The part where you say Australia’s police do not have a identifying number attached to their name is not helpful to say. They do have a number, and it is used in the documents they file in courts and the email address they use. They don’t like to give anyone their number because then its easy to find the station they are from and having the email address of the informant who is creating the charges against you, and without giving you that information means you can’t do any of the pre-hearing communications when you need to represent yourself.
Your listing skills need work, I never said police do not have an identifying number, I literally tell you in the video that they do. What I did say was that they do not need to provide that number to the public, this is literally written into legislation and I even provided the legislation in the video for you to look up if you do not believe me. This is the problem with most people just like yourself you do not listen to what is being said you just listen to some of it then make the rest up in your head. It's already easy to find the station that they are from because they tell you the station they are from as they have to by law, this is also stated in the video. You do not need to communicate with them other than in Court, they serve paperwork on you, not the other way around.
@@aussie.prepper Legislation doesn't go above God Given rights. It's not an american thing it's a christian and jew things. All our moral laws existed long before the formation of the government. The govenrment if it creates any law that violates our rights (granted to us by God who the priest of the land claims has communication with and grants the king his authority to rule over people) is null and void. But you have to first recognise who you are and state that you are a living human being created by God and not a plastic card with a picture of your face on it. Freeman society has gone over this dozens of times. Please educate yourself about this. No government can just walk over rights without your consent and if they cannot produce evidence you consent they have no authority. The old laws of the bible apply today so for example when Jesus said to sell your cloak to buy a sword that means you can kill in self defense. It's not murder because you are preventing your own death. Your life is sacred and God doesn't give others a right to take what is His. These are basic things that secular people do not know since they don't accept God as being real or they limit God as a figure in an organised religion. (mostly public school educated people or low class men who don't think for themselves) Why do cops have the right to do what they do? Nobody is exercising divie rights. If we are children of God we are His property. You cannot be servant to King in heaven and earthly kings too. The earthly king must abide by our moral laws or else the foundation of all law itself is in question. Why is foundation law so important? Because all the laws of men are based on the foundation and all the legislation (not the same as law) sits on top of that foundation. Take away the foundation and you remove the basis for the structure on top. There is no debate on this. You either got misinformed by americans or you just don't like christians and jews so don't really give a stuff about the rights of people who had laws before secular powers decided to ignore it. At the end of the day: whoever pays the most taxes has the most sway so if you are a minority whose views are not common, then politicans tend to ignore you. But majority of population still hold christian morals and governments like that as it provides stability. The problem? When globalists who don't like the morals pay off or bribe the leaders and then introduce immigrants into the land who hold different beliefs and then those two groups argue and fight and this arguing about right and wrong causes division. This division then leads to chaos. However the communists and secular humanist who don't breed still rely on christian and jews since they need tax cattle to fund the services they need. The laws of God will never go away no matter which guy is emperor, prime minister or president. The reason people get up to go to work and slave away is the promise that people obey basic ten commendments and behave themselves. There is never going to be an athiest for example that says he wants to live in a world run by satanists or anarchists and legislates murder as ok. There wil never be a hippy who says conservatives are wrong to believe war is bad and causes suffering. All the fringe belief systems come to the logical conclusion that we don't need them but they need US. So that is why exercising your rights to teach police that legislation is not law is important. If you can legislate anything then you live in a lawless society based on the religion of satanism which states: "Do What Thou Wilt is the WHole of the law". That lets people like me be allowed to shoot you in the face, and murder while telling people its good and they are wrong for discriminating against my beliefs. Obviously we don't live in this world so police need to be reminded who pays the taxes. And no it's not an american thing. It's the families of christian and jews that hold society together due to God only granting authority to those governments that protect His people. You cross us? You will expeirence great catastrophe because God made the promise to Abraham a long time ago about having many sons so God is bound by His Promises. (that means if you attack us God will defend us) This is still in effect and the reason christian nations are dominant over the occult ones. (if Hitler knew this he would not have tried to conquer the world by going after the Chosen) There will come a time when churches slowly fade out (less people believei n God) and then the antichrist rises to take over the world. This is because when there are no blieevers on earth, it is risk-free for God to judge the earth now since nobody will get hurt, God will not break his promise to Abraham and angels can finally attack the wicked. Think of the police as normal guys like yourself and they just do what they are told but are not paid to think for themselves. Most people are like that. But those who can show they have rights, and argue effectively will not be harassed. It's about mutual respect. You must be polite but firm. It's a test to see if you think you are an animate object that the government owns. If you don't say you are creation of God you are fair game for the beast system. Look up "Know Your Rights Group". You cannot post link in comments anymore because the powers that be do not want regular people like yourself to have the truth. So they supress information.
@@UToobUsername01 Yeah I'm not reading all that and I don't need to to know you are a Sociovit loon, or similar. Sociovits only succeed when sane people can't be bothered dealing with their shit, nothing to do with your god.
@@jackdaniels2146then you stay calm, if they start bashing you then try call out for help from witnesses and state your not resisting. Fighting the police physically is never going to end well as you WILL end up injured one way or another, Ive been to jail and the shit you see ain't pretty. Ive seen them leave people to bleed out and nearly die. If I had of fought them the other week there's a good chance both my dog and I wouldn't be here today, all because of a bogus complaint from a member of the public and their poor training. If the dog was so agressive they needed to use force to enter the property then they should of had backup, because there was no way the two young constables, one beimg a female were going to de-escalate the situation it would of turned into an all out bloodbath had of I not been decent. Best off having your day in court from the right side of the bars, that way you can actually try fight the case and win. (The foods better out here too)
@@crf80fdarkdays there’s no point engaging law enforcement physically. You are hounded for life if this course is taken. My point was more to do with defending against physical aggression from a fellow member of the public. Usually if you start recanting the wrote speak about an imminent threat to one’s person and property the other party cottons on that it’s not your first rodeo.
Admitting to things isn't a problem. I've admitted to all sorts of things confidently knowing that they can't use any of it, as I was certain that I could get the charges withdrawn.
I've found the Aussie cops to be a fairly friendly bunch. Based solely on my interactions by the side of the road as a driver. If you are friendly & respectful you have a 50:50 chance of talking your way out of a ticket.
@@davidlean8674 Depends on the cop and to a degree the location. Country cops are a little more laid back with the more minor issues. I think this could be said for any country though. Also if you are polite and respectful a cop will often be the same, regardless of nationality for the most part.
question the first thing they ask or claim shutting up is acceptance another misinformation do do question what ever they claim and never agree to be a YOU or YOUR YOU=PERSON WITH A DEBT =PERSON not a living man or woman
@@alexsmith240 Please try that again with punctuation. Tip: Re-read what you type to ensure auto-correct or typos didn't turn your message into incomprehensible text.
@@blue6952 that would be considered belligerent and sure-fire way to fail ... you'd be better off just towing the line as a boot licker and doing the right thing ... do not make claims .. never goes on silent .. each and every time they address you you would have to respond with that ... if you're not fully across this stuff my suggestion would be too just toe the line
@@blue6952 if you are a holder of a driver's licence you've unknowingly obligated yourself to be subject to it .. going silent would be a dubious proposition
Ha ha yer exactly. I thought the same thing. They definitely goad people into a drag and then book them ..entrapment. be interested to see if he replies to your comment
@@SK-nt7vt yes absolutely they had an LE Monaro back pre 2000 up at Redcliffe way ... my understanding they absolutely shouldn't be doing traffic stops in a unmarked car that would be against the policy at a glance
I worked afternoon shift and was often the only car on the freeway.Then out of the blue a vehicle has arrived from a long way back and is cruising beside me at my speed.The other driver sits in the adjoining lane for half a K and speeds off. I told people at work about these experiences.I said, when you are the only person on a dark freeway and another driver is behaving strangely, it can be alarming.If I was a girl I would be frightened. My work mates informed me the other driver was a cop trying to entice me into a race or scare me into taking defensive action.
Remember "Good manners can be a shield". North Korean military intelligence interrogators had a devil of a time with Turkish POWs in the 1951-53 war because they stayed cool, said little and stayed polite. Your Emotions are your enemies way in and you are now dealing with an enemy that is totally evil.
Like your comment. You have encouraged someone to learn and relearn how to be in control and eventually psycholgise intelligence interrogators, whether they are military or civilian.
ADF training provides different stages of dealing with interrogators. The 'Shock of Capture' can be overcome with proper education and quick annual revision. Be ready for humiliation, tricks, and pain but you can get use to it. Everything you see or hear is because they want you to see it. Strong religious faith can help, Christ was no Pacifist (who told the disciplines to buy swords?) Unfortunately too many Australian Police are not actually Police anymore but act more like a pseudo state paramilitary that increasingly has little or no respect for the law, property and personal rights, and therefore extremely dangerous, best to avoid and say nothing if possible. If you have the conviction, and politics aside, recommend early 1980s Irish Republican approach to dealing with imprisonment ie Total non-collaboration and 'blanket strike'. Recommend BBC extended 1970s series Colditz, Bravo Two Zero and In the Name of the Father for a taste of interrogation and imprisonment as well as BBC Secret Army series.
Good for you. One my officers in the ADF was a Turk. One of coolest, most educated I've ever served under, spoke 3x language fluently and an graduate engineer. Also heard other favourable reports of them. Unsure what Turks you met, were they on the run from the national draft?
You do realise that American statute legislation can absolutely be cited here in Australia and f****** vice versa a legal precedent is a legal precedent ... you're aware that all our filings are registered within the United States
Respect for the Police has plummeted over the last decade. This can be attributed to policies of Government or the quality of recruitment. Many Officers should not be in the job. I have met some fine officers but also those who are a discredit to the Service. As a kid, I respected our local Constables who were a familiar site around our suburb, always on foot and in tune with the neighborhood, being familiar with most of the residents. They carried no guns, tasers, or protective vests, they looked sharp and well dressed and seemed to have the knack of communicating that was reassuring in difficult circumstances. Maybe our society has declined to such a level that Policing has become isolated from the community. The Justice system has lot to answer for.
After witnessing Covid over reach first hand I am done. This might be a future video. Police showed their true colours and where they stand during covid, a cop who does not stand up to corruption and turns a blind eye is corrupt.
@@aussie.prepper The POLICE action during covid forever damaged any respect the public had for them. The Public was shown the true nature of a POLICE force allowed to wield power as if under MARTIAL LAW.
@@blugameplay If you think your fellow Countrymen are merely fool's, who take whatever rights they do have for granted, then you're wrong. And just what "right's," if granted, do you think Australian's to be too "irresponsible" to have? Are we in your humble opinion, just a shallow group of errant children, in constant need of supervision and guidance? So lacking in "responsibility" that, were the O.Ps suggested "rights" to be granted, then anarchy would naturally ensue soon thereafter? Please!!
The hat thing came from the old days where they had to be in uniform in public. Where it got crossed over was. If he put his hat on walking towards you. It was official. If he didn’t. It was usually unofficial. In other words if he had no hat on. He was probably just wanted a chat. .
Thanks Prepper, wasn't expecting that so quick. Very Informative. The hat thing blows a 40 year old fallacy out of the water but the legal representation was the biggest surprise. So glad to see someone giving Aussies, valid information. Cheers
There are a few other myths you didn't mention... (This relates to Victoria police) No 6. Don't ever ask a policeman for help because they have their great book of excuses for not getting off their arse and helping you with a problem. No 7. Don't expect empathy from police. I'm NOT talking about letting you off a speeding fine, I'm talking about those times when you just need an ear or a little support with a difficult situation. No 8. If someone steals your dog out of your car, it's a "Civil Matter" not a police matter (personal experience with that one) No 9. Don't call police if your neighbors rock the street with subwoofers at all hours of the day or night. They ain't comin'.
"If your neighbours rock the street with sub-woofers" . . If THAT'S your idea of "my life's greatest problem," you don't have a life then do ya', champion? You and your first World problems, eh?
Very refreshing to hear someone who tells the truth about dealing with the police and doesn't show the usual hatred and bias that usually gets included. The majority of the force does a great job and if treated with respect, act accordingly.
Great video, brilliant. Perhaps a video on fuel. Australia is out of fuel in about 20x days in a war blockade. How to improvise with wood Gasifiers for older cars. Start with regular petrol then switch to the gasifier. They were everywhere in the last war.
Interesting story… AFP officers conducted a child exploitation operation in partnership with the FBI, Interpol and the Russian State police in the early 1990’s. the AFP needed hard evidence of SA in their case against the abusers and the recipients of the abuse material here in Australia. So, AFP officers posing as customers asked for material of a SA nature to be recorded and sent to them, and then also on to those in Australia. The material was produced. And the AFP presented their evidence to Interpol & the FBI as champions. Never mind the poor child who was the victim of this SA. Before that moment the material was only exploitative in nature. AFP is directly responsible for the R of that girl.
The woods royal commission exposed a 90 year suppression order on 28 "v.i.p" Australian rock spiders including a former Prime Minister and federal judge, it was ruled outside the terms of reference and swept back under the rug
they even "claim " there is a law that states you MUST answer police questions - how you answer them is up to you = no you do not have to provide them with your phone number , I always tell them that I do not wish to date them so bugger off ( this is lawful )
Same in nz. My brother and his mate fell asleep to the music turned up loud one night in a small one cop town, He woke up at one in the morning to a cop standing in his lounge in his pyjamas with his police hat on lol
Love these video's keep them up👏 we need this in Oz, would be great if you could get a lawyer on to do a run down of our basic rights when interacting with police. Love your work.
Thanks for the channel,,, we desperatly need educated, sincere and honest policing in our communities,,, everyone likes a good cop. What we dont need is the pricks and ego mad corruption and thuggery.
@@terrydyson3302 problem is that it would be an hour long video that would take days to produce and 98% of people stop watching after 5 minutes, no matter how long the video after 5 minutes almost no one is watching.
@@aussie.prepperthanks for video, I would be interested in what questions that have to or don't have to answer from the police ... Such as When they ask when they pull someone over "where are you coming from" that question doesn't make sense to me, why do they really need to know, doesn't seem that important !!?
I know in Nz they have to wear their hi viz on traffic patrol as it’s a health and safety hazard? Funny story an OSH employee got stopped for being 10k over the speed limit once issued the OSH officer then wrote the cop a ticket for not wearing Hi viz on a traffic stop breached police OSH regulations and was ticketed accordingly!
I ran my neck to a coppa without checking myself and got my firearms licence denied because i took vyvanse in high school and failed to declare my PAEDIATRIC medication when asked for PSYCHIATRIC history. I used to like cops and i was fully cooperative and entirely transparent with them, but clearly i was wrong to do so.
Probably the number one most basic simple question as a starting point for all vexatious interactions when cops go fishing or want to harass you, for whatever reason they pretend they have, is: UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU HAVE TO GIVE ID - AND JUST CONFIRM THAT OTHERWISE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE ID, AND CAN GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS WITHOUT LET OR HINDRANCE
Good question. Love to see the answer,,, but generally in oz you dont have to give ID unless driving. But otherwise your required to give name and adress if stopped in the street,,, and there are rules they have to follow on that as well
@@nihilistic7840 in terms of a traffic stop mate you are absolutely subject to it especially if you're a holder of a driver's licence you're never gonna win anything arguing with the cop on the side of the road you'd be better off taking the presentment and dealing with it in terms of a rebuttal letter once elected to have it go to court or something to that effect... as all of this is above the useful idiot policeman's pay grade ... whenever you see this type of thing fail on the side of the road it's not the methodology it was the implementation of it that was oh so lacking
@@adammac4381 you're contradicting yourself. You don't have to give id except driving but you have to give name and address any other time. No you don't have to give your name and address any time. Police don't have the right to stop and question anyone anytime. They don't roam around at will while we have to beg them for mercy. They only get to make enquiries if they have a specific reason in law which must amount to reasonable suspicion of crime or information about a crime at least. This is what I want to establish. They're not the kgb. They can ask but you don't have to answer. They don't have the right in law to track us everywhere we go.
@@utubetrutharrowmichael-and9105 I believe When driving you have to show license. There rumours that the constitution says they can't licence travel but still that's the way it seems to be. In UK you don't have to carry your license with you but here we are expected to or you'll have some massive constitutional case that will just probably bankrupt you. But what about when we're not driving. Most of us have legs and do get out of our cars occasionally.
A 10 second Google search tells you that police do not have to show you the radar reading in South Australia. At least 90% of police cars do not have a radar, and they do not need a radar to book you for speeding.
@@shanelamps6242 Again Section 12 says no such thing, words and their meaning are important. It says 'they should', not that they are obligation to do so or that they must do so, big difference when it comes to law. If they were obliged to do so it would say must, not should.
Good on mate happy too, see some one stand up for the Police. Yes they cop a bad rap. But where without them. It would be a shit of a job. But when it comes down to it. How do you feel when their there to help you when you need them. Give them a go.
About time someone had the balls to do a video on the pigs in the country. I have had so many bad experiences being pulled over by police who seem to think they can shout and say anything they want to . The police in thin country are a law to their own and there's nothing we can do about it because nobody has the courage to make a stand and if we complain they stick to each other like shit to blanket!
That's why you need 2 witnesses to watch them while you interact. At the end of the day always be prepared for the worst but hope for the best. Don't be rude and educate them on God-given rights. It's important to teach them history. The reason police want to deceive is because the government is run by corrupt people. Not the cops fault they were trained like a dog to act a certain way. They are just going by what they were told.
Most police are decent people. My dad was a cop, back in the fifties. A VERY GOOD COP. Sure there's bent, bad, corrupt ones, as with any other industry. I actually got pulled over today, the 1st time in about 10 years. I didn't know why they pulled me over. Turned out i had a brake light not working. My number [plates are VERY faded also. Shockingly it turned out i had forgotten to renew my drivers license, it had expired in June. Bloody hell, I'M A TRUCK DRIVER. I was very apologetic and accepted my mistake and the cars faults. I could be gotten a yellow sticker on the car, I didn't. I could have been made to leave the car there and find another way home. Nope, the police wrote me out a 2 hours driving permit, to drive home with, so i still had 3rd party insurance cover. I did get a $100 fine for driving without a license. Like I said, that's their job. As the cop said, it was better they pull me over and nick me for no license, rather than i have an accident, kill someone, then realize i'm not license. SO, do unto others, is the best policy.
I used to think so till I saw them show their true behaviour during Covid, I lost all respect for ever, as it wasn't a matter of the leopard changing his spots it was a matter of showing their true colours. Given more authority and power over others they were only too happy to use it and absolutely destroy people and their lives for their entertainment, they were happy to destroy businesses and peoples livelihood all while they were on full pay drawing a wage from our taxes. I will an actually =be doing several videos about this in the future, including a whole video on my own experiences while a family member was dying in hospital. We must never forget or forgive, it is not something that can be forgiven in my opinion.
That was when they were a Police "Service", however they're now a corporatised Police "Force" - very big difference. They all operate under a ABN and conduct business (i.e. enforce contracts).
The individual may be a reasonable person - but all officers are instruments of the state, and the state clearly has an agenda that is not in all citizens interests. The state wants to fleece citizens of huge sums of money in fines, the state has shown it’s prepared to use police violently against citizens (eg Covid), the state clearly wants to restrict citizen anonymity and freedoms (eg the grind towards a CBDC and their hatred of cash, willingness to restrict movements and use lockdowns and mandate vaccinations, constantly increasing restrictions on weapons and self defence). And it’s police that are the state’s foot soldiers. And, cops could always quit if they’re uncomfortable with what’s going on - but few of them do.
I'm feeling powerless after listening to you. The law just seems stacked against us especially if you run into an unscrupulous cop. My limited interaction with them has never been good. Usually if you ask for help because of an offense again you, there is always excuses why nothing can be done.
@@edbehan1306 yes if you're unsure of it and not 100% across it all as it's a very complex system and people fail and f****** it's probably better to remain in your boot licker Bravado and toe the line and as I pointed out in another comment go across the liability mates channel as it will quantify and conflict with your statement there's nothing that can be done there's a few recent videos that will help to highlight thats false but again it's not as easy it's just saying that it's a very complex system
I can fully empathise with the way you feel about police. There is to know. We do have rights, and most of the time the police are breaking the law in some way, but are dependent on you not knowing your rights. Remember the police are no longer sworn to serve and protect. They are a corporation, and therefore have no authority unless you have committed a crime. For an action to be a crime, there must be a victim.
The situation of legal representation is an issue in this country. The state has ALL the resources of legal representation at its disposal and they will use it to the fullest against you regardless of your being represented or not, yet by virtue of the fact you aren’t aboriginal or dirt poor on benefits, but yet with a house with a massive mortgage and no free money you don’t qualify for legal aid, and unless you know of a lawyer/s you won’t even know who to call in the situation. And before anyone says ‘don’t break the law and you won’t need one’ tell that to Lindy Chamberlain and Henry Keogh and any number of others caught under the grindstone of the criminal system.
You're 100% correct, not breaking the law is not protection, 20 Innocent people (that we know of, there is possible;y many more) were executed since 1972 in the US, an additional 200 were on death row and were found to be innocent prior to being executed. Very scary statistics, imagine how many innocent people are in prisons all over the world.
Yes, the presumption of innocence has been increasingly removed as we have been coerced under EU and UN influence, where the presumption of innocence doesn't actually exist
The hat was around 30 years ago. They'd ask their questions hatless you had a chance. They'd go back to their car, throw their hat on, and you get booked 😂. If they didn't throw their hat on you weren't booked. Probably symbolism and honour from the Cops part...when they had some
You talked about Badge number , and were correct that it isn't particularly relevant . HOWEVER , in the exact same way that Police can demand your ID , basically at any time , SO TOO can you demand , by Law , THEIR WARRANT CARD . Warrant Card is the Equivalent of a Serviceman's Military ID . Photo , Name and Service Number . That's it . Just thought I'd add this for the sake of Clarity .
@@brianlee5702. I heard it DIRECTLY from the mouth of a Federal Police Uniformed Senior Inspector during a Seminar on Law Enforcement during my time in the Armed Forces . All Australian Police , Federal , State and Territory , are Issued a Warrant Card and ARE Required to produce it upon request . I don't know where exactly to look up the pertaining regulation .
Sorry but they can encourage you to commit a offence i had a under cover cop who kept asking me for weed i thought he was a friend he told me all sorts of lies so i would get it for him and when i got it they stalked me for 6 years.
Due to us not having "Rights" here in NSW, NSW Citizens should make themselves familiar with the following two documents: LEPRA 2002. It outlines the limits of the police powers. Then there's the NSW Police Media Handbook. Read Section 10.3 on page 51. This refers to recording Police in the execution of their duties.
The one thing I want to know, which no one can tell me… is do I need to surrender my physical drivers license to them? I’m sure I can go and get their attention and refuse to hand it over to them and get my answer, but surrendering and showing them my drivers listen e are two different things.
@@robbie_rohm88 when you're pulled over on the provision of a traffic stop it is required yes if you do not have it on you you've got 24 hours to present it at a police station ... there are absolutely obligations that come with things like holding a driver's licence or being registered on the electoral roll .. traffic stops are completely different then say being stopped somewhere else for some other reason without a crime being committed , could you get away with not having to show ID ..
@@ShatteringIllusions1 yes correct as you said and if you pissed them off ... 9 x out of 10 they're not going to follow their own f****** rules anyway ...
You are supposed to have your drivers licence on you when you're operating a vehicle. You can be fined for not having it. If you are nice and polite and have a good reason like you forgot your wallet or something they will let you off. They can check who you are if you give them your details on their devices these days anyway
I was asked by an undercover if I could get him something which I cannot anyway I asked him to show me his wallet. He refused. I said it smells like bacon and followed him around the corner to where he jumped in an unmarked car with raspberry and strawberry colour lights on the dash and back window
Australian Federal Police officers have a pocket badge with a registered number which also appears on the rank epaulettes. So in fact the AFP use badge numbers.
@aussieprepper92 I don't understand your reply. The pocket badge and eppelett numbers are clearly displayed and are the unique registered number of the officer. If you quote that number in a complaint, you identify the officer. In relation to detectives and plain clothes, they identify themselves using their warrant card badge, which is the same as the uniform cap badge. However AFP are required to display their warrant card on demand and the card includes their name, rank and registered number. I don't see what more they can do to adequately identify their members.
Many moons ago, an old neighbour of mine (in both senses of the word old) was pulled over near home. They asked him to get out of his car & leave it running. Fearing the "cops" weren't cops but crooks attempting a very "casual" carjacking, He said his first thought was "I'm not dying here! fuck that!" He took off, drove to the local station (only a few streets away) & the "cops" followed. When he stopped, he wasn't surprised to see the "cops" booted it, straight past the police station. Turned out their car & (ill fitting) clothing they wore were stolen months before & recovered a few days later. The dummies were obviously not from the area or they wouldn't have followed him straight to the cop shop.
@@artmallory970 Sure are. This one was from 1988, which is not long after home invasions started occuring on a regular basis. The home invasions are more "targeted" now, but car jacking is still rising.
It used to be a second police force dealing solely with matters vehicular: any crime that didn't involve cars was a police matter, anything thst dud was a Traffic Service matter. Standard response by anyone pulled over by a Traffic officer was "failed the intelligence test for the real police did you?". They were distinguished from the real police by thrir brown uniforms. We in UK know about them from the film "Goodbye Pork Pie". I don't know when they were abolished and their duties transferred to the real police. Probably due to the bad publicity they got from the film.
