PSO2NGS Series Producer RESPONDS! Interview Article with Yuya Kimura revealed many truths

  • Опубліковано 8 лип 2024
  • Series Producer Yuya Kimura has come out and revealed many truths about how the PSO2NGS team works on content, and how feedback is being received by the Development Team.
    Huge ups to Quentin H. of Operation Rainfall for conducting this interview!
    Original Source:
    Please take the time to read the full article!
    00:00 Intro & Article Reading Part 1
    04:22 Arcy's Real Talk
    07:13 Article Reading Part 2
    12:54 Closing
    I apologize for going on a little bit of a small "real talk" rant- Since my Stream on Thursday and getting to talk to some of the people behind the scenes as well as all of you in the general community, I was feeling a bit less-than-great, since I've never really seen our entire community go up in arms like this, which makes me think this might be a good place to address some of those concerns.
    But regardless, thank you all of you for sticking around, it means the world to me!
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  • @NorthLotus
    @NorthLotus Рік тому +53

    I understand the sentiment of holding onto positivity, but I also understand the loss of it after constantly time and again being fed disappointment. At some point enough is enough.
    And it's not so simple as "just quit/move on". People love this game, and for them to get this hot over all of these failures, all of these attempts at being told to be patient, it just goes to show how much they care.
    I wont advocate for being toxic or attacking others etc, but tbh at this point SEGA practically begged for this. It is what it is.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +12

      Yeah, everything that's happening is a doing of SEGA themselves from the mismanagement, to the game direction (where they tried to create something new with open world and practically failed), and then finally to the marketing push that really got specifically the global side very overhyped for what isn't coming, so I really am not blaming anyone for going up in arms against SEGA.
      I also hard agree that at least one positive comes out of this; that people are really mad about all of this. Normally people don't just randomly get mad at stuff, they do because they do care a lot as you say. If people really didn't care to begin with, they'd all probably just leave silently.

    • @absolstoryoffiction6615
      @absolstoryoffiction6615 Рік тому +5

      Given Sonic Frontiers. Even if PSONGS has their own team in Sega. I wonder why should it be difficult to create high quality products.
      Mainly because the team behind NGS doesn't have a "top down" management issue that other AAA companies have with their games. So, nothing should be interfering with production.
      At least, that's my opinion. Unless the Dev size is too small to produce content. I see no objective reason why NGS is this slow in content/improvements.
      And it doesn't seem that the team behind NGS doesn't know what they are doing.

  • @goldentiramisu7935
    @goldentiramisu7935 Рік тому +23

    kinda wished PSO2Station/Devstream back, since we can see them interacts with each other organically. missed those fun days...

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +10

      I miss PSO2 STATION sooooooooo much :

    • @Nemuito
      @Nemuito Рік тому

      That would be nice.

    • @TheKsenpai
      @TheKsenpai Рік тому +4

      yep, would've been a lot more fun to watch that instead of headline.
      Headline just screams "Corporate Sterilization" and every time I can't help but feel bad for Hiro-san.

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому +1

      @@TheKsenpai i must admit i hate hiro arai
      not because of him but becausw his looks and dissapointing news
      though in the bottom of my heart i feel bad for Hiro-san to be the corporate frontline defences

  • @VoidShyrok
    @VoidShyrok Рік тому +11

    Toxic or not, the Devs should've seen this coming. They had the solid framework of Pso2 and tossed it aside. Killed support for the base game along with any potential investment the base story might've still had. Completely botched the pacing of the DOLLS arc while nerfing all the classes into shallow shells of what they used to be. And oh yeah, they added more scratch tickets over the last 2 years to milk the players with then they have any other form of content. Was it the Devs choice? Maybe not. But it's still there. And they haven't been very transparent.

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому +2

      i liked ngs combat more than base pso2
      but i agreed that pso2 with skill disk gives more variety and playstyles, and if it was combined with multiweapon that can be awesome mechanics

  • @JohnnyinCLE
    @JohnnyinCLE Рік тому +66

    I've read the article. Too many miscues. So many mistakes. And an awful lot of running away from what followed Isao Owata's wishes of the series.
    Frankly, NGS is a departure from the DNA of PSO. It tried to become a poor man's Xenogears. And it tried too much to be "with the times", whereas all it needed to do was just add onto original DNA. I was around when Yu was the director. The idea was limited overworld, with an emphasis on dungeon adventures and arena-based aspects. The mega battles from PS to PSO2 were moreso elevated upon premise of adding depth.
    All of this is missing in NGS. Even if we wanted to argue "well, PSO2 took time to flesh out too!", I'd argue that at least the groundwork for premise was better formed, and that the "dungeon-arena" aspects allowed for better meta-lore. Even as one might've waited for a while for new episode content, the meta-world aspects were already there.
    There wasn't an emphasis on BP. There WAS a nicer challenge in seeing if a person COULD/WOULD succeed with intentional underpowered equipment. What some folks in GAMEDEV might have thought was convenient, only ended up "walling off" returning and newer players.
    Which, again, ends up making for a game that JUST ISN'T TRUE PSO DNA, PER OWATA'S ORIGINAL WISHES.
    I don't care how long a person has worked on a franchise: ALWAYS CONSIDER WHAT GOT THE FRANCHISE TO SURVIVE AND MAKE IT THE ROOT AND CORE OF THE DESIGN ELEMENT. Giving up "Mates" and "Atomizers", and replacing it with.... WEEDS.
    This just isn't a true PSO. And the directors have lost vision as to what makes for true successors to the legacy.
    I remain not alone in this sentiment. I recently sold off my 25 years investing in SEGA (and Sammy) from the realization that everything remains poorly managed. Not just "Never Gonna Satisfy", mind you. But everything, even down to the slot machines. And it pains me to say this, as I once worked at CSK, and then SEGA Enterprises, Ltd. And I even worked on the PS series; with Yu, and then Takao/Yuji.
    (This should give you hint enough that I am not just a displeased fanboy - I have time and effort invested in this franchise).

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +8

      It's definitely quite the crazy departure and situation that we're in right now- Though I personally as someone who's never been here since the very start of Phantasy Star (the original), I've heard always a lot of stories about how it really revolutionized a lot of things back then, and there truly is this "magic" about it. For me, I've only ever really felt the magic of Legacy PSO2, which I still today don't feel the same in NGS at all. We've been chatting quite a bit in the livestreams (thank you very much for always dropping by!), and you should know also that I don't in any way "defend" the company either, but to me in the end, this is where all my friends and community are so, perhaps I will be seeing through the entirety of PSO2 and NGS to the very end
      inb4 the Microsoft x SEGA "Super Game" is literally PSU2 lol

    • @bbseno
      @bbseno Рік тому +6

      @@Azelyra i'm also not very attached to the pso2 legacy, as long as its a good game, thats good enough for me. Take a look at zelda BoTW and ToTK, its a huge departure from the original DNA of zelda games and they ended up being masterpieces universally loved and praised, even if some old school fans were missing the old formula.
      The problem is not about having "changes" but doing "changes" badly.
      NGS going open world is not inherently a bad idea (old school fans disagree, but i stand by my opinion)
      Whats bad about it is that NGS dev team has no idea how to make a good open world, on top of struggling with the new engine. Open world has always been very hard to do get it right and sega had no experience with it. I knew they were going to screw up the moment they announced it 2 years ago.
      I hear that many people hate the current direction of NGS and want to go back to pso2 but i wonder just exactly how many people have this opinion? Because it comes from pso2 veterans and they are always the most vocal groups in the community so they may seems like the majority but i reckon casuals don't share the same feelings and the majority of the playerbase are the casuals.
      Honestly i wanted sega to learn from this experience and develop their open world better, because there are a lot of potentials in it. But looking at the direction they're going in, i assume they've also realized the difficulty of making open world games and changed their strategy to focus on instanced contents instead.
      Which is... fine, as long as NGS becomes a better game i don't care how they do it
      final hot take, NGS is a shit show but i actually still prefer it over base pso2. Combat is more fun (for me), and classes are more fun (for me.) Doesn't mean its a good game because overall its still a disaster. But I can criticize this failure while still appreciating aspects of it.

    • @BlackWeeeb
      @BlackWeeeb Рік тому +1

      we’ll go be fair i prefer what you call the “weeds” over the mates and atomizers any day. i don’t wanna stand still and drink something to heal in pso

    • @TheKsenpai
      @TheKsenpai Рік тому +8

      uhhh.... *sigh*
      yeah... you are right. Spot on actually.
      NGS kind of lack the said "core" or soul at the moment, and I'm hoping it's gonna find one soon.

    • @sheetpostmodernist398
      @sheetpostmodernist398 Рік тому

      Base PSO2 may have taken time to get started, but it had an engaging story from the start, with established history, and characters that drove the plot. There was an actual antagonist with a name and a face _in the initial starting quest_ and even _before_ the eventual Dark Falz reveals began.
      NGS? The initial premise was interesting.. and then it took two solid years of "Significant NPC VS The Vendetta Monster" before we got anything beyond "ARKS has been here a thousand years, but we don't know why, deal with it." The complete lack of _believable_ world-building has been utterly infuriating, and the nameless faceless monster swarms have _none_ of the impact of the base PSO2 antagonists.
      I don't care if they _did_ have a plan from the start. Taking two years to even establish how this world connects to the base game was a garbage way to run it, and I'm sure that has been a primary reason for many people abandoning the game.

