What would Jesus do?

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @Noobie_gamer
    @Noobie_gamer Рік тому +15

    I love the things the church shares. You have made me to want to make a twitter account on sharing and spreading the gospel. I am going to post about spiritual and wholesome things. It is called Strive To Be Like Christ.

  • @rondawebb3275
    @rondawebb3275 Рік тому +13

    Thank your Dax for sharing your 30-day challenge. I enjoyed watching and listening to you talk about how it made you feel happier and closer to our Savior Jesus Christ. I like that you used cookies as one of the ways to show that love. I think that in the same way you can follow a cookie recipe and expect a certain result, we can follow our Savior and find the peace and joy that He promised. I felt your testimony as you told of your experiences it has inspired me to want to do the same. Keep up the good work.

  • @PaigeHigginsVlogs
    @PaigeHigginsVlogs Рік тому +23

    So. Many. Cookies. 😅 great job! Definitely a reminder for me to focus on others so I can become like Jesus Christ.

  • @tsahleen
    @tsahleen Рік тому +9

    Way to go dax, you are amazing!!!Charity really is the greatest of all! There is a quote i have loved from Neal A. Maxwell where he talks about how doubt and despair go together but so do faith, hope, and charity. I spent a year pulling myself out if a deep depression by doing one act of kindness everyday and kept a journal about it. It's amazing to see how much i learned about the character if Christ because of this one simple thing. I love how charity can help us even more than those we are serving. Thank you for sharing your journey.

    @APPLEDUDEZ Рік тому +27


  • @janewasson4845
    @janewasson4845 Рік тому +34

    Thanks. Brother Dax! My g ma always said, "Make your feelings go out, not in." Thinking of others, being Christ's hands on earth, and being grateful becomes a habit with daily thought, prayer, and reading. A sense of humor also helps! Good luck in school!!! Blessings! 🕊️🌿

    • @irishrosa6115
      @irishrosa6115 Рік тому

      Love your grandmother's quote!! 10,000 likes 😊

  • @picturecaptions
    @picturecaptions Рік тому +10

    I loved the last part when you said how freeing it is to focus on others and not on yourself for once. That definitely hit hard for me. It is truly what a happy and joyful life is all about.

  • @markjacobsen8335
    @markjacobsen8335 Рік тому +6

    I love this. Several years ago during a struggle I did an activity that I called "100 Days With Christ" where I learned one thing about Him every day and wrote it down. It changed me and my outlook on everything. Jesus Christ came into my life in great abundance very quickly and my being went from despondent to full of hope. I now view Him as walking with me rather than me just hoping He'll be there for me some time.
    Thank you for sharing your experience.

  • @tylerhansen6573
    @tylerhansen6573 Рік тому +47

    Love the idea of the series. Would like to see the list for the 30 days to try it and help start my own list!

    • @-ionleopard-8439
      @-ionleopard-8439 Рік тому +1

      I just the same thing! But then I realised, I can spend time thinking of Christlike attributes! It's like a double blessing!!!

  • @guenterk3305
    @guenterk3305 Рік тому +4

    What I learned from you: When in doubt how to be like Jesus, make some cookies for someone else.

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 Рік тому +4

    As Christians it’s important to trust God no matter what we are going through. God is our only strength in this world. Like many other single parents things are tough on me. Both of my sons are autistic and non verbal. I’m constantly struggling to provide for them and now that I’m home schooling them things are especially hard. I’m having trouble getting their school supplies. I’m overwhelmed and so ashamed. Father God hear my prayers. My faith in you is strong! Even as I constantly struggle to pay my rent. And I constantly struggle to provide groceries for my children! I trust you Lord! I’m choosing to keep faith. Walking with faith is the most important thing us christian’s must do. That’s why love compassion and prayers are all we truly need. Please keep me in your prayers.

  • @lisaruggirello6249
    @lisaruggirello6249 Рік тому +19

    Lov this😊

  • @janicesmith7849
    @janicesmith7849 Рік тому +4

    Out of small things proceedeth that which is great❤

  • @sharlynebeach2786
    @sharlynebeach2786 Рік тому +25

    This was great. You must have truly become a better person from this experience. We all need to apply this into our lives each day, wanting to become more like Jesus.

