"To the untrained eye, that might've been the right play. I played it perfectly though." "Against quest mage, health doesn't matter." -Trump 2017. Get 'em Jens!
Trump was at least right about the second quote. Quest mage has infinite damage with the Sorcerers Apprentice + Antonidas combo, so the mage either kills you in one turn or doesn't get anywhere close.
1) some quest mages run giants instead of exodia. 2) quest mage doesn't always get all 4 apprentices (or priest elementals from kabal courier), so it can deal a lot of damage but a limited amount (1 mana fireballs, 2 mana fireballs, 3 mana fireballs, etc)
ipkandskill he's a control player. It's engrained in our DNA not to over extend by going face to much. But since everyone else is running agro with no board clear there actually is no punish anymore. Whoever gets the better starting hand and goes face more will win. Especially with Reno gone there's nothing to be done. Even taunt warrior and priest get over run. I'm scum and crafted the Rogue quest and dealt over 100 damage to a priest.
even with the fact that going face like that is "over extending" he had blue gill, single buff murloc AND flame totem in hand right before the blizzard that he himself was cautious of got thrown out. He had 18 free damage into 6 more the following turn MANY turns before he got killed but traded during that turn, resulting in little damage and the inevitable loss. He literally didn't count the damage and allowed the mage the blizzard for free. if he did go face, the likely turn of event would be the mage blizzarding still at the new hp of 12. and Trump goes face with the charge minion with the added buffs resulting in the mage being at a whopping total of 6 health from turn 6. Then the next 8 or so turns are free for him to have gotten in the needed damage. Which if going by the events of how it transpired, would be likely to have occurred.
Adapting an entire board is _incredibly_ powerful. When going second, if you coin out Call in the Finishers on 3, and follow it up with Gentle Megasaur on 4, you basically win there.
Missed lethal at 18:38? Could've possibly played grimacale oracle and bluegill for extra 7 damage, and he hit him down to 7 with his original play. What do you guys think?
Correction: You almost always want to dump your hand, especially when you have a refill card, against exodia mage. Time is not your ally in that fight.
started off playing elemental shaman, got destroyed by rogue, stagnated at rank 14 switched to murloc shaman currently in Legend. switch to this deck for your own sanity
PhoenixFireHD Similar, started with Elemental Tempo Mage, couldn't break Rank 15, now quest murloc shaman has me at rank 3. Never thought I'd enjoy playing with Mrrggllglls
if you're trying to counter it i struggle a little bit against taunt quest warrior but its main destroyer is probably exodia mage the layers of ice blocks over layers of frost nova over layers of doomsayer is just too much in fact i think i won one game against the mage with this deck and i had an amazing hand and he had a shitty one
what cards do you use in ur deck since i am having trouble vs mage/ priests just cant do shit ...... and i want to switch some things since i dont think this is a good version i am having even tho i copied it somewhere online
i think that the main difference i have in my deck is that i run two gentle megasaurs while its not a murloc it can usually finish the game early without even the need for the quest i also run removals such as lightning storm and maelstrom portal however i only run one hex as against rogue you've essentially just created a 5/5 taunt which is obviously bad because you should always be looking to go face that should sort you out against priest as it shouldn't be able to complete its quest in time before you kill him especially given that you won't be activating death rattles because you won't be killing ,inions unless you need to. against mage theres not really much i can tell you other than pray they don't have the cards. the real advice i give is not to worry about activating the quest early the quest is used as a restart, you establish a board of merlons at the start of the game, your opponent clears the board you can then establish a second/ third board with mechafin as he fills your hand with useful merlons because their aren't any mutrloc tiny fins anymore, another tactic is that mechafin is the finisher if you have a well established board at the start of the game then mechafin can give you two/three war leaders to finish off the opponent. hope this helps
The disenchanting of cards is edited out. I'm guessing because it's considered boring, though I'd be interested in how Trump considers which cards to disenchant.
This has nothing to do with the video but i just wanted to say that i'm sick of pirate warriors infesting casual. Does anyone know if they're really that desperate for wins that they have to go to casual knowing most people will be trying out the new decks?