  • @lightnbrightt
    @lightnbrightt Рік тому +15

    This really just proves issues with the development team, not to say they aren't working hard but this just proves this games gonna take years to make decent improvements. And for most people that's too long so goodluck ig

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +2

      The interview basically outright says more or less that "our process in making the game will take X amount of time" which X here is well, up to a year or two, so that's the reality of it, and I doubt the pacing will change any time soon especially with this coming out as public information now.

  • @FizzieWebb
    @FizzieWebb Рік тому +6

    It really says a lot when I can sit down, fire up PSU Clementine, and have more fun in that than I ever did in NGS.
    I had so much hope that NGS was going to be "PSO2 but better" and maybe with less money grubbing bullshit, like having to pay a monthly fee just to get access to player trading and the like.
    Instead what I got was a confused mess of a game, with a shitty storyline awkwardly hamfisted into the game, like it's trying to say "Look! We can be like FF14 too!" and just... failing so hard it's unreal.
    I can't even say it's nostalgia carrying me through PSU Clementine, though I admit it helps. But the game just feels more fun, the slower paced combat, weapons having individual photon point meters, being able to level up photon arts, having character and class levels be a separate thing, different planets with different feels to them, multiple lobby areas, different weapon/armour manufacturers, not needing to spend real money to customize my characters, a weapon and armour crafting system that is more than just a glorified stat adder, characters gaining stats by levelling up and not solely by putting attachments on weapons and armour. About the only thing PSU Clementine falls short in is the menus being horrendously dated, but the rest of the game still holds up as a beacon of sci-fi themed mmos.
    The fact that the endgame of PSO2/NGS was fashion, while in PSU it was crafting really does say a lot.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      Time to pray that the Microsoft x SEGA "super game" collaboration that they're massively investing into would become what is, Phantasy Star Universe 2 xD
      I've never actually played PSU, but I've heard a lot of stories and great things from people who have, and if they were to either make PSU2 or properly remake PSU, I'd love to give it a shot
      "but Arcy why not just play PSU on some private server?" For now I'm quite occupied with a lot of things IRL, and due to my lack of a gaming history, I'm kinda really used to "newer" games and older games don't particularly interest me for the moment, that may change once I get situated a bit more though

    • @FizzieWebb
      @FizzieWebb Рік тому

      @@Azelyra Heh, I'd never push someone to try something they have little to no interest in, all I will say is the Clementine launcher is a small download, around 2 gigs, so if you want to try it later you can just have it ready to go.

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому

      @@FizzieWebb as NGS player that picks up Phantasy series in this era, i am enjoying myself in PSU Celementine
      Yes you dont have many costumes
      Yes you dont have many cute looking faces
      Yes the movement were just that
      Yes its an old game
      Yes its more enjoyable than NGS, and i can accept old graphics more than Base/Classic/Legacy PSO2, specifically PSO2 prebaked lighting in the textures of the planets map

  • @Somanybeats
    @Somanybeats Рік тому +5

    And another thing... I refuse to gamble my money on AC scratch!! I've said this for a long time, if they just let us buy what we want from the scratch tickets or sell selector tickets they would make wayyyyyy more money

    • @bagasraga7765
      @bagasraga7765 Рік тому

      well, they give u selector tickets after 40 or 50 times draw . . . did you know that ?

    • @elrafarodri8555
      @elrafarodri8555 Рік тому

      it's actually every 30 scratches

    • @Somanybeats
      @Somanybeats Рік тому

      @@bagasraga7765 Yeah I do.. Scratches is a scam. You like gambling scratch tickets?

    • @daruthebeast
      @daruthebeast Рік тому

      @@bagasraga7765 like 60$, for one item that should cost like 5 max..

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому

      @@Somanybeats did you get what they say?
      you can basicly bought the one you want whole you get 40+ useless items you can sell for god knows whataver prices in market shops
      its actually a win win situation(though yeah, they might need to adjust the rates)

  • @t.z.6994
    @t.z.6994 Рік тому +14

    Harassing the devs is obviously bad but I think they (or sega as a whole) deserve all of the criticisms towards them.
    At this point I'm used to disappointing updates from NGS, but what really reeks of greed is the fact that they called this update 2.0 when the only major things they've added are 2 enemies, 6 new skills and player housing, which people like me who only care about combat won't ever fully interact with. Any previous regional updates like Retem and Kvaris completely dwarf this so-called "2.0" There's no way that they didn't know what they were doing and with this marketing push I have literally 0 faith in them anymore.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +3

      I don't disagree with that they 100% deserve all the criticism and blame that they're getting due to how everything is marketed/communicated, you can say that this is a bit of a failed PR stunt since, nothing was super decisive to begin with since there was content delays, tentative names, and just various things. Like, I don't think anyone would have been this mad if they just said "Yeah so this is the Creative Spcae update" rather than saying EYO OKAY THIS IS VER2 LET'S GET IT

    • @bagasraga7765
      @bagasraga7765 Рік тому +1

      @@Azelyra see, the core problem of ppl madness is how sega scammed their players. Its not that hard to change the update title before or when headline broadcast at May 31st. change the title into 'creative space update" and apologize about ultra/ver.2 update that still on progress. I'm 100% sure ppl will not get crazy mad like now cuz they being honest and open about that information.

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому

      @@bagasraga7765 yeah, there will be some who mad and some who defend
      but now its all out mad from anywhere

  • @Kesvalk
    @Kesvalk Рік тому +7

    a fun fact: there is more people playing MMOs that prefer to play solo than people that want to manually party up, most just want matchmaking content, and you can actually see the same on PSO2 NGS, where the non-matchmaking content is the least played and talked about.
    Also, most people don't care about ultra hard content, just normal content that has good replayability and they can delve in for large amounts of time.
    FFXIV is a very good example, with all it's matchmaking lists and even the roguelite dungeons being played to this day because it actually change things up and give nice rewards.
    i think that's where the PSO2 dev team should focus, making everything matchmake-able, include a "random activity" matchmaking option where you just queue for anything and fill slots for other people needing to do trainias/coccons/yellow&purple challenges/limited quests and so on.
    that and more 24 man activities, like RAIDs and boss gauntlets.
    let's hope the new creative spaces are actually used by the dev team to give us fast, low budget, random quests that we can actually grind for nice rewards, not more gold swords and trash like that.

  • @Inari_K
    @Inari_K Рік тому +10

    For me, if they "care" about the game so much they team who works on it should be talking and applying more pressure to what ever "higher ups" you speak of, Its constantly the same problems. If literal years of same complaints on how they add content or the quality of it. Then idk what we were supposed to say. I don't condone death threats and the toxic behavior, but the is such a tiny vocal group. Saying we all need to relax and see that these are just humans who love game doing what they are told is just pandering. That's not a solution, alot of people gave benefit of the doubt, multiple times even. But were are pretty far down the road from that. This isn't a fresh game, its a make over of an existing game with issues on how they handle things existing for many years then thrown into a redo of a game with removed features, slow content cycle on top of extremely low amount of said content. Cherry on top, the quality of the content could be middle tier at its most generous. I love pso2, but to say i'm in any way happy how ngs has been so far would lying. The social aspect of this game carries it for most players. If they making good gameplay is such a slow and hard road, at the very least do better in retaining the favor of your playerbase and the incentive to be playing alot to farm, or the incentive to pay through good value in scratches. I really hope the game can improve, creative spaces are hopefully going to be awesome, its just a shame its a better version of Personal quarters that pretty much everyone expected to be baseline thing a long time ago... you know when ngs released.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +3

      I pretty much agree with everything that you say, it's a really rough situation for I'm sure not just us, but the people involved with the whole development too- In the end they're just office workers, and yes even if they try to pressure the higher-ups and so, they also can't risk losing their jobs. While I'm no expert on the subject, I do think to a large extent it's very important for us to voice our concerns since we are their customers after all, but there just has to be a fine balance in that as well is how I feel.
      If I were to say so myself, it actually mindblows me that they could have literally just copypasted so many systems from Legacy that's already existing and apply it into NGS since the start, or even use the combat as a basis since there's that magic to it, but in another perspective I won't exactly blame them for wanting to try something new and different, it's just that, it didn't end up working out at all whether due to rushed schedules, or whatever factor we may not know.
      But yeah! In the end of it, I just really hope as well that it could just been a lot better, I'm still going to be here until the very end to see it all through.

