BOSS GT 100 Clean and Distortion Petrucci-Inspired Guitar Tone FREE Settings

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @musicmaster7350
    @musicmaster7350 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much for charing your guitar sounds

  • @mareksmelkowski6575
    @mareksmelkowski6575 2 місяці тому +1

    Everything works very well. Great sounds. Thanks

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 місяці тому

      Thanks, man! I'm glad you liked it. Check out our complete GT-100 playlist. Link in the video description. There are about 80 videos, always with free settings. 👊🔥🎸

  • @sandyrockerz2895
    @sandyrockerz2895 2 роки тому +2

    Really awesome tone 👍🤘

  • @arsenaultgilles4557
    @arsenaultgilles4557 8 місяців тому +1

    Makes me proud own a Gt 100 love the tone love the song

  • @renzosaltarello3630
    @renzosaltarello3630 2 роки тому +1

    grazie. sempre grande.

  • @MrMisterock
    @MrMisterock 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent stuff, man ! Thanks !

  • @singpijs9703
    @singpijs9703 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the video its very helpful

  • @Canalguitarclub
    @Canalguitarclub 2 роки тому +3

    Wuoouuullllll!!!! Sensacional !!! Estou precisando de um timbre do John Petruchio para a Mooer GE 200.
    Continuo aguardando !!!

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +1

      Pô... :) obrigado cara! Se eu tivesse uma Ge200 já teria feito! Deve ser ótima. Nunca tive até hoje a oportunidade de testar nenhuma das pedaleiras Mooer.

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому

      Valeu cara! Obrigado!

  • @CanalDoTavora
    @CanalDoTavora Рік тому +1

    Pohha mano, top demais

  • @gustavoanayaalarcon5329
    @gustavoanayaalarcon5329 2 роки тому +2

    Asombroso!!! Como siempre gracias por compartir todo tu ingenio con los mortales, pudieras considerar sacar patch de soda stereo (Gustavo Cerati)

  • @07dhiraj
    @07dhiraj 2 роки тому +1

    awesome 💐💐👌👍☺️

  • @rafaelnunes6757
    @rafaelnunes6757 2 роки тому +2

    Hey man, it is awesome!!!! How can I download the preset?

  • @Teckamel
    @Teckamel 2 роки тому +2

    Wow, greatly done, can you please make it for the GT-1 please

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +5

      Thanks bro! I'll bring the GT1 video back soon.

    • @Teckamel
      @Teckamel 2 роки тому +1

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar Amazing, thank you bro

  • @muitoloko111
    @muitoloko111 Рік тому +1

    Cara curti muito esse, será que fica bom fazendo os mesmos parâmetros na GT1? O problema é que ela não tem a opção de mudar os MIC's, distância e etc.

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому +1

      Fala meu irmão! Tudo bem? Fica ótimo na GT1, eu tinha aqui mas deletei pois na época do lançamento da GT1, quando fiz o vídeo Petrucci, eu tocava os arranjos originais e o YT foi mudando as regras então agora pra demonstrar os timbres eu toco algo no estilo do artista entende? Logo, logo vou repostar o da GT1. Abração. *Edit: Fiz esses dias o Van Halen tone pra GT1 e na minha opinião ficou melhor que o da Gt100:

    • @muitoloko111
      @muitoloko111 Рік тому +1

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar Blz vou lá conferir. Obg.

  • @RickyPaulusGinting
    @RickyPaulusGinting Рік тому +1

    Hi Dear,
    Do you have white lion (vito bratta) patch for BOSS GT 100 ?
    If you have, could you please tell me the name of patch ?
    Because i already bought your BOSS GT-100 patches.

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      Hello, thank you so much, my friend. I've never created a specific preset based on that band. But I found in my research that they use Marshall amps. There are many Marshall presets in the Live Set. I recommend the Slash preset in Manual Mode, in this video: / So, if needed, you can make personal adjustments to the equalization to try to get it close to the sound you desire. In fact, from this single preset, you can get various Marshall tones by just making small changes to the equalization or gain levels (increasing or decreasing), generating many other Marshall presets.
      I also recommend checking out our GT-100 playlist because in the videos, I demonstrate how to use a large portion of the presets in the Live Set, such as the Freeze, the Hotel California Harmonists, the variations we have in the CTLs, and other features. Once again, I appreciate it. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me here. BOSS GT-100 playlist:

  • @edirleiamorim
    @edirleiamorim Рік тому +1

    Parabéns excelente Timbre vc disponibiliza pra Download ? Ou vende?

