BEST tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist: (Daily updated) 💛 Mental health helplines: Note: All of the tracks used in my youtube playlists are copyrighted music, so if you see ads in my videos, it's because youtube places them automatically based on copyright-owners needs, I have no control over it, so sorry about that. My channel is NOT a monetized channel. My only goal is sharing escapism music to help out people that are sad. Support my dream of becoming a professional music producer one day (even a dollar helps): 📝 Contact me, for anything:
my best advice is to learn to accept, it sounds counterproductive, but the likelihood is that it will never leave your body fully, and that's ok. The harder you fight these things the harder they push back, and they're only as strong as you let them be. Taking things in little steps, doesn't matter how little but just trying to make some progress daily, trying to find the positives in things, eventually you'll become extremely good at managing it, it will still be there, but it won't be overwhelming anymore. Obviously I'm not a therapist and you might read this and eye roll and ignore me, but I hope this helps.
it's okay, everything will get better, my promise.. have faith, it will be fine. it has to be,, you'll be alright okie? your not alone, keep that in mind, ur never alone, you have me.. we can deal this,, it's okay, it'll be fine. believe me. everything will be okay.
We cannot wait for things to happen, either we accept them as they are and move on or be consumed by our ignorant feeling of waiting for things to be better. Everything is in your control man. Try finding some methods of reducing your anxiety, meditation, arttherapy, reduce caffeine intake... Just don't give up and don't let it consume you.
it does, i asked my self the same question over and over. I was stuck in a loop for over a year. November 2023 was the lowest point of my life in many years. Fast forward April, i'm so much happier. Best piece of advice: Surrounding yourself with this negativity and sad music makes everything worse, and I advise you stop gaslighting your mind into thinking you're much sadder than you actually are.
괜찮을 거야. 미래는 힘들고, 당신에게 일어나는 일들은 사람으로서의 당신을 바꿔. 하지만 무슨 일이 일어나든, 여전히 당신일 뿐이고, 당신은 인생에서 당신의 자리를 찾을 거라고 생각해. 이 번역기가 작동하는지 모르겠어, 나는 영어만 해. 하지만 어느 쪽이든, 언어와 상관없이, 나는 당신을 믿어.
Каждый из нас ностальгирует и испытывает это чувство. Иногда нам кажется, что тогда было хорошо, потому что просто было по другому и пути судьбы не были готовы повести нас в сложные времена. Но иногда это "хорошо" тогда могло быть и по причине не осознанности, как например это было в детстве. Как бы там не было, человек всегда пытался заглянуть в будущее и строить его, всегда боясь необъяснимого и неизвестности. Как бы там ни было, нужно идти смело, как бы страшно не было, и тебе будет легче, если кто-то будет рядом с тобой под руку. И не важно, физически или ментально, или это просто будут рандомные слова очередного пользователя интернета. Пройдя невзгоды и сложные периоды, мы становимся сильнее. "Что не убивает нас, делает нас сильнее". И мы с тобой, пускай ты всех тут абсолютно не знаешь, но ты не один, и это делает нас не такими одинокими и слабыми. ❤
Actually, statistically speaking, it would only be logical for strangers on the internet to be politer and kinder than the people who you may associate with or who surround you. Furthermore, this community consists of people like you, so it would only make sense for them to be polite and kind. Because they are probably in the exact same situation.
1. 나를 아는 것이 최고의 지식이다. 이 말은 100번 넘게 강조해도 지나치지 않다. 2. 신이 있나 없나는 개인의 생각과 신념에 달려있다. 3. 운이 따라주지 않는다면 엄청 몰입해서 노력해도 결과가 엄청 안좋을 수도 있다. 이 말은 열심히 노력한다고 해서 다 되는 게 아니라는 뜻이다. 4. 내게 단 하나의 성공의 비결이 있다면 항상 상대방의 입장에서 생각해보는 것이다. 5. 피부가 회복되려면 시간이 좀 많이 걸린다. 피부관리는 꼭 해야한다. 피부관리를 아예 안하면 여드름 흉터가 생길 수도 있으니. 6. 사실을 부정하려는 게 사람 본성이다. 7. 중요한 건 눈에 보이지 않는 법. 자기가 죽을 날짜, 고통받는 누군가, 성범죄 사건 8. 바보와 어리석은 사람은 자기 기질대로만 사물을 본다. 9. 상황을 가장 잘 활용하는 사람이 가장 좋은 상황을 맞이한다.
people from all over the world gathered here, united by similar feelings and thoughts I hope that you will all find your place in this world and be happy. Don't be afraid, you are not alone
For anyone living with a broken heart, carrying immeasurable grief, yet putting on a brave smile everyday - I am sending you a big virtual heart. I am right there with you. ❤
This world is so cold. There is no love relationship that last. No friendship that last. The more I meet people and I start knowing them the more I want to isolate myself. I just feel so unhappy and so unloved. This world doesn't make any sense to me.
Hey don't mean to show religion down your throat but, Jesus loves you! Your right there is no hope in this world very rarely will you find trusting people that's is why we have to look to God. He will never fail us. Jesus Loves you whether or not you belive in him 🫶🏻!
The reason people don’t say how they truly feel because they fear they will get judged and say they need to toughen up from it. But you don’t know how bad some people have it in this world.
Any of you want a hug? Edit: Guys, I may not be able to continue responding because it says that da comment limit has reached, huge bear hug for all those who need it, take care of yourselves and I hope u find the love that many are looking for :[! Edit 26/8/24: I wish, i only wish i can hug everyone in da comments rn..., u know, this feeling of being alone without anyone to be there for u sometimes makes my head hurt and overthink too much, i hope u all are okay, without any harm or pain, tell me that you all are okay, this feeling of guilt wont leave me in a long time, i just want dis feeling to go away...
In 6 months, I will take a major exam. This exam is of great importance to me. At the same time, it's putting me under a lot of stress. I feel like I'm going through the hardest period of my life, as if everything is crashing down on me. I'm trying to heal my spirit. I'm writing this comment just to keep it as a memory.Six months from now, I will come back and read this comment again. Then, I will see whether I have achieved something or ruined everything
I know im just a stranger on the internet but i care about you. I’m grateful that you can be in this world. If you managed to find this video and this comment you’ve probably suffered a lot in life already. Thank you for staying strong. I wish you all the best in life. Please don’t ever end your own life. I love you. Everything will be ok… Edit: it's genuinely worrying to see so many of you who are also going through a tough time. Don't give up, I believe in you. Better times will come soon, everything will be ok...
@@Rusl-zw6prهل تعتقد بأن الانتحار حلاً يا لطيف؟ الانتحار ليس حلاً العثرات الحياة أبد الانتحار مجرد فكرة سخيفة تبين أنك ضعيف ع مواجهت مشكلاتك وانتَ قوي وليس من المعقول أن القوي ينتحر ليس كذلك؟ انتَ وجودك مهم في هذا الحياة لانك شخص رائع❤
I always remind people who say they don't matter or who never win, i remind them they wont the race to life, the statistical chance you have as a sperm cell to fertilize a egg are actually incredibly low, so just being here as a living person, you beat all odds and are in turn, a winner. You don't need to be popular or talented, just being yourself is enough for someone somewhere.
Thats the way to think about it. People can't think like that nowadays. Too busy complaining about their poor woe is me. They can't even think that intelligently because their having a good time in their life & dont even know it. And nothing wrong with that but come on.!
You didn’t search this video up, you came across it, just how you came across my comment this one you’re reading now. Although things might be rough now, there’s a morning coming to your night. Keep waking up and trying again. Life will get better it might not seem like it but it will. Take care of yourself.
For some reason, venting on the Internet with people who feel the same way is so comforting, especially if you are not good with communicating out loud. I liked this playlist a lot, thanks.
I see the problem is people are afraid to talk about the real emotions. Yes, they talk and talk about shallow feelings like "how are you oday", but it is not same thing. Talking about the real, deep emotions is taboo and almost like forbidden. Because it would lead to better understanding as humanity we are in one. I feel you, I'm quite sad and very lonely, still keep going. Day by day wishing the future will be better for us ALL (that's the thing, not only sickening "me, me & me" society) here or elsewhere. Tiny things like morning coffee, music or occasionally some drugs (to escape the reality, not new thing to me) giving me some light (drugs brings on the darker side too) in this world, quite small things. Not feeling happy at all for years or decades. Things doesnt have to be this way. It feels like we are being misleaded.
Я всегда знала, что жизнь увлекательная вещь. Да - проблемы всегда есть, да - бывает страшно, но несмотря на все это счастье кажется совсем ощутимым. Я бы прожила свою жизнь дважды, будь у меня возможность. Пусть мне всего 22, но я уже хочу снова побыть беззаботным ребенком, который видит солнечные блики на стенах и называет это "солнечными зайчиками", который смотрит на луну впервые осознанными глазами и начинает восхищаться ею. Когда впервые понял, что он любит путешествия и хотел бы выучить испанский после недельного марафона просмотра сериала "Виолетта" в 12 лет... Который смотрел на ярко-красное небо в августе и плакал, понимая, что ему никогда больше не будет 16. Который рискнул всем и уехал жить в другой город, чтобы наделать свои первые серьезные ошибки. Который много раз доверял не тем людям и обжигался кучу раз. Да, "это жизнь, и она не имеет смысла" ... Кто-то скажет это с негативным подтекстом. А я, пожалуй, знаю, что позитивнее этого не бывает ничего. Только ты творец судьбы и только тебе решать, какой будет твоя жизнь. Жаль, что после смерти нельзя, как в баре, подойти к кому-то на небесах и сказать:"Мне повторить".
"Everything will be okay." is a title I needed to click on. I sit here, my eyes welling yet I don't cry. My heart aches yet I don't react. My soul is broken yet I get on every day as if everything is fine. I'm not okay. I can't see a future where I will be okay. Yet, the words "everything will be okay" is like cuddling a beacon of warmth. Maybe its right, maybe those words carry the weight they deserve. I can't see the future but I have hope that I will be okay. If you feel as I do, know that everything will be okay.
@@rchaelk2319 Everyone has a personal pain they struggle with, a deep sadness they can't uproot. Still, you can have a life of happy moments around your struggle. It might not be okay now but now doesn't mean forever
안녕하세요. 플레이리스트를 듣다가 댓글을 달고 보니까 눈물이 흘렀나요.. 어떤 일들로 인해 힘든 시간을 보내고 계시는지 다 알 수 없지만 어려운 시간이 무사히 지나가기를 바랄게요. 그리고 밀려오는 슬픔을 혼자서 감당하기 어려울 땐 누군가에게 고민을 털어놓고 위로 받았으면 좋겠어요. 그럼 오늘 하루는 웃는 날이 더 많기를 바라며 응원할게요.
That one day never comes buddy... It's just u get used to that feeling and at some point u accept it and live with it... but it's not at all healing though.
I don't want to die I just want some peace in my life I'm sick and tired of these things. I want to cry on someone's shoulder i was always there for people when they needed help and today I'm here crying and no one is even bothering to ask me for a glass of water... Please dear God help me I've always been a good and kind human I've never hurt someone why am I getting these problems in my life please help me... I'm losing my interest in my life. I don't want to die I've a lot of things to do. I want to live a happy life . I was always a happy and positive guy what have I become now please have mercy on me
Ты заставляешь меня плакать... У меня то же самое. От этого всего мои дела теряют смысл. Я его не вижу. Он выпадает из поля моего зрения. У меня очень много планов на жизнь... Но я... Ничего не вижу...
I know this feeling. Beyond overwhelming. Medication + therapy have completely changed my life. There are still really hard times (circumstances and mental challenges) and invasive thoughts but believe me please when I say there are sooooo many people who’ve felt like this, struggled with addiction or barely survived mental illness who have come to the other side. I wish so badly it could happen overnight but it takes time. Take it day by day or second by second. Praying for you to find relief and peace because you have so much to offer the world! These words gave me tears because I remember these thoughts being all consuming and it’s awful. Get help and have faith and hope! ❤
@@tazepatates4805mindset , be grateful about what u have even little things , ask Allah what u want talk to him , love yourself love the best for it . LOOK AT THE HALF FULL GLASS INSTEAD OF THE EMPTY ONE , once u realise that , everything WILL CHANGE .
@@AmandaWoodard-xh9gf No we can't. Now it's just a distant memory. Our only chance of salvaging even a faint remembrance of those times is to elect Donald Trump and hope that he can gather enough support to overcome the Wokes, who have infiltrated and taken over virtually every important segment of society.
