bobtheskutterbot, AGREED! the last couple of the world that have been brought by ghosts of past presidents so that they can see what a tv reality shit how is and how to avoid them 😒 they shall go now and procreate!
Gordon Sondland testifies and smirks throughout the impeachment hearing is like him saying "If I'm going down, I'm dragging Trump and his Administration with me."
He was considerably less smug after this exchange with Maloney 🙄: For a bit of context Sondland had spent most of the day talking bullshirt about 'oh, I don't recall' 'well if that's what someone else said, then...' 'that could be right' etc etc. until he finally had to give a real answer.
*We all know Trump, what is Disgusting is that Republicans who live off our taxpayer money are defending Trump's corruption, it makes their party More corrupt than Trump*
Stephen is so full of it and anyone who watches comedy tv then comments like he is getting News reports bwuhahahahahahahhahahah Here' Sondland admitting it wasn't a quid pro quo!!! He just presumed it was.
Nov 3rd 2020, 22 Republican Senators, INCLUDING Moscow Mitch, are up for re-election, only 12 Democrats. Republicans lost 2016 by just under 3 Million, they lost 2018 by over 10 Million and they lost 2019, they are getting their @$$'$ kicked, HARD!
can't wait until it is Rudy Giuliani's turn, he is the one person involved in this as selfish and with as big of a ego as Trump himself. If he goes down, he will take everyone else with him.
Seriously!! I’m actually totally astonished that it took this many Trump peons to finally get to one who gleefully renounces that dipshit, wannabe autocrat. Related or unrelated to the impeachment, there have been so many former trump servants who could have buried this guy. I’m surprised Michael Cohen couldn’t be more incriminating. Even though he was no less than incriminating...
Jhon Shephard He’s lucky that he’s at that age. Was he a couple of decades younger and still had to practice law for a living, no firm, no matter how seedy would have that kind of attorney with that kind of resume on their payroll. How has Giuliani not been disbarred is beyond me.
Chris Cruz well of course! When you’re drowning in your own filth, blame it on the previous occupant. Just say they didn’t fix the plumbing even though the plumbing was working just fine and the house was pristine when you walked in.
After Sondland‘s testimony, whether Trump is impeached and removed from office depends on you constituents calling your representatives and making your opinion heard. Make the call!
David miorgan wow! You play this card again? Could be done by any race , any religion,. I am not even a Jew and i loathe this kind of shite from your lot! “Jews are like that”??? Really ?? Ffs.
To be honest he comes across as quite likable and he actually did make his own fortune unlike ol' pumpkin head. He gave a very assured performance while dishing all of the dirt
I'm from Germany and my grandfather called my grandmother "mother", too. I never thought it was weird. I grew up with it, it's just a cultural thing. Personally I probably wouldn't do that, though. To be honest, I find it way more disturbing when people call their partner "daddy" in a sexual way...
@David miorgan I can cheer you up, David. Just imagine how much fun you would have had if the Electoral college had not been in place. You could be cackling about H's impeachment and how delicious it tastes instead of supporting a lying, misogynistic, egomaniac who wants hurricanes stopped with nukes.
rosset4music: Another great Latin phrase for these godawful times is Et suppositio nil ponit in esse. Loosely translated, means saying something doesn't make it so.
Don't hold your breath till 2020. Mar-A-Lardass has shown himself to be incompetent, useless and unable to tell truth for 3 years. Didn't deter Republicans. VOTE BLUE 2020!
Sadly some news commentators already pointed out that Sondland tricky acting around some questions. Knowing too well that every word matters later when justice knocks on his door.
Sondland: “ president and I use a lot of 4-letter words, in this case 3-letter words...haha” Stephen Colbert: “a lot of 3-letter, 4-letter words..... QUID PRO QUO.” STEPHEN COLBERT IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST!
You might not need to be told that. A reasonable person might not need to be told that. Trump wouldn't believe anyone who did tell him that, because he seems to believe that he has been elected King of the United States, and an absolute King by divine right, at that. Given that the US is still broadly a cultural descendant of Europe, you might want to look into how we dealt with absolutist monarchs we had had enough of over here
I think these symptoms are brought on by trying to understand his broken English while hoping he isn't announcing his new border plan to nuke northern Mexico hurricanes, and seeding the left over clouds with crocodile eggs.
It's quite simple really. Obama was the first black man to be president. Then the a$$holes of America didn't like that. So, they decided to elect someone who thinks like they do. And wellua, we now got trump the first a$$hole president. Nuff said
Every single person that talks shit about Trump hasn't been affected by any of his policies. It's so fucking funny its just a trendy thing to do so students talk shit like they're cool. I'm sure the majority of the haters have never voted or arent even old enough to vote. Trump has positively affected more people I know than any President of my generation in less than one term. BTW Obama fucked over everyone but you're not old enough to feel that heat. Once you have a family and real responsibilities you will understand but maybe you won't because Trump is slowly tearing down all of Obama's mess he created
*"We just followed orders!"* As a german i heard that sentence a lot since 1945, especially during the Nuremburg trials! No i am not that old, but its on tv almost every week and most students watch dokus in school!
@David miorgan the orange racist is still in the mansion or castle planning for personal business affairs and trips at taxpayers expense. Not just for him, but for all his kids. Clintons are fake, but this one is out of bounds. God save our country.
@David miorgan I did not get the blood money like he did. I did not cheat. I did not erase my debt by declaring bankruptcies. And I paid taxes, however little that is. I did not grab women by their... I did not try to sell NJ real estate saying investment based green card fee will be tougher and expensive as I have private info. But what I did was not to be a pawn of the rich and powerful... Be it Trump or Clinton. And, I did not sell ambassadorship to another hotelier for money.
