Scott Finally Looks at the Dev Q&A; It goes as Expected - Dead by Daylight

  • Опубліковано 14 гру 2023
  • Sorry I've been sick. Haven't done much content creation this past week. Finally back into things.
    Also watched was Otz's take on the subject seen here: • Ranting about the rece...
    / scottjund
  • Ігри


  • @SireK0zy
    @SireK0zy 6 місяців тому +931

    Otz made a 10 minutes short video. But Scotz is here to fix it for you...

    • @ScottJund
      @ScottJund  6 місяців тому +273

      How can I play the classic behaviour line that many times without looking at the whole thing. It is crucial.

    • @Onkoe
      @Onkoe 6 місяців тому +15

      @@ScottJundso real

    • @BunnychanFarabee
      @BunnychanFarabee 6 місяців тому +18

      Honestly proud of Scott, he's gotten to Asmongold levels of content stretch.

    • @SireK0zy
      @SireK0zy 6 місяців тому +15

      @@BunnychanFarabee I personally like it. The only part Scott is missing ATM is "because I'm right" after every sentence

    • @BunnychanFarabee
      @BunnychanFarabee 6 місяців тому +5

      @@SireK0zy Oh no, it wasn't a diss at all. It takes an immense amount of knowledge and mental acuity to take 10 minutes of content and stretch it out that far.

  • @notOtzdarva
    @notOtzdarva 6 місяців тому +477

    To answer your question about what else they could do to make Solo players have an easier time (other than seeing team mate perks in the lobby):
    - More comprehensive HUD elements (show progress of every action so it's easier to see perks like Remember Me in action even as a solo)
    - Also show specific status effects that are relevant for teamwork in the HUD (such as endurance or passive healing recovery). This way you wouldn't do stupid things like try to heal someone that has used a syringe, be mad at someone for going in a locker when they have Inner Healing or try to take hits for someone that has Off the Record endurance.
    - Anti-facecamp meter is now also shown in the HUD. Solo players have no way to know when it's ready, so this would only be fair.
    - Stop releasing new archive challenges that are horribly difficult for Solo players to do without throwing the game.
    - Rework perks or add-ons that affect Solo players disproportionally: stuff like Knock Out & Hex: Pentimento are some of the worst offenders.
    - Reworks several perks to have blue indicators (like "We'll Make It") so it's easier to know when your team mates are using them.
    - When cleansing a totem, a small in-game graphic shows you the amount of totems left. This way even solo players have an idea of what's remaining for the purpose of preventing NOED / other totem perks.
    - Make more perks (ideally common perks) around the idea of protecting vulnerable team mates and giving you information about Survivors that are dead on hook.

    • @notliterallyme
      @notliterallyme 6 місяців тому +62

      Hello Otz this is friends

    • @pinkshrimpai8113
      @pinkshrimpai8113 6 місяців тому +10

      @@notliterallymehello friends this is friends

    • @kaib6998
      @kaib6998 6 місяців тому +7

      ​@@notliterallymethat's not Otz, friend

    • @joh1997dude
      @joh1997dude 6 місяців тому +5

      Survivor teammates should be able to tell you don't want to heal as in the fact that you don't want to heal. If your solo queue teammates keep tbagging next to you while you are doing a gen, you just have shit teammates. Also survivors can tell whether you have off the record as you make no sound, it's all a skill issue on the survivor's end. The devs are right, solo queue players are not good at the game and this makes sense because the good solo queue players will find good players faster and then end up queueing together which then doesn't make them solo queue players anymore.

    • @ScottJund
      @ScottJund  6 місяців тому +236

      God I feel that stupid archive challenge one so much. It's so tilting watching teammates kill themselves "for a challenge lol".
      These are great suggestions overall

  • @dayc7489
    @dayc7489 6 місяців тому +147

    On mobile we have fixed texts “killer is near me” “killer has new target” “killer is camping hook” “I’m not rescuing” “I’m going for save”. Etc. it’s super helpful to know if someone is close enough for save, if killer is camping, etc. far more useful than ui

    • @pieck5460
      @pieck5460 6 місяців тому +23

      No idea how a racing game like unbound has a chat wheel you can use at high speed or high stress situations but a slower paced game like dbd where you hold 1 button half the time can't do it like make it make sense! 😂

  • @arcarc2663
    @arcarc2663 6 місяців тому +363

    If you look at the actual post in the thread, Otz himself followed up with a lot of info that they could be giving solos to help make decisions and play more cooperatively. Things like revealed killer perks, healing progress, their own perks, gate progress, their current intention, anti-camp progress (or if the killer is camping), etc.

    • @teddypeterson9807
      @teddypeterson9807 6 місяців тому +17

      Anti camping wont ever work cause a survivor cant not be within 10 meters of 9 outta 10 hooks. All the games I've played since thats been added I have not seen it go past 50%, always because a lingering survivor waiting too unhook 4 seconds after the hook.

    • @viennasavage9110
      @viennasavage9110 6 місяців тому +11

      @@teddypeterson9807 the game has started to reward that kind of behavior. I don't think having instant unhook should be the norm in this game.

    • @Obviouse
      @Obviouse 6 місяців тому +1

      I'm cool with most of that...if the killer gets the same treatment, no reason I shouldn't see hook states on survivors and get to see their obviouse perks and stuff

    • @teddypeterson9807
      @teddypeterson9807 6 місяців тому

      camping sucks but it happens in any pvp game that it can. people just expect the perfect game every time. aint gonna be that way lol@@viennasavage9110

    • @EvilPineappl
      @EvilPineappl 6 місяців тому +13

      Solo survivor is so much worse than killer and Swf right now, we don't need blanket killer buffs until solo is at least at the level of killer.

  • @jacksonmallia-walker8687
    @jacksonmallia-walker8687 6 місяців тому +148

    Scott I love you to death but your common sense to a new player is expert level information.

    • @ScottJund
      @ScottJund  6 місяців тому +115

      I do legit overestimate the average player sometimes

    • @joelzabik1341
      @joelzabik1341 6 місяців тому +18

      It's not the average player, even they don't fully understand everything. We're talking about new to novice players. Yes they need to learn but I know many people who played and liked the idea but got way too frustrated and gave up. It's a lot.

    • @blackestmamba
      @blackestmamba 6 місяців тому +7

      @@ScottJund Id say the issue is that for experienced players everything goes butter smooth, you don't really need to think about perks / what the others are thinking but when you are not used to it its a lot harder, which is why things like understanding UI & relate it to what's going on in the game feels like common sense to you and me but not to a newer player.
      Think of it like this, for most people walking is second nature and you dont think about it, but a toddler learning how to walk stumbles a lot and needs to focus on it.
      Ive had friends try the game and they say its an overload of info when they gotta understand perks, UI, how the killer works and how the gameplay loop for survivors is, its too much info at the same time which in turn makes them not want to play.

  • @FabricatedModeration
    @FabricatedModeration 6 місяців тому +95

    15:00, I think you might be missing the point here Scott. Its not to baby players who don't want to learn or to give permanent aura reading, Its to bridge the informational gap between solos and swfs. Your argument that context clues should tell you what everyone is doing relies completely on your faith that everyone else is aware or knowledgeable enough to be doing the right thing rather than running to go hide in a bush. One single message or notification removes all reasonable uncertainty from the situation. "Going for Unhook" immediately conveys that you are aware of the situation, competent enough to know what action you should be taking, and are taking those actions so you team doesn't have to worry about any of that.
    TLDR, they can either bridge the gap by bringing the two closer with communication options and rebalancing or not. If you want that gap bridged there has to be more information available to solo players, either by communication or aura reading.

    • @dankmemes7796
      @dankmemes7796 6 місяців тому +1

      Yeah but it doesn’t take a lot of smarts to see hm person one is hooked person 2 is in chase person 3 is on a gen and I’m also on a gen . I should go for save , or if you see person 3 get off a gen it’s pretty obvious what they are doing ( going for rescue ) . BHVR devs are slow enough adding stuff do you really want them to waste time on a redundant system . If running up to another survivor and spam crouching then while injured doesn’t make them heal you do you think a message wheel of “ I need healing” will ? I started playing survivor after the UI changes and it was all incredibly simple to figure out , the only thing that confused me was the obsession icon .

