Good that Wen-Ti Sung was able to correct the interviewer that we are NOT a Chinese state. Our politicians have stressed that many times, and will continue to do so. Singapore was never a Chinese state and will never be.
Hello guys.....we are Singaporean, not Chinese China. Dont always mix up ....all yellow skin are from China. Born local, doesnt mean we related to China.
Singapore reached out to many countries when it set out to build it's military. Israel 🇮🇱 responded positively. This is a historical fact which is well documented.
@@pringlessourcream9527India is a developing country , Bharat don't want to stop it's growth due to war. Singapore , israel is a developed country , they may afford war but Bharat can't.
We reached out to Egypt too but got rejected. Israel and ROC Taiwan answered. Some of our early SAF commanders, Chief or Staff, trainers were ROC officers turned Singaporeans.
What you doing is trying to push Singapore not to train in Taiwan anymore. Are you really from Singapore and really have a good memories doing Singapore training in Taiwan? And do you want Singapore to continue to do our training in Taiwan?
@@MrRicky4309singapore will be doing training with china instead lol and maybe get a chance to buy a bunch of military equipments in exchange from them heh.
@@MrRicky4309 nothing wrong with him saying he has good memories of training in TW. No idea whats your problem. I was also sent to the Singapore camp in tw fir training. Back then, we do not have training camps in Australia and US yet. We only had camps in Thailand and TW. In TW, we trained among ourselves. We DO NOT train with TW soldiers. We are just using his land and facilities for training. Whether we will stay in TW in future, wait...I check my crystal ball first. TBA
@@iamayoutuberfromearth Also think that voters in Singapore might not vote out a gov't because of unpopular policies, & give the patience for them to take effect, unlike elsewhere, where governments may be cajoled more strongly to "listen to their people"
SG’s best form of defence is not her military prowess.. it’s her impeccable foreign diplomacy/neutrality.. One has nobody to fear if one has no enemy..
Singapore is in practice not a very neutral country when it hosts American forces, and is one of the few Asian countries to officially condemn Russian aggression in Ukraine. What Singapore does better is to establish good relations with as many as possible, but it is not always as successful as hoped, often sliding between the US and China depending on prevailing geopolitical tensions. Our relations with China have suffered on several occasions over the years. Being neutral does not mean having no enemies. And Singapore is certainly not fearless of anyone, for that breeds complacency.
@@huaiwei Perhaps I should phrase myself more properly.. the neutrality that I’m referring to is not exactly “neutrality” per se.. it’s more of an ambiguous stance.. SG doesn’t really side too much with the US but neither does she side too much with China as well.. yet sometimes she might side with either one of them on certain agendas.. sort of an ambiguous neutrality.. And you are right SG can’t afford to be fearless of anyone for that breeds complacency but the fear that I’m referring to is the fear of being militarily invaded by other country which was what my initial comment was about with regards to the video. SG still has the fear of being invaded one day should unforeseen circumstances happen (hence the military investment) but on a fear-of-any-particular-country pov I don’t think it really applies to her.. at least for now!
SG is not really neutral per se though impeccable diplomacy as you did mention is totally true. We Singaporeans are Pro-Singapore, and this drive us in our direction to take.
The answer can be found in history. Less than 30 years ago, the President of Indonesia - I believe it was Habibie - commented that Singapore was just a "little Red Dot" in a sea of green. That is, Singapore was (then) just 5 million, mainly Chinese population, surrounded by Islamic-majority countries. The "Little Red Dot" observation was meant to be derisive, and to let Singapore/Singaporeans "know their place" and know their insignificance. Singaporeans adopted the "Little Red Dot" in defiance? But we were not cowed by the implied threat. Flashback further to Singapore's Independence. In 1963, Singapore joined the Federation of Malaysia because pragmatically, Singapore could not survive on its own - limited land, limited agricultural produce, dependent on Malaysia to provide even enough water, and needed the larger market of Malaysia economically. However, due to political (and social?) disagreements, Malaysia decided to kick Singapore out of the Federation in 1965. Thus was Independence thrust unwanted on Singapore. Students of history will be surprised. AFAIK, no other nation has willingly given up territories. The US went to war to prevent the Southern Confederate States from seceding. China still claims Taiwan, and considers a declaration of independence to be a red line. Putin even claims Ukraine as part of Russia and is trying to "reunite" Russia. So why did Malaysia willingly (and peacefully) allow Singapore to secede (or kicked Singapore out of the Federation)? Because Malaysia did not expect Singapore to survive, let alone thrive and succeed. Independent Singapore was supposed to fail. Malaysia had the rubber and tin, and other mineral resources. Singapore didn't even have enough land to grow the food it needs, and needs to get water from Malaysia. Cut off from Malaysia, Singapore was supposed to wither and suffer, until poor and impoverish, Singapore would crawl back to the Federation and beg to to readmitted and on Malaysia's terms. Malaysia "magnanimously" stationed troops in Singapore to "help" protect the fledgling nation still building up its military. Then Singapore got the first tanks in the region. One narrative (or rumour) in 1969 was that Malaysia was thinking of "reuniting" Singapore back into the Federation. By displaying the tanks, Singapore was signalling our intent to resist such a "reunification". Periodically, there has been talk about re-merger, for Singapore to rejoin Malaysia. In the 1960s, the then-Indonesian President had revanchist ambition which he prosecuted through his "Konfontasi" incursions into Malaysia and Singapore. These are the historical threats that Singapore has prepared for.
@@tmgasia And then you just cast aspersions without any "facts" to support YOUR doubts. Which is NOT to say your epistemological point is NOT valid. Only that it is a truism and a good cynicism whenever one is on the internet. But if you have alternative facts pointing to an alternative TRUTH, have the courage of your conviction (or your "education") to present your facts and your truth. Or continue to snipe with aspersions, unsubstantiated with facts or interpretations of facts as you are doing, It is very convincing.
The SAF & the US Seventh Fleet were the fastest to activate emergency taskforce deployments after the 2004 tsunami. Personnel from over 35 active units (yes, even though SG NSFs bore unwanted reputations of maids carrying their gear off-duty) were mobilized to set sail after 72 hours, with standby teams already flying out within the first 24 hours. That's how ready their military is, as a peacetime army. It's as good as it gets, given Asian countries aren't actually as warmongering as in the West, no matter how much their governments indulge in sabre-rattling.
Since we're so small then staying "weak" is really not an option. History has taught us being small & weak will not have good ending. Hence, Singapore has to stay strong & stronger so that we'll not be bullied. I was born in the 60's... & I served in the Republic of Singapore Air Force in the 80's right to 2000's. In the past, Malaysia has always threatened us to cut the water supply to us & we were bullied. There's a price to pay for being small... It'll be catastrophic if we're weak. Remember we had our fair share of having threats in the past...
78% of population being of Chinese ethnicity is not the reason for Singapore's need for a strong military in defense but rather the common destiny and resolve of all Singaporeans to uphold it's way of life as a multiracial and multicultural society,
I'm just a regular person but this "Talk" on strategic geopolitical analysis is easy to understand and actually I learnt much from the speakers and host curating the questions and answer in a contextual manner. I love it! From: SGP
There is some truth to what you say. He was indeed an extraordinary leader. But remember that he had a capable Cabinet to assist him, and a tough and hardworking populace willing to follow his lead. But his tactics may not be as useful now, with a much more educated and sophisticated citizenry, and competing ideas of what Singapore should be.
Singapore believe in this maxim 'To Have Peace, Prepare For War' They are a friend to all. They do not seek war but is prepared for it and the reservist training is in the same vein of the active operational units. It needs to be well trained as they have no buffer zone to fall back on. They are trained in offence is the best defense. It's a folly to believe that the SAF, Singapore Armed Forces is an army for Defense.
I believe we take pride in being a cooperative and collaborative nation that deeply values the support we have received, which has carried us through challenging times. We remain grateful for these contributions and approach the future with confidence, embracing our gratitude while maintaining a strong sense of self-awareness.
Well if you look around Singapore, they are surrounded by a few "single religion" majority countries. And being a country that is not mostly of the same believe as abovementioned countries, they have to survive. Let's also not forget that they were kicked out of a particular federation, and were actually kicked for racial reasons. They have to thus have a really strong military to guard themselves against any mad-dog in the region, and there are many potential mad-dogs around them. Better to be safe than sorry!
@@resuwanrazack7253 Well not exactly, you can be outside of Singapore and perhaps see even better. You can be a Chinese Malaysian or a Non-muslim living in Indonesia and you can see what needs to be done in Singapore for it to last longer than it's 55 years history. Having said that, I had spoken to many Singaporeans who do not appreciate what had been done for them, especially when it comes to the topic of National Security, they see it as a given, especially the younger kids who had not served their National Service and it's quite jarring.
