Never has an opening montage simultaneously made me smile and cry, all at once! No words were even spoken, though they didn't need to be, everything about Carl and Ellie's relationship was wonderfully expressed through simple actions. The moment where Carl is left all alone, holding a single balloon... 😭🎈💔
As someone approaching 40 who also works with's so weird feeling simultaneously young and "old" at the same time. It feels like just yesterday I was the same age as my students, but also it feels like a million years ago. I'm still 8, 13, 18 years old..but I'm also 25, 30 and 35. Younger people see me as some ancient fossil, which I get (I was the same way when I was younger). We all know from a young age that everyone dies someday, but I feel it doesn't really, truly hit us until, well, maybe after the best years are behind us. Death and life are a package deal, which kinda helps me appreciate whatever time I have left here. Think I'll go for a walk after this video lol
I also work with kids! They’ll make you feel old so easily 😂 but they give us a different perspective of the world so I think that’s something they teach all of us “old” people haha
I hope my best days aren't behind me. That thought makes me want to hurry up and get to the end. I'm 30 now and the majority of my 20's were spent at funerals, recovering from suicide attempts, drinking and trying to get out of abusive relationships. I'm starting to think it's over for me now.
The thing is that to some people the best days are their childhood, but my childhood as it had good moments, also was cut short too soon. I used to be afraid of growing up, but I never knew the good things that would happen. If I did, I wouldn’t have been scared for a long while! I have my best years ahead of me now that I’m finally out of highschool. And I am very nervous in an anticipated way to see what will happen and how I’ll grow.
"The Ellie Badge" scene at the end always makes my heart heavy and puts tears in my eyes, seeing it on this video even. When animation is done perfectly, it moves me so emotionally. Especially in the terms of Up 1000%
i’m assuming you’re lumping CARS with your “inconsistent” assessment of pixar. granted they have reverted to milking franchises with sequels recently. but the two subsequent Toy Story films, despite having similar storylines, each still managed to add something new to the franchise. movies like Inside Out, Coco, and Soul are pretty awesome themselves. the only time i’ve ever been disappointed with a pixar film were their Cars sequels. otherwise, they’ve all pretty much maintained their “pixar” quality.
@@darthvirgin7157 No he is right. Cause the 4 creative heads of Pixar personally planned up all the Pixar movies up until Cars. But by Up virtually all of them with the exception of Jon Lassater had passed away. Jon then took over as Creative head of Disney when Pixar was absorbed. So he was now hands off on PIXAR while helping Disney own 3d Animation studio come up with gems such as Big Hero 6, Tangled, Frozen, and Wreck it Ralph. Disney though forced him out because of MeToo movement so that is why both PIXAR and Disney are now struggling.
Dude, I'm crying just watching these clips from the movie. The "Thanks for the adventures -- now go and have a new one" note always got me hard. But that "It's just a house" moment... The first time I saw this movie (around when it came out) was the same year my mom sold my childhood home. I will never not cry at this.
I didn't knew that I needed this until I saw it, two weeks ago I lost my dog, he was only 12 years old and I missed him every single day, I sleep with his t-shirt bc it makes me feel close to him, but sometimes I feel guilty when I have a really good day, when I don't long for him as much as the rest of the days but what you said at the end about how he honores Ellie's memory by letting go felt powerful and true. I want to honor my baby's memory too.
Sorry for your loss. I can tell it was a meaningful connection and I hope you all the best in your grieving process. I think we always feel guilty continuing on with our lives when we've lost someone, but even though its easier said than done, the best thing to do is always try to live a life full of happiness.
Darn, even this video made me cry. Really. No joke. Totally agree with your point at the end that western studios seem to finally start making animated films that adults can appreciate, too, even though it should have always been this way. Better late than never.
I got married last year. A guest got my husband and I a "My Adventure Book" a la "Up," and I teared up instantly. That is how ingrained "Up" is in my subconscious.
6:30 I'm turning 40 this year and can definitely confirm. I do make it it a point not to belittle or dismiss the younger generations though, but I feel like I'm an exception sometimes, maybe because I've always been good at seeing things in shades of grey instead of black and white. As much as I am disappointed in the world of the future (I was hoping for at least flying cars by 2020 lol), I also know time doesn't stop for anyone and society is always changing.
