ISTJ Stereotypes w/ Ryan (Practical Typing), Samuel U., Dr Debbie Hayton & Chante | Type Talks E68

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024


  • @mauraliller6
    @mauraliller6 4 роки тому +37

    Hello, I wish I had watched this video live. As another ISTJ, I don’t relate to many of the stereotypes out there, yet in terms of cognitive functions and their positions I know that ISTJ is the best fit type.
    A summary of the stereotypes addressed and my thoughts about them.
    ISTJs like tradition
    --I like traditions that I have sentimental feelings about or things that have been shown to work over time. If something isn’t working well anymore and I no longer have strong feelings about it, I’m not hesitant to discard it.
    ISTJs are stuck in the past
    --For me the past is a guide for how to act in the future. I want to repeat past successes and avoid repeating mistakes I made. I’m not stuck in the past, although I do have a nostalgic side. I find myself going back and forth a lot between the past and the future.
    ISTJs are not open to change
    --I am open to change if I can be shown with data or a well reasoned argument how the changes will improve things. In general I prefer changes to be in a more controlled manner, more gradual and where I can be the one to initiate the change instead of having it forced on me. I don’t want change just for the sake of change if it’s not going to improve things. Sometimes though I will add a little variety in my life such as traveling to a new place or trying a new food. These are relatively safe things that don’t drastically change my lifestyle. With technology, if it’s an area of interest I might be an early adopter and want the updated version. Otherwise, I tend to put off buying the latest gadget or getting the latest update until circumstances sort of force me into it.
    There was a really good insight about Si being the least flexible function in the short term but the most flexible function in the long term, I think that’s true from my experience.
    ISTJs are very into routines.
    --It depends. I do relate to streamlining my schedule and obligations to get more free time. I will have routines for making sure I workout, clean the house, maintain my car, etc. regularly but there is also some flexibility within the routine. It isn’t always an exact day or time of the day, it’s more like I want to make sure that I workout the recommended frequency to maintain good health but I’m flexible in the time of day for example. There are other things I don’t have much of a routine for, such as meal planning.
    ISTJs are not very future oriented.
    --I do think a lot about my future, but I do have a lot of uncertainty about what might happen. I see a lot of possibilities that could happen but not narrow down to one. I just want to know that whatever happens, I’m prepared to deal with it. I want to be able to psychologically cope with whatever comes my way. I think a lot about maintaining my homeostasis so I often ask myself is some event in the future going to disrupt that? For example, I am scared of growing older and losing my health for that reason.
    ISTJs are not funny.
    --This depends on who you ask and their humor preferences are. I am serious most of the time but I definitely have a silly side and my family and my close friends do think I’m funny. My humor tends to be making up puns or taking things to the literal extreme to the point of seeing the absurdity in that.
    ISTJs are rule followers.
    --This one is mostly true for me. I believe that most rules are there for a good reason-to avoid chaos, to make things safer and more fair. However, I often question the need for rules that don’t make much sense and aren’t serving the needs of people well. Sometimes exceptions have to be made. If it’s a small rule that isn’t affecting anyone else, I might break it if I can get away with it, like driving through a red light when there are no other cars anywhere in sight.
    ISTJs are clean.
    --I fit the stereotype here. I like the looks of a clean environment. Also, I can find what I need and function more effectively in an orderly environment. I wasn’t so clean in my youth, this is something I’ve learned over time.

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +3

      This is beautifully written, Laura. Thank you for describing your thought process so eloquently; your comment is pure gold! :)

    • @mauraliller6
      @mauraliller6 4 роки тому +1

      @@JoyceMeng22 Thanks so much for your kind words.

    • @PowerRedBullTypology
      @PowerRedBullTypology 4 роки тому

      Laura, were you not in some intp video a short time ago?

    • @mauraliller6
      @mauraliller6 4 роки тому +2

      @@PowerRedBullTypology I used to type myself as an INTP until I rwlaized ISTJ fit better

    • @kreole7376
      @kreole7376 2 роки тому +2

      @@mauraliller6 Hi Laura this is so relatable. I was typed as an INTP for almost five years until i found out ISTJ fits better. I also relate to some of your experiences and descriptions like i learned to be organised with time and found out how more productive I am when everything is exactly where it should be. Everything else also fits to a T. I did a typing session with Spacey which confirmed my concern that i was in fact an Istj and not an intp.

  • @ec8335
    @ec8335 4 роки тому +29

    It's great to actually hear about Si from real people who are dominant Si. ISTJ is one of the most negatively stereotyped of all 16 types and I feel really bad for them. I know they don't deserve it. No type deserves to be made to feel like it is somehow less valuable, less interesting, less intelligent, less desirable or cool than other types. That would just go against the whole point of type theory -- which is to appreciate differences and how different types are all valuable and interesting and complex in their own way.

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  3 роки тому +6

      Absolutely agree @E C!! All types are valuable, that's what makes typology so amazing. 🙂

  • @FuuMayChaN
    @FuuMayChaN 2 роки тому +9

    As an ISTJ I was constantly mistyped as an INTJ because of the nonsense of the stereotypes (that even the tests have), so I realized I was an ISTJ until one of my cousins (who's very interested in MBTI and functions too) pointed the ISTJ functions to me and explained how I use those and it was like a complete revelation that helped me grab and organize all the missing pieces of my personality, a self-discovery. This video was so good and the topics were very clear pointing out those stereotypes that I hate the most about ISTJs because we are super complex persons too and so underestimated. Thank you for doing this video :)

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  2 роки тому +3

      Beyond happy that this video was able to help you see yourself in the ISTJ personality type!! :)

  • @giggleinu
    @giggleinu 4 роки тому +20

    I used to be guilty of mistyping insightful or creative ISTJs as iNtuitives. But I've come to realise how many talented SJs I've been surrounded by at work. ISTJs (or high Si users) when in touch with their Ne are very capable of implementing new practices into an existing system, and ensuring the refreshed system has longevity and is applicable to a variety of use cases in the future. They really just want to ensure that the pyramid they are building has a stable base - and from there they can play around with however they want to place the bricks.

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +1

      @giggleinu this is extremely true!! Sensors often get mistyped as intuitive a lot for that very reason. Once ISTJs have a stable base - their Ne can play with that base creatively in different ways.

  • @jessicaallan4747
    @jessicaallan4747 4 роки тому +11

    Recently I've been pretty confused as to whether I'm an ISTJ or INTJ because I don't do tradition simply for the sake of it and keep the future in mind when I plan or decide on things, however I am quite realistic and am not willing to try a new idea or theory unless it is proven to work. Watching this video and a bit of the INTJ video has been super helpful to figure out which type I am more. I'd say the way I process information and handle situations is far more along the ISTJ lines than INTJ. Also, I thought for a very long time that because I didn't fit into the stereotypes, I couldn't be an ISTJ, but the responses you guys have were very helpful and clear, where the explanations given as to how Si applies to life make so much sense and I can heavily relate. It's also nice to see typology videos of ISTJs because I hardly see any. Thanks for this video! 😊

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +4

      I'm happy that it helped, Jessica. :) Always nice to know more ISTJs in the community!!

  • @diplomat2623
    @diplomat2623 2 роки тому +3

    I enjoyed listening to Ryan, he kept it real. As a double observer I can enjoy and resonate with the woohaa of the intuitives AND get back to and respect the REALITY of the sensing. I respect Si MORE after watching this. Thank you!- ENFJ

  • @ArianaReflects
    @ArianaReflects 4 роки тому +21

    ISTJs can be funnier than ENFPs in my perspective!! Depends on the person 😊😃

    • @ninaportoc
      @ninaportoc 2 роки тому


    • @diplomat2623
      @diplomat2623 2 роки тому

      I would find istjs more funny than enfps as well especially as an enneagram 8. I love the straight up Te.

  • @amidreaming333
    @amidreaming333 2 роки тому +3

    With Si third I actually relate alot to ISTJs and ISFJs.
    I think Si as a function is severely underrated these days and things like tradition and even stability suffer.
    There is so much pressure for innovation and I think alot of people are carelessly destroying good things for the sake of just ''trying out'' something new.
    A lot of people think conservation is useless or redundant and seem to have a weird vendetta against anything old, but the strange thing is many people will just try to destroy and change things without looking a why something has been a certain way for a long time. So innovation can be just as redundant as and, in my opinion, more so than tradition.
    With my Ne second I can easily adapt to change and think of new ideas and innovations, but I actually have a personal preference for longevity and stability. For alot of ESxJs this is actually the opposite way. They will adapt to tradition and uphold certain standards, but I see they have a strong appreciation for randomness and innovation, so long as it does not destroy anything important.

  • @paulmatson661
    @paulmatson661 4 роки тому +30

    You might say, this video was very inSiTeful...

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +11

      Ha! This is very INFPunny.

    • @ma_iii
      @ma_iii 4 роки тому +2


    • @krystalsoong740
      @krystalsoong740 4 роки тому +3

      Oh my god PAUL!!! I had the best chuckle at this comment then realized you wrote it! 😹

    • @paulmatson661
      @paulmatson661 4 роки тому +2

      Aw, thanks, Krystal! So lovely to see you on here, too! ❣

  • @Maya_Ruinz
    @Maya_Ruinz 3 роки тому +9

    Holy cow, I have found my tribe, I answered every question almost exactly the same.

  • @RebekahAmberClark
    @RebekahAmberClark 4 роки тому +8

    THANKS RYAN!!! That is actually super helpful to me (I'm ENFP) about not just saying but showing in practice how a new idea would work to get support for it. I'm definitely going to remember that one FOR. SURE. :)

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +2

      Ryan's advice is super helpful!! Best of luck trying it out, Rebekah 🙂.

  • @avu_metalsmith
    @avu_metalsmith 4 роки тому +5

    Yay! Looking forward to this... I am suspecting my husband to be an ISTJ instead of an ISFJ...

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +5

      Great!! I hope this video is able to help you understand your husband more :)

  • @breathofvellichor
    @breathofvellichor 4 роки тому +19

    I wonder what comparison between ISTJ and INTJ video would be :D

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +14

      That is coming soon!! :)

    • @PowerRedBullTypology
      @PowerRedBullTypology 4 роки тому +6

      @@JoyceMeng22 If you put the timestamps in a comment and then lock that comment (or however it's called) so that it stays up there, I think more people would see the timestamps (and I think people really appreciate them)

    • @ma_iii
      @ma_iii 4 роки тому +1

      Good question devina

  • @TheSnugglery
    @TheSnugglery 4 роки тому +5

    💕loved it! Hope to get in on the next one. I wanted to add a thought about the linear nature of Si. It's this, then this, then this, then this. And it's very internalized with Fi, that's why we're so "good" at routine, because at any given moment, we can see and feel what point in the process we're at (and we need that 'cuz inferior Ne can't really fully conceptualize it ahead of time). Clarity and origin focused.
    A funny way it presents in my life is when my husband asks me where something in the house is. Rather than giving him the directions to get him to the thing, I start at the thing. It's in the little compartment of the green bag hanging in the back of the closet down the hall. And I definitely can't get any of that out quickly... drives him nuts 😂
    ***also, just noticed everyone's face light up about Ryan's comment on government inefficiency 😂😂😂 do we all think about this??

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому

      You explained the linear nature of Si so well, Michelle. :) hope we are able to include you in the next panel! I'll send you an email some time next month when we get around to that!

  • @pebblebrookbooks4852
    @pebblebrookbooks4852 4 роки тому +4

    My narcissistic cousin uses this type as her false self. When faced w/an MBTI evaluation, she will deliberately skew her responses towards ISTJ. It's what she thinks "they" want to hear.

  • @PsychologyandChillwMichi
    @PsychologyandChillwMichi 2 роки тому +1

    Chante reminds me so much of one of my coworkers, their voices are even similar

  • @dummyn.9575
    @dummyn.9575 3 роки тому +2

    hey! love your type talks series

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  3 роки тому +1

      Great suggestion! :) Will do.

  • @SomeoneSayingSomething
    @SomeoneSayingSomething 6 місяців тому

    ISTJ here and I relate to Ryan so, SO much and could have gone on longer myself to share even more stereotypes every time Joyce tried to wrap up 😅. I also get irritated when people say he's not a "typical" ISTJ, because he actually IS typical; One may consider him atypical because THEIR expectations are misplaced compared to reality. To treat him as an outlier of our type is a disservice and a misrepresentation of the type and, in itself, a vocalized manifestation that is very telling of just how poorly understood we are by the types who have more influence over the community perception (namely, intuitives.) It is a prime example of the embedded community bias which is ultimately damaging to ISTJs on several levels.
    The stereotypes about us are many and super frustrating in their blatant inaccuracy. And other types are often quick to believe the nonsense without question, then go on to regurgitate the misinformation and perpetuate it with baseless confidence. It leaves me believing they've either never known an actual ISTJ in their lives or that the ones they did meet, they automatically miscategorized as a another type, based on the community's rumor mill. Ex. Warm, funny, and sensitive? They couldn't possibly be an ISTJ; must be an ISFJ. Capable of thinking beyond just the concrete and engage in intellectual discussions around conceptual info? Must be an INTJ. And the list goes on. On the flip side, when someone sees an unhealthy type of another personality, they often conclude that this person must be an ISTJ, because it matches the stereotype. Thus, tragically, ISTJs are rarely recognized in this community for their good qualities.
    This is likely one reason you don't see ISTJs making appearances in this community--it is, at least, a big reason for me. Who wants to be hosted by and engage with people who have, as a community, built a culture around categorical misrepresentation of our type? Even though I wanna set the record straight whenever I hear these things, it's exhausting and not how I wanna spend my precious time, thank you very much. If someone is content believing stereotypes about me and doesn't care to actually try and get to know me, they are not worth my time or energy; the ones who try to get know me as human being instead of a surface-label are the ones who deserve my warmth, humor, and loyal friendship, etc. The worthy make themselves known and the rest are not important enough for me to care about their opinions of me anyway. So, y'know, meh.
    All in all, still frustrated, but very glad to see at least SOME more accurate representation to hopefully move the community positively towards enlightenment. As with any form of discrimination, progress is great, but there is still a long way to go.

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  6 місяців тому

      It sounds like you've had a frustrating experience with how ISTJs are perceived and stereotyped in the community. I completely understand why this could be discouraging, especially when faced with such persistent misunderstandings. Your insights could be invaluable to others who share these misconceptions. If you're open to it, I would love to invite you onto Type Talks to share your perspective and help break down these stereotypes. It could be a great opportunity to set the record straight and highlight the true qualities of ISTJs. Let me know if you're interested!

    • @SomeoneSayingSomething
      @SomeoneSayingSomething 6 місяців тому

      ​@@JoyceMeng22 Thank you so much for the prompt response--or any response, really! I sincerely appreciate your understanding and kind invitation. For personal reasons, though, I don't participate in any sort of A/V recordings unless completely unavoidable (ex. legally required, etc.) so I will respectfully decline. That said, I'd be happy to answer any questions in writing if you have some specifics in mind 😬. Although, just heads up, I am not well-versed in typology/functions/etc. lingo and really have just gotten into it more recently to better understand myself and those around me--but mostly myself. Actually just starting to have some concepts finally click thanks to your videos, which are HUGELY appreciated.
      Lastly, just to be clear, it was only out of a desire to stay on topic with the video that I focused my comment on the frustration born of stereotypes. There are certainly plenty of positives gained from this community as well; it just so happened they weren't the focus of the discussion at hand.

  • @diplomat2623
    @diplomat2623 2 роки тому +3

    I didn’t realize how logical Si is. 🤔🤔

    • @kevrokka.d.9749
      @kevrokka.d.9749 2 роки тому +1

      All we do is think (we're Thinkers, after all). People just notice how we're stuck in our ways and we are using mostly linear thinking, but Si includes a wealth of info from Health to entire experiences lived and ultimately supreme adaptability.

    • @diplomat2623
      @diplomat2623 2 роки тому

      @@kevrokka.d.9749 Thank you. 💯👌🏽

  • @ashleyching7894
    @ashleyching7894 2 роки тому +3

    Si doesn’t need tradition, but seeks perfect experience.

    • @ashleyching7894
      @ashleyching7894 2 роки тому +2

      Looks to the past for what works
      Doesn’t live in the past

    • @ashleyching7894
      @ashleyching7894 2 роки тому

      If it’s not broken, don’t fix it
      If it’s been working for awhile, it must be working

    • @ashleyching7894
      @ashleyching7894 2 роки тому +1

      Needs evidence for why change
      is better

    • @ashleyching7894
      @ashleyching7894 2 роки тому

      It takes resources to implement change

    • @ashleyching7894
      @ashleyching7894 2 роки тому +1

      Change needs to be sustainable

  • @SirenoftheVoid
    @SirenoftheVoid 4 роки тому +2

    Oh gosh,great! Now i have another door open to cross into,so to speak. Love options, this is a good reminder that sometimes even us Ne doms need narrowing things down a little.Or just slow down,i guess.

  • @ec8335
    @ec8335 4 роки тому +5

    About being extremely organized - I wonder if the ISFJs would actually be the ones (rather than ISTJs) who are more organized with their personal space because ISFJs use Ti with their Si.

    • @hirsch4155
      @hirsch4155 3 роки тому +1

      Hmm you make a good point. Why would we consider Si-Te more organized than Si-Fe, not considering the third function?

  • @GabrielEvergreen-lx1df
    @GabrielEvergreen-lx1df 3 місяці тому

    I was traumatized by being a former best friend of an ISTJ. So, here I am trying to learn everything about them.

  • @austin5690
    @austin5690 4 роки тому +3

    Nice video and the practical typing website is pretty cool.

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому

      It really is! Thank you, Austin. :)

  • @ma_iii
    @ma_iii 4 роки тому +1

    Wow so excited to watch and learn something , back from 12 hrs work shift .

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +2

      You rock! Thanks for watching after work, M M. :)

  • @Calebeqz
    @Calebeqz 4 роки тому +5

    Ryan is one hot tamales!! I hope we see him again😍😍😍

  • @ArianaReflects
    @ArianaReflects 4 роки тому +4

    I’m excited for this one!!😍

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +3

      Great!!! 🥰 Happy to hear. Time to bust those ISTJ stereotypes.

  • @AM-sv2vv
    @AM-sv2vv 4 роки тому +1

    Great video, as always haha. Now I'm really wondering... Can one be an ambivert thinker or feeler? Can there be an NiT(i/e)FiSe for instance? Or maybe NiTiFiSe. Why is Introversion and extraversion occuring alternately?

  • @avu_metalsmith
    @avu_metalsmith 4 роки тому +2

    Aw I missed the premiere again 🥺
    haha all good though, making my Maybe ISTJ/ISFJ husband watch this w me right now lol.

    • @avu_metalsmith
      @avu_metalsmith 4 роки тому +4

      14:30 My husband (ISxJ) to me (ENTP)
      Husband ISxJ: “I just have to anticipate you being spontaneous, and it’s not that I am totally spontaneous... It’s that I know you are, so in a way my spontaneity is controlled, because I’m predicting when you’re going to be spontaneous.”
      Me Entp: “I’m predictable?”
      Husband ISxJ: “Yes... You are predictable because there are certain things that will spark your interests more that leads to change.”
      Me: 🥴
      💭 He hangs out with me way too much haha 😆 proud of him lol

    • @JoyceMeng22
      @JoyceMeng22  4 роки тому +4

      “I just have to anticipate you being spontaneous" 😂 The IxxJ life.

    • @avu_metalsmith
      @avu_metalsmith 4 роки тому +1

      Joyce Meng 😂

    • @pebblebrookbooks4852
      @pebblebrookbooks4852 4 роки тому +1

      @@avu_metalsmith As ENTP's we notice when rules/procedures are contradictory. We anticipate problems bc somebody can just choose to be a genital about enforcing them.
      Ah but every once in awhile, a gracious ISTJ will swoop in and spell out "how we really do things around here". If there's a stupid rule somewhere, they've literally crossed it out and wrote a revision underneath. They'll reprint that page later.
      You're predictable bc his risk mgmt has already planned for it. What ENTP girl wouldn't want to come home to the big, comfortable bed of a dry-witted, twinkly-eyed ISTJ who's got all this Si stuff covered n smothered? ❤

    • @avu_metalsmith
      @avu_metalsmith 4 роки тому +1

      26:58 routine is something my husband does but to me, it looks like a tally mark system. Like he’s trying to keep tabs on how much time he has to spend on the things and relationships important to him.

  • @turbine6961
    @turbine6961 4 роки тому +6

    Dang, Chante is cute

  • @arcadianfox8127
    @arcadianfox8127 3 роки тому +5

    As an INTJ, Ryan's logic makes absolutely no sense to me.
    You're not going to give the people around you a chance to implement large changes because "it's not tried and true", yet at the same time to convince you they have to show the positive effects of those changes. How the hell is someone going to prove an amazing ground-breaking concept to you if you never give them a chance to actually show it.
    We have this amazing power of deduction. We can imagine whether something works by conceptualizing possible outcomes and scenarios. Through that way we can figure out whether big changes to a system will work. Things don't have to be sensed at all to have an idea whether they are effective.
    edit: No hate by the way, I think Ryan's a cool guy who knows a lot. His logic just makes absolutely no sense to me.

    • @kellyboyed7877
      @kellyboyed7877 3 роки тому +1

      I agree. We are also in an environment where advancements (eg technology) happen so quickly. Just because something works, doesn't mean it is the most efficient or effective way of doing it. "Tried and true" and "If it ain't broke don't fix it" mentalities are not sustainable for progression.

  • @PowerRedBullTypology
    @PowerRedBullTypology 4 роки тому

    Joyce, did you not make a discord server?

  • @vizuz
    @vizuz 4 роки тому +3

    ISTJs... i can handle them for a short period of time. And they likely say the same thing about me(intj).
    They are necessary and useful NPCs in society for sure. They have way more endurance and steadfastness than ill ever have.