Reading what you wrote, i felt so sorry that you experienced so much pain. I would like to just hug you, without unnecessary words about how "everything will be fine", because I understand that it sounds idiotic from a stranger. I sincerely wish you all the best, I just humanly want you to live and enjoy every day. You are not alone and if you want, we can talk about everything
I was just thinking to myself everything you just said. I was holding my head down feeling so overwhelmed I looked up toward my laptop directly at your comment & I really wish we didn't have to feel this way 🫂 Edit: typo
To all the people watching this video who can't cry anymore/cry to this. Just remember, i love your smile i love your laugh i love your personality i love your hair (or lack thereof) i love your insecurities i love your accomplishments i love your failures i love your eyes i love your beauty i love your handwriting (or the way you communicate) i love the way you dance i love you on your happy days i love you on your sad days i love you on the days you feel lonely i love you on the days you feel helpless i love you on the days you feel like no one cares i love you on the days you feel forgotten i love you on the days you feel unmotivated i love you on the days you feel loved i love you on the days you feel sick i love you on the days you feel motivated i love you on the days you feel depressed i love you on the days you feel stresses i love you on the days you feel crazy i love you on the days you feel hopeful i love you on the days you feel cuddly i love you on the days you feel clingy i love you on the days you feel amazing i love you on the days you feel beautiful i love you on the days you feel like a failure i love you on the days you feel angry i love you on the days you feel aggressive i love you on the days you feel horrible i love you on the days you feel safe i love you on the days you feel unsafe i love you on the days you feel vulnerable i love you on the days you feel weird i love you on the days you feel ok i love you when you're healthy i love how you sing (or hum or feel the music) i love your taste in music i love your taste in movies i love your taste in tv shows i love the way you move i love the way you act i love you when you cry i love you when you're kind i love you when you're mean i love you when you're alone i love you when you can't feel i love you when you feel too much i love you when you can't take life anymore i love you when you feel like it's too much i love you when you're asleep i love you when you have nightmares i love you when you have dreams i love how you believe i love you when you believe in yourself i love you when you don't believe in yourself i love you when you hate yourself i love you when you love yourself i love the way you think i love you problems i love your solutions i love how you support i love you when you're in pain i love you when you're hurt i love your promises i love your secrets i love your attitude i love you sass i love your creativity i love your voice (or lack thereof) i love you hand gestures i love your stories i love your wounds i love your scars i love your face i love your past i love your future i love your present i love your outfits i love your style i love your art i love your honesty i love you when you lie i love you when you’re excited i love you when you're tired i love you when you're energetic i love how you look i love how you cook i love you when you're adventurous i love you when you're scared i love your imperfections i love your perfections i love you when you worry i love you when you talk (or communicate) i love your opinions Now you can cry.
Dude, what you wrote fascinated me, it inspired me to write something similar to the woman of my life, I hope she is with me for eternity. Greetings, be happy.
Thank you very much beautiful person, that feeling of not being able to cry is horrible, feeling that desperation of not seeing any tears falling down your cheeks and blurring your vision, thanks to you I was able to vent. The only times I can cry, I do so until I can't breathe, and that's when I want to stop crying. I realized that I am not satisfied with anything, really nothing, it is horrible, it is an inexplicable emptiness, I am afraid that that emptiness will decide to accompany me until my death.
살면서 누구나 슬럼프를 겪듯이 시간이 흐름 나이를 먹어감에 따라 다양한 감정의 나와 마주하고 스쳐지나게 됩니다.거울을 보면 내가 보이고 마음속에는 보이지않는 나를 보게됩니다. 내가 만들어낸 환상속에서 내면의 내가 살아가고 그 감정이 내게로 스며듭니다. 결국 내가 있고자 하는곳에 나와 마주하게 될꺼에요. 마음속의 상처가 치유될 수 있도록 매일 다독여주세요. 따스한 햇살이 비추는 밝은곳에 행복이 가득하기를
I love falling a sleep because I don't have to be conscious. But every time I wake up, I'm filled with dread at the reality of this world that I have to spend another day living in.
The moment when you wake up and the reality catches up with you is just so horrible, you wish you could fall back into that unconsciousness of when you’re asleep
I can’t help but notice when we were kids we were all so eager to grow up and be an adult, live like adults, do what we wanted, eat what we wanted, go where we wanted, but I’ll never forget my parents telling me I’d miss school when I thought I never would, I really do miss the old days, miss my old friends, miss spending time with the family, now everything’s turned to nothing, I am an adult in a scary adult world that’s slowly eating me up and all I can do is accept it and tell my kids one day to make the most of their childhood
i wanted to kill myself when i was a kid too lol. it was just the fact that colors looked more vibrant in a smaller head. but coffee and mushrooms and weird crap like that tastes good now, so theres that. future you is probably kicking you for not soaking it all in right now.
Уже месяцев 5 считаю себя бесполезной. Люди, с кем общаюсь по лет 7, видят меня только с улыбкой, веселой, смеющийся. Только подруга, с которой была честна, знала, что это не так. Я ей могла раз в месяц высказаться, поддержка ее помогала, пока она не рассказала своим друзьям, и не смеялась над моими проблемами. Я со стеснением улыбалась вместе с ними, а в душе уже ревела. Она тогда сказала, что все мое нытьё ее достало, лучше меня не существовало, и ушла. Уже 2 года мы с ней не общаемся. Полтора года я в себе копила все. И сейчас, все эти 5 месяцев я реву и хочу исчезнуть. На улице и на людях я сразу веселая и смеюсь, хотя так не охото. Мне так больно. Спасибо за этот плейлист. Спасибо большое. Музыка чу чуть помогает.
Понимаю. Я дружила со своей подругой 5 лет. Мы очень близко общались и я ей рассказала летом через какой пипец проходила, как сидела на таблетках и без них не могла функционировать, как мне было тяжело обратно быть нормальным человеком. и вот в середине сентября она просто перестала мне писать и отвечать, хотя мы переписывались каждый день всё друг другу рассказывали. Мне так неприятно и больно от того что меня променяли на других. хотя я долго не признавалась себе в этом. но сейчас начинаю понимать что мне иногда не хватает того что бы кому то записать гс и сказать "у меня такой пипец смотри..." или просто рассказать как прошёл день или скинуть скрин и кружок с приколами. Видела недавно общих знакомых руки так и чесались написать, но я держусь. Надеюсь мы с вами обе найдём друзей которые будут искренне поддерживать нас, и быть всегда с нами. а пока слушаем классные плейлисты и стараемся выжить в этом бренном мире.
Главное не потерять ребёнка внутри, того из детства. Да жизнь жестока бывает, но ребёнок этого не знает. Пытается не думать об этом, природа очень помогает. Когда я один в лесах или на реке, или с друзьями. Конечно наши личные проблемы это только наше личное, не особо открывайтесь людям, они этого не оценят.
А вообще, людей открытых мало стало. Горькие стали, о материи много пекутся. Духовного меньше. Раньше слаще были, душевнее. Не так за деньгами гнались. Времени больше было в разы.
@ это да, никому и не открываюсь. В редких случаях, если уже долго общаемся. Ребенка уже видать давно потеряла внутри себя😆 Как исполнилось мне 4 года назад 16, так и все. Только дом, работа, и ночью под музыку в себя ухожу
my beautiful sister died today, im at my lowest, i just want to see her beautiful eyes one more time, the ones i would lose myself in every time i looked at them, i hope her soul rests in peace.
I'm so sorry for your loss. A death is one of the hardest things to go through. One day you'll be okay, and the next, you'll be in pieces. But you will get through this. And her memory will live on in your heart, and you'll see her again someday. Grief is a complex thing. It will always be there. Right now is a mountain, but as you grow in life, you'll grow bigger then that mountain. And it'll get smaller and smaller. And instead of her memory bringing you to painful tears, it will be a fond memory, one that will bring you tears of joy. For having the pleasure of knowing her. Keep your head up, you got this. God bless you.
I'm so sorry for your loss. The way you talk about her, it at least sounds like she knew that you loved her. I hope you can find a little peace in that.
Been alone the last 3 years of my life now, a weak relationship with my family and no one to ever talk to, I force myself to get up everyday and go to work and find myself listening to this all day. I don’t feel like I’m living anymore like I felt when I was younger. I’m just existing in this never ending pain
я реально очень устал. это первый раз, когда я пишу что то в комментарии ютуба. я нереально скучаю по моему бывшему. я хочу снова услышать его голос, снова получить его нежностей или наоборот перестать о нём думать. мне его больно даже называть моим бывшим. мне не хочется верить, что я работал над нашими отношениями, а он мог позволять себе меня оскорблять и откровенно ненавидеть, а потом бросить. не знаю, правильно ли он сделал бросив меня, но я знаю, что я нытик, лол. просто удачи всем, кто плохо себя чувствует, ладно? правда удачи. я рад, что вы пытаетесь выходить из плохого состояния (даже читая это вы что то делаете для тебя, а значит, что сейчас вы стали чуточку лучше прежнего себя), и это заслуживает похвалы. я верю в вас и в то, что ты будешь счастливым. удачи, человек, которого я больше не увижу.
A person who truly loves you would never in a million years even think about doing that to their lover. You deserved someone better and god knew that. Remember everything happens for a reason. God heard things you did not hear about. It was for the best
넌 세상에서 가장 행복한 사람이야,넌 축복받았어,괜찮아질거야. 항상 '괜찮아' 라고 대답을 했었는데, 사실 정말로 괜찮은지 모르겠고 내가 뭘 해야 좋아질지 모르겠고.. 슬퍼도 울지 못하고. 울면 약해보일까봐 겁나서 함부로 못 울고. 겉으론 괜찮아보일지 몰라도. 사실은 속에선 누군갈 애타게 찾고 울부짖는.. 참고싶어도 못 참겠고, 울고싶어도 못 우는. 이런 내 존재가 한심한것 같아요. 슬퍼서 내 자신에게 상처주고. 그리고 또 조용히 울고. 이상하게도 계속 슬프고 애달프고 울고싶은.. 그리고 또 내 자신에게 상처주고. 조용히 울고. 또 상처주는... 저도 이젠 잘 모르겠네요. 위로가 될진 모르겠지만... 제 주제에 감히 이런말을 해도 될지 모르겠지만.. 포기하지 말고 힘내요. :)
I don't think people love me the way I love them, and it kills me because I don't think I'll ever be able to hold resentment or anger towards anyone because of it. I can't help how deeply I feel things and I just wish I was different.
