Is Soul Sleep Biblical or Do Believers Go to Heaven When We Die?

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @thebeatagp
    @thebeatagp  2 роки тому +204

    Hey BEAT family! This is a follow-up video from many of the questions you all asked on my video about "Can People in Heaven Watch What's Going on Here on Earth?" Many people made the claim that there are no people in heaven now. This video discusses the idea of soul sleep and whether or not that concept is biblical. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts below!

    • @JoseSanchez-ft4ef
      @JoseSanchez-ft4ef 2 роки тому +5

      Thank you Pastor Allen. Great video. 🙏🙏🙏 God Bless you my Brother

    • @annetten.8667
      @annetten.8667 2 роки тому +2

      Thank you For this insightful video! GOD bless you and peace be with you and your loved ones. ❤️✝️🙏🌎

    • @Marinanor
      @Marinanor 2 роки тому +3

      I liked your analysis of the song Too Good To Not Believe. I do think the verse about real life resurrection could be construed as metaphorically. When we are saved, to me that's "Real life Resurrection" even if no one comes back from the literal dead.

    • @bertadejesus7279
      @bertadejesus7279 2 роки тому +5

      Hey Allen,
      Can you do a video on pre tribulation vs post??
      God Bless you and your family!

    • @samaelmartinus3273
      @samaelmartinus3273 2 роки тому +17

      Let me start off by saying i would prefer your interpretation.
      - I noticed gap filling in all if not most of your examples.It's when a speaker takes advantage of a passage that could be considered non specific, and fills it in with their agenda.
      Gen 15:15 could be other things like burial site.
      I can go on about every single verse you examples let me jump to the endish
      - could it be that things were done differently before Christ in old t vs new t? I think so. It's the only way to explain the differences. I think it's pretty clear when that's brought into perspective and remembered. As the old t seems to back up going straight to and fro rather than sleep.
      - also there is the debate as you covered about Luke thief on the cross and also the fact that there is the proof that Jesus or God could have specially elected those exampled in ur statements. As Jesus elected resurrection of the little girl and Lazarus just like the thief??
      - we can't ignore revelation book either and how many specifities are given that are clear cut about sleep rather than no soul sleep.
      I mean let's not ignore how many times it says "raise the dead " after the numerous times of talking about new T sleep.
      I think the key here is the difference of times with Christ on earth and when with out. Alot changed and it constantly mentions "believers".
      Ans pay attention and read the whole chapter it's actually opposite of what Allen's says.
      ***But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.
      1 Thessalonians 4:13‭-‬18 NASB1995
      Good day

  • @thekeytokrissy1305
    @thekeytokrissy1305 2 роки тому +707

    Please, if you’re reading this and don’t mind praying ,please pray for my 1 year old baby girl Reign who has a very low white blood cell count.Thank you in advance!

    • @757ROM
      @757ROM 2 роки тому +14

      Prayer: Reign’s healing & your strength as God’s will manifest in Jesus name.

    • @Chickyandgiraffy
      @Chickyandgiraffy 2 роки тому +7

      I pray for your baby girl’s healing. Lord wrap your arms around Reign. Touch her and heal her like only You can. In Jesus name, Amen.

    • @thekeytokrissy1305
      @thekeytokrissy1305 2 роки тому +1

      @@Chickyandgiraffy amen! Thank you so much!

    • @thekeytokrissy1305
      @thekeytokrissy1305 2 роки тому

      @@757ROM Thankyou so much!

    • @mariodeluna9644
      @mariodeluna9644 2 роки тому +6

      @@thekeytokrissy1305 I prayed for you and just ask the Lord to be with you in this tough time and that he comforts you and helps you 🙏 and just know what is says in Romans. 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose 🙏

  • @aprilwalford7098
    @aprilwalford7098 Рік тому +457

    I don’t care if I sleep or I’m translated right away!! As long as I am in the first resurrection and I see my Lord! As long as I hear well done my good and faithful servant!!! As long as my salvation is secured in my Lord Jesus!! That’s enough for me!!

    • @josephjenkins305
      @josephjenkins305 Рік тому +5


    • @manlommastivud6250
      @manlommastivud6250 Рік тому +5

      oh man ! Like you didn't read the bible..if died people had souls that go roaming around than the people who died and were resurrected by Jesus or his disciples would say so..but there is no written evidence in the bible..

    • @aprilwalford7098
      @aprilwalford7098 Рік тому +11

      @@Steve_from_318 Revelation 20:4-6 “And then I saw thrones, and sitting on them were those to whom judgment [that is, the authority to act as judges] was given. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had refused to worship the beast or his image, and had not accepted his mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead [the non-believers] did not come to life again until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. Blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired) and holy is the person who takes part in the first resurrection; over these the second death [which is eternal separation from God, the lake of fire] has no power or authority, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and they will reign with Him a thousand years.”
      ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭20‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭AMP‬‬

    • @aprilwalford7098
      @aprilwalford7098 Рік тому +8

      @@manlommastivud6250 It’s a terrible thing to assume my brother! My statement is speaking to the fact that this doctrine in it self does not bring salvation if you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus and has received his salvation. Yet we still have to be wise in order to avoid the temptation of necromancy, in believing that the dead spirits are still roaming around, which in actuality are demons. Since you are curious, I do believe that we sleep until Christ returns. As the Bible states “Now we do not want you to be uninformed, believers, about those who are asleep [in death], so that you will not grieve [for them] as the others do who have no hope [beyond this present life]. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again [as in fact He did], even so God [in this same way-by raising them from the dead] will bring with Him those [believers] who have fallen asleep in Jesus. For we say this to you by the Lord’s [own] word, that we who are still alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede [into His presence] those [believers] who have fallen asleep [in death]. For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel and with the [blast of the] trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain [on the earth] will simultaneously be caught up (raptured) together with them [the resurrected ones] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord!”
      ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬-‭17‬ ‭AMP‬‬
      And many other verses back this belief. I’m not however going to argue with people I do not know on the internet about such, or assume they do not read the Bible!
      Have a great day!!

    • @goofydrooplsd1344
      @goofydrooplsd1344 Рік тому +1

      ​@@Steve_from_318 difference in facts and opinions 👀👀

  • @marijowallace4420
    @marijowallace4420 2 роки тому +653

    Thank you Jesus! My son went home 5 years ago in a tragic drowning accident. But he was ready, Joseph knew Jesus, and was secure in him. Theses scriptures have given me so much comfort. Since his departure, I have purposely studied Heaven, this place that Jesus and our Heavenly Father have prepared for us! So excited for my son, even though I miss him everyday, I know Joseph is in good hands! I thank Jesus everyday for the cross, and becoming my sacrificial lamb for my sins. To all who receive Christ, gives us the right to become sons and daughters of the most high. Thank you for sharing these scriptures, I know them, but will meditate on them today. Grateful to be a part of the family of God! 🕊️🙏♥️

    • @justsomeviruswithinterneta2513
      @justsomeviruswithinterneta2513 2 роки тому +22

      I'm so sorry for your lost, your son is in heaven now hope you will be ok

    • @taddio76
      @taddio76 2 роки тому +2

      Sorry to hear that. Here is another great video that concerns your touching story:

    • @showmethatthang
      @showmethatthang 2 роки тому +22

      You mean to say that he is In heaven now enjoying the company of Jesus and then during the resurrection he will be sent back to earth just to be resurrected? Besides, how can someone be in heaven before the judgement? Jesus said when he comes again he will receive those faithful one? How can he receive them if they’re already there? So you also mean that there’s no resurrection? The Bible is clear about resurrection? As sad as it is to lose a loved one, it more sad to believe what this guy is teaching about what happens when someone dies. Can you remember who said that you will not surely die? Wasn’t it Satan through the serpent? What did God said? If you of it you will surely die? I’m sorry but this feel good false preaching about someone being in heaven when they die is serpent/Satan language.