1. Police have rego numbers but they are internal use only. No badge numbers. If they are not in uniform they need to produce a warrant card or badge. 2. Undercovers certainly wont reveal themselves. Plain clothes dont have to identify either. They can entrap you under certain conditions where a warrant is issued. 3. No hat no play!!! Lool 4. You wont be given the roadside reading only the one from back at the station or bus. 5. You certainly wont be allowed to contact a co accused. Be polite and you have more chance of being allowed to call multiple people.
WA cops may be different, every time I have been given a breathalyzer they will show me if I have registered a reading(always under*) usually with a warning that I better not drink anything else, and yeah undercovers will not reveal themselves until you (I) have fucked up.
@@Rainmain667 Genuine question because I’ve been tea total for years so I’ve never failed a breath test, but do they just convict on the breathalyser evidence or do you still get the opportunity for a blood sample?
@ricochet2977 so it's not based on the roadside device. That is an indication only. You are taken to a booze bus or a station and put on a properly calibrated scientific device. If you provide a positive sample you have the opportunity to have a blood sample. I would only advise this if you are only just over the minimum as the breathalyser takes 10% off the top. A blood test is exact AND gets backdated to the time you were pulled over. It also costs thousands. Rarely worth it.
@@Rainmain667 Ok thanks mate, years ago I had a mate who was convinced he was under the limit, unfortunately as you said the blood sample only confirmed that he was over, he later confessed that he thought having a meal with half a dozen beers would keep him under the limit.
Queensland doesnt have entrapment protection laws, basically they can entice you into a drag race and then pull you over and charge you when they loose!
God bless you dude 🙏 thanks bro , i see a lot of misguided people on the internet getting thenselves in trouble unnecessarily. by the looks of the comments some still dont get it.
People might like to look up the Legal definition of person, if someone out their can find that a person is a Man or Woman in legal terms, let me know.
Different countries would have different laws, US have badge numbers as far as I know, no idea what their laws are in relation to phone calls etc. But this video can encourage people to look at what their local rules and laws are. It's always good to know your rights and what you can and can't do and more importantly what 'they' can and can't do.
@@brianlee5702 time to read Pal, Police have not had a Warrant Card for Years, because they are Not Police. They are Political Party Mercenaries, No Police in Australia has Any Crown and Constitutional Authority!
😹😹if a under cover police officer was to say they were an under cover cop he’s blown his own cover and if it’s gang related he could lose his life. You must have a blood alcohol level test done if you blow over the legal limit on the breathalyser. This is your legal right to do and the police must take you to a ER or qualified Dr to have that test done. I did years ago if I had not done this I would have been charged for drink driving. As I was always the designated driver I did not drink or if I did I would only have one drink during the whole night. On the night I was charged I had not been drinking at all. The blood test proved this thankfully, it showed I had no alcohol in my system. Turned out the machine had been faulty, because they did not know when it started to give out faulty readings every person who had been book with that machine and officer had to have their records cleared. That happened over 20 years ago. I love watching American cop shows because sometimes they totally lose the reality on the make believe world and the reality of the real world, it amazes me at how dumb some people can be.
The part where you say Australia’s police do not have a identifying number attached to their name is not helpful to say. They do have a number, and it is used in the documents they file in courts and the email address they use. They don’t like to give anyone their number because then its easy to find the station they are from and having the email address of the informant who is creating the charges against you, and without giving you that information means you can’t do any of the pre-hearing communications when you need to represent yourself.
Your listing skills need work, I never said police do not have an identifying number, I literally tell you in the video that they do. What I did say was that they do not need to provide that number to the public, this is literally written into legislation and I even provided the legislation in the video for you to look up if you do not believe me. This is the problem with most people just like yourself you do not listen to what is being said you just listen to some of it then make the rest up in your head. It's already easy to find the station that they are from because they tell you the station they are from as they have to by law, this is also stated in the video. You do not need to communicate with them other than in Court, they serve paperwork on you, not the other way around.
@@aussie.prepper Legislation doesn't go above God Given rights. It's not an american thing it's a christian and jew things. All our moral laws existed long before the formation of the government. The govenrment if it creates any law that violates our rights (granted to us by God who the priest of the land claims has communication with and grants the king his authority to rule over people) is null and void. But you have to first recognise who you are and state that you are a living human being created by God and not a plastic card with a picture of your face on it. Freeman society has gone over this dozens of times. Please educate yourself about this. No government can just walk over rights without your consent and if they cannot produce evidence you consent they have no authority.
The old laws of the bible apply today so for example when Jesus said to sell your cloak to buy a sword that means you can kill in self defense. It's not murder because you are preventing your own death. Your life is sacred and God doesn't give others a right to take what is His.
These are basic things that secular people do not know since they don't accept God as being real or they limit God as a figure in an organised religion. (mostly public school educated people or low class men who don't think for themselves)
Why do cops have the right to do what they do? Nobody is exercising divie rights. If we are children of God we are His property. You cannot be servant to King in heaven and earthly kings too. The earthly king must abide by our moral laws or else the foundation of all law itself is in question. Why is foundation law so important? Because all the laws of men are based on the foundation and all the legislation (not the same as law) sits on top of that foundation. Take away the foundation and you remove the basis for the structure on top.
There is no debate on this. You either got misinformed by americans or you just don't like christians and jews so don't really give a stuff about the rights of people who had laws before secular powers decided to ignore it.
At the end of the day: whoever pays the most taxes has the most sway so if you are a minority whose views are not common, then politicans tend to ignore you. But majority of population still hold christian morals and governments like that as it provides stability. The problem? When globalists who don't like the morals pay off or bribe the leaders and then introduce immigrants into the land who hold different beliefs and then those two groups argue and fight and this arguing about right and wrong causes division. This division then leads to chaos. However the communists and secular humanist who don't breed still rely on christian and jews since they need tax cattle to fund the services they need.
The laws of God will never go away no matter which guy is emperor, prime minister or president. The reason people get up to go to work and slave away is the promise that people obey basic ten commendments and behave themselves. There is never going to be an athiest for example that says he wants to live in a world run by satanists or anarchists and legislates murder as ok. There wil never be a hippy who says conservatives are wrong to believe war is bad and causes suffering. All the fringe belief systems come to the logical conclusion that we don't need them but they need US. So that is why exercising your rights to teach police that legislation is not law is important. If you can legislate anything then you live in a lawless society based on the religion of satanism which states: "Do What Thou Wilt is the WHole of the law". That lets people like me be allowed to shoot you in the face, and murder while telling people its good and they are wrong for discriminating against my beliefs. Obviously we don't live in this world so police need to be reminded who pays the taxes.
And no it's not an american thing. It's the families of christian and jews that hold society together due to God only granting authority to those governments that protect His people. You cross us? You will expeirence great catastrophe because God made the promise to Abraham a long time ago about having many sons so God is bound by His Promises. (that means if you attack us God will defend us) This is still in effect and the reason christian nations are dominant over the occult ones. (if Hitler knew this he would not have tried to conquer the world by going after the Chosen)
There will come a time when churches slowly fade out (less people believei n God) and then the antichrist rises to take over the world. This is because when there are no blieevers on earth, it is risk-free for God to judge the earth now since nobody will get hurt, God will not break his promise to Abraham and angels can finally attack the wicked.
Think of the police as normal guys like yourself and they just do what they are told but are not paid to think for themselves. Most people are like that. But those who can show they have rights, and argue effectively will not be harassed. It's about mutual respect. You must be polite but firm. It's a test to see if you think you are an animate object that the government owns. If you don't say you are creation of God you are fair game for the beast system.
Look up "Know Your Rights Group". You cannot post link in comments anymore because the powers that be do not want regular people like yourself to have the truth. So they supress information.
@@UToobUsername01 Yeah I'm not reading all that and I don't need to to know you are a Sociovit loon, or similar. Sociovits only succeed when sane people can't be bothered dealing with their shit, nothing to do with your god.
@@aussie.prepper 2:49 Is the reference you gave just for NSW?
The best advice is to stay calm, be polite and never admit to anything.
They seek to aggravate and then Escalate.
You have to by law give identifying details, then u shut your mouth like a vice.
@@jackdaniels2146then you stay calm, if they start bashing you then try call out for help from witnesses and state your not resisting.
Fighting the police physically is never going to end well as you WILL end up injured one way or another, Ive been to jail and the shit you see ain't pretty.
Ive seen them leave people to bleed out and nearly die.
If I had of fought them the other week there's a good chance both my dog and I wouldn't be here today, all because of a bogus complaint from a member of the public and their poor training.
If the dog was so agressive they needed to use force to enter the property then they should of had backup, because there was no way the two young constables, one beimg a female were going to de-escalate the situation it would of turned into an all out bloodbath had of I not been decent.
Best off having your day in court from the right side of the bars, that way you can actually try fight the case and win.
(The foods better out here too)
@@crf80fdarkdays there’s no point engaging law enforcement physically. You are hounded for life if this course is taken. My point was more to do with defending against physical aggression from a fellow member of the public. Usually if you start recanting the wrote speak about an imminent threat to one’s person and property the other party cottons on that it’s not your first rodeo.
Admitting to things isn't a problem. I've admitted to all sorts of things confidently knowing that they can't use any of it, as I was certain that I could get the charges withdrawn.
2 Things when dealing with Police anywhere.
1: Shut your mouth.
2: Don't open it.
I've found the Aussie cops to be a fairly friendly bunch. Based solely on my interactions by the side of the road as a driver. If you are friendly & respectful you have a 50:50 chance of talking your way out of a ticket.
@@davidlean8674 Depends on the cop and to a degree the location. Country cops are
a little more laid back with the more minor issues. I think this could be said for any country though. Also if you are polite and respectful a cop will often be the same, regardless of nationality for the most part.
question the first thing they ask or claim shutting up is acceptance another misinformation do do question what ever they claim and never agree to be a YOU or YOUR YOU=PERSON WITH A DEBT =PERSON not a living man or woman
@@alexsmith240 Please try that again with punctuation. Tip: Re-read what you type to ensure auto-correct or typos didn't turn your message into incomprehensible text.
You can't always talk yourself out of a ticket, but you can talk yourself into a ticket 100% if you're a jerk when interacting with traffic cops.
Just don't talk to them... Easy.
@@blue6952 that would be considered belligerent and sure-fire way to fail ... you'd be better off just towing the line as a boot licker and doing the right thing ... do not make claims .. never goes on silent .. each and every time they address you you would have to respond with that ... if you're not fully across this stuff my suggestion would be too just toe the line
@@blue6952 if you are a holder of a driver's licence you've unknowingly obligated yourself to be subject to it .. going silent would be a dubious proposition
Tell’m nothin, take’m no where.
Keep asking questions
@@utubetrutharrowmichael-and9105 You are only obligated to identify yourself.
Other than that do not perjure or incriminate yourself.
No 2 under cover cops will entice you into a drag race .. gold coast
Ha ha yer exactly. I thought the same thing. They definitely goad people into a drag and then book them ..entrapment. be interested to see if he replies to your comment
Problem is that the defence of entrapment doesn't exist in australian law
@@SK-nt7vt yes absolutely they had an LE Monaro back pre 2000 up at Redcliffe way ... my understanding they absolutely shouldn't be doing traffic stops in a unmarked car that would be against the policy at a glance
I worked afternoon shift and was often the only car on the freeway.Then out of the blue a vehicle has arrived from a long way back and is cruising beside me at my speed.The other driver sits in the adjoining lane for half a K and speeds off.
I told people at work about these experiences.I said, when you are the only person on a dark freeway and another driver is behaving strangely, it can be alarming.If I was a girl I would be frightened.
My work mates informed me the other driver was a cop trying to entice me into a race or scare me into taking defensive action.
@@bentheguru4986was that your Cadet uniform 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Remember "Good manners can be a shield". North Korean military intelligence interrogators had a devil of a time with Turkish POWs in the 1951-53 war because they stayed cool, said little and stayed polite. Your Emotions are your enemies way in and you are now dealing with an enemy that is totally evil.
Like your comment. You have encouraged someone to learn and relearn how to be in control and eventually psycholgise intelligence interrogators, whether they are military or civilian.
ADF training provides different stages of dealing with interrogators. The 'Shock of Capture' can be overcome with proper education and quick annual revision. Be ready for humiliation, tricks, and pain but you can get use to it. Everything you see or hear is because they want you to see it. Strong religious faith can help, Christ was no Pacifist (who told the disciplines to buy swords?) Unfortunately too many Australian Police are not actually Police anymore but act more like a pseudo state paramilitary that increasingly has little or no respect for the law, property and personal rights, and therefore extremely dangerous, best to avoid and say nothing if possible. If you have the conviction, and politics aside, recommend early 1980s Irish Republican approach to dealing with imprisonment ie Total non-collaboration and 'blanket strike'. Recommend BBC extended 1970s series Colditz, Bravo Two Zero and In the Name of the Father for a taste of interrogation and imprisonment as well as BBC Secret Army series.
Lots of great interrogation techniques on UA-cam by former SAS, FBI, Police and hostage negotiators.
I have known many Turkish people. I have NEVER known them to "stay cool" or be polite.
Good for you. One my officers in the ADF was a Turk. One of coolest, most educated I've ever served under, spoke 3x language fluently and an graduate engineer. Also heard other favourable reports of them. Unsure what Turks you met, were they on the run from the national draft?
Aussies need a good Australian prepper channel. Thanks brother.
Thanks for the feed back and kind words.
@@aussie.prepper You are welcome.
Bulshit I would disagree
@@utubetrutharrowmichael-and9105 Firstly it's bullshit not bulshit and secondly, are you American? Just asking.
You do realise that American statute legislation can absolutely be cited here in Australia and f****** vice versa a legal precedent is a legal precedent ... you're aware that all our filings are registered within the United States
Respect for the Police has plummeted over the last decade. This can be attributed to policies of Government or the quality of recruitment. Many Officers should not be in the job. I have met some fine officers but also those who are a discredit to the Service. As a kid, I respected our local Constables who were a familiar site around our suburb, always on foot and in tune with the neighborhood, being familiar with most of the residents. They carried no guns, tasers, or protective vests, they looked sharp and well dressed and seemed to have the knack of communicating that was reassuring in difficult circumstances. Maybe our society has declined to such a level that Policing has become isolated from the community. The Justice system has lot to answer for.
After witnessing Covid over reach first hand I am done. This might be a future video. Police showed their true colours and where they stand during covid, a cop who does not stand up to corruption and turns a blind eye is corrupt.
@@aussie.prepper The POLICE action during covid forever damaged any respect the public had for them. The Public was shown the true nature of a POLICE force allowed to wield power as if under MARTIAL LAW.
It’s not the govt it’s the crims themselves choosing to be c…
they hire any thug they can find
We don't have enough rights honestly. Australia is a police state.
You really think Australians could take those rights responsibly?
If you think your fellow Countrymen are merely fool's, who take whatever rights they do have for granted, then you're wrong.
And just what "right's," if granted, do you think Australian's to be too "irresponsible" to have? Are we in your humble opinion, just a shallow group of errant children, in constant need of supervision and guidance? So lacking in "responsibility" that, were the O.Ps suggested "rights" to be granted, then anarchy would naturally ensue soon thereafter? Please!!
Police state? You have no idea what you’re talking about.
@@wr1451 shut up Labor sympathiser
@@TimberWulfIsHere you still have no idea what you’re talking about snowflake.
The hat thing came from the old days where they had to be in uniform in public. Where it got crossed over was. If he put his hat on walking towards you. It was official. If he didn’t. It was usually unofficial. In other words if he had no hat on. He was probably just wanted a chat. .
Like a way of indicating they are off duty.
Thanks Prepper, wasn't expecting that so quick. Very Informative. The hat thing blows a 40 year old fallacy out of the water but the legal representation was the biggest surprise.
So glad to see someone giving Aussies, valid information. Cheers
Thad for the comment and positive feed back. Much appreciated.
except for the use of the term SOVEREIGN CITIZEN that term is an oxy MORON and those using it are the Later.
Give us a Q&A on your prepping back ground and your 5 year plan for the future.
Interesting topic 👍👍
Would love to see that
There are a few other myths you didn't mention... (This relates to Victoria police)
No 6. Don't ever ask a policeman for help because they have their great book of excuses for not getting off their arse and helping you with a problem.
No 7. Don't expect empathy from police. I'm NOT talking about letting you off a speeding fine, I'm talking about those times when you just need an ear or a little support with a difficult situation.
No 8. If someone steals your dog out of your car, it's a "Civil Matter" not a police matter (personal experience with that one)
No 9. Don't call police if your neighbors rock the street with subwoofers at all hours of the day or night. They ain't comin'.
I think everything to police is a civil matter .
there are police'men' in Victoria?
The cops are nothing like that where I live in qld
"If your neighbours rock the street with sub-woofers" . . If THAT'S your idea of "my life's greatest problem," you don't have a life then do ya', champion?
You and your first World problems, eh?
No, just like everywhere else in Australia, only DOGS!
Very refreshing to hear someone who tells the truth about dealing with the police and doesn't show the usual hatred and bias that usually gets included. The majority of the force does a great job and if treated with respect, act accordingly.
Thanks for the comment and feed back. much appreciated.
Respect is earned not given unconditionally regardless of who you are.
not likely the majority is corrupt inept anon power trip question the first word out of there mouths what is it ?
My question; do assholes become police, or do police become assholes?
Good question, you should ask for finding and conduct a Government funded research project.
'assholes'? - what American police?
Often school bullies later recruit
bit of both power trippers but some do it for the right reason the rotten fruit tends to spoil all the fruit if left long enough
Assholes are used to get rid of shit. I take it they've gotten rid of you a few times.
Thanks to this man for posting this information, in saying that don't take this information as truth do your own homework .
Agree 100%, learn your local laws.
he is not entirely factual and shows some controlled opposition or should we say bias in favour toward his colleges
Great video, brilliant. Perhaps a video on fuel. Australia is out of fuel in about 20x days in a war blockade. How to improvise with wood Gasifiers for older cars. Start with regular petrol then switch to the gasifier. They were everywhere in the last war.
Mechanical puml diesel
Great Prepper channel many thanks.
Thanks for the comment, much appreciated.
Interesting story… AFP officers conducted a child exploitation operation in partnership with the FBI, Interpol and the Russian State police in the early 1990’s. the AFP needed hard evidence of SA in their case against the abusers and the recipients of the abuse material here in Australia. So, AFP officers posing as customers asked for material of a SA nature to be recorded and sent to them, and then also on to those in Australia. The material was produced. And the AFP presented their evidence to Interpol & the FBI as champions.
Never mind the poor child who was the victim of this SA. Before that moment the material was only exploitative in nature. AFP is directly responsible for the R of that girl.
The woods royal commission exposed a 90 year suppression order on 28 "v.i.p" Australian rock spiders including a former Prime Minister and federal judge, it was ruled outside the terms of reference and swept back under the rug
Great video I'll be on the lookout for a officer on a two wheel tricycle
Don't forget the 2 flat tyres, LOL
@@lordandrewbruceofthemcinne5046 With no hat... 🤣🤣
In his PJs.
they even "claim " there is a law that states you MUST answer police questions - how you answer them is up to you = no you do not have to provide them with your phone number , I always tell them that I do not wish to date them so bugger off ( this is lawful )
So funny.
A cop demanded my phone number from me.
I told him to ask his mum because she has it.
The hat thing is an old law, from the 30s, when they couldn't act outside of uniform, it changed in the 50s or 60s
Did not know that, thanks for the comment👍👍👍
@@aussie.prepper no stress brother, keep it real and try to wake the sleeping mob!
Same in nz. My brother and his mate fell asleep to the music turned up loud one night in a small one cop town, He woke up at one in the morning to a cop standing in his lounge in his pyjamas with his police hat on lol
Love these video's keep them up👏 we need this in Oz, would be great if you could get a lawyer on to do a run down of our basic rights when interacting with police. Love your work.
Thanks for the comment.
Thanks for the channel,,, we desperatly need educated, sincere and honest policing in our communities,,, everyone likes a good cop. What we dont need is the pricks and ego mad corruption and thuggery.
I would like to see a session on if and when you have to identify yourself to police, on a state by state basis, not just NSW.
@@terrydyson3302 problem is that it would be an hour long video that would take days to produce and 98% of people stop watching after 5 minutes, no matter how long the video after 5 minutes almost no one is watching.
@aussie.prepper Then make it a series of 8 videos, one for each state and territory.
All cops are number twos too me.
You are obviously projecting!
Keep it up mate
Thanks for the comment and feed back.
@@aussie.prepperthanks for video, I would be interested in what questions that have to or don't have to answer from the police ...
Such as When they ask when they pull someone over "where are you coming from" that question doesn't make sense to me, why do they really need to know, doesn't seem that important !!?
I know in Nz they have to wear their hi viz on traffic patrol as it’s a health and safety hazard? Funny story an OSH employee got stopped for being 10k over the speed limit once issued the OSH officer then wrote the cop a ticket for not wearing Hi viz on a traffic stop breached police OSH regulations and was ticketed accordingly!
10,000 over the speed limit!!... was it the goddamn enterprise? /.
@@relativetruth8889k is short for kilometres. Not 100000 kays. Aussie and Nz slang
@chrispollock2024 my bad / expat kiwi living in Sydney / I know I know it was a terrible joke /.
@@relativetruth8889 k is slang for kilometre!
@@johnallen8094 um, see above / you guys been drinking or what? /.
You know we go on a list at ASIO when we subscribe to this channel. 😇
ASIO is the shop front it is and always has been ASIS, just a thought.
So? I'm on a LAYSIO LIST...
What about tell them you are related to Dan Andrew’s and you will exempt from any law you may have broken
I ran my neck to a coppa without checking myself and got my firearms licence denied because i took vyvanse in high school and failed to declare my PAEDIATRIC medication when asked for PSYCHIATRIC history. I used to like cops and i was fully cooperative and entirely transparent with them, but clearly i was wrong to do so.
Comes under providing too much information and talking too much.
@@aussie.prepper Section 1 of the Common Sense Act (Fuckin' Yesterday)
Probably the number one most basic simple question as a starting point for all vexatious interactions when cops go fishing or want to harass you, for whatever reason they pretend they have, is: UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU HAVE TO GIVE ID - AND JUST CONFIRM THAT OTHERWISE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE ID, AND CAN GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS WITHOUT LET OR HINDRANCE
Good question. Love to see the answer,,, but generally in oz you dont have to give ID unless driving. But otherwise your required to give name and adress if stopped in the street,,, and there are rules they have to follow on that as well
@@nihilistic7840 in terms of a traffic stop mate you are absolutely subject to it especially if you're a holder of a driver's licence you're never gonna win anything arguing with the cop on the side of the road you'd be better off taking the presentment and dealing with it in terms of a rebuttal letter once elected to have it go to court or something to that effect... as all of this is above the useful idiot policeman's pay grade ... whenever you see this type of thing fail on the side of the road it's not the methodology it was the implementation of it that was oh so lacking
@@utubetrutharrowmichael-and9105how much is your dole payment now days?
@@adammac4381 you're contradicting yourself. You don't have to give id except driving but you have to give name and address any other time. No you don't have to give your name and address any time. Police don't have the right to stop and question anyone anytime. They don't roam around at will while we have to beg them for mercy. They only get to make enquiries if they have a specific reason in law which must amount to reasonable suspicion of crime or information about a crime at least. This is what I want to establish. They're not the kgb. They can ask but you don't have to answer. They don't have the right in law to track us everywhere we go.
@@utubetrutharrowmichael-and9105 I believe When driving you have to show license. There rumours that the constitution says they can't licence travel but still that's the way it seems to be. In UK you don't have to carry your license with you but here we are expected to or you'll have some massive constitutional case that will just probably bankrupt you. But what about when we're not driving. Most of us have legs and do get out of our cars occasionally.
keep up the good work . im also new to your platform and the police advice is great . cheers Rob .
Thanks for the sub and the comment.
Thanks for the video. Great info.
Thanks for the positive comment and feed back.
Good on ya mate 👍 love it!
Thanks for the positive comment.
Every State is different Aussie Prepper.
Even so, you can't trust any plod, no matter what state you're in...
@@artmallory970 Oi! What are you doing here? Stalking from ahead? 🤣🤣
Can police in Qld search your car on a traffic stop
@@KevinD_33x150 Seems trouble finds trouble...
@@artmallory970 Looks like we're in trouble! 🤣🤣
Informative stuff mate, cheers for the quick rundown.
Thanks for the comment much appreciated.
Explain, why in Victoria during covid, the cop took of ll their badges, name tags and only had a number on the back of their uniforms?
Awesome information, thank you.
Thanks for the feed back, much appreciated. 👍
Also if you're arrested and go to court, then you are guilty. The only chance of getting off is if you have high powered money or are a politician.
In South Australia police are obligated to offer you the opportunity to view the radar
A 10 second Google search tells you that police do not have to show you the radar reading in South Australia. At least 90% of police cars do not have a radar, and they do not need a radar to book you for speeding.
@aussie.prepper refer to the general order traffic speed analysers - SA Police section 12.
@@shanelamps6242 Again Section 12 says no such thing, words and their meaning are important. It says 'they should', not that they are obligation to do so or that they must do so, big difference when it comes to law. If they were obliged to do so it would say must, not should.
thank you for this channel.
Thanks for the comment, much appreciates 👍👍
Good on mate happy too, see some one stand up for the Police. Yes they cop a bad rap. But where without them. It would be a shit of a job. But when it comes down to it. How do you feel when their there to help you when you need them. Give them a go.
I am really impressed that you are overall very accurate in your.....non legal....advice!
Well done!
Cheers mate, need more of this stuff specific to Australia. o7
About time someone had the balls to do a video on the pigs in the country. I have had so many bad experiences being pulled over by police who seem to think they can shout and say anything they want to . The police in thin country are a law to their own and there's nothing we can do about it because nobody has the courage to make a stand and if we complain they stick to each other like shit to blanket!
Lol boo hoo if you're a Muppet that brings attention to yourself.
That's why you need 2 witnesses to watch them while you interact. At the end of the day always be prepared for the worst but hope for the best. Don't be rude and educate them on God-given rights. It's important to teach them history. The reason police want to deceive is because the government is run by corrupt people. Not the cops fault they were trained like a dog to act a certain way. They are just going by what they were told.
what lunatic thing were you doing at the time?
Most police are decent people. My dad was a cop, back in the fifties. A VERY GOOD COP. Sure there's bent, bad, corrupt ones, as with any other industry. I actually got pulled over today, the 1st time in about 10 years. I didn't know why they pulled me over. Turned out i had a brake light not working. My number [plates are VERY faded also. Shockingly it turned out i had forgotten to renew my drivers license, it had expired in June. Bloody hell, I'M A TRUCK DRIVER.
I was very apologetic and accepted my mistake and the cars faults. I could be gotten a yellow sticker on the car, I didn't. I could have been made to leave the car there and find another way home. Nope, the police wrote me out a 2 hours driving permit, to drive home with, so i still had 3rd party insurance cover. I did get a $100 fine for driving without a license.
Like I said, that's their job. As the cop said, it was better they pull me over and nick me for no license, rather than i have an accident, kill someone, then realize i'm not license.
SO, do unto others, is the best policy.
I used to think so till I saw them show their true behaviour during Covid, I lost all respect for ever, as it wasn't a matter of the leopard changing his spots it was a matter of showing their true colours. Given more authority and power over others they were only too happy to use it and absolutely destroy people and their lives for their entertainment, they were happy to destroy businesses and peoples livelihood all while they were on full pay drawing a wage from our taxes. I will an actually =be doing several videos about this in the future, including a whole video on my own experiences while a family member was dying in hospital. We must never forget or forgive, it is not something that can be forgiven in my opinion.
That was when they were a Police "Service", however they're now a corporatised Police "Force" - very big difference. They all operate under a ABN and conduct business (i.e. enforce contracts).
The individual may be a reasonable person - but all officers are instruments of the state, and the state clearly has an agenda that is not in all citizens interests. The state wants to fleece citizens of huge sums of money in fines, the state has shown it’s prepared to use police violently against citizens (eg Covid), the state clearly wants to restrict citizen anonymity and freedoms (eg the grind towards a CBDC and their hatred of cash, willingness to restrict movements and use lockdowns and mandate vaccinations, constantly increasing restrictions on weapons and self defence). And it’s police that are the state’s foot soldiers. And, cops could always quit if they’re uncomfortable with what’s going on - but few of them do.
Utter bullshit. Have you been asleep for 4 years??
I'm feeling powerless after listening to you. The law just seems stacked against us especially if you run into an unscrupulous cop. My limited interaction with them has never been good. Usually if you ask for help because of an offense again you, there is always excuses why nothing can be done.
Because often that involves doing work 👍👍
@@edbehan1306 yes if you're unsure of it and not 100% across it all as it's a very complex system and people fail and f****** it's probably better to remain in your boot licker Bravado and toe the line and as I pointed out in another comment go across the liability mates channel as it will quantify and conflict with your statement there's nothing that can be done there's a few recent videos that will help to highlight thats false but again it's not as easy it's just saying that it's a very complex system
I can fully empathise with the way you feel about police. There is to know. We do have rights, and most of the time the police are breaking the law in some way, but are dependent on you not knowing your rights. Remember the police are no longer sworn to serve and protect. They are a corporation, and therefore have no authority unless you have committed a crime. For an action to be a crime, there must be a victim.
police are not your friends, it is not their job to help or protect you. They are paid to enforce the will of the system no more no less
Thank you.
Thanks for the comment
Just subscribed my man...please do more videos on this subject people need too know
Why if you haven't or intend to break the law.
Thanks AP this is very helpful, please more like this would be great.
Thanks for the feed back
Interesting subject thanks
Great help for all.. thank you
Thanks for the comment.
The situation of legal representation is an issue in this country. The state has ALL the resources of legal representation at its disposal and they will use it to the fullest against you regardless of your being represented or not, yet by virtue of the fact you aren’t aboriginal or dirt poor on benefits, but yet with a house with a massive mortgage and no free money you don’t qualify for legal aid, and unless you know of a lawyer/s you won’t even know who to call in the situation.
And before anyone says ‘don’t break the law and you won’t need one’ tell that to Lindy Chamberlain and Henry Keogh and any number of others caught under the grindstone of the criminal system.
You're 100% correct, not breaking the law is not protection, 20 Innocent people (that we know of, there is possible;y many more) were executed since 1972 in the US, an additional 200 were on death row and were found to be innocent prior to being executed. Very scary statistics, imagine how many innocent people are in prisons all over the world.
Yes, the presumption of innocence has been increasingly removed as we have been coerced under EU and UN influence, where the presumption of innocence doesn't actually exist
The hat was around 30 years ago.
They'd ask their questions hatless you had a chance. They'd go back to their car, throw their hat on, and you get booked 😂. If they didn't throw their hat on you weren't booked.
Probably symbolism and honour from the Cops part...when they had some
Lol, 😂 “wearing their pyjamas, riding a tricycle with 2 flat tyres.” Lmao… you’re awesome. Great information too. keep it up. 👍
Glad you enjoyed!
I like your work quoting the relevant act tell us about yourself.
Thanks for the comment👍👍
Mad channel, keep it up bruz !
Thanks for the comment and feed back, much appreciated.
Great content mate. A video on our rights when engaging the police in a public place, police traffic stop etc
This is great information.
So basically we are at the mercy of the pigs.
They can and do as they please.
'pigs' is so 60s. . .how old are you
police are not your friends, it is not their job to help or protect you. They are paid to enforce the will of the system no more no less
Hi @AussiePrepper - happy to be one of your new subs. Congrats on the amazing growth of your channel. Best wishes from the Gold Coast
Thanks for the sub! And your comment👍👍👍
Great job mate! appreciated
You talked about Badge number , and were correct that it isn't particularly relevant .
HOWEVER , in the exact same way that Police can demand your ID , basically at any time , SO TOO can you demand , by Law , THEIR WARRANT CARD . Warrant Card is the Equivalent of a Serviceman's Military ID . Photo , Name and Service Number . That's it .
Just thought I'd add this for the sake of Clarity .
Depending what squad they are from or taskforce they dont have to even give you a name
@johncunninham. For the sake of clarity, can you quote the piece of law that says so?
@@brianlee5702 . Simply put , The Police will tell you the SAME thing .
@@johncunningham4820 Simply put, please tell me where it says police must produce a warrant card.
@@brianlee5702. I heard it DIRECTLY from the mouth of a Federal Police Uniformed Senior Inspector during a Seminar on Law Enforcement during my time in the Armed Forces .
All Australian Police , Federal , State and Territory , are Issued a Warrant Card and ARE Required to produce it upon request .
I don't know where exactly to look up the pertaining regulation .
Nice one mate. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry but they can encourage you to commit a offence i had a under cover cop who kept asking me for weed i thought he was a friend he told me all sorts of lies so i would get it for him and when i got it they stalked me for 6 years.
So did you get charged with supply drugs??
That's your story has nothing to do with the information presented by Aussie Prepper. Give us something to work with other than a cry.
@@aussie.prepper No because i was never dealing it was only half a ounce 14 grams and he seamed like a really nice guy who was down on his luck.
@grimreaper6112 if you supply drugs to someone they can do you for dealing
99% of prepper channels are based in America. Serious lack of Australian-specific information.
It's because Aussies are too apathetic about what the ruling class are doing to this nation.
Due to us not having "Rights" here in NSW, NSW Citizens should make themselves familiar with the following two documents:
LEPRA 2002. It outlines the limits of the police powers.
Then there's the NSW Police Media Handbook. Read Section 10.3 on page 51. This refers to recording Police in the execution of their duties.
This sounds like good sensible advice. Thanks.
It is.
The one thing I want to know, which no one can tell me… is do I need to surrender my physical drivers license to them? I’m sure I can go and get their attention and refuse to hand it over to them and get my answer, but surrendering and showing them my drivers listen e are two different things.
That is going to depend on the individual cop a lot of the time
@@robbie_rohm88 when you're pulled over on the provision of a traffic stop it is required yes if you do not have it on you you've got 24 hours to present it at a police station ... there are absolutely obligations that come with things like holding a driver's licence or being registered on the electoral roll .. traffic stops are completely different then say being stopped somewhere else for some other reason without a crime being committed , could you get away with not having to show ID ..
@@ShatteringIllusions1 yes correct as you said and if you pissed them off ... 9 x out of 10 they're not going to follow their own f****** rules anyway ...
You are supposed to have your drivers licence on you when you're operating a vehicle. You can be fined for not having it. If you are nice and polite and have a good reason like you forgot your wallet or something they will let you off. They can check who you are if you give them your details on their devices these days anyway
@@murraylamb4734 Not in every state
It's great to see this common sense video. Keep up the awesome work mate!
Thanks for the comment. Much appreciated.
Yes please. Can Australian cops force a driver out of there vehicle. Do cop need probable cause?? Thank you for you info 👍👍👍
Thank you excellent information
Glad it was helpful!
I was asked by an undercover if I could get him something which I cannot anyway I asked him to show me his wallet. He refused. I said it smells like bacon and followed him around the corner to where he jumped in an unmarked car with raspberry and strawberry colour lights on the dash and back window
Australian Federal Police officers have a pocket badge with a registered number which also appears on the rank epaulettes. So in fact the AFP use badge numbers.
Not to identify to the public.
@aussieprepper92 I don't understand your reply. The pocket badge and eppelett numbers are clearly displayed and are the unique registered number of the officer. If you quote that number in a complaint, you identify the officer. In relation to detectives and plain clothes, they identify themselves using their warrant card badge, which is the same as the uniform cap badge. However AFP are required to display their warrant card on demand and the card includes their name, rank and registered number. I don't see what more they can do to adequately identify their members.
What if you suspect someone is impersonating a plod?
You can say you were 'fearful for your safety'
You are to call triple zero
Many moons ago, an old neighbour of mine (in both senses of the word old) was pulled over near home. They asked him to get out of his car & leave it running. Fearing the "cops" weren't cops but crooks attempting a very "casual" carjacking, He said his first thought was "I'm not dying here! fuck that!" He took off, drove to the local station (only a few streets away) & the "cops" followed. When he stopped, he wasn't surprised to see the "cops" booted it, straight past the police station. Turned out their car & (ill fitting) clothing they wore were stolen months before & recovered a few days later. The dummies were obviously not from the area or they wouldn't have followed him straight to the cop shop.
@@KevinD_33x150 Not joking.
Seems you're hearing more & more cases like that these days...
@@artmallory970 Sure are. This one was from 1988, which is not long after home invasions started occuring on a regular basis.
The home invasions are more "targeted" now, but car jacking is still rising.
How about a video on how to handle the New Zealand Traffic Service?
I don’t even know what the New Zealand traffic service is.
It used to be a second police force dealing solely with matters vehicular: any crime that didn't involve cars was a police matter, anything thst dud was a Traffic Service matter. Standard response by anyone pulled over by a Traffic officer was "failed the intelligence test for the real police did you?". They were distinguished from the real police by thrir brown uniforms. We in UK know about them from the film "Goodbye Pork Pie". I don't know when they were abolished and their duties transferred to the real police. Probably due to the bad publicity they got from the film.
1. Police have rego numbers but they are internal use only. No badge numbers. If they are not in uniform they need to produce a warrant card or badge.
2. Undercovers certainly wont reveal themselves. Plain clothes dont have to identify either. They can entrap you under certain conditions where a warrant is issued.
3. No hat no play!!! Lool
4. You wont be given the roadside reading only the one from back at the station or bus.
5. You certainly wont be allowed to contact a co accused. Be polite and you have more chance of being allowed to call multiple people.
WA cops may be different, every time I have been given a breathalyzer they will show me if I have registered a reading(always under*) usually with a warning that I better not drink anything else, and yeah undercovers will not reveal themselves until you (I) have fucked up.
@thebob3712 yeah. If you are polite or they think you should know you are close they *can* tell you.
But if you go over they generally won't.
Genuine question because I’ve been tea total for years so I’ve never failed a breath test, but do they just convict on the breathalyser evidence or do you still get the opportunity for a blood sample?
@ricochet2977 so it's not based on the roadside device. That is an indication only.
You are taken to a booze bus or a station and put on a properly calibrated scientific device.
If you provide a positive sample you have the opportunity to have a blood sample. I would only advise this if you are only just over the minimum as the breathalyser takes 10% off the top. A blood test is exact AND gets backdated to the time you were pulled over.
It also costs thousands. Rarely worth it.
Ok thanks mate, years ago I had a mate who was convinced he was under the limit, unfortunately as you said the blood sample only confirmed that he was over, he later confessed that he thought having a meal with half a dozen beers would keep him under the limit.
Was that a picture of an illegal modified 4 wheel drive vehicle?
This channel = How to get on every federal watch list in a nanny state like Australia.
Thanks, man, 1:42 for your inspiration ❤
Thanks for the comment.
Awesome stuff mate!! Cheers
Thanks for the comment and feed back.
@@aussie.prepper just stay authentic and genuine bro, that's all we ask of ya. I think you will from what I've seen so far. Thanks again.
Queensland doesnt have entrapment protection laws, basically they can entice you into a drag race and then pull you over and charge you when they loose!
Interesting, must look into that...
Thanks for the info. Its helpful.
MAGA 2024 👍
MAGA. Is that Make Albo Go Away?
@@rosa9079 indeed!!!😁
Love these videos!
Thanks for the comment and feedback👍
Great effort mate
Thanks for the comment.👍👍
God bless you dude 🙏 thanks bro , i see a lot of misguided people on the internet getting thenselves in trouble unnecessarily. by the looks of the comments some still dont get it.
People might like to look up the Legal definition of person, if someone out their can find that a person is a Man or Woman in legal terms, let me know.
Interesting thank you
Glad you enjoyed it
have had good experience with the police, i'm ex army , not a fan , but have had great responce ;s dealing with crap situations.
Good stuff
Thank you for the comment 👍👍
The term " Sovereign Citizen " is an oxymoron Champ!!!
A Sovereign is free
A Citizen is a slave
So you can't be free and a slave at the same time !!!!
It’s not an oxymoron in from their perspective. They see you as a citizen who thinks they’re sovereign.
@@Intimid I am sovereign...... the living man
@@kevinjgoult9482 I agree, the undertrained police don’t.
@@kevinjgoult9482You are an anarchist. 😂
@@peterreid7771 proudly so !!!
Great advice, Cheers
Thanks for the comment
You are wrong because if it happens there it’s coming here.
thank you for video
Thanks for the feed back.
Stupid question mate, this state wide or just in NSW ? Cheers
Different countries would have different laws, US have badge numbers as far as I know, no idea what their laws are in relation to phone calls etc. But this video can encourage people to look at what their local rules and laws are. It's always good to know your rights and what you can and can't do and more importantly what 'they' can and can't do.
@@aussie.prepper* sorry mate I jumped the gun I hadn't gotten to the end that answered my question. Thanks again mate 👍
@@aussie.prepper one of the better answers you've given ...
More information videos regarding our legal rights.
Ask these so called Police for Their Warrant Card.
What is the warrant card you believe these police carry?
@@brianlee5702 time to read Pal, Police have not had a Warrant Card for Years, because they are Not Police.
They are Political Party Mercenaries, No Police in Australia has Any Crown and Constitutional Authority!
@@brianlee5702 look it up
Appears to only be a NSW thing.
@@throwaway6478 it's a Commonwealth Thing for All of Australia
😹😹if a under cover police officer was to say they were an under cover cop he’s blown his own cover and if it’s gang related he could lose his life.
You must have a blood alcohol level test done if you blow over the legal limit on the breathalyser. This is your legal right to do and the police must take you to a ER or qualified Dr to have that test done.
I did years ago if I had not done this I would have been charged for drink driving. As I was always the designated driver I did not drink or if I did I would only have one drink during the whole night. On the night I was charged I had not been drinking at all. The blood test proved this thankfully, it showed I had no alcohol in my system. Turned out the machine had been faulty, because they did not know when it started to give out faulty readings every person who had been book with that machine and officer had to have their records cleared. That happened over 20 years ago.
I love watching American cop shows because sometimes they totally lose the reality on the make believe world and the reality of the real world, it amazes me at how dumb some people can be.
Not in w.a
I just show em my rusty sheriffs badge
Thanks mate!
Thanks for the comment