    • @slimeball2765
      @slimeball2765 6 місяців тому +27

      ​@@dankmemes7796you have clearly not met most of solo queue teammates. words that tell them exactly what to do will be infinitely more accessible to new players, game sense and understanding of in game signals like teabagging is a learned skill that many dont possess and will never possess without outside guidance

    • @rabidicon
      @rabidicon 6 місяців тому +18

      ​@@dankmemes7796 What if the other person goes for the save? What if they get off the gen, but don't go for the save? You can't know what the other players are going to do.
      The perfect example of this is Pinhead's box. It's impossible for solo queue survivors to know if they should look for it, or if their teammate will, or if the person in chase has seen it. A full SWF can, if they know where Pinhead is, find the box based on that and their locations. Solo queue can't. A SWF can coordinate better. Solo queue can't.

    • @dankmemes7796
      @dankmemes7796 6 місяців тому +1

      @@rabidicon what if they go for save ? Then you stay on your gen . You literally see the moment they stop working on a gen . Outside of a few scenarios such as the as before mention with the box the ONLY reason for them to leave the gen while another survivor is hooked and another is chased is to rescue . What do you think they just see a dull totem near them and go hm yes this demands my attention now . Hell even IF they did do that you would know because of the totem icon .
      As for the box again it’s not hard to figure out if anyone is going for it , if the whole team is occupied and the chain hunt is over half which you can clearly see somebody needs to do the box , why not you . It’s not like trying to find a hex either , it’s a very noticeable aura visable from most of the map , it’s pretty rare to not know where it is .
      The problem here isn’t the information provided but people not having the game sense or just flat out ignoring doing side objectives / interacting with the killer to hold m1 on a gen .

    • @dankmemes7796
      @dankmemes7796 6 місяців тому +2

      @@slimeball2765 spam crouch is a near universal concept . New players not having game sense isn’t something you can help , no amount of information is going to help a new/bad player in the game . You could give a new survivor perm wall hacks on the killer and they would still last in chase all of 10 seconds .
      I’m not even sure what your argument here is , the discussion is to help solo q , not to help new players in the game . The people still hiding in lockers and failing skill checks are such an extremely small sub strata of the population bringing them up for game balance is pointless . You don’t respond to nurse needing a nerf with “ well new nurses really struggle and don’t have the game sense to preform well , so nerfing her could hurt new players “

  • @curtmull8066
    @curtmull8066 6 місяців тому +46

    Otz outlines EXACTLY what he wants at the start of the video: He wants Behaviour to show Ambition! He wants to FEEL like Behaviour cares. These answers are a slap in the face, a little sugar coating instead of "meh, we dont care, you shouldnt either".

    • @ScottJund
      @ScottJund  6 місяців тому +31

      Yeah but they've never shown ambition in the entire history of the game so I'm trying to find out what changed

    • @curtmull8066
      @curtmull8066 6 місяців тому +14

      @@ScottJund Behaviour have shown that they can care. They drip feed it to us like it's endgame content on Diablo 4. This has kept players in the past with anticipation but it's obviously wavering as players become fed up. We get some hope of ambition in the form of road maps and dev blogs only for that to be torn away every AMA. A defeated Otz will only bring this further into the light. If the game lost some magic for you, many would see and also lose it. Behaviour needs to show they care more now than ever. Little action for newer players, nothing for comp, nothing to bring solo queue up, nothing to help anyone. What are we getting/what are they doing? Because every AMA is a big fat nothing. You even have a button as the joke.
      I understand where Otz is coming from. This isn't about solutions to the problems, it's about wanting to care for a game held so dearly in our hearts, but how can we care when the devs make it (at least look like) seems like they don't care and are happy just milking their cash cow. It's either that or they need better speakers who understand replying to these questions.

    • @FinestFantasyVI
      @FinestFantasyVI 6 місяців тому +5

      ​@@curtmull8066what are we getting? Skins thats what. Oh and charms

  • @nella544
    @nella544 6 місяців тому +132

    It's so sad and disheartening that BHVR is driving Otz off.
    Like their most positive and cheerful content creator is giving up just says so much.

    • @Hoosje11
      @Hoosje11 6 місяців тому +5

      That is his own problem.

    • @tanderson1480
      @tanderson1480 6 місяців тому +62

      @@Hoosje11Or the fact BHVR are useless 😂

    • @Postoronniy
      @Postoronniy 6 місяців тому +34

      Otz's video gives off sad vibes (like an ending of an era in some way), but in a grander scheme of things it schould actually be pretty good for him - he will no longer hold himself obligated to dedicate his time and energy to seemingly fruitless efforts to help fix DBD, and instead will be free to pursuit other things he enjoys. I am personally quite excited to see Otz branch out into other games more.
      As for DBD, it is now up to BHVR to prove that they deserve Otz's (and by extension the rest of the playerbase's) attention.

    • @brusselseastside3546
      @brusselseastside3546 6 місяців тому

      This is how we kill games lol. Dude is by far their biggest creator and is essentially ignored by them. How their largest creator has literally no direct avenue to them to address balancing or the direction of the game is fucking crazy to me. From what I remember on stream during Anniversary I think July he tried reaching out to them if he could work directly with them with balancing and got left on read lmao. I feel like a simple 'no' works but fuggit i guess@@Hoosje11

    • @CoOlKyUbI96
      @CoOlKyUbI96 6 місяців тому +17

      @@Hoosje11but isn’t Otz a Fog Whisperer? So doesn’t that kinda also make it BHVR’s problem?

  • @CelsiusNK
    @CelsiusNK 6 місяців тому +58

    I should be able to see how healed my teammates are and how full their self unhook bar is. So many people forget self unhook is even a feature and still run in an reward face camping.

  • @revenge3265
    @revenge3265 6 місяців тому +130

    12:50 - Easy answer would be a ping system. Also, DBD Mobile also has an actual fixed message system (ie, you can say "help me!").
    30:25 - Otz directly said that BHVR specifically talks to him among others about community specific requests. So yeah, them not listening *at all* would be incredibly annoying.

    • @jadenknott
      @jadenknott 6 місяців тому +25

      Like what's the point of being a fog whisperer if bhvr don't take the criticism and even consider it

    • @mrboredash
      @mrboredash 6 місяців тому +3

      My solution is that the game offers a vote to forgive the player for the rest of the team similar to how left4dead or rainbow six siege does. The team gets a prompt at the top of the screen if the survivor let's themselves die on hook before the timer goes out on its own and it gives them the option to forgive or to not forgive and if the majority don't then the player gets timed out just like the DC penalty.

    • @timothybyrne7698
      @timothybyrne7698 6 місяців тому +2

      Otz isn’t always right though… dude sometimes takes things that aren’t too bad and stretches it into the equivalent of an apocalypse. Like brand new part is way healthier for the game now and when I play killer I honestly don’t blame them for using it since 3 gens are just dumb right now.

    • @Chlorinekekw
      @Chlorinekekw 6 місяців тому +2

      Ping system is a horrid idea. Would make all survivor aura reading useless as they can ping their feet.

    • @Ghosta085
      @Ghosta085 6 місяців тому

      @@mrboredash thats worthless lmao swf will just all 3 vote no and then another will dc and last 2 will vote no and then the last one will dc and all no then the last dude will kill himself on hook. you basically ignore the dc penalty.

  • @magicshepard381
    @magicshepard381 6 місяців тому +17

    I understand the concept that the devs aren’t just gonna take every single one of Otz video suggestions regarding the game, but it is honestly insane that they so actively refuse to take any part with community ideas, especially with how many incredible ideas I’ve seen thrown around

  • @BlphBain
    @BlphBain 6 місяців тому +13

    i’ve only watched the first 20 mins so far, but “the UI icons should be all a good survivor needs!” feels like saying, minimum wage should be all a person needs to live. yes, you can get by with it if you’re a bit smart, but the disparity between solo queue and SWF is still unreasonable. making some aura reading perks (kindred) basekit would be a good place to start

  • @GhostSoapO
    @GhostSoapO 6 місяців тому +11

    The survivor thing is actually just Behaviour lying. Someone fixed Lisa and a few others being very loud and said “this took less than 15 minutes in total”

  • @alienheadbite1shot
    @alienheadbite1shot 6 місяців тому +70

    Remove the DC penalty after the match has gone on for a specific amount of time or reduce the penalty the longer the match goes on. Might at least help with the problem, while discouraging people from DCing immediately

    • @theketaminekid1241
      @theketaminekid1241 6 місяців тому +8

      Pretty decent suggestion actually

    • @slavajuri
      @slavajuri 6 місяців тому +6

      You could institute this on self-kills as well. Actually cool, never seen someone suggest that.