The feeling of listening to this music, reading the listeners' comments, and pressing the like button for every positive comment is a feeling that no one will understand. Hey you!, have a nice day 💙
How can I have a nice day when all I'm filled with Is negativity depression doesn't go away in the snap of a finger although i wish it did. Cause all I do is act out my happiness to make sure no one worries about me because I know I'm not worth worrying over
И у меня сердце кровью обливается. Руки опускаются. Словно уже все бесполезно, бороться словно дальше бессмысленно, все равно мир не спасти. А надо ведь держать образ сильного человека, на которого можно положиться, бесстрашного. Надевать маску бесстрашия, могущества и уверенности в завтрашнем дне, зная, что это всего лишь маска...
i have had a very traumatising childhood i cant even count how many time people shattered my self image my confidence .......fool me ....made me feel lowly, financial problems and my parents bad relationship, lot of fights in my family gave me so many wounds at a young age. in 2022 the guy i loved the most left me this whole year i spend time healing my self because i realised that i just cant live with all the trauma and emotions i was carrying finally made efforts to move on from everything started forgiving people i can say i have healed a lot i have moved on from everything But now i realised how all that happened shaped me and my life even after healing it all will be part of my story for ever.
Хаха, вот мы и здесь, милый незнакомец... наверное, каждому из нас на данный момент жизни нелегко, но мы случайно заплутали сюда. располагайся. все мы устали, а руки опускаются сами собой, но пообещай мне и себе, когда станет чуть легче, ты обязательно выберешься из этого состояния. главное не совершай глупости, за которые тебе придётся отдавать жизнь. ты достаточно стараешься, ты не говно, не урод, не слабак, ты прекрасный человек, которому просто нужно отдохнуть. ты ни в чём не виноват, ты не мог сделать иначе, ты не можешь повернуть время вспять, чтобы что-то исправить, но это не твоя вина. ты совершенно нормальный человек. ты не обязан вписываться в рамки современных стандартов. если тебе некомфортно- соберись и сделай, или начни с маленьких шажков. ты личность, которая не похожа на других. ты не обязан быть идеальным во всём. у тебя всё получится, главное немного отдохнуть и начать делать хотя бы крошечные шаги к цели. каждый достоин любви и ты не исключение. забей на мнение окружающих в плане внешнего вида. одевайся так, как комфортно тебе. ты достоин всего самого лучшего. ты не эгоист. с тобой всё впорядке. Прости себя наконец. ты молодец. ты обязательно справишься. я в тебя верю.✊ P.s. Я читаю каждый ваш ответ и каждый раз надеюсь, что у вас всё наладится. Вы сильные и прекрасные. Вы обязательно справитесь. Я повторюсь, но я действительно верю в вас. Пусть, я и не рядом, но через экран я надеюсь, что вы чувствуете себя нужными. Вы действительно важны хотя бы для меня.💓
@nadjiatabouche7014 don't think like this, i know it may be hard, but it'll pass, we will be okay, don't give up, never give up, you're strong and i know it. I love you
I’m a 16 year old guy and I listen to this playlist every night. I always hope things get better for the people I know and the people who are in pain. I am no stranger to pain. Pains been with me mentally and physically ever since I was 7. When I was 7 I had a really bad accident to my eye. I have undergone surgery 13 times from the age of 7-12. The worst part of my injury wasn’t losing my right eye and having all those surgeries be for nothing. It was the people in my life that hurt me the most. I lost the eye, lost my vision in it. Everyday since 1st grade I’ve been bullied and beat down for not having an eye. Being constantly reminded of the pain and suffering I’ve gone through. Getting called names like cyclops, one eyed freak, one eyed willy, Popeye, 10/20 and so many others. People beat me down and made me feel like I didn’t belong. I didn’t have many friends that actually cared about me or didn’t make fun of me. Little kids cry when they see me, or people stare. A girl I like keeps staring at me and I find out it’s just because of how I look and not because they like me. People take advantage of me and blame things on me. I have to act like I’m okay even though I’m not. I get beat up and jumped. My dad abuses me because I’m constantly shut down. It never ends. I’m so close to ending it all. I want this pain to go away. I don’t want to keep crying myself asleep every night. This world just keeps on showing me that people don’t care about you. But then I come here and meet others who feel like me. People that make me feel less alone in this world. All of you are so beautiful and don’t deserve this pain that you feel. I hope all of you can find happiness one day.
Some of the baddest men on this planet only have 1 eye, michael bisbing and shara magomedov are both UFC champions. You are a one eyed warrior bro, dont give up! Im rooting for you dude.💪
Being in this age is hard, You had it even tougher, give yourself a break,try to find peace and accept yourself the way you are ( I know this is some bullshit saying) but accepting yourself takes time don’t rush into it. I’m in the process of doing it too, also was bullied in school cause of my weight ( I lost 25 kg but still feel fat af).Truly speaking I still hate myself, I thought I could handle it all by myself not seeking help. Now I’m 22 diagnosed with clinical depression with so much in my head I can’t comprehend.Seek help, if you have a good connection with your parents try to talk to them, maybe they could be of use. Just please don’t do the same mistake like I did and hide your pain deep inside of you - it will be good for the short run but eventually you will be to overwhelmed. Try to talk to a psychologist. Please let me know how are you doing. Everything is going to be alright- it just takes time.
I'm a 16 year old girl, and i think you are an amazing person.Those people who bully you are dumb and not worthy of getting to know you. No offense, but ur dad is HORRIBLE. He shouldn't be hurting you, and i hope ur trying ur best to avoid him ( i can sadly relate). I know that your world is surrounded by pain and suffering, but you are stronger, YOU are better, and i think that you are admirable. Those people don't know what you've been through, and let me tell you something, you deserve the world
I'm just Korean. When My life so tired and hard I found this. I feel thank to every strange people in on-line. They healed me. I love them. If you are sad or hard or … that's okay. Everything will be okay. like this playlist . I trust you. Cheer up!
What I love about myself is that don’t matter how low I feel, how tired of everything I can feel, there’s always a little light of hope in me that refuses to give up.
안녕하세요. 울고 싶은데 울 수가 없을만큼 힘든 시간을 보내고 계시나요.. 너무 마음이 힘이 들 땐 내가 좋아하는 것을 하면서 기분전환을 해보면 좋겠어요. 오랜만에 친구와 만나서 수다를 떨어도 좋고 영화를 보러가도 좋고 산책을 하는 것도 도움이 될 거에요. 작성자님의 마음이 조금이나마 나아지기를 바라며 응원할게요.
loss...grief...mourning...not necessarily the dead but the living. "I can reach you but I can never have you" and as they say, grief is a never ending staircase. Losing someone feels like ripping off a bond forever. There's so much grief that it suffocates me. I mourn who I was with them, I mourn who I was supposed to grow into, I mourn for them.
You ever feel broken? Broken to the point where pain doesn't even hurt anymore, and you just feel empty. My heart feels like a deep chasm, and no matter what I do to fill it, it empties itself out. You ever feel that? Cuz boy do I feel that way.
Felt that way for a long time. Figured out I would stop forcing it to fill up, it does so naturally when you begin by loving yourself, then others. I know it's difficult at first, I've been there, but I believe you can do it, we are all very similar, it's just a matter of perspective. One can do all, but the question is, how?, do a self analysis, the answer is always where the key is hidden. Not the locked up room.
I don't just feel, I heartbreakingly know. It's my fate and it's time to face it. To anyone reading this, you're stronger than you think. Keep fighting. ❤
hey! you. yes, you. thank you for trying today. you are enough, you are doing enough, you are worthy and FREAKING AMAZING!!!! thank you for showing up in the world today, cuz you brighten it with your presence!!! i love you and im proud of you- please have that same compassion, love and kindness for yourself and others. ur never alone and ur ok. have the best life ever.
I don't have friends or someone close but usually i enjoy my alone time but sometimes suddenly it feels so alone/lonely when there's nobody to talk and when there's no shoulder to cry on
The feeling when that one teacher asks if you're okay, and you simply nod and smile on the verge of complete tears It's okay to not be okay. We've all been there before.
that exact thing happened to me before, I was sitting alone in science class during lunch googling "painless suicide methods" n shit when my science teacher comes up and asks if im ok and if im not he can send me to the counselor. I said I was ok just a little bit exhausted so i might look tired, while trying not to think of depression and cry...
Hey bud, i might not know u at all,,, but remember we're all here for a reason,,, ik it's tough here,,,, but remember it's all inner demons that we need to fight.... We're warriors,,,,, we're all special bud ❤,,, sending u loads of love ❤❤@@perplexed_potato
@@fatimahmunawar5030 I’ve never been better. My crush confessed to me a month ago and we’ve been dating ever since, my exam scores got better, I beat my porn addiction and I’m slowly getting my shit together… don’t even lose hope in life y’all it might just get better.
Have willpower to do things... At first it is difficult but the more you advance you will find a reason, you will find peace, everything happens for a reason and I know that God will make you feel better after all, just fight for your happiness, have faith, love and understanding, now more than anything the only person who is by your side is yourself.
Its alright, just remember to take time to look after yourself ok? We are all living in one of the most stressful times, so don't feel like you are alone in all this. Don't give up, because you matter. You still haven't met all the people you will ever get to know. I hope that you find people who will understand you. Although we have not met, I understand you more than most of the people in my life will ever understand me. But, for now, just take a rest. You deserve it, just keep pushing forward. ❤
I hope phrases like "everything will be ok", "you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel", and all that will be a reality and not something I and others keep saying to ourselves. I hope there will be a day I won't feel doubtful or question if it can even apply to my situation, my desires, and my issues. I hope I can be someone who deserves to have everything be ok.
@@corncobbob2326 let's start with not making it for worst if present is too much for you maybe there will be a day when you are looking back relieved that it passed, time may not heal things but it do make us quite numb lastly there is always light at the end of the tunnel but in your case it's a long one so hang in there hope will be your only driven force.
Hi! I don't want to bother you or something, but I saw your comment and I wanted you to know that you're not alone in this. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, okay?
@@ChezkaBree110 also here for support. I know how it feels feeling alone like nobody is there for you. but there is always someone. even if theyre not involved in your life they're always there for you. somebody in the world will always love you. and its might be okay soon. just wait for the eye of the storm to pass. even if it takes years or months. storms will always pass.
as someone who has contemplated suicide for over a decade…its not worth it. trust me. its not. people love you. friends, family, people all around you love you. and more importantly you need to learn to love yourself. dont beat yourself up every single day. i know all you see is the bad, and how shit everything is. but i promise you things will get better! dont believe me? step outside, take a walk in nature. observe the grass, insects, trees, sky, feel the wind, look at the plants and flowers around. life can be fucking great! it wont be immediate, it wont be easy, but you can get there. i know you can! stressed? angry? stuck in bed? close your eyes, think of something beautiful, and breathe. life is what you make it. listen, i love you! take care of yourself!
Время 3:56, мучаюсь от бессонницы, сижу на подоконнике с открытым окном, на улице очень холодно, поэтому пришлось надеть теплые свитер, слушаю этот плейлист, с ним очень спокойно и атмосферно, спасибо.
Мы… Мы так схожи? … Боль внутри, мысли о будущем, о мире мультфильмов и Америке. Высунутые ноги и молния с грозой у окна… может, может нам стоит поговорить? Может мы эти две души..?
Ха-ха, я тоже. Знаете я стал зависимыми от бессонницы, ведь так классно сидеть в тишине и слушать амбиентные песни. Эх.. вот скоро усну и утром больше не будет таких ощущений.
This is true. I recently overcame a 4 years long depression I thought I would never overcome. I'm here, you're here and we will still be here doing our best. I promise, everything will be ok. ♡
This makes me feel a certain type of way. A way I didn't even know I could feel. If you just stumbled upon this as I did, I want to remind you that you're powerful and I wish you love, success, and true inner-happiness. You deserve it.
я устала. устала от учебы, устала от жизни, устала от людей. я чувствую себя под большим прессом, который очень-очень медленно сдавливает меня. я стала забывать,что происходило со мной вчера, а что уже сегодняшним утром, я ничего не помню. все вызывает слезы. не хочу думать. но все вокруг только добивает меня. я устала чувствовать это каждый год. я хочу просто провалиться. люблю тебя!
Привет.. Я такой же, как ты. ненужный. Мне всего 13, но я потерял 2 важных для меня людей. Где бы я ни был, все меня ненавидят. Я уже хочу наложить на себя руки, но что-то меня останавливает. Как всегда, я пытаюсь найти человека, который поддержит и выслушает меня, но все меня просто презирают.. Надеюсь, что у всех все будет хорошо. а сейчас я иду спать, чтобы завтра понять: "Я не могу без нее жить. Она любила меня... И как я ей отплатил? бросив её одну.. Я никому не нужен." Прощай Азалия, прощай мир..
Honestly, sometimes I miss happy times when they really weren't happy, I miss people who maybe didn't love me like I loved them... all I need is a hug to heal my soul.
How many hurt or lonly people in the comments that just need to be fully heard, understood and loved. I feel for you, guys. I´m going through this as well. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and am trying to love myself now and keep fighting for the life that I want. It´s hard but I believe it´s going to be much better. Whoever you are, I truly love you.
Здесь так много людей, и все мы разные, из разных стран, говорим на разных языках, у всех свои интересы и у каждого свои поводы грустить. Но всех нас объединяет эта грусть, вы никогда не будете одни в своей печали, пусть иногда и кажется что вы совсем одни
Такие видео на ютубе отдельный вид искусства. Никаких ссор, ругательств и тому подобной ереси в комментариях. Люди поддерживают друг друга, верят в светлое будущее и просто наслаждаются музыкой. Прекрасно.
