@@ivarjriibabyrbfh Yeah I agree, I'm still subscribed to him and I still watch his videos, even rewatch his old stuff cause he's just genuinely entertaining to watch
I think one of the issues with master yi is also that once he 1v9s the games there is absolutely no semblance of teamfighting anymore. Instead he just chainsaws through the entire enemy team and you feel pretty useless in comparison. I guess that's true for all hypercarries, but master yi is the most hypercarry hypercarry to hypercarry a game.
@@bapbap82Kassa NEEDS lvl 16 and he does not have any tool to deny cc, he can dodge but Yi has dodge AND untargetability while being a lvl Armageddon threat way early in game at levels even below 10
@@sorelvio79I feel like an extremely ahead Red Kayn or Aatrox are stronger. They dont have that much mobility. But they heal to full through antiheal with a single skill and they build items that have good hp values, so they might not be that insane damage wise, but their combination of damage and sustain is super op when ahead
The problem with Yi is that the game revolves around him and only him. All enemies have to play to counter him and all his allies have to play to support him. This also explains why he is a pubstomper; low elo players do not care about or understand picking a teamcomp and they even moreso do not coordinate. Thus Yi can just roll over the enemies. In higher elo people see Yi being picked, collectively groan, pick accordingly and play accordingly and just keep him in check.
You must not Cowsep, he is a Grandmaster/Diamond Yi one trick. I’ve seen many streams where he is just destroying the team. For Yi there is a time limit. Once he gets like three or four items he has no counters, only him getting LP.
As a master yi main i can confidently say if lower elo people stopprd trying to get a kill on the 0-5 adc on my team just because they know they csn get a kill on their score, and instead focus on killing me as a team, they wiuld win like 70% of all fights. But they just want to pad their kda and lose games for it
I absolutely agree. He just jumps in and chiansaws the entire enemy team, while you sit there dumb-founded and ask yourself "Why the eff am I even here? I'm winning the game, sure, but at this point, am I even playing the game?"
I remember that during Fiora's rework it was highlighted how her ult was broken, which by the way is basically Master Yi's Q. The skill is too strong to be in an ult, but it's ok to be in a basic skill with reset capability...
They aren't remotely comparable. Let's look at the math. Fiora's old ult would deal 385 damage with 90% AD scaling. It hits 5 times, every hit beyond the first dealing 40% AD but every hit gaining full on-hit effectiveness. This is on a 110s cooldown. With 300 AD and ignoring on-hit effects, that's 1,702 damage. Yi's Alpha Strike hits 4 times. Initial + 3 extra if the target is alone, similar to Fiora. 150 damage + 50% AD scaling. The first hit is full AD w/ 75% on-hit effectiveness and the 3 hits following deal 25% damage and 18.75% on-hit effectiveness. 300 AD and no on-hit gives us 600 damage. Sure, it's on a much lower cooldown and you can potentially use it 2-4 times a fight, but it's almost never going to group on a single target. It's going to be significantly spreaded damage. The damage, comparatively, is much worse if you take into account on-hit effects. Fiora's ult is just way better for burst and just deals way more damage. Often times Alpha Strike is actually a DPS loss for Yi because of the delay of casting it, disappearing and reappearing. Which is why it's more of a chase and dodge tool than a damage tool.
@@Rasea611its not about damage its about utility, a blink/dash with untargetability should not be all in one skill, specially a skill with two reset mechanics
@@guifdcanalli That's fair, but without it, Yi gets exploded instantly so he'd need significant changes in order to make him remain viable and have a decent gap closer but without making him briefly untargetable.
Nothing more boring than facechecking a Master Yi that pops his ultimate. You just feel like instantly letting go of you keyboard because you're dead no matter who you are. Best case scenario here now is to take him with you by forcing him to dive. On the flipside, nothing better than having a Master Yi on my team as a Rell main. All it takes is for me to peel for them and they solo win the game
Well, that is _mostly_ true... Except when the team facing yi has lots of cc. Then he dodges the first, meditates until second hits, and gets blown up after. You need to babysit him to have a chance in this scenario, and since they like to jump right in, usually it's not easy to babysit them, not even to keep up with.
He needs a visual update. His design was always extremely goofy looking. Paper thin guy wielding a massive Scottish looking greatsword with rings in it for some reason. What.
Great video and analysis of Yi, personally one of my more disliked champs just because im a low elo shitter and a chogath/sion main. But then again i tend to dislike a lot of hypercrarries and you are right that even if yi is the min maxxed hyper carry imo he is far from the most offensive one. I will say yi did give me one of the funniest highlights i have to date where i got pretty fed as cho and i had old gargoyles and yi went on top of me and diana, With both of us attacking him, i popped gargoyles and that mans health bar started to ping pong between how much damage we were doing and just how much he was healing off of my massive health bar.
chogath sucks into yi early , then extra hard on 1-2 items as thats when yi gets botrk , but afterwards chogath is good vs yi mainly due to the w and r. my advice is to silence him when he wants to q, namely thats before your team uses cc (or you use your q), when hes on an ally he will q to execture usually so w-ing him as his target is about 40% hp help, you should also insta use your r on him in my opinion as it bothers him a lot more than if you save it to execute him
My issue with yi is the fact that after level 9 he just isnt ever fucking targetable. He is ALWAYS in q or duskblade. So riot has handed him a 750 range (longer than caitlyn auto range btw) point and click, instant kill that doubles as a zhonya's, THAT FUCKING RESETS if he farted once 8 months ago.
I hate how when ahead it feels like there is absolutely nothing I cam do to stop him. I vividly remember a game I played Rammus in. The team was doing SoloQ things so the Yi got just a few kills, then mid game it straight up didn't matter I had like 350 armor, he killed me within two seconds. Gets me back to the Vayne problem where too much true damage is extremely frustrating to play against as a tank cause my main counterplay (items) is useless.
Yeah I've had this too. I was a relatively fed Rammus with Thornmail and maxed W. He was a fed Yi. I died before the end of my Taunt, after dealing a grand total of 200 damage to him, which he promptly healed off a jungle camp. I did everything I was supposed to. I CC-ed him, I built tank items, I even counterpicked him. But even with my midlaner present, we were basically just a walking double-kill once he got a little fed.
I feel like Rammus is one of the best champions for dealing with Yi though. Thornmail is bought all the time on Rammus which works really well against Yi and guts Yi's sustain, on top of Ball Curl's recoil damage itself which scales with your resistances. Then you have your taunt which forces Yi to take that damage in addition to being hard CC for your team to stop him. Between Thornmail, Randuin's (because he tends to build crit at some point) and Frozen Heart, I feel like you're pretty fucking tanky. You probably still die faster (perhaps considerably faster) to him than other AAing carries because true damage sucks, but I feel like Rammus is in a much better position to dealing with Yi than a lot of other tanks would be.
@@mcdick1621 Dude this was before the durability update, I can't just magick up stats of a game I lost years ago. I just remember the Yi was at 1.5 items by the time I got my Thornmail, and he absolutely tore me a new one even through W and Taunt.
@@acvgaming5601 which tanks are super mobile? Almost all tanks are slow meatshields and btw they got damage, because it was not fun that they had to be attacked 15+ seconds, if they had the right items. (Which is better btw, rather they stone wall carry/bruiser champs than being 2nd grade bruisers with utility/CC like now)
There could also be the factor of him having only 2 states of being: 90% he swings his sword, sometimes disappearing while doing so, and 10% he meditates. Unlike champs such as Fiona and Tryndamere who have their reposte + dash and taunt + spin, that distribute that ratio more
That large portion of the fight must be .5 or 1 second because that 90% damage reduction lasts for only .5 seconds. Even that's entirely dependent on not having his channel interrupted.