I cried after watching this movie and I cried after watching you explain it. I'm not usually an emotional person , but this movie was a deep cut for me. I still sometimes feel isolated and lonely though I am young. This movie still manages to boost my morale and live my life to the fullest tho I'm not gonna be someone worth remembering for the world. After constantly comparing myself to mega celebs my age that came from nothing but built an empire, I always felt I couldn't achieve anything tho my life was stable. But Up makes me realize that there is more to life than all those things. Great video! :)
No one is going to remember anyone after theyve died even celebrities will become insignificant and irrelevant when millions of years have past. You think history books will have photos of kim kardashian in them? Hell no.
A person over 40 is treated like they’re invisible. It’s nonsense. We don’t have enough positive stories about what incredible experiences you can appreciate as a mature adult.
Yup, this was always what spoke to me about Up. It was never my favorite Pixar movie ever, but the emotional beats did their job and then some. For a while, I was Carl, someone who refused to move on from the past due to things he felt were unresolved, but recently took to having a more uplifting (heh) outlook after moving and seeing the possibilities show themselves.
There is no moment you become old- or when your life can seem behind you. Eventually enough tedium takes place, and you realize it was ok not to achieve what you couldn’t, because you still had so much 😭
It's evidence of how impactful a film is that even just talking about the emotional high points is enough to get me misty eyed and smiling. Up is such an amazing movie.
Jesus this film has a potent power to it. You casually described in a near monotone voice the pages Ellie left in the book and it made me breakdown in tears for 5 minutes. Pixar really hit it out of the park with this one
Wow. This is such a beautiful essay on Up. I have gained a whole new appreciation for it as a whole, beyond just the first 10 minutes of the movie. Thank you for your caring and considerate writing on this topic. I'm gonna watch Up tonight (with this new lens) thanks to you. ^^
You made me cry. Good job. 23 (kinda) fresh out of college ready to pursue my second degree, but totally alone Living with my parents at my hometown (for now. Leaving in a few days) Loneliness is something that truly bugs, cause i am introvert too, and i someone who loves routines -an unhealthy amount of love- i fell like I won't be able to find any meaningful relationship... I fell like I don't have much to offer you know? I just fell lost. Hopefully with my new degree i will be able to open a dietitian office (and not starve to death by the lack of clients) and at least do some good in the society before i leave this state of existence. Awesome video, sorry for my "forever alone and lonely" vibe but my point was... If i am lonely now... What there is to expect? Its only downhill as we age. I used to have terrible eyesight as a kid up until my 18 years. Doctor said my eyes finally got over the issue, but it will come back(cause it's still there my eyes just finally learnt to "move past it" ). It could come back at any moment (and it does when i am tired - that why i fear driving and I haven't got my license yet if i am totally on the clear eyesight-wise.) Tmi aside... Who will be when we lost half of our senses and pain even if it's small is everywhere? If you read my... Random thoughts this far, you are awesome. Hope you have a good one.
You seem low... or at least you were when you wrote this comment. Please believe me when I say that 23 is still very young, and you have loads to look forward to! You are still in the education/ hussling stage of life, but eventually that passes and you begin to see the payoff for your hard work. I hope it happens the way you dream it will... and also I want to encourage you that even if it doesnt it will still be okay, better than okay. You will enter into a stage of life where you are more certain of yourself and what you want, and as you continue throughout life that certainty only grows. You got this!
Honestly, what makes up special for me is that Carl looks like my own grandfather and a lot of the conversations between him and russel at the end of the film reminds me of moments ive had with him. Makes me want to spend more time with him and my grandmother while i can and just listen to the stories he has, even if i know some of them are too good to be true, its just one of those things where its just good enough for me to be around him and spend those moments with him
This movie highlights my fear of losing the person I care for most, I’m lucky to have found my ‘Ellie’, but the fact that one day I may have to live the reality of life without her scares me more than anything.
Of course the movie makes me cry but how dare you make me do the same. I've tried to stop myself from longing too much for future events like big holidays or even weekends and try to enjoy the moments of peace when they happen as they happen. It's not always easy but it gets a bit easier
i loved this movie with all my heart. The married life sequence made me sob and cry harder in 10 minutes than I thought was ever possible. goddamn Pixar.