To practice, to get dust, to go up against fresher decks, etc. Its not like they all just need wins or want them more than anything, they just use what they know or try to learn it. Especially if THEY hate the deck. Best way to understand a decks weaknesses is to play it yourself.
Variance I suppose. I haven't run into any pirate warrior in casual yet. But playing net decks in casual is pretty typical, it's been that way for years now.
The Story of Caverns Below: Kripp: We really don't need cards that are bad. Cards like Stonetusk Boar and Gagdgetzan Ferryman. No one will ever play those. Hearthstone Dev. Team: Challenge Accepted.
I genuinely think blizzard fucked up with that Mage deck. The card generation has gone too far, unless you're playing cards like dirty rat you just end up sitting there for half the game with a frozen board unable to play minions or really do anything at all. And then when you do 'kill' him, he's often got an extra iceblock just to keep the shite going. Even though the deck doesn't seem to be all that strong (yet) it's still another addition of 'if I draw my combo, I win' which is always terrible in this game.
Generally these decks were difficult to play though, stuff like Freeze Mage, Miracle, Handlock probably being the easiest, and Patron warrior. This OTK deck is just play a bunch of spells, wait to have 6 specific cards in your hand, and win the game. What's so difficult about that? Having the cards to make the deck is the hardest part of playing the deck.
I'm always curious what cards Trump disenchants when his dust magically jumps up. Unless a card gets nerfed and I get full disenchant value, I'm always paranoid about disenchanting cards.
Hey Trump id like to give some thoughts on the deck that you made: 1st the toten isnt really good because its very unlikely that it will spawn more than 1 murloc 2.nd mealström is not that good imo because youre not running any spelldamage 3rd.instead id think that bloodlust deserves a spot in that deck. 4th In general I like Finja but it seems 2 inconsistant and slow in that deck (i mean you want to kill your enemy on turn 5 right?) 5 th the megasaur is awesome in murloc decks
Finja is good, but he's way too slow for the deck. Megasaur applies way more pressure, because you're supposed to keep your hand as empty as possible (so your board should be full of murlocs). A single adapt is worth 1 mana, so even just having 4 murlocs on the board makes Megasaur extremely valuable.
I'm not sure if its just me, but while playing this deck I REALLY struggled against rogue, and for some reason, EU ladder is completely infested with it.
LowSoulGamers cuz some random pro made a clickbait video stating OMG ROGUE QUEST OP OMG EPIC and now we are infested by rogues, lucky me tho, without that many rogues I wouldn't be legend
"playing as morgul.... ehh... just makes too much sense when you're uniting the murlocs. this epic little murloc undergoes an epic quest to unite all murloc factions. incredible."
14:15, doesn't trump have lethal? He has 18 damage on board, he has murloc 2/1 charge and a totem, he can put down the totem, with with 2 of them, 4 damage, then he can play Bluegill which will have 4 damage and 2 from totem, which will also give 1 attack to his murloc oracle(?) 18 board, 6 from totem, 4 from bluegill, 1 from oracle buff. Damn.. 29..
I made a paladin murloc since i cant afford to craft the shaman quest, its still really good. I've won more than a few games by turn 6. I threw in the murloc that discovers a secret for lols but the secrets have actually won me a few games surprisingly.
Watching this a year later seeing quest rogue at play 4 minions and 5/5 pre nerf 1 and 2...testament to how bonkers overpowered it was! Possibly the most broken cars ever printed
President Morgl: murgggrggrgrll( Make Murlocs Great Again)! -Build a wall and make Anduin pay for it -Ban Night Elf Immigration -45% Tariff against Kalimdor Imports
I run this deck with only the standard Finja package + two each of the discover murloc and +1/1 murlocs in addition to finishers and primalfin totems. I find that the other murlocs aren't good enough, and having only 4 extra murlocs on top of the blue-green combo is just right to keep a relatively consistent Finja package. Furthermore, the primalfins totems and finishers on top of the 4 extra murlocs are just enough to keep the quest consistent as well.
Also, against quest mage, I try to flood the board as many times as possible to pressure freezes while dumping my hand so that I can play Megafin, specifically fishing for hydrologists to get Eye for an Eye, in which case I get a guaranteed win if I can bring my opponent to 1 health. If you don't aim for a 10 card Megafin vs Quest mage, you're playing the matchup wrong.
