Appreciate the information. Going to my first one yesterday and I had a lady that rear-ended me when I was just stationary in traffic waiting to move. Didn’t get all the information but I did keep a level head and call the officer on the scene to get over there to take a look and he pretty much put her at fault for rear ending me and I forgot to get pictures of the other vehicle but she sustained minor damage to my bumper but major damage I of course took pictures of the back of my truck. Didn’t take pictures of her license or registration but the office already had it covered. I’ll remember this next time. It’s my first accident so I’m not exactly a pro at this. LOL. But of course you’re going to be scared and angry at the same time so you’re not gonna be thinking properly. This will help out a lot. Thank you
Hi True believer 72 - Apologies for the late response. Thank you for your comment. And we're happy to hear that you're OK. Yes, you are going to be a bit shaken up on your first crash. But, it sounds like you did the right thing and got an officer to mediate. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
The same thing happened to me and the lady pulled over to exchange information and then decided to up and leave before we could get any of it. My step dad chased her car so we could get the license plate number (we were in a parking lot so she couldn't go very fast). We all got minor whiplash and had to go to the chiropractor for months after that
Another reason why I have such high fear when it comes to driving, is crashes. Getting into a crash, dieing, getting severely hurt, hurting someone else, or killing someone else. I'm ESPECIALLY afraid of driving with my fiance, getting into an accident, and him dieing. I know it's probably a low possibility, but it's still a huge fear.
Hi Samantha - our fears are real, even if these are not rational. Know that you're going to do fine, and your comment tonight suggests that you're doing great. All the best, Cheers Rick
Hi Kate H - We're happy to hear we could help out. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
I was recently involved in a crash. I'm not sure if it was major or minor. No injuries, but the damage was more than 1000 dollars. I called the police because the people in the other car were screaming at me. Thankfully they calmed down though.
When involved in a crash, many are aggressive and angry because they're in shock. Most crashes are minor when the damage is less than $5,000. Does your area have crash reporting sites? Often if you can still drive the car, they simply want you to go to the reporting sites and have the vehicle accessed my an insurance adjuster. We're happy to hear you're okay. All the best, Cheers Rick
Got in a minor car accident the other day and did literally everything wrong. Now I’m paying for it because after I got home I realized I had a headache and back but of course adrenaline at the time I didn’t think anything of it. We DIDNT exchange information because I was so in shock but thankfully I got his license plate number. Anyway, now the insurance claim is a huge headache because I didn’t take the proper steps at the scene. Now I know … Thanks.
Very helpful video, I did got into my first collision making a left turn in an intersection. A bike struck the side of my car and was forced to pullover
Hi Sou Saechao - Apologies for the late response. Thank you for your comment. Was the cyclist okay - relatively speaking? How are you doing after the crash? If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
My first accident was just recent... my dad tboned a man who ran a red light. I had a bloody nose and my brother had a black eye and some bruises... and we were kids. Less than 15. My dad was driving. I passed out for a sec too.
Hi Jen Hernandez-Dela Cruz - Thank you for your comment. And you are most welcome. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
Do you have a video for speed? I am so confused about the speed limit. Example it says 40 but most cars drive faster than 40. Do i have to keep up with other cars or have to follow the speed limit? Also, in the school areas speed limit? Thank you a lot!
I return after about 2 years of silence (you probably don't even remember me, just a random guy from DFW TX). I used to watch your videos a lot when I was learning to drive back in 2020, but then went on my way after I got my license. I didn't drive for a while after getting my license because I didn't have a car. But then about July last year I got a car and started driving. About 2 weeks ago, I was on my way home and was sitting at a stoplight when all the sudden a lady rear ended me. It was a pretty hard hit but it seem to be very minor damage, nothing on her car and scratches on my car. Fortunately, I've been okay. I did get her insurance information, name, and phone number, but I didn't get her license plate number or take any pictures myself at the scene because I was so shaken up as this was my first accident. Anyways, now I know a lot more for the future. I guess I can't blame myself as I'm not exactly a pro at this. I did end up filing a claim and am in the process of getting the adjuster to look at the car and get it repaired (it's a nice car, so the scratches piss me off, not to mention there could be damage underneath that can't be seen). Very informative video btw.
Hi Katelyn - Thank you for your kind words my friend. We're so happy that you're part of the smart driver community. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers!