Ambassadorship was on sale for a million. Was not that a crime? Looks like an easier way to get to Foreign Service without acquiring credentials. How much others paid for the remaining VVIP seats? Is USA a third world country now, up for the same fate as that of the British empire? Time travel or reversion to mean or Lost hope... Difficult to digest though.
I got a certificate in business office education at a technical school that was outfitted to help people with all kinds of different disabilities,and that sized writing was used very often for people with vision difficulties, or who were almost blind...makes me wonder,not only about his overall health,but about his ocular health in particular.
If you’re not legally literate enough to have known this was illegal, wrong, inappropriate, dangerous, etc., then maybe you’re not qualified to be an ambassador... 🤔
He has no spine to stand up for truth, which some of his staff have. Ambassadorship for $1M. Time will tell how much was the bargain for other positions.
Neither him/her are qualified to be advisors. The guy bought a seat at Harvard for a couple of millions...That is a fact, not fiction. Same applies to the Biden family. Millions as a board member of Burisma with no qualification. And the lack of admission of a love child.....oh I have to be classy as it is a private matter...per Biden. This country is being ruined by crooks and we are responsible for electing them.
T J Wow what an amazing retort, never heard that on the schoolyard playground when I was 5. Truly groundbreaking stuff. Man you Chad Trumpers sure are showing it to the dumb libtards with your witty one liners. If your day job stocking shelves at Walmart ever ends you should seriously consider becoming a comedian, with that sort of fresh take on humour I think you can make it.
"Ready? Ready? Are the cameras rolling?" "Tell Zelinsky to go to a microphone and announce the investigation into the Bidens." "You HAVE to pay for the wall." First phone conversation with Mexican president. it's all a show. reality TV president. Now we are all living through elimination rounds on Survivor.
“A lot of people are saying” (to use a favorite Trump phrase) that Nunes is playing to an audience of one (the one behind that big empty desk in the Oval Office).
Will Senate vote to impeach, I don't think so, I hope they non of them get reelected, for failing in there duty to uphold our constitution & instead turn a blind eye. Trump the worse president. It's right in there faces, but keep saying Trump did nothing wrong, bribery is wrong!
What he was singing: "I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo." -- Gordon Sondland's direct testimony in regard to what Trump wanted from Zelensky.
@@francoisrd That's just a direct quote from Sondland's testimony. You can dispute why it was said. But the whole point of these testimonies is that there is no explicit quid pro quo in the transcript so additional evidence from first-hand communications with the president was needed. The whistle blower report can't condemn Trump further than the transcript given that it relies solely on the transcript. So even if the above quote doesn't exonerate Trump, it does not condemn him either.
That's a great point. I'm kinduv angry that President Zelinksky is not coming clean with the American people. After all, We the People gave his nation over $400 million that we have to borrow and pay interest on. I'm very disappointed. He should be offering testimony.
@@arthurmontana8791 a conservative shared an article that talks about the theory of Ukrainians supporting Hillary Clinton. It's largely nonsense, but one official did call out Manafort's dealings. That's the reason Trump didn't like Ukraine, and the previous president of Ukraine snubbed Trump in favor of Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton. Zelensky had to overcome Trump's dislike of Ukraine, so it makes sense that he wouldn't contradict Trump because Ukraine is stilk at war with Russia. Zelensky has no real choice, he's quite the victim.
And France gave us the equivalent when we were throwing off the yoke of King George. Those folks are bleeding, and I for one, would rather they got that than us paying billions for a border wall. Or the Air Force spending our money on the Turd's hotel rooms. Or Madam X spending 100K each on several overnight trips. Or who knows what on bulk buybacks of Don Jr's worthless book. At least it was spent on the pursuit of freedom.
@@TragoudistrosMPH of course, Ukrainians supported Hillary. Because Trump and his team were (and is) associated with Putin. It was clear for Ukrainians and Russians, but not for Americans.
don't forget that Trump & Giuliani also made up an entirely fake story about Joe Biden and Ukraine that Fox News and other right-wing media are still repeating 24-7...
The president won the '16 elecrions with 63 million votes.....................No Hillary won with 66 million votes. The electoral college gave fatboy the win
*We all know Trump, what is Disgusting is that Republicans who live off our taxpayer money are defending Trump's corruption, it makes their party More corrupt than Trump*
Sorry, Dude, but Sondland admits at 3.50 in this video there was no quid pro quo and it was only his opinion. You can't impeach based on opinions. Colbert is lying to you.
When there is no need to lie and no caution of being caught lying, Sondland looked so relaxed and joking around. Wow. Nothing relieves more than not tell lies.
The GOP didn't want a woman elected in 2016. She wasn't. But now they have to face the possibility that a different woman might be president and the Electoral College can't block it this time. Poetic justice.
Rob Bird because Pelosi isn't going to be president... even if the Repubs remove Trump, they will never vote to remove Pence. The election is in 11 months anyway.
@Will Ritter nonsense. If I've learned anything under the trump administration over the last three years it's to never write him off completely on anything. If anyone on earth could get the GOP to eat it's own tail and let Pelosi take over its trump, we got the very best the earth has to offer trying to make this happen.
The senate still won’t impeach him Proving they put party over country He have to be booted out in 2020 but the house impeachment would’ve been long eclipsed by other scandals by then Hope Americans won’t be as dumb and dishonest as they seem to be and vote him and his henchmen out
LOL ! We get the real news before the MSM can roll out the fake news. I watched the hearings, it's give the public insight to how fake and bias the MSM is. We watched the hearing and after the hearing CNN reports bombshells which are little bias video clips designed to persuade public opinion. It's not working, it didn't in 2016, 17, 18, and 2019. And is sure to fail again in 2020.
