Inside The Mind Of A Green Player



  • @twitchster77
    @twitchster77 Рік тому +2184

    The best part is how he doesn't know what the cards his opponents are playing and doesn't read them...he just hopes they don't stop him lol. So spot on!

    • @mynt4033
      @mynt4033 Рік тому +232

      >barge in
      >tramples with big thing
      >refuses to read
      >planeswalks away

    • @feferson492
      @feferson492 Рік тому +100

      I ain't got no time to read 15 paragraphs on that white enchantment my dude

    • @Frindazer
      @Frindazer Рік тому +9


    • @Bleilock1
      @Bleilock1 Рік тому +24

      Who even does that?
      Whole mtg experience is making a deck that you hope you wont get stopped

    • @alexbruckshaw1448
      @alexbruckshaw1448 Рік тому +20

      As as Yu-Gi-Oh, I don't want to read what you said, but I am very interested.

  • @midnamidnightwhisper7529
    @midnamidnightwhisper7529 Рік тому +705

    With my limited knowledge of MtG - Green is basically "I like big numbers, but I'm also bad at math"

    • @BoBnfishy
      @BoBnfishy Рік тому +78

      Green does addition and multiplication. Never subtraction or division.

    • @IDoBeSmarter
      @IDoBeSmarter Рік тому +43

      I only have to count to five mana, then I get Kalonian Hydra and win

    • @valentinrafael9201
      @valentinrafael9201 Рік тому +35

      Green players are VERY GOOD at math, but we know that it's pointless to do math when we have such BIG NUMBERS

    • @mrmrmeta3698
      @mrmrmeta3698 Рік тому +6

      Green players only know multiplication for tokens and and addition for tokens

    • @wellingtonalmeida2662
      @wellingtonalmeida2662 Рік тому +17

      That's a really important rule called "Math is for blockers", son 😆

  • @goblinrat6119
    @goblinrat6119 Рік тому +132

    As a Green player, I hate how accurate this is. "Okay big thingy do the big swingy... oh dang what's that card they played? I dunno, it has too many words, I'll throw this number at him and he dies. Words are stupid."

  • @Weaver_Games
    @Weaver_Games Рік тому +830

    "Okay you do the math, I'm not good at blocking" This is 100% me when we're on like game 3 or 4 of commander night and the bottle of whisky has run dry.

    • @Uzotrups
      @Uzotrups Рік тому +29

      Me playing commander past turn 4

    • @jacobgnech5187
      @jacobgnech5187 Рік тому +5

      A Flesh and Blood player - 'I have no such weakness' - except for this crippling headache from quik mafs

    • @alexbruckshaw1448
      @alexbruckshaw1448 Рік тому +6

      Math is for blockers

  • @ConManAU
    @ConManAU Рік тому +847

    My favourite green stompy win in Arena was against a white-red humans deck where we both had massive boards filled with token creatures that were pumped to ridiculous amounts and I actually wasn’t sure I had the power to win, but assigning blockers to absorb all the trample damage took so long he timed out and took about 150 damage to the face.

    • @iandick1364
      @iandick1364 Рік тому +73

      I feel a little bad about that. irl you just say "I'm blocking with 30 tokens" or whatever.

    • @Maseiken
      @Maseiken Рік тому +1

      Just what white tokens deserve

    • @eugenecaudill5361
      @eugenecaudill5361 Рік тому +39

      I had an Esper Zombies list where I dropped my opponent to -420. I didn’t do it on purpose, but it was too funny not to screenshot it.

    • @justsomejerseydevilwithint4606
      @justsomejerseydevilwithint4606 Рік тому


    • @dopi3220
      @dopi3220 Рік тому +1

      Careful, I still remember pathing my own 32/32hydra when the red, white player tried to reflect its damage, It hurt

  • @Vonhoz
    @Vonhoz Рік тому +437

    green is also a GREAT color to simply not give up against control decks without wincon. which is always fun.
    I have a few uncultured friends that play pesky UW decks and expect me to give up a deadlock. naw man. you gotta kill me. and all my big ass honkachonkas.