One thing that was not mentioned was how polarizing it is to play against with and without cc. If tf lands a gold card on him, his just dead, full stop, while if he misses, then it's gg.
Great video. However, you made a small mistake at 10:12 by saying that sylas can be a cc bot by stealing Kennens ult. Kennens ult is tied to his passive, which im sure you know, but forgot in the moment.
@@-twenty3-111its only ult. If the ult comes with a passive i believe he keeps it until he uses it, but he does not take the champion itself's passive
Actually Sylas also steals Kennen's Mark of the Storm passive for this interaction! I used to think it only applied the damage as well until I saw this: i.imgur.com/l0JYNJ8.jpeg
I became a Vi main because I decided that all I wantes in League was to make sure that nobody on the other team could 1v9. Win or lose, I just don't want a Yi or Samira to 1v9.
Couldn’t have put it better myself. All the reasons you gave are also the reasons that I love playing him. I like when you compared Yi’s disadvantage/fall back options (or lack thereof) to the other skirmishers, it was something I’d never thought of before.
If the counterplay to champion is just CC, then that champion is not well designed. To deal with Yi you're pretty much FORCED to CC him and him alone, completely disregarding his team. This makes it frustrating for everyone. For the people having to shoot everything on Yi and pray his team dont kill them, and for the Yi who doesnt get a chance to play thanks to being CCed for over 5 seconds.
Yi has literally the best kit. Insane damage reduction, low cooldowns late game, and one of the highest dps on the game. The biggest problem is hes ALWAYS untargetable. You CAN'T target him. Think fiora or Jax scales hard? Yi can ABSOLUTELY destroy ANY champ late game with ease because of his ridiculous true damage AND the fact you CAN'T target him
Not on Yi, but a game I watched today made me think: Is Zoe a mix between mage and assassin? She actually works more as a ranged ap assassin than a mage, she relies on vision and angles, mobility and burst, with low to no defensive options, and very squishy...
@@deonm4759 Except not, Lux is more about hitting with skill, and she usually stays in the back of fights. Zoe tends to use a lack of vision more, and fights from the side more than from the back. The only difference between she and ahri is that ahri jumps into the enemy team, while zoe stays further away.
She's pretty much just an artillery mage with some slight crossover with battle mages when it comes to her passive autos and her W which basically gives her summoner spells damage. She can surprisingly 1v1 well just by killing someone with flash, as weird as that sounds.
She’s a burst mage, which would make you think she’s an assassin. Difference is she has no dashes unless a rocket belt or flash drops on the ground lol
8:26 I remember when he could played in lane as AP Yi pre-rework. His Q had dummy AP ratios so you could 1-2 shot people with spellblade and then have a ridiculous W that fills back your entire health bar.
Katarina cannot shunpo to wards anymore. They removed it. Love the video Vars, I've disliked playing against Yi for a long time but could never put my finger on why he's so annoying. Keep up the videos, you're doing great!
Skooch's "Can We Talk About This?" Video about Yi sums up the issue with Yi, and by extension most other hyper carry champions. In order for them to succeed the rest of their team must fail, or at best concede that the main character is running the show. Meaning a hyper carry being on your team means you have to play around them and let them have all of the fun, and for the enemy team it's basically a case of having to dedicate everything to killing one person, and if you can't you just lose.
I have one issue with Yi, he cannot be outplayed but he can outplay you. The closest form of counter play you have is cc'ing his meditate to reduce the heal and damage mitigation time he has. Yi can avoid slows with highlander, use meditate to tank a high damage ability, and dodge with alpha strike. You can hard cc him, but if you break the chain at all he will get out with q.
Master Yi is what got me into League so he has a special place in my heart. I do like to play him from time to time but as Vars said, I either do pretty well or flat out useless besides jungle objectives. It’s definitely skill issue on my end, for it feels like you really have to do a lot more to get ahead with Yi
Opponent team comp does more than skill. Teemo in enemy team? Prepare to suffer. It was once possible to easily dodge Q, not anymore. And that's just an example. Rammus, Shen, Akali, Jax, Nilah, etc. Ofc you can adapt, but you're still gonna pay for it somehow. If they pick Rammus, you can go conqueror, and smite-ignite. You kill him lv3 for sure, and whenever he come contest obj, you can focus him, especially rushing Bork and LDR. But you'll be worse at anything else, like chasing after an adc peeled by supp. Zhonya and GA also deny his ult.
@@Iridion93 yes definitely since they emphasize his weaknesses. What about cases with other comps/champions, what then? The skill issues will persist still.
The real problem with Master Yi is that the one on my team goes 0/10 but on the enemy team he is 10/0. Though that could be said about a lot of champions 😅
Oh that's just negativity bias. The enemy fed Yi becomes a big problem you remember, but the 0/10 Yi on the enemy team is just a big cannon minion you forget last hitting while dealing with the rest of his team.
If I remember correctly, Master Yi in the lore is supposed to be that wise master who is extremely powerful but only resorts to violence when there truly is no other choice. His "obliterate the entire enemy team or die trying" playstyle makes absolutely no sense in the context of his character. That alone could be a good reason to rework him, But the saddest part is that there are plenty more.
@@axelerhate9705 I'm pretty sure it was more then one army, And again if I remember correctly, that caused Noxus to realize how dangerous his peacekeeping people were, So they killed them all with Singed's bio weapons, And then he basically became a pacifist. Even his outdated voice lines in game sound weird when coming from the guy who charges into the enemy team and mashes his head on the q button. His playstyle represents who he was and ignores his entire character development arc.
I'd say exactly the opposite. He only enters the teamfight at the end, after witnessing all the damage his team mates suffered. He is the last resort of peace but then he cleans up everything. Ideally as a Yi player you don't want to enter a fight unless you know you're winning. Of course no pacifist character would fully make sense in league, even Ivern still has to kill people to win
The thing about Master Yi is that he is one of the very few champions where I don't care if it's on my or the enemy team and if he is carrying or inting (because there is no inbetween). The game just feels worse because Master Yi is in it. The champion is the epitome of "I will have fun at all of yours expanse.". Either he carries me so I feel like I didn't play the game or he loses the game for me so I feel sad because I lost. Or he carries the enemies and it feels like I can't do anything. Or he loses enemy the game and I don't feel like I did anything to win, just bad Master Yi gap.
Fun fact:master Yi's W 90% damage reduction lingers for 0.5 seconds after it ends. So you can reduce any dmg by 90% if you tap W before it hits you, a good example would be Alistar W>Q combo, yes he ccs you out of W but if you use W just before his W>Q you will have 90% damage reduction for his combo. And yes this lingering 90% damage reduction does not get reduced by towers for some reason.
My one positive experience with a Yi on my team was when I was doing a blind pick (rip) game where I was playing Singed for the first time top. I asked Yi if he could push in my wave and hit turret while I tried proxying the enemy wave. We basically spent the rest of the game holding hands and making the enemy top miserable. We also had a WW kid who doubled as a JG 2.0? Blindpick was a chaotic time. I miss it already.
@@ambannedfrombeinghuman2263 blind pick is picking on the spot quick play makes you pre pick to jump right to the game intentional funny team comps arent possible anymore in quickplay, unless you got 5 man
someone said "when yi is picked, the whole game starts revolving around him". And its painfully true. Enemy team suddenly HAS to pick CC, or if they have no picks left, they HAVE to pick exhaust and HAVE to play around him with CC and killing him early in the game or early in the fight. On the other hand, your team KNOWS that there will be NO ganks and NO jungle pressure for the first 20 minutes of the game, and you can just idly watch by and pray that a 12yr old who picked him gets lucky with a coinflip and doesn't int out and loses the game before it has even started for your team. He is a negative experience for all other 9 players. There isn't a single other champs that ruins a game as much as him. Impossible to deal with, and from the moment he is picked, you know your agency means nothing because either he will int and you will be 4v5, or he will snowball and then the game is won either way with or without you.