Yea because these idiots used snippets from the testimony to mislead the public. Everything he testified put Trump way in the clear. I watched the whole thing
@Keith Jackson do you even know what this impeachment hearing is about? You'll feel stupid in a couple weeks like the rest of the mis led public. There was no crime committed it's just another bullshit tactic from the left to smear the right before Re election. This shit needs to end it makes our politics look so fucking stupid.
Considering how many times Donnie willingly slammed that door shut on his own ding-dong over the last 3 years, I'm just surprised to see he finally learned to pull it out first.
*We all know Trump, what is Disgusting is that Republicans who live off our taxpayer money are defending Trump's corruption, it makes their party More corrupt than Trump*
He had to rehydrate after intaking all that salt before testifying. Also, the whole time he's smiling he looks like he's trying to suck up to the democrats in the hopes that they don't put him in jail at the end of this.
He likely had the piss scared out of him behind closed doors when Shiff told him that protecting Trump might get him ten years in the same cell with Rudie. That idea gave him dry mouth big time.
The couple are time travellers. They came back to bear witness to this important day.
Caught on camera so they had to listen to this historic nonsense or the future would've been horrific.
So they're observing?
No they were there because of their son he was in a walker.
bobtheskutterbot, AGREED! the last couple of the world that have been brought by ghosts of past presidents so that they can see what a tv reality shit how is and how to avoid them 😒 they shall go now and procreate!
You might be right.
If this isn't the end of Trump, it sure will be the end of the illusion that America is a nation of laws.
Kim Jong Fun thank you chairman Kim, your a hell of a guy
Agreed. It's very concerning.
Thanks for catching up...
Kolgax “you guys” are a bit behind in the history, no?
Kim Jong Fun look into American history it’s ben corrupt and lawless for the elites for a long while now
Gordon Sondland testifies and smirks throughout the impeachment hearing is like him saying "If I'm going down, I'm dragging Trump and his Administration with me."
He was considerably less smug after this exchange with Maloney 🙄:
For a bit of context Sondland had spent most of the day talking bullshirt about 'oh, I don't recall' 'well if that's what someone else said, then...' 'that could be right' etc etc. until he finally had to give a real answer.
It's extremely satisfying to see. Wish I was there in the room to see it, I'd be eating popcorn and thoroughly enjoying myself.
Maybe the guy just smirk face !!!! Who knows...
*We all know Trump, what is Disgusting is that Republicans who live off our taxpayer money are defending Trump's corruption, it makes their party More corrupt than Trump*
...and a few loyal Republicans, and maybe some Ukrainians :)
The 'Quid Pro Quo' ending was as smooth as a perfect score in gymnastics. Way to stick the landing Steve. Pure Gold
I agree. That was brilliant. I can see the lightbulbs going off in the heads of Steve's writers when they discovered that one.
absolutely underrated, the writer who wrote that deserves a raise
Stephen is so full of it and anyone who watches comedy tv then comments like he is getting News reports bwuhahahahahahahhahahah Here' Sondland admitting it wasn't a quid pro quo!!! He just presumed it was.
The animators are having way too much fun with those peach intros. 😆
Agreed! Funniest things ever!
I feel really happy because now I have the image of the animators at their desks giggling like children and drawing and it's making me so happy!
What a day, what a lovely day! Vote the entire admin out after locking him up.
And reverse his Supreme Court appointments.
@@wisconsinfarmer4742 Absolutely! This is an illegitimate presidency.
@@wisconsinfarmer4742 They can legally be removed via the Impeachment process.
Nov 3rd 2020, 22 Republican Senators, INCLUDING Moscow Mitch, are up for re-election, only 12 Democrats. Republicans lost 2016 by just under 3 Million, they lost 2018 by over 10 Million and they lost 2019, they are getting their @$$'$ kicked, HARD!
“We were just following orders”
SS officers: We can say from experience that, that line does not go far for a defense.
You cant handle the truth!
@@phillipdaugherty1486 Dumb bot.
So that's Trump defence, why did they follow his orders, does that exonerate Trump, you mug
It actually went very far for them. There were very few convictions following WW2.
Nor did it go well for general Yamashita. He was sentenced to death and hung for crimes his men committed.
Gotta love Sondland taking as many people down with him as possible as the ship sinks. Incredibly cathartic to see.
can't wait until it is Rudy Giuliani's turn, he is the one person involved in this as selfish and with as big of a ego as Trump himself. If he goes down, he will take everyone else with him.
Seriously!! I’m actually totally astonished that it took this many Trump peons to finally get to one who gleefully renounces that dipshit, wannabe autocrat.
Related or unrelated to the impeachment, there have been so many former trump servants who could have buried this guy.
I’m surprised Michael Cohen couldn’t be more incriminating. Even though he was no less than incriminating...
Jhon Shephard He’s lucky that he’s at that age. Was he a couple of decades younger and still had to practice law for a living, no firm, no matter how seedy would have that kind of attorney with that kind of resume on their payroll. How has Giuliani not been disbarred is beyond me.
There IS a reason that people often mistrust the legal profession....
you must have been watching another channel because I saw just the opposite/ trump was exonerated and you are an operative
#IWantNothing is 45's "I am not a crook" moment
I want nothing? He sounds like a brat whose not gotten his toy while at the supermarket with mommy!
*“He’s just a little miss spray-on sunshine.”*
That got far too little laughter.
*"just a little miss spray-on sunshine"*
Not in my house. We're STILL laughing!
