The 55 Best Rappers of All Time

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 11 тис.

  • @Skrogansauce
    @Skrogansauce 4 роки тому +18604

    Logic is so humble, didn't put himself on this list.

    • @MusicLover-ko1mq
      @MusicLover-ko1mq 4 роки тому +135

      He put drake first before Eminem lol

    • @jumpoff8515
      @jumpoff8515 4 роки тому +928

      @@MusicLover-ko1mq it’s alphabetical soooo...?

    • @mubblr
      @mubblr 4 роки тому +35

      @@MusicLover-ko1mq hahahahahah

    • @mubblr
      @mubblr 4 роки тому +14

      @@jumpoff8515 lol

    • @twosixradg
      @twosixradg 4 роки тому +39

      Took me a moment to get the joke

  • @KamilHenri
    @KamilHenri 4 роки тому +2711

    Really disappointed you didn’t take into account height for this list

    • @randomavenger3048
      @randomavenger3048 4 роки тому +63

      Poor MF Doom...
      Poor Kendrick Lamar...

    • @CousinCreepy
      @CousinCreepy 4 роки тому +10

      Bushwick Bill!

    • @Uff-dada
      @Uff-dada 4 роки тому +8

      Aesop Rock in the top ten

    • @Uff-dada
      @Uff-dada 4 роки тому +7

      Lol. Didn't realize Aesop was actually on the list when I posted. Seen dude live a few times & was surprised by his height. Same with Meth. Well over 6'

    • @jacquin8511
      @jacquin8511 4 роки тому +2

      I was hoping for IQ ratings on this one

  • @biscuitnougat5749
    @biscuitnougat5749 4 роки тому +6483

    This is the first time I agree with you Anthony, Lil Pump truly does deserve all 55 spots.

    • @option7
      @option7 4 роки тому +124

      Nah nah nah you are getting confused with IceJJFish, this is clearly IceJJFish on all 55 spots

    • @nish8399
      @nish8399 4 роки тому +29

      @@option7 ur sleeping on gawne and kid buu and eminem, the best rappers of all time who are just better than anyone else, even lil pump and icejjfish

    • @biscuitnougat5749
      @biscuitnougat5749 4 роки тому +5

      @@nish8399 dude i so fawk with kid buu

    • @nish8399
      @nish8399 4 роки тому +10

      @@biscuitnougat5749 i fawk with kid buu and eminem, so does melon he fawks with them

    • @biscuitnougat5749
      @biscuitnougat5749 4 роки тому +3

      @@nish8399 lmfao

  • @capybaraenthusiast2311
    @capybaraenthusiast2311 2 роки тому +297

    One thing with Aesop that is very impressive, is his breathe control and ability to perform his songs live so well. Watching him perform it looks like breathing is an option to him.

    • @SebastianGrant-lj4qq
      @SebastianGrant-lj4qq 10 місяців тому +4

      Yeah, I saw him intimately in 2010, at a uni bar. But his new album is truly nice, I like how his beef with El-P given him some street cred.

  • @tamimhasan2164
    @tamimhasan2164 4 роки тому +5550

    You accidentally spelled Nav with an 's' at the end Melon

    • @ViolentMLG
      @ViolentMLG 4 роки тому +589

      No, he was talking about lil nas x. Dummy.

    • @Kaquince15
      @Kaquince15 4 роки тому +11

      @@ViolentMLG they’re joking

    • @star.s
      @star.s 4 роки тому +398

      @@Kaquince15 he was joking too

    • @filiptomic2937
      @filiptomic2937 4 роки тому +140

      @@star.s penis

    • @reltherel9225
      @reltherel9225 4 роки тому +18

      Ok ✅

  • @mannavj
    @mannavj 4 роки тому +2439

    Logic taking up two spots because he's biracial isn't fair Anthony

    • @javan_o_ekhalie
      @javan_o_ekhalie 4 роки тому +2


    • @jackq6243
      @jackq6243 4 роки тому +3

      Wait was he on this list

    • @AcornRiot
      @AcornRiot 4 роки тому +23

      @@jackq6243 r/woooosh

    • @jackq6243
      @jackq6243 4 роки тому +72

      @@AcornRiot ah yes originality

    • @AcornRiot
      @AcornRiot 4 роки тому +3

      @dayum son What a troglodyte comment

  • @hb-mek
    @hb-mek 4 роки тому +3367

    Number 2: Logics white side
    Number 1: Logics black side

    • @thatspoonybard8013
      @thatspoonybard8013 4 роки тому +24

      Underrated comment.

    • @tekkies9620
      @tekkies9620 4 роки тому +151

      Number 3: Logics biracial side

    • @ghostman9851
      @ghostman9851 4 роки тому +49

      @@tekkies9620 he’s half black btw

    • @dg9444
      @dg9444 3 роки тому +61

      Did you know he’s biracial?

    • @ConekQ
      @ConekQ 3 роки тому +31

      @kauz yea but he’s biracial

  • @jeremycorbin2178
    @jeremycorbin2178 2 роки тому +255

    If you ever revisit this list, in like 3 years from now, you best remember our boy Denzel

    • @theonewhogotaway6384
      @theonewhogotaway6384 Рік тому +39

      Don't forget JID, either

    • @earthangelandrogynousmind1625
      @earthangelandrogynousmind1625 Рік тому +17

      I’d argue Boldy James, Little Simz and Mach-Hommy deserve consideration too if he ever revisits it

    • @andemandefar
      @andemandefar 2 місяці тому +1

      @@earthangelandrogynousmind1625 they're all better than denzel tbh

    • @xavier2361
      @xavier2361 2 місяці тому +1

      @@andemandefarnah Denzel is the goat

    • @andemandefar
      @andemandefar 2 місяці тому

      @@xavier2361 Denzel is good but all of those are simply better

  • @Mathiah
    @Mathiah 4 роки тому +1990

    Without Soulja boy this list and channel wouldn’t exist

    • @shuggieotis8367
      @shuggieotis8367 4 роки тому +160

      Soulja boy created the internet bless Soulja👏🏼

    • @Kinobambino
      @Kinobambino 4 роки тому +23

      @Antonio Nieves soulja boy= GODS FATHER

    • @shuggieotis8367
      @shuggieotis8367 4 роки тому +43

      "Phone sex? Sexting? Getting nudes from Shawty? I CREATED that, y'all wouldn't have that without kiss me thru the phone"

    • @Mathiah
      @Mathiah 4 роки тому +1

      aye y'all check out my music ! my song goodbye is actually pretty good if you wanna support ! thanks

    • @capibaradeluxe9193
      @capibaradeluxe9193 4 роки тому +4


  • @KobeLoverTatum
    @KobeLoverTatum 3 роки тому +4272

    Aesop rock - “well known to those that are aware of him” well said

    • @justjordan6560
      @justjordan6560 3 роки тому +136


    • @soroushai2374
      @soroushai2374 3 роки тому +39

      Hip hop heads. I think that is called hip hop heads

    • @aldenkaiser248
      @aldenkaiser248 3 роки тому +105

      no matter how big he is every project sounds like it was bankrolled off tips working pizza delivery on weeknights

    • @Mayoninja
      @Mayoninja 3 роки тому +24

      @@aldenkaiser248 Nah bro, Skelethon sounded legit in the production department.

    • @titus17
      @titus17 3 роки тому +14

      i dont see the problem.. If they heard of him, it means they know his stuff well. That's what that sentence means. If he would have just said "known" instead of "well known" then yea sure it's a poor sentence but no its not.

  • @bikramsran1143
    @bikramsran1143 4 роки тому +2691

    SMH he added biggie but not Notorious B.I.G, smh

    • @vinny8475
      @vinny8475 4 роки тому +55

      I'm dead lmao

    • @manuelmorales6191
      @manuelmorales6191 4 роки тому +272

      @@vinny8475 so is he , which is fucked up

    • @steinbankboudreaux4346
      @steinbankboudreaux4346 4 роки тому +5

      Edge at its finest, also we’re all dieing one day so way make fun of a man who is dead when your death approaches too

    • @WyWid
      @WyWid 4 роки тому +20

      I think big pun should be on here

    • @manuelmorales6191
      @manuelmorales6191 4 роки тому +18

      @@steinbankboudreaux4346 You gonna cry now ?

  • @stev6963
    @stev6963 2 роки тому +328

    The fact that Lil Xan isn't on this list is an assault on the hip hop community. TOTAL XANARCHY is one of the most albums of all time. Nuff said.