    • @The300Player
      @The300Player 6 місяців тому +1

      Give killers a "i surrender" option

  • @HalcyonRemnant
    @HalcyonRemnant 6 місяців тому +22

    I don't think VOIP is a good solution, but displaying perks at the start of the game & adding to the existing HUD with stuff like self-unhook progression or a simple ping system to communicate intention would be a big step in the right direction. I think solo queue really suffers for not being able to tell your teammates 'hey, I'm going to do this'. There's a huge difference between glancing at your UI to assume from available information and being directly told that information by a teammate definitively. Being able to say 'I'm coming to take a hit' or 'don't rescue' to avoid people wasting time if you have deliverance, etc , would be great.
    Edit: Something you've actually discussed in the past is how solo survivor needs to be brought more in line with SWF so they can start evening out the killer roster to compensate without worry about having to balance around two vastly different experiences. I think further improving the ability to communicate and giving some more basic information are steps towards that, I'm not sure why this is more of a problem now in this theoretical situation?

    • @NotRealAkira
      @NotRealAkira 6 місяців тому

      Voip would be fun and helpful tho

    • @Drewchiha
      @Drewchiha 6 місяців тому

      it also suffers when you have people with Distortion and Self care if i saw that id leave the lobby every time

    • @HalcyonRemnant
      @HalcyonRemnant 6 місяців тому

      @@Drewchiha I mean personally I think attitudes like that do a lot more to damage the survivor experience than someone running stealth perks but you do you

    • @Drewchiha
      @Drewchiha 6 місяців тому +1

      @@HalcyonRemnant most of the time those players play selfishly and leave you on hooj

  • @Renchamos
    @Renchamos 6 місяців тому +13

    I was there, I'm almost sick of them saying "not right now but maybe!!" I just want em to say no more often. Just deny people.

  • @dominicsmalley9394
    @dominicsmalley9394 6 місяців тому +35

    Seeing healing progress. Seeing everyone's distance from a hooked survivor. Seeing camp unhook progress. Seeing if someone is in a locker crouched walking or running. Seeing teams perks. An emote wheel with pre selected messages such as "help me" "heal please" "stay clear" "run/hide" there's tons of stuff that can be done to allow more survivor cooperation. However seeing the new game modes that they could be adding makes me really happy. I think a massive amount of issues could be solved/made smaller by having different game modes. Many survivors and killers don't Wana sweat super hard and just want to goof around so more game modes would make these people happier. Many will go into a game wanting to have fun messing around and when the killer wants a 4k no fun only sweat they just koh instantly separating game modes and making modes for different types of players I feel would increase the levels of toxicity and hookicides because the swears the goofs the casuals the bullies all aren't clashing in one single mode.

    • @dankmemes7796
      @dankmemes7796 6 місяців тому +2

      Don’t really know why you would want to see the progress of someone else’s heal . Gates have a indicator to show how progressed they are , there’s a perk to let you see auras when a survivor is hooked . Camp progress ? If it’s full they will unhook , it’s fairly obvious when a killer is camping . Honestly the only meaningful change I can think of is an icon to show when a survivor CAN unhook themselves from anti camp of deliverance . Something for unbreakable and autodidact would be nice too .

    • @dominicsmalley9394
      @dominicsmalley9394 6 місяців тому +1

      @@dankmemes7796 progress for someone's heal: many times has someone not healed me or I haven't healed someone else because we think the task we're currently doing is more important than the heal. Then when the task is done and we go to heal it takes 1 second because they were almost healed anyway. If we had healed them they could have gone off done the thing they wanted to do and we could have still done the gen. This small piece of info could increase the effectiveness of the entire match. Gates have an indicator sure but only a personal visual one that you have to be at the gate to see. However many times have I been opening a gate the person running the killer instantly rums to me thinking it's going to open only for the killer to now get me off the gate because she brought the killer to me too early not knowing the gate wasn't close enough to be opened. Camp progress again many times before has my progress been going up and then it stops because survivors are trying to save me instead of letting the.unhook timer do it for them. Then also when someone's getting camped and I'm on a gen I can see when there going to unhook themselves and possibly try and help insure they don't get tunneled. But also you've just proven otz point."well what we have now is fine we don't really see a point in making anything better" even if it has little use or even if it isn't absolutely necessary the fact that it makes the experience a little better and gives the individual more options and knowledge should be a reason enough. You've just proven the entire no ambition part. And even if these things don't help an experienced player much a new player will find the info incredibly useful for learning the game.

    • @kaib6998
      @kaib6998 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@dankmemes7796if I know my teammate who wants to be healed already has some healing progress I may be more inclined to heal them right on the spot (even tho healing might not be the top priority at the moment) because I know it will be quick. Seeing their bar fill up on the hud when they heal also gives information about when they will be done healing so they can go do something else.
      The lights on the gate are only visible when you are already there, it would certainly be beneficial to know the progress before you get to the gate. Sometimes the survivor who was trying to open the gate gets chased away, leaving the gate with 3 lights on. Anyone who gets there later would assume it's at 99% but in reality it's just 80, that few % can cost the game.
      Yes there are perks to give certain information, but SWF get a lot of these information for free without any perks, that's the point. Giving that to solo players would close the gap further.
      Whether a killers camps your teammate or not, you will also only see if you are already close, if I see the bar fill up, I will know they're getting camped without needing to be there.
      And not every camp is the same, sometimes the killer just proxys enough so the survivor won't be able to unhook themselves. Sometimes the bar is about to be full and then a teammate runs in pausing it because they don't know whether you would make it before struggle or not.
      Smart survivors would also not unhook themselves immediately when being camped but rather wait, wasting as much of the killers time as possible. If a hooked teammate is about to hit 2nd state, others tend to rush in to go for a trade. That won't be necessary if the know the bar is already filled up.

  • @Halloweenowl
    @Halloweenowl 6 місяців тому +40

    Honestly, since the rework I feel like they should give everyone the basekit perks at tier 3 automatically. Is there a point to players just starting out to not have them while they're outclassed by most character perks anyway? If you want to play without them, you can, but that way you don't start with absolutely nothing.

    • @rileyp1506
      @rileyp1506 6 місяців тому +9

      no literally I had every killer at least p3 before they reworked the prestige system years ago and stopped playing since Trickster. today I go to do a legion end game build and don't have noed. I was p6 level 11 without noed. took me 400k bp to get it tier 3

    • @Halloweenowl
      @Halloweenowl 6 місяців тому +5

      @@rileyp1506 Honestly, the fact that you have to do that for BASEKIT perks is ridiculous.

    • @rileyp1506
      @rileyp1506 6 місяців тому

      @Halloweenowl yeah I was unlocking a bunch of Alien and Wesker perks before the perks that came with the game 😭

    • @NinjarioPicmin
      @NinjarioPicmin 6 місяців тому

      Yeah I have every survivor and killer on p3 since the rework, but almost none of them have ANY basekit perks. So now I have to do almost an entire prestige on every single one to just have the BASEKIT perks on them, it's insane

  • @TheTrueCreed
    @TheTrueCreed 6 місяців тому +7

    I have an issue with Scott constantly asking otz to give an example of a way to fix the UI, or a way to implement some kind of better system. It isn’t his or anybody else’s job to come up with good ideas. it’s their job to come up with good mechanics that work for their own game. and I also don’t believe that just because Scott can’t come up with a system to fix the problems. Inherently means that a solution simply doesn’t exist. If your answer to the question “can this be improved “ is yes then they should always be working to make the players experience better.

  • @fabiopauli420
    @fabiopauli420 6 місяців тому +7

    If there is a surrender button
    Skullmerchant players are, rightfully, not gonna have the ability to play the game anymore

  • @PerfectionUnleashed
    @PerfectionUnleashed 6 місяців тому +14

    Actually for solo q they can follow dbd mobile again. There are predefined texts like "I'll go rescue", "The killer is near me" etc that can help teammates without comms to know what each survivor is doing.