Tears_Of_Asariel thank you! I knew it didn’t look right, but I was lazy. Lol.
My crystal ball says resignation due to health issues.and still blames it on Obama
"Obama left the W.H. SO dirty, it has now made me sick" Maybe a little extra medication can help 😉
@@Classic7-4-7 yup that's totally natural for bacteria to react to disinfectant!
Chris Cruz well of course! When you’re drowning in your own filth, blame it on the previous occupant. Just say they didn’t fix the plumbing even though the plumbing was working just fine and the house was pristine when you walked in.
Stage 4 bone spurs, they metastasized. He has bone spurs on the brain. The official diagnosis is that he's a bone head.
I mean unless the murderer says, " I am murdering you," as they're killing the person, is it really a murder? 😉
“We did not want to work with Mr. Guliani.”
No one ever does!
No one outside of the Kremlin...
Even then its out of necessity
People who want marriage between cousins to be legal certainly would.
ryder mccall Because he spits when he talks and smells like the inside of a bellybutton....
The risk is either that he will drain you of blood or you'll go to prison.
Even his own clothes, hair, eye glasses and teeth are trying desperately to get away from him!!! 😂😂😂😂
After Sondland‘s testimony, whether Trump is impeached and removed from office depends on you constituents calling your representatives and making your opinion heard. Make the call!
Can’t blame Sondland for not wanting to take the fall for trump like EVERYONE else before him
He paid 1 million dollars for the "privilege" of being Trumps fall guy.
Nope, not even for a million dollars!🤣🤣
David miorgan wow! You play this card again? Could be done by any race , any religion,.
I am not even a Jew and i loathe this kind of shite from your lot!
“Jews are like that”??? Really ?? Ffs.
To be honest he comes across as quite likable and he actually did make his own fortune unlike ol' pumpkin head. He gave a very assured performance while dishing all of the dirt
CrimsonBlasphemy that’s pocket change for Sondland.Not enough to go to prison.
The fact that Pence calls his wife "Mother" is beyond disturbing.
Not if you're Dr. Sigmund Freud
It's very old fashioned, not disturbing. My grandfather called my grandmother, 'Mother.' Historically, in American culture, it was common.
It is one thing to do this at home, quite another to do it when you are not speaking to your children.
I'm from Germany and my grandfather called my grandmother "mother", too. I never thought it was weird. I grew up with it, it's just a cultural thing. Personally I probably wouldn't do that, though.
To be honest, I find it way more disturbing when people call their partner "daddy" in a sexual way...
Man that's weird as hell can you imagine having sex with your wife and hear oh mother that's good why is your mind on mother that's creeeeeeepy😂
Sondland: "Am I in trouble?"
(nervous laugh)
Yes, you really are.
Trump got caught orange handed
Carlos Estupinian 😂😂😂😂
Excellent word play!
I prefer Red-Square-handed. 🙂
Small handed
@Bruce Leroy I do hope that was a tongue in check statement.
He incriminated everyone except Dr Ben Carson. Is he still left?
Too busy picking out office furniture.
John Jackson Carson is asleep in his office
Yep , he is the only one left from the original crew. Still clueless, collecting a check
Sadly he is. Carson was just recently at the table the other day next to Trump.
I'm pretty sure Ben Carson will end up being President this way
Claiming ignorance of the law does not excuse the crime.
Mueller even let Erik off completely for exactly this. Yes, manslaughter is different from murder 1 but ya still killed somebody.
@David miorgan I can cheer you up, David. Just imagine how much fun you would have had if the Electoral college had not been in place. You could be cackling about H's impeachment and how delicious it tastes instead of supporting a lying, misogynistic, egomaniac who wants hurricanes stopped with nukes.
people also forget that conspiracy to commit a crime is also a crime.
Another great Latin phrase for these godawful times is Et suppositio nil ponit in esse. Loosely translated, means saying something doesn't make it so.
although this parallel is not a is sort of like telling the officer after running a red light that i did not know it was illegal...LOL
The Republicans kept begging for someone with first hand knowledge and now they want to change the subject
Crossing off the days until trump gets the boot!
Don't hold your breath till 2020. Mar-A-Lardass has shown himself to be incompetent, useless and unable to tell truth for 3 years. Didn't deter Republicans. VOTE BLUE 2020!
His criminality knows no bounds. But he's slippery as an eel. And the Repubes have no backbone.
Yeah, like that's going to happen.
Like counting down the days on an advent calendar. Maybe this could be my christmas present.
For once, Sondland did the RIGHT THING....ratting that Orange Peachy Don.
Sadly some news commentators already pointed out that Sondland tricky acting around some questions. Knowing too well that every word matters later when justice knocks on his door.
Ratting? Since when is giving sworn testimony "ratting"?
Its a civic duty to answer a subpoena.
Paul Ramos Not until his back was to the wall. 🐍🐍🐍
His testimony was nothing. Did you watch it?
"politicians and diapers should be changed regularly and for the same reason"
Brilliant. Who said that? That sounds like a Mark Twain quote.
@@notsure1969 You're right in that, it is regularly attributed to Twain, but this is unlikely to be true
@@notsure1969 I believe it is, Doctor.
...and soiled diapers should not be elected(-ish) president in the first place.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 good one
That was some double decker bus Sondland threw everyone under.
I don’t care what side of the aisle you’re on, that last line was hilarious
Trump has to go. How can anyone defend this clown????
They like the joker?📈🤔
They gonna find a way, like they been doing unfortunately!! 😢
Am from Kenya and I just love Stephen! He's so funny😅
Careful with the word KENYA 🇰🇪.
Same here!