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      Muito obrigado Edirlei! Eu sempre deixo todas as configurações usadas nos vídeos de forma gratuita. BOSS GT-100 full playlist:

  • @priveprive9871
    @priveprive9871 2 роки тому +1

    Sounds awesome on my RG1570, with my vDrums RH-300V headphones. :)

  • @fredykharpatiubatz255
    @fredykharpatiubatz255 2 роки тому +2

    Algún presets que se parezca al que usa Michael Romeo de symphony X para GT100

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому

      Eu nunca fiz um preset baseado exclusivamente no Michael mas como temos cerca de 70 vídeos da Gt100 é possível ter algum que esteja no caminho: Abração amigo!

  • @gyung-taekkim3357
    @gyung-taekkim3357 2 роки тому +1

    Hi! I am a beginner guitarist. Your video helped me use my gt100 100%. Thank you very much. I have a question. I saw that you used gt100 and tcir loader in live before covid and I am considering buying it. There is a built-in cabinet simulator in gt100, but I wonder if there is any advantage in adding a simulator such as an ir loader or a joyo cab box. I wonder if it is necessary to add it because it is a duplicate function. Thank you again for providing good information.

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +1

      Hi... The GT100 is an excellent multi-effects in every way but when it comes to pream/cab simulations the GT100 lags in terms of sounding realistic. Boss saw this and solved it with the new GT1000, GT1000core and GX100. We can solve this problem on the GT100 by adding an IR loader via send/return and positioning it in the middle of the effects chain where the native preamps/cabs are positioned, replacing them. Today I recommend Nux's Amp Academy because in addition to being an IR loader, it has excellent preamp models. Boss GT-100 External Preamp, Pedals and IR Full Playlist:

    • @gyung-taekkim3357
      @gyung-taekkim3357 2 роки тому +1

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar Thank you for your detailed reply. I found out Strymon iridium while looking for amp academy, and I'm thinking about which of the two products to choose, but can iridium also have a good combination with gt100? There are so many product lines that it's not easy to choose.

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +1

      Yes! I've never tried Iridium but it should be great. I see a lot of praise. It has preamp/IR features and fits perfectly with the Gt100 send/return.

    • @gyung-taekkim3357
      @gyung-taekkim3357 2 роки тому +1

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar I chose the nux amp academy you recommended after much consideration. Thank you for the good information and look forward to other sound samples!

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +1

      If all goes well, I'll have an Amp Academy here soon. :) I see a lot of compliments and I'm quite curious.

  • @VictorRokhum
    @VictorRokhum 15 годин тому

    Bro. Plz and. R-Fier Modern is soo not for a lead solo tone. Is it a mistake or....? Please tell me 😊

  • @tharngel324
    @tharngel324 2 роки тому +1

    O M G\m/

  • @stevekim0415
    @stevekim0415 2 роки тому +9

    Can GT-1 even make this sound?

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +2

      Yes! I'll bring it back to the channel soon! Thanks Steve!

    • @stevekim0415
      @stevekim0415 2 роки тому

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar 👍👍👍👍👍👍😁😁😁😁😁😁

    @REIRBL 2 роки тому +1

    Belíssimo timbre! 👍👍👍👍

  • @nikhamdanihashim3138
    @nikhamdanihashim3138 Рік тому +1

    Sir can you settings patch boss gt100 like sound joe bonamassa , blues sound

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      Hi Nik! Noted! I´ll try soon! Thanks! We have this preset for blues: /// Edit: / /

    • @nikhamdanihashim3138
      @nikhamdanihashim3138 Рік тому +1

      Thanis sir👍🏻

  • @MarcusVinicius-ui8jt
    @MarcusVinicius-ui8jt 5 місяців тому +1

    Top demais...

  • @bruceanthony8345
    @bruceanthony8345 Рік тому +1

    I want the patches of Boss GT8 please

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому +1

      Hi Bruce, thanks for your comment. I don't have GT-8 bro. I have GT100, GT1 and Me80. You can use the GT100 settings as a reference and then adapt them to the GT8.

  • @YsAbTones
    @YsAbTones 2 роки тому +1

    seymour duncan JB in the bridge ?

  • @pancaadi
    @pancaadi 2 роки тому

    Is there any different setup for recording or for the live show?