    • @MarcoSubZero
      @MarcoSubZero 6 місяців тому

      Sure but scott mentioned in this video that there are already cues for these things if you know how to read the UI properly (which isn't hard).
      There are markers around someone if they are being followed; if someone is healing, somones on a gen, then maybe you should be the one saving the person that may be on the hook. If two players let go of their gen at the same time, you surely notice that both of you let go, so that means either you are both going for a safe or one is getting chased. And within a second or two you know if the other is being chased since they will get those markers around their name in the UI.
      Maybe the only thing I would consider looking at is displaying the generator locations so that you can make a better informed play at avoiding things like 3 gens. But almost all/any cues you need are already in the UI portion of the game, which was a great addition.
      Your character saying "I am healing" is useless when there is a literal UI icon for healing. "Killer is near me" is a near useless one when there is a UI icon for getting chased. That one would only be helpful for someone camping, so sure maybe you can make an icon for a hooked person getting camped, but even this can be subtracted by the other UI options (no one followed; all on gens, etc.)

    • @melincreeper997
      @melincreeper997 6 місяців тому

      @@MarcoSubZero While you do make some good points, I want to slightly disagree with the idea that they're completely useless. Yes, the game lets you know when someone is getting chased in the UI, however (depending on the killer) a survivor can know the killer is near them or approaching them before chase begins. This means there can be situations where you could alert others that the killer is near you and give them the chance to maybe start running to save someone faster than if they had to wait for the chase UI to start. This is especially true in an instance where the killer approaches a survivor but the chase UI never appears because they manage to stealth around or away from them. So in a case where two people get off the gen at the same time, if you got off to save a surv on hook and see someone else got off, if they're hiding from the killer you won't know the killer is there because the chase UI doesn't show. You would have no way (other than aura reading) to know they are hiding instead of running to the hook.
      In the case of something like "I am healing," if that's the only healing callout/cue in the game, it could be used to signal to someone you took off the hook "Hey I want to heal you right now, don't run away from me," versus what can happen where the person unhooked just runs off in a direction and you have to choose between following them like a lost puppy or hoping they figure it out themself. And I've found the "Come here" emote rarely helps with this. Yes, the UI does make it obvious when someone is healing so the cue has less purpose, but it can still bridge a communication gap at least somewhat.
      Oh and to add to an earlier statement of mine. A cue allowing for someone to react/understand a situation only seconds faster than normal in certain situations (ie "Killer near me" vs The chase UI appearing) may seem redundant/pointless, but I also feel that there are so many moments in solo queue when, if I had known even seconds earlier what was going on, so much could've changed. Like I would've known to just commit to the gen instead of get off but now the killer had enough time to scare me off it so people died, or I would've known that the killer was not by the hook right then and could've gotten the save but now they've returned. It may not be game changing, but I do think the quality would improve as you can have a similar kind of micro interactions that are possible with swf over mic.

  • @deadhelix
    @deadhelix 6 місяців тому +9

    While I agree that the ui system is a massive upgrade for solo, I think it comes down to certain killer’s powers requiring coordination that solo just cant have with the UI even. Pinhead for examples you have no way of knowing who is going for the box so you can just assume that someone isn’t and go for it but then you may have someone else do the same and waste a whole bunch of time that comms as simple as “I’ll get it” would change immediately. Id also argue plague because going solo against plague is like dice rolling whether your teammates know that cleansing is bad and are capable of not going down instantly while being injured, or they are too scared and cleanse which means that you staying away from fountains can cost you if you can’t make it to one (hell even if you do corrupt purge is still strong enough for a fast 2 hit down)

  • @gavinblue3534
    @gavinblue3534 6 місяців тому +8

    scott i must say this video being 1.5h is very sexy of u hope u feel better

  • @BigRed1001
    @BigRed1001 6 місяців тому +13

    Honestly I think a basekit kindred without the killer aura shown would be fairly cool and I don't think it would be insanely strong. Kindred could just show the killers aura near hook maybe with an increased range to compensate.
    I think another interesting change would be a very slightly extended hook timer but with basekit monstrous shrine on every hook for killers, would discourage proxy camping to avoid the anti facecamp. Plus being able to see the 'resolve' bar to the UI.

  • @OgichiGame
    @OgichiGame 6 місяців тому +4

    You could just remove the option to attempt to free yourself unless you have deliverance or the basekit anti-camp fills. It doesn't stop people, but it at least delays them.

  • @AlsoMeowskivich
    @AlsoMeowskivich 6 місяців тому +26

    I'll still defend Spies as "not a bad perk", it's just outclassed by so many better perks. It also is good training wheels for keeping track of survivors in a chase, and is extra useful in indoor maps when you can't see crows fly off normally.
    Though with people running calm spirit so much lately thanks to one of the best tracking perks, it sadly also hard counters spies right now.

    • @slavajuri
      @slavajuri 6 місяців тому +4

      I love Spies. It’s very strong with keeping track of multiple players around hooks, in corners, when going for pickups, etc. Can’t count how many times I’ve gotten a hit after hook because Spies told me they were positioning ahead of time. There’s actually a Nurse video of Scott giving consistent kudos to that perk, a year old or so. But the best argument for it, like you hit on, is how non-meta its counter has been for so long. Sadly that’s becoming less the case.
      And with all that said, I think the actual issue is the complete inconsistency. You can run this perk 20 games, win 2 of them off it and have 5 where it never gives a single actionable piece of information. Compared to meta aura reading perks like Nowhere to Hide or Lethal Pursuer, it is simply not a reliable means of gaining value in any specific case.

    • @AlsoMeowskivich
      @AlsoMeowskivich 6 місяців тому

      @@slavajuri Well said

    • @oscar3153
      @oscar3153 6 місяців тому

      Your eyes do what Spies does. A good training wheel perk for what? Literally look at the crows or have your sound on. It doesn’t take long to learn how to see and hear a crow

    • @sunflowertheog
      @sunflowertheog 6 місяців тому +2

      @@oscar3153 spies triggers through walls and across the map, especially on maps with both indoor and outdoor parts. you can't always see the location of a crow flying up, and if a survivor is hooked and you're chasing one, and spies is triggered across the map, i dont know of any other info perk that can just randomly tell you where someone is exactly like that

    • @oscar3153
      @oscar3153 6 місяців тому

      @@sunflowertheog Most maps are outdoors and you can still hear them. 💀💀💀
      Uh Dark Sense, Ultimate Weapon, Floods of Rage, BBQ, Nurses Calling, Eruption, I’m all Ears, Lethal, Discordance, Rancor, Gear Head, DMS, Infectous, and Spacial Awareness all objectively give better information than Spies.
      Be fr. Bro just described BBQ but it literally reels you where they are 💀💀💀💀💀

  • @XombieJoker
    @XombieJoker 6 місяців тому +5

    "There's no situation where it is better NOT to tunnel" when you abide by the teachings of TRU3

  • @slippers8000
    @slippers8000 6 місяців тому +2

    A chat wheel with image popups with what you'll do in the near future is the best solution.
    Sorta why the hud update didn't really solve anything, if the players dont wanna pick up the excel spreadsheet and actively use the info then nothing changes.
    So a "chat" wheel would make people be more active naturally.

  • @MihaiDurus
    @MihaiDurus 6 місяців тому +2

    For breaching the gap between soloq and swf:
    - Basekit kindred without the killer aura reading. That would be a huge quality of life improvement and not game breaking or unfair for the killer. That way you'll know exactly where people are and who is the best to go for the unhook. "But you can run kindred yourself and solve the issue" - no, the information provided can be used only by me and not my teammates unless I'm the one on hook.
    - Being able to see the active perks in game via HUD or a different tab, it's impossible to use something like Deliverance in soloq, but in swf is one of the best perks.

  • @mckookie2967
    @mckookie2967 6 місяців тому +38

    The answer to the question regarding teammates killing themselves on hook actually gave me depression. "its sad but we are shitty devs, what can ya do"

    • @teddypeterson9807
      @teddypeterson9807 6 місяців тому +12

      But how are they supposed too know WHY the people are doing that? It's not all cause " i dont wanna play this game" Im sure stuff comes up IRL and people gotta leave. Not saying over half are not rage induced, just you cant punish people for doing that too leave for other reasons and avoid the penalty.

    • @mcr00kes
      @mcr00kes 6 місяців тому +4

      ​@@teddypeterson9807To make the intentions of the player clearer, all the devs need to do os remove the struggle aspect of the second phase. That way, if a Survivor truely wants to die then they either go afk, run to the Killer for a down or disconnect. It would be easier to discern those who don't want to play. All the devs need to do is remove struggle. It's a simple solution.
      Granted, if people wanna quit then they'll quit regardless - that cannot be stopped. So may as well make it as drawn out and painful as possible to that type.