    • @wydx120
      @wydx120 Рік тому +31

      Hell yeah
      I remember one of my favorite victories during a window of time when Gaea's Blessing was in Standard *and* blue opponent-mill decks were popular
      I was having shit luck and wasn't able to play anything for many turns, with my good cards getting milled or countered. I went through my entire library like 3 times. I still won lmao

    • @ozenthelewdable5427
      @ozenthelewdable5427 Рік тому +8

      Simple. 1 Cultivator Colossus, 25 lands, 5 spells, and the rest is other irrelevant bullshits. You do the math.

    • @dovakhiinmaster2967
      @dovakhiinmaster2967 Рік тому +4

      One time, playing simic, I barely survived against a lifegain deck then abused an etb that gains life to out-life the life gain deck. The etb was from a mono-green dino. Green rocks

    • @sethb3090
      @sethb3090 Рік тому +2

      I play a lot of Temur decks and one of my favorite things is playing Riku of Two Reflections with Vigor. All my creatures now get stronger instead of taking damage. Including the Vigors because they cover each other. For my next trick I'm going to copy Blasphemous Act and deal 26 damage to everything. My weakest creature now is a 28/28 and your strongest creature is now your 1/1 with indestructible. Unless you made the smart choice and played green.

    • @dizzlegrizzle1919
      @dizzlegrizzle1919 Рік тому +2

      lol those blue white control players must be total newbs. I love seeing green decks... they just get destroyed and out valued through attrition

  • @gyrasolune5436
    @gyrasolune5436 Рік тому +1419

    it's hilarious how people just freeze up when they see a huge 30/30 trampler like that isn't the most basic goal of a mono green deck. like imagine having no idea how to play against an entire color

    • @distranthegloriouslydeform9259
      @distranthegloriouslydeform9259 Рік тому +46

      Sometimes you have got an answer

    • @joelhaggis5054
      @joelhaggis5054 Рік тому +135

      You sound like a blue player

    • @heraldofv3379
      @heraldofv3379 Рік тому +76

      @@joelhaggis5054 actually sounds more like a white player to me (or black)

    • @Solrex_the_Sun_King
      @Solrex_the_Sun_King Рік тому +245

      Solutions in every other color against a 30/30 trampler:
      White: Exile it
      Blue: Counter it
      Black: kill it
      Red: this one is tricky, but just burn them to death before they get enough mana to cast it.
      And as a bonus:
      Use your 30/30 to block their 30/30.

    • @DoomStarRequiem
      @DoomStarRequiem Рік тому +70

      Have you considered sometimes people just don't have removal in hand

  • @joelhaggis5054
    @joelhaggis5054 Рік тому +120

    The way Noah explains his deck reminds me of that fake cheese-centric card game that Prozd made up

  • @kds-2049
    @kds-2049 Рік тому +224

    Roses are green, violets are green.
    Play mtg, play green.

  • @geoffreyprecht2410
    @geoffreyprecht2410 Рік тому +133

    God, monogreen feels so good to play. Stompy fun.
    I've been building decks like this since middle school. Trust me, they take *so much* brain power to make!

  • @mrfear7920
    @mrfear7920 Рік тому +286

    The only problem with being faster than light is that you live in complete darkness.

    • @Goldschmitt
      @Goldschmitt Рік тому +2

      Hoooo I'll keep this one in mind!

    • @Jackson-ol5xt
      @Jackson-ol5xt Рік тому +4

      The only problem is that that’s physically impossible. Light is always moving at a constant speed c no matter how fast you are moving.
      It’s a good metaphor but highly incorrect.
      Source: engineering/physics major

    • @mrfear7920
      @mrfear7920 Рік тому +18

      @@Jackson-ol5xt 🤓

    • @Jackson-ol5xt
      @Jackson-ol5xt Рік тому

      @@michaelwaynetucker how does space do what exactly?