Hi PairRec San Fran Tourism - And you are most welcome. We're happy to hear we could help out. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
I live on a busy street corner in town were there is a t-section, and the buildings are close to the sidewalk which makes for poor visibility, and on a slight hill. There is no stop for the vehicles that are going straight pass the T-section. At least once a month there is a crash on that street corner, I kid you not. Whether someone gets T-boned, or their left lights crash and collide with the car coming around the left corner. What makes it worse is that there is another street kitty corner less than 8m away from that intersection where cars zip in and out of. I even seen a kid got hit on his bike, it's just a really bad corner, I'm so paranoid of backing out of the driveway, there really should be a 3way stop there. :|
Great video, thank you. I think what's missing is what's the procedure after a major crash i.e. which tow trucks to use and not to use, should u call insurance company prior to getting car on tow truck, do u go to the collision center or do onsite cops build report for you? Its these things that end up being nightmare rather than the crash sometimes due to scams by tow truck holders or the crooks at the body shops etc.
I was recently involved in a crash. It was minor and the car touch each other by brushing. No injuries, another person call the cops, and the incident was reported. Other cars also have a brushing no major dent or sketch. What would be the next process? Cop asked and there are no injuries but I am afraid if other people knowingly make that they have injuries and make claims. How insurance company knows that there is no major damage if another person claims and sends a bigger estimate?
Hey rick. What would happen, if there is a minor accident(side scratch) and the person give you false information? Isn’t it smart to also take a pic of the other car’s license plate?
hey i know your post is last year and yes its totally smart to take a picture of the license plate, along with the supposed damage of the other car, and the person who crashed your car. I had a minor accident (my very first car accident) yesterday when i was trying to make a left turn to exit out of the restaurant due to how tight and packed the parking lot is, checking left and right to see if its safe to drive and saw that its passable and then this white SUV hits me and causing two dents on the front side to the left of my car and scratches towards the back side and front. I was very scared and panicked that I have to find a nearest parking lot to check the damages and trying to remain calm and talk to the guy who crashed my car. I did the biggest mistake of not staying where I'am but because the traffic was very busy on the side I got hit I need to move . The white SUV was trying to block my path as i was trying to stop the car. And as soon as he leave the car, i was very panicked and i told him i'm really sorry and trying to do whatever i can to just calm the situation down and do what i got to do bye waiting for the police, paramedics and the firefighters to come as he called them. But the driver of that white SUV was trying to play an injured victim and putting the blame on me when clearly there's no injuries, wounds, or anything serious and he seem to walked perfectly as he made his way into an ambulance, and the same thing goes to his car and not a slight of damage not even on the same level as the damage from my car. Because this is the first accident i had and i was really stressed and about to have a panic attack, i did a big mistake of not taking the pictures of the other's car supposed "damage" his license plates, and him to report it to the police. So yeah, in the next event of an accident highly encourage you to take the pictures of the other car's license plate, also the damage and whatever feels to provide evidence and file a report.
Hi Amy J - And you are most welcome. We're happy to hear we could help out. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
I just had a major crash last week 😭😭😭😭 a person ran the red light and I was going to make a left on an intersection. I was in shock so I didn't take the other driver's information. I did get pictures and videos. Good thing I had witnesses whom talk to the police
Hi Jazel Marie - thank you for your comment and query. I would suggest a basic first aid kit and your phone. I would recommend this kit: If you're driving an older vehicle, I might consider belonging to the local automotive club for roadside assistance. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
I was looking for how to react moments before you see a something bad coming. Besides just braking, but if something is heading for you but turning to your right, should your instinct tell you to also turn to the right, or do the opposite and try left? Keep it simple, just you trying to avoid one other thing, that is all.
Hi lt c - thank you for your comment and query. You are looking for the following: and and If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
Hello Dr. Drive! I have a honda civic 2012 and have minimum insurance coverage of florida, Is full coverered insurance the best option for a car of this year? People here drive like crazy, l never have been involved in a car accident THAT INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT🙏GOD BLESS YOU
I’m a professional driver and I’ve been to a crash a few weeks ago between a pickup truck and a rigid truck where the rigid truck ran the red light and struck the front of the truck and there was major damage to the pickup truck but of course minor damage to the rigid vehicle. I think I handled the situation with professionalism and care for both drivers. But police didn’t respond so I wonder if they didn’t respond and another car crashed into the already crashed pickup truck wouldn’t it been safer to have somebody from the police to help with the traffic control?
No you don't my friend. There are accident reporting sites where you can go to get a report for your insurance. In most places, you only call the police if there's more than $5,000 in damage, someone is injured, or there's a criminal act (drunk driving). Drop us a note if we can help further. Cheers Rick
Hi Shy Joy - We're happy to hear we could help out. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
Yea, some jackass ran a red light and my dad t-boned him... I passed out for a sec. It was on mcduff Avenue 1-10. It was also just recent like, feb 13th, 2021... my brother, me, and my dad were in the accident... car was totaled, and my brothers eye got infected from the airbag chalk... I had a bloody nose. My dad was fine though. But even after that, the guy came over and called my dad a racist because he hit him... when the black dude ran the red light in the first place.
Hi Grbage Guy - other than some minor injuries, every one was okay. It's not unusual for people to be upset after a crash owing to the fact that they're in shock. In the literal sense, it's where you're reality "crashes" in on your expectations. All the best, Cheers Rick
Never call the police. That was a huge mistake I have learned. Just exchange phone number, insurance card, driver's license, license plate, and picture of the vehicles. Then file a claim from your car insurance. Police never help; they are there to make money and give you a ticket, and sometimes it is not your fault.
If there are injuries or property damage over $5,000 you are required by law to call the police. If you believe that police have wrongly issued a ticket there are the courts to which you can apply for a decision. Drop us a note if we can help further or you have questions. Cheers Rick
@@smartdrivetest I agree with you. The last statement, I decided to take a defensive online class, because I don't want to stress over the ticket and court. But your channel is way better! Thank you for the video. You did an amazing job! 👍
We’re happy to hear that you’re okay! Perhaps book a visit with a massage therapist. That will help with the soreness & the shock. All the best, Cheers Rick
Appreciate the information. Going to my first one yesterday and I had a lady that rear-ended me when I was just stationary in traffic waiting to move. Didn’t get all the information but I did keep a level head and call the officer on the scene to get over there to take a look and he pretty much put her at fault for rear ending me and I forgot to get pictures of the other vehicle but she sustained minor damage to my bumper but major damage I of course took pictures of the back of my truck. Didn’t take pictures of her license or registration but the office already had it covered. I’ll remember this next time. It’s my first accident so I’m not exactly a pro at this. LOL. But of course you’re going to be scared and angry at the same time so you’re not gonna be thinking properly. This will help out a lot. Thank you
Hi True believer 72 - Apologies for the late response. Thank you for your comment. And we're happy to hear that you're OK. Yes, you are going to be a bit shaken up on your first crash. But, it sounds like you did the right thing and got an officer to mediate. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
The same thing happened to me and the lady pulled over to exchange information and then decided to up and leave before we could get any of it. My step dad chased her car so we could get the license plate number (we were in a parking lot so she couldn't go very fast). We all got minor whiplash and had to go to the chiropractor for months after that
Another reason why I have such high fear when it comes to driving, is crashes. Getting into a crash, dieing, getting severely hurt, hurting someone else, or killing someone else. I'm ESPECIALLY afraid of driving with my fiance, getting into an accident, and him dieing. I know it's probably a low possibility, but it's still a huge fear.
Hi Samantha - our fears are real, even if these are not rational. Know that you're going to do fine, and your comment tonight suggests that you're doing great. All the best, Cheers Rick
I love how thorough this info was and that you summarized everything at the end! Very useful!
Hi Kate H - We're happy to hear we could help out. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
I was recently involved in a crash. I'm not sure if it was major or minor. No injuries, but the damage was more than 1000 dollars. I called the police because the people in the other car were screaming at me. Thankfully they calmed down though.
When involved in a crash, many are aggressive and angry because they're in shock. Most crashes are minor when the damage is less than $5,000. Does your area have crash reporting sites? Often if you can still drive the car, they simply want you to go to the reporting sites and have the vehicle accessed my an insurance adjuster. We're happy to hear you're okay. All the best, Cheers Rick
This was very helpful. Thanks for explaining accidents so clearly.
Got in a minor car accident the other day and did literally everything wrong. Now I’m paying for it because after I got home I realized I had a headache and back but of course adrenaline at the time I didn’t think anything of it. We DIDNT exchange information because I was so in shock but thankfully I got his license plate number. Anyway, now the insurance claim is a huge headache because I didn’t take the proper steps at the scene. Now I know … Thanks.
Very helpful video, I did got into my first collision making a left turn in an intersection. A bike struck the side of my car and was forced to pullover
Hi Sou Saechao - Apologies for the late response. Thank you for your comment. Was the cyclist okay - relatively speaking? How are you doing after the crash? If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
My first accident was just recent... my dad tboned a man who ran a red light. I had a bloody nose and my brother had a black eye and some bruises... and we were kids. Less than 15. My dad was driving. I passed out for a sec too.
Thank you for sharing this important information. I have been looking for this for quite some time.
Hi Jen Hernandez-Dela Cruz - Thank you for your comment. And you are most welcome. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
Do you have a video for speed? I am so confused about the speed limit. Example it says 40 but most cars drive faster than 40. Do i have to keep up with other cars or have to follow the speed limit? Also, in the school areas speed limit? Thank you a lot!
I return after about 2 years of silence (you probably don't even remember me, just a random guy from DFW TX). I used to watch your videos a lot when I was learning to drive back in 2020, but then went on my way after I got my license. I didn't drive for a while after getting my license because I didn't have a car. But then about July last year I got a car and started driving. About 2 weeks ago, I was on my way home and was sitting at a stoplight when all the sudden a lady rear ended me. It was a pretty hard hit but it seem to be very minor damage, nothing on her car and scratches on my car. Fortunately, I've been okay. I did get her insurance information, name, and phone number, but I didn't get her license plate number or take any pictures myself at the scene because I was so shaken up as this was my first accident. Anyways, now I know a lot more for the future. I guess I can't blame myself as I'm not exactly a pro at this. I did end up filing a claim and am in the process of getting the adjuster to look at the car and get it repaired (it's a nice car, so the scratches piss me off, not to mention there could be damage underneath that can't be seen). Very informative video btw.
Very insightful! Thank you for the explantations!
Hi Katelyn - Thank you for your kind words my friend. We're so happy that you're part of the smart driver community. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers!
Good tips Rick! Keep up the great work!
Hi PairRec San Fran Tourism - And you are most welcome. We're happy to hear we could help out. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
Thanks again Rick, Chuck
I live on a busy street corner in town were there is a t-section, and the buildings are close to the sidewalk which makes for poor visibility, and on a slight hill. There is no stop for the vehicles that are going straight pass the T-section. At least once a month there is a crash on that street corner, I kid you not. Whether someone gets T-boned, or their left lights crash and collide with the car coming around the left corner. What makes it worse is that there is another street kitty corner less than 8m away from that intersection where cars zip in and out of. I even seen a kid got hit on his bike, it's just a really bad corner, I'm so paranoid of backing out of the driveway, there really should be a 3way stop there. :|
Great video, thank you. I think what's missing is what's the procedure after a major crash i.e. which tow trucks to use and not to use, should u call insurance company prior to getting car on tow truck, do u go to the collision center or do onsite cops build report for you? Its these things that end up being nightmare rather than the crash sometimes due to scams by tow truck holders or the crooks at the body shops etc.
I was recently involved in a crash. It was minor and the car touch each other by brushing. No injuries, another person call the cops, and the incident was reported. Other cars also have a brushing no major dent or sketch. What would be the next process? Cop asked and there are no injuries but I am afraid if other people knowingly make that they have injuries and make claims. How insurance company knows that there is no major damage if another person claims and sends a bigger estimate?
Hey rick. What would happen, if there is a minor accident(side scratch) and the person give you false information? Isn’t it smart to also take a pic of the other car’s license plate?
hey i know your post is last year and yes its totally smart to take a picture of the license plate, along with the supposed damage of the other car, and the person who crashed your car. I had a minor accident (my very first car accident) yesterday when i was trying to make a left turn to exit out of the restaurant due to how tight and packed the parking lot is, checking left and right to see if its safe to drive and saw that its passable and then this white SUV hits me and causing two dents on the front side to the left of my car and scratches towards the back side and front. I was very scared and panicked that I have to find a nearest parking lot to check the damages and trying to remain calm and talk to the guy who crashed my car. I did the biggest mistake of not staying where I'am but because the traffic was very busy on the side I got hit I need to move . The white SUV was trying to block my path as i was trying to stop the car. And as soon as he leave the car, i was very panicked and i told him i'm really sorry and trying to do whatever i can to just calm the situation down and do what i got to do bye waiting for the police, paramedics and the firefighters to come as he called them. But the driver of that white SUV was trying to play an injured victim and putting the blame on me when clearly there's no injuries, wounds, or anything serious and he seem to walked perfectly as he made his way into an ambulance, and the same thing goes to his car and not a slight of damage not even on the same level as the damage from my car. Because this is the first accident i had and i was really stressed and about to have a panic attack, i did a big mistake of not taking the pictures of the other's car supposed "damage" his license plates, and him to report it to the police. So yeah, in the next event of an accident highly encourage you to take the pictures of the other car's license plate, also the damage and whatever feels to provide evidence and file a report.
