Zatchooze Naut Better: get a sniper with low profile, give him mimetic skin. He can scout the entire map with the other Sniper in the back sniping aliens left and right. And why do I even bother with the rest of the teams?
could anyone imagine putting a Yahtzee quote on the box of this game? Like, imagine, "Like a first class bowel movement, [Xcom: Enemy Unknown is] solid, it's lasting, and above all it's organic." -Yahtzee
On a similar note, I believe New Blood (who publish retro shooters and such) have something of a thing going (or did at one point) where Civvie 11 (who is well worth watching if you haven't already!) would put silly dick jokes in his videos, and the publishers would then put them on the Steam store page for the actual game. Sometimes it's a good thing to lean into the wacky profanity!
+Nerdsoft *FIRES at the window Misses bullets richoche hit and kill the persons commanding officer causing them to panic causing them to fire on there squadmember and kills them causing an assulte behind them to panic shooting them and killing them or in otherwords THATS XCOM BABY*
XCOM 2: >99% chance to hit at point blank, misses >ADVENT trooper off in the distance shoots at soldier behind heavy cover, crits for highest damage possible, instakilling soldier from full health. >4 other soldiers panic, the two in overwatch fire on the two that run away, instakilling them with crits for highest damage possible. >Faceless you fired on runs up to last 2 soldiers and cleaves, critting for maximum damage and instakilling them too. >No savescumming because it's Ironman mode. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
I once won a mission cause of a panic. Alien blows up a random rookie I brought with me and another guy freaks out and shoots the alien in the face, mission accomplished.
I once started out a mission with two Sergeants and two squaddies I was training up while the remainder of my A-Team recuperated. The two squaddies were Kyle and Fraser who took cover only a few spaces away from each other. A floater spawned in and shot Fraser. For some reason that is only known to him, Kyle panicked for some reason, turned around and shot Fraser in the face. With Fraser dead Kyle proceeded to just stand there while the Floater executed him as thanks for murdering his friend. Sometimes the AI makes no sense. The worst part is that Fraser was behind Kyle which gives me the impression that Kyle desperately wanted to shoot him.
***** You know what is worse? Having a squadie shoot and kill your best man (was a damn capt. MecTrooper) on the mission AND run out of ammo after that. I was so pissed after that that I always used him to pop enemy waves even if i had a battlescanner but somehow he still isn't dead...Fuck you Barros...Team-killing fucktard...
I killed two berserkers because they got pinned running between two assault classes on over watch that kept hitting, taking a second shot, enraging them, and then close combating. It 'twas beautiful.
I has 1 heavy and 2 minecraft youtubers with assault rifles positioned side by side in a hallway and put them all on over watch. A chryssalid came up to the trio and stopped at about 10 feet away. The soldiers, 1 having a machine gun and 2 having assault rifles quickly fired at the thing while on overwatch. ALL 3 OF THEM MISSED!
I had a mission(the alien base one) where I had all six on overwatch, cyberdisc then roll up the stair and all the shots go off at once. They all missed and he lazed my support to death(who had the last of my medkits). Thankfully I finished the mission without further deaths.
That's why I'm so thankful for phoenix point's "realistic aim system" where 1 your soldiers got two cones instead of a random chance, tho sometimes if you are within melee proximity the shots seem to just "ignore" the target or sth. when you basically sticked the barrel right in their face.
***** And the larger the enemy unit is, the higher its defence. The most advanced snipers in the world can shoot a sectoid from behind a solid wall, but can't hit a 10 foot tall giant robot standing out in the open.
***** Random Number God is a dick, friend failed a 99% shot at point blank with a rifle, meanwhile his friend got a long range shotgun shot... with a 1% hit rate
A bit of advice to anyone just starting this game: at some point, invest in the SHIV unmanned drones, especially the hover SHIVs. When I first saw these things in the research options, I dismissed them, thinking "why bother? My team is awesome, I don't need to replace any of them with a drone." But after I tried it out, I loved them. The SHIVs are not only powerful and durable, but most importantly, unlike your well trained team, they are *expendable*. Hover SHIVs are very hard to hit, and have about a 30-50% chance to dodge any shot fired at them. And since they can't take cover, enemies are hard coded to aim at them first, since they are exposed. This allows you to send them in ahead of your troops, letting them take fire while your team picks off the guys shooting at them. And if they get destroyed, no big deal, you can make another identical one, and if you're smart you'll already have another one waiting. Can not overstate how awesome these things are.
Well when I wrote my initial post, I didn't have enemy within, I'm not even sure it was out yet. Yeah, at this point MECs have kinda made SHIVs redundant, though they are still good.
Actually, no! SHIVs got a little upgrade that keeps them relevant when compared to MECS. But first off -- A good reason to pick a SHIV over a MEC is because MECs cost a lot of Meld (especially the Paladins -- when you're looking at 60 Meld). Another reason is the Sentinel Drone upgrade in the Foundry. This upgrade gives SHIVS passive regeneration, and it also gives them Close Combat Specialist (free shot against anything that moves within 3 tiles of it).
Putting your sniper at a high elevation, rushing with an Assault-class unit to give vision, and Double-Tapping enemies is ludicrously overpowered. *I love it.*
Why would you waste the most powerful unit in the game to spot for snipers? The whole trick of winning the tactical end of the game is having 2 teams of assault soldiers backed by a support, with a sniper and a heavy for overwatch and long range support. Assault units are the only units in the game that can single handedly smoke a Sectopod and take no damage doing it. Run+Gun, Reflexes and an Alloy Cannon make short work of the toughest units, a 20+ damage point guided missile usable every 3 turns cant be beat. Have a great day!
Boytard Bill Well everyone has their own tactics. Not only does it depend on the current situation but it also depends on whether the person knows/doesn't know that tactic.
GaminGxMagickZ I spend a lot of time Mind Controlling Ethereals rather than bother killing them, then using them as suicide bombers with their 'Void' ability (while they stand in it, of course). But then again, once I have the Psi Testing facility, it doesnt take me long to have a full psionic squad and a Support with Psi armor, mind shield and fully leveled under 'Iron Will' for a buffed total near 200 will, lol. I love learning the tricks of buff stacking to break games... Have a great day!
North Zhuang Mm, love how that works.. You scream vulgarities at the snip who was a 95% hit rate, but Just about jump out of your skin when the dude with 5% hit had killed the multon beast... Had a rookie trip balls and killed one, just before he was stomped into mulch by a group of floaters, seemingly just came out of the bushes nearby...