    • @devilxkizr1593
      @devilxkizr1593 Рік тому

      ​@Azelyra I agree 100% in balance because at the end of the day we both are human and with over God knows how many ppl yelling at Sega instead of giving feedback .. well I can imagine it ain't gonna make it any better they aren't robots who operate on a dime they are humans and what humans are prone time at times? Fails and learning from them so if we can just get more ppl asking feedback and less of toxicity it'll be less painful for the devs and who knows maybe the game will improve at a slightly better rate

  • @Zemythian
    @Zemythian Рік тому +21

    Im super happy you talked about toxicity. People have been so angry with sega that if i say anything optimistic or “at least so-and-so”, they get really upset that im not as toxic as them. Kinda like a:
    “how dare you be happy!?” Or
    “negativity is a way of life. Let me wallow in my pain” and
    “if i complain enough on non sega channels, sega will do something about it”

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +3

      This is kinda new to me because, I've actually never seen at least this community be this angry before, and to be quite frank I don't know what's the best way to handle it

    • @gokenji1194
      @gokenji1194 Рік тому +3

      @@Azelyra some complain that the "Ultra-evolution/ver.2" name was misleading. they seem to await a FF real Reborn. Not simply a Update with new features and QoL additions.

    • @bagasraga7765
      @bagasraga7765 Рік тому +1

      ​@@gokenji1194 yessss, this is mainly the reason why ppl angry like crazy. It basically they feel like just got scammed from their one and only favorite game gamedev

    • @devilxkizr1593
      @devilxkizr1593 Рік тому

      I agree wholeheartedly I can't stand ppl who drown ppl out because thier optimistic or positive at the end of the day it's thier opinion and also for the title version 2 situation maybe it's just me but to me it's just a title it ain't like Sega is milking more money this way is a ftp game afterall and unless u decide to buy something they aren't forcing u just because of a title imo

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому

      @@Azelyra well they and me included were mad because i expect something were hapened in ver 2 that were revolutionize ngs as a whole series, no not ARR kind of situation, but a redeeming time for the devs since the lackluster updates,mid level storieslines and no repeatable content that utilize NGS main selling point of being Open world that were social + combat related

  • @seyconrad9757
    @seyconrad9757 Рік тому +12

    It's quite saddening that gaming enterprises these days only care about how to create a community to guard itself from harm instead of really trying to improve and update their system and gameplay. This is exactly the same stragedy with Genshin which however spent so much more money on global advertisement, Expo, Orchestra and raffle events with retreet and cc compensation. The funny part is SEGA PSO2 ngs is using the same methodology at a MUCH SLOWER pace and without even making a proper effort to improve. When the article revealed that they have prioritises on what to update and implant first, they actually highlighted the Ciel shading, easy picture mode, holograms (which in fact is AC based) for their "Revolutionary update) which is nowhere close to important or even related to combat gameplay. Whereas the update of creative space is closer to an improvement "for quality of life" instead of improve the gaming system itself. A game's image cannot simply be defined on their own personal growth but rather their speed of growth comparing to other games. Let's say if we are comparing Genshin vs PSO2 NGS, Genshin has housing starting from late first year whilst NGS took more than 3 years to just start the same function, it easy for anyone to tell which one has paid more effort into updating at a glance. These things are factual rather than subjective to ones opinion. Ultimately if you don't put "PRESSURE' onto big companies to pay money to invest on their own product, they will ultimately do nothing because they only care how much they can earn.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      While I don't disagree, I also don't know exactly the best approach to all of this. Situations like this is personally new to me, but yeah from what I've heard and seen on some other games I feel like it's something that plagues video games as a whole now that it's starting to shift from fun and innovation to profits.

    • @bagasraga7765
      @bagasraga7765 Рік тому

      its completely different strategy compare to genshin impact. Genshin have reasonable update and they had progress update and show it to the public like how they numbering their update(1.0 ; 1.1 ; 1.2 and so on). and its the best strategy for genshin to make an excuse for them(the players) before they(hoyodevs) will release 2.0 update, cuz when they hit ver2.0 or 3.0 update they know it will be really BIG UPDATE. So when they still not ready for that version, they will prolonge the update into 1.6 ; 1.7 ; 1.8 (to delay the ver 2.0) or 2.6 ; 2.7 ; 2.8 (to delay the ver 3.0). And you know compared to pso2ngs, genshin distance update from ver1 to ver2 or ver2 to ver3 is just takes 1 year, with so much STORY RICH they give to players for FREE.

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому

      @@bagasraga7765 heck Even ff14 uses the same schemes for 2 years periods
      ARR being 2.0 with revolutionary gameplay and backend systems with 0.x as incriment before they drops heavensward expansion as 3.0 and so on up until now with 6.0
      i think the only oddbals game i know that use weird version numbers were minecraft, they still use 1.x as their major version and 1.x.x as minor version with some gameplay adjustments and bug fixes

    • @bagasraga7765
      @bagasraga7765 Рік тому

      @@ShiroCh_ID minecraft version numbering same as dota2

  • @Somanybeats
    @Somanybeats Рік тому +14

    5:37 thats BS fr. The community being "Toxic" is just a result for bad decision making. Don't blame the people.. If they made better decisions based from ones that actually play the game and not "higher ups", people wouldn't be toxic. Let the higher ups read the comments if you don't like them or are they too busy looking for AC sales instead?

    • @chelsthegameruiner8669
      @chelsthegameruiner8669 Рік тому +7

      That and being lied to constantly. I honestly understand the backlash they're getting now and aside from the really bad stuff, it's good. It tells Sega that we're done with their bullshit, either make the game good or put it out of its misery. Parading around the corpse of what was a great game will only do more harm than good

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому +3

      and the fact that the devs tries to not say they play the games just makes "devs dont play and enjoy the games they make" more apparent even thougj we dont know of some of many plays it, unlike its Japanese Franchise competitors that even plays with rando and take feedbacks from its players directly

    • @costelinha1867
      @costelinha1867 3 місяці тому

      Here's the thing tho.... nothing justify being toxic, you can criticize SEGA all you want without being toxic. And honestly, if you chose the path of toxicity, you're just invalidating whatever argument you could have, as you're incapable of articulating it in a mature manner.
      Again, I AM NOT DEFENDING SEGA, I'm just not defending toxic people either, they can both fuck themselves.

  • @Somanybeats
    @Somanybeats Рік тому +4

    If my boss had me doing BS, I'd find a new job too. Stand for something or fall to nothing. Gotta stop letting greedy people have their way

  • @RogueOmega
    @RogueOmega Рік тому +3

    See, I stopped playing NGS rather early on, because I could already tell this is how it was going to turn out. What tipped me off?
    .) The fact you HAD to play through NGS up until you reached the city before you could access the Legacy PSO2 stuff again, thus guaranteeing every PSO2 player would have at least SOME playtime in NGS, even if they dropped PSO2 completely afterwards.
    .) The fact that since legacy PSO2 was now accessed through NGS, even if you only ever played legacy PSO2, it would still be considered as having playtime in NGS. This factor in particular lead me to believe this is how things were doomed to turn out for the game- you don't do something like this that artificially inflates peoples' playtimes with your newer game unless you KNOW people are going to likely prefer the legacy content over it.
    .) The fact that most of the update blurbs tended to be about cosmetics (ESPECIALLY paid cosmetics). It felt like they were more focused on the paid microtransaction content than they were the actual story.
    Now, I do have another reason that I stopped playing PSO2 because of NGS, but it's more of a personal reason:
    My laptop simply couldn't run it well enough anymore. Before NGS, PSO2 ran buttery smooth for me, and the game was an amazing experience. After NGS, not only would my laptop struggle with NGS on lowest setting if there was too much going on onscreen at once, but legacy PSO2 went from running without issues to being laggy enough that emergency missions were hard to play. And since there's (currently) no way to play legacy PSO2 WITHOUT going through NGS and its engine... I just had to stop playing.

  • @user-pv1nl4qp1g
    @user-pv1nl4qp1g Рік тому +4

    Honestly the article kinda fails to provide useful info, all it really consists of is "wow, look at this already discussed thing", and "NGS is never getting a casino". That last one is confusing too; on one hand, they want to go "this is in the base game, you should try it out", on the other hand they keep making the base game's modes completely meaningless and consolidating everything (CM's star gems being replaced for something completely meaningless and essentially transferring over to NGS, alleged plans to add Buster Medals into Cradle [citation needed]). Every single game that means anything will have people that actively check social media for feedback, and every single community will have people that vent frustration with "i hope every single dev kills themselves" instead of actually saying something meaningful, or even aiming at the right level. Shit, I saw someone unironically go "Hiro Arai should be fired, let someone else control NGS' future" as if they thought he's the director. Sorting that sort of drivel out and digging out meaningful info pretty much comes with the job. As far as Headline+, sorry to say, but after watching an episode I think I'd honestly rather watch paint dry. That said, if they do provide additional info, wouldn't it be to Sega's (and/or the community's) benefit to summarize the info provided, whether officially or by someone in the community?
    As someone who played JP roughly since EP4 I do understand the update pace wasn't exactly fast, but this doesn't really change the fact that the team failed to properly temper the community's feelings/hype on what Ver. 2 is. With them constantly calling it "ultra evolution", of course people would assume it'd be a massive update that expands on the game overall. Meanwhile, I get more of a feeling that Ver.2's more of a milestone for people who don't play the game to notice, something along the lines of "hey guys we promise we have some content now, can you please give the game a try?"