You will find Peace when you love god and yourself first. Sometimes we think we Love somebody, but we actually dont really love them. It is something we lack.
It may seems so, but probably it's not, just, not everyone openly speaks how much they love other people, also do they surely know how much you love them?
Out of the billions of people on this world, I would wait for every single one of them. It seems like our lives are just grains of sand filling into an abyss, right? Don’t worry. I’ll be there. Even as I die. I don’t want anyone to be alone when their bodies give out. It doesn’t matter how much pain my soul would be in. I’d take all the mental pain in the world just for everyone to feel a day, an hour of peace. Even if we can’t meet in real life, everyone has at least one person who will listen or be there. Even if you don’t think so. I’ll be there. It would be so nice to share a moment with you. I hope that you know that even if this world hasn’t treated you the best, I will still be there, waiting for you. I’d trade my entire being to see everyone have some type of emotion that gave them a clear moment. Good or bad. Sometimes, we just need some peace and clarification. Sadness is harsh sometimes. Emotions aren’t always pretty, but that’s fine. If someone pushes you away for having feelings, then you don’t need them for that kind of support. Sadness hurts though, doesn’t it? That feeling of something so cherished being ripped away from you, leaving an overwhelming ache in your heart. The feeling of desperation is terrible. It seems as though the every fiber of your being is torn apart, leaving nothing but a distinct fuzz in the back of your mind. Wanting to curl up into nothing, wanting to let that seep into you, sinking you down in the darkest abyss. It’s so bad that sometimes our emotions get locked away. I hope that we can meet someday! It might take an eternity for me to reach you, but I will. I’ll be waiting to see you. Your life may not be the best, but I can assure you, it will be alright. It will be ok. I will sit here even after my death, awaiting the time when you come to me, finally being able to rest. I’ll cradle you as you slumber for ages, waiting for your awakening, the time when you finally feel well rested and ready to take the next steps into your existence. I’ll be waiting, and don’t worry, it doesn’t bother me to wait for you! It’s a pleasure to think that I’ll get to see you sometime.
You sound like god… ❤I’m here for it. This is the realest Truest thing ever, and truest words ever can be spoken out of love. We all have a lot to learn from you, such as your immense love for everyone on earth even if they may not be so great personality wise, but you choose to comfort others even if it means hurting yourself. Just like Jesus. Sorry, I’m a little Catholic and it’s so ironic that you really do sound like what Jesus would say if he was alive in our time. I love how this is all just so true and you speak for love. ❤️ again; we have a lot to learn from your kind words and kind heart.
Every broken souls coming here, know you are loved even if you don't or can't realize it. You're existence is worthwhile. You matter. And this stranger see's you. I love you. It will get better.
(I use a translator) Why do you think you're weak? I don't know you but I know you're a very strong person, you're here alive and that's incredible, seriously please don't give up, okay? 🫂🌱
люди жестокие. недавно уволили с работы и это было очень несправедливо. сейчас даже и не знаю, что мне делать, сидеть дома, даже выйти на улицу не с кем, от этого ещё хуже. я совсем запуталась в себе, своих чувствах и своём будущем
надеюсь сейчас ты выбралась из этого. люди которые зашли сюда прекрасно понимают тебя, в том числе и я. просто поверь мне, у тебя все будет в порядке. все будет хорошо❤
I’ve come to a point in my life where I am just lost. My hope is gone. The emptiness is raw. I just feel this deep pitted feeling in my body which makes me stare into space, I can’t cry, I can’t smile, I’m just stuck. In this void we call the world.
I have had many dark days, long nights awake with anxiety. Moments of pure helplessness, anger that has deeply affected myself and everyone around me. I've experienced those days where no matter what you do you cannot get out of bed. I've walked alone in a beautiful forest, yet I've felt nothing. I have been to those unbearable places that so many others share with me. However, through it all there has been one thing that has kept me living. I don't remember learning this or being told that I should trust in it. I just feel it, as if it's already a part of me. That one thing has been hope. Hope is like a soft cloud that guides me over stormy weather and into the warm sun. I keep going because I have hope that one day things will be different. There is always something good to live for, you are unique and you're life is so valuable even if others don't recognise it :)
It's really overwhelming not being able to explain what I feel. It's so hard for me to express my feelings when I don't even know what's happening to me. What do I want? What do I feel? I've lost myself.
This is honestly the best playlist I’ve ever heard. Every single song is the most relaxing, nostalgic, and sad, which I absolutely love. The title of the video is honestly very relatable considering lots of people, including myself, always feel like they are sad. And the background picture just puts the cherry on top of it all.
Finding myself listening to mixes like these every morning on my way to work. And I don't know if the music helps or not but I think I actually want to feel sad because I repress those feelings all day at work and when I get home. These car rides seem to be the only time I can be myself without being ashamed of it.
I was getting better then it got worse one day and it hasn't gotten better since, i don't wanna go back to my depression state but I think Ive been back there for a while without even realizing it till I started seeing my weight go up again
Hey if your reading this I want you to know that it okay to be sad because everyone have struggle with many times and there is someone that cares about you and if you think no one cares about you, well i do even tho I dont know what going on, I just hope you heal and I pray that your life go well when ur healing because we been there before.
been through so much i dont even know how to cry anymore. these playlists are the only things that can actually resonate inside me and make me feel that sadness that i actually wish i could still feel. too many losses to young. i just wish i could get the feelings out sometimes. but these playlists are the only thing keeping me in touch with reality and my inner feelings.
To anyone who’s struggling right now you are enough, just as you are. It’s okay to feel lost or broken, but don’t let those feelings convince you that you’re not worthy of healing. You don’t need anyone else to save you; the strength to heal is already within you. Take it one step at a time, even if they’re small steps. Be patient with yourself, and don’t rush the process-it’s your journey, and it’s okay to move at your own pace. Trust yourself, believe in your ability to grow, and remember that you are more than your struggles. Heal yourself by your own, because you are enough🫂
I know sweetheart. It's okay to be tired. It's okay to be scared. It's okay to feel angry. It's okay to feel lost. It's okay to feel sad. It's okay to feel guilty. It's okay to feel lonely. And it's okay to take a break. It's not your fault, love. It never was. Take a break darling, you deserve it. I'm so proud of you, you're doing amazing. I know it's tiring, but look at everything you've been through and you're still standing sweetheart. I'm so fucking proud, and it might seem like I'm just saying that, but I promise, PROMISE that I mean everything that I say. If you think nobody loves or cares for you, then at least know that I adore you, my love. If you think you aren't enough, then at least know that I would worship you. You're breathing, sweets, and that's what I'm happy about. Life is fucking hard, yeah, I know, and that gives you every reason to feel tired. I want you to feel comfortable with me, you can tell me anything dear. How your day went, something you like to do, your goals, something that hurt you, or something you wanted to tell someone, anything my love. I want to listen.
I just dont understand, i do every step right. But they still get bored of me. I'm funny and sometimes hilarious but im also a good friend and trying to be pretty so that they wont have to be embarassed being around me. I've done everything right i swear. And I'm still getting hurt by the ppl i swear ive never ever said ANYTHING i swear bad behind their back, but they probably had said many things behind my back with joy as they think its the tea for them and their friends probably?
@@stellat3284 I understand, I used to have friends like that. I brushed it off, thinking it would just go by but it kept happening. I felt like it was all my fault, but I want you to know that you’re not the problem sweetheart, it’s the wrong people. I know it’s hard to find the right people, but you have to talk and socialize. It took me about a year before I started getting close to people I liked and made me feel comfortable with myself. I’ll say it again, you are not the problem dear.
정해진 루틴 안에서 사느냐고 바쁘고, 림든 일이 있어도 쉴 틈조차 주지 않는 세상이 바라는 속도에 마추느냐고 다치고, 그렇게 내 삶 속에서 나는 사라져만 갑니다. 어쩌면 많이 웃고도 남아야 할 시기에 힘듦을 겪고 계실 분들이 많겠죠, 누군가에게 이야기하고 싶지만 동시에 우울이 편해져버린 역설적인 마음을 가졌겠죠, 그리고 행복해지는 게 두려울 정도로 많이 지치고 좌절스럽고 망가졌겠죠… 우리 어쩌다가 이렇게 됐을까요? 죽지 못해 살고, 아파도 괜찮아지지 않는다는 좌절을 너무 어릴 때부터 배워서 힘들고, 사람한테 데여서 힘들고, 도대체 우리 자존감은 어디까지 떨어지는 걸까요? 아파해도 괜찮아요, 부정적인 마음 품어도 괜찮아요. 그냥 지금까지 살아 있어줘서 고마워요. 진부하고 잔인하게 힘내라고 안 할게요. 힘들 때는 힘 빼고 좀 쉬었다가 가도 괜찮아요. 이 댓글이 소용없을 정도로 힘들 거 압니다. 하지만 그래도 당신을 위해서 이렇게 댓글을 남깁니다. 삐뚤어지기로, 망가지기로, 깊은 절망을 향해 달리겠다곤 했지만, 아프길 선택했지만 너무 아픈 당신께. 아프지 말고 이젠 행복해져도 괜찮아요. 당신이 어떤 모습이든, 행복할 자격 있으니까요.
한국인의 마음은 아름답습니다. 그래서 내 꿈은 항상 한국에 가는 것이다. 나는 미래에 그곳에 가서 누군가와 결혼할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 러시아에서 인사드립니다) 번역을 바탕으로 글을 쓰고 있는데, 뭔가 잘못 썼다면 죄송합니다;) 당신을 포기하지 마십시오. 당신의 삶이 더 나아지기를 바랍니다 🎀
sometimes i wish, if nothing else, that i could have the girl of my dreams back. and it feels as though im asking for so little when i say that, but in reality, im asking for more than i ever have.