Play Fire Emblem (not Awakening) and miss when you had a 99% chance to hit and get critical'd when your opponent has only 1% to crit, THEN come talking. xP
"so, did you like xcom?" "oh sorry, what was that? i was too busy playing xcom. i thought id start the next mission but i ended up playing the whole damn thing." this happens to me litereally 90 % of the time. thats not even an exaggeration.
I don't know how but my team in XCOM became a full female team. There was one male guy replacing a wounded soldier and he got absolutely obliterated. Weird.
Joshua Littig No. I made him move last and all that stuff. I seriously started off with a team of 1 female and 3 male since you start off with a team of four and then 2 female 4 male and then I was in russia doing a high difficulty mission for more engineers and the 4 males and 1 female died.
If you're on pc and haven't heard of it yet, get the long war mod. The enemy strategic AI is much more active and nearly always directly combat-able, so no sitting around waiting for events - you'll welcome the peace if you ever have it. You can have larger squad sizes, you need at least a 40 deep roster because of the fatigue mechanic, 5 weapon tech levels, twice as many weapon classes including additional sidearm options, 8 soldier classes, 8 MEC classes, officer training, deeper psionic progression, and interceptors are a huge part of the game. There's so much more but if you want the deepest experience from this game you have to get this mod.
As cool as that sounds, I'm also terrified of it. In Vanilla Xcom, one fuck up and I'm scrambling like mad to piece everything together. A billion more things to stress about might kill me.
Qustinnus Sakae never heard of it prior to Dadliest Catch, and of course I'm glued to steam, I need to collect all the trading cards, and I've got a foil trading card 3, not sure whether to sell it and buy the cheaper ones, or whether to keep it in the slim hope that I'll one day get the foil adventurers badge. And have you seen those sales?
Qustinnus Sakae Yeah, I heard about Octodad on tumblr when it was really young, but consarnit my craptop was too crappy to play it. Was fun and a great concept, and glad to see it's paying off for them.
If its realistic then why can my guys only do 2 actions at once and why do civilians not run away when a huge bug alien is in front of them trying to turn them into zombies
Atreuso it is. example: using videogame terms, if you yourself right now hit the local shooting range, will you be having a godmode on, stacking all bullets right into the center of bullseye or will you outright fail a shot every now and then, or even all of them?
I tend to use MECs now. Break down the cover with the... crap, forgot what it's called. Barrage or something. Anyways, use that, send guys in/shoot through hole.
This is only the second video I've seen of yours and I'm in love with how you rapid fire out jokes that are legitimately funny and by the time I'm done laughing at the last one the next one hits and I'm laughing more.
This game finds ways to piss me off, all of them usually some dice roll chain fuckup where a bucket of 3x5 cards labeled "Unlikely field scenarios" spills and every unlikely thing happens, taking a masterful playthrough and ending it in one, bitter, hatefilled mission. I love it.
I bought this game based purely on this review and the review from angry joe show. ive never heard of xcom unitl now but im so glad i did now i have about 70+ hours gameplay on my first playthrough and i havent even tried multiplayer yet
When you're ready to be dominated and whipped like the bad boy that you are, go play the original XCOM (UFO Defense and Terror From the Deep, they're available for like $5 each on Steam).
as far as he goes along he will come to enjoy it after all it may be more randomness but at least it's well executed randomness. and you can not deny its skill even when the randomness screws you over
JoeRingo118 I actually really likend the story because it seemed like a nice evolution of the series along with the alien designs. But to each his own I suppose
I always save at the beginning of the mission, so if I screw up I can load that save and try the mission again, but i never save in the middle of a mission because it takes half the challenge out of the game. if i restart from the beginning of the mission i can still Finnish it with a sense of accomplishment.
My sniper was positioned behind cover with a berserker right next to him. I used my heavy to shoot at the berserker, but he missed, destroyed the sniper's cover, and allowed my sniper to be filled with plasma holes.
I really liked in the original X-Com when you would go on your first terror mission and there would be three alien murderbots camping the ramp to your skyranger and it was like that scene in Saving Private Ryan when the doors to the landing craft went down.
"Remake, reboot, reason to stuff your mouth with blasting caps and smack yourself in the face with a gravedigger's spade." LOL! I even chuckled a bit at the mom and the imp-killing and the breaking the fourth wall near the end! :D
nick m Damn straight you should. It'll suck you right in.. "just one more mission..." Be prepared for "normal" difficulty to humble you pretty quickly if you don't effectively proritize the right research and make sound tactical decisions in combat, though.
***** Sounds intesnse xD I've been an fps drone for most of my gaming life (I blame my teenage years) and I'm starting to branch out (cuz fuck playing the same game every year amirite?). Tactical rpg games like this are new for me
nick m Its a good game, get Enemy Within though, its the same game but better. More content, all the DLCs for the original, and the same addicting game. And if you get stuck there are codes to bring in Super Soldiers (don't judge me, I lost three veteran or better squads all to BS like the fucking spider tanks), but they do disable achievements.
Impossible difficulty is literally impossible. Word of God says they made the game with an impossibly hard difficulty on purpose. You WILL lose eventually, but WHEN you lose, and how long it takes you to lose, that's the point.
Higher difficulty settings usually require you to play tactically. Relying on a single high percentage shot to kill is more likely to get your own team killed than having the whole team secure the kills even if the first guy misses a 99% shot, you still have another guy who can take a shot safely or have a grenade backup plan to guarantee the kill.
Alright, I had finished playing the Vanilla default XCOM, now I have to go buy the Enemy Within expansion, I had nearly save the entire world, except two countries who had backed out, which leave me one of them, an Australian bloke, who I had named him as a joke, Benjamin "Yahtzee" Croshaw, who happened to be my first psychic and happened to end the game with. After almost all my super squad except two females soldiers, a Support Medic and Rocket Heavy had survived, the support had killed my Canadian sniper while under the command of those damn psychic alien commanders and another one of them had chucked a black hole at the whole group, we killed them all and he sacrificed himself for the greater good of humanity.. Don't know if that was just sad or awesome...
I have never noticed the little animations in the end credits until this video. Zero punctuation never fails to make me laugh but this made me full on laugh out loud. Will have to re watch a few videos to look for more of these now
Much as I love the Warhammer 40k universe, they didn't invent the concept of plasma weaponry. The game series that blatantly rips off 40k is Starcraft, not XCOM. ;)
I love it how in xcom2 so many of the old things were changed and a lot of new stuff was added but it still has basically the same glitches as enemy unknown
I actually loose soldiers all the time and yet I ironmaned the normal difficulty. Mostly because I figured out that have 3 of my 6 man team be supports with a million medkits each is a really good strategy.