  • @ForceCrush
    @ForceCrush Рік тому +10

    This message helped me remember what to do if I’m feeling anxious or upset about my deficiencies. One time I was complaining to my wife about all of the weaknesses and struggles I was having and how overwhelmed I was. She gave me this look and said “for today, just try to help others and I promise you will feel better”. So I did, and I felt so much better. Mountains are easier to climb when you aren’t focusing on how difficult it is or how much your feet hurt.

  • @andrewmakasini4054
    @andrewmakasini4054 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for sharing your experiences, Dax! When I serve someone, my fears, my worries, and my pains are bearable. That transformation will continue to grow by small and simple things.
    “…but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass;…”
    Alma 37:6

  • @urgurl_debby
    @urgurl_debby Рік тому +13

    ❤nice challenge dax... I learnt alot

  • @fabiapetersen
    @fabiapetersen Рік тому +3

    Dear Dax, because of you I am a better person today ! Today it has been 30 days since I started this challenge and all I can say is that I am a different person because your video touched me and gave me hope that I could become a better follower of our Savior Jesus Christ. I have a lot to improve but I am much more aware of the atributes that I need to continue to work on. I am grateful for the gospel and I am grateful that I have a sister that I invited to participate with me and together we shared scriptures, talks, experiences, thoughts and that was amazing . You are amazing and I want my grandkids to be like you! I want to influence all my children to do that. I see that you are a great person and I will not be surprised if within a few years I recognize you when you become a great leader in the church.

    • @churchofjesuschrist
      @churchofjesuschrist  Рік тому

      Thank you for taking on the challenge, and for sharing your beautiful experience!

  • @ToddKMichael
    @ToddKMichael Рік тому +3

    I could genuinely see a change in his countenance. A burden was lifted as he drew closer to Christ and applied what he had known for a long time. Thank you for sharing this. What a wonderful way to give people hope as they see how simple applying the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a daily basis can truly be.

  • @Zebedie01
    @Zebedie01 Рік тому +2

    So inspiring
    Big achievement Dax. You helped Me understand all things are possible through Christ who strengthen us.

  • @wolftheskydogskydawgskydowg
    @wolftheskydogskydawgskydowg Рік тому +3

    This church rocks

  • @alicewalker5405
    @alicewalker5405 Рік тому +2

    Dax, you were born at just the right place in the timeline of the world when we have the technology to share and spread the perfect message you are sharing about how to emulate Jesus Christ. So good!

  • @nealfry2230
    @nealfry2230 11 місяців тому +2

    I'm Oops.
    I Always Pray for people that I don't know and myself.
    I begin and end my day and night
    having ALL of the Attributes of
    Jesus Christ.
    I'm near death.
    I'll Always Love You Jesus Christ.
    My name is Neal Patrick Fry from
    " Heaven's Hands ",

    • @nealfry2230
      @nealfry2230 11 місяців тому +1

      I Tried to send you a Truthful
      Text Message a while ago.
      That's why I began with
      Oops again.
      Thank you for this Video.

  • @ShalishaAlston
    @ShalishaAlston 11 місяців тому +1

    You are AMAZING!!! I have been asking myself, "What would Jesus do?" in situations. it's working.

  • @nolaparton-jones8932
    @nolaparton-jones8932 11 місяців тому +1

    Chocolate mint cookies? What a wonderful gift. Chocolate and mint together are my favorite things!! I am amazed that you bake for other people, I am sure they appreciate it. Thank you for posting this experience and inspiring the rest of us to do this challenge!

  • @yeahbutthendragons152
    @yeahbutthendragons152 Рік тому +1

    I love that you used your talents in your challenge. YOUR specific talents were used to bless others and grow yourself. We can use the things we already love and are already good at in oír efforts to help others.

  • @mikebell9166
    @mikebell9166 Рік тому +1

    Your go-to seems to be cookies of some sort, but it's a real, tangible sign that someone else thinks highly of the recipient. The 30 challenge was set forth to help us change things in our lives that either need changing or strengthening.
    Your take on it is inspiring; thank you for sharing!

  • @Union3573
    @Union3573 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for sharing you're challenge. It is helping me to be more focused on others.

