Hey BEAT fam! What's upppppp? I hope you are doing great today. I really hope you enjoy this video and remember to let me know your PERSONAL view on hell below. Enjoy! P.S. Our new merchandise dropped recently so if you like the shirts I've been wearing in the recent videos, click the link in the description to see what we have "in store" (see what I did there) for you! Ha.
This is what a great portion of Christians believe: let's take a man who would live in Israel in apostles time, he would be a basic Jew who had let's say a similar belief system that Ben Shapiro has, who would hear the Gospel like Ben Shapiro did but just like Shapiro would not believe it. This person would have a wife and children an would work hard to provide for his family but at 30 years old he would end up in an accident and die and naturally, because he did not believe the Gospel, he would end up in Hades. In Hades, which is the kingdom of Satan, he would begin to receive an unfathomable torture by demons and this torture would be 24/7 nonstop all the way until the Judgment Day which would happen 3000 years later. Then, just like Revelation 20:13-14 says, he would be released from Hades, from that miserable constant torture to feel peace again but he would be released only to be judged by God now to be sent back into another torture but now into the lake of fire and for eternity. People, with all seriousness, don't you see that something is horribly twisted in this way or reasoning? That a person who only lived for 30 years, never torturing anybody for one second, who would live working hard and provide for his family, would first die and end up to be tortured by demons for 3000 years nonstop and then finally released from that torture but only to receive a judgment of more torture and now for eternity? Don't you see that this is an utter debauchery of any type of justice, goodness and righteousness?
Just want someone else's take on this... Hell is real, God created the place, but the environment of Hell creates itself. Imagine an eternal earth if you removed the fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, showing patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Then to add to the ugly, just remove God from it.
Also, two other things... let us not overlook the heart of the person asking, "How can a loving God torture people in hell forever and still claim to be good?" Also, so many people think Satan is in control of Hell when that could not be further from the truth.
@@f.k.b.16 But it is written in the Bible dozens of times from the OT to the NT that in the end God will release His flaming wrath upon the sinners. Like this verse: "And they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?” Rev 6:16
@@f.k.b.16 Satan is the ruler of Hades, that is his kingdom. This is why it is written in the Revelation that Hades will give up its dead and will be thrown into the lake of fire. Just ask yourself what things will be thrown into the lake of fire? Answer: Evil things. And Hades will be thrown there which means it is an evil place. Also, read Rev 9 where the underworld or the abyss was opened and all these weird looking evil demons came out with their king demon the Abaddon or Destroyer.
It's eternally wiped from existence, everlasting destruction, never to be seen or heard of again, while those who know God will leave for billions and billions of years without seeing death.
@@tuoyoedukugho1807So what happens to the fire? Jesus said the fire does not quench. The bible said they have no rest day not night. Bro, let strive to be in God's Kingdom.
@@emmanuelimumolen8660 when the time is right, everyone will understand, in Revelation it says, death and hell would be thrown into the fire as well. It is a symbol of eternal distruction, as fire destroys a thing forever so would this eternal fire destroy thoes that are not found written in the book of life, as well as Satan, his Angels then finally death and hell (grave) because all who would be alive would never die and would not sin because they love God (Jehovah)
@@tuoyoedukugho1807 let's get the concept of annihilation out of our heads and strive to know God more in our lives. If torment in hell or the lake of fire isn't forever I don't think Jesus would come to pay such a huge price.
I agree with Allen on this subject but what I would share with every is be careful not to take comfort in the possibility of hell being a metaphorical place. If God uses terms like “eternal fire, fire will never be quenched, tormented day and night with no relief” I think we would all agree God is being very clear this is a place YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO.
well allen is a reformed calvinist, so according to his theology you have no choice of where u go anyways. so all the warnings in the world do no good. according to his beliefs, God has already predestined who will go to heaven and hell
I was once taught that souls that were sent to hell would be cast into the lake of fire and their soul would be destroyed because it says in the Bible that God is the only one that can destroy both body and soul.
I don’t think destroy would have to mean total annihilation, though. The same Greek word is used to describe old wine skins, the fear the disciples felt in the boat.. it’s used to denote what happens to our flesh when we accept Christ. All those things don’t cease to exist, but they are devastated in some way. You could be right - just offering a (hopefully biblical) counter.
I noticed that In that passage, Jesus didn’t say God or Father instead He just said very vaguely as to whom, be afraid of the one who can destroy body and soul in Gehenna … the one? 🤔 who is the one? Scholars automatically assumed it’s a reference to God but is it?
Imagine the hurt that God has endured throughout the years when His creation has chosen to disobey and follow evil. He is love, but we should not forget that fear of Him is wisdom.
"I will not contend forever, nor will I always be angry; for the spirit would grow faint before me, and the breath of life that I made." (Isaiah 57:16)
A friend told me the worst part of hell was the idea of being separated from God, not being able to pray, talk to Him, to be removed from the Presence of Ultimate Goodness and Glory. As a person who grew up in the church, talking and praying to God my whole life, that was the most terrifying thought.
I didn’t grow up Christian for half of my life. There is a huge difference in my Christian version of self vs my not Christian version of self. I still have my struggles and doubts like anyone else, but I can say the separation from God is far worse than you can imagine, and that’s just experience comparisons of nonChristian vs Christian life now.
If we read the Bible, there are only two options. Being given the gift of everlasting life. Or losing out on it. No one can get the gift of everlasting life along with torture. This scripture would help understand this. (John 3:16) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be DESTROYED but have EVERLASTING LIFE.
@@jimjuri6490The idea that the wicked cease to exist (annihilationism) immediately or after an undefined period instead of being eternally punished is unbiblical. That gehenna is a place of eternal torment is plain enough from Matthew 25:46 and 2 Thessalonians 1:9 and Hebrews 6:2. The Beast's followers get special mention (Revelation 14:9-11), as does anyone following Satan at the end of the millennium (Revelation 20:7-10). Note: • The 'eternal destruction' of 2 Thessalonians 1:9 is an ongoing process, not simply an instantaneous event. The word ὄλεθρος (olethros), translated 'destruction' there, does not imply extinction, non-existence or annihilation (cf. the 3 other occurrences in the Greek text of the NT: 1 Corinthians 5:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:3; 1 Timothy 6:9). • In Hebrews 6:2, κρίμα (krima) emphasizes the result, not the process. • The fact that 'Gehenna' is used in two senses does not make its use in Revelation metaphorical. On the contrary, the Valley of Hinnom has become the metaphor. Anyone who understands how metaphors work would know that.
Final punishment as being sent to a place of separation from God is not the biblical or traditional view. Instead it is referred to repeatedly as God’s wrath being poured out.
@@Berean_with_a_BTh : It is best to read what the Bible states. When God decreed death as a penalty for Adam's sin, this is what he said. (Genesis 3:19) In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” No one can RETURN to a place or state that he has never been. The only state that Adam could return to is of nonexistence. The state he was in prior to his creation. Romans 6:7,23 clearly state that we die because of sin. Thus, having paid the penalty for sin, we are cleared of it at death. If there is any torturing to be done after a person dies(illogical, but for argument sake), it would be to a sinless person. Because everyone who dies has been cleared of his sins, BOTH the righteous and the unrighteous get resurrected under Jesus' Kingdom rule (Acts 24:15). These resurrections give humans a new opportunity to qualify for: (Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it. Surely people have come across the term 'Everlasting Life'. John 3:16. The only opposite is 'Everlasting DEATH'.
every time someone sins it breaks God’s heart. Imagine how broken it would be- the entire world is full of sinners but he still loves every single one of them so so much. please, please guys try hard not to sin, God will help you if you pray for strength. God bless you all, amen.
"Sins" are just arbitrary rules made up by god. They are sometimes tied to morality, but not always. Sins are subject to change. Some sins used to require the death sentence (like working on the Sabbath) but now they're fine. God changed his mind. He's the one responsible for his own heart getting broken, considering he designed us incapable of following all his petty rules.
That’s contradictory to sending someone to hell forever though isn’t it? I mean, everyone can change their ways. So why doesn’t god forgive people who are in hell? If his mercy endures forever, then why not help and save those who want to be saved?
So good Pastor. Frankly, I do not care what hell is like. Because of the grace and mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ I'm not going there so I'm not wasting my time thinking about it. Praise God.
The Lord Jesus Christ saved us from our sins and God's eternal wrath, so I personally think it's good to think about it from time to time, so that we really appreciate what Christ did for us.
We should be diligent to understand the word of God to be ready to give an answer to all who would ask and to represent our God correctly, as He has revealed Himself.
But when we as Christians tell people if you just don’t believe in God, because you weren’t convinced, and then you weren’t also convinced and believe that Jesus is God, and he is the way to heaven your punishment is being submerged in burning fire for all of eternity, and it never ever is one second closer to ending after billions of years. We are teaching people something that so clearly not biblical and so absolutely evil. You should care because that’s going to turn people away from Jesus. I keep reading comments saying logic doesn’t get you to heaven, and actually advocating for not using logic. Well, the Bible is good and truth and it is logical and it’s very often clear, but when we destroy the truth and God’s character in create him to be something really evil, and then defend it, that’s going to turn people away from Jesus. So you should care for more reasons than you aren’t going there. Because if you tell people miss information about hell, they might go there. Because we are lying or deceiving or misleading or confusing people who don’t know Jesus and we are telling them terrible things about Jesus and then saying, but he’s also good while we completely contradict that.
Exactly the punishment is eternal meaning it never changes there is no more chance no more resurrections you are dead forever the second death means eternal death
@@philipbuckley759 Re: Eternal life v. Eternal punishment. Psalm 59:12 Because of the sinful things they say, because of the evil that is on their lips, let them be captured by their pride, their curses, and their lies. 13 Destroy them in your anger! Wipe them out completely! Palm 59:13 consume them in your wrath, consume them till they are no more. NIV Hebrews 10:26 26 Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. 27 There is only the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies. NLT 26 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. Destroy them, wipe them out completely, consume them, & devour them means be alive & tortured for eternity, when we no how 2 turr-purr-N-tape write means be alive & tortured for eternity!! THING-alley-lulu-yuh!
It’s still a toss up for me. Perishable seed seems like it has a definite end & a definite end can be considered eternally dead. I used to think the physical body & the soul would be destroyed (ceasing to exist for eternity) but the corrupt spirit would still exist for eternity. But then I saw that it is referred to as “perishable seed” so that also seems to indicate the fallen spirit will cease as well. The torment in my opinion would be to have all these evil passions & desires of the flesh but no physical body to satisfy them with. Imagine a sex addict losing their body just for 1 month. They’d prob go insane. But how can you even express your insanity without a soul as well? Torment on top of torment. But like I said, if the fallen spirit is considered “perishable seed” that makes this theory difficult to rationalize as well.
It’s not the most logical. It’s completely illogical and a very immoral believe Christians teach.. I know you don’t praise God for making a burning hell is your punishment for not believing in him, and then praise him when he gives you an option out of that lol that is so stupid when Christian say things like this. Christians need to quit being stupid and I know that’s harsh but that’s a stupid thing for you to say and think. It just is. I’m not saying, I should just let everyone into heaven not forgive them for their sins. But he chooses what happens to them lol stop praising him for not allowing you to be tortured because he gave you an option out. That’s like an abusive husband saying I won’t beat my wife if she doesn’t burn dinner and her being so grateful there’s an option to not be beaten. That’s insane. Just because you know God’s perfect and all loving that doesn’t mean anything. Ridiculous you believe about him that is evil is automatically good.
He’s already read four verses, and he hasn’t even said one that can nearly be interpreted as people are tormented in hell, except for the one in revelation, which is only for people who take the mark of the beast and it’s not even talking about hell because it’s in the presence of God and the holy Angels… it’s also a part of revelation in a very poetic sounding portion. In revelation, it says Satan, the false prophet, and the beast or Tormenta day and night, forever and ever and anyone else’s name who is not found in the book of life is also cast into the lake of fire. But this is the second death for them. John 316 says Perish or have eternal life. Matthew 1028 says destroys your body and soul in hell. There’s literally nothing in the Bible that ever says your tormented. You just have this assumption that your soul is already immortal and it’s not. The Bible says you were consume like straw in a fire. There are some metaphors that aren’t even really talking about hell that says there’s weeping and gnashing of teeth in prison, which wouldn’t even mean you’re being eternally, tormented in hell. But that’s the most generous interpretation if you’re taking every aspect of parables literal, but then you also have to say, God only answers your prayers, because you pester them because that’s why I Judge answers the request of a woman in the parable. You don’t get to cherry pick what parts of parables you want to apply. They have an overall function. When we tell people that hell is a burning eternal place, which is so far from a loving God and these people see it and don’t want anything to do with God because they’re being just one percent, rational, and not indoctrinated, then we are responsible for turning people away from Jesus, and for them, being separated from God forever, because we are teaching them God is beyond evil. We are teaching them. God is more evil than any being ever created in fiction or reality.
I’ve always held the traditional view of Hell. I always thought it was weird when I heard other versions because they always feel like “Fan Fiction” where everyone wins in the end regardless because God is just that nice. I won’t lie, it scares the crap out of me. Part of me is defiant and doubting. Im always afraid and often pray to God that on the day I meet him, he will not say “I did not know you”, and that he will keep working on me.
Are you afraid of islams hell? It’s way more descriptive and horrible than christianity’s hell. Are you afraid of the buddhist hell? Are you afraid of the greek hell?
@@user-vt3vo1yd3v You don't seem to be afraid of ANY hell! You unscientifically and foolishly try to confirm that belief by using the fact that other religions speek of hell as proof that the hell in the bible is not real! A grave error and a HUGE gamble! If the original commentor is wrong, they have lost nothing! If you are wrong, you will lose everything! Food for thought. Stop hanging on to your sin and turn to Christ.
I think it’s a place we don’t want to go pretty much sums it up. So regardless of what will actually take place metaphorically or literal sense, I don’t want to be apart of wrath and endure in a place where he is not present.
Former Roman Catholic here . Jesus died once, and paid it all . He isn't recrucified during mass. No need to pay for our sin on purgatory , Jesus paid it all .
You can't just call on Jesus name. We have to call on the name Lord Jesus or Jesus Christ. There is more than 1 Jesus in the Bible. We have to call the right name. ❤️🙏🏾 Colossians 3:17 KJV
This video I needed to watch and listen to to be reminded of the urgency to tell others about the love of Jesus revealed in the gospel. Thanks, brother Allen! God bless you always.
Darkness is in the heart. Those shrouded by darkness, in their heart, can't see the light. But those who can love and forgive can see the light and obtain eternal peace.
May the mercy of God be upon us and that we live everyday step by step in his word to make it to heaven and with a heart of forgiveness in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ savior, Amen.🙏
I think of it like this: Someone might have beaten or molested your child for only 15 minutes, but that doesn't mean they should only be punished for that crime for only 15 minutes. That is because the *impact* of the abuse caused trauma and pain that can last for years and years afterwards. Our sin is an offense to a holy and good God that can cause ripples of offence throughout eternity and that is why something so painful and awful like a crucifixion of God's perfect, innocent Son was required to even open the door to forgiveness and restitution for those who would seek it. It's a hard idea to absorb, but truth is truth regardless of our feelings. The simple fact that hell can be eternal and horrible should propel us to take our faith seriously and to pray for those that are not saved and intercede on their behalf in any way we can. Edit: I want to clarify that while I believe the duration portion of Hell can be real, I do not necessarily support the idea that it's literal burning with fire. I don't have evidence to say one way or another that is definitive, but either way it seems an awful end.
I never got what the big controversy was to be honest. we have plenty of people serving a life sentence for killing multiple people, but the act only took them a few minutes.
Absolutely well said !! It’s refreshing to here. Hell has become a weird topic in so many modern churches. It’s right there in the Bible. People are fine with the love of God, but as soon as you start talking about judgement, Hell etc… people go quiet, and eyes go wide like you just called their grandmother an awful name…
@@captainmartin1219 Right! I think the idea of *eternity* and potentially an eternity of active *torment* is hard for us (understandably) because even a lifetime in prison is not *that bad* of a punishment in comparison. But the *concept* is absolutely the same; the punishment fits the level of sin, so that should tell us how serious our sin is.
As a small boy I was taught about hell because my parents taught me as they were taught. I know they meant well and did what they thought was right.Our family was very different as love was rarely spoken of, but loyalty to the family and being well thought of by others.We were a family of rebellious boys( me being the youngest) so the threat of hell was always spoken of(preached, usually by mom) Dad was uninterested by the time I was a teen and often drunk. We were very disfunctional to say the least. My thoughts of hell were why bother since most everyone had to spend time in the fire (purgatory). Now as a mature man of almost 73 years, I lean towards your 3rd point. I believe OUR FATHER did not create hell for the vast majority of HIS creation to be tortured forever there, but to be destroyed if HIS creation fell short. After all, Christ died to ransom and give eternal life to those who would follow and obey HIM, not eternal torture to those who wouldn't. Remember, OUR FATHER is love, if you keep HIS commandments.(especially the Sabbath, the one that most Christians ignore) "Shall not the JUDGE of all the earth do right?"
The truth is there are 2 gospels, 1 to israel and 1 to the nations through paul. The etymology of Paul's name comes from the greek word "pauo" (strong's greek 3973) which means "pause" God paused his work he was doing with Israel from acts to hebrews to work through Paul to bring the gospel to the nations. Paul's gospel tells us that Christ saved all humanity (not just believers) through His sacrifice on the cross yet each in his own class (1 Corinthians 15 23-24 CLNT) starting with Christ the firstfruit, those Christ's in his presence; thereafter the consummation (completion of God becoming all in all). As in adam all are dying, as in Christ all will be made alive. There is judgment, only death is unconsciousness and only age long or an eon. We who believe are given justification through faith and recieve "eonion life." The greek word aionion (the plural form of aion "age" or "eon" so correct translation would be "eons") was mistranslated in almost all of our English versions to eternal, everlasting, world, and forever and ever (if it's already forever why would they have to add the and ever? Correct translation is "eons of the eons" when the body of Christ get there glory and Israel get there promise on earth) 1 Corinthians 15:21-28 Concordant Literal New Testament 21 For since, in fact, through a man came death, through a Man, also, comes the resurrection of the dead. 22 For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified. 23 Yet each in his own class: the Firstfruit, Christ; thereupon those who are Christ's in His presence; 24 thereafter the consummation, whenever He may be giving up the kingdom to His God and Father, whenever He should be nullifying all sovereignty and all authority and power. 25 For He must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy is being abolished: death. 27 For He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to Him. 28 Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)
@@unveilingscripturaltruths9291 Tough cookies to the average Joe who doesn't understand Greek or been though seminary. Nothing wrong with education but I believe that GOD made it simple for the rest of us. This 2 gospel idea would be a disaster to the African or Mexican or Hillbilly from West Virginia who just wants to be right with GOD. My simple solution is; keep the 10 commandments, obey your conscience, and most importantly to spend quiet time everyday to hear from THE FATHER. Jesus said Keep MY commandments and you will live. Now, if you want to be perfect(whole), then deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow ME
The gospel says all we do to be saved is believe God n that was Christ died on the cross in place of us was buried n rose again on the third day, THATS IT. we aren't saved by our works we are saved by grace through faith
@@RickyBob-lf2uu I suppose you think the devil is saved too, because he believes in Jesus and trembles at the thought of HIM. Remember, faith without works is dead.
