Destiny DEBATES OmniLiberal Tweets (Stealthing, Boundaries)

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
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    @NFTMASSACRE 2 роки тому +209

    this OmniLiberal guy has some pretty spicy twitter takes, hopefully Destiny is able to reel him back in. If the OmniLiberal/Destiny bridge burns i don't know what i'd do.

  • @fiachracasey7625
    @fiachracasey7625 2 роки тому +105

    Fastest censoring in the west

  • @wisdomandy9361
    @wisdomandy9361 2 роки тому +84

    The fact people are more comfortable having sex than talking about it is a big problem. This is typically more common in long term relationships, particularly ones where there's little to no sex and one partner is shut out from talking about it because the other doesn't want sex with them and makes the other feel guilty. When this happens, you need to leave the relationship. It's dead.

    • @ataridc
      @ataridc 2 роки тому +13

      how are they so coom brained that someone merely suggesting you dont have casual sex if you can't assert yourself is like a human rights evaluation lol

    • @hmkhgx8068
      @hmkhgx8068 2 роки тому +2

      @@Crimson50 it's possibly a self esteem boost for people, a lot of the people engaging in it have low self esteem and feeling like someone wants to fuck you can raise it a bit.
      Though I am no expert on psychology and that's just a theory.

    • @giovalladares1022
      @giovalladares1022 2 роки тому +5

      My marriage had a long time period where there was no sex and it was a very difficult time because it wasn’t by my desire. We worked on it and now we have more sex than we had our first year of marriage by far. Valuing sex over love is one of their reasons relationships suffer so much these days.

    • @mirror8519
      @mirror8519 2 роки тому

      tf did you expected? the sexual revolution ruined society.
      Or maybe the sexual revolution is a consecuence of the decay of our society.

  • @richybambam1995
    @richybambam1995 2 роки тому +49

    I went to the crip neighborhood and they beat me up. Then i went back 3 more times and got beat up every time, but i have the right to go to anywhere i want so im going back dont tell me i shouldnt go its victom blaming

    • @bigdick1267
      @bigdick1267 2 роки тому +10

      We just need to teach gang bangers to not beat people up? That simple.......

    • @JM-mh1pp
      @JM-mh1pp 2 роки тому +8

      Just keep going there... honestly at some point they will just accept your presence

    • @BouncinBrandon
      @BouncinBrandon 2 роки тому +2

      LMFAOOOO best analogy ever omfg 😂😂😂😂😂 absolute spot on analogy

  • @OMDxPopo
    @OMDxPopo 2 роки тому +27

    The idea is so simple. We can’t stop people from doing bad things, such as rape. If you’re having casual sex you are constantly putting yourself in at risk situations. Some more risky than others. If you are not willing to be verbally demanding and physically demanding of your boundaries and you are at risk of getting raped because of that, simply do not engage in casual sex with strangers. It’s not your fault if you get raped, and nobody is saying that. But you can take the steps to mitigate the negative risk to yourself by not engaging in several casual sexual encounters with people you do not know. How is this such a hard thing for people to grasp. It’s not blaming a victim, it’s giving women, and men, the tools to mitigate risk to themselves that come from casual sexual encounters. Casual sex is a risky sexual behavior and if you aren’t mentally mature enough to engage with those risk it’s best to tell people to not engage with them. That’s not a fault, that’s not a negative thing about you. It’s just a fact of the world of reality.

    • @cscsontren5666
      @cscsontren5666 2 роки тому +2

      So what those women who don’t have this stone cold Navy SeAL bravery and fortitude to say something because they know by saying ANYTHING they will definitely be murdered because they made the man more mad should just stay home and never leave for their entire lives?! What a rape apologist and woman hating, victim blaming prescription!
      In all seriousness I don’t understand how in literally every other situation people are so quick to give advice on how to minimize risk in various scenarios where ultimately a person can’t completely control what another individual may do but does have the ability to decrease their odds of being a victim but in this specific circumstance if you say one thing that would objectively decrease the chances of a person being a victim then you are a horrible person. I guess the value of virtue signaling is just too great for these idiots that say you can’t give advice in these situations. That or they are actually, unironically, pro-rape because telling people to go out and have all the sex they want whenever with whoever while simultaneously telling them not to worry about their ability or lack there of to assert their boundaries and vocalize when they are uncomfortable is absolutely going to increase the number of sexual assault victims.

    • @synlion
      @synlion 2 роки тому +9

      We simply can’t expect women to keep themselves safe. It’s our job as men to do that. Our -children- sorry, our WOMEN need our protection. Always.

  • @unclebobboomergames
    @unclebobboomergames 2 роки тому +28

    The woman isnt at fault if she doesnt reverbalize her boundaries. But its still good advice to give. And you should be as comfortable reverbalizing those boundaries as you are being intimate with them

    • @ChainMeFree09
      @ChainMeFree09 2 роки тому +4

      A thousand times this^ thank you.

    • @unclebobboomergames
      @unclebobboomergames 2 роки тому +3

      @@ChainMeFree09 and unlike most of this audience i have a daughter. Im very aware of what this convo is. Some of these people pretend we live in a make believe world. Its NEVER a womans RESPONSIBILITY to stop an assault on them. They did nothing wrong. But all data shows that confrontation helps mitigate as much harm as possible. So my advice is always going to be to kick and scrape and punch and fight like hell

    • @timekeeper2538
      @timekeeper2538 2 роки тому +2

      @@unclebobboomergames It should be every victim's responsibility to at least try everything in their power to defend themselves.

    • @unclebobboomergames
      @unclebobboomergames 2 роки тому +8

      @@timekeeper2538 i dont like using the word respinsibility because a victim never has a respomsibility to do anything. Mainly because people see the word responsibility on both sides and think something different. But i have a daughter. And a son. They will both be taught to fight like hell. There are ALWAYS situations where that wont be applicable. But its about doing the best to minimize the risk for any behavior

    • @neildepressedtyson540
      @neildepressedtyson540 Рік тому +4

      @@timekeeper2538 They did though, this is a completely false premise. If they couldn't talk, they literally couldn't muster the power to talk. A freeze response is a real thing for people. This is just a way to say "well yeah but you didn't fight back so you're also responsible"

  • @GeekOverdose
    @GeekOverdose 2 роки тому +32

    "I have bought an expensive car and parked it (unlocked) in a crime ridden neighborhood, and it was stolen. Then I did it again, and again, and again."
    "Well then maybe you should step back from buying expensive cars untill you can learn to lock the car at the very least"
    "Look, you can't expect me to do that. What if I prep myself and when it actually comes time to locking the very expensive car, in the heat of the moment, I just forget to lock it again? So I should just be encouraged to continue buying expensive cars because it's not my fault they get stolen"

    • @xDDufiosy
      @xDDufiosy 2 роки тому +11

      Don’t forget that somehow virtue signaling online is going to stop car thieves. Like it will magically get them to realize “you shouldn’t steal” omg wow 🤩.

