If Christianity is True, Why Are There So Many Denominations?

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • For more information, read God's Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (amzn.to/2kAroVD)
    Read: Quick Shot - “If Christianity were true, there wouldn’t be so many denominations”
    Christians can’t even agree with each other, why should anyone else think Christianity is true? If so many Christians are in disagreement, how can we be certain Christianity is true? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick Shots: Fast Answers to Hard Questions” series on RightNow Media, J. Warner answers this common question related to the claims of Christianity.


  • @sashabowman204
    @sashabowman204 3 роки тому +57

    Jesus doesnt call people out of the world to attend church and to let others be your teachers . He calls us to be of one one mind. spiritual, holy and righteous, producing the fruit of the spirit.

  • @bretjernigan8820
    @bretjernigan8820 2 роки тому +13

    Good viewpoint. It is interesting, though, that the coming of "sects" was something the apostle Paul warned the original Christians about. He said that he would go away and that wicked men would enter in and also that people who originally associated with them would "rise up" and created divisions and preach false doctrine. I believe that the current plentitude of "Christian" faiths are a result of that prophecy being fulfilled

  • @Ryan_Zell
    @Ryan_Zell 10 місяців тому +3

    I have a theory why most Protestants never reveal there denomination, cult or sect to us: Its because they dont want us to compare their denomination to another denomination to prove that Protestantism HAS DIVIDED CHRIST. St. Paul: IS CHRIST DIVIDED? MAY IT NEVER BE. The truth is Christ is not divided. He has only One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. And Christ entrusted St. Peter to be its Shepherd. John 21:15:17, Matt 16 and 18.
    Thrre is both wide gate and a narrow gate. The wide gate is 40,000 denominations wide, which leads to destruction.
    The gate is narrow gate, which leads to eternal life, and that one gate is enteted through the Catholic Church.
    Ask yourself why God would divide His Church.

  • @ryanrindels6716
    @ryanrindels6716 3 роки тому +13

    I agree that there will always be spread out views regarding atheism, cosmology, politics, etc, but the difference is that none of the things I've listed are based on the word of a perfect, indisputable being who is NOT an author of confusion.

    • @blanktrigger8863
      @blanktrigger8863 3 роки тому +4

      But human beings do indeed author confusion. You're missing the point by a mile.

    • @ryanrindels6716
      @ryanrindels6716 3 роки тому +5

      @@blanktrigger8863 But God knows how we'll interpret the scripture so I would imagine that his DIVINELY INSPIRED document would account for that

    • @jasonmartin105
      @jasonmartin105 2 роки тому

      @@ryanrindels6716 do you think its a lack of intellectual dishonesty? Or did God intend for the confusion that allows for so many disagreements about what the Bible teaches? I invited the lds and jw guys to my house to help me. I attend an evangelical pentecostal church

  • @user-ke8vk8bo4j
    @user-ke8vk8bo4j 2 роки тому +14

    If denomination divisions are human-driven, churches shouldn't proclaim theirs is the truer belief over another. If denominations are human-driven, so are churches and their subjective beliefs in God. One can then argue that God is a human-driven concept. Call up any church, they won't give you the honest answer you are giving.
    Many times I would hear Pastors say they "hear God" driving their beliefs. That God is "speaking" to them. It would be more honest for them to say one denomination believes this, we don't because... It's just our interpretation. Neither would they say there's this type of interpretation, and there's that interpretation. You are free to think for yourself and believe what you want. There is no openness to difference in thought when it comes to a churches' statement of beliefs. Every church truly believes their own denominational vision is God-lead, they'd claim. And once you disagree, they'll accuse you of being human-driven.

  • @StephParrott77
    @StephParrott77 Рік тому +6

    Great explanation!!!

  • @Knight_Boxx
    @Knight_Boxx 5 днів тому +1

    Every person has their own version of who God/Jesus are. If you were to go interview members of the same exact church about doctrinal questions or ideas, you would get wildly different answers.

  • @AWretchedMan
    @AWretchedMan 2 роки тому +5

    Catholicism is the True Original, religion of Jesus Christ... The rest are twisted... False prophets like Martin Luther... Even Buddism and Islamic beliefs... The bible was written way before them...