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      Yeaaaahhhh I'm still really sad that they're kinda killing out the "reasons" to play Legacy a bit... I still wish we had a timeline where both games were being updated simultaneously. Also, when it comes to articles, etc like these, regardless they're still under confines of what they can say through PR speak, and do remember this is an edited email interview. That being said, maybe if they actually didn't delay and aplit up the "Ver 2 Content", maybe it would have been worth calling "Ver 2" but as of right now, we really can't tell anything tbh better just not expect anything, and just see when the time comes

    • @user-pv1nl4qp1g
      @user-pv1nl4qp1g Рік тому

      @@Azelyra I don't know, even the things that are said to have been delayed to later in the summer feel more like a regular update than something worthy of being called an "ultra evolution", or a "version 2". As far as the base game goes, I can't help but feel like they mean for it to be more of a tourist attraction at this point; they'd maybe want someone new to bite, download the 70+ GBs, and go "oooh aaah" for a few days before returning to NGS, but they might not exactly want to give reasons for people to play base over more NGS.

  • @Oishimaru
    @Oishimaru Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing this information and your view on it. I personally think that, while the "tangent" made your video longer, it is a good thing for people to hear.
    While not many might agree, or might consider it too optimistic, it is of supreme importance for people to understand that changes unfortunately can't come to the game as fast as everyone would wish they came.
    And well, to be honest, your optimism is really welcome considering all the negativity oozing around these days. Thanks for that as well :) I sometimes can feel overwhelmed by negativity even though I understand why people are disappointed 😓

  • @konqrr
    @konqrr Рік тому

    Good video. Also, thanks for helping a PSO2 Base noob with the ice part of the Sodam fight 😂

  • @johncarver357
    @johncarver357 Рік тому +13

    >we listen to feedback banning negative opinions and cherry picking the ones with only positives sprinkled in left and right...being 'correct' feels so guud, am i right?

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      In the end it really depends on the team that "chooses" the feedback to present after all

  • @tanamisalt.4415
    @tanamisalt.4415 Рік тому +3

    Kinda sad to see PSO2 fall this far, Base PSO2 meant so much to me and many people. To have the support pulled away so hard from it, upper management greed, and now base turned into DLC. Seeing how empty the base lobby is nowadays is just sad. A beautiful game buried under the weight of its newer shinier cousin.
    "The Future You Weave" I suppose.

  • @Ynbreezey12
    @Ynbreezey12 Рік тому +1

    As sad and as disappointing it may be, toxicity is exactly what SEGA deserves at this current moment in time. Games are a reflection of the fans who play them, if the fans are unhappy over horrible management decisions, then toxicity is the byproduct of those decisions. Money talks, words hurt, actions matter. Sometimes things don't change with overwhelming emotion and numbers, if SEGA reads our heartfelt messages of anger and frustration, I hope they realize just how much they truly fucked up. At least, my hope is they realize what they did wrong instead of doubling down because of the fan response. When people care, they care hard, and for the past two years we have been shafted repeatedly when hoping this game became something worth playing. Now, the boiling point... forgive my language, but fuck the positivity and fuck sugarcoating our words. SEGA needs to HEAR and SEE how angry we as FANS of PSO2 are. WE ARE PISSED.
    As it stands now, I uninstalled the game and do not see myself returning, even in August. There is too much damage done over two years for me to get my hopes up once more, only to be knowingly let down for the 100th time. SEGA needs to pull a FFXIV and create a Realm Reborn styled update that completely overhauls the game in a good way, that is the only way I would ever consider returning at this point. So, so frustrated.

  • @raikohzx4323
    @raikohzx4323 Рік тому +1

    I played PSO2 Base on the Global servers from the day it launched on PC in May 27th, 2020, to the day it was pushed aside for NGS in June 2021. It captivated me in a way that NGS simply doesn't do, and the game doesn't replace PSO2 enough in any way to make up for it. The fact is that one can argue the player base doesn't know what they want, but the one constant remains that this game isn't able to be tuned towards something that could be greater without changing core, fundamental designs of the entire game -- something they're keen on not doing any time soon. It doesn't matter how may Trainias and Bunkers they slap on top, the only interesting content left at this point are Limited Quests and the small handful of Urgents with unique boss fights. There's simply not enough structure, no spine, no cohesion beyond "open field" that feels like it had no real conscious level design put into any of it.

  • @gokenji1194
    @gokenji1194 Рік тому +1

    As someone who loves to build, stuff. this update is heaven. Also as a Sonic and GoTS fan. But I understand the complaints of Endgame player who want more stuff too.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +2

      I'm super excited too! I'm a very "horizontal" player when it comes to PSO2, where I do everything available, and make use of all said social features, fashion, and play the content as well. But that's kinda where the magic of PSO2 is imho, there's always something for everyone.

  • @DR4kH1N
    @DR4kH1N Рік тому

    I would kill for Divide Quests, but remember they were based off previous LQs, and personally I believe the tech in NGS to make multiple instances like they did on each Divide stage might be far away? If anyone who's more into the game's infrastructure maybe can shed some light on this.
    On another note, what if the party content is the same as Masq, but with the Zephetto fight? A 4-man quest increasing in difficulty up to 100 would be a modern adaptation of Omega Masq, and with a daily clear limit you can get more people to log in and challenge themselves! They can add extra moves on Zephetto every X number of floors and base them out of final fights from each region.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      oh TRUE! It could be Zeph as the boss and so, if he has many interesting gimmicks and mechanics that would be awesome. Also, I think it may be possible to do multiple instances kinda, since some of the previous LQ have us going thorugh many areas in many regions now (idr wihch one it was), but I THINK the tech is there

  • @emerlance
    @emerlance Рік тому

    the last time i played this game is when then very first EQ happen in NGS, i already know what kind of direction this game have at the time (here we are), so i decide to wait stop playing until the time where they continuing the og PSO2 service regardless of what happen to the NGS
    i was just droping by here since my feed starting to recommend me some NGS content creator even tho i already know your channel since like EP4 or something

  • @bbseno
    @bbseno Рік тому +4

    1- its hilarious they acknowledged that fashion is endgame
    2- rng elements in a game mode, indeed reminds me of divide quest & challenge quest
    It will be very replayable if they can go beyond that and make something like a rogue-like mode.
    Replayable contents that last for a long time is something that this game desperately need. Theme park always take long to develop but quick to consume, a big reason why there's no contents for NGS right now is because the quests they make get boring quickly and become irrelevant quickly.
    Divide quest has some of that rogue-like element but far too simplified so it couldn't make full use of that replayability potential. If sega can take it to the next level then it can become a huge success.... but this is sega we're talking about so i'm not inhaling any hopium here, they always underdeliver on a good idea.
    I'll wait and see

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      I would love so much if they added a mix between Challenge Mode and Divide Quest and make it truly a roguelike, it'd be really fun if executed properly. I still feel to today that Divide Quest is probably my favorite thing Legacy PSO2 has ever done, and it sets a really good foundation for things to come that they could possibly do, I'd love to see them build upon that foundation.

  • @ElruTheRed
    @ElruTheRed Рік тому

    Whether we know or don't know what we want as players doesn't really matter that much. It is the job of the game developers to create a game that is so good, the players would end up wanting the product. That is the whole point of product innovation in the first place. To make consumers want something they never thought they would end up wanting in their lives. Games are no different.

  • @candyandfruitc7496
    @candyandfruitc7496 Рік тому +1

    you see they need that replayability back bring back casino for goodness sakes

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      big RIP to the Casino

  • @boomchakalacai4848
    @boomchakalacai4848 Рік тому +5

    4:23 Gonna have to sorta disagree with your real talk portion, yes it is wrong to tell devs to off themselves and get fired and stuff, hek complaining can also be seen as toxic but NGS actions show nothing for the future, Yes the higher-ups are the ones to decide what to put out but do they not hear our pleas for more actually goddam quality content! and fast its been 2 years and most of that content was just recycled schlop to just cosmetics out the wazoo so I'm not surprised with all the hate NGS is getting. When is anyone at sega that wants the best for the game gonna take a stand tell the higher ups no! it needs this and then move forward. Remember ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!

    • @Icu282
      @Icu282 Рік тому

      Unfortunately from what I've heard Japanese employees usually do not take any action when they feel their bosses are doing anything wrong. Usually if anything they'd rather quit, instead of confronting their bosses about anything. They like to avoid confrontation, which is why industries in Japan like the Idol industry are so unhealthy for the people that work in them, the Idols are treated like objects and not allowed to do anything ever that doesn't go with the image of their brand, and the Idols feel like they're being spoiled if they confront their managers about it.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      The other issue with this work culture is that, if you're FIRED from a company for disobedience or whatever, it leaves a huge stain on your resume and you'd be in a very tight spot- Many other companies will almost never accept you because you have that record. They'd rather pick up someone who has a perfectly clean record. Which is why it's very common for Japanese people culturally to literally choose one workplace, and just stay at that company basically until they retire.