Trump I suggest making a midrange shaman deck then adding the quest, water package , and finishers. Honestly that's all you need. You could even keep people guessing by not playing the quest until you draw finja. A midrange would have more control against high tier decks.
2x Primalfine Totem is in my eyes way to useless, you will get the Quest done around 6-7 Mana. I would suggest you to take at least 1 BL in your deck or 1 more Gentle Megassaur (Poisen Adapt is a loving adept if you have all 4 "Call the finisher" on board agaisnt Taunt Warrior). I also played with Spirit Echo which gave me my Megafin back to my hand. So I could reroll the Murlocs easly and have heavy board twice
how do you mean "more" of a clusterfuck, last expansian was pirate stone vs reno stone, very simple. Now you have a lot of deck types, which is a lot more fun(in theory at least)
The game is always a clusterfuck right after an expansion, when people try out everything. Eventually, they'll realize what the most consistent decks are and we'll be back to a 3-4 dominating decks. Also, clusterfuck is a good thing in this case. Just means more variety.
i feel like the only thing that will keep quests in check will be pirate warrior if pirate warrior happens to fall off the face of the early soon tho then prepare to welcome your quest overlords
JamesCat Meow He may be using the Murloc Hero but his shaman hero is probably already golden. When the class is already golden, even when you switch heros, the hero power remains golden.
7:42 funny to see a night elf (Maiev) who is well over 10 000 years old, being called a "young one" by a murlock who is... not sure how long they live pretty sure they are not nearly immortal xD
Funny, he arrogantly lectures a fan that he played it perfectly (he played it poorly) only to make 3 huge mistakes after that comment and lose the game because of that.
"To the untrained eye, that might've been the right play. I played it perfectly though." "Against quest mage, health doesn't matter." -Trump 2017. Get 'em Jens!
Trump was at least right about the second quote. Quest mage has infinite damage with the Sorcerers Apprentice + Antonidas combo, so the mage either kills you in one turn or doesn't get anywhere close.
By and large he was right about health not mattering, just not in this specific instance.
1) some quest mages run giants instead of exodia.
2) quest mage doesn't always get all 4 apprentices (or priest elementals from kabal courier), so it can deal a lot of damage but a limited amount (1 mana fireballs, 2 mana fireballs, 3 mana fireballs, etc)
when he was wrong and talked down to his viewers i was hoping he'd lose
If the quest mage is running giants instead of exodia, then you alextraza anyway...so why would health matter most of the time there?
"i complain too much... just kidding im not kripp"
Trump that was savage AF. Completely agree tho
AlphaTwig 6:30 *
super super fucked
AlphaTwig fuckin savage trump like.. shits on my face.
nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk
AlphaTwig That was so on point hahaha.
"I'm supposed to be playing Hearthstone but this one deck keeps kicking my ass"
"Is it the quest rogue deck?"
PsychoMuffinMuncher What's the rouge quest deck?
...some say that the rouge quest can fill your board with 5/5s in one turn.
Others that it is unstoppable and is filled with charge minions
PsychoMuffinMuncher The rogue deck 27????
Nah man, rogue quest 1 star, it's garbage. It's too slow for the meta.
Some say theroguequest27 can play only 4 cards to complete the quest!
I think trump needs to play a bit more aggro with this deck, but hey that's just my opinion.
ipkandskill he's a control player. It's engrained in our DNA not to over extend by going face to much. But since everyone else is running agro with no board clear there actually is no punish anymore. Whoever gets the better starting hand and goes face more will win. Especially with Reno gone there's nothing to be done. Even taunt warrior and priest get over run. I'm scum and crafted the Rogue quest and dealt over 100 damage to a priest.
even with the fact that going face like that is "over extending" he had blue gill, single buff murloc AND flame totem in hand right before the blizzard that he himself was cautious of got thrown out. He had 18 free damage into 6 more the following turn MANY turns before he got killed but traded during that turn, resulting in little damage and the inevitable loss. He literally didn't count the damage and allowed the mage the blizzard for free. if he did go face, the likely turn of event would be the mage blizzarding still at the new hp of 12. and Trump goes face with the charge minion with the added buffs resulting in the mage being at a whopping total of 6 health from turn 6. Then the next 8 or so turns are free for him to have gotten in the needed damage. Which if going by the events of how it transpired, would be likely to have occurred.
Wish I had Morgl to make this deck better.... Sadly I have no friends
Jonah Stapels you can allways make a fake battle net account and recruit yourself :D
ZephyrSaix how many recruits do i need?
most people recruited themselves anyway
i got it from my own account lol
Make an email account and recruit that.
"Loosing health doesn't matter against quest mage" says trump as he dies with perfect lethal hahah
.....against infinite damage.......so he was still correct.
While it correct that yes, that did screw him over, there was no way for him to predict that he was able to lethal him at exactly that much health.
kingofbudokai except not infinite. mage was missing his 4th (second real) 3/2. That fireball for exact lethal was the last mana the mage had.
But it wasn't infinite damage, it was exact damage, no more.
mage had an ice block so he wouldve died next turn anyways
Adapting an entire board is _incredibly_ powerful.
When going second, if you coin out Call in the Finishers on 3, and follow it up with Gentle Megasaur on 4, you basically win there.
Missed lethal at 18:38? Could've possibly played grimacale oracle and bluegill for extra 7 damage, and he hit him down to 7 with his original play. What do you guys think?
I was really hoping to see the Purify Priest dream come true.
I'm loving these thumbnails
Correction: You almost always want to dump your hand, especially when you have a refill card, against exodia mage. Time is not your ally in that fight.
started off playing elemental shaman, got destroyed by rogue, stagnated at rank 14
switched to murloc shaman currently in Legend. switch to this deck for your own sanity
Similar, started with Elemental Tempo Mage, couldn't break Rank 15, now quest murloc shaman has me at rank 3.
Never thought I'd enjoy playing with Mrrggllglls
PhoenixFireHD I'm getting absolutely whooped with murloc shaman at rank 15. not sure why though
if you're trying to counter it i struggle a little bit against taunt quest warrior but its main destroyer is probably exodia mage the layers of ice blocks over layers of frost nova over layers of doomsayer is just too much in fact i think i won one game against the mage with this deck and i had an amazing hand and he had a shitty one
what cards do you use in ur deck since i am having trouble vs mage/ priests just cant do shit ...... and i want to switch some things since i dont think this is a good version i am having even tho i copied it somewhere online
i think that the main difference i have in my deck is that i run two gentle megasaurs while its not a murloc it can usually finish the game early without even the need for the quest i also run removals such as lightning storm and maelstrom portal however i only run one hex as against rogue you've essentially just created a 5/5 taunt which is obviously bad because you should always be looking to go face that should sort you out against priest as it shouldn't be able to complete its quest in time before you kill him especially given that you won't be activating death rattles because you won't be killing ,inions unless you need to. against mage theres not really much i can tell you other than pray they don't have the cards. the real advice i give is not to worry about activating the quest early the quest is used as a restart, you establish a board of merlons at the start of the game, your opponent clears the board you can then establish a second/ third board with mechafin as he fills your hand with useful merlons because their aren't any mutrloc tiny fins anymore, another tactic is that mechafin is the finisher if you have a well established board at the start of the game then mechafin can give you two/three war leaders to finish off the opponent. hope this helps
All hail chairman megafin! Let him be remembered forever in the hearts of posterity, within kappas, kripperinos, and Murlocs alike.
@trump, how did you craft the legendary at 0:52? Do you have a special version of Hearthstone?
The disenchanting of cards is edited out. I'm guessing because it's considered boring, though I'd be interested in how Trump considers which cards to disenchant.
This has nothing to do with the video but i just wanted to say that i'm sick of pirate warriors infesting casual. Does anyone know if they're really that desperate for wins that they have to go to casual knowing most people will be trying out the new decks?
Oriol Bosch dude totally I mean I can kinda understand playing pw in ranked for ranking up but in casual it's just sickening in my opinion
You can run into pirates everywhere. Wild, Standard, and Casual... but not in arena usually. :D It is a pretty sad state of affairs though. :(
To practice, to get dust, to go up against fresher decks, etc. Its not like they all just need wins or want them more than anything, they just use what they know or try to learn it. Especially if THEY hate the deck. Best way to understand a decks weaknesses is to play it yourself.