@@NavoTheTrueGodbro is a freak.. 🤦♂️ your in a UA-cam comment section bruh yeah she cute but u don’t be all like that “you can get it tonight” at least ask how her day was first or take her out to dinner mf💀💀😂
Solo quiero dormir y nunca más despertar, pero tengo miedo, estoy sola. Pronto todo esto acabará y se que algún día dejaré de sentirme vacía y triste, pero no sé cuándo pasará eso. Solo espero que no dure mucho este sentimiento, realmente quiero encontrar a mi yo de antes siendo feliz sin ninguna preocupación...
Me identifico con exactamente lo mismo que estas expresando. Al fin y al cabo nacemos para morir, cuando ? No lo sabemos, pero puede ser mañana, hoy, en una semana, un mes, un año etc, nunca lo sabremos. Pero algún día será nuestra hora de irnos
I’m sorry, I know you don’t feel like it right now, but you are beautiful, kind, and generous, and you put way more into the world than it deserves and you deserve to get back more from it than you put into it. I know life is hard and everyone is just trying to be a happy functional human being, sometimes it doesn’t work out like that. We know that. Or else if u didn’t you wouldn’t be here, looking for an answer to be stronger and find comfort. Look around you for a second for me, wherever you are, in your room; kitchen, living room, car, ect… look around… what do you see?? Objects? Yes. Those objects were made from human hands and intelligence, we formed and evolved to be smarter. You are just like an engineer. Figuring out different ways to build yourself a new life. You’re still figuring out life and you have half of your lifetime to still experience. Don’t waste a minute being scared. Go take risks, and learn. That’s how you really live. Even if you end up alone, you’ll never be truly alone here or be alone from people who love you and people you love or your pets. Remember your pets are just as effective as a person being by you. They still have their lifetime to experience. We only get ONE life so go make the best of it all. You aren’t getting any younger after all… make mistakes.. and if you’re still a teen such as myself, go be THAT stereotypical “teen” and see if you feel alive and happy. ((Just pls don’t drink or get an addiction from being a “stereotypical” teen.)) I know we get a rep but it’s just from adults who were goody two shoes who are jealous that they didn’t get to live life as a teen and experience things that they passed up and regret. Don’t be like them. Take risks. Now stranger, I don’t know you, but I do love you❤ I believe we all need to find comfort in others: that’s how we survive: without social interaction we would go insane and eventually our minds would kill ourselves from social distance for long periods of time. Go meet new people and yknow I hope you know that my entire point is, even if you have immense self doubt or other emotions keeping you from truly living, you should still try to persevere from that emotion/self doubt and take risks just to experience what life should be about. Travel the world, get stupid, get new enemies, learn from them and move on, love yourself and loving someone else will be easy as cutting soft pie. 🥧 Stranger, ❤ please be kind to yourself. You are greater,smarter,better,kinder,awesome, and funnier than you give yourself credit for. Go……❤❤❤
lol Is there a law that "snowfall" has to feature in all these mixes? They're still great regardless but someone needs to do a remix or 2 of it just to mix things up. Cheers Navo! 🖤👍
*These songs make me cry... I don't want to love my "friend", who doesn't want to know anything about me... so I come here, First time actually.. So warriors enjoy so I can come back here again* 💨🥶
The most beautiful moment I ever lived was when you came to me and hugged me tightly for a long time and we went to our own world and you whispered in my ear, “I love you.” I felt like my heart almost stopped
بعدني . بعدني اشتاقلج :( من اقرا من اكتب ، اول ما اكعد الصبح ، اول ما احط راسي على المخدة ، من احلم ، من اسمع شي ، من ارسم ، من اتابع ، انتي بعدج براسي . ماكدر انساج ، ماكو بيدي شي غير ادعي الله يوفقج و يفرحج مثل مافرحتيني :( وتذكري بعدني احبج ، ولا راح انساج 💗. ماعرف هسة انتي وين و شبيج ، زينة مو زينة ، تبجين تضحكين . الله يوفقج . مابيدي شي :( 💔M .
too everyone here. I’m not gonna say it’ll get better. It won’t. you just get numb. to the point where you actually miss being sad . being able to feel sadness. or happiness..
я устала. плохие мысли лезут мне в голову. никто уже не в силах мне помочь, и я уже не хочу этого. пустота скоро уничтожит меня. я никому не желаю этого чувства. берегите себя.
Hoje foi minha segunda sessão de terapia e já descobri que o meu problema é ser boa de mais pras pessoas e me deixar sempre para trás, como última opção. Eu preciso aprender que as opiniões alheias são delas, apenas delas.
Sai de um trabalho pra ir pra outro, só que n deu certo ,hj estou desempregado, sei que Deus mais me ajuda ,espero quê dê tudo certo na sua vida, boa sorte!
Eu to cansada da vida essa celular e o celular do meu irmão se ele ver isso eu quero dizer minhas últimas palavras ja que eu vou morrer mesmo.. obrigada lsmael por sempre me fazer ri e por me fazer não me senti sozinha mas a depressão e a ansiedade tão me matando aos poucos o ytalo não para de fazer eu me senti piora ele continua gritando com nossa mãe ate quando vc ta fora e quero morrer.. não consigo mais viver vc era o único motivo de eu esta viva mas se um dia vc ver isso e eu ainda estiver viva queria dizer que vc conseguiu me fazer viver mais alguns fias pra poder aproveitar os últimos dias com vc não consigo mais ..meu coração aperta e todos os dias eu tenho que fingir sorir mas na verdade eu so queria que as pessoas percebe-se que quando eu falo eu to bem com um sorriso e porque eu to querendo chorar mas to so não me matei porque eu tenho pena dos meus amigos e de vc e o melhor irmão que eu ja tive em tofa minha vida..ti amo eu sempre estarei com vc.
Hey there!! I dont know who you are or what your going through but i do want you to know that you will make it and you will keep pushing through i know life is tough right now but i promise you it will get better. Im sorry for anything you have been through or anyone who has hurt you. I just want you to know to keep trying and not to give up because ending your life is not the best solution and I know it feels like it is but its not. So take your time and rest. I love you and im here. ❤
I'm so stupid. I spend all my days studying, why doesn’t anyone appreciate it? Parents say “So-so”, and teachers lower grades. Why couldn't I just have been born smart? I don't see my friends because I'm studying, I think I'm becoming boring for them. I want to go to a good university, but I don’t even know where to go, I simply have no future. Besides the fact that I'm stupid, I also have a six out of ten appearance.I want to succeed in everything but in the end nothing works out. I have been drawing for seven years. Any progress? Yes, but he's so small. I have been learning English for 8-9 years and in the end I am writing this text through a translator. I’ve been playing volleyball for a long time, but what’s the end result? That's right, they don't want to put me on the team. Sorry, this is the first time I'm talking about my problems on the Internet.
dont be sad, God will always be there for you, even in the hard times when you give up, hes still there for you, and he will always be there for all of us global
@@jimwhitcombe5656, I liked your comment. I felt like I was still alive... despite this brain, I pity it due to the many despicable thoughts that lead towards evil, but I am a good person and the complete opposite of that, except sometimes you have to be a little different, because not everything deserves this 🤍 But those who are in My surroundings are lucky because they have not had nightmares without knowing it. Rest assured that you are... because everything that afflicts you will change and your surroundings as well.
I can't remember the last time I've felt... this...whatever you could call this mere words aren't capable of capturing the feeling of listening to this at 1 in the morning by yourself in the dark.
I know when you’re reading this you might feel sad but dont give up! Even if you feel people dont care about you some do! Leave the people that dont, dont think about them you have been thru so much im proud. It’s okay to feel sad in some occasions, it’s how you handle it that matters. Life is not something you should see as fearful or sad, life is beautiful you can see it if you try! I love you so much and i am so proud of you for being able to live till this day. Everyone matters
I was thinking of Ending it all Sunday on sep. 8 2024 Its currently sep . 7 2024 00:48. My P.E teacher prevented me, I never told him about my problems, but I think he knew, he made sure to pay attention to me and encouraged me to keep going and stay motivated on things I love, he is a inspiration, he has the respect from every teacher, even the not so good kids, he has prevented people from going through the same situation as me, and encouraged people to Chase their dreams, he even helped a student back in around 2012 to create his own wrestling club, that kid is living his dream now, and My P.E teacher is one of my hero’s. Your awesome Mr. Paterno -00:52
I hope your okay. Your not alone. I hope these comments help you see that the pain your going through and the feeling isn't just you and others are going through it to with you. You got this. Believe in yourself, your capable of anything
اكثر تعليق ممتاز شفته بهذا الفيديو واتمنى لكِ السعاده وصحه وسلامه رغم الصعاب التي امر بها واستماعي لهذا ولكني على امل انني سوف احقق المستحيل باذن الله تعاله @Skar7j
Thank you for sharing this playlist, it's exactly what I needed. Sometimes life can be overwhelming and it feels like we're all alone, but then we stumble upon something like this and realize that we're not. We're all in this together
You need to live no matter what you have been through because they have been some people who still care and move you, keep trying and try more it’s gonna be ok for those who aren’t ok, just be more careful who you trust and don’t give your heart to the ones who want to break it, no matter what people say don’t listen to what they are saying, life is gonna get hard and the days will be tuff I know but deep inside that you will get through that day but don’t make mistakes that I made, I trusted the wrong people and they left me, they broke my heart and they left me in the dark nights alone, I was told i didn’t matter but listen I’m trying my best, but I’m a nice person and I care about you too, alright bye now and see you soon ❤️🙁
All of you in these comments deserve love and you are loved. Another lonely night awaits, but I know the sun will rise in the morning and miracles can happen. Peace and love
These are perfect for those late night deives when you dont want to confront all the things you regret. This makes my heart feel empty and light but heavy all at fhe same time. I want to cry and theyed be tears of pain and joy. Pain that ive left people behind and joy that ive gotten this far. I didnt ever see myself getting this far. I cant wait till i get a car so i can go on thise late night drives, listen to this, and star gaze. Good night everybody, happy easter. -march 31st 2024-
I have just been literally beaten by my own father. I suffer physical and psychological aggression constantly, I have always tried to be a funny, fun, happy person. But I honestly can't anymore...