    • @bigdaddy195877
      @bigdaddy195877 2 роки тому +23

      I am So sorry for your loss, but your son us not in heaven now. He is in the grave , waiting for the return of Christ to awake him.

    • @TandZAptLife
      @TandZAptLife 2 роки тому +23

      Allen is right on the money biblically! Your son is in the arms of Jesus!

  • @kaykamp8624
    @kaykamp8624 Рік тому +125

    Several years ago, I was working for a Christian company. One morning, the man bringing us the devotion for the day seemed rather "out of it." He left the chapel to return, with his wife, to his work area. On the way, he stopped and fell to the floor. He said one word as he left his body--"Jesus!" He obviously was not "going to sleep," but was joining his Savior, whom he saw and who was waiting for him.

    • @JeMone
      @JeMone Рік тому +3

      Amen. No one can change my mind on that! Ever

    • @laurenrtyy
      @laurenrtyy Рік тому +1

      I hope he died peacefully, personally for me I would be scared if that happened so glad he is with our savior 😊🙏

    • @LivingFaith2
      @LivingFaith2 Рік тому

      Stephen fell asleep when the hateful Jews stoned him to death. The little girl whom Jesus raised up SLEPT like Lazarus (Mary and Martha's brother) did. The dead in Christ SLEEP until the last day/ last Trump/second coming (1Thes 4:13--17; 1Cor -5:51-53) 12:37

    • @LivingFaith2
      @LivingFaith2 Рік тому +1

      Job 14:12 So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.
      Job 14:13 O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!
      Job 14:14 If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.

    • @LivingFaith2
      @LivingFaith2 Рік тому

      Adams blood cried to God from the grave.

  • @258269
    @258269 2 роки тому +393

    My son died and I ask God where he went and God replied to me “His Spirit/breath has returned to the one who gave it” that was all God said!

    • @cyamx8919
      @cyamx8919 2 роки тому +23

      Yeah that's a good thing 😄 he is in heaven

    • @ricksonora6656
      @ricksonora6656 2 роки тому +20

      Then study, study, study God’s Word to ensure that one day (a long time from now), you join him. The Word we already have is how God normally speaks.

    • @LRM5195
      @LRM5195 2 роки тому +15

      God doesn’t audibly speak to people though. That literally never happens and if it does you need to see a psychiatrist.

    • @franciskirunda5803
      @franciskirunda5803 2 роки тому +45

      @@LRM5195 Then your god is must be a Dummy, God speaks in audibly to humans in different ways in fact He is speaking to all of us every single day. the question is do we all listen or even understand his voice? No,not many even the very body of Christ know His voice. but we listen to many voices speaking daily in our lives through our life experiences, heart, abilities and personality( temperaments)

    • @LRM5195
      @LRM5195 2 роки тому +8

      @@franciskirunda5803 All of what you’re referring to is your brain and body. Has nothing to do with any “God”.

  • @ChaplainReece
    @ChaplainReece 2 роки тому +351

    I always use the illustration of a baby being born. In the womb they are in a familiar place. But when they come out they have no control. They are simply trusting in who is there delivering them.
    Whenever you die you enter into another room. If you’re anything like me you’re trusting in Jesus to be there waiting on you to receive you on the other side.

    • @princessmilkchocolate5246
      @princessmilkchocolate5246 2 роки тому +1


    • @bezatadesse748
      @bezatadesse748 2 роки тому +16

      This is a beautiful illustration. Thank you so much!!

    • @lowell101gaming4
      @lowell101gaming4 2 роки тому +4


    • @firingallcylinders2949
      @firingallcylinders2949 2 роки тому +15

      One second you're an autonomous being and the next you have 0 control over what's happening. I cannot even imagine the fear when non believers pass and open their eyes to see they were wrong their whole life.

    • @Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on
      @Failur3i5n0tan0pt1on 2 роки тому +13

      What’s worse will be the fear and bemusement of those who believes in a false version of Christianity (which is the majority) only to be rejected by Jesus as he expresses to them, “I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” (MATTHEW 7:21-23)

  • @passionforyarn1990
    @passionforyarn1990 2 роки тому +110

    Hello Beat family ,I wanted to share this with you guys. My mother was sick with liver cancer and in Feb of 2019 she departed with the lord. She lived in Florida and also my brother and sister. They got to be with her at her death bed and said their goodbyes. I at the time lived in Connecticut and even though i saw her for a few days for Thanksgiving of 2018 I didn't see her before she died. When i got to Florida she was already gone for 9 hrs because she die at 2 am and i got there at 11am. Out of all her kids i was the only one serving the Lord and was praying and fasting for her healing but God had other plans.
    A few months later i woke up from my sleep and on my bedroom wall the Lord showed me a vision of my mother in heaven. I was not asleep. I saw her well, not sick and she was in this huge beautiful Mansion . She was sitting down and there was a table right next to her with the most beautiful centerpiece of lots of flowers. She was at peace, at rest. This place was beautiful and i will share my testimony in my channel very soon. Too much to say here. I will never forget it, never! She was happy and not asleep.She was awake!

    • @annw.6460
      @annw.6460 Рік тому +2

      Thank you so much for sharing this. Did your mother appear younger in the vision the Lord shared with you than she had been when she passed away? As you did not share how old she was when she went heaven, I do not know if she was elderly or not, but, if so, I would imagine she is significantly younger in heaven. God bless you and I would love to hear more details of the vision the Lord gave you. 🙏 🕊

    • @LilXancheX
      @LilXancheX Рік тому +1


    • @annw.6460
      @annw.6460 Рік тому +2

      @@LilXancheX on what portion of the Holy Bible do you base your assertion?

    • @hobolove2468
      @hobolove2468 Рік тому +4

      @@LilXancheX Acts 2:17
      “’In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”
      You shouldn’t be so cocky

    • @joshuasmith-libertyunivers4953
      @joshuasmith-libertyunivers4953 11 місяців тому

      @@hobolove2468 I think Paul is quoting Joel and asserting that the day of Pentecost is the fulfillment of that prophecy.

  • @242RP
    @242RP 2 роки тому +37

    What an amazing and comforting video, to be reminded that the loved ones I lost (believers) are right now in the presence of Almighty God and enjoying their time there!☺️🙏🏽🙌🏽

    • @daphne201239
      @daphne201239 Місяць тому

      Makes sense from all of the NDE stories I've heard.

  • @MH-gy7ob
    @MH-gy7ob 2 роки тому +34

    Ecclesiastes 12:7 (HCSB): the dust returns to the earth as it once was,
    and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

    • @walid4184
      @walid4184 2 роки тому

      The single most important message of all prophets to their people was to worship God alone and none else and to follow His teachings. All of them, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad and others, in addition to those we do not know - invited people to worship God and shun false gods.
      Moses declared:"Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord."(Deuteronomy 6:4). This was repeated 1500years later by Jesus, when he said: "The first of all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord.’(Mark 12:29)
      So, the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus, is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said, ‘I am God, worship me.’ Instead, he merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One.
      This aligns with the mission of Jesus, as taught in Islam, where Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel to confirm the message of the past Prophets - to believe in the One True God.
      most Christians nowadays believe in trinity.. Jesus said i came not to destroy the commandments of moses i came just to fulfill.
      Muslims reject the Christian belief that God is a Trinity, not only because the Quran rejects it, but also because if this was God’s true nature, He would have clearly revealed it to Abraham, Noah, Jesus and all of the other prophets.
      ISLAM is the submission in worship to Allah Alone and it is the essence of all the Messages sent to all nations before us. Allah is All-Just and All-Wise. He does not intend confusion for His Creation. The religion accepted to Him is the one chosen by Him. Its essence must be One, because He is One. It is free from geographical, racist, and status oriented concepts. It is Perfect and it is the complete way of life. All these qualities are chosen by Allah in His Only Religion: Islam. Its details are in in the Qur’an, read it and come with an open heart because none can expose better than the World of Allah. The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. He did not author it. He was unlettered. Its translation is available in many languages in bookstores or in an Islamic Center close to you. Take the time to read it and come/call the Islamic Center, or speak to someone who re-verted and submitted to Allah Alone.
      Watch some discussions between Christians and Muslims👇
      (One Message Foundation)
      Thank you for reading the comment🌸

    • @kingofbudokai
      @kingofbudokai 3 місяці тому

      You might be interested to know that the word "spirit" in the bible does not refer to the idea of the human soul even one time. Similarly, the word "soul" found in the new testament is actually the greek word "psyche" meaning "mind." At no point does the Bible actually suggest (at least in it's original languages of hebrew and greek) that there is a separate "soul" that leaves our bodies when we die. Interesting, huh?