This movie was especially poignant for me since I saw it for the first time shortly after I was widowed at only 30 years old. I had an 8 month old baby and it was extremely unexpected, so I could relate to it so much more than most other people my age. Additionally, I had found a notebook containing letters that were written to me by my husband only after he had died so that part alone, had me balling! I felt like our future together had been snuffed out before it could even begin. Needless to say, at first I couldn’t watch this movie without crying my eyes out, but over the years, it has remained one of my favorite movies of all time.
Beautiful analysis on Up! I'm not sure what else to say but you put everything great about it into words so well. It's a shame that so many focus on only the montage and overlook how brilliant the rest of the film is.
Trying to achieve great things in your life is ok, but it’s also ok to settle for something ‘less’ if you fail in spite of your best efforts, there’s gonna be failure but the world keeps spinning; so can you. That would be one of the messages Soul crafted thanks to this movie.
I''ve come to realize i'm getting older as an adult. I only had 3 friends my whole life, Each of us grew apart & we don't talk anymore so i'm on my own.
Being as present as possible is the secret. Living in your head will speed up time, which will age you rapidly. This doesn’t mean you should distract yourself. Its about letting things flow instead of creating obstacles for yourself. And finding people who open doors for you instead of closing them is key.
Wow dude I almost never ever comment on video but this one was deeply striking for me. It was all that is beautifful and cerebral about art but also on that amazing craftwork that is essay and exploration of art, science and humankind !!! Thank for what it created in me and hope for all that shall comes :) ;)
I've had gerontophobia since I was a kid, my grandmother adopted me when she was 62. She passed away 10 years ago and I just buried her husband (my grandfather) this past February. She was 81 he was 90.
I think there's TONS of animated films (both mainstream and independent) that have plenty of deep themes that one can dive into! There are a lot more than I think many people realize (or will give credit for) that it's hard for me to think of one off the top of my head!
Because many people in the western world see animation as kids stuff a.k.a not intelligent or “adult” enough to have something of substance, and rather just a bunch of bright colors, stupid characters and cheap humor, which is only reinforced by the popularity of films like Minions.
I was in such a bad place these past few weeks, and I didn't expect to find comfort and even some sort of answer that I've been looking for in this video. Thank you so much for making it🖤 Ps. It's been a while since the last time I saw Up, and when I saw Carl at the beginning of this video I was like "Oh, Carl reminds me of Hayao Miyazaki a lot." It's really great to find out the creator of this film was indeed inspired by his works (and maybe more?).
I always took Muntz as similar to Rico from Napoleon Dynamite. He's desperately trying to prove that he's just as good as once was, living on past glories and refusing to move on from it. He's entirely stuck in the past, and thus squandered his future. Well, that's not entirely the reason, the other part is that he's eager to regain his lost reputation when he was discredited, and as all the...helmets prove he's willing to do anything to get it back.
As much as he gets laughed at for his Prequels dialogues, George Lucas' quote about joy is something to really live by: "Pleasure is fun. It's great, but you can't keep it going forever, just accept the fact that it's here and it's gone, and maybe then again, it will come back, and you'll get to do it again. JOY lasts forever. Pleasure is purely self-centered. It's all about your pleasure: it's about you. It's a selfish, self-centered emotion, that is created by a self-centered motive of greed. Joy is compassion. Joy is giving yourself to somebody else, or some else. And it's a kind of thing that is, in its subtlety and lowness, much more powerful than pleasure. You get hung up on pleasure... you're doomed. If you pursue joy; you will find everlasting happiness."
Great video! I really appreciated it because younger me couldn't understand the message, but now I am tempted to rewatch ! As for other animated movies I think also made me feel this way , I totally recomend the following: Wolf children Ame and Yuki Whisper of the heart Tokyo godfathers Coraline
This video was kinda nostalgic, but capture what made UP so special. Sometimes I wish we could go back to more kid friendly and optimistic movies and animation. There is nothing wrong with mature content. But mature content must have meaning. Not a single war was fought without a reason..
Your videos are a thesis level master class in movie reviews. Very well done. No opening to a film has ever affected me the way that Up! did. Pixar in general has a way of cutting straight to the heart.