  • @zerofighterfairy
    @zerofighterfairy Рік тому

    In-world readable world lore, flavour text or backstory of something in the game like in Le Ciel with all the Oracle ARKS writing on the wall screen panel talking about the specimen. Anything that make the open world "alive". I feel this vibe only in Aelio Town where everyone doing something instead of just walking and standing. They focus too much on QoL that everything just become easy and boring. The Quest design you to win instead of make you putting an effort to it. Hence the "cotentless" happen. I still remember that I run away from Anga Phandaj everytime I see it.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      I wouldn't mind having ingame readable lore actually- At least it gives us many things to talk about and theorycraft right, and theorycrafting/lore communities can be a big one of their own as well!

  • @Bonkbork
    @Bonkbork Рік тому +2

    I dont think its hard to add things that make you keep replaying the game like Raids, dungeons etc as how others MMOs do it. Thats how they maintain playerbase minus feeding cosmetics. NGS has only been alive the past 2yrs due to fashion simply and the most important one, the veterans of PSO2 being attached via hours + effort put into their OCs from base PSO2. Doing a mere boss rush (i.e. purples) is cool and all but that is honestly SUPER boring and has put me asleep every time on the 2d or 3rd entry. Like pls find a way to make replay ability worthwhile instead of shooting the shits with people everyday.
    I feel like all we want is for SEGA to maintain the proper MMO procedures and maintain what kept the game unique and lively i.e. silver - rainbow tokyo keys, masqurade floors, TPD solo quests. If it helps, when it ACTUALLY mattered going into UQs grinding materials to build weapons and/or optionally hunting down rare augments in these quests.
    If the devs are simply just telling us to "be patient, it'll get better overtime" I think im better off just abandoning the game because why wait for someone to finally fix themselves when they had so much time? 2yrs just to do the same thing since launch i.e. pacifying each of the 4 regions and fight some random alien animal is not it.
    I once advocated for this game but stopped when we were being fed the same trash.

  • @kamikaze00007
    @kamikaze00007 Рік тому

    One thing I've been asking for since the JP-only days is for the devs to make a single player offline mode of the classic PSO2 complete edition and sell that as a separate game. That way, I and my fellow other fans of PSO who not only played PSO2, but also still play PSOBB now, can buy it and play that too at our own leisure. They can continue supporting PSO2NG, but at least let us have the complete experience of the classic one just like how it's been with PSOBB.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      To be completely honest, I always thought about things this way: MMORPG games, or at least a game like PSO2 should have a fully like, singleplayer (or optional multiplayer) complete main story, with various sidequests/sidestories you could complete as a "package" experience, and once you're done with all that, you can continue playing the game and really start to dabble into the full "MMORPG" aspect of it, but after you've got your entire experience with the game, world, and story. I think that would be cool- Imagine like for example a Yakuza game or something where you just have your entire game you can complete, and once you're done, there's a whole huge multiplayer package and activities you can just do

    • @kamikaze00007
      @kamikaze00007 Рік тому

      @@Azelyra That's what they were supposed to be initially. At least that's what I can tell being somebody who was there when the very first few MMOs started to appear on the Asian PC gaming scene. Sadly, these types of games immediately threw away the singleplayer component in favor of being able to hold the "kill-switch" for the game so that they can force players to buy and pay for the next game when they no longer support the earlier one.
      It was the business model that made the entire industry rot into what it is. And they did so, knowing fully well that there would be consumers who wouldn't care and would even defend them for being anti-consumer. It's just sad.
      In Japan, you can buy the complete edition discs of PSO2 classic, bundled with exclusive white outfits themed out of New Genesis when it was still not out. That version costs 10000+ JP Yen which is equivalent to about a AAA full-featured game's "Deluxe/Collector's" edition price. However, in truth, you gain nothing but a bunch of useless discs now. And the price still hasn't even gone down. You can check Play-Asia for the Episode 6 package DVD disc and it's still at that price.

  • @chariothe9013
    @chariothe9013 Рік тому +3

    I played pso2 but not ngs because i just can't stand that strength number grind type of thing that many mobile korean mmo uses a lot. I got tried of seeing that number goes up little by little.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      It is an attempt to stop people from leeching in quests, but I do feel as well perhaps there's just better ways to go at it

    • @PalyGround10
      @PalyGround10 Рік тому +2

      tbh man Korean MMO did better than this now. just like BDO now it getting better and better it the game that many ppl used to cursed it closed but it still live long enough to be a good game while PSO2 is went down to abyss because NGS this really broke my feeling and good memory that i have with this game idk what the f*ck are they doing in pass 2 years but i still have little hope that they just fix the game and made it become what it have to be

  • @Mari_Izu
    @Mari_Izu Рік тому +17

    The bad thing about developing the game based on feedback is that the fanbase don't know what they really want.
    They want "content", but they don't know what is the content they want.

    • @ajayeherndon5814
      @ajayeherndon5814 Рік тому +2

      This is the best damn comment it is true as true can get

    • @gokenji1194
      @gokenji1194 Рік тому

      True, but also understandable for some I gues.

    • @sonicnextgen65
      @sonicnextgen65 Рік тому +2

      The thing about "content" it mainly boils down to what players are willing to partake in, which is a gamble within itself. That's why it's best the test the water on these things, rather than put all your eggs in one basket. If it's a hit then its content if it miss then it's not content.

    • @Icu282
      @Icu282 Рік тому +2

      To be fair SEGA does also tend to misinterpret what people say too. Like people liked the idea of some of the Trainia quests, but thought they were way too simple and needed more depth and variation to it, not just more of the same thing, but all SEGA heard from that was that people liked the idea, so they made more floors or whatever that were exactly the same as the ones that already existed.

    • @JohnnyinCLE
      @JohnnyinCLE Рік тому +2

      There was a specific rule that The Late Isao Owata gave to all teams, when SEGA was great: "Add to the experience, but never take away from what makes a game great."
      Yu understood this. Takao understood it. Yuji also understood it. THE CURRENT DIRECTION DOES NOT GET IT. 'Never Gonna Satisfy' did NOT need to be. "Game by Committee', and it also did not need to reinvent the wheel neither. The DNA for PSO was laid out decades ago, and all that was needed to be done was follow the roadmap.
      The management and direction failed every step of this. And now, it isn't just the fans that are angered. Alumni and investors are also angered.

  • @pdaangsakti21
    @pdaangsakti21 Рік тому +4

    so from what i can gather in the article and the other article i found in discord, basically
    1. there will be nothing new. randomized quest and party play in one has already been implemented as trinitas. back then trinitas was the end game content as well, yes?
    2. creative space is the centerpiece of v2. means we will get nothing notable for the foreseeable future. they be like "hey we cant give you new contents so make your own aight?"
    again, my last straw will be chapter 6. if by the end of chapter 6 they dont give us anything new, i will no longer hope for anything. i'll just uninstall and be done with this empty, stale game. sega staffs, if you read this, know that there are too many players who feel as frustrated as i am now.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      I'd say it depends, I never really saw Trinitas as the "end game"- Infact compared to Divide, Trinitas doesn't hold a candle at all
      Another thing is that, with me being through 10+ years of PSO2, to be completely honest this is kind of the "usual pace". I know that Global got crammed basically 8 years of content into 2, which has you always showered with content but the kinda "reality check' really came in during NGS. I don't disagree at all that NGS isn't anywhere near as good as Legacy right now, infact I'm still pretty mad that they keep deciding to kill off more and more of what Legacy has to offer (such as this week being basically the last week of CM "existing")
      But I feel that it's important to set expectations- If anything, I wanted to go find an older article interview where Hiro Arai told us that the devs specifically says something along the lines of: "The players are meant to take a break between major content drops" which means, the game CLEARLY isn't made with players playing daily in mind to begni with. But I dont' believe this Japanese article was translated or really posted anywhere in English.