I'm glad that you brought some of the scriptures to support the annihilation view. Thank you for that. I would love if you could make an episode where you have a discussion with pastor Doug Batchelor. Discussing that issue. I know his always willing to talk about those things with people. It might make a really interesting video. I'd love to watch it
I would love to see that as well. But 9 times out of ten he won't because they go watch what that person teaches and realize they won't win the debate if they do so. But I believe God will show Allen the truth sooner or later just as He did with the false tongue movement. Just keep praying for him. God is able.
I hold to the traditional view. In the same way we can’t imagine the glories of heaven, we can’t imagine the terrors of hell. We use the term “saved” often in a very common way, without really realizing/grasping how much we’ve been saved from sometimes. Praise God for salvation.
I am a firm believer in not teaching little the lie that "Adam, Eve ate an apple" that is a lie. Lying to little children I wonder how the Lord, Jesus Christ will judge that?
Thank you for sharing these views on a subject that every human being should fear: eternal hell. God gave us the Scriptures as a life-guide. But as humans, we search for evidence to validate our “hopes & opinions.” No one can ever know with certainty what hell will be….except that it is a place of horror and God gave us a free, merciful, gracious gift to keep us from hell…..the gift of Jesus Christ. God tells us that ALL sin is equal in his sight, and we are all sinners. I don’t know what hell will ultimately be, but separated from God with no hope, no light, no love, no peace…..no matter how long, is more traumatizing than any human can comprehend! Your video is a blessing and should be shared with everyone that a viewer knows!!!! “Thank you” for this message. 🙏
Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord, I believe there will be another opportunity for all to receive Him as Lord. Hell was not built for his creation that he has given the opportunity to choose
@@michaelwhitman9937 I don’t really know the truth, none of us do. I believe in Jesus Christ as my eternal security, but at the same time, there are people in cultures that have never met a Christian, that have been raised their whole life with the beliefs and culture they grew up in, when someone can explain that to me (their eternal security), I have questions
It's heresy because for what reason then did Jesus die? Jesus died to save sinners from hell. Unforgiven sin sends people to hell. It's heresy because to say that everyone eventually goes to heaven, however they get there and however long it takes, basically calls God a liar. His own Word, which He wrote, would be false which would mean the Bible is meaningless and Jesus did not beat the grave. Conquering the grave means Jesus took the death sentence off humanity. Our death sentence is hell. @@michaelwhitman9937
If you reject Yahshua you will end up in hell bcus Yahshua is the ONLY WAY into heaven don't teach lies to people we all must accept Yahwehs son to get into heaven and hell is forever don't lead people down the wrong path dude
@@richardredding9412Jesus said everyone would have heard the gospel by the time he arrives, and now that we have social media where you can see what people around the world are talking about i’m pretty sure everyone or damn near everyone has heard the gospel and just choosing to reject it
Hell is what i deserve because of my sin. Yes, that torment is what i really deserve. But blessed be my God who loves me so much and offered me eternal life through his son.
Romans 5:17; 1 Corinthians 15:22-24; revelation 5; Jesus own words and if I be lifted up to the cross I will draw all men to myself. May God give you mercy Allen
One of the many issues with view 2 is that even the dead get a physical resurrection. They also get a body, but it’s a body prepared for punishment not a glorified body.
The wicked will not get another body in the second resurrection, it will be the same corrupted body they went down to the grave with. Only the righteous dead will receive a new body which is prepared incorruptible
That doesn’t make any sense and it accuses God of being a cruel blood-thirsty tyrant. The scriptures do not convey those that God viewed as bad unrepentant sinners during their life will get resurrected to be punished for their poor behavior prior to death. Death is the penalty for sins as it was when God first introduced the penalty of disobedience to the first man, Adam. *_ROMANS 6:23_* The dead have already paid the wage of sin which is DEATH. Paul talks about the HOPE that he and others entertained regarding BOTH good and wicked people. How his HOPE of BOTH groups being resurrected was shared by others. *_ACTS 24:15_* - having a hope in God, which these men themselves accept, that there will be a resurrection of both the just and the unjust. None of them HOPED that the wicked people are resurrected to be punished AGAIN for the mistakes or sins they committed prior to their FIRST DEATH. *_HEBREWS 9:27_* - all men die ONCE *_REVELATION 20:14_* - but certain people will be subjected to the SECOND death. Obviously, those who were not a part of the FIRST RESURRECTION could be subject to the second death since only that GROUP will completely avoid it.
The Bible explicitly teaches in Rev. 20:12-15 that the condemned will be resurrected with a physical body to be permanently destroyed in Gehenna fire. Why do you think Matt. 10:28 shows Christ saying "fear Him who is able to destroy both soul _and body_ "? All of traditional Christianity's problems stem from its adherents focusing on the person of Christ instead of what He preached.
Thanks Allan for the video. It is important to remain within God's plan/will. God is not responsible for others' plans. By the way, Christians should not ignore our covenant with God which is stipulated in the Lord's prayer. This should be our daily prayer and be committed to it.
That doesn’t have anything to do with the topic. God chooses the punishment and if he chooses to submerge people, essentially and hot, molten lava for all of eternity he’s evil. That’s my problem with Christians. You guys will essentially say if God does it then it’s good and fair. No. Because now you guys defend God, doing evil things, when he doesn’t, you just believe he does, and therefore you consider them not evil. I’m also a Christian and no offense but I think it’s really stupid when people try and justify evil deeds they believe God does, and just says they aren’t evil essentially because it’s God. I think there’s pretty much no way to interpret. Humans are tormented in hell. What’s funny is if you realize the Bible said your souls destroyed in hell if you weren’t saved, we’d all recognize how evil it would be for God to even allow people to be tormented day and night, forever and ever… just like the Bible doesn’t say we should molest children, and we would say that would be evil for God to command that. But if you found versus or 90% of Christians thought, the Bible said we should molest children you guys would be defending that. And that’s a problem. Because that actually gives atheist a reason for not believing in God, and not following Christians because we are just indoctrinated if that’s how we discussed things. Everyone saying well I don’t know all I know is I don’t wanna go to hell and God is good. But we should know because the Bibles overwhelmingly clear on this. There are just things that are settled in the Bible and I can’t fathom or people get your tormented forever. Other than the fact hell is eternal in the fires are eternal, and everyone assumes your soul is immortal, even though the Bible is very very very clear it’s not. This is one of the most clear issues.
How to get back I got tricked back to destruction when I was born again and I was well made. I didn't even think and got tricked I want back I thought I wanted this foolish world. This was bad. Very. I mean I don't live. This was bad to come back here
The wicked willl burn for a time including Satan and his angels and they will be ashes under the soles of our feet. Jesus said this For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
I definitely believe the traditional view that number 1 view that you talked about. Jesus is my Lord king God and savior I love you Jesus and repent of my Sins Amen. Hell is a real scary and physical place whether ya'll like it or not it's the truth accept it before it's too late.
I'm a strong believer, I used to be an atheist. It's because I used to be an unbeliever that my faith is so strong now. It's sort of the idea that you don't truly know what the light is until you've experience complete darkness. With that being said, I lean more towards the metaphorical view. The bible is filled with metaphors and parables, so I can totally see that as a way to describe separation from God. Being separated is just like being tortured. Being a strong believer now, being separated from God is the scariest thing I could even imagine. Being separated by the one and only that created you is pretty scary man. One of my examples is fasting. The bible mentions fasting a lot. Now most people automatically assume its about food, but I believe that fasting is starving yourself of the things of the world that separate you from the lord. The truth is that all we have is the word and what the lord can give you from it. One thing is for sure, nobody wants to be in hell no matter what it really is. I think that's the point that God is trying to make because our human minds will never really find out. I believe its best not to question God, but to take what he gives you through his word and he'll give you confirmation that you're on the right path. But yeah, metaphorical view for me and I'm still going through this believers journey so this can always change.
I agree with you. Being away from God is the scariest and emptiest thing you can feel. As a believer I strayed away and decided to do what my will wanted. I felt the emptiness inside. He wouldn’t respond to me because of my life of sin. Thank God for his mercy and he made me know that he truly has always been there for me and not he makes his presence known. I read a book lee Strobel where he says that the metaphor of fire is all about Gods judgment. That hellnis an actual place where there is darkness and that the fact that Gods presence isn’t there is the eternal torment. You will grind and nash your teeth because of this. That what I believe now. But will continue looking into it
That’s the first verse in the Bible, and the first law of thermodynamics … The second law of thermodynamics, Comes from the same verse that We also see that death is a continuous state genesis 2:17 (The Bible keeps it real about science) “The day you eat of the fruit you will die” Adam and Eve ate the fruit and they did not die in a finality state. They started dying both physically and spiritually, when the verbiage says they will die that day; so that means death is a continuous state. !
I believe what the Word of God says. There's a literal hell. Anyone who rejects Jesus as the Son of God has made their choice. God has given us a choice and has provided many opportunities for us to come to the knowledge of His one and only Son Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. God's grace and mercy are available to all. Thank you, brother Allen, for teaching with clarity and truth.
Even souls that believe that they have chosen Jesus will not make it. The Bible says to make every effort to enter the narrow gate for many will try to enter but will not be able to.
@@Selahbrooke3 you know there’s a false doctrine of people who thinks they are saved just because they believe in what Jesus did for us BUT they said we don’t have to repent to get to heaven because Jesus already paid for all of our sins on the cross… what a LIE! we DO have to repent and live in the Spirit and NOT do what our flesh wants… Once we come to Christ our lives changes and we have to be born again and start living for the LORD and leave stuff that are worldly… I feel bad for those people because they are on their way to hell… even if they believe in Jesus 😢
Do you know that a vast majority, roughly 90% of people worldwide, haven't had a chance to encounter the Gospel? Does it strike you as logical that God would condemn them to hell just because they're not Christians?
@@SoldierofJesus_John316 I know that God is just, but the common belief in a God whose love is very conditional based on belief in His son doesn't seem fair to me. I was born into a Muslim family and converted to Christianity, so I'm well aware of the situation in Islamic culture. Christianity is distorted in those countries, and technically, the majority of them have no chance to know the real Jesus. Also, they are constantly being misled about their own religion, and Islamic priests portray their religion as beautiful in their eyes. My question is, why does God require you to believe in His son to save you? Does that sound fair to you? It only makes sense to me if He doesn't judge you solely based on your belief but also on your actions, and He will save you if you sincerely call upon Him either in this life or the afterlife. Additionally, the concept of perpetual hell doesn't make sense by any means. It's simple: if we believe God is good, it means that whatever He does is out of love and His goodness, and it should benefit us. How does endless punishment benefit the person being punished?
So I think this is always an interesting discussion I do like hearing people’s viewpoints on this and the scriptures to back it up. I guess I fall under view #3, but also believe 1, 2, 4 would be options and we probably will never truly know until all is revealed, but the main reason I lean towards #3 is this verse in Revelation “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.” It seems like this is saying Hell will be destroyed which means damnation is not eternal, either way it doesn’t sound like fun. I appreciate these videos
HELL is a word coined by the KJV for the GRAVE. (Revelation 20:14) And death and the Grave (Hell - KJV, Gr - Hades) were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire. This clearly tells us that when death is taken away from humans, the need for a grave will also end. The Lake of Fire MEANS total destruction. Of course the Grave cannot be destroyed literally. It ceases to take in bodies of humans. The term 'Everlasting Life' will come to mind. (Revelation 21:4) And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and DEATH WILL BE NO MORE, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” No torturing of anyone anywhere by God. It is either Everlasting Life or Everlasting Death. See John 3:16.
@@dannyboi472 14 verses say hell is eternal, at least, & there’s probably more including some old testament verses! These 14 verses; have to harmonize with the rest of the Bible to have accurate exegesis ! If Jesus and the Holy Spirit say hell is eternal, then don’t go against what they say ! Study this young man, because you don’t wanna get caught uttering idle words, because they will be judged Matthew 12:36 !
@@dannyboi472, you need to read the KJV Bible, because Jesus Christ says it’s eternal torment, and He does not Iie. You have been deceived, because OT and NT scriptures portray the pit of fire as being ETERNAL.
I was raised Catholic so the purgatorial view is the one that resonates strongest with me... but since moving away from the Catholic Church, I have to say I've not thought about Hell much, focusing on "the big prize" as it were, rather than the "wooden spoon"... this has been an enlightening experience, many thanks pastor.❤
Dear brother or sister It’s not about what resonates with us, it’s about what God says in His word. There are many things that don’t resonate with me from the Bible but it is still the truth. Let’s not follow our hearts because the Bible says the heart is deceitful. Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Don’t follow your own understanding either Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. The Catholic Church is not the church of Jesus, read the book of Acts and see how the real church was and is still today. The Christian church is the real church. Find the truth before you pass from this earth so you can walk in the purpose that God has for you.
hi BEAT thanks for clearing that part of information on HELL , surprised to see that alot are afraid to talk and clarify the topic but glad you clear up some misunderstanding for me I strongly believe that view 1 the traditional one is the right God had emphasize on since its has more evidence to back it.
There’s not even evidence. 15:15 he reads all the verses, saying your soul is destroyed and doesn’t offer any rebuttal to it other than questions, rather, we are using logic, and reason to come to this conclusion. Don’t just claim the Bible Backs traditional view. The Bible never says your soul is immortal without eternal life from belief in Jesus, it never says your tormented inhale other than one passage in revelation, and it specifies you have to worship the beast and take the mark of the beast in the Bible says like five or six very clear specific times that aren’t just parables that your soul is destroyed or it’s the second death or you are consumed like straw in a fire. You can believe whatever thing you want to believe, it’s stupid to believe that, but it’s a free country. But don’t make the claim it’s backed up biblically. It’s not. Which is why he didn’t even offer a rebuttal to your soul being destroyed and which is also why you didn’t offer a rebottle to that or give any information to back up the Bible support a traditional view.
Thank you Allen for helping us understand the various beliefs about hell and in sharing the Scriptures pertaining to hell. I’m with you as usual in believing what is plainly stated in the Word of God. I believe in all of the aspects & characteristics of God. He is not only good, compassionate loving and full of mercy and grace-He is also just, righteousness and more importantly Holy. I believe the penalties He assigns will be in accordance with perfect justice. Vengeance belongs to God. The God of the Old Testament did not shy away from wiping people out who were sinning against Him. He describes such people as His enemies and He will do away with them for all eternity. God is not a man so men need to take Him at His word & stop trying to re-invent Him in a human understanding. Fear the Lord!
It really doesn’t meter if hell is a physical place or not, the people that have regretted the Lord almighty will still either way, suffer physical or metal pain. OR BOTH.
Excellent breakdown! always clear and perfectly presented.there should be no questions about hell after watching this video! Well done brother.🙏✝️❤️Traditional view all the way!
That’s insane. Why do you believe that? He didn’t give a second verse that says your tormented forever for not being saved. Not even the one in revelation.
I've been a Christian for years and have decided I'm sticking with Jesus. Still, I'm very confused by other Christians who are comfortable with the thought of hell. I work around families and children every day and am always concerned about them knowing many of them live in unbelief. God says to love your enemies. It seems that the idea of Him allowing things like endless torture to exist are beyond my understanding. Sometimes I find myself fighting a sense of hopelessness. We can only hope to be expected through Jesus as there is a writing in the word about some people pleading with Him and still being rejected and accused of not knowing Him. Still, it says if we call on His name, we will be saved. Every day I hope He excepts my family and I cry bitterly about the souls who are suffering agony in hell being abused forever. I love God for all the wonderful things He has made yet still I'm heartbroken by Him creating Hell. Like marrying the love of my life and then finding out he's Dexter😢 please tell me how to have peace about this horrible truth. How can God be happy while so many of His children are lost to be beaten and mutilated endlessly in terror? I'm soooo fighting the spirit of confusion over this and I won't stop until I get an actual answer that resonates with how great the love of God is.
A just God cannot allow sin that wounds his children to go unpunished. Nor can He allow it into His eternal kingdom. We wouldn’t think it right, in fact, if He didn’t have some way of dealing with rapists and murderers, thieves and manipulators. Hell is a natural response to evil, which is much more evil than I think our hearts and minds can really imagine. Evil deserves a punishment, because it so wholly spits on the face of the good and loving God we have, and all that He intended for us and for Him. But- instead of allowing us to go to hell, which is what we all deserve, He stepped into flesh to die in our place. We were already headed to hell, because justice requires it- but He paid our debt. If we do not agree to accept this, then truly- we have said to God that we want to be judged based on our own merit/that we do not want to cloth ourselves with Christ and accept His offer. And so- the righteous judge- our King accepts this. And judges us as we ask. Really- it assures me all the more that He hears my cries and the pain and injustice we face in this life. It is no small matter to Him, for He loves us deeply.
In the end times, some people who insult Jesus and aren't saved are often those who called themselves Christians but didn't truly believe in God. This includes even some clergy like priests and pastors who did terrible things and acted hypocritically. When they face Jesus on judgment day, they try to trick Him by saying they served Him, but it's clear they only believed in Him when it was too late. So, Jesus doesn't save them. The idea of never-ending punishment is debated, and some folks believe in Christian universalism, which says everyone will eventually be okay with God. I hope this helps you understand the Gospel better.
I'd like to continue off your last point of resonating with how great the love of God is...our puny little minds (compared to His mind) can't even come close to these "eternal matters". Please see Deut. 29:29...the secret things such as eternity and hell, etc...belong to Him alone, NOT TO US! Hell and eternity are way beyond our pay grade just accept that and just trust that our loving God will always do what's best for every person in every situation at all times...I think hell may be in the bible to show how great sin and evil really are, but to know the intricacies of it are way beyond us! Please don't let the wheels of your mind drive you crazy like the Eagles song goes, but take it easy dear soul. Matt.11:25 says that our Father hides things from the wise and prudent who think they know the answers to these deep things, WHEN NONE OF US CAN KNOW THEM- our minds are to small...the verse goes on to say but He reveals them to babes, and what do babes do best but to trust and rest in their father's/mother's arms. Please try not to overthink these weighty matters which only GOD can handle! Please meditate on Ps. 131 as well and put everything in His hands...I also pray God will deliver your mind from any strongholds and bring you into the freedom He longs for you to have whereby we cry "Abba Father" Gal. 4:6,7....Bless you richly in His great love❤❤❤
@@M_Soaring Could you think about the idea that eternal hell might be a misunderstanding, like many other misunderstandings the church has corrected over the centuries. Should we stick to the tradition of portraying God as vengeful and condemning most humans to eternal damnation?
Dear Mr. Parr- please pray for me. I watched your video just now and it scares me half to death to even be separated from God. I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ last August and I fear God so greatly that sometimes I have high anxiety about it. I love the Lord very much and want to be with him and I want to do whatever it takes to spend eternity with him. I don't want to end up in HELL or be separated from GOD. Thanks and God Bless.
Great video. For those that keep trying to explain their way out of this by saying God wouldn't do that(like He didn't flood the earth), use that time and energy to spread the Word of God to those you love. Warning IS grace! That's why it makes sense that Jesus be the one that talked about hell more than literally ANYONE in The Bible!
The wicked willl burn for a time including Satan and his angels and they will be ashes under the soles of our feet. Jesus said this For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
@@michaelbrutsche75I GREIVED the HOLY GHOST and Backslid not thinking and was in church. I wanted everything back this was FOOLISH AND yet no one to help.... Sit and sit.
Do what you need to avoid hell. Surrender to GOD via his living word Jesus. You get to have his Holy Spirit live inside you & protect & guide & teach you to love. Best part your soul gets saved & you don't need to worry about hell
I can't like your comment because I done know what universalism means, but I feel you in that last part of your comment.. I am a bible believer whose majority of loved ones who have passed were not saved. Including my parents. It is excruciatingly painful to think of them down there
@@ChiefCedricJohnson yes I was in Christ and now feel SPIRITUALLY cut this was not wise as I was in hIm. I want God back. Even to be cleaned and healed. I got tricked MY Nana passed in Christ. I got into TV LIES. Need to get back. I hate I went back. Not listening
2 CORINTHIANS 5:19 "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
Giving your life over to Christ means speaking the truth about God, not making Him out to be the most heinous monster in the universe. This false belief in eternal torture makes God out to be worse than Satan and actually makes his accusations against God true. This is one of the worst heresies and has turned more people against God than most others.
@@BruceFillman-ek7sj The Lord Jesus spoke more about hell than He did about Heaven. Just look up all the scriptures where He mentioned hell to see what He said about it.
I have read. I see Jesus pleading with love. Never did He teach anything about everlasting torture. The rich man and lazarus was simply a parable that was relatable because of false doctrines that were being spread around at the time. That's exactly what time period research shows. So much heresy is found in ,"traditional" Christianity because their doctrines are just that, traditions of men, not Scripture.
@BruceFillman-ek7sj I agree with you, Bruce Jesus never said anything about torturing anyone for eternity in the lake of fire This is what I believe scripture is saying If we want Jesus to pay for our since then, we surrender to him And our sins are paid in full But if we don't surrender cto Jesus, then we will pay for our own sins in the lake of fire And what amount our sins add up to will be our own punishment until the price is paid and then an eternity grave or death takes place where we are no longer alive This is what Jesus calls the 2nd death he took in our place if we don't surrender to him
@@jeanettehall4015 Christ preached about the permanent destruction of unrepentant sinners. He didn't say anything about ppl being eternally tortured. There is a difference, and you're not grasping it. The "hell" Christ spoke of is Gehenna fire. That's why He plainly stated in Matt. 10:28 that the condemned will be completely destroyed by God, not tortured.
I believe in the traditional view backed by Scripture. While it is scary we must understand God's ways are higher than our ways. All praise Lord Jesus 🙏
I believe in different realms with different levels of torment. I sometimes lean towards total destruction of the soul “fear the one that can kill the body & soul”
@@ValRoyD Very much so.. If someone was to look at the historicity of hell they would find out how big a role Greek mythology plays in the bible. One would also see a lil Zoroastrianism as well. When you know history there is no longer a need to believe in mythology because mythology begets mythology
I sometimes struggle with forgiving myself. I strayed away from God for years and recently started reading my Bible and attending church but most importantly trying to live a Christian life. I worry for some of my atheists and Muslim family and friends. Some of them are the most kindest, loving, and compassionate people that I know.
Jesus offers forgiveness... don't let self condemning thoughts override.....plus...forgiving ones self...isn't Biblical. If we only needed to forgive ourselves...most of us would write ourselves into the Kingdom...
Many atheists that have a correct view of the character of God and seek to emulate it will go to heaven while the so-called Christians who make God out to be a monster by maligning His character will be gracefully annihilated!
@@michaelbrutsche75 that doesn't make sense....someone with no belief or relationship with God (Who paid for our sins on the cross) And Jesus claimed that no one could enter into the Kingdom except of they were born again... This idea you have claims that mankind can save themselves by works and that Jesus didn't have to sacrifice His blood on the cross for anyone...
Atheists may say they don’t believe in God, but what many of them are saying is that they don’t believe in God as represented by mainstream “Christianity” , (a tyrannical blood thirsty monster). Apostle Paul speaks of such in Romans 2, the Gentiles (atheists) who had not the law (had not the gospel) but showed the work of the law/gospel upon their hearts were to be justified instead of the Jews who had the law/gospel. There will be many that go to Heaven because of the sacrifice of Jesus that didn’t know the man Jesus Christ.
@@mrupholsteryman Exactly, we must be "born again" or "born from above", or "born of God". And we are "born again" BY THE WORD which is the "seed" of God, (Luke 8:11) & (1st Peter 1:23). This is why Jesus said that we must "believe" The Word in order to be SAVED...."Those by the wayside are the ones who hear the Word of the Kingdom; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should BELIEVE AND BE SAVED." (Luke 8:12)
Brother Allen, Thank you for sharing this very important message to all listening or reading it. The very thought of being separated from God forever is frightening by itself. To be in pain and sorrow and suffering forever, heart breaking.😢 God Bless you for your time and encouragement 🙏
But there is not a single verse in the Bible that ever says you’re tormented in hell or that your soul is eternal or immortal, without Jesus, giving you eternal life for being saved, and then pretty much every verse says your soul is destroyed and hell. So can you explain why you think you are tormented forever? If the Bible never says that because it doesn’t. But again the Bible says it’s the second death or you parish in hell or your soul is destroyed or you are consumed like straw in a fire. It only says in revelation, and it’s not even talking about hell because it’s in God’s presence and the Angels presents, and it’s only for people who worship the beast and took the mark of the beast specifically.
@@jessejive117these guys who hold view have to make their preconceived notion fit into scripture. The doctrine comes from Catholicism. And Dante's inferno
The Annihilationist View is the one that makes the most usage of the Scriptures. I've heard "Traditionalists" say that "the Old Testament doesn't mention hell" - which, if it were true, would be a very strange thing, wouldn't it? As if the first 3 quarters of your Bible were completely silent on the fate of the wicked? But it's not silent about the fate of the wicked - it just doesn't say anything about eternal conscious torment. It DOES say that the wicked will be destroyed, burned up, blown away like chaff, dissolved like a snail, made to be as nothing, crushed, killed, trampled underfoot, etc - AND that you will be unable to find them. That they will be no more. And it says that over and over again, in every genre, from every angle. Psalm 37 is a great example. Besides - views that are widely held aren't always true. The majority of people claiming the name of Christ down through history have been Catholics. Should we therefore say that Catholicism is the correct view? How about paedobaptism? There's no Scriptural support for the baptizing of infants - but it's by FAR the more dominant view, over against the anabaptists and other positions. Even among the Protestants, the majority of historical denominations have held that the church should be ruled by Bishops. Do we therefore think the church is ruled by bishops? The historicity of a position doesn't make it true - the Scriptural veracity is what makes it true. And every verse I've ever seen used to support Eternal Conscious Torment either straightforwardly teaches Conditional Mortality when taken in context, or has an equally plausible interpretation of the Hebrew / Greek as-written which leaves open the possibility. This is not a "loophole", as you have claimed; it's exegesis. In fact, the Greek "eternal punishment" CAN'T mean "eternally punishing" like the ECT proponent claims. It is a "noun of action" in the Greek - just like "eternal redemption" (Hebrews 9:12) and "eternal salvation" (Hebrews 5:9). Are we eternally in the process of being redeemed and saved? Even eternal life - are we eternally in the process of receiving more and more life that never really becomes "eternal life"? Or are we given an eternal life in fullness that we then go on to live out the implications of forever? Nor do I grant the "evangelistic power" of the "Traditional View" - if warning about hell were supposed to be a tool in the toolbelt of the evangelist, why is there no mention of hell anywhere in the Book of Acts, when the apostles were spreading the message of Jesus in the early days of the church? The closest we get is Paul's warning about "judgment", but there's nothing in that language which loads it up with "eternal significance". In fact, the phrase "eternal fire" is used to describe the fate of Sodom & Gomorrah several times in the NT - which are, of course, not still burning. They were annihilated by fire from Heaven, which is an example of what will happen to the ungodly. (Jude 1:7, 2 Peter 2:4-6) By the way - we don't start with the premise that God alone is Immortal. The Bible starts with that premise. 1 Timothy 6:16, Genesis 3:22-23
This is my general stance on the annihilationism argument. I believe more evidence is in its favor. Both sides have their verses they argue, and both sides really do have good evidence that their view may be true. I feel as though annihilationism better fits with the verses, and better fits with what we know of God’s nature. That being said, if I am incorrect and I get to heaven and find out that Hell is indeed eternal conscious torment, who am I to say that’s wrong? God is just in all his ways. If he has decided something, he is correct and I was not. Doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion of what is true in the modern day What we should all be able to agree on: Hell is bad, whether you go there and stay forever or are eventually annihilated, it’s NOT a place you want to be
@@kalebc2134 Yes, 100% agreement. The basis of our belief shouldn't just be our own personal moral evaluations of what we prefer. If the Bible teaches it, I believe I'm bound by it. The Bible, taken in context, with sound hermeneutics, is the authoritative final word.
@@kalebc2134Now that I think about it, I suppose I would nuance this a little bit by saying that, while I don't think the moral question is INsignificant - just that the Scripture is the final word. If Scripture teaches ECT, there has to be some way for us to understand and frame it that wouldn't be morally reprehensible. So the moral intuition isn't the BASIS for my belief in Conditional Immortality, but a supplemental bolstering, an addition. And if all things were equal, I would put the "better seems to represent the moral character of Yahweh" on the Conditional Immortality side of the ledger. Nevertheless, if Scripture explicitly taught ECT, and I wanted to affirm Scripture, then golly I'd better affirm ECT. Happily I think the preponderance of the evidence is clear on the side of Annihilationism.
@the-meat-battles disagree. I think part of Hell is to see what heaven is. To suffer highly, then to know all the glory that heaven is and you chose suffering and eventual nonexistence is certainly what many would consider “torment”
I believe the traditional view. It’s sad but I was brought up catholic and therefore taught the purgatory view. So happy to now understand God’s word. Was also surprised that Graham believed differently and didn’t know there were so many views. Great teaching, thank you.
But purgatory is not hell. It is meant for people not completely free from sin, but who will go to heaven. By fefinition, there can be no sin in heaven, which makes purification necessary. The concept of purgatory as a place is a mistake made by a scribe when copying texts by hand, and was not originally intended to be understood as such. It is something that happens when a person dies. Not a place where dead wait. In eternity, you can' t speak of time in the same sense it is understood here on Earth.
The wicked willl burn for a time including Satan and his angels and they will be ashes under the soles of our feet. Jesus said this For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
I believed in the traditional view, until I was told as a child that I would burn forever in hell for not kissing the feet of a concrete graven statue. The Lord Jesus Christ NEVER IN the Bible instructs us to kiss a concrete, stone, whatever the case, statue. I believe The Lord Jesus Yesua Christ is who he said that he was. Because no ordinary Jasper can be killed by a bunch of revenuers, that bust out of his tomb three days, and three nights afterwards. Many, many times I have called out to him for mercy, when I face him at my judgment. I have been called an ignorant "redneck" but would rather be an ignorant redneck in Heaven, then a highly educated person in hell. 😢
Where I struggle with view #1 is, let's say a wicked man lived for 80 years and never repented of his sin. He then goes to hell not for 80, 160 or even 800 or 8000 years but for ever and ever and ever. The punishment doesn't fit the crime. Would a just God meet out such an unfair punishment?
To go anywhere, a person should be alive. The dead cease to exist. (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going. Correct! God will never punish anyone eternally; especially with some torture. Whether a person has committed crimes by the dozen or not, his death wipes all sins away. Romans 6:7,23.
God is not unfair he created us and it doesn't matter the time it matters on what we done on earth and I'd we die in our sins we will be separated from God forever sin can not be in heaven
People often spend decades in prison for crimes that took mere minutes to commit. The reason hell is eternal is because 1. God created us in his image, so like him, we too are eternal beings and 2. when people reject Jesus’s offer of salvation they are making the choice to pay for their own sins, which of course as sinners they cannot because only Jesus was able to pay the price for our sins as he was sinless, so hell ends up being eternal.
Hell is no eternal but has eternal consequenses for sodom and gomera were burned by hell fire but they are not still burning hell fire burns something completly there is noreversal so if one is burned they wil be destroyed to never exist no ashes no smoke will remain it destroys Spirits wich are Demons wichw ill destroy them
@@jeffrachelburkhalter3783what a stupid comment. This isn’t a salvation issue. And he has logic matters when it comes to interpreting the Bible. I’m not saying you shouldn’t prayed and asked for wisdom and understanding but the Bible is logical and when you guys basically say the Bible say logical, you sound stupid. Because that’s literally the definition of stupid. Not only that is illogical, and against God’s word to believe you burn for all of eternity in hell in conscious suffering. The Bible is clear on this. Your soul is destroyed. There are schools of thought they differ, one school of thought is correct and the others are wrong, because the Bible isn’t abstract poetry. And when we tell people completely irrational things about God, who are biased and being tribal, and just raised to believe ridiculous police, without questioning them, which is being indoctrinated, they don’t buy the burning in hell for all of eternity for not believing in God’s existence, and then that Jesus is who he says he is. But the Bible literally says your souls destroyed, and it never says your tormented.
So does the Bible mention anything about universalism? If so that would be great! I’ve always heard that hell is eternal. I just can’t imagine a loving God burning people forever! All have sinned, some worse than others but I really don’t think anyone deserves that kind of torture forever 😢😢
Yes it is forever. It’s 14 times at least in the Bible.! Think about every movie ever made, has a happy ending or an escape; the exact opposite of what hell is going to be! this is to desensitize people that they may escape hell when they won’t, and it is forever, they cannot commit suicide ! Sin against eternal God, you get eternal punishment ! Genesis 2:17 death is a continuous state, that verse proves it !
The "forever part" is actually only mentioned once in the whole bible. In Revelation. The aeon-thing he talked about in the video. But revelation is a very very symbolic book. It is also written that death and hades are thrown into the same place which can hardly be literally true, bc death and hades are not persons nor things that you can throw into a fire. All other places in scripture seem more on the side of annihilism if you read careful. Even Jesus himself said, we should fear the one who could destroy body and soul in Gehenna. (The word Hell does not occur in the original scripture). Some are even on the side of the universalsts. F.e. when god says, he wants everybody to repent and be saved and does not enjoy peoples downfall. Would god not get what he wants?
@@saferides2474 it’s not talking about the final heaven look at the original languages , but The second heaven, or outer space! It says the stars, and the sun will disappear before the nation of Israel will disappear! Jeremiah 31:36 “The descendants of Israel will never stop being a nation. That would happen only if I lost control of the sun, moon, stars, and sea.” The LORD says, “I will never reject the descendants of Israel.”
Great Job Brother Allen. I also am the First view. The thing is, i believe that many people should be concerned with the Lake of Fire. In Revelations: John says Hell will be tossed in the lake of Fire. Also another reason for the Traditional view, will be the real story Jesus told of The rich man and Lazarus. The rich man said he was suffering because of the heat. The first view just has too much evidence. Thanks Brother Allen for the Video.
I can't believe anyone would believe that God is going to let everyone come to heaven when he sent his own son to help. I don't think he's going to say oops just joking that anytime.
one question: if jesus suffered so that we dont have to, why isnt he burning forever? why did he only temporaraly suffer for billions of people who would have to suffer for all eternity? was his pain infinite? something isnt clicking here.
#1 Rev. Ch.20-14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire This is the second death You dont be tormented in hell of ever You are tormented in the lake of fire for ever
It's like this- hell was never meant for us, if you don't want God, and you reject him, all you do is receive the absence of him. Which is that place- you get what you asked for all good things come from God
Thank you for the fair assessment. I feel like the only thing you missed about the conditional immortality view is that it explains the "second death" and the destruction of hell in the lake of fire at the end of the age really well.
Few people examine the two resurrections (John 5:29,29). The redeemed are raised at the Second Coming ( 1 Thess. 4:16) with the wicked dead not being raised until after the Millennium (Rev. 20:5). Then there is the second death which only the wicked are subject to (Rev. 20:6).
@@LairdKenneth I think the 2 resurrections (first: resurrection of life, second: resurrection of damnation) would occur at the same time during the second coming of Christ. Those who have part in the first (resurrection of life) will receive an incorruptible body and reign with Christ for 1000 years without dying after resurrecting; those who have part in the second (resurrection of damnation) will not receive an incorruptible body so that even though they will be resurrected along with the saved, they will still die of old age (more or less 100 years old just like us now) as they will not be able to partake of the fruit of life. After they die, they will not live again until the end of the millennium of Christ's reign. At the end of this millennium, with the release of Satan they will be resurrected and will 'attack the camp of the saints and the beloved city'. But they will not succeed and will eventually be consumed by fire (second death, the first death being natural death). Since 'all eyes will see Him' on His return, it means that everybody will be resurrected simultaneously, including 'even those who pierced Him'. There is a misconception that only the good would be resurrected on His coming but how could 'all eyes see Him' if such would be the case?
@@chesfern quote--- I think the 2 resurrections (first: resurrection of life, second: resurrection of damnation) would occur at the same time during the second coming of Christ. Those who have part in the first (resurrection of life) will receive an incorruptible body and reign with Christ for 1000 years without dying after resurrecting; those who have part in the second (resurrection of damnation) will not receive an incorruptible body so that even though they will be resurrected along with the saved, they will still die of old age (more or less 100 years old just like us now) as they will not be able to partake of the fruit of life. After they die, they will not live again until the end of the millennium of Christ's reign. At the end of this millennium, with the release of Satan they will be resurrected and will 'attack the camp of the saints and the beloved city'. But they will not succeed and will eventually be consumed by fire (second death, the first death being natural death). Since 'all eyes will see Him' on His return, it means that everybody will be resurrected simultaneously, including 'even those who pierced Him'. There is a misconception that only the good would be resurrected on His coming but how could 'all eyes see Him' if such would be the case? unquote I STRONGLY Suggest you do a LOT of research.Your beliefs are totally off the map!!
It is real because I knew I was going. My soul left my body temporarily, and I was trying to get back in my body and God let me I was so fragile. Mentally I would’ve never been able to Cope. People want to make every excuse they don’t wanna believe it’s real. I guess it’s too terrifying, but it’s a fact.
These people had experiences too. They say it's not a "fact". Notice... NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE." Another Christian...and notice, again.... NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian." Again, no "hell" and no judgement.... NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY." Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated.... NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are." Again, no "hell" and no reward.... NDE - STEVE L.: "I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one." Notice again, he clearly understood.... NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
Hell is real its eternal and people can't comprehend it being eternal just bcus we dont agree doesn't mean it's not true hell is forever people need to read the Bible as it says and accept it
@@Yahshuaismyeverything No it's not real. These NDE people were told its not. Here: NDE - A. JOHNSON: "THERE'S NO HELL, THERE'S NO PUNISHMENT. When you realize there's nothing to forgive, then there's nothing to punish either. I can tell you one thing for sure, THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT. THERE WAS NOTHING I HAD EVER DONE THAT WASN'T COMPLETELY FORGIVEN, AND 'FORGIVEN' IN THAT CONTEXT MEANT IT WAS GONE. It did not exist. GOD WASN'T HOLDING ME ACCOUNTABLE FOR THAT, God was loving me right through it, and IT WAS TOTAL AND COMPLETE FORGIVENESS. We dont have to prove ourselves to be loved by God. What I learned on the other side is that THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT ON US, NONE, ZIP, NADA. IN THE OTHER REALM, THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING TO JUDGE. We're all pure unconditional love." He received deep knowledge, notice what it was.... NDE - JAMES T.: "The truth is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HELL, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SIN, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EVIL, except for the 'hell' we create ourselves in our fearful, ignorant minds. Don't be offended by the word, ignorant. Look it up! It simply means lacking an understanding. I was on the ceiling looking back at my body. I didn't spend much time even contemplating this because I was no longer in that body, that wasn't me, I was up here on the ceiling, so it was easy to leave that shell behind." What punishment? What hell?.... NDE - WILLIAM T.: "THERE IS NO HELL. THERE IS NO PUNISHMENT FOR WRONG BEHAVIORS, NOR REWARDS FOR RIGHT BEHAVIORS. THERE IS NO JUDICIAL PROCESS. The one-ness I perceived was what is referred to as God. THE PURPOSE OF OUR PHYSICAL EXISTENCE IN LIFE IS TO PROVIDE EVERY POSSIBLE VARIATION OF ACTION, so a knowledge base can exist. This is why people anguish over 'why would God let that happen?' ALL EXPERIENCE, GOOD, BAD, AND MIXED, IS PART OF OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. No matter how horrible the action and how horrible the experience, ALL EXPERIENCES MUST EXIST TO MAKE UP OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. There isn't a single negative emotion on the other side. There's no need for them." Notice, what she knows.... NDE - JUDY G.: "I know God is real, an afterlife exists, and WE ARE SO LOVED. GOD IS MERCY AND LOVE. THERE IS NO HELL. I was asked, 'Do you want to continue this life, or die?' I thought, 'What's death?' The Light began to show me. I knew without a doubt that death was not an ending, but a wonderful opening to my real life. I would be more knowledgeable and live in unconditional completeness and love. I remember feeling almost unworthy of such an indescribable, unconditional love. I was in awe of how much love was enveloping me. Church is not necessary, although it awakens spirit in some people. Fear is illusionary. Only love is real." An out of control biker and drug addict, found out there's no "hell".... NDE - BILL W.: "IT NEEDS TO BE KNOWN TO ALL that ON THE OTHER SIDE THERE IS NO HELL, OR 'BAD' PLACE. If there were, I definitely would have gone there. I was just an out of control, bike riding, drug using hippie from the 1960s. So, there I was, in this 'space' of light, with these three 'beings' appearing in front of me. We had a conversation and later, I was given a choice to stay or to go back. There is no pain, no loss, NO PHYSICAL SENSES AT ALL. Only peace, calm, connectedness - a true feeling of joy, of 'home'."
A lot is riding on this: In the dozen or so verses where Hell or destruction is said to be "eternal," "everlasting" or "forever," it's based on the Greek word _aionios._ If you google _aionios,_ you'll find many opinions about its meaning. There's good reason to believe it should be translated "of an age." The adjective _aionios_ is derived from the noun _aion,_ which means "eon" or "age." Eons and ages are long but *finite* periods of time. The two most literal Bible translations I'm aware of, Young's and Rotherham's, translate _aionios_ as "age-during," and "age-abiding," respectively. Blessings!
@@brendencarlson5220 The absence of a user name normally denotes that a post is in response to the original comment. In this case, RedlovesThunder's. I was saying that his comment is completely un-Biblical.
Because that's not actually what jesus is going to do that's why you find it so absurd let me tell you what is actually gonna happen danm imagine this imagine if I was to give you a Gift and you say to me no thanks I decline your gift and Because you declined my gift I torture you wow what a terrible god we Christians serve right? That would all be true if that was actually what jesus teached in the Bible about hell pls what you Christians have been teaching is just simply not true God is not punishing you in Burning Flames for All Eternity there is not one bible verse not even one that indicates that let me tell you what God will actually do and im gonna prove it with bible scriptures see what is gonna happen is that those who followed jesus will simply live forever and those who died in their sin are simply going to die and the Punishment when they get thrown into the Lake of fire is Eternal Death that's why it says that's the second Death in Revelation 21:8 it does not says eternal torment also think about this if the Eternal life is a Gift of God then Eternal torture does not even make sense because in order for you to burn forever you have to be imortal which only the redeemed people in Christ will be Romans 6:23 for the Wages of sin is DEATH notice how God never say is eternal torture yet for some reason that is what Christians say God is gonna do let me end the verse For the wages of sin is death but the Free Gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord so now think about this if Sinners were to live forever even if its in Torment what exactly is the Gift of God? It Dosen't say its heaven it clearly says eternal Life you cannot be eternal without God so some Christians saying that Sinners are gonna burn forever is just not true cause that would mean that sinners also have eternal life also let me give you the ultimate prove to Show you that people simply just lie and God dosen't let sinners burn forever Jesus Died for our sins notice how he never got tortured for our sins for All eternity but he died and do you know why Because God dosen't get any pleasure out of us suffering for All Eternity that will never satisfy his Wrath and anger towards sin that's why sinners will have to die in order for Gods anger towards sin to end Because if sinners Were to sin for All eternity in Hell against God ,God would be angry for All eternity also Revelation 21 1:4 says All the Former things will pass there will be no more pain now think about this firstly the verse wouldn't even make sense if sinners Were to still burn and continue sinning in Hell then the Statement that all former things will pass would be false secondly if God says there will be no more pain do you think there is going to be a Torture Chamber for sinners?? Is simply not true what will happen is you will be thrown in to the lake of fire yes but its not forever what will be forever is the Punishment you will die forever you are not more going to be existent and is only fair Because God gave you this life we was not existing in the beginning or even 100 years ago god offered us a Gift that we can either accept or reject and the result of not accepting god is that life is taken back Because ultimatly God gave it to you God dosen't have any reason to torture you forever for a life you did not wanted God is so mercyfull and loving and the Fact that Christians think that that's what God is going to do Roast sinners forever is just so funny to me and Ending this whit if we humans Were really imortal and our soul to what was the point of the Three of Life? And why did God prevent Adam and Eve to eat from the Three of life if they are imortal anyways also in Genesis 3:4 this is what the Devil Told Eve when he tempted her to eat from the forbidden Fruit You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.its seems like the biggest lie of the Devil was that we humans are Gods and are certainly imortal and that we can never die even if we get tortured for All eternity I mean we still don't die don't we it seems like Troughout the Bible it was only Life or Dead there is no such thing as eternal Torture is either life or Dead and the lie that many belive is that we are imortal that Is what the Devil wants us to think we are going to be gone forever Because even if you were to b•urn in hell forever God would still be there he's omnipresent
Jesus makes it very clear that Hell is very very very real! In fact Jesus spends much time in his life trying to make people understand just how Real Hell is. 🙏🙏💖🙏🙏🌹
If Jesus took the punishment for our sin and the punishment is eternal suffering in hell, why is he not still suffering that punishment? Because the wages of sin is *death*. He died, he ceased to exist. That is the punishment for sin. Not eternal torment. When he rose again it foreshadowed what will happen in the resurrection of the righteous when He comes again. If the righteous were in heaven now there wouldn't be a need to resurrect them either. They are sleeping in the grave as Jesus did when he took our punishment.
Thanks for the topic and information about any other view of hell, Yes. Exactly, we should really base on scriptures and that is the traditional view of hell. 🙏👍👌
#1 is correct. God is not doing any torturing any more than light is actively against darkness. They simply don't exist together. The worst thing about hell will be eternal separation from the God that you choose not to be with.
What do you mean? People live without God on the daily and they don't even care because they don't know him. They won't care about God not being there, they will only care about the pain they are in. Eternal life by Christ only, doesn't mean, Everyone in hell gets eternal life and gets to be tortured forever. I couldn't worship a God who tortures my lost loved ones for all eternity that isn't justice that is beyond insane.
Your comment makes the most sense out of any on this board. There's alot of people here that are just a little too enthusiastic about people burning alive forever. @@Blockah
View #1 is the only Biblical view of Hell. But Hell is not the final place of torment. Revelation 20 talks about the Lake of Fire which is the final eternal punishment.
Another informative video from a teacher who speaks the truth of the gospel... I think this topic needs more than 20 minutes to discuss. More verses from scripture. At least 1 hour should do it..
I know you said in your "opinion" but I would just say as a matter of fact it has by far the most scriptural support. here are a few of the clearest verses: Job 21:30; Matthew 7:13; Matthew 10:28; Philippians 3:18-19; Hebrews 10:27; Revelation 20:9; Malachi 4:1 & 3; Isaiah 47:14; 2 Peter 2:6 & 12-13; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 21:8; Psalms 37:9-20 & 38; Obadiah 1:15-18; Ezekiel 28:18-19; Hebrews 2:14; John 5:24; John 5:28-29; John 3:15-16; John 10:27-28; Matthew 7:13-14; 1 John 5:11-13; Romans 2:5-10; Romans 6:23; In light of these we see Matthew 25:46, their punishment: 2 Thessalonians 1:9 "destruction" never to be undone.
I held the traditional view for most of my life, but adopted the annihilationism view several years ago. While Allen explained the generality of it, I didn't like very much how it's like we just go by emotion and morality debate. For us, at least for me, it's not just that simple nor is it just putting my morality standards in here. What he quoted was only in New Testament, but we can see many forshadowing in the OT also. And whenever the fate of the wicked is mentioned, we talk about ashes, destruction and in the NT, eternal death, eternal destruction, "your name will not be remembered" and even "your house will be toilets". it's not just 3 or 4 verses, it's literally many years of studying the Scriptures and looking at the terminology.
I agree. I also held the traditional view for most of my life. It took being questioned by a non-believing family member to really get me to examine WHY I believed what I did, so I could better respond to his objections to belief in God. He, like so many non-believers said that he couldn't believe in a God that punished everyone for all eternity, so that people like Ghandi, who did not believe in Christ but led relatively moral lives, would receive the same punishment as Adolph Hitler, etc. It also did not align with the thought of a merciful God, allowing the torture of His children for all time. So, I had to actually research what the Bible taught...not just what I had learned from church, parents and peers. I learned of the 2nd death, which is never really covered in any church I have attended. I had to understand that the word "eternal" is often meant to confer permanence, not duration. The Bible speaks of eternal punishment...not eternal punishing. Finding passages that are often glossed over, or misread, helped as well. As Allen mentioned, for example, where it states that God can destroy both body and soul in Hell. And the most famous verse in Christianity confirms this view: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Everyone perishes. So, this verse refers to the death of the soul. The second death. This view isn't an emotional, or "feel good" view. It shows that God is merciful, but He is also Just. It erases perceived contradictions regarding verses that say that there will be no more suffering vs. the concept of eternal punishment, etc.
@@thunderpriest7418You put it right. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Actually we could go verse by verse and chapter by chapter through the whole bible that talks about hell and lack of fire and when given the proper context, we definitely can see how the annihilation theology makes total sense. I still believe in a certain and appropriate degree of punishment but if I have to sum it up, I go by Jesus's parable in Matthew 18:34: "And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt." So you get the punishment according to your deeds.
@@Deffine Prejudgment is a flaw of the bestial nature of humanity and it is hard for each of us to realize we are giving into that temptation much less fight it.
I gotta say I’ve been watching hell testimonies for about 2 years now, they’re are definitely some liars but when it comes down to it a lot of these testimonies match up to each other and 100% I believe it’s eternal don’t underastimate this guys wrath he’s shown me in my life how serious he is. Please spread the word
Hi friend The eternal fire is in the father himself If you were to face the father in person without the blood of Jesus christ The fire the father is would turn you to ashes This is why Jesus says no man sees the father and lives without going thru Jesus first Jesus told Lucifer the day is coming where Lucifer will be turned into ashes Malichi chapter 4 verse 1 to 3 shares with us that the day is coming where it will burn as an oven, and the wicked will be turned to ashes Revelation chapter 20 shares with us that the lost had no place in heaven or on the earth They are gone from the face of God for eternity they don't exist Now, do you really think God who is love would burn an individual for eternity? I have a feeling that many don't realize how long eternity is Could you imagine someone you loved in this life was found lost, and you knew they we in the hell fire fore eternity We would cry out to God to stop this suffering of the one we loved in that life Funny, strange It wouldn't be heaven if God was burning a brother or a sister or mom and dad or an offspring for eternity just for one Sin they refuse to ask for forgiveness for Especially if it was a small little lie Jeremaiah chapter 4 verse 22 is right on For God's people who are Catholic and prostestant, don't have no knowledge of their God They are sottish people We believe in lies about our God and his character
@tammi67able Friends The father hates sin So he has a law about himself The fire he is will burn up sin So if a person is connected to sin, then the fire that the father for scripture shares with us that god is a consuming eternal fire that surrounds him takes the life of the individual who is connected to sin and face the father without the presence of Jesus christ So anyone who goes into judgment on their own in the presence of God Will be turned into ashes There is no eternal life in the lake of fire God gave life God has the authority to take the gift of life from them who refuse to give up the sin we treasure
@tammi67able Think of God as an atomic bomb If an atomic bomb ignites, nobody is going to be able to quenish that fire And if you're a point zero when the bomb goes off You will be an incenterade. Nothing will be left of you, and no man will be able to save you See, if we love life, then Jesus is our only hope For his blood will keep the fire of God from consuming any of us If death is knocking at our door, a common person fights to stay alive Even a dog will fight to stay alive, The enemy that man faces is death Jesus is the only way we can beat death when facing his father in person,
Hey BEAT fam! What's upppppp? I hope you are doing great today. I really hope you enjoy this video and remember to let me know your PERSONAL view on hell below. Enjoy! P.S. Our new merchandise dropped recently so if you like the shirts I've been wearing in the recent videos, click the link in the description to see what we have "in store" (see what I did there) for you! Ha.
This is what a great portion of Christians believe: let's take a man who would live in Israel in apostles time, he would be a basic Jew who had let's say a similar belief system that Ben Shapiro has, who would hear the Gospel like Ben Shapiro did but just like Shapiro would not believe it.
This person would have a wife and children an would work hard to provide for his family but at 30 years old he would end up in an accident and die and naturally, because he did not believe the Gospel, he would end up in Hades.
In Hades, which is the kingdom of Satan, he would begin to receive an unfathomable torture by demons and this torture would be 24/7 nonstop all the way until the Judgment Day which would happen 3000 years later. Then, just like Revelation 20:13-14 says, he would be released from Hades, from that miserable constant torture to feel peace again but he would be released only to be judged by God now to be sent back into another torture but now into the lake of fire and for eternity.
People, with all seriousness, don't you see that something is horribly twisted in this way or reasoning? That a person who only lived for 30 years, never torturing anybody for one second, who would live working hard and provide for his family, would first die and end up to be tortured by demons for 3000 years nonstop and then finally released from that torture but only to receive a judgment of more torture and now for eternity? Don't you see that this is an utter debauchery of any type of justice, goodness and righteousness?
Just want someone else's take on this... Hell is real, God created the place, but the environment of Hell creates itself. Imagine an eternal earth if you removed the fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, showing patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Then to add to the ugly, just remove God from it.
Also, two other things... let us not overlook the heart of the person asking, "How can a loving God torture people in hell forever and still claim to be good?"
Also, so many people think Satan is in control of Hell when that could not be further from the truth.
But it is written in the Bible dozens of times from the OT to the NT that in the end God will release His flaming wrath upon the sinners.
Like this verse: "And they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?” Rev 6:16
Satan is the ruler of Hades, that is his kingdom. This is why it is written in the Revelation that Hades will give up its dead and will be thrown into the lake of fire. Just ask yourself what things will be thrown into the lake of fire? Answer: Evil things. And Hades will be thrown there which means it is an evil place.
Also, read Rev 9 where the underworld or the abyss was opened and all these weird looking evil demons came out with their king demon the Abaddon or Destroyer.
All I know, is we don’t wanna be anywhere near there. Being close to God is where we need to be.
It's eternally wiped from existence, everlasting destruction, never to be seen or heard of again, while those who know God will leave for billions and billions of years without seeing death.
@@tuoyoedukugho1807So what happens to the fire? Jesus said the fire does not quench. The bible said they have no rest day not night.
Bro, let strive to be in God's Kingdom.
@@emmanuelimumolen8660 when the time is right, everyone will understand, in Revelation it says, death and hell would be thrown into the fire as well. It is a symbol of eternal distruction, as fire destroys a thing forever so would this eternal fire destroy thoes that are not found written in the book of life, as well as Satan, his Angels then finally death and hell (grave) because all who would be alive would never die and would not sin because they love God (Jehovah)
@@tuoyoedukugho1807 let's get the concept of annihilation out of our heads and strive to know God more in our lives. If torment in hell or the lake of fire isn't forever I don't think Jesus would come to pay such a huge price.
You still have breath in your body.....its Not too late........Choose JESUS ❤
True dat
And then what?
@@alohaohana901you go to heaven and not hell. Were you sleeping through that part?
@@kimmytuna5180 ok 🤣🤣😂😂
I agree with Allen on this subject but what I would share with every is be careful not to take comfort in the possibility of hell being a metaphorical place. If God uses terms like “eternal fire, fire will never be quenched, tormented day and night with no relief” I think we would all agree God is being very clear this is a place YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO.
I have always thought of it as an actual physical place.
well allen is a reformed calvinist, so according to his theology you have no choice of where u go anyways. so all the warnings in the world do no good. according to his beliefs, God has already predestined who will go to heaven and hell
Hell is literal and so is Heaven.
I was once taught that souls that were sent to hell would be cast into the lake of fire and their soul would be destroyed because it says in the Bible that God is the only one that can destroy both body and soul.
That's biblically correct.
God bless you.
I don’t think destroy would have to mean total annihilation, though.
The same Greek word is used to describe old wine skins, the fear the disciples felt in the boat.. it’s used to denote what happens to our flesh when we accept Christ. All those things don’t cease to exist, but they are devastated in some way.
You could be right - just offering a (hopefully biblical) counter.
I noticed that In that passage, Jesus didn’t say God or Father instead He just said very vaguely as to whom, be afraid of the one who can destroy body and soul in Gehenna … the one? 🤔 who is the one? Scholars automatically assumed it’s a reference to God but is it?
No need for the lake of fire to have your soul destroyed. My body is still alive but I lost my soul already.
Imagine the hurt that God has endured throughout the years when His creation has chosen to disobey and follow evil. He is love, but we should not forget that fear of Him is wisdom.
Especially when Jesus was rejected by his own people!
@@travisboman7531 Yes, but he is not a sadistic God, he is a God of love !
This is exactly what it’s been in my mind since two weeks ago.
How do you “hurt” an omnipotent being? An omniscient God would have seen all this coming and still decided to create, so it’s all Gods will.
"I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation." 2nd Corinthians 6:2b (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. And don't lean on your own understanding. I agree with you Brother Parr.
Amén proverbs 3:5
That doesn't mean "sear your conscience and follow some person on the internet"
Yet we don't trust him, when he says he will reconcile all things to himself.
The speaker is also leaning on his own understanding. Why should anyone take his word for it over any other?
"I will not contend forever, nor will I always be angry; for the spirit would grow faint before me, and the breath of life that I made." (Isaiah 57:16)
A friend told me the worst part of hell was the idea of being separated from God, not being able to pray, talk to Him, to be removed from the Presence of Ultimate Goodness and Glory. As a person who grew up in the church, talking and praying to God my whole life, that was the most terrifying thought.
I didn’t grow up Christian for half of my life. There is a huge difference in my Christian version of self vs my not Christian version of self. I still have my struggles and doubts like anyone else, but I can say the separation from God is far worse than you can imagine, and that’s just experience comparisons of nonChristian vs Christian life now.
If we read the Bible, there are only two options. Being given the gift of everlasting life. Or losing out on it.
No one can get the gift of everlasting life along with torture.
This scripture would help understand this.
(John 3:16) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be DESTROYED but have EVERLASTING LIFE.