    • @volcaeri
      @volcaeri 6 місяців тому +9

      @@mcr00kes horrible solution, honestly. forcing people to be in matches they don't want to be in for longer amounts of time is just bad for game health. sure, people giving up early sucks. but i can never defend adding more things that'll just make them hate the game more. what we want is people to hate the game less, not more. your revenge fantasy helps no one and will not be added to the game.

    • @kevino13
      @kevino13 6 місяців тому +2

      @@teddypeterson9807I agree you shouldn’t punish people for just randomly leaving a game, once or twice. But I feel, if you are regularly leaving games early, even if you have legitimate IRL reasons, you are having a negative impact on other players. And other multiplayer games have these kinds of systems, that focus on repeat offenders to try and minimize players that just DCed once or twice

    • @morningshade2347
      @morningshade2347 6 місяців тому +2

      Like Scott said, there is no way to solve that without creating more problems, survivors will kill themselves on hook for a variety of reasons some are justified (like a SM or a three genning killer holding the game hostage) and others are ridiculously stupid ( For example I had a match as singularity where a survivor didn't loop properly and allowed me gain enough distance that I could hit them through their pre-drop, they killed themselves on hook over that) as a result, the issue is literally down to the subjective preferences of the survivor, due to this, the issue has no straight forward solution.

  • @rueyashirogane2710
    @rueyashirogane2710 6 місяців тому +8

    An hour and a half video from Scott is always a pleasure and treat to behold

  • @poi55
    @poi55 6 місяців тому +1

    the funny thing is black bubble always used to show auras through it now after 6 years they are coming up with something like' oh its an intended feature lol' its clear that black bubble got broken when dredge came out then they couldn't figure it out then called it a feauture

  • @kayn3x3
    @kayn3x3 6 місяців тому +2

    Yup, pretty much went as expected!

  • @shaveme2991
    @shaveme2991 6 місяців тому +1

    1:18:20 I think the point of the bubble is to signify that an objective has been done. The loud sound queue can signify it has been done but not really where, if you're in the middle of a chase. The visual queue is a "no matter what you're doing, you should know this is done" kind of thing. Probably shouldn't be as invasive and obstructive, but I think it serves a pretty big purpose.

  • @istherenomercy
    @istherenomercy 6 місяців тому +8

    Great video probably Scott

  • @seelthedeal_
    @seelthedeal_ 6 місяців тому

    10:30 I think what they mean by they are limited by flexibility in the lobby screen is that you can change your loadout while in the lobby and bhvr cant create a working overlay that wont glitch out when someone changes their perks.

  • @ClaytorYurnero
    @ClaytorYurnero 6 місяців тому +1

    Survivors having a simplistic range indicator would definitely bridge the gap in a huge way without giving them near-aura reading.
    * Just a simple 3-stage indicator that tells if another survivor is 60m.

  • @arkirron7172
    @arkirron7172 6 місяців тому +1

    I would say that competition is not necessary for ambition, there’s a lot of examples of groundbreaking stuff that hadn’t been done before that didn’t really have any competition but was ambitious.

  • @thtguyericcc1811
    @thtguyericcc1811 6 місяців тому

    Love the long form content

  • @yourshadow933
    @yourshadow933 6 місяців тому +1

    When i saw the thumbnail i thought otz was reacting to tiny Scott

  • @ExSuPiO1
    @ExSuPiO1 6 місяців тому +1

    iirc the black bubble was originally intended to mask where exactly killers and survivors are going to after hooking a survivor or finishing a gen

  • @zachheaton7512
    @zachheaton7512 6 місяців тому +3

    Otz’s problem doesn’t seem to be that BHVR isn’t offering effective solutions for these problems that he’s identifying, the problem is that BHVR recognizes problems and has just accepted them. The lack of ambition isn’t that they can’t find a solution to issues, it’s that they are openly not even trying to solve problems. That’s the lack of ambition. Otz’s inability to come up with an immediately perfect solution to the SWF/solo gap or players killing themselves on hook isn’t a knock against his point, because the devs could still try bad solutions to at least see if they can work.

  • @thenewgamer64
    @thenewgamer64 6 місяців тому +1

    14:40 reminds me of Video Horror Society, but in that game even if solo queue you had Voice chat, Ping System and context clues. Granted as Solo Queue with No Voice Chat, that means you used that to plan out your route to either intercept, reposition or give aid. In DBD you don't need all that as is for it's a different kind of game, at most better Emotes or a slight ping system like (yes, no, help, alert!) but be weary of cooldown else ping spam

  • @alexanderhoclippiunus7644
    @alexanderhoclippiunus7644 6 місяців тому

    To answer the swamp map question, yes.
    And yes, they were _really_ rough for both sides!
    I loved that map, it'd be great to see it back. (Two killers, six-or-more survivors, huge maps-)
    I just want to see the devs try new things with the old!

  • @jinxysaberk
    @jinxysaberk 6 місяців тому +7

    I bought dbd 5 years ago, I only got into it last year because not only are the beginner perks ass but they make the game feel really overwhelming when survs are just popping gens. And looping a killer for even a few pallets isn’t uncommon now it’s pretty damn straight forward depending on the map. This game is super lacking in helping new players enjoy their experience. People like otz are the reason even some of us could get into the game. I watched his how to play every killer video from start to finish sometimes multiple times on certain killers. This game is hard. There is such a big learning curve and bhvr refuse to even try to make it slightly more enjoyable for those new and I agree with otz it’s disappointing

    • @Antarctide
      @Antarctide 6 місяців тому

      Sounds like a you issue. I started a few years ago and never felt like I was getting penalized for being a beginner.

    • @jinxysaberk
      @jinxysaberk 6 місяців тому

      @@Antarctide omg ur so good want a medal? Cuz guess what ass wipe it’s not an uncommon opinion.

  • @smolmozi7917
    @smolmozi7917 6 місяців тому +3

    I just want a way to know if I should go for the unhook or not. Sometimes I'm literally on the furthest possible gen from the hooked person, 1 teammate being chased and another on a gen with similar progression to mine. The person usually dies or reaches stage 2 and proceed to run to the killer. Happens way too much

    • @dankmemes7796
      @dankmemes7796 6 місяців тому +2

      You literally have all the information you need . The other survivor is misplaying by not rescuing so now it’s your job .

    • @teddypeterson9807
      @teddypeterson9807 6 місяців тому

      If they clearly are not making a move too do it you need too do it. Once a killer gets 2 hooks at once it tilts big time in there favor. No gens getting done and 2 ppl are accounted for.

    • @smolmozi7917
      @smolmozi7917 6 місяців тому

      @@teddypeterson9807 Fair enough, I still think a ping of sorts would be ideal but I can see the current system being "good enough" to gather info.

    • @pieck5460
      @pieck5460 6 місяців тому +1

      These replies aren't taking into consideration the fact that the other person on the gen is probably thinking the exact same thing and is probably waiting to see of the OP is going to go for the save, there has been far too many times where 2 survivors get off 2 different gens because they both aren't sure if the other is going to go for the save or not

    • @teddypeterson9807
      @teddypeterson9807 6 місяців тому

      thats the gamble of the game

  • @Dulto27
    @Dulto27 6 місяців тому

    Okay but fr, what was the jazz Christmas music he was playing, I need that!

  • @DxXNA
    @DxXNA 6 місяців тому

    funny part about 9:40 is the fact that it can be made even more simple, by just adding an "examine" option on the drop down where you open gamer profiles, block, etc.. then it would let you just open the loadout screen locked but able to view the state of that player. Would be a more simplistic way but not quite as quickly informative.
    Ideally it would be something like while on your loadout you have 1/3rd the screen split into 3rd's so 1/9th chunks that show each of the other 3 team mates loadouts. So it wouldn't be an additional screen but rather just more added onto an already existing screen.

  • @dissapointment4520
    @dissapointment4520 6 місяців тому

    One big sticking point in solo survivor for me at least is pallet usage. It’s very easy to call out on comms which pallets are used and where dead zones are, which contribute to making running the killer (the fun part of survivor) actually fun. If I want to run the killer but when I turn the corner I find that every pallet in a ten mile radius has been pre dropped by a meg, I would at least like some way to know that a lot of resources have been used. Obviously you could say that I should have more situational awareness, but if I’m just sitting on gens because no one else will then I don’t really get an opportunity to walk around and see what’s left too often. so that would be my suggested change, some way to know how many, and maybe vaguely where, resources have been used on the map

  • @cyberjab
    @cyberjab 6 місяців тому

    I think we need some sort of communication between solo players about killer perks, because it can make huge difference in game, and it's already doing it.

  • @deadhelix
    @deadhelix 6 місяців тому

    idk if the spaghetti code would allow this but for the solo queue aura reading make it so you see aura of only people who you aren’t queued with that way people can’t complain about it being a swf buff

  • @tawney1023
    @tawney1023 6 місяців тому

    Regardless of what is done to bridge the gap between swf and solo q. This would allow them to buff killers in response. As right now it's sort of balanced between the two of them.

  • @DozleZabi
    @DozleZabi 6 місяців тому +2

    Just allow escaping from the hook unless you have a perk for it.

  • @Hunubul1
    @Hunubul1 6 місяців тому +3

    13:00 - There are a lot of different ways to improve this difference. One would be to display active perks and/or buffs/debuffs in the HUD. Like an SWF team will know if anyone is exposed or mangled, but a solo player doesn't. There are still a lot of information not available to solo and available to SWF.
    Another way to improve this would be for perks to have bonus effects for solo or SWF players. It might sound overly complicated or just a bad idea, but it would help with balancing perks and making bad perks useful as well. I know it's a different type of game, but Hunt: Showdown not long ago introduced traits that has bonus effect for solos (solo means different there, the player is literally alone against 2 player or 3 player teams), to make the game more fun and maybe more balanced. Especially for streamers, obviously. So this system already worked somewhere else.
    14:00 - Removing the DC penalty might sound daunting, but there is middle ground. For the first few matches you DC from, you don't get penalized, and the penalty goes gradually up with each subsequent DC. Maybe for every finished match lessen the penalty or something, to give incentive to finished matches. Obviously, killing yourself on hook at any stage would NOT affect this. Giving a clear statement of what is allowed and what is frowned upon. Also same system for killing yourself on hook. After a while you should get the same penalty as if you DC. The numbers are important, and needs to be figured out, but this would enable for rare awful cases to be dodged, so you might have fun in the game, but players who do this all the time will need to change their ways.
    I remember DbD having a DC penalty system like this, I have no idea if this is still the case. But gradually increasing penalty for both DC and killing yourself I think would solve this issue mostly. It's not hard to implement, and it would yield fast and very noticeable results. After that obviously some tweaking and thinking about better solutions are needed, I'm sure there are lot of good ideas the community has.
    Also monitoring when people DC or kill themselves is something the devs should learn from, I know they have this info. Maybe don't give penalty for leaving clearly unbearable matches that even a very simple algorithm can check. And maybe fix the issues that make people kill themselves.

    • @Hunubul1
      @Hunubul1 6 місяців тому +1

      Also the problem isn't that there is no solution, but that they aren't even trying. They could test different systems in PTB or live and they can reroll changes if they aren't great. Or they can ask the community for solutions. Or tell the community ideas and get input on those. Just try ANYTHING. And I think that's the problem Otz is having. They aren't even trying to fix anything, because it's too much effort in their opinion.

  • @thalosas
    @thalosas 6 місяців тому

    To be fair when it comes to beginner perks, I was initially firmly in the camp that it's something that needed to be improved. But recently I got a friend into the game and decided to play on a new account so that they wouldn't be playing against 2-3k hour killers. The game is honestly a lot easier to take in and learn at the lowest level because you only really need to focus on what the killer is doing power wise and not worry about how he knew you were hiding in a corner because of nowhere to hide, or why he just instantly downed you with friends til the end, or why you just screamed and your gen just blew up with pain res. These are perks that for our first 30 hours we basically didn't see once (unless we were playing against the killer they come with, so we did see a lot of friends til the end eventually). Can you imagine a Doctor having a full skill check build at only 20 hours into the game? They don't even have to do anything and the match would be literally impossible to lose.
    What the devs say is pretty much spot on in my opinion, there's not really a need to bring anything special on either side at this level, because the other side is pretty much playing vanilla too. Whether they bought DLC or not, there's only a limited amount of blood points you have to unlock things initially. I think the issue is more for people who reach the 200 hour range, which to veterans is still a "beginner" but is probably not what the devs think of when you say beginner. At 200 hours there's going to be a gap between people who have spent nothing on the game beyond buying it vs people who have bought every DLC, because that's enough time to focus on the killers/survivors with meta perks and to start running fairly meta builds.
    After about 35 hours of playtime on my new account (with the person I was playing with having over 100 by this point from playing on their own) we did finally run into a Nurse that was running a pretty meta build with pain res, pop and some aura reading. I couldn't check their hours but they were P10 so definitely not a "new" player in the traditional sense. I think this was more to do with the fact I was inflating our MMR abnormally quickly more than anything, because I was escaping 90% of the matches. It felt like the survivors were all still complete babies and it was kind of an unwinnable stomp even though I was taking the Nurse on some good chases.
    On that note, I feel like this is something that pretty much everyone knows but rarely ever talks about, but killers improve at an exponentially faster rate than survivors in terms of skill and I think that would be an issue worth trying to improve. Though I don't really know the solution. I think the fact that it's 1v4, that bad survivors can play like rats and hide from chase all match and still solo escape and have it count as a win despite it being a 3k for the killer and the fact that how you get "good" as a survivor is not particularly intuitive and never explained or shown in any tutorial are probably all factors.

  • @wuzzy41123
    @wuzzy41123 6 місяців тому

    I think they could add a handful of things to the Survivor Activity Hud to give survivors more information about their teammates.
    First, I think they should have different icons for Blessing a Totem, Cleansing a Dull Totem, and Cleansing a Hex Totem. Adding a progress meter to this (similar to recovering from the dying state) would be helpful.
    Second, I think they should have different icons for when someone is healing themselves vs healing someone else. Adding Mending would be nice too.
    They can also add icons for Opening a Chest (with a progress meter), Hiding in a Locker, In the Basement, and In the Exit Gate. Heck, I wouldn't even be opposed to having an icon that shows that a survivor is within the Killer's terror radius.
    I'm sure there are other activities there could be icons for that I missed.

  • @PhilsAJack
    @PhilsAJack 6 місяців тому

    With the 1st hook issue, just have it so a bot comes in for stage 2? Player gets the taken by the entity scene, but a bot actually takes over with the struggle?

    • @Zero-ec2uj
      @Zero-ec2uj 6 місяців тому

      yea but then your forced to stay if you want to leave. Also what about situations where you want your teamate to find hatch or something but u cant die cuz a bot is controlling you while on hook.

  • @carlthepumpkinman
    @carlthepumpkinman 6 місяців тому

    Idk where I heard it, but I'm pretty sure Otz wanted to see exit gate progression, healing progression, and anti-facecamp progress on the UI

  • @BlackxNails666
    @BlackxNails666 6 місяців тому +2

    Voice chat if DBD had said something about it in their questionier i bet Majority would want it. just implement a system where you can queue with or without or a disable system

  • @leonthegamer2839
    @leonthegamer2839 6 місяців тому +1

    There is actually something very annoying going on with hacks right now. Multiple times now I have experienced (and got also jumpscared by it) that a killer would teleport on my had while I was literally still in the "start of the match rotation screen". The killer double tabs you instantly, picks you up and teleports into basement were he literally hooks you three times within 5 sconds max. Then he teleports to the next surv and does the same thing.
    These games are over within a minute.
    However I had the exact same killer (was a Michael) in the last 2 days 4 times in total (2 times each day) the issue is that for some reason 2 survivors are always shown as disconnected players and this results in a time penalty.(even if you do not dc yourself)
    Idk whats going on but both days my friend and I stopped playing because we had a 5 minute penalty after the second encounter and we were just annoyed. (Not to mention the followowing penalty if we run into that idiot a third time) Anyone else noticing that bs or am I just really unlucky?

  • @razorthewolf18
    @razorthewolf18 6 місяців тому +1

    Hey Scott, What if after 5 min, when you get hooked and don’t want to stay in game you have the option to let a bot take over, letting you leave the game, and you just get the BP you personally earned up to that point. Similar to Left 4 Dead 2 but you can’t retake over the bot after you make the choice.