    • @pdaangsakti21
      @pdaangsakti21 Рік тому +1

      @@Azelyra i came from pso2jp but with like 4+ years of break due to irl stuff. also experienced the horrendous pso2sea. if i wasn't having irl problems i would have similar 10+ years of pso2 career just like you. and no, i skipped pso2 global because the crammed contents are too much it really overwhelms me so i basically just went straight to ngs after pso2jp abscence.
      i set my expectations towards contents; more like identity i think. when i saw pso2 for the first time a friend was playing it and i could instantly recognize the game as pso franchise with everything that was offered back in like episode 1 or 2. ngs has only the character customization + emote charm left with anything else forgotten. sure PAs got more fluid and impactful but nowhere as many as base. sure the graphics get better and "open world" is a new thing but even the exploration zone feels too empty compared to randomized exploration zones in base. and then the direction of the game. pso2 has its own identity crisis, but it still feels like pso2 even with weird isekai stuff for the story. ngs... i dont even know what to say about it anymore.
      also, even if you say sega staffs are watching and reading comments from players with dedicated staffs lurking around, i cant' help but feel like it's just a farce. sega just pretends to connect with playerbase when in reality those staffs can't do shit about upper management's way of thinking. this is also why i lashed out to gwiz in one of other video's comments that community manager is practically useless against corporate baldspots. the staffs love ngs, players love ngs, still can't hold a candle against old moneyholders.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      @@pdaangsakti21 It's a bit of the unfortunate truth about the gaming industry nowadays- While I can't exactly say what changed and where, but it just really feels like the soul that normally goes into "fun" is now starting to really shift towards profit more than anything, since it's a business after all and if money can be made, people will do their best to milk it as much as possible.
      As far as PSO2 goes, I 100% understand how you feel really. When I first started PSO2, it's basically more or less one of my very first real video games i've ever played and committed to. There was a certain feeling and sense of "magic" that is there, which is why I stuck to it until today- That being said, I'm in full agreement that NGS by far has nowhere near captured that "magic" that really drew me into legacy PSO2. Perhaps I'm a little crazy who knows, but I'm quite determined to see it through to the very end whether it will be happy end or not- Perhaps that's just what 36k+ hours of commitment over 10 years does to a person haha

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому

      @@Azelyra well we just see now
      maybe this game made sega crash just like how ff14 do to SE
      and who knows maybe they finally find that customer were a "king" once again and without us they were nothing, something that also SE experienced lol

  • @kusanarakeoto325
    @kusanarakeoto325 Рік тому

    I'll wait... for august... until then I hope there is something for july.

  • @TheKsenpai
    @TheKsenpai Рік тому +4

    While I agree with the point about toxicity, the thing is the people in those positions that make those decisions.. we have no access to them, so logical conclusion is to shake their tower to make them listen, and the only way to do it is by well... shaking up the pillars that are holding the damn thing.
    About 10 years ago i had the same sissy mentality, but grew up and realized that if you want to get shit done, people are gonna get hurt. That's the real world. Not saying that you have to hurt people on purpose to get results, what I'm saying is that to get results people will inevitably get hurt, one way or another. That's just life.
    But then again some of those toxic people don't care about that and are just raging cause they are too weak and stupid to control themselves, and they are not helping anything. They're just hurting people to hurt people with no further agenda.
    Though idk the headline did have some exciting stuff in it, so i have no idea why the outrage. I guess people expected an actual "Ultra" or "2.0" update, but if you ask me, those people are idiots. Hell, actually they're even dumber. If they would've calmed down and looked at the update history objectively, they would've known that there won't be much. I called it from day 1 of the "Ultra Evolution" reveal that it's gonna be just housing, and maybe if we're lucky some other minor stuff, and would you look at that, it's exactly that.
    So for me the headline went as expected, except that Sonic LTQ LOOKS FUCKING AWESOME!!! I'm definitely gonna have fun with that.
    For the people who got mad over headline, I'll say this "If they say that they PLAN to implement something in August, then don't expect it at August, expect it closer to November". Don't be an idiot and let hype dictate what will or won't happen, open you eyes and start thinking. And stop getting mad over dumb shit.
    One thing i have to say though, not about NGS team but Sega as a company, they fucking suck! Instead of laying off the fucking scratches and adding more devs to NGS team, they doubled the scratch teams while leaving what it felt like a skeleton crew, to work on NGS. And when shit hit the fan, or when the fans started throwing shit at the fan, they just left NGS team for the wolves. That's fucking evil. But i guess now after the Sonic game is done NGS team will be able to get more stuff done.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      In some perspective, I actually find it a good thing that people are causing this much of an uproar for two main reasons
      1. The reason people even get this mad, is because they really, really care about something. If they didn't, they'd probably just leave quietly and forget about it forever.
      2. Now that said uproar happened, perhaps it's possible there might be a bit more sense of urgency and/or a "want" to deliver and satisfy the needs of players a little more
      But hey, that's how I see it whether the above are true or not
      (Also, they are actually hiring some personnel for NGS, you can see ads on the JP side)

  • @Pocket_of_Explosives
    @Pocket_of_Explosives Рік тому +1

    Like I get it, Those few who are being so immature that they're calling for firings and death threats are an embarrassing mess absolutely.
    BUT! The majority who are finally sick of the Sega runarounds with the new scam of an "Evolution" shouldn't be balled up with them. I understand that there are humans behind this game, but the players are human too! Not only do we give them our free time and support, we give them our MONEY, hoping that we are contributing to making this game we love better.
    Then here comes this mega announcement tricking us into thinking we're really gonna get into the real meal of the game, and in reality it's just the same things they told us months earlier but with more ac banners.
    If they just never said "evolution" or "2.0" honestly we wouldn't bat an eye. It would've been yet another new fashion announcement with some basic game updates sprinkled in.
    The problem is they overhyped us, as if they pulled a prank on the player base and now they're getting upset because we're not laughing.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      It's a bit of a very weird situation with the naming thing because, the name "ULTRA EVOLUTION" first was a tenative name they used to call the update package while it was in development, but somewhere during said development, the contents got delayed, so from what I understood, the whole Creative Spaces is just 1 part of what is meant to be in the whole update package, and so at some point they also decided to change the tentative name to the Ver2 name, which is supposedly a callback to the original Phantasy Star Online Ver2 back in 2000-2001 (which I have never, ever played) I think just making a callback name rather than an actual Version 2.0 since, according to Series Producer, what we have now is supposedly meant to be what they wanted to release the game with initially... So realistically we're actually just coming out of beta and this is Game Version 1.0 that's called Ver2
      It's a bit confusing I know x_x

    • @Pocket_of_Explosives
      @Pocket_of_Explosives Рік тому +1

      @@Azelyra Confusing indeed. REALLY wished they said all of that in the beginning or during the announcement instead of after the well deserved complaints.

  • @kimito2002
    @kimito2002 Рік тому +1

    I'm going to play PSO2 NGS till the day it got close or sink

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +2

      I'll see it through to the very end as well

  • @Nanashi-YT1
    @Nanashi-YT1 Рік тому

    Why is he looking like a younger Yoshi-P

  • @Arfiess
    @Arfiess Рік тому +1

    Well they got until next year when Blue Protocol release for the West. I'll probably be switching to it. With all the open world anime action combat coming out. I really feel like pso2 ngs future is really grim unless they get their stuff together. Literally the only thing this game does better than any other game is the character customization at this point.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      You can play Blue Protocol on the JP servers a week after NGS Ver2 Launches :3c

    • @Arfiess
      @Arfiess Рік тому +2

      @@Azelyra ah dang you're right. Curse you Amazon...

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому

      @@Azelyra time to learn hiragana, katakana and kanji then lol

  • @oursaisert
    @oursaisert Рік тому +1

    I was really expecting "ultra-evolution" to be like ARR in ff14, and it's just... not that. Not even close in fact, a few new mobs, housing, some scratch? I'm happy to get housing back and improved upon but that should have been here day one, just as you said it really feels like we're out of beta.
    I've stopped playing after slayer released but i always keep an eye on the upcoming content, ready to install the game back at any sign of improvement but i'm struggling to keep hope and excitement, they really drained my enthusiasm and positivity for the past 2 years and this devblog is underwhelming to say the least.

  • @Dolshadow
    @Dolshadow Рік тому +1

    I just don't play the game and find something else to play until the game reaches my standards. Players should really just play PSO2NGS casually at this point cause it's just a little disappointing that none of the core issues are really being addressed.

    • @SpudCommando
      @SpudCommando Рік тому

      the core issues will never be addressed until they get a new director to breath some actual direction to this project

  • @xioken5924
    @xioken5924 Рік тому +1

    Hype for august, Divide/Extreme were somethings that were in my wishlist since day 1 of NGS and genuinely can't wait for them.
    And yea I wish we had harder/flashier boss fights like Sodom/Masq/Shiva, DF/DFA still have a long way tbh
    Tho am not sure how to feel about Duel quests since they're basically locked behind Defi augments and thats a commitment of itself + git gud factor since its 1v1

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +2

      I would LOVE to have Divide and Extreme Quests, I feel like it's something they tried to do with the whole Trinitas thing, but it just doens't feel anywhere close to Divide. And yeah, Duel Quests are a bit more of a gear check right now than an actual "challenge" which is why I never really bothered with them... But having said Duel Quests exist is such a good thing since my wallet is very happy with the influx of Meseta selling all them capsules

  • @bagasraga7765
    @bagasraga7765 Рік тому

    lets hope for No Man Sky miracle into this game . . .
    see you again in several years later