Bro is understand you My father always loved second child not me. And not helping me and told me I was shit and nobody wants you including himself. My mother couldn't let me keep going this situation for years. He's alcohol addict and now divorced but he doesn't give mother child support. I'm only 14 i don't want this to happen. Nowadays I easily gets angry and hates me all the time. I don't want to become like my father.
Broken into pieces torn appart by addiction chained up in lust suppressed by temptations and frozen by my own old nature Lord have mercy on me for i cant take this anymore i tripped and fell and the tables have turned i am now inprisoned in my own body because of one sin (lust) and i just want to follow you but is it really this hard?
Hey ik how you feel it's hard even for me I do lust many times and it's always the same thing, it always hurts at the end and than we pray... Thinking about how much the Lord has done for us to be much you feel so bad about yourself because he died on the cross for us just for us to sin again and again. But listen the Lord it's always with us, he Loves you immensely more than himself have a blessed night man I and the Lord know that u can do it, a hug from your Doctor.
I am exhausted, oh my God, psychologically and physically from everything. My mother left me when I was young, and I carry a lot of pains and the worries of something that tries to break me. I hate my life ***
you don't actually hate the life. life is good. It is as beautiful as the first sunlight a butterfly receives after emerging from its cocoon. It is as beautiful as a mother holding her child in her arms after giving birth. It's as nice as a dog seeing its owner after a long time. What you hate is the situations and changes that you cannot handle in your life. But hey, just take your moment and think about it how far you have came. Just think about all those people adored you, people that put faith in you. And most importantly God put faith in you and loved you as to bring to this temproary world and gave you free will so you can both experience bad and good. Listen, we do not need a superior advice neither a guidance to be greater good. Just listen to your hearth. We are encoded with beautiful and good things that we actually want to accomplish in life. We already know what is good and what is evil from birth, what are we destined for and what makes feel good. Just be with the people and do things that makes you happy while you are still around ; )
Sometimes , when I feel far from you, I cry to these hoping u feel my energy. Not to disturb with its frequency, but because it’s exactly how I feel without saying anything.
I feel I have nothing to live for and in a strange way it gives me a sense of freedom knowing that I could cease to exist anytime because I have no responsibilities that tie me to life on Earth.
I am very tired because I did not get a high grade in the last year of secondary school. Everyone blames me. I have failed in my life, but I will try again and prove to everyone that I will do it one day. To every person who is going through a difficult time, you must be patient and continue. There must come a day and all this suffering will end. Be Be kind to yourself. You must promise me now that I love you and will always be with you. Remember this, may God protect you
Its going to be alright brother, you will be okay. We all have a "her" and I miss my her dearly. When I think about her it makes me think what could have been but we push through. You are better and you will be okay
Ben çok yoruldum,düşünmek istemiyorum çok düşününce aklıma çok kötü şeyler geliyor. Geleceğimden umutlu değilim gelecekte yine kendimi mutsuz olarak görüyorum ne yapmam gerekiyor hiç fikrim yok hayattan bir beklentim kalmadı
I can't cry, i mean, i feel i want to cry but... I just don't cry and it's so hard because i feel a lump in my throat, I don't feel like myself, I feel emptiness inside me, something is missing...
Stop watching these videos And go create your happiness No matter what There are things will make you happy and grateful ❤ Belive me life is hard on everyone Always try to find your way Don't hurt yourself Being sad isn't good Maybe it's out of your control but still come back fast come back stronger You are good you will be good It's will be OK I'm a person who really struggle in life in everything I have worries and really it's complicated but still fighting still trying still strong still smiling Pls keep going and keep fighting It's hard I know but you can do it Live and live happy Don't let yourself for those emotions for too long I'm saying too long beacause i know we are humans there are day we can't do anything just being sad Take it easy my friend If you lost someone I know it's hard but don't be sad for too long ok many lost their close people and they moved on they didn't forget them ofc but they can't do anything it was their time to go and you are still here to continue If you broke up with your partner or whoever don't be sad there are many better than him or her Move on everyone move on In all the kinds of problems try to move on I don't know you or what's your problem Maybe i can't imagine how much hard it is for you But all I can say be strong be patient and be happy cuz you deserve it
BEST tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist: (Daily updated)
@navo159 could u possibly add my remix version of snøwfall in next playlist😁❤
sure buddy, but only if u say please to me, IM THE REAL NAVO, he copied me@@VocalStone
I am the snow
@@NavoTheTrueGodI know how it feels to be sad but don’t end up like me, don’t have the thoughts 😭🔫
❤ same
Reading what you wrote, i felt so sorry that you experienced so much pain. I would like to just hug you, without unnecessary words about how "everything will be fine", because I understand that it sounds idiotic from a stranger. I sincerely wish you all the best, I just humanly want you to live and enjoy every day. You are not alone and if you want, we can talk about everything
I feel the same I can cry can't fell Any pain people try to hurt me but cant
I was just thinking to myself everything you just said. I was holding my head down feeling so overwhelmed I looked up toward my laptop directly at your comment & I really wish we didn't have to feel this way 🫂
Edit: typo
It’s okay it’s just a stage of life push through and you’ll get to the last stage and be successful
To all the people watching this video who can't cry anymore/cry to this.
Just remember,
i love your smile
i love your laugh
i love your personality
i love your hair (or lack thereof)
i love your insecurities
i love your accomplishments
i love your failures
i love your eyes
i love your beauty
i love your handwriting (or the way you communicate)
i love the way you dance
i love you on your happy days
i love you on your sad days
i love you on the days you feel lonely
i love you on the days you feel helpless
i love you on the days you feel like no one cares
i love you on the days you feel forgotten
i love you on the days you feel unmotivated
i love you on the days you feel loved
i love you on the days you feel sick
i love you on the days you feel motivated
i love you on the days you feel depressed
i love you on the days you feel stresses
i love you on the days you feel crazy
i love you on the days you feel hopeful
i love you on the days you feel cuddly
i love you on the days you feel clingy
i love you on the days you feel amazing
i love you on the days you feel beautiful
i love you on the days you feel like a failure
i love you on the days you feel angry
i love you on the days you feel aggressive
i love you on the days you feel horrible
i love you on the days you feel safe
i love you on the days you feel unsafe
i love you on the days you feel vulnerable
i love you on the days you feel weird
i love you on the days you feel ok
i love you when you're healthy
i love how you sing (or hum or feel the music)
i love your taste in music
i love your taste in movies
i love your taste in tv shows
i love the way you move
i love the way you act
i love you when you cry
i love you when you're kind
i love you when you're mean
i love you when you're alone
i love you when you can't feel
i love you when you feel too much
i love you when you can't take life anymore
i love you when you feel like it's too much
i love you when you're asleep
i love you when you have nightmares
i love you when you have dreams
i love how you believe
i love you when you believe in yourself
i love you when you don't believe in yourself
i love you when you hate yourself
i love you when you love yourself
i love the way you think
i love you problems
i love your solutions
i love how you support
i love you when you're in pain
i love you when you're hurt
i love your promises
i love your secrets
i love your attitude
i love you sass
i love your creativity
i love your voice (or lack thereof)
i love you hand gestures
i love your stories
i love your wounds
i love your scars
i love your face
i love your past
i love your future
i love your present
i love your outfits
i love your style
i love your art
i love your honesty
i love you when you lie
i love you when you’re excited
i love you when you're tired
i love you when you're energetic
i love how you look
i love how you cook
i love you when you're adventurous
i love you when you're scared
i love your imperfections
i love your perfections
i love you when you worry
i love you when you talk (or communicate)
i love your opinions
Now you can cry.
Dude, what you wrote fascinated me, it inspired me to write something similar to the woman of my life, I hope she is with me for eternity. Greetings, be happy.
u dont know me
Thank you make me cry and feel that life is not Soo bad......
Thank you very much beautiful person, that feeling of not being able to cry is horrible, feeling that desperation of not seeing any tears falling down your cheeks and blurring your vision, thanks to you I was able to vent.
The only times I can cry, I do so until I can't breathe, and that's when I want to stop crying. I realized that I am not satisfied with anything, really nothing, it is horrible, it is an inexplicable emptiness, I am afraid that that emptiness will decide to accompany me until my death.
내가 나에게 잘한다, 사랑한다, 난 행복해, 난 최고야 라고 말하면서 나 스스로를 위해 노력하는데 가슴에 박힌것만 같은
화살이 없어지지가 않네요
괜찮아진것 같다가도 또 다시 울렁거리는 느낌.. 괜찮은척 하기도 쉽지 않은가봐요...
살면서 누구나 슬럼프를 겪듯이 시간이 흐름 나이를 먹어감에 따라 다양한 감정의 나와 마주하고 스쳐지나게 됩니다.거울을 보면 내가 보이고 마음속에는 보이지않는 나를 보게됩니다.
내가 만들어낸 환상속에서 내면의 내가 살아가고 그 감정이 내게로 스며듭니다. 결국 내가 있고자 하는곳에 나와 마주하게 될꺼에요. 마음속의 상처가 치유될 수 있도록 매일 다독여주세요.
따스한 햇살이 비추는 밝은곳에 행복이 가득하기를
Понимаю тебя, мне тоже не легко притворяться что со мной все нормально
최고가아니여도 되고 잘하는게 없어도 돼요
행복한 순간도 물론 가끔 있지만
그래도 뭔가 항상 공허해요
속이 텅 빈 느낌이에요
그러다 진심으로 행복한 적이 있었나
잡념에 빠져요.
total gvon me siento igual taka taka
I love falling a sleep because I don't have to be conscious. But every time I wake up, I'm filled with dread at the reality of this world that I have to spend another day living in.
The moment when you wake up and the reality catches up with you is just so horrible, you wish you could fall back into that unconsciousness of when you’re asleep
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like .