  • @Sherclock
    @Sherclock 5 місяців тому

    How to help solo q. Allow seeing other player's perks. Quick voice chat with few lines. Could be even implemented in a way survivor whispers it and everyone can hear it in 16 meter radius or something like that.

  • @theminusziskey9175
    @theminusziskey9175 6 місяців тому

    So, based on what they said about the 3-gen mechanic, what if:
    Each gen has a new metric that gains charges when kicked. These charges depreciate at whatever rate, like 1 charge per 30 seconds (would require testing for times and charge amount). If the gen reaches 5 charges, the furthest completed gen powers down and then the kicked gen powers up. This would essentially break any 3-gen so long as the Killer is kicking the gen to cause regression. The gen that powers down would explode in the same way as when a survivor fails a skill check and provide the killer with the same notification.
    This would likely be easier for them to make, as it already uses several mechanics they already have in the game, not requiring them to make new ones. As such, it's more likely they would actually implement it. It solves the 3-gen issue, though one might argue that is punishes the killer quite heavily for defending a 3-gen in the first place as it can make defending the last 3-gens successfully exponentially harder. I'm sure there are other problems that could arise, as every seemingly good idea that has made it into the game has been exploited in some way to be horrible (Dead Hard change, for example).

  • @randomunlistedvids
    @randomunlistedvids 6 місяців тому

    Regarding researching the HUD, the game itself doesn't do anything regarding explaining it to new players. I checked the tutorial and the Game Manual in the Getting Started section. I may have missed it, but if I don't see it in the Getting Started section then I have no idea where it will be.

  • @RaffoPhantom
    @RaffoPhantom 6 місяців тому +1

    About the "killing themselves on hook"
    Well, an obvious solution would be to rework the whole unhooking yourself mechanic:
    They could remove the option to try to unhook yourself altogether (which would require them to rework Slippery Meat but whatever, it's a shit meme perk anyway and should be reworked in the first place). As a bonus they can keep the self-unhooking the way it is now for people who have an active Deliverance so solos can show their randoms "Hey, I have Deli, no need to come for me" by doing hook gymnastics, adding more info for solo players.
    They could incurr a DC penalty if you try to unhook yourself 2 times, doubling the penalty if you try it 3 times (except in certain circumstances where nobody can save you anymore obviously, like when everyone is slugged/hooked)
    They could make the gen with the most proress pop/get repaired 50% faster when somebody tries to unhook themselves 3 times to combat the loss of that one person. (Very shaky idea, I know, just spitballing)
    Continuing the video now, might edit later idk
    Edit: "Do we still have people dodging P100s?"
    Nah, I just slap on Insidious and Lightborn and go afk.

  • @prismaticowl
    @prismaticowl 6 місяців тому +2

    I still want something to replace the Blood Web wholesale. I spent over 300,000BP the other day trying to get a single Scratched Mirror and didn't see one. That shouldn't happen. After you hit a certain prestige level, just lemme buy which add-ons I want. If you have to put a daily cap on them or make them more expensive, fine. Just let me _choose_ god damn it.

    • @FinestFantasyVI
      @FinestFantasyVI 6 місяців тому

      I tried to get purple Jolt on Spirit
      Didnt get it. Now i cant ever

  • @zipzapper0
    @zipzapper0 6 місяців тому +2

    Honestly, I think a stacking 20 percent BP bonus for each consecutive match you last more than 5 minutes in would be a decent solution for the offing yourself on hook problem.
    You'd build up a solid multiplier, and be encouraged not to break your streak and lose it.

    • @eldritchemissary4718
      @eldritchemissary4718 6 місяців тому

      BP aren't really useful for people who've been playing for a while though, I took a 2 year break and came back for like a month and had. Every perk on all my characters. It would only help for getting p100 but that's more of a novelty goal

    • @zipzapper0
      @zipzapper0 6 місяців тому

      @@eldritchemissary4718 Yes, however, it's a more realistic ask than a stacking boost to Iridescent Shard gain rate (Via account Exp) since that can be used to get paywalled content, and BHVR aren't likely to be open to that idea

  • @Helperishere
    @Helperishere 6 місяців тому +1

    Ping system would be amazing. Games like Identity V had it and it works pretty well. The games are different yes and we would need to do something about making stealth a bit better for killers like Ghostface who need it.
    So yeah I feel a ping system would be a massive improvement to solo queue.
    Needless to say there are other killer things we should work towards aswell. Killers deserve alot of QoL and TLC aswell. They are the backbone of the community. The best of the best. Killer mains we all thank you for sticking through the tough times

  • @SyntiSin
    @SyntiSin 6 місяців тому

    Simple ping system would be a great idea. The HUD is a great improvement but not perfect, so many situations that don't account for when it doesn't actually help. You're repairing, someone is hooked, one person is healing themselves, and the last one is not in chase. They're going for the unhook, right? Oh, they ran into the huntress on the way there and are running away, but the huntress is following and throwing hatchets at them from further than chase range. SWF could communicate that info, the HUD doesn't.

  • @Railery
    @Railery Місяць тому

    Having a cooldown on kicking did, in fact, fix things. Not always, not 100% of the time, but 3-genning is no longer a hopeless situation.

  • @rileyp1506
    @rileyp1506 6 місяців тому +2

    scooter turns "we don't know or care to do that" into 90 minutes

  • @HanZufu
    @HanZufu 6 місяців тому

    The sound bit you brought up with Ada and Jeff, literally just a normalization issue, lol. Takes about 5 seconds to normalize all of them to the same volume.

  • @Badboy20400
    @Badboy20400 6 місяців тому

    27:20 WAIT maybe bonus on addon rarity played by the opposite side or if a map offering was played by other side as it would give them the advantage, obviously values may vary but say like 50% more blood points on escape if killer has a ebony mori or something like that and the same with iri add ons and tweak the numbers on browns greens etc, I know other browns might be more powerful than greens but that's just balancing which they still need to fix

  • @Cloxer
    @Cloxer 6 місяців тому

    20:00 Alright i'll bring up some quick ideas, an optional voice chat that is off by default (i wouldnt like it in DBD but an aditional option helps with icon showing if they are muted), TCM has a small text at all times at the corner of the screen showing the current portion of the location which DBD can use that idea to indicate teammates of where they are exactly by sending a pinged message below their icons and such which can be useful, a ping system could be alright depending how it is implemented, on my case a brief fog figure in the distance like a fog whisper with a long cooldown is enough for me to keep aura reading perks fair and lastly for now obviously the survivor loadouts weather on lobby or loading screen but what about mid gameplay? I dunno if that last one is too much but at least one of these for sure
    These are the ideas on the top of my head.

  • @wildtacocat
    @wildtacocat 6 місяців тому

    I was gonna ask if you were gonna react to DBD and BHVR finally breaking Otz but you answered the question

  • @mitchhamrick916
    @mitchhamrick916 6 місяців тому

    I use Kindrid in almost every solo build I run just to help my decision making and hopefully my teams.

  • @mosshivenetwork117
    @mosshivenetwork117 6 місяців тому +2

    I think they gotta get someone else to fix the spaghetti code.

  • @LZT69
    @LZT69 6 місяців тому

    You asked what could be done to bridge the gap between SWF & Solo and I've thought about this quite abit. But the biggest divide between SWF/Solo is communication and the ability to track killer and teammate location just by simply asking your team. In solo this isn't available to you so you have to use a heightened game sense/awareness (addition of the hud has made this easier but not perfect). So one of the 1st changes I'd make is to make some perks basekit. #1 being Kindred. It's almost required to run this perk as a solo player. It's a strong perk that almost simulates communication between team members. You're sitting on your gen wondering will the other teammate run in to save the person on the hook. Even with the hud you don't know for certain whether or not they're actually doing anything to help the player on the hook - you just have to hope. In SWF thats never an issue as they can always co-ordinate between them. This change would be very simple to implement, would not be game breaking in any sense, doesn't buff swf in any sense all the while lessening the swf/solo gap.
    They could also add a social wheel or something similar where you can send pre-written commands to teammates, things like, "stop", "need heals", "killer chasing" etc... There are many options for the devs but they are too lazy and too focused on milking feng cosmetics for $$$.