    • @stev6963
      @stev6963 2 роки тому +24

      I'm gonna throw a /s down just for good measure in case there's even a 1% chance that someone doesn't realize that I'm joking.

    • @ozendio1829
      @ozendio1829 Рік тому +1


    • @nonstopqwerty5565
      @nonstopqwerty5565 4 місяці тому +1

      How truer could that be?

    • @TheHumbleMike
      @TheHumbleMike 3 місяці тому +4

      Lil xan, he’s such a human. His music is so much. His discography is.

    • @happylad7765
      @happylad7765 3 місяці тому

      who is nuff

  • @brendenm9701
    @brendenm9701 4 роки тому +2254

    “Well known to those who are aware of him”
    -Anthony Fantano

    • @pdlAaron
      @pdlAaron 4 роки тому +94

      I mean technically this makes sense. You can be aware of someone, but not know them well

    • @capibaradeluxe9193
      @capibaradeluxe9193 4 роки тому +26

      homie straight up had a stroke

    • @hxd3620
      @hxd3620 4 роки тому +6

      @@pdlAaron but he said vice versa

    • @andyspendlove1019
      @andyspendlove1019 4 роки тому

      I lol'd at that part too

    • @conorpyle3295
      @conorpyle3295 4 роки тому +23

      he continues by saying "as someone who..." makes perfect sense lol

  • @moabpanda01
    @moabpanda01 4 роки тому +2796

    I love that he didn’t put logic on the list,He is a very humble guy for not putting himself on there...respect

    • @Uff-dada
      @Uff-dada 4 роки тому +83

      Melon is biracist

    • @Charlie-cv4un
      @Charlie-cv4un 4 роки тому +15

      But Whatabout Cal, pitting his roommate as number 1? So NOT cool

    • @evandrogge6399
      @evandrogge6399 4 роки тому +9

      unfunny no laugh

    • @eduardodias8302
      @eduardodias8302 4 роки тому +3

      Moabpanda01 you just copied my comment. What a loser

    • @aveking2933
      @aveking2933 4 роки тому +11

      @@eduardodias8302 lol, you both said a joke with a punchline that's been overused all to hell.

  • @denzelwilksch424
    @denzelwilksch424 4 роки тому +648

    “Well known by those who are aware of him” facts tho

  • @IceKoldKilla
    @IceKoldKilla 2 роки тому +391

    Whether people respect it or not, Eminem also helped horrorcore get more recognition. More people were exposed to this subgenre of Hip-Hop. Nowadays you get a lot of cringe rappers trying to be extremely gory, twisted, evil, etc. Not for me, but he was the reason I even became aware of this style. Even the offensive shit for people nowadays, I still find amazing or fun. His first 2 albums are flawless. That first LP has some hilarious moments too. "My Fault" is my favorite track when I wanna laugh.

    • @victini248
      @victini248 2 роки тому +21

      tbh I disagree with him saying that his music hasn't aged. Maybe the jokes are more offensive, but his 2005 album compiled with his biggest songs has been on billboard for ages

    • @saif_shahid1
      @saif_shahid1 2 роки тому +7

      Big L did horrorcore back in 1995,in his album Lifestyle Of Da Poor And Dangerous

    • @thesummonerasdf5253
      @thesummonerasdf5253 2 роки тому


    • @pavlogorianskyi1249
      @pavlogorianskyi1249 2 роки тому +2

      @@saif_shahid1 Gravediggaz did it one year earlier

    • @Domeda_Official
      @Domeda_Official Рік тому +2

      big L and Gravediggaz made horrorcore cool. eminem is ass. he hasn't made a goof record in 20 years because he forgot how to rap. He is maybe top 50 but overall is just a mid rapper

  • @jordandross
    @jordandross 4 роки тому +2195

    Would love to see a spin off list with Producers. There would be some overlap but giving them extra attention doesn't hurt.

    • @debrabardensteele9942
      @debrabardensteele9942 4 роки тому +12

      @Woowow like seed or Calvin harris

    • @debrabardensteele9942
      @debrabardensteele9942 4 роки тому +11

      @Woowow zedd

    • @Bronn92
      @Bronn92 4 роки тому +1

      Hell yeah

    • @xXcangjieXx
      @xXcangjieXx 4 роки тому +17

      There are plenty.. J Dilla, Preemo etc!!

    • @glueball9511
      @glueball9511 4 роки тому +4

      @@debrabardensteele9942 deb why must u troll, it would be an easy list maybe just 1000+ names, it would be chill

  • @calvin1559
    @calvin1559 4 роки тому +481

    I love how he didn’t number them in order that honestly just leads to so much conflict

    • @dj_matanzaa
      @dj_matanzaa 4 роки тому +36

      Ahh naw I would've preferred just a straight up favorite rappers list, numbered. No balls!

    • @IncredibleIceCastle
      @IncredibleIceCastle 4 роки тому +5

      Should have at least tiered them

    • @TerribleUsernameAmirite
      @TerribleUsernameAmirite 4 роки тому +5

      I think it’s unfair to quantify something as subjective as musicianship, so this is nice

    • @sitonmuhdeckasshole
      @sitonmuhdeckasshole 2 місяці тому

      @@TerribleUsernameAmirite yes, the answer to quantifying music is to quantify it but be vague about how you're precisely ranking the people you quantified as the 55 best lol sorry just had to point out the ridiculousness of that. No balls. It's basically irrelevant, I'd be more interested in hearing the people that almost made it and why they didn't than hear him just talk about why people we mostly think are top 55 are top 55, boring video. F melon, f you. ;)

  • @MM-jc7uv
    @MM-jc7uv 4 роки тому +390

    Q-tip has one of the greatest rap voices of all-time. Shit is so smooth it’s insane

    • @demetriusa.phofolos7184
      @demetriusa.phofolos7184 4 роки тому +15

      Sad to see no phife

    • @MizzzyMike
      @MizzzyMike 4 роки тому +5

      Lol my boy says the exact opposite, hates his “soft ass voice”

    • @TripleEightss
      @TripleEightss 4 роки тому

      MizzzyMike yeah respect to all q-tip fans but i cant stand his voice.

    • @zacharyfalkowski
      @zacharyfalkowski 4 роки тому +2


    • @sanikki3877
      @sanikki3877 4 роки тому +2

      Yes, his shit is rock solid but it flows like fluid

  • @RhinosaursRex
    @RhinosaursRex 2 роки тому +101

    The lack of De La Soul still hurts me

    • @francebread8947
      @francebread8947 8 місяців тому +15

      And Guru, in what world is Nicki Minaj better than Guru?

    • @RhinosaursRex
      @RhinosaursRex 8 місяців тому +4

      @@francebread8947 I swear that’s why I hate making list. There is no perfect list. They gonna shit on a ledge no matter what

    • @francebread8947
      @francebread8947 8 місяців тому +1

      @@RhinosaursRex exactly

    • @Xander11185
      @Xander11185 3 місяці тому

      why is guru not on this list, like damn, he’s near the top for me

  • @hesnotquitedead
    @hesnotquitedead 4 роки тому +2279

    I ain’t falling for this one again after the Tier List video.

    • @ethanielclyne5810
      @ethanielclyne5810 4 роки тому +51

      @@jonathanjreitiny2262 It was so annoying

    • @andrewjames1637
      @andrewjames1637 4 роки тому +97

      @@ethanielclyne5810 don’t beat yourself up

    • @masterofdisguise9564
      @masterofdisguise9564 4 роки тому +133

      @@ethanielclyne5810 it’s okay we don’t blame you. Please come home now, you’ve been gone for three days and your children miss you.

    • @CassBeWary6
      @CassBeWary6 4 роки тому +60

      He definitely got Shaq right though

    • @fluhmix6786
      @fluhmix6786 4 роки тому +5

      go look at the replies of my comment on that vid i predicted the future

  • @JustinOdisho
    @JustinOdisho 4 роки тому +4377

    Where’s Joe Budden

    • @swazilandandbotswana8856
      @swazilandandbotswana8856 4 роки тому +190

      Should be at number 3

    • @Kyoko_
      @Kyoko_ 4 роки тому +176

      In the trash, guy has like two songs

    • @jamwither9847
      @jamwither9847 4 роки тому +33

      with his dog

    • @jackdren9974
      @jackdren9974 4 роки тому +83

      In the trash where he belongs

    • @thomward6890
      @thomward6890 4 роки тому +189

      joe budden’s a great rapper, but man i really wish bernie won the democratic nominee instead

  • @MyNamesChai
    @MyNamesChai 4 роки тому +7164

    Usually a big fan of yours Melon, but screaming “Hopsin is the GOAT” for 36 minutes isn’t the level of content I expected from you

    • @frackingfluidinjection
      @frackingfluidinjection 4 роки тому +229

      Are you kidding? That’s exactly the level of content I expect from him.