@chinaman1 I'm actually 55, seen it progressed, and traveled a fair bit for work. There will always be locals who are not happy about everything or some things, but it's the same anywhere else. What I can say is that I am grateful to wake up every day safe and sound, with most things accessible and peace prosperity.
Singapore armed forces in the 70's and 80's were a bit of bluff and numbers game because of conscription. In an emergency Singapore can have an army including reservist the size of Indonesia army and larger than the Malaysian army asia nobody attack a country with a country an army size larger than yours. Today with modern weapons singapore armed forces is different enemy may be battle hardened scouts, commandos or marines but still dead when a 19 year old conscript fired a HIMAAR rocket or a pilot flying a F15 dropped a JDAM or an Apache fired a Helldire missile on you...a destroyer fleet trying to blockade you will face submarine attacks and waves of Harpoon missiles and plus you still have a very large army...
I think it is dangerous to continuously push the question on which side Singapore will choose. Rather, Singapore will continue to offer assistance as friends to all! 🇸🇬
The answer to the question asked as the title of this video why Singapore has a great military is directly connected with its economic might which it wisely built up to its present level. The bigger the economy, the stronger the state must get to be in a better negotiation position. That’s it. If Singapore didn’t develop under the guidance of its first premier Lee Kuan Yew, its position today would be far less certain. As it is, today Singapore is well in control of its destiny. Less relevant are concerns about the beliefs and culture of its nearest neighbours. Along the way, Singapore did very well to build its relationship with the most strongest countries around the world including, of course, the US and had a lot of foresight with China back when China was little more than a massive but poor country. Singapore also recognises that meritocracy is essential to maximise its strength and depth of defence so it went to Israel that are the absolute masters at this very aspect. Singapore is not beholden to any religious ideologue or socialist idealism but only to the brass tacks of fundamentally sound business culture and legal processes. It might be a little stressful for its citizens living in such a necessarily high tension state over a long period of time but they have the option of taking their all powerful currency and retiring in a property that they can easily buy with a slower pace of life.
There’s the saying Rome isn’t built in a day. Chinese saying, “takes a thousand days to build up an army so that they can be deployed and fight for that moment.”.
Singapore is liken to an orphan adopted by the West in 1965 when it becomes independent due to ‘survival’ reasons. We learn to speak English and adopted the Western way of life. We have ‘grown up’ now and the people mainly Singapore Chinese will not take the Western side in times of conflict between America and China. Initially the military built up in Singapore primarily for self defence and regional security, NOT against China. China was not ‘in the picture’ in 1965. Both countries, China & America are important to us in Singapore. We would prefer to be friendly with both rather than taking sides.
Rubbish. Singapore was not an orphan. The oldest mosque is two hundred years old and Sir Raffles came in 1819 and modernised it. Singapore has a long civilised history than you think.
There is no secret, the young man of Singapore take our military training seriously. We have the best soldiers and best military hardware, no two way about it,
it annoys me when foreigners keeps refering to singapore as "a chinese country/state or chinese speaking country".. hate the fact we are categorized by race by foreigners... we singaporeans identify ourselves as singaporeans first before our race.. we are multi racial/religious.. we respect all races and religion.. just as on the international stage we want to be respectful to all and keep the peace.. and obviously we need a strong military as a deterrent to protect the peace..
If mainland China pushes for more political/diplomatic support from its diaspora that could also further feed the perception that the Chinese majority in Singapore are more closely associated with China
The fact that there are many conversation on this topic goes to show Singapore military strategy works. From Poison shrimp to Porcupine and to Dolphin plan show the growth of her military. Adversary must know what they are walking into before they embark on any hostility. Lets be friends
+1......always dragging us to their country dispute matter. Even their own citizen always dont bother about country political and warring. Dont ever think we Singapore will lent our forces to our matter. Wakeup our fantasy dreams.
The secret to success is to never succumb under the tons of criticism and being looked down upon because we are a small country, especially by our neighbouring countries who are always so full of jealousy over our wealth and success.
US Naval Base Subic Bay + Cubi Point Airfield and USAF Base Clark used to be the most important US Bases (and many more smaller bases from southern Phil up to northern Phil } in the Philippines. US Naval Base Subic is one of the biggest US Base out of the continental US. The Singapore base compared to Subic Base is small since Subic has a Ship Repair Facility that can accommodate at least 3 aircraft carrier ships. The biggest employer in the Philippines at the time that are the US Bases. The US Military Bases in the Philippines played a major role in WW2 Pacific War, Korean War, and Vietnam War.
Re: The US vs PRC debate. There is no ambiguity. The SAF is a military partner in alliances and regular training exercises with US and allied militaries throughout its history. Most of its equipment, weaponry and ammunition is of that bloc. It participants regularly when called upon even in wars like in Afghanistan, at the logistical and humanitarian level. There is limited collaboration with the PLA and next to no equipment, training doctrine etc affiliated with the PLA. In a war, the SAF is totally unable to liaise with PLA battle doctrine, but is well versed in US military tactics and doctrine. Clear as day.
This small island has its long strategic to be one of the world class commercial sea port in the early, then find itself should be a hub for the regional financial center after Hong Kong, that will enhance a more attractive for all aspects of business activities to be settled there, following by Singapore has its fast track infrastructure to be planning ahead to facilitate the key success which is the most crucial establishment on satisfying both the comfortable free market platform and the worldwide connectivity network. With this little poor island but with its great visions and the acumen of the late founder Lee Kuan Yew, whose name "Kuan Yew" also has its meaningful as the" scintillation" that to propell his initiative !
Good Sun morning from Singaporean. I done my NS 37 yrs ago. So r mine children 3 yrs ago. Past 10 yrs. Singapore Gov does not reduce military spending even in technical recession. We lived thru Lehman Bros crisis to 4 yrs ago, C19 world lock down. This made SAF efficient & powerful in certain extents.
@@jsurfin1 ...that totally rude, disgrace and unacceptable words that all we hate as shown concern and feeling unfriendly approach by years of friendship been considered and untrustful alike. As we not forgotten and remember ever how Taiwan treated nation emergency of city state where during COVID masks been halted export issues. Will this be considered backstabbing as years of friendship means...??
In April 2022, Singapore surpassed Japan to become China's largest cumulative source of foreign investment. By the end of 2023, Singapore's cumulative actual investment in China reached US$141.23 billion.1 Nov 2024
Singapore and USA are both ex-colonies of Great Britain. They are different from SKorea and Japan. Singapore leaders DO NOT accept any Talk Down behavior from the Americans. Recently, the US ambassador to Singapore tried to behave like a Viceroy to Singapore, like they do in Germany, Japan and SKorea and Singapore Foreign Ministry STONEWALLED him. Basically, the Singapore told him to bug off.
you got an important point. We won the WWII as part of the British empire Allied forces. 50,000 troops and civilians killed defending the small island together with our fellow King's men from Australia and New Zealand. US did not win WWII alone, they knew it.
Taiwan can start by implementing real conscription. Every year they cutting the service requirements, they’ll have no capacity soon. SAF trains in Taiwan EXERCISE STARLIGHT and the Taiwanese soldiers would ask us about stuff and are occasionally surprised by our service duration. It’s as if they don’t train as much as us. (And our own training is not that great.) Are they even prepared for a war? 🤷
A valuable lesson Taiwan can learn from Singapore is the building of common identity and aspiration among the population to cherish the freedom, rule of law, open economy and social harmony that held Singaporeans together to achieve economic prosperity and highest standard of living in Asia. Hence the resolve to defend and safeguard these values and way of life irrespective of the ethnicity of Singaporeans. This determination to defend their destiny translated into building a strong military and alignment with US on security arrangement, and to collaborate actively with the free and democratic world in strategic partnership to ensure the preservation of international rules-based order in the Indo Pacific region. Taiwan Straits and South China Sea.
Still remembering my good old days lol.Active personnel,infantry 84s MM.My secondary weapon weigh 17 kg ,plus full battle order 30++kg.Not to mention,not easy to hit moving tanks hits or misses lol.Now modern warfare,just a drone can take out a battle tank ...:(😅
Maybe not an attack. But what if they sent warships to Southeast Asia? What if these warships were called a "treasure fleet"? What if they're led by a certain general with the surname "Zheng", coming in the name of "Friendship"? Would Singapore be converted into a Beijing tributary then?
A well trained + equipped forces in our tiny nation aside from get to defend our nation effectively, it can also lower our service men and women battlefield fatality, improve the odds of survivability in time of war. Why as an independence, sovereign state, you don't want to have a well-trained, well-equipped military as your national defenses, but prefer a weak and poorly trained military forces??