I am from Denmark 😉
An no we can’t sell Greenland 🤣
I’m from Australia and no we won’t dig up dirt on Biden for Trump.
I'm from Finland and no you can't have our rakes.
that "mother will not be pleased" line caught me off guard lol
Sondland: “ president and I use a lot of 4-letter words, in this case 3-letter words...haha”
Stephen Colbert: “a lot of 3-letter, 4-letter words..... QUID PRO QUO.”
Herman, thanks for the laugh. Nice to meet you.
"We did NOT want to work with Rudy Giuliani" LOLOL.
THAT was funny.... because it's True.
Yeah. That was a white guy trying to express the "ick factor" without breaking character.
You shouldn’t need anyone to tell you that withholding military aid in exchange for personal favours is wrong
You might not need to be told that. A reasonable person might not need to be told that. Trump wouldn't believe anyone who did tell him that, because he seems to believe that he has been elected King of the United States, and an absolute King by divine right, at that. Given that the US is still broadly a cultural descendant of Europe, you might want to look into how we dealt with absolutist monarchs we had had enough of over here
Idk how anyone supports trump. Every time I hear him talk it feels like I’m losing brain cells
John Keable People that support him don't have brain cells. Hard to lose brain cells when you never had them to begin with.
As they say on WGN radio in Chicago, you get a little more stupid every time you hear him blather.
I think these symptoms are brought on by trying to understand his broken English while hoping he isn't announcing his new border plan to nuke northern Mexico hurricanes, and seeding the left over clouds with crocodile eggs.
And you'd still have billions more than him.
They don't support him they support racism, misogyny and homophobia and he spews the most of it.
Trump seems so unhinged...screaming his notes
As if those notes were taken during his actual conversation and if America believes his lies, then you are all doomed.
Also, if that's Trump when he's prepared... Yikes!
Have you ever seen that photo of his open desk drawer full of non-prescription Sudafed?
Trump screams all the time, Trump," EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME, EXCUSE ME"
...and that note would literally just be "I want nothing!".
No one, absolutely no one understands how you went from OBAMA to this.
-The rest of the world.
@Joe Haden ha! It's funny to see Americans take Trump's side when he clearly does not gaf about America.....smh. When will y'all learn?
It's quite simple really. Obama was the first black man to be president. Then the a$$holes of America didn't like that. So, they decided to elect someone who thinks like they do. And wellua, we now got trump the first a$$hole president. Nuff said
America was going to crap before Trump went into office. Good thing he's in and the demorats are out.
Every single person that talks shit about Trump hasn't been affected by any of his policies. It's so fucking funny its just a trendy thing to do so students talk shit like they're cool. I'm sure the majority of the haters have never voted or arent even old enough to vote. Trump has positively affected more people I know than any President of my generation in less than one term. BTW Obama fucked over everyone but you're not old enough to feel that heat. Once you have a family and real responsibilities you will understand but maybe you won't because Trump is slowly tearing down all of Obama's mess he created
@@847JS change your drugs, those youre currently taking do harm to your brain
From this day on in my opinion Agent Orange is trespassing.
That's a good one🤣
Trump gave them missiles while Obama gave them blankets. Trump wins again.
@@monstergreen6728 Do you even realize how stupid that comment is?
Certainly the perfect 4 letter word and that 3 letter word!
It will be interesting to see how republicans try to worm their way out of this, all the name drops brought such a smile on my face!
Live across the world my friend. Love from NZ🇳🇿
Jesus Christ, Sondland singing like a songbird...
He put every canary ever to exist to shame. I hope he has another chorus coming up soon.
Why is it a problem that he's singing?
I love the melodious sounds of a songbird....especially one who will send the GOP down the river to hell.
Sondland is singing like his name is tekashi 69 🤣
Does this mean he's a "rat," too? Lol
*"We just followed orders!"*
As a german i heard that sentence a lot since 1945, especially during the Nuremburg trials!
No i am not that old, but its on tv almost every week and most students watch dokus in school!
Well colour me surprised, I have never been more shocked in my whole life then I am in this very moment...
I think there is a hint of sarcasm in there..
The real House of Cards playing out right before us.
It feels more like the parody version of House of Cards...
Goya Solidar Frank Underwood is a saint compared to Trump. Lol
There's way too many joker's in this deck.
This WH run House of Cards out of business. We can’t be watching the same series both in reality and as a fiction
More like House of Toilet paper stuck on the orange turds shoe.
No more Trump = MAGA!
Conspiracat, What does that last line mean? Very cryptic. That’s why I’m asking.
@@traekas7228 Epsteined ?
Conspiracat, Yep that’s how you #MAGA
@@traekas7228 i think they meant that removing trump is how you maga
John Lame Elk, Where did u get that? And why’re u asking me? I’m not the only person who uses the term.
Thank God for your monologues. Otherwise, I am caught between anger or crying.
“Crime is crime is crime is crime is crime!” 😂
@David miorgan the orange racist is still in the mansion or castle planning for personal business affairs and trips at taxpayers expense. Not just for him, but for all his kids.
Clintons are fake, but this one is out of bounds. God save our country.
@David miorgan I did not get the blood money like he did. I did not cheat. I did not erase my debt by declaring bankruptcies. And I paid taxes, however little that is. I did not grab women by their... I did not try to sell NJ real estate saying investment based green card fee will be tougher and expensive as I have private info. But what I did was not to be a pawn of the rich and powerful... Be it Trump or Clinton.
And, I did not sell ambassadorship to another hotelier for money.
Ambassadorship was on sale for a million. Was not that a crime?