I totally understand u
I can’t help but notice when we were kids we were all so eager to grow up and be an adult, live like adults, do what we wanted, eat what we wanted, go where we wanted, but I’ll never forget my parents telling me I’d miss school when I thought I never would, I really do miss the old days, miss my old friends, miss spending time with the family, now everything’s turned to nothing, I am an adult in a scary adult world that’s slowly eating me up and all I can do is accept it and tell my kids one day to make the most of their childhood
thx to the last gen for fcking us financially so bad :') esp in america, things wouldnt be nearly so bad if we could just afford to live.
@@Abishhhhh honestly i agree
i wanted to kill myself when i was a kid too lol. it was just the fact that colors looked more vibrant in a smaller head. but coffee and mushrooms and weird crap like that tastes good now, so theres that. future you is probably kicking you for not soaking it all in right now.
@@wackywally69420 Tbh its fucked up how the world is
I love being cold. cold makes you appreciate warmth more. cold allows you to feel warmth differently, a hundred times brighter.
exactly why i love winter and fall more than the other two seasons
Me reading this while being cold
I live in Canada and the winters here although they are sadly getting warmer each year definitly make me feel this way.
oml i can relate
Virtual hugs 🫂
For you too
Спасибо, бро
For you too ❤❤
I need this, thanks 😊
@@matizo6770 no problem 🫶🤍
اقتراحات اليوتيوب تعبر عني هالأيام
الحمدلله علي كل حال اعتقد
﴿ومَاكان الله مُعذّبهُـم وهُم يسْتغفِرُون﴾
I miss hanging out with my friends, cousins and actually having fun, now I just sit at home and do nothing this video made me feel better. Thanks
Уже месяцев 5 считаю себя бесполезной. Люди, с кем общаюсь по лет 7, видят меня только с улыбкой, веселой, смеющийся. Только подруга, с которой была честна, знала, что это не так. Я ей могла раз в месяц высказаться, поддержка ее помогала, пока она не рассказала своим друзьям, и не смеялась над моими проблемами. Я со стеснением улыбалась вместе с ними, а в душе уже ревела. Она тогда сказала, что все мое нытьё ее достало, лучше меня не существовало, и ушла. Уже 2 года мы с ней не общаемся. Полтора года я в себе копила все. И сейчас, все эти 5 месяцев я реву и хочу исчезнуть. На улице и на людях я сразу веселая и смеюсь, хотя так не охото.
Мне так больно.
Спасибо за этот плейлист.
Спасибо большое. Музыка чу чуть помогает.
Понимаю. Я дружила со своей подругой 5 лет. Мы очень близко общались и я ей рассказала летом через какой пипец проходила, как сидела на таблетках и без них не могла функционировать, как мне было тяжело обратно быть нормальным человеком. и вот в середине сентября она просто перестала мне писать и отвечать, хотя мы переписывались каждый день всё друг другу рассказывали. Мне так неприятно и больно от того что меня променяли на других. хотя я долго не признавалась себе в этом. но сейчас начинаю понимать что мне иногда не хватает того что бы кому то записать гс и сказать "у меня такой пипец смотри..." или просто рассказать как прошёл день или скинуть скрин и кружок с приколами. Видела недавно общих знакомых руки так и чесались написать, но я держусь.
Надеюсь мы с вами обе найдём друзей которые будут искренне поддерживать нас, и быть всегда с нами.
а пока слушаем классные плейлисты и стараемся выжить в этом бренном мире.
@@терентийподвалов спасибо вам, и удачи вам. Я буду рада, если найдете своих людей, и у вас все будет хорошо!
Главное не потерять ребёнка внутри, того из детства. Да жизнь жестока бывает, но ребёнок этого не знает. Пытается не думать об этом, природа очень помогает. Когда я один в лесах или на реке, или с друзьями. Конечно наши личные проблемы это только наше личное, не особо открывайтесь людям, они этого не оценят.
А вообще, людей открытых мало стало. Горькие стали, о материи много пекутся. Духовного меньше. Раньше слаще были, душевнее. Не так за деньгами гнались. Времени больше было в разы.
@ это да, никому и не открываюсь. В редких случаях, если уже долго общаемся. Ребенка уже видать давно потеряла внутри себя😆
Как исполнилось мне 4 года назад 16, так и все. Только дом, работа, и ночью под музыку в себя ухожу
my beautiful sister died today, im at my lowest, i just want to see her beautiful eyes one more time, the ones i would lose myself in every time i looked at them, i hope her soul rests in peace.
I'm so sorry for your loss. A death is one of the hardest things to go through. One day you'll be okay, and the next, you'll be in pieces. But you will get through this. And her memory will live on in your heart, and you'll see her again someday. Grief is a complex thing. It will always be there. Right now is a mountain, but as you grow in life, you'll grow bigger then that mountain. And it'll get smaller and smaller. And instead of her memory bringing you to painful tears, it will be a fond memory, one that will bring you tears of joy. For having the pleasure of knowing her. Keep your head up, you got this. God bless you.
I'm so sorry for your loss. The way you talk about her, it at least sounds like she knew that you loved her. I hope you can find a little peace in that.
I am Sorry for your Loss. Hope you can recover
Be happy.
This touched my sould and made me cry 😭😭😭😭😭 am so sorry
I've cried so many times that I can't cry anymore.
I love you
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it . Still, please give it a listen if you like.
I dont feel so sad like was before, but i want.
everything is wrong with people
Me too😂
You are not alone. Be at peace, let your emotions flow. We all love you. Goodnight, sleep well.
You too 🫂
It gave me the feeling of walking alone in the snow.
Maybe in another life, all the sad people in the comment are friends with each other and don't feel as lonely as they do now
Thanks 🙂
Well said
@@daengggggg why don't we do it in this life? let's befriend each other
Sos muy buen@ para este mundo ❤
@@Jerry-fy1iu What you say is true, you are a good person 🙂
Been alone the last 3 years of my life now, a weak relationship with my family and no one to ever talk to, I force myself to get up everyday and go to work and find myself listening to this all day. I don’t feel like I’m living anymore like I felt when I was younger. I’m just existing in this never ending pain
Omg this is exactly, exactly, identical to me every single thing said. Hope you are better now and have healthy love in your life ❤🙏
Thank you man I’m trying, hope you’re doing well too❤
Exactly like me
воспоминания просто не дают жить.. сколько усего было, а я даже и не ценила время..
всем удачи в жизни ❤
я реально очень устал. это первый раз, когда я пишу что то в комментарии ютуба. я нереально скучаю по моему бывшему. я хочу снова услышать его голос, снова получить его нежностей или наоборот перестать о нём думать. мне его больно даже называть моим бывшим. мне не хочется верить, что я работал над нашими отношениями, а он мог позволять себе меня оскорблять и откровенно ненавидеть, а потом бросить. не знаю, правильно ли он сделал бросив меня, но я знаю, что я нытик, лол.
просто удачи всем, кто плохо себя чувствует, ладно? правда удачи. я рад, что вы пытаетесь выходить из плохого состояния (даже читая это вы что то делаете для тебя, а значит, что сейчас вы стали чуточку лучше прежнего себя), и это заслуживает похвалы. я верю в вас и в то, что ты будешь счастливым. удачи, человек, которого я больше не увижу.
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like.
спасибо, надеюсь ты отпустишь эту ситуацию
A person who truly loves you would never in a million years even think about doing that to their lover. You deserved someone better and god knew that. Remember everything happens for a reason. God heard things you did not hear about. It was for the best
Break ups happen to everyone. It takes time to get over, but you will be better in the end.
Это очень больно, я понимаю вас
넌 세상에서 가장 행복한 사람이야,넌 축복받았어,괜찮아질거야.
항상 '괜찮아' 라고 대답을 했었는데, 사실 정말로 괜찮은지 모르겠고 내가 뭘 해야 좋아질지 모르겠고..
슬퍼도 울지 못하고. 울면 약해보일까봐 겁나서 함부로 못 울고.
겉으론 괜찮아보일지 몰라도.
사실은 속에선 누군갈 애타게 찾고 울부짖는..
참고싶어도 못 참겠고,
울고싶어도 못 우는.
이런 내 존재가 한심한것 같아요.
슬퍼서 내 자신에게 상처주고.
그리고 또 조용히 울고.
이상하게도 계속 슬프고 애달프고 울고싶은..
그리고 또 내 자신에게 상처주고.
조용히 울고.
또 상처주는...
저도 이젠 잘 모르겠네요.
위로가 될진 모르겠지만... 제 주제에 감히 이런말을 해도 될지 모르겠지만..
포기하지 말고 힘내요. :)
우리는 같은 상황을 겪고 있지만 방은 통과합니다 (통과하지 않습니다 :/)
안좋은 기억들이 많아서 잡 생각이 많은데 이 음악을 헤드셋으로 들으면서 추억이 스쳐지나가듯이 나쁜 기억도 좋지 않았던 기억도 모두 다 생생하게 떠오르면서 멍해지는 고요한 기분.
I don't think people love me the way I love them, and it kills me because I don't think I'll ever be able to hold resentment or anger towards anyone because of it. I can't help how deeply I feel things and I just wish I was different.
I'm not sure about this, but remember that you are a good person and wish everyone well and do not expect anyone to treat you kindly
You will find Peace when you love god and yourself first. Sometimes we think we Love somebody, but we actually dont really love them. It is something we lack.
It may seems so, but probably it's not, just, not everyone openly speaks how much they love other people, also do they surely know how much you love them?
This hits home, this describes everything i feel/think, your not alone
Describe your feelings to them and be bold, and they will understand that your love for them is certain and not a condition that you are different
Out of the billions of people on this world, I would wait for every single one of them. It seems like our lives are just grains of sand filling into an abyss, right? Don’t worry. I’ll be there. Even as I die. I don’t want anyone to be alone when their bodies give out. It doesn’t matter how much pain my soul would be in. I’d take all the mental pain in the world just for everyone to feel a day, an hour of peace. Even if we can’t meet in real life, everyone has at least one person who will listen or be there. Even if you don’t think so. I’ll be there. It would be so nice to share a moment with you. I hope that you know that even if this world hasn’t treated you the best, I will still be there, waiting for you. I’d trade my entire being to see everyone have some type of emotion that gave them a clear moment. Good or bad. Sometimes, we just need some peace and clarification. Sadness is harsh sometimes. Emotions aren’t always pretty, but that’s fine. If someone pushes you away for having feelings, then you don’t need them for that kind of support. Sadness hurts though, doesn’t it? That feeling of something so cherished being ripped away from you, leaving an overwhelming ache in your heart. The feeling of desperation is terrible. It seems as though the every fiber of your being is torn apart, leaving nothing but a distinct fuzz in the back of your mind. Wanting to curl up into nothing, wanting to let that seep into you, sinking you down in the darkest abyss. It’s so bad that sometimes our emotions get locked away. I hope that we can meet someday! It might take an eternity for me to reach you, but I will. I’ll be waiting to see you. Your life may not be the best, but I can assure you, it will be alright. It will be ok. I will sit here even after my death, awaiting the time when you come to me, finally being able to rest. I’ll cradle you as you slumber for ages, waiting for your awakening, the time when you finally feel well rested and ready to take the next steps into your existence. I’ll be waiting, and don’t worry, it doesn’t bother me to wait for you! It’s a pleasure to think that I’ll get to see you sometime.
You sound like god… ❤I’m here for it. This is the realest Truest thing ever, and truest words ever can be spoken out of love. We all have a lot to learn from you, such as your immense love for everyone on earth even if they may not be so great personality wise, but you choose to comfort others even if it means hurting yourself. Just like Jesus. Sorry, I’m a little Catholic and it’s so ironic that you really do sound like what Jesus would say if he was alive in our time. I love how this is all just so true and you speak for love. ❤️ again; we have a lot to learn from your kind words and kind heart.
Real. (Pronto todo acabará)..
Whats it feel like to hold the hand of someone you love?
@@Derecrtontof course.
Every broken souls coming here, know you are loved even if you don't or can't realize it. You're existence is worthwhile. You matter. And this stranger see's you. I love you. It will get better.
(I use a translator) Why do you think you're weak? I don't know you but I know you're a very strong person, you're here alive and that's incredible, seriously please don't give up, okay? 🫂🌱
люди жестокие. недавно уволили с работы и это было очень несправедливо. сейчас даже и не знаю, что мне делать, сидеть дома, даже выйти на улицу не с кем, от этого ещё хуже. я совсем запуталась в себе, своих чувствах и своём будущем
Я с тобой
Je sais mon amis. C'est le meme pour moi pour l'ecole.
надеюсь сейчас ты выбралась из этого. люди которые зашли сюда прекрасно понимают тебя, в том числе и я. просто поверь мне, у тебя все будет в порядке. все будет хорошо❤
괜찮을 거예요. 해결 될거야 나는 너를 믿어요 사랑해
Работа? Да найдешь другую. Ни ногу же тебе оторвало, в конце то концов. Работа и отношения, да неприятно. И что теперь?
I’ve come to a point in my life where I am just lost. My hope is gone. The emptiness is raw. I just feel this deep pitted feeling in my body which makes me stare into space, I can’t cry, I can’t smile, I’m just stuck. In this void we call the world.
Likewise... but instead of void which this world, it's the consciousness of my well-being that I'm reflecting up. I wish to say not to keep in that.
I have had many dark days, long nights awake with anxiety. Moments of pure helplessness, anger that has deeply affected myself and everyone around me. I've experienced those days where no matter what you do you cannot get out of bed. I've walked alone in a beautiful forest, yet I've felt nothing. I have been to those unbearable places that so many others share with me.
However, through it all there has been one thing that has kept me living. I don't remember learning this or being told that I should trust in it. I just feel it, as if it's already a part of me. That one thing has been hope. Hope is like a soft cloud that guides me over stormy weather and into the warm sun. I keep going because I have hope that one day things will be different. There is always something good to live for, you are unique and you're life is so valuable even if others don't recognise it :)
It's really overwhelming not being able to explain what I feel. It's so hard for me to express my feelings when I don't even know what's happening to me. What do I want? What do I feel? I've lost myself.
This is honestly the best playlist I’ve ever heard. Every single song is the most relaxing, nostalgic, and sad, which I absolutely love. The title of the video is honestly very relatable considering lots of people, including myself, always feel like they are sad. And the background picture just puts the cherry on top of it all.
Finally someone who thinks like me =)
Hell yeah
Finding myself listening to mixes like these every morning on my way to work. And I don't know if the music helps or not but I think I actually want to feel sad because I repress those feelings all day at work and when I get home. These car rides seem to be the only time I can be myself without being ashamed of it.
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like.
I can't feel sad openly because I don't want others to bother themselves with comforting me, that just increases the guilt.
I was getting better then it got worse one day and it hasn't gotten better since, i don't wanna go back to my depression state but I think Ive been back there for a while without even realizing it till I started seeing my weight go up again
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like.
Hey if your reading this I want you to know that it okay to be sad because everyone have struggle with many times and there is someone that cares about you and if you think no one cares about you, well i do even tho I dont know what going on, I just hope you heal and I pray that your life go well when ur healing because we been there before.
Thanks 🌹🙂
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like.
Thank you❤
Thank you so much, I mean it.
been through so much i dont even know how to cry anymore. these playlists are the only things that can actually resonate inside me and make me feel that sadness that i actually wish i could still feel. too many losses to young. i just wish i could get the feelings out sometimes. but these playlists are the only thing keeping me in touch with reality and my inner feelings.
"لم يتعبني شيء كالمواقف الصغيرة التي لا يمكنني شرحها لتفاهتها، ولا يمكنني تجاوزها والسكوت عنها لأثرها السيء على قلبي".
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it.
Still, please give it a listen if you like.
اتمنى ان يقويكِ الله ❄️
To anyone who’s struggling right now you are enough, just as you are. It’s okay to feel lost or broken, but don’t let those feelings convince you that you’re not worthy of healing. You don’t need anyone else to save you; the strength to heal is already within you. Take it one step at a time, even if they’re small steps. Be patient with yourself, and don’t rush the process-it’s your journey, and it’s okay to move at your own pace. Trust yourself, believe in your ability to grow, and remember that you are more than your struggles. Heal yourself by your own, because you are enough🫂
I know sweetheart. It's okay to be tired. It's okay to be scared. It's okay to feel angry. It's okay to feel lost. It's okay to feel sad. It's okay to feel guilty. It's okay to feel lonely. And it's okay to take a break. It's not your fault, love. It never was. Take a break darling, you deserve it. I'm so proud of you, you're doing amazing. I know it's tiring, but look at everything you've been through and you're still standing sweetheart. I'm so fucking proud, and it might seem like I'm just saying that, but I promise, PROMISE that I mean everything that I say. If you think nobody loves or cares for you, then at least know that I adore you, my love. If you think you aren't enough, then at least know that I would worship you. You're breathing, sweets, and that's what I'm happy about. Life is fucking hard, yeah, I know, and that gives you every reason to feel tired. I want you to feel comfortable with me, you can tell me anything dear. How your day went, something you like to do, your goals, something that hurt you, or something you wanted to tell someone, anything my love. I want to listen.
YOU... you make me cry please don't stop.. :')
I just dont understand, i do every step right. But they still get bored of me. I'm funny and sometimes hilarious but im also a good friend and trying to be pretty so that they wont have to be embarassed being around me. I've done everything right i swear. And I'm still getting hurt by the ppl i swear ive never ever said ANYTHING i swear bad behind their back, but they probably had said many things behind my back with joy as they think its the tea for them and their friends probably?
@@stellat3284 I understand, I used to have friends like that. I brushed it off, thinking it would just go by but it kept happening. I felt like it was all my fault, but I want you to know that you’re not the problem sweetheart, it’s the wrong people. I know it’s hard to find the right people, but you have to talk and socialize. It took me about a year before I started getting close to people I liked and made me feel comfortable with myself. I’ll say it again, you are not the problem dear.
thank you.
@@Foxpug Of course, sweetheart.❤️
정해진 루틴 안에서 사느냐고 바쁘고, 림든 일이 있어도 쉴 틈조차 주지 않는 세상이 바라는 속도에 마추느냐고 다치고, 그렇게 내 삶 속에서 나는 사라져만 갑니다.
어쩌면 많이 웃고도 남아야 할 시기에 힘듦을 겪고 계실 분들이 많겠죠, 누군가에게 이야기하고 싶지만 동시에 우울이 편해져버린 역설적인 마음을 가졌겠죠, 그리고 행복해지는 게 두려울 정도로 많이 지치고 좌절스럽고 망가졌겠죠… 우리 어쩌다가 이렇게 됐을까요? 죽지 못해 살고, 아파도 괜찮아지지 않는다는 좌절을 너무 어릴 때부터 배워서 힘들고, 사람한테 데여서 힘들고, 도대체 우리 자존감은 어디까지 떨어지는 걸까요?
아파해도 괜찮아요, 부정적인 마음 품어도 괜찮아요. 그냥 지금까지 살아 있어줘서 고마워요. 진부하고 잔인하게 힘내라고 안 할게요. 힘들 때는 힘 빼고 좀 쉬었다가 가도 괜찮아요. 이 댓글이 소용없을 정도로 힘들 거 압니다. 하지만 그래도 당신을 위해서 이렇게 댓글을 남깁니다.
삐뚤어지기로, 망가지기로, 깊은 절망을 향해 달리겠다곤 했지만, 아프길 선택했지만 너무 아픈 당신께.
아프지 말고 이젠 행복해져도 괜찮아요. 당신이 어떤 모습이든, 행복할 자격 있으니까요.
한국인의 마음은 아름답습니다. 그래서 내 꿈은 항상 한국에 가는 것이다. 나는 미래에 그곳에 가서 누군가와 결혼할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 러시아에서 인사드립니다) 번역을 바탕으로 글을 쓰고 있는데, 뭔가 잘못 썼다면 죄송합니다;)
당신을 포기하지 마십시오. 당신의 삶이 더 나아지기를 바랍니다 🎀
This is so beautiful it makes my heart ache for all the love I lost. Another lonely night awaits. Hope is a tiny candlelight in my darkness..
It gets better, I promise.
My little daughter sleep only after your beatiful music❤
sometimes i wish, if nothing else, that i could have the girl of my dreams back. and it feels as though im asking for so little when i say that, but in reality, im asking for more than i ever have.