11:18 "This is the most accurate depiction of a talking golden retriever there has ever been or ever will be!" The dog from *Dexter's Lab* : *A Story* might disagree with you there 🐕
Grab AtlasVPN special deal for 82% OFF! 🔐:
Never has an opening montage simultaneously made me smile and cry, all at once! No words were even spoken, though they didn't need to be, everything about Carl and Ellie's relationship was wonderfully expressed through simple actions. The moment where Carl is left all alone, holding a single balloon... 😭🎈💔
As someone approaching 40 who also works with's so weird feeling simultaneously young and "old" at the same time. It feels like just yesterday I was the same age as my students, but also it feels like a million years ago. I'm still 8, 13, 18 years old..but I'm also 25, 30 and 35. Younger people see me as some ancient fossil, which I get (I was the same way when I was younger). We all know from a young age that everyone dies someday, but I feel it doesn't really, truly hit us until, well, maybe after the best years are behind us. Death and life are a package deal, which kinda helps me appreciate whatever time I have left here. Think I'll go for a walk after this video lol
I also work with kids! They’ll make you feel old so easily 😂 but they give us a different perspective of the world so I think that’s something they teach all of us “old” people haha
I hope my best days aren't behind me. That thought makes me want to hurry up and get to the end. I'm 30 now and the majority of my 20's were spent at funerals, recovering from suicide attempts, drinking and trying to get out of abusive relationships. I'm starting to think it's over for me now.
@@lizc6393 I’m sorry your 20s wasn’t a good decade for you. I hope life gets better for you in the future .
Yea it’s horrible things people go through
The thing is that to some people the best days are their childhood, but my childhood as it had good moments, also was cut short too soon. I used to be afraid of growing up, but I never knew the good things that would happen. If I did, I wouldn’t have been scared for a long while!
I have my best years ahead of me now that I’m finally out of highschool. And I am very nervous in an anticipated way to see what will happen and how I’ll grow.
"The Ellie Badge" scene at the end always makes my heart heavy and puts tears in my eyes, seeing it on this video even. When animation is done perfectly, it moves me so emotionally. Especially in the terms of Up 1000%
I think UP was peak Pixar. Their output started to become more inconsistent after that and UP was really studio at their best. Great vid!
i’m assuming you’re lumping CARS with your “inconsistent” assessment of pixar.
granted they have reverted to milking franchises with sequels recently. but the two subsequent Toy Story films, despite having similar storylines, each still managed to add something new to the franchise.
movies like Inside Out, Coco, and Soul are pretty awesome themselves.
the only time i’ve ever been disappointed with a pixar film were their Cars sequels. otherwise, they’ve all pretty much maintained their “pixar” quality.
@@darthvirgin7157 No he is right. Cause the 4 creative heads of Pixar personally planned up all the Pixar movies up until Cars. But by Up virtually all of them with the exception of Jon Lassater had passed away. Jon then took over as Creative head of Disney when Pixar was absorbed. So he was now hands off on PIXAR while helping Disney own 3d Animation studio come up with gems such as Big Hero 6, Tangled, Frozen, and Wreck it Ralph. Disney though forced him out because of MeToo movement so that is why both PIXAR and Disney are now struggling.
Dude, I'm crying just watching these clips from the movie.
The "Thanks for the adventures -- now go and have a new one" note always got me hard. But that "It's just a house" moment... The first time I saw this movie (around when it came out) was the same year my mom sold my childhood home. I will never not cry at this.
I didn't knew that I needed this until I saw it, two weeks ago I lost my dog, he was only 12 years old and I missed him every single day, I sleep with his t-shirt bc it makes me feel close to him, but sometimes I feel guilty when I have a really good day, when I don't long for him as much as the rest of the days but what you said at the end about how he honores Ellie's memory by letting go felt powerful and true.
I want to honor my baby's memory too.
Sorry English it's not my first language and I was so emotional that I didn't care about grammar either lol
Sorry for your loss. I can tell it was a meaningful connection and I hope you all the best in your grieving process. I think we always feel guilty continuing on with our lives when we've lost someone, but even though its easier said than done, the best thing to do is always try to live a life full of happiness.
@@QualityCulture thank you, and thank you so much for the video 💕 you've no idea how much it helped me and inspire me too.
Darn, even this video made me cry. Really. No joke. Totally agree with your point at the end that western studios seem to finally start making animated films that adults can appreciate, too, even though it should have always been this way. Better late than never.
It's a testament to how emotional this movie is that just listening to someone talk about it is enough to bring tears to my eyes.
I got married last year. A guest got my husband and I a "My Adventure Book" a la "Up," and I teared up instantly. That is how ingrained "Up" is in my subconscious.