    • @Jackson-ol5xt
      @Jackson-ol5xt Рік тому +1

      @@michaelwaynetucker it does indeed appear to expand faster than the speed of light, but space is not moving faster than light. Einstein’s relativity still holds because of this. Source:
      “Similarly, what we measure as velocity in galaxies is not actually the galaxies moving, it’s the space in between them getting larger. There’s nothing actually traveling faster than light, hence Einstein’s theory of relativity - which tells us nothing can move faster than light - is not being violated.
      I hope this helps but do feel free to get in touch if you have any further questions!”
      Dr. Rachael Livermore
      UT Austin

  • @austintomlinson7863
    @austintomlinson7863 Рік тому +37

    ...because as you know, when a mtg player thinks about their life choices, their head immediately explodes.

  • @TinyWarriorAnimations
    @TinyWarriorAnimations Рік тому +81

    Mono green is fun, but as a Black-Green Golfari player; everyone freaks out about 6 20/20 Monsters with death touch.

    • @relampagomarquinhos2255
      @relampagomarquinhos2255 Рік тому +37

      Every touch of a 20/20 creature is a death touch anyway, even from a mono green

    • @Differentialify
      @Differentialify Рік тому +13

      When you add trample to the mix, no amount of blocking can help. Perfection.

    • @mrosskne
      @mrosskne Рік тому +2

      @@Differentialify 120 blocking would be sufficient

    • @cthulhufhtagn2483
      @cthulhufhtagn2483 Рік тому +6

      Add lifelink to the mix for extra insult for your injury.

    • @user-vu4jg1db7e
      @user-vu4jg1db7e 2 місяці тому

      Just counter, and if you revive, counter it, and if you counter, counter the counter

  • @randomweeb9240
    @randomweeb9240 Рік тому +23

    My favorite green stomper is Managorger Hydra. It's a 1/1 that's gets +1/+1 (permanent) every time a spell is cast.

  • @jacob4736
    @jacob4736 Рік тому +135

    this deck looks super fun, would you feel comfortable posting the list for it?

    • @greatnesseeker
      @greatnesseeker Рік тому +3

      I feel like he will never give us the decklist 😢

  • @thomasj4145
    @thomasj4145 Рік тому +23

    Aside from Cultivator Colossus I rarely see people play Unnatural Growth, I can only imagine combining those two together...

  • @sythrus
    @sythrus Рік тому +67

    I play pretty much exclusively with a buddy of mine on cockatrice, and its pretty funny that, over the years, weve had a bit of an arms race to see who can actually beat eachothers preferred playstyle. I tend to play beeg punchy bois where he goes for a lot of alternative win conditions with control decks. With every new thing i discover to make my creatures absolute monstrosities, he discovers some way to try to bring them to heel.
    According to him, it has gotten to the point where he now has to stop my ramp before i can win through sheer cost effectiveness alone.
    It is currently at the point where he has only like 1 or 2 win conditions, draw, and a sheer mass of counterspells, because if a single thing ever actually gets played on my side of the board, its game over.
    I have given him ptsd from all the turns ive been able to play multiple primordial hydras in a row, just so that they can start scaling out of control.
    I've recently also discovered Mutate, and oh boy, if that isnt just other colours pretending to be green.
    In my hydra tribal deck I literally run that one hydra in particular that completely ignores any form of blue interaction.
    Honestly, im grateful for him and his playstyle, as i get the feeling that constantly mirror matching playstyles would just make everything less fun. Its a war of attrition, my ramping boardstate against his ramping card advantage, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
    Oh, i also sometimes play izzet, exclusively because Niv goes brrr. I barely even use counterspells, i just like the draw.

    • @Existence27
      @Existence27 Рік тому

      What's the name of the Hydra that just ignores blue

    • @sythrus
      @sythrus Рік тому

      @@Existence27 mistcutter hydra, cant be countered, haste, protection from blue, costs {X}{G} and gets X +1/+1 counters

    • @sythrus
      @sythrus Рік тому

      @@Existence27 honestly, it just has a very good set of abilities for a hydra, the {X}{G} with haste would alone justify it in a hydra deck

  • @Ashainm
    @Ashainm Рік тому +37

    So, if playing green is big brain, and playing blue is small brain, if I play both green and blue, does that make me average brain?