It’s weird how life works. We can all feel so alone only to find ourselves among many going through a hard time. You’re alone but you’re not. I find that beautiful because it proves that the world doesn’t hate you. Life doesn’t hate you. We’re all going through different things yet for every person, we share the same feeling. A feeling that can be difficult to explain in words but can easily be felt by the heart. That’s where it hurts. I find some sort of peace knowing there are others just like me. In a weird way, it inspires me to keep going. We all deserve love, happiness, and joy in our lives. So if anyone stumbles across this message, I believe in you. I love you, for all that you are. Don’t give up, you’ll miss what life truly has to offer. And what life can offer is worth every day you decide to keep going.
its fucked when I try to open up to someone but don't know what to say... I'm worried but their response and I don't want to waste their time for my problems... the only thing I can do is listening to these songs and scribble on a paper, it doesn't do much but it helps distracting my thoughts and overthinking.. imma go scribble now. stay safe and strong
I know exactly how you feel. I hide my darkness, my sad depression self way deep inside. I used to be open about sharing thoses feelings with friends thinking they could help. They ended up leaving... telling me I was to dark. I started to feel alive again when I got older but then my mother passed away. I crashed my truck totally it. The girl I was with decided it was perfect timing to cheat the same week after all that. Gonna I started to find my way back to happiness only to meet a girl who I thought was the love of my life. Turns out she had bpd..... both her and I didn't know she had it till years later. Over the course of 3 years. She give me all the love I thought I needed. She built me back up. She made me believe in myself again. I ended marrying her..... and if anyone knows bpd people. Once a bpd person hits the peak of the love.... they turn on you slowly. For the final two years she spent it tearing me apart. I was "quote to much when I was happy" when I was sad. She would be disgusted and leav me for several days. If I was angry.. even if I wasn't angry at her. She would do the same thing. She hated the sound of my breathing, she would just shit all over anything. I became a walking zombie after that point. Bpd consumes your soul, your happiness, your identity, she dismantled my life completely with a smile... I'm doing alot better now. 10 months after the divorce was finalized. You can find your way back. I did twice now. Life is worth living. There will always be darkness... but there will always be light
Some but most nights, I sit in my chair and listen to this kind of music. I sit deep in thought about life, my future, and who'll love me. I don't really cry, the tears just roll down my face while I stare into the void.
Hey kid, just wanted to make sure your good. Listen, not everything goes as expected and not everyone stays. People will leave you and try their best to make you feel bad about yourself, while on the other hand, theres other people that might make you feel worse because of a breakup you’ve recently been in. If it’s neither of those and family problems I totally understand that. Not one single person in this whole entire world has the most better parents in the world, and neither do you. Look, its okay that arguments happen a lot its normal. Don’t be too hard on yourself, your parents might not live that long while you’re growing up. And to the other grown people out here, everything is gonna be okay, calm down. Life is gonna be pretty rough for everybody and its a way to get used to that realization that nothing goes your way. So please, get some sleep because you have a big day tommorow. Goodnight. Love, - Your dad
hey i just wanted to let you know how much this comment meant to me, i have a dad but never had the bond to share anything with him, this comment felt like the exact thing i want him to say and my mind is relieved. Thank you so much dad
I bought a teddy bear yesterday. I am 22 years old. And I felt so safe and loved. I had teddy bear when I was young but I looked at them as toys. But now the teddy I bought yesterday feels like a human. I have great people around me but sometimes I feel like to be alone and now I have my teddy with me for that.❤
The comments in these kind videos truly gives me hope , i am 14yo guy who's suffering from family and study pressure i recently found out my dog has liver disease i was depressed for about 2.5 years straight i wanna change things but things aren't changing these comments gives me hope
For the first time in my life, I cried in front of my mom. I approached her to tell her what happened (it was school related) and it felt... new. I cried so bad that I couldn't formulate any words. I kept saying sorry and whenever I do, I just burst out into tears. It was comforting to know that she listened. It felt like being held for the first time. This proves that letting it out will make it feel light. Whether you share it to someone or just cry and acknowledge that feeling. To whoever reading this, I hope that someday we will be okay. And that you find the right people to cry out to. Thankful that there is a corner of the internet that is a safe place for everyone. Hugs with consent to all of you. 🤍
I feel like i'm alone when i have people around me, my bf, friends, family. That's so tiring and i feel like im the wrong one here for feeling like this. I don't deserve them.
Siento lo mismo, parece que por mucho que me quieran nunca es suficiente y me siento como una mierda por sentirme así. Al menos en esto no estamos solos... Espero que podamos salir de esta! ❤
you do deserve them you deserve to be loved you are lovable. keep telling yourself that until you believe it and treat yourself accordingly. you deserve good things 💖 we all do 🙏🏾 telling you this as i struggle with the same thing but learning to love myself helps me but it’s hard i isolate and push people away but it only brings more sadness. appreciate who you have just like they appreciate you. you are enough!
I have always been a procrastinating girl, I try to study for an exhibition tomorrow and reading all the positive as well as negative comments makes me feel...alive? Nobody cares and this comment will be forgotten... but I am happy to be alive, I am happy to laugh, cry, spit and study. I love being alive, I deserve to live, and you deserve to live too, live your life even if everything goes wrong, look for a hint of happiness playing with a stray dog, helping a street child, just be you. .
I care about your comment, i feel you and im glad your doing well. Life is hard but it sure is beautiful. I agree you should absolutely be yourself and never change for anyone
Sim seu comentário me faz feliz pois sinto o mesmo, li tantos comentários aqui pode-se dizer que estou quase uma hora aqui, terminei o video e o pausei para aproveitar mais disso aqui e ver você falando disso me cativou Edit: também enrolo para estudar mas é como meu ídolo dizia, "Com muito amor, foco, determinação, disciplina e fé em Deus, você pode chegar lá." Ayrton Senna (do brasil) lol
I have the same problem as you. I procrastinate til the very last minute. I get distracted too easily. Zone out often. But one thing I don’t have, is your optimism. I don’t understand how you feel so alive. How you feel so happy. I wish I can be like you. But I know I can never achieve that. So I’ll just do what I’ve always done. Help others. Even though I can’t help myself, I’ll continue helping until I inevitably leave early.
С Вами сейчас всё хорошо? Вам легче? Может хотите высказаться? Знаю, что Вы написали комментарий месяц назад, а я пишу только сейчас, но может я всё же смогу чем-то помочь :
These are difficult times, but sadness does not last forever. Be well, we are here for you, my friend. You are strong and deserve to be radiant in life. Take care, if you need to vent, say💖
даа, время летит очень быстро, а когда замирает на мгновенье, пытаешься вспомнить, вот вроде только закончил 1 класс, и вдруг вшух, и все 11 долгих лет пролетели как в трансе после таких скачков во времени жизнь и правда теряет что то действительно важное для тебя, потихоньку кажется. что становится не хватать воздуха, рутина все туже затягивается веревкой на шее, все становится бессмысленным и чуждым, как будто изначально тебя даже не существовало в этой вселенной, и вдруг тебя выдергивают из собственного довольно уютного мирка и отправляют в бесконечно повторяющийся день сурка
"Everything will be okay." I tell myself that constantly but I end up looping in circles constantly, endlessly. Hope is one of the most beautiful things given to us, also capable of destroying us.
I am in the same state at the moment. But every time a small light inside me tells me not to give up and move on. I wish happiness and wonderful things to whoever reads this. Take care of yourself. ❤
The fact that we can leave comment and care about people somewhere on the earth is just so beautiful. We are same human on this planet. Sometimes I hate living life in this timeline and being human, but at the same time, I appreciate living life in this timeline and being human. I hope everyone on this earth filled with love, having warm meals and cozy nights. Love and Peace.
فِي احدى الايام ، كتبتُ تعليُق يخِص الانتُحار واِننِي سِأفعلُ شيءً بنفسِي ، رد عليَ شخص ما وبدأ بقول كلام يساعّدني على جعلِي اتحسُن ، مرت شهور على ذالِك التعليق وتذكرت اني لم ارُد ، رددتُ عليهِ لكن مرت سنَة كامله وهذا الشخُص لم يُرد ، بدأت استوعب ان ربما حصل شيءً له ربما كانت مشكلتي بسيطة بلنسبة اليه وهو يواجه مشكله اكبر بكثيُر وعلى الرغم من ذالك قام بقول كلامي جميُل لي ، اتمنى ان يكون بخير انا لم انسِاك
I pray that what ever you are going through will go away...may God be with you in every journey you to through in life. I hope he fills you with happiness, joy, peace and love. Life is not easy but i pray that you find your way through it. The lord says, "The pain you are feeling right now, cant compare to the joy that coming." I know that some of you dont get this a lot, but i love you❤ I pray that you will be okay😢
Hey kamu telah melakukan yang terbaik, jangan dengarkan apa kata orang lain. Tidak peduli orang memandang mu seperti apa karena yang paling bisa mengerti menghargai dirimu adalah dirimu sendiri. Jadi jangan suka mencela atau merendahkan dirimu sendiri. Kebahagiaan itu tidak harus mendapat pengakuan dari orang lain, tapi ketika kamu bangga dengan dirimu sendiri walaupun gagal tetap berjuang bekerja keras dan tidak menyerah.
Hi stranger, We don't know each other at all. We don't know eachothers names, favorite color, or even each others birthdays. We know nothing but somehow we feel at home in the comfort of these sappy, heart-touching, comments. Somehow, we suddenly know a million things about each other. We are able to notice that, together, we are misunderstood and sometimes feeling distant from the hug of comfort and satisfaction within our lives. But, that's ok. You are never alone and never deserve to feel like you are a failure. Life throws us curve balls sometimes and right now yours might feel particularly heavy. Sometimes the curveballs make us feel that knot in our throat and make our eyes tear up in the front of the room. Sometimes the curve balls make us feel alone and empty. Sometimes the curve balls have us realize that we need a hug or moment with someone but we can't get one/them. But, these are curveballs- nothing more than a stupid, singular object/moment. You have to realize that. You have to realize that no one cares about your mistakes and that everything is going to be ok. People love you- whether you believe it or not. You are so strong and beyond deserving of love even if that is hard to see right now. There is so much good in the world for you and you deserve every speck of it. Everyone deserves happiness- even the kid that took your lunch money in elementary school. Here's to hoping for brighter days ahead. In the meantime, take care of yourself. But after all, I am just a stranger, what do I know? With love, kindness, and everything that brings you pure bliss, A stranger on the internet
I was in last year of my high school gave every ounce of my soul to my studies but after that also got so depressed that had to take antidepressants , had to leave that year, now started again with last year of my high school ,still have no friends , feel absolutely alone sometimes that i cannot connect to anyone everyone keep saying do not take stress but how will i tell them i cannot control it , wanted to kill myself multiple times , sometime life feels so unfair why do i have a mental health issue in this world , why cannot i be normal like everyone else , why i cannot be happy like everyone else , why i have to face challenges because of my mental health but still going on with this life .after reading the comments it has made me realize that i not alone .sending love to everyone
My guy, don’t be this harsh on yourself, I’m in almost the same boat as you, working my ass of in collage, completely lonely after high school. Try to accept who you are - takes time, and remember you do not need friendS, as you get older in my opinion the less you have the better, cause the relationship is so meaningful that you don’t need others so much. Hope you feeling at least 1% better
Scrolling through the comments having a good cry. Sending so much love to anyone who can relate to this video ❤. We’ve been making it, we can go a little further.