  • @raywalters4063
    @raywalters4063 2 роки тому +1

    I'd like to order the patches. Would I need to order them so they come to my PC or can I do it on my android phone. Also do I have to have Boss Tone Studio to do this? I am not tech savvy at all. Thanks

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому

      Hi... Thanks Ray! You will download the "Live Set" containing about 200 presets to your computer. You will then use the "Boss Tone Studio for GT100" program to transfer patches from your computer to your GT100 using a USB cable. See this video, the same procedure for GT100, GT1 and ME80:

    • @andyschubert545
      @andyschubert545 2 роки тому

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar Same for GX-100 ?

  • @rockr8840
    @rockr8840 Рік тому +1

    One humble request
    Can you please make a video on
    "HOW TO CONNECT BOSS GT 100 latest ver 2.10/2.12 TO BOSS TONE STUDIO ver 1.13 IN WINDOWS 10/11 USING THE LATEST GT 100 DRIVER ver 2.1?"
    It always shows connection failure even after doing everything correctly as instructed..i have not able to solve this for a very long time
    Downloaded and installed all firmware and drivers up to date (latest)..
    I Search for help everywhere I could but in vain.. it didn't solve the issue..
    I see in your video that you are able to use Boss tone studio with GT 100 flawlessly... Would you mind making a video ? It would be really helpful for many of us who are facing this connection failure issue..

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      I used Windows 7 for many years. So I switched to Windows 10 64 only in December 2022. I had problems with GT1 and GT100 as well. To be able to install the drivers I followed these steps: 1) I turned off the computer and disconnected all USB devices including my M--Audio. I left only the mouse and keyboard connected. Then I connected the GT1/GT100 to the computer using the USB cable and turned on multi-effects. 2) Now I turned on the computer having internet connection. 3) Then the drivers were installed automatically. But they didn't show up right away. I left the computer on for about 5 minutes and restarted. After reboot the drivers were installed. I hope it helps.

  • @x5dbose
    @x5dbose 6 місяців тому +1


  • @ronniecaliloficial
    @ronniecaliloficial 9 місяців тому +1

    Estava querendo comprar novos presets pra GT 100.
    Só que o valor era cotado em Dollar..
    o cartão de crédito não convertia pra moeda do Real.
    Aí não conseguir.

    • @ronniecaliloficial
      @ronniecaliloficial 9 місяців тому

      Através do paypal

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  9 місяців тому

      Fala Ronnie! Muito obrigado cara. É que desde 2016 quando comecei o canal até hoje mais de 98% dos inscritos são de fora do Brasil, a turma aqui não é muito de se inscrever e nem assistir aos vídeos. São mais vistos nos EUA, alguns países da Europa e em vários da Ásia. Os inscritos de fora pediram uma forma de ajudar o canal, então coloquei os presets à venda e fiz tudo em Dólar. Mas olha só, tá tudo de graça nos vídeos. Se gostar de algum preset basta copiar para a sua GT-100, fazer seus ajustes finos pessoais finais e salvar. Não é preciso comprar cara, fico muito agradecido. Todos os vídeos da GT100 estão nesta playlist:

  • @FernandoCosta-mo7of
    @FernandoCosta-mo7of Рік тому +1

    Muito obrigado. O patch Lead é fantástico. Eu Introduzi pequenas variações. Para o mim soam melhor. Troquei a OD1 pelo T-Scream , reduzi o nível do T-Scream para 20 e aumentei o Gain do Rectifier Modern. A distorção do R-Fier é muito boa. Li que Santana só usa a distorção do R-Fier. E também usa um pouco do T-Scream. Experimentem.

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      Valeu Fernando! É exatamente esse tipo de uso que eu espero que as pessoas façam com os settings que compartilho aqui. Que usem como base e então façam seus ajustes pessoais pra deixar exatamente como cada um gosta. :) Muito obrigado pelo comentário meu amigo. Outros vídeos da GT100 nessa playlist, tem Santana também. Abração:

    • @FernandoCosta-mo7of
      @FernandoCosta-mo7of Рік тому

      É pena que para tocar como você não seja só uma questão de ajustar os botões.

  • @ismazulhisyam
    @ismazulhisyam 9 місяців тому

    Bro can you make video how to use pitch shifter in boss gt 100

  • @arthurhsa
    @arthurhsa 2 роки тому +1

    Recentemente adquiri uma ZOOM G1x Four. Desde então estou a procura de patchs do Dream Theater... mais precisamente do Images and Words que pra mim eram os timbres mais bacanas do John. Se puder me ajudar, agradeço muito.