    • @Data-Expungeded
      @Data-Expungeded 7 днів тому

      @@walid4184 Except that time Thomas called Jesus “My Lord and my God” and He was like “Good job at finally getting the point.”

  • @KateMarshall-ei3lf
    @KateMarshall-ei3lf 2 роки тому +217

    I lost my husband/best friend of thirty years this past November; I was the only one in the room just before the angels took him Home. He couldn't speak, and tears were rolling down his cheeks. I gave him permission to go home; and let him know that I will be okay...and thirty seconds later he left.

    • @UnaBluRose
      @UnaBluRose 2 роки тому +4

      @DiscipleDave DotCom what in the world gave you the impression that Opal serves Satan? Just curious how you came to that deduction? Wow 🤔

    • @benstr8156
      @benstr8156 2 роки тому +14

      "I gave him permission to go home"
      Wow. Sometimes they wait for reassurance from love ones, that's it's ok to go.

    • @phinest105
      @phinest105 2 роки тому

      Study for yourself, my love

    • @Kepi_Kei
      @Kepi_Kei 2 роки тому +1

      God bless you

    • @Kepi_Kei
      @Kepi_Kei 2 роки тому +6

      @DiscipleDave DotCom Take out the log in your own eye before you puff up so high and mighty. You come off being very judgmental. That's a red flag! Judge not lest ye be judged. Jesus' grace is sufficient for us.

  • @ceti7427
    @ceti7427 2 роки тому +36

    I recently loss my mom and 3 days ago my brother. Thank you for this video as it is comforting. I will meditate and ask the Holy Spirit for a clearer understanding. Because I’m earnestly seeking wisdom from God, I’m certain He will bless my efforts.

    • @imabelieverofchrist223
      @imabelieverofchrist223 2 роки тому +2

      I'm sorry to about your loss, your mom is in Heaven watchbg over you. Try to keep a bright smile on your face, your mom would want you to smile. I got love for you, your mom is in a blissful Home with our Heavenly Father. You have a bless life. She wants you to stay strong.

    • @mariac6280
      @mariac6280 2 роки тому +2

      sorry for the losses! I lost my grand dad yesterday! 😢😢😢😢😢

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому

      9 - 8 - 22
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25

  • @juneillmclean2422
    @juneillmclean2422 Рік тому +12

    This is so comforting -Hallelujah-We’ll be with Christ after exiting this earth 🙏🏾

  • @IfIknewthen
    @IfIknewthen 2 роки тому +39

    I agree with the commentator on this However, I think there's enough room for disagreement on this subject that we need not call soul sleep a "false doctrine". it's simply a different interpretation and a reasonable one. Ultimately we just need to do what Paul admonishes us to do and that is to be ready.

    • @cmorales5
      @cmorales5 2 роки тому +6

      I agree it is very extreme to talk about “false doctrine”. The fact is there is a lot of Scriptures signaling the souls sleep until Judgement Day. I think The God Culture brings a much better and profound understanding of this biblical matter.

    • @Deepthoughts4ever
      @Deepthoughts4ever 2 роки тому +3

      Actually you can dig a bit deeper into theology and history and find out it is a false doctrine. Ecclesiastes is a good example of the writer simply saying without god there is nothing worth anything. He says if there is no god then the dead know nothing.

    • @mr.emaaejae6058
      @mr.emaaejae6058 2 роки тому +3

      Keep in mind that to God and Jesus, death is legitimately interpreted as sleep because only they can bring you out of it and re-animate, or RESURRECT you at will.

    • @libahopeson1296
      @libahopeson1296 2 роки тому +1

      @@cmorales5 references please... Don't simply comment

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому +1

      @@Deepthoughts4ever False message Sorry but if u study gods word you will find out that Your made of dust and spirit which is the breathe that's in you. when u die you will go to the grave while your breathe/spirit leaves your body. The dead are Sleep(unconscious)and will rise again John 14:3 Jesus says "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
      Gen 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath or (spirit)of life; and man became a living soul.
      Psalms 146:4 "His breath(spirit) goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish."

  • @lindamcfarland9656
    @lindamcfarland9656 2 роки тому +15

    I got word my niece passed away this morning. She had cancer and it had moved to her liver. She was a believer, thankfully, and I had some peace with that, but my oldest daughter had been very close to her. They weren't just cousins, they were best friends. My daughter texted me that she was having a hard time finding any joy even in the knowledge that her cousin was with Christ. This message popping up in my UA-cam feed today is absolutely the best gift of the Lord that I can share with my family today. Thank you, thank you, brother Allen🙏💕

    • @donstrong1717
      @donstrong1717 2 роки тому

      Why don't you start sharing this the fact that we all die life is not permanent! All this other Bible nonsense you need to let it go and start living in reality, we will all be better off..🤔

    • @thokozilemagudulela7737
      @thokozilemagudulela7737 2 роки тому

      @@donstrong1717 Please keep 'this bible nonsense' opinion to yourself and leave us who believe in it to find peace when there are issue that trouble us in this wonderful Spirit inspired letter from GOD

  • @blindon4774
    @blindon4774 2 роки тому +96

    To be absent of the body is to be present with the LORD

    • @michealduzan5767
      @michealduzan5767 Рік тому +4


    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому +7

      Wen u cease to exist at death your next conscious thought will be Jesus comming on the clouds of heaven with the angels. That’s the presence of the lord. But wen death comes you don’t go to heaven immediately. death is an enemy it’s not some alternative route to heaven. If that we’re the case then we be ready to get killed to go to heaven but we all have a desire to live

    • @chrisjitsu7166
      @chrisjitsu7166 Рік тому +6

      @@silasr20 u made no sense

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому +5

      @@chrisjitsu7166 if that’s the case then what’s the purpose of the ressurection? Isn’t Jesus comming back for the dead in Christ first ? The souls under the alter is symbolic

    • @Toletha2
      @Toletha2 Рік тому +8

      That text is so misquoted. People always leave off the first part and run with the last part of the text. It is true that IF we are absent from that old body and in our new body, we are present with the Lord. But that's not what the text says. I'm not sure if you are quoting the text right now or just making a statement that when we are out of our current body, we're with the Lord. If that is the case (that you are making a statement), then it is true.
      But since I've gone this far with this (because many people do misquote the last part of the text and erroneously believe that they go immediately to heaven upon death based on that), let me continue on. If one looks carefully at the text, it says, "We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord." So, basically what it tells us is that WE'RE WILLING TO BE ABSENT (basically desire to be absent from that old body) SO THAT WE CAN BE PRESENT WITH THE LORD. It is not telling us that as soon as we die, we are present with the Lord -- That is what some believe, and that is so not true.

  • @MarthaBeckham-dp8pe
    @MarthaBeckham-dp8pe Рік тому +10

    You are absolutely spot on with your explanation of where we go when we die. I love listening to your videos, because so far everything that I have heard you speak on is directly from Scripture, and as John has told us to examine everything to make sure it is the word of God. Love you brother!

    • @Shh003
      @Shh003 4 місяці тому

      Just a little review of scripture would show you that he is indeed NOT spot on. He is wrong and adding interpretations to scripture that is contradictory to other scriptures.

  • @georgeharvey6434
    @georgeharvey6434 2 роки тому +48

    John 5:28-29
    “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out-those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.

    • @ralphralpherson9441
      @ralphralpherson9441 Рік тому +7

      Luke 23:
      And he was saying, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!”
      *43 And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”*

    • @trj7078
      @trj7078 Рік тому +12

      @@ralphralpherson9441 I heard an explanation many years ago that the translators inserted the comma in error. It should read, "...I say to you today, you will be with me in paradise" (as in the promise made in the moment was assurance for when the appointed time comea)

    • @ralphralpherson9441
      @ralphralpherson9441 Рік тому +10

      @@trj7078 That's a poor excuse. Where else in the Bible did Christ say "I tell you TODAY" or "Today I tell you the truth". If you go back to the original Aramaic/Hebrew, or even the Coine Greek it makes perfect sense. Jesus is talking about being in Heaven today, not qualifying "when he tells him". Not only is it obvious he's telling him "today" but it's totally unnecesary and uncharacteristic of how the Gospel authors portray Christ speaking. The typical wind-up seems to be "Verily I say unto thee" or "Verily I tell you"... but never, "I tell you this truthfully TODAY"... Jesus wanted to comfort the thief that TODAY, that day they would be in Paradise together because that theif had repented and had faith. Also, see my point about God being an infinite being outside of space and time. God has no need for 2000 years or 2 million years. God exists beyond time and above time. So the idea of an Infinite all-powerful deity needing to "put us to bed" for a few thousand years is just absurd on its face. The more LIKELY mistranslation is the word "sleep" since Biblical authors had no understanding of the brain and hence sleep, death, coma, unconsciousness, or a body at rest in a grave would all use the same word "sleep". The body sleeps, the body dies, the body goes unconscious... but the soul cannot, and it would seemingly be absurd for an Infinite Being to "put a soul to sleep" for a while. I'm going to put my faith into the words of Christ, and he told the theif that Paradise was just a few moments away. Jesus also told his disciples that "He will go to his Father in Heaven" upon the ressurrection. Peter saw Elijah and Moses (who weren't sleeping) and in Revelations John saw visions of souls in Heaven with God. I think the evidence and the logic stacks up to prove "soul sleep" is a false doctrine. It's also bizarre that only a few select sects of Christianity are the only faiths who espouse "soul sleep" and all other religions seem to share the concept of the immortal and eternal soul.

    • @donieboy2303
      @donieboy2303 Рік тому +11

      @@ralphralpherson9441 question, pls. Did Jesus go to paradise that day? John 20:17 : "Touch me not, for..."
      Please do not make Him a liar as he would be if He promised the thief "today".
      so since there were no commas before, the appropriate place of it is after the word "today", not before.
      thank you and God bless.

    • @awblanchard23
      @awblanchard23 Рік тому +2

      @@donieboy2303 Jesus went to Abraham's Bosom (holding place for the faithful dead which was Paradise. Eden was on earth and was Paradise before the Fall. Heaven was not the only paradise. PARADISE IS BEING FOUND IN CHRIST. The old testament faithful were all WAITING for God's promised Messiah and their FAITH IN GOD'S MESSIAH WAS COUNTED TO THEM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS. GOD is Faithful and sent His Son to bear all our sin on that cross and offered up to the Father as our perfect sin offering and in doing so He took the full undiluted wrath of God's judgment on sin IN PLACE OF THE BELIEVER IN GOD'S MESSIAH. It's always been about JESUS...precious JESUS...what a wonderful Savior!!!

  • @JeffreyStrader
    @JeffreyStrader 2 роки тому +57

    When we die the Bible speaks clearly of what happens to all of us…..Ecclesiastes 12:7 - “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.” In other words, when a person dies, his or her spirit goes back to God (doesn’t say Heaven) the body returns to dust and the soul of that person comes to an end. That is why Job 27:3 says, “All the while my breathe is in me, and the spirit of God is my nostrils.”
    Ecclesiastes 9:5 says, “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know not any thing.” When you die you know nothing. You are not aware of what’s going on earth and you are not looking down from heaven because the dead knows nothing. In order to be conscious of anything you must have a soul. But a soul is the combination of body and spirit. When the two no longer exist together, there is no soul and there is no consciousness of anything.
    At this present time, no one is in heaven or hell. Acts 2:29 and 34 tells us that King David is both dead and buried and his grave is still with us today. But King David has not yet ascended into heaven. His body has turned to dust and his spirit is back with God and his soul no longer exist. If this is true for David, then it is also true for everybody else.
    Nothing happens to the dead until Jesus returns. I Thessalonians 4:13-18 makes it perfectly clear what happens when we die. The passage begins by saying the Lord does not want us to be ignorant about what happens to the dead in Christ. The dead in Christ refers to those who have died as saved or born again Christians as a result of accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. If you as a Christian, believe Jesus died and rose from the dead, then we too will eventually rise from the dead. And that will happen when Jesus returns. I Thessalonians 4: 16-17 says, “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then, we which are alive and remain, shall be caught us together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we be with the Lord forever.” It is perfectly clear that we will all go to heaven at the same time. This eliminates anyone being able to say, “I got to heaven before you did

    • @Tpartee3
      @Tpartee3 2 роки тому +1

      I agree with all of what you said except I believe we will return to the new earth or Earth 3.0.

    • @opheliadunn8724
      @opheliadunn8724 2 роки тому +2

      This is what the Bible teaches

    • @dsen2283
      @dsen2283 2 роки тому +7

      “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:28‬ ‭ESV‬‬
      The above verse clearly indicated that a person can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Therefore, your notion that the soul cannot exist if the body and spirit are separated is wrong. And the soul is not a combination of the body and spirit, the soul is its own thing.
      “And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.”
      Matthew‬ ‭27:50‬ ‭NIV‬‬
      Here we see Jesus giving up His Spirit to the Father and died right after doing so. This proved that your spirit can be alive while your body is dead. So, you can also say that your soul can also be alive while your body is dead.
      “For you will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One see corruption.”
      ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2:27‬ ‭ESV‬‬
      The above verse clearly refutes the claim that a person soul comes to an end after death. How can the soul be abandon if the soul no longer exist after death?
      And you also misinterpreting Acts 2:29-35. Here Peter is referencing Psalm 16:8-11 to explains to the audience that these verses were referring to Jesus Christ and not King David himself. Because King David is still in the grave rioting but Jesus rose from the grave after 3 days.
      The soul is the combination of our mind, emotions, memory, feelings, and thoughts. These are the things that make us human. If your soul died, you cease to be YOU.
      “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:29‬ ‭ESV. ‬‬

    • @truthbetold8610
      @truthbetold8610 2 роки тому +1

      Do you believe that humans and animals have the same fate when they die? You should because that is Scriptural truth.
      This will require a complete rethinking of your beliefs if you want to know the real truth.

    • @NothingButBiblicalTeachings
      @NothingButBiblicalTeachings 2 роки тому +1

      Exactly brother good assessment

  • @87Hadley
    @87Hadley 2 роки тому +34

    As usual, Allen did an awesome job, using scripture to prove our souls do not "sleep". Our bodies do "sleep" , but our spirit/soul is in heaven with God. Great job and thank you Allen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @trex8440
      @trex8440 2 роки тому +2

      Your spirit is the breathe of life

    • @trex8440
      @trex8440 2 роки тому +7

      Psalms 146:4 "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish."
      Psalm 104:29 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust.
      Gen 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
      Your made of dust and spirit which is the breathe that’s in you when u die you will go to the grave while your breathe/spirit leaves your body the dead are Sleep and will rise again John 14:3 Jesus says “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”

    • @LeonTheLion-777
      @LeonTheLion-777 11 місяців тому +2

      Our spirit/ breath goes back to God but there is NO consciousness. Ecclesiastes 9:5
      For the living know that they shall die; but the dead do not know anything, nor do they have any more a reward; for their memory is forgotten. King David speaks of this as well in the psalms.

  • @dorothywilder1010
    @dorothywilder1010 10 місяців тому +5

    So glad you made this video ..I lost my 36 year old daughter June 18 2023 unexpectedly...I'm not ok ..but this makes me feel so much better 🙏🙏

    • @Lovely-Zee-101
      @Lovely-Zee-101 5 місяців тому

      My father passed away the same day June 18 but in 2018. It takes time but I hope time to heal but we will see them again 🕊️

    • @CalvinA87
      @CalvinA87 3 місяці тому

      I’m truly sorry for your lost, my condolences to you and your family, continue to ask the lord to give you strength.

  • @SchoolForProphets
    @SchoolForProphets 2 роки тому +39

    Btw, Jesus did not go to paradise that day. A couple days later when He resurrected, He told Mary, touch me not I have not yet ascended…

    • @jo9354
      @jo9354 2 роки тому +5

      Allen has been exposed to the truth, but still finds ways to twist it. He may be among those mentioned here: "But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." (2 Timothy 3:13)

    • @grahamwhitman5515
      @grahamwhitman5515 2 роки тому +10

      @@jo9354 that verse says it all. Also see Acts 2; 29-34 not even King David went to Heaven. He is also waiting for Jesus.

    • @jo9354
      @jo9354 2 роки тому

      @Fu Inle... I hope you are right.

    • @sherlockhomeless7138
      @sherlockhomeless7138 2 роки тому +6

      Maybe because paradise is not the same as heaven?

    • @NothingButBiblicalTeachings
      @NothingButBiblicalTeachings 2 роки тому +1

      @@grahamwhitman5515 exactly

  • @PointingtoJesusChrist
    @PointingtoJesusChrist 2 роки тому +45

    For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
    I Thessalonians 4:16‭-‬17 NKJV

    • @sylvester465
      @sylvester465 2 роки тому +2


    • @PointingtoJesusChrist
      @PointingtoJesusChrist 2 роки тому +6

      @@sylvester465 please humbly quote the verse pls

    • @meplife7313
      @meplife7313 2 роки тому +2

      @@PointingtoJesusChrist I Thess 4:14 - this was covered in the vid.

    • @dsen2283
      @dsen2283 2 роки тому +5

      The dead will rise first means that our physical bodies (spirits and souls intact) will walk out of the graves. This had nothing to do with where your soul goes after death.

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому

      4 - 4 - 21
      Yesterday SUNDAY RESURRECTION worship day was GREAT !
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      Seventh day Adventistm are the
      Jehovah's Witnesses
      There is NOT ONE religion on the face of the planet that has more OBVIOUS IDENTICAL similarities between Mormonism and the
      Jehovah's Witnesses than that of Seventh day Adventism
      ( NOT ONE )
      NOT ONE Jehovah's Witnesses and the Seventh day Adventists on ANY of these threads have mentioned ANYTHING about spreading the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      JWS : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      SDA : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      JWS : New 19th century FALSE religion
      SAME AS. ......
      SDA : New 19th century FALSE religion
      JWS : Has their seat in NEW YORK
      SDA : Has their seat in MARYLAND
      JWS : Claims to be the true religion DENOMINATION church
      SAME AS.......
      SDA : Claims to be the true religion DENOMINATION church
      JWS : Charles Taze Russell mentored by the Millerites
      SAME AS.........
      SDA : Claims to be the true religion DENOMINATION church
      JWS : Favorite word SHUN
      SDA : Favorite word HATE
      A ) The minute you question their literature
      B ) The minute you question their authorities
      JWS : Has their OWN Bible
      SDA : Has their OWN Bible
      JWS : Charles Taze Russell has an Egyptian obelisk ALL seeing eye Freemason MASONIC TOMBSTONE dedicated to the PAGAN
      sun ...."" god "" above his gravesite......that still today stands tall and proud
      SAME AS........
      SDA : Ellen G White Purchased an Egyptian Obelisk ALL seeing eye Freemason MASONIC
      TOMBSTONE dedicated to the PAGAN sun "" god "" that still till this day stands tall and proud above her and her husbands gravesite
      Mathew 23 : 27
      Jesus Christ does not like these
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      G - Gods
      R - Riches
      A - At
      C - Christs
      E - Expense
      Try it , Jesus - God - YESHUA in the flesh loves you and so do I !
      AGAPE !

    @RILLAMAN84 2 роки тому +26

    Well dang! This completely changes a lot of what I thought🤔. I personally don’t think our loved ones can look down on us. Plus watching over us, as SO many people believe. I think people think that too ease their minds 🤷🏽‍♂️. My mind always wander to this topic. Me and wife every so often talk about what it must be like after we die. That’s some of our best conversations that we have with each other. Sometimes our kids join our conversation as well. It then becomes a family discussion.

    • @trj7078
      @trj7078 2 роки тому +5

      5For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. 6Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun. Ecclesiastes 9:5

    • @usmc6911
      @usmc6911 Рік тому +1

      When you are with the LORD you can only do as he allows.Sometime HE will allow a soul to guide someone.There are many cases of people on their death bed seeing someone who passed before them and even talking with them about their transition.

    • @usmc6911
      @usmc6911 Рік тому

      Family discussion is the BEST.A great way to bring children to Christianity.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      @@usmc6911 yeaa they’re hallucinating they’re not truly dead

    • @Mimi-pt4fo
      @Mimi-pt4fo 3 місяці тому

      I agree. I think being able to see us still in our imperfect bodies and ways would be so depressing for the saints in heaven. Especially if they could see their loved one still an unbeliever.

  • @judicatekimaro758
    @judicatekimaro758 Рік тому +12

    Thank you Allen for good explanation. To add up... from my personal experience, I almost died in ICU and found myself running going up. I could not control my body but was able to think and ask myself question.. where am I going?? Then I found myself in a place where I could not explain the peace. So much peace. I saw so much people, each sitting in his chair so quiet so peaceful all in white. Then I arrived at a reception point, as I was being seated ( as you have no control over your motion, there is a force that controls you when you are dead not yourself) I awoke and found panel of doctor surrounded me. The a nurse told me"you are so lucky doctors where around, the situation was very bad" I told her I went very far up there... then nurses looked at each other with surprise. I was only 14yrs at that time. Therefore I know for sure.. there is life after death, and is GOD controlled.

  • @anitamcallester4711
    @anitamcallester4711 2 роки тому +13

    Thank you so much for this video. My dad passed away from cancer several years ago and just before he passed, a preacher came to him and told him that anyone who doesn’t believe in the soul sleep just weren’t deep enough into Bible study. This totally confused me. I was going to ask you for a video on this exact topic and it’s like you read my mind. Again, God answers prayers in unusual ways. Thanks again. Have a wonderful day.