Variance I suppose. I haven't run into any pirate warrior in casual yet. But playing net decks in casual is pretty typical, it's been that way for years now.
Play the brawl as much as you can before... well 0:00 Eastern. It's a nice diverse meta where people are trying interesting decks.
The Story of Caverns Below:
Kripp: We really don't need cards that are bad. Cards like Stonetusk Boar and Gagdgetzan Ferryman. No one will ever play those.
Hearthstone Dev. Team: Challenge Accepted.
Cuddos for making that incredible thumbnail man
21:10 "So, losing health doesn't matter at all. Cuz either one turn kills me, or it doesn't." - Trump's reason for losing that game.
he also missed lethal at turn 5
What lethal? I count 26 possible damage.
so trump, how many stars u rate caverns below now?
That mage got HUGE open the waygate value. Trump gave his opponent 3 extra turns before waygate even open xD
I genuinely think blizzard fucked up with that Mage deck. The card generation has gone too far, unless you're playing cards like dirty rat you just end up sitting there for half the game with a frozen board unable to play minions or really do anything at all. And then when you do 'kill' him, he's often got an extra iceblock just to keep the shite going.
Even though the deck doesn't seem to be all that strong (yet) it's still another addition of 'if I draw my combo, I win' which is always terrible in this game.
Doomscythe Why? OTK combo decks have been in the game since almost the start? People find it fun and satisfying
Generally these decks were difficult to play though, stuff like Freeze Mage, Miracle, Handlock probably being the easiest, and Patron warrior. This OTK deck is just play a bunch of spells, wait to have 6 specific cards in your hand, and win the game. What's so difficult about that? Having the cards to make the deck is the hardest part of playing the deck.
How did he suddenly go from 450 dust to 2050 dust at 0:50 ?????
Ian Yu i noticed as well
Ian Yu, editing.
Ian Yu decrafted golden cards. editor skipped it.
Wish I opened a golden legendary lol
Kobe Negron through the magic of jens editing
I'm always curious what cards Trump disenchants when his dust magically jumps up. Unless a card gets nerfed and I get full disenchant value, I'm always paranoid about disenchanting cards.
Hey Trump id like to give some thoughts on the deck that you made:
1st the toten isnt really good because its very unlikely that it will spawn more than 1 murloc
2.nd mealström is not that good imo because youre not running any spelldamage
3rd.instead id think that bloodlust deserves a spot in that deck.
4th In general I like Finja but it seems 2 inconsistant and slow in that deck (i mean you want to kill your enemy on turn 5 right?)
5 th the megasaur is awesome in murloc decks
Love Murlocs, love trump. Great combo! Would love to see how this evolves over time and I hope you revisit it!
Finja is good, but he's way too slow for the deck. Megasaur applies way more pressure, because you're supposed to keep your hand as empty as possible (so your board should be full of murlocs). A single adapt is worth 1 mana, so even just having 4 murlocs on the board makes Megasaur extremely valuable.
Is there an updated version of this archetype within Witchwood?
Not putting the taunt next to flame tongue at 24:30 was pretty bad.
I'm not sure if its just me, but while playing this deck I REALLY struggled against rogue, and for some reason, EU ladder is completely infested with it.
LowSoulGamers quest rogue is the new cancer
LowSoulGamers cuz some random pro made a clickbait video stating OMG ROGUE QUEST OP OMG EPIC and now we are infested by rogues, lucky me tho, without that many rogues I wouldn't be legend
Gentle megasuar has been an all star in my menagerie paladin deck.
paladin LUL
"the health doesn't matter" nice trump great play
That thumbnail is pure gold! :D
Is there a reason the deck has no burn spells? I think that would fit a murloc deck, it would work best as an aggro deck
Aw yes, it's the deck we've all been waiting for!
How do you get “call in the finishers”?
Is it in a certain card pack?
I like these videos just because of the thumbnails
Can someone explain why he didn't take Bloodlust? I don't play the game much at all but I really thought it would be part of this deck.