@@jimjuri6490The idea that the wicked cease to exist (annihilationism) immediately or after an undefined period instead of being eternally punished is unbiblical. That gehenna is a place of eternal torment is plain enough from Matthew 25:46 and 2 Thessalonians 1:9 and Hebrews 6:2. The Beast's followers get special mention (Revelation 14:9-11), as does anyone following Satan at the end of the millennium (Revelation 20:7-10). Note:
• The 'eternal destruction' of 2 Thessalonians 1:9 is an ongoing process, not simply an instantaneous event. The word ὄλεθρος (olethros), translated 'destruction' there, does not imply extinction, non-existence or annihilation (cf. the 3 other occurrences in the Greek text of the NT: 1 Corinthians 5:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:3; 1 Timothy 6:9).
• In Hebrews 6:2, κρίμα (krima) emphasizes the result, not the process.
• The fact that 'Gehenna' is used in two senses does not make its use in Revelation metaphorical. On the contrary, the Valley of Hinnom has become the metaphor. Anyone who understands how metaphors work would know that.
Final punishment as being sent to a place of separation from God is not the biblical or traditional view. Instead it is referred to repeatedly as God’s wrath being poured out.
@@Berean_with_a_BTh : It is best to read what the Bible states.
When God decreed death as a penalty for Adam's sin, this is what he said.
(Genesis 3:19) In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”
No one can RETURN to a place or state that he has never been. The only state that Adam could return to is of nonexistence. The state he was in prior to his creation.
Romans 6:7,23 clearly state that we die because of sin. Thus, having paid the penalty for sin, we are cleared of it at death.
If there is any torturing to be done after a person dies(illogical, but for argument sake), it would be to a sinless person.
Because everyone who dies has been cleared of his sins, BOTH the righteous and the unrighteous get resurrected under Jesus' Kingdom rule (Acts 24:15).
These resurrections give humans a new opportunity to qualify for:
(Psalm 37:29) The righteous will possess the earth, And they will live forever on it.
Surely people have come across the term 'Everlasting Life'. John 3:16.
The only opposite is 'Everlasting DEATH'.
every time someone sins it breaks God’s heart. Imagine how broken it would be- the entire world is full of sinners but he still loves every single one of them so so much. please, please guys try hard not to sin, God will help you if you pray for strength. God bless you all, amen.
"Sins" are just arbitrary rules made up by god. They are sometimes tied to morality, but not always. Sins are subject to change. Some sins used to require the death sentence (like working on the Sabbath) but now they're fine. God changed his mind. He's the one responsible for his own heart getting broken, considering he designed us incapable of following all his petty rules.
@@flyingspaghettiauditor If you saw innocent people being murdered would your heart break?
@@yuiopoli9601 Yes. That's why I'm more moral than your god. Your god is the one killing innocents. Exodus 11:5
@@flyingspaghettiauditor Who is my GOD?
People's view don't matter. God's truth only matters. If you don't know, don't look to man for explanation, turn to God for revelation.
Facts the bible says its forever and ever idk why people can't comprehend that
Yeah because GOD has obviously been clarifying for man.
I could as well ask a rotten apple.
I definitely agree. Don’t just trust and except man’s opinion. Read God’s word, the Bible. In it you will find everlasting Life🎚️‼️
God's mercy endures forever!
“He will not keep His anger forever.”
That’s contradictory to sending someone to hell forever though isn’t it? I mean, everyone can change their ways. So why doesn’t god forgive people who are in hell? If his mercy endures forever, then why not help and save those who want to be saved?
Yea unless you reject Jesus then you're doomed forever
With TORTURE! Because He Loves us!
Christian Universalism
So good Pastor. Frankly, I do not care what hell is like. Because of the grace and mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ I'm not going there so I'm not wasting my time thinking about it. Praise God.
The Lord Jesus Christ saved us from our sins and God's eternal wrath, so I personally think it's good to think about it from time to time, so that we really appreciate what Christ did for us.
I love thinking about it.@@jeffrachelburkhalter3783
We should be diligent to understand the word of God to be ready to give an answer to all who would ask and to represent our God correctly, as He has revealed Himself.
@@antoniettegonzales Amen.
But when we as Christians tell people if you just don’t believe in God, because you weren’t convinced, and then you weren’t also convinced and believe that Jesus is God, and he is the way to heaven your punishment is being submerged in burning fire for all of eternity, and it never ever is one second closer to ending after billions of years. We are teaching people something that so clearly not biblical and so absolutely evil. You should care because that’s going to turn people away from Jesus. I keep reading comments saying logic doesn’t get you to heaven, and actually advocating for not using logic. Well, the Bible is good and truth and it is logical and it’s very often clear, but when we destroy the truth and God’s character in create him to be something really evil, and then defend it, that’s going to turn people away from Jesus. So you should care for more reasons than you aren’t going there. Because if you tell people miss information about hell, they might go there. Because we are lying or deceiving or misleading or confusing people who don’t know Jesus and we are telling them terrible things about Jesus and then saying, but he’s also good while we completely contradict that.
The punishment is eternal, not the punishing.
amen - John 316
Exactly the punishment is eternal meaning it never changes there is no more chance no more resurrections you are dead forever the second death means eternal death
@@patriciaramirez4257 death means separation....not a ceasing to exist...
Yore shore ore corewreck! Yoar shoar oar. 4 sho-er. Fo Sho/Faw Shaw.
Re: Eternal life v. Eternal punishment.
Psalm 59:12 Because of the sinful things they say, because of the evil that is on their lips, let them be captured by their pride, their curses, and their lies. 13 Destroy them in your anger! Wipe them out completely!
Palm 59:13 consume them in your wrath, consume them till they are no more. NIV
Hebrews 10:26
26 Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins. 27 There is only the terrible expectation of God’s judgment and the raging fire that will consume his enemies. NLT
26 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Destroy them, wipe them out completely, consume them, & devour them means be alive & tortured for eternity, when we no how 2 turr-purr-N-tape write means be alive & tortured for eternity!! THING-alley-lulu-yuh!
I don’t want to be separated from God almighty and Jesus Christ forever! Want to be with them forever
View one has always been the most biblical upon my every examination. Praise the Lord for His salvation from that!
It’s still a toss up for me. Perishable seed seems like it has a definite end & a definite end can be considered eternally dead.
I used to think the physical body & the soul would be destroyed (ceasing to exist for eternity) but the corrupt spirit would still exist for eternity. But then I saw that it is referred to as “perishable seed” so that also seems to indicate the fallen spirit will cease as well.
The torment in my opinion would be to have all these evil passions & desires of the flesh but no physical body to satisfy them with. Imagine a sex addict losing their body just for 1 month. They’d prob go insane. But how can you even express your insanity without a soul as well? Torment on top of torment. But like I said, if the fallen spirit is considered “perishable seed” that makes this theory difficult to rationalize as well.
It’s not the most logical. It’s completely illogical and a very immoral believe Christians teach.. I know you don’t praise God for making a burning hell is your punishment for not believing in him, and then praise him when he gives you an option out of that lol that is so stupid when Christian say things like this. Christians need to quit being stupid and I know that’s harsh but that’s a stupid thing for you to say and think. It just is. I’m not saying, I should just let everyone into heaven not forgive them for their sins. But he chooses what happens to them lol stop praising him for not allowing you to be tortured because he gave you an option out. That’s like an abusive husband saying I won’t beat my wife if she doesn’t burn dinner and her being so grateful there’s an option to not be beaten. That’s insane. Just because you know God’s perfect and all loving that doesn’t mean anything. Ridiculous you believe about him that is evil is automatically good.
He’s already read four verses, and he hasn’t even said one that can nearly be interpreted as people are tormented in hell, except for the one in revelation, which is only for people who take the mark of the beast and it’s not even talking about hell because it’s in the presence of God and the holy Angels… it’s also a part of revelation in a very poetic sounding portion. In revelation, it says Satan, the false prophet, and the beast or Tormenta day and night, forever and ever and anyone else’s name who is not found in the book of life is also cast into the lake of fire. But this is the second death for them. John 316 says Perish or have eternal life. Matthew 1028 says destroys your body and soul in hell. There’s literally nothing in the Bible that ever says your tormented. You just have this assumption that your soul is already immortal and it’s not. The Bible says you were consume like straw in a fire. There are some metaphors that aren’t even really talking about hell that says there’s weeping and gnashing of teeth in prison, which wouldn’t even mean you’re being eternally, tormented in hell. But that’s the most generous interpretation if you’re taking every aspect of parables literal, but then you also have to say, God only answers your prayers, because you pester them because that’s why I Judge answers the request of a woman in the parable. You don’t get to cherry pick what parts of parables you want to apply. They have an overall function. When we tell people that hell is a burning eternal place, which is so far from a loving God and these people see it and don’t want anything to do with God because they’re being just one percent, rational, and not indoctrinated, then we are responsible for turning people away from Jesus, and for them, being separated from God forever, because we are teaching them God is beyond evil. We are teaching them. God is more evil than any being ever created in fiction or reality.
There is not a single scripture to support eternal conscious torment
I’ve always held the traditional view of Hell. I always thought it was weird when I heard other versions because they always feel like “Fan Fiction” where everyone wins in the end regardless because God is just that nice.
I won’t lie, it scares the crap out of me. Part of me is defiant and doubting. Im always afraid and often pray to God that on the day I meet him, he will not say “I did not know you”, and that he will keep working on me.
Are you afraid of other religions version of hell? It’s all the same man made mythology.
Are you afraid of islams hell? It’s way more descriptive and horrible than christianity’s hell. Are you afraid of the buddhist hell? Are you afraid of the greek hell?
@@user-vt3vo1yd3v You don't seem to be afraid of ANY hell! You unscientifically and foolishly try to confirm that belief by using the fact that other religions speek of hell as proof that the hell in the bible is not real! A grave error and a HUGE gamble! If the original commentor is wrong, they have lost nothing! If you are wrong, you will lose everything! Food for thought. Stop hanging on to your sin and turn to Christ.
No ever burning hell.
Hell: the grave.
Not a place of ever burning, fiery torment.
@@maxamahnken7325exactly the wicked will be ashes once they’ve been judged
Very very insightful. Let's continue praying for those that are lost and for opportunities to share our faith
I think it’s a place we don’t want to go pretty much sums it up. So regardless of what will actually take place metaphorically or literal sense, I don’t want to be apart of wrath and endure in a place where he is not present.
Former Roman Catholic here . Jesus died once, and paid it all . He isn't recrucified during mass. No need to pay for our sin on purgatory , Jesus paid it all .
Music to my ears freind.
Christian here: Jesus paid it all for those who choose and love HIM to the end. Amen!
What is the scripture that says Jesus paid the price?
@MrNikkiNoo Hebrews 10:10 ESV
And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Where does it say in the Catholic Catechism that Jesus is “re-crucified?”
I repent for all my sins in Jesus name 🙏 🙌
Vary good human
Amen. Brother Amen
You can't just call on Jesus name. We have to call on the name Lord Jesus or Jesus Christ. There is more than 1 Jesus in the Bible. We have to call the right name. ❤️🙏🏾
Colossians 3:17 KJV
@@Key-jz7zf I think the correct Jesus KNOWS when we pray to Him. It doesn’t have to be complicated.
This video I needed to watch and listen to to be reminded of the urgency to tell others about the love of Jesus revealed in the gospel. Thanks, brother Allen! God bless you always.
Your acceptance of deceit is off the charts
Yes you either love me or I will torture you for ever and ever with no goal in sight…..
What love?
It is not love to torture people for forever and ever. To this is Sadistic.
That is Sadistic.
I believe in #1. I love your honesty and how you explain it. God's blessing 🙏
Read St. Faustina description of hell
Darkness is in the heart. Those shrouded by darkness, in their heart, can't see the light. But those who can love and forgive can see the light and obtain eternal peace.
Oh my goodness please pray for me and BE RESTORED THIS IS UTTER blasphemous and NASTY what I did. I miss my GOD. 😊
That's def not about christians and god
@@-Ice_Cold- Have you even read the Bible? Truth, love and forgiveness is the cornerstone of the Gospel, Jesus freeing us from our sins.
@@Deffine Yeah, torturing people in the burning cauldron forever - ''love'' It’s enough to look at believers and say what hypocrites they are
@@-Ice_Cold- That's not Biblical. Its called the second death for a reason. You stop existing.
May the mercy of God be upon us and that we live everyday step by step in his word to make it to heaven and with a heart of forgiveness in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ savior, Amen.🙏
I think of it like this: Someone might have beaten or molested your child for only 15 minutes, but that doesn't mean they should only be punished for that crime for only 15 minutes. That is because the *impact* of the abuse caused trauma and pain that can last for years and years afterwards. Our sin is an offense to a holy and good God that can cause ripples of offence throughout eternity and that is why something so painful and awful like a crucifixion of God's perfect, innocent Son was required to even open the door to forgiveness and restitution for those who would seek it.
It's a hard idea to absorb, but truth is truth regardless of our feelings. The simple fact that hell can be eternal and horrible should propel us to take our faith seriously and to pray for those that are not saved and intercede on their behalf in any way we can.
Edit: I want to clarify that while I believe the duration portion of Hell can be real, I do not necessarily support the idea that it's literal burning with fire. I don't have evidence to say one way or another that is definitive, but either way it seems an awful end.
I never got what the big controversy was to be honest. we have plenty of people serving a life sentence for killing multiple people, but the act only took them a few minutes.
Absolutely well said !!
It’s refreshing to here.
Hell has become a weird topic in so many modern churches. It’s right there in the Bible.
People are fine with the love of God, but as soon as you start talking about judgement, Hell etc… people go quiet, and eyes go wide like you just called their grandmother an awful name…
@@captainmartin1219 Right! I think the idea of *eternity* and potentially an eternity of active *torment* is hard for us (understandably) because even a lifetime in prison is not *that bad* of a punishment in comparison. But the *concept* is absolutely the same; the punishment fits the level of sin, so that should tell us how serious our sin is.
What's next¿
As a small boy I was taught about hell because my parents taught me as they were taught. I know they meant well and did what they thought was right.Our family was very different as love was rarely spoken of, but loyalty to the family and being well thought of by others.We were a family of rebellious boys( me being the youngest) so the threat of hell was always spoken of(preached, usually by mom) Dad was uninterested by the time I was a teen and often drunk. We were very disfunctional to say the least.
My thoughts of hell were why bother since most everyone had to spend time in the fire (purgatory).
Now as a mature man of almost 73 years, I lean towards your 3rd point. I believe OUR FATHER did not create hell for the vast majority of HIS creation to be tortured forever there, but to be destroyed if HIS creation fell short. After all, Christ died to ransom and give eternal life to those who would follow and obey HIM, not eternal torture to those who wouldn't.
Remember, OUR FATHER is love, if you keep HIS commandments.(especially the Sabbath, the one that most Christians ignore)
"Shall not the JUDGE of all the earth do right?"
The truth is there are 2 gospels, 1 to israel and 1 to the nations through paul. The etymology of Paul's name comes from the greek word "pauo" (strong's greek 3973) which means "pause" God paused his work he was doing with Israel from acts to hebrews to work through Paul to bring the gospel to the nations. Paul's gospel tells us that Christ saved all humanity (not just believers) through His sacrifice on the cross yet each in his own class (1 Corinthians 15 23-24 CLNT) starting with Christ the firstfruit, those Christ's in his presence; thereafter the consummation (completion of God becoming all in all).
As in adam all are dying, as in Christ all will be made alive. There is judgment, only death is unconsciousness and only age long or an eon. We who believe are given justification through faith and recieve "eonion life." The greek word aionion (the plural form of aion "age" or "eon" so correct translation would be "eons") was mistranslated in almost all of our English versions to eternal, everlasting, world, and forever and ever (if it's already forever why would they have to add the and ever? Correct translation is "eons of the eons" when the body of Christ get there glory and Israel get there promise on earth)
1 Corinthians 15:21-28
Concordant Literal New Testament
21 For since, in fact, through a man came death, through a Man, also, comes the resurrection of the dead.
22 For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified.
23 Yet each in his own class: the Firstfruit, Christ; thereupon those who are Christ's in His presence;
24 thereafter the consummation, whenever He may be giving up the kingdom to His God and Father, whenever He should be nullifying all sovereignty and all authority and power.
25 For He must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet.
26 The last enemy is being abolished: death.
27 For He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to Him.
28 Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)
@@unveilingscripturaltruths9291 Tough cookies to the average Joe who doesn't understand Greek or been though seminary. Nothing wrong with education but I believe that GOD made it simple for the rest of us. This 2 gospel idea would be a disaster to the African or Mexican or Hillbilly from West Virginia who just wants to be right with GOD.
My simple solution is; keep the 10 commandments, obey your conscience, and most importantly to spend quiet time everyday to hear from THE FATHER. Jesus said Keep MY commandments and you will live. Now, if you want to be perfect(whole), then deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow ME
The gospel says all we do to be saved is believe God n that was Christ died on the cross in place of us was buried n rose again on the third day, THATS IT.
we aren't saved by our works we are saved by grace through faith
@@RickyBob-lf2uu I suppose you think the devil is saved too, because he believes in Jesus and trembles at the thought of HIM. Remember, faith without works is dead.
Salvation doesn't apply to angels or demons... Jesus came to save humanity n yeah the devil knows exactly who Christ is
Pray,Repent and Stay in GODS Word Daily ❤
Amen. May God help us stay focused on him and his word daily, especially in this twisted world we live in.
Amén ❤❤❤❤
Asking for forgiveness from sins committed and REPENTANCE are two different things.
I'm glad that you brought some of the scriptures to support the annihilation view. Thank you for that. I would love if you could make an episode where you have a discussion with pastor Doug Batchelor. Discussing that issue. I know his always willing to talk about those things with people. It might make a really interesting video. I'd love to watch it
I would love to see that as well. But 9 times out of ten he won't because they go watch what that person teaches and realize they won't win the debate if they do so. But I believe God will show Allen the truth sooner or later just as He did with the false tongue movement. Just keep praying for him. God is able.
I hold to the traditional view. In the same way we can’t imagine the glories of heaven, we can’t imagine the terrors of hell. We use the term “saved” often in a very common way, without really realizing/grasping how much we’ve been saved from sometimes. Praise God for salvation.
Same, I'm also a firm believer in the "traditional" view
I am a firm believer in not teaching little the lie that "Adam, Eve ate an apple" that is a lie. Lying to little children I wonder how the Lord, Jesus Christ will judge that?
Let's "play church" and teach little young souls that Adam and Eve ate an apple. G-d will not be angry. Don't worry about it!
If the traditional view were correct, we would have been saved from a monster by a monster!
@@michaelbrutsche75God is not a monster, please repent and seek God on this matter...
Thank you for sharing these views on a subject that every human being should fear: eternal hell. God gave us the Scriptures as a life-guide. But as humans, we search for evidence to validate our “hopes & opinions.” No one can ever know with certainty what hell will be….except that it is a place of horror and God gave us a free, merciful, gracious gift to keep us from hell…..the gift of Jesus Christ. God tells us that ALL sin is equal in his sight, and we are all sinners. I don’t know what hell will ultimately be, but separated from God with no hope, no light, no love, no peace…..no matter how long, is more traumatizing than any human can comprehend! Your video is a blessing and should be shared with everyone that a viewer knows!!!! “Thank you” for this message. 🙏
I believe what Jesus said. I trust him on the issues of eternal life and death, sin, and how to live a life that pleases the Heavenly Father.
Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord, I believe there will be another opportunity for all to receive Him as Lord. Hell was not built for his creation that he has given the opportunity to choose
Yeah, he never said why universal reconciliation was heresy. There is good scriptural evidence that it could be true.
@@michaelwhitman9937 I don’t really know the truth, none of us do. I believe in Jesus Christ as my eternal security, but at the same time, there are people in cultures that have never met a Christian, that have been raised their whole life with the beliefs and culture they grew up in, when someone can explain that to me (their eternal security), I have questions
It's heresy because for what reason then did Jesus die? Jesus died to save sinners from hell. Unforgiven sin sends people to hell. It's heresy because to say that everyone eventually goes to heaven, however they get there and however long it takes, basically calls God a liar. His own Word, which He wrote, would be false which would mean the Bible is meaningless and Jesus did not beat the grave. Conquering the grave means Jesus took the death sentence off humanity. Our death sentence is hell. @@michaelwhitman9937
If you reject Yahshua you will end up in hell bcus Yahshua is the ONLY WAY into heaven don't teach lies to people we all must accept Yahwehs son to get into heaven and hell is forever don't lead people down the wrong path dude
@@richardredding9412Jesus said everyone would have heard the gospel by the time he arrives, and now that we have social media where you can see what people around the world are talking about i’m pretty sure everyone or damn near everyone has heard the gospel and just choosing to reject it
Hell is what i deserve because of my sin. Yes, that torment is what i really deserve. But blessed be my God who loves me so much and offered me eternal life through his son.
Romans 5:17; 1 Corinthians 15:22-24; revelation 5; Jesus own words and if I be lifted up to the cross I will draw all men to myself. May God give you mercy Allen
One of the many issues with view 2 is that even the dead get a physical resurrection. They also get a body, but it’s a body prepared for punishment not a glorified body.
The wicked will not get another body in the second resurrection, it will be the same corrupted body they went down to the grave with. Only the righteous dead will receive a new body which is prepared incorruptible
That doesn’t make any sense and it accuses God of being a cruel blood-thirsty tyrant.
The scriptures do not convey those that God viewed as bad unrepentant sinners during their life will get resurrected to be punished for their poor behavior prior to death.
Death is the penalty for sins as it was when God first introduced the penalty of disobedience to the first man, Adam.
*_ROMANS 6:23_*
The dead have already paid the wage of sin which is DEATH.
Paul talks about the HOPE that he and others entertained regarding BOTH good and wicked people.
How his HOPE of BOTH groups being resurrected was shared by others.
*_ACTS 24:15_* - having a hope in God, which these men themselves accept, that there will be a resurrection of both the just and the unjust.
None of them HOPED that the wicked people are resurrected to be punished AGAIN for the mistakes or sins they committed prior to their FIRST DEATH.
*_HEBREWS 9:27_* - all men die ONCE
*_REVELATION 20:14_* - but certain people will be subjected to the SECOND death. Obviously, those who were not a part of the FIRST RESURRECTION could be subject to the second death since only that GROUP will completely avoid it.
@@merarigomez6835are you okay??
The Bible explicitly teaches in Rev. 20:12-15 that the condemned will be resurrected with a physical body to be permanently destroyed in Gehenna fire. Why do you think Matt. 10:28 shows Christ saying "fear Him who is able to destroy both soul _and body_ "? All of traditional Christianity's problems stem from its adherents focusing on the person of Christ instead of what He preached.
@@brother_Tennesseewhen you guys say body you mean spirit or soul right??
Thanks Allan for the video.
It is important to remain within God's plan/will. God is not responsible for others' plans. By the way, Christians should not ignore our covenant with God which is stipulated in the Lord's prayer. This should be our daily prayer and be committed to it.
That doesn’t have anything to do with the topic. God chooses the punishment and if he chooses to submerge people, essentially and hot, molten lava for all of eternity he’s evil. That’s my problem with Christians. You guys will essentially say if God does it then it’s good and fair. No. Because now you guys defend God, doing evil things, when he doesn’t, you just believe he does, and therefore you consider them not evil. I’m also a Christian and no offense but I think it’s really stupid when people try and justify evil deeds they believe God does, and just says they aren’t evil essentially because it’s God. I think there’s pretty much no way to interpret. Humans are tormented in hell. What’s funny is if you realize the Bible said your souls destroyed in hell if you weren’t saved, we’d all recognize how evil it would be for God to even allow people to be tormented day and night, forever and ever… just like the Bible doesn’t say we should molest children, and we would say that would be evil for God to command that. But if you found versus or 90% of Christians thought, the Bible said we should molest children you guys would be defending that. And that’s a problem. Because that actually gives atheist a reason for not believing in God, and not following Christians because we are just indoctrinated if that’s how we discussed things. Everyone saying well I don’t know all I know is I don’t wanna go to hell and God is good. But we should know because the Bibles overwhelmingly clear on this. There are just things that are settled in the Bible and I can’t fathom or people get your tormented forever. Other than the fact hell is eternal in the fires are eternal, and everyone assumes your soul is immortal, even though the Bible is very very very clear it’s not. This is one of the most clear issues.
How to get back I got tricked back to destruction when I was born again and I was well made. I didn't even think and got tricked
I want back I thought I wanted this foolish world.
This was bad. Very. I mean I don't live. This was bad to come back here
Appreciate you and your obedience to christ... I love the soundness of your teachings. So clear and sound...
The wicked willl burn for a time including Satan and his angels and they will be ashes under the soles of our feet. Jesus said this For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
I definitely believe the traditional view that number 1 view that you talked about. Jesus is my Lord king God and savior I love you Jesus and repent of my Sins Amen. Hell is a real scary and physical place whether ya'll like it or not it's the truth accept it before it's too late.
how could eternally burning be just?
I'm a strong believer, I used to be an atheist. It's because I used to be an unbeliever that my faith is so strong now. It's sort of the idea that you don't truly know what the light is until you've experience complete darkness. With that being said, I lean more towards the metaphorical view. The bible is filled with metaphors and parables, so I can totally see that as a way to describe separation from God. Being separated is just like being tortured. Being a strong believer now, being separated from God is the scariest thing I could even imagine. Being separated by the one and only that created you is pretty scary man.
One of my examples is fasting. The bible mentions fasting a lot. Now most people automatically assume its about food, but I believe that fasting is starving yourself of the things of the world that separate you from the lord.
The truth is that all we have is the word and what the lord can give you from it. One thing is for sure, nobody wants to be in hell no matter what it really is. I think that's the point that God is trying to make because our human minds will never really find out. I believe its best not to question God, but to take what he gives you through his word and he'll give you confirmation that you're on the right path. But yeah, metaphorical view for me and I'm still going through this believers journey so this can always change.
I agree with you. Being away from God is the scariest and emptiest thing you can feel. As a believer I strayed away and decided to do what my will wanted. I felt the emptiness inside. He wouldn’t respond to me because of my life of sin. Thank God for his mercy and he made me know that he truly has always been there for me and not he makes his presence known. I read a book lee Strobel where he says that the metaphor of fire is all about Gods judgment. That hellnis an actual place where there is darkness and that the fact that Gods presence isn’t there is the eternal torment. You will grind and nash your teeth because of this. That what I believe now. But will continue looking into it
@@alejandroleyva8606 Very well said. Yeah, I'm the same, that's what I believe now but will definitely keep looking into it and praying about it.
God is Eternal so everything else outside of time, matter an space is eternal. God’s word doesn’t return void. 🔥
That’s the first verse in the Bible, and the first law of thermodynamics … The second law of thermodynamics, Comes from the same verse that We also see that death is a continuous state genesis 2:17 (The Bible keeps it real about science)
“The day you eat of the fruit you will die”
Adam and Eve ate the fruit and they did not die in a finality state. They started dying both physically and spiritually, when the verbiage says they will die that day; so that means death is a continuous state. !
I believe what the Word of God says. There's a literal hell. Anyone who rejects Jesus as the Son of God has made their choice. God has given us a choice and has provided many opportunities for us to come to the knowledge of His one and only Son Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. God's grace and mercy are available to all. Thank you, brother Allen, for teaching with clarity and truth.
Even souls that believe that they have chosen Jesus will not make it. The Bible says to make every effort to enter the narrow gate for many will try to enter but will not be able to.
@@Selahbrooke3 you know there’s a false doctrine of people who thinks they are saved just because they believe in what Jesus did for us BUT they said we don’t have to repent to get to heaven because Jesus already paid for all of our sins on the cross… what a LIE! we DO have to repent and live in the Spirit and NOT do what our flesh wants… Once we come to Christ our lives changes and we have to be born again and start living for the LORD and leave stuff that are worldly… I feel bad for those people because they are on their way to hell… even if they believe in Jesus 😢
Do you know that a vast majority, roughly 90% of people worldwide, haven't had a chance to encounter the Gospel? Does it strike you as logical that God would condemn them to hell just because they're not Christians?
@@Metarigif they haven't have a chance to encounter the gospel, God will definitely send someone there to preach the Gospel. He is just!
I know that God is just, but the common belief in a God whose love is very conditional based on belief in His son doesn't seem fair to me. I was born into a Muslim family and converted to Christianity, so I'm well aware of the situation in Islamic culture. Christianity is distorted in those countries, and technically, the majority of them have no chance to know the real Jesus. Also, they are constantly being misled about their own religion, and Islamic priests portray their religion as beautiful in their eyes.
My question is, why does God require you to believe in His son to save you? Does that sound fair to you? It only makes sense to me if He doesn't judge you solely based on your belief but also on your actions, and He will save you if you sincerely call upon Him either in this life or the afterlife. Additionally, the concept of perpetual hell doesn't make sense by any means. It's simple: if we believe God is good, it means that whatever He does is out of love and His goodness, and it should benefit us. How does endless punishment benefit the person being punished?
Thank you and your team for the great research. It really gives me a better understanding of view points of hell. And I'm a traditionalist
So I think this is always an interesting discussion I do like hearing people’s viewpoints on this and the scriptures to back it up. I guess I fall under view #3, but also believe 1, 2, 4 would be options and we probably will never truly know until all is revealed, but the main reason I lean towards #3 is this verse in Revelation
“Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.” It seems like this is saying Hell will be destroyed which means damnation is not eternal, either way it doesn’t sound like fun. I appreciate these videos
HELL is a word coined by the KJV for the GRAVE.
(Revelation 20:14) And death and the Grave (Hell - KJV, Gr - Hades) were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire.
This clearly tells us that when death is taken away from humans, the need for a grave will also end.
The Lake of Fire MEANS total destruction.
Of course the Grave cannot be destroyed literally. It ceases to take in bodies of humans.
The term 'Everlasting Life' will come to mind.
(Revelation 21:4) And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and DEATH WILL BE NO MORE, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
No torturing of anyone anywhere by God.
It is either Everlasting Life or Everlasting Death.
See John 3:16.
I appreciate the insight given on the 5 views. Personally, I'll stick with View #1-the traditional view. Thanks again Brother Allen.
Hell is very real and you don't want to be there
That is true. Doesn’t mean it lasts forever
@dave1205 it does my friend scripture says so
@@dannyboi472 14 verses say hell is eternal, at least, & there’s probably more including some old testament verses!
These 14 verses; have to harmonize with the rest of the Bible to have accurate exegesis !
If Jesus and the Holy Spirit say hell is eternal, then don’t go against what they say !
Study this young man, because you don’t wanna get caught uttering idle words, because they will be judged Matthew 12:36 !
@@dannyboi472Hell is eternal, don't believe the lie of the doctrine of 'Annihilation'
@@dannyboi472, you need to read the KJV Bible, because Jesus Christ says it’s eternal torment, and He does not Iie. You have been deceived, because OT and NT scriptures portray the pit of fire as being ETERNAL.
Every Knee Will Bow and Every Tongue Will Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord Hallelujah God Bless ✌
I was raised Catholic so the purgatorial view is the one that resonates strongest with me... but since moving away from the Catholic Church, I have to say I've not thought about Hell much, focusing on "the big prize" as it were, rather than the "wooden spoon"... this has been an enlightening experience, many thanks pastor.❤
If you believe in purgatory, you reject the gospel.
Being raised Catholic myself, I know it takes a lot of rethinking and openness. Keep it up my friend!, God bless
Dear brother or sister
It’s not about what resonates with us, it’s about what God says in His word.
There are many things that don’t resonate with me from the Bible but it is still the truth.
Let’s not follow our hearts because the Bible says the heart is deceitful.
Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Don’t follow your own understanding either
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
The Catholic Church is not the church of Jesus, read the book of Acts and see how the real church was and is still today. The Christian church is the real church. Find the truth before you pass from this earth so you can walk in the purpose that God has for you.
@@johntrevett2944 if someone has a relationship with Jesus is ALL that matters!!
Purgatory is false
We should be careful what path we're excepting, it's time to turn to Christ😮👍
hi BEAT thanks for clearing that part of information on HELL , surprised to see that alot are afraid to talk and clarify the topic but glad you clear up some misunderstanding
for me I strongly believe that view 1 the traditional one is the right God had emphasize on since its has more evidence to back it.
There’s not even evidence. 15:15 he reads all the verses, saying your soul is destroyed and doesn’t offer any rebuttal to it other than questions, rather, we are using logic, and reason to come to this conclusion. Don’t just claim the Bible Backs traditional view. The Bible never says your soul is immortal without eternal life from belief in Jesus, it never says your tormented inhale other than one passage in revelation, and it specifies you have to worship the beast and take the mark of the beast in the Bible says like five or six very clear specific times that aren’t just parables that your soul is destroyed or it’s the second death or you are consumed like straw in a fire. You can believe whatever thing you want to believe, it’s stupid to believe that, but it’s a free country. But don’t make the claim it’s backed up biblically. It’s not. Which is why he didn’t even offer a rebuttal to your soul being destroyed and which is also why you didn’t offer a rebottle to that or give any information to back up the Bible support a traditional view.
Thank you Allen for helping us understand the various beliefs about hell and in sharing the Scriptures pertaining to hell. I’m with you as usual in believing what is plainly stated in the Word of God. I believe in all of the aspects & characteristics of God. He is not only good, compassionate loving and full of mercy and grace-He is also just, righteousness and more importantly Holy. I believe the penalties He assigns will be in accordance with perfect justice. Vengeance belongs to God. The God of the Old Testament did not shy away from wiping people out who were sinning against Him. He describes such people as His enemies and He will do away with them for all eternity. God is not a man so men need to take Him at His word & stop trying to re-invent Him in a human understanding. Fear the Lord!
So Jesus tells us to love our enemies and to do good to them, but he himself will torture his enemies forever?
It really doesn’t meter if hell is a physical place or not, the people that have regretted the Lord almighty will still either way, suffer physical or metal pain. OR BOTH.
Excellent breakdown! always clear and perfectly presented.there should be no questions about hell after watching this video! Well done brother.🙏✝️❤️Traditional view all the way!
That’s insane. Why do you believe that? He didn’t give a second verse that says your tormented forever for not being saved. Not even the one in revelation.
How many hells are there according to Deuteronomy 32:22 ?
I've been a Christian for years and have decided I'm sticking with Jesus. Still, I'm very confused by other Christians who are comfortable with the thought of hell. I work around families and children every day and am always concerned about them knowing many of them live in unbelief. God says to love your enemies. It seems that the idea of Him allowing things like endless torture to exist are beyond my understanding. Sometimes I find myself fighting a sense of hopelessness. We can only hope to be expected through Jesus as there is a writing in the word about some people pleading with Him and still being rejected and accused of not knowing Him. Still, it says if we call on His name, we will be saved. Every day I hope He excepts my family and I cry bitterly about the souls who are suffering agony in hell being abused forever. I love God for all the wonderful things He has made yet still I'm heartbroken by Him creating Hell. Like marrying the love of my life and then finding out he's Dexter😢 please tell me how to have peace about this horrible truth. How can God be happy while so many of His children are lost to be beaten and mutilated endlessly in terror? I'm soooo fighting the spirit of confusion over this and I won't stop until I get an actual answer that resonates with how great the love of God is.
A just God cannot allow sin that wounds his children to go unpunished. Nor can He allow it into His eternal kingdom. We wouldn’t think it right, in fact, if He didn’t have some way of dealing with rapists and murderers, thieves and manipulators.
Hell is a natural response to evil, which is much more evil than I think our hearts and minds can really imagine. Evil deserves a punishment, because it so wholly spits on the face of the good and loving God we have, and all that He intended for us and for Him.
But- instead of allowing us to go to hell, which is what we all deserve, He stepped into flesh to die in our place. We were already headed to hell, because justice requires it- but He paid our debt.
If we do not agree to accept this, then truly- we have said to God that we want to be judged based on our own merit/that we do not want to cloth ourselves with Christ and accept His offer.
And so- the righteous judge- our King accepts this. And judges us as we ask.
Really- it assures me all the more that He hears my cries and the pain and injustice we face in this life. It is no small matter to Him, for He loves us deeply.
In the end times, some people who insult Jesus and aren't saved are often those who called themselves Christians but didn't truly believe in God. This includes even some clergy like priests and pastors who did terrible things and acted hypocritically. When they face Jesus on judgment day, they try to trick Him by saying they served Him, but it's clear they only believed in Him when it was too late. So, Jesus doesn't save them. The idea of never-ending punishment is debated, and some folks believe in Christian universalism, which says everyone will eventually be okay with God. I hope this helps you understand the Gospel better.
Read a book called 'Hope beyond hell' it will clarify alot for you.
I'd like to continue off your last point of resonating with how great the love of God is...our puny little minds (compared to His mind) can't even come close to these "eternal matters". Please see Deut. 29:29...the secret things such as eternity and hell, etc...belong to Him alone, NOT TO US! Hell and eternity are way beyond our pay grade just accept that and just trust that our loving God will always do what's best for every person in every situation at all times...I think hell may be in the bible to show how great sin and evil really are, but to know the intricacies of it are way beyond us! Please don't let the wheels of your mind drive you crazy like the Eagles song goes, but take it easy dear soul. Matt.11:25 says that our Father hides things from the wise and prudent who think they know the answers to these deep things, WHEN NONE OF US CAN KNOW THEM- our minds are to small...the verse goes on to say but He reveals them to babes, and what do babes do best but to trust and rest in their father's/mother's arms. Please try not to overthink these weighty matters which only GOD can handle! Please meditate on Ps. 131 as well and put everything in His hands...I also pray God will deliver your mind from any strongholds and bring you into the freedom He longs for you to have whereby we cry "Abba Father" Gal. 4:6,7....Bless you richly in His great love❤❤❤
@@M_Soaring Could you think about the idea that eternal hell might be a misunderstanding, like many other misunderstandings the church has corrected over the centuries. Should we stick to the tradition of portraying God as vengeful and condemning most humans to eternal damnation?
Dear Mr. Parr- please pray for me. I watched your video just now and it scares me half to death to even be separated from God. I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ last August and I fear God so greatly that sometimes I have high anxiety about it. I love the Lord very much and want to be with him and I want to do whatever it takes to spend eternity with him. I don't want to end up in HELL or be separated from GOD. Thanks and God Bless.
Jesus paid it all. Believe it is finished for you!
Great video. For those that keep trying to explain their way out of this by saying God wouldn't do that(like He didn't flood the earth), use that time and energy to spread the Word of God to those you love. Warning IS grace! That's why it makes sense that Jesus be the one that talked about hell more than literally ANYONE in The Bible!