Looks like an easier way to get to Foreign Service without acquiring credentials. How much others paid for the remaining VVIP seats?
Is USA a third world country now, up for the same fate as that of the British empire?
Time travel or reversion to mean or Lost hope... Difficult to digest though.
Christ, the size of the writing on that notepad!
He needs glasses, but is so arrogant and so obsessed with being seen as 'strong' He doesn't wear them.
@Alex M LOL!
Big hands writing with a big sharpie
I got a certificate in business office education at a technical school that was outfitted to help people with all kinds of different disabilities,and that sized writing was used very often for people with vision difficulties, or who were almost blind...makes me wonder,not only about his overall health,but about his ocular health in particular.
@@hubgiles7889 Corrected; small hands, big sharpie
Stephen, I live for your monologues in these dire times! Thank you 🙏
Trump really wants to be a top but he's a messy messy bottom
I thank you from the heart of me bottom!!!
My bowels thank you
Does that have something to do with the "He loves your ass" comment? XD
With all his fawning over those daddy figures I mean dictators it's pretty clear Donny is no alpha top.
So he really wants to be bottom too??? So sad. Badump tshhhhh! "I'm peach!"🍑
If you’re not legally literate enough to have known this was illegal, wrong, inappropriate, dangerous, etc., then maybe you’re not qualified to be an ambassador... 🤔
He's not qualified to manage the drive thru at Taco Bell. He's just rich.
He has no spine to stand up for truth, which some of his staff have. Ambassadorship for $1M. Time will tell how much was the bargain for other positions.
Is Trumps daughter/ girlfriend and her crooked husband qualified to be special WH advisors?
Neither him/her are qualified to be advisors. The guy bought a seat at Harvard for a couple of millions...That is a fact, not fiction.
Same applies to the Biden family. Millions as a board member of Burisma with no qualification. And the lack of admission of a love child.....oh I have to be classy as it is a private matter...per Biden.
This country is being ruined by crooks and we are responsible for electing them.
‘the devil will accuse him of dancing’ 🤘😂
"The Ttump show" seems to be in it's final season. I've been waiting for this shit to get cancelled.
LOL! Right on! A shit show that should have never gone into production!
Fel P , is the TRUTH hurting your butt.
T J Wow what an amazing retort, never heard that on the schoolyard playground when I was 5. Truly groundbreaking stuff. Man you Chad Trumpers sure are showing it to the dumb libtards with your witty one liners. If your day job stocking shelves at Walmart ever ends you should seriously consider becoming a comedian, with that sort of fresh take on humour I think you can make it.
@@us5921 I think he means trump as president is about to end. Not this show dude but yeah man good riddance lol
It’s gonna get cancelled a whole season earlier than ‘Heroes’ lmao
"Ready? Ready? Are the cameras rolling?"
"Tell Zelinsky to go to a microphone and announce the investigation into the Bidens."
"You HAVE to pay for the wall." First phone conversation with Mexican president.
it's all a show. reality TV president. Now we are all living through elimination rounds on Survivor.
That sounds... all too true actually...
In Trump's own words, "I am so screwed."
It was actually "I'm so F**KED!"
and "this is the end of my presidency"
tsstevens, Wait...I thought he used an eff bomb. Didn’t he?
More screwed than Caligula's favourite watermelon.
ummmmmm thats not a very colorful 4 letter word lol
The writer who turned that 4, 3 letter words into quid pro quo is a genius!
Priceless rendition Colbert, I've watched this video multiple times and each time I find myself LOL..Thank you! this deserves to break the internet.
Who knew watching a rat learn to drive a bus and then run it over a bunch of other rats could be so charming 🚌
This is my new favorite political metaphor.
@@badlydrawnturtle8484 'Tis well phrased, indeed!
Well said
Thumbs High, my friend.👍
I love that metaphor and the mental image it conjures up, not to mention the poetic justice of it all 😄
Can someone tell when will Mr Nunes change his tunes, because no one is dancing
Mr. Nunes has the personality of 16 yr old kid that just got
dumped by h is girlfriend.
He'l change his tune when ICE raids the Nunes Iowa farm
“A lot of people are saying” (to use a favorite Trump phrase) that Nunes is playing to an audience of one (the one behind that big empty desk in the Oval Office).
@@censusgary human centipede 😉🤣🤣
That Sondland photo looks like Austin Powers
Will Senate vote to impeach, I don't think so, I hope they non of them get reelected, for failing in there duty to uphold our constitution & instead turn a blind eye. Trump the worse president. It's right in there faces, but keep saying Trump did nothing wrong, bribery is wrong!
Is he evil, semi-evil, or just quasi-evil? 😂
Hahahahaha oooooh, that's who I was thinking of.
More like Dr. Evil.
Sondland is singing like a canary
And he's got a smirking smile on him like a cat ate one.
He's singing and yet still hasn't said anything???????????????
What he was singing:
"I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo." -- Gordon Sondland's direct testimony in regard to what Trump wanted from Zelensky.
Ryan D I see you didn’t watch the whole video
@@francoisrd That's just a direct quote from Sondland's testimony. You can dispute why it was said.
But the whole point of these testimonies is that there is no explicit quid pro quo in the transcript so additional evidence from first-hand communications with the president was needed. The whistle blower report can't condemn Trump further than the transcript given that it relies solely on the transcript. So even if the above quote doesn't exonerate Trump, it does not condemn him either.
"I would have sat up and taken notice." --> Bud, that's still not you taking action. Even in your hypothetical you can't get it right.
The couple in the background are missing their pitch fork..
ROBBIE BUNGE that part exactly lol 😂
& some "spiffy" head gear...
Or tiki torches
Good one!!