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +1

      Fala Arthur! Eu tinha aqui mas retirei e vou repostar em breve o drive e o clean baseados em JP. Por enquanto tenta adaptar esse da G5n. Começa pegando os efeitos mais importantes como preamp/cab/reverb. Então depois vai encaixando os outros. Abração cara! Logo, logo trarei os presets da G1F.

    • @arthurhsa
      @arthurhsa 2 роки тому

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar Valeu... vou tentar com ctz!!!
      Aliás, aproveitando, já que vc disse que irá postar novamente... rsrs... estamos falando aqui do timbre "em linha" correto? Simulando ampli e gabinetes... mas e como ficaria um patch Dream Theater para ligar no imput do ampli? Eu tenho um Mesa/Boogie Rect-o-Revb de 50w e ando mantendo ele flat para usar a Zoom no canal limpo... Como eu poderia fazer o melhor uso dela no meu Mesa?

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +1

      Sim! Tudo aqui neste canal é pra uso em linha. Pra usar no amp, eu apenas desligaria o Mic. Deixa o Cab ligado e faria ajustes nos controles de agudo e grave que há no Cab em cada patch da G1F.

  • @amirpedram2266
    @amirpedram2266 2 роки тому +1

    Sorry, I have a question. I was changing the parameters along your video but when it reached 3:8 when you clicked on 4, your "sp type" on the right side shows 4x12 but mine is blank and I couldn't touch any of the things on the right side. what did I do wrong?

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +1

      Hi Amir... you need to change the output of your GT100 to Line/Phones. Then the cabinet options will appear.

    • @amirpedram2266
      @amirpedram2266 2 роки тому +1

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar thank you so much for the reply. Ok I will repeat the process tomorrow and I will make sure i change the output.

  • @shibamghosh6558
    @shibamghosh6558 Рік тому +1

    Can i purchase tone?

  • @evelynnapilisan8852
    @evelynnapilisan8852 Рік тому +1

    Boss me80 please 🙂

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому +1

      Hello! Bringing John Petrucci-based settings for the Boss ME-80 back to the channel:

  • @ef2967
    @ef2967 Рік тому +2

    Copied this patch exact but get no where near the sound. Your low strings sound clean like the front pickup is active. Mine no matter what pickup sounds distorted and crunchy. Playing a Jackson.

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому +1

      Hi, there will always be a little difference due to the guitars and pickups. After copying and saving the preset, use knobs 5, 6 and 7 on the GT100 for final bass, medium and treble adjustments. This will make a big difference.

    • @ef2967
      @ef2967 Рік тому +1

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar Thanks, I will try it out.

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      And don't forget to set the GT100's output to Line/Phones. Many forget this. :)

  • @ehsanurrahmanhimel7852
    @ehsanurrahmanhimel7852 2 роки тому +1

    Bro please give the same setting proseccor g5n

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +2

      Hi Ahsan... G5n here: // G6 here:

  • @dundonut5519
    @dundonut5519 Рік тому +1

    How about the sound on GT 8

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      Hi there! Thanks for your comment! I actually haven't had a Boss GT-8 since the release of the GT-100 back in 2012. You can use the GT-100 settings from my videos as a reference. I always showcase the settings, and you can easily adapt them for the GT-8.

    • @dundonut5519
      @dundonut5519 Рік тому

      Thanks for your respons,i hope it work in my gt 8😊

  • @alefe0907
    @alefe0907 2 місяці тому +1

    Sera que ele combina bem com strato?

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 місяці тому

      Fala Alef! Combina cara mas terá que dar uma "enxugada" se sua strato for SSS. Após copiar as configurações como estão no vídeo e salvar, toque um pouco e sinta como ficou o timbre. Use os knobs 5, 6 e 7 que ficam abaixo de um dos displays para ajustar a equalização de forma fina para sua guitarra. Se ficou com sobra de agudo, apenas diminua um pouco o agudo do preset no knob 7 e depois salve. O mesmo para o grave e agudo. No knob 8 você ajusta o volume do patch para deixá-lo equilibrado com os outros que você já tem na pedaleira. Abração cara. Qualquer dúvida pode falar comigo por aqui.

  • @kimmung2006
    @kimmung2006 Рік тому +1

    i dont have a computer or laptop
    please john petruci tutorial setting just from gt100 effect
    no computer and laptop setting
    the nearset tone is ok

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      Hello my friend! It's the same settings. You just need to see the settings on the screen and copy them directly to your GT-100. Boss Tone Studio program or directly into the GT-100 is the same thing.