+TheDieThrower you need 3 supports with Feild medic to normal ironman? i always take 1 support mainly cause 1 i hate supports for doing actuall damage 2 i almost rarely ever get into a situation where my soliders take damage and cant solo the enemys all in one turn and even then 3 SMOKE N MIRRORS WITH DENCE SMOKE = USEFULL AS FUCK (you get 3 full covers you can deploy anywere)
Jonathan Self Well I'm not that great at the game. Anyways my team had two snipers, 3 supports,and a heavy at the end I think. I will go check later because I still have the thing saved due to it not removing the middle of the last fight save I had (due to my having to go eat and all that wonderful normal life stuff). In all reality though if you have two snipers and people to keep them up you just win at least in lower difficulty settings.
Jonathan Self I personally never take snapshot. I never have to if I position right and beef up my squad early before moving the story along. I'm not great with luck so moving a character that has worse aim up close to a close up position plus give them an extra negative to aim they will miss. Plus I put my snipers in a position where they don't have somebody right by them to deal with the squids.
Mivdyr never played original dungeon keeper, but it seems like a fun game. Not worth the shit EA put in the mobile version at all but ea is just actively trying to turn its franchises into shittier ones
ToonedMinecraft While the graphics are quite outdated the original dungeon keeper and DK2 is still amazing games. But yeah EA is ruining a lot of good franchises.
the mobile game didn't ruin the dungeon keeper franchise. at least not yet. Not if it can draw the interest of new "fans" to a proper sequel. But if that sequel is just as bad as the mobile game, then the franchise really will be ruined.
Years later and I still love that ending strategy. Even thought I can't help but think of the researcher complaining about damage to artifices and to be exercise restraint.
I dont get all the hate with Xcom. The difficulty levels say clearly how hard it is. Easy-easy but not "CHARGE!!!" easy Normal- harsh but fair, like real life Classic-Pretty much like normal just with more realism.(Aliens with supperior technology being stronger than humans? who would've thought >.>) Impossible- prepare to shit blood
In the original i went on my first terror mission and i loaded all of my men back into the skyranger when i saw one cryssalid creep out of an alley to say "Ello, would you like some tea?" then slink back away just to have my tank not find it.
This has to be one of Yahtzee's best, even rarer being a truly glowing review from the notoriously sarcastic reviewer. Flow's smooth, gags funny, the artist's work is well-timed and implemented, and humor's set in exactly the right tone.
I remember once my entire squad save one rookie was gunned down. Not only did the rookie get the VIP back to the evac jet he did it without a scratch on him. He continued to serve with distinction until sacrificing himself in one mission to ensure our victory
what i dislike about this game is the absurd accuracy the aliens possess while your troops are complete shit at shooting, i get their "rookies" but arent they supposed to be the best out of humanity? Also the sectoid commander is such bullshit at the begning of the game he has too much health and his abilities will completly fuck over your squad most of the time.
A I suggest getting a laser sniper rifle and a good Sniper B Are you really rushing the alien base assault so much that you can't 2 hit the commander And C Are you playing in Impossable/classic mode Cause I play on normal/easy and my soilder sand Sectoids Shoot as well as each other (barring second wave options)
Jonathan Self i played the harder difficulty, but even in easy and normal there dam well accurate. Especially the thin men, idk why but there the ones that always end up destroying my squad before the sectoid commander.
AllegedOrder maybe, still annoying as hell haha, the sectoid commander is also really unfair considering you really have no defence against his mind merge thing till later on in the game.
Yahtzee mentioning Dungeon Keeper was the highlight of this video for me, I believe he's also mentioned FFVI too, IMO those two of the best games of the 1990s.
+nuya buisness I dont i spend it over the cource of the month and pad it with corpse sells and damaged part sales and occsionally Power core and flight computer sales when i really need to
They made this version the most approachable it could be on schedule without completely neutering the challenge. And at least there are formal instructions!
I played the game on ironmode. It was easy ironmode, but it adds a load of stress. You begin to hyperprepare on missions, making sure everyone is in position before rounding corners, running away from fights you can't reliably win, that kind of stuff. Was actually a really great experience (especially for my first playthrough). Definitely recommended.
MChimz oh fuck that place. That final run is one of the tensest moments in gaming for me. Everyone is legging like hell while you pondered if you should reload and cover fire or just keep on running. You scoured every last piece of equipment your men brought with you and lobbed grenades and shot rockets just so you can take out that one chryssalid poaching on your low-health friend. You watched anxiously in the Enemy Turn, hoping that the eight-legged bastards can't catch-up and insta-kill the guy hanging in the back. You screamed, cussed, and panicked when a chryssalid spawned right next to you (in that fucking shark). You've realized the value of everything you've ever done to your men. "Thank God I upgraded that mec trooper with a flamethrower" "Thank God I augmented jumping legs" Thanks Giving came early, so it seems. That feeling you had after your last man made it to the extraction just before the bombing was better than sex itself.
+deantivakul And then realise it was an easy mission if you know whats coming and sat up a sniper with a laser rifle and squad site on over watch and used a Sprinter support and a Kenetic strike (as it incresses your movement) Mec. And 2 heavys and mabey an assalt Granted i had 6 troops at that time but still My heavys (i took 2 i always take 2 heavys on missions when i can) Had ballistic weaponry with reaper rounds and my Mec had is mini gun While everyone else had Laser weaponry and carapace armor I litterally had the medic and mec Go in activate the bomb and run out while my sniper provided covering fire and everyone else fell back occasinally shooting chrysilids that spawn
Jonathan Self Thing is, some of us didn't know what was coming. Also most everyone I know didn't get squad sight. They got the one that allowed you to fire after moving. But hey that could just be what me and my friends do
Dude I didn't know it was coming the first time I played enemy within and the first time I got it and even then I barely had a hard time I only lost 1 man and even then that could have been avoided I only lost him because I had him stay back with some illusion that he might draw chrysileds to him and off my squad Also A Mec I almost always make one before the first terror mission And also wow I can safety say you and your friends DONT KNOW HOW BROKEn squad site is
I dug the comic at 4:51, and the product plug at the end. I just wish the audiobooks were done in your Zero Punctuation voice (rather, speed) than your version of the classic Audiobook Voice™.
The Bureau: X-COM Declassified was originally just X-COM, the shooter version you're talking about, but was changed due to it not following in the footsteps of its predecessors. X-COM: Enemy Unknown was a reboot of the original game, UFO: Enemy Unknown.
the ZP videos comes every wednesday, you don´t have to suscribe, just check back every midweek XD but jimquisition its also a good show and the big picture its quite timekiller
Still playing anyone? Best thing about XCOM: you tell a troop to shoot and you get a cut scene. Worst thing about XCOM: it is the Alien about to shoot. And you get a cut scene.
