Learn Funny German Sayings/Proverbs

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2012
  • You want to learn German? Then you need to learn all about the most famous German proverbs, how to pronounce them and what they mean! Proverbs are a fun way to approach the German language and people might even believe you speak fluent German when you use them! So make sure to learn those German sayings asap! Compare them to the ones you know from your own language and let me know in the comments section below! Enjoy the German language, learn German and Get Germanized today!
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  • @Antreges
    @Antreges 7 років тому +14

    Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.
    Everything has an end. Only the sausage has two.

  • @candiestorie176
    @candiestorie176 9 років тому +15

    "Learn German, pig-dog!"
    Best intro ever. I love German slang.

    • @gunguy100
      @gunguy100 9 років тому +2

      "Lerne Deutsch Schweinhund!(it actually means bastard)"
      Besten Intro je.Ich liebe Slang Deutsch.
      I don't know why I translated it...I just felt like it.

    • @candiestorie176
      @candiestorie176 9 років тому

      gunguy100 Oh... oops. Literally translated, it would be "pig-dog." German seems to use "Schwein" quite a bit.

    • @ottifant64
      @ottifant64 9 років тому

      gunguy100 Next time, don't use Google Translate.
      Here you go:
      Bestes Intro aller Zeiten. Ich liebe Deutschen Slang.

    • @candiestorie176
      @candiestorie176 9 років тому

      ottifant64 Haha, nice, though I didn't use all caps. ;) Also, I thought slang in German was "Umgangssprache."

    • @ottifant64
      @ottifant64 9 років тому

      QingXiao Cui No, Umgangssprache means something entirely else. Umgangssprache means (how do I say that?) shorten words.
      Like for example:
      "Das hätte ich nicht gedacht" shortened to: "Das hätt' ich nich' gedacht."
      Like in English "did not" to "didn't" or "is not" to "isn't".

  • @TheRhandolph
    @TheRhandolph 3 роки тому +2

    I've never heard the squirrel one, I think 'Even a stopped clock is right twice a day' is more common.

  • @pedonbio
    @pedonbio 10 років тому +3

    "Eifersucht ist ein Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht, was Leiden schaft."

  • @BuayaGuy
    @BuayaGuy 10 років тому +7

    Meine Lieblingsredensart kommt von Goethe: "Wer keine fremde Sprache spricht, kennt seine Muttersprache nicht." (Who doesn't know a foreign language, doesn't know his mother tongue.)

  • @lukekaravolis571
    @lukekaravolis571 10 років тому

    I enjoy the idiom "auf Sand gebaut" meaning unstable, but literally meaning built on sand.

  • @HardToBeAPoopGod
    @HardToBeAPoopGod 11 років тому +1

    I love learning some new idioms... It's like one of the hardest parts in every language.. and you had some great examples, thank you for that! :3

  • @aragornthebrave
    @aragornthebrave 9 років тому +2

    Ihre Videos sind Toll, ich benutze ihn um mein Deutsch zu verbessern. Vielen Dank!

  • @xyellowlollipop85
    @xyellowlollipop85 11 років тому

    My favourite German sayings are "morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute, sagen alle faule Leute" and "jeder Topf hat ein Deckel". I enjoyed this video!

  • @Mistran5lation
    @Mistran5lation 10 років тому

    I like the phrase, „Wie eine Katze um den heißen Brei schleichen“, which is literally "to creep like a cat around the hot broth" and equivalent to the English "to beat around the bush."

  • @jbutcher1983
    @jbutcher1983 9 років тому +1

    This was fun to follow along. Always wanted to learn German.

  • @27CEB
    @27CEB 11 років тому

    Incredibly useful video; Dankeschön

  • @nutsoyoda
    @nutsoyoda 11 років тому

    hahaha I've never heard the squirrel saying but I think that would be closer to "Every dog has his day" in english

  • @JJj-qz2yv
    @JJj-qz2yv 2 роки тому

    "Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm" is actually the german equivalent for "The early bird gets the worm" it means that being early or the first one to do something gets the reward. "Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund" refers more to the morning specifically. Also that you should start your day early and not sleep in, because you can get more done that day or that getting up early is simply good for you. I don't the best English proverb equivalent for that though.