  • @rizalinapalattao2312
    @rizalinapalattao2312 Рік тому +1

    Thanks bro for your great ideas it's really helpful and inspiring ☺️

  • @rebeccalarson7995
    @rebeccalarson7995 Рік тому +1

    Jesus says focus on what you can do, not on what you can't do. Focus on the good that you can do in the lives of other people. I love this reminder. We glorify God as we go about doing good.

  • @janebaily3758
    @janebaily3758 Рік тому +1

    Little things DO COUNT!! SO glad to see this post...

  • @JohnSorensen-mq4fj
    @JohnSorensen-mq4fj Рік тому +1

    Great Message Dax !! Thank you. Very Inspiring

  • @wellissilva6940
    @wellissilva6940 Рік тому +1

    I liked these experience about 30 days. Thank you friend DAX. You are excellent

  • @Loganator99
    @Loganator99 Рік тому +1

    The Happiest people on the planet are the ones that lovingly serve others. Thank you for sharing your experiences of walking in the Light of Christ!

  • @worthyproductions6104
    @worthyproductions6104 Рік тому +1

    That is amazing! I’m so happy for you, thank you for your example and testimony of how the smallest act of kindness matters! ❤
    Where can we find how we can do the 30 day challenge ourselves?

  • @mayanlogos92
    @mayanlogos92 Рік тому +1

    What a Nobel person.. yeah, Jesus changes lives ❤

  • @markmorley7938
    @markmorley7938 Рік тому +1

    Well done Dax, you are doing what many others think about doing including myself!

  • @nancypennington8102
    @nancypennington8102 Рік тому +1

    What an awesome example 😃Thank you Dax

  • @mandycall
    @mandycall Рік тому +1

    I love this series. Thanks for sharing!

  • @xavierkipping9600
    @xavierkipping9600 Рік тому +1

    Nice job! I loved your joy!

  • @jerrybernales4590
    @jerrybernales4590 Рік тому +1

    Very nice.u are a big example!

  • @notthatseanbean
    @notthatseanbean Рік тому +1

    Thanks for your kindness and example. God bless you, little brother. I needed this in my life.

  • @SLynn-ud6vg
    @SLynn-ud6vg Рік тому

    "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who DO NOT walk according to the FLESH but according to the SPIRIT. 5 For those who live according to the FLESH set their minds on the things of the FLESH, but those who LIVE according to the SPIRIT, the things of the SPIRIT. 6 For to be CARNALLY minded IS death, but to be SPIRITUALLY minded IS life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is ENMITY against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, THOSE WHO ARE IN THE FLESH CANNOT PLEASE GOD. 9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. 10 And IF CHRIST IS IN YOU, THE BODY IS DEAD BECAUSE OF SIN, but THE SPIRIT IS LIFE BECAUSE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. 11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
    12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors-not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 13 FOR IF YOU LIVE ACCORDING TO THE FLESH YOU WILL DIE; BUT IF BY THE SPIRIT YOU PUT TO DEATH THE DEEDS OF THE BODY, YOU WILL LIVE."
    ~Romans 8:1-13

  • @daughteroflight8624
    @daughteroflight8624 11 місяців тому

    That's amazing bro in Christ Dax.
    Glory Glory Glory to our Father God in heaven for a brother like you in the Kingdom of Daddy God. 🙌🏻💖🕊️
    Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
    There is glory on you. Holy spirit working through you. 🔥

  • @SeaJay_Oceans
    @SeaJay_Oceans Рік тому

  • @jamesjudd5990
    @jamesjudd5990 9 місяців тому

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience! It is inspirational to me and prompts me to elevate my focus on Jesus Christ by DOING what he would have done in addition to continuing to learn more about him through daily study. It's now been just over a year since I set a goal to intentionally study the gospel on a daily basis. While it has been a great experience feeling the love and power of God more present in my life, it's time for me to raise the bar. Thanks for your example!

  • @davidbingham7404
    @davidbingham7404 11 місяців тому

    Dax, thanks for sharing your 30 day challenge, you are a great barker to say the least. David B.♥♥♥.