May I ask, do you know why they were there?
What I'm looking forward to is the day that Trump is arrested at an airport carrying a one way ticket to Russia.
Honestly, the thought of him on a one way trip to Russia makes my heart sing!
He already built a hotel in Russia, is closing out his assets, moving south and out of the country. He has been planning this, it has become obvious.
I'd like to know how the Ukrainian people feel about these hearings...
That's a great point. I'm kinduv angry that President Zelinksky is not coming clean with the American people. After all, We the People gave his nation over $400 million that we have to borrow and pay interest on. I'm very disappointed. He should be offering testimony.
@@arthurmontana8791 a conservative shared an article that talks about the theory of Ukrainians supporting Hillary Clinton.
It's largely nonsense, but one official did call out Manafort's dealings.
That's the reason Trump didn't like Ukraine, and the previous president of Ukraine snubbed Trump in favor of Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton.
Zelensky had to overcome Trump's dislike of Ukraine, so it makes sense that he wouldn't contradict Trump because Ukraine is stilk at war with Russia.
Zelensky has no real choice, he's quite the victim.
And France gave us the equivalent when we were throwing off the yoke of King George. Those folks are bleeding, and I for one, would rather they got that than us paying billions for a border wall. Or the Air Force spending our money on the Turd's hotel rooms. Or Madam X spending 100K each on several overnight trips. Or who knows what on bulk buybacks of Don Jr's worthless book.
At least it was spent on the pursuit of freedom.
@@TragoudistrosMPH of course, Ukrainians supported Hillary. Because Trump and his team were (and is) associated with Putin. It was clear for Ukrainians and Russians, but not for Americans.
So Sondland’s argument is the same as Lindsey’s defending Trump: “I/He doesn’t know any better....”
don't forget that Trump & Giuliani also made up an entirely fake story about Joe Biden and Ukraine that Fox News and other right-wing media are still repeating 24-7...
Sterling Pound so when’s the impeachment? 😂
his argument is "they did it and i have nothing to do with it"
Check that: they aren't defending Trump at all
@@JayJayM57 Sondland isn't denying his own involvement
Whenever they say were just following orders, someone in trouble
The president won the '16 elecrions with 63 million votes.....................No Hillary won with 66 million votes. The electoral college gave fatboy the win
@@noididnt7972 still don't get how so many people voted for him... so incredible.
@@cyrilftia same reason so many people supported hitler.... blind loyalty
🥵 This burn though...
"The president has 5 Pinocchio's on a daily basis, so let's not go there." 😏
-Rep. Jackie Speier was ON FIRE! 🔥🥵🔥
*We all know Trump, what is Disgusting is that Republicans who live off our taxpayer money are defending Trump's corruption, it makes their party More corrupt than Trump*
Yes, hit them in the head
"Whole room laughs"-
I cracked up and replayed that part several times!!!
Tekashi69 i know things
Sonland: hold my beer😂🍻
Except the ambassador is a real bad ass that testimony was hilarious
And he doesn't have sex with children (that we know of)
I yield my time to congressman jack Daniels 🍷😂
Laban Kandie
Can we also consult Senator Aqua Fina?
Laban Kandie There needs to be a new emoji for Jack Daniels! 😆
I also yield to Senators Jamison, Sake, and Cuervo. Just bring the whole bar please. We’ll wrap things up with Stenographer Disaronno.
@Laban Kandie Jim Beam is feeling very left out. That's alright Jimmy, I'll keep you company! 😁
I'd vote for him
Gordon Sondland reminds me of Groundhog's Day Ned Ryerson so much.
Guy who got
This last 3 years is a Groundhog Day rip off. New day, same bull.
@@acrobot4512 Bing again !!
“We were just following orders” is what every defendant at Nuremberg used as their defense.
Yes. That is the joke.
@David miorgan hahahah ha ha ha ha hah hah ha......ha
@David miorganbad bot
”Na na naa na, na na naa na, hey hey heyy gooood byeeee” man, I can't wait to sing that to Trump as he leaves the WH.
SW627 I said nothing about being kicked out. Read my comment again. I said leaves the WH. You know how to read English........right?
That would be a nice rally song!
SW627 Want a cookie? Doesn't really matter either way. My bills still get paid whether a Democrat or Republican is president🤷🏾♂️
@SW627 You do realize he has hardly any support left? If he's not gone by the election no one will vote for him. Just look at the blue wave.
I loved that academy awards out of time ending.
Trump: "I want nothing...I want nothing... Other than the investigations I'm being accused of"
Colonel Klink defense perhaps? I know nothing also.
And that statement only came out after they got caught. 😑 he's so lame.
He thought the authorities were listening....
Sorry, Dude, but Sondland admits at 3.50 in this video there was no quid pro quo and it was only his opinion. You can't impeach based on opinions. Colbert is lying to you.
Thank you Steve. We love our jesters. We NEED our jesters. Laughter makes these times enjoyable. Love and laughter is fun. Thanks again.
3 letter and 4 letter words - “Quid pro quo” 🤣 🤣 🤣
This reality show is getting more and more interesting.
I wonder if we get to burn Trump in effigy after he's kicked out of office, a la Guy Fawkes. We could even make it an annual event.
@@philipclayberg4928 I'm down for that!
Dang the hole he just blew in this administration makes the hole in the titanic look as tiny as trumps hands.
raalte sorelated sorry I wanted to make them look bigger.... fixed it for you...
And the good news is they're just getting started :-)
Lol, this is the same way he gaslighted his wives on as they found out he cheated on them 🤣
Imagine if Melania was the whistleblower
you just know that there is a tell-all book in her future.
