A little bit of over kill with that air stone But your little me the bigger and more bubbles the better What did you pay for that air stone Don't think I can't afford that air stone Im going to to try a 8 inch air stone disc I am disabled could someone send all the parts to you and pay you do get one ready to go and pay to ship it to me I just can't put all the fitings on and drill and cut and all that stuff
I'm sure a 8 inch air stone would work.. I could possibly work out building you one if you live in tge states but shipping would cost a fortune. Do you know anybody that could build you one..? Also water changes are required every 3-4 weeks which is to bad.. Again shipping even in the states wouldn't be worth the cost. There's many other systems that less to maintain than this setup..
@@nwiaquatics really like your system it's awesome don't know anyone that could build it for me But I could get someone to hook your system together if you did the cuts and holes for the fittings I have caregivers that would help me take care of your system with like water changes and that stuff Would you ever think about or consider donating one of your system s to someone like me if I paid to ship it to Iowa My email is lllucky5@aol.com if you want to talk maybe we could work something out That is the email i check every day
Well Tony You're in luck my brother..! I received your email this morning and I spent a couple of hours building you a complete 12 gallon tote setup from scratch.. I also double wrapped the lid in hd aluminum foil and included plenty of clay media, 4 rockwool cubes and a 6' piece of 1/4" tubing for air stones. This system has been sanitized and checked for leaks around the grommet.. All you'll need to get 100% started is x2 8" air stones and at least a 20 watt air pump.. I'll provide links below along with extras you will need.. Also be sure to have a good quality PH and EC meter.. I use General Hydroponics Micro, Grow, Bloom for all of my grows.. I just need to find the time to get this shipped out to you and will reply to your email here in a bit for your shipping info.. I highly recommend you get these items listed below.. I honesty Don't think Cal/Mag is needed but I'll list what I use below. I tried with and without Cal/Mag and couldn't tell the difference. I'll send you pictures of everything I will be sending you.. PH Meter: www.amazon.com/Bluelab-PENPH-Pen-Plant-Germination/dp/B005POOJHG/ref=sxts_b2b_sx_reorder?cv_ct_cx=bluelab+ph+pen&dchild=1&keywords=bluelabe+ph+pen&pd_rd_i=B005POOJHG&pd_rd_r=e3eee223-224d-40c7-adf0-7976d3239782&pd_rd_w=eoIkJ&pd_rd_wg=hNMt0&pf_rd_p=2ff2ddc8-4b7c-44be-9d81-b3613daaedab&pf_rd_r=V0NFH1H89R7G5GKDM6JD&qid=1619364005&sr=1-1-f5ebfd8e-82c1-4b4e-97d5-2aa47aa18b69 EC Meter: www.amazon.com/Bluelab-Truncheon-Nutrient-Meter-Germination/dp/B00348PV6S/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=bluelab+meter&qid=1619364056&s=lawn-garden&sr=1-6 20 Watt Air Pump: www.amazon.com/dp/B081DY21RZ/ref=twister_B08DXLG6H1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 8" air stones (2 pack): www.amazon.com/Pawfly-Cylinder-Bubbler-Hydroponics-Aquarium/dp/B07QSCW7LK/ref=sr_1_22?dchild=1&keywords=Air+stones&qid=1619364645&sr=8-22 General Hydroponics Nurturance: www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-Flora-Bloom-Fertilizer/dp/B017H73708/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=general+hydroponics&qid=1619364154&sr=8-6 PH Down: www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-Liquid-Fertilizer-1-Quart/dp/B00CJID1I4/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=38LDXIMXIOL7&dchild=1&keywords=ph+down+general+hydroponics&qid=1619364283&sprefix=ph+down%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExNk81VEdGUFNGVlA0JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjc0NjExN0k2S1JCSENER01TJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1MDM5ODIyNkhOWlRQSzUxNlBVJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== PH Up: www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-pH-Up-Oz/dp/B000FFAM8A/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=ph+up+general+hydroponics&qid=1619364403&sr=8-12 Cal/Mag: www.amazon.com/Botanicare-CAL-MAG-Plant-Supplement-Formula/dp/B004JKBMRW/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=Cal+mag&qid=1619364824&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFOMU8zWlZKQ1RCMUomZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA0OTgyOTcxMkxBM1E5T1c4V0RHJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1Mzg1NzdQWUM3NjJDT1Q1TEMmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl Happy Growing my friend and if you have Facebook be sure to join us at Joe's Pepper House..
@@nwiaquatics Do you need a water pump like most systems have to circulate the water ?If I ever come up with a way to solar power a hydrophonic system I will let you know how Just had that idea
Finally someone who actually explains plain and simply how to set up a diy dwc in a nice clean and practical application. Absolute legend thanks so much!
Dude I thought I have a lot of stuff just laying around the house the house after 28 years of marriage and two kids and two grand kids, holy crap you must be close to a hoarder. Good content and explanation.