The briar reference... briar ganeplay is like, you are behind? Fight some. You are still behind? Fight some more, get a random double kill. Now you are even.
Do you remember first months of season 11 when they added mythics and yi used to build full lethality with duskblade and hail of blades? Comparing to this he is now not broken at all xd
I think the thing that drives me the most nuts is that you can try to hard counter with something like a Rammus but the moment he gets to a certain threshold even a full build 500 armor monster isn't going to do anything against Master Yi because of his true damage at that point just doing so much. A couple of skirmishers are like that where you would think that a hard cc super tank would deal with them when it's in fact the exact opposite. That super tank just gets shredded and your frontline doesn't actually matter. Fiora does that too but she doesn't feel like she's as polarizing when she does it because at least there you have to hit the vitals it's not just slapped onto auto attacks.
Fellow Renata main here, I only like him when he gives me free kills by shredding his team when I use my ult But overall he's genuinely so broken, a teamfight killer.
The Reason I became a Master Yi main is that the first ever game of League I played, all I saw was a green flash on the opponent's team getting 40ish kills or smtg. I dont regret my decision of maining Yi
Very good made video. I used to be a Toplane master yi otp and climbed to d2 with it. But that was in S9, I dont think I could climb that high anymore in his current state. A lot of items runes and even parts of his Kit got changed against lane master yi. Especially in toplane.
My issue with Yi is that they gave him an ultimate on his Q. An ability that should be the crux of his thought and timing is actually on a spammable low cooldown. If they changed it so that Yi's alpha strike was his ultimate, only getting reduction on takedowns, and adjusting him accordingly, I feel he'd be in a much better place, even if his only job is damage. Master Yi is just a poorly made dota's Juggernaut.
Fun Fact of the Day! During the beta, Yi's Q and R were switched. His Highlander would cleanse roots , and his alpha strike would bounce for a total of 10 targets and slow for 6 seconds.
As far as I know, the only way to beat Yi is with massive burst damage and heavy CC. Now with that being said, I was against a Yi while I was playing Annie and that guy carried the game. Now, this would be okay if our Poppy didn't ult him away after I had health of his health gone from stunning him and bursting him down. JUST E THE BASTARD INTO A WALL AFTER I STUN HIM AND KEEP HITTING HIM! THEN WHILE HE'S DEAD, GET OBJECTIVES AND KEEP DOING THIS PLAN OVER AND OVER AGAIN! The only thing I learned in that match is that it can be a good thing to hold onto your abilities and be patient if you know a threat is coming.
I once heard on another channel: Master Yi doesn't power farm, he power syphons. No need to remember that they changed an entire summoner spell's functionality just to prevent Yi from rolling out too early.
Yi main here, if yi is behind he's a cannon minion. But there is a secret W max AP way where you just run into enemy eat cc and meditate while your team kills enemy
Whats worst about the champ I can put him down to 0 10 with barely any resources, then team randomly runs it and gives him 3k gold and the game is over
Other issue, if you steal dragon or baton, he’ll make sure to make your whole team feel the pain. He has no counters after four times and 20 minutes, only just free LP for him and his team.
I like how in Ionia, everything must have balance. Simply put, Yi cannot be average. He either has to be the best player in the team or the reason why your team looses and I ain't never seen an in between.
This worst nightmare is a 12/0 Yi charge straight at your team while have a Yuumi attach to him. It like fighting a sion Level monster but with Vayne Dps. It is just hopeless
“Yi cannot be a consistent midlaner” until he goes midlane against a squishy mage and builds serrated dirk with hail of blades runes and does half your health with a q and a few autos before walking away and out sustaining you in lane with w.
What is more interesting is how is frustrating to play with a master Yi in game, both as enemy and as ally As enemy you have to constantly watch him, deny him every kill and gold because Yi will just funnel around a single kill and go out of control, slicing your team As ally or hes gonna be a minion because his enemies are denying him everything they can, making him a burden, or hes gonna be strong as fuck, but hes gonna steal every possible kill from the rest of him team, making them very VERY weak Hes a glory eater, his entire mechanig is being an asshole completely different from his character Yi is one of the few champs that really deserve an Aatrox rework treatment
I love Master Yi, he’s really the only champion in the game I have truly resonated with. I learned the jungle role just to be able to play Yi in normal games. I live in fear that one day Riot will just decide they can’t keep Yi in a balanced state and change his kit to the point of being unrecognizable. His mini rework that changed his W into what it is now was one of the best changes they could have given him, it adds skill expression to his playstyle bumping his power up in the right hands and bringing it down in the wrong hands. He might be feast or famine and not as viable at higher levels of play because of how easy to shut down he is and how poorly he does from behind, but for someone who is not a high ranked player and just wants some high octane gameplay, Yi is it
12:46 Annie and Ashe agreed Garen I'd vouch for Sett or Volibear instead, he's good for laning but not for learning how to teamfight as a Jugg Malphite, I'd go for Amumu or Leona for tank engage Yi is a blight on the world Assassins have Naafiri finally Divers, Vi I guess, that R is fool proof
we could add nasus and warwick to the list of learning champions. nasus Q gives a tangible and immediate benefit for last hitting, teaching an important habit to new players, and the rest of his kit is simple enough to understand. warwick gives automatic sustain in the jungle and his W pretty much tells you when and where to gank
Yi is like many assassins Just like every player, you learn the game, champs, and their windows, whether they're on your team or the enemy so that you can play optimally Then, unlike every other class, you just go in, once you know what to look for, like what to dodge as an example, playing them is easier than every other class cause your combos are super easy if you even have combos
2:10 nah he isnt top 5 , he is Top 1 non hyperscaling, top2 if u count belveth no one can out dps a full dps oriented yi with 160 true dmg per auto 3.6 attack speed and double strike every 2 aa ( check practice tool he has 5K dps on a 0 armor target ) , he fucks every adc for a reason, he obliterates malphite faster than fiora lol . But yeah master yi is very weird, its either get ahead and destroy everyone, or get behind and get fucked by everyone. ( the lack of cc or neutral gamr like jax e make him very bad when behind ). Nice vid ^^
Great videos every time but the background music with the low quality voice makes it hard to watch. Maybe turn down the background music a bit and its gonna be great.
He unironically does require skill. People who say he doesn’t are low elo, his game plan is one of the most difficult in the game and he needs to get ahead. If you dont dodge cc with q and w cancel w burst you will die and lose the game. Try playing him in master/gm and you will lose ur mind lol. Garen, another simple kit works great in high elo.
@aytuz Viego is litterally played the same way, but unlike Yi he has huge skilcap on his ult and he doesn't have bullshit target dmg and invulnerability on Q and 90% dmg reduction on W
Wise man once said: "He will take so much gold off of your potential carries that oftentimes it feels like you're laning with 4 starving children and a fucking Super Saiyan" Yup, sounds about right.
few mistakes here and there, but main is at 7:54 when you said rank 1 can regen half your total health if your hp is low enough and if he has mana. and you can clearly see few sec9nds later he enters a bush and gets healed for 200 max lmao. also, his E isn't true damage anymore unfortunately. for like a year for sure. that's old info. now he gets bonus damage
His e gives his auto attacks bonus true damage, what are you saying. And his w heals a lot early game, that's the reason you put 2 points on meditate when you play lane yi.
Shaco and Fiddlesticks are good encounters to Yi. Shaco for traps and Fiddlesticks for the q. It's funny seeing a yi get feared for 2.25 seconds running away full sprint then having to run back. This coupled with the fact that Yi will usually initiate a fight with his R to get to you then run away then have to run back making it so by the time he gets to you his r is expired. Zhonya is also a great counter, anytime he q's you zhonya and then he's exposed and your team's ranged can kill him.