That's amazing. All the best in your married life
6:30 I'm turning 40 this year and can definitely confirm. I do make it it a point not to belittle or dismiss the younger generations though, but I feel like I'm an exception sometimes, maybe because I've always been good at seeing things in shades of grey instead of black and white. As much as I am disappointed in the world of the future (I was hoping for at least flying cars by 2020 lol), I also know time doesn't stop for anyone and society is always changing.
I cried after watching this movie and I cried after watching you explain it. I'm not usually an emotional person , but this movie was a deep cut for me. I still sometimes feel isolated and lonely though I am young. This movie still manages to boost my morale and live my life to the fullest tho I'm not gonna be someone worth remembering for the world. After constantly comparing myself to mega celebs my age that came from nothing but built an empire, I always felt I couldn't achieve anything tho my life was stable. But Up makes me realize that there is more to life than all those things. Great video! :)
No one is going to remember anyone after theyve died even celebrities will become insignificant and irrelevant when millions of years have past. You think history books will have photos of kim kardashian in them? Hell no.
Great video. I’ve been crying for 20 minutes
A person over 40 is treated like they’re invisible. It’s nonsense. We don’t have enough positive stories about what incredible experiences you can appreciate as a mature adult.
It's an insane culture that tells you you're only valuable for the first half of your life.
Yup, this was always what spoke to me about Up. It was never my favorite Pixar movie ever, but the emotional beats did their job and then some. For a while, I was Carl, someone who refused to move on from the past due to things he felt were unresolved, but recently took to having a more uplifting (heh) outlook after moving and seeing the possibilities show themselves.
There is no moment you become old- or when your life can seem behind you. Eventually enough tedium takes place, and you realize it was ok not to achieve what you couldn’t, because you still had so much 😭
There’s an episode of Hilda called “the 50 year long night” which also explores the same fear of getting old and running out of time.
Just like the first 10 minutes of Up, I'm over here trying my best not to tear up at this video. Great analysis!!
It's evidence of how impactful a film is that even just talking about the emotional high points is enough to get me misty eyed and smiling. Up is such an amazing movie.
Jesus this film has a potent power to it. You casually described in a near monotone voice the pages Ellie left in the book and it made me breakdown in tears for 5 minutes. Pixar really hit it out of the park with this one
A definite tear-jerker. Even when someone is just talking about concepts it highlights. What a great film. And video! Thank you. 😁
I'm so scared of getting older and Up definitely made me cry
Man, this movie is just so so touching and well thought out
OMG I started crying just watching the shots of the couple growing old together in this video. Oh man, good movie, good movie.
“Hope you enjoyed the video” *tears in my eyes*
Not me crying twice while watching this video. Up is so heart-warming, definitely one of my favourite movies, great video!
This was a beautiful reflection. Thank you for sharing it. I would also love to hear anything you have to say about Miyazaki's films.
Great suggestion! Might give that a try sooner or later 🤔
Wow. This is such a beautiful essay on Up. I have gained a whole new appreciation for it as a whole, beyond just the first 10 minutes of the movie. Thank you for your caring and considerate writing on this topic. I'm gonna watch Up tonight (with this new lens) thanks to you. ^^
Glad you enjoyed it! 😊
You made me cry. Good job.
23 (kinda) fresh out of college ready to pursue my second degree, but totally alone Living with my parents at my hometown (for now. Leaving in a few days)
Loneliness is something that truly bugs, cause i am introvert too, and i someone who loves routines -an unhealthy amount of love- i fell like I won't be able to find any meaningful relationship... I fell like I don't have much to offer you know? I just fell lost. Hopefully with my new degree i will be able to open a dietitian office (and not starve to death by the lack of clients) and at least do some good in the society before i leave this state of existence.
Awesome video, sorry for my "forever alone and lonely" vibe but my point was... If i am lonely now... What there is to expect? Its only downhill as we age. I used to have terrible eyesight as a kid up until my 18 years. Doctor said my eyes finally got over the issue, but it will come back(cause it's still there my eyes just finally learnt to "move past it" ). It could come back at any moment (and it does when i am tired - that why i fear driving and I haven't got my license yet if i am totally on the clear eyesight-wise.)
Tmi aside... Who will be when we lost half of our senses and pain even if it's small is everywhere?
If you read my... Random thoughts this far, you are awesome. Hope you have a good one.