Buddy I have been watching everyone trying to clean up the freshly cut edges on the outside and inside of their PVC pipes. Working with copper pipe and straight edges, all hardware store carry a "Deburing" tool small curved, very sharp knife and it will work wonderful on all PVC edges. Hopefully this will help a lot of folks. Enjoyed your information also. Thanks
its never overkill with too much air ^ . nice build , I like the water level line, Probably don't need to stress to much about the chlorine in the tap water
Thank you Matt.. Yes my Carolina Reaper is already 17" Tall and 27" wide..! I've made a lot of changes and you can see those on other channel at Joe's BBQ House.. Thanks for watching..
great video, i will restart my indoor grow. I'm watching videos to update myself, as it's been over 20 years since I've been planting, but now I want to be able to taste what's best and made by me. Joe, I'm told we are alike....
Very well explained and demonstrated. Also great equipment chosen. This is my first time running a homemade DWC bucket and it works pretty well too. But because of your video, I'm seriously considering making 2 boxes. Thanks for sharing and greetings from Austria!
That's is one sweet set up Joe. Sorry I couldn't make it to the premier but wanted to come by at watch. Can't wait to see your set up when it's finished and you got peppers growing. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you.. I finally have some sprouts growing and getting ready to transfer them tomorrow after I evaporate the chlorine from my tap water.. I so can't wait to fail/win on this whole process of growing.. Thank for watching brother..!
Brother you have a phenomenal dome!!! Thanks for the great video. I’ve made many many of DWC systems and this is wonderful for the beginner trying to get growing in hydro!
I'll be publishing a new massive update video today and it will be the last video for this channel.. Going to move all grow updates to my Joe's BBQ House channel. Thanks for watching Tommy..
Pick up some 1/4 air line 90 degree elbows to add on those stones will keep it from kinking when it moves against the tote. Bring the air flow down some as your pumping way to much air into those stones. Micro bubbles feed the plant much better then boiling them. Nice job done showing how to build these totes. Love your showing a 13/16 bit to make the correct hole size.
I have an assortment of those 1/4" fitting and I will put them to use.. To be honest I didn't think to much air flow would be an issue in all the research I've done.. I'll have to get more lines ran to this pump cause I don't want to overheat it.. Thanks for the advice..
Did not mean to confuse you. It is not over heating boiling wise. I meant it was rolling the water way to hard no allowing a good oxygen air rate. Having lots of smaller bubbles is called micro bubbles that feed the roots much better oxygen than a heavy boiling bubbles. Just share the lines with other feed lines to take the mass pressure off that one air stone. If need be you can install an air valve to restrict the air flow down some to that stone but don't put to much back pressure on the pump to burn it up. Sharing the lines equally with other totes will allow you to do this with out causing back pressure.
@@CBsGreenhouseandGarden I totally understood what you was saying.. I thought the more rolling water would be best allowing more oxygen to the plant as a seedling.. I plan on lowering the water level about a 1/2" below the net pot and the airstone pressure once the roots grows underneath the net pot.. I'll try to explain this in my next video but I do agree with you brother.. I'm just experimenting but love the advice that you're giving me.. I truly appreciate it..
That is one gnarly looking hole lol. Nice video tho, making a hole that big in these totes is such a pain in the butt. Interesting seeing how each person deals with it differently.
The center paper stuff was not necessary because the lid of the tote had perfect alignment with the squares. The center of the center square was your middle point. Great setup!
LOL, yeah, this kind of confused me. Just cut a 6 inch hole in the centre of the tote. The whole template thing was unnecessary. A 6 inch hole saw would’ve been much easier and produce a cleaner result.
I learned so much from this 1 DWC video than I have in the other 100 I have watched. The bubbling to get ride of that pool chemical for 24hrs, genius. Will def be getting a few things. Keep it up!
No air gap until the roots hit the water week 2 believe me im running a 30 double net pot system its easy and buy you a guardian system to monitor ph and parts per million
I like it but due to its large size I would recommend attaching an external reservoir for any nute/PH maintenance not to mention water changes attach them in the traditional circulatory DWC method it can even be external from your tent to keep the water cooler.
Hey I found your channel through this video, and watched your other videos too but came back to say I love this tutorial and the way you give a parts list with links for everything. I am definitely going to make some of these! I hope you will continue this channel and experiment with other types of systems, I think you will find these how-to (and equipment review) types of videos do well and I will enjoy seeing how you do things! More follow up videos would definitely be nice as well.
Thank you.. And yes I do plan on doing more how to videos.. 2021 videos will be nice because I want to show how I grow from start to finish. Thanks for watching.
Thank you.. I appreciate that.. You can find all my updated grow videos on my original channel over at "Joe's BBQ House and Review" Thanks for watching..