    • @robertroberts9178
      @robertroberts9178 2 роки тому +4

      Your preacher was right. You need to study yourself. Not just hear what others teach that you want it to be

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому +1

      4 - 3 - 22
      Good SUNDAY RESURRECTION worship day !
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      Adventism is Mormonism
      Adventism are the
      Jehovah's Witnesses
      Ellen G White was a SELF proclaimed Spirit of Prophecy who PROMOTED CHRISTMAS DAY with a CHRISTMAS TREE in EVERY SINGLE Seventh day Adventist church
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

    • @daughterofgod777
      @daughterofgod777 2 роки тому

      Scripture supports that dead remain unconscious in their graves until Jesus comes. Please watch Allen

    • @donstrong1717
      @donstrong1717 2 роки тому

      You need to accept the fact that your father is gone! We all die that's just the way it is we only get one life so live it to the best of your ability.. Don't listen to these fake preachers or pastors, it's not going to do you any good.😵

    • @ralphralpherson9441
      @ralphralpherson9441 Рік тому

      @@donstrong1717 Wow... you know Christ tells us to LOVE one another, not shout terrible things at people (your father is gone!) over the internet. That was one of the LEAST Christ-like things I've seen in these comments. Really... do better. Sure we all die but our soul is saved by the Blood of Jesus, paid for in full by our loving Savior. Anita, I believe you will be reunited with your father in God's loving arms upon death. "Soul Sleep" doesn't even make sense. God is INFINITE and exists outside of our Universe. Therefore he is not bound by, nor subject to Time. Time is a phenomenon of our Universe and CAN only affect those things WITHIN the universe. God Transcends the Universe and exists outside of our reality. He transcends it. So an Infinite God making all his children wait a "finite" period of time to reunite seems just... fundamentalist, literalist rubbish. It doesn't even make sense. Look deep into your heart and ask God for yourself, don't believe some mean person on the internet who has some self-serving need to be right about a scriptural argument. We have a God of Love... not of vengeance. Christ bought our souls from death the day he perished on the cross.

  • @alyseceleste
    @alyseceleste 2 роки тому +81

    I needed to hear this. Still new believer of a year and when someone told me that you sleep until the Lord wakes you up crushed me. I had a hard time with that. After this video I am back to joy that I WILL be with my father in heaven

    • @ralphralpherson9441
      @ralphralpherson9441 Рік тому +11

      Luke 23:
      And he was saying, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!”
      *43 And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”*
      Sure sounds like the Man Himself meant TODAY, not 200 years from now... TODAY as He already paid the price for your soul that day.

    • @chandeann4804
      @chandeann4804 Рік тому +7

      Don't let it crush you. Jesus is worth waiting on. You are loved and a child of God. As you gain new information, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. Jesus is real. He came and saved us from the power of sin. When He returns, He will make all things new. Because of Him we can have life in Him now and for eternity. Be blessed.

    • @toliveischrist950
      @toliveischrist950 Рік тому +6

      I encourage to read and trust God’s word even when it says something you don’t like. If the thought that you’ll sleep until Jesus resurrects you crushes you then knowing God’s word will take that load off you because his truth always sets you free.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому +5

      @@ralphralpherson9441 now placed that comma after the word today. You’ll see that Jesus was giving the thief the assurance that day that he will be with him in heaven one day. Jesus did not ascend into heaven after died he went to the grave

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому +1

      I don’t understand why your crushed at that death is not an alternative route to heaven death is an enemy. Death is not something we like. When u die u cease to exist its that simple the Bible never teaches that we have an immortal soul. The Bible says the soul that sinneth it shall die

  • @SchoolForProphets
    @SchoolForProphets 2 роки тому +49

    Um… Elijah could not have been sleeping because he never died. He was taken up alive in firey chariots… starting to wonder if you actually read these things…

    • @alienclay2
      @alienclay2 2 роки тому +6

      He don't mention that the book of Jude confirms that Moses was resurrected earlier either.

    • @truthbetold8610
      @truthbetold8610 2 роки тому

      That is definitely NOT true, Elijah NEVER went to Heaven!

    • @truthbetold8610
      @truthbetold8610 2 роки тому +1

      @@alienclay2 That's because that is not what it says, Moses was NOT resurrected.

    • @alienclay2
      @alienclay2 2 роки тому +17

      @@truthbetold8610 2nd kings 2:11
      Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
      Please, no matter who it is, double check with scripture first.

    • @alienclay2
      @alienclay2 2 роки тому +8

      @@truthbetold8610 Deuteronomy 34 (KJV)
      ⁵ So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD.
      ⁶ And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.
      “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”
      - Jude 1:9 (KJV)
      Moses showing up with Elijah at the mount of transfiguration is proof of his resurrection. He died, the Lord himself buried him, was resurrected, and Satan argued against it. likely the argument was because while Enoch had been taken without death, Moses is the first to be resurrected to eternal life and Jesus hadn't died on the cross yet so in a sense God was using his credit card on Moses (and Elijah and Enoch for that matter too)

  • @laurakiahdennis1338
    @laurakiahdennis1338 6 місяців тому +5

    ”Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again. Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.“
    ‭‭John‬ ‭11‬:‭23‬-‭24‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @marshachesbro5969
    @marshachesbro5969 2 роки тому +8

    To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. All saved will be with Jeaus. I can't wait. Thank you Lord.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      Sorry but if u study gods word you will find out that Your made of dust and spirit which is the breathe that's in you. when u die you will go to the grave while your breathe/spirit leaves your body. The dead are Sleep(unconscious)and will rise again John 14:3 Jesus says "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
      Gen 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath or (spirit)of life; and man became a living soul.
      Psalms 146:4 "His breath(spirit) goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish."
      Psalm 104:29 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath (spirit) they die, and return to their dust.

    • @chrisjitsu7166
      @chrisjitsu7166 Рік тому

      @@silasr20 those souls under God alter were crying to him in revelation they don't seem sleeping to me lol we can use verses to bro lol soul sleep doesn't even make sense that's a Jehova witnesses teachings you believe in

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      @@chrisjitsu7166 that’s symbolic do you really think the souls under the alter will be concerned with such a thing about vengeance? No I do think so it’s a representation of all the martyrs who were killed for their faith.

    • @chrisjitsu7166
      @chrisjitsu7166 Рік тому

      @@silasr20 rich man and Lazarus story Jesus uses real names and people in this story even if it was a parable it sounds they went somewhere after they die and were very aware so is Jesus lying then ? Soul sleep u think is real then that vision of John had in the book of revelations about the souls crying out to God under his alter was false then so Jesus lied again? I seen the verses you guys use alot or the Greek translation u guys use alot for your argument but when we use our is a wrong translation or symbolic

  • @melliemel32
    @melliemel32 2 роки тому +4

    You’re right Bro. Allen!! “To be absent from the body IS to be present with the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 5:8. Blessings to all! Let’s STAY in God’s word and seek the Holy Spirit. Thanks for the break down.

    • @jameswoodson9774
      @jameswoodson9774 2 роки тому +1

      I am under the impression that the soul is different from the spirit. God keeps us alive with his spirit, and when we die the spirit) immediately goes back to God ( read Gen. Chapter 6 vs 3), our souls don't have the capacity to maintain life in the structure. And Jesus called dead sleep.

  • @freedomfighter4990
    @freedomfighter4990 2 роки тому +95

    Finally! A definitive, biblical explanation of an issue I've wondered about for decades. Bless you Pastor Allen!

    • @TruthandnothingbutTHEtruth.
      @TruthandnothingbutTHEtruth. 2 роки тому +13

      Maybe he just said something you wanted to hear. So yea finally

    • @firingallcylinders2949
      @firingallcylinders2949 2 роки тому +1

      @@TruthandnothingbutTHEtruth. Refute the verses he explained

    • @freedomfighter4990
      @freedomfighter4990 2 роки тому +4

      @@TruthandnothingbutTHEtruth. I grew up with the teaching about Soul Sleep because of a JW relative, but it never really sat right with me. Now, Allen has taught from the scriptures about that doctrine & spoken the TRUTH about what happens after death. Instead of snarking at me because I learned something, try celebrating that God's truth has been revealed to folks who've been searching for it.

    • @freedomfighter4990
      @freedomfighter4990 2 роки тому +3

      @@firingallcylinders2949 He can't, Bike Lives is just here to troll.