You seem low... or at least you were when you wrote this comment. Please believe me when I say that 23 is still very young, and you have loads to look forward to! You are still in the education/ hussling stage of life, but eventually that passes and you begin to see the payoff for your hard work. I hope it happens the way you dream it will... and also I want to encourage you that even if it doesnt it will still be okay, better than okay. You will enter into a stage of life where you are more certain of yourself and what you want, and as you continue throughout life that certainty only grows. You got this!
Honestly, what makes up special for me is that Carl looks like my own grandfather and a lot of the conversations between him and russel at the end of the film reminds me of moments ive had with him. Makes me want to spend more time with him and my grandmother while i can and just listen to the stories he has, even if i know some of them are too good to be true, its just one of those things where its just good enough for me to be around him and spend those moments with him
This movie highlights my fear of losing the person I care for most, I’m lucky to have found my ‘Ellie’, but the fact that one day I may have to live the reality of life without her scares me more than anything.
Of course the movie makes me cry but how dare you make me do the same. I've tried to stop myself from longing too much for future events like big holidays or even weekends and try to enjoy the moments of peace when they happen as they happen. It's not always easy but it gets a bit easier
I’m crying. This movie always has torn my heart out and thrown it on the floor and stomped on it
This movie can never not make me cry, just showing a couple of the scenes out of context with no music or sound made my eyes water
Literally teared up as soon as you said, "Thanks for the adventure, go have a new one!" Like that literally killed me, I need a moment
i loved this movie with all my heart. The married life sequence made me sob and cry harder in 10 minutes than I thought was ever possible. goddamn Pixar.
Aaand now I'm sobbing over this movie again.
i'm so proud of myself. I actually got through this video without crying.... I just cried afterwards
So great to see you covering this film! 🙌
This movie is so powerful I actually got emotional towards the end of this video essay. well done.
I'm nearing 40 and I needed to hear this. Thanks.
Memories of the movie made me cry randomly the whole way through.
This movie was especially poignant for me since I saw it for the first time shortly after I was widowed at only 30 years old. I had an 8 month old baby and it was extremely unexpected, so I could relate to it so much more than most other people my age. Additionally, I had found a notebook containing letters that were written to me by my husband only after he had died so that part alone, had me balling! I felt like our future together had been snuffed out before it could even begin. Needless to say, at first I couldn’t watch this movie without crying my eyes out, but over the years, it has remained one of my favorite movies of all time.
This definitely explained a lot of the concepts of the movie I might have missed, great video!
Beautiful analysis on Up! I'm not sure what else to say but you put everything great about it into words so well. It's a shame that so many focus on only the montage and overlook how brilliant the rest of the film is.
This was a very well done video. Thank you for taking the time to make it.
Trying to achieve great things in your life is ok, but it’s also ok to settle for something ‘less’ if you fail in spite of your best efforts, there’s gonna be failure but the world keeps spinning; so can you. That would be one of the messages Soul crafted thanks to this movie.
I’d love to hear you guys talk about mamoru hosoda. I first got into his films with wolf children when i became a mom and it really spoke to me.
What a truly adorable and helpful little video!!!
Up is a beautiful movie. Definitely in my top 10 favorite animated films.
incredible video! this film really hits hard whenever you watch it
Why does this only have 2.5K likes? This Video Essay is GOLD! Thank you Quality Culture for being awesome!
I''ve come to realize i'm getting older as an adult. I only had 3 friends my whole life, Each of us grew apart & we don't talk anymore so i'm on my own.
I’m tearing up, thanks to you. Beautiful essay, thanks again 🙏✨
Your essays rock! They get me out of bed early on Sundays. Nothing like watching them and sipping a coffee before the sunrise
Being as present as possible is the secret. Living in your head will speed up time, which will age you rapidly. This doesn’t mean you should distract yourself. Its about letting things flow instead of creating obstacles for yourself. And finding people who open doors for you instead of closing them is key.
Up is my favorite all time movie .
This made me smile already 😊
Sobbing at work
Great video
Amazing amazing amazing. Impressed every time. Nice job 👍🏾
Got me crying in the club 😭😭😭😭
I'm not crying, you're crying! 😭❤️
Congrats on being the first video essay to make me tear up 🥲
Trust UA-cam to recommend a 'fear if growing old' video just as I turn 25
Wow dude I almost never ever comment on video but this one was deeply striking for me. It was all that is beautifful and cerebral about art but also on that amazing craftwork that is essay and exploration of art, science and humankind !!! Thank for what it created in me and hope for all that shall comes :) ;)
I don't know why but this video got me so emotional I started crying geez ;-; loved it though, it's good tears I promise!