Так хочется верить, что всё действительно наладится.... Недавно я почувствовала себя живой. Я ведь совсем закрытый человек, могу долго не выходить на улицу, не общаться со сверстниками, оставаться всегда где-то в стороне, отказываться от приглашений на какие-то мероприятия и быть наедине с собой постоянно. Но в какой-то момент меня так щёлкнуло, что я отбросила все страхи. Я стала приглашать на прогулки свою очень хорошую знакомую, согласилась поехать с ней в лагерь, ходила на репетиции с другом 11-тиклассником, репетировала с ним вальс допоздна, ходила с ним гулять. Со мной ещё был мой человек. Но счастье длилось недолго, когда я думала, что наконец-то моя жизнь начала налаживаться вместе с моей самооценкой и другими тревогами, но настал тяжёлый период, когда у меня пропали чувства к этому человеку и мы сначала обсудили всё, перешли на дружеские отношения, однако же, за год и три месяца я знала его, как никто другой, и видела, как ему было тяжело от моей дружеской заботы и поддержки. Тогда я высказалась, сказала, что мне самой тяжело от его постоянных требований быть к нему менее заботливой (а доверие и забота для меня фундамент всех отношений, я сама добрая душа, если откроюсь) и мы порвали окончательно. Я правда старалась не унывать и помнила, что у меня есть интернет-друг, с которым я могла обсудить книги и в целом всё на свете, потому что у нас вкусы одинаковы буквально, одна вот эта моя знакомая и друг, с которым я репетировала вальс на его выпускной и в целом могла быть собой, потому что мы похожи. Я утешала себя мыслью, что я сильная и смогу пережить этот момент, что я не сдамся и не потеряю смысл жить, не отступлюсь назад. Но нет, первое время было крайне тяжело, ведь с тем человеком мы общались каждые пять минут, а тут мы не общались совсем. Ни словом не обмолвились даже на выпускной и оглашение результатов по экзамену (мы с ним одногодки и его результаты я видела на его канале, от которого я вскоре отписалась, чтобы не искушать себя написать ему и не ранить больше). И это было так трудно. Я это, вроде, отпустила, и сейчас не так горю желанием написать ему или ещё что-нибудь, но в последнее время меня так и тянет на дно. Я пытаюсь выкарабкаться саморазвитием, чтением книг и, вроде, это помогает, но пустота внутри и чувство одиночества, ненужности и недопонятости даже со стороны оставшихся близких пожирают меня. Опять чувство, будто я лишняя. Это состояние было уже у меня в 2021-2023 годах. И тогда я хотела покончить с жизнью. Но сейчас, вроде, мысли до того не доходят, хотя всё равно страшно, ведь всё чаще стали моменты, где я сижу просто и думаю : А зачем это всё? Мне уже больно от того, что год я любила себя безумно, а теперь я снова воспринимаю себя как ненужный хлам. Счастье действительно длилось недолго 💔 И, честно, не думаю, что кого-то заинтересует мой комментарий и нытьё. Просто под такими видео столько откровенных комментариев, что решила, может, и мне попробовать. Как-то я пробовала практику с личным дневником и разговорами в зеркале, даже щитпост канал вела и писала стихи и это помогало, но сейчас это мало помогает и, писав этот комментарий, мне как душу отвело после часовой грусти, где я даже совсем чуть-чуть плакала, что я вообще запретила себе когда-то и даётся с трудом (именно выплакаться). Мои мысли сейчас - это просто хаос.
@@jessica11532 Omg, thank you very much for your comment! It really means a lot to me. I love you too and I hope that everything in your life will be at the highest level 🫂
@@Iluvkarining I am extremely pleased, thank you very much, dear! I love you too and wish you all the best in life. Thank you for taking care of me, you make me think that everything in life is not so bad! 💌
لدي شعور ، بأن حقا كل شي سيكون على ما يرام ، قد لا انسى ما حدث لي لكن ... لكن في يوما ما سأكون قد تخطيت . انا حقا آمل هذا لانني سئمت التظاهر بخير سئمت تكرار نفس الاخطاء مجددا سئمت كره نفسي انا لا استحق هذا ، و لا يوجد شخص يستحق كل هذه المعاناة لكن لا يجب ان نفقد الأمل ، تشبثوا به بقوة رجاءا سيكون كل شي بخير فقط لا تفكر بتشاؤم و لا تكره نفسك لان روحك العزيزة لا تستحق كل هذا الكره فقط عش بسعادة من دون تفكير عميق ، ستكون بخير .
أنا فقط أحتاج سبب أعيش لأجله أنا فقط أريد شخص معي أو يحبني حياتي عبارة عن هدوء و صراخ وضرب لقد سئمت من كل شيء سئمت عندما أضل مستيقضاً لل ساعه السابعه صباحاً لأن عقلي مشوش ولا أستطيع ألنوم لا يوجد شخص أتحدث معه عن معاناتي أو جروحي وصلت لحاله بدأت أتكلم مع نفسي طول ألليل لان لا يوجد شخص أتحدث معه.. حوالت الانتحار أربع مرات ولا أحد يعلم عن ذلك أصلاً أريد أن أذهب بعيداً أريد أن أختفي لا أريد أحد ولا أحد يريدني حتى عائله جيده لا أمتلك حاولت كثيراً حاولت لمده 5 سنوات ولاكن لم يتغير شيء أنني أتحول للأسوء في كل يوم يمر يدي كلها آثار الضرب وكل معاناتي لا يعلم بها سوى ربي أتمنى أن أعيش ولو دقيقه من دون خوف و قلق هذه لست الحياة التي اريدها.. حتى غرفه أبكي بها ليس لدي سرير قطني ليس لدي ملابس خاصه بي ليس لدي مال ليس لدي أصدقاء ليس لدي أهل ليس لدي أقرباء ليس لدي عالم هادء ليس لدي حلم ليس لدي أخوات ليس لدي أنتهى شغفي بكل شيء إلا الانتحار..
@@جيشه7-ق7غI wish you get better! I imagine how difficult it must be, there is no pain that lasts forever. I believe in your victory and no, you are not alone. You can and have the power to start over every day. You will smile, Believe this, we are here with you.
@@جيشه7-ق7غ Tu vales mucho amigo, no dejes que ese pensamiento te consuma, te deseo suerte en tu vida y recuerda que siempre habrá alguien para escucharte :)
You know, when you read all these comments from different parts of the world, you feel more support than in my entire life. I really hope that everyone who reads this will be fine❤.
Update below! Hey Guys, I am lost. Last year, I got rejected in the harshest way possible. She laughed at me. I fell into a depression, but thankfully my friends were there to help me. And this year is probably the worst of my life. Two weeks ago, on June 13th (my grandfather's birthday), he was diagnosed with blood cancer. They ran a lot of tests, and it turned out positive in every organ. My parents told me to keep going, but it is hard for me to focus. Update: Hey guys, The things that have happened lately are kind of good and kind of bad. Firstly, my grandfather is still alive but unable to move. The Austrian healthcare system isn’t helping us as much as it should. (By the way, healthcare is free in Austria.) We need to finance some of the things he needs because the system only provides a certain amount of medical supplies per month, and what he receives is way less than he needs. The good thing is that my parents work in a hospital and know exactly what he needs. They are supporting him as much as they can. He is happy to be home. On a brighter note, I got a 50cc bike! The bad news is that I crashed just three days after getting it. Nobody got hurt; I just have some burns, and the bike is fine. I now know that I have to keep going and learn of the things that happen. ̴I̶ ̶a̵m̶ ̴l̵o̷s̸t̸?̷ Thanks to everyone.
It's hard, I know. It's really hard the feeling of being alone and don't know what do you have to do next. The only thing we can do is cry and then rise up for all of the people who love us
BEST tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist: (Daily updated)
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Note: All of the tracks used in my youtube playlists are copyrighted music, so if you see ads in my videos, it's because youtube places them automatically based on copyright-owners needs, I have no control over it, so sorry about that. My channel is NOT a monetized channel. My only goal is sharing escapism music to help out people that are sad.
Support my dream of becoming a professional music producer one day (even a dollar helps):
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Mis padres volvieron a discutir.
@RainOceanSounds104 People like you are the reasons why kindness is still around. Thank you...
@@Antonella-cd8er siento mucho
I hope one day this constant anxiety will leave my body
I can't stand it any longer
my best advice is to learn to accept, it sounds counterproductive, but the likelihood is that it will never leave your body fully, and that's ok. The harder you fight these things the harder they push back, and they're only as strong as you let them be. Taking things in little steps, doesn't matter how little but just trying to make some progress daily, trying to find the positives in things, eventually you'll become extremely good at managing it, it will still be there, but it won't be overwhelming anymore. Obviously I'm not a therapist and you might read this and eye roll and ignore me, but I hope this helps.
it's okay, everything will get better, my promise.. have faith, it will be fine. it has to be,, you'll be alright okie? your not alone, keep that in mind, ur never alone, you have me.. we can deal this,, it's okay, it'll be fine. believe me. everything will be okay.
We cannot wait for things to happen, either we accept them as they are and move on or be consumed by our ignorant feeling of waiting for things to be better. Everything is in your control man. Try finding some methods of reducing your anxiety, meditation, arttherapy, reduce caffeine intake... Just don't give up and don't let it consume you.
it does, i asked my self the same question over and over. I was stuck in a loop for over a year. November 2023 was the lowest point of my life in many years. Fast forward April, i'm so much happier. Best piece of advice: Surrounding yourself with this negativity and sad music makes everything worse, and I advise you stop gaslighting your mind into thinking you're much sadder than you actually are.
I have this too you are not alone 🫶🏻
과거는 그립고
현재는 버겁고
미래는 두렵다
Everything will be okay bro❤
괜찮을 거야. 미래는 힘들고, 당신에게 일어나는 일들은 사람으로서의 당신을 바꿔. 하지만 무슨 일이 일어나든, 여전히 당신일 뿐이고, 당신은 인생에서 당신의 자리를 찾을 거라고 생각해. 이 번역기가 작동하는지 모르겠어, 나는 영어만 해. 하지만 어느 쪽이든, 언어와 상관없이, 나는 당신을 믿어.
Каждый из нас ностальгирует и испытывает это чувство. Иногда нам кажется, что тогда было хорошо, потому что просто было по другому и пути судьбы не были готовы повести нас в сложные времена. Но иногда это "хорошо" тогда могло быть и по причине не осознанности, как например это было в детстве. Как бы там не было, человек всегда пытался заглянуть в будущее и строить его, всегда боясь необъяснимого и неизвестности. Как бы там ни было, нужно идти смело, как бы страшно не было, и тебе будет легче, если кто-то будет рядом с тобой под руку. И не важно, физически или ментально, или это просто будут рандомные слова очередного пользователя интернета. Пройдя невзгоды и сложные периоды, мы становимся сильнее.
"Что не убивает нас, делает нас сильнее". И мы с тобой, пускай ты всех тут абсолютно не знаешь, но ты не один, и это делает нас не такими одинокими и слабыми. ❤
@gguck10 🫂 ❤ lots of love
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que entregou seu único filho para que todo aquele que nEle crer não morra mas tenha vida eterna 💌
When you realise that random strangers on internet are way more polite and caring than the ones surrounding you.
wish you the best!
Actually, statistically speaking, it would only be logical for strangers on the internet to be politer and kinder than the people who you may associate with or who surround you. Furthermore, this community consists of people like you, so it would only make sense for them to be polite and kind. Because they are probably in the exact same situation.
becuz they are not real
Fact, And Good People in internet Hard To Find in Reality
Hey Stranger, If You’re Reading This - I’m Proud Of You, You’re An Awesome Person. Don’t Forget, You’re Loved. 🫶🏻
I love you🥲🩷
Thank you
Obrigada ❤
I'm not good at English, so I turned on the translator. Thank you so much for your warm words. It was comforting.
I need a hug.
A warm, loving, tight hug.
Hug for uu!.. I missed doin dis-
Virtual hugging---you'll be fine! guaranteed 🍀🍀☘️
You'll be fine and safe, believe in yourself, because we believe in you🫂🫂🫂🩷
i know. me too. God Bless you.
"Just because I carry it all so well doesn't mean it's not heavy"
Preach 😢!!!
So deep and so true ..describes it perfectly
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que entregou seu único filho para que todo aquele que nEle crer não morra mas tenha vida eterna 💌
best way you can put into words how I am feeling.
Вот и собрались мы все тут, всем удачи в жизненном пути и найти себя!
тебе тоже
😕 Улететь бы...
От души
Teşekkürler 🙏💕
"I think of you every day, and I hope you’re doing okay, I miss you."
This hits home
"The body can't rest if the soul is tired"
- somebody
1. 나를 아는 것이 최고의 지식이다. 이 말은 100번 넘게 강조해도 지나치지 않다.
2. 신이 있나 없나는 개인의 생각과 신념에 달려있다.
3. 운이 따라주지 않는다면 엄청 몰입해서 노력해도 결과가 엄청 안좋을 수도 있다. 이 말은 열심히 노력한다고 해서 다 되는 게 아니라는 뜻이다.
4. 내게 단 하나의 성공의 비결이 있다면 항상 상대방의 입장에서 생각해보는 것이다.
5. 피부가 회복되려면 시간이 좀 많이 걸린다. 피부관리는 꼭 해야한다. 피부관리를 아예 안하면 여드름 흉터가 생길 수도 있으니.
6. 사실을 부정하려는 게 사람 본성이다.
7. 중요한 건 눈에 보이지 않는 법. 자기가 죽을 날짜, 고통받는 누군가, 성범죄 사건
8. 바보와 어리석은 사람은 자기 기질대로만 사물을 본다.
9. 상황을 가장 잘 활용하는 사람이 가장 좋은 상황을 맞이한다.
I don't want to be alone
Same my guy
You're not alone
You don’t have to be. Be lonely with me.
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que entregou seu único filho para que todo aquele que nEle crer não morra mas tenha vida eterna 💌
Was gona add in a comment but the people who replied to you said it all..your not.
people from all over the world gathered here, united by similar feelings and thoughts
I hope that you will all find your place in this world and be happy. Don't be afraid, you are not alone
Я один.
For anyone living with a broken heart, carrying immeasurable grief, yet putting on a brave smile everyday - I am sending you a big virtual heart. I am right there with you. ❤
Thank you soo much
This world is so cold. There is no love relationship that last. No friendship that last. The more I meet people and I start knowing them the more I want to isolate myself. I just feel so unhappy and so unloved. This world doesn't make any sense to me.