Amén and let’s not forget about what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Didnt God himself do that Too
The wicked willl burn for a time including Satan and his angels and they will be ashes under the soles of our feet. Jesus said this For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
What hell of Deuteronomy 32:22 was Jesus speaking about?
@@michaelbrutsche75I GREIVED the HOLY GHOST and Backslid not thinking and was in church. I wanted everything back this was FOOLISH AND yet no one to help.... Sit and sit.
The dead sleep in the grave until the resurrection.
Thank you Allen, the way you brought it up was very interesting. I learned a lot from your videos. God Bless you and your family
Do what you need to avoid hell. Surrender to GOD via his living word Jesus. You get to have his Holy Spirit live inside you & protect & guide & teach you to love. Best part your soul gets saved & you don't need to worry about hell
GOD is all loving and all merciful but he is also all righteous!
I don't know but everyday I pray for Universalism to be true. I can't bare the thought of even the worst person who ever lived, suffering forever.
I can't like your comment because I done know what universalism means, but I feel you in that last part of your comment.. I am a bible believer whose majority of loved ones who have passed were not saved. Including my parents. It is excruciatingly painful to think of them down there
Check out David Bentley Hart and Bobby Faulker for the universalist view on hell
@@tommihail2178 I will, thanks :)
@@JoanneArc-or9sr Universalism is the belief that in the end, all will be saved.
@@tommihail2178 I would say this: trust God over David Bentley Hart or Bobby Faulker..
Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
I bind the Devil in Jesus' name.
@@ChiefCedricJohnson yes I was in Christ and now feel SPIRITUALLY cut this was not wise as I was in hIm. I want God back. Even to be cleaned and healed. I got tricked MY Nana passed in Christ. I got into TV LIES. Need to get back. I hate I went back. Not listening
@@TriciaPerry-ef7bi I'm sorry to hear that. I loose the spirit of peace in Jesus' name.
"To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
My view is the traditional view. Thanks for this very clear information based on the Word of God. I am concerned for souls and do personal evangelism.
Allen you are 100% correct….Folks give your life to Jesus Christ 🙏
Giving your life over to Christ means speaking the truth about God, not making Him out to be the most heinous monster in the universe. This false belief in eternal torture makes God out to be worse than Satan and actually makes his accusations against God true. This is one of the worst heresies and has turned more people against God than most others.
@@BruceFillman-ek7sj The Lord Jesus spoke more about hell than He did about Heaven. Just look up all the scriptures where He mentioned hell to see what He said about it.
I have read. I see Jesus pleading with love. Never did He teach anything about everlasting torture. The rich man and lazarus was simply a parable that was relatable because of false doctrines that were being spread around at the time. That's exactly what time period research shows. So much heresy is found in ,"traditional" Christianity because their doctrines are just that, traditions of men, not Scripture.
I agree with you, Bruce
Jesus never said anything about torturing anyone for eternity in the lake of fire
This is what I believe scripture is saying
If we want Jesus to pay for our since then, we surrender to him
And our sins are paid in full
But if we don't surrender cto Jesus, then we will pay for our own sins in the lake of fire
And what amount our sins add up to will be our own punishment until the price is paid and then an eternity grave or death takes place where we are no longer alive
This is what Jesus calls the 2nd death he took in our place if we don't surrender to him
@@jeanettehall4015 Christ preached about the permanent destruction of unrepentant sinners. He didn't say anything about ppl being eternally tortured. There is a difference, and you're not grasping it. The "hell" Christ spoke of is Gehenna fire. That's why He plainly stated in Matt. 10:28 that the condemned will be completely destroyed by God, not tortured.
One thing for sure it ain't no joke
God gave me a Dream about Heaven & Hell and i saw people burning it's up to you fellas GBU! 🙏🏿
I believe in the traditional view backed by Scripture. While it is scary we must understand God's ways are higher than our ways. All praise Lord Jesus 🙏
I believe in different realms with different levels of torment.
I sometimes lean towards total destruction of the soul “fear the one that can kill the body & soul”
Traditional Jewish views or traditional Christian views based on Greek mythology?
@@ValRoyD Very much so.. If someone was to look at the historicity of hell they would find out how big a role Greek mythology plays in the bible. One would also see a lil Zoroastrianism as well. When you know history there is no longer a need to believe in mythology because mythology begets mythology
@@oldschool5 “Very much so” what? I asked a “this or that” question and you gave me a ‘there’ answer.
You answered all of my questions about Hell in this one video.
I sometimes struggle with forgiving myself. I strayed away from God for years and recently started reading my Bible and attending church but most importantly trying to live a Christian life. I worry for some of my atheists and Muslim family and friends. Some of them are the most kindest, loving, and compassionate people that I know.
Jesus offers forgiveness... don't let self condemning thoughts override.....plus...forgiving ones self...isn't Biblical.
If we only needed to forgive ourselves...most of us would write ourselves into the Kingdom...
Many atheists that have a correct view of the character of God and seek to emulate it will go to heaven while the so-called Christians who make God out to be a monster by maligning His character will be gracefully annihilated!
@@michaelbrutsche75 that doesn't make sense....someone with no belief or relationship with God (Who paid for our sins on the cross) And Jesus claimed that no one could enter into the Kingdom except of they were born again...
This idea you have claims that mankind can save themselves by works and that Jesus didn't have to sacrifice His blood on the cross for anyone...
Atheists may say they don’t believe in God, but what many of them are saying is that they don’t believe in God as represented by mainstream “Christianity” , (a tyrannical blood thirsty monster). Apostle Paul speaks of such in Romans 2, the Gentiles (atheists) who had not the law (had not the gospel) but showed the work of the law/gospel upon their hearts were to be justified instead of the Jews who had the law/gospel. There will be many that go to Heaven because of the sacrifice of Jesus that didn’t know the man Jesus Christ.
@@mrupholsteryman Exactly, we must be "born again" or "born from above", or "born of God". And we are "born again" BY THE WORD which is the "seed" of God, (Luke 8:11) & (1st Peter 1:23). This is why Jesus said that we must "believe" The Word in order to be SAVED...."Those by the wayside are the ones who hear the Word of the Kingdom; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should BELIEVE AND BE SAVED." (Luke 8:12)
Brother Allen,
Thank you for sharing this very important message to all listening or reading it.
The very thought of being separated from God forever is frightening by itself.
To be in pain and sorrow and suffering forever, heart breaking.😢
God Bless you for your time and encouragement 🙏
I choose view one. It lines up on scripture more than any other teaching. 😊
Lord Jesus help us to walk according to your ways and to be led by the holy spirit of God
So happy you chose #1, that your teaching is solid😊❤
But there is not a single verse in the Bible that ever says you’re tormented in hell or that your soul is eternal or immortal, without Jesus, giving you eternal life for being saved, and then pretty much every verse says your soul is destroyed and hell. So can you explain why you think you are tormented forever? If the Bible never says that because it doesn’t. But again the Bible says it’s the second death or you parish in hell or your soul is destroyed or you are consumed like straw in a fire. It only says in revelation, and it’s not even talking about hell because it’s in God’s presence and the Angels presents, and it’s only for people who worship the beast and took the mark of the beast specifically.
@@jessejive117these guys who hold view have to make their preconceived notion fit into scripture. The doctrine comes from Catholicism. And Dante's inferno
The Annihilationist View is the one that makes the most usage of the Scriptures. I've heard "Traditionalists" say that "the Old Testament doesn't mention hell" - which, if it were true, would be a very strange thing, wouldn't it? As if the first 3 quarters of your Bible were completely silent on the fate of the wicked?
But it's not silent about the fate of the wicked - it just doesn't say anything about eternal conscious torment. It DOES say that the wicked will be destroyed, burned up, blown away like chaff, dissolved like a snail, made to be as nothing, crushed, killed, trampled underfoot, etc - AND that you will be unable to find them. That they will be no more. And it says that over and over again, in every genre, from every angle. Psalm 37 is a great example.
Besides - views that are widely held aren't always true. The majority of people claiming the name of Christ down through history have been Catholics. Should we therefore say that Catholicism is the correct view? How about paedobaptism? There's no Scriptural support for the baptizing of infants - but it's by FAR the more dominant view, over against the anabaptists and other positions. Even among the Protestants, the majority of historical denominations have held that the church should be ruled by Bishops. Do we therefore think the church is ruled by bishops?
The historicity of a position doesn't make it true - the Scriptural veracity is what makes it true. And every verse I've ever seen used to support Eternal Conscious Torment either straightforwardly teaches Conditional Mortality when taken in context, or has an equally plausible interpretation of the Hebrew / Greek as-written which leaves open the possibility. This is not a "loophole", as you have claimed; it's exegesis. In fact, the Greek "eternal punishment" CAN'T mean "eternally punishing" like the ECT proponent claims. It is a "noun of action" in the Greek - just like "eternal redemption" (Hebrews 9:12) and "eternal salvation" (Hebrews 5:9). Are we eternally in the process of being redeemed and saved? Even eternal life - are we eternally in the process of receiving more and more life that never really becomes "eternal life"? Or are we given an eternal life in fullness that we then go on to live out the implications of forever?
Nor do I grant the "evangelistic power" of the "Traditional View" - if warning about hell were supposed to be a tool in the toolbelt of the evangelist, why is there no mention of hell anywhere in the Book of Acts, when the apostles were spreading the message of Jesus in the early days of the church? The closest we get is Paul's warning about "judgment", but there's nothing in that language which loads it up with "eternal significance".
In fact, the phrase "eternal fire" is used to describe the fate of Sodom & Gomorrah several times in the NT - which are, of course, not still burning. They were annihilated by fire from Heaven, which is an example of what will happen to the ungodly. (Jude 1:7, 2 Peter 2:4-6)
By the way - we don't start with the premise that God alone is Immortal. The Bible starts with that premise. 1 Timothy 6:16, Genesis 3:22-23
This is my general stance on the annihilationism argument. I believe more evidence is in its favor. Both sides have their verses they argue, and both sides really do have good evidence that their view may be true.
I feel as though annihilationism better fits with the verses, and better fits with what we know of God’s nature. That being said, if I am incorrect and I get to heaven and find out that Hell is indeed eternal conscious torment, who am I to say that’s wrong? God is just in all his ways. If he has decided something, he is correct and I was not. Doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion of what is true in the modern day
What we should all be able to agree on: Hell is bad, whether you go there and stay forever or are eventually annihilated, it’s NOT a place you want to be
@@kalebc2134 Yes, 100% agreement. The basis of our belief shouldn't just be our own personal moral evaluations of what we prefer. If the Bible teaches it, I believe I'm bound by it. The Bible, taken in context, with sound hermeneutics, is the authoritative final word.
I agree.
@@kalebc2134Now that I think about it, I suppose I would nuance this a little bit by saying that, while I don't think the moral question is INsignificant - just that the Scripture is the final word. If Scripture teaches ECT, there has to be some way for us to understand and frame it that wouldn't be morally reprehensible.
So the moral intuition isn't the BASIS for my belief in Conditional Immortality, but a supplemental bolstering, an addition. And if all things were equal, I would put the "better seems to represent the moral character of Yahweh" on the Conditional Immortality side of the ledger. Nevertheless, if Scripture explicitly taught ECT, and I wanted to affirm Scripture, then golly I'd better affirm ECT.
Happily I think the preponderance of the evidence is clear on the side of Annihilationism.
@the-meat-battles disagree. I think part of Hell is to see what heaven is. To suffer highly, then to know all the glory that heaven is and you chose suffering and eventual nonexistence is certainly what many would consider “torment”
I believe the traditional view. It’s sad but I was brought up catholic and therefore taught the purgatory view. So happy to now understand God’s word. Was also surprised that Graham believed differently and didn’t know there were so many views. Great teaching, thank you.
But purgatory is not hell. It is meant for people not completely free from sin, but who will go to heaven. By fefinition, there can be no sin in heaven, which makes purification necessary. The concept of purgatory as a place is a mistake made by a scribe when copying texts by hand, and was not originally intended to be understood as such. It is something that happens when a person dies. Not a place where dead wait. In eternity, you can' t speak of time in the same sense it is understood here on Earth.
The wicked willl burn for a time including Satan and his angels and they will be ashes under the soles of our feet. Jesus said this For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
@@b6983832purgatory there is no such place
I believed in the traditional view, until I was told as a child that I would burn forever in hell for not kissing the feet of a concrete graven statue. The Lord Jesus Christ NEVER IN the Bible instructs us to kiss a concrete, stone, whatever the case, statue. I believe The Lord Jesus Yesua Christ is who he said that he was. Because no ordinary Jasper can be killed by a bunch of revenuers, that bust out of his tomb three days, and three nights afterwards. Many, many times I have called out to him for mercy, when I face him at my judgment. I have been called an ignorant "redneck" but would rather be an ignorant redneck in Heaven, then a highly educated person in hell. 😢
According to Deuteronomy 32:22 there are many hells
Thank you my Christian brother. Very good video. I was like please share your belief and you did at the end. God Bless.❤❤❤❤
Where I struggle with view #1 is, let's say a wicked man lived for 80 years and never repented of his sin. He then goes to hell not for 80, 160 or even 800 or 8000 years but for ever and ever and ever. The punishment doesn't fit the crime. Would a just God meet out such an unfair punishment?
I to struggle with this.... It be what it'll be no matter what you & I think think yes
To go anywhere, a person should be alive.
The dead cease to exist.
(Ecclesiastes 9:10) Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going.
Correct! God will never punish anyone eternally; especially with some torture.
Whether a person has committed crimes by the dozen or not, his death wipes all sins away.
Romans 6:7,23.
God is not unfair he created us and it doesn't matter the time it matters on what we done on earth and I'd we die in our sins we will be separated from God forever sin can not be in heaven
People often spend decades in prison for crimes that took mere minutes to commit. The reason hell is eternal is because 1. God created us in his image, so like him, we too are eternal beings and 2. when people reject Jesus’s offer of salvation they are making the choice to pay for their own sins, which of course as sinners they cannot because only Jesus was able to pay the price for our sins as he was sinless, so hell ends up being eternal.
Hell is no eternal but has eternal consequenses for sodom and gomera were burned by hell fire but they are not still burning hell fire burns something completly there is noreversal so if one is burned they wil be destroyed to never exist no ashes no smoke will remain it destroys Spirits wich are Demons wichw ill destroy them
I hold the traditional view, but I'm really happy to have learned the logic behind the other views.
Human logic won't do anyone any good when they die, though.
@@jeffrachelburkhalter3783what a stupid comment. This isn’t a salvation issue. And he has logic matters when it comes to interpreting the Bible. I’m not saying you shouldn’t prayed and asked for wisdom and understanding but the Bible is logical and when you guys basically say the Bible say logical, you sound stupid. Because that’s literally the definition of stupid. Not only that is illogical, and against God’s word to believe you burn for all of eternity in hell in conscious suffering. The Bible is clear on this. Your soul is destroyed. There are schools of thought they differ, one school of thought is correct and the others are wrong, because the Bible isn’t abstract poetry. And when we tell people completely irrational things about God, who are biased and being tribal, and just raised to believe ridiculous police, without questioning them, which is being indoctrinated, they don’t buy the burning in hell for all of eternity for not believing in God’s existence, and then that Jesus is who he says he is. But the Bible literally says your souls destroyed, and it never says your tormented.
@@jeffrachelburkhalter3783 Not if it lineup with scripture.
@@justinmarcus5405 It rarely does.
@@jeffrachelburkhalter3783 Sorry guys! But the traditional view point is the scriptural view.
I love how he literally said you don't have the right to use logic, reason, or morals against god
You don't. Who do you think you are?
@@madkabal 15:15
So does the Bible mention anything about universalism? If so that would be great! I’ve always heard that hell is eternal. I just can’t imagine a loving God burning people forever! All have sinned, some worse than others but I really don’t think anyone deserves that kind of torture forever 😢😢
I mean wouldn't it be forever? Cuz the Bible stated its eternal. Eternal means forever, never ending just like heaven
Yes it is forever. It’s 14 times at least in the Bible.!
Think about every movie ever made, has a happy ending or an escape; the exact opposite of what hell is going to be! this is to desensitize people that they may escape hell when they won’t, and it is forever, they cannot commit suicide !
Sin against eternal God, you get eternal punishment !
Genesis 2:17 death is a continuous state, that verse proves it !
Don't in the same Bible it says heaven and earth shall pass umm..
The "forever part" is actually only mentioned once in the whole bible. In Revelation. The aeon-thing he talked about in the video. But revelation is a very very symbolic book. It is also written that death and hades are thrown into the same place which can hardly be literally true, bc death and hades are not persons nor things that you can throw into a fire. All other places in scripture seem more on the side of annihilism if you read careful. Even Jesus himself said, we should fear the one who could destroy body and soul in Gehenna. (The word Hell does not occur in the original scripture). Some are even on the side of the universalsts. F.e. when god says, he wants everybody to repent and be saved and does not enjoy peoples downfall. Would god not get what he wants?
@@saferides2474 it’s not talking about the final heaven look at the original languages , but The second heaven, or outer space! It says the stars, and the sun will disappear before the nation of Israel will disappear!
Jeremiah 31:36 “The descendants of Israel will never stop being a nation. That would happen only if I lost control of the sun, moon, stars, and sea.” The LORD says, “I will never reject the descendants of Israel.”
@@saferides2474Yes, this heaven and earth shall pass after Jesus's millennium reign. A new heaven and earth will be created. That's the eternal home.
Great Job Brother Allen. I also am the First view. The thing is, i believe that many people should be concerned with the Lake of Fire. In Revelations: John says Hell will be tossed in the lake of Fire. Also another reason for the Traditional view, will be the real story Jesus told of The rich man and Lazarus. The rich man said he was suffering because of the heat. The first view just has too much evidence. Thanks Brother Allen for the Video.
I can't believe anyone would believe that God is going to let everyone come to heaven when he sent his own son to help. I don't think he's going to say oops just joking that anytime.
one question: if jesus suffered so that we dont have to, why isnt he burning forever? why did he only temporaraly suffer for billions of people who would have to suffer for all eternity? was his pain infinite? something isnt clicking here.
Rev. Ch.20-14
And death and hell were
cast into the lake of fire
This is the second death
You dont be tormented in hell of ever
You are tormented in the
lake of fire for ever
It's like this- hell was never meant for us, if you don't want God, and you reject him, all you do is receive the absence of him. Which is that place- you get what you asked for all good things come from God
Thank you for the fair assessment. I feel like the only thing you missed about the conditional immortality view is that it explains the "second death" and the destruction of hell in the lake of fire at the end of the age really well.
Few people examine the two resurrections (John 5:29,29). The redeemed are raised at the Second Coming ( 1 Thess. 4:16) with the wicked dead not being raised until after the Millennium (Rev. 20:5). Then there is the second death which only the wicked are subject to (Rev. 20:6).
@@LairdKenneth I think the 2 resurrections (first: resurrection of life, second: resurrection of damnation) would occur at the same time during the second coming of Christ. Those who have part in the first (resurrection of life) will receive an incorruptible body and reign with Christ for 1000 years without dying after resurrecting; those who have part in the second (resurrection of damnation) will not receive an incorruptible body so that even though they will be resurrected along with the saved, they will still die of old age (more or less 100 years old just like us now) as they will not be able to partake of the fruit of life. After they die, they will not live again until the end of the millennium of Christ's reign. At the end of this millennium, with the release of Satan they will be resurrected and will 'attack the camp of the saints and the beloved city'. But they will not succeed and will eventually be consumed by fire (second death, the first death being natural death). Since 'all eyes will see Him' on His return, it means that everybody will be resurrected simultaneously, including 'even those who pierced Him'. There is a misconception that only the good would be resurrected on His coming but how could 'all eyes see Him' if such would be the case?