What I guess is that the percent system in this game is like this: A Twister spinner where the arrow sits on the miss area, is broken and bended slightly so it drags, and is only given a flick of a finger to move.
experienced players do it the other way 'round. On night missions, the 5-6 most crucial people stand in the back while one tank (cheap, expendable, does not gain xp) and 4-5 sacrificial rookies soak up the fire that converges on the first things to leave the ship.
I still play the original X-COM but I absolutely love this game as well. So any purists can meet my plasma rifle. Just three days ago I started a new game on my phone. Handy little thing, the battery drainage is so bad it politely limits my playtime to about an hour per session. I've discovered that if I name my troops something that tempts fate, then tend to survive more. Sadly this was not the case for Squaddie Loaded Bodybag. Popped on his third outing but damned if he didn't give what for. In his career he amassed a huge body count including some pretty high profile kills (two mechtoids and several mutons for instance). He was cut off from the team who were otherwise engaged and was happened upon by a frickin' sectopod of all things. By the time the rest of the team was able to get to him, a lucky muton had scored a kill on the guy, but I'll give him credit. One laser pistol is all it took to finish off the sectopod. His partner, Assault Colonel Laura Jenkins bull-rushed the muton and took revenge for her friend at point blank range. Bodybag may have been a lowly assault squaddie, but he was a fucking murder-machine in battle and went down fighting. He will be sorely missed.
An awesome thing that happened to me in X-Com was that two of my guys wearing almost identical armor both took a reaction shot at the same time so that they fused together, and both missed.
At the start of the game: These bloody snipers are bloody pointless
Into the game a bit: You own personal god of death
Charlie Platt Sniper on day one: "Wait these things have SCOPES?"
Month 4: *sips coffee, fires random shot into space, takes out UFO*
Classtoise Then, because UFO wasn't in cover, takes four more shots and destroys the enemy fleet.
Charlie Platt Yes best to have 2 of them, one with snapshot and another with squad sight
Zatchooze Naut Better: get a sniper with low profile, give him mimetic skin.
He can scout the entire map with the other Sniper in the back sniping aliens left and right. And why do I even bother with the rest of the teams?
Cause Snipers have limited ammo And Sectopods are B*tches Pluse Cyber disks
could anyone imagine putting a Yahtzee quote on the box of this game?
Like, imagine, "Like a first class bowel movement, [Xcom: Enemy Unknown is] solid, it's lasting, and above all it's organic." -Yahtzee
Oh my god! That's the best comment I've ever read hahaha XD
They did that for Painkiller.
The Wikipedia page for Wet has a quote from him under “reception”
On a similar note, I believe New Blood (who publish retro shooters and such) have something of a thing going (or did at one point) where Civvie 11 (who is well worth watching if you haven't already!) would put silly dick jokes in his videos, and the publishers would then put them on the Steam store page for the actual game.
Sometimes it's a good thing to lean into the wacky profanity!
50% hit chance
"So hold on, you want me to hit the window, right?"
+Nerdsoft *FIRES at the window Misses bullets richoche hit and kill the persons commanding officer causing them to panic causing them to fire on there squadmember and kills them causing an assulte behind them to panic shooting them and killing them or in otherwords
+Nerdsoft >98% point blank shot
>Completely misses, then gets killed in an instant
97% chance to heads at three tiles away with a shotgun please explain how that equals a miss?
XCOM 2: >99% chance to hit at point blank, misses >ADVENT trooper off in the distance shoots at soldier behind heavy cover, crits for highest damage possible, instakilling soldier from full health. >4 other soldiers panic, the two in overwatch fire on the two that run away, instakilling them with crits for highest damage possible. >Faceless you fired on runs up to last 2 soldiers and cleaves, critting for maximum damage and instakilling them too. >No savescumming because it's Ironman mode. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
3 percent chance to miss. Not 100.
I once won a mission cause of a panic. Alien blows up a random rookie I brought with me and another guy freaks out and shoots the alien in the face, mission accomplished.
I once started out a mission with two Sergeants and two squaddies I was training up while the remainder of my A-Team recuperated. The two squaddies were Kyle and Fraser who took cover only a few spaces away from each other. A floater spawned in and shot Fraser. For some reason that is only known to him, Kyle panicked for some reason, turned around and shot Fraser in the face.
With Fraser dead Kyle proceeded to just stand there while the Floater executed him as thanks for murdering his friend.
Sometimes the AI makes no sense. The worst part is that Fraser was behind Kyle which gives me the impression that Kyle desperately wanted to shoot him.
***** You know what is worse? Having a squadie shoot and kill your best man (was a damn capt. MecTrooper) on the mission AND run out of ammo after that. I was so pissed after that that I always used him to pop enemy waves even if i had a battlescanner but somehow he still isn't dead...Fuck you Barros...Team-killing fucktard...
I killed two berserkers because they got pinned running between two assault classes on over watch that kept hitting, taking a second shot, enraging them, and then close combating. It 'twas beautiful.
Marnoko thats how it happens he will out live all your favorite troops and get all the awards while you grumble in a corner
The ending cartoon is the most accurate thing about this game.
I has 1 heavy and 2 minecraft youtubers with assault rifles positioned side by side in a hallway and put them all on over watch. A chryssalid came up to the trio and stopped at about 10 feet away. The soldiers, 1 having a machine gun and 2 having assault rifles quickly fired at the thing while on overwatch.
+Allclayismein THATS XCOM BABY
I had a mission(the alien base one) where I had all six on overwatch, cyberdisc then roll up the stair and all the shots go off at once. They all missed and he lazed my support to death(who had the last of my medkits). Thankfully I finished the mission without further deaths.
That cartoon is golden.
That's why I'm so thankful for phoenix point's "realistic aim system" where 1 your soldiers got two cones instead of a random chance, tho sometimes if you are within melee proximity the shots seem to just "ignore" the target or sth. when you basically sticked the barrel right in their face.
I get so warm and fuzzy when Yahtzee is happy about a game... It's a reminder that life is still worth living!
What you mean you missed?! The dude was 5 inches away from you and you had a machine gun!?
***** And the larger the enemy unit is, the higher its defence. The most advanced snipers in the world can shoot a sectoid from behind a solid wall, but can't hit a 10 foot tall giant robot standing out in the open.
***** Random Number God is a dick, friend failed a 99% shot at point blank with a rifle, meanwhile his friend got a long range shotgun shot... with a 1% hit rate
That's XCOM, baby
***** Yeah, not so much missing the enemy but the enemy's vital parts.
+Bobo Magroto You should see Fire Emblem RNG then.
I swear that game is possessed by some RNG demon.