I use the same totes but I used epoxy to attach the top 5 inch pieces of a 5 gallon bucket to raise the net pots up above the tote lid to keep from losing water volume. 👍 would not recommend do it the way I did if you are restricted on height though.
great diy vid. keep it simple-one thing i found was the air lines coming off the manifold need to be the same length regardless of how many buckets you use manifold-air stone Same length, and putting the pump in a cardboard box will cut down the noise alot- have fun !!!
hey pal, great use of various items! ive always used DWC but neve put the water level so it was covering my nets, the way i was taught was to leave up to an inch between the water/nutes rather than them being completely covered, im assuming matbe mould but was a long time ago, obviously whatever works for you, the air stone just sprays the roots until they hit the water then you will be amazed at the rate of growth, some LST, FIMing and you cant really go wrong. I prefer smaller plants with maybe 6-8 branches/colas, depending on lots of varients your looking at about 6/7oz a plant, very impressed mate, not that it proves anything.
I honestly never started with soil and did all my homework on dwc.. I didn't show much in my videos but starting dwc super hots in the winter and transplanting to soil was the best thing I ever did.. Stay tuned for my 2021 grows..
Hi Joe...Thnks alot for making this video. Especially for how you showed where to buy each part online. This seems easy enough. Im finally dipping my toes in the hydro game and figured this is the perfect way to start. I plan on using 4 12 gallon totes and put one plant in each one. One question. Is there a specific reason why the tubing is blue? Other than just to be transparent so to see inside it? Could I just use clear tubing? Or does it have to do with algae/bacteria resistance? Thnks again
Yes I change the water and nutrients ever 3-4 weeks and you can drain from the hose if you elevate the tote.. I just lift the lid into a empty tote then pick up the other and drain.
at 11:11 why didn't u use the drill machine to cut it out. the least you could have do is to drill as many holes as possible to cut it out easier with the hand saw
Lift the entire lid and set into a empty tote or you can elevate the tote and turn the site tube to drain the water then lift the lid and push to one side to add water and nutrients.
I lift the lid with the roots and put them right back into a treated tote.. 2020 was my first grow and turned out amazing but my 2021 grow will be better I'm sure..
Thanks that was good but bro have you herd of snips? The green or red sometimes yellow or blue being red right, green left, and yellow or blue straight and then you can get slimish looking design or the other type that are much wider well they actually cut perfect circles with a bit of practice they must be good quality good condition and they cut paper plastic metal and everything in between. I only thought id mention because you had everything else just about and I just don't know what I'd do without my snips and cutting perfect holes:)
Seems like only red 1/2" tubing is available. Any good substitutes elsewhere for 1/2" blue tubing? Did you go with a colored one instead of a clear one to block out possible algae growth from light?
I'm sure a local hardware store would carry tubing that would work.. and yes I wanted color tubing just incase algae was to form. I should try clear tubing on one of my totes to see if algae will form.
I bought all of my supplies on Amazon and everything is working out great.. I bought my seeds from Pepper Joe's and already have ripened pods.. You can follow my updated grow videos over at Joe's BBQ House and Review.. Thanks for watching..
Hey Joe! I have one question 3 years later. At the end you mention the benefit of the water level tube not requiring you to have to constantly refill 5gallon buckets. But when you top off, do you add the same proportionate amount of hydro solution/feed? Or do you just top off till completely changing out the water/solution after 2 weeks or a month?
Sorry brother I had a burnout in creating videos.. The plants did amazing but when my electrics/gas and water bill doubled I had to take the plants outside.. I'm back now that everything had chilled out.
You can take it a step further, instead of building it out of a tote you would build it out of a coleman etc. ice cooler. It would keep the water temperature cooler more stable for root growth. If your water temperature gets close to 80F you'll get root rot and other diseases. You can also throw a bottle of frozen water into it to cool it down. That's the biggest issues DWC growers have growing inside a grow tent. The tent heats up as well as your water, you can always buy a water chiller $$$. There's also a product called "Botanicare Hydroguard " just add it in your water, which will save and protect your roots. Also the more air stones you have, the better for root growth. I've also have an aquarium sponge filter in mine, just to keep my water clean as possible.
I think you'll love it.. I now have 20 of these totes built and 17 of them up and running.. Plants are doing great and you can see that on my original UA-cam channel at Joe's BBQ House.
I'll have another empty bucket or container to put the plant in and I'll rinse out with super hot water and add water to fill line then install the airstone which helps in mixing of the nutrients. I keep them topped off if there's no roots hitting water. But once the roots are in the water I wait till it's about 1 gallon low before I top off. I go 30 days before I do a water change but most people do it every 2 weeks.. Check out my other channel at Joe's BBQ House where I've been uploading all the updated videos. Thanks and hope this helps
All the links to everything I use is in the description area (show more) but I'll provide the link here. They have smaller pumps to choose from too. Thanks for watching. www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078H92695/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Yes. The water in the tubing is exposed to light and algae growth is encouraged. That’s also why black containers/buckets are recommended for a set up like this.