They are like flying in a plane so everybody must strictly follow and adhere to their own rules and regulation or else the journey would become unsuccessful. That is SG, like an airplane, so many people want to ride and they are all welcome as long as they are law abiders. They are security concious as well as to the point that they never allow a non-chinese Singaporean to be their military chief of staff.
Who is this lady? She is gorgeous. Mr. Sung gave the answer she dearly wishes to have for that last question. That is what we did for Vietnam Civil War and as a result formed Asean. If cross straits go to war, it is a continuation of 1949 civil war. We would only go to war for four allies, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. The US don't need our help, they only need what Mr. Sung said, logistical and humanitarian (medics) support and Singapore to be able to hold our ground independently.
Google the definition: The Rule of Law (法治) and Rule by Law (以法治国)- are distinct concepts in governance. Rule of Law emphasizes that all individuals, including lawmakers, are subject to the law, ensuring equality and fairness in its application. It promotes accountability and limits arbitrary power, fostering a just society where laws protect individual rights Rule by Law, conversely, suggests that those in power can create and enforce laws without accountability, often using legal frameworks to justify oppressive actions. It can lead to authoritarianism, where laws serve the interests of the ruling authority rather than the populace
So many factual inaccuracies. Eg Exercise wallaby was extended from 6 weeks to 9 weeks, not from 6 months to 9 months. The number of active personnel and reservist definitely doesn’t amount to 25% of 5m!
To give an answer to this. All one has to look at is what is happening in Europe with Ukraine. Their first Prime Minister was one leader that had the vision to see what they had to do to succeed as a nation. The military is part of that. They do have one of the most advanced and well trained military. Not only that, they have been involved in many different deployments in peacetime and humanitarian assistance around the world. Kudos, to them to be able to be where they are today and in the future.
Singapore actively acts on shared interests be it business, cultural, financial, military or technological . Instead of seeking differences Singapore prefers to seek out common ground. Singapore has a lot of US companies as well as a lot of Chinese companies. Peaceful competition is a priority for Singapore. There are just a handful of neutral sanctuaries in the world , we need to cherish and protect these places.
Our army is a conscript army that, as far as people know, have not been in active combat except for that one airliner terrorist hostage situation years ago. However, our army medical and engineer corps have been active in aiding in natural disasters and other crises, so their capacity is probably proven. I can’t speak to the Air Force and Navy, but since we’re close allies of the US and have some of their most effective weapons, I think they should be capable. Not battle-tested, though.
Why? 1) Commitment by the government. Security is like oxygen. You only miss it when it's gone...and by then it's too late. 2) Healthy budget for defense 3) Lots of joint exercises and foreign training (at officer level, to full brigade exercises) - ensures standards are on par with other militaries 4) Long duration of national service provides high level of training. SAF are not weekend soldiers.
A stable and prosperous ASEAN is good for the world. Singapore is working hard to have harmonious relationship with member countries within ASEAN and also with the rest of the world especially with China and US. When this two giants can sit down and talk constructively, there will be real progress for the world and lessen the likelihood of a global war. Hope both countries can also persuade Putin to end the war with Ukraine. It is so painful to see death and destruction happening in both countries. The Singapore military has a strong capability in humanitarian and disaster relief work. It has proven itself in the tsunami relief in Aceh in end of 2004. Most recently, military planes took off from Singapore to deliver relief medical and food supplies by airdrop in the Gaza strip. This is a simple and solid demonstration of the Singapore military capability. Sincere, meaningful yet powerful.
good question actually... strong can mean many things. I think this in particular only meaning the budget spent on military. This is just 1 category ticked.
We are small but must be perceived as strong simply because “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tze 596 BC The speakers and host fails to understand the 2 KEY ELEMENTS why not only Singapore has a great military, but also great economic success and the good relations with many countries do not come by chance but by design! First Key is we maintain good diplomacy with all nations for economic or military engagements and 2nd element is our elected Govt had been, has been and will be able to make long term plans for Singapore that many countries fail to do so with frequent change of Governments with every election. Alex is wrong that Singapore’s military is designed to help US fight China but more to ensure open sea lanes that our economy survive on. SAF DO NOT and IS NOT designed to fight in South China Sea especially with US against China as much as Alex wishes to drag Singapore into failed diplomacy that Taiwan fails miserably and resulting in tensions that we see today. So get your diplomacy right in order for you to plan right for long term good for the nation and people of Taiwan!
Singapore's defense philosophy is that of a small guy in the class that put in lots of effort and time to be trained in fighting but is always trying to be friendly to all the classmates including the bigger and scary guys.
We love pur country and have great respect snd trust of our government and systems. Singapore believes in peace and prosperity and our military is to defence our motherland and also to use it for rescue missions such as natural disasters in other countries when called for.
Taiwan with serious threat from China. Serve National service only 8 month to a years . Singaporean serve at least 18month or more I guess. Given Singapores geography do you think we need so much infantry men ? What about strong deterrent like drones ships and aircraft defense system rather than actual man on the ground . Wake up
A glaring mistake at the last part of conversation for saying Singapore does not have substantive investment in China as compared to the rest of the world. Actually Singapore is top investor country in China since Yr 2013.
Please Taiwan please dont drag SG into your national sovereignty dispute with China and SG doesnt need your validation about our military status cos the world knows that Taiwan is part of China so embrace that and the entire SEA wants world peace Period !!!!
For those who claimed Sg needs to have combat experience to prove its capabilities are simply ridiculous. The military that first deter action of war is already a win itself. Ukraine in the first few days on Feb 2020 had to issue simple firearms to its citizens due to an under prepared army. Now we know how lethal Ukrainian delivered her punches when it comes to military tactics.
I have to disagree. A military is only as effective in war as far as it’s able to translate training and actual combat into lethal action. There is no substitute for actual experience, which our military probably has none. That being said, every Singaporean life is precious, and there is no need to risk the lives and well-being of our warriors (even career warriors) when there is no need. What I agree with you is that, if enemy forces have attacked us, part of our military’s role was not fulfilled (deterrence).
Easy answer: tough laws, foreing capitals (by the "truck load"), banking "heaven"... Higly dependent on foreing money and products for its subsistence. There's nothing else to it.
Because it was surrounded by not very smart neighbors who have this very crazy idea that due to Singapore's lack of 'Strategic Depth" it can be easily overwhelmed by force. Unless Singapore can project its capabilities as a "defence heavy force" it can also be read as a very capable and lethal "offensive force" instead. However, we need a leader with "Iron In Him" to wield this force, or "else forget about it", as espoused by the late Lee Kuan Yew.
It is not the Straits of Malacca that is the contention area between China and several ASEAN countries but the South China Sea. And if China who claim the Sea as its territory were to gain territorial control of the area, it could impose rules. charge entrance levies and close the whole area because of the undersea oil and gas fields supposedly discovered in the SCS. That could be detrimental to Singapore as it highly depends on free shipping routes through the SCS. So even if you got the Malacca Straits, ships also have to pass through the South China Sea for the other side. So in this scenario the best way is to be friends with China while maintaining its strategic alliance with the US. Also there's been research done on creating a shortcut either through a canal or a land bridge that is similar to the Suez Canal involving Thailand's Isthmus of Kra. China is agreeable to creating one which would cause Singapore a huge loss in trade revenue. The project is still under considerations.
Very good distinction between Singapore (rule of law) and China (rule by law). From Lee Kuan Yew’s time till now, Singapore will always lean more to the US than to China, because for all America’s faults, we still trust the US more than China. China is viewed by many Singaporeans as a maritime bully using economic carrots to win allegiance. Even though the US lost the Vietnam war, its participation in the war helped to protect a young Singapore and other democratic nations in the 1960s at a time when communism was raging in South-east Asia with the domino theory being a threat.
It's a good interview and invite more discussions on geopolitical evolution since the colonial days. The strateigic road map after its discoupling with British and Malaya was designed by Goh Keng Swee (IMHO), a non-verbal academic and tough backroom negotiator; including the induction of complusory NS and Israelite trainers. Lee Kuan Yew was a natural orator with fiery rebuttal wits and most capable poker player. Nonetheless, at 81, I have seen my migrant grandfather, my local born parents and my extended families evolved. My memories are with Xiamen and Taiwan but not my future generations. The colonial Western past must be erased in future generations. Elitism has its rewards but favoured few. Party politics in Singapore grew from tough decisions of survival and unpopularity. Definitely, Singapore population are pro Asian than Western civilisations and, China, since post 2000s, has had their envy of tremenous progress, especially under Xi. That said, many US MNCs are still well regarded since 1970s. So, Singapore has adopted Tao circle of balance. Kudos to Taiwan Talk.