    • @ryanorland5389
      @ryanorland5389 Рік тому +14

      Any color mixed with green just becomes green with flavor. RG? Big guys. UG? Big guys with counters. WG? TOKEN big guys. Green is dominate.

    • @Sir_Master
      @Sir_Master Рік тому +5

      @@ryanorland5389lots of big guys. Having green in a cost just increases the P/T of a card by default

    • @shelbywright9134
      @shelbywright9134 Рік тому +1

      Nah man it just makes u cool, simic supremacy

    • @dudono1744
      @dudono1744 Рік тому

      isn't RG "get big bois fast"?

  • @jean-sebastienarteau7142
    @jean-sebastienarteau7142 Рік тому +33

    What I found weird is that nobody have removal. Big green deck are like the easiest kind of deck to play against. They put big stuff and hope that there's no board wipe or removals whatsoever.

    • @OtakuNoShitpost
      @OtakuNoShitpost Рік тому +17

      Yeah, Murder may as well read "Counter target green player"

    • @stevenliang3213
      @stevenliang3213 Рік тому +7

      Green is a the most honest color. No tricks or conniving methods like black and blue

    • @juliandacosta6841
      @juliandacosta6841 Рік тому

      @@OtakuNoShitpost isn't there anything like hero's downfall that people play instead of murder? I remember murder being a draft card, like cancel.

    • @codyhanson1344
      @codyhanson1344 Рік тому

      Until they throw down a heroic intervention

    • @lexxiloveless7163
      @lexxiloveless7163 Рік тому +10

      why do you feel the need to control my deck????????????????????????? focus on yourself

  • @andrewtreptow8806
    @andrewtreptow8806 Рік тому +40

    I play mono green ramp in commander with Ghalta, Primal hunger. Its a 12/12 trample that costs x less where x is the total power among creatures you control. So its 12 trample commander damage every time. whoops.

  • @Ningflingslinger
    @Ningflingslinger Рік тому +20

    "Beeg numbarz gud!"
    -*a green player, probably*

  • @theinvisiblegentleman1142
    @theinvisiblegentleman1142 Рік тому +35

    6 seconds in and I can already say with 100% confidence that if you ran for president I would vote for you.

  • @RobleViejo
    @RobleViejo Рік тому +31

    There is only Two Kinds of Green Player:
    - This is my fursona the Llanowar Elf, and my pack of Elvish Dominatrix who snowball faster than STDs
    - ITS GREEN! YEah mon this is my jam. I smoke so much Weed yoo 420 69 !!!2 .What do forests do again?
    A real Green Enjoyer is all of them tho

    • @chickenking1753
      @chickenking1753 Рік тому

      you must be the third bc that was 3 not 2 lol

    • @RobleViejo
      @RobleViejo Рік тому

      @@chickenking1753 Yep hahahha, that was the joke

  • @TheSpoofster0
    @TheSpoofster0 Рік тому +10

    I built my mono green commander deck when I first saw you play cultivator colossus on your channel and it shreds

  • @squishytoad3078
    @squishytoad3078 Рік тому +32

    Never played green before.
    And I do play a mono blue tempo-control so I guess Noah read minds irl

  • @EastWindCommunity1973
    @EastWindCommunity1973 Рік тому +12

    Nonsubscriber here, I want to thank you for these videos. Since I started watching I've become Mythic #1 ranked in every format.

  • @devinbuettgenbach2941
    @devinbuettgenbach2941 Рік тому +5

    As a blue player I love green, it's great taking control of all those big monsters then cloning them.

  • @feferson492
    @feferson492 Рік тому +7

    me who plays monogreen elves "sure... my creatures are very big..."
    but actually, the 'I have no idea what's going on so I'll press the All Attack button' hits way too close to home

  • @un7n0wing85
    @un7n0wing85 Рік тому +6

    I haven't gotten into magic much yet but when I used to play Hearthstone, this was my exact playstyle. You don't have to do math if your numbers are always bigger.