Yes it's to much for peppers plants.. Even for 2 net pots cause there's not enough spacing. You can do it with 4 growing vegetables and herbs.. Thanks for watching.
A little bit of over kill with that air stone But your little me the bigger and more bubbles the better What did you pay for that air stone Don't think I can't afford that air stone Im going to to try a 8 inch air stone disc I am disabled could someone send all the parts to you and pay you do get one ready to go and pay to ship it to me I just can't put all the fitings on and drill and cut and all that stuff
I'm sure a 8 inch air stone would work.. I could possibly work out building you one if you live in tge states but shipping would cost a fortune. Do you know anybody that could build you one..? Also water changes are required every 3-4 weeks which is to bad.. Again shipping even in the states wouldn't be worth the cost. There's many other systems that less to maintain than this setup..
@@nwiaquatics really like your system it's awesome don't know anyone that could build it for me But I could get someone to hook your system together if you did the cuts and holes for the fittings I have caregivers that would help me take care of your system with like water changes and that stuff Would you ever think about or consider donating one of your system s to someone like me if I paid to ship it to Iowa
My email is lllucky5@aol.com if you want to talk maybe we could work something out That is the email i check every day
Well Tony You're in luck my brother..! I received your email this morning and I spent a couple of hours building you a complete 12 gallon tote setup from scratch.. I also double wrapped the lid in hd aluminum foil and included plenty of clay media, 4 rockwool cubes and a 6' piece of 1/4" tubing for air stones. This system has been sanitized and checked for leaks around the grommet.. All you'll need to get 100% started is x2 8" air stones and at least a 20 watt air pump.. I'll provide links below along with extras you will need.. Also be sure to have a good quality PH and EC meter.. I use General Hydroponics Micro, Grow, Bloom for all of my grows.. I just need to find the time to get this shipped out to you and will reply to your email here in a bit for your shipping info.. I highly recommend you get these items listed below.. I honesty Don't think Cal/Mag is needed but I'll list what I use below. I tried with and without Cal/Mag and couldn't tell the difference. I'll send you pictures of everything I will be sending you..
PH Meter: www.amazon.com/Bluelab-PENPH-Pen-Plant-Germination/dp/B005POOJHG/ref=sxts_b2b_sx_reorder?cv_ct_cx=bluelab+ph+pen&dchild=1&keywords=bluelabe+ph+pen&pd_rd_i=B005POOJHG&pd_rd_r=e3eee223-224d-40c7-adf0-7976d3239782&pd_rd_w=eoIkJ&pd_rd_wg=hNMt0&pf_rd_p=2ff2ddc8-4b7c-44be-9d81-b3613daaedab&pf_rd_r=V0NFH1H89R7G5GKDM6JD&qid=1619364005&sr=1-1-f5ebfd8e-82c1-4b4e-97d5-2aa47aa18b69
EC Meter: www.amazon.com/Bluelab-Truncheon-Nutrient-Meter-Germination/dp/B00348PV6S/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=bluelab+meter&qid=1619364056&s=lawn-garden&sr=1-6
20 Watt Air Pump: www.amazon.com/dp/B081DY21RZ/ref=twister_B08DXLG6H1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
8" air stones (2 pack): www.amazon.com/Pawfly-Cylinder-Bubbler-Hydroponics-Aquarium/dp/B07QSCW7LK/ref=sr_1_22?dchild=1&keywords=Air+stones&qid=1619364645&sr=8-22
General Hydroponics Nurturance: www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-Flora-Bloom-Fertilizer/dp/B017H73708/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=general+hydroponics&qid=1619364154&sr=8-6
PH Down: www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-Liquid-Fertilizer-1-Quart/dp/B00CJID1I4/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=38LDXIMXIOL7&dchild=1&keywords=ph+down+general+hydroponics&qid=1619364283&sprefix=ph+down%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExNk81VEdGUFNGVlA0JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjc0NjExN0k2S1JCSENER01TJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1MDM5ODIyNkhOWlRQSzUxNlBVJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
PH Up: www.amazon.com/General-Hydroponics-pH-Up-Oz/dp/B000FFAM8A/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=ph+up+general+hydroponics&qid=1619364403&sr=8-12
Cal/Mag: www.amazon.com/Botanicare-CAL-MAG-Plant-Supplement-Formula/dp/B004JKBMRW/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=Cal+mag&qid=1619364824&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFOMU8zWlZKQ1RCMUomZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA0OTgyOTcxMkxBM1E5T1c4V0RHJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1Mzg1NzdQWUM3NjJDT1Q1TEMmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
Happy Growing my friend and if you have Facebook be sure to join us at Joe's Pepper House..
Seriously your going to do that for me ! Do you mean the system in this video ?
@@nwiaquatics Do you need a water pump like most systems have to circulate the water ?If I ever come up with a way to solar power a hydrophonic system
I will let you know how Just had that idea
Finally someone who actually explains plain and simply how to set up a diy dwc in a nice clean and practical application. Absolute legend thanks so much!