    • @neal8759
      @neal8759 4 роки тому +89

      Usually a big fan of clever comments Chai, but posting something like this on a 36 minute video isn't the level of thought I expected from you

    • @gavin4056
      @gavin4056 4 роки тому +34

      @@neal8759 it’s not clever when almost this exact comment is posted on pretty much every one of Fantano’s videos.

    • @neal8759
      @neal8759 4 роки тому +5

      @@gavin4056 Exactly

    • @NoName_NoTitle
      @NoName_NoTitle 4 роки тому

      @@neal8759 Why does the video length matter? Why can't this dude make jokes?

  • @biancavaunt999
    @biancavaunt999 2 роки тому +39

    Great list. Would've loved to see Kool Keith/Dr. Octagon and MC Lyte. Few doing what they were doing at the time. And they were dope AF.

    • @adderon
      @adderon Рік тому +1

      No Sex Style I don't want this list

    • @hhhsp951
      @hhhsp951 8 місяців тому +2

      And what about Mr. Gerbik, the 208 year-old uncle of Doctor Octagon? *Half-Shark Half-Mannnn*
      _Skin like Alligator, carrying a dead walrus. Myerereraaaahhhhhhhh_

  • @SaimAli-dz8ur
    @SaimAli-dz8ur 3 роки тому +2188

    I like how little he have to explain for putting MF DOOM and NAS on the list but have to give a speech on why drake is on the list

    • @viznshock4361
      @viznshock4361 3 роки тому +8

      Mf doom is a trash can

    • @pintatatphpaobe9563
      @pintatatphpaobe9563 3 роки тому +390

      @@viznshock4361 weird way of spelling "literal godlike supervillain who died to save our sins"

    • @scoott8605
      @scoott8605 3 роки тому +191

      @@viznshock4361 I mean I guess you’re technically right DOOM can spit bars hotter than hell fire while wearing a trash can on his head “if you see tin head be duckin down”

    • @soroushai2374
      @soroushai2374 3 роки тому +23

      I mean he didn't have big pun and big L so he had to have a lot of things to say

    • @travisscottburber5719
      @travisscottburber5719 3 роки тому +6

      @@pintatatphpaobe9563 maybe hes speaking a different language

  • @Bandstand
    @Bandstand 4 роки тому +6755

    Always loved the Pizza Hut mustache 😎

    • @captainfalcon2878
      @captainfalcon2878 4 роки тому +60


    • @sarapesenacker4781
      @sarapesenacker4781 4 роки тому +65

      It's like a cowboy hat

    • @CassBeWary6
      @CassBeWary6 4 роки тому +92

      Fantano is the only guy who can successfully outpizza the hut

    • @swingAE86
      @swingAE86 4 роки тому +4

      hey man are you excited for the new avalanches? ( i actually liked wildlower but im kinda meh so far about WWALY)

    • @afatcatfromsweden
      @afatcatfromsweden 4 роки тому +12

      It’s not pizza hut...
      It’s heisenberg’s fedora!

  • @woodymovies5694
    @woodymovies5694 4 роки тому +574


    • @micromints1735
      @micromints1735 3 роки тому +22

      I didn’t learn he had died until today. Shit. I’m sad now

    • @woodymovies5694
      @woodymovies5694 3 роки тому +37

      @@micromints1735 don’t be, man. Just be happy about what he accomplished when he lived.

    • @6ri66s2
      @6ri66s2 3 роки тому +9

      Never Forget ✊

    • @2s006
      @2s006 3 роки тому +8

      rip dmx

    • @woodymovies5694
      @woodymovies5694 3 роки тому +4

      @@2s006 yh. RIP DMX.

  • @dillondewitt3952
    @dillondewitt3952 2 роки тому +59

    I think Big Boi has a better flow and delivery than Andre, but I think Andre is more deliberate in trying new things. Truly happy to see Big Boi in here, because he deserves minimally a top 20 spot in all regards.

    • @OoOo-e6x
      @OoOo-e6x Рік тому +5

      I love big boi flow

    • @rouge939
      @rouge939 Рік тому +5

      Big Boi is so underrated

    • @Teatowelman-u7c
      @Teatowelman-u7c 11 місяців тому

      Wow I’m actually shocked that anyone could have that opinion 😅

  • @legendnick603
    @legendnick603 4 роки тому +765

    honestly beats me how Ludacris missed the list after his verse on “Baby”

    • @dj618s9
      @dj618s9 3 роки тому +2

      @Karas my bad, was at the wrong placement. I didn’t see Kool G Rap as well.

    • @matthewaurilia1134
      @matthewaurilia1134 3 роки тому +17

      Nah the thing is Luda is probably the most underrated rapper nowadays. We forget he had a VERY successful rap career. For his time he had great flow and punch lines too

  • @jiggyg401
    @jiggyg401 4 роки тому +407

    I feel Prodigy of Mobb Deep deserves a mention. Some of the hardest bars out of the boom bap era

    • @LightPrecursor63
      @LightPrecursor63 4 роки тому +15

      Havoc too IMO.

    • @ConnorManley
      @ConnorManley 4 роки тому +11

      mobb deep = goat

    • @inureye1221
      @inureye1221 4 роки тому +53

      Facts, I think Prodigy, Big L and Big Pun are the biggest omissions on this list

    • @boglemeister
      @boglemeister 4 роки тому +7

      To this day i still dont understand why people refuse to give Havoc the same level of respect

    • @moonflower1759
      @moonflower1759 4 роки тому +2

      @@boglemeister maybe 'cause havoc was a bit of a dick to prodigy on occasion? Like that homophobic shit he threw at him about his time on prison? I know they made up in the end but still

  • @Spokeishere
    @Spokeishere 3 роки тому +2501

    You forgot to add Dream

  • @nimajnebekrub-pt8bg
    @nimajnebekrub-pt8bg Рік тому +17

    solid list. some omissions that stood out to me:
    big L
    big pun
    earl sweatshirt
    kool keith
    method man
    too $hort
    I get that it can’t be all about the old heads

    • @swimgood3873
      @swimgood3873 4 місяці тому +2

      A few of these deffo need to be in that list over Lil Kim, Nicki Manaj, Lil B, Big Boi and others for sure.
      DMX, Kool G Rap as well.
      Scarface wasn't an omission.

  • @GamingDischarge
    @GamingDischarge 4 роки тому +1875

    “Aesop Rock... well known to those who are aware of him”
    Well said, sell said 🙏🙏🙏

    • @bbb-md2uw
      @bbb-md2uw 4 роки тому +39

      For a second I there was another person part of ASAP named rock instead of rocky.

    • @IGOR-uh6ib
      @IGOR-uh6ib 4 роки тому +10

      Malibu Ken?

    • @kchen48
      @kchen48 4 роки тому +13

      Listen to the sentence. Maybe if u paid attention, u wouldn't comment something so ignorant

    • @Gkario
      @Gkario 4 роки тому +7

      @@sarang8585 I appreciate you blue cheese man keep it cool~!

    • @jacquin8511
      @jacquin8511 4 роки тому +2

      @@sarang8585 Same

  • @brians.5597
    @brians.5597 4 роки тому +872

    Melon I'm surprised Ben Shapiro wasn't included on this list after he did WAP. It was so good Cardi B covered it.

  • @MrBreadisawesome
    @MrBreadisawesome 4 роки тому +3390

    Anthony... you twerking on camera and yelling “Im a good boy” for 37 min is not what I would call a “best 55 rappers of all time” list.

    • @michaelbrown2373
      @michaelbrown2373 3 роки тому +11


    • @6ri66s2
      @6ri66s2 3 роки тому +142

      Still watched every minute 🤷‍♂️

    • @ff-qf1th
      @ff-qf1th 3 роки тому +47

      But it's true! he is a goood boy

    • @JaegarX
      @JaegarX 3 роки тому +20

      @@6ri66s2 😳

    • @OPP3N616
      @OPP3N616 3 роки тому +7


  • @audiosurfarchive
    @audiosurfarchive 2 роки тому +17

    Glad to see Daveed on the list. Gotta be one of my favorite. His enunciation while going fast as fuck, with complex time and deep lyrics/storytelling at the same time is just.. goddamn, wish he coulda collabed with MF DOOM on some sci-fi concept work.