Unlike Taiwan, Singapore is able to buy weapons from the US, Israel and European countries based on cost effectiveness, while Taiwan is restricted to US arms and Taiwan's domestic production. Unfortunately the US only gives Taiwan usually outdated weapons (sometimes retired or those deemed useless) and it often circumvents Taiwan's own weapon production by pushing US weapons when Taiwan develops an advanced weapon, as seen in the Chingkuo (FCK) fighter (the US then agreed to sell Taiwan F-16 fighters) and Hsiung Feng missile (they US persuaded Taiwan to cease production of HF-3 and buy Harpoon missiles). Three generations of my Singaporean family has served as conscripts and been to Taiwan on Operation Starlight (星光計劃). In the 1970s when my uncle served, Taiwan's military was better equipped than ours, but in 1990 when I served, our weapons were on on par. By the time my nephew served in 2010, he noticed Taiwan's weapons were unchanged and worse, Taiwanese tactics were still based on US Vietnam war doctrine and severely outdated. Taiwan's tragedy is politicians pandered to the public's naivety that the US will defend Taiwan in the event of invasion and tried to abolish mandatory conscription, resulting in lack of soldiers in a major conflict, I see on the news that even the volunteer military is down to 75% in manpower in frontline units. There's no way Taiwan can push back a chinese invasion now and the chinese military will only become more capable in the near future.
I agree with you on your assessment of the Taiwan army's capabilities in 1970s to 2010, but in recent years, Taiwanese army has purchased Apache 64-E attack helicopter, Javelin antitank missiles, 1,700 TOW 2B RF antitank missiles, HIMARS Rocket System, M1A2 tank, NASAMS air defense system, and stinger missiles from the United States; these 7 weapon systems are all latest models. In addition, Taiwan has built hundreds of new generation armory vehicles with American made MK44 30 mm chain gun, so, Taiwanese army has made huge progress in recent years.
u r just a conscript using small arms in training , what would you know about actual military equipment and systems. if china didn't fear US weapons why would they be so pissy everytime Taiwan buys something from US
Sg has compulsory military enlistment, so does Korea, Thailand and many countries. All of these countries do not have conflicts with other countries. But Taiwan which has high conflict with China, their people are not willing to do military service. Always thinking other countries will help them. Personally I have no sympathy or respect for them.
Singapore wants realistic trainings but at the same time wants its sons safely delivered to their mothers. Its military trainings are realistic, grueling, tough and punishing. Not so much now but in the past, people died during trainings.
Wen Ti Sung answers quite narrow. Singapore is able to acquire advanced jets is not just because of Straits of Malacca. There are 3 countries in the Straits of Malacca.
What I understand is that most of the advance military gear are kept in USA and its alliance. How on earth is sg considered high tech unless all F35 are stationed in sg ??
Singapore military personnel has been operated in the continental United States gone unnoticed. But what about Singapore Air Force presence at Cazaux Air Base in France? Back to Australia, we have up 14,000 Singaporean troops. However every Singaporean military presence in Australia to the States to even the Air base in French are just for training purposes. If you ask me who's going protect my Singapore? Join the Singapore army to understand the world. Or British army might provide you a world view. :)
Just like how most people thought that Russia will overrun Ukraine in no time when the war started but look what happened? But I guess at least half the battle won when you look good on paper?
Chinese taiwan or chinese mainland are one. Tunku created it as staging island for refugees. The Malays are the natives. Since then more then 200,000 chinese have moved on to Australia using Singapore passport. Now there are 4 millions migrants mostly from PRC. Cramped 6 millions peopleon small island.
The first speaker got it wrong. Singapore's military capability was never about the expansion of China's military capability. Singapore has always sought regional cooperation and joint military exercise with all neighboring countries way before Obama came up with the "pivot to Asia' strategy"
China never interfere in other country foreign affair but they spoke up during the racial unrest in Indonesian the last time. This why Singapore need to boost relationship with China.
Sao Tome and Cabo Verde were two very similar island countries. One found oil and became poor, the other got rich. Europe after the Roman empire were killing each other. Dark ages and all that. They were a bunch of small countries crowded together and highly competitive. China considered itself the middle kingdom, protected by the sea and mountains, center of the world, with gunpowder, maps, printing, tea, silk, and fine china-ware. Then Zheng He travelled the world, whose entire purpose was hubris instead of conquest. He gave away star charts, maps and gunpowder technology to the Arabs and these eventually got to Venice and the ravenous horde that was the Europeans. No need to guess what happened 200 years later. My grandfather was killed by the Japanese for looking at them funny, my father picked grains of rice off the floor of Japanese supply trucks when he was a three-year-old. The British defenders ran away. We swore collectively, never again. I served in the Singapore Armed Forces, my elder son is serving now, so will my younger boy in a year. We were kicked out of the Malaysia Federation for being too 'Chinese' and disagree with their "Malay First' principles. We didn't ask for independence. So, to answer your question why Singapore is where it is now, we have nothing. Everything we have now hangs by a thread. By the way, ask these questions of any Singaporean, don't ask two bias individuals with intellectual range of a doorknob.
I don't think more regarding military because it is not yet tested in war since it is established, if there is a world War and Singapore will involved in a serious battle then this is the first time there military earn battle experience and skills. Zero experience in real combat is a big question to answer, there is a General by schooling only its different compared to some countries like philipines which is regularly have combat in different factions, these 50 000 military with fully equipped for combat with zero experience, I hope there balls is ready when they heard the first shot.
is it one of the Best? Nothing is certain until the day comes, so please stop using such arrogant sub titles, being humble adds a good level of fortification to the defence
Good that Wen-Ti Sung was able to correct the interviewer that we are NOT a Chinese state. Our politicians have stressed that many times, and will continue to do so. Singapore was never a Chinese state and will never be.
Hello guys.....we are Singaporean, not Chinese China. Dont always mix up ....all yellow skin are from China. Born local, doesnt mean we related to China.
China considers Singapore a seperate soverign country. And no one in China think that Singaporean Chinese are same as Chinese in China
@@SiakHuayLim-jk8tjin the region of unpredictable islam states its better u guys b Chinese state for protection yes ?
We (SG) don't need anyone's protection.
Singapore reached out to many countries when it set out to build it's military. Israel 🇮🇱 responded positively. This is a historical fact which is well documented.
the Rothschilds created Israel and has been controlling S'pore since Raffles came here...........
India ignored LKY plea for assistance, only Isreal answered. Gratitude and pray in their hour of need against Hamas.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
@@pringlessourcream9527India is a developing country , Bharat don't want to stop it's growth due to war.
Singapore , israel is a developed country , they may afford war but Bharat can't.
We reached out to Egypt too but got rejected. Israel and ROC Taiwan answered. Some of our early SAF commanders, Chief or Staff, trainers were ROC officers turned Singaporeans.
I still have memories of me sent to Taiwan for army training during my National Service with Singapore army. Thank you for hosting us….❤❤❤go Taiwan go
What you doing is trying to push Singapore not to train in Taiwan anymore. Are you really from Singapore and really have a good memories doing Singapore training in Taiwan? And do you want Singapore to continue to do our training in Taiwan?
@@MrRicky4309singapore will be doing training with china instead lol and maybe get a chance to buy a bunch of military equipments in exchange from them heh.
@@MrRicky4309 nothing wrong with him saying he has good memories of training in TW. No idea whats your problem. I was also sent to the Singapore camp in tw fir training. Back then, we do not have training camps in Australia and US yet. We only had camps in Thailand and TW. In TW, we trained among ourselves. We DO NOT train with TW soldiers. We are just using his land and facilities for training. Whether we will stay in TW in future, wait...I check my crystal ball first. TBA
this is true !! my dad also from singapore and got send to taiwan !!!!!!!
@estr3lla_x only TW and Israel came to help us build our SAF when others didn't want to
The quality of Singapore government is the answer to many questions.
tunku created it as staging island for refugees. The Malays are the natives.
@@iamayoutuberfromearth Also think that voters in Singapore might not vote out a gov't because of unpopular policies, & give the patience for them to take effect, unlike elsewhere, where governments may be cajoled more strongly to "listen to their people"
🎉🎉🎉 👍👍👍
SG’s best form of defence is not her military prowess.. it’s her impeccable foreign diplomacy/neutrality..
One has nobody to fear if one has no enemy..
Singapore is in practice not a very neutral country when it hosts American forces, and is one of the few Asian countries to officially condemn Russian aggression in Ukraine.
What Singapore does better is to establish good relations with as many as possible, but it is not always as successful as hoped, often sliding between the US and China depending on prevailing geopolitical tensions. Our relations with China have suffered on several occasions over the years.
Being neutral does not mean having no enemies. And Singapore is certainly not fearless of anyone, for that breeds complacency.
One has no enemies if one has the biggest guns. 😂
Even if one has no enemy, one must be well prepared and well armed, and that’s what Singapore is doing. And importantly, indulge well in diplomacy.
@@huaiwei Perhaps I should phrase myself more properly.. the neutrality that I’m referring to is not exactly “neutrality” per se.. it’s more of an ambiguous stance.. SG doesn’t really side too much with the US but neither does she side too much with China as well.. yet sometimes she might side with either one of them on certain agendas.. sort of an ambiguous neutrality..
And you are right SG can’t afford to be fearless of anyone for that breeds complacency but the fear that I’m referring to is the fear of being militarily invaded by other country which was what my initial comment was about with regards to the video. SG still has the fear of being invaded one day should unforeseen circumstances happen (hence the military investment) but on a fear-of-any-particular-country pov I don’t think it really applies to her.. at least for now!
SG is not really neutral per se though impeccable diplomacy as you did mention is totally true. We Singaporeans are Pro-Singapore, and this drive us in our direction to take.
The answer can be found in history. Less than 30 years ago, the President of Indonesia - I believe it was Habibie - commented that Singapore was just a "little Red Dot" in a sea of green. That is, Singapore was (then) just 5 million, mainly Chinese population, surrounded by Islamic-majority countries. The "Little Red Dot" observation was meant to be derisive, and to let Singapore/Singaporeans "know their place" and know their insignificance. Singaporeans adopted the "Little Red Dot" in defiance? But we were not cowed by the implied threat.
Flashback further to Singapore's Independence.
In 1963, Singapore joined the Federation of Malaysia because pragmatically, Singapore could not survive on its own - limited land, limited agricultural produce, dependent on Malaysia to provide even enough water, and needed the larger market of Malaysia economically. However, due to political (and social?) disagreements, Malaysia decided to kick Singapore out of the Federation in 1965.
Thus was Independence thrust unwanted on Singapore.
Students of history will be surprised. AFAIK, no other nation has willingly given up territories. The US went to war to prevent the Southern Confederate States from seceding. China still claims Taiwan, and considers a declaration of independence to be a red line. Putin even claims Ukraine as part of Russia and is trying to "reunite" Russia.
So why did Malaysia willingly (and peacefully) allow Singapore to secede (or kicked Singapore out of the Federation)?
Because Malaysia did not expect Singapore to survive, let alone thrive and succeed.
Independent Singapore was supposed to fail. Malaysia had the rubber and tin, and other mineral resources.
Singapore didn't even have enough land to grow the food it needs, and needs to get water from Malaysia. Cut off from Malaysia, Singapore was supposed to wither and suffer, until poor and impoverish, Singapore would crawl back to the Federation and beg to to readmitted and on Malaysia's terms.
Malaysia "magnanimously" stationed troops in Singapore to "help" protect the fledgling nation still building up its military.
Then Singapore got the first tanks in the region.
One narrative (or rumour) in 1969 was that Malaysia was thinking of "reuniting" Singapore back into the Federation. By displaying the tanks, Singapore was signalling our intent to resist such a "reunification".
Periodically, there has been talk about re-merger, for Singapore to rejoin Malaysia.
In the 1960s, the then-Indonesian President had revanchist ambition which he prosecuted through his "Konfontasi" incursions into Malaysia and Singapore.
These are the historical threats that Singapore has prepared for.
Who will believe, insects, fishes and animals. 😅😅😅😅
thank you!
Always remember, when you spout "facts", whose "facts" are you propagating? "his" story is not always the true story.
What he meant was Singapore is surrounded by Muslim countries after he failed to borrow money.
@@tmgasia And then you just cast aspersions without any "facts" to support YOUR doubts. Which is NOT to say your epistemological point is NOT valid. Only that it is a truism and a good cynicism whenever one is on the internet. But if you have alternative facts pointing to an alternative TRUTH, have the courage of your conviction (or your "education") to present your facts and your truth. Or continue to snipe with aspersions, unsubstantiated with facts or interpretations of facts as you are doing, It is very convincing.
The SAF & the US Seventh Fleet were the fastest to activate emergency taskforce deployments after the 2004 tsunami. Personnel from over 35 active units (yes, even though SG NSFs bore unwanted reputations of maids carrying their gear off-duty) were mobilized to set sail after 72 hours, with standby teams already flying out within the first 24 hours. That's how ready their military is, as a peacetime army. It's as good as it gets, given Asian countries aren't actually as warmongering as in the West, no matter how much their governments indulge in sabre-rattling.
SAF was the first military to respond and landed in Aceh to establish beach head so that supplies can move inland….kudos to SAF standby force.
an otherwise good, fact backed comment. the last sting is unnecessary.
I was trained by a Israeli. They wore civilian clothes, very experienced and we learnt much
To attack and drive innocent people out of their home land. I hope not. 😢😢😢😢
What did the Israeli taught u
@@lesteryoutube9501cannot say unfortunately 👍🏻🙏
yeah in the 1960s.....?
Is dat all you are good at infering?@@dennistan4663
Since we're so small then staying "weak" is really not an option. History has taught us being small & weak will not have good ending. Hence, Singapore has to stay strong & stronger so that we'll not be bullied. I was born in the 60's... & I served in the Republic of Singapore Air Force in the 80's right to 2000's. In the past, Malaysia has always threatened us to cut the water supply to us & we were bullied. There's a price to pay for being small... It'll be catastrophic if we're weak. Remember we had our fair share of having threats in the past...
78% of population being of Chinese ethnicity is not the reason for Singapore's need for a strong military in defense but rather the common destiny and resolve of all Singaporeans to uphold it's way of life as a multiracial and multicultural society,
Mindful and rooted leadership that matters. Long live Singapore 🇸🇬
I'm just a regular person but this "Talk" on strategic geopolitical analysis is easy to understand and actually I learnt much from the speakers and host curating the questions and answer in a contextual manner. I love it! From: SGP
Without LKY, Singapore would have been nothing. His spirit and legacy must continue.
There is some truth to what you say. He was indeed an extraordinary leader. But remember that he had a capable Cabinet to assist him, and a tough and hardworking populace willing to follow his lead. But his tactics may not be as useful now, with a much more educated and sophisticated citizenry, and competing ideas of what Singapore should be.
Proud of Singapore's SAF! Certainly a force to be reckoned with!
Singapore believe in this maxim 'To Have Peace, Prepare For War' They are a friend to all. They do not seek war but is prepared for it and the reservist training is in the same vein of the active operational units. It needs to be well trained as they have no buffer zone to fall back on. They are trained in offence is the best defense. It's a folly to believe that the SAF, Singapore Armed Forces is an army for Defense.
Long live Singapore!!! 🎉
I believe we take pride in being a cooperative and collaborative nation that deeply values the support we have received, which has carried us through challenging times. We remain grateful for these contributions and approach the future with confidence, embracing our gratitude while maintaining a strong sense of self-awareness.
Well if you look around Singapore, they are surrounded by a few "single religion" majority countries.
And being a country that is not mostly of the same believe as abovementioned countries, they have to survive.
Let's also not forget that they were kicked out of a particular federation, and were actually kicked for racial reasons.
They have to thus have a really strong military to guard themselves against any mad-dog in the region, and there are many potential mad-dogs around them.
Better to be safe than sorry!
@Johnne009 hey now, let's not anyhow speculate.
You're right, and you need to live here in singapore to understand / experience how and why.
@@resuwanrazack7253 Well not exactly, you can be outside of Singapore and perhaps see even better. You can be a Chinese Malaysian or a Non-muslim living in Indonesia and you can see what needs to be done in Singapore for it to last longer than it's 55 years history.
Having said that, I had spoken to many Singaporeans who do not appreciate what had been done for them, especially when it comes to the topic of National Security, they see it as a given, especially the younger kids who had not served their National Service and it's quite jarring.
@chinaman1 I'm actually 55, seen it progressed, and traveled a fair bit for work. There will always be locals who are not happy about everything or some things, but it's the same anywhere else. What I can say is that I am grateful to wake up every day safe and sound, with most things accessible and peace prosperity.
Singapore in Asia like Switzerland in Europe, aims to be a neutral country.
that is tilted to t the West? neutral?
We aren't entirely neutral. Being able to participate in the F-35 programme says a lot.
@@aaronseet2738 we also has the most Chinese (From China) citizens becoming Singaporeans. Go figure.
Singapore armed forces in the 70's and 80's were a bit of bluff and numbers game because of conscription. In an emergency Singapore can have an army including reservist the size of Indonesia army and larger than the Malaysian army asia nobody attack a country with a country an army size larger than yours. Today with modern weapons singapore armed forces is different enemy may be battle hardened scouts, commandos or marines but still dead when a 19 year old conscript fired a HIMAAR rocket or a pilot flying a F15 dropped a JDAM or an Apache fired a Helldire missile on you...a destroyer fleet trying to blockade you will face submarine attacks and waves of Harpoon missiles and plus you still have a very large army...