A bit of advice to anyone just starting this game: at some point, invest in the SHIV unmanned drones, especially the hover SHIVs. When I first saw these things in the research options, I dismissed them, thinking "why bother? My team is awesome, I don't need to replace any of them with a drone." But after I tried it out, I loved them. The SHIVs are not only powerful and durable, but most importantly, unlike your well trained team, they are *expendable*. Hover SHIVs are very hard to hit, and have about a 30-50% chance to dodge any shot fired at them. And since they can't take cover, enemies are hard coded to aim at them first, since they are exposed. This allows you to send them in ahead of your troops, letting them take fire while your team picks off the guys shooting at them. And if they get destroyed, no big deal, you can make another identical one, and if you're smart you'll already have another one waiting. Can not overstate how awesome these things are.
Your team can also take cover behind them in a pinch.
Jack Ream That's only Alloy Shivs. Hover Shivs cannot be used as mobile cover.
Or, you could be smart and just use a fucking MEC. It's a hover SHIV with particle cannons.
Well when I wrote my initial post, I didn't have enemy within, I'm not even sure it was out yet. Yeah, at this point MECs have kinda made SHIVs redundant, though they are still good.
Actually, no! SHIVs got a little upgrade that keeps them relevant when compared to MECS.
But first off -- A good reason to pick a SHIV over a MEC is because MECs cost a lot of Meld (especially the Paladins -- when you're looking at 60 Meld). Another reason is the Sentinel Drone upgrade in the Foundry. This upgrade gives SHIVS passive regeneration, and it also gives them Close Combat Specialist (free shot against anything that moves within 3 tiles of it).
Putting your sniper at a high elevation, rushing with an Assault-class unit to give vision, and Double-Tapping enemies is ludicrously overpowered.
*I love it.*
Why would you waste the most powerful unit in the game to spot for snipers? The whole trick of winning the tactical end of the game is having 2 teams of assault soldiers backed by a support, with a sniper and a heavy for overwatch and long range support.
Assault units are the only units in the game that can single handedly smoke a Sectopod and take no damage doing it. Run+Gun, Reflexes and an Alloy Cannon make short work of the toughest units, a 20+ damage point guided missile usable every 3 turns cant be beat.
Have a great day!
Boytard Bill Well everyone has their own tactics. Not only does it depend on the current situation but it also depends on whether the person knows/doesn't know that tactic.
I spend a lot of time Mind Controlling Ethereals rather than bother killing them, then using them as suicide bombers with their 'Void' ability (while they stand in it, of course). But then again, once I have the Psi Testing facility, it doesnt take me long to have a full psionic squad and a Support with Psi armor, mind shield and fully leveled under 'Iron Will' for a buffed total near 200 will, lol. I love learning the tricks of buff stacking to break games...
Have a great day!
Boytard Bill hmm never thought of it that way.
Boytard Bill In the Zone+Headshot
Killed every single enemy in the final boss in 1 turn.
The rocket-double tap sniper combo...
Works every time :D
accept for the times where the sniper does not hit despite the 95% hit chance
Zombiepull But somehow the 5% can hit through full cover.....
North Zhuang Mm, love how that works.. You scream vulgarities at the snip who was a 95% hit rate, but Just about jump out of your skin when the dude with 5% hit had killed the multon beast... Had a rookie trip balls and killed one, just before he was stomped into mulch by a group of floaters, seemingly just came out of the bushes nearby...
Play Fire Emblem (not Awakening) and miss when you had a 99% chance to hit and get critical'd when your opponent has only 1% to crit, THEN come talking.
Dice12K Moment when a free aim rocket misses.....
"so, did you like xcom?" "oh sorry, what was that? i was too busy playing xcom. i thought id start the next mission but i ended up playing the whole damn thing."
this happens to me litereally 90 % of the time. thats not even an exaggeration.
***** yep.
Just one more turn, just one more turn, JUST ONE MORE TURN!!!
me everytime
Kip Higginson
Ok I’ve got work in the morning I’ll play for an hour then go to bed
Jahavan my whole week after I got xcom
Coming Soon to PC and Consoles
I just love it when you've got your hole squad on over-watch, and an alien drops in from the ceiling, right in clear line of sight.
The final little animation at the end of the video is the best part.
4:51 There are only two distinct success chances in gaming: 100%, and not 100%.
I don't know how but my team in XCOM became a full female team. There was one male guy replacing a wounded soldier and he got absolutely obliterated. Weird.
Aggu Kristian
ananthusarat I think Aggu figures that you purposely had your male soldier killed in an attempt to maintain a full harem squad.
Joshua Littig
No. I made him move last and all that stuff. I seriously started off with a team of 1 female and 3 male since you start off with a team of four and then 2 female 4 male and then I was in russia doing a high difficulty mission for more engineers and the 4 males and 1 female died.
They listened with dungeon keeper. Instead of making it a shooter they just made it shit.
+InWhichIDie What?
+Thunderhooves Dungeon Keeper Mobile.
DigiFox0 Oh
+InWhichIDie Honestly it would have been better as a shooter!
+Alex Shannon That's a sad truth man....a sad sad truth
If you're on pc and haven't heard of it yet, get the long war mod. The enemy strategic AI is much more active and nearly always directly combat-able, so no sitting around waiting for events - you'll welcome the peace if you ever have it. You can have larger squad sizes, you need at least a 40 deep roster because of the fatigue mechanic, 5 weapon tech levels, twice as many weapon classes including additional sidearm options, 8 soldier classes, 8 MEC classes, officer training, deeper psionic progression, and interceptors are a huge part of the game. There's so much more but if you want the deepest experience from this game you have to get this mod.
most likely will thanks :D
As cool as that sounds, I'm also terrified of it. In Vanilla Xcom, one fuck up and I'm scrambling like mad to piece everything together. A billion more things to stress about might kill me.
In a lot of ways it's less stressful because of the encouragement to have backups at the ready.
My experience of Xcom on classic - 'Let's just move over there... Oh, dead'
OMG... Yahtzee's a hipster, he was playing Octodad before it was cool.
It was cool before dadliest catch arrived but you're just too glued to Steam to realize
Qustinnus Sakae never heard of it prior to Dadliest Catch, and of course I'm glued to steam, I need to collect all the trading cards, and I've got a foil trading card 3, not sure whether to sell it and buy the cheaper ones, or whether to keep it in the slim hope that I'll one day get the foil adventurers badge. And have you seen those sales?
true but not everything is on steam, some great indie and f2p games arent on steam
Qustinnus Sakae Yeah, I heard about Octodad on tumblr when it was really young, but consarnit my craptop was too crappy to play it. Was fun and a great concept, and glad to see it's paying off for them.