In my opinion, the thing with master yi is that he's a skirmisher. Skirmishers are supposed to be squishy nimble hyper carries that excel in 1v1, 1v2 or even 1v3 but can 1v5 if they really destroy everybody. They can burst squishies and destroy tanks. Since they're melee champions and they have to build full damage to use their full potential, they have abilities that make them invulnerable for a small window of time. The only item that is supposed to give them sort of tankyness is death's dance. Back in the days, death's dance used to give 15% omnivamp. Since skirmishers (hyper carries)can deal the most damage in the game. This item was made for them, now they're kinda dead because riot is slowly removing all dmg sustain in the game (lifesteal stayed/nerfed, omnivamp is gone). I also agree witg Vars on the fact that master yi can't lane because of his kit. He could lane if statikk shiv item had a melee minion dmg that could allow him to push waves on active
Yi is Extremely fun in URF tho, 3 levels in Meditate and thin out the wave with lvl 1 Q, and spam it even if you're full HP, after level 6 you can now max Q cause you would deal too less damage and stick less often, and people would mostly be roaming now like Zed, Jarv, Lee sin, mostly combo champs, so I would hide in jungle and only lane if every one is distracted from far away.
i was gonna watch this video before bed, but then i remember you're probably pislo and is going to call yi broken, and that pisses me of. So i will watch it tomorrow morning.
i think yi is much less of a problem than he used to be. Nowadays a lot of champions can outrun his highlander and as mentioned, he needs 3 items to really get going (which used to be less), on top of that he is vulnerable to burst while not being able to burst himself. The w doesnt really help much if the enemys burst combo is longe than 0.5 seconds and he can be ccd out of it. with the current oneshot meta he can be stopped by almost any champion. In my expierience he only gets fed if my team doesnt respect him at all.
I can't think of more than a handful of champions that can outrun Highlander. Which are like... Quinn, maybe Akshan if he's in the right place, Kled if he ults in a very specific way, maybe a few others. Most have no hope of outrunning him. The only way you escape Highlander is by blinking over a wall, which is not outrunning, it's out maneuvering. I find that W is actually huge for dealing with burst. Like say Xerath's Q or W can chunk Yi for like ~600 damage. Timing it properly is basically removing one of Xerath's spells from his rotation, meaning he is absolutely dead to Yi because his rotation's damage is a lot less than what it would've been. I also don't think he can be stopped by almost any champion either. Yi is very vulnerable to CC and burst, yes, but you need to use the latter correctly and there are SO MANY games across the many different ranking placements where you only have one or two hard CC abilities, if that. In which case... well, Yi gets to do his thing unimpeded.
Master Yi has the highest base MS in the game. No one out runs him short of opportunistic terrain advantages. Exceptions are Quinn or Sion with ult maybe, but even those has delays before they get going.
@@Walking_Softly udyr, mf, riven, hecarim, garen and more. Most of the time you dont even need to be faster than him, only fast enough to get to a safer spot where it would be risky to engage you. If catching up to you takes too long its not worth going for because the longer he chases the more likely he is to get into danger.
I disagree with the part of a straightfoward skirmisher, like Yi, is necessary. This class is designed to hard carry after all and giving such a champion many easy to use tools only leads us to what we have now. At the very least we shouldn't have such a champ when they are supposed to be even close to a 50% WR in high ELO. Straightfoward champions are definitely a good thing to make it easier for beginners to learn the game but as a tradeoff, if their skill ceiling is just too low, they should fall off a cliff when going up the ranks. They are like training wheels. You use them in the beginning to have an easier time learning the basics but discard them afterwards. But instead Riot just pumps them full of stats to offset their lack of skill expression to the point where they get picked enough in high ELO while being stupidly overtuned everywhere else. I do think it would be way easier to make Yi less hated when Alpha Strike would become his ult again and he got something more neutral or utility oriented instead for his Q. Riot made a prefect example of extreme ends of performance with him. It's just that this very design goal is unhealthy when taken that far
In the words of skooch ''It should be like playing with 4 starving children and a fucking super saiyan''
A wise quote from a wise man.
Man I miss Skooch's League content :(
@@ambannedfrombeinghuman2263 same here but he still makes some really high quality videos of other stuff!
@@ivarjriibabyrbfh Yeah I agree, I'm still subscribed to him and I still watch his videos, even rewatch his old stuff cause he's just genuinely entertaining to watch
I think one of the issues with master yi is also that once he 1v9s the games there is absolutely no semblance of teamfighting anymore. Instead he just chainsaws through the entire enemy team and you feel pretty useless in comparison. I guess that's true for all hypercarries, but master yi is the most hypercarry hypercarry to hypercarry a game.
*laughs in lvl 16 kassadin*
@@bapbap82 A fed kassa may be the most broken champ in the game
@@sorelvio79 Exactly my point. I think, i would rather face lvl 18 full build yi, than lvl 18 full build kassadin.
@@bapbap82Kassa NEEDS lvl 16 and he does not have any tool to deny cc, he can dodge but Yi has dodge AND untargetability while being a lvl Armageddon threat way early in game at levels even below 10
@@sorelvio79I feel like an extremely ahead Red Kayn or Aatrox are stronger. They dont have that much mobility. But they heal to full through antiheal with a single skill and they build items that have good hp values, so they might not be that insane damage wise, but their combination of damage and sustain is super op when ahead
The problem with Yi is that the game revolves around him and only him. All enemies have to play to counter him and all his allies have to play to support him. This also explains why he is a pubstomper; low elo players do not care about or understand picking a teamcomp and they even moreso do not coordinate. Thus Yi can just roll over the enemies. In higher elo people see Yi being picked, collectively groan, pick accordingly and play accordingly and just keep him in check.
You must not Cowsep, he is a Grandmaster/Diamond Yi one trick. I’ve seen many streams where he is just destroying the team. For Yi there is a time limit. Once he gets like three or four items he has no counters, only him getting LP.
As a master yi main i can confidently say if lower elo people stopprd trying to get a kill on the 0-5 adc on my team just because they know they csn get a kill on their score, and instead focus on killing me as a team, they wiuld win like 70% of all fights. But they just want to pad their kda and lose games for it
@@the_armada5579 I always thought its "Die to B"
“Skirmishers excel at single targets damage” master yi being in the top three pentakilers in the game, he did not understand the assignment.
@@acvgaming5601 true it’s just kinda ironic
@@William-Afton_jejcjschheiqx it's not though.
Means he just 1v1 five times
personally I feel like even having a good yi on your team is a negative experience, because I feel like I didn't need to be there then
I absolutely agree. He just jumps in and chiansaws the entire enemy team, while you sit there dumb-founded and ask yourself "Why the eff am I even here? I'm winning the game, sure, but at this point, am I even playing the game?"
When lol players get inted: “Losers que is so bad!”
When lol players get carried:
“Omg bruh why are we winning?”
@@XXun4ya the "players" part of that means they want to play the game
I remember that during Fiora's rework it was highlighted how her ult was broken, which by the way is basically Master Yi's Q. The skill is too strong to be in an ult, but it's ok to be in a basic skill with reset capability...
*2 reset capabilities
They aren't remotely comparable. Let's look at the math.
Fiora's old ult would deal 385 damage with 90% AD scaling. It hits 5 times, every hit beyond the first dealing 40% AD but every hit gaining full on-hit effectiveness. This is on a 110s cooldown. With 300 AD and ignoring on-hit effects, that's 1,702 damage.
Yi's Alpha Strike hits 4 times. Initial + 3 extra if the target is alone, similar to Fiora. 150 damage + 50% AD scaling. The first hit is full AD w/ 75% on-hit effectiveness and the 3 hits following deal 25% damage and 18.75% on-hit effectiveness. 300 AD and no on-hit gives us 600 damage.
Sure, it's on a much lower cooldown and you can potentially use it 2-4 times a fight, but it's almost never going to group on a single target. It's going to be significantly spreaded damage.
The damage, comparatively, is much worse if you take into account on-hit effects. Fiora's ult is just way better for burst and just deals way more damage. Often times Alpha Strike is actually a DPS loss for Yi because of the delay of casting it, disappearing and reappearing. Which is why it's more of a chase and dodge tool than a damage tool.
@@Rasea611it's just as you said, it's more used as a dodging tool and with his reset capability, he's more annoying to play against
@@Rasea611its not about damage its about utility, a blink/dash with untargetability should not be all in one skill, specially a skill with two reset mechanics
@@guifdcanalli That's fair, but without it, Yi gets exploded instantly so he'd need significant changes in order to make him remain viable and have a decent gap closer but without making him briefly untargetable.
Nothing more boring than facechecking a Master Yi that pops his ultimate. You just feel like instantly letting go of you keyboard because you're dead no matter who you are. Best case scenario here now is to take him with you by forcing him to dive.
On the flipside, nothing better than having a Master Yi on my team as a Rell main. All it takes is for me to peel for them and they solo win the game
rell main spotted, hell yea brother
Well, that is _mostly_ true... Except when the team facing yi has lots of cc. Then he dodges the first, meditates until second hits, and gets blown up after. You need to babysit him to have a chance in this scenario, and since they like to jump right in, usually it's not easy to babysit them, not even to keep up with.
*laughs in Jax, Renekton,Tryndamere*
can confirm i like having rell
Play Fiddle or something to make run away at full speed
He needs a visual update. His design was always extremely goofy looking. Paper thin guy wielding a massive Scottish looking greatsword with rings in it for some reason. What.
His LoR design is outstanding as well
Great video and analysis of Yi, personally one of my more disliked champs just because im a low elo shitter and a chogath/sion main. But then again i tend to dislike a lot of hypercrarries and you are right that even if yi is the min maxxed hyper carry imo he is far from the most offensive one.
I will say yi did give me one of the funniest highlights i have to date where i got pretty fed as cho and i had old gargoyles and yi went on top of me and diana,
With both of us attacking him, i popped gargoyles and that mans health bar started to ping pong between how much damage we were doing and just how much he was healing off of my massive health bar.
chogath sucks into yi early , then extra hard on 1-2 items as thats when yi gets botrk , but afterwards chogath is good vs yi mainly due to the w and r.
my advice is to silence him when he wants to q, namely thats before your team uses cc (or you use your q), when hes on an ally he will q to execture usually so w-ing him as his target is about 40% hp help, you should also insta use your r on him in my opinion as it bothers him a lot more than if you save it to execute him
My issue with yi is the fact that after level 9 he just isnt ever fucking targetable. He is ALWAYS in q or duskblade. So riot has handed him a 750 range (longer than caitlyn auto range btw) point and click, instant kill that doubles as a zhonya's, THAT FUCKING RESETS if he farted once 8 months ago.
Good thing DB is getting removed next season...
@@stellanova4308 thank fucking god.
Rammus says 'OK'.
I smell skill issue :B
@@Yamiyugiiix12 let me work on my ability to dodge point and click abilities real quick. Oh wait. Im not the yi player i dont get to do that. XD
The title lacks "is"
Everything Wrong With: Master is Yi
@@bashvashEverything is wrong with master yi
@@thegreystone5993that changes the meaning of the title so no
I swear, having a Yi on your team in bronze is like an ELO death sentence.
I hate how when ahead it feels like there is absolutely nothing I cam do to stop him. I vividly remember a game I played Rammus in. The team was doing SoloQ things so the Yi got just a few kills, then mid game it straight up didn't matter I had like 350 armor, he killed me within two seconds.
Gets me back to the Vayne problem where too much true damage is extremely frustrating to play against as a tank cause my main counterplay (items) is useless.
Yeah I've had this too. I was a relatively fed Rammus with Thornmail and maxed W. He was a fed Yi. I died before the end of my Taunt, after dealing a grand total of 200 damage to him, which he promptly healed off a jungle camp. I did everything I was supposed to. I CC-ed him, I built tank items, I even counterpicked him. But even with my midlaner present, we were basically just a walking double-kill once he got a little fed.
I feel like Rammus is one of the best champions for dealing with Yi though. Thornmail is bought all the time on Rammus which works really well against Yi and guts Yi's sustain, on top of Ball Curl's recoil damage itself which scales with your resistances. Then you have your taunt which forces Yi to take that damage in addition to being hard CC for your team to stop him.
Between Thornmail, Randuin's (because he tends to build crit at some point) and Frozen Heart, I feel like you're pretty fucking tanky. You probably still die faster (perhaps considerably faster) to him than other AAing carries because true damage sucks, but I feel like Rammus is in a much better position to dealing with Yi than a lot of other tanks would be.
@@Ceracio gimme all of his stats and yours in that game because that sounds like cap lmao
@@mcdick1621 Dude this was before the durability update, I can't just magick up stats of a game I lost years ago. I just remember the Yi was at 1.5 items by the time I got my Thornmail, and he absolutely tore me a new one even through W and Taunt.
@@acvgaming5601 which tanks are super mobile? Almost all tanks are slow meatshields and btw they got damage, because it was not fun that they had to be attacked 15+ seconds, if they had the right items. (Which is better btw, rather they stone wall carry/bruiser champs than being 2nd grade bruisers with utility/CC like now)
There could also be the factor of him having only 2 states of being: 90% he swings his sword, sometimes disappearing while doing so, and 10% he meditates. Unlike champs such as Fiona and Tryndamere who have their reposte + dash and taunt + spin, that distribute that ratio more
Ahh yes, the Swamp Queen, Fiona of Demacia
For me, one of the biggest problem with Yi is that he is untargetable or has 90%DR for such a large portion of a fight. It's infuriating.
That large portion of the fight must be .5 or 1 second because that 90% damage reduction lasts for only .5 seconds. Even that's entirely dependent on not having his channel interrupted.
@@hungrymusicwolf It's Alpha Strike especially because it resets, with Meditate being the "fuck you" cherry on top.
I hope you're gonna react to the changes we get in next season. I really want to know what you think about the new items especially.
Pushing this, would love to see Vars cover the pre season changes!
One thing that was not mentioned was how polarizing it is to play against with and without cc. If tf lands a gold card on him, his just dead, full stop, while if he misses, then it's gg.
You can’t miss tf gold card, the problem is he just dodges point and clicks for free
I came back to league after three years of not playing, played Yi in one of my first games and got a penta kill
Great video. However, you made a small mistake at 10:12 by saying that sylas can be a cc bot by stealing Kennens ult. Kennens ult is tied to his passive, which im sure you know, but forgot in the moment.
Sylas does not steal their passive as well?
nope just ult
@@-twenty3-111its only ult. If the ult comes with a passive i believe he keeps it until he uses it, but he does not take the champion itself's passive
Actually Sylas also steals Kennen's Mark of the Storm passive for this interaction! I used to think it only applied the damage as well until I saw this: i.imgur.com/l0JYNJ8.jpeg
I became a Vi main because I decided that all I wantes in League was to make sure that nobody on the other team could 1v9. Win or lose, I just don't want a Yi or Samira to 1v9.
9:20 the amount of times Garens run away with their Q and regen all their health would say it is, in fact, an escape tool.
I definitely do that every time I play him.
Couldn’t have put it better myself. All the reasons you gave are also the reasons that I love playing him. I like when you compared Yi’s disadvantage/fall back options (or lack thereof) to the other skirmishers, it was something I’d never thought of before.
