my nickname in college
I wish Kongol could use his Magic Attack Barrier he used in Kongol fight 2 as a unique move option that only he and no other party member can use, even when he's not in dragoon form
the problem with putting your speed items on Kongol is you could also put your speed items on Meru and then she's getting 3-4 turns to his 1.
They use different speed items. 🤷🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️
@@tantacles Is that so? I'll have to double check tomorrow evening when I am home.
@@enforcer0175 A bit late, but males use Bandit items and females use Dancer's. You could use it on Haschel who's pretty fast by default too though, or Dart who you're going to be running no matter what.
@Aquilenne yup. I hadn't played for a couple years and I was getting mixed up with a different piece of equipment, I think.
Kongol with the bandits shoes, bandits ring and legend casque unstoppable. If I use him I couple him with Meru the two of them go hard after enemies while Dart largely stays in a support role
Would love to see a video where you explore the lore of these games you already make videos on (lod, Chrono cross, etc)
I did the double bandit build on Kongol on my last playthrough and he was my fastest character. He did take a punch from magic, but it was so rare that any enemy would live inbetween the 2 consecutive Kongol turns that it didn't matter, the rest of the party (Haschel) would sweep and Kongol just needed like 2 or 3 guards every 5 fights to recover.
I say he is stat-wise very lacking to make up for how straightforward he is to play... Lemme just say this: SIMPLE STRONG FINAL ADDITION WITH NO COUNTERATTACK, and tanky as shit.
I like using power up item on him. If you buy a legend casque he seems pretty good even with just 50 speed. Can run therapy ring too to go super saiyan. He can do 1500+ damage currently in snowfield with his maxed ultimate addition and power up.
His biggest weakness imo is not his speed or magic defense. It's the fact that unless you got very lucky, you don't have access to bandit shoes for a long time so your accessory slot is unchangable. 50 speed feels just right and he isn't really killable if you buy legend casque and flex accessory slot.
If I remember correctly, Kongol also has the benefit of his additions never getting countered? He's good for players who struggle with that mechanic.
I feel like giving him a counter ability kind of like how his boss fights are would help him in the DPS department. So he can still inflict damage between the long wait times between his turns. This would also make the Pandemonium item more useful as well. Make it scale off his currently equipped addition and also function like an addition QTE as well so you have the potential to miss it.
on topic of additions, I feel like giving him 1-2 more would be worth it, also making them uncounterable too. I think it's a nice little idea that Kongol be the only one who's additions CAN'T be countered by enemies and it also makes sense.
Making most of his spells buffs rather than magic attacks seems like the best way to go for his Dragoon form. A straight up Physical Attack boost for the party for a few turns would probably be the best bet. Perhaps a debuff spell to enemy defences as well.
I actually really like your ideas for Kongol. Making him into something more than a one note character would make some interesting party combinations.
I wish the game had a reverse-counter mechanic - like if you perform a qte on being attacked and succeed you get to counter with an addition. Bind it to an accessory. It could balance slower bulkier characters in this way.
I used the strat guide back in the day and they recommend using kingol and Albert with angel robes. 😂
@@tantacles is it any wonder that I thought I was just bad at the game back then? 🤣🤣🤣
I know of one fight where Kongol can be exceeeeeedingly broken. That being the "final" fight on Disc 3 against Lloyd. If you give him a Talisman and Dragoon JUST him, Lloyd will usually only target him w/ his insta-kill attack.
That's an interesting exploit. Sounds like Lloyd's instakill might target the highest hp character?
@@dudeguy8686 That's only if Kongol is the only one transformed. Idk how the target is determined if 2or more are transformed. I expect then that the target is chosen randomly.
@@thepretzel2 oh yea, it's the Dtagon Buster. I forget that just targets Dragoons.
Increase base speed by 10, give a new addition with 400 power. I think thats all you'd have to do to make him decent without changing his niche at all. If you want to make him great instead of decent, give him a dragoon spell that causes him to counter enemy attacks (kongol still takes the damage from the attack though) for 3 turns with a physical 200% attack and another dragoon spell that lets him take 1 single target attack for either ally.