"playing as morgul.... ehh... just makes too much sense when you're uniting the murlocs. this epic little murloc undergoes an epic quest to unite all murloc factions. incredible."
19:50 "I played this perfectly."
14:15, doesn't trump have lethal?
He has 18 damage on board, he has murloc 2/1 charge and a totem, he can put down the totem, with with 2 of them, 4 damage, then he can play Bluegill which will have 4 damage and 2 from totem, which will also give 1 attack to his murloc oracle(?)
18 board, 6 from totem, 4 from bluegill, 1 from oracle buff. Damn.. 29..
also 8 minoins.
xWhiTeTigeR97x would have been enough to pressure though
This deck is beating the core meta for me.
See you next week at the Tavern Hero in Austin!!!
"I understand how that may seem like a good play to the untrained eye"
those are some pretty big words for the guy who got 5-0 against scammaz
I'm just waiting for him to get another full hand of murloc raiders..
Wouldn’t you want spirit echo to return mega fin back to hand?
that 1 star rogue again
I made a paladin murloc since i cant afford to craft the shaman quest, its still really good. I've won more than a few games by turn 6. I threw in the murloc that discovers a secret for lols but the secrets have actually won me a few games surprisingly.
13:51 what a traitorous murloc, you joined the losing side :)
gentle megasaur is one of your win conditions trump. giving your whole board windfury, attack +3 or even +1/+1 or divin shield is lethal.
I just recently got back into Hearthstone what is Finja Combo?
Potater Cat Yeah! It's when finja kills a minion and pulls out warleaders and bluegills
It pulls two random Murlocs from your deck and plays them when he attacks.
I know what the card Finja does I just wasn't familiar with the combo that Trump was talking about
Saying Fireplume is bad based off of value isn't considering the tempo side of getting everything for a few turns played above curve
Watching this a year later seeing quest rogue at play 4 minions and 5/5 pre nerf 1 and 2...testament to how bonkers overpowered it was! Possibly the most broken cars ever printed
is there a good non-agro deck that can handle the rough quest?
Ramon Stallings freeze/warp mage
Oh my! So many unnerfed card here. What a memories :v
rogue quest is one star guys, I-I swear
no spirit echo for infinite megafin value?
What's the overlay call?
One of the few times I agree with Trump on this. A full Murloc deck is the way to go.
These thumbnails so far have been hilarious
I really want to dust all my rotated out cards, but can't bring myself to do it.... I should right?
philly phill that's what I do because I'm not a wild person
philly phill sometimes you could use them in Tavern Brawl or Adventure. But this year no Adventure will be released.
Ken Ken I never thought about having them in a brawl deck. Kinda disappointed there aren't adventures anymore. RNGesus doesn't bless me often.
The mage and rouge quests are so fun, balanced and interactive. Kappa.
They must have been high AF when they made those quests.
Will trump do an Ungoro F2P series since its the new year?
What do i replace finja with?
that game with the mage is the kinda reason you play bloodlust it gives the deck so much more damage
Wonder if bloodlust or argus could make sense in this deck...make it more midrange
i have all cards apart from maelstrom portal what can i change it for
Hi I'm Dicko more murloc or if u want aoe lightning storm
President Morgl: murgggrggrgrll( Make Murlocs Great Again)!
-Build a wall and make Anduin pay for it
-Ban Night Elf Immigration
-45% Tariff against Kalimdor Imports
Damn, I got paladin quest but I cant find any decks for it
What deck tracker is Trump using?
hearthstone deck tracker.... google it
finja may be too slow for this deck, and having a bloodlust really helps too
I run this deck with only the standard Finja package + two each of the discover murloc and +1/1 murlocs in addition to finishers and primalfin totems. I find that the other murlocs aren't good enough, and having only 4 extra murlocs on top of the blue-green combo is just right to keep a relatively consistent Finja package. Furthermore, the primalfins totems and finishers on top of the 4 extra murlocs are just enough to keep the quest consistent as well.