  • @yoonhyunyoonhyun2852
    @yoonhyunyoonhyun2852 2 роки тому +1

    Why r fier modern have chorus fx?

  • @mohitpandhaksubba
    @mohitpandhaksubba 2 роки тому +2

    Please make some video for slap back delay.
    Zoom g1xfour #request ❤️
    Love and support from India 💖🇮🇳

  • @jaskamakynen7766
    @jaskamakynen7766 7 місяців тому +1

    No idea what I'm doing wrong but cant make boss gt-100 sound anything like this live

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  7 місяців тому

      Hi, Line/Phones output. For this type of preset, use humbucker pickups. Connect directly to the Mixer/PA system and use the stage's audio monitors. At home, use headphones or audio monitors like the Yamaha HS5 or another in this style. If you plug it into the input of a real amp, there will be overlapping amps because the GT100 is already simulating an amp/cabinet/mic, so it won't sound good.

    • @jaskamakynen7766
      @jaskamakynen7766 7 місяців тому

      Thank you! I guess the biggest issue is that what sounds ok / great with headphones simply does not work through mixer and with a band.
      I don't know is this a universal problem between "good home solo sounds" vs. "with band"

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  7 місяців тому

      Have you checked if your GT-100's output is actually in "Line/Phones"? If a different output type is configured, cabinet simulations will be disabled by the L & R outputs. So, when you connect headphones at home, this automatically activates cabinet simulations. It is necessary to put the GT-100's output on LIne/Phones so that the cabinets are active all the time, even through the L & R outputs.

  • @yashu1552
    @yashu1552 2 місяці тому +1

    Does it work on gt 8?

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 місяці тому

      Hi, you can use the preset structure as a reference, then make final adjustments on the GT8.

  • @denissonpires343
    @denissonpires343 2 роки тому +1

    Olá, Que tal um desafio!!! Com a Gt 100 criar 5 timbres mais fantástico da história da guitarra. Que acha?

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  2 роки тому +2

      Fala Denisson! Tudo em paz cara? É exatamente isso que venho fazendo há anos aqui no YT :) Pelo menos pra mim. Cada pessoa terá seus próprios heróis na guitarra e os seus "timbres mais fantásticos" escolhidos na cabeça. Os meus são esses que faço os presets que compartilho aqui, o único que nunca fiz nada (ainda) foi o Scott Henderson em Tore Down House, este álbum é o número 1 em minha cabeça hoje. Tudo aqui no canal já é um grande desafio pois pegar pedaleiras digitais (ainda mais essas que não usavam IRs) e tentar aproximar um pouco do som desses caras que usam super equipamentos e são super músicos é fogo kk Abração cara! Obrigado pela sugestão. *Nossa playlist da Gt100 já tem mais de 70 vídeos.

  • @harley9860
    @harley9860 2 роки тому +1

    Buy pod go sir... Plsss

  • @raphaellacerdagtr
    @raphaellacerdagtr 2 роки тому +2

    Faz um preset pra Charlie Brown Jr na GT100 por favor!!!! 🥺❤️🙏🏻

  • @marquinhos3682
    @marquinhos3682 2 роки тому +1

    animal sonzera vou copiar na minha GT100 faz timbre dream theater música Barstool Warrior parte do solo Petrucci

  • @mikesparks3398
    @mikesparks3398 Рік тому +1

    My gut 100 doesn’t look at all like these

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      Hi Mike. You need to use a guitar with two humbuckers. Check the output of your GT-100. It needs to be in Line/Phones.

    • @mikesparks3398
      @mikesparks3398 Рік тому +1

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. Trying to navigate through my gt100 looks nothing like what the screen is showing as the video navigates

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      Press "Effect" button to enter edit mode. Also note the position of the effects in the chain so that they are identical.

    • @mikesparks3398
      @mikesparks3398 Рік тому +1

      @@DirectRecordingGuitar the screen still is nothing like mine

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  Рік тому

      I was curious :) Could you film it? Upload it to your channel and set it to "Unlisted". And send me video link on email:

  • @AlexiLaiho231
    @AlexiLaiho231 11 місяців тому +1

    brother whichhe is better tonality valeton gp200 or boss gt100?

    • @DirectRecordingGuitar
      @DirectRecordingGuitar  11 місяців тому

      Hello Alex, the GT-100 is an excellent multi-effects. I would recommend its updated version, GX-100. I don't know about the other device. I can also recommend the Nux MG-30 as I use it a lot in personal work, both in the studio and on live shows: