I apologize for any confusion. It completely slipped my mind that I was on the beta branch for this, so if you are on the main branch then the perks will be different (no Breathless in first HM.) Both GOG and Steam can access the beta branch. On Steam, right-click Noita, go to properties, then over to the betas tab, then select the beta branch in the dropdown box and the game will update to the beta. Enjoy! On GOG? I don't know how to access it, but I know you can. This is also how to access all the newest content in the game immediately. Anyway, thanks for watching and have a great day!
@@kevinstgermain true, yet at the same time it could be an alchemical experiment gone horribly wrong since as far as I know, there isn't anyway to destroy it and not everybody can get breathless
This being the first episode of a series doesn't matter. I have played this game for over 1400 hours over the last year, with thousands upon thousands of runs under my belt. This is the only seed EVER reported in the community that has Creepy Liquid obtainable in it (outside of mods.) Thus, it is 100% the "creepiest seed yet" - which is a reference to the liquid, of course.
Damn this reminded me of something. It happened at least 6 months ago in this game, where I was in the layer right before the ancient laboratory and suddenly I saw creepy liquid start creeping up from the left side of the screen, needless to say I was really confused but luckily I had breathless perk....Though the game slowed down to a crawl eventually and then I died to electricity at one point....I never knew how lucky (or unlucky I suppose) I was to have seen that in a vanilla run.
They won't. Everything publicly owned has been subverted by the great social engineering machine. They do not measure their success in money or respect. They do not want games that grow or inspire the mind. Welcome to hell, lovingly crafted for you, personally.
@@lapislazuliblock2279 I don’t know if that question was written with the intent of getting an answer, but if it did: “Kakkakekkere” ( poopstone ) is an extremely rare item. if I remember correctly, it turns every liquid near it into “excrement” - a solid that you can pass trough. Also I think, if dropped, it will create an endless source of “excrement”.
I wonder of the creepy liquid is a reference to the creeper world game franchise in which a purple goo seeks to overtake humanity and spread across many worlds.
I have a seed that also have easy obtainable Alchemic Precursor: Toxic Sludge, Water, Oil And for Lively Concoction recipe is Worm Blood, Levitanium, Whiskey. Seed is 1556286214
In one of my modded runs I was suddenly flooded by creepy liquid in the temple of the art. Luckily I got teleport wand and good amount of hp + digging so I survived it It was fun
Seed: 2004406342 near the last portal to the holy mountain in the coal pits on the left, go slightly up in the fungal caverns. There is a great chest in a water resverve containing a wand, lots of lively concoction and alcemic precursor. Be careful because theres also chaotic poly flasks... have fun.
Hey Fury! I just found Nymphs thanks to you, I love more Noita content but I find it hard to find new content creators for it. Thanks for telling me about him!
If you pause the video, and hit left arrow to go back to the very start, then it is precisely FOUR frames (taps of . ) before the very first frame of the blacksmith appears from the shadows. Four, Fury, Forged. This, ladies and gentlemen, is attention to detail. Holy shit xD
Love your Noita Content. You inspired me to buy the game and screw around with its madness. Would love to see the game get expanded even more at some point.
If you want to know a use for regular polymorph potions, get this, polymorphing instantly removes any and all stains. If you're in a safe spot but on fire or drenched in toxic sludge, take a sip and polymorph for 5 seconds, it's way better than losing like 50 hp.
So I saw the seed in the thumbnail and started it up blind, and I was making my way through the mines, all of a sudden my computer turned into a jet engine and the purple liquid flooded the whole biome, killing everyone. I had to come watch the vid to see wtf happened. So cool!!
If no one has told you yet, the creepy liquid is a reference to an old tower defense game called creeper world in which the player fights against "creep," a purple alien liquid that expands across planets to consume them.
"old" XD the newest title, creeper world 4, has just released or will soon release (not sure right now if its already out) on steam, so its not just an "old" game, its still pretty much alive :D
Yup. I haven't played any of them, but I know about them. I was considering scooping up the most recent one but I have no time to play it at the moment.
oh JESUS, did you just say more Noita content??? I've been 2/3rds of my way through joining the amulet gang (one death to poly into firebee into teleportatium into water, one to suicide by [nolla : spark bolt with trigger : square barrier [divided by whatever 'divide-by' spells i can find] : spells to power: multicast bouncing burst + whatever other damage ups i find]. Spells to power doesn't take into effect the distance of the initial cast, so you can fall into your barrier). If it wasn't for you, I would be completely lost. You make me proud to have never installed mods. 400h of work and I haven't gotten my amulet, but I will because of you. When I pray to the gods for every successful floor I don't deserve to live through, I pray to you too Fury. You are among them. Long live FURYFORGED OOOOOOOHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Seed number 324901435. Great Chest at the bottom of the starting ramp. Filled with hearts, healthium, spore potions, the POOP stone and a water stone. Perks throughout are great. Happy casting ✨️
Man I wish I saved the seed to one of my previous runs now. I didn't know greater chests existed until now and I thought when this happened it was because of one of the mods I had enabled, but in one of my runs there was a chest like this in the mines but instead of having a bunch of Creepy Liquid in it it had 3 Lively Concoction flasks, 3 Greed-Cursed Liquid flasks, and a water stone on top of all the health ups. Needless to say, it was an easy run.
Thanks. Yeah, I've been wanting to *make* this series for awhile (forever) but with the way the game is in constant development with many patches that change things in the seeds, it's not really the best idea. I would *LOVE* for patches to not change chest contents, wands, perks, etc. I don't know if that's possible, though. Since this type of series is something that I think would be really nice for the community (everyone sharing really interesting seeds.)
Another seed I really like is 375536736 for normal mode. Just right to the entrance to the mines is a chest containing 1200 gold! There are two fire mages you can easily drown and a small shop with cools spells that combines greatily with the cash you start with. You can make a bunch of cool wands, including a one that floods the entire screen with bubbles. I recommend it highly!
Yeah, that was in my very first tips and tricks video last year. If I'm trying to do something very specific then I'll keep it, but usually, if I start with poly or magic missile then I re-roll. I'm used to re-rolling anyway, since we usually only run seeds in which we start with acceleratium, acid or berserkium when speedrunning random seeds.
I have a really cool seed, it has literally nothing but two garbage tier potions and a wand almost exactly the same as the starting wand, if not worse! oh wait that's every seed i get when i play
It's a really good rogue-lite game, especially if you are interested in exploring and secrets (there are TONS of secrets in this game). Unfortunately, my recording software kind of messed up while recording this (of course! lol) so the game doesn't stutter like it does in this video. Anyway, thanks for checking out the vid and have a great day!
Okay how the treasure chests are even generated? What allows for a chest with so many rare potions inside at once? I usually get just one flask per chest.
I screencaptured a good seed I was in today actually: an amazing start with a wide variety of wands all over in the caves, and two hearts close together. Was attempting to speed through so I was reckless and never got too far (will try a careful tactical approach to see how good it is deeper down for long runs. Hopefully it is good)
Finally got my first win while watching this got a black hole wand and had projectile repulsion and accidentally broke through the holy mountain and angered the gods so just decided F it and speed ran the game with teleportatium and my black holes and won with a wand i found in the vault!
Found my very first great treasure chest, seed 1393971748, located in the mines towards the left-hand side, just before the collapsed mines. Contained 2 water stones, a few hearts and some potions (most notably sodium)
It's a very amazing game, especially if you like exploring, secrets (it's got crazy amounts of secrets) and challenging rogue-lites. My recording software messed up a bit when capturing this video (of course! lol) so the game isn't quite as stuttery as how it appeared in the video. Anyway, have a nice day.
1090152722 is an AMAZING seed for nightmare mode. Not only do you start with a wand, that casts 5 unstable crystal, in the first holy mountain you can find a "homing" perk. These two combined make an incredible weapon of destruction. That's not all. If you head towards the piramid, and go into the cave just past the lake, you'll find two wand with 5 NUKES EACH! I very recommend that. 1090152722 Nightmare Mode
I've only ever found 1 great treasure chest. Seed was 1639737540 in Sauna Update. The chest is in the bottom right chunk of the mines. I was a little salty that after the 1/2500 chance for a great chest to spawn in a heart location, it just gave me a heart. The seed had another rare but useless coincidence too. The holy mountain below the mines had 2 "Always Casts: earthquake" wands.
I had a run in which Midas Draft occurred on accident in the frozen depths. 552058076 I checked with noita tools and the formula for alchemical precursor was water, frozen water and pheromone.
I had a seed where all the snow in the snowy depths suddenly turned to steam, all at once. I have no idea what could have triggered that, and I forgot to wright the seed down. I had never felt so scared in that game, and that says a lot.
Yes, the Electricity perk together with Creepy Liquid DOES slow things down quite a bit. I won't be taking it until maybe the end of the long, streamed run I plan to do on this seed, if at all.
I found a great chest in a seed however I didn't know the importance of them! This was within my first 50 hours of the game. It made me drown in sand or some powder.
Hey Fury,have you seen the texts at three eye’s arena,it’s located at the top,k’know where all the flowing lava comes? Its there.Dunno what it says tho..,
Yup. I have a video covering all of those hidden texts spread throughout the entire world - “Decoding Noita’s Truly Hidden Lore.” I’m not on my PC at the moment so I can’t drop the link.
i am playing this seed 1 year later and there is no creepy liquid in the chest :( i even changed to the beta version but there is just levitatium, gold and molten metal.. can anybody help?
Hey Fury, so i found a seed where you can get Alchemic Precursor really easily (near infinite by the coal mines), 345670642. The 3 ingredients are Water, Toxic Sludge and Coal. I double checked with NARG (since i found it on a Noitavania world), And it's the same in vanilla
(as in i'm literally just playing it now, and within 5 minutes of even learning Drought of Midas exists, i have over 8000 gold, before entering the first temple)
I have everything set exactly the way I like/am used to. I don’t usually accidentally drop things. It’s most likely because I couldn’t even see what was going on on-screen while playing, lol.
try this seed on beta 894771659 great chest - temple wand in chest and tons of sodium (explosions) be careful opening it. another 26 cap wand in chest on first floor with dmg plus in chest. blackhole wand in temple. u can kill mini boss's first holy temple and lots of hp. always cast circle of vigour wand in vault
Hey Fury, just a heads up I went down into seed 1663163821 in the vault and I accidentally made some alchemic precursor from freezing liquid, acid and toxic sludge. I think... maybe oil replaced one of them sorry I'll try and work it out. Anyway, hope this helps with the search for the new algorithm? but not sure where else to post this so you and the gang can see!
Yeah, it's nice for that purpose, but I prefer to *find* the poly and not start with it. It's just personal preference. When speedrunning, I restart many times in a row sometimes until I get the starting loadout I want, so restarting isn't something that bothers me. I actually prefer the game the way it was in early access, when it didn't have random starting loadouts.
Yeah, they added new materials after this, which changed the contents of the chest. I have another Creepy Liquid seed in this playlist that still works.
I tried out this seed today and the creepy liquid is replaced with cement potions now, still equally dangerous if they break near you and end up suffocating you, something I have experience with.
They’re actually still Creepy Liquid in the main branch of the game but, yeah, in the beta and probably next update they’ll be cement, unfortunately. That’s why I held off doing this series for a long time. When the devs update and add new materials or perks or whatnot, it changes what is available in the seeds, making this a very time-sensitive type of series. Maybe that’ll change at some point.
On the december 1st build, seed 1844398933, there is a chest with the "touch of gold" spell down to the bottom right of the entrance. I'd never seem it before now!
I finally found a Grest Treasure Chest! Seed=166551015 and it is in the mines to the right. It only contains two healthups, two lively concontion potions and one molten glass (?) potion. (Edit = I play on the Beta branch)
At some point during my unmodded playthroughs of noita I died suddenly and it said the cause of death was "Midas", I was really confused cause I've never actually beat the game. I wonder how this happened.
I found a seed with a great treasure chest spawning just a little bit left to the entrance to the mines. The seed is 1970163593 on the current version. The world also has an amazing always casts damage field wand
just putting it out there, while it is cool to combo the electricity perk, breathless and any en masse liquid it also makes the screen a constant mess of flashy electrical streaks plus it starts to put more stress on the cpu both from the abundance of liquid physics but also the electrical pathing which results in lag and stuttering I think within the first 5 minutes of seeing the combo you're good, but i really cant imagine it'd be nice to watch/play like this for several hours This can work for playing/streaming/recording just... don't take the electricity perk, take the elec immune for sure but otherwise this is just gonna be a strain in multiple ways
Just found a lively concoction seed !!! Right after watching this video no less. I think the recipe is Invisiblium, water, and blood or soil( at least that's what I think the potential recipe is). Right in the beginning of the mines halfway down you should find a flask next to some mana potion. Seed is ( 1808713771) Unmodded
Beginning with Poly is actually "fine" if you want to desperately keep your first Holy Mountain intact. No need for Teleportation or digging. I actually prefer it to starting with Chaotic Poly or Acid/Lava.
I apologize for any confusion. It completely slipped my mind that I was on the beta branch for this, so if you are on the main branch then the perks will be different (no Breathless in first HM.) Both GOG and Steam can access the beta branch. On Steam, right-click Noita, go to properties, then over to the betas tab, then select the beta branch in the dropdown box and the game will update to the beta. Enjoy! On GOG? I don't know how to access it, but I know you can. This is also how to access all the newest content in the game immediately. Anyway, thanks for watching and have a great day!
Oh snap I didn't know my GoG copy could
For the record if you are on the main branch, it only requires 1 reroll for breathless
Did you make the long stream for the creepy liquid seed on your second channel? I couldn't find anything!
that creepy liquid is fascinating
Youre fascinating
Well Ross you're breath taking
I love your risk of rain content it's 10/10
Scary juice
Didn't expect to see you here @RedRiotRoss I miss the goodesst boy acrid.
hi ross
Oh hey, you showcased my seed! (Zoso here) Glad you enjoyed it so much! I feel honored I stumbled upon such a badass seed.
Oh sure, when Fury showcases his seed he gets 124K subscribers, but when I do it, I get a restraining order
This comment is gold.
I'll be seeing you in r/cursecomment
@@the_jingo so its just people cursing at comments or what
I think creepy liquid is a reference to creeper world where an infinite amount of purple liquid tries to kill you
Iv acknowledged the same reference
@@kevinstgermain the real question is if it has story implacations or if it is just a nice little Easter egg
@@namename2186 i would say an easter egg. if it were anything like from creeper world, you would take damage in it
@@kevinstgermain true, yet at the same time it could be an alchemical experiment gone horribly wrong since as far as I know, there isn't anyway to destroy it and not everybody can get breathless
@@namename2186 and that is how the creeper world was created.
"Noita Seed Showcase ep1" "The creepiest Noita seed yet!" I mean, technically that's not wrong, but...
I'm not sure what you mean?
I think "creepiest" is in reference to the liquid?
I think it's just a play on words
@@dylanmcshane9976 Maybe he means yet like, it's the creepiest found by the community yet.
This being the first episode of a series doesn't matter. I have played this game for over 1400 hours over the last year, with thousands upon thousands of runs under my belt. This is the only seed EVER reported in the community that has Creepy Liquid obtainable in it (outside of mods.) Thus, it is 100% the "creepiest seed yet" - which is a reference to the liquid, of course.
Damn this reminded me of something. It happened at least 6 months ago in this game, where I was in the layer right before the ancient laboratory and suddenly I saw creepy liquid start creeping up from the left side of the screen, needless to say I was really confused but luckily I had breathless perk....Though the game slowed down to a crawl eventually and then I died to electricity at one point....I never knew how lucky (or unlucky I suppose) I was to have seen that in a vanilla run.
that noita lightinging+creepy liquid makes palpatine shake in his boots
Noita proves that AAA game studios should get their stuff together.
They won't. Everything publicly owned has been subverted by the great social engineering machine. They do not measure their success in money or respect. They do not want games that grow or inspire the mind.
Welcome to hell, lovingly crafted for you, personally.
I've actually stopped rerolling the polymorphine starting flask after I've learned it can be used to save the holy mountains.
Now we wait for a creepy liqid and the poopstone seed
@@lapislazuliblock2279 *T H E **_P O O P S T O N E_*
@@lapislazuliblock2279 I don’t know if that question was written with the intent of getting an answer, but if it did:
“Kakkakekkere” ( poopstone ) is an extremely rare item. if I remember correctly, it turns every liquid near it into “excrement” - a solid that you can pass trough. Also I think, if dropped, it will create an endless source of “excrement”.
Creepy liquid + poopstone = endless poop
I can't imagine how the person who discovered this felt when they realized how rare this seed is
I wonder of the creepy liquid is a reference to the creeper world game franchise in which a purple goo seeks to overtake humanity and spread across many worlds.
My brother loves those games and I think they're neat
I think it is. The other part of this thing is that there is a some special "rock" that acts as an emiter. Forgot it's exact name
@@rumekfuria6037 in noita, brick or brick wall
Oooh, that'd explain the colour as well. Anti-creepy liquid next, I hope :)
It is
And to think this could actually happen in a normal run....
I remapped the "throw flask" button to "t", to prevent myself from ever accidentally throwing something with left click/right click.
Wow, I’m super early, also, i personally think that the idea of doing something along the lines of a seed showcase or something is a great idea!
2) cover yourself in creepy liquid
3) *picture of a drowned Noita*
When he was showing the seed mod, I saw "Megumin player character" and "Megumin explosion spell" so now I want this game for that alone
My friend found this seed while playing. I don't know if it cuts it but the Alchemic Precursor recipe is: Water, Blood and oil
The seed is: 1062152759
I have a seed that also have easy obtainable Alchemic Precursor: Toxic Sludge, Water, Oil
And for Lively Concoction recipe is Worm Blood, Levitanium, Whiskey.
Seed is 1556286214
that is incredible
In one of my modded runs I was suddenly flooded by creepy liquid in the temple of the art. Luckily I got teleport wand and good amount of hp + digging so I survived it
It was fun
I'm new to the channel and Noita. Your videos are all consistently well produced and I'm excited to binge the whole series!
Thanks! and welcome ;)
Seed: 2004406342 near the last portal to the holy mountain in the coal pits on the left, go slightly up in the fungal caverns. There is a great chest in a water resverve containing a wand, lots of lively concoction and alcemic precursor. Be careful because theres also chaotic poly flasks... have fun.
Hey Fury! I just found Nymphs thanks to you, I love more Noita content but I find it hard to find new content creators for it. Thanks for telling me about him!
You're welcome. He's a good guy and does a LOT of experimentation with the wandcrafting system.
cant wait to see the long run, this seed is fantastic
If you pause the video, and hit left arrow to go back to the very start, then it is precisely FOUR frames (taps of . ) before the very first frame of the blacksmith appears from the shadows.
Four, Fury, Forged.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is attention to detail. Holy shit xD
**They're beginning to unlock the code...**
o h... oh god we have a code hunt on our hands... o h n o
Love your Noita Content. You inspired me to buy the game and screw around with its madness. Would love to see the game get expanded even more at some point.
the whole time i was like... okay so now you just swim around and the enemies do too? and then the electricity came out...
The interesting thing is the acid doesn't affect the creepy liquid or vice versa
If you want to know a use for regular polymorph potions, get this, polymorphing instantly removes any and all stains. If you're in a safe spot but on fire or drenched in toxic sludge, take a sip and polymorph for 5 seconds, it's way better than losing like 50 hp.
So I saw the seed in the thumbnail and started it up blind, and I was making my way through the mines, all of a sudden my computer turned into a jet engine and the purple liquid flooded the whole biome, killing everyone. I had to come watch the vid to see wtf happened. So cool!!
If no one has told you yet, the creepy liquid is a reference to an old tower defense game called creeper world in which the player fights against "creep," a purple alien liquid that expands across planets to consume them.
"old" XD the newest title, creeper world 4, has just released or will soon release (not sure right now if its already out) on steam, so its not just an "old" game, its still pretty much alive :D
Yup. I haven't played any of them, but I know about them. I was considering scooping up the most recent one but I have no time to play it at the moment.
Honestly subbed to you for the awesome intro as much as for noita
I like to play with the random alchemy mod on, and creepy liquid unblacklisted. I call it creepy roulette.
mix the f o r b i d d e n j u i c e
This is Dragonatior, and I’m excited to see some seeds! Have I provided anything of use?
Feeeeed the algorithm!
Lovin the Noita content! I got into the game mid December and still suck, but I love it!
oh JESUS, did you just say more Noita content???
I've been 2/3rds of my way through joining the amulet gang (one death to poly into firebee into teleportatium into water, one to suicide by [nolla : spark bolt with trigger : square barrier [divided by whatever 'divide-by' spells i can find] : spells to power: multicast bouncing burst + whatever other damage ups i find]. Spells to power doesn't take into effect the distance of the initial cast, so you can fall into your barrier).
If it wasn't for you, I would be completely lost. You make me proud to have never installed mods. 400h of work and I haven't gotten my amulet, but I will because of you.
When I pray to the gods for every successful floor I don't deserve to live through, I pray to you too Fury.
You are among them. Long live FURYFORGED
Seed number 324901435. Great Chest at the bottom of the starting ramp. Filled with hearts, healthium, spore potions, the POOP stone and a water stone. Perks throughout are great. Happy casting ✨️
That sounds like a very nice one. Thanks for posting this!
It's so bright in the end!
Man I wish I saved the seed to one of my previous runs now. I didn't know greater chests existed until now and I thought when this happened it was because of one of the mods I had enabled, but in one of my runs there was a chest like this in the mines but instead of having a bunch of Creepy Liquid in it it had 3 Lively Concoction flasks, 3 Greed-Cursed Liquid flasks, and a water stone on top of all the health ups.
Needless to say, it was an easy run.
Awesome, been waiting for this series for a while.
Thanks. Yeah, I've been wanting to *make* this series for awhile (forever) but with the way the game is in constant development with many patches that change things in the seeds, it's not really the best idea. I would *LOVE* for patches to not change chest contents, wands, perks, etc. I don't know if that's possible, though. Since this type of series is something that I think would be really nice for the community (everyone sharing really interesting seeds.)
Another seed I really like is 375536736 for normal mode. Just right to the entrance to the mines is a chest containing 1200 gold! There are two fire mages you can easily drown and a small shop with cools spells that combines greatily with the cash you start with. You can make a bunch of cool wands, including a one that floods the entire screen with bubbles. I recommend it highly!
Getting poly on floor 1 is actually awesome, it guarantees bypassing the holy mountain collapse on coal pits
Your pop reminds me of Alvina from Dark Souls
Yeah, that was in my very first tips and tricks video last year. If I'm trying to do something very specific then I'll keep it, but usually, if I start with poly or magic missile then I re-roll. I'm used to re-rolling anyway, since we usually only run seeds in which we start with acceleratium, acid or berserkium when speedrunning random seeds.
I have a really cool seed, it has literally nothing but two garbage tier potions and a wand almost exactly the same as the starting wand, if not worse!
oh wait that's every seed i get when i play
Im really happy the noita community is growing !!
ive never heard of noita before, this was on my recommendeds and now im interested lol
It's a really good rogue-lite game, especially if you are interested in exploring and secrets (there are TONS of secrets in this game). Unfortunately, my recording software kind of messed up while recording this (of course! lol) so the game doesn't stutter like it does in this video. Anyway, thanks for checking out the vid and have a great day!
Okay how the treasure chests are even generated? What allows for a chest with so many rare potions inside at once? I usually get just one flask per chest.
Literally the amount of fun the first time I got the water trail spell and kinda broke it with bubbles
I screencaptured a good seed I was in today actually: an amazing start with a wide variety of wands all over in the caves, and two hearts close together.
Was attempting to speed through so I was reckless and never got too far (will try a careful tactical approach to see how good it is deeper down for long runs. Hopefully it is good)
I love the idea!
If only I had known about this before, I once got a seed with 2 super chests just going down
And on today's episode of "That's what she said".
Welcome to the club, Fury. ;)
Bro they should make creepy liquid flasks infinite because of how it works it should just fill the flask up by itself.
Finally got my first win while watching this got a black hole wand and had projectile repulsion and accidentally broke through the holy mountain and angered the gods so just decided F it and speed ran the game with teleportatium and my black holes and won with a wand i found in the vault!
what is wrong with your username
This seed mustve been put together by the devs, its too much of a miracle
I forgot that noita even had a random creeper world reference
awesome, love when you upload Noita content :D
Found my very first great treasure chest, seed 1393971748, located in the mines towards the left-hand side, just before the collapsed mines. Contained 2 water stones, a few hearts and some potions (most notably sodium)
Man, this new creeper world game is something else
Literally never heard of this game before this was recommended to me but it looks cool
It's a very amazing game, especially if you like exploring, secrets (it's got crazy amounts of secrets) and challenging rogue-lites. My recording software messed up a bit when capturing this video (of course! lol) so the game isn't quite as stuttery as how it appeared in the video. Anyway, have a nice day.
1090152722 is an AMAZING seed for nightmare mode. Not only do you start with a wand, that casts 5 unstable crystal, in the first holy mountain you can find a "homing" perk. These two combined make an incredible weapon of destruction. That's not all. If you head towards the piramid, and go into the cave just past the lake, you'll find two wand with 5 NUKES EACH! I very recommend that.
1090152722 Nightmare Mode
I've only ever found 1 great treasure chest.
Seed was 1639737540 in Sauna Update. The chest is in the bottom right chunk of the mines.
I was a little salty that after the 1/2500 chance for a great chest to spawn in a heart location, it just gave me a heart.
The seed had another rare but useless coincidence too.
The holy mountain below the mines had 2 "Always Casts: earthquake" wands.
ok i'm really hyped for this series
Yay just got noita during steam sale
I had a run in which Midas Draft occurred on accident in the frozen depths. 552058076
I checked with noita tools and the formula for alchemical precursor was water, frozen water and pheromone.
noita manhunt but creepy liquid hunts you
I had a seed where all the snow in the snowy depths suddenly turned to steam, all at once. I have no idea what could have triggered that, and I forgot to wright the seed down.
I had never felt so scared in that game, and that says a lot.
Sounds like a fungal shift, did you eat a lot of fungus?
I think there was an old seed where mud + water + grass created alchemical precursor which was pretty cool
A Noita seed which is: underwater(?) and spooky
A Subnoita, or perhaps Subnoitica if you will
I feel like this seed will more likely kill your computer once you get the Electricity perk...
Yes, the Electricity perk together with Creepy Liquid DOES slow things down quite a bit. I won't be taking it until maybe the end of the long, streamed run I plan to do on this seed, if at all.
I found a great chest in a seed however I didn't know the importance of them! This was within my first 50 hours of the game. It made me drown in sand or some powder.
Great video!
The return of the king
Hey Fury,have you seen the texts at three eye’s arena,it’s located at the top,k’know where all the flowing lava comes? Its there.Dunno what it says tho..,
Yup. I have a video covering all of those hidden texts spread throughout the entire world - “Decoding Noita’s Truly Hidden Lore.” I’m not on my PC at the moment so I can’t drop the link.
@@FuryForged oh no worried,I’ll look it up myself
i am playing this seed 1 year later and there is no creepy liquid in the chest :( i even changed to the beta version but there is just levitatium, gold and molten metal.. can anybody help?
same results here
Hey Fury, so i found a seed where you can get Alchemic Precursor really easily (near infinite by the coal mines), 345670642. The 3 ingredients are Water, Toxic Sludge and Coal.
I double checked with NARG (since i found it on a Noitavania world), And it's the same in vanilla
(as in i'm literally just playing it now, and within 5 minutes of even learning Drought of Midas exists, i have over 8000 gold, before entering the first temple)
3:23 : ground said "stop throwing stuffs at me you dofus!"
I'm surprised that you have not bound 'drop' for some other key already. It would have saved you the precious water stone!