Trump name will be forever used to describe acts of treason.
“That new breakfast place serves Eggs Trump.”
@@aaronrudolph1129 With yellow runny yolks.
The capital of Colombia is Bogota.
@David miorgan in prison 2020 until 2028.
And your name will be described as ignorant eternity.
When there is no need to lie and no caution of being caught lying, Sondland looked so relaxed and joking around.
Wow. Nothing relieves more than not tell lies.
"That sounds like me"..."we used a lot of 4 letter words."
President Pelosi won’t be pardoning these fools.
The GOP didn't want a woman elected in 2016. She wasn't. But now they have to face the possibility that a different woman might be president and the Electoral College can't block it this time. Poetic justice.
@LongRange Hunter , Highly unlikely, although possible!
Here's the kicker: Hillary is picked to be VP, then Pelosi resigns, and....well, you know...
It could happen if the Dems controlled both houses. Just the reps won't cut it.
Rob Bird because Pelosi isn't going to be president... even if the Repubs remove Trump, they will never vote to remove Pence. The election is in 11 months anyway.
@Will Ritter nonsense. If I've learned anything under the trump administration over the last three years it's to never write him off completely on anything. If anyone on earth could get the GOP to eat it's own tail and let Pelosi take over its trump, we got the very best the earth has to offer trying to make this happen.
If this doesn’t get Trump impeached, I don’t know what will...
The senate still won’t impeach him
Proving they put party over country
He have to be booted out in 2020 but the house impeachment would’ve been long eclipsed by other scandals by then
Hope Americans won’t be as dumb and dishonest as they seem to be and vote him and his henchmen out
Just want to tip my hat to your graphics team, these peaches are brilliant.👏👏👏👏
Excellent 😀😀😀
Midway watching this I thought, goddamn FINALLY! It’s been the 3 longest years ever. Winter’s over, baby!
michaelbeholder not with Moscow Mitch at the helm. 😞
2:57 Did he use the same sharpie for writing his notes that he used in hurricanegate?
@Emmett Hardie Wrappers and cans: did they start to increase the library size already?
Damn, now everyone's going to vote by writing in "Jack Daniels" as their candidate in the next election!!
LOL ! We get the real news before the MSM can roll out the fake news. I watched the hearings, it's give the public insight to how fake and bias the MSM is. We watched the hearing and after the hearing CNN reports bombshells which are little bias video clips designed to persuade public opinion. It's not working, it didn't in 2016, 17, 18, and 2019. And is sure to fail again in 2020.
Still a better president than trump.
I don't know. I have my heart set on Jagermeister.
Because it's quicker to spell than my 9-year-old's favorite: "Any functional adult 2020".
wow -- those last couple seconds is a must watch -- put a huge grin on my face!
This Stephen Colbert's monologue is a nearly perfect performance. Thanks, The Late Show, for posting these clips on UA-cam!
Meanwhile: Fox News is declaring victory.
Just let them have their fantasy of "Trump never being wrong". It's not like they have much longer to enjoy it anyways.
Yea because these idiots used snippets from the testimony to mislead the public. Everything he testified put Trump way in the clear. I watched the whole thing
Many more outlets, other than Fox, are calling it a win for Trump. I’m sorry.
@Keith Jackson do you even know what this impeachment hearing is about? You'll feel stupid in a couple weeks like the rest of the mis led public. There was no crime committed it's just another bullshit tactic from the left to smear the right before Re election. This shit needs to end it makes our politics look so fucking stupid.
@@847JS do you own all the troll sock puppet accounts commenting here or do you have a fellow idiot working with you?
Anyone else miss/prefer Rex Tillerson over Mike Pompeo as a member of the Trump Administration?
Anyone else remember when we didn't have to pick the lesser of two criminals?
One sellout behaves like the other...
@@TheNetherwalker Not really. It is always a douche or a turd sandwich.
@Matthew Snider do you need to catch up on an education of what the Democrats and Stephen Colbert are pushing??? Yup you need to catch up.
Considering how many times Donnie willingly slammed that door shut on his own ding-dong over the last 3 years, I'm just surprised to see he finally learned to pull it out first.
If only Fred had learned the same lesson...
Thank you, Stephen Colbert, and your writers, for preserving my sanity during this very disturbing time in the U.S.
Mr. Gordan really really does not want to go to prison for Mr. Orange it seems.
Funny how the threat of prison time restored his memory!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@alisaoliver1969 hehehehe
Anyone notice while watching Sondland's testimony how much he was drinking. I am surprised he didn't need to pee
*We all know Trump, what is Disgusting is that Republicans who live off our taxpayer money are defending Trump's corruption, it makes their party More corrupt than Trump*
He might've done what a Lt. Governor did here in Alabama when he was trying to hold a filibuster...kept a coffee bean can to pee in.
He had to rehydrate after intaking all that salt before testifying. Also, the whole time he's smiling he looks like he's trying to suck up to the democrats in the hopes that they don't put him in jail at the end of this.
@@CodeRed99911 Mueller showed them what could happen to anyone who lied or committed a crime. Manafort, Stone, Flynn, Cohen...
He likely had the piss scared out of him behind closed doors when Shiff told him that protecting Trump might get him ten years in the same cell with Rudie. That idea gave him dry mouth big time.
Wanna bet the second phase of Trump’s annual check-up suddenly has to happen tomorrow?
He's been having dizzy spells - from all the spin.
OMG! I LOVE Stephen Colbert!
This is gonna be A GREAT DAY for me today!! I can't stop smiling 🤪😁🤪😁🤪
I so believe that trump is guilty but fear the GOP won’t impeach him.