    • @xintimidate
      @xintimidate 2 роки тому +12

      Too bad hes wrong. 2 Timothy 4:8, Matthew 16:27, 2 Peter 2:9, Job 14:10-14, Acts 17:31, Revelation 20:11-15 ,2 Timothy 4 1, Acts 17:30-31, John 11:11-14, John 6:44, Revelation 20:6, 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, 1 peter 4:17 Revelation 22:12, 2 Peter 11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, Acts 7:60, Psalm 13:3 Daniel 12:2, Psalm 115:17, John 5:28-29, Ecclesiastes 12:7, Psalm 6:5, Psalm 146:4, 1 Corinthians 15:6, Ecclesiastes 9:5, Ecclesiastes 3:20-22, 1 Corinthians 15:6, Acts 2:29, 2 Chronicles 27:9, 2 Chronicles 16:13, 2 Chronicles 12:16, 2 Chronicles 32:33, 2 Kings 24:6, 1 Corinthians 15:12-19, Matthew 13:40-42

  • @Marquis103
    @Marquis103 7 місяців тому +7

    Ezekiel 18: 4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
    Jeremiah 23: 16 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord.

  • @briej1
    @briej1 2 роки тому +37

    I’m so happy you decide to cover this video. I have been wondering about this recently and watching your old videos to try and figure it out. Truly believe God led me here!🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • @chucksmith4624
      @chucksmith4624 2 роки тому


    • @chillcuhbruh1125
      @chillcuhbruh1125 2 роки тому

      @vax, tests = mark of beast 1 if what you say is facts then you took the mark

    • @From_darkness2Life
      @From_darkness2Life 2 роки тому +2

      (…reply to Mr. Parr. Please pray & consider…)
      Mr. Parr, so, you continue to keep to Satan’s preaching about death, that we, “…shall not surely die…” & this spiritualistic idea that we have an immortal soul…when the Bible teaches that man BECAME a living soul, after the breath of life was given. (…as the body w/out the spirit…so is faith w/out works dead…);
      “…go to your ancestors…”; “…gathered to your people…” wouldn’t that mean that they’re in one place already…like maybe a burial plot? Doesn’t Acts 2:29, 34 say, that the man after God’s own heart, was dead, buried & hadn’t ascended to heaven? So, David, still buried, was gathered with “his fathers”, asleep until, like He did to Lazarus & what He WILL do w/all that are “dead sleep”now(….pun INTENDED 😉), Jesus calls them forth, with a loud voice & at the time, a 🎺…”…& the dead in Christ will rise first…” (((…side thought, what’s the point of a resurrection, of we go right to God at death…what would be the need to change our “…vile bodies…” into glorified bodies, at that point?…)))
      “…today you will be with me in paradise!”
      Comma placed anywhere w/in that statement wouldn’t change the fact that Jesus didn’t even go right to the paradise of heaven that very day He, they died…”Good Friday”, but on the 1st day of the week, He told Mary not to restrain Him, for He had not yet ascended to the Father. Jesus IS the truth. So, did He lie to the thief about being in paradise w/Him THAT day?
      the Transfiguration: Elijah had been taken to heaven w/out seeing death (…via that fiery chariot…) & Moses actually died on that mountain overlooking the promised land that He was not permitted to go, but Jesus raised him from that death(…see Jude…), the first death.(…please reference what that means…) They were both there, in their glorified bodies…one having died & was raised,(…those that SLEEP in Christ1 Thessalonians 4:16…) & the other having never died(…”…in a twinkling of an eye…mortal puts on immortality…caught up to be with the Lord…” 1 Corinthians 15:52-54 / 1 Thessalonians 4:17…)
      “…the Lake of 🔥 is empty right now…”
      “And they went up on ~the breadth of THE EARTH~ and encompassed the camp of the saints about and the beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them…the devil that deceived them…the beast…the false prophet…death …hell & whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the lake of fire. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away…I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them…”~ Revelation 20:9-15, 21:1-3
      So, WHERE IS THIS PLACE OF TORMENT SUPPOSED TO BE & WHAT WOULD BE THE PURPOSE OF God KEEPING THIS “MUSEUM OF SIN” AROUND, when we’ll already have “the books” to review, as well as the scars that will FOREVER remain on God Himself??? (…moved towards tears here! PLEASE THINK!!! reason with the text, with your gifted minds, lead by the Spirit of truth & make it make sense!!! Please!…)

    • @chrisyang7411
      @chrisyang7411 2 роки тому

    • @alienclay2
      @alienclay2 2 роки тому +1

      @@From_darkness2Life I was getting the feeling that Allen kept saying the next one was going to be better because he knew that what was just presented was wishy-washy at best. I would love for hime to do a live bible study with a channel like school for prophets.

  • @VisionunSEALED
    @VisionunSEALED 2 роки тому +16

    According to the word of God, we go to the grave after death and wait resurrection at the second coming of Jesus.

    • @andrewrogers3067
      @andrewrogers3067 2 роки тому

      That’s…A bit scary…Are we just asleep until then? What happens during that?

    • @chucksmith4624
      @chucksmith4624 2 роки тому


    • @bil.johnson_
      @bil.johnson_ 2 роки тому +2

      No when Jesus talked about the rich man parable he woke up in hell

    • @chucksmith4624
      @chucksmith4624 2 роки тому

      @@bil.johnson_ “Woke up”??? You totally fabricated that!! That’s nowhere in scripture

    • @VisionunSEALED
      @VisionunSEALED 2 роки тому +3

      @@bil.johnson_ But that was a parable, and not literal. If that were true, it means that people in hell can see what's going on earth. I doubt we can support that biblically.

  • @SundayBeastz
    @SundayBeastz 2 роки тому +13

    It's STRANGE how people love to believe lies and opinions of men about "Grandma is looking down on me" rather than just believe what the Glorious Holy Bible says about the dead being in their grave awaiting the resurrection at the return of Jesus Christ!

    • @666sundayman8
      @666sundayman8 2 роки тому

      @vax, tests = mark of beast 1 Nice opinion. . .Completely unbiblical but still a nice opinion.
      Beware of the coming National SUNDAY Law 666! REVELATION 13:17 And that NO man might BUY or SELL. . .666

    • @SundayBeastz
      @SundayBeastz 2 роки тому +2

      @vax, tests = mark of beast 1>>> "The vax and tests are the mark of the beast."

    • @tjisrael
      @tjisrael 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you.

    • @666sundayman8
      @666sundayman8 2 роки тому

      @vax, tests = mark of beast 1 EZEKIEL 18:20 The SOUL that sinneth, it shall DIE.

  • @Hedgehogsupremacy
    @Hedgehogsupremacy Рік тому +2

    I used to believe in soul sleep until I saw this video today. I can’t believe I was so blind! Thank you so much. God bless you!

  • @Gregoire0
    @Gregoire0 2 роки тому +7

    This is what is happening when we are reading verses without the context "For we say this to you by the Lord’s [own] word, that we who are still alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede [into His presence] those [believers] who have fallen asleep [in death].
    1 Thessalonians 4:15 AMP

    • @CJILMinistriesprotruth
      @CJILMinistriesprotruth 2 роки тому +2

      He puts forth his belief as stated at the beginning of his presentation

  • @voiceoftheverses
    @voiceoftheverses 2 роки тому +12

    Lol Jesus is a liar now 😂😂
    John 3:13 “ no man hath ascended up to heaven,”
    Even king David is not in heaven nor DANIEL 😂
    II mean if you were believe seven-year tribulation I shouldn’t expect any better 🤦🏿‍♂️
    No disrespect I can’t rock with you with this one at all

    • @dajew915
      @dajew915 2 роки тому +1

      I saw your video on it love how you broke it down 🙏🏿

    • @andrewking29
      @andrewking29 2 роки тому +1

      You sound a Little harsh tho…

    • @Levinisrael
      @Levinisrael 2 роки тому +1

      Hebrew Israelite!!! ….. I didn’t see you post any video on it on Instagram

    • @voiceoftheverses
      @voiceoftheverses 2 роки тому

      @@Levinisrael I did a video on both Heaven and Lazarus and the rich man but nobody don’t care about that everybody like false doctrine

    • @voiceoftheverses
      @voiceoftheverses 2 роки тому +2

      @@andrewking29 I love him… But he’s wrong on so many different levels on so many different topics bro it’s not even funny… starting from Sunday

  • @damionyoung1871
    @damionyoung1871 2 роки тому +22

    Ecc 12:7, "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it". The living soul is a like a math equation. Dust + the spirit = a living soul. When we die the living soul ceases to exist, the dust goes back to dust and The spirit not your soul goes back to God.