  • @carefulcarpenter
    @carefulcarpenter Рік тому

    Looking, not outside of yourself, but inside.
    Most Christians are mislead. You are not alone.
    The Bible is a great context for which to pursue truth.

  • @chootienliang6423
    @chootienliang6423 Рік тому +1


  • @kennyhunter3323
    @kennyhunter3323 Рік тому

    WOW' Wish I can meet you for Prayer' Alberta Canada'

  • @Norry_Avondale
    @Norry_Avondale Рік тому

    Mhh if thats your goal than trust me, you are now focusing on the super natural ways of God, and it does speaks volume to you when no one else knows about it, do it for yourself, not just for view for than your reward would be the praises of man and not the guidance of God in your life, nobody will understand except yourself, Gby 🙏

  • @daniel-py9lc
    @daniel-py9lc 11 місяців тому

    I love this video, so inspiring!!! Youre the best Dax!!

  • @Jk.benito
    @Jk.benito Рік тому

    I am Inspired brother Dax.. i think I would create a video wirh the same idea with yours

  • @MrsBryceSparks
    @MrsBryceSparks Рік тому

    I am really curious about this way. Seeking the truth and nothing but the truth.

  • @barbaraderksen4380
    @barbaraderksen4380 Рік тому

    You are a child of light!Thank you for your example.

  • @terriaranich8524
    @terriaranich8524 Рік тому

    Every little thing you do makes a huge difference

  • @reinabrowne
    @reinabrowne Рік тому

    What are the 30 attributes of Christ on which you focused?

  • @windsonma8209
    @windsonma8209 Рік тому

    It's fitting that I was watching this on a Sunday by pure chance.

  • @circles79
    @circles79 6 місяців тому

    I'm so happy to have made it out of this cult. Life is so much better.

  • @nathanschaupp9709
    @nathanschaupp9709 11 місяців тому

    This is huge, thank you for putting this together and sharing! 🕊️

  • @katiesarver4521
    @katiesarver4521 Рік тому

    What were the 30 challenges you tried?

  • @nataliebelliston6587
    @nataliebelliston6587 Рік тому

    I will do this as I have been for several months.

  • @GentlyHewStone
    @GentlyHewStone Рік тому

    Wow, that was awesome! Could you please share a list of what each of the 30 characteristics were? I'd love to do this project myself. Thanks!

  • @Nolan-ow3wf
    @Nolan-ow3wf Рік тому

    Please share the 30 attributes, thanks

  • @Soccerexgaming
    @Soccerexgaming 8 місяців тому

    So dude is trying to be jesus umm what?

  • @johnsrcstuff7936
    @johnsrcstuff7936 5 місяців тому

    His ways are higher than our ways

  • @piie1996
    @piie1996 Рік тому

    Prince Of Peace. Do for me too.😮😮😮

  • @CorneliusCharles
    @CorneliusCharles Рік тому

    I admire you man. You're an inspiration to me

  • @lynnrx52
    @lynnrx52 Рік тому

    Beautiful! You’re a wonderful man. I really enjoyed your excellent vid! Actually falls right in line with something I was tossing and turning about last night. Your message of turning outward is perfect! And it worked for all things in all ways.

  • @K-DRAMA7
    @K-DRAMA7 Рік тому

    Blessed Sabbath Day y'all...

  • @ryancarpenter5969
    @ryancarpenter5969 Рік тому

    You're the man Brother! Thank you for sharing with us all and always being a witness of our Savior. You reflect the things He would do quite well

  • @staceys5525
    @staceys5525 Рік тому

    Awesome challenge! Thanks for being a fine example and for giving us great ideas on how to improve. Would love to see each of the prompts for all 30 days! Guess I'll start baking again! 😉

  • @dricoleao
    @dricoleao Рік тому

    Thank you for share this amazing idea! I'm doing this with my litle sister! Tomorrow we'll finish!
    It was de 29 better days of this year!!! Thanks a lot!

  • @iramarvasquez3072
    @iramarvasquez3072 Рік тому

    Coming from the Instagram story! I loved to see this experience. Thanks for sharing ☺️.

  • @alexburgess4157
    @alexburgess4157 Рік тому

    I'm going to show this to my Sunday School class, giving them ideas on how to develop their own spiritual gifts and become more like Christ. Thank you!