I have everything set exactly the way I like/am used to. I don’t usually accidentally drop things. It’s most likely because I couldn’t even see what was going on on-screen while playing, lol.
try this seed on beta 894771659 great chest - temple wand in chest and tons of sodium (explosions) be careful opening it. another 26 cap wand in chest on first floor with dmg plus in chest. blackhole wand in temple. u can kill mini boss's first holy temple and lots of hp. always cast circle of vigour wand in vault
I want to know what would happen if you were to spread creepy liquid in hell, or between the Alternate worlds.
Hey Fury, just a heads up I went down into seed 1663163821 in the vault and I accidentally made some alchemic precursor from freezing liquid, acid and toxic sludge. I think... maybe oil replaced one of them sorry I'll try and work it out. Anyway, hope this helps with the search for the new algorithm? but not sure where else to post this so you and the gang can see!
Restart when getting polymorph as potion?
I prefer to get it, use it to escape temples without breaking it and return to tinker with wands
Yeah, it's nice for that purpose, but I prefer to *find* the poly and not start with it. It's just personal preference. When speedrunning, I restart many times in a row sometimes until I get the starting loadout I want, so restarting isn't something that bothers me. I actually prefer the game the way it was in early access, when it didn't have random starting loadouts.
Theres no Creepy Liquid when I play this seed :( Just Gold flasks, Levitatium and Molten Liquid
Yeah, they added new materials after this, which changed the contents of the chest. I have another Creepy Liquid seed in this playlist that still works.
I tried out this seed today and the creepy liquid is replaced with cement potions now, still equally dangerous if they break near you and end up suffocating you, something I have experience with.
They’re actually still Creepy Liquid in the main branch of the game but, yeah, in the beta and probably next update they’ll be cement, unfortunately.
That’s why I held off doing this series for a long time. When the devs update and add new materials or perks or whatnot, it changes what is available in the seeds, making this a very time-sensitive type of series. Maybe that’ll change at some point.
Last time i was this early, Noita was still in beta
On the december 1st build, seed 1844398933, there is a chest with the "touch of gold" spell down to the bottom right of the entrance. I'd never seem it before now!
am i doing something wrong i'm not getting breathless
same Idk why
He explained now lol main vs beta
Wait, if you can get flasks with creepy liquid, maybe it's possible to get brick wall flasks too?
Yeah, it is possible.
nice, new series
I finally found a Grest Treasure Chest!
Seed=166551015 and it is in the mines to the right. It only contains two healthups, two lively concontion potions and one molten glass (?) potion.
(Edit = I play on the Beta branch)
At some point during my unmodded playthroughs of noita I died suddenly and it said the cause of death was "Midas", I was really confused cause I've never actually beat the game. I wonder how this happened.
I found a seed with a great treasure chest spawning just a little bit left to the entrance to the mines. The seed is 1970163593 on the current version. The world also has an amazing always casts damage field wand
That was really cool, thanks.
Imagine turning creepy liquid into healium after it floaded the world
just putting it out there, while it is cool to combo the electricity perk, breathless and any en masse liquid
it also makes the screen a constant mess of flashy electrical streaks plus it starts to put more stress on the cpu both from the abundance of liquid physics but also the electrical pathing which results in lag and stuttering
I think within the first 5 minutes of seeing the combo you're good, but i really cant imagine it'd be nice to watch/play like this for several hours
This can work for playing/streaming/recording just... don't take the electricity perk, take the elec immune for sure but otherwise this is just gonna be a strain in multiple ways
Oh, I don't plan on using the Electricity perk for the longer run.
Just found a lively concoction seed !!! Right after watching this video no less. I think the recipe is Invisiblium, water, and blood or soil( at least that's what I think the potential recipe is). Right in the beginning of the mines halfway down you should find a flask next to some mana potion. Seed is ( 1808713771) Unmodded
Correction ! I believe the recipe is , Invisibilum, water, and grass or soil
I thought this was a couple of years old knowing how old some of your videos are
I've been making videos for 6 years, yeah, but this game only came out a year ago.
@@FuryForged k
Beginning with Poly is actually "fine" if you want to desperately keep your first Holy Mountain intact. No need for Teleportation or digging. I actually prefer it to starting with Chaotic Poly or Acid/Lava.
Not sure if all that electricity is an epilepsy hazard or my cue to turn up the song Darude Sandstorm.
Amazing this seed !!