    @RKWDBMX 4 роки тому +786

    Critics want to mention that they miss when hip-hop was rappin'
    Anthony, if you did, then Killer Mike would be on this list. 😤

    • @peternelles3170
      @peternelles3170 4 роки тому +74

      hood politics

    • @peternelles3170
      @peternelles3170 4 роки тому +23

      @@theoneonly5368 people always talk about who this is and who that is, and whos real and whos whack. ig im real

    • @sadly2
      @sadly2 4 роки тому

      clever ill give u dat

    • @Pug8
      @Pug8 4 роки тому +6

      Give him 2 more strong run the Jewels albums and I'd agree.

    • @curtisg8399
      @curtisg8399 4 роки тому +5

      Boo boo

  • @spencerkneel9051
    @spencerkneel9051 4 роки тому +609

    Where’s Reilly Reid

  • @RootyTootTootin
    @RootyTootTootin 4 роки тому +552

    12:34 Remember when Fantano reacted to that viral best 50 rappers list and said that having drake on the list at all completely delegitimizes it

    • @wenweru1
      @wenweru1 4 роки тому +359

      Ah, but this is the top fifty *five* rappers. Not the top 50.

    • @RootyTootTootin
      @RootyTootTootin 4 роки тому +199

      @@wenweru1 true 😂 he must’ve gotten that 55th spot

    • @jakemiller194
      @jakemiller194 3 роки тому +163

      He said delegitimizes is because of how list was made valuing purely lyrical rappers at top with some questionable people and than thru drake in there, not cause he disagrees nesscarily

    • @dylanmiller1140
      @dylanmiller1140 3 роки тому +20

      Also that was a ranking with specific spots saying 1 is better than two is better than 3 and so on. Anthony doesn’t do that here and has him on due to his influence on the genera today which is fair.

    • @calebreader5818
      @calebreader5818 3 роки тому +13

      I think the key issue he and the rest of the list's critics had was Drake's placement numerically over so many other rappers that are infinitely better (not the fact that he was on the list at all)

  • @owengreaves9997
    @owengreaves9997 Рік тому +33

    Big L deserves a spot

    • @Clashedroyaled
      @Clashedroyaled 5 місяців тому +7

      Bro put tyler and nicki minaj over Big L, Big Pun, Proof, J cole, and Inspektah Deck😭😭😭

  • @wh-te_m-le
    @wh-te_m-le 4 роки тому +177

    I think that people like Redman, Killer Mike, DMX, Blu, Big L and Big Pun should be on this or deserve to be in the honorable mentions, but it's areally cool list.
    Thanks for sharing this list and I will check out some of these artist out.

    • @paulsloan8915
      @paulsloan8915 4 роки тому +7

      The list is flawed for not having half those. When he did a previous video talking about someone else's top 50 he had dmx higher than 30. Inconsistent and trying to be hipster

    • @franknitty3000
      @franknitty3000 4 роки тому

      True but Killer Mike and Big Pun dont really have a “discography” to be honest. I’d add Luda to this list with a bit more ease.

    • @devanwelch4049
      @devanwelch4049 4 роки тому +2

      @@heavenisforfrogs Nicki Minaj changed the game. I like Flatbush Zombies, but Nicki was far more influential. Without Nicki's presence in the game then Meg, Cardi and Doja would not be in positions they are today.

    • @somegeekguy
      @somegeekguy 4 роки тому +4

      I think he’s focusing way too much on cultural impact because he doesn’t even like LL cool J and he put him on the list.

    • @somegeekguy
      @somegeekguy 4 роки тому

      At LEAST DMX should have been on this. I mean cmon. Make the list longer and have them in order Mr. Fantano this is dumb.

  • @reecegardner9159
    @reecegardner9159 4 роки тому +749

    “Here’s my list in alphabetical order”
    Black Thought
    Danny Brown
    Bun B

    • @jermainebryant96
      @jermainebryant96 4 роки тому +69

      That is alphabetical, Brown is his surname name, so if he’s alphabetizing it like a roster, it supersedes the first name. “Thought” and “B” aren’t surnames-they’re just a part of one moniker, so they don’t count

    • @xbenci
      @xbenci 4 роки тому +8

      @@jermainebryant96 the editor actually added that for some reason Danny Brown was the only name out of place, so I guess it's just a mistake

    • @Chad-vk6fb
      @Chad-vk6fb 4 роки тому +11

      Brown danny

    • @andyspendlove1019
      @andyspendlove1019 4 роки тому +9

      @@jermainebryant96 Erick Sermon was listed under E so 🙃

    • @peirisimon
      @peirisimon 4 роки тому +1

      It may sound odd or impolite to suggest that most of us, when we are in the grip of mental illness, are no longer capable of thinking. That’s not how it feels of course. From the inside, our minds have probably never felt so busy and so focused. From the moment we wake up in panic and self-disgust, we are ruminating, pondering, exploring catastrophic scenarios, scanning our past, attacking ourselves for things we have done and not done, questioning our legitimacy, talking to ourselves about how repulsive we are, paying attention to strange voices recommending that we are evil and sick and headed for the worst - and wondering how and whether we should kill ourselves. Our minds don’t give us a moment of respite, we may rub our temples to cool them down and when eventually we fall asleep, we are exhausted by the marathons our thoughts have run inside us.
      Nevertheless, we may still want to insist (for the kindest and most redemptive of reasons) that we have not been thinking at all, that none of this hive of activity deserves the title of thinking; it is just illness.
      To be mentally ill is to be swamped by secretions of fear, self-hatred and despair that - like surging seawater through a pumping station control desk - knock out all our higher faculties, all our normal ability to sensibly distinguish one thing from another, to find perspective, to weigh arguments judiciously, to see the wood for the trees, to correctly assess danger, to plan realistically for the future, to determine risks and opportunities and, most importantly, to be kind and generous to ourselves.
      None of these faculties function any longer, but - and this is the true nastiness of the illness - we are never and nowhere alerted to our loss. We are both very ill and very unaware. It looks as though we are continuing to think as we have always done - with all the usual intelligence and reliability - but that we just have a lot more to worry about. Nowhere along the way does our mind generously tell us that it has begun to look at reality through a distorted lens, that it has - at some point in the day - to all effects stopped working. No bell goes off, no hazard lights start to flash. The mind merely insists that it is giving us all the normal readings, and that we have objectively entered hell.
      Yet the truth is that we have lost command of about a third of our minds and are pulling together our ideas from the most degenerate, traumatised, unreliable and vicious aspects of ourselves. It’s as if a group of terrorists had donned white coats and were impersonating prestigious scientists in order to lay out a set of vicious theories and prognoses.
      Once we have been through a few cycles of distorted thinking and recovered contact with reality, we should do ourselves the kindness of accepting that - on an intermittent basis - we will lose command of our higher faculties and that there is nothing embarrassing in recognising the possibility and accommodating ourselves to it very carefully. This is the nature of an illness around which we will need to take the greatest care.
      We should start to get better at detecting when illness might be drawing in on us, what the triggers for it might be. Then when it is upon us, we should do and decide nothing. We shouldn’t start to send emails, deliver judgement on our lives or plan for the future. We should - as much as possible - stop all mental activity and rest. We might listen to music, have a long bath, watch something untaxing on television and perhaps take a calming pill.
      We should also try to plug our brain into that of someone else, to benefit from their greater powers of reason. We should have a trusted friend or therapist whom we can call on at such moments and ask them if they might recalibrate and regulate our thoughts with an injection of their wisdom and insight. We should willingly put them in charge of determining how things are for us: they should be allowed to tell us what we are worth, what we have done, what there is to worry about - and we should do our best to discount the contrary, doom-laden signals that come from inside us.
      We may have grown up with the idea that so long as we are conscious, our minds will be working optimally. But mental illness teaches us a more complicated lesson: our higher faculties (those that give us access to reality) are extremely vulnerable and perilously prone to shut down under the sway of our emotional complexities - and to do so without telling us . We should strive to become thinkers who recognise when they are no longer able to think.
      For a copy of this essay:

  • @anonymouspersona4965
    @anonymouspersona4965 4 роки тому +1536

    2 Pac - 2:57
    Aesop Rocky - 3:12
    Andre 3000 - 4:00
    Biggie - 4:13
    Big Boi - 4:28
    Big Daddy Kane - 5:20
    Billy Woods - 6:00
    Black Thought - 6:39
    Danny Brown - 7:14
    Run B - 8:08
    Busta Rhymes - 8:21
    Chuck D - 9:08
    Common - 9:31
    Daveed Diggs - 9:55
    Del Tha Funkee Homosapien - 11:30
    Dizzee Rascal - 12:16
    Drake - 12:31
    Eminem - 13:11
    El P - 14:26
    Erick Sermon - 14:50
    Fredie Gribbs - 15:49
    Gangsta Boo - 17:00
    Ghostface - 17:18
    GZA - 17:55
    Lauryn Hill - 18:09
    Ice Cube - 18:35
    Jay Z - 19:12
    Juicy J - 19:59
    Kanye West - 20:20
    Kendrick - 20:33
    KRS ONE - 20:50
    LL Cool J - 21:35
    Lil B - 22:10
    Lil Kim - 22:50
    Lil Wayne - 24:00
    Lupe Fiasco - 24:35
    MIA - 24:55
    Missy Elliot - 25:35
    MF DOOM - 26:07
    Mos Def - 26:30
    Nas - 27:00
    Nicki Minaj - 27:12
    ODB - 27:50
    Pharoahe Monch - 29:05
    Pusha T - 29:27
    Q Tip - 30:09
    Queen Latifah - 30:41
    Raekwon - 31:35
    Rakim - 32:15
    Ride - 33:20
    Scarface - 34:00
    Slick Rick - 34:15
    Snoop Dog - 34:20
    TI - 34:35
    Tyler the Creator - 34:45
    And if you ask me these guys deserve to be on the list to:
    J Cole, 50 Cent, Big L, Kid Cudi, Rapsody, Anderson Paak, Immortal Technique,

    • @BasedCowboy
      @BasedCowboy 4 роки тому +93

      Why isn’t J Cole on this list?

    • @xXSprMgaAwsmFxyHtXx
      @xXSprMgaAwsmFxyHtXx 4 роки тому +236

      Bro Anderson Paak is a singer, not a rapper...

    • @ljm_6161
      @ljm_6161 4 роки тому +345

      Kanye West 20:20?? Is melon trying to tell us something?

    • @armanamini8408
      @armanamini8408 4 роки тому +55

      There's also no Killer Mike

    • @colejackson___
      @colejackson___ 4 роки тому +111

      "Aesop Rocky" lol clearly well known to ONLY those who are aware of him

  • @kevinenos5936
    @kevinenos5936 3 роки тому +12

    Lauren's verses on The Score, in particular Cowboys and the title track, are some of my all-time favorites.

    • @sydneytimmermans
      @sydneytimmermans 4 місяці тому

      the score is one of my favorite hip hop records of all time. however if you really wanna listen to lauren's rap ability sparking out you gotta check out the first fugees record blunted on reality. rapping performances are better on that record than on the score although i do think the score is the better overall project

  • @grady7683
    @grady7683 4 роки тому +473

    I find it disgusting that you did not take the rappers' height into account. Like come on melon

  • @ronstoppable5659
    @ronstoppable5659 4 роки тому +1455

    The real list:
    1. Rufus
    2. The Reese’s Puffs Guy
    3. Biggie Cheese
    4. The Mute Kid From Lizzie McGuire
    5. Sheen Estavez
    6. Playboi Carti
    7. Politikz
    8. Lanze
    9. Shaq
    10. Jabba The Hut
    11. Fred Durst
    12. Lil B
    13. James Hetfield
    14. Thanos
    15. R2-D2
    16. Reptar
    17. T Swizzle
    18. Milhouse Van Houten
    19. The New York Jets
    20. 645AR
    21. Baby Yoda
    22. Floyd Mayweather
    23. Harambe
    24. Young Thug
    25. My Chemical Romance
    26. Waluigi
    27. The St. Anger Snare
    28. Daffy Duck
    29. Murray Franklin
    30. Dipper Pines
    31. Dr. Drakken
    32. Drake
    33. Hoobastank
    34. Penguinz0
    35. Keanu Reeves
    36. Tom Delonge
    37. Avril Lavigne
    38. Puss In Boots
    39. The N64 Controller
    40. James Harden
    41. Earl Sweatshirt (EAST only)
    42. Freaky Fred
    43. Cannibal Corpse
    44. Mr. Krabs
    45. John Lennon
    46. Lil Jon
    47. Boys Like Girls
    48. Principal Skinner
    49. Teen Titans
    50. Mumbo Jumbo
    51. Rivers Cuomo
    52. Peyton Manning
    53. Good Charlotte
    54. Urinatingtree
    55. 2pac

    • @masterofdisguise9564
      @masterofdisguise9564 4 роки тому +137

      C3PO is way better than R2D2, what are you talking about? Sure R2D2 might have a slightly better flow, but he has *nothing* on C3PO as far as lyrics go.

    • @TheHolySandwich
      @TheHolySandwich 4 роки тому +119

      Löded Dîper?

    • @faizyasin3447
      @faizyasin3447 4 роки тому +54

      Joe Budden?

    • @Fuchsstrot
      @Fuchsstrot 4 роки тому +18

      River cumo be like ooooowweeeeeoooo I lookjust like Buddy Hoooollyyyy

    • @rileyschmedeman652
      @rileyschmedeman652 4 роки тому +5

      St Anger snare got some 🔥🔥 records

  • @Doc_Jello
    @Doc_Jello 3 роки тому +2606

    No Tom Mcdonald, what is wrong with you Melon, he practically invented hip hop

  • @richardgargamargo7814
    @richardgargamargo7814 2 роки тому +18

    Influence might’ve been too heavily considered imo, but otherwise solid. Always find myself split between whether or not I think it’s musical genius to rewrite the script for a genre, or just having a new sound break through at the right place and right time. I also woulda maybe put Blu, earl sweatshirt, and inspectah on here.

    • @richardgargamargo7814
      @richardgargamargo7814 2 роки тому +2

      Edit: and redman

    • @CaasiUK
      @CaasiUK Рік тому +1

      Inspectah has the best opening verse to a rap song imo in triumph, leaving him out is blasphemous

  • @xbenci
    @xbenci 4 роки тому +134

    I am incredibly surprised by the fact that this list isn't a joke

  • @JamesTaylor-zf7tf
    @JamesTaylor-zf7tf 4 роки тому +610

    Melon I really don't think KSI deserved the number 1 spot on this list.

    • @diarmuiddaly6100
      @diarmuiddaly6100 4 роки тому +6

      Na I gotta say I’m with him on this one

    • @InspectahReese
      @InspectahReese 4 роки тому +22

      He definitely got Tom Macdonald correct for 2nd place

    • @anhangamoncada2298
      @anhangamoncada2298 4 роки тому +7

      @@InspectahReese don't disrespect shaq like that

    • @walrus8744
      @walrus8744 4 роки тому

      He def does bro

    • @CycleOfJudges
      @CycleOfJudges 4 роки тому +4

      Idk where this meme started but I laugh everytime i see a variation

  • @charliefiore5371
    @charliefiore5371 4 роки тому +405

    i skipped the intro and got very confused when drake was above kendrick

    • @yubbityyubba7749
      @yubbityyubba7749 4 роки тому +8

      this isn't in order is it?

    • @Pontif11
      @Pontif11 4 роки тому +22

      @@yubbityyubba7749 just watch the damn video

    • @yubbityyubba7749
      @yubbityyubba7749 4 роки тому

      @@Pontif11 I did

    • @yubbityyubba7749
      @yubbityyubba7749 4 роки тому +16

      @@Pontif11 but its 36 mins long. I skipped through it. some of us got shit to do

    • @dwaynekeenum1916
      @dwaynekeenum1916 4 роки тому +8

      @SCREWED UP WORLD same people have Eazy E and dr dre on theirs by that logic

  • @babagd
    @babagd 3 роки тому +34

    seeing tyler, the creator on that list after all those 54 made me insanely happy

    • @CJ_Tha_Mofo
      @CJ_Tha_Mofo 11 місяців тому

      he deserves it, and that nigga is STILL going strong, he for sure ending up in that top 30-15 range by the end of his AMAZING career, and he is gonna end up top 15-5 producers of all time as well.

    • @Clashedroyaled
      @Clashedroyaled 5 місяців тому +1

      Him over J cole is stupid tho

    • @babagd
      @babagd 5 місяців тому

      @@Clashedroyaled j cole is ass bro

    • @flamentnagel
      @flamentnagel 4 місяці тому

      ​@@Clashedroyaled it's in alphabetical order

  • @vikkiix
    @vikkiix 4 роки тому +3254

    I love Aesop rocky, his song praise the lord slaps.