  • @QUEENofHEARTZ1973
    @QUEENofHEARTZ1973 8 років тому +1

    i am glad that today people can learn German from videos , i am from Numberg,Bavaria,West Germany ( black forest ) and opa used to say
    ( if some one is crazy )
    Du hast nicht alle tassen im schrank !
    you don't have all your cups in the cubboard !
    (if your right or left hand itches ,it works trust me)
    links was rechts und rechts was schlecht
    left is right and right is bad ( means left hand brings money or good things and right brings a warning of argument,bad things about to happen)
    ( my family has used this for 4 generations and mine has never been wrong on either hand lol )
    seh ein schpinne am morgen,brungen gluck oder sorgen
    see a spider in the morning, brings luck or worries
    sorry my spelling is not what it used to be lol but i enjoyed sharing :) for anyone who ever plans to visit Germany,it is a beautiful place

  • @jaydekonah
    @jaydekonah 6 років тому

    You really demonstrated your knowledge of the English language on this on. Bravo!

  • @derxman
    @derxman 10 років тому +1

    Sayings from swabia (They LOVE sayings!):
    "Beim schaffen frieren und beim Essen schwitzen"
    (Freeze during work and sweat while eating)
    -> Saying, with which (like during the lunch break) may indicate a lack of commitment in the performance of workloads to someone.
    "Schaffa isch hald a Gschäft"
    (Work is just (hard) work)
    -> typical saying to someone, who noted that work can be hard sometimes
    "Wer es nicht im Kopf hat, hat es in den Beinen"
    (Those who do not use their head, has it in the legs)
    -> typical sentence if you forgot something and have to walk all the way back again
    "A bissle dumm isch jeder, aber so dumm wia mancher isch keiner"
    (everyone is a little stupid, but as stupid as some, no one is)
    -> swabians love sayings like that :D
    "A gute Ausred isch an Batza wert"
    (A good excuse is worth a lot)
    -> totally true
    "A hausigs Weib isch de bescht Sparkass"
    (A frugal wife is the best savings bank)
    -> you can still bring as much money home, when it is thrown right back out the window, a very old saying obviously ;)
    "A Schwob wird net reich durch viel vrdiena, sondern durch wenig ausgeba"
    (an swabian will not get rich by earning a lot, but by spending little)
    -> you surely noted: swabians are very thrifty people :)
    "A Bsuch macht zweimal Freud - wennr kommt ond wennr wieder geht"
    (a visit makes twice joy when he comes and goes again)
    -> just swabians :D
    "An Mo geht nia fehl, er findet bloß Neues"
    (A man never gets lost, he simply finds always something new)
    -> completely for granted!
    "Äll Tag springt a andre Sau durchs Dorf"
    (every day a new pig jumps through the village)
    -> Any news displaces the sensation of the last day.
    Want some more? :P

  • @stardustandbeyond
    @stardustandbeyond 10 років тому +21

    I'm an English girl learning German and I loooooooove your accent sooo much ^_^

  • @curtbarile
    @curtbarile 11 років тому

    Thanks for the help in understanding the language, I was in Germany for 6yrs, and really miss the country and culture, and the people.

  • @nenadstojanovic6545
    @nenadstojanovic6545 9 років тому

    here are some Serbian proverbs that we use a lot, and which are a literal translation of some German proverbs you mentioned. There is quite a lot of them
    0:50 Gvožđe se kuje dok je vruće
    1:00 Od drveta ne vidi šumu
    1:38 Tražiti iglu u plastu sena
    1:43 Odelo čini čoveka
    1:50 Lakše reći nego učiniti
    2:40 Kupiti mačku u džaku
    2:53 I ćorava koka ubode neko zrno
    3:05 Pas koji laje ne ujeda
    3:15 Bolje vrabac u ruci nego golub (ševa u bezobraznoj varijanti) na grani
    3:46 Ubiti dve muve jednim udarcem

  • @MolybdenumStudios
    @MolybdenumStudios 11 років тому

    Vielen dank! (:

  • @verosalazar9318
    @verosalazar9318 10 років тому

    I just recently started learning German and I found your channel looking for German tongue twisters. I love these videos! They're very helpful in understanding day to day things found in the German culture. So here's one saying that my tutor shared with me yesterday "auf dem Schlauch stehen." He said it is used when someone just don't understand something. He used the expresdion "Du stehest auf dem Schlauch!" Now, I'm wondering why he tought me that one... *ponders the meaning of this*