  • @raevenent751
    @raevenent751 Рік тому +1

    12:30 I agree, but at the risk of playing devil's advocate. It is cool that an MMO can have solo content even if it is tough, or something you can do to turn off your brain. FFXIV does the solo content pretty well with it's deep dungeons, last patch we got our third one, Eureka Orthos, it(Deep Dungeons) can be done solo, and in a party of 4. But it shouldn't be the main thing and only thing, I've done the first set of duel quests, the next phase the rewards are kinda meh, and don't really care for personally. One thing I would like to see if they were or are to continue doing solo content, is maybe release something along side for party play for those who want that kind of stuff and aren't interested in the solo stuff, cause at the moment, like you said, they're wasted when it's the only thing and nothing else.
    Party play in pso2 can be pretty fun, some of the best replayable content that can only be done in a party or requires people are when we get the 24 man LTQs, even if the rewards weren't the greatest, they were enjoyable to do, I liked how chaotic they can get, especially the last one. I can't shake the feeling they have something cooking that's playable with 24 players and are testing the waters how many players they can shove into an instance, imagine if we get a 24 player UQ or quest that's replayable? A 24 player Ultimate quest would be insane, and I'd be all over that, Gwiz was hyping the August quest saying it's random, dynamic(Please no minecraft blocks as the skybox in VR, I'm still recovering over my vision seeing nothing but blue and purple from farming geolabs for Halphinale), and pretty fun. Regardless I'm still gonna play NGS. The combat and gameplay imo is a one of a kind, played a few action rpgs that played "kinda similar" and they don't have that sauce that pso2 has imo, even in base, combat got pretty wild at times, hoping NGS will hit that point but time will tell.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      At the very start of PSO2 Global, me and CammyCakes we did a survey to both our audiences, and over 60% of our survey's results actually says most players prefer to play solo! I do respect that people don't wanna have to hinge their time with other people and wanna just do things on their own, but in the end I do think it really depends on the execution of said quest.
      One of the reasons I don't personally super enjoy doing some of the solo quests in Legacy PSO2 (i.e. Solo Sodom Depth 100, etc) is because it takes such a long time to finish it, 10+ minutes that I just feel I could be spending with my friends- Though my perspective may be a bit skewed since I am part of a Team (Alliance) of 90+ people and we're a very social bunch
      Also I think it's perfectly good to play Devil's Advocate! Not everything has to always be heads or tails, there's so many interesting rims and textures to the sides of even just a simple coin after all ~

  • @DimitriKatsuro
    @DimitriKatsuro Рік тому +1

    At this point i dont think it matters what the devs say, if you find enjoyment on NGS then keep playing it, but if you are on WAIT 4 BE BETTER boat, then i seriously recommend to move on right now. What we have saw the last 2 years is the incapability of the developers to make a good game, they are struggling making good combat content because the base of the game is totally flawed. If somehow they make a miracle like No Mans Sky then that is going to take a long time.
    I love PSO series but i quit NGS since Kavaris, i know its hard to drop something you used to love but its worst to keep wasting your time in something which you dont find enjoyment, if you know people who keeps enjoying what this game is, just let them be, there is no need to be toxic, because that just makes everything worse, even for you.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      Yeah it's something that will take a long time- The Series Producer literally said that this current state of the game is the state of the game that they wanted to release the game on. What that means is, we're actually only on Version 1.0 and just came out of beta even though the name is Ver2.
      The best way I look at it is, just don't really think much about it- If you play and enjoy, then play and enjoy, when you're bored just take a break and come back when there's content that interests you. Unironically, the game devs on an early on interview said specifically that the game's content release is meant for players to play with breaks, and come back when the big content patch comes out, rather than playing every single day. Though, the dillema here is just if you don't play everyday, you may not be able to buy all the fashions, etc that you wanted... A hard balance really

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому +1

      i bet ngs were became real game in 2025 or so
      thats my flawed prediction

  • @llmitsull9500
    @llmitsull9500 Рік тому +1

    I'm still plan to play the game still, even with the Headline that disappointed my expectation at the moment.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      I'll be here regardless!

  • @jasonimmanuel3384
    @jasonimmanuel3384 Рік тому

    Outside of the updates, they need to give better and practical rewards on those said "endgame contents" to incentivize veteran players and make newbie players have a goal that they can after. giving us only cosmetic stuffs for Duel Quests for example, is a meh move from SEGA..

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      One of the issue with said "practical rewards" is that, everything is so streamlined to a point where, nothing is super valuable except for just really minmax rare capsules (i.e. Ability 4 also called Mastery 4 I believe in Global)
      In Legacy PSO2 we have many things we have to look out for in terms of materials for endgame affixing, it's a very looter style, but in NGS every drop is practically the same trash unless you actually get some rare weapon drop, and capsules are just not really exciting compared to getting a unit drop with X slots, or with X soul, etc which you have to use to transfer, use to various and so on

  • @lokhanmartin4540
    @lokhanmartin4540 Рік тому +1

    I don't feel disappoint anymore . Why do we need to play a game in a upset way . Now I'm looking forward to the update

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      I'm waiting to get rekt by the content xD

    • @lokhanmartin4540
      @lokhanmartin4540 Рік тому

      @@Azelyra you should come to global stay with us 😏

  • @RaidenKaiser
    @RaidenKaiser Рік тому +1

    They need to get actually good enemies to fight before challenge quests are worth the trouble. Dolls just suck ass end of story hell i think even phantoms were better enemies and story wise they were worse

  • @madthane_
    @madthane_ Рік тому +2

    I'm just tired of believing any of their promises and excuses. It's been 2 years. They have just failed to deliver. Stopped playing NGS after that huge waste of time called Stia. I thought they were starting to turn things around during Retem. Alas, they just regress. Them messing up Base PSO2 rankings is where I draw the line. It was the only thing keeping me from completely uninstalling the game. Good luck to people still hoping this game turns around. My copium has completely ran out.

  • @Pokemonmovemaster
    @Pokemonmovemaster Рік тому

    The 1 year+ to do important stuff makes me think the team who manages game content is severely understaffed. Kind of like how LoL had patlry content after ~2016 because the gamemode team got transformed into the TFT team and left basically no one to work on gamemodes. Kind of like that except they all got moved to work on whatever other projects SEGA was working on during its development and after launch.

  • @Warzol
    @Warzol Рік тому +1

    i'm not losing my cool or head over the situation, to me, i think it's silly really... i'm still gonna be playing the game on and off but since it's getting updates, i'll be on it more often then not being on it. i am looking forward to these coming months of updates for V.2. No need to apologize on the video, just glad to see more people i know around the community voice their opinion more calmly rather then shitting negativeness onto sega for the lack of transparency and w/e else on the matter. but everyone could do better... not just sega.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      It did bug me quite a bit since the very beginning since there was a Survey in Japanese where Hiro Arai said that the devs' intention with NGS was that players to take breaks between content droughts and come back to play when there's new content and all. If they're designing a game in that the players are not supposed to be playing every day but everyone kinda wants to play everyday since it's a RPG live service game well, you can probably see where the conflict lies- That being said, I believe as of now they've changed the policy and we can only really hope everything will be better starting from here, since we're only on "1.0" after all

    • @M4Dbrat
      @M4Dbrat Рік тому

      ​@@Azelyra ​It's not just about the fact that it's an online RPG, it's also about the fact that they're running limited-time scratch tickets inbetween the proper content drops (in fact, this is what their monetization relies on the most), so, if you don't want to miss out on cosmetics, you have to log in inbetween the supposed times to come back (every 6 months for content vs every 2 weeks for scratches that expire after a month) and pay up or grind. Subscription services are also all at least 30 days long, when the biannual content drops generally only last a couple hours. It's almost the same kind of blatant nonsense as when Yoshi-P said the same thing about FFXIV content drop frequency (even though that game releases far, far more stuff), because your house gets demolished if you don't keep paying the sub fee.
      The problem always will be that the game's content pipeline is absurdly slow. Slow even by the already abhorent base PSO2 standards, let alone by actual gaming industry standards. People were complaining about content release speed as far back as 2013 and it only got slower from there, but NGS really is the slowest it's ever been. When NGS was announced, I could at least forgive the 2017-2021 droughts with the hindsight that most of the team were working on NGS at the time, as well as the expectation that NGS would be the time when they'd finally get their shit together, push for the wider appeal with higher budget, get more money back from the expanded audience and make content at a more servicable rate as a result. Of course, that didn't happen, and now they're stuck with a product that neither caters to the wider audience nor services its own niche properly due to increased costs of development. And still, they put in all the extra effort to keep base PSO2 around, which should have been an advantage because they'd be able to fall back to it if anything went wrong with NGS... but then they went out of their way to salt the earth. It's a master class of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

  • @aishisufuyu5961
    @aishisufuyu5961 Рік тому

    Azelyra's kneesocks.

  • @GreigaBeastDS
    @GreigaBeastDS Рік тому

    Community went up in arms? About what?

    • @chelsthegameruiner8669
      @chelsthegameruiner8669 Рік тому +1

      Being lied to about the Ultra Evolution update. Hyped it up a ton, turned out it was mainly just Creative Spaces and a bit of story, combined with level 75 being the next cap and a new level difficulty in battle sectors. In other words, nothing truly new. Oh and new AC scratches which I think is what really twisted the knife

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      It's a bit of a weird marketing push from SEGA- The "Ultra Evolution" name was a temporary name that was never truly the name of the update, in which they had some contents which were delayed during development, so it ends up that in this June 7th update that they've been hyping up since the beginning of the year will only have the Creative Space part of this big update they planned initially. It was supposedly going to launch with everything together but yeah, we have no idea what happened in development and now we have this current timeline where nobody is really happy.