  • @mardigra1916
    @mardigra1916 3 місяці тому

    Your face shines in a nice way

  • @SunshiningGrateful
    @SunshiningGrateful Рік тому

    Ty for sharing your journey! When we make Christ the center of our lives it changes everything! We end up doing more and becoming more. Instead of facing our problems alone we parter with our savior so that what feels really hard or impossible becomes possible with him. I know he lives!

  • @Miapetdragon69
    @Miapetdragon69 Рік тому

    You are a wonderful inspiration for youth... Thank you very much, Dax 😊

  • @mojomahojo8253
    @mojomahojo8253 Рік тому

    Good job Dax. People need members who genuinely care and are interested in them. Thanks for putting in the effort.

  • @iambranden
    @iambranden Рік тому

    This was a great video Dax! I can really sense and feel you have a true desire to be like Jesus Christ. You've inspired me to also to take the challengeI'm going to take an inventory of the characteristics and virtues of Christ and keep them in my conscious mind. Love you, Brother Keep strong your faith and love of Jesus. He will never fail us.

  • @scottyproctor3386
    @scottyproctor3386 Рік тому

    What would Jesus do if he was in my situation is a great question. I’ve had a ton of struggles in my life and have been trying to figure out how to deal with some of the biggest problems I’ve encountered though out my life lately and that simple question answers so much I’m going to try and work it into my life more. Thank you

  • @LetZionRise
    @LetZionRise Рік тому

    IMHO I would prefer if the church content creators would release this on a separate channel. I think the official church youtube and social channels should focus on revealed doctrines-not lifestyle stories about people's lunches.

    • @nashinajagielski4588
      @nashinajagielski4588 Рік тому

      I love hearing personal stories. The church is the people. Sounds like you need a hug, a cookie and to sit and listen to someone else's story. The only way Zion is going to Rise is by lifting each other as we live the gospel. May you be blessed with an open mind about how the church is evolving and growing and gathering scattered Israel. Sending love from Idaho❤

  • @monicasquires2868
    @monicasquires2868 Рік тому

    Loved this! Great job Dax! Such an inspiration!

  • @SzumeiLittleLightOfLove
    @SzumeiLittleLightOfLove Рік тому

    Love him! This is another great episode in the series.
    Also: Holy crow, Dax! We want to try those cookies!

  • @worldatmyfingertips7771
    @worldatmyfingertips7771 Рік тому

    Awesome! Extremely inspiring😃😃

  • @m.harris2429
    @m.harris2429 Рік тому

    Wow! You are filled with light. Thank you for taking us along.❤

  • @NeenSyme
    @NeenSyme Рік тому

    Thank you for your example and I can't wait to try this out!!!

  • @chonesauro3378
    @chonesauro3378 Рік тому

    I'm watching 👀 ❤❤

  • @TannerKoontz-t2v
    @TannerKoontz-t2v Рік тому

    This really opened up my eyes to how much people are on there electronics rather than conversating and having those experiences with others, god puts others across our paths for reasons

  • @leahputnam2891
    @leahputnam2891 Рік тому

    Thank you Dax! I learned so much from this. Thank you for sharing

  • @Jenni-xc6cg
    @Jenni-xc6cg Рік тому

    I love this! Thank you so much for inspiring me!

  • @gmiranda01
    @gmiranda01 Рік тому

    Love to see youth following Jesus example.

  • @kelbywandahoward6958
    @kelbywandahoward6958 Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing Dax! I love the granola bar idea!

  • @allisonbiere7894
    @allisonbiere7894 Рік тому

    I love this it is amazing what little things we do for others can bring us closer to Jesus Christ.

  • @amaruffles
    @amaruffles Рік тому

    Is there a list that you could share with all the attributes of Christ you focused on each day?

  • @annamida685
    @annamida685 Рік тому

    I love you!!!!❤❤❤❤

  • @shmitty25
    @shmitty25 Рік тому

    That was cool.

  • @1900intz
    @1900intz Рік тому

    Thank you. ❤

  • @mardigra1916
    @mardigra1916 3 місяці тому


  • @margosears378
    @margosears378 Рік тому

    Thank you!