Pressure Testing the Recall, no Tools or Treats | Part 9

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @hiromienderle1608
    @hiromienderle1608 Місяць тому +1

    My dog…my responsibility. I subscribed you and I have been watching your videos all day and night😅 since then. All great and I learn a lot from you 😊

  • @paulcroker8459
    @paulcroker8459 3 роки тому +5

    A dog's life on a lead is a dog with a prison sentence....its no life ....Well done Jamie for showing how things can be turned around for your dog to enjoy life with safe boundaries in place ....loving your work

  • @petronela910
    @petronela910 3 роки тому +8

    Absolutely brilliant video. How you've turned that dog around in such a short time is amazing. I wish I had someone like you closer to where I live.

  • @Venomator.
    @Venomator. 3 роки тому +3

    I have been watching your videos (otherwise called binge watching!). Having recently ‘rescued’ a Patterdale/SBT X who has red mist aggressive tendencies to other dogs. He loves people and ignores mostly everything else on our walks, although he will react to pheasants/squirrels that startle him by chasing them, or trying to. I have repeatedly studied this series and am in awe of what you achieve with this girl, bloody amazing sir!
    We have only had him for three weeks and I have been working him through your recall process on our walks. He is responding extremely well and loves the ‘game’. We are also reinforcing the basic stuff, as we do not know really what his history is. He enjoys training and works well for rewards. We are still struggling a bit with ‘Heel’, but he sits, downs and stays very well.
    We can deal with all of these things, but will properly struggle with the dog aggression thing. I am intrigued by the use of E-collars and have hungrily taken in all of the stuff you have put out on the subject. I have never used one, so will need guidance on the proper use, although I am readily capable of following remote instruction.
    I have already e-mailed you and received the auto-response and just await a follow-up from you in due course, although I appreciate you will be over-the-top busy.
    Thank you so much for this extremely helpful series, which I am happy to hear is not yet done… :)
    Thanks Jamie, Rog… 👍🏻 😉

  • @LauraHopkinsCDL
    @LauraHopkinsCDL 3 роки тому +2

    Couldn't agree more. Nothing beats watching dogs free and knowing they will recall or stop etc. Lovely Jamie. People do need to open their minds to the full range in training. Thank you : )

  • @volancydogs
    @volancydogs 3 роки тому +2

    "People want to see dog training. This is it." Hell yeah.

  • @katarzyna7919
    @katarzyna7919 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much for your video. I have learned so much from you.

  • @richardlongmuir8348
    @richardlongmuir8348 3 роки тому +1

    Not boring at all,good work with that dog👍

  • @payalshah2714
    @payalshah2714 2 роки тому

    Your videos are very inspiring. I am working on my dog to do that. Thank you so much. BTW she looks exactly like your dog.

  • @ukcharlietaylor
    @ukcharlietaylor 3 роки тому +4

    Hi Jamie - Do you have or will you create videos showing how to use the e-collar to train when the predatory instinct is kicking in?
    Eg when there's wildlife and your dog locks onto the scent / sight of it

    • @JamiePenrithDogTraining
      @JamiePenrithDogTraining  3 роки тому +4

      Keep watching the series! More E-collar videos are to come! but also be sure to watch past videos in the series. They may cover parts of your question. thank you for your comment

  • @duncanrose7985
    @duncanrose7985 3 роки тому +2

    To get to a point of confidence to allow that freedom is my goal with Luna (Pointer).
    She loves to run and runs far…

  • @1cbrracer
    @1cbrracer 3 роки тому +1

    1st thumbs up. I KNOW this is gonna be good😁 oh p.s jax is showing improvement already!

  • @JoJo_GSD
    @JoJo_GSD 3 роки тому +1

    🙌🙌 this is bl**dy brilliant, thank you 👍😯

  • @JonathanLindon-k1s
    @JonathanLindon-k1s Рік тому

    Great Video Jamie. I hve a 13 month old Springer Spaniel. His recall is good under most circumstances, but he is VERY prey driven. I've limited his exposure to stimulating environments to try and proof the training. however, it's not working. When he gets on a scent his reliability on recall diminishes. Any tips on proofing further. I want him to be a dog and have some freedom, but should I just contiune to limit the stimulus and keep testing it until I get there?

  • @jackymetcalf7270
    @jackymetcalf7270 3 роки тому

    Thank you for this fab video Jamie. I am learning so much from you but I'm finding it challenging to build the ecollar into her training as I want so much to get it right, for her sake.

  • @mikethompson2152
    @mikethompson2152 3 роки тому +1

    I think i need your help! My 2 year old Goldendoodle's recall under no distraction is fantastic, he turns on the spot and sprints back. However if there is another dog around, I have no chance he always has to go and say hello. His lead walking is also terrible, he pulls constantly unless on a figure of 8/nose collar and is very reactive to cars, cats and dogs of a similar size when on lead (generally ignores the smaller ones).

  • @vidvidbiker
    @vidvidbiker 3 роки тому

    Great work. Quick Q: If more training is needed is the general rule of thumb more of the same re level of stimulus or very slightly increase the stimulus?

  • @molee2664
    @molee2664 3 роки тому

    Is she wearing an ecollar?

  • @sweetlorraine6982
    @sweetlorraine6982 3 роки тому

    Talking of location where are you?.

  • @TheBeachloveriow
    @TheBeachloveriow Рік тому

    lol I'm up to paracord freedom . next step is the cotton. .