If the counterplay to champion is just CC, then that champion is not well designed. To deal with Yi you're pretty much FORCED to CC him and him alone, completely disregarding his team. This makes it frustrating for everyone. For the people having to shoot everything on Yi and pray his team dont kill them, and for the Yi who doesnt get a chance to play thanks to being CCed for over 5 seconds.
Not only that, half his kit is "screw you and your cc, get back here" the Dodge on his q, the tenacity on his w and his ult is slow Immune and speed
Yi has literally the best kit. Insane damage reduction, low cooldowns late game, and one of the highest dps on the game. The biggest problem is hes ALWAYS untargetable. You CAN'T target him. Think fiora or Jax scales hard? Yi can ABSOLUTELY destroy ANY champ late game with ease because of his ridiculous true damage AND the fact you CAN'T target him
Not on Yi, but a game I watched today made me think: Is Zoe a mix between mage and assassin? She actually works more as a ranged ap assassin than a mage, she relies on vision and angles, mobility and burst, with low to no defensive options, and very squishy...
A burst artillery mage, similar to lux
@@deonm4759 Except not, Lux is more about hitting with skill, and she usually stays in the back of fights. Zoe tends to use a lack of vision more, and fights from the side more than from the back. The only difference between she and ahri is that ahri jumps into the enemy team, while zoe stays further away.
She's pretty much just an artillery mage with some slight crossover with battle mages when it comes to her passive autos and her W which basically gives her summoner spells damage. She can surprisingly 1v1 well just by killing someone with flash, as weird as that sounds.
She’s a literal sniper either she hit and kill the target or don’t
She’s a burst mage, which would make you think she’s an assassin. Difference is she has no dashes unless a rocket belt or flash drops on the ground lol
8:26 I remember when he could played in lane as AP Yi pre-rework. His Q had dummy AP ratios so you could 1-2 shot people with spellblade and then have a ridiculous W that fills back your entire health bar.
Katarina cannot shunpo to wards anymore. They removed it. Love the video Vars, I've disliked playing against Yi for a long time but could never put my finger on why he's so annoying. Keep up the videos, you're doing great!
Skooch's "Can We Talk About This?" Video about Yi sums up the issue with Yi, and by extension most other hyper carry champions. In order for them to succeed the rest of their team must fail, or at best concede that the main character is running the show. Meaning a hyper carry being on your team means you have to play around them and let them have all of the fun, and for the enemy team it's basically a case of having to dedicate everything to killing one person, and if you can't you just lose.
I have one issue with Yi, he cannot be outplayed but he can outplay you. The closest form of counter play you have is cc'ing his meditate to reduce the heal and damage mitigation time he has. Yi can avoid slows with highlander, use meditate to tank a high damage ability, and dodge with alpha strike. You can hard cc him, but if you break the chain at all he will get out with q.
Jax has entered the chat…
if you CC yi, his highlander is probably over, and becomes a useless champion
Jax and Shen and Teemo can all render him useless.
Anyone and their dog can outspeed highlander
You could make this argument vs most champs if your skillshot reliant .
Master Yi is what got me into League so he has a special place in my heart. I do like to play him from time to time but as Vars said, I either do pretty well or flat out useless besides jungle objectives.
It’s definitely skill issue on my end, for it feels like you really have to do a lot more to get ahead with Yi
Opponent team comp does more than skill. Teemo in enemy team? Prepare to suffer. It was once possible to easily dodge Q, not anymore. And that's just an example. Rammus, Shen, Akali, Jax, Nilah, etc. Ofc you can adapt, but you're still gonna pay for it somehow. If they pick Rammus, you can go conqueror, and smite-ignite. You kill him lv3 for sure, and whenever he come contest obj, you can focus him, especially rushing Bork and LDR. But you'll be worse at anything else, like chasing after an adc peeled by supp. Zhonya and GA also deny his ult.
@@Iridion93 yes definitely since they emphasize his weaknesses. What about cases with other comps/champions, what then? The skill issues will persist still.
@@Iridion93 you either perdict it or you don't
@@beigaming8403 Well, that's more a coin flip than a skill check at this point
@@Iridion93 Thats true, but prediction is also a big part of skill expression.
Appreciate the use of Legends of Runeterra level up animation clips in the video.
Great vid! Loving the Pokemon Conquest music. It's my favourite pokemon spinoff.
My god, am I crazy!? Do I hear Pokemon conquest music!?!? HELL YEA!
Great vid by the way!
The fact that Sylas can stun you with Kennen ult is stupid, since stun effect is not ultimate itself, but Kennen's passive.
The real problem with Master Yi is that the one on my team goes 0/10 but on the enemy team he is 10/0. Though that could be said about a lot of champions 😅
Oh that's just negativity bias.
The enemy fed Yi becomes a big problem you remember, but the 0/10 Yi on the enemy team is just a big cannon minion you forget last hitting while dealing with the rest of his team.
If I remember correctly, Master Yi in the lore is supposed to be that wise master who is extremely powerful but only resorts to violence when there truly is no other choice. His "obliterate the entire enemy team or die trying" playstyle makes absolutely no sense in the context of his character. That alone could be a good reason to rework him, But the saddest part is that there are plenty more.
master yi killed an entire noxian army all by himself, that's why another one of his surnames is "one man army"
I would imagine something like QWE being pure utility, and when he presses R, all of his basic abilities gain huge damage buffs for a short time
@@coronelkittycannon sounds like ksante to me
@@axelerhate9705 I'm pretty sure it was more then one army, And again if I remember correctly, that caused Noxus to realize how dangerous his peacekeeping people were, So they killed them all with Singed's bio weapons, And then he basically became a pacifist. Even his outdated voice lines in game sound weird when coming from the guy who charges into the enemy team and mashes his head on the q button. His playstyle represents who he was and ignores his entire character development arc.
I'd say exactly the opposite. He only enters the teamfight at the end, after witnessing all the damage his team mates suffered. He is the last resort of peace but then he cleans up everything. Ideally as a Yi player you don't want to enter a fight unless you know you're winning. Of course no pacifist character would fully make sense in league, even Ivern still has to kill people to win
You made an entire video about everything wrong with Master Yi? I’m already liking this video before even watching it! Screw that abomination! Hahaha!
The thing about Master Yi is that he is one of the very few champions where I don't care if it's on my or the enemy team and if he is carrying or inting (because there is no inbetween). The game just feels worse because Master Yi is in it. The champion is the epitome of "I will have fun at all of yours expanse.". Either he carries me so I feel like I didn't play the game or he loses the game for me so I feel sad because I lost. Or he carries the enemies and it feels like I can't do anything. Or he loses enemy the game and I don't feel like I did anything to win, just bad Master Yi gap.
Fun fact:master Yi's W 90% damage reduction lingers for 0.5 seconds after it ends.
So you can reduce any dmg by 90% if you tap W before it hits you, a good example would be Alistar W>Q combo, yes he ccs you out of W but if you use W just before his W>Q you will have 90% damage reduction for his combo.
And yes this lingering 90% damage reduction does not get reduced by towers for some reason.
this champ looks and plays like a mosquito on steroids
My one positive experience with a Yi on my team was when I was doing a blind pick (rip) game where I was playing Singed for the first time top. I asked Yi if he could push in my wave and hit turret while I tried proxying the enemy wave. We basically spent the rest of the game holding hands and making the enemy top miserable. We also had a WW kid who doubled as a JG 2.0? Blindpick was a chaotic time. I miss it already.
Was blind pick removed on PC? It's still available on the mobile version
@@ambannedfrombeinghuman2263yeah, its replaced by quickplay
@@Selthir Wait what's the difference?
