Saw her two days ago here in London - 14,5 years after my first gig in a tiny club in Berlin. She's gorgeous as she was in the first place. LP no. 8 is out now - what an artist!
Channel M Manchester, I was watching this live on my TV in Salford and fell in love instantly with her. Little did we know Mr. Mudford would go on to such success too
hahah so true, I saw Laura at The Corner in Melbourne way back. Marcus was supporting her playing some of Mumfords stuff solo and playing drums for Laura. He would talk to the audience while she tuned her guitar because she was still terrified of the audience.
The original and album versions are both brilliant but this is my favourite by far. I listen to it so much that I must surely get sick of hearing it one day. But not today. And not any time soon I suspect. Finally got to see her live a couple of weeks ago. Awesome.
This song is addicting. Absolutely addicting. I heard about Laura about 2 years ago ( also when I heard about Mumford & Sons) and I never ever get sick of her music. She's a genius. Marcus looks like such a little baby in this video. Hahah so young in this video!
what I love about this video is that Laura looks so small, fragile and vulnerable, yet her voice is so strong and powerful, the words are beautiful and so are the harmonies.
I can't stop listening to this song, it's just so fragile. Had never heard of Laura Marling before now and only bumped into her cause I was watching Mumford and sons clips. Their voices go so beautifully together.
I've been to Mumford and Sons last two gigs in Manchester and they are absolutely brilliant. One of the best live acts I've even seen, and I've seen quite a few. I've got a ticket for Laura's show next month. Looking forward to it like you wouldn't believe:D
They Are Both Amazingly Talented People, And This Is A Beautiful Version Of A Beautiful Song. She's A Really Talented Singer/Songwriter And He Has To Be One Of My Alltime Fav Frontmen. :) xx
Laura Marling is my favorite female singer, Her voice is so unique and to hear her sing is amazing. I would love to see her in concert!! Side note: i wish her and marcus were still togerther
What is awesome about this is that usually you would need three accompanying musicians along with Ms. Marling to make that song sound like that: a percussionist, back-up singer, and a mandolin player. But instead she just got Marcus Mumford, because he can do all three at once!
This is a superb collaboration. Wonder why they didn't just marry their music permanently but I imagine these two geniuses would find it hard to work together for too long.
i love you sooooooo MUCH!!!!! laura your just a wonderful , wonderful being and i love you soooo much for expressing the feelings deep in my heart that i never did speak. ilove you....................... thankyou thank you for what you bring into this world!
Its 2024 and i still cant get over this ❤
I often return here; something of a great beginning
I really wished this version was on Spotify 🥰
Omg, this is fucking amazing. I must have watched this 100 times. The exuberance and cockiness of youth produces the best art.
there's more musical talent in that little space than there is in the majority of what's on the radio these days.
every time she says "But I whisper that I love this man, now and for forever"
I want to explode out of beauty.
Everyone is going on and on about Marcus; can we also please acknowledge the extremely talented, voice of an angel Laura?
Absolutely... Beautiful voice that girl
Saw her two days ago here in London - 14,5 years after my first gig in a tiny club in Berlin. She's gorgeous as she was in the first place.
LP no. 8 is out now - what an artist!
Best version I’m glad I found it after 12 years I used to listen to it over and over again back then
Channel M Manchester, I was watching this live on my TV in Salford and fell in love instantly with her. Little did we know Mr. Mudford would go on to such success too
i love this song
she is one of the greatest songwriters of this generation
and shes so modest!
Why is this version not on Spotify 🤬🤬🤬 it's genius
When Laura's voice goes up at the end... chills
still my favorite video on the internet
I cannot stop listening to this. Better than the album version. Their voices work so well together.
Love this, one of best live performances on UA-cam 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
hahah so true, I saw Laura at The Corner in Melbourne way back. Marcus was supporting her playing some of Mumfords stuff solo and playing drums for Laura. He would talk to the audience while she tuned her guitar because she was still terrified of the audience.
Listening on iPod: Man I love when the FULL band comes in.
Look up on UA-cam: Um, nope. Laura Marling and Marcus Mumford.
The original and album versions are both brilliant but this is my favourite by far. I listen to it so much that I must surely get sick of hearing it one day. But not today. And not any time soon I suspect. Finally got to see her live a couple of weeks ago. Awesome.
The harmonies in this are wonderful.
I love this. Love the sound of a mandolin.
This is the saddest song I've ever heard, beautifully written and performed, her voice has such a nice quality.
every single time i go on youtube, i somehow end up on this video. i can't get enough of it!
Together Mumford and Laura sound so beautiful...
marcus mumford + laura marling + and now misfits. seriously,who needs more?:)
there is more talent with these two musicians than there is in every band on MTV today put together
She's grew into such an incredible artist.