    • @GeekOverdose
      @GeekOverdose 2 роки тому +6

      @@xDDufiosy no no. You don't understand. We need to overhaul our education system to teach young people not to steal. That's the real answer

    • @cscsontren5666
      @cscsontren5666 2 роки тому +3

      @@GeekOverdose and so while we wait for that to happen we just keep telling people to buy all the cars they even slightly want without any research and that they should park them anywhere they want while never locking it and at the same time never allow anyone to suggest to them that they maybe should wait to buy another car until they have learned to park the car in a less risky area and to actually lock it? No thanks I’d rather encourage them to park responsibly and consistently lock the door while also trying to improve the overall concept behind sex education that also explains the importance of personal responsibility and agency.

    • @GeekOverdose
      @GeekOverdose 2 роки тому

      @@cscsontren5666 sarcasm

    • @donniejefferson9554
      @donniejefferson9554 2 роки тому

      @@GeekOverdose So what? You want me to lock my car? I should be prepared to do the bare minimum to stop a car thief? So you also think I should gave to train to be an MMA fighter so I can stop a mugger because it's my responsibility to stop all crime around me? You're being ridiculous. I'm not locking my car

  • @TheKomentor
    @TheKomentor 2 роки тому +16

    I think it is his experience with Ana that has forced Destiny to take the stance that immature people shouldn't have casual sx.

    • @atriiio4244
      @atriiio4244 2 роки тому +7

      It also makes it worth considering the idea to not have sex with immature people. Just brings trouble.

  • @twanner_
    @twanner_ 2 роки тому +15

    I’ve never stealthed. For me, the girl accepted a raw dog pull out only after I brought it up. If I have a condom on and they didn’t agree to a raw dog, i would never pull the condom off. Destiny is 100% in the right

  • @nickm3694
    @nickm3694 2 роки тому +10

    If you hydroplane, you should be expected to do your best to stay calm and recover control, and if you can't do the bare minimum of trying to do that, you shouldn't be driving on icy roads. Not that you can't ever drive and not that it's your fault you started hydroplaning, but you should probably avoid it if you know you'll freeze up and get yourself in a worse position.

    • @tianamaycry
      @tianamaycry 2 роки тому +4

      Hydroplaning doesn't happen on icy roads though. It happens on wet roads.
      Though, yes, you should be expected to be able to handle unexpected scenarios when driving without freezing up, if you can't you should not drive. Indeed.

    • @tyler-xo3rb
      @tyler-xo3rb 2 роки тому

      you’ve never driven a car.

  • @platosghost6916
    @platosghost6916 2 роки тому +15

    Lol man, once Destiny turns that R-word switch back on, he really just lets 'em rip! 🤣

  • @joppekim
    @joppekim 2 роки тому +9

    I love how the word r*pe was censored in the beginning of the video but the editor just gave up halfway through lol.

    • @tianamaycry
      @tianamaycry 2 роки тому +1

      Especially during that torrent of rapes a bit after the beginning.
      August tried, he very much did.
      On the real though, they are probably more worried about the beginning of the video anyways.

    • @yondaimesin
      @yondaimesin 2 роки тому +1

      hella late, but the beginning is where the bot that auto checks videos demonetizes you, so at a certain point you just dont need to care about it as much

    • @heyhey8626
      @heyhey8626 2 роки тому

      @@tianamaycry August doesn't run this channel right?

  • @lustrazor44
    @lustrazor44 2 роки тому +18

    If you’re afraid you wouldn’t be able to stop at a whim for any reason while driving, you shouldn’t be driving.
    If you’re afraid of awkward social situations and don’t think you can handle crowds, don’t go to a club.
    If you think you can’t fight, don’t join a fight.
    This isn’t very hard.
    Hans is literally saying someone who keeps getting into accidents, even if someone else caused it, they should keep driving.
    Hans. Wtf.

    • @Shadowh8ter
      @Shadowh8ter 2 роки тому +1

      "No dude just because you got into 30 car accidents in the past month doesn't mean you should stop driving if none of the accidents were your fault. You're just having cosmically unprecedented misfortune and you should keep driving without changing how you drive at all"

    • @jayjoe3716
      @jayjoe3716 2 роки тому +1

      Your examples are first of all completely ridiculous but secondly not even analogous.
      - She is not afraid of having sex, she is afraid of getting r*ped! You know something that is actually illegal.
      - Her fear doesn't increase because she has sex but because people assaulted her
      - She doesn't engage in any criminal act, others do
      Powerful victim blaming here, 100 points for you

    • @joshrealer
      @joshrealer 2 роки тому +6

      @@jayjoe3716 if you’re getting your car broken into because you keep parking at a certain location, everyone agrees you’re not the one breaking the law and you didn’t do anything wrong, but it’s okay to tell you should take more precautions so that you don’t get your car broken into.
      No one’s saying it’s her fault for getting assaulted. Everyone agrees no one should stealth or sexually assault people. But if you’re not able to confront someone or say ‘no’ in a sexual act, you shouldn’t engage in sexual acts where you can’t say no.
      If you disagree you’re just virtue signaling and don’t care if more women get sexually assaulted.

    • @furyberserk
      @furyberserk 2 роки тому

      If she saw him stealthing and did nothing, she let herself get r*ped.
      If she thinks saying anything would have said same outcome, she let herself get r*ped.
      If she thinks doing anything would have the same outcome, she let herself get r*ped.
      If she knew anything at all was going to lead to said events and did actually nothing, she let herself get r*ped.
      Regardless of your feelings, if 100% of all casual hookups lead to r*pe, what degree should she be having casual sex? 50%, 30%, 25%, 20%, etc.
      If you think she has no agency and her control in said encounters is void, and her only precaution is before, and the partner can just change their mind, why would this not just create a r*pe culture. This is giving r*pists ammo. Please stop.
      I don't give a fuck about victim blamming, just fucking solve the problem.
      Telling kids not to steal, kill or lie didn't help the thieves, murderers or scammers. People have to defend themselves too. If blaming men isn't doing enough, maybe she should stop having casual sex.
      My position is extreme, but it sounds like the correct answer is being constsmtly ignored.

  • @Torenjoyer
    @Torenjoyer 2 роки тому +8

    Desinty is my spirit animal if the spirit animal loved Adderall

  • @besg5725
    @besg5725 2 роки тому +41

    Destiny is 100% correct.

    • @sundrelstriker7513
      @sundrelstriker7513 2 роки тому +5

      Absolutely. I come from the Lifestyle, where women have agency and are respected . Consent and boundaries get crossed and when they are, they are addressed.

    • @neildepressedtyson540
      @neildepressedtyson540 Рік тому

      @@sundrelstriker7513 Confirmation bias lmao

    • @dandromeda1
      @dandromeda1 2 місяці тому

      Maybe learn what that word means.