Awesome and Thank You for the kind words. I'm know there's easier ways to build these but these are the only tools I had to work with.
Good dwc design but man you turned the simple task of measuring and cutting a hole into a huge process.
Yeah it was overkill.. My 5 gallon tote build build will be much quicker lol..
Thank you sir for the tutorial! Man that stone is awesome. Never seen one move that much bubbles and water! Happy growing to you sir and best of luck!
Thank you sir for the kind words.. Much appreciated
Great video and I think having a quick drain plug to a reservoir will be a good addition.
Just need to turn the blue site tube in a horizontal position to drain. I thought I mentioned that but maybe not.
So many extra steps to find center when it isn't vital. But very informative. Thank you
There's many ways it can be done but this is how I like to do it.. Thanks for watching.
Dude I thought I have a lot of stuff just laying around the house the house after 28 years of marriage and two kids and two grand kids, holy crap you must be close to a hoarder. Good content and explanation.
lol.. Yeah It adds up quick. Thanks for watching..
Buddy I have been watching everyone trying to clean up the freshly cut edges on the outside and inside of their PVC pipes. Working with copper pipe and straight edges, all hardware store carry a "Deburing" tool small curved, very sharp knife and it will work wonderful on all PVC edges. Hopefully this will help a lot of folks. Enjoyed your information also. Thanks
I just didn't want to spend any extra money at the time brother.. Great info and thanks!
Best one I’ve seen so far ! Good stuff .
Thank you..! I'm sure there's easier ways of making these but these are the only tools I had to work with..
Finally. Thanks for this my friend. Perfect! Exactly the step by step i needed.
Thank you. I will be doing this. Lyk how it goes. Many thanks.
My plants did amazing in this set up.. You are so welcome.
its never overkill with too much air ^ . nice build , I like the water level line, Probably don't need to stress to much about the chlorine in the tap water
Nice vid explains in good detail good job Ty
You're welcome and Thanks for watching..
Excellent tutorial on DWC builds, the 12-gallon size is great for some big plants.
Thank you Matt.. Yes my Carolina Reaper is already 17" Tall and 27" wide..! I've made a lot of changes and you can see those on other channel at Joe's BBQ House.. Thanks for watching..
great video, i will restart my indoor grow. I'm watching videos to update myself, as it's been over 20 years since I've been planting, but now I want to be able to taste what's best and made by me.
Joe, I'm told we are alike....
Very well explained and demonstrated. Also great equipment chosen. This is my first time running a homemade DWC bucket and it works pretty well too. But because of your video, I'm seriously considering making 2 boxes. Thanks for sharing and greetings from Austria!
You're welcome.. It's fun to build your own and grow with great results. Cheers
That's is one sweet set up Joe. Sorry I couldn't make it to the premier but wanted to come by at watch. Can't wait to see your set up when it's finished and you got peppers growing. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you.. I finally have some sprouts growing and getting ready to transfer them tomorrow after I evaporate the chlorine from my tap water.. I so can't wait to fail/win on this whole process of growing.. Thank for watching brother..!
Your video is extremely well done. thank you very much
Thank you and thanks for watching.. Making some changes to my 2021 grow season..
Good job! Great advice.
You're welcome and thanks for stopping by.
Superb job sir 👏
Thank you!
Brother you have a phenomenal dome!!! Thanks for the great video. I’ve made many many of DWC systems and this is wonderful for the beginner trying to get growing in hydro!
Lol Thanks for the compliment.
awesome inside look of whats happening.
I'll be publishing a new massive update video today and it will be the last video for this channel.. Going to move all grow updates to my Joe's BBQ House channel. Thanks for watching Tommy..
Super great ,
Nice thought process bro
Thank you..
Pick up some 1/4 air line 90 degree elbows to add on those stones will keep it from kinking when it moves against the tote. Bring the air flow down some as your pumping way to much air into those stones. Micro bubbles feed the plant much better then boiling them. Nice job done showing how to build these totes. Love your showing a 13/16 bit to make the correct hole size.
I have an assortment of those 1/4" fitting and I will put them to use.. To be honest I didn't think to much air flow would be an issue in all the research I've done.. I'll have to get more lines ran to this pump cause I don't want to overheat it.. Thanks for the advice..
Did not mean to confuse you. It is not over heating boiling wise. I meant it was rolling the water way to hard no allowing a good oxygen air rate. Having lots of smaller bubbles is called micro bubbles that feed the roots much better oxygen than a heavy boiling bubbles. Just share the lines with other feed lines to take the mass pressure off that one air stone. If need be you can install an air valve to restrict the air flow down some to that stone but don't put to much back pressure on the pump to burn it up. Sharing the lines equally with other totes will allow you to do this with out causing back pressure.
@@CBsGreenhouseandGarden I totally understood what you was saying.. I thought the more rolling water would be best allowing more oxygen to the plant as a seedling.. I plan on lowering the water level about a 1/2" below the net pot and the airstone pressure once the roots grows underneath the net pot.. I'll try to explain this in my next video but I do agree with you brother.. I'm just experimenting but love the advice that you're giving me.. I truly appreciate it..
wow, great video lots of info, and prices with links... you're the man Thanks !!
You're welcome and thanks for watching..
That is one gnarly looking hole lol. Nice video tho, making a hole that big in these totes is such a pain in the butt. Interesting seeing how each person deals with it differently.
Fantastic tutorial thank you, Great build well done.
Thank you.. I appreciate the kind words.
How would you drain it please let me know???
You can either elevate the tote and use the site tube to drain or what I do is lift the lid with the riots into an empty tote then lift and drain.
The center paper stuff was not necessary because the lid of the tote had perfect alignment with the squares. The center of the center square was your middle point. Great setup!
LOL, yeah, this kind of confused me. Just cut a 6 inch hole in the centre of the tote. The whole template thing was unnecessary. A 6 inch hole saw would’ve been much easier and produce a cleaner result.
Greatly appreciated.
You're welcome and sorry for the late response.
Nice. Medium size airstone should work fine. I toss em out after a grow and purchase a new $10 stone.
I learned so much from this 1 DWC video than I have in the other 100 I have watched. The bubbling to get ride of that pool chemical for 24hrs, genius. Will def be getting a few things. Keep it up!
Awesome.. Hope it works out for ya.. So far I'm having no issues.. Thanks for watching..
really all other videos is nonsense @@nwiaquatics
Fella you need an air gab of an inch or two below the bottom of the pots otherwise your going to have issues with your roots. Other than that top job.
Thanks for the tip and thanks for watching..
No air gap until the roots hit the water week 2 believe me im running a 30 double net pot system its easy and buy you a guardian system to monitor ph and parts per million
Yes no air gaps until the roots hits the water. I use EC which is a much easier way to measure nutrients imo. Works for me..
Nice setup if you plug the extra holes on your air pump it will be quieter
They are shut off from the valves.. Thanks for watching
Way easier ways to make this set up. And wow this guy is all over 5he place.
Yes and wish I had those tools at the time to make is easier lol.. It was a fun build though..
This is the best tutorial, thank you very much.
You're welcome.. All my update grow videos are on my original channel over at "Joe's BBQ House and Review"
works great for lettuce, peppers, cabbage " " love this! great setup!
Thank you sir.. And thanks for watching..
I like it but due to its large size I would recommend attaching an external reservoir for any nute/PH maintenance not to mention water changes attach them in the traditional circulatory DWC method it can even be external from your tent to keep the water cooler.
I agree and I'm going to do this when I move my grow down into the basement.. Thanks and thanks for watching..
Hell of a setup Joe!
LOL.. Wait till you see what I've done to this office now..!
Im just going to go ahead now
Haha just got to the part with the hole, use a hole cutter?
I didn't have a hole cutter but it sure would've been a lot easier.. lol.. Thanks for watching..
Hey I found your channel through this video, and watched your other videos too but came back to say I love this tutorial and the way you give a parts list with links for everything. I am definitely going to make some of these!
I hope you will continue this channel and experiment with other types of systems, I think you will find these how-to (and equipment review) types of videos do well and I will enjoy seeing how you do things! More follow up videos would definitely be nice as well.
Thank you.. And yes I do plan on doing more how to videos.. 2021 videos will be nice because I want to show how I grow from start to finish. Thanks for watching.
Great video Joe!
Thank you.. I appreciate that.. You can find all my updated grow videos on my original channel over at "Joe's BBQ House and Review" Thanks for watching..
Can you show us a 5 gallon version? @Joe’sPepperHouse
Sure will.. It'll be in my 2021 grow videos.. Thanks for watching.
@@nwiaquatics Thanks for your knowledge and help Joe. Great work btw!
Thank you..
veryinformative, but you freaked me out your lights went off in video at exact same time my two aerogardens shut off for the night :))
lol.. That is freaky..
I use the same totes but I used epoxy to attach the top 5 inch pieces of a 5 gallon bucket to raise the net pots up above the tote lid to keep from losing water volume. 👍 would not recommend do it the way I did if you are restricted on height though.
great diy vid. keep it simple-one thing i found was the air lines coming off the manifold need to be the same length regardless of how many buckets you use manifold-air stone Same length, and putting the pump in a cardboard box will cut down the noise alot- have fun !!!
i have to look into this maybe try it next year! thanks for sharing bud! : )
Thanks for showing this set up! New sub
the blue hose link is wrong. You linked the 1/4 inch tube, should be 1/2. Either that or Amazon removed the 50 ft 1/2 inch option
Amazon must have screwed that link up cause I know I had it right. Sorry about that..
Awesome build!!
Thank you and thanks for watching..
hey pal, great use of various items! ive always used DWC but neve put the water level so it was covering my nets, the way i was taught was to leave up to an inch between the water/nutes rather than them being completely covered, im assuming matbe mould but was a long time ago, obviously whatever works for you, the air stone just sprays the roots until they hit the water then you will be amazed at the rate of growth, some LST, FIMing and you cant really go wrong. I prefer smaller plants with maybe 6-8 branches/colas, depending on lots of varients your looking at about 6/7oz a plant, very impressed mate, not that it proves anything.
I've had some great success with this 2019/2020 grow with this setup.. Maybe I got lucky.. Thanks for the info..
Is there a way to connect the two totes, via piping?
compared to soil setup. how hard is growing in a DWC enviroment now that you have had time to practice it.
I honestly never started with soil and did all my homework on dwc.. I didn't show much in my videos but starting dwc super hots in the winter and transplanting to soil was the best thing I ever did.. Stay tuned for my 2021 grows..
@@nwiaquatics were watching...
I was under the impression you needed that air gap im considering building a rdwc nyslef nice vid very Informative growmie ✌💚
You need the air gap when your roots start growing out of the net pots.. You want your clay media moist until you see the roots.. Hope this helps..
What tent do you use
Good luck keeping the water cool
No chillers and not having any problems.. Thanks for watching
Hi Joe...Thnks alot for making this video. Especially for how you showed where to buy each part online. This seems easy enough. Im finally dipping my toes in the hydro game and figured this is the perfect way to start. I plan on using 4 12 gallon totes and put one plant in each one.
One question. Is there a specific reason why the tubing is blue? Other than just to be transparent so to see inside it? Could I just use clear tubing? Or does it have to do with algae/bacteria resistance? Thnks again
Do you change your water and nutrients and let it drain out the site hose or what
Yes I change the water and nutrients ever 3-4 weeks and you can drain from the hose if you elevate the tote.. I just lift the lid into a empty tote then pick up the other and drain.
Do you have to have the big tube to see water level?
Yes the blueish looking tube is my site tube for the water level.
Thank you
You're welcome Sammy.
Most excellent diy tutorial! Bravo and thanks man!! New sub.
Awesome, thank you!
at 11:11 why didn't u use the drill machine to cut it out. the least you could have do is to drill as many holes as possible to cut it out easier with the hand saw
It's just the way I did it I guess. Everyone has their way.. Good idea you have..
A drimle and a small cut wheel does wonders! Paint ur lids white black absorbs heat just my cents...nice rig tho.
Yes..! That would save some time for sure..
How often do you change the water in these systems or do you just have to top up the water periodically?
How do you drain it?
I lift the lid off with the roots and set into a clean empty tote. After I clean the tote and add water / nutrients, I place the back in.
What did you say to do to prevent algae ?
Use a dark tote. I've never had an issue with algae.
Good lawd why would you use a net pot for a 5 gallon bucket for this build?
It worked for me I guess.
If you have firehouse subs in your area, buckets are 3 buks apiece with gasketed lids
Dude thank you, very helpful info..
You're welcome..
I bought the same hole cutter and it ended up being too big for the grommet but only slightly. What can I do to fix this? Please help! 🙏🏽
I'm really not sure why cause I haven't had any issues.. Sorry for the late response..
if you are growing tomatos in the 12 gallon how do you change the water
Lift the entire lid and set into a empty tote or you can elevate the tote and turn the site tube to drain the water then lift the lid and push to one side to add water and nutrients.
Get a pair of tin snips to cut the hole in the plastic for the netty pot, you’ll thank me later. I use them for vinyl siding, same material.
Unfortunately I don't own them but it would've been a lot easier for sure..
What size pump should I use for just one tote??
This 20w pump will do just fine for 1 tote www.amazon.com/dp/B082K7SQWR/ref=twister_B09M2RL827?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
How to turn oxygen a day? Thanks you
You're welcome
How do you add new water without lifting lid desturbing the plant. How do you drain old water.
I lift the lid with the roots and put them right back into a treated tote.. 2020 was my first grow and turned out amazing but my 2021 grow will be better I'm sure..
Thanks that was good but bro have you herd of snips? The green or red sometimes yellow or blue being red right, green left, and yellow or blue straight and then you can get slimish looking design or the other type that are much wider well they actually cut perfect circles with a bit of practice they must be good quality good condition and they cut paper plastic metal and everything in between. I only thought id mention because you had everything else just about and I just don't know what I'd do without my snips and cutting perfect holes:)
Does the pump stay on 24/7 or do u turn it off and do the pumps burnout?
The air pumps runs 24/7
Awesome video thanks for the info ✌🏼
No problem and thanks for stopping by..
Hi what pump size whould I require for a RDWC or every how many minutes should it take for my total volume to circulate the system?
I'm unfamiliar with a rdwc system but I'll be building one for 2022 season.
How loud is the system and are their ways to quiet it down
This system is way to loud but my family doesn't mind.. My pumps will be in the basement for my 2021 grow to keep it down.
What grow tents you got ?
Ultra Yield.. You can order them from Amazon.. Awesome tents.. Thanks for watching..
@@nwiaquatics awesome content. Definitely a fan of channel
Thank you
Seems like only red 1/2" tubing is available. Any good substitutes elsewhere for 1/2" blue tubing? Did you go with a colored one instead of a clear one to block out possible algae growth from light?
I'm sure a local hardware store would carry tubing that would work.. and yes I wanted color tubing just incase algae was to form. I should try clear tubing on one of my totes to see if algae will form.
I’m going to start growing as a beginner what is the best place to get seeds and food for the plants
I bought all of my supplies on Amazon and everything is working out great.. I bought my seeds from Pepper Joe's and already have ripened pods.. You can follow my updated grow videos over at Joe's BBQ House and Review.. Thanks for watching..
What about food safe plastic?
I really couldn't tell you but people has been using these types of totes for years.
"if i can do it, you can do it!" thanks bae keep it up
Hey Joe! I have one question 3 years later.
At the end you mention the benefit of the water level tube not requiring you to have to constantly refill 5gallon buckets. But when you top off, do you add the same proportionate amount of hydro solution/feed? Or do you just top off till completely changing out the water/solution after 2 weeks or a month?
Sorry brother I had a burnout in creating videos.. The plants did amazing but when my electrics/gas and water bill doubled I had to take the plants outside.. I'm back now that everything had chilled out.
Can you do more than 1 plant in a bigger tote?
There's not enough room in the 12 gallon totes for more than 1. You can grow 2 in a 27 gallon tote.
You can take it a step further, instead of building it out of a tote you would build it out of a coleman etc. ice cooler. It would keep the water temperature cooler more stable for root growth. If your water temperature gets close to 80F you'll get root rot and other diseases. You can also throw a bottle of frozen water into it to cool it down. That's the biggest issues DWC growers have growing inside a grow tent. The tent heats up as well as your water, you can always buy a water chiller $$$. There's also a product called "Botanicare Hydroguard " just add it in your water, which will save and protect your roots. Also the more air stones you have, the better for root growth. I've also have an aquarium sponge filter in mine, just to keep my water clean as possible.
That's some great advice.. Thank you
great video! can't wait to try this!
I think you'll love it.. I now have 20 of these totes built and 17 of them up and running.. Plants are doing great and you can see that on my original UA-cam channel at Joe's BBQ House.
How do I go about refilling my buckets, how much water do Iet evaporate or get used before topping off?
I'll have another empty bucket or container to put the plant in and I'll rinse out with super hot water and add water to fill line then install the airstone which helps in mixing of the nutrients. I keep them topped off if there's no roots hitting water. But once the roots are in the water I wait till it's about 1 gallon low before I top off. I go 30 days before I do a water change but most people do it every 2 weeks.. Check out my other channel at Joe's BBQ House where I've been uploading all the updated videos. Thanks and hope this helps
@@nwiaquatics thanks!
Keep the lip if you want to tied down your plants for low stress training makes things easier
Thanks for the info and thanks for watching..
I have 4 5 gallon pots and 1 5 gallon Reservoir do I account for all 5 pots or just the 4 pots with plants when adding nutrients?
Just add the nutrient to the reservoir to treat the difference from 1 gallon extra otherwise the plants won't get what they need.
gd job bro
What pump is that?
All the links to everything I use is in the description area (show more) but I'll provide the link here. They have smaller pumps to choose from too. Thanks for watching.
What do you do for temperature?
Room temp is all I use and having no issues.. Thanks
1. Find the center of the container
2. measure 3 inches from the center in at least 4 directions and eyeball a circle
3. cut out the circle
Yep.. That's definitely an easier way.. Thanks
I swear I was cringing on how difficult he was making it
So if you use clear tubing for everything you have a chance of getting allgy? Idk how to spell it
Yes. The water in the tubing is exposed to light and algae growth is encouraged. That’s also why black containers/buckets are recommended for a set up like this.
I guess the possible.. I just use the tubing here and never had an issue with algae..
i kinda missed how you refilled that bad boy lol
will any gromet/elbow piece work? i noticed they say "aqua" or "hydro" ... Will any gromet/elbow piece work
Absolutely.. Just make sure they are plastic. Any steel will rust and you don't want that.
Want to know if I can do 4 6inch net pots and the totes is 27 gallons is that too much
Yes it's to much for peppers plants.. Even for 2 net pots cause there's not enough spacing. You can do it with 4 growing vegetables and herbs.. Thanks for watching.
You should place your air pump out side of your tent so its not blowing hot air in your buckets
For my 2021 grow I moved the pumps in the which helped out alot.. plus the noise level is reduced too. Thanks for watching