@@chesfern quote--- I think the 2 resurrections (first: resurrection of life, second: resurrection of damnation) would occur at the same time during the second coming of Christ. Those who have part in the first (resurrection of life) will receive an incorruptible body and reign with Christ for 1000 years without dying after resurrecting; those who have part in the second (resurrection of damnation) will not receive an incorruptible body so that even though they will be resurrected along with the saved, they will still die of old age (more or less 100 years old just like us now) as they will not be able to partake of the fruit of life. After they die, they will not live again until the end of the millennium of Christ's reign. At the end of this millennium, with the release of Satan they will be resurrected and will 'attack the camp of the saints and the beloved city'. But they will not succeed and will eventually be consumed by fire (second death, the first death being natural death). Since 'all eyes will see Him' on His return, it means that everybody will be resurrected simultaneously, including 'even those who pierced Him'. There is a misconception that only the good would be resurrected on His coming but how could 'all eyes see Him' if such would be the case?
I STRONGLY Suggest you do a LOT of research.Your beliefs are totally off the map!!
It is real because I knew I was going. My soul left my body temporarily, and I was trying to get back in my body and God let me I was so fragile. Mentally I would’ve never been able to Cope. People want to make every excuse they don’t wanna believe it’s real. I guess it’s too terrifying, but it’s a fact.
These people had experiences too. They say it's not a "fact". Notice...
NDE - LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death, and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE."
Another Christian...and notice, again....
NDE - ROBYN C.: "I KNOW THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT OR HELL. I just know whatever form God takes, he loves us and welcomes us. I felt an overwhelming sense of complete bliss and contentment. I could see the light ahead of me and felt drawn to it, but I was moving slowly and enjoying the wondrous sensations I felt. Since my experience, I have been certain there is a God, but this is different to what I had believed as a Christian."
Again, no "hell" and
no judgement....
NDE - JASON H.: "I now know that there is a life after death. I NOW KNOW THAT THERE IS NO HELL. In that overwhelming radiating loving light, I met a glowingly beautiful, very loving being. His loving presence completely surrounded me, and together we went through my life and all that I had experienced, IN A LOVING WAY, NOT ANY JUDGING WAY."
Yet again, no "hell" and can't be separated....
NDE - GORDON S.: "THERE IS NO 'heaven' and no 'HELL'. I am just now accepting that part of my purpose for coming back is to help other people awaken to the simple truth: WE ARE LOVE, we are part of God, and WE CANNOT EVER BE SEPARATED FROM GOD. The knowing that we are all inter-connected makes it easy for me to accept people, just as they are."
Again, no "hell" and no reward....
NDE - STEVE L.: "I soon realized I did not have my body, and that I was surrounded by consciousness. EVERYTHING IS JUST TOTAL LOVE. There was consciousness that came to me in the form of people I recognized. THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. THERE IS NO "REWARD" FOR A "GOOD LIFE". Our careers, mistakes, money, etc., mean nothing. We join the pure consciousness at the time of leaving our body, and we are all one."
Notice again, he clearly understood....
NDE - DOUG F.: "IT WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. Every part of the universe was part of me, and every part of me was part of the universe. THERE WAS COMPLETE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE. This was so far beyond any expectation. Another realization came to me. Everything is known, and there is nothing to learn. Life on earth is not a school, there is nothing to learn. LIFE ON EARTH IS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. NOTHING MORE. As I was guided back, first into the 4th dimension, I could feel the expanded awareness shutting down. THIS LIFE IS ABOUT EXPERIENCE THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE TRULY ARE."
Hell is real its eternal and people can't comprehend it being eternal just bcus we dont agree doesn't mean it's not true hell is forever people need to read the Bible as it says and accept it
@@Yahshuaismyeverything No it's not real. These NDE people were told its not. Here:
NDE - A. JOHNSON: "THERE'S NO HELL, THERE'S NO PUNISHMENT. When you realize there's nothing to forgive, then there's nothing to punish either. I can tell you one thing for sure, THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT. THERE WAS NOTHING I HAD EVER DONE THAT WASN'T COMPLETELY FORGIVEN, AND 'FORGIVEN' IN THAT CONTEXT MEANT IT WAS GONE. It did not exist. GOD WASN'T HOLDING ME ACCOUNTABLE FOR THAT, God was loving me right through it, and IT WAS TOTAL AND COMPLETE FORGIVENESS. We dont have to prove ourselves to be loved by God. What I learned on the other side is that THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT ON US, NONE, ZIP, NADA. IN THE OTHER REALM, THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING TO JUDGE. We're all pure unconditional love."
He received deep knowledge, notice what it was....
NDE - JAMES T.: "The truth is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS HELL, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SIN, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EVIL, except for the 'hell' we create ourselves in our fearful, ignorant minds. Don't be offended by the word, ignorant. Look it up! It simply means lacking an understanding. I was on the ceiling looking back at my body. I didn't spend much time even contemplating this because I was no longer in that body, that wasn't me, I was up here on the ceiling, so it was easy to leave that shell behind."
What punishment? What hell?....
NDE - WILLIAM T.: "THERE IS NO HELL. THERE IS NO PUNISHMENT FOR WRONG BEHAVIORS, NOR REWARDS FOR RIGHT BEHAVIORS. THERE IS NO JUDICIAL PROCESS. The one-ness I perceived was what is referred to as God. THE PURPOSE OF OUR PHYSICAL EXISTENCE IN LIFE IS TO PROVIDE EVERY POSSIBLE VARIATION OF ACTION, so a knowledge base can exist. This is why people anguish over 'why would God let that happen?' ALL EXPERIENCE, GOOD, BAD, AND MIXED, IS PART OF OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. No matter how horrible the action and how horrible the experience, ALL EXPERIENCES MUST EXIST TO MAKE UP OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. There isn't a single negative emotion on the other side. There's no need for them."
Notice, what she knows....
NDE - JUDY G.: "I know God is real, an afterlife exists, and WE ARE SO LOVED. GOD IS MERCY AND LOVE. THERE IS NO HELL. I was asked, 'Do you want to continue this life, or die?' I thought, 'What's death?' The Light began to show me. I knew without a doubt that death was not an ending, but a wonderful opening to my real life. I would be more knowledgeable and live in unconditional completeness and love. I remember feeling almost unworthy of such an indescribable, unconditional love. I was in awe of how much love was enveloping me. Church is not necessary, although it awakens spirit in some people. Fear is illusionary. Only love is real."
An out of control biker and drug addict, found out there's no "hell"....
NDE - BILL W.: "IT NEEDS TO BE KNOWN TO ALL that ON THE OTHER SIDE THERE IS NO HELL, OR 'BAD' PLACE. If there were, I definitely would have gone there. I was just an out of control, bike riding, drug using hippie from the 1960s. So, there I was, in this 'space' of light, with these three 'beings' appearing in front of me. We had a conversation and later, I was given a choice to stay or to go back. There is no pain, no loss, NO PHYSICAL SENSES AT ALL. Only peace, calm, connectedness - a true feeling of joy, of 'home'."
Very good again. No feely goody stuff here! The Truth IS the Truth! Hell and torment is forever.
A lot is riding on this: In the dozen or so verses where Hell or destruction is said to be "eternal," "everlasting" or "forever," it's based on the Greek word _aionios._ If you google _aionios,_ you'll find many opinions about its meaning. There's good reason to believe it should be translated "of an age." The adjective _aionios_ is derived from the noun _aion,_ which means "eon" or "age." Eons and ages are long but *finite* periods of time. The two most literal Bible translations I'm aware of, Young's and Rotherham's, translate _aionios_ as "age-during," and "age-abiding," respectively. Blessings!
@@tomm6167 I doubt you’ll get through, but God bless for trying.
*"Hell and torment is forever."* Please don't comment on things you don't know anything about. You just come off looking foolish.
@@IsaacNussbaum Who are you addressing and what are you saying?
@@brendencarlson5220 The absence of a user name normally denotes that a post is in response to the original comment. In this case, RedlovesThunder's. I was saying that his comment is completely un-Biblical.
I honestly feel like the idea of burning forever will give so much people anxiety to the point they go crazy or can’t fully put in their all.
Because that's not actually what jesus is going to do that's why you find it so absurd let me tell you what is actually gonna happen danm imagine this imagine if I was to give you a Gift and you say to me no thanks I decline your gift and Because you declined my gift I torture you wow what a terrible god we Christians serve right? That would all be true if that was actually what jesus teached in the Bible about hell pls what you Christians have been teaching is just simply not true God is not punishing you in Burning Flames for All Eternity there is not one bible verse not even one that indicates that let me tell you what God will actually do and im gonna prove it with bible scriptures see what is gonna happen is that those who followed jesus will simply live forever and those who died in their sin are simply going to die and the Punishment when they get thrown into the Lake of fire is Eternal Death that's why it says that's the second Death in Revelation 21:8 it does not says eternal torment also think about this if the Eternal life is a Gift of God then Eternal torture does not even make sense because in order for you to burn forever you have to be imortal which only the redeemed people in Christ will be Romans 6:23 for the Wages of sin is DEATH notice how God never say is eternal torture yet for some reason that is what Christians say God is gonna do let me end the verse For the wages of sin is death but the Free Gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord so now think about this if Sinners were to live forever even if its in Torment what exactly is the Gift of God? It Dosen't say its heaven it clearly says eternal Life you cannot be eternal without God so some Christians saying that Sinners are gonna burn forever is just not true cause that would mean that sinners also have eternal life also let me give you the ultimate prove to Show you that people simply just lie and God dosen't let sinners burn forever Jesus Died for our sins notice how he never got tortured for our sins for All eternity but he died and do you know why Because God dosen't get any pleasure out of us suffering for All Eternity that will never satisfy his Wrath and anger towards sin that's why sinners will have to die in order for Gods anger towards sin to end Because if sinners Were to sin for All eternity in Hell against God ,God would be angry for All eternity also Revelation 21 1:4 says All the Former things will pass there will be no more pain now think about this firstly the verse wouldn't even make sense if sinners Were to still burn and continue sinning in Hell then the Statement that all former things will pass would be false secondly if God says there will be no more pain do you think there is going to be a Torture Chamber for sinners?? Is simply not true what will happen is you will be thrown in to the lake of fire yes but its not forever what will be forever is the Punishment you will die forever you are not more going to be existent and is only fair Because God gave you this life we was not existing in the beginning or even 100 years ago god offered us a Gift that we can either accept or reject and the result of not accepting god is that life is taken back Because ultimatly God gave it to you God dosen't have any reason to torture you forever for a life you did not wanted God is so mercyfull and loving and the Fact that Christians think that that's what God is going to do Roast sinners forever is just so funny to me and Ending this whit if we humans Were really imortal and our soul to what was the point of the Three of Life? And why did God prevent Adam and Eve to eat from the Three of life if they are imortal anyways also in Genesis 3:4 this is what the Devil Told Eve when he tempted her to eat from the forbidden Fruit You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.its seems like the biggest lie of the Devil was that we humans are Gods and are certainly imortal and that we can never die even if we get tortured for All eternity I mean we still don't die don't we it seems like Troughout the Bible it was only Life or Dead there is no such thing as eternal Torture is either life or Dead and the lie that many belive is that we are imortal that Is what the Devil wants us to think we are going to be gone forever Because even if you were to b•urn in hell forever God would still be there he's omnipresent
I mean, yes thete definitely seems to be that aspect of it
Great video yes I hold to the traditional view also. God is merciful and long suffering but he is also just.
Did you know that people pray in hell?
God is also a God of judgment. Hell is the second death.
Jesus makes it very clear that Hell is very very very real! In fact Jesus spends much time in his life trying to make people understand just how Real Hell is. 🙏🙏💖🙏🙏🌹
hell is the second death in book of Revelation
If Jesus took the punishment for our sin and the punishment is eternal suffering in hell, why is he not still suffering that punishment? Because the wages of sin is *death*. He died, he ceased to exist. That is the punishment for sin. Not eternal torment.
When he rose again it foreshadowed what will happen in the resurrection of the righteous when He comes again. If the righteous were in heaven now there wouldn't be a need to resurrect them either. They are sleeping in the grave as Jesus did when he took our punishment.
Thanks for the topic and information about any other view of hell, Yes. Exactly, we should really base on scriptures and that is the traditional view of hell. 🙏👍👌
#1 is correct. God is not doing any torturing any more than light is actively against darkness. They simply don't exist together. The worst thing about hell will be eternal separation from the God that you choose not to be with.
What do you mean? People live without God on the daily and they don't even care because they don't know him. They won't care about God not being there, they will only care about the pain they are in. Eternal life by Christ only, doesn't mean, Everyone in hell gets eternal life and gets to be tortured forever. I couldn't worship a God who tortures my lost loved ones for all eternity that isn't justice that is beyond insane.
Your comment makes the most sense out of any on this board. There's alot of people here that are just a little too enthusiastic about people burning alive forever. @@Blockah
View #1 is the only Biblical view of Hell. But Hell is not the final place of torment. Revelation 20 talks about the Lake of Fire which is the final eternal punishment.
Another informative video from a teacher who speaks the truth of the gospel...
I think this topic needs more than 20 minutes to discuss. More verses from scripture. At least 1 hour should do it..
Doesn't matter if it's 20 minutes or an hour long because this guy like many preachers before him, are misinterpreting the gospel.
@@XER0signal_01 I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for your opinion.
I'm so glad i found your channel. Really helping me understand things
I believe in ,
Annihilationist view in my opinion has the most scriptural support
I know you said in your "opinion" but I would just say as a matter of fact it has by far the most scriptural support. here are a few of the clearest verses: Job 21:30; Matthew 7:13; Matthew 10:28; Philippians 3:18-19; Hebrews 10:27; Revelation 20:9; Malachi 4:1 & 3; Isaiah 47:14; 2 Peter 2:6 & 12-13; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 21:8; Psalms 37:9-20 & 38; Obadiah 1:15-18; Ezekiel 28:18-19; Hebrews 2:14; John 5:24; John 5:28-29; John 3:15-16; John 10:27-28; Matthew 7:13-14; 1 John 5:11-13; Romans 2:5-10; Romans 6:23; In light of these we see Matthew 25:46, their punishment: 2 Thessalonians 1:9 "destruction" never to be undone.
I held the traditional view for most of my life, but adopted the annihilationism view several years ago. While Allen explained the generality of it, I didn't like very much how it's like we just go by emotion and morality debate.
For us, at least for me, it's not just that simple nor is it just putting my morality standards in here. What he quoted was only in New Testament, but we can see many forshadowing in the OT also. And whenever the fate of the wicked is mentioned, we talk about ashes, destruction and in the NT, eternal death, eternal destruction, "your name will not be remembered" and even "your house will be toilets". it's not just 3 or 4 verses, it's literally many years of studying the Scriptures and looking at the terminology.
I agree. I also held the traditional view for most of my life. It took being questioned by a non-believing family member to really get me to examine WHY I believed what I did, so I could better respond to his objections to belief in God. He, like so many non-believers said that he couldn't believe in a God that punished everyone for all eternity, so that people like Ghandi, who did not believe in Christ but led relatively moral lives, would receive the same punishment as Adolph Hitler, etc. It also did not align with the thought of a merciful God, allowing the torture of His children for all time.
So, I had to actually research what the Bible taught...not just what I had learned from church, parents and peers. I learned of the 2nd death, which is never really covered in any church I have attended. I had to understand that the word "eternal" is often meant to confer permanence, not duration. The Bible speaks of eternal punishment...not eternal punishing.
Finding passages that are often glossed over, or misread, helped as well. As Allen mentioned, for example, where it states that God can destroy both body and soul in Hell.
And the most famous verse in Christianity confirms this view: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Everyone perishes. So, this verse refers to the death of the soul. The second death.
This view isn't an emotional, or "feel good" view. It shows that God is merciful, but He is also Just. It erases perceived contradictions regarding verses that say that there will be no more suffering vs. the concept of eternal punishment, etc.
@@thunderpriest7418You put it right. This is exactly what I'm talking about.
Actually we could go verse by verse and chapter by chapter through the whole bible that talks about hell and lack of fire and when given the proper context, we definitely can see how the annihilation theology makes total sense.
I still believe in a certain and appropriate degree of punishment but if I have to sum it up, I go by Jesus's parable in Matthew 18:34:
"And in anger his master delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay all his debt."
So you get the punishment according to your deeds.
@@thunderpriest7418 Yes, i agree, i don't even understand why people insist on the traditional view. Its not consistent with what the Bible says.
@@Deffine Prejudgment is a flaw of the bestial nature of humanity and it is hard for each of us to realize we are giving into that temptation much less fight it.
@@ambinintsoahasinaindeed the wages of sin is death
I gotta say I’ve been watching hell testimonies for about 2 years now, they’re are definitely some liars but when it comes down to it a lot of these testimonies match up to each other and 100% I believe it’s eternal don’t underastimate this guys wrath he’s shown me in my life how serious he is. Please spread the word
Hi friend The eternal fire is in the father himself
If you were to face the father in person without the blood of Jesus christ
The fire the father is would turn you to ashes
This is why Jesus says no man sees the father and lives without going thru Jesus first
Jesus told Lucifer the day is coming where Lucifer will be turned into ashes
Malichi chapter 4 verse 1 to 3 shares with us that the day is coming where it will burn as an oven, and the wicked will be turned to ashes
Revelation chapter 20 shares with us that the lost had no place in heaven or on the earth
They are gone from the face of God for eternity they don't exist
Now, do you really think God who is love would burn an individual for eternity?
I have a feeling that many don't realize how long eternity is
Could you imagine someone you loved in this life was found lost, and you knew they we in the hell fire fore eternity
We would cry out to God to stop this suffering of the one we loved in that life
Funny, strange
It wouldn't be heaven if God was burning a brother or a sister or mom and dad or an offspring for eternity just for one Sin they refuse to ask for forgiveness for
Especially if it was a small little lie
Jeremaiah chapter 4 verse 22 is right on
For God's people who are Catholic and prostestant, don't have no knowledge of their God
They are sottish people
We believe in lies about our God and his character
@@echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008that’s so weird I don’t know why anyone would lie about going to hell
The father hates sin
So he has a law about himself
The fire he is will burn up sin
So if a person is connected to sin, then the fire that the father for scripture shares with us that god is a consuming eternal fire that surrounds him takes the life of the individual who is connected to sin and face the father without the presence of Jesus christ
So anyone who goes into judgment on their own in the presence of God
Will be turned into ashes
There is no eternal life in the lake of fire
God gave life
God has the authority to take the gift of life from them who refuse to give up the sin we treasure
Think of God as an atomic bomb
If an atomic bomb ignites, nobody is going to be able to quenish that fire
And if you're a point zero when the bomb goes off
You will be an incenterade. Nothing will be left of you, and no man will be able to save you
See, if we love life, then Jesus is our only hope
For his blood will keep the fire of God from consuming any of us
If death is knocking at our door, a common person fights to stay alive
Even a dog will fight to stay alive,
The enemy that man faces is death
Jesus is the only way we can beat death when facing his father in person,
@@tammi67able people lie for attention all the time. Especially Christians.