  • @5blackstars
    @5blackstars 9 років тому

    big ups man. made me laugh

    @ILOVEDAVIDCAVAZIS 10 років тому

    I don't know how you'd call it in German, but in English they have a phrase that says: "It's falling cats and dogs", which means that it's raining so heavily (like a real storm), and in Mexico we have a phrase that says: "Matamos 2 pájaros de 1 tiro" (we killed 2 birds at 1 shot), which means doing 2 things at the same time :)

  • @tothestarz
    @tothestarz 8 років тому

    That was fun! You make me want to learn German. :)

  • @Slizarus
    @Slizarus 11 років тому

    Toll :)

  • @Slinferno
    @Slinferno 10 років тому

    Du hast es geschafft :) Ich habe es nur mit diesem Video geschafft deutsch zu lesen, zu sprechen und zu schreiben. Thank you...Ich mein danke :D

  • @sonian6936
    @sonian6936 10 років тому +1

    My first language is Russian and the majority of these provers/sayings are exactly the same in Russian. Same with some of the grammar structure ;) Thank you for the video

  • @theEumenides
    @theEumenides 11 років тому

    May be a better translation for "ein blindes Huhn findet auch mal ein Korn" might be, "even a broken clock is right twice a day."

  • @twistedtale599
    @twistedtale599 10 років тому +4

    Hah "Hunde die bellen beissen nicht". We have that same saying in portuguese. "Cão que ladra não morde".

  • @TheRollerhockeypro
    @TheRollerhockeypro 11 років тому

    A weird British one ~ "The pot calling the kettle black"

  • @gokulrajan5863
    @gokulrajan5863 6 років тому

    "Hunde die bellen beissen nicht" => "barking dog seldom bite"

  • @Heterski
    @Heterski 10 років тому

    A more modern english equivalent for the chicken one would be: "Even a broken clock is right twice a day." :D

  • @marioescalante68
    @marioescalante68 11 років тому

    The early bird gets the word? Well the second mouse gets the cheese!

  • @truman1022
    @truman1022 7 років тому

    I recently heard, "bei Rot musst du stehen, bei Grun darfst du gehen", when it relates to waiting for the little green man to cross the street.

  • @Carlisle412
    @Carlisle412 11 років тому

    Der Teufel steckt im Detail. Love it.

  • @howlhailstorm7031
    @howlhailstorm7031 9 років тому

    When all is said and done, more is said than done.

  • @sammifronter1181
    @sammifronter1181 11 років тому

    Wie wär's mit "Der Klügere gibt nach" und "Was du heute kannst besorgen, verschiebe nicht auf morgen" dass sind mal welche, die ich auch öfters benutze, außerdem finde ich deine Videos super, da kann man auch als Deutsche noch was dazu lernen^^

  • @anjelicaarmendariz
    @anjelicaarmendariz 11 років тому

    Ha! So cute. I think in my college German class we learned "durch den blumen sheen" (sp?) which is like, I think, rose-colored glasses. And also "papier ist" patient, but I can't remember how to say patient, ha!
    The worst, though, was when I was chatting with a classmate and said that someone was a brown noser and my German teacher asked me, very innocently, where the term "brown noser" came from. I had honestly never thought of it before but I immediately knew and I just couldn't say it!

  • @laguerejayalgomas
    @laguerejayalgomas 8 років тому

    Ende gut, alles gut!

  • @ffionrichards5681
    @ffionrichards5681 10 років тому +1

    I've watched nearly all your videos, trying to learn German, and its the closest language to welsh (as i live in Wales) i actually find it quite difficult, but i can say some song lyrics that I've memorised from artists like Tiemo Haüer !

  • @davidm3420
    @davidm3420 7 років тому

    'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth'. Or, continuing the horse theme, to 'look long in the tooth.'

  • @Lady_Nika
    @Lady_Nika 11 років тому

    "Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm" :) besser finde ich aber "Der frühe Vogel fängt sich gleich eine, wenn er nicht die Fresse hält" :DD Tolles Video ;) mach weiter sooo *-*

  • @axmxi03
    @axmxi03 11 років тому

    How do you know so much about American phrases? I'm impressed!