Thank you for this video!😎👍🏻
Your video has a high quality Content thanks very much ❤
Hi Amy J - And you are most welcome. We're happy to hear we could help out. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
I just had a major crash last week 😭😭😭😭 a person ran the red light and I was going to make a left on an intersection. I was in shock so I didn't take the other driver's information. I did get pictures and videos. Good thing I had witnesses whom talk to the police
Hi Rick, what equipment or safety tools do you need to keep in your car in case of emergency? Thanks.
Hi Jazel Marie - thank you for your comment and query. I would suggest a basic first aid kit and your phone. I would recommend this kit: If you're driving an older vehicle, I might consider belonging to the local automotive club for roadside assistance. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
I was involved in a major crash in July of 2020. I hit a utility pole and the car was totaled
We’re you okay? Cheers Rick
@@smartdrivetest yes. My left ear was all swollen
Thank you, Rick! ❤️
Hi Faun - you are most welcome my friend. Drop us a note if we can help further my friend. All the best, Cheers Rick
I was looking for how to react moments before you see a something bad coming. Besides just braking, but if something is heading for you but turning to your right, should your instinct tell you to also turn to the right, or do the opposite and try left? Keep it simple, just you trying to avoid one other thing, that is all.
I am having problem being in the center of my lane... my hands gets shaky moving left right
Hi lt c - thank you for your comment and query. You are looking for the following: and and If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
Hello Dr. Drive! I have a honda civic 2012 and have minimum insurance coverage of florida, Is full coverered insurance the best option for a car of this year? People here drive like crazy, l never have been involved in a car accident THAT INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT🙏GOD BLESS YOU
I’m a professional driver and I’ve been to a crash a few weeks ago between a pickup truck and a rigid truck where the rigid truck ran the red light and struck the front of the truck and there was major damage to the pickup truck but of course minor damage to the rigid vehicle. I think I handled the situation with professionalism and care for both drivers. But police didn’t respond so I wonder if they didn’t respond and another car crashed into the already crashed pickup truck wouldn’t it been safer to have somebody from the police to help with the traffic control?
Do we need the police involved when it's a minor accident such as a fender bender?
No you don't my friend. There are accident reporting sites where you can go to get a report for your insurance. In most places, you only call the police if there's more than $5,000 in damage, someone is injured, or there's a criminal act (drunk driving). Drop us a note if we can help further. Cheers Rick
Hey would I be responsible if my friend drove my dad car without asking and crashes
I could have used this information before the first.
Hi Shy Joy - We're happy to hear we could help out. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. All the best, Cheers Rick
Yesterday I had a car accident my head hurts so much and I am only 6 my hand hurts to
Hi Haya Osama - how are you feeling today my friend? Sorry to hear about the crash. All the best, Cheers Rick
Take a picture of their license? What if they refuse
What about a minor crash with no damage at all to either car
How about rollover crashes
Yea, some jackass ran a red light and my dad t-boned him... I passed out for a sec. It was on mcduff Avenue 1-10. It was also just recent like, feb 13th, 2021... my brother, me, and my dad were in the accident... car was totaled, and my brothers eye got infected from the airbag chalk... I had a bloody nose. My dad was fine though. But even after that, the guy came over and called my dad a racist because he hit him... when the black dude ran the red light in the first place.
Hi Grbage Guy - other than some minor injuries, every one was okay. It's not unusual for people to be upset after a crash owing to the fact that they're in shock. In the literal sense, it's where you're reality "crashes" in on your expectations. All the best, Cheers Rick
Never call the police. That was a huge mistake I have learned. Just exchange phone number, insurance card, driver's license, license plate, and picture of the vehicles. Then file a claim from your car insurance. Police never help; they are there to make money and give you a ticket, and sometimes it is not your fault.
If there are injuries or property damage over $5,000 you are required by law to call the police. If you believe that police have wrongly issued a ticket there are the courts to which you can apply for a decision. Drop us a note if we can help further or you have questions. Cheers Rick
@@smartdrivetest I agree with you.
The last statement, I decided to take a defensive online class, because I don't want to stress over the ticket and court. But your channel is way better! Thank you for the video. You did an amazing job! 👍
I just got into a bad car accident 😕
Are you okay?
Yes just a little sore
We’re happy to hear that you’re okay! Perhaps book a visit with a massage therapist. That will help with the soreness & the shock. All the best, Cheers Rick
It's was helpful but head on collisions are like hitting a Brick wall, the speed isn't doubled
My question, is it necessary to call the cops ?
I just got in a car crash