  • @brandonwilliams2246
    @brandonwilliams2246 2 роки тому +17

    Destiny is 100% right here, but his inflammatory language in the tweet is what ruined this conversation. Multiple times Haaz went back to the r***** child line and you could tell it was what was really upsetting him. Destiny should’ve just said, “yes my language was a bit much but I stand by the core of my argument”.

    • @great_ape9791
      @great_ape9791 2 роки тому +7

      Destiny has never seemed to actually reform his shitty Twitter persona and it sucks

    • @enlightenednormie242
      @enlightenednormie242 2 роки тому +1

      Irl Destiny > Twitter Destiny🌹

    • @matt_9112
      @matt_9112 2 роки тому

      @@enlightenednormie242 tbf, that's true for literally everyone since Twitter is a shit platform. Even someone with the best, most nicely phrased take would be able to make it better and more elaborate elsewhere.
      Also Twitter Destiny brings the drama aka content (not saying this is intentional, but the incentive is clearly there, evidence A: this arc)

    • @enlightenednormie242
      @enlightenednormie242 2 роки тому +3

      @@matt_9112 Whatever State of Affairs there might exist, it's not controversial to say that this arc Exposed a lot of Virtue-Leftists online 🌹

    • @tianamaycry
      @tianamaycry 2 роки тому

      Meh, tone policing is stupid. Use your brain to set aside your emotions and comprehend.

  • @eddyhypnotizer2481
    @eddyhypnotizer2481 2 роки тому +3

    Short reality check for this guy: Sex with strangers isn't the most important thing in life. It shouldn't even be normalized nor be endorsed in my opinion.

  • @MurdocEd
    @MurdocEd 2 роки тому +5

    When did sex become a right and not a privilege for responsible adults?

    • @evangorgen1562
      @evangorgen1562 2 роки тому +1

      I'm glad someone else said this because this was one of my main reactions to this whole conversation point. I really hope this is just an online thing and that most people don't view sex through the lens that some of these people seem to. The idea that abstaining from casual sex is some hardship placed upon the person abstaining is a really hard sell for me.

    • @MurdocEd
      @MurdocEd 2 роки тому

      @@evangorgen1562 I think the most egregious part of all this is how everyone who is opposing Destiny on this more than likely uses words like incel, beta, or simp in a derogatory fashion to laugh at males who can possibly be victims of trauma or abusive upbringings that have led them to hold views on women that are contradictory to reality. They can't possibly be any more hypocritical for attempting to die on this hill.

    • @lucy-pero
      @lucy-pero 2 роки тому +2

      as someone who doesn't go outside, i find all this confusing. why does society see casual sex as something so essential and as a "right" and as destiny said "the cornerstone of modern society" like if you keep having bad experiences, then can't u do something to avoid that? why do you _HAVE_ to fuck random people? this so alien to me like i don't get it
      please normal people, enlighten me

    • @curry7539
      @curry7539 8 місяців тому

      Sex is a right for a woman, but men aren't entitled to it. Makes sense

  • @lucy-pero
    @lucy-pero 2 роки тому +5

    as someone who doesn't go outside, i find all this confusing. why does society see casual sex as something so essential and as a "right" and as destiny said "the cornerstone of modern society" like if you keep having bad experiences, then can't u do something to avoid that? why do you _HAVE_ to fuck random people? this so alien to me like i don't get it
    please normal people, enlighten me

    • @aaronpeterson3838
      @aaronpeterson3838 2 роки тому +1

      Same, I just keep thinking why is it so hard to not have causal sex?

    • @lucy-pero
      @lucy-pero 2 роки тому +1

      @@aaronpeterson3838 idk, the thought of being naked with a stranger absolutely terrifies me

    • @michaelh878
      @michaelh878 2 роки тому

      Probably a lot to do with self esteem issues. Even if the experience itself is unpleasant they feel they are getting some kind of ego boost from it after the time.

  • @jasonjenkins8910
    @jasonjenkins8910 2 роки тому +7

    Woah, this dude has been in the physical fight before. Alpha!!

  • @epicjason21
    @epicjason21 2 роки тому +1

    More often then not people don’t set boundaries before casual sex unless they find something extremely uncomfortable.

  • @slikkwill4137
    @slikkwill4137 2 роки тому +11

    I just can't believe these people actually have sexual experience. People push boundaries

    • @wisdomandy9361
      @wisdomandy9361 2 роки тому +8

      Yeah.. most people fighting Destiny on this topic have literally no idea because unless you have experience you wouldn't understand.

    • @MarigoldAW
      @MarigoldAW 2 роки тому

      Is it unreasonable to expect a mature adult to end an encounter when their boundaries are broken?

  • @autismgains2216
    @autismgains2216 2 роки тому +4

    Destiny is mostly right but him downplaying stealthing is creepy. That shit ain't right yo.

  • @Karen_Marie
    @Karen_Marie 2 роки тому +33

    The whole conversation is summed up around the 38:00: mark: everyone should be 100% ready, willing, and able to verbally assert a boundary during a sexual situation, otherwise they shouldn't be having casual sex.
    And I totally agree. This seems very obvious to me.

    • @danaolsongaming
      @danaolsongaming 2 роки тому +5

      But, but, you're victim blaming.

    • @frisater96
      @frisater96 2 роки тому +1

      @@danaolsongaming It is victim blaming. If your first response to hearing that story is to blame her for not saying anything, you’re implicitly saying that it’s her fault for getting raped.
      A lot of women are scared of speaking up when their boundaries are pushed by men, because they know that the man can get violent if she does. In this case she had experienced that exact situation before.

    • @danaolsongaming
      @danaolsongaming 2 роки тому +11

      @@frisater96 then she shouldn't be having sex with randoms. And in the case where it's a consistent partner, you should stop seeing that partner. It's not victim blaming to point out when someone uses another's bad experience to give even worse prescriptions for how society ought to behave.

    • @francothesucc9701
      @francothesucc9701 2 роки тому +1

      @@frisater96 why are u too stupid to distinguish between responsibilities and blame?
      Both the woman and the man engaging in sex have the RESPONSIBILITY to keep themselves safe. Who is to blame when something goes wrong doesn’t change that fact. The blame game is so boring, obviously the rapist is to blame for rape. That doesn’t mean women can’t take measures to reduce that risk.
      Would you rather be safe or morally in the right?

    • @benjaminagostini8
      @benjaminagostini8 2 роки тому +2

      @@frisater96 If someone is consistently too scared to reinforce boundaries during sex, then they shouldn't be having casual sex. Having casual sex with randos when you can't reassert your own boundaries is a wildly huge risk to take.

  • @bokajon
    @bokajon 2 роки тому +6

    Watched Hanz's stream for the first time the other day and holy shit he had literally nothing of value to say :(

  • @XxHistorikxX
    @XxHistorikxX 2 роки тому +4

    I had a girl ask me to slap her in the face. I guess instead of saying no I should've just engaged beast mode

  • @matthewpeverill5688
    @matthewpeverill5688 2 роки тому +2

    Not only should you not be having casual sex if you can't reestablish the set boundaries but you shouldn't be having casual sex with people you don't know well enough to have these conversations with. A woman is scared to reestablish her boundaries because she doesn't know if her partner will react aggressively? She shouldn't be having sex with them to begin with.

  • @tm5123
    @tm5123 2 роки тому +14

    I love how destinys opponent raises his voice and level of agitation when he wants to show how vehemently he disagrees. 😆

    • @lances6602
      @lances6602 2 роки тому +5

      Then you definitely love how Destiny does the exact same thing too, right?

    • @tm5123
      @tm5123 2 роки тому +1

      @@lances6602 Hah, TRUE. Guess its just the insecure energies vs the chad energies of Destiny.

  • @bri_the_way
    @bri_the_way 2 роки тому +4

    Is there a part 2? :o like do they continue talking when he gets back?

  • @amandaspear6148
    @amandaspear6148 2 роки тому +5

    Make it your fucking Dad; he probably cares about your well-being.

  • @cowa1177
    @cowa1177 2 роки тому +4

    I don’t hanz is emotionally strong enough for this discussion

  • @Awaken_To_0
    @Awaken_To_0 2 роки тому +6

    I still don't understand how one should be more comfortable with someone entering their body than talking to them.
    I wouldn't be comfortable letting someone I've known for a week into my home, let alone my body. I'm kinda a obsessive on my alone time and boundaries, but I don't think I am that out of the norm.

  • @bigdick1267
    @bigdick1267 2 роки тому +2

    You don't need to know how you would react the first time... you just need to be able react all the other times. If it keeps happening to you again and again...then something needs to be done.

  • @swedishbird6945
    @swedishbird6945 2 роки тому +7

    Destiny: I think it’s reasonable to assume grown women should be able to say no when they are uncomfortable during sex.
    Hanz: WTF!!! Thats like basically saying that women should be expected to take judo classes!

    • @coolguygames6451
      @coolguygames6451 2 роки тому

      Do you believe stealthing is sexual assault?

    • @kalinsimovski5081
      @kalinsimovski5081 2 роки тому

      @@coolguygames6451 do you believe women are useless husks who have zero agency?

    • @coolguygames6451
      @coolguygames6451 2 роки тому

      @@kalinsimovski5081 just wondering where is it that I mentioned women specifically?

    • @coolguygames6451
      @coolguygames6451 2 роки тому +2

      @ant I get what you mean on that for sure... people’s use of the word “rape” in this argument does a lot of heavy lifting to immediately shutdown and diminish the aspects of validity to destiny’s position.
      I guess here’s my personal thought about this issue... personally I think advocating for personal responsibility, and for people engaging in casual sex to feel comfortable voicing their boundaries is a REALLY huge deal. And I think he definitely has a good point with his take that like constantly reaffirming that women should be terrified of death in every sexual encounter creates this idea that “freezing up” or just toughing it out is a good response rather than attempting to enforce your boundaries?
      BUT I think that his solution of “if you can’t immediately do all of these things perfectly you shouldn’t have casual sex” makes destiny seem WAY to comfortable with the idea that casual sex is just SUPPOSED TO BE a never ending line of men boundary pushing, with a woman supposed to be constantly saying no, after having already established their boundaries at the beginning of the interaction... Like idk... just feels like he was too dedicated to defending his hot take to actually attempt to communicate his message, which makes the whole message seem incredibly disingenuous... His message could just easily be delivered with tact and a little nuance, but he instead chose to basically say “hey! People are gonna rape and assault and violate, nothin we can do about that, so it’s on YOU if it happens to you for getting yourself into that scenario, and if it does happen to you, just never have casual sex again you retarded child”
      Like... wether she handled it well or not, WHICH SHE DIDN’T it’s insane to me to go after a victim, even if it’s a dumb victim, this way, instead of just like actually saying what he means...
      Just seems like, “this is a horrible thing that happens, sometimes out of maliciousness, sometimes out of misunderstandings in the heat of the moment, and people should be equipped emotionally to handle them if they’re going to engage in casual sexual relationships today. We need to educate people over time so it happens less, but having the tools to navigate these situations TODAY is paramount”
      Like if he wanted to communicate his message, we all know he’s capable, he just wanted to drama farm.

    • @coolguygames6451
      @coolguygames6451 2 роки тому +1

      @ant I kinda think that’s an issue I’ve had with destiny a bit over the past year... I feel like the lefty arc made him tired of “should” arguments. He almost solely exists now to say that the structures of this world ARE, “so deal with it”. I don’t find it nearly as interesting... lol

  • @OMDxPopo
    @OMDxPopo 2 роки тому +7

    And destiny should have really hammered down on this because the argument kept coming up again and again. But if you don’t know whether or not you can verbally or physically assert your boundaries when they are broken in the moment; that’s okay. You sometimes will not know. I say if you feel comfortable doing that until you realize you can’t then in that moment, you stop having casual sex. But if you clearly have that issue, and you know you have that issue, and this has happened to you 3 times before. Then I’d say STOP HAVING CASUAL SEX. Take a step back and re-evaluate the situations you keep putting yourself into. Because clearly you’re making poor decisions at that point in time. And no it’s not your fault that someone did a bad thing to you but it is your fault that you’ve not taken any steps to mitigate the dangers of it happening again. Also, what’s wrong with telling someone to not engage in casual sex. That’s perfectly normal and healthy advice for a huge majority of people because several people. It’s actually most likely the thing that would decrease a lot of SA because people aren’t good at navigating it and it leads to hundreds of thousands of situations like the one this girl was in for both men and women. Just because some people can do it doesn’t mean it’s for everyone.

    • @matt_9112
      @matt_9112 2 роки тому

      Don't know why Destiny dug in so heavily on the "first time happening" issue, he didn't anywhere else and in other debates stressed the "three times" aspect of it. He's really shooting himself in tje foot imo.
      It's like telling a cop/soldier: if you see any chance that you'll be traumatized after your first kill, despite all precautions and later care, don't do the job. Great, now literally 100% of those people will be complete psychos frlm the get go. You cannot really know until you actually were in a situation, the repetitiveness is the actual problem, you are right.

  • @Mr.Slaughter
    @Mr.Slaughter 2 роки тому +4

    Why is it so hard for some people to understand taking personal responsibility?

      @SHITSWEEEK 2 роки тому

      because they live in a fantasy world where they actually think they can breed out bad behavior 100% by constant lecturing, and ignoring reality

  • @thequeenundisputed
    @thequeenundisputed 2 роки тому +1

    I understand what Hanz is saying here, he doesn't like the idea that women should be punished or withheld one of the joys of life simply because some men are shitty. I understand not wanting something like that to happen, it feels sucky, but we have to engage with the actual alternatives here - women are already being punished because of these shitty men, they're being raped by them. If we can diminish that harm by encouraging women who are unable to voice their boundaries to take a step back, work on self growth, gain some more assertiveness, and then reenter the casual sex realm, then isn't that a better world where less women are being abused? It's not either you punish women for men's actions or you don't, it's either women are being raped or they're only having sex with people they're comfortable with if they lack the assertiveness necessary to reassert your boundaries in the heat of the moment, and in encouraging this behavior, we're emboldening women by saying not only is it okay for you to be assertive, but you should be assertive, we're contributing toward a culture that empowers women to speak up. This is how culture grows and shifts.

  • @wekky420ranarr
    @wekky420ranarr 2 роки тому +1

    “Awkward” shouldn’t be barrier during sex, grow up

  • @enlightenednormie242
    @enlightenednormie242 2 роки тому +3

    Hanz is trying to find hidden counterarguments in real time😅

    • @ataridc
      @ataridc 2 роки тому +1

      this is the debate he says made him quit politics streaming LoL amazin'

    • @enlightenednormie242
      @enlightenednormie242 2 роки тому +1

      @@ataridc what!? Really😅

  • @666DemonCleaner
    @666DemonCleaner 2 роки тому +1

    Solution. Every woman gets assigned a neutered feminist to chaperone them on dates.

  • @sameash3153
    @sameash3153 2 роки тому

    Trying to fall asleep to this and I'm just like, calm down dude

  • @yawniechan
    @yawniechan 2 роки тому +1

    i love playback speed 1.25x debates

    • @Esoliken
      @Esoliken 2 роки тому

      Wait till you reach the 1.75 and 2x levels. Or if you really want to go pro, 3x like booksmarts.

  • @edwardrichard8093
    @edwardrichard8093 2 роки тому

    Would hanz walk down a known dangerous street wearing/carrying his most expensive things? Pretty sure most people who know of said street or area would avoid it or at the very least be cautious when going through.

  • @thyduck7542
    @thyduck7542 2 роки тому +6

    I agree with Destiny's overall point but I have no idea why he's arguing for legal enforcement for age of consent based on whether or not you can speak up. That's not a realistic thing that can be implemented and just weakens his argument because it makes it look like he's trying to be controlling over women.

  • @jasongoron6400
    @jasongoron6400 2 роки тому

    It is bananas that so many people short circuit on this topic. If you are not secure or assertive enough to have casual sex, either don't or develop those skills. What's the fucking mystery?

  • @yermil890
    @yermil890 2 роки тому

    Telling a dude in passing once what you dont like in bed is not a reasonable precaution

  • @dragunov815
    @dragunov815 Рік тому +1

    Good grief.

  • @thequeenundisputed
    @thequeenundisputed 2 роки тому +4

    I think this disconnect Destiny is having in these conversations leads back to a thought he's expressed over and over again that people always struggle with - he views relationships as transactional to a certain extent. If someone can fuck you over, they will fuck you over, and it's your job to have the agency of your life to take the necessary precautions to limit the damage that someone you don't trust can do to you until you overcome an opportunity where they could fuck you over and they choose not to, in which case you can loosen up and trust them more. Someone who thinks like that is of course going to say to possible rape victims "make sure you're not too vulnerable and trusting, you need to have enough confidence to be able to do the bare minimum to protect yourself - if you can't, understand that the risk you're taking by engaging in casual sex is simply not worth the risk of you being raped".
    Also people conflating responsibility and fault is a major source of disconnect.
    I'm an adult woman, I'm very careful with how I choose my sexual partners and while I believe I would be confident enough to tell a casual partner to fuck off if they tried to stealth me, I'm just generally a risk averse person and not comfortable with the idea of putting myself in more dangerous situations than is necessary to live my own life happily, for this reason I'm just not a casual sex person. I would expect any woman to make these same sorts of assessments when judging whether casual sex is for them - whether or not you're a slut should never be part of your mental arithmetic for these decisions, but that doesn't mean there aren't any considerations to weigh just because a lot of the old ones were garbage and needlessly slut shaming. As long as there are people who are willing to rape, we need people to be taking the necessary measures to protect themselves from those people. Yeah, it's not fair that I have to be more careful because there are more rapists out there, but that's not the point - do you want women to be raped or not? We can't pretend that this isn't a thing we have to be cautious against just because we don't like that fact.

    • @frisater96
      @frisater96 2 роки тому

      I see what you mean, but don’t you think that a lot of people could view Destiny’s, mildly put, clumsy comments in this as implicitly blaming the woman? I think a lot of men have a hard time realizing that confronting a rapist is not an easy thing to do, and can make the situation even worse. It’s at the least a pretty risky gamble, and I completely understand that she chose to not say anything when she discovered it afterwards.

    • @thequeenundisputed
      @thequeenundisputed 2 роки тому +1

      @@frisater96 I agree that it can be hard to assert yourself in those circumstances, even if it can be in your best interest to do so - however, I think people are being naive when they use this reasoning against what Destiny is saying. It absolutely does suck that it feels like it's women responsibility here when they aren't the ones doing something wrong - however, the options are either you exert what agency you have to protect yourself and gain the benefit of enjoying casual sex with a significantly lower risk of person harm, or you engage in casual sex without this necessary base level of personal protection and you end up getting raped over and over again like the twitter woman, or you just don't have casual sex at all. It's a lose/lose/lose and no matter what the responsibility is on the woman because the risk is on the woman, it's an inherent part of the sexual dynamic. 1000% keep saying men shouldn't rape, but we also should teach women how to not be rape victims in the meantime while we wait for our utopia to come into play so that less women end up raped.
      Ultimately this is up for every women to decide for themselves, but we can't pretend the choice is either we let women do whatever they want with no consequences because it would be wrong to limit women's choices and sexuality or we limit women's sexuality, the choice is either we encourage safe sex and lessen rape, or we ignore this advice because it's uncomfortable to acknowledge and makes us look like we're more pro-women and women empowerment while letting more women get raped because we'd rather look good than stop rapes. If there's something women can do to stop rapes, I don't see any world in which it's anti-women to advocate for these sorts of precautions.
      I also think, though, that when we're talking about optics, he's not the one that should optimally be having this conversation. I'm a woman, so I feel like I'm inherently a better advocate for these sorts of messages that can be twisted into being seen as anti-women, or pushed back by people who are reasonably sensitive toward these topics, but this is a necessary part of the discourse that I see as lacking, so while it would be better if we had women saying this, when those don't exist I'm glad that Destiny is saying this. It just makes me wish there were more women on the online twitch space that were having a more (in my view) reasonable take on this.

    • @frisater96
      @frisater96 2 роки тому +1

      @@thequeenundisputed I agree, and I like your perspective, I’m just very frustrated that this whole thing started by Destiny belittling and laughing at a woman who made the absolutely best choice she could have in the situation. It poisons the discussion, which is why I agree that Destiny really isn’t very fitting for this conversation, not because he’s a man, but because he’s very prone to making inflammatory statements that his fanbase start defending because they like the contrarianism.