This was the first essay video that made me cry
Omg the photo of Carl at retirement home is cute cuz all his peers have dogs that bring them joy 🐕
The fact that they were all the dogs from paradise falls❤️
@@QualityCulture omg i thought so! That attention to detail 👌
this is such a beautiful video
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
I can’t even say how great a video this is 😭
when Carl meets his hero, he realizes an important lesson, never meet you're heros
you got me crying
My name is Doug! I have just met you and I LOVE YOU!!!
I've had gerontophobia since I was a kid, my grandmother adopted me when she was 62. She passed away 10 years ago and I just buried her husband (my grandfather) this past February. She was 81 he was 90.
I think there's TONS of animated films (both mainstream and independent) that have plenty of deep themes that one can dive into! There are a lot more than I think many people realize (or will give credit for) that it's hard for me to think of one off the top of my head!
Because many people in the western world see animation as kids stuff a.k.a not intelligent or “adult” enough to have something of substance, and rather just a bunch of bright colors, stupid characters and cheap humor, which is only reinforced by the popularity of films like Minions.
Ngl, I cried watching this video
I appreciate this channel man
Thanks! 🥺
I was in such a bad place these past few weeks, and I didn't expect to find comfort and even some sort of answer that I've been looking for in this video. Thank you so much for making it🖤
Ps. It's been a while since the last time I saw Up, and when I saw Carl at the beginning of this video I was like "Oh, Carl reminds me of Hayao Miyazaki a lot." It's really great to find out the creator of this film was indeed inspired by his works (and maybe more?).
Well done!
I always took Muntz as similar to Rico from Napoleon Dynamite. He's desperately trying to prove that he's just as good as once was, living on past glories and refusing to move on from it. He's entirely stuck in the past, and thus squandered his future. Well, that's not entirely the reason, the other part is that he's eager to regain his lost reputation when he was discredited, and as all the...helmets prove he's willing to do anything to get it back.
Whelp.. I tried, but this definitely made me cry
I love your video essays
Thanks for the love!
As much as he gets laughed at for his Prequels dialogues, George Lucas' quote about joy is something to really live by:
"Pleasure is fun. It's great, but you can't keep it going forever, just accept the fact that it's here and it's gone, and maybe then again, it will come back, and you'll get to do it again.
JOY lasts forever.
Pleasure is purely self-centered. It's all about your pleasure: it's about you. It's a selfish, self-centered emotion, that is created by a self-centered motive of greed.
Joy is compassion. Joy is giving yourself to somebody else, or some else. And it's a kind of thing that is, in its subtlety and lowness, much more powerful than pleasure.
You get hung up on pleasure... you're doomed. If you pursue joy; you will find everlasting happiness."
goddamnit you made me cry just with your commentary. i think it's time to rewatch this movie from an older perspective...
Bye I cried so much during this
Very nice.
Great video! I really appreciated it because younger me couldn't understand the message, but now I am tempted to rewatch !
As for other animated movies I think also made me feel this way , I totally recomend the following:
Wolf children Ame and Yuki
Whisper of the heart
Tokyo godfathers
I am dreading turning 27 since it didn’t seem that long since I was a 18 or 19 year old and this is scaring me to death!
Hey, the movie that always made me cry and is one of my favorite films.
Update: I cried again.
Oh this made me tear up
This video was kinda nostalgic, but capture what made UP so special. Sometimes I wish we could go back to more kid friendly and optimistic movies and animation. There is nothing wrong with mature content. But mature content must have meaning. Not a single war was fought without a reason..
Dammit bro... making me cry n shit-🥲🥹 beautiful video
my favourite movies...
Great video!!! :D
Damn Imma have to rewatch this movie now.
Your videos are a thesis level master class in movie reviews. Very well done. No opening to a film has ever affected me the way that Up! did. Pixar in general has a way of cutting straight to the heart.
Love you! - Carpe Diem
11:18 "This is the most accurate depiction of a talking golden retriever there has ever been or ever will be!"
The dog from *Dexter's Lab* : *A Story* might disagree with you there 🐕
I would highly recommend the anime film by Satoshi Kon, Millennium Actress, it has a lot of adjacent themes