  • @TheSphobia
    @TheSphobia 10 років тому

    It's actually funny. I'm now in the 2nd semester in Hamburg University and as an foreign applicate i needed to write personal inspiration letter . I tried my luck with 9 universities and send every university also the inspiration letter . As a fan of the german's Idioms i used one that i really liked "Blut und Wasser schwiezen" - blood, sweat and tears. I didn't know that in the formal language it used as a joke or irony . Only 5 mouth ago my german friends told me that writing "ich bin bereit Blut und Wasser schwiezen,um sie zu zeigen ,dass mein Platz in Ihre ist(i'm ready to sweat blood und water to show you that my place is here) in official letter is a joke . But still i got excepted to 7 universities ,so i think that they thought that i was funny ;)

  • @matthiaschanneman
    @matthiaschanneman 10 років тому

    Das gelbe vom Ei (The yellow off the egg) is my favorite and I can think of no way we say anything like that in English to declare something is not the worat but it's not the best.

  • @wcsdiaries
    @wcsdiaries 9 років тому

    Im Herbst, jedes Blatt eine Blume ist

    • @wcsdiaries
      @wcsdiaries 9 років тому

      Forgive the mistake I am still learning. Es tut mir fuchtbar Leid das wusste ich nicht!

  • @fabianritter4588
    @fabianritter4588 10 років тому

    The complete meaning of "Ein blindes Huhn findet auch mal ein Korn" is slightly different. It just doesn't mean "lucky"… instead the meaning is: even somebody who is free of talent get's successful once in a while ;-)

  • @normandylander
    @normandylander 9 років тому

    ''Sen vord es thrall, and thocht es frei, keep veilt thy tongue I coinsell thee.'' ~ A saying in old Scots Doric. 'Since words are slaves, and thought is free, keep veiled they tongue I counsel thee'. - Just thought you'd like that, the Scots Doric is quite Germanic/Nordic in some ways. Bis!

  • @StevanTakuma
    @StevanTakuma 11 років тому

    Dude, your videos are awesome. I guess, a lot of english-speaking people who are interested in the german language must really benefit from these videos. You even reveal the mysteries of some german sayings that austrians (like me) never really get to hear or understand, haha. But "Dumpfbacke" is obviously pretty similar to "douchebag", I hope you're with me on this ;D By the way, which part of Germany are you from, actually? You would make a great german teacher in my opinion. Keep it up ;)

  • @MsJassi13
    @MsJassi13 10 років тому

    i love "ich verstehe nur bahnhof" wich literally translates to I only understand train station but means I don't understand that at all^^

  • @chuppy125
    @chuppy125 10 років тому

    German proverb: "If you are going to take a shit, make sure it is a healthy one".

  • @Exarbyte
    @Exarbyte 10 років тому

    Schweinehund :D Das ist so herlich :D

  • @maniacdancers
    @maniacdancers 9 років тому

    "Wir rocken das Haus" means "A very good dancing show"

  • @gina2122
    @gina2122 9 років тому +1

    My grandmother who was Lithuanian but lived in Germany during her young adult years would always say, "Morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute sagen alle faulen Leute", which is kind of like the English "Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?" However, a more literal translation would be "Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today say all lazy people." Sounds a lot cooler in German, I must say lol :)

    • @m_elisabeth_w2552
      @m_elisabeth_w2552 6 років тому

      my great grandmother would tell my dad and uncles these sayings, but she would also make them rhyme in english
      "tomorrow tomorrow, not today, is what all lazy people say"
      and there were more but i remember that one most

  • @metalemerald724
    @metalemerald724 7 років тому

    Du hast vergessen, "hast du tomaten auf dem augen?"

  • @lauramccarthy157
    @lauramccarthy157 11 років тому

    It's like: Today I skip (e.g. school, work...). or 'Today I take a duvet day'.

  • @MolybdenumStudios
    @MolybdenumStudios 11 років тому

    What is the German equivalent for "Birds of the same feather flock together."?

  • @57worldwide
    @57worldwide 11 років тому

    Do you have any videos with you just speaking German?
    Do you also have a video with words / sayings that old people say?

  • @sprachinstitutberlindeutsc8985
    @sprachinstitutberlindeutsc8985 7 років тому

    Interessantes Video! Sehr lustig, wie sich deutsche Sprichwörter vom Englischen zum Deutschen unterscheiden.

  • @bluegrey6772
    @bluegrey6772 9 років тому

    i just learned kleider machen leute and it is cool.but i have a problem with proverbs in my own language too because i really dont know usage of them.

  • @aprilmartinez8190
    @aprilmartinez8190 8 років тому

    das is gut

  • @yulio3000
    @yulio3000 9 років тому

    The devil is in the details is a fairly common saying in Canada and America as well.

  • @MolybdenumStudios
    @MolybdenumStudios 11 років тому

    Deutsch und English sind Wunderbar!

    @ILOVEDAVIDCAVAZIS 10 років тому

    Your English is wonderful by the way. And what about Spanish, do you like that language (it's my native language)?

  • @ogurenedebaki2044
    @ogurenedebaki2044 7 років тому

    we have so many same proverbs in czechia!!!

  • @robparkinson9850
    @robparkinson9850 9 років тому +4

    This guy has better knowledge of the english equivalents than I do....AND im english!!!!!!!!!!

    • @pierzing.glint1sh76
      @pierzing.glint1sh76 9 років тому

      feel ashamed

    • @segueoyuri
      @segueoyuri 9 років тому +1

      He is German, it's like the Japanese discipline of the Western Hahaha

  • @TheXAlexus
    @TheXAlexus 9 років тому

    "ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift"

  • @Tchaikovsky09
    @Tchaikovsky09 11 років тому

    " Blau machen - Heute ich mache ich blau." - Sorry if I butchered the spelling/grammar. I'm not sure what English phrase would be a good equivalent to this.

  • @sofiageorghiou2190
    @sofiageorghiou2190 9 років тому

    Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei!

  • @chorichoe
    @chorichoe 11 років тому

    'Aus Schaden wird man klug, darum ist einer nicht genug' and 'Was nicht ist, kann noch werden' are those proverbs too? or just wise words?
    nice video by the way, as always :)

  • @aleksandrarek8460
    @aleksandrarek8460 10 років тому

    Ueberraschend viele unter den deutschen Sprichworte haben die selbe Gegenstuecke in Polnisch! (eigentlich nur den zweiten Idiom konnte ich nicht leicht in Polnisch aufsuchen). Mehr solche Videos bitte! :))

  • @mikatsume4683
    @mikatsume4683 9 років тому

    I'll give you 2 on Spanish.
    -Hijo de gato caza ratón. Literally means "a cat`s son will hunt mice" and it menas "like father like son"
    -ni tan calvo ni con 2 pelicans. Literally Means " not so bald nor with 2 wigs" and it just means that don't go to extremes.

  • @barwaaqoali9061
    @barwaaqoali9061 3 роки тому

    Wow thats wanna i like

  • @peteirie1075
    @peteirie1075 8 років тому

    Love hearing the National Anthem by Haydn - great job, good vid, wish I had a little time to learn, having German heritage... sounds like Deutsch Is your muttersprache? vielen dank

  • @maluha4529
    @maluha4529 9 років тому +1

    Du hast vergessen den "inneren Schweinehund" zu erwähnen :D :D
    Ich bekomm ständig gesagt "Du musst deinen inneren Schweinehund mal überwinden." Wäre auch noch so ne schöne Redensart gewesen :D

  • @RifleEyez
    @RifleEyez 8 років тому

    I have one, but I can't remember it exactly, English is my native and my girlfriend German. Curious to what it was though. Something about ''towels drying'' meaning ''not doing something until everything is finished/sorted out''. Curious about what it was :D

  • @mrj4990
    @mrj4990 7 років тому

    The german language is the most unique and beautiful sounding language in my opinion. I wish I could learn!

  • @pakistanlonglive6894
    @pakistanlonglive6894 7 років тому +1

    its raining like cats and dogs

  • @Chemicool1995
    @Chemicool1995 11 років тому

    Man hat schon Pferde kotzen sehen - when a horse throws up (sort of like saying when hell freezes over)

  • @sammifronter1181
    @sammifronter1181 11 років тому

    Ich hab auch noch ein paar Sprichwörter :D

  • @cathyl5888
    @cathyl5888 9 років тому

    this was published on my 30th bday! :)

  • @lorenzoa.fernandezjr.585
    @lorenzoa.fernandezjr.585 9 років тому

    Hello! Thank you for this useful video. By the way, I hear a lot of people keep on talking about Rocelangue Method (search on google), but I'm not sure if it is really good. Have you tried using this how to speak foreign language tutorial called Rocelangue Method? I have heard several amazing things about it.

  • @mienemam
    @mienemam 10 років тому

    ich glaube ,,nicht alle tassen im schrank haben" heißt auf englisch "to have a few sandwiches short of a picnic"

  • @FlowWolf7
    @FlowWolf7 11 років тому

    I should be doing German homework, but watching your videos.....meh close enough.

  • @Adrian-cf9gq
    @Adrian-cf9gq 7 років тому

    Tell me about that saying with the dog in a hot pan, i herd it from a girl this summer and it blowed my mind ... btw i enjoy your videos sehr gut!!!

    • @derfette7148
      @derfette7148 7 років тому

      Da wird ja der Hund in der Pfanne verrückt!
      The dog in the pan goes crazy over this!
      You say it when you're very surprised or in disbelief about something. Dictionary says that the closest English equivalent is "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle."

    • @Adrian-cf9gq
      @Adrian-cf9gq 7 років тому

      Ja das ist es, Danke :))) Die Deutsche Sprüche :)

    • @FirstnameLastname-gr5kb
      @FirstnameLastname-gr5kb 7 років тому +1

      Adrian Marginean "blowed"...r u serious m8?

    • @Adrian-cf9gq
      @Adrian-cf9gq 7 років тому +1

      Brain pieces all over the place :)

  • @philv2529
    @philv2529 10 років тому

    how about, "Er hat ein Vogel"?

  • @annnee6409
    @annnee6409 9 років тому

    lol mountain out of a molehill both have to do with a similar land terrain that is possible to be made but an elephant out of a mosquito???

    • @DocLobster94
      @DocLobster94 9 років тому

      Making something really big out of something really small so it makes perfect sense

    • @annnee6409
      @annnee6409 9 років тому

      ***** Didn't say it didn't have some sense to it but the English version is so much better. Can you tell me how you literally make an elephant out of a mosquito? ;)

  • @rimasaad1539
    @rimasaad1539 8 років тому

    Rima SaadWe have the exact same as 1, 6, 10, 14 and we have similar ones to 15(we say a bird in hand better than 10 on the tree) and 17(we say hit two birds with one stone)

  • @KudCl0wn
    @KudCl0wn 10 років тому

    Hell hath no wrath like a womans scorn lol

  • @hovanti
    @hovanti 10 років тому

    How about "Arbeit is die beste Jacke?"

    • @holzi224
      @holzi224 10 років тому

      work is the best jacket xD

  • @littletrashmonster
    @littletrashmonster 11 років тому

    Warum so gutaussehend? :D

  • @captnemo1465
    @captnemo1465 10 років тому

    How about "you've been hit in the head with a flat iron" or cognac is the farmers jacket. Or you don't have all your cups in the cupboard. I am not going to try to write these out because my spelling is awful in both languages. Good video and great subject. Qualitat mitt predicate.

    @vFLANDREvSCARLETv 10 років тому

    das geilste sprichwort ist: da ist die scheiße aber richtig am dampfen! haha

  • @kibromgebrekidan1626
    @kibromgebrekidan1626 9 років тому

    Follow the river you will get the sea!
    Iron sharpens iron friend sharpen's friend!love doesn't cost a thing but it pays to be your self! Danke sehr

  • @quiet_passenger
    @quiet_passenger 9 років тому +1

    My favourite ones, are not yet has a master fallen from heaven, and in times of need even the devil eats flies

  • @StephyDS
    @StephyDS 9 років тому

    Meine Mutter Sprache ist Spanisch und mit dir kann ich zwei Sprachen üben ;)

    • @mikatsume4683
      @mikatsume4683 9 років тому

      ich spreche Spanisch aber ich bin jetzt Deutsch lernen

  • @leeunruh1565
    @leeunruh1565 10 років тому +1

    My favorite is "Morgen, Morgen nur nicht Heute, sagen alle flauen Leute." "Tomorrow, Tomorrow only not today, say all lazy people. english equivalent is "why put off to tomorrow what can be done today.

    • @Sizzlik
      @Sizzlik 9 років тому +2

      "Was ich heute kann besorgen, dass verschieb ich stehts auf morgen" ;)

    • @m_elisabeth_w2552
      @m_elisabeth_w2552 6 років тому

      mine too! my great grandma made it rhyme in english as well
      "tomorrow tomorrow, not today, is what all lazy people say"

  • @mcmisher
    @mcmisher 11 років тому

    what language do you prefer?? Deutsch oder Englisch??

  • @MsMusicIsLife2012
    @MsMusicIsLife2012 11 років тому

    Dem geschenkten Gaul, schaut man nicht ins Maul. :)