Me too
Hey don't mean to show religion down your throat but, Jesus loves you! Your right there is no hope in this world very rarely will you find trusting people that's is why we have to look to God. He will never fail us. Jesus Loves you whether or not you belive in him 🫶🏻!
Amen @@ssw4098
When you lose, you learn to value. Don't loose heart, you will find your peace soon
if u need a friend im here. i ll not leave
"Are you okay?"
"i'm fine"
randomly out of nowhere starts sobbing.
When u can’t even get the words I’m fine out before you start randomly sobbing.
probably because it's the first time someone ask their well-being
The reason people don’t say how they truly feel because they fear they will get judged and say they need to toughen up from it. But you don’t know how bad some people have it in this world.
If I’m halfway in tears don’t ask me if I’m okay and expect a response or I will flood the building with my tears
me there
Any of you want a hug?
Edit: Guys, I may not be able to continue responding because it says that da comment limit has reached, huge bear hug for all those who need it, take care of yourselves and I hope u find the love that many are looking for :[!
Edit 26/8/24: I wish, i only wish i can hug everyone in da comments rn..., u know, this feeling of being alone without anyone to be there for u sometimes makes my head hurt and overthink too much, i hope u all are okay, without any harm or pain, tell me that you all are okay, this feeling of guilt wont leave me in a long time, i just want dis feeling to go away...
@@Dragonedits-b2h virtual hug for you
Yup 😭😭
@@Theno.1opfan hug for u!
In 6 months, I will take a major exam. This exam is of great importance to me. At the same time, it's putting me under a lot of stress. I feel like I'm going through the hardest period of my life, as if everything is crashing down on me. I'm trying to heal my spirit. I'm writing this comment just to keep it as a memory.Six months from now, I will come back and read this comment again. Then, I will see whether I have achieved something or ruined everything
You will do great.
i hope you do awesome
Wishing you the best !!
You can do it😉
In the future, you'll be proud of this moment.
I know im just a stranger on the internet but i care about you. I’m grateful that you can be in this world. If you managed to find this video and this comment you’ve probably suffered a lot in life already. Thank you for staying strong. I wish you all the best in life. Please don’t ever end your own life. I love you. Everything will be ok…
Edit: it's genuinely worrying to see so many of you who are also going through a tough time. Don't give up, I believe in you. Better times will come soon, everything will be ok...
everybody acting different and shot, and nobody, nobody want talking to me like few months ago.
I just want hope or a sign so I don't think about suicide
@@Rusl-zw6prهل تعتقد بأن الانتحار حلاً يا لطيف؟ الانتحار ليس حلاً العثرات الحياة أبد الانتحار مجرد فكرة سخيفة تبين أنك ضعيف ع مواجهت مشكلاتك وانتَ قوي وليس من المعقول أن القوي ينتحر ليس كذلك؟ انتَ وجودك مهم في هذا الحياة لانك شخص رائع❤
Why not you? If you happen to read this, just know that you were born, and you've made it this far. You're pretty significant. Don't forget it.
oh yeah, thanks ❤
I always remind people who say they don't matter or who never win, i remind them they wont the race to life, the statistical chance you have as a sperm cell to fertilize a egg are actually incredibly low, so just being here as a living person, you beat all odds and are in turn, a winner. You don't need to be popular or talented, just being yourself is enough for someone somewhere.
Thats the way to think about it. People can't think like that nowadays. Too busy complaining about their poor woe is me. They can't even think that intelligently because their having a good time in their life & dont even know it. And nothing wrong with that but come on.!
If someone were to die, their mark on Earth would most likely be gone within a decade.
Thank you, reading this is gratifying. You are valuable
You didn’t search this video up, you came across it, just how you came across my comment this one you’re reading now. Although things might be rough now, there’s a morning coming to your night. Keep waking up and trying again. Life will get better it might not seem like it but it will. Take care of yourself.
Спасибо, надеюсь и у вас всё хорошо/будет
i love you
@@yourealliwantt I love you!
i don't know why i can't feel safe and happy my soul can't rest for a second
For some reason, venting on the Internet with people who feel the same way is so comforting, especially if you are not good with communicating out loud.
I liked this playlist a lot, thanks.
Bro if you want to talk I m here every time
@@muhammedunverdi9958 refreshing to hear that
I see the problem is people are afraid to talk about the real emotions. Yes, they talk and talk about shallow feelings like "how are you oday", but it is not same thing. Talking about the real, deep emotions is taboo and almost like forbidden. Because it would lead to better understanding as humanity we are in one. I feel you, I'm quite sad and very lonely, still keep going. Day by day wishing the future will be better for us ALL (that's the thing, not only sickening "me, me & me" society) here or elsewhere. Tiny things like morning coffee, music or occasionally some drugs (to escape the reality, not new thing to me) giving me some light (drugs brings on the darker side too) in this world, quite small things. Not feeling happy at all for years or decades. Things doesnt have to be this way. It feels like we are being misleaded.
Можно я поговорю с тобой пожалуйста 😢
We here for you
Yk what hurts the most? Hearing the most hurtful things from your favorite person.
Same it just happened today.. he called me ugly and said he hated me for no reason
"depart from me, i never knew you..." (to me..)
no its not. its about family issues.
Hope the same for u, Nana🤍
I hope so too. Love from the U.S.A
I hope everything goes well for you too
U too, bro
I almost cried when I heard this music And when I read your comment
Я всегда знала, что жизнь увлекательная вещь. Да - проблемы всегда есть, да - бывает страшно, но несмотря на все это счастье кажется совсем ощутимым. Я бы прожила свою жизнь дважды, будь у меня возможность. Пусть мне всего 22, но я уже хочу снова побыть беззаботным ребенком, который видит солнечные блики на стенах и называет это "солнечными зайчиками", который смотрит на луну впервые осознанными глазами и начинает восхищаться ею. Когда впервые понял, что он любит путешествия и хотел бы выучить испанский после недельного марафона просмотра сериала "Виолетта" в 12 лет... Который смотрел на ярко-красное небо в августе и плакал, понимая, что ему никогда больше не будет 16. Который рискнул всем и уехал жить в другой город, чтобы наделать свои первые серьезные ошибки. Который много раз доверял не тем людям и обжигался кучу раз. Да, "это жизнь, и она не имеет смысла" ... Кто-то скажет это с негативным подтекстом. А я, пожалуй, знаю, что позитивнее этого не бывает ничего. Только ты творец судьбы и только тебе решать, какой будет твоя жизнь. Жаль, что после смерти нельзя, как в баре, подойти к кому-то на небесах и сказать:"Мне повторить".
"Everything will be okay." is a title I needed to click on.
I sit here, my eyes welling yet I don't cry. My heart aches yet I don't react. My soul is broken yet I get on every day as if everything is fine. I'm not okay. I can't see a future where I will be okay.
Yet, the words "everything will be okay" is like cuddling a beacon of warmth. Maybe its right, maybe those words carry the weight they deserve. I can't see the future but I have hope that I will be okay.
If you feel as I do, know that everything will be okay.
That is exactly how I feel but only time will tell sadly
Everything's going to be okay man, I'm rooting for you.
Do not give up.
me until i write my latin exsam
Depends on what your problem is
@@rchaelk2319 Everyone has a personal pain they struggle with, a deep sadness they can't uproot.
Still, you can have a life of happy moments around your struggle.
It might not be okay now but now doesn't mean forever
Comments got me crying.
Same bro
Same, it’s so sad to see how so many people have to deal with all these issues..
안녕하세요. 플레이리스트를 듣다가 댓글을 달고 보니까 눈물이 흘렀나요..
어떤 일들로 인해 힘든 시간을 보내고 계시는지 다 알 수 없지만 어려운 시간이 무사히 지나가기를 바랄게요.
그리고 밀려오는 슬픔을 혼자서 감당하기 어려울 땐 누군가에게 고민을 털어놓고 위로 받았으면 좋겠어요.
그럼 오늘 하루는 웃는 날이 더 많기를 바라며 응원할게요.
Don't worry guys everything gonna be fine ,one day you will look back and thank yourself for not giving up and for being strong and kind
I really hope, we all wait for that day when we are grateful for not giving up to arrive.
That was important to me to heard these words, thank you
Be happy
thanks you bro!
That one day never comes buddy... It's just u get used to that feeling and at some point u accept it and live with it... but it's not at all healing though.
@@roshnikamble7311 That one day will come when you finally get to somewhere you dreamed of being, and thats where you will thank yourself.
There was always something I told myself whenever I was down... "It can't rain all the time.... For even in the dark.. will the light arise..."
I don't want to die I just want some peace in my life I'm sick and tired of these things. I want to cry on someone's shoulder i was always there for people when they needed help and today I'm here crying and no one is even bothering to ask me for a glass of water... Please dear God help me I've always been a good and kind human I've never hurt someone why am I getting these problems in my life please help me... I'm losing my interest in my life. I don't want to die I've a lot of things to do. I want to live a happy life . I was always a happy and positive guy what have I become now please have mercy on me
я с тобой ❤
I wish you're fine
Ты заставляешь меня плакать... У меня то же самое.
От этого всего мои дела теряют смысл. Я его не вижу. Он выпадает из поля моего зрения. У меня очень много планов на жизнь... Но я... Ничего не вижу...
@@ЙоханЛиберт-щ6р Stay strong, one day it'll get better and you'll find the right way
I know this feeling. Beyond overwhelming. Medication + therapy have completely changed my life. There are still really hard times (circumstances and mental challenges) and invasive thoughts but believe me please when I say there are sooooo many people who’ve felt like this, struggled with addiction or barely survived mental illness who have come to the other side. I wish so badly it could happen overnight but it takes time. Take it day by day or second by second. Praying for you to find relief and peace because you have so much to offer the world!
These words gave me tears because I remember these thoughts being all consuming and it’s awful. Get help and have faith and hope! ❤
I miss when it was all simple
We can get there again
@@AmandaWoodard-xh9gf how
@@tazepatates4805mindset , be grateful about what u have even little things , ask Allah what u want talk to him , love yourself love the best for it .
@@AmandaWoodard-xh9gf No we can't. Now it's just a distant memory. Our only chance of salvaging even a faint remembrance of those times is to elect Donald Trump and hope that he can gather enough support to overcome the Wokes, who have infiltrated and taken over virtually every important segment of society.
in my mind, the 1950's was the real America.
The feeling of listening to this music, reading the listeners' comments, and pressing the like button for every positive comment is a feeling that no one will understand.
Hey you!, have a nice day 💙
It's good to have people that understand and uplift ❤
I am doing that right now ❤
How can I have a nice day when all I'm filled with Is negativity depression doesn't go away in the snap of a finger although i wish it did. Cause all I do is act out my happiness to make sure no one worries about me because I know I'm not worth worrying over
@@Joseph_Ochoa.You are worth worrying over, I worry about you now. Tell me how it's going
I wish I could hug everyone who needs to be hugged bcs i understand how hard to be alone when you’re need someone just say “oh its okey”
I'm just so ... Tired ?
Just keep going
You'll got it. One day everything is going to be fine. You're not alone
Depends why
I understand you and maybe we don't know each other but i'm proud of you and just keep going cause everyday you are going to be better trust me ❤️🫶🏻
Let's go bro😮
My brain is happy, but something inside me is actually broken, but idk what. I really just need peace..
Обнимаю 🤗
I feel you
@@Probablyreading2462 hopefully it gets better for us all ❤️
@@laiba-18 agreed, no one deserves to go through what we are going through
@@Probablyreading2462 real.
сердце разрывается на части, когда читаю ваши комментарии..
Понимая,что я не одна, нас много .
Берегите себя
мы обязательно со всем справимся❤🩹
И у меня сердце кровью обливается. Руки опускаются. Словно уже все бесполезно, бороться словно дальше бессмысленно, все равно мир не спасти. А надо ведь держать образ сильного человека, на которого можно положиться, бесстрашного. Надевать маску бесстрашия, могущества и уверенности в завтрашнем дне, зная, что это всего лишь маска...
@@Samiy_anonymniy, главное чтобы, те кого ты ведешь, об этом не узнали, продолжать быть сильным человеком ради них
your never alone budy love to u
i have had a very traumatising childhood
i cant even count how many time people shattered my self image my confidence .......fool me ....made me feel lowly, financial problems and my parents bad relationship, lot of fights in my family gave me so many wounds at a young age.
in 2022 the guy i loved the most left me
this whole year i spend time healing my self because i realised that i just cant live with all the trauma and emotions i was carrying
finally made efforts to move on from everything started forgiving people
i can say i have healed a lot i have moved on from everything
But now i realised how all that happened shaped me and my life
even after healing it all will be part of my story for ever.
Am I the only one who entered the comments and now feels like crying?:c
Нет, солнце... Будь сильным, дай я тебя крепко обниму...🫂❤️🩹♥️💔
Now i'm crying 😢
Same here
I feel the same
Хаха, вот мы и здесь, милый незнакомец... наверное, каждому из нас на данный момент жизни нелегко, но мы случайно заплутали сюда. располагайся. все мы устали, а руки опускаются сами собой, но пообещай мне и себе, когда станет чуть легче, ты обязательно выберешься из этого состояния. главное не совершай глупости, за которые тебе придётся отдавать жизнь. ты достаточно стараешься, ты не говно, не урод, не слабак, ты прекрасный человек, которому просто нужно отдохнуть. ты ни в чём не виноват, ты не мог сделать иначе, ты не можешь повернуть время вспять, чтобы что-то исправить, но это не твоя вина. ты совершенно нормальный человек. ты не обязан вписываться в рамки современных стандартов. если тебе некомфортно- соберись и сделай, или начни с маленьких шажков. ты личность, которая не похожа на других. ты не обязан быть идеальным во всём. у тебя всё получится, главное немного отдохнуть и начать делать хотя бы крошечные шаги к цели. каждый достоин любви и ты не исключение. забей на мнение окружающих в плане внешнего вида. одевайся так, как комфортно тебе. ты достоин всего самого лучшего. ты не эгоист. с тобой всё впорядке.
Прости себя наконец. ты молодец. ты обязательно справишься. я в тебя верю.✊
P.s. Я читаю каждый ваш ответ и каждый раз надеюсь, что у вас всё наладится. Вы сильные и прекрасные. Вы обязательно справитесь.
Я повторюсь, но я действительно верю в вас. Пусть, я и не рядом, но через экран я надеюсь, что вы чувствуете себя нужными. Вы действительно важны хотя бы для меня.💓
Я тебя люблю больше, чем ты можешь себе представить, но ты можешь представить, ведь я знаю, что у тебя богатое и хорошее воображение ❤
как не хватает в жизни таких слов...
@@breen8818 ♥🫂ты их заслуживаешь слышать каждый день
Я уверен, что эти слова помогли не только другим, но и тебе самому. Наверное именно это тебе хотелось услышать от других..
You just made me cry. Thank you for these beautiful words. I needed to hear these words
Me: I'm feeling it, the pain,the struggle everything.😢
The ads:🤩🥳🥴
You can see it positiv, because at least you're still able to feel Something 😔
@@Lena-zz6spim with you dawg we are totally empty
Frl frl 🥹
My chest is burning,, her voice, her smile, it's her.. It's her.
we are all in this together. you're never alone. we are never alone.
@nadjiatabouche7014 don't think like this, i know it may be hard, but it'll pass, we will be okay, don't give up, never give up, you're strong and i know it. I love you
Estamos Juntos 🙏🏼❤️🇧🇷
This made my day so much better ❤️🩹
Each day I'm suffering more
@@Crazedfolk I’m not the best comforter, but do seek help if you need, okay? I love you, stay strong ❤
I’m a 16 year old guy and I listen to this playlist every night. I always hope things get better for the people I know and the people who are in pain. I am no stranger to pain. Pains been with me mentally and physically ever since I was 7. When I was 7 I had a really bad accident to my eye. I have undergone surgery 13 times from the age of 7-12. The worst part of my injury wasn’t losing my right eye and having all those surgeries be for nothing. It was the people in my life that hurt me the most. I lost the eye, lost my vision in it. Everyday since 1st grade I’ve been bullied and beat down for not having an eye. Being constantly reminded of the pain and suffering I’ve gone through.
Getting called names like cyclops, one eyed freak, one eyed willy, Popeye, 10/20 and so many others. People beat me down and made me feel like I didn’t belong. I didn’t have many friends that actually cared about me or didn’t make fun of me. Little kids cry when they see me, or people stare. A girl I like keeps staring at me and I find out it’s just because of how I look and not because they like me. People take advantage of me and blame things on me. I have to act like I’m okay even though I’m not. I get beat up and jumped. My dad abuses me because I’m constantly shut down. It never ends. I’m so close to ending it all. I want this pain to go away. I don’t want to keep crying myself asleep every night. This world just keeps on showing me that people don’t care about you. But then I come here and meet others who feel like me. People that make me feel less alone in this world. All of you are so beautiful and don’t deserve this pain that you feel. I hope all of you can find happiness one day.
May God bless your entire life, I pray for your safety and peace ❤
You are ok y yo respondo si sigo fríamente y procede a morir en paz
Some of the baddest men on this planet only have 1 eye, michael bisbing and shara magomedov are both UFC champions. You are a one eyed warrior bro, dont give up! Im rooting for you dude.💪
Being in this age is hard, You had it even tougher, give yourself a break,try to find peace and accept yourself the way you are ( I know this is some bullshit saying) but accepting yourself takes time don’t rush into it. I’m in the process of doing it too, also was bullied in school cause of my weight ( I lost 25 kg but still feel fat af).Truly speaking I still hate myself, I thought I could handle it all by myself not seeking help. Now I’m 22 diagnosed with clinical depression with so much in my head I can’t comprehend.Seek help, if you have a good connection with your parents try to talk to them, maybe they could be of use. Just please don’t do the same mistake like I did and hide your pain deep inside of you - it will be good for the short run but eventually you will be to overwhelmed. Try to talk to a psychologist. Please let me know how are you doing. Everything is going to be alright- it just takes time.
I'm a 16 year old girl, and i think you are an amazing person.Those people who bully you are dumb and not worthy of getting to know you. No offense, but ur dad is HORRIBLE. He shouldn't be hurting you, and i hope ur trying ur best to avoid him ( i can sadly relate). I know that your world is surrounded by pain and suffering, but you are stronger, YOU are better, and i think that you are admirable. Those people don't know what you've been through, and let me tell you something, you deserve the world
I have a pp infection
It's been 2 weeks, and I just wanted to say I love you too!! :D
@@captainbroady :)
I love you to,bro
I love you too
Ilytoo Thanks but the phrases don't change anything
I'm just Korean. When My life so tired and hard I found this. I feel thank to every strange people in on-line. They healed me. I love them.
If you are sad or hard or … that's okay. Everything will be okay. like this playlist . I trust you.
Cheer up!
Fighting?? 🙂🤔
Foreigner living 7 years in Korea. I understand what you mean
화이팅 RU...
What I love about myself is that don’t matter how low I feel, how tired of everything I can feel, there’s always a little light of hope in me that refuses to give up.
Too relatable. Wish u good luck in life!
@@soulking_adi Likewise bro, never give up 💪
Same❤ i hope it stays that way.
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que entregou seu único filho para que todo aquele que nEle crer não morra mas tenha vida eterna 💌
I want to cry but I can't...
I totally feel this
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que entregou seu único filho para que todo aquele que nEle crer não morra mas tenha vida eterna 💌
안녕하세요. 울고 싶은데 울 수가 없을만큼 힘든 시간을 보내고 계시나요..
너무 마음이 힘이 들 땐 내가 좋아하는 것을 하면서 기분전환을 해보면 좋겠어요.
오랜만에 친구와 만나서 수다를 떨어도 좋고 영화를 보러가도 좋고 산책을 하는 것도 도움이 될 거에요.
작성자님의 마음이 조금이나마 나아지기를 바라며 응원할게요.
Then laugh, problem solved ☺️
loss...grief...mourning...not necessarily the dead but the living. "I can reach you but I can never have you" and as they say, grief is a never ending staircase. Losing someone feels like ripping off a bond forever. There's so much grief that it suffocates me. I mourn who I was with them, I mourn who I was supposed to grow into, I mourn for them.
You ever feel broken? Broken to the point where pain doesn't even hurt anymore, and you just feel empty. My heart feels like a deep chasm, and no matter what I do to fill it, it empties itself out. You ever feel that? Cuz boy do I feel that way.
Yess.. You're not alone buddy...
Felt that way for a long time. Figured out I would stop forcing it to fill up, it does so naturally when you begin by loving yourself, then others. I know it's difficult at first, I've been there, but I believe you can do it, we are all very similar, it's just a matter of perspective. One can do all, but the question is, how?, do a self analysis, the answer is always where the key is hidden. Not the locked up room.
Anyone else feels like they gonna be lonely for the rest of their life
I don't just feel, I heartbreakingly know. It's my fate and it's time to face it.
To anyone reading this, you're stronger than you think. Keep fighting. ❤
Hi, its me I m the pblm its me
you. yes, you. thank you for trying today. you are enough, you are doing enough, you are worthy and FREAKING AMAZING!!!! thank you for showing up in the world today, cuz you brighten it with your presence!!! i love you and im proud of you- please have that same compassion, love and kindness for yourself and others. ur never alone and ur ok. have the best life ever.
I love you bro ❤😢
Thank u
Thanks you as well ❤
Thank you bro :))
Thanks 😢
I don't have friends or someone close but usually i enjoy my alone time but sometimes suddenly it feels so alone/lonely when there's nobody to talk and when there's no shoulder to cry on
The feeling when that one teacher asks if you're okay, and you simply nod and smile on the verge of complete tears
It's okay to not be okay.
We've all been there before.
that exact thing happened to me before, I was sitting alone in science class during lunch googling "painless suicide methods" n shit when my science teacher comes up and asks if im ok and if im not he can send me to the counselor. I said I was ok just a little bit exhausted so i might look tired, while trying not to think of depression and cry...
Hey bud, i might not know u at all,,, but remember we're all here for a reason,,, ik it's tough here,,,, but remember it's all inner demons that we need to fight.... We're warriors,,,,, we're all special bud ❤,,, sending u loads of love ❤❤@@perplexed_potato
Hey, are you okay now?@@perplexed_potato
@@fatimahmunawar5030 nah. If I fail my mid term exams I’m gonna kms
@@fatimahmunawar5030 I’ve never been better. My crush confessed to me a month ago and we’ve been dating ever since, my exam scores got better, I beat my porn addiction and I’m slowly getting my shit together… don’t even lose hope in life y’all it might just get better.
I'm tired of everything, even explaining my problems.
its gonna be alright afterall take it easy
Have willpower to do things... At first it is difficult but the more you advance you will find a reason, you will find peace, everything happens for a reason and I know that God will make you feel better after all, just fight for your happiness, have faith, love and understanding, now more than anything the only person who is by your side is yourself.
@@bugrasanl2707 I'm trying
Its alright, just remember to take time to look after yourself ok? We are all living in one of the most stressful times, so don't feel like you are alone in all this. Don't give up, because you matter. You still haven't met all the people you will ever get to know. I hope that you find people who will understand you. Although we have not met, I understand you more than most of the people in my life will ever understand me. But, for now, just take a rest. You deserve it, just keep pushing forward. ❤
You are fine
наша трагическая черта - верить, что все будет хорошо
Нужно уметь верить в лучшее, так жить проще, хоть и моментами всёрвоно наваливается всякое
наша трагическая черта-уметь верить
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que entregou seu único filho para que todo aquele que nEle crer não morra mas tenha vida eterna 💌
Ezzel egyetértek.
I hope phrases like "everything will be ok", "you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel", and all that will be a reality and not something I and others keep saying to ourselves. I hope there will be a day I won't feel doubtful or question if it can even apply to my situation, my desires, and my issues. I hope I can be someone who deserves to have everything be ok.
@@corncobbob2326 let's start with not making it for worst if present is too much for you maybe there will be a day when you are looking back relieved that it passed, time may not heal things but it do make us quite numb lastly there is always light at the end of the tunnel but in your case it's a long one so hang in there hope will be your only driven force.
I just wish someone would hug me whenever I cry and softly say these words to me
Hi! I don't want to bother you or something, but I saw your comment and I wanted you to know that you're not alone in this. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, okay?
@supravietuitoriblog547 to say something like that would never be a bother , thank you
@@ChezkaBree110 also here for support. I know how it feels feeling alone like nobody is there for you. but there is always someone. even if theyre not involved in your life they're always there for you. somebody in the world will always love you. and its might be okay soon. just wait for the eye of the storm to pass. even if it takes years or months. storms will always pass.
I promise everything will be fine)
@STOP_FURRI Thank you for the assurance , it means a lot to me
as someone who has contemplated suicide for over a decade…its not worth it. trust me. its not. people love you. friends, family, people all around you love you. and more importantly you need to learn to love yourself. dont beat yourself up every single day. i know all you see is the bad, and how shit everything is. but i promise you things will get better! dont believe me? step outside, take a walk in nature. observe the grass, insects, trees, sky, feel the wind, look at the plants and flowers around. life can be fucking great! it wont be immediate, it wont be easy, but you can get there. i know you can! stressed? angry? stuck in bed? close your eyes, think of something beautiful, and breathe. life is what you make it. listen, i love you! take care of yourself!
Thank you!
I’m angry with you!
Thank you so much .......I needed this so f*cking much ❤️
Время 3:56, мучаюсь от бессонницы, сижу на подоконнике с открытым окном, на улице очень холодно, поэтому пришлось надеть теплые свитер, слушаю этот плейлист, с ним очень спокойно и атмосферно, спасибо.
Мы… Мы так схожи? … Боль внутри, мысли о будущем, о мире мультфильмов и Америке. Высунутые ноги и молния с грозой у окна… может, может нам стоит поговорить? Может мы эти две души..?
@@stefany_animationможет создадим чат и будем друг друга поддерживать?
Hug hug.
Please, keep yourself warm
Ха-ха, я тоже. Знаете я стал зависимыми от бессонницы, ведь так классно сидеть в тишине и слушать амбиентные песни. Эх.. вот скоро усну и утром больше не будет таких ощущений.
It’s not stopping to get worse, even if I’m trying my best. It tears me so completely down
I just want to go back home
Me the same 😞
And i want to leave home
And I just want to be anywhere but my house, it's not even a home anymore
I want to go home, but the place that was him is no longer him and now I do not know where to go back to
feel you
This is true.
I recently overcame a 4 years long depression I thought I would never overcome.
I'm here, you're here and we will still be here doing our best.
I promise, everything will be ok. ♡
"I guess you already recovered" they said. What really my heart says is that "yes, they no longer see it becomes worse"
This makes me feel a certain type of way. A way I didn't even know I could feel. If you just stumbled upon this as I did, I want to remind you that you're powerful and I wish you love, success, and true inner-happiness. You deserve it.
This is amazing. I'm not confident that I can do it.
Still, please give it a listen if you like.
я устала. устала от учебы, устала от жизни, устала от людей. я чувствую себя под большим прессом, который очень-очень медленно сдавливает меня. я стала забывать,что происходило со мной вчера, а что уже сегодняшним утром, я ничего не помню. все вызывает слезы. не хочу думать. но все вокруг только добивает меня. я устала чувствовать это каждый год. я хочу просто провалиться.
люблю тебя!
ты максимально точно описала мое состояние, я понимаю тебя.. Надеюсь у тебя все наладится и все обязательно будет хорошо
@@staydead0 спасибо… надеюсь у тебя тоже 🩷 будь счастлив/а < 3
Привет.. Я такой же, как ты. ненужный. Мне всего 13, но я потерял 2 важных для меня людей. Где бы я ни был, все меня ненавидят. Я уже хочу наложить на себя руки, но что-то меня останавливает. Как всегда, я пытаюсь найти человека, который поддержит и выслушает меня, но все меня просто презирают.. Надеюсь, что у всех все будет хорошо. а сейчас я иду спать, чтобы завтра понять: "Я не могу без нее жить. Она любила меня... И как я ей отплатил? бросив её одну.. Я никому не нужен." Прощай Азалия, прощай мир..
Even sleep cant help this tired.
Honestly, sometimes I miss happy times when they really weren't happy, I miss people who maybe didn't love me like I loved them... all I need is a hug to heal my soul.
My idol says "Hugs make everything better"
He is right, I am giving you a virtual big hug 🤍🫂
I met people like that. They said they loved me but.... I see them most days but I can't go back to that, it hurt me mentally.
The comment section in this kind of video is just so comforting
How many hurt or lonly people in the comments that just need to be fully heard, understood and loved. I feel for you, guys. I´m going through this as well. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and am trying to love myself now and keep fighting for the life that I want. It´s hard but I believe it´s going to be much better. Whoever you are, I truly love you.
True... 🌅🌜🍃
I love you too...good luck online guy❤
I love you bro❤I love you all guys
Здесь так много людей, и все мы разные, из разных стран, говорим на разных языках, у всех свои интересы и у каждого свои поводы грустить. Но всех нас объединяет эта грусть, вы никогда не будете одни в своей печали, пусть иногда и кажется что вы совсем одни
Иногда ты один, пока существует те кто не понимает, что такое психология.(Особенно у мужчин)
I agree ❤
Такие видео на ютубе отдельный вид искусства. Никаких ссор, ругательств и тому подобной ереси в комментариях. Люди поддерживают друг друга, верят в светлое будущее и просто наслаждаются музыкой. Прекрасно.
Да, и это прекрасно...
Это правда. Люди из разных стран говорят о общих проблемах, поддерживают друг друга. Никакой грязи, негатива, пошлости..
It’s weird how life works. We can all feel so alone only to find ourselves among many going through a hard time. You’re alone but you’re not. I find that beautiful because it proves that the world doesn’t hate you. Life doesn’t hate you. We’re all going through different things yet for every person, we share the same feeling. A feeling that can be difficult to explain in words but can easily be felt by the heart. That’s where it hurts. I find some sort of peace knowing there are others just like me. In a weird way, it inspires me to keep going. We all deserve love, happiness, and joy in our lives. So if anyone stumbles across this message, I believe in you. I love you, for all that you are. Don’t give up, you’ll miss what life truly has to offer. And what life can offer is worth every day you decide to keep going.
Thank you
its fucked when I try to open up to someone but don't know what to say... I'm worried but their response and I don't want to waste their time for my problems... the only thing I can do is listening to these songs and scribble on a paper, it doesn't do much but it helps distracting my thoughts and overthinking.. imma go scribble now. stay safe and strong
That’s how gangs start
@@tristan583 this is one of those things i know is hilarious but i dont understand a single bit of it
I know exactly how you feel. I hide my darkness, my sad depression self way deep inside. I used to be open about sharing thoses feelings with friends thinking they could help. They ended up leaving... telling me I was to dark. I started to feel alive again when I got older but then my mother passed away. I crashed my truck totally it. The girl I was with decided it was perfect timing to cheat the same week after all that. Gonna I started to find my way back to happiness only to meet a girl who I thought was the love of my life. Turns out she had bpd..... both her and I didn't know she had it till years later. Over the course of 3 years. She give me all the love I thought I needed. She built me back up. She made me believe in myself again. I ended marrying her..... and if anyone knows bpd people. Once a bpd person hits the peak of the love.... they turn on you slowly. For the final two years she spent it tearing me apart. I was "quote to much when I was happy" when I was sad. She would be disgusted and leav me for several days. If I was angry.. even if I wasn't angry at her. She would do the same thing. She hated the sound of my breathing, she would just shit all over anything. I became a walking zombie after that point. Bpd consumes your soul, your happiness, your identity, she dismantled my life completely with a smile... I'm doing alot better now. 10 months after the divorce was finalized. You can find your way back. I did twice now. Life is worth living. There will always be darkness... but there will always be light
stay strong!
Stop thinking about what people will say or do. Think about yourself and find inner peace.
People are just mean
Some but most nights, I sit in my chair and listen to this kind of music. I sit deep in thought about life, my future, and who'll love me. I don't really cry, the tears just roll down my face while I stare into the void.
dont dıve deep...
have a good day everyone who read this
thx man
You too have a good day
Hey kid, just wanted to make sure your good. Listen, not everything goes as expected and not everyone stays. People will leave you and try their best to make you feel bad about yourself, while on the other hand, theres other people that might make you feel worse because of a breakup you’ve recently been in. If it’s neither of those and family problems I totally understand that. Not one single person in this whole entire world has the most better parents in the world, and neither do you. Look, its okay that arguments happen a lot its normal. Don’t be too hard on yourself, your parents might not live that long while you’re growing up. And to the other grown people out here, everything is gonna be okay, calm down. Life is gonna be pretty rough for everybody and its a way to get used to that realization that nothing goes your way. So please, get some sleep because you have a big day tommorow. Goodnight.
- Your dad
I came back 5 days later, best of luck to the 10 people who liked this comment. I’ll be waiting at the finish line for you.
God bless you.
hey i just wanted to let you know how much this comment meant to me, i have a dad but never had the bond to share anything with him, this comment felt like the exact thing i want him to say and my mind is relieved. Thank you so much dad
When I saw dad at the end 😞 (I have daddy issues)
dude when I saw -your dad I started tearing up. I lost my dad when I was 8 and its been hard ever since. Thank you for this. It truly means a lot.
Gracias, me hizo sentir bien tú comentario.
I bought a teddy bear yesterday. I am 22 years old. And I felt so safe and loved. I had teddy bear when I was young but I looked at them as toys. But now the teddy I bought yesterday feels like a human. I have great people around me but sometimes I feel like to be alone and now I have my teddy with me for that.❤
I have my teddy . He with me since 5 or 6 year and still he with me, its wonderful ❤
@@miss_dior13 🤎
It seems like it looks at me with love in the eyes and it makes me feel loved❤
The comments in these kind videos truly gives me hope , i am 14yo guy who's suffering from family and study pressure i recently found out my dog has liver disease i was depressed for about 2.5 years straight i wanna change things but things aren't changing these comments gives me hope
just a comment with support
Everything will be fine in the end
@@ГригорийПанов-ш6п thank you 💜
Bro,you just kid,but i think that in your life everything will be ok)good luck
@@mmm46179 thanks man
I'm so sorry about that... hopefully, you'll get better...
For the first time in my life, I cried in front of my mom. I approached her to tell her what happened (it was school related) and it felt... new. I cried so bad that I couldn't formulate any words. I kept saying sorry and whenever I do, I just burst out into tears. It was comforting to know that she listened. It felt like being held for the first time. This proves that letting it out will make it feel light. Whether you share it to someone or just cry and acknowledge that feeling.
To whoever reading this, I hope that someday we will be okay. And that you find the right people to cry out to. Thankful that there is a corner of the internet that is a safe place for everyone. Hugs with consent to all of you. 🤍
I feel like i'm alone when i have people around me, my bf, friends, family. That's so tiring and i feel like im the wrong one here for feeling like this. I don't deserve them.
Siento lo mismo, parece que por mucho que me quieran nunca es suficiente y me siento como una mierda por sentirme así. Al menos en esto no estamos solos... Espero que podamos salir de esta! ❤
you do deserve them you deserve to be loved you are lovable. keep telling yourself that until you believe it and treat yourself accordingly. you deserve good things 💖 we all do 🙏🏾
telling you this as i struggle with the same thing but learning to love myself helps me but it’s hard i isolate and push people away but it only brings more sadness. appreciate who you have just like they appreciate you. you are enough!
My eyes are crying
Kaspian: Fuerza bro Unu /// Persim: Los mios tambien.
Я хочу обнять тебя… и поговорить. Если бы ты хотел…
@@stefany_animation Oh sure 🫂🫂
I get jealous of people with a purpose. It's something I'll never have.
THISS... Why can't I have the life I want??? WHYYY... I'm done living this way... I seriously don't have the will to live...
Me too I'm so tired 😢
I have always been a procrastinating girl, I try to study for an exhibition tomorrow and reading all the positive as well as negative comments makes me feel...alive? Nobody cares and this comment will be forgotten... but I am happy to be alive, I am happy to laugh, cry, spit and study.
I love being alive, I deserve to live, and you deserve to live too, live your life even if everything goes wrong, look for a hint of happiness playing with a stray dog, helping a street child, just be you. .
I care about your comment, i feel you and im glad your doing well. Life is hard but it sure is beautiful. I agree you should absolutely be yourself and never change for anyone
Sim seu comentário me faz feliz pois sinto o mesmo, li tantos comentários aqui pode-se dizer que estou quase uma hora aqui, terminei o video e o pausei para aproveitar mais disso aqui e ver você falando disso me cativou
Edit: também enrolo para estudar mas é como meu ídolo dizia, "Com muito amor, foco, determinação, disciplina e fé em Deus, você pode chegar lá." Ayrton Senna (do brasil) lol
Amor eu não sei, mas o resto eu vou tentar, pois estudar é chato mas sei que o final vai ser recompensador
I cared about this comment ❤
I have the same problem as you. I procrastinate til the very last minute. I get distracted too easily. Zone out often. But one thing I don’t have, is your optimism. I don’t understand how you feel so alive. How you feel so happy. I wish I can be like you. But I know I can never achieve that. So I’ll just do what I’ve always done. Help others. Even though I can’t help myself, I’ll continue helping until I inevitably leave early.
Жизнь потихоньку превращается в день сурка, ничего больше не приносит удовольствия
С Вами сейчас всё хорошо? Вам легче? Может хотите высказаться? Знаю, что Вы написали комментарий месяц назад, а я пишу только сейчас, но может я всё же смогу чем-то помочь :
These are difficult times, but sadness does not last forever. Be well, we are here for you, my friend. You are strong and deserve to be radiant in life. Take care, if you need to vent, say💖
Согласен, абсолютного нечего не приносит удовольствия
даа, время летит очень быстро, а когда замирает на мгновенье, пытаешься вспомнить, вот вроде только закончил 1 класс, и вдруг вшух, и все 11 долгих лет пролетели как в трансе
после таких скачков во времени жизнь и правда теряет что то действительно важное для тебя, потихоньку кажется. что становится не хватать воздуха, рутина все туже затягивается веревкой на шее, все становится бессмысленным и чуждым, как будто изначально тебя даже не существовало в этой вселенной, и вдруг тебя выдергивают из собственного довольно уютного мирка и отправляют в бесконечно повторяющийся день сурка
"Everything will be okay."
I tell myself that constantly but I end up looping in circles constantly, endlessly. Hope is one of the most beautiful things given to us, also capable of destroying us.
I am in the same state at the moment. But every time a small light inside me tells me not to give up and move on. I wish happiness and wonderful things to whoever reads this. Take care of yourself. ❤
The fact that we can leave comment and care about people somewhere on the earth is just so beautiful. We are same human on this planet. Sometimes I hate living life in this timeline and being human, but at the same time, I appreciate living life in this timeline and being human. I hope everyone on this earth filled with love, having warm meals and cozy nights. Love and Peace.
you'll be okay.
فِي احدى الايام ، كتبتُ تعليُق يخِص الانتُحار واِننِي سِأفعلُ شيءً بنفسِي ، رد عليَ شخص ما وبدأ بقول كلام يساعّدني على جعلِي اتحسُن ، مرت شهور على ذالِك التعليق وتذكرت اني لم ارُد ، رددتُ عليهِ لكن مرت سنَة كامله وهذا الشخُص لم يُرد ، بدأت استوعب ان ربما حصل شيءً له ربما كانت مشكلتي بسيطة بلنسبة اليه وهو يواجه مشكله اكبر بكثيُر وعلى الرغم من ذالك قام بقول كلامي جميُل لي ، اتمنى ان يكون بخير انا لم انسِاك
مجرد احرف قد تقلب الموازين
у вас же там музыку запретили
فيها خير ٫ remember this
يا خو نتا توعنا واش راك دير هنا 😭😂@@adam.bouafia
I pray that what ever you are going through will go away...may God be with you in every journey you to through in life.
I hope he fills you with happiness, joy, peace and love.
Life is not easy but i pray that you find your way through it.
The lord says, "The pain you are feeling right now, cant compare to the joy that coming."
I know that some of you dont get this a lot, but i love you❤
I pray that you will be okay😢
Bro i'm holding back my tears from this comment thanks so much for these good words i wish you the same
one day inshaallah
Hey kamu telah melakukan yang terbaik, jangan dengarkan apa kata orang lain. Tidak peduli orang memandang mu seperti apa karena yang paling bisa mengerti menghargai dirimu adalah dirimu sendiri. Jadi jangan suka mencela atau merendahkan dirimu sendiri. Kebahagiaan itu tidak harus mendapat pengakuan dari orang lain, tapi ketika kamu bangga dengan dirimu sendiri walaupun gagal tetap berjuang bekerja keras dan tidak menyerah.
Thanks stranger I love you ❤ I'm proud of you
Everything is getting worst ,apa yang harus saya lakukan??i'm sick really sick😓
Hi stranger,
We don't know each other at all. We don't know eachothers names, favorite color, or even each others birthdays. We know nothing but somehow we feel at home in the comfort of these sappy, heart-touching, comments. Somehow, we suddenly know a million things about each other. We are able to notice that, together, we are misunderstood and sometimes feeling distant from the hug of comfort and satisfaction within our lives. But, that's ok.
You are never alone and never deserve to feel like you are a failure. Life throws us curve balls sometimes and right now yours might feel particularly heavy. Sometimes the curveballs make us feel that knot in our throat and make our eyes tear up in the front of the room. Sometimes the curve balls make us feel alone and empty. Sometimes the curve balls have us realize that we need a hug or moment with someone but we can't get one/them. But, these are curveballs- nothing more than a stupid, singular object/moment. You have to realize that. You have to realize that no one cares about your mistakes and that everything is going to be ok.
People love you- whether you believe it or not. You are so strong and beyond deserving of love even if that is hard to see right now. There is so much good in the world for you and you deserve every speck of it. Everyone deserves happiness- even the kid that took your lunch money in elementary school.
Here's to hoping for brighter days ahead. In the meantime, take care of yourself. But after all, I am just a stranger, what do I know?
With love, kindness, and everything that brings you pure bliss,
A stranger on the internet
Thank you ❤
thank you so much
you don’t know how badly i needed to hear that right now. Thank you so much.🤍
Thanks, needed that
Thank you for that❤
I was in last year of my high school gave every ounce of my soul to my studies but after that also got so depressed that had to take antidepressants , had to leave that year, now started again with last year of my high school ,still have no friends , feel absolutely alone sometimes that i cannot connect to anyone everyone keep saying do not take stress but how will i tell them i cannot control it , wanted to kill myself multiple times , sometime life feels so unfair why do i have a mental health issue in this world , why cannot i be normal like everyone else , why i cannot be happy like everyone else , why i have to face challenges because of my mental health but still going on with this life .after reading the comments it has made me realize that i not alone .sending love to everyone
if i was near you, ill be give u a hug, i think you need that/
you are not alone
sorry if its seems like kinda strange or smthing
you're not alone, i understand you, hope you're feeling better and never lose hope please ♡
My guy, don’t be this harsh on yourself, I’m in almost the same boat as you, working my ass of in collage, completely lonely after high school. Try to accept who you are - takes time, and remember you do not need friendS, as you get older in my opinion the less you have the better, cause the relationship is so meaningful that you don’t need others so much. Hope you feeling at least 1% better
Берегите себя, ребята, я верю в вас
Scrolling through the comments having a good cry. Sending so much love to anyone who can relate to this video ❤.
We’ve been making it, we can go a little further.
Same, i hope youre alright..
Yeah.. just a little
I might burst at any moment though
Так хочется верить, что всё действительно наладится....
Недавно я почувствовала себя живой. Я ведь совсем закрытый человек, могу долго не выходить на улицу, не общаться со сверстниками, оставаться всегда где-то в стороне, отказываться от приглашений на какие-то мероприятия и быть наедине с собой постоянно. Но в какой-то момент меня так щёлкнуло, что я отбросила все страхи. Я стала приглашать на прогулки свою очень хорошую знакомую, согласилась поехать с ней в лагерь, ходила на репетиции с другом 11-тиклассником, репетировала с ним вальс допоздна, ходила с ним гулять. Со мной ещё был мой человек.
Но счастье длилось недолго, когда я думала, что наконец-то моя жизнь начала налаживаться вместе с моей самооценкой и другими тревогами, но настал тяжёлый период, когда у меня пропали чувства к этому человеку и мы сначала обсудили всё, перешли на дружеские отношения, однако же, за год и три месяца я знала его, как никто другой, и видела, как ему было тяжело от моей дружеской заботы и поддержки. Тогда я высказалась, сказала, что мне самой тяжело от его постоянных требований быть к нему менее заботливой (а доверие и забота для меня фундамент всех отношений, я сама добрая душа, если откроюсь) и мы порвали окончательно.
Я правда старалась не унывать и помнила, что у меня есть интернет-друг, с которым я могла обсудить книги и в целом всё на свете, потому что у нас вкусы одинаковы буквально, одна вот эта моя знакомая и друг, с которым я репетировала вальс на его выпускной и в целом могла быть собой, потому что мы похожи. Я утешала себя мыслью, что я сильная и смогу пережить этот момент, что я не сдамся и не потеряю смысл жить, не отступлюсь назад.
Но нет, первое время было крайне тяжело, ведь с тем человеком мы общались каждые пять минут, а тут мы не общались совсем. Ни словом не обмолвились даже на выпускной и оглашение результатов по экзамену (мы с ним одногодки и его результаты я видела на его канале, от которого я вскоре отписалась, чтобы не искушать себя написать ему и не ранить больше). И это было так трудно. Я это, вроде, отпустила, и сейчас не так горю желанием написать ему или ещё что-нибудь, но в последнее время меня так и тянет на дно.
Я пытаюсь выкарабкаться саморазвитием, чтением книг и, вроде, это помогает, но пустота внутри и чувство одиночества, ненужности и недопонятости даже со стороны оставшихся близких пожирают меня. Опять чувство, будто я лишняя. Это состояние было уже у меня в 2021-2023 годах. И тогда я хотела покончить с жизнью. Но сейчас, вроде, мысли до того не доходят, хотя всё равно страшно, ведь всё чаще стали моменты, где я сижу просто и думаю :
А зачем это всё?
Мне уже больно от того, что год я любила себя безумно, а теперь я снова воспринимаю себя как ненужный хлам.
Счастье действительно длилось недолго 💔
И, честно, не думаю, что кого-то заинтересует мой комментарий и нытьё. Просто под такими видео столько откровенных комментариев, что решила, может, и мне попробовать.
Как-то я пробовала практику с личным дневником и разговорами в зеркале, даже щитпост канал вела и писала стихи и это помогало, но сейчас это мало помогает и, писав этот комментарий, мне как душу отвело после часовой грусти, где я даже совсем чуть-чуть плакала, что я вообще запретила себе когда-то и даётся с трудом (именно выплакаться). Мои мысли сейчас - это просто хаос.
Ay I care about you love you man❤❤
@@jessica11532 Omg, thank you very much for your comment! It really means a lot to me. I love you too and I hope that everything in your life will be at the highest level 🫂
I love you myself, I saw your comment, I care about you💘
@@Iluvkarining I am extremely pleased, thank you very much, dear! I love you too and wish you all the best in life. Thank you for taking care of me, you make me think that everything in life is not so bad! 💌
@@miroirsansrefletI wish you more happiness. You are very 🫶🏻🥹
لدي شعور ، بأن حقا كل شي سيكون على ما يرام ، قد لا انسى ما حدث لي لكن ... لكن في يوما ما سأكون قد تخطيت .
انا حقا آمل هذا لانني سئمت التظاهر بخير سئمت تكرار نفس الاخطاء مجددا سئمت كره نفسي انا لا استحق هذا ، و لا يوجد شخص يستحق كل هذه المعاناة لكن لا يجب ان نفقد الأمل ، تشبثوا به بقوة رجاءا سيكون كل شي بخير فقط لا تفكر بتشاؤم و لا تكره نفسك لان روحك العزيزة لا تستحق كل هذا الكره فقط عش بسعادة من دون تفكير عميق ، ستكون بخير .
أنا فقط أحتاج سبب أعيش لأجله أنا فقط أريد شخص معي أو يحبني حياتي عبارة عن هدوء و صراخ وضرب لقد سئمت من كل شيء سئمت عندما أضل مستيقضاً لل ساعه السابعه صباحاً لأن عقلي مشوش ولا أستطيع ألنوم لا يوجد شخص أتحدث معه عن معاناتي أو جروحي وصلت لحاله بدأت أتكلم مع نفسي طول ألليل لان لا يوجد شخص أتحدث معه.. حوالت الانتحار أربع مرات ولا أحد يعلم عن ذلك أصلاً أريد أن أذهب بعيداً أريد أن أختفي لا أريد أحد ولا أحد يريدني حتى عائله جيده لا أمتلك حاولت كثيراً حاولت لمده 5 سنوات ولاكن لم يتغير شيء أنني أتحول للأسوء في كل يوم يمر يدي كلها آثار الضرب وكل معاناتي لا يعلم بها سوى ربي أتمنى أن أعيش ولو دقيقه من دون خوف و قلق هذه لست الحياة التي اريدها.. حتى غرفه أبكي بها ليس لدي سرير قطني ليس لدي ملابس خاصه بي ليس لدي مال ليس لدي أصدقاء ليس لدي أهل ليس لدي أقرباء ليس لدي عالم هادء ليس لدي حلم ليس لدي أخوات ليس لدي أنتهى شغفي بكل شيء إلا الانتحار..
﴿نَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ﴾
﴿ وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ ﴾ ٭.
@@جيشه7-ق7غI wish you get better! I imagine how difficult it must be, there is no pain that lasts forever. I believe in your victory and no, you are not alone. You can and have the power to start over every day. You will smile, Believe this, we are here with you.
@@جيشه7-ق7غ Tu vales mucho amigo, no dejes que ese pensamiento te consuma, te deseo suerte en tu vida y recuerda que siempre habrá alguien para escucharte :)
You know, when you read all these comments from different parts of the world, you feel more support than in my entire life. I really hope that everyone who reads this will be fine❤.
Update below!
Hey Guys,
I am lost.
Last year, I got rejected in the harshest way possible. She laughed at me. I fell into a depression, but thankfully my friends were there to help me.
And this year is probably the worst of my life. Two weeks ago, on June 13th (my grandfather's birthday), he was diagnosed with blood cancer. They ran a lot of tests, and it turned out positive in every organ.
My parents told me to keep going, but it is hard for me to focus.
Hey guys,
The things that have happened lately are kind of good and kind of bad.
Firstly, my grandfather is still alive but unable to move.
The Austrian healthcare system isn’t helping us as much as it should. (By the way, healthcare is free in Austria.)
We need to finance some of the things he needs because the system only provides a certain amount of medical supplies per month, and what he receives is way less than he needs.
The good thing is that my parents work in a hospital and know exactly what he needs. They are supporting him as much as they can.
He is happy to be home.
On a brighter note, I got a 50cc bike! The bad news is that I crashed just three days after getting it. Nobody got hurt; I just have some burns, and the bike is fine.
I now know that I have to keep going and learn of the things that happen.
̴I̶ ̶a̵m̶ ̴l̵o̷s̸t̸?̷
Thanks to everyone.
You're not alone, it's okay to feel sad. Don't hesitate to talk about it if it helps you.
It's hard, I know. It's really hard the feeling of being alone and don't know what do you have to do next. The only thing we can do is cry and then rise up for all of the people who love us
Both my parents had cancer man, I wouldn't wish that hell on anyone, how bad is it may I ask?