  • @jigstraw2809
    @jigstraw2809 Рік тому +6

    My buddy's got an "Omnath, Locus of Mana" commander deck that's basically 50% ramp and he just gets omnath to like 70/70 and waits for a "draw cards equal to the greatest power among creatures you control" spell. green player with ~60 mana and most of their deck in hand. it's terrifying

  • @anthonycannet1305
    @anthonycannet1305 Рік тому +8

    I think it’s funny how he says green players are the best but then like 4 of those games were against other mono green players and he still shits on them…

  • @tanoshichannel2012
    @tanoshichannel2012 Рік тому +5

    As someone who is a casual player, I do agree with you about big creatures. Also, blue and black decks are the definition of anti fun.

  • @valfreyja2107
    @valfreyja2107 Рік тому +5

    Not enough colossal dreadmaw
    I do genuinely love this content tho

  • @Shnauften
    @Shnauften Рік тому

    Most satisfying deck I ever played was green-red Polyraptor deck. Getting the combo just right for an infinite amount of Polyraptor was just so satisfying to watch.

  • @thumb5225
    @thumb5225 Рік тому

    I saw you made other color videos, but I only watched the green one cause it’s the coolest one.

  • @rickeygurley6080
    @rickeygurley6080 Рік тому

    I'm a huge fan Noah and now you show this? Love it!! Who could compete with your commentary? 😂😏

  • @hackbug77
    @hackbug77 Рік тому

    Cultivator colossus is great. I got it in my Phylath commander deck, which pumps up plants and synergizes with landfall.

  • @KidVivacious
    @KidVivacious Рік тому +4

    Seeing this activated the green part of my brain, thank you brother.

  • @pirachist551
    @pirachist551 Рік тому +19

    As some who’s first deck was a green Kaseto snake tribal deck focused around “make snake big” this had me in stitches laughing

  • @SteelSabertooth
    @SteelSabertooth Рік тому

    "where's your interact bud?" is my favorite thing I get to say playing Green

  • @rennac3152
    @rennac3152 Рік тому +16

    “Yeah that’s what I thought” If that isn’t a green player bragging about his board state I don’t know what is

  • @itsjoshcooper
    @itsjoshcooper Рік тому

    I have never played mtg so I only kinda understood stuff from other tcg experience, but this was funny af. Great vid. XD

  • @elerai1496
    @elerai1496 Рік тому +1

    Colossus is a pretty common win-con for Tameshi Bloom decks, if you're wondering.

  • @jorgepadilla6867
    @jorgepadilla6867 Рік тому +1

    Waiting for the deck list to finally play those colossus from the binder

  • @KamekazeKuban
    @KamekazeKuban Рік тому

    Oh my Timmy smooth brain is happy seeing this 😂😂😂😂
    Just got back into the game and used to LOVE multicolor cards, I I play mostly monocolored red or green. This is EXACTLY how it works 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @gozucritic4546
    @gozucritic4546 Рік тому

    I so love mono green,one of the best parts of MTG that I always invest my time in!

  • @shnorkeythefourth4572
    @shnorkeythefourth4572 Рік тому +4

    God I love playing green with a few red burn spells or black removal.
    Basically green plus some non permanent support colors to protect my creatures as long as it’s not… /blue/

    • @Vonhoz
      @Vonhoz Рік тому +1

      when in doubt; jund em out. Good man!

    • @shnorkeythefourth4572
      @shnorkeythefourth4572 Рік тому

      @@Vonhoz awaken the woods for 7
      Use them to mostly cast tar fiend
      Devour them all
      18/18 creature that makes them discard their hand and you only needed 2 swamps to cast it, give it haste and you’re nearly gg
      Awaken for 5
      Cast mycoloth
      Devour them all
      14/14 that makes 10 1/1 tokens every turn

  • @clashmoments8137
    @clashmoments8137 Рік тому

    Blue is such a nice color in combo with white i love it

  • @victordavila9812
    @victordavila9812 Рік тому

    Mann that's why green is the best color to start magic it's such a fun run

  • @Valllefor
    @Valllefor Рік тому +1

    That deck looks fun, theres a list somewhere ?

  • @CarlonchoArt
    @CarlonchoArt Рік тому

    dude can you share a list of the deck? i can probably build this :o !