The second time I played it I didn't even bother with laser weaponry. I just skipped straight to plasma.
An then you play on classic/impossible or anything with ironman and regret your decision
Probably. I will do that someday.
+PonzooonTheGreat laser pistols and laser rifles are alright. Heavy lasers are just terrible
Being able to recover plasma weapons using the stunner is amazing though
i like how if you fuck up then you are fucked, it is realistic.
If its realistic then why can my guys only do 2 actions at once and why do civilians not run away when a huge bug alien is in front of them trying to turn them into zombies
The ZombieMan i did not say the game was realistic, only that failure is.
Nice profile pic btw
Atreuso please read all comments in a thread/comment chain before making a comment that has already been explained.
thank you and good day.
Atreuso it is. example: using videogame terms, if you yourself right now hit the local shooting range, will you be having a godmode on, stacking all bullets right into the center of bullseye or will you outright fail a shot every now and then, or even all of them?
What's funny is that I frequently use that strategy Yatzee used against hulk hogan
And weren't you proud of yourself the first time you pulled it off? :)
Yup! Pulled it off fighting an Etheral as well...Pretty much it's my clutch plan
I tend to use MECs now. Break down the cover with the... crap, forgot what it's called. Barrage or something. Anyways, use that, send guys in/shoot through hole.
greatorder Collateral Damage?
So much
I love that I can immediately tell that "The Alien Equivalent of Hulk Hogan" is the Berserker.
You boasted for only 29 seconds
+Thomas Cullinan thirty likes now, I am the ultimate troll! 😈
This is only the second video I've seen of yours and I'm in love with how you rapid fire out jokes that are legitimately funny and by the time I'm done laughing at the last one the next one hits and I'm laughing more.
This game finds ways to piss me off, all of them usually some dice roll chain fuckup where a bucket of 3x5 cards labeled "Unlikely field scenarios" spills and every unlikely thing happens, taking a masterful playthrough and ending it in one, bitter, hatefilled mission. I love it.
I bought this game based purely on this review and the review from angry joe show. ive never heard of xcom unitl now but im so glad i did now i have about 70+ hours gameplay on my first playthrough and i havent even tried multiplayer yet
When you're ready to be dominated and whipped like the bad boy that you are, go play the original XCOM (UFO Defense and Terror From the Deep, they're available for like $5 each on Steam).
What? A game Yahtzee LIKED? What witchcraft is this!
Seriously though it was a pretty good game. I wonder if he'll review XCOM 2 when it comes out.
as far as he goes along he will come to enjoy it after all it may be more randomness but at least it's well executed randomness.
and you can not deny its skill even when the randomness screws you over
Today, on the Escapist Website he did.
+Theodore Hodbor Apparently whatever spell was cast on him in x-com enemy unknown it wore off by x-com 2 considering how harsh he was
Out today
JoeRingo118 I actually really likend the story because it seemed like a nice evolution of the series along with the alien designs. But to each his own I suppose
Sniper missing the 99% shot in the end credits
"That's XCOM baby"
Guy behind him with a hammer also proceeding to miss
"That's XCOM baby"
I never knew about eggscom thank you!!!
Col. Roger "Roger Roger" Rodgers. The best Support I ever had. That man was untouchable... despite all of the tactical errors I made with him. Legend.
I always save at the beginning of the mission, so if I screw up I can load that save and try the mission again, but i never save in the middle of a mission because it takes half the challenge out of the game.
if i restart from the beginning of the mission i can still Finnish it with a sense of accomplishment.
yeah there's no point in Russian it.
@@Zorak9595 Better save up some Ukraine-ey day funds in case you blow all your money on armor and the investment doesn't see itself through.
those misses during the credit sequence are hilarious! Very well done
this game made me afraid of the color yellow
Jonathan Self You'd have to play the game to understand. If you claim you have then I don't believe you.
Let me guess it made you afraid cause yellow was the color they used to let you know your flanked? (Yep I own play and bearten this game)
Jonathan Self yes. now that wasn't so hard now was it.
Just like green lanterns?
My sniper was positioned behind cover with a berserker right next to him. I used my heavy to shoot at the berserker, but he missed, destroyed the sniper's cover, and allowed my sniper to be filled with plasma holes.
You should have let one of the others shoot the berserker, because then he'd run at the other guy. Your fault mate xD
Chance is a bitch.
They're making Xcom 2
Fuck x-you
+Brandon Beyerl ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) With Vipers.
+Brandon Beyerl except this looks like an actuall sequal and not just an expanshion pack Or you know a cash grab
Really, when does it come out
Chris bruh
I really liked in the original X-Com when you would go on your first terror mission and there would be three alien murderbots camping the ramp to your skyranger and it was like that scene in Saving Private Ryan when the doors to the landing craft went down.
The destructible environments are what really made XCOM great rather than good.
"Remake, reboot, reason to stuff your mouth with blasting caps and smack yourself in the face with a gravedigger's spade." LOL! I even chuckled a bit at the mom and the imp-killing and the breaking the fourth wall near the end! :D
I have this game and I loved it to pieces. then I thought: 'Hey! impossible looks fun!'
Never again...
I have the game but never played it (got it christmas or something)... sounds like I should pick it up
nick m
Damn straight you should. It'll suck you right in.. "just one more mission..." Be prepared for "normal" difficulty to humble you pretty quickly if you don't effectively proritize the right research and make sound tactical decisions in combat, though.
***** Sounds intesnse xD I've been an fps drone for most of my gaming life (I blame my teenage years) and I'm starting to branch out (cuz fuck playing the same game every year amirite?). Tactical rpg games like this are new for me
nick m Its a good game, get Enemy Within though, its the same game but better. More content, all the DLCs for the original, and the same addicting game. And if you get stuck there are codes to bring in Super Soldiers (don't judge me, I lost three veteran or better squads all to BS like the fucking spider tanks), but they do disable achievements.
Impossible difficulty is literally impossible. Word of God says they made the game with an impossibly hard difficulty on purpose. You WILL lose eventually, but WHEN you lose, and how long it takes you to lose, that's the point.
Higher difficulty settings usually require you to play tactically. Relying on a single high percentage shot to kill is more likely to get your own team killed than having the whole team secure the kills even if the first guy misses a 99% shot, you still have another guy who can take a shot safely or have a grenade backup plan to guarantee the kill.
Alright, I had finished playing the Vanilla default XCOM, now I have to go buy the Enemy Within expansion, I had nearly save the entire world, except two countries who had backed out, which leave me one of them, an Australian bloke, who I had named him as a joke, Benjamin "Yahtzee" Croshaw, who happened to be my first psychic and happened to end the game with.
After almost all my super squad except two females soldiers, a Support Medic and Rocket Heavy had survived, the support had killed my Canadian sniper while under the command of those damn psychic alien commanders and another one of them had chucked a black hole at the whole group, we killed them all and he sacrificed himself for the greater good of humanity..
Don't know if that was just sad or awesome...
You know you've been watching a lot of Zero Punctuation when at least one of them shows up in the suggestions of every single UA-cam video you watch.
one of my favourite things about xcom. that soldiers can absorb plasma machinegun fire no probs if the alien want aiming at them
I think he's trying to communicate with us...
We better send in the XCOM team just in case.
Oh that credit animation is brilliant. So many times I raged when a sure hit ends up missing.
Haha, nice boast. Xcom is fantastic fun. It is so addictive. I love naming my troops and making Sgt. Noodle an elite killer.
I've watched at least 50 of these in the last two days and this is my favorite. Perfect.
Eggscom is an actual website
How is it I waited so long to notice this video? It's perfect
So now that XCOM 2 came out today, when do you think we'll get a review?
+Brandon Fedie maybe next week but I'll say one thing
the aformentioned spider droids are now war of the worlds tri-i mean bipods
+Spearka and the floating walkman titty cannons got fat. They're now floating tennis ball titty cannons.
Today, on the Escapist Website.
+DragonhunterZeroSeven Nineteen yep, watched it this morning
I have never noticed the little animations in the end credits until this video. Zero punctuation never fails to make me laugh but this made me full on laugh out loud. Will have to re watch a few videos to look for more of these now
ANyone else notice the Aliens running around with 'Plasma Pistols' from Warhammer 40k? :)
Much as I love the Warhammer 40k universe, they didn't invent the concept of plasma weaponry. The game series that blatantly rips off 40k is Starcraft, not XCOM. ;)
I meant in the video....... They had the actual models in their hands.
I love it how in xcom2 so many of the old things were changed and a lot of new stuff was added but it still has basically the same glitches as enemy unknown
I actually loose soldiers all the time and yet I ironmaned the normal difficulty. Mostly because I figured out that have 3 of my 6 man team be supports with a million medkits each is a really good strategy.
+TheDieThrower you need 3 supports with Feild medic to normal ironman?
i always take 1 support mainly cause 1 i hate supports for doing actuall damage 2 i almost rarely ever get into a situation where my soliders take damage and cant solo the enemys all in one turn and even then
(you get 3 full covers you can deploy anywere)
Jonathan Self Well I'm not that great at the game. Anyways my team had two snipers, 3 supports,and a heavy at the end I think. I will go check later because I still have the thing saved due to it not removing the middle of the last fight save I had (due to my having to go eat and all that wonderful normal life stuff). In all reality though if you have two snipers and people to keep them up you just win at least in lower difficulty settings.
Eh Sniper with squad site and sniper with mamaetic skin And Snapshot
GG aliens GG
Jonathan Self I personally never take snapshot. I never have to if I position right and beef up my squad early before moving the story along. I'm not great with luck so moving a character that has worse aim up close to a close up position plus give them an extra negative to aim they will miss. Plus I put my snipers in a position where they don't have somebody right by them to deal with the squids.
eh I am gonna make a Snapshot sniper with memetic skin
and also have a squadsite sniper with double tap and hyperactive pupiles
The apostrophe stands for missing letters:
always the damn last line....
I do like coming back to seeing these old/older videos, but still sad that this is only 240p
I truly hope that EA will never make a "Dungeon Keeper: shooter edition"
Mivdyr Isn't it made by Bethesda and called Doom?
But doom doesnt have EA's shitty DLC policy?
but EA already bastardized Dungeon Keeper with their mobile app.
Mivdyr never played original dungeon keeper, but it seems like a fun game. Not worth the shit EA put in the mobile version at all but ea is just actively trying to turn its franchises into shittier ones
While the graphics are quite outdated the original dungeon keeper and DK2 is still amazing games. But yeah EA is ruining a lot of good franchises.
the mobile game didn't ruin the dungeon keeper franchise. at least not yet. Not if it can draw the interest of new "fans" to a proper sequel. But if that sequel is just as bad as the mobile game, then the franchise really will be ruined.
I loved how, at the end of the video when the sniper misses, you try to hit him and miss as well.
Does still exist?
+Sailor Italy Nope.
Aww :(
But it is, I just visited it.
rasmus hansen Can you send me a link, please?
Years later and I still love that ending strategy. Even thought I can't help but think of the researcher complaining about damage to artifices and to be exercise restraint.
even more years later and i still play it from time to time!
I dont get all the hate with Xcom. The difficulty levels say clearly how hard it is.
Easy-easy but not "CHARGE!!!" easy
Normal- harsh but fair, like real life
Classic-Pretty much like normal just with more realism.(Aliens with supperior technology being stronger than humans? who would've thought >.>)
Impossible- prepare to shit blood
I couldn't even get past the first mission on impossible mode.
In the original i went on my first terror mission and i loaded all of my men back into the skyranger when i saw one cryssalid creep out of an alley to say "Ello, would you like some tea?" then slink back away just to have my tank not find it.
What does he mean by robot droid spiders?
I mean like which enemies
Jason Entwisle Probably good ol' Chryss.
I'm thinking the Cyberdisc, when it transforms.
Nah its the sectopods.
The Sectopod has only two legs, though. It's more like a giant robotic chicken then spider...
For some reason the "it's pilchard" sandwich gag makes me laugh the hardest
Who else watched this one directly after watching the Valkyria Chronicles video?
This has to be one of Yahtzee's best, even rarer being a truly glowing review from the notoriously sarcastic reviewer.
Flow's smooth, gags funny, the artist's work is well-timed and implemented, and humor's set in exactly the right tone.
Yahtzee you should review xcom enemy within
BTW Yahtzee that does seem impressive
I remember once my entire squad save one rookie was gunned down. Not only did the rookie get the VIP back to the evac jet he did it without a scratch on him. He continued to serve with distinction until sacrificing himself in one mission to ensure our victory
what i dislike about this game is the absurd accuracy the aliens possess while your troops are complete shit at shooting, i get their "rookies" but arent they supposed to be the best out of humanity? Also the sectoid commander is such bullshit at the begning of the game he has too much health and his abilities will completly fuck over your squad most of the time.
A I suggest getting a laser sniper rifle and a good Sniper B Are you really rushing the alien base assault so much that you can't 2 hit the commander And C Are you playing in Impossable/classic mode Cause I play on normal/easy and my soilder sand Sectoids Shoot as well as each other (barring second wave options)
Jonathan Self i played the harder difficulty, but even in easy and normal there dam well accurate. Especially the thin men, idk why but there the ones that always end up destroying my squad before the sectoid commander.
robosoldier11 light plasma rifles have +10 accuracy built in, which all thin men carry. might be part of it.
AllegedOrder maybe, still annoying as hell haha, the sectoid commander is also really unfair considering you really have no defence against his mind merge thing till later on in the game.
Except you know High willed soldiers Or in enemy within Mech troops
Yahtzee mentioning Dungeon Keeper was the highlight of this video for me, I believe he's also mentioned FFVI too, IMO those two of the best games of the 1990s.
Yeah but top precious ufo resources you destroyed with that heavy
Jose Alfaro I have too much alloys and not enough money
So, I just found out about Yahtzee like...yesterday, and omfg these videos are great. How had I not seen these???
aim like octodad lol
Kudos to the "My Stepmother's an Alien" reference at the end lol
whenever I get my monthly paycheck, I will spend ALL of it within about 12 seconds.
+nuya buisness
I dont i spend it over the cource of the month and pad it with corpse sells and damaged part sales and occsionally Power core and flight computer sales when i really need to
On what I might ask.
Steam sales?
They made this version the most approachable it could be on schedule without completely neutering the challenge. And at least there are formal instructions!
Who's here from the Teardown video just to check what got Yahtzee so proud before :)
I played the game on ironmode. It was easy ironmode, but it adds a load of stress. You begin to hyperprepare on missions, making sure everyone is in position before rounding corners, running away from fights you can't reliably win, that kind of stuff. Was actually a really great experience (especially for my first playthrough). Definitely recommended.
Here from a comment on 2022s teardown
I just bought the 2K Essentials Collection, with Borderlands, Bioshock, and X-COM. X-Com sealed the deal for me! I love TBS games.
Who wants to go to Newfoundland?
MChimz oh fuck that place. That final run is one of the tensest moments in gaming for me. Everyone is legging like hell while you pondered if you should reload and cover fire or just keep on running. You scoured every last piece of equipment your men brought with you and lobbed grenades and shot rockets just so you can take out that one chryssalid poaching on your low-health friend. You watched anxiously in the Enemy Turn, hoping that the eight-legged bastards can't catch-up and insta-kill the guy hanging in the back. You screamed, cussed, and panicked when a chryssalid spawned right next to you (in that fucking shark). You've realized the value of everything you've ever done to your men. "Thank God I upgraded that mec trooper with a flamethrower" "Thank God I augmented jumping legs" Thanks Giving came early, so it seems. That feeling you had after your last man made it to the extraction just before the bombing was better than sex itself.
+deantivakul And then realise it was an easy mission if you know whats coming and sat up a sniper with a laser rifle and squad site on over watch and used a Sprinter support and a Kenetic strike (as it incresses your movement) Mec.
And 2 heavys
and mabey an assalt
Granted i had 6 troops at that time but still
My heavys (i took 2 i always take 2 heavys on missions when i can) Had ballistic weaponry with reaper rounds and my Mec had is mini gun
While everyone else had Laser weaponry and carapace armor
I litterally had the medic and mec Go in activate the bomb and run out while my sniper provided covering fire and everyone else fell back occasinally shooting chrysilids that spawn
Jonathan Self Thing is, some of us didn't know what was coming. Also most everyone I know didn't get squad sight. They got the one that allowed you to fire after moving. But hey that could just be what me and my friends do
Dude I didn't know it was coming the first time I played enemy within and the first time I got it and even then I barely had a hard time I only lost 1 man and even then that could have been avoided I only lost him because I had him stay back with some illusion that he might draw chrysileds to him and off my squad Also A Mec I almost always make one before the first terror mission
And also wow I can safety say you and your friends DONT KNOW HOW BROKEn squad site is
I dug the comic at 4:51, and the product plug at the end. I just wish the audiobooks were done in your Zero Punctuation voice (rather, speed) than your version of the classic Audiobook Voice™.
The Bureau: X-COM Declassified was originally just X-COM, the shooter version you're talking about, but was changed due to it not following in the footsteps of its predecessors. X-COM: Enemy Unknown was a reboot of the original game, UFO: Enemy Unknown.
the ZP videos comes every wednesday, you don´t have to suscribe, just check back every midweek XD
but jimquisition its also a good show and the big picture its quite timekiller
Still playing anyone?
Best thing about XCOM: you tell a troop to shoot and you get a cut scene.
Worst thing about XCOM: it is the Alien about to shoot. And you get a cut scene.
What I guess is that the percent system in this game is like this: A Twister spinner where the arrow sits on the miss area, is broken and bended slightly so it drags, and is only given a flick of a finger to move.
I am incredibly impressed, Yahtzee. It's incredible that you got into this game!
experienced players do it the other way 'round. On night missions, the 5-6 most crucial people stand in the back while one tank (cheap, expendable, does not gain xp) and 4-5 sacrificial rookies soak up the fire that converges on the first things to leave the ship.
I still play the original X-COM but I absolutely love this game as well. So any purists can meet my plasma rifle.
Just three days ago I started a new game on my phone. Handy little thing, the battery drainage is so bad it politely limits my playtime to about an hour per session.
I've discovered that if I name my troops something that tempts fate, then tend to survive more. Sadly this was not the case for Squaddie Loaded Bodybag. Popped on his third outing but damned if he didn't give what for. In his career he amassed a huge body count including some pretty high profile kills (two mechtoids and several mutons for instance). He was cut off from the team who were otherwise engaged and was happened upon by a frickin' sectopod of all things. By the time the rest of the team was able to get to him, a lucky muton had scored a kill on the guy, but I'll give him credit. One laser pistol is all it took to finish off the sectopod. His partner, Assault Colonel Laura Jenkins bull-rushed the muton and took revenge for her friend at point blank range.
Bodybag may have been a lowly assault squaddie, but he was a fucking murder-machine in battle and went down fighting. He will be sorely missed.
4:51 A moment I'm sure all commanders can relate to...
Hahahaha oh man the line about the overwatch and failing the psychic test killed me.
That is just about the purest example of "That's XCOM baby!" ever.
Escapist is finally caught up on youtube now? Alright, I don't need to go to the website anymore to watch the latest videos!
Holy shit, they uploaded the video on the same day as it was put on the Escapist. Still watching on the Escapist because the Escapist is awesome. Much
An awesome thing that happened to me in X-Com was that two of my guys wearing almost identical armor both took a reaction shot at the same time so that they fused together, and both missed.
"Nigeria has withdrawn support"
*and a fat lot of use they turned out to be*
"99% hit chance, miss" jajajaj perfect
I just love that he says that he dislike strategy games but he loves this game