    • @eltiochusma
      @eltiochusma Рік тому

      Islam? Yes. But Buddhism? Nope.

    • @badprofilepic882
      @badprofilepic882 Рік тому

      Buddhism doesn't even have anything to do with God, though?

    • @YorkieBoris
      @YorkieBoris 4 місяці тому

      Catholics are warped and corrupted.

  • @markhorton3994
    @markhorton3994 3 роки тому +10

    There are denominations that agree completely in theology. The difference between them is region of association or a difference in church governance which they themselves consider a preference and nothing more.
    In other cases the difference is in something like application. For example all Confessional Lutherans such as WELS, LCMS ans AALC have the same theology. Our statement of faith is the Book of Concord a set of documents completed shortly after the death of Martin Luther. The first point it makes and the first line of some of the documents is that the only reliable judge of theology is Scripture. aka sola scriptura.
    Confessional Lutherans are very careful of exposure to false doctrine. That is why we offer Communion only to members and those who the Pastor finds to share our beliefs. We only allow those in complete agreement to preach from our pulpits. To avoid being confounded with other doctrines our Pastors do not offer prayer at public events eg the dedication of a public building where others also speak. Everyone is more than welcome to worship with us but we do not compromise our beliefs. WELS and LCMS do not have "pulpit and altar fellowship " because WELS is stricter than LCMS in this separation from those who disagree. For example LCMS accepts the Boy Scouts and some congregations sponsor troups. WELS considers the BSA requirement that members believe in SOME God, not necessarily the true God, unacceptable.
    By the way no matter what they say the ELCA is NOT confessional Lutheran. I have been told by ELCA members that I am a "sodomite " because I refuse to accept homosexuality as normal and appropriate behavior. Not only unbiblical but their own definition of the English language.

    • @7oa178
      @7oa178 Рік тому +1

      You are very much prideful, rebellious and know it all according to this video. 😂

  • @Saint_Branden
    @Saint_Branden 8 місяців тому +1

    I was just wondering this, thank you

  • @garyavey7929
    @garyavey7929 3 роки тому +6

    There are so many denominations because Satan has to confuse many types of people .Revelation 17and 18 Revelation 18:4 ) And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.

  • @fishermanoflight
    @fishermanoflight 3 роки тому +6

    Great explanation. Thank you!

  • @alexandreperusio1303
    @alexandreperusio1303 2 роки тому +1

    Sorry, I understand the logic that having divisions doesn't prove Christianity isn't true. but divisions do cause a bad testimony of Christ. Eph 4:3-6: "Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." There is no biblical basis for us to gather in a human organization, but there is a biblical basis for us to gather only in the name of the Lord Jesus. Jesus said to be gathered together in His name, Jesus' name is the place. This euphemism of saying we can create anything and saying it's church is wrong from start to the end.(1 church is the set of the saved, 2 to congregate we must recognize the Lord Jesus as the only guide, never putting a human being as a leader. 1Cor 14:29-33: "Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace. For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted. And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." These orders are deliberately ignored. There is no other name for us to address but the name of Jesus. Everything else is a bad testimony to the name of Christ. Heb 13:13: "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach."

  • @guymagson1230
    @guymagson1230 29 днів тому

    I personally believe its natural to interpret the teaching etc and its a good thing to do so as well the Bible in it's final state isn't written by jesus ir by god but by people who claim they were contacted by god etc and their arotings are and interpretation, a good example in my opinion is ths sin of pride. For pride to be a sin it suggests that we are not individual, that someone else is behind the things we have done or created which would lead go suggest it is impossible for us to sin as it was not our own doing, I personally believe pride is the most honest thing humans can feel, why shouldn't we its an emotion felt after completing a task often one we struggled to complete. And most of all pride for our children's accomplishments is the most pure as you raised that child made them who they are by imparting your knowledge on them and guiding them through life, they should make you feel pride in your work after all as an individual you did the work go create them, feed them, teach them, raise them to be good and honest, tought then to love and respect other. Pride come naturally and the sin of fornication is also a wild one as naturally like all creatures our ultimate goal is to continue existing and to do ghat we need to have children and to do that we need to have sex, I personally see the idea of marriage as it originally was "common law" as such a commitment made in words said fi eachither promising to be true to one and other, as god is all seeing it is always before god that this is done. I think church as concept is important but the systems and governing bodies behind them are now and have been for a long time corrupt in many ways. I feel that if you want god kn your heart and you want to worship him you'll find your own way, religion is something thats hard to understand and i think anyone claiming their god is the one true god is silly as I don't think he'd really care how we worship him or think on him, he sent his son to die for our sins and awful things happen all the time without divine intervention. We're all individual and god or no god we'd still do what we're doing now, I guess what I'm trying to say is it doesn't really matter and that our biggest issue is that we don't know how to or don't do enough of just accepting and loving one and other despite our differences in looks or views.

  • @simshadyhagrmfchevy3908
    @simshadyhagrmfchevy3908 5 місяців тому

    In all honesty I think we’ve been taught and it causes hate between denominations….i was told as a child that if I didn’t go to Church of Christ,that I was doomed to hell

  • @craigsherman4480
    @craigsherman4480 20 днів тому

    Jesus founded a Church that is the pillar and bulwark of Truth because he knew humans were like this. This Church would have Jesus with it and last until the end of the age. That Church can be traced back to the beginning. When you find that Church, that is the True Church.

  • @jesusdeity2010
    @jesusdeity2010 3 роки тому +1

    One of the reasons is bad contradicting translation of the original text.
    The Bible has been horribly translated by clerks of a certain denomination who had no clue about God's intend.
    Still the red line is clearly visible. The original text is crystal clear:
    1: God created us after His own image and likeness.
    2: Man fell. That is what you see in this world: lust, greed, selfishness, strange philosophies, sicknesses, corruption, terrorism, death, etc, etc.
    3: God, the spirit of life, manifests fully in Christ, pays the debt for mankinds fall so we can be indwelled again by His Spirit and be transformed back to origin.
    Pure grace, love, power of God for His creation.
    Hence the divine healing miracles and casting out of demons His first friend, i and many others experience up to this day!
    When Jesus said: "It is finished", He did a perfect job. Nothing to be changed by people comming after Him.
    Some examples of these idiotic translation errors.
    Saved, from the Greek Sozo means: made complete, brought back to origin.
    Eternal life from the Greek Zoë: means life of God, divine life.
    Wrath from the Greek Orge: means PASSION.
    Wrath from the Greek Thumos: also means PASSION.
    Etc, etc, etc, look it up in the Kittel Theological Dictionary or in any Greek/Hebrew Strong's app. It's there.
    So now we have ignorant preachers parotting the lie that we have to be saved from God's wrath by Jesus (who is God....) and "have to repent or go to hell".
    In stead it is: God restores us through Christ by His own atoning blood sacrifice and indwelling Holy Spirit, from mankind's fall, to His own image and likeness (Christlikeness) because of... passion.
    For God so loved the world....
    God cannot be tempted to do evil....
    There is no turning or shifting with Him....
    If you don't love you don't know God, for God is love....
    The goal of all instruction is... love
    The Father Himself loves you....
    Jesus healing all..... love
    Jesus raising the dead..... love
    Jesus casting out demons.... love
    Jesus controlling nature..... love
    Etc, etc ,etc ,etc.
    With a clear word we can become one in Spirit and actions.

  • @praisegod5381
    @praisegod5381 Рік тому +2

    Jesus is my denomination lol

  • @1d9d5k6
    @1d9d5k6 3 роки тому +2

    Are there so many denominations because the original name Yahua and Yahushua were not preserved? Do these denominations account for the fact that the letter "J" did not exist 500 years ago? What names did the First Council of Nicaea use in 325 AD?

  • @404Gerard
    @404Gerard 3 роки тому +2

    J. Warner Wallace makes two fallacies in his argument.
    1) In modern history there are thousands of religions and religious denominations that all appeal to a doctrine of faith and a reference to a God. This becomes untenable if it appears that these religious organizations make contradictory claims about the existence and origin of a supreme being. Well, those contradictory claims exist, so that the dogmatics of religions must be seriously put into perspective. For the truth presented as supreme truth ultimately turns out to be a truth created by humans.
    This essentially undermines the claim of religions that they were not created by humans. They are, as it now appears from all those contradicting claims, assertions and dogmas that can only be made by humans. Because if a Supreme Being had made them, those differences could not have arisen. Or was the Supreme Being confused or showed signs of dementia as it created thousands of religions?
    2) The comparison between religion and atheism is unfortunate. And to be honest, a bit cheeky and inappropriate because Warner Wallace cannot resist the politeness of laterally incorporating atheism as a counterfeit belief. That shows no respect for otherwise-minded people.
    From the fact that there are many kinds of atheism, Warner Wallace infers the argument that because of that many kinds of Christianity can exist. He does not even consider all those other religions with their specific supreme being. But the comparison is incorrect because atheism is not a belief with a central dogmatics. That applies to the movements of Christianity.
    Warner Wallace unnoticed and unwillingly makes a mistake because his argument can also be reversed. Because if the comparison between the differences within atheism is extrapolated to the differences within Christianity, then the starting point of atheism must also be valued. That says there is no God that is not made by man. Thus, in a roundabout way, Warner Wallace weaves the premise in his argument that God was made by man. It seems that Warner Wallace does not understand his own argument.

  • @cliffdee2
    @cliffdee2 3 роки тому +3

    But isn't it a problem if the world view asserts absolute unchanging revealed truth? I don't think there's a dispute that humans are fallible but that just confirms that all worldviews originate from people.

    • @worldview730
      @worldview730 Рік тому

      Seems to just be a problem any which way you turn

  • @elise3036
    @elise3036 2 роки тому +2

    Prideful, rebellious, know-it-alls... LOL!!!

  • @geoffreyk6229
    @geoffreyk6229 Рік тому

    " Jesus'name is the place..." How can a name be a place?

  • @RussellWorkman
    @RussellWorkman 3 місяці тому

    THANK YOU * Jesus IS Real !* Denominations I've Never Understood......*

  • @freespirit7450
    @freespirit7450 10 місяців тому +1

    They all talk badly about each other.

  • @willleonhardt3827
    @willleonhardt3827 3 місяці тому

    The jesus of 2 thousand years is who I believe is the lord God n I serv God the father son n spirt. One god

  • @wranglerxx
    @wranglerxx 24 дні тому

    Answer: Pride

  • @donkropidlowski1446
    @donkropidlowski1446 8 місяців тому

    False. If you went to ancient Israel and to synagogue everyone in the congregation would have the same beliefs and same confession. There is one head and one spirit therefore to not have the same oneness of mind and spirit as Christ proves you are not of him. His followers will be of one mind, spirit and confession.

  • @willowen8730
    @willowen8730 3 роки тому


  • @singerreid4624
    @singerreid4624 3 місяці тому

    There's one true truth tho

  • @bustinjieber2673
    @bustinjieber2673 3 роки тому +2

    The bible should not be our view but gods view. We should just follow what is written and leave our view behind. BECAUSE it is not gods view the many denominations make no sense if Christianity comes from god.

  • @walkingthroughforests
    @walkingthroughforests 3 місяці тому

    Christianity IS true and there is only ONE Church. There are NO other "denominations", only heretical sects. The word "denomination" has no binding effect on the true original Church which is of course, Eastern Orthodoxy. The Roman Catholics broke off from the original Church (which continues under the name of Eastern Orthodoxy and also has a doctrine of Catholicity), the Protestants broke off from the Roman Catholics because they disagreed with things they taught (no surprise there, since things like Roman Catholic metaphysics is flawed). However, instead of Martin Luther returning to the original he just went off and founded something even more watered down and that is why Western Europe is the way it is now.
    P.S. Eastern Orthodox Theology is based on the ancient Greek (Koine Greek to be specific) that The New Testament was originally written in and also Church Tradition since The New Testament itself says not everything Christ did is in The New Testament.

  • @californiahighdesertpreach2261
    @californiahighdesertpreach2261 2 роки тому

    Question, is this the Church Jesus is coming back for? Answer NO!

  • @friendofjesus1680
    @friendofjesus1680 3 роки тому

    its a good answer.

  • @TearDownThisWall
    @TearDownThisWall 7 місяців тому

    Evolution. Literally impossible.

  • @GR65330
    @GR65330 3 роки тому +8

    For 1500 years, Christendom (except for a few heretical sects) was united in doctrinal and moral teaching. There has always been one Church, one Gospel, one faith and it wasn't until the reformers came along that the cleaving of Christendom began.
    So, where can we find this one church that teaches with absolute doctrinal truth? The early Church tells us:
    "It is incumbent to obey the presbyters who are in the Church-those who, as I have shown, possess the succession from the apostles; those who, together with the succession of the episcopate, have received the infallible charism of truth, according to the good pleasure of the Father. But [it is also incumbent] to hold in suspicion others who depart from the primitive succession, and assemble themselves together in any place whatsoever, either as heretics of perverse minds, or as schismatics puffed up and self-pleasing, or again as hypocrites, acting thus for the sake of lucre and vainglory. For all these have fallen from the truth".
    - Ireneaus of Lyons (a disciple of Polycarp of Smyrna), Against Heresies, 4:26:2, 180 AD

    • @megnlu
      @megnlu Місяць тому

      If you read God's Word, you do not get Catholicism. Catholicism completely contradicts Scripture, so how then can it be the true church. It was a very false church & unfortunately the Reformation continued false doctrines to this very day.

  • @jasonmartin105
    @jasonmartin105 2 роки тому +4

    I agree with the spirit of your presentation, however despite having thousands of theories, physicists mostly agree on the most likely theory at any givin time. Unfortunately my church judges other churches as not the truth

  • @Jesusmyhopeofglory
    @Jesusmyhopeofglory 3 роки тому +19

    We sometimes look for big Theological reasonings at times when we just need to see the simplicity in it. Great answer!!

  • @shirleygoss1988
    @shirleygoss1988 3 роки тому +2

    People bicker and disagree about divine truth! Does that mean God gave us His truth by just throwing it into the air, with no safeguard as to how it should be rightly handled?
    I have a difficult time believing that! In fact, I don't believe it!

    • @rynardramos16
      @rynardramos16 3 роки тому

      Appreciate the answer Hit the bullseye James..

    • @Snowlys
      @Snowlys Місяць тому

      Are you saying we need denominations

  • @jmdsservantofgod8405
    @jmdsservantofgod8405 7 місяців тому

    Because the one church Catholic was corrupted and the Holy Spirit made corrections thru reformed churches! This made it harder for the devil to attack the church! Remember! Jesus said I will build my church not humans!

  • @mercyletsgo
    @mercyletsgo 2 місяці тому

    That's different compared to what God's word says people are arguing over it

  • @SantaFe19484
    @SantaFe19484 3 місяці тому

    Short answer: God loves diversity, long answer; the things that different churches agree on are important than what they disagree on (the Trinity and the deity of Christ are more important than the teaching John Calvin and Jacob Arminius), most of the people who are considered the "founders" of denominations wanted reform and since not everybody agreed with their reforms, they had to start a new thing, and all of the world's religions are fragmented as well.

  • @BurningDesire_letsgo
    @BurningDesire_letsgo 4 місяці тому

    Ladies and gents, we know or maybe some don’t that there’s good and evil. What is good all about, what is evil all about???? The enemy is the lord of deception, and you have Triune God as the Lord of truth. We have been given free will and we all must choose.

  • @YH7R
    @YH7R Рік тому

    Not only is denominations not biblical read (1) Corin chapter 1, and (1) Corin chapter 3. the Messiah came to propose "THE WAY" John 14:6, and Acts 24:14....Christianity is also unbiblical you'll never find any passage where the Apostles, Prophets or the Messiah himself refer to themselves, as christians nor a denomination.....now before anyone jump to conclusions, and use Acts 11:26... or (1) peter 4:16 use exegetical breakdown and read entire chapter in context.....just because someone call you something that doesn't make you what THEY called you, and then for clarity Paul the Apostle of the Gentiles clarifies his identity read Rom 11:1, and Phili 3:5

  • @badprofilepic882
    @badprofilepic882 Рік тому

    Tldr: translation errors

  • @lordofgenesis
    @lordofgenesis 3 роки тому +4

    Great answer sir

  • @markmooney5662
    @markmooney5662 3 роки тому +1

    So obvious when you say it...why didn't I see that before...many thanks for this info.
    Grace and peace to you and yours
    Gilly wife of Mark