Also, against quest mage, I try to flood the board as many times as possible to pressure freezes while dumping my hand so that I can play Megafin, specifically fishing for hydrologists to get Eye for an Eye, in which case I get a guaranteed win if I can bring my opponent to 1 health. If you don't aim for a 10 card Megafin vs Quest mage, you're playing the matchup wrong.
I love that he lost to his own bad play at 23:02.
Trump I suggest making a midrange shaman deck then adding the quest, water package , and finishers. Honestly that's all you need. You could even keep people guessing by not playing the quest until you draw finja. A midrange would have more control against high tier decks.
How did he craft that with 450 dust?
14:21 some quality Trump Game-Losing trades there
why no devolve against the quest rogue??
Can someone explain to me how preparation is fair? You spend 0 mana and get 3 back??
A Legit Duck It isnt even used in any meta decks. Its not broken
was that a pro jaina?
Net decks net decks what you guna do? What you guna do when they come for you?
Was murloc meta back then since war leader was broken
2x Primalfine Totem is in my eyes way to useless, you will get the Quest done around 6-7 Mana. I would suggest you to take at least 1 BL in your deck or 1 more Gentle Megassaur (Poisen Adapt is a loving adept if you have all 4 "Call the finisher" on board agaisnt Taunt Warrior). I also played with Spirit Echo which gave me my Megafin back to my hand. So I could reroll the Murlocs easly and have heavy board twice
Didn't think it was possible, but hearthstone has become even more a clusterfuck with this expansion.
SealthruX Rogues and that fucking quest killed this expansion for me.. but i must say it is the most fun
how do you mean "more" of a clusterfuck, last expansian was pirate stone vs reno stone, very simple. Now you have a lot of deck types, which is a lot more fun(in theory at least)
the quests make it feel like a clown fiesta tavern brawl
Yeah I really hate playing the game atm, I prefered the pirate meta, I'll wait for the next expansion I guess.
The game is always a clusterfuck right after an expansion, when people try out everything. Eventually, they'll realize what the most consistent decks are and we'll be back to a 3-4 dominating decks.
Also, clusterfuck is a good thing in this case. Just means more variety.
i love fire plume harbinger's voice acting
He messed up with the hex over portal use to empty his hand pretty hard
But that mage had insane value.
You can also run Echo, and replay big guy into more murlocs!
Trump's dust jumps from 450 to 2050 at 0.45
wat the fuck? 0:50 - 0:55 i dont get it how this works, the dust from 450 to 2050, crafting, it looks like there is no splitt
i feel like the only thing that will keep quests in check will be pirate warrior if pirate warrior happens to fall off the face of the early soon tho then prepare to welcome your quest overlords
So much diversity in this game, rogue, rogue and rogue
JamesCat Meow He may be using the Murloc Hero but his shaman hero is probably already golden. When the class is already golden, even when you switch heros, the hero power remains golden.
Ohhhh thats why... ok thanks dude.
7:42 funny to see a night elf (Maiev) who is well over 10 000 years old, being called a "young one" by a murlock who is... not sure how long they live pretty sure they are not nearly immortal xD
If sacrificial pact works on Mr. J, then Morgl should count to the quest. :p
Is it worth crafting Finja?
IMO, he was worth the 1600 crafting to pull charge or warleader on attack.
Why he doesnt use his golden cards ?
Turns out the Rogue quest,who everyone though was bad, is the best quest after all
He underrated the caverns below a lot IMO.
Hey Trump's editor or anyone who can answer it. If the Shaman secret gets you the guy who can spawn random murlocs in your hand, can he spawn himself?
no, since he's in a quest but not in the actual deck collection. P.S it's not shaman secret, it's Quest
Ya, I knew it was too, dunno why I put quest, thanks for the clarification.
Morgl Trump will unite the murlocs and make Azeroth great again
I saw him build the deck and immediately thought *this is worse than Thijs's version"
Funny, he arrogantly lectures a fan that he played it perfectly (he played it poorly) only to make 3 huge mistakes after that comment and lose the game because of that.
I actually threw in some giants. Mountain giant and sea giant help a bunch in the late game if you end up needing some oompf
uhh with a murloc deck you shouldnt ever get into late game and need big cards...
Anaverageguy41 the wave of murlocs megafin should be enough to close out the game, so giants aren't needed