Try to forget about it. Like, once and last. And, leave it, accept it. It's more simple that it seems. Just believe in yourself.
Don't base your happiness on another human being, and especially women. Women have an inherent evil streak in them.
snowfall make me peaceful
hi beautiful
u can get it tonight
@@NavoTheTrueGodbro is a freak.. 🤦♂️ your in a UA-cam comment section bruh yeah she cute but u don’t be all like that “you can get it tonight” at least ask how her day was first or take her out to dinner mf💀💀😂
I love falling asleep because it offers an escape from reality.
i cant feel anything, my anxiety just gets worse and worse.
It’s so hard to not feel anything but always thinking of everything
I feel you, I'm in the same situation. I just wanna give up.
Any way You are very beautiful macha allah💗
Как говорю я довольно часто, "моя любимая фраза для поддержки - всё будет хорошо, как бы банально это не звучало, всё будет хорошо.. "
*я тебя люблю*
@@кто-томаленькийиатмосферный ❤️
I love you guys. Don't know you but.. You deserve a big ol' hug from a loved one
Solo quiero dormir y nunca más despertar, pero tengo miedo, estoy sola. Pronto todo esto acabará y se que algún día dejaré de sentirme vacía y triste, pero no sé cuándo pasará eso. Solo espero que no dure mucho este sentimiento, realmente quiero encontrar a mi yo de antes siendo feliz sin ninguna preocupación...
If you want to be happy
Search about Islam please search
Islam is very good to all people
I understand you very well because I experience the same feelings. it's a really bad feeling
Me identifico con exactamente lo mismo que estas expresando. Al fin y al cabo nacemos para morir, cuando ? No lo sabemos, pero puede ser mañana, hoy, en una semana, un mes, un año etc, nunca lo sabremos. Pero algún día será nuestra hora de irnos
Как говорю я довольно часто, "моя любимая фраза для поддержки - всё будет хорошо, как бы банально это не звучало, всё будет хорошо.. "
*я тебя люблю*
am i really living? or i am just existing
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like.
Jesus is for you. 🤍
Sometimes it's a bit difficult to tell aint it
I’m sorry, I know you don’t feel like it right now, but you are beautiful, kind, and generous, and you put way more into the world than it deserves and you deserve to get back more from it than you put into it. I know life is hard and everyone is just trying to be a happy functional human being, sometimes it doesn’t work out like that. We know that. Or else if u didn’t you wouldn’t be here, looking for an answer to be stronger and find comfort. Look around you for a second for me, wherever you are, in your room; kitchen, living room, car, ect… look around… what do you see?? Objects? Yes. Those objects were made from human hands and intelligence, we formed and evolved to be smarter. You are just like an engineer. Figuring out different ways to build yourself a new life. You’re still figuring out life and you have half of your lifetime to still experience. Don’t waste a minute being scared. Go take risks, and learn. That’s how you really live. Even if you end up alone, you’ll never be truly alone here or be alone from people who love you and people you love or your pets. Remember your pets are just as effective as a person being by you. They still have their lifetime to experience. We only get ONE life so go make the best of it all. You aren’t getting any younger after all… make mistakes.. and if you’re still a teen such as myself, go be THAT stereotypical “teen” and see if you feel alive and happy. ((Just pls don’t drink or get an addiction from being a “stereotypical” teen.)) I know we get a rep but it’s just from adults who were goody two shoes who are jealous that they didn’t get to live life as a teen and experience things that they passed up and regret. Don’t be like them. Take risks. Now stranger, I don’t know you, but I do love you❤ I believe we all need to find comfort in others: that’s how we survive: without social interaction we would go insane and eventually our minds would kill ourselves from social distance for long periods of time. Go meet new people and yknow I hope you know that my entire point is, even if you have immense self doubt or other emotions keeping you from truly living, you should still try to persevere from that emotion/self doubt and take risks just to experience what life should be about. Travel the world, get stupid, get new enemies, learn from them and move on, love yourself and loving someone else will be easy as cutting soft pie. 🥧
Stranger, ❤ please be kind to yourself.
You are greater,smarter,better,kinder,awesome, and funnier than you give yourself credit for.
You too you're beautiful in all the ways you are have a blessed night
lol Is there a law that "snowfall" has to feature in all these mixes? They're still great regardless but someone needs to do a remix or 2 of it just to mix things up. Cheers Navo! 🖤👍
Dark ambient I think is a generally new genre but I agree.
Snowfalll is the sound of life , love , death , it’s the song we alll hear coming into their world , growing up , and eventually death
@MiamiHeatHype stop doing acid and call your mom. She probably misses you.
Jk just being an ass.
@@10xbetterthanmyself.why can’t he call his mom while doing acid? You think he can’t multitask?
@timdoyle1638 lol twas just a joke I found on a random bathroom stall I stole.
*These songs make me cry... I don't want to love my "friend", who doesn't want to know anything about me... so I come here, First time actually.. So warriors enjoy so I can come back here again* 💨🥶
This is amazing . I'm not confident that I can do it . Still, please give it a listen if you like.
The most beautiful moment I ever lived was when you came to me and hugged me tightly for a long time and we went to our own world and you whispered in my ear, “I love you.” I felt like my heart almost stopped
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it . Still, please give it a listen if you like.
massively underrated channel
No, still better than other small channel with 0 view
بعدني .
بعدني اشتاقلج :(
من اقرا
من اكتب ، اول ما اكعد الصبح ، اول ما احط راسي على المخدة ، من احلم ، من اسمع شي ، من ارسم ، من اتابع ، انتي بعدج براسي .
ماكدر انساج ، ماكو بيدي شي غير ادعي الله يوفقج و يفرحج مثل مافرحتيني :(
وتذكري بعدني احبج ، ولا راح انساج 💗.
ماعرف هسة انتي وين و شبيج ، زينة مو زينة ، تبجين تضحكين .
الله يوفقج .
مابيدي شي :( 💔M .
@@حسابالدراسة-ك3ح قبل شوي شفت تعليقك و حسيت ب غصة 💔.
الله يوفقك و يفرجها عليك ، الله كريم .
@@S-IQ مع انني فقدت الأمل بس يارب..
@@S-IQ ❤️🩹
@@حسابالدراسة-ك3ح ماكو شي اسمه فقدت الامل ، ما ضاقت ألا لتفرج .
There is no other feeling than crying 😔😔😔
Sometimes you’re so numb that you can’t remember things that happen or why they happen. I hate feeling so alone
Me and you both
I feel ya girl
전 힘들땐 배우고싶은걸 생각해봐요 아직 배우고싶은게 너무 많아서 힘들고 지쳐 다 포기하고싶어도 그것들 다 배우고싶은 생각에 다시 삶을 살아갈 용기가 나더라구요 다들 꼭 하고싶은게 많기를!! 우리 꼭 다 이뤄봐요
Desde el otro lado del mundo,te deseo que todo mejore en tu vida.🫂
too everyone here. I’m not gonna say it’ll get better. It won’t. you just get numb. to the point where you actually miss being sad . being able to feel sadness. or happiness..
Truth. The evisceration of the living soul.
я устала. плохие мысли лезут мне в голову. никто уже не в силах мне помочь, и я уже не хочу этого. пустота скоро уничтожит меня. я никому не желаю этого чувства. берегите себя.
I don't want to wake up tomorrow
Did you?
I hope you did anyway, and found something to make you smile. I do understand. I really do.
me either but we have to keep going lad.
I know how you feel dude... 😢
I am in my last moments of life, but while I am alive I will keep listening to these songs.
I love you
After what happened... I needed this 💙
Hoje foi minha segunda sessão de terapia e já descobri que o meu problema é ser boa de mais pras pessoas e me deixar sempre para trás, como última opção. Eu preciso aprender que as opiniões alheias são delas, apenas delas.
Sai de um trabalho pra ir pra outro, só que n deu certo ,hj estou desempregado, sei que Deus mais me ajuda ,espero quê dê tudo certo na sua vida, boa sorte!
Still waiting for the right person to love me for who I am and take this depression away, I'm getting tired of trying to hide it
That moment Will be very soon My friend
It won't ever come. Nobody can do it for you. Do yourself a favour and stop waiting
Eu to cansada da vida essa celular e o celular do meu irmão se ele ver isso eu quero dizer minhas últimas palavras ja que eu vou morrer mesmo.. obrigada lsmael por sempre me fazer ri e por me fazer não me senti sozinha mas a depressão e a ansiedade tão me matando aos poucos o ytalo não para de fazer eu me senti piora ele continua gritando com nossa mãe ate quando vc ta fora e quero morrer.. não consigo mais viver vc era o único motivo de eu esta viva mas se um dia vc ver isso e eu ainda estiver viva queria dizer que vc conseguiu me fazer viver mais alguns fias pra poder aproveitar os últimos dias com vc não consigo mais ..meu coração aperta e todos os dias eu tenho que fingir sorir mas na verdade eu so queria que as pessoas percebe-se que quando eu falo eu to bem com um sorriso e porque eu to querendo chorar mas to so não me matei porque eu tenho pena dos meus amigos e de vc e o melhor irmão que eu ja tive em tofa minha vida..ti amo eu sempre estarei com vc.
A vida é cheia de dificuldades, mas por favor não se culpe.Está a ir muito bem.
Estou a traduzir, por isso pode haver algo de errado.
Hey there!! I dont know who you are or what your going through but i do want you to know that you will make it and you will keep pushing through i know life is tough right now but i promise you it will get better. Im sorry for anything you have been through or anyone who has hurt you. I just want you to know to keep trying and not to give up because ending your life is not the best solution and I know it feels like it is but its not. So take your time and rest. I love you and im here. ❤
I love you too ❤❤❤❤
I'm so stupid. I spend all my days studying, why doesn’t anyone appreciate it? Parents say “So-so”, and teachers lower grades. Why couldn't I just have been born smart? I don't see my friends because I'm studying, I think I'm becoming boring for them. I want to go to a good university, but I don’t even know where to go, I simply have no future. Besides the fact that I'm stupid, I also have a six out of ten appearance.I want to succeed in everything but in the end nothing works out. I have been drawing for seven years. Any progress? Yes, but he's so small. I have been learning English for 8-9 years and in the end I am writing this text through a translator. I’ve been playing volleyball for a long time, but what’s the end result? That's right, they don't want to put me on the team. Sorry, this is the first time I'm talking about my problems on the Internet.