  • @3Ggian
    @3Ggian 4 роки тому +77

    Bold move there giving all 55 spots to Parappa the Rapper, I agree

  • @patrickmessle5664
    @patrickmessle5664 3 роки тому +3740

    Artists he missed....... Joey Bada$$, Big L, Big Pun, Earl Sweatshirt, Stann Smith, Killer Mike, and Phife Dawg. Other than that I loved the list

    • @quinnv.3499
      @quinnv.3499 3 роки тому +189

      I was wondering if he'd add earl

    • @monsterwith21faces92
      @monsterwith21faces92 3 роки тому +204

      Big pun🐐

    • @patrickmessle5664
      @patrickmessle5664 3 роки тому +124

      @@monsterwith21faces92 Of Course I forgot about the man who singlehandedly put on the hispanic community to lyrical hip hop.....GOD!!!!!

    • @monsterwith21faces92
      @monsterwith21faces92 3 роки тому +12

      @@patrickmessle5664 fr👍🏼

    • @hamishcoles1379
      @hamishcoles1379 3 роки тому +92

      Very surprised when I didnt see killer mike on this list. Just based on rapping alone I dont think you can name more than 10 people who hold a candle

  • @hartburn6301
    @hartburn6301 2 роки тому +3

    Good list, I would add Method Man, Kool Keith, RZA, The King AD Rock, Louis Logic, J-Zone, RA The Rugged Man, MR Lif, Redman, Kool G Rap, Masta Ace, Vinnie Paz, B-Real, Pimp C, Willie D, Trigga Treach, Mystikal

  • @anotherdimensionwheremydog844
    @anotherdimensionwheremydog844 4 роки тому +1049

    If Vin Diesel isn't top 5 then I'm unsubscribing.

  • @thedigitalodometer945
    @thedigitalodometer945 4 роки тому +880

    It’s crazy how Taylor Swift didn’t make this list. I mean, have you HEARD her verse on “Shake it Off”??

    • @6ix9inetechashy
      @6ix9inetechashy 4 роки тому +55

      I'm surprised Pink Fong wasn't here, Baby Shark easily the most influential sing of the internet age.

    • @CLbllers619
      @CLbllers619 4 роки тому +25

      @@6ix9inetechashy Why wasnt dora on here, have you heard the theme song?

    • @phillippemoore2323
      @phillippemoore2323 4 роки тому +4


    • @beyondsalami
      @beyondsalami 4 роки тому +4

      I love that bar about her being lightning on her feet. So introspective even out of context with the song.

    • @ranyadavid698
      @ranyadavid698 4 роки тому


  • @danielmashanic5738
    @danielmashanic5738 4 роки тому +378

    Every rapper mentioned is dope. Maybe just because I'm young but I think Denzel Curry will soon enough make it onto a list like this, he hasn't had a misstep in his career yet and I think he has yet to make his best project

    • @calebbated1900
      @calebbated1900 4 роки тому +8

      110% agree bro

    • @calebbated1900
      @calebbated1900 4 роки тому +33

      Definitely one of the most consistent rappers out right now.

    • @user-fs1lc2cj5s
      @user-fs1lc2cj5s 4 роки тому +2


    • @user-fs1lc2cj5s
      @user-fs1lc2cj5s 4 роки тому +22

      hopefully same with Earl and JID

    • @knyras
      @knyras 4 роки тому +22

      Same feeling about this. Not yet, but as few years will pass, Denzel will slowly go down in history as one of the most charismatic and distinct styles of the new generation of hip-hop

  • @French_bone_man
    @French_bone_man 4 дні тому

    3:19 "well known to those who are aware of him" 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @ArielBojorquez
    @ArielBojorquez 4 роки тому +184

    Honorable mention: Slim Jesus

    • @emmetday5074
      @emmetday5074 4 роки тому +11

      Easily the most the most underrated rapper of all time

    • @mvwandy1002
      @mvwandy1002 4 роки тому

      @@emmetday5074 true sooo underrated all that talent and he doesn't get credit

    • @remyhavoc4463
      @remyhavoc4463 4 роки тому +1

      He only charges $750 for a 44 bar feature!!!

  • @rhysfinley5655
    @rhysfinley5655 4 роки тому +671

    Okay: serious response. I think Killer Mike should be on the list. If only for R.A.P. Music and RTJ, ridiculously talented, killer pen, can switch styles instantly. I say this as someone very clearly on the El-P side of the debate over who’s better in RTJ, they both deserve spots in the top 50. For much the same reason that Big Boi and André 3000 deserve that same sort of consideration as a result of their team up. Also, think Inspectah Deck deserves consideration. His technical ability is massive, and Czarface has given him the extension on his catalogue outside of his Wu-Tang contributions I think make him worthy. Otherwise a good list.

    • @uninsulatedshrimp5518
      @uninsulatedshrimp5518 4 роки тому +50

      Spot on. Killer Mike is the only major omission from that list which is a bit of a sin

    • @user-yr8ge3fz8o
      @user-yr8ge3fz8o 4 роки тому +18

      This. These two and Guru stuck out to me as people whose absence kind of shocked me

    • @nessy3098
      @nessy3098 4 роки тому +18

      Killer mike should 100% be on this list.

    • @benlizon
      @benlizon 4 роки тому +8

      No doubt I agree. However this is easily one of the best lists that I've seen recently considering there's really few rappers that got left out.

    • @ivanbrooke2626
      @ivanbrooke2626 4 роки тому +17

      I agree. I also think if Big Boi and Andre both deserve spots and if Mike and El both deserve spots, Phife Dawg most DEFINITELY deserves a spot along with Q-Tip

  • @username-1999
    @username-1999 4 роки тому +621

    we all know shaq is gonna be number 1

    • @CassBeWary6
      @CassBeWary6 4 роки тому +16

      Finally, another Shaq stan

    • @Bogfrog1
      @Bogfrog1 4 роки тому +4

      He is the tallest :D

    • @simon2722
      @simon2722 4 роки тому +2

      he didn’t work height into this list because it would be too stacked for mr. o’neal

    • @jvnxiie2441
      @jvnxiie2441 4 роки тому +1


  • @RegentMills
    @RegentMills Рік тому +7

    it still hurts me that Denzel isn't here

  • @hermit8244
    @hermit8244 4 роки тому +1387

    As a J cole fan, I can stomach him being off this list. But as a hip hop fan I'm offended Phife Dawg isn't here.

    • @DorsalFin_
      @DorsalFin_ 4 роки тому +83

      yeah i would agree too, cant have tribe without phife

    • @argargargpirate
      @argargargpirate 4 роки тому +234

      @@kinghiei4022 no.

    • @magazinetomb3548
      @magazinetomb3548 4 роки тому +32

      @@kinghiei4022 facts

    • @GG-el5te
      @GG-el5te 4 роки тому +21

      @@argargargpirate yes

    • @pouihurmen
      @pouihurmen 4 роки тому +35

      @@kinghiei4022 no, just no

  • @jackwalker5790
    @jackwalker5790 4 роки тому +106

    Real music fans know that Juicy J's feature is what gave Dark Horse 2 Billion Views

  • @Marcelogg_
    @Marcelogg_ 4 роки тому +296

    Wasn't expecting Joe Budden at number 3. But to each their own I guess.

    • @shawndeas8027
      @shawndeas8027 4 роки тому +12

      Its alphabetical not chronological

    • @Vinman1509
      @Vinman1509 4 роки тому +11

      @@shawndeas8027 budden is 3 wym?

    • @brandonayong5823
      @brandonayong5823 4 роки тому +6

      "The closest thing he had to hits is smacking melons"
      Damn Anthony

  • @hocuspocus1237
    @hocuspocus1237 2 роки тому +19

    Every time I see lists talking about the "Greatest" or "Best" rappers of all time and I don't see Prodigy, or even just Mobb Deep as a group, I grit my teeth. I don't know any other rapper that has the same delivery as P, just to be so dark and sinister, yet to be able to tell a story or spit some of the best lines you've ever heard is next level. His voice is the epitome of the classic gritty, tough New York voice, yet people always skip out on him.

  • @13billy
    @13billy 4 роки тому +1013

    Green Day isn’t there??
    Disliked and unsubscribed

    • @Paulito-ym4qc
      @Paulito-ym4qc 4 роки тому +45

      REAL rap, NO trap beats, NO ghostwriters, NO mumble rap
      wait, is this eminem?

    • @kingzod8536
      @kingzod8536 4 роки тому +2

      @@Paulito-ym4qc not it's Joeybadass

    • @thomward6890
      @thomward6890 4 роки тому +14

      @@Paulito-ym4qc eminem is the green day of rap confirmed

    • @philly_sports1558
      @philly_sports1558 4 роки тому +7

      At least MCR made it. The Godfather's of emo rap.

    • @manaspradhan8041
      @manaspradhan8041 4 роки тому +3

      i was about to make a joke about swedish songwriters but looks like i'm too late.

  • @wisp.
    @wisp. 4 роки тому +382

    Hella respect for Tyler making it on the list, Odd Future has had so much cultural significance and I feel like Tyler has only been getting better with age.
    Glad you put some respect on Daveed Diggs name, he is easily one of the best lyricist and most consistent rappers even if clipping is one of the more recent acts on this list. Man can literally master any flow, over any beat. It’s unreal how well he articulates no matter the speed or rhythm.

    • @billymcleod1963
      @billymcleod1963 4 роки тому +1

      No shit tyler was gonna make the list

    • @kehindehopkins6933
      @kehindehopkins6933 4 роки тому +11

      But if Tyler is going to represent the New Age I think Earl, Denzel Curry, Mac Miller or even Vince Staples are all superior rappers with better discographies

    • @alwindsor7299
      @alwindsor7299 4 роки тому +6

      Daveed is the most articulate rapper working today, Aesop rock is a close second

    • @jvnxiie2441
      @jvnxiie2441 4 роки тому

      @@kehindehopkins6933 I feel Mac or Denzel
      I’m w you on that one

    • @andersonwang1746
      @andersonwang1746 4 роки тому

      Daveed Diggs was amazing at Hamilton the musical. That’s how I knew him.

  • @MrHairyGoat
    @MrHairyGoat 4 роки тому +142

    "I had to add Hopsin at least 3 times on this list because he such a multifaceted artist"
    Wow I didn't expect that

  • @actiontoons
    @actiontoons 2 роки тому +3

    We needed Big L and Talib Kweli on this list but otherwise very gewd.

  • @ilovebeerpong6026
    @ilovebeerpong6026 4 роки тому +533

    Just a few rappers I'm surprised not to see on here:
    Redman, Big L, Denzel Curry, Method Man, DMX, Big Pun

    • @deneV51HDjdw8
      @deneV51HDjdw8 4 роки тому +66

      M e t h o d

    • @count1ndown534
      @count1ndown534 4 роки тому +140

      Earl sweatpants

    • @TheAnthonywhoisme
      @TheAnthonywhoisme 4 роки тому +57

      Jadakiss, Prodigy, Kurupt too. But that's the nature of any list, always gonna have some big ones left out!

    • @ilovebeerpong6026
      @ilovebeerpong6026 4 роки тому +10

      @@TheAnthonywhoisme oh damn, how could I forget about Prodigy...

    • @DS-ff6ze
      @DS-ff6ze 4 роки тому +21

      how is there a top 55 list without big pun?

  • @coldmiso.5781
    @coldmiso.5781 4 роки тому +523

    Wow Anthony, sure Politikz brought back “real hip hop” but I didn’t think he was the greatest of the 55

    • @anijeepa
      @anijeepa 4 роки тому +63

      But he's a spiritual lyrical miracle

    • @youssarabone9548
      @youssarabone9548 4 роки тому +26

      politikz is the best artist in this world because he's the realest of the realest and he brought the real hip hop back.

    • @willempaternotte4071
      @willempaternotte4071 4 роки тому +12

      Have you heard his mixtape?

    • @maciellz
      @maciellz 4 роки тому

      Yea that's probably Cal Chuchesta

    • @thaloniaswj
      @thaloniaswj 4 роки тому +9

      who woulda thought that a white boy would bring hip hop back?

  • @joshcalvo
    @joshcalvo 4 роки тому +415

    I can't believe that you forgot to mention Madvillain, Viktor Vaughn and king geedorah smh

  • @Sperg10
    @Sperg10 2 роки тому +50

    I honestly think that Dre deserves to be on this list

    • @loudmouth8666
      @loudmouth8666 2 роки тому +1

      Agree he was the most influential man in hip hop and a 🔥 producer

    • @FeliciathaGOAT
      @FeliciathaGOAT Рік тому +7

      but he didn’t write his own music

    • @yourmomscomment
      @yourmomscomment Рік тому

      @@FeliciathaGOAT okay? That doesn't change any of his accomplishments

    • @FeliciathaGOAT
      @FeliciathaGOAT Рік тому +9

      @@yourmomscomment true, but it means that he isnt much of a rapper, if this was hip hop artists hed be number 1 and its not even close

    • @iLeetjeeh
      @iLeetjeeh Рік тому +11

      Dre is not a great rapper. Stop mixing his production and cultural impact with his rapping skills. You need to seperate them.

  • @NerdTheNinja
    @NerdTheNinja 4 роки тому +418

    You cant have a top rappers list without Mobb Deep, Prodigy was a lyrical genius(RIP) and Havoc is an amazing rapper and an amazing producer. Also Big Pun and Big L.

  • @jacobstanley7185
    @jacobstanley7185 4 роки тому +987

    He really did forget about Dre

    • @notinservice7112
      @notinservice7112 3 роки тому +116

      Fr, without him we wouldn't have Eminem, 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg and Kendrick Lamar.

    • @armas2k193
      @armas2k193 3 роки тому +202

      The description says ‘technical ability, creativity and cultural impact’. And going off the criteria as an actual rapper he doesn’t fully fill any of them requirements, not saying that he’s not amazing but he is significantly more successful as a producer than an MC, so if this was a top 55 producers list he’d probably be top 3 along with Madlib and Rick Rubin :)

    • @joekersley9658
      @joekersley9658 3 роки тому +80

      @@armas2k193 Dre probably has the most cultural impact ever and his projects like 2001 and the chronic aswell as g funk as a whole sub genre means he probably up there with Kanye when it comes to creativity

    • @keneseu5029
      @keneseu5029 3 роки тому +91

      @@joekersley9658 As a producer yes. But not as a rapper

    • @mikeglory9179
      @mikeglory9179 3 роки тому +1


  • @salvatoresultana4058
    @salvatoresultana4058 3 роки тому +3450

    Fantano really went from "It's insulting to call Drake a top 50 rapper of all time," to "He's one of the 55 greatest rappers of all time," in the span of a year.

    • @zander2473
      @zander2473 3 роки тому +247

      He was arguing that he was so high on the list. He was in the low 20's.

    • @salvatoresultana4058
      @salvatoresultana4058 3 роки тому +590

      @@zander2473 he said it was insulting to have him on the list period

    • @jaysosaaa7975
      @jaysosaaa7975 3 роки тому +309

      @Saksham Airee exactly and he said DMX should be higher in the top 50 list but didn't include him on his list😂😂 like what??

    • @3lancerofficialmaybe871
      @3lancerofficialmaybe871 3 роки тому +109

      Drake is imo top 100, maybe top 50 in terms of amount of quality songs/catalogue, but obviously not top 50 in terms of lyrical ability, probably not top 1000.

    • @urivan9613
      @urivan9613 3 роки тому +260

      I guess when you really think about it you have no other choice but put him in a list like that. He's too influencial from a cultural point of view and his commercial success is just too overwhelming to leave him out of this list.

  • @MattD86
    @MattD86 2 роки тому +29

    Great list EXCEPT How you gonna forget Guru?!? Good lord. He’s in my Top 10

    • @davidparker7216
      @davidparker7216 2 роки тому

      what's your top 10? can be in no order

    • @MattD86
      @MattD86 Рік тому +2

      1. 2Pac
      2. Eminem
      3. Biggie
      4. Nas
      5. Jay-Z
      6. Rakim
      7. Kanye West
      8. Guru
      9. Lil Wayne
      10. Lauryn Hill

    • @34charss
      @34charss 9 місяців тому +1

      @@MattD86where’s bladee

    • @BasilHumke-ru3bb
      @BasilHumke-ru3bb 8 місяців тому


    • @MikiyasDemeke-xp8vp
      @MikiyasDemeke-xp8vp 5 місяців тому

      I was going to comment that

  • @molly2461
    @molly2461 4 роки тому +188

    Talib, Guru, Killer Mike and Big L deserve to be on this list

    • @HakuTheBrat
      @HakuTheBrat 4 роки тому +10

      Especially over Drake.

    • @petroll.02
      @petroll.02 4 роки тому +2

      And eazy e

    • @goose0078
      @goose0078 4 роки тому +8

      That's crazy. Guru specifically is disrespectful. It's a pretty random list all and all.