I think it is dangerous to continuously push the question on which side Singapore will choose. Rather, Singapore will continue to offer assistance as friends to all! 🇸🇬
Singapore's soldiers are so well equipped every soldier has his own tank
Are you sure? Water bottle I guess. 😅😅😅😅
Hahaha ...... neuwater?😊
I have a nice water tank lol
Right, every soldier has his own jet and nuke as well
😂😂😂😂😂Ya, I think every new soldier has a laptop. ❤❤❤
The answer to the question asked as the title of this video why Singapore has a great military is directly connected with its economic might which it wisely built up to its present level. The bigger the economy, the stronger the state must get to be in a better negotiation position. That’s it. If Singapore didn’t develop under the guidance of its first premier Lee Kuan Yew, its position today would be far less certain. As it is, today Singapore is well in control of its destiny. Less relevant are concerns about the beliefs and culture of its nearest neighbours. Along the way, Singapore did very well to build its relationship with the most strongest countries around the world including, of course, the US and had a lot of foresight with China back when China was little more than a massive but poor country. Singapore also recognises that meritocracy is essential to maximise its strength and depth of defence so it went to Israel that are the absolute masters at this very aspect. Singapore is not beholden to any religious ideologue or socialist idealism but only to the brass tacks of fundamentally sound business culture and legal processes. It might be a little stressful for its citizens living in such a necessarily high tension state over a long period of time but they have the option of taking their all powerful currency and retiring in a property that they can easily buy with a slower pace of life.
Congratulations to both interviewees for giving relatively fair answers to the rather sensitive questions.
Thanks 👍
There’s the saying Rome isn’t built in a day. Chinese saying, “takes a thousand days to build up an army so that they can be deployed and fight for that moment.”.
We strongly believes that mighty china under president xi Jinping has progress many times till now, and now mighty is our world No.1 nation today...
Singapore is liken to an orphan adopted by the West in 1965 when it becomes independent due to ‘survival’ reasons.
We learn to speak English and adopted the Western way of life.
We have ‘grown up’ now and the people mainly Singapore Chinese will not take the Western side in times of conflict between America and China.
Initially the military built up in Singapore primarily for self defence and regional security, NOT against China.
China was not ‘in the picture’ in 1965.
Both countries, China & America are important to us in Singapore.
We would prefer to be friendly with both rather than taking sides.
Rubbish. Singapore was not an orphan. The oldest mosque is two hundred years old and Sir Raffles came in 1819 and modernised it. Singapore has a long civilised history than you think.
Nope for one I will not stand on either side of the democracy and communism. ISA is set to deter any of the threats to the country.
@@rainmanben what's your pledge to the nation? "... to build a democratic society, based on justice and equality..."
China was always in the picture.
What nonsense, 1959 was the year Singapore LEFT the West
There is no secret, the young man of Singapore take our military training seriously. We have the best soldiers and best military hardware, no two way about it,
it annoys me when foreigners keeps refering to singapore as "a chinese country/state or chinese speaking country".. hate the fact we are categorized by race by foreigners... we singaporeans identify ourselves as singaporeans first before our race.. we are multi racial/religious.. we respect all races and religion.. just as on the international stage we want to be respectful to all and keep the peace.. and obviously we need a strong military as a deterrent to protect the peace..
If mainland China pushes for more political/diplomatic support from its diaspora that could also further feed the perception that the Chinese majority in Singapore are more closely associated with China
The fact that there are many conversation on this topic goes to show Singapore military strategy works. From Poison shrimp to Porcupine and to Dolphin plan show the growth of her military. Adversary must know what they are walking into before they embark on any hostility. Lets be friends
Learnt from the best Israel
😂😂😂 trying to stir SG! We Singaporeans always ignore TW jokers on such issues.
+1......always dragging us to their country dispute matter. Even their own citizen always dont bother about country political and warring. Dont ever think we Singapore will lent our forces to our matter. Wakeup our fantasy dreams.
The secret to success is to never succumb under the tons of criticism and being looked down upon because we are a small country, especially by our neighbouring countries who are always so full of jealousy over our wealth and success.
Thank you for reinforcing on Singapore being a multiethnic state.
a sober and articulate analysis
the one party have gain the trust of its citizen and more importantly its policy is being understood by its citizens as to why the policy is necessary
US Naval Base Subic Bay + Cubi Point Airfield and USAF Base Clark used to be the most important US Bases (and many more smaller bases from southern Phil up to northern Phil } in the Philippines. US Naval Base Subic is one of the biggest US Base out of the continental US. The Singapore base compared to Subic Base is small since Subic has a Ship Repair Facility that can accommodate at least 3 aircraft carrier ships. The biggest employer in the Philippines at the time that are the US Bases. The US Military Bases in the Philippines played a major role in WW2 Pacific War, Korean War, and Vietnam War.
Re: The US vs PRC debate. There is no ambiguity. The SAF is a military partner in alliances and regular training exercises with US and allied militaries throughout its history. Most of its equipment, weaponry and ammunition is of that bloc. It participants regularly when called upon even in wars like in Afghanistan, at the logistical and humanitarian level. There is limited collaboration with the PLA and next to no equipment, training doctrine etc affiliated with the PLA. In a war, the SAF is totally unable to liaise with PLA battle doctrine, but is well versed in US military tactics and doctrine. Clear as day.
We Singaporeans love our 台湾妹妹 ❤❤
Yah boy I was in the ROC for starlight, and the 槟榔妹 are the ONLY bright light during my training
and the free F provided by them in kaohsiung
This small island has its long strategic to be one of the world class commercial sea port in the early, then find itself should be a hub for the regional financial center after Hong Kong, that will enhance a more attractive for all aspects of business activities to be settled there, following by Singapore has its fast track infrastructure to be planning ahead to facilitate the key success which is the most crucial establishment on satisfying both the comfortable free market platform and the worldwide connectivity network. With this little poor island but with its great visions and the acumen of the late founder Lee Kuan Yew, whose name "Kuan Yew" also has its meaningful as the" scintillation" that to propell his initiative !
Good Sun morning from Singaporean. I done my NS 37 yrs ago. So r mine children 3 yrs ago. Past 10 yrs. Singapore Gov does not reduce military spending even in technical recession. We lived thru Lehman Bros crisis to 4 yrs ago, C19 world lock down. This made SAF efficient & powerful in certain extents.
Around 2003-2004, a Taiwanese politician called Singapore a "pee sai" (snort). I can't remember what triggered that uncalled for remark though...
@@jsurfin1 ...that totally rude, disgrace and unacceptable words that all we hate as shown concern and feeling unfriendly approach by years of friendship been considered and untrustful alike. As we not forgotten and remember ever how Taiwan treated nation emergency of city state where during COVID masks been halted export issues. Will this be considered backstabbing as years of friendship means...??
I think they are just uncouth people and need not mind them.
What Taiwan ? only taipei exist.
taiwan foreign minister made that remark privately because he saw SG like por lan pa to CCP
In April 2022, Singapore surpassed Japan to become China's largest cumulative source of foreign investment. By the end of 2023, Singapore's cumulative actual investment in China reached US$141.23 billion.1 Nov 2024
Singapore and USA are both ex-colonies of Great Britain. They are different from SKorea and Japan. Singapore leaders DO NOT accept any Talk Down behavior from the Americans. Recently, the US ambassador to Singapore tried to behave like a Viceroy to Singapore, like they do in Germany, Japan and SKorea and Singapore Foreign Ministry STONEWALLED him. Basically, the Singapore told him to bug off.
you got an important point. We won the WWII as part of the British empire Allied forces. 50,000 troops and civilians killed defending the small island together with our fellow King's men from Australia and New Zealand. US did not win WWII alone, they knew it.
Why Tiny Singapore has one of the best militaries?
Taiwan: let’s not ask a single Singaporean
Very True - Only Taiwanese boleh 😂😂😂
Maybe they tried, maybe the Singaporean experts didnt respond.
Taiwan can start by implementing real conscription. Every year they cutting the service requirements, they’ll have no capacity soon.
SAF trains in Taiwan EXERCISE STARLIGHT and the Taiwanese soldiers would ask us about stuff and are occasionally surprised by our service duration.
It’s as if they don’t train as much as us. (And our own training is not that great.) Are they even prepared for a war? 🤷
A valuable lesson Taiwan can learn from Singapore is the building of common identity and aspiration among the population to cherish the freedom, rule of law, open economy and social harmony that held Singaporeans together to achieve economic prosperity and highest standard of living in Asia. Hence the resolve to defend and safeguard these values and way of life irrespective of the ethnicity of Singaporeans. This determination to defend their destiny translated into building a strong military and alignment with US on security arrangement, and to collaborate actively with the free and democratic world in strategic partnership to ensure the preservation of international rules-based order in the Indo Pacific region. Taiwan Straits and South China Sea.