I can feel you....
Don't be sad, you are a good and strong person, nothing can make you sad
Don't feel like that, I'm sure you'll find your way out 🙂
نفسي ولو مرة بحياتي اجلس بهيك مكان ولو ساعه ابكي واركض واصرخ واطلع الي جواتي اخخخخ بس 💔💔💔
ان شاء الله الامور تتعدل للاحسن يارب وتلاقي سعادتك
انا تعبت حزن كلها حياتي ما عمري حسيت بفرحه حقيقه ولا حضنت كأني عايش لوحدي وسط أهلي.
متزعلش ان شاء الله كل شي يكون بخير
@@androidflow9737 شكرا❤️🩹
dont be sad, God will always be there for you, even in the hard times when you give up, hes still there for you, and he will always be there for all of us global
@@jimwhitcombe5656, I liked your comment. I felt like I was still alive... despite this brain, I pity it due to the many despicable thoughts that lead towards evil, but I am a good person and the complete opposite of that, except sometimes you have to be a little different, because not everything deserves this 🤍 But those who are in My surroundings are lucky because they have not had nightmares without knowing it. Rest assured that you are... because everything that afflicts you will change and your surroundings as well.
@@SecondVOW Thanks for you advice bro, i respect you. Peace be with you.
I can't remember the last time I've felt... this...whatever you could call this mere words aren't capable of capturing the feeling of listening to this at 1 in the morning by yourself in the dark.
I know when you’re reading this you might feel sad but dont give up! Even if you feel people dont care about you some do! Leave the people that dont, dont think about them you have been thru so much im proud. It’s okay to feel sad in some occasions, it’s how you handle it that matters. Life is not something you should see as fearful or sad, life is beautiful you can see it if you try! I love you so much and i am so proud of you for being able to live till this day. Everyone matters
I am very sad and feel lonely. All my friends started moving away from me and I didn't do anything bad. I hope I can find real friends for once.
I was thinking of Ending it all Sunday on sep. 8 2024 Its currently sep . 7 2024 00:48. My P.E teacher prevented me, I never told him about my problems, but I think he knew, he made sure to pay attention to me and encouraged me to keep going and stay motivated on things I love, he is a inspiration, he has the respect from every teacher, even the not so good kids, he has prevented people from going through the same situation as me, and encouraged people to Chase their dreams, he even helped a student back in around 2012 to create his own wrestling club, that kid is living his dream now, and My P.E teacher is one of my hero’s. Your awesome Mr. Paterno -00:52
I hope your okay. Your not alone. I hope these comments help you see that the pain your going through and the feeling isn't just you and others are going through it to with you. You got this. Believe in yourself, your capable of anything
لاتنشرون طاقة سلبية تفائلو بالخير و صلو و استغفرو و عيشو حياتكم بطريقة الي تحبوها الحياة مرة وحدة ❤
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like .
اكثر تعليق ممتاز شفته بهذا الفيديو
واتمنى لكِ السعاده وصحه وسلامه
رغم الصعاب التي امر بها واستماعي لهذا ولكني على امل انني سوف احقق المستحيل باذن الله تعاله
Thank you for sharing this playlist, it's exactly what I needed. Sometimes life can be overwhelming and it feels like we're all alone, but then we stumble upon something like this and realize that we're not. We're all in this together
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like.
You need to live no matter what you have been through because they have been some people who still care and move you, keep trying and try more it’s gonna be ok for those who aren’t ok, just be more careful who you trust and don’t give your heart to the ones who want to break it, no matter what people say don’t listen to what they are saying, life is gonna get hard and the days will be tuff I know but deep inside that you will get through that day but don’t make mistakes that I made, I trusted the wrong people and they left me, they broke my heart and they left me in the dark nights alone, I was told i didn’t matter but listen I’m trying my best, but I’m a nice person and I care about you too, alright bye now and see you soon ❤️🙁
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like .
я стараюсь правда, мне осталось чуть чуть поднажать
All of you in these comments deserve love and you are loved. Another lonely night awaits, but I know the sun will rise in the morning and miracles can happen. Peace and love
You have the same pfp as my big brother! haha!! I miss him...
These are perfect for those late night deives when you dont want to confront all the things you regret. This makes my heart feel empty and light but heavy all at fhe same time. I want to cry and theyed be tears of pain and joy. Pain that ive left people behind and joy that ive gotten this far. I didnt ever see myself getting this far. I cant wait till i get a car so i can go on thise late night drives, listen to this, and star gaze. Good night everybody, happy easter.
-march 31st 2024-
I have just been literally beaten by my own father. I suffer physical and psychological aggression constantly, I have always tried to be a funny, fun, happy person. But I honestly can't anymore...
Bro is understand you
My father always loved second child not me. And not helping me and told me I was shit and nobody wants you including himself. My mother couldn't let me keep going this situation for years. He's alcohol addict and now divorced but he doesn't give mother child support. I'm only 14 i don't want this to happen. Nowadays I easily gets angry and hates me all the time. I don't want to become like my father.
I’m in pain it’s so painful . I wish life wasn’t this hard .
Broken into pieces torn appart by addiction chained up in lust suppressed by temptations and frozen by my own old nature Lord have mercy on me for i cant take this anymore i tripped and fell and the tables have turned i am now inprisoned in my own body because of one sin (lust) and i just want to follow you but is it really this hard?
I am a mess i am the cause of my own destruction i feel so sad.
Hey ik how you feel it's hard even for me I do lust many times and it's always the same thing, it always hurts at the end and than we pray... Thinking about how much the Lord has done for us to be much you feel so bad about yourself because he died on the cross for us just for us to sin again and again. But listen the Lord it's always with us, he Loves you immensely more than himself have a blessed night man I and the Lord know that u can do it, a hug from your Doctor.
@@حيحبنلمىمىوزرميني 行きたいね、、
I am exhausted, oh my God, psychologically and physically from everything. My mother left me when I was young, and I carry a lot of pains and the worries of something that tries to break me. I hate my life ***
I H A T E L I F E .
(Thanks for all your supports
you don't actually hate the life. life is good. It is as beautiful as the first sunlight a butterfly receives after emerging from its cocoon. It is as beautiful as a mother holding her child in her arms after giving birth. It's as nice as a dog seeing its owner after a long time. What you hate is the situations and changes that you cannot handle in your life. But hey, just take your moment and think about it how far you have came. Just think about all those people adored you, people that put faith in you. And most importantly God put faith in you and loved you as to bring to this temproary world and gave you free will so you can both experience bad and good. Listen, we do not need a superior advice neither a guidance to be greater good. Just listen to your hearth. We are encoded with beautiful and good things that we actually want to accomplish in life. We already know what is good and what is evil from birth, what are we destined for and what makes feel good. Just be with the people and do things that makes you happy while you are still around ; )
@@ddra9446 I will try happy dude
and people
@@SonOfIrak Me to..
Me to
Sometimes , when I feel far from you, I cry to these hoping u feel my energy. Not to disturb with its frequency, but because it’s exactly how I feel without saying anything.
I feel I have nothing to live for and in a strange way it gives me a sense of freedom knowing that I could cease to exist anytime because I have no responsibilities that tie me to life on Earth.
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it .
Still, please give it a listen if you like .
I am very tired because I did not get a high grade in the last year of secondary school. Everyone blames me. I have failed in my life, but I will try again and prove to everyone that I will do it one day. To every person who is going through a difficult time, you must be patient and continue. There must come a day and all this suffering will end. Be Be kind to yourself. You must promise me now that I love you and will always be with you. Remember this, may God protect you
I trust you
@@MikeOviedoThank you from the bottom of my heart
I still miss her...
Its going to be alright brother, you will be okay. We all have a "her" and I miss my her dearly. When I think about her it makes me think what could have been but we push through. You are better and you will be okay
They teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked.
its funny that i commented the exact same thing..
me too, very, very much. I just wanna be loved
I miss her too.
Ben çok yoruldum,düşünmek istemiyorum çok düşününce aklıma çok kötü şeyler geliyor. Geleceğimden umutlu değilim gelecekte yine kendimi mutsuz olarak görüyorum ne yapmam gerekiyor hiç fikrim yok hayattan bir beklentim kalmadı
Какой бы грустной не казалась всем эта музыка. Я включаю ее когда улыбаюсь и когда у меня все хорошо.
Guys 150 likes and i'll ask my crush out
edit: she rejected me but at least i tried and it helped me grow as a person ty guys
Go get the girl even if you don't get all the likes, you only live once...
@@thenoobietrexyes bro.
Do what you want likes doesn't matter 🌿
go for it bro.
5 more !
I can't cry, i mean, i feel i want to cry but... I just don't cry and it's so hard because i feel a lump in my throat, I don't feel like myself, I feel emptiness inside me, something is missing...
Stop watching these videos
And go create your happiness
No matter what
There are things will make you happy and grateful ❤
Belive me life is hard on everyone
Always try to find your way
Don't hurt yourself
Being sad isn't good
Maybe it's out of your control but still come back fast come back stronger
You are good you will be good
It's will be OK
I'm a person who really struggle in life in everything I have worries and really it's complicated but still fighting still trying still strong still smiling
Pls keep going and keep fighting
It's hard I know but you can do it
Live and live happy
Don't let yourself for those emotions for too long I'm saying too long beacause i know we are humans there are day we can't do anything just being sad
Take it easy my friend
If you lost someone
I know it's hard but don't be sad for too long ok many lost their close people and they moved on they didn't forget them ofc but they can't do anything it was their time to go and you are still here to continue
If you broke up with your partner or whoever don't be sad there are many better than him or her
Move on everyone move on
In all the kinds of problems try to move on
I don't know you or what's your problem
Maybe i can't imagine how much hard it is for you
But all I can say be strong be patient and be happy cuz you deserve it