    • @thequeenundisputed
      @thequeenundisputed 2 роки тому +1

      @@frisater96 If that's your stance than I agree with you wholeheartedly. I actually had a big think with this discourse as to why he does this, how is this justifiable, and I know he's not the most empathetic person, but I do disagree with the way this discourse was started and I think it does a disservice to the possible good it could have done if this discussion was handled with more care and discussed off the back of a more appropriate launching point. Even with the launching point he picked, it could have been done in a much more tactful away. I know he's allergic to rhetoric, but it really does hurt his stated goals.
      I've come to the decision with this drama that his inflammatory rhetoric is part of the point for him. He's said that he's interested in political change, but he's also said that he puts himself and his happiness foremost - mix that with the fact that he's a guy that thrives off of adversity and conflict and has no problem going nuclear on people he views as dumb fucks and you end up with easily avoidable situations like this where he goes off on someone on twitter to stir the pot and start a conversation he's interested in having, but in the way he's interested in having it - which is always going to be combative. He complains about the brain dead leftys, but this is the sort of discourse he wants and curates for himself and his audience.
      I wish he was more tactful, but I understand that political change takes a backseat to his own enjoyment and for some reason he enjoys this sort of combative discourse. It's yet another reason that even though I agree with a lot of his takes, I wish they were being said by other people than just him because sometimes he actively harms the discourse around these important topics.

    • @Nosirt
      @Nosirt 8 місяців тому

      I dont trust any woman that boasts about how they excel at setting boundiers. It’s almost a joke how little it actually takes to make a woman do something she said she didn’t want to do just few minutes ago.
      There is a reason why women use the word “gaslight” 10,000% more than men. Because they are easy to manipulate but don’t like admitting it.

  • @Darm0k
    @Darm0k 2 роки тому

    This guy is conflating relationship sex and casual sex. He keeps talking about having a level of trust with your partner. But in a casual encounter you might not know the person well enough to have that trust.

  • @TheThinkerOfThinking
    @TheThinkerOfThinking Місяць тому

    I think he may just be projecting his fantasy. 😬

  • @lucy-pero
    @lucy-pero 2 роки тому +1

    sigma rule #134: Laugh histerically at Rape

    • @lucy-pero
      @lucy-pero 2 роки тому +1

      he's right about this though

  • @notserp7229
    @notserp7229 2 роки тому +3

    These dudes are unironically reinforcing the patriarchy

  • @chasepalumbo2929
    @chasepalumbo2929 2 роки тому +1

    Hans had a pretty stupid take on this one that reminded me he was young lmao.

  • @WitherSnow
    @WitherSnow 2 роки тому

    The fact that these arguments came from Hanz is super disappointing.
    Edit: Actually it shouldn't be. Woke gay men are hopelessly unable to understand women. Unless he isn't gay and I'm confusing him with a different person.

  • @bigdick1267
    @bigdick1267 2 роки тому

    But but but, i set a boundary before we started. How is it possible that he is pushing or ignoring it. What do i do???!!!??? Cause you know, i set a boundary.

  • @collectorsforecast1132
    @collectorsforecast1132 2 роки тому +9


  • @chronographer
    @chronographer 2 роки тому

    36:14 I've been to parties a couple times where I'll be hanging out with some friends and someone who I just see as like a friend starts like being physical with me.
    36:26 **I'm normally fine - in that's the case - disengaging from that.**
    36:37 I was really comfortable with the person - oh you know like they're my bro, they're my homie. Now the dude's like kissing my neck and I'm like: "where the fuck did this come from?"
    You said you are normally fine disengaging, but lets pretend you knew beforehand that it would be impossible for you to tell someone at a party to stop... why would you go to the party?

  • @billbobbophen
    @billbobbophen 2 роки тому +1

    Destiny engaged in competitive sex in this debate

  • @lordfifth3106
    @lordfifth3106 2 роки тому

    hans just randomly getting louder is so fucking obnoxious

  • @0doublezero0
    @0doublezero0 2 роки тому

    32:00 I came from the anime references. Her next fight will be with Majin Buu. 🤣

  • @TNTspaz
    @TNTspaz Рік тому

    I think his whole argument falls apart when you bring up the fact women are coming out in the thousands to claim nearly all their casual sexual experiences are now retroactively rape cause they shouldnt have been engaging in those relationships in the first place. But were encouraged to do it by people like this guy

  • @boneboy711
    @boneboy711 2 роки тому +1

    My bro who I thought was .y homie started kissing my neck.
    Did you let him continue?

  • @CabbageFoot16
    @CabbageFoot16 2 роки тому

    The most important thing in sex and in all context of relationship is BEING ABLE TO ASSERT (and reassert) BOUNDARIES! Simply if you are not able to do so you are either a child, or an adult who lacks personal development. I did that personal development in my 20's (and continue to do it in my 30's) and found out that asserting boundaries was just not modeled well in my household so I had to learn to do it by reading and talking to people, and testing things out. Not being able to assert boundaries makes you literally emotionally immature, and a lot of people are emotionally immature, my past self included. Emotional immaturity leads to toxic victimhood, and it all inevitably leads to the dark side :)
    PLEASE PEOPLE. I mean this with the upmost compassion. Learn to assert boundaries or victim culture will chew you up and spit you out, and you will have chronic depression and a lack of self worth. We all engage in victim culture to an unhealthy extent in modern society.

  • @Ryattt81
    @Ryattt81 2 роки тому +5

    Seeing as Destiny has literally argued both sides of this issue at different times, Id have to say...I think hes probably right.

  • @YerpDerp17
    @YerpDerp17 Рік тому

    I just wish once Destiny could have just asked him, "then why after the 2nd time he did it could she not send a text to him, at the least. Or maybe....not hook up with him again." The first time is COMPLETELY his fault, and yes, even after the first it was his fauly, but she had the power to end it, or at the least send a text to him. Why keep having sex with someone who has proven not to care about your boundaries?
    The only reason I say this is because Destiny keeps making the overly broad argument that all women should be able to commmunicate in the bedroom, and overall, I can agree. But with nuance, I will be honest and say not all people are the same, and furthermore, he would have been more accurate just saying that after the first time it should be verbalized or discontinued.
    For the most part I agree with Destiny on this, but I do think he is a bit out of touch on certain topics. I do think he is a little disconnected by being a streamer who will always have the power dynamic without putting in much effort. I just think his absolutist view on this is a little extreme, but I think it came out of him being annoyed. Because I agree AFTER the first time something should have been done, but she did set the boundary at first, and I can see her just going with it, but being very uncomfortable with it the first time, sadly. But she should have made sure it never happened again. Either by communication, or not hooking up with that specific individual again.
    Sorry for the rant, and sorry if I am way off with any assumptions. I am a newish Destiny viewer and only know about this specific situaion through this video. I have been binging his stuff randomly for like a month now, trying to catch up with the lore. lol

  • @neildepressedtyson540
    @neildepressedtyson540 Рік тому +1

    "if women are raped, like don't have casual sex???"

    • @deathitself6985
      @deathitself6985 Рік тому +1

      No if a woman can't be assertive during sex when she notices that a man is trying to break a boundary she shouldn't be having casual sex.
      Do you get that if you tell a woman that says it was just so awkward I couldn't say anything to just continue having tons of casual sex you are essentially making it easier for her to get her boundaries violated.
      Men who try to push their boundaries usually are testing if she allows it unless she doesnt notice in which case she couldn't do anything other than verbalize it in text and block or even go to the police if there is something to be done.
      Like if a man didn't ask is she wants anal or if she said no and the dude starts putting his cock in her ass should she just allow him to fuck her ass because she is too awkward to say anything?
      They are not talking about aggressive or violent rape or behaviour just casual sex partners it's ridicilous to not tell women to always assert their boundaries. Men who stealth don't want confrontation and most of them aren't aggressive violent rapist

  • @Holy_Grapefruit
    @Holy_Grapefruit 2 роки тому +2

    If everyone needs to be publicly trained, wouldn't that also train the perpetrators?

    • @mirror8519
      @mirror8519 2 роки тому

      yes, but instead of just raping people they would have a badass karate fight beforehand.

  • @Telthar
    @Telthar Рік тому

    If your own time number 3 and the previous times you haven't been able to verbalize... that is on you for engaging in something where you know you won't be able to communicate. This is like going into 3 MMA fights without knowing how to fight. After time 1, you know you can't fight. It is utter insanity to believe you'll get a different result without making changes. If we make it about trust, okay you have failed 3 times in identifying if someone is trustworthy.... then you aren't a good judge at trustworthiness. I think Destiny goes a bit too far here, you can engage in casual sex, you just need to do something to address the issue, if you get counseling or therapy or something to try and understand why you can't communicate, okay at some point you can try again, but you can't just keep engaging in the same activity and expect a different result.

  • @kiptelgat
    @kiptelgat 2 роки тому

    man the censoring is on point lol

  • @populistpartisan4344
    @populistpartisan4344 2 роки тому

    Jfc some people tweeting should not be having casual hookups based on their tweets lmao

  • @caseclosed2519
    @caseclosed2519 2 роки тому


  • @enlightenednormie242
    @enlightenednormie242 2 роки тому +1

    Destiny is hyper charged about this issue😅
    Vaush cleverly avoided a discussion with him on this subject 😂🌹

    • @joppekim
      @joppekim 2 роки тому

      Vaush and clever doesn't belong in the same sentence 😂

    @SHITSWEEEK 2 роки тому +1

    okay so whats his point then? lets day destiny concedes his point. what doe she want? what is his solution? to not warn girls at all? to ONLY drill into men to not do this? last i checked we already do. and last i checked, we still and always will have rapists and scummy guys. so hes arguing for less risk mitigation. destinys argument results in less rapes happening. his results in the same amount

  • @billbobbophen
    @billbobbophen 2 роки тому +1

    Smartest twitter user

  • @skeletorpfunk6342
    @skeletorpfunk6342 3 місяці тому

    This guy probably gives all his money to panhandlers lol

  • @hartyewh1
    @hartyewh1 2 роки тому

    This guy is worried that Stephen is training all of his semi-victims beyond his reach omegalul!

  • @daxx1985
    @daxx1985 2 роки тому

    Hanz trying to clip destiny out of context in real time was hilarious.... trying to conflate those 2 VASTLY different situations and say well u said this back then in a totally different circumstance WHAT DO U HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THAT?? o shit they are totally dissimilar situations, MY BAD.... LOL

  • @yermil890
    @yermil890 2 роки тому

    Btw how much yall wanna bet that this woman who was so comfortable telling the entire planet that she got r4p3d thrice didn't call the cops on any of the dudes?

  • @airborn3841
    @airborn3841 2 роки тому

    OmniLiberal, now that's a man's name!!!!

  • @slime8177
    @slime8177 2 роки тому +5

    I wish he just said he went too far instead of whatever the fuck this is. Hanz came into this incredibly reasonable

    • @colbyrob4814
      @colbyrob4814 2 роки тому +6

      ????????? Hanz's position is literally expect to be raped if a guy pushes even a single boundary during sex because all women are deer in the headlights of the male sex drive. The idea that men will rape and kill you because you say please dont do that during sex is actually so brain rottingly stupid it blows my mind. Reasonable btw

    • @danieltchernov7745
      @danieltchernov7745 2 роки тому +1

      Please verbalise what you think he went to far in saying? the core of the argument or the phrasing?.

    • @joppekim
      @joppekim 2 роки тому

      He didn't go too far, Hanz position is too far.

  • @thockyslush
    @thockyslush 2 роки тому

    what’s fucking crazy to me is in much the same way “nobody is defending the guy”, nobody is saying women SHOULDN’T speak up ?!? so fucking weird bro this behavior is so gross i was hoping he would apologize after his little babyrage meltdown on twitter

    • @thockyslush
      @thockyslush 2 роки тому

      like… who is fucking saying you can’t encourage women to speak up ??just that you shouldn’t do so by calling them “r*tarded children”, with a massive audience. florida destiny sucks

    • @Shadowh8ter
      @Shadowh8ter 2 роки тому +1

      People are literally saying women shouldn't be expected to speak up and they 100% should be expected to speak up.
      The guy Destiny is debating in the clip said that at least 6 times, he explicitly stated that women shouldn't be expected to speak up during sex and that it's rational for a woman to freeze up during sex if something she doesn't like happens.

    • @totom.8095
      @totom.8095 2 роки тому +1

      @@thockyslush he's not calling women r*tarded, he's saying we should stop treating women like they are because they're not

    • @thockyslush
      @thockyslush 2 роки тому

      @@totom.8095 again, i feel like there are better ways of going about making this point than having a fucking meltdown and saying abrasive things in the mentions of a victim of the “hypothetical” situation. it’s reprehensible behavior. again, if he had nothing to apologize for, why did he scrub his twitter ? come on this shit is embarrassing he fucked up and wants to act like it didn’t happen. if you wanna keep being a fan that’s cool but can we stop pretending like he wasn’t in the wrong ? jeezus

    • @thockyslush
      @thockyslush 2 роки тому

      @@Shadowh8ter ????? BECAUSE IT IS ?!?!? of COURSE women should speak up, but like he mentioned, many DO freeze, and the onus for being assaulted doesn’t then fall entirely on their shoulders because they froze. there’s a term for the freezing but it’s a literal mechanism bro. if you had followed any of destiny’s insane twitter rants you would have seen the woman also mention that she didn’t notice the condom was removed until AFTER. AFTER. A. F. T. E.R. SHE. DID. NOT. NOTICE. so why then, was it ok to say all of this in her mentions effectively ? it’s fucking gross man. stop with this disgusting bullshit. even if you want to act like this has nothing to do with that woman (it does), acting like freezing up isn’t a natural response to assault is ignorant. excuse my ranting but this topic is exhausting and i’ve lost a lot of faith through this very topic. disgusting behavior from destiny and i’m saddened to see the daliban or whatever simply throw their weight behind him no questions asked. destiny has been dogshit since he moved to florida, a dogshit state. guess the math checks out there

  • @chickenandksivideoreviewer9739
    @chickenandksivideoreviewer9739 2 роки тому +1

    Correct take is "being mean" isnt always as trivial as he likes to pretend

  • @God_Grid
    @God_Grid 2 роки тому

    can some one link me the orinignal tweets i cant find them any where this is my like 100th video on this subject

  • @spudman1734
    @spudman1734 2 роки тому +1

    The biggest issue that seems to happen here is that people are hyper sensitive to the concept of sneaking off the condom during sex. Their brain breaks at the idea of that being any less terrible than a horrific attack. Happened for that one girl. Happened for that annoying British guy. They for some reason think that someone being horny and stupid is the equivalent of a violent attacker that can't be stopped.

    • @christophergreen6595
      @christophergreen6595 2 роки тому

      Forcibly impregnated.
      Horn and stupid? Really?
      Dude I know did it to knock his gf up and trap her.
      She had to get an abortion.

  • @enlightenednormie242
    @enlightenednormie242 2 роки тому

    Hanz is so Shouty😂

  • @Kakerate2
    @Kakerate2 2 роки тому

    16:56 LOL

  • @charlieme2295
    @charlieme2295 2 роки тому +1

    I can feel myself becoming a misogynist in real time. This arc is whack af.

  • @lollmemmSm0keweed
    @lollmemmSm0keweed 2 роки тому

    Listen Destiny I've have casuly ducked over 20 beatiful women this is why your wrong.

  • @lautaroteruelo9923
    @lautaroteruelo9923 2 роки тому +4

    I don't know how destiny seems so aware of physical and sociological differences between male and female but still is baffled by the idea that women can't set boundaries in "the heat of the moment"

    • @mulira
      @mulira 2 роки тому +12

      So your Argument is, either men read woman's minds or the women get raped?

    • @beepboopbeepp
      @beepboopbeepp 2 роки тому +8

      Your comment is making it sound like every man in the situation would become some killer r*ping and hurting the woman if she does wtf? It does occur but is far from the norm, which makes it ridicilous to frame it as if they can't express themselves in the situation.
      One of the things i've read a girl use as an explaination for not saying no to a guy in the local news before literally was: "i didn't want to ruin the mood". Apply it to any other situation and it's just the weirdest explaination for not saying anything.

    • @mulira
      @mulira 2 роки тому +1

      Bro don't go public speaking in a stadium before you practiced in a room

    • @wisdomandy9361
      @wisdomandy9361 2 роки тому +5

      Society pushes women's sexual freedom while simultaneously telling them to be victims. So of course people would come to these rediculous ideological thought processes. Destiny is right.. most people in society today shouldn't be out here casually fucking without being more self aware and intelligent enough to create boundaries.

    • @danieltchernov7745
      @danieltchernov7745 2 роки тому +3

      Hopefully they didnt set and keep that boundary soley in their mind, because in that case the other person cannot respect something that they cant be aware of. its retarded.

  • @Mr.Nutley
    @Mr.Nutley 2 роки тому

    Right wing destiny is meta

  • @zephirol4638
    @zephirol4638 2 роки тому

    judging from the first 10 minutes destiny seems incredibly hypocritical and I find it hilarious when he talks out both sides of his mouth but tries to act like he isn't/wasn't

  • @dereknelson6980
    @dereknelson6980 2 роки тому +3

    Destiny looks so bad here here. She did express the boundary. This is destiny’s worst take.

    • @SJNaka101
      @SJNaka101 2 роки тому +3

      What no, she let him finish. If you see the guy take off the condom, you say something. You should probably just go ahead and end the encounter right there.

    • @dereknelson6980
      @dereknelson6980 2 роки тому

      @@SJNaka101 one of these things is assault. One isn’t. Feel free to be wrong about this though.

    • @SJNaka101
      @SJNaka101 2 роки тому +1

      @@dereknelson6980 wait one of what things?

    • @unclebobboomergames
      @unclebobboomergames 2 роки тому +6

      And no one says its her fault. But i have a daughter. The advice im going to give her is to reverbalize. You dont just set a boundary once and then say "oh well" if they try to cross it. You should probably "hey mfer what did i say" him. Hard. It doesnt make it her fault if she doesnt. But advice for navigating the real world matters. And reverbalizing boundaries should be high priority

    • @wisdomandy9361
      @wisdomandy9361 2 роки тому +3

      What are you talking about? Destiny is very on point here. If you're incapable of verbalizing boundaries than you absolutely should not be casually fucking. People are more intelligent today but in many ways far more immature than ever before. Situations like this are what creates boarderline personality disorder.

  • @thockyslush
    @thockyslush 2 роки тому

    so fucking gross man. i’m sure a lot of sexual assaults occur in this manner, and especially with first encounters. WILD seeing this whole community jump behind this fucking gross ass hill to die on

    • @thestoebz
      @thestoebz 2 роки тому +4

      You typed a lot without actually saying anything

    • @GeekOverdose
      @GeekOverdose 2 роки тому +5

      Verbal vomit

    • @thockyslush
      @thockyslush 2 роки тому

      i was watching this late at night, and was annoyed. specifically i was referring to where he’s taking the stance, “if you know you can’t speak up, you shouldn’t engage in casual sex”, to which the other dude responded, well, if it’s your first time you won’t know. which is of course the point. i’m sure the vast majority of women who were assaulted went i to that encounter thinking they would definitely tell a dude no if it came to it, just like we would all tackle the gunman in the store and not instead be plastered as soon as we take the first step. this whole narrative of his is disgusting. this dude feels entitled to go off on insane tangents about how women need to be responsible and all this when it turns out, that entire DISCUSSION was entirely irrelevant, because she later clarified that she didn’t notice till AFTER. now, instead of apologizing for acting like a brick he proceeds to defend himself by saying “well, the point i was MAKING was technically still correct”, and then saying basically how “trauma dumping is cringe anyways don’t do that” to deflect from criticism about his babyrage tweets over a misunderstanding he had about a r*pe story, with her directly in the thread. it’s embarrassing streamer behavior and idk i need to touch grass more but i also don’t trust this dude as much as i did. i thought he was above all the nonesense but this was absolutely embarrassing at best, and i’d argue pretty morally reprehensible at worst

    • @brandonden795
      @brandonden795 2 роки тому +3

      Boi we planted artillery on this hill

    • @michaelh878
      @michaelh878 2 роки тому

      @@thockyslush He kept moving the goalposts. They were talking about someone/people who had had this happen to them 4 or multiple times. Hanz saying what if it was the first time was totally off point which is why Destiny ignored it. You kind of have to have watched all the panels to get a full picture of Destiny's arguments. And Hanz had seen or been on those.

  • @dtubbs
    @dtubbs 2 роки тому +1


  • @transtheistdebates3549
    @transtheistdebates3549 2 роки тому +3

    This is disgusting.