They dont needs to learn from Singapore while their internal corruption been sinking in their roots even years back.....liao, too deep.
Still remembering my good old days lol.Active personnel,infantry 84s MM.My secondary weapon weigh 17 kg ,plus full battle order 30++kg.Not to mention,not easy to hit moving tanks hits or misses lol.Now modern warfare,just a drone can take out a battle tank ...:(😅
I think Alex comment that Singapoore is afraid of an attack from China is ridiculous lol :)
It's not about fear. It's about a country being smart preparing for any eventually.
What is the use of attacking Singapore especially China, what gain can it derive from a country with zero resource
@@gohal7485 There is one very important reason I can think of. 🤦🏾♂️
Maybe not an attack. But what if they sent warships to Southeast Asia? What if these warships were called a "treasure fleet"? What if they're led by a certain general with the surname "Zheng", coming in the name of "Friendship"? Would Singapore be converted into a Beijing tributary then?
@@gohal7485 Ask Japan during WWII. Anyway, the useful gain for other countries is Singapore's trading port.
Any sovereignty will want to have her means to protect their own borders and economy.
A well trained + equipped forces in our tiny nation aside from get to defend our nation effectively, it can also lower our service men and women battlefield fatality, improve the odds of survivability in time of war. Why as an independence, sovereign state, you don't want to have a well-trained, well-equipped military as your national defenses, but prefer a weak and poorly trained military forces??
They are like flying in a plane so everybody must strictly follow and adhere to their own rules and regulation or else the journey would become unsuccessful. That is SG, like an airplane, so many people want to ride and they are all welcome as long as they are law abiders.
They are security concious as well as to the point that they never allow a non-chinese Singaporean to be their military chief of staff.
Chief Justice, Law & Home minister in charge of Police and many other senior people are non Chinese. So what's the beef about chief of military?
Great commenters. Great interviewer.
Who is this lady? She is gorgeous. Mr. Sung gave the answer she dearly wishes to have for that last question. That is what we did for Vietnam Civil War and as a result formed Asean. If cross straits go to war, it is a continuation of 1949 civil war. We would only go to war for four allies, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. The US don't need our help, they only need what Mr. Sung said, logistical and humanitarian (medics) support and Singapore to be able to hold our ground independently.
Google the definition: The Rule of Law (法治) and Rule by Law (以法治国)- are distinct concepts in governance.
Rule of Law emphasizes that all individuals, including lawmakers, are subject to the law, ensuring equality and fairness in its application. It promotes accountability and limits arbitrary power, fostering a just society where laws protect individual rights
Rule by Law, conversely, suggests that those in power can create and enforce laws without accountability, often using legal frameworks to justify oppressive actions. It can lead to authoritarianism, where laws serve the interests of the ruling authority rather than the populace
frank discussions. Well presented.
I don't think they had ever been battle tested since its conception.
Test as in start War? that is really stupid.
So are many militaries all around the world tbh. They are certainly one of the most well equipped tho.
So many factual inaccuracies.
Eg Exercise wallaby was extended from 6 weeks to 9 weeks, not from 6 months to 9 months.
The number of active personnel and reservist definitely doesn’t amount to 25% of 5m!
Because of her good friendship with Israel😮 from 19)60 to 2000 Singapore had sent many soldiers and pilots for training there
A smart and effective government that is strongly united!
To give an answer to this. All one has to look at is what is happening in Europe with Ukraine. Their first Prime Minister was one leader that had the vision to see what they had to do to succeed as a nation. The military is part of that. They do have one of the most advanced and well trained military. Not only that, they have been involved in many different deployments in peacetime and humanitarian assistance around the world. Kudos, to them to be able to be where they are today and in the future.
Singapore actively acts on shared interests be it business, cultural, financial, military or technological . Instead of seeking differences Singapore prefers to seek out common ground. Singapore has a lot of US companies as well as a lot of Chinese companies. Peaceful competition is a priority for Singapore. There are just a handful of neutral sanctuaries in the world , we need to cherish and protect these places.
Our army is a conscript army that, as far as people know, have not been in active combat except for that one airliner terrorist hostage situation years ago. However, our army medical and engineer corps have been active in aiding in natural disasters and other crises, so their capacity is probably proven. I can’t speak to the Air Force and Navy, but since we’re close allies of the US and have some of their most effective weapons, I think they should be capable. Not battle-tested, though.
1) Commitment by the government. Security is like oxygen. You only miss it when it's gone...and by then it's too late.
2) Healthy budget for defense
3) Lots of joint exercises and foreign training (at officer level, to full brigade exercises) - ensures standards are on par with other militaries
4) Long duration of national service provides high level of training. SAF are not weekend soldiers.
A stable and prosperous ASEAN is good for the world. Singapore is working hard to have harmonious relationship with member countries within ASEAN and also with the rest of the world especially with China and US. When this two giants can sit down and talk constructively, there will be real progress for the world and lessen the likelihood of a global war. Hope both countries can also persuade Putin to end the war with Ukraine. It is so painful to see death and destruction happening in both countries. The Singapore military has a strong capability in humanitarian and disaster relief work. It has proven itself in the tsunami relief in Aceh in end of 2004. Most recently, military planes took off from Singapore to deliver relief medical and food supplies by airdrop in the Gaza strip. This is a simple and solid demonstration of the Singapore military capability. Sincere, meaningful yet powerful.
How do you know their military is strong ?
Hoe to know sg military is strong? Real war started?🤔
good question actually... strong can mean many things. I think this in particular only meaning the budget spent on military. This is just 1 category ticked.
Wall Street Journal: “Why Singapore Is the Most Densely Defended Country in the World"
@@wyyang6677 theory....?
Wall Street Journal: "Singapore Is the Most Densely Defended Country in the World"
We are small but must be perceived as strong simply because “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tze 596 BC
The speakers and host fails to understand the 2 KEY ELEMENTS why not only Singapore has a great military, but also great economic success and the good relations with many countries do not come by chance but by design! First Key is we maintain good diplomacy with all nations for economic or military engagements and 2nd element is our elected Govt had been, has been and will be able to make long term plans for Singapore that many countries fail to do so with frequent change of Governments with every election. Alex is wrong that Singapore’s military is designed to help US fight China but more to ensure open sea lanes that our economy survive on. SAF DO NOT and IS NOT designed to fight in South China Sea especially with US against China as much as Alex wishes to drag Singapore into failed diplomacy that Taiwan fails miserably and resulting in tensions that we see today. So get your diplomacy right in order for you to plan right for long term good for the nation and people of Taiwan!
Singapore's defense philosophy is that of a small guy in the class that put in lots of effort and time to be trained in fighting but is always trying to be friendly to all the classmates including the bigger and scary guys.
We love pur country and have great respect snd trust of our government and systems. Singapore believes in peace and prosperity and our military is to defence our motherland and also to use it for rescue missions such as natural disasters in other countries when called for.
Taiwan with serious threat from China. Serve National service only 8 month to a years . Singaporean serve at least 18month or more I guess. Given Singapores geography do you think we need so much infantry men ? What about strong deterrent like drones ships and aircraft defense system rather than actual man on the ground . Wake up
Tiny Yet Mighty = Singapore
A glaring mistake at the last part of conversation for saying Singapore does not have substantive investment in China as compared to the rest of the world. Actually Singapore is top investor country in China since Yr 2013.
Please Taiwan please dont drag SG into your national sovereignty dispute with China and SG doesnt need your validation about our military status cos the world knows that Taiwan is part of China so embrace that and the entire SEA wants world peace Period !!!!
taiwan is not part of china and SEA will never be assured of peace until china can let go of its ambitions
For those who claimed Sg needs to have combat experience to prove its capabilities are simply ridiculous. The military that first deter action of war is already a win itself. Ukraine in the first few days on Feb 2020 had to issue simple firearms to its citizens due to an under prepared army. Now we know how lethal Ukrainian delivered her punches when it comes to military tactics.
I have to disagree. A military is only as effective in war as far as it’s able to translate training and actual combat into lethal action. There is no substitute for actual experience, which our military probably has none. That being said, every Singaporean life is precious, and there is no need to risk the lives and well-being of our warriors (even career warriors) when there is no need. What I agree with you is that, if enemy forces have attacked us, part of our military’s role was not fulfilled (deterrence).
Build advantages vs Take advantages
Easy answer: tough laws, foreing capitals (by the "truck load"), banking "heaven"...
Higly dependent on foreing money and products for its subsistence.
There's nothing else to it.
Because it was surrounded by not very smart neighbors who have this very crazy idea that due to Singapore's lack of 'Strategic Depth" it can be easily overwhelmed by force. Unless Singapore can project its capabilities as a "defence heavy force" it can also be read as a very capable and lethal "offensive force" instead. However, we need a leader with "Iron In Him" to wield this force, or "else forget about it", as espoused by the late Lee Kuan Yew.
It is not the Straits of Malacca that is the contention area between China and several ASEAN countries but the South China Sea. And if China who claim the Sea as its territory were to gain territorial control of the area, it could impose rules. charge entrance levies and close the whole area because of the undersea oil and gas fields supposedly discovered in the SCS. That could be detrimental to Singapore as it highly depends on free shipping routes through the SCS. So even if you got the Malacca Straits, ships also have to pass through the South China Sea for the other side. So in this scenario the best way is to be friends with China while maintaining its strategic alliance with the US.
Also there's been research done on creating a shortcut either through a canal or a land bridge that is similar to the Suez Canal involving Thailand's Isthmus of Kra. China is agreeable to creating one which would cause Singapore a huge loss in trade revenue. The project is still under considerations.
Very good distinction between Singapore (rule of law) and China (rule by law). From Lee Kuan Yew’s time till now, Singapore will always lean more to the US than to China, because for all America’s faults, we still trust the US more than China. China is viewed by many Singaporeans as a maritime bully using economic carrots to win allegiance. Even though the US lost the Vietnam war, its participation in the war helped to protect a young Singapore and other democratic nations in the 1960s at a time when communism was raging in South-east Asia with the domino theory being a threat.
Singapore got no enemy. But only sharp elbows.
Nice on paper:)
I heard they have Iron Dome....
Stop comparing singapore with other countries.
It's a good interview and invite more discussions on geopolitical evolution since the colonial days. The strateigic road map after its discoupling with British and Malaya was designed by Goh Keng Swee (IMHO), a non-verbal academic and tough backroom negotiator; including the induction of complusory NS and Israelite trainers. Lee Kuan Yew was a natural orator with fiery rebuttal wits and most capable poker player. Nonetheless, at 81, I have seen my migrant grandfather, my local born parents and my extended families evolved. My memories are with Xiamen and Taiwan but not my future generations. The colonial Western past must be erased in future generations.
Elitism has its rewards but favoured few. Party politics in Singapore grew from tough decisions of survival and unpopularity. Definitely, Singapore population are pro Asian than Western civilisations and, China, since post 2000s, has had their envy of tremenous progress, especially under Xi. That said, many US MNCs are still well regarded since 1970s. So, Singapore has adopted Tao circle of balance. Kudos to Taiwan Talk.
Unlike Taiwan, Singapore is able to buy weapons from the US, Israel and European countries based on cost effectiveness, while Taiwan is restricted to US arms and Taiwan's domestic production. Unfortunately the US only gives Taiwan usually outdated weapons (sometimes retired or those deemed useless) and it often circumvents Taiwan's own weapon production by pushing US weapons when Taiwan develops an advanced weapon, as seen in the Chingkuo (FCK) fighter (the US then agreed to sell Taiwan F-16 fighters) and Hsiung Feng missile (they US persuaded Taiwan to cease production of HF-3 and buy Harpoon missiles). Three generations of my Singaporean family has served as conscripts and been to Taiwan on Operation Starlight (星光計劃). In the 1970s when my uncle served, Taiwan's military was better equipped than ours, but in 1990 when I served, our weapons were on on par. By the time my nephew served in 2010, he noticed Taiwan's weapons were unchanged and worse, Taiwanese tactics were still based on US Vietnam war doctrine and severely outdated. Taiwan's tragedy is politicians pandered to the public's naivety that the US will defend Taiwan in the event of invasion and tried to abolish mandatory conscription, resulting in lack of soldiers in a major conflict, I see on the news that even the volunteer military is down to 75% in manpower in frontline units. There's no way Taiwan can push back a chinese invasion now and the chinese military will only become more capable in the near future.
I agree with you on your assessment of the Taiwan army's capabilities in 1970s to 2010, but in recent years, Taiwanese army has purchased Apache 64-E attack helicopter, Javelin antitank missiles, 1,700 TOW 2B RF antitank missiles, HIMARS Rocket System, M1A2 tank, NASAMS air defense system, and stinger missiles from the United States; these 7 weapon systems are all latest models.
In addition, Taiwan has built hundreds of new generation armory vehicles with American made MK44 30 mm chain gun, so, Taiwanese army has made huge progress in recent years.
u r just a conscript using small arms in training , what would you know about actual military equipment and systems.
if china didn't fear US weapons why would they be so pissy everytime Taiwan buys something from US
Sg has compulsory military enlistment, so does Korea, Thailand and many countries. All of these countries do not have conflicts with other countries. But Taiwan which has high conflict with China, their people are not willing to do military service. Always thinking other countries will help them. Personally I have no sympathy or respect for them.
Singapore wants realistic trainings but at the same time wants its sons safely delivered to their mothers. Its military trainings are realistic, grueling, tough and punishing. Not so much now but in the past, people died during trainings.
Wen Ti Sung answers quite narrow. Singapore is able to acquire advanced jets is not just because of Straits of Malacca. There are 3 countries in the Straits of Malacca.
What I understand is that most of the advance military gear are kept in USA and its alliance. How on earth is sg considered high tech unless all F35 are stationed in sg ??
Singapore military personnel has been operated in the continental United States gone unnoticed. But what about Singapore Air Force presence at Cazaux Air Base in France? Back to Australia, we have up 14,000 Singaporean troops. However every Singaporean military presence in Australia to the States to even the Air base in French are just for training purposes. If you ask me who's going protect my Singapore? Join the Singapore army to understand the world. Or British army might provide you a world view. :)
How come ? Is it battle tested ? Talking about miltiary hardware does not guarranted its safety.
Now war is fought by pressing buttons even China PLA is not tested yet. Do you want to be tested ?
Not battle tested, no war experience
Saddam was very battle tested until USA walkover
@MsCorydorus usa is an experience battle tested monster
@@MsCorydorusIraq army was depleted after nearly 10 years of war with Iran- The US was fresh and modern weapons at the time.
@amunra5330 exactly. Fresh and Equipment are the Key
@@amunra5330 Excuses.
What are the indicators that it is one of the best militaries in the world? It has never fought anyone.
Just like how most people thought that Russia will overrun Ukraine in no time when the war started but look what happened?
But I guess at least half the battle won when you look good on paper?
Chinese taiwan or chinese mainland are one. Tunku created it as staging island for refugees. The Malays are the natives. Since then more then 200,000 chinese have moved on to Australia using Singapore passport. Now there are 4 millions migrants mostly from PRC. Cramped 6 millions peopleon small island.
Notice alot of usage of the words "i think" "i believe" so seems like everyone her is playing guessing games.😅
I think it is pointless to talk about imaginary stories when you only think and believe.😅
The first speaker got it wrong. Singapore's military capability was never about the expansion of China's military capability. Singapore has always sought regional cooperation and joint military exercise with all neighboring countries way before Obama came up with the "pivot to Asia' strategy"
China never interfere in other country foreign affair but they spoke up during the racial unrest in Indonesian the last time. This why Singapore need to boost relationship with China.
Sao Tome and Cabo Verde were two very similar island countries. One found oil and became poor, the other got rich.
Europe after the Roman empire were killing each other. Dark ages and all that. They were a bunch of small countries crowded together and highly competitive.
China considered itself the middle kingdom, protected by the sea and mountains, center of the world, with gunpowder, maps, printing, tea, silk, and fine china-ware. Then Zheng He travelled the world, whose entire purpose was hubris instead of conquest. He gave away star charts, maps and gunpowder technology to the Arabs and these eventually got to Venice and the ravenous horde that was the Europeans. No need to guess what happened 200 years later.
My grandfather was killed by the Japanese for looking at them funny, my father picked grains of rice off the floor of Japanese supply trucks when he was a three-year-old. The British defenders ran away. We swore collectively, never again. I served in the Singapore Armed Forces, my elder son is serving now, so will my younger boy in a year.
We were kicked out of the Malaysia Federation for being too 'Chinese' and disagree with their "Malay First' principles. We didn't ask for independence.
So, to answer your question why Singapore is where it is now, we have nothing. Everything we have now hangs by a thread.
By the way, ask these questions of any Singaporean, don't ask two bias individuals with intellectual range of a doorknob.
I don't think more regarding military because it is not yet tested in war since it is established, if there is a world War and Singapore will involved in a serious battle then this is the first time there military earn battle experience and skills. Zero experience in real combat is a big question to answer, there is a General by schooling only its different compared to some countries like philipines which is regularly have combat in different factions, these 50 000 military with fully equipped for combat with zero experience, I hope there balls is ready when they heard the first shot.
is it one of the Best? Nothing is certain until the day comes, so please stop using such arrogant sub titles, being humble adds a good level of fortification to the defence
Never fought a war before