@@ambannedfrombeinghuman2263 blind pick is picking on the spot
quick play makes you pre pick to jump right to the game
intentional funny team comps arent possible anymore in quickplay, unless you got 5 man
@@Selthir It would have made more sense if both coexisted tbh
someone said "when yi is picked, the whole game starts revolving around him". And its painfully true. Enemy team suddenly HAS to pick CC, or if they have no picks left, they HAVE to pick exhaust and HAVE to play around him with CC and killing him early in the game or early in the fight. On the other hand, your team KNOWS that there will be NO ganks and NO jungle pressure for the first 20 minutes of the game, and you can just idly watch by and pray that a 12yr old who picked him gets lucky with a coinflip and doesn't int out and loses the game before it has even started for your team.
He is a negative experience for all other 9 players. There isn't a single other champs that ruins a game as much as him. Impossible to deal with, and from the moment he is picked, you know your agency means nothing because either he will int and you will be 4v5, or he will snowball and then the game is won either way with or without you.
The briar reference... briar ganeplay is like, you are behind? Fight some. You are still behind? Fight some more, get a random double kill. Now you are even.
Katarina can't shunpo to wards, she can shunpo to jungle plants.
She used to be able to shunpo to wards. They took that out in season 7.
@@alexdenslow7095 ah, makes sense
8:15 you can Kill a Minion with Alpha strike before alpha ends, replacing you at the point you started
do you remember the last months of season 12 when they made the Yi mini-rework and then he used to build Bork, Mythic Sunfire and Guinsoo? Yeah
Do you remember first months of season 11 when they added mythics and yi used to build full lethality with duskblade and hail of blades? Comparing to this he is now not broken at all xd
I think the thing that drives me the most nuts is that you can try to hard counter with something like a Rammus but the moment he gets to a certain threshold even a full build 500 armor monster isn't going to do anything against Master Yi because of his true damage at that point just doing so much. A couple of skirmishers are like that where you would think that a hard cc super tank would deal with them when it's in fact the exact opposite. That super tank just gets shredded and your frontline doesn't actually matter. Fiora does that too but she doesn't feel like she's as polarizing when she does it because at least there you have to hit the vitals it's not just slapped onto auto attacks.
I mean you shouldn't win the game just because you picked after someone
0:23 Please could you make a video about the few champions that can unironically 1v9 games?
1:41 Or the best champions in a outnumbered situation. 😊
As someone with more than 80% winrate on Renata + Taric in the last 30 days, I can confidently say, that Master Yi is fucking broken...
Fellow Renata main here, I only like him when he gives me free kills by shredding his team when I use my ult
But overall he's genuinely so broken, a teamfight killer.
Bro is funneling in S13 💀(it still works btw)
@@michalhk364 it has always worked, you just need to know what the fuck you're doing.
The Reason I became a Master Yi main is that the first ever game of League I played, all I saw was a green flash on the opponent's team getting 40ish kills or smtg. I dont regret my decision of maining Yi
Yi does so much single target damage that I once managed to do 2 pentakills in one game.
Very good made video. I used to be a Toplane master yi otp and climbed to d2 with it. But that was in S9, I dont think I could climb that high anymore in his current state. A lot of items runes and even parts of his Kit got changed against lane master yi. Especially in toplane.
My issue with Yi is that they gave him an ultimate on his Q. An ability that should be the crux of his thought and timing is actually on a spammable low cooldown.
If they changed it so that Yi's alpha strike was his ultimate, only getting reduction on takedowns, and adjusting him accordingly, I feel he'd be in a much better place, even if his only job is damage.
Master Yi is just a poorly made dota's Juggernaut.
Fun Fact of the Day!
During the beta, Yi's Q and R were switched. His Highlander would cleanse roots , and his alpha strike would bounce for a total of 10 targets and slow for 6 seconds.
Yi's Q and R was swapped cause it resembled too much to Dota's Juggernaut Omnislash,
As far as I know, the only way to beat Yi is with massive burst damage and heavy CC.
Now with that being said, I was against a Yi while I was playing Annie and that guy carried the game. Now, this would be okay if our Poppy didn't ult him away after I had health of his health gone from stunning him and bursting him down. JUST E THE BASTARD INTO A WALL AFTER I STUN HIM AND KEEP HITTING HIM! THEN WHILE HE'S DEAD, GET OBJECTIVES AND KEEP DOING THIS PLAN OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
The only thing I learned in that match is that it can be a good thing to hold onto your abilities and be patient if you know a threat is coming.
I once heard on another channel: Master Yi doesn't power farm, he power syphons.
No need to remember that they changed an entire summoner spell's functionality just to prevent Yi from rolling out too early.
Yi main here, if yi is behind he's a cannon minion. But there is a secret W max AP way where you just run into enemy eat cc and meditate while your team kills enemy
Whats worst about the champ I can put him down to 0 10 with barely any resources, then team randomly runs it and gives him 3k gold and the game is over
Other issue, if you steal dragon or baton, he’ll make sure to make your whole team feel the pain. He has no counters after four times and 20 minutes, only just free LP for him and his team.
The feeling of helplessness that you inflct when you get fed as yi, as well as the reactions you get from the opposition is bliss.
"Bonus true damage on hit"
Yeah, the famous "bonus" dmg which is 80% of your death recap.
I like how in Ionia, everything must have balance. Simply put, Yi cannot be average. He either has to be the best player in the team or the reason why your team looses and I ain't never seen an in between.
This worst nightmare is a 12/0 Yi charge straight at your team while have a Yuumi attach to him. It like fighting a sion Level monster but with Vayne Dps. It is just hopeless
“Yi cannot be a consistent midlaner” until he goes midlane against a squishy mage and builds serrated dirk with hail of blades runes and does half your health with a q and a few autos before walking away and out sustaining you in lane with w.
What is more interesting is how is frustrating to play with a master Yi in game, both as enemy and as ally
As enemy you have to constantly watch him, deny him every kill and gold because Yi will just funnel around a single kill and go out of control, slicing your team
As ally or hes gonna be a minion because his enemies are denying him everything they can, making him a burden, or hes gonna be strong as fuck, but hes gonna steal every possible kill from the rest of him team, making them very VERY weak
Hes a glory eater, his entire mechanig is being an asshole completely different from his character
Yi is one of the few champs that really deserve an Aatrox rework treatment
It wasn't convincing until he compared other hyper-carries or "skirmishers" still being useful via CC if their team is behind.
I love Master Yi, he’s really the only champion in the game I have truly resonated with. I learned the jungle role just to be able to play Yi in normal games. I live in fear that one day Riot will just decide they can’t keep Yi in a balanced state and change his kit to the point of being unrecognizable. His mini rework that changed his W into what it is now was one of the best changes they could have given him, it adds skill expression to his playstyle bumping his power up in the right hands and bringing it down in the wrong hands. He might be feast or famine and not as viable at higher levels of play because of how easy to shut down he is and how poorly he does from behind, but for someone who is not a high ranked player and just wants some high octane gameplay, Yi is it
Loved the video! If you see a Master Yi use his ult! ALWAYS ALLLLWAAAAYYYYS FOLLOW HIM! You might just win the game for that
12:46 Annie and Ashe agreed
Garen I'd vouch for Sett or Volibear instead, he's good for laning but not for learning how to teamfight as a Jugg
Malphite, I'd go for Amumu or Leona for tank engage
Yi is a blight on the world
Assassins have Naafiri finally
Divers, Vi I guess, that R is fool proof
we could add nasus and warwick to the list of learning champions. nasus Q gives a tangible and immediate benefit for last hitting, teaching an important habit to new players, and the rest of his kit is simple enough to understand. warwick gives automatic sustain in the jungle and his W pretty much tells you when and where to gank
Master Yi is perfect. He's the only champion I can do well with when I'm baked
Yi is like many assassins
Just like every player, you learn the game, champs, and their windows, whether they're on your team or the enemy so that you can play optimally
Then, unlike every other class, you just go in, once you know what to look for, like what to dodge as an example, playing them is easier than every other class cause your combos are super easy if you even have combos
2:10 nah he isnt top 5 , he is Top 1 non hyperscaling, top2 if u count belveth no one can out dps a full dps oriented yi with 160 true dmg per auto 3.6 attack speed and double strike every 2 aa ( check practice tool he has 5K dps on a 0 armor target ) , he fucks every adc for a reason, he obliterates malphite faster than fiora lol . But yeah master yi is very weird, its either get ahead and destroy everyone, or get behind and get fucked by everyone. ( the lack of cc or neutral gamr like jax e make him very bad when behind ). Nice vid ^^
Great videos every time but the background music with the low quality voice makes it hard to watch.