    @MANIACRAIDER Рік тому

    like, literally

  • @magnusgodrik9870
    @magnusgodrik9870 Рік тому

    Back in the old days, Japanese samurai used to commit seppuku when they failed. Jk in case someone actually takes my comments seriously

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому


    • @CTN404
      @CTN404 Рік тому

      This comment is in bad taste

  • @krei8118
    @krei8118 Рік тому +11

    No hate for the vid but this js another big hopium train even after 2 years for another nothing burger

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      One of the other reasons I wanted to highlight this video is because- For us in JP, for me who's been playing for over 10 years, this is actually quite the usual pace for content (albeit a bit slower than back then), compared to Global who has been getting an influx of 8 years of content into 2 years, which when everything was caught up and transitoned into NGS, you'd be facing the same content drought as all of us in JP have over 10 years which may come as a shock
      Whether it's hopium or not, my point is a bit more that "this is the realistic pacing", so it's best to not overhype expectations, and this is the first time we actually see the transparency for NGS development as well- Perhaps I'll cover the comparisons in a different video

    • @shiothesaltch.4327
      @shiothesaltch.4327 Рік тому

      It not hopium it just how the game work and people just need to understand or accept it. I also has play this game on the jp side for 10 year, if what you experincing now is painful imagine what jp and gajin player been through with this exact speed for those 10 year with the 3 month 1 update and 6 month for 1 story or major update. Hell i play the SEA server back then and we stuck on ep 2 without even a update for 2-3 year.
      Im not trying to say that people are wrongs to get upset or too angry about the slow speed of the game development. What im trying to say that we just have to accept that the game is what it is, this is how gaming industries work nowaday.

    • @thestrunzy5585
      @thestrunzy5585 Рік тому

      People aren't wrong but I think sega failure to put out pso2 base in 2014 like it was planned gave people the perspective that how global base was handle would be how ngs was look I get its not great and I won't tell anyone to stay with it if you dislike it I get its quite the double edge sword but most of us that play from 2012 to now are kinda like yea this is normal pace finally

    • @ShiroCh_ID
      @ShiroCh_ID Рік тому

      @@Azelyra would be nice if you share the stories about How JP base pso2 like back in that day compared to ngs
      and maybe some insight to my biiggest question, does any JP player also outraged to this updates or its just global players thing because we were shoved with 8 years worth of content all at once

  • @daruthebeast
    @daruthebeast Рік тому +2

    You skipped the best part.
    "Do you play PSO2NG?"
    Corporate bullshit
    This is why the game is failing.

  • @CaptainRasmot
    @CaptainRasmot Рік тому

    So, real talk about the real talk. I DO get where you are coming from and certain comments or statements are rather shitty. And i do agree that there does need to be a lot less of it when it comes to the devs. But there is a line between "being shitty" and "being real". And if i were a Dev i would MUCH prefer someone being real with me rather than soft-balling me. Now i don't know how things go down in the JP side of development. Hell, we do have examples where people being EXTREMELY shitty created an inferior product to what came before. Just look at Metal Gear Solid 4. However, even if things are chaotic, i would expect that they would prefer someone being absolutely straight with them instead of yanking their meat.
    And part of that involves a LOT of cursing. However, as i said before there is a difference. If one cannot SEE that difference well . . . we have a problem. A rather BIG problem at that.
    Now i will be the first to admit that i am bitter. I am a more than seasoned salty sea dog when it comes to this shit. I spent a number of years playing not only World of Warcraft, but also Star Trek Online. I know what systems work and what doesn't. What is and is not fun. And how changing certain aspects of how the game plays creates a lot more headaches for players than otherwise. And i can tell you right now that they BARELY understand the problems with their own system.
    Which leads into a whole slew of other problems that i will NOT get into because we will be here until the Profound Darkness dies . . . again. And that can take . . . i dunno, an hour? 2 if you got a really shit team? There is wiggle room in there.
    My point is that we need to take the Team to task with this. Because NGS is in a VERY poor state and saying that it will take YEARS to even solve the tiniest of problems should not cut it for anyone. Like that's almost World of Warcraft Expansion territory of waiting. And i HAVE done that waiting before. So that is an unacceptable answer to half of the fuckery going on with the game. If it takes half a year . . . okay, yeah, i get that to be purely honest. But anything beyond that is the point where you have to REALLY front load whatever update you have with a lot of content. And thus far we've been seeing a pattern with the game and content. It is NOT a good sight.
    Again i can sit here and talk about the problems and offer solutions. Like right off the top of my head there needs to be a better way to restore Photon Power, Combat needs MASSIVE tweaking, There needs to be something OTHER THAN TRAINIA for players to do (they are getting to that, i know, but still needs saying), and the just honest to gods lack of variety in what there is to do. But again. Could be here for an eternity talking about it. Prod me and i will, THAT is a full on THREAT. But either way, things are not in a good way and they really need to step things up.

  • @fiftyfive5459
    @fiftyfive5459 Рік тому +1

    what they doing is very unprofessional for big company. if they are small family business you can say that.

  • @87initialC
    @87initialC Рік тому

    I'm all for any update at all in NGS, hell the creative space and quality life is making me excited. But I will say one thing, maybe calling it ultra evolution was a bit too much and may have caused SEGA to trip on its own foot, because people will expect ALOT with that title sound. So I can understand the frustration from players, yet being overly toxic to games/positive community is just immature ( the amount of backlash reply using only word "copium copium copium" is getting annoying). Oh well let them wallow in their own fumes if they can't get over it. At the end of the day, it's a game. Just be glad the content updates are free included and not behind monetization paywalls, hell even getting updates at all. In the end, if you're having fun, that's all that matters (not the oblivious way lol)

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      Yeah, it's a bit of a weird advertising push- Although it is stated very clearly that the Ultra Evolution thing was just a temporary name. And funnily enough also, despite being called Ver2 in the end here, the Series Director clearly stated in his public apology back in April that the state of the game here is actually supposed to be the "we're finally out of beta" 1.0 build, because this state of the game is what they wanted to have on release (in an alternative timeline where the game wasn't forced to launch way earlier than it was ready)
      That being said though, this is actually what you would normally expect from if this were to be EPISODE2 or VER2 of the game or whatever the title is because back in the day if you've played JP- The changes from say Ep3 to Ep4 is literally just: level cap increase + some new ckass tree skills + 1 new class (summoner) + 1 new field (tokyo only, with no las vegas) + 3 arks quest + prologue chapter of new story and that's the entirety of the beginning of ep4. All the EQs (Urgent Quest) like Yamato, Mother, Deus all came in 3-4 month intervals, so really if you think about it, this "ver2" update you can say it's like, they added slayer, there's creative spaces, there's "ultimate" mode added (since all dolls change to starless enemies, in the high level fields), some new class skills, and in a few months in August we'll get a new boss.
      Kind of puts it into perspective, doesn't it?

  • @xquarkds9x
    @xquarkds9x Рік тому +1

    I like how positive you are in this video and I thank you for not only pointing out that people should be nice and not toxic, but also for not having your hair on fire and melting sprouting doom and gloom predictions like so many other UA-camrs have been since the last headline video.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      Perhaps I'm just used to the JP Pacing since legacy 10 years ago, but how I see it kind of sometimes is PSO2 is like a family member that made the wrong decisions, and is just in a really dark place right now. Thank you so much for taking the time to watch!

  • @shatteredsentient5321
    @shatteredsentient5321 Рік тому

    Where is HMZK, I want to tickle his kneecaps 😡

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      What are you going to use to tickle him with?

    • @henrytalley3739
      @henrytalley3739 Рік тому +1

      A large wooden stick with a feather at the end. I'm totally gonna use the feather...

  • @rezaaulia6863
    @rezaaulia6863 Рік тому

    For anyone who watch
    Please, Dont skip 04:22

  • @Yinxu.
    @Yinxu. Рік тому

    W takes

  • @lynardskynard2895
    @lynardskynard2895 Рік тому +1

    dead game lul

  • @silo1991
    @silo1991 Рік тому

    for the doomposters , basically overreacted of a potentially slacking month (for them)
    and thats normal , back in OG-PSO2 february used to be the slacking month (this is why valentine EQ used to feel reluctantly).
    Even in the golden days this happened.
    not always we get huge updates , everything in quality will be rising up (along with personal suspicions), NGS will finally show its true potencial.

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому +1

      I'm used to this pacing, since it's more or less the same as what we have back in the day- Even if you think about it when we go from Ep3 to Ep4, we had basically the Earth Tokyo field (no Las Vegas yet), and Summoner implemented, that's it with maybe like a level cap increase and some skills. Same with Ep4 to Ep5, we have Hero implemented, with Buster Quest and some new story and that's about it, that's worth calling an entire EPISODE. This is the usual expectation for us who played JP for long tbh, or at least, that's how I personally feel

  • @anitsu4337
    @anitsu4337 Рік тому +1

    thank you, great vid.
    Looking forward too V2

    • @Azelyra
      @Azelyra  Рік тому

      Thank you so much for watching!