When she says '... blackberry stone' at 2:50, it makes me shiver. I love her
This is amazing... always come back to it
I just never get tired of this!! Beautiful!
I always come back to this perfect.
Laura really is perfect.
This song is addicting. Absolutely addicting. I heard about Laura about 2 years ago ( also when I heard about Mumford & Sons) and I never ever get sick of her music. She's a genius. Marcus looks like such a little baby in this video. Hahah
so young in this video!
This kind of music inspires more music. There are some amazingly talented people in this world.
what I love about this video is that Laura looks so small, fragile and vulnerable, yet her voice is so strong and powerful, the words are beautiful and so are the harmonies.
Her voice is amazing.
That is brillliant! Love her voice, really unique.
Breath of fresh air, just love your work, thank you Laura.
faved. i'm so happy this exists. unbelievably great.
I can't stop listening to this song, it's just so fragile. Had never heard of Laura Marling before now and only bumped into her cause I was watching Mumford and sons clips.
Their voices go so beautifully together.
Their two voices go perfectly together, wish they would still sing together!
marcus mumford an laura marling are both legends, the finger clicking ha . love it.
I've been to Mumford and Sons last two gigs in Manchester and they are absolutely brilliant. One of the best live acts I've even seen, and I've seen quite a few. I've got a ticket for Laura's show next month. Looking forward to it like you wouldn't believe:D
her music keeps me going.
thank you for the link :)
she makes my day better, and you have too
This might be my favourite youtube video EVER.
wow love them both... marcus and laura. 2 Greattt musicians.
i love her she's so wonderful n so his her voice and music ,i love her,didnt i already say that,definitely an old soul.
OMG amazed of seeing these two people together. made my day!
holy crap Marcus! you are simply amazing
I saw her last summer in Montreal and she stood like that the entire time!
I'm so proud I share date of birth with such an amazing artist :) Love you, Laura! xxx
These two are heaven sent.
Love this song so touching.
Hands down favorite version of this song. Shes unreal.
They Are Both Amazingly Talented People, And This Is A Beautiful Version Of A Beautiful Song. She's A Really Talented Singer/Songwriter And He Has To Be One Of My Alltime Fav Frontmen. :)
this clip rocked my soul!!! love it!
!! she is absolutely fantastic !!
the best performance of this beautiful song!
Haha! Marcus is the king of 'Haaaaar'
Laura Marling is my favorite female singer, Her voice is so unique and to hear her sing is amazing. I would love to see her in concert!! Side note: i wish her and marcus were still togerther
What is awesome about this is that usually you would need three accompanying musicians along with Ms. Marling to make that song sound like that: a percussionist, back-up singer, and a mandolin player. But instead she just got Marcus Mumford, because he can do all three at once!
I really love their build up, This song truly touched my soul. Their voices are angelic and sweet.
Strewth - this is so good! Her voice gives me goosepimples down my neck!
that voice is just so beautiful
beautifulll. marcus and laura together is genius!
A most pleasant rendition of this song,
This is a superb collaboration. Wonder why they didn't just marry their music permanently but I imagine these two geniuses would find it hard to work together for too long.
gave me fookin goose bumps!
Great tune. I already knew that Marcus was a genius but had never seen/heard Laura Marling before now; she's very talented.
Gossebumps - head to toe, lovely!!
Obsessed with this video. I have discovered Laura Marling.
i love you sooooooo MUCH!!!!! laura your just a wonderful , wonderful being and i love you soooo much for expressing the feelings deep in my heart that i never did speak. ilove you....................... thankyou thank you for what you bring into this world!
I love it when Marcus is like doing so much in one song.. Love that man
Beautiful :(
Need to see her live NOW. xxx
2:14-2:56 are the best 40 seconds of music I heard in years.
They are both such amazing artists.
Wow. I love this. Gave me chills.
I love that this is off her second album yet she was playing it so long ago. Looove it
i love her so much! Cant wait to go see her in Virginia!!!
they are perfect!!! And this song is amazing!!
Isn't she incredible!! (and so is Marcus). Seeing her tomorrow night and Mumford & Sons the following night. Happy days :)
Thanks for the link to the full session.
This is one of the best things I've ever seen.. and she doesn't even look like she's trying to give a great performance, she looks so nonchalant
God, I love this woman.
Gives me chills. You are amazing!
oh my, i love this version
really love this live version
She is amazing!
Best song ever!
She is the BEST!
I really like the vocal harmonies.
Jolly good show.
beautiful song!
Wonderful clip - favourite of them when together
Love that Makus is there... no one had any idea where he was headed back then. Love them both, so much!
They work so well together! I love this version...I love this song & I love Laura Marling haha =D
I love her so much.
Marcus! You are the best!
The way Laura sings.. her face. I've been studying Opera for three years now, but this is the true emotional shit. This is what I aspire to be