Maybe turn down the background music a bit and its gonna be great.
The worst thing about Master Yi, is that there are lots of his mains, that actually think that he requires great skill💀
He unironically does require skill. People who say he doesn’t are low elo, his game plan is one of the most difficult in the game and he needs to get ahead. If you dont dodge cc with q and w cancel w burst you will die and lose the game. Try playing him in master/gm and you will lose ur mind lol. Garen, another simple kit works great in high elo.
@aytuz Viego is litterally played the same way, but unlike Yi he has huge skilcap on his ult and he doesn't have bullshit target dmg and invulnerability on Q and 90% dmg reduction on W
Wise man once said:
"He will take so much gold off of your potential carries that oftentimes it feels like you're laning with 4 starving children and a fucking Super Saiyan"
Yup, sounds about right.
few mistakes here and there, but main is at 7:54 when you said rank 1 can regen half your total health if your hp is low enough and if he has mana. and you can clearly see few sec9nds later he enters a bush and gets healed for 200 max lmao. also, his E isn't true damage anymore unfortunately. for like a year for sure. that's old info. now he gets bonus damage
His e gives his auto attacks bonus true damage, what are you saying. And his w heals a lot early game, that's the reason you put 2 points on meditate when you play lane yi.
love the Pokemon Conquest OST
Remember old AP Masteri Yi? Pepperridge farm remembers.
8:23 *patch update for lethal tempo adc Master Yi has entered the chat
Shaco and Fiddlesticks are good encounters to Yi. Shaco for traps and Fiddlesticks for the q. It's funny seeing a yi get feared for 2.25 seconds running away full sprint then having to run back. This coupled with the fact that Yi will usually initiate a fight with his R to get to you then run away then have to run back making it so by the time he gets to you his r is expired. Zhonya is also a great counter, anytime he q's you zhonya and then he's exposed and your team's ranged can kill him.
In my opinion, the thing with master yi is that he's a skirmisher. Skirmishers are supposed to be squishy nimble hyper carries that excel in 1v1, 1v2 or even 1v3 but can 1v5 if they really destroy everybody. They can burst squishies and destroy tanks. Since they're melee champions and they have to build full damage to use their full potential, they have abilities that make them invulnerable for a small window of time. The only item that is supposed to give them sort of tankyness is death's dance. Back in the days, death's dance used to give 15% omnivamp. Since skirmishers (hyper carries)can deal the most damage in the game. This item was made for them, now they're kinda dead because riot is slowly removing all dmg sustain in the game (lifesteal stayed/nerfed, omnivamp is gone). I also agree witg Vars on the fact that master yi can't lane because of his kit. He could lane if statikk shiv item had a melee minion dmg that could allow him to push waves on active
Yi is Extremely fun in URF tho, 3 levels in Meditate and thin out the wave with lvl 1 Q, and spam it even if you're full HP, after level 6 you can now max Q cause you would deal too less damage and stick less often, and people would mostly be roaming now like Zed, Jarv, Lee sin, mostly combo champs, so I would hide in jungle and only lane if every one is distracted from far away.
Nice pokemon conquest ost as always.
i was gonna watch this video before bed, but then i remember you're probably pislo and is going to call yi broken, and that pisses me of.
So i will watch it tomorrow morning.
Congratulations!!! You have gain 200k subs!!
An ability that can be reset that makes it's user untargetable. That's it
You know it's bad when he finds something nice to say about Yone 😂
AP Yi ain't even stupid by modern standards. At least he had a mana bar.
Playing Ad shyv feels like playing master yi without alpha strike and highlander doesn't have reset and slow immunity
Last game I played the master yi snowballed and their was legit nothing we could do
i think yi is much less of a problem than he used to be. Nowadays a lot of champions can outrun his highlander and as mentioned, he needs 3 items to really get going (which used to be less), on top of that he is vulnerable to burst while not being able to burst himself. The w doesnt really help much if the enemys burst combo is longe than 0.5 seconds and he can be ccd out of it. with the current oneshot meta he can be stopped by almost any champion. In my expierience he only gets fed if my team doesnt respect him at all.
I can't think of more than a handful of champions that can outrun Highlander. Which are like... Quinn, maybe Akshan if he's in the right place, Kled if he ults in a very specific way, maybe a few others. Most have no hope of outrunning him. The only way you escape Highlander is by blinking over a wall, which is not outrunning, it's out maneuvering.
I find that W is actually huge for dealing with burst. Like say Xerath's Q or W can chunk Yi for like ~600 damage. Timing it properly is basically removing one of Xerath's spells from his rotation, meaning he is absolutely dead to Yi because his rotation's damage is a lot less than what it would've been.
I also don't think he can be stopped by almost any champion either. Yi is very vulnerable to CC and burst, yes, but you need to use the latter correctly and there are SO MANY games across the many different ranking placements where you only have one or two hard CC abilities, if that. In which case... well, Yi gets to do his thing unimpeded.
Master Yi has the highest base MS in the game. No one out runs him short of opportunistic terrain advantages. Exceptions are Quinn or Sion with ult maybe, but even those has delays before they get going.
If yi gets 3 sec of his ult with just chasing the oppoent he has to use the other 4 to run back to his team@@Rasea611
@@Walking_Softly udyr, mf, riven, hecarim, garen and more. Most of the time you dont even need to be faster than him, only fast enough to get to a safer spot where it would be risky to engage you. If catching up to you takes too long its not worth going for because the longer he chases the more likely he is to get into danger.
I disagree with the part of a straightfoward skirmisher, like Yi, is necessary. This class is designed to hard carry after all and giving such a champion many easy to use tools only leads us to what we have now. At the very least we shouldn't have such a champ when they are supposed to be even close to a 50% WR in high ELO. Straightfoward champions are definitely a good thing to make it easier for beginners to learn the game but as a tradeoff, if their skill ceiling is just too low, they should fall off a cliff when going up the ranks. They are like training wheels. You use them in the beginning to have an easier time learning the basics but discard them afterwards. But instead Riot just pumps them full of stats to offset their lack of skill expression to the point where they get picked enough in high ELO while being stupidly overtuned everywhere else.
I do think it would be way easier to make Yi less hated when Alpha Strike would become his ult again and he got something more neutral or utility oriented instead for his Q. Riot made a prefect example of extreme ends of performance with him. It's just that this very design goal is unhealthy when taken that far
Idk if I'm good or bad at picking champions when Master Yi was my one trick for couple years and nowdays its pyke, both champs in this series. 👌
Duskblade is whats wrong with him
No changes master yi is balanced
Super minion like Aatrox
Grahhhhhhh Evelynn mentioned in league commentary! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jesus this video made me love the Ink Shadow skin, damn, lol.
He can only 1v5. He has no disadvantages state, no cc, no buffs, nothing except pure damage.
And despite all that whenever i see a yi in high elo they invariably win
Didn't they experiment balancing him through giving him cc immunity at some point and it made him absolutely broken
In me, Wuju lives on...