  • @middox239
    @middox239 6 місяців тому +1

    i think that the part of the perk Kindred that reveales your teammates auras should be basekit, so that SOMEONE WILL FUCKING UNHOOK ME I HAVE DIED ON FIRST HOOK 7 GAMES IN A ROW JESUS CHRIST ALLMIGHTY

  • @WWFanatic0
    @WWFanatic0 6 місяців тому

    "friends work together by nature and solo survivors don't (as much)" well yeah, because when you know what build your friend is bringing you can do a lot more in terms of teamwork...

  • @Tatertwat05
    @Tatertwat05 6 місяців тому +1

    all they need for solo queue is a good ping system and possibly an opt in voice chat for lobby and in game

    • @mckookie2967
      @mckookie2967 6 місяців тому +2

      imo the self sacrifice on hook is the worst part of solo rn

    • @WutTheDeuceGaming
      @WutTheDeuceGaming 6 місяців тому +2

      @@mckookie2967 yup, and it's not even fucking close. It single handedly destroys the experience more than anything. DC bots don't help people just leaving upon first engagement with a killer either. Game is basically over by both accounts.

    • @Tatertwat05
      @Tatertwat05 6 місяців тому

      @@mckookie2967 the point of those changes would be to even the playing field between swf and solo queue, not to necessarily improve the solo queue experience.

    • @mckookie2967
      @mckookie2967 6 місяців тому

      @@WutTheDeuceGaming i have had actually had semi decent experiences with bots, especially against M1 killers. i would much much take that over being down a whole teammate at 5 gens. on a stronger survivor map and there's a lot of them, its usually fine. They're far from perfect

    • @mckookie2967
      @mckookie2967 6 місяців тому

      @@Tatertwat05 This would be the biggest help to solo que which is the same difference. swf get to play the game with a teammate past 5 gens lol its probably the improvement they need to focus on the most. If you want to be able to unhook yourself just put on Deliverance, otherwise survivors have plenty of freebies like hatch and double door exit gates and all the second chance perks to get out, they don't need that " oh my God I hit that 4% moment"

  • @trtl1083
    @trtl1083 6 місяців тому

    UI HUD could defenitively be improved. More progress Circle for Healing, totems, Killer action ( like dissarming Traps or unlocking crates like wesker crate). Improving what they already established.

  • @PlebX-
    @PlebX- 6 місяців тому

    Imagine if dbd had endgame voice chat with the whole lobby

  • @dimentioo
    @dimentioo 6 місяців тому +1

    idk i mainly solo q lol and mainly play survivor so i rely on the hud SO MUCH and ur right lol the hud already tells u so much if ur paying attention and use context clues and some ppl NEVER look at it i have a friend whose always asking me what i’m doing and i’m always telling them to look at the hud lol like it tells u what im doing !!!

  • @Umbreon5
    @Umbreon5 6 місяців тому

    babe wake up hour and a half scott jund video just dropped

  • @mizark3
    @mizark3 6 місяців тому

    The somewhat obvious solution to the DC/quit problem of remove/reduce the penalty is a hybrid system. Make the first few DCs/quits a day at the 1 minute delay, then jump to 5/15/hour after the first 3. Arguably this would be met with a Killer ban for Surv and a map ban for Killer. That way a laggy Survivor doesn't have to face ranged Killers hitting through walls, or a scaredy cat doesn't need to face stealth Killers, and the ranged Killers don't have to play on indoor maps, and stealth Killers don't have to play on open field maps.

  • @unreliabletrees2614
    @unreliabletrees2614 6 місяців тому

    The amount of times I’ve been unhooked when I have Deli, picked up when I have Unbreak or Plot Twist, etc…so yes information is definitely the problem 😭😭

  • @MagicNash89
    @MagicNash89 6 місяців тому

    I only watch comp with detailed comments on what is going on on the screen, like Otz and Dowsey maybe a few times. Then its interesting

  • @TheTrial-np9qy
    @TheTrial-np9qy 6 місяців тому +1

    Why would behavior cater to babies when they can just Dingle shiny keys in front of them?

  • @-snek.
    @-snek. 6 місяців тому

    The survivor audio issue being tricky to tackle might not be as much of a lie as you think. It would be fine to just lower the volume of the loudest survivors as a temporary stopgap solution, but the actual underlying issue is complicated. The problems beyond just volume lie in the frequency ranges of the characters' voices, the regularity of their pain noises, what actual sounds they make (gasping, grunting, hissing, etc.), how all these sounds interact with the game environment's sounds and music, muffling through walls, so on and so on. Bringing all the relevant survivor vocalizations closer to a baseline with all of this in mind takes a lot more audio engineering work than just fiddling with faders.

  • @xIronwafflexx
    @xIronwafflexx 6 місяців тому +8

    You can't remove killing yourself on hook. People will just afk. Just get rid of the D/C already, and if more than two people D/C, just allow the killer to play it out, or leave without a penalty.
    You mentioned killers not being able to play because people would just leave, but that's basically what is going on now. It just becomes nurse/blight vs 2-3 survivors with 5 gens left. At that point, no one is having a good experience.

    • @thehandsomestman666
      @thehandsomestman666 6 місяців тому +3

      i would argue the hypothetical Nurse or Blight would be having a pretty great time

    • @xIronwafflexx
      @xIronwafflexx 6 місяців тому

      I guess. After being bullied all day at school/work/home, it's probably nice to do some of the bullying I guess. For most people though, I would argue that easy games are boring and unfun. @@thehandsomestman666

  • @404Khakis_not_found
    @404Khakis_not_found 6 місяців тому

    Context clues also dont always work in solos
    Had one game where i was on a gen. 1 person on hook 1 in chase 1 according to the hud not doing anything. So i figured the person doing nothing would get the unhook. Person on hook hit second phase and i had to get off the gen to get the person. So sadly sometimes for solo context isnt enough.

    • @404Khakis_not_found
      @404Khakis_not_found 6 місяців тому

      I still never figured out what the 4th person was doing they werent afk because they didnt have birds when I saw them a little while later so I'm assuming they hid

  • @Xbob42
    @Xbob42 6 місяців тому

    For players killing themselves on hook:
    Add both a concede (team) and concede (self) button -- when using this button, you must write a short reason that you've conceded.
    This is where my idea falls apart, because normally I'd say then the devs can find the sore spots (they're not always obvious) and fix them, but this is BHVR so they'd probably just find a way to accidentally send all the telemetry, the message itself and your credit card number to cheaters, and then not do anything with the feedback anyway.

  • @artemyburakh12
    @artemyburakh12 6 місяців тому +1

    Scott few months ago: the best solution to players killing themselves on hook is to remove DC penalty
    Mr Jund now: there is nothing we can to to stop people killing from themselves on hook

    • @ScottJund
      @ScottJund  6 місяців тому +2

      i meant in this current version of the game lol

  • @nightwing316
    @nightwing316 6 місяців тому

    I’ve said it for many years and endorsement system would fix so many problems in dbd

  • @h445
    @h445 6 місяців тому +2

    just don't allow escape from 1st hook

  • @StephenBraudis
    @StephenBraudis 6 місяців тому +1

    An old huntress main not knowing what bitter murmur is and calling it trash. What a Chad lol.

  • @banna_aton
    @banna_aton 6 місяців тому

    I think proximity chat would be fun, especially after playing something like lethal company

  • @drs4983
    @drs4983 6 місяців тому

    1:04:48 locker placements can be pretty barren on certain maps

  • @xenomorphgirI
    @xenomorphgirI 6 місяців тому

    13:30 i just have had so many times on solo queue when someone gets hooked and i see someone stop doing a gen so i assume theyre going for the unhook so i stay on my gen, and then that person just goes back on a gen and there isnt enough time anymore for me to get to the hook on time. so i think communication like saying "im going / not going for the unhook" would be good

    • @xenomorphgirI
      @xenomorphgirI 6 місяців тому

      I also honestly just think they should make it so when youre on the hook you dont lose your hp and you just hang there until somebody rescues you. and if youre on too long then you can then take your chances to get off the hook yourself. it would remove like all problems that this game has with camping, toxicity, lack of communication causing solo queue players to just go 2nd hook or die from being hooked once, and also largely tunneling since staying near the hook for killer could last indefinitely while other players do gens

    • @xenomorphgirI
      @xenomorphgirI 6 місяців тому

      and it would also stop people killing themselves on hook immediately rather than dcing, theyd have to wait a set time before they were allowed to