  • @Lodosswar100
    @Lodosswar100 Рік тому

    I subbed just to be part of the new 1%

  • @LaosVaeros
    @LaosVaeros Рік тому

    You should release more Arena content, I'd binge 100%

  • @victorperez7805
    @victorperez7805 6 місяців тому

    As a Green player who started playing Magic the Gathering yesterday, this video had really put my thoughts onto a visual representation

  • @ericmojica6135
    @ericmojica6135 Рік тому

    Everyone a gangster till that board wipe comes out. I like having Impervious Greatwurm in my deck. Especially ramp decks cause it's just a meme

  • @nikkig4802
    @nikkig4802 5 місяців тому

    Good to see there’s no bias in your color videos

  • @robertbeisert3315
    @robertbeisert3315 Рік тому

    I have a cherished mono-green I built and honed over the roughly Zendikar era. Elves everywhere, but also Omnomnomnath and two different Garruks, because savage man go "Grrr!".
    Elvish Kinship buffs everyone and makes tokens. No big stompies, but turn 5 6/6 wolves everywhere and maybe even a stupid huge Omnath.

  • @soulstarved4116
    @soulstarved4116 Рік тому

    You convinced me that this is the best way to play

  • @user-rr8iy6mv5f
    @user-rr8iy6mv5f Рік тому +3

    Green truly is the best colour. Until you meet an opponent with more than 4 copies of removal in their deck.

    • @cnidarianglow1041
      @cnidarianglow1041 Рік тому

      But you know, green is the best color to add more mana for counterspells.

    • @mrosskne
      @mrosskne Рік тому +1

      as if I'd only run 4 chonkers lel

  • @fettbub92
    @fettbub92 Рік тому

    I play a lot of green stompy. I always thought it was low tier, but I like my big creatures that can bw summoned by turn 3 and lethal by turn 4 at latest.

  • @blainethebro8864
    @blainethebro8864 Рік тому

    One of my most satisfying moments in the limited time I played was telling my opponent "I'm swinging with a 16/17 double strike trample" and just seeing his brain do an instant factory reset.

  • @kylerichard8473
    @kylerichard8473 Рік тому

    I feel so validated as mono-green player after watching this. Thank you

  • @MellonVegan
    @MellonVegan 7 місяців тому +1

    I play Naya dinos and this makes me feel understood.

  • @HonestFaraday
    @HonestFaraday Рік тому

    my favorite flavor of green is putting out a shit ton of elves by turn 4 then topdecking a finale of devastation into craterhoof. there's nothing quite like saying "I'm swinging for 2k with trample" because opp forgot to pack a board wipe or a murder

  • @thestaubmob6877
    @thestaubmob6877 Рік тому

    I thumbs upped the video and immediately received a double feature cultivator colossus. THANK YOU MAGIC MAN

  • @AegisAuras
    @AegisAuras Рік тому +1

    Every time I play something with 6 power or more my brain inflates slightly.

  • @origaminosferatu3357
    @origaminosferatu3357 Рік тому

    This is how I've played from day one and I have no mood to change.

  • @Sausketo
    @Sausketo Рік тому

    Worst opponent i ever faced was a bleed deck that made you discard the number of cards in your graveyard from your deck, deck is gone in like 5 turns

  • @jerrysanchez5453
    @jerrysanchez5453 7 місяців тому +1

    "im gonna swing for 63,your move" and then silence is the greenest shit anyone has ever said

  • @gabekeeter6415
    @gabekeeter6415 Рік тому

    So after you've finished the 5 basics are you gonna do the whole pie?

  • @jennettbulian7093
    @jennettbulian7093 Рік тому

    do you have a decklist for this deck? i want to try it out

  • @DokuroHeartvore
    @DokuroHeartvore Рік тому +1

    Thats why as a black and green player destruction cards are important

  • @prestonasher32
    @prestonasher32 Рік тому

    I’m subscribing purely for the mono green supremacy.

  • @fiendfi7119
    @fiendfi7119 14 днів тому

    "I'm just gonna play my creature with double digit stats and let my opponent do the math"

  • @thesonicnacho3159
    @thesonicnacho3159 Рік тому +4

    Do you think you could do a Inside the mind of a mutate player? I am feeling masochistic.

    • @bloodmage7173
      @bloodmage7173 Рік тому

      Mutate is just bestow but occasionally worse

  • @Overlordough1201
    @Overlordough1201 Рік тому +1

    I may not play MtG, but I recognize dinosaur fans when I see them.

  • @enjaded7222
    @enjaded7222 Рік тому +3

    not enough colossal dreadmaw

  • @joeytmog8267
    @joeytmog8267 Рік тому +8

    what's your opinion on swinging with 30 1/1s instead of 1 30/30

  • @Darkflamecrusader
    @Darkflamecrusader Рік тому

    Used to play gruul landfall control and cultivator colossus plus Valakut Exploration was a win con.

  • @anonmisfit
    @anonmisfit Рік тому +2

    do one on black pleaase ♥️

  • @Crazycoyoteify
    @Crazycoyoteify Рік тому

    My brain when I play Gruul EDH: "Stompy go brrrr"

  • @theprogressivecynic2407
    @theprogressivecynic2407 Рік тому

    I too am a connoisseur of big green creatures...but my method of playing them in EDH/Historic Brawl is through The Scarab God...

  • @DianaHatter
    @DianaHatter 7 місяців тому +1

    This actually made me wanna play Mtg

  • @deathbypizza1259
    @deathbypizza1259 Рік тому +1

    can i get the deck list for the mono green deck

  • @hoonty4890
    @hoonty4890 Рік тому

    0:48 "NOOOOOOOOOOO" I love that lol

  • @greatnesseeker
    @greatnesseeker Рік тому

    Can we have the decklist though?

  • @froggychair9258
    @froggychair9258 Рік тому +5

    Noah my father please provide a deck list 🙏

  • @boliber4874
    @boliber4874 Рік тому

    Such variety!

  • @Uthael_Kileanea
    @Uthael_Kileanea Рік тому +1

    There's a 5/5 dinosaur with haste. It does cost 5 mana, but it always catches people off-guard.

  • @Aphex217Twin
    @Aphex217Twin Рік тому +1

    collected company is a great green card, like in the elf decks, but I know you're more into the beef! I started playing magic back in 2000, and one of us had a deck called "BFC" standing for Big Fucking Creature. Everybody wanted to play Mitch's BFC deck! Then I came up with an epic idea of making a mono green deck with little fast creatures, and giant growths, and rancor's (turns out the idea had already been done) It was called a stompy deck! and nobody could get their big creatures out fast enough to beat me.

  • @richardburns7651
    @richardburns7651 Рік тому

    This makes my Cultivator Colossus the BIG Cultivator Colossus

  • @stefhonsmith6547
    @stefhonsmith6547 Рік тому

    Man Now I feel like making a Mono-Green Deck now.

  • @curtisthornsberry4236
    @curtisthornsberry4236 Рік тому

    my all time favorite deck was a green/blue Simic deck.

  • @gozucritic4546
    @gozucritic4546 Рік тому

    I can run cultivator colossus with some other fun cards that love to give positive counters for way more amped up damage

  • @DarkandDeath4
    @DarkandDeath4 Рік тому

    My favorite thing about green is that I never have to read other people’s cards

  • @hmroid6884
    @hmroid6884 Рік тому +1

    Goblins are the greenest red creature

  • @Killdestroyer1
    @Killdestroyer1 Рік тому

    As I sit here watching this video i realize your right, I have never once seen any green player play Cultivator colossus, and now im going to in my Halana and Alana commanader deck

  • @starshade7826
    @starshade7826 Рік тому +1

    I play white-green. I just drop Colossification and Eldrazi Conscription on Light-Paws. Because giant fox waifu is hilarious to me.

  • @mattezuka1274
    @mattezuka1274 Рік тому

    My favorite thing to do in commander is play a 90 land deck and a cultivator colossus. Mazes end is high IQ

  • @thetobi583
    @thetobi583 Рік тому

    "there's nothing he can do about it." - opponent plays creature removal- "FFFFUUUUU"