    • @othelliusmaximus
      @othelliusmaximus 4 роки тому

      Take off Biggie for Big L

    • @molly2461
      @molly2461 4 роки тому +13

      @@othelliusmaximus Biggie should definitely be on if you'd ask me

  • @omaramin7904
    @omaramin7904 4 роки тому +88

    Inspectah Deck, 50 Cent, Redman, Prodigy, Guru, Method Man

  • @lilxan29
    @lilxan29 4 роки тому +76

    Lil Xan was a great selection for this list

  • @mahlahlana
    @mahlahlana 2 роки тому +1

    Papoose, Kweli, Meth, DMX, Jadakiss, J Cole, Canibus, Immortal, Vinnie Paz, Sean Price…but well glad to see Pharoah Monch and Slick Rick

  • @andrewrondeau9898
    @andrewrondeau9898 4 роки тому +79

    Feels like I'm at a middle school award ceremony

  • @spencerbrumfield7549
    @spencerbrumfield7549 4 роки тому +306

    Wow melon I didn't expect you to say "yo mama" then laugh for 36 minutes

  • @preenisgreen
    @preenisgreen 4 роки тому +258

    I love how you included Dizzee Rascal, he absolutely deserves it and no one in America seems to even know him yet he arguably set the precedent and influenced the British rap game the most in the past 20 years. Mad respect Fantano!

    • @spacefertilizer
      @spacefertilizer 4 роки тому +12

      Yeah and he’s probably one of the most technical and best freestyler out there. Those older grime artists got so much experience from those underground parties they used to hold where they rapped over drum and bass-style music.

    • @user-mp6sz6zq8n
      @user-mp6sz6zq8n 4 роки тому +3

      @@spacefertilizer defo incredible rapper and brought a lot of uk urban culture into the mainstream but imo he wouldn’t be in a lot of people’s top 3 uk rappers if we’re going off a mix of technical ability and artistic ability. Most people are gonna talk about Ghetts, D Double and Kano before Dizzee

    • @AFrame88
      @AFrame88 4 роки тому +1

      I remember when he was signed to Def Jux. Didn’t know he still rapping.

    • @king.ozzymandias
      @king.ozzymandias 4 роки тому +8

      Imagine putting Dizzee over Ghetts or Kano

    • @spacefertilizer
      @spacefertilizer 4 роки тому +2

      @@user-mp6sz6zq8n yes he probably wouldn’t receive higher score in those areas but when considering the total in terms of exposure and influence beyond even UK he’s definitely there.

  • @flumpdaddy2322
    @flumpdaddy2322 2 роки тому +12

    Loved seeing Common, DOOM, & even Lil B here, but J Cole, Jadakiss, Big Pun, Big L, DMX, & many others deserve a spot over half the people you mentioned. Everybodys different tho i guess

  • @MrTriplewammy
    @MrTriplewammy 4 роки тому +173

    Checked out Lil B and he has 58 albums on Apple Music with like 100 songs on each album. It would be pretty hilarious if we got Melon to review his newest album “Bruno wit da pruno” with a 100 song tracklist.

    • @cokil
      @cokil 4 роки тому +2


    • @xXSprMgaAwsmFxyHtXx
      @xXSprMgaAwsmFxyHtXx 4 роки тому +14

      Lil B’s song about George Floyd being killed was honestly one of the best BLM songs made this year

  • @BlueBoboDoo100
    @BlueBoboDoo100 4 роки тому +126

    Oh jeez you had me there. I saw it skipped straight from Drake to Eminem and I was mad that El-P wasn't on the list. Little did I know Anthony just doesn't know the order of the alphabet.

    • @farleyhaskard5270
      @farleyhaskard5270 3 роки тому +9


    • @th3giv3r
      @th3giv3r 3 роки тому +8

      Also, Kendrick under "K" and Missy Elliott under "M" but Danny Brown under "B." An attempt was made I guess

  • @mattchen5917
    @mattchen5917 4 роки тому +623

    Where’s playboi carti, the inventor of music?

  • @sean.3909
    @sean.3909 Рік тому +9

    Such a fantastic list. Excellent reasoning behind everyone here, although I would’ve made it top 75 instead, just because there’s so many not included like Method Man, Mac Miller, Denzel Curry, J Cole, (maybe) Future, Big Pun, Big L, Talib Kweli, Travis, DMX, JPEGMAFIA and others

    • @2007NissanAltima
      @2007NissanAltima 9 місяців тому

      Its not exclusive if everyone is on there

    • @stellabee24
      @stellabee24 7 місяців тому

      @@2007NissanAltima 75 is still excluding 90+% of rappers including a lot of great and influental ones

  • @trevormartin6836
    @trevormartin6836 4 роки тому +131

    I think Big Pun should be on this list, he was easily one of the most technical rappers ever.
    Also other rappers like Big L, Method Man, AZ, Elzhi should be on the list as well

  • @Ichiboy900
    @Ichiboy900 4 роки тому +226

    Pretty unfair snubbing Phife imo. Phife was as much a part of the Tribe sound as Q-tip. Q-tip's smooth serious delivery with Phife's lighthearted, funnier lines was what made Tribe what it is.

    • @AxxLAfriku
      @AxxLAfriku 4 роки тому

      ATTENTION BROTHER!!! I have two very very hot and big UA-camr girlfriends who I show off (I smell like 100 de*d orangutans oh nooo)! Thank you for you attention, dear dude kid lega

    • @SexyDalton
      @SexyDalton 4 роки тому

      Phife this list

    • @rikmascle4940
      @rikmascle4940 4 роки тому +4

      Phife doesn’t have the solo discog Q-Tip does though, plus Q-Tip also helped with the production and has produced for many years after ATCQ which puts him miles ahead of Phife artistically speaking.

    • @POTATO-pu2kf
      @POTATO-pu2kf 4 роки тому

      8 million stories is a great example of phife’s talents

    • @comradejosephstalinoftheus8698
      @comradejosephstalinoftheus8698 4 роки тому +1

      Yeah, Nicki Minaj and Drake are on the list, but not Phife?

  • @nononono-ls1hp
    @nononono-ls1hp 4 роки тому +89

    damn ed sheeran comin thru at number 1

    • @elangorhamsiegler9393
      @elangorhamsiegler9393 4 роки тому +1

      @Richard Trischka not even kidding these three artists made up 75 percent of my music listening 3 years ago

    • @faro8784
      @faro8784 4 роки тому +1

      Imagine dragons at only number 4 is ridiculous

  • @_plug
    @_plug 3 роки тому +7

    i’ve never heard melon talking so positively about eminem before

    • @PasteurizedLettuce
      @PasteurizedLettuce 9 місяців тому +1

      Well he hasn’t made anything good in… how many years?

    • @notforone
      @notforone 6 місяців тому

      ​@@PasteurizedLettuce You mean in 2020 when he dropped MTBMB? His most recent album?

    • @PasteurizedLettuce
      @PasteurizedLettuce 6 місяців тому

      @@notforone it was fine

  • @13tuyuti
    @13tuyuti 4 роки тому +1352

    Let's be honest, Tom McDonald isn't on here because he's a straight white cis male.

  • @Oxbayer
    @Oxbayer 4 роки тому +64

    I feel like you should’ve mentioned Kool Keith, whose character work predates DOOM’s. He’s one of the most unique rappers ever with an unorthodox flow and totally left-field concepts and subject matter, along with the oddball influence. Plus he’s still rapping. Dude’s a legend.

    • @johnjackson9819
      @johnjackson9819 4 роки тому +2

      Dr octagonecologyst is still one of my favourite albums ever.

    • @my667thgoogleaccount7
      @my667thgoogleaccount7 4 роки тому

      he's not on the list?! haven't watched the video through yet, but if he isn't on there... oh my...

  • @LaughterCigar
    @LaughterCigar 4 роки тому +80

    Big L, Guru, Kool Keith, Inspectah Deck, Method Man, Prodigy, Talib Kweli...?

    • @BigJuice69
      @BigJuice69 4 роки тому +7

      And yet drake is there

    • @RKWDBMX
      @RKWDBMX 4 роки тому +5

      Ya inspectah decks opening verse on Triumph is enough alone for this list. The disrespect.

    • @unclebruncle
      @unclebruncle 4 роки тому +8

      @@BigJuice69 i think Drake's spot is deserved. I hate the guy but his role in making rap the zeitgeist is undeniable.

    • @justinlasker6269
      @justinlasker6269 4 роки тому +3

      @@unclebruncle Now explain the Daveed Diggs placement

    • @unclebruncle
      @unclebruncle 4 роки тому +2

      @@justinlasker6269 yeah Big L shouldve had that spot

  • @_cosmix_
    @_cosmix_ 8 місяців тому

    Ride being right next to Rakim made my day.