Don't forget the item Speed Up! It really helps Kongol out before you get the equipment. I think the only change he needs, considering equipment fixes the majority of his issues, is in relation to his Dragoon magic. Aside from dragoon form being nigh worthless overall, I would've liked to see his "magic" changed to do physical-type damage. And add a fourth spell that either doubles his speed or enables counters
It's not useless. I've said this a couple of times now, but you have to consider that his damage modifier in dragoon form is comparatively high since it isn't reliant on human addition bonus damage. It's 260% compared with everyone else's 300%. The fact is he gets a huge power boost in dragoon form and easily outdamages anyone else with physical attacks.
If there's one spell that I feel would completely make Kongol viable, I feel it's a spell that would cover the party for 3 turns (similar to Rose Storm), but it causes Kongol to hit an enemy with a physical attack (just a percentage of his attack damage, not a full on addition) if they attack a party member under the effects of the spell. I think that'd go a long way towards evening out Kongol's damage compared to the other characters.
On my latest run of the game I went with bandit shoes, legendary casque, his dragoon armor, and a therapy ring, man was a brick house. His innately high HP synergizes well with the ring so he can just be on offense constantly.
I mean I love having Kongol in my party, the damage you can do because of his easy additions means you can do huge damage early on. I never use him for magic, but you can improve his speed with a bandit ring so he gets a turn comparable to other team members on speed. Also, enemies don’t tend to use magic until they’re on Red health, so with big damage numbers from kongol you can kill the enemy before they can cast magic, with exception of bosses.
I think the funniest thing about Kongo is that the official guide book he is one of the recommended characters along with Albert in the boss strategies in the end game
Maybe make one if his spells a taunt, kind of like Pandemonium but also works on bosses.
I think i used him in a playthrough, is fun to not use always the same character but he needs equipment to be viable, he's strong and get the last addition pretty early, but magic attacks really hurts him
Buff ideas:
Support ability = Double Guard -> Can guard himself and teammate next to him (25%)
-Receiving Magic Damage boosts Attack+ for one turn
-Has a death buffer (hp stops at 1)
That's not even the worst of it when it comes to the Golden Dragon, Anything that flies is IMMUNE to this dragon's damage (Just off of experience from the PS1 Era)
Loving your videos. Like most people here I remember playing this game when it came out. But there was no one to talk to about it haha.
I must be crazy because my All-Star team has always been dart kongol and lavitz. I simply give speed boosting items to Kongol and 1 to lavitz/albert and equip both of them with the helmet item that cost 10000 gold that reduces magical damage drastically and even increases their magical damage to make them feasible. It is even a great combo for the secret boss since he takes no magical damage and you have to rely on physical
Bandits gear plus legend casque he is the unstoppable brute he always dreamed to be.
So my approach to improving him would be as follows: First make his ultimate weapon one that increases his damage as his life total goes down. This means that our tanky boy actually gets to take advantage of his huge hp as a defensive and offensive too. Second give him a third spell called Golden Heart. It is self cast only and can't be cast on allies, but for the next three turns he can't be reduced to below 1 hp. He takes damage just like normal, no special buffs, but once he hits 1 HP is invulnerable giving him also a greater use of his ultimate weapon. Lastly make all of his damaging dragoon spells the opposite of Haschel with a twist. His first two do 50% and 100%, even with the boost his magic is still garbage so it sounds like getting a lot but really not. Lastly his dragon would be 125 but increased to upto 175 based on how high his HP was, so basically the opposite of his ultimate weapon. This way it encourages using his dragoon form as an opener to nail a big bad, then revert, take a pounding with Golden Heart and swing swing swing his axe to victory.
I mean he has one redeeming quality. He'll never die if you give him legend casque. At least nothing I fought did anything to him soooo if you're willing to drop 10k He's basically unkillable through normal means. Buuuuuut honestly you could just give the matching equipment that boost defense to high hell to Meru and it achieves basically the same result.
A spell that slows all enemies by 50% for 3 turns ;)
Also for spells an earth shield on one character could be something. maybe make it nullify the next magic spell damage on the character who has the shield active. could be amazing for all types of spells such as insta death spell. Or when fighting Lenus Dart may actually survive a normal playthrough. This could then counterbalance his absent magical defense or just help others...if for some reason you felt he didnt need to just attack.
They really should have just made everyone's magic stat in dragoon on equal playing ground. The elements are locked behind each party member outside of item magic and at the end of the day most of the attack magic ends up useless. And even then after Meru joins you there is only 1 boss in the entire game left weak to water.
Like I said on another vid should have just made dragoon magic scale off your highest offensive stat.
Not the jujubee quote at the beginning of the video 💀 I’m shook
Is there a reason why you're saying Lavitz instead of Albert?
Avoiding spoilers for people who are picking it up for the first time at the re-release
@@tantacles Ahh makes sense
When I was a kid I loved Kongol and he was always in my party with Albert. Now I'm a Haschel and Meru guy lol
The answer is no. He's not s tier but LOD is pretty well balanced and he's more or less as good as anyone else (except Meru at high level due to her weirdly high attack scaling). Because of his low base speed, +speed gear makes an even bigger difference for him than others. It effectively functions as a gear tax, but considering +speed is best for anyone it's not a big deal. Low speed also does have some situational advantages that you might want to make use of. I disagree with the idea that he needed support spells. It's possible it would make him more interesting, but the fact is his setup is simple and it works just fine - he uses spells against groups of weaker enemies, and always physically strikes single stronger enemies because he is unquestionably the best physical damage dealer in dragoon form (which is why Lavitz has the good support spell and not him). This means you don't need to conserve his MP for boss fights. Incidentally, this is also why Meru has strong spells, because she is actually comparatively weaker as a physical striker in dragoon form than she is in human form - the inverse of Kongol.
So, in a nutshell- Meru is somewhat overrated and Kongol is somewhat underrated by the community at large because of groupthink and a bit of myopia.
20/20 myopic people are offended by this view
They usual "Bua-bye!" Is better teheh
Give him a weapon between the tomahawk and battle axe in power named the bandit's axe that gives him a speed boost. Give him a fourth spell that slows the enemies for three turns.
The only problem with that is Legend of Dragoon has the annoying old RPG habit of making all the bosses immune to all status effects. I'd be 100% fine if Kongol's dragoon magic applied status effects to compensate for their weakness though. I could easily see him cracking a geyser of poison gas, or stunning the enemies with an earthquake, or trapping them in loose earth to slow them or... just terrifying enemies by being a juggernaut, but since the only fights that really matter are the boss fights none of these changes would really address any issue with him at all...
(Oh, and being able to slow a boss sounds like a recipe for the most powerful spell in the game, juts saying)
I just OP Kongol with Bandit’s Shoes and Bandit’s Ring and leave him the Legend’d Casque.
I grind and maxed out everybody in this game. I ended up with 2 legend’s casque
I love your dedication to LOD. I’m a huge fan of your channel!
I mean. I used about every team you can think of. He is my childhood favorite and you can’t change my mind. I would say that’s one of the greatest things about this game was there was literally no “bad team” other than shana rose and dart
You could make him a guardian-class like in Final Fantasy 10 where he's more like I take the defense damage but only while using those abilities
Man, you literally ripped into two of my three character set up, and called them bad in one video. Oh well, I love Kongol, and Rose, and will continue to use them in future runs.
Dang, a Starkid reference, too?? We might secretly be friends already
How much grinding did it take to get Lavitz to level 19!?
LOL I didn't expect to find freaking Zhongli reference in this channel 😂
He’s the C-E-O of G-E-O
I'm in the process of replaying this great game and I'm trying to use people I tend to not like and do things a little more equally. Right before Kongol joined the party I did some grinding to get a second bandits ring, it took time but that was a blessing because after getting the Giganto I went to buy his DG spirit and I saw I had the money for a Casque. Meaning once I get the boots he can be perfect 😂 it'll be the first time I've ever bought that that helm and first time using him more than a handful of fights
Kongol speech before the last battle was inspiring.
I would make two of his spells boosting spells, like regenerate Hp. The other would be boost attack, kinda the opposite of Rose Blossom. His Dragon spell would be his only attacking spell, and do 100% of his Attack stat rather than magic stat.
He's such a cool character, and considering how late in the game you get him and his dragoon ability, I was hoping he would make up for his weaknesses with sheer power or something, but nope. Final addition does 300%. To be honest, if they changed nothing else but made that addition do 500% or even Meru's 600%, I'd have liked using him. Huge amount of damage, but only once in a while seems fair to me.
2 things we can do already, Bandit Shoes + Rings and a Legend Casque.
The other I would do, is similar to yours, second spell don't do damage at all, but doubles everyone speed for 3 turns. It would be a perfect opposite to Lavitz Rose Storm. We expect wind to give speed and earth to give defense, and since Lavitz gives defense...
My go to fix since day 1 for Kongol: Legend of Casque and Bandit Boots.
This was great, I need to see an optimal run please.
Kongol is my favorite character
Slap some bandits boots on him and he's just as fast as base Dart, with his attack and tanking abilities that's very viable. I originally beat the game with Kongol and Rose mind you 😂 not because I wanted to challenge myself or anything, but because I was young and those were the 2 characters I liked and had the best equipment.
This is what Kongol needs in extremely simple changes, one you mentioned
1. Needs Rose/Blossom Storm in his magic, Boulder Storm or whatever. Give Lavitz a speed up spell. This fixes two problems with both of their magic.
2. 10 more speed. He will still be slow, but not molasses slow like he was before.
3. Other comments said this, but: alternatively, give him a counter attack and he wouldn't need the speed. He punishes enemies with higher speed who attack him. Since there are no passives in this game, he could guard to activate it. It makes no sense for him to be able to counter in his boss fights and not when he joins. This is probably the best fix mentioned by others. This makes you decide if you are going to Dragoon, attack, or use an item on his turn. With this his speed works WITH him rather than against him. His counters build full SP, as his speed is garbage anyways.
4. Base his offensive magic off of attack.
While not as good in boss fights; I remember people saying 10 years ago that they wish he kept his counter from when you fight him. Bosses mostly use magic so not that great but it's a way to buff him and keep his low speed. I also really think he should have gotten the damage down spell lol. Another idea is that he casts a spell that gives the party a shield that absorbs 25-50% of Kongols HP. That would make the Kongol/Lavitz combo more appealing (since it's horrid right now due to speed) as well as more credence to the Physical Ring over Bandits.
Can you do one of these for each Lod character, that would be awesome.
I did! Head to the character reviews playlist!
Character Reviews
I just saw this and all i could think was "i spoke too soon" thank you these are AMAZING
I loved Kongol. My favorite character in the game even if he’s bad.
if you put +40 speed on him hes quite good
his additions are so easy too
I believe I could help him with one change: He is short one spell, so give him one called Avalanche. Boost damage and speed by 1.5x for 3 rounds but take damage each round while active.
Something that could have been nice, is that one of is magic (or all) would do physical damage (so based on is attack and dragon attack) instead of magic
Honestly, I think dropping his HP to be a bit closer to Lavitz but making his Magic Defense match his Physical Defense would have balanced him greatly. True, he'd be nigh unkillible, but it would justify his speed being what it is and the trade off would feel much better. The big, beefy, slow moving tank character that DOESN'T get knocked over by a light breeze. It would make him more viable at least. (And I wouldn't have to keep justifying why I put him on my team the moment he shows up in disc 2, lol.)
give him more equipment options. Like 2 mid game chest armor pieces that make you choose between speed, resist, or more raw strength
speed is the only thing he needs why add different options?
@@airiakizuki5592 yeah speed is the best but you could still use the bandits ring/shoes. A versatile chest or head slot would be pretty cool and have you weigh out what you want elsewhere.
Honestly if he had a spell that just let him counter for like 3 times someone is hit physically as his like tier two skill I think that could work.
And it's a bit part of his identity too as he counters you in his boss fights if you mess up your additions. Idk I feel like it's decently balanced not overpowered and works with what he's already like in some form.
I think one of the best things they could've done was make him join the party in disc 1 where more physical enemies are
Where you get him in disc 2 is just immediately followed by magic bosses (water dragoon, ghost, water dragoon, divine dragon) which really turns you off using him
I feel like Kongol should get a buff spell akin to Rose Storm(maybe offense based to make it the "opposite") so that he will have something to do with his MP.
I think the simplest fix for kongols dragoon form is to make his dragoon magic dmg based on physical atk. For support spells he should have got something that raises the parties magic defense and blocks status effects.
Every character should have had a support spell.
Dart - ATK Up
Lav/Albert - SPD Up
Meru - MDF Up
Hash - MTK Up
Kong - DEF Up / Tanking
Shana - Healing
Rose - Drain Attacks /Enchantment of Draining attacks.
Idk, something like this to better balance
You're gonna make me play back through just to see if I am misremembering...and I am okay with that.
I put the speed boost shoes on him, and pop him with the agility magic and hes actually pretty good. I go dragoon with him and only use the attack option, as there is no reason to use his magic.
do you think he only has 3 additions and 3 magic spells because he cant count past 3?
I mean he can barely count to 1…
Just thought, of we have his dragon form a full 5 hit combo, he would be op af.
Kongol should've been the berserker of the group. Insanely high DPS, high HP, decent speed, but everytime he gets hit, your butt clenches like a cigar cutter. His first two spells should've been self buffs, one trading defense for attack for a few turns, the second trading magic def for speed for a few turns, and the dragon dealing damage, but lowering physical/magical resistance to enemies. He would've been a good character if everyone just didn't do everything he does, only faster.
That’s it, I’m doing a Shana/Miranda and Kongol run.
It can be easy to miss the speed increase equipment (if you aren't using a guide or a veteran player.)
My advice would be the following and not all at once (except 1 and 2);
1) Make everyone's speed stat closer together. Kongol at 40, Lavitz at 45, Dart at 50, Rose at 55, Haschel at 60, Shana at 65, and Meru at 70. Everyone but Lavitz and Kongol are 5 points away. I don't think they need to suffer 10 points below the next person.
2) Give Kongol 1 or 2 more Additons and change the scaling of existing ones. (All maxed out) Pursuit = 125% damage + 100 SP (he needs help leveling his Dragoon Spirit since he gets his so late. Unless you save up Spirit Potions). Inferno = 225% damage and 45 SP. Earth Smash = 300% Damage and 25 SP. Bone Crush = 375% damage and 102 SP. Optional Addition: Giganto Fury = 275% damage and 75 SP. I didn't want to give him TOO high % because even at lower % he can still deal a lot of damage. But this would make his Human Form attacks MUCH better and give him a chance for a pick over other Physical characters.
3) Alter or completely change his Dragoon Magic and give him a 4th spell. Grand Stream: 50% Earth Magic Damage to ALL enemies. Enemies next attack/spell does half damage to Kongol. (20 MP). Meteor Strike: 75% Earth Magic Damage to ALL enemies. Enemies hit cannot inflict status ailments to party members for 3 turns (does not include Instant Death. 20 MP). Terrain Pulse: All allies are healed for 10% Max HP at the start of their turn for 3 turns and receive half Physical Damage. (they do not gain the effect of Defend. 30 MP). Earth Dragon: 100% /PHYSICAL/ Damage to ALL enemies (80 MP). His Dragon attack can now actually do something. Everyone, except Lavitz, gets a decent Magic Attack, so why not make their Dragon's Physical based?
4) Give him unique armors/legs that slightly increase his base speed at the cost of having higher defense/magic resist. Also give him an Earth Weapon... like why didn't he get an elemental weapon?
5) Maybe Swap Earth - Wind countering each other for Wind - Thunder. This balances Haschel a little and makes him useful when he (idk why he does anyway?) gets his Thunder element weapon. Kongol will still get hit hard by magic but at least Wind won't one-shot him.
6) Just give him 9,999 HP at his starting level.
The whole game could use some number tweaks for weapon power/additions but that's for another discussion lol.
In my case i would give him. 1. Increase his speed by giving him bandit ring or / and bandit shoes. 2. Giving him legend casque to boast his magical defense. As for magic attack i dont rely too much on him since i can either shana/miranda or meru for that job. Giving him power up and speed up on him during battle then everything will be ok.
Change his 'spells' to be based off of physical instead of magical, with smaller modifiers due to hitting multiple targets. That'd be a pretty significant upgrade.
When I was a kid and not as good of a gamer I liked using Kongol because when I missed the additions it did not feel as bad.
"Kongol can bone crush me anytime." You almost made me spit out my food from laughing on that one.
Kongol never spits
@@tantacles 🤣🤣
Huh, just realized, no mention of Legendary Casque to boost his magic attack & defence stats? I always make sure he & Albert get them as that's the only way they survive magic attacks + their spells become moderately useful (outside of Lavitz/Albert's amazing Rose Storm of course) with the boost.
My guides generally make the assumption that any character with the right legendary armor will succeed and therefore focuses on not grinding to infinity to get them copies!
@@tantacles Huh, fair enough. I never really saw the point of the Legendary Armour though. The elemental dragoon armours are nearly as good plus that sweet juicy protection from your home element... which is awesome especially when you go up against Faust.
The Legendary Casques are one of the best pieces of equipment in the game period. Worth farming those darn OOPArts for the money.
I put the Physical Ring on Kongol too 😁😁
For my next run im gonna do an initial equip except accesorys only allowed. I think Kongol will do well with this. 50 speed to darts 70 isnt (assuming both are equiping bandit rings) should make him at least do some good damage.
Kongol feels like a character that was OP during development and then the devs over-corrected before release
Nerfs ‘r us. Also your avatar is one of my favorites on UA-cam
At a glance, it looks like Kongol was supposed to counter his weakness by just sheer brute force. He has over triple the attack stat of Meru which, 1 for 1, would balance out her speed stat. The issue is multipliers. Perky step is a 600% multiplier at max level. Now it's been twenty or so years since I last played Legend of the Dragoon but that SHOULD put Merus damage at the same level of Kongol and his 300% addition multiplier...so now Kongol doesn't even have that going for him AND he's being lapped by Meru. Even assuming bandit gear for Kongol that just makes him ALMOST as good as Meru physically while she is still going to whoop him in dragoon form.
Just...give his final addition 500% attack and call it a day. Let him be the BEST at punching people in the face and let everyone else even it out with their dragoons. Considering Rose storm and legend casques along with bandit gear it's easy enough to shore up his other weaknesses...he just needed his own strength that didn't evaporate by end game.
Maybe he could cast a Status Effect Shield for 3 turns as a level 2 spell? That would be unique. Petrify and Can't Combat are 2 of the most annoying effects.
Loving the Kongol thirst!
He seems like a rushed character. They didn’t think his stats out very well. No good Dragoon Spells, only three additions. His Dragoon form is the only optional one too ( I know that you will get it at the end if you didn’t get it earlier ). Without the broken op equipment he is trash and those make even the hardest boss in the game a joke.
Kongol is a character that needs 1-2 items to patch up his weakness's, however, unlike other characters who may still be meh in other departments after their weakness's are patched up, kongols base defense and hp compensate so well, that if you say buy a legend casque for him, all you really need is either the bandit ring or shoes, and he'll start performing as well or better[cept for double speed boosted meru, because....turns for daaaays] then other characters because he'll always have high hp, and hit hard even without the extra stats other characters gets from actually able to equip other gear.
He is also the easiest dragoon to perfect attack with due to having, what like 2 less needed button presses? meaning if your not good with additions, especially dragoon additions, more then likely you'll be able to perfect attack with kongol, which means unless your fighting a wind based boss, you'll never need to special with him for that.
Honestly aside from speed, his most glaring weakness, is two fold.
1. Unless you google it, there is a good chance you'll miss his dragoon spirit until the end of the game, and if he's in your main party, this can hurt, real bad, especially if you don't get him legend casque and you fight more magic based bosses later on
2. While he is easiest one to get the last addition on, the lack a dedicated sp addition can hurt, while yes pursuit can be very serviceable, if you want bone crush, you HAVE to use inferno, which means 80 turns[if you hit every time that is] of 20 sp, and while bone crush's 100 sp from the get go helps, this still makes him fall behind, because unless you grind out inferno asap, other characters will stay 2-3 dragoon levels ahead of him at minimum due to having at least one addition that's dedicated to gaining sp around the time you get inferno[even meru who won't get cool boogie till later, will really start to out gain him ,especially if you give sp enhancing gear]
outside of that, a small support in his dragoon arsenal[I mean hell...he has THREE spells, I think they had room for one support spell ] would have helped, tremendously. it sucks you really need endgame gear to make him not be burden earlier on, especially against a certain disc 2 boss, and even more so against a disc 3 boss, but if you do grind it out, and get it, you'll find that he really becomes the team tank as he'll survive mostly anything from then on
Kongol solo run next 😂
Just beat the game on ps4 with my final team being Dart, Albert, and Kongol. Giving Kongol a legends casque helps compensate for his abysmal magic defense.
When I make suggestions on how to fix a character I tend to prefer making as little custom changes as possible and instead rearranging the available assets in the game. Here's what I would do to balance things a bit. First of all change his ultimate addition to 400% or 500% power, so he further excels at the one thing he's good at.
Next somewhere in the game I would place another pair of Bandit shoes, currently there is only one guaranteed pair for men and because Dart is constantly mandatory it makes using a set on Kongol not that viable, this would allow easy access to a second pair.
Finally I would change rose storm to only reduce magical damage by 50% for three turns. Then I would give Kongol a new level 2 or level 3 spell that functions like rose storm but affects physical damage by 50% for three turns to all party members. He still wouldn't be top-tier but he would be worth using. To make the entire game and all of the characters truly balanced would take numerous changes so this is what I would consider the minimal needed to take him out of the trash can while keeping the game as original as possible. With these changes he would be about as good as Dart or Rose
Kongol is like a more extreme version of Lavitz: more HP, Atk, Def, less Spd, M.Atk, M.Def. The main imbalance is that Lavitz gets the good spell. The "fix" is obvious.
I'm gonna add a few things. The only time in the game where Kongol spells are useful is if you get Kongol's Dragoon before phantom ship. He one shots the ghosts in the boss fight(not the captain though), but then again I think Dart can also do it with explosion. In any case, the fight becomes ridiculous easy.
None of his additions can be countered. His dragoon addition deals slightly less damage than bone crush, but you want to Dragoon him anyway because of the boost to magic resist, and it also means Dragoon attack hits harder than previous additions for most of the game. It's also is 4 instead of 5 and personally, I can't hit 5 consistently, but 4 yes.
For how frail he his against magic, he also dishes ridiculous damage to magic types because they usually have low physical armor, including Faust and Polter Armor (but bring shana or Meru along, Kongol needs the heals)
If you use Dragoon Special from him, you will be in earth special for longer than any other character.
Excellent revision of Kongol's Spells! I would have used him had that been his skillset!❤