    • @mazukza
      @mazukza 2 роки тому +2

      I agree with you there and I find this guy's very shallow when it comes to this topic he just took verses to support his so called idea ...but his so called ideas are not biblically based but on his euphemism ...I would like to ask Allen to please delete the video and do justice etc etc theme at hand and not browse it...and when he has surely done his research come back to people this is sinful when you teach the wrong thing about the Bible and you are bold without facts ... let's start at creation when a man was created..
      Genesis 2:7, "Then the Lord God formed a man[a] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
      n the book of Genesis 3:19 It is written "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." This is just tell us what happens when you die its just a reverse of the process that happened befor enough were created were not there before you created you only became a living soul after God breathed on you and the reverse happens when you die do not live again dust unto dust breath goes back to the one who gave it and it is not a living rather breath that God gave you .
      From Genesis 18:31, "Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes..."proving that we are just ashes..
      Like animals
      Dust to dust is mentioned in Ecclesiastes 3:20, "All are from the dust, and to dust all return." In the Bible, this passage emphasizes that humans and animals are no different and that everyone is made up of the earth and will return to the earth.

    • @mazukza
      @mazukza 2 роки тому

      Ecclesiastes 9:5 reads, “For the living know that they will die, / but the dead know nothing; / they have no further reward, / and even their name is forgotten.” and ancestors that you mention about Abraham doesn't however nullify this fact stated above instead ask your self what does the word mean..Ancestor is dead Ed o. The dictionary mean one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a for Abraham being with ancestors doesn't mean he is alive with them it means he is bearied and is int he Graves the same way they are In the grave... you reference in the
      transfiguration is not based on the Bible because if uou know Elijah never died but taken to heaven by chariot of fire he is a living ancestor and if you wondering about Moses reaf Jude 25 ...

    • @mazukza
      @mazukza 2 роки тому

      I am however praying 🙏 for you

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому

      4 - 13 - 22
      Jehovah's Witnesses
      are the Seventh day Adventists
      JWS : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      SDA : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      JWS : New 19th century FALSE religion ( 1875 )
      SAME AS.......
      SDA : New 19th century FALSE religion ( 1863 )
      JWS : Claims to be the ONLY ONE TRUE religion DENOMINATION church
      SAME AS.......
      SDA : Claims to be the ONLY ONE TRUE religion DENOMINATION church
      JWS : Favorite word is SHUN your OWN family and friends
      SAME AS........
      SDA : Favorite word is HATE or ATTACK
      A ) The minute one questions their literature
      B ) The minute one questions their authorities
      C ) The minute one questions their FALSE prophets
      "" Awake ""
      Ellen G White
      "" Watchtower ""
      Joseph Rutherford
      Charles Taze Russell
      JWS : WORKS based religion
      SDA : WORKS based religion
      JWS : Has their seat in NEW YORK
      SDA : Has their seat in MARYLAND
      JWS : Have their OWN Bible
      SDA : Have their OWN Bible
      JWS : Charles Taze Russell has an Egyptian Obelisk ALL seeing eye MASONIC Freemason TOMBSTONE dedicated to the PAGAN sun
      "" god "" that still till this day stands tall and proud above his gravesite
      SAME AS .......
      SDA : Ellen G White purchased an Egyptian Obelisk ALL seeing eye MASONIC Freemason TOMBSTONE dedicated to the PAGAN sun
      "" god "" that still till this day stands tall and proud above her and her husbands gravesite
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      2 Timothy 1 : 8 - 9
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Jesus Christ set the PERFECT EXAMPLE of NOT being a vegetarian before and after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY and he ate Honeycomb and he ate FLESH EATING BROILED FISH MEAT in front of his Holy Apostles after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Luke 24 : 39 - 42
      G - Gods
      R - Riches
      A - At
      C - Christs
      E - Expense
      Try it , Jesus - God - YESHUA in the flesh loves you and so do I !
      AGAPE !

    • @truthbetold8610
      @truthbetold8610 2 роки тому

      @@mazukza You have good Bible knowledge but there is an error concerning Elijah.
      Elisha is rewarded for his faithfulness by seeing a fiery war chariot and fiery horses and Elijah ascending in a windstorm to the heavens, meaning the atmosphere. Elijah does not die at this time, nor does he go into the invisible spirit realm where God resides, but he is transferred to another prophetic assignment. (Joh 3:13)
      This is shown by the fact that Elisha does not hold any period of mourning for his master. A number of years after his ascension in the windstorm ELIJAH IS STILL ALIVE AND ACTING AS A PROPHET, this time to the king of Judah. Because of the wicked course taken by King Jehoram of Judah, Elijah writes him a letter expressing Jehovah’s condemnation, which is fulfilled shortly thereafter.-2Ch 21:12-15
      Nor did Elijah upon death ascend to the spiritual heavens, since Jesus, while on earth, clearly stated that “no man has ascended into heaven.” (Joh 3:13

  • @kash7585
    @kash7585 Рік тому +29

    Absent from the body, present with the Lord! 🙌🏻

    • @devaughnedwards104
      @devaughnedwards104 Рік тому

      No your quoting 2 Corinth. He says we rather be absent from the body and present with the lord not that that will happen soon as you die

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому +4

      Jesus said “All who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth” (John 5:28, 29). 
“David … is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. … For David did not ascend into the heavens” (Acts 2:29, 34). 
“If I wait, the grave is mine house” (Job 17:13 KJV). People do not go to heaven or to hell at death. They don’t go anywhere-but they wait in their graves for the first or second resurrection.

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 9 місяців тому

      12 - 12 - 23
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25

  • @daniellelevine9638
    @daniellelevine9638 2 роки тому +6

    GET EM ALLEN!!! this was sooo helpful to me I really appreciate this topic there’s so much bad information out there but if you listen to the thousands and thousands of people who have had near death experiences not one single person said I went to sleep!!!!! they were instantaneously instantly with God the moment they left the body!! That has to count for something!

    • @ralphralpherson9441
      @ralphralpherson9441 Рік тому

      I believe the same thing. NDEs are too ubiquitous around the globe to be "just a sick brain event" or "a hallucination". When these people have these events, their brains are OFF. Period. Plus, as the brother of a paramedic and relative of many nurses and even a few doctors, there are COUNTLESS stories of folks reaching out for loved ones, or seeing dead relatives just at the moment they pass.
      Most important, why would an INFINITE GOD make us wait some FINITE time to reunite with Him? God is forever and infinite, He has no need for time and is not subject to time, only we are. So it seems bizarre to think God would say "no no no, wait another 2000 years to be with Me." when HE is not subjected to time, He exists eternally, beyond and outside of time.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      Those were false testimonies because they weren’t truly dead. If they were dead they would experience nothing. Don’t believe in those false testimonies

  • @Second_Son1990
    @Second_Son1990 2 роки тому +13

    Remember: the serpent in the garden told Eve “you shall not die…”, a lie millions and millions of Christians today believe. When we die, we do not shed our skin like serpents and continue to be alive in a different form. Believe God, not man. From dust we were formed and to dust we return. Death as sleep is true. When you die, you rest until your resurrection.

    • @natashajeanbatistedarcisse8940
      @natashajeanbatistedarcisse8940 2 роки тому

      Not for Christian darling christ his a life close go straight to the lord real true let the holy spirit teach u

    • @НатанаилСталев-ф2р
      @НатанаилСталев-ф2р 2 роки тому +2

      @@natashajeanbatistedarcisse8940 Well, i'm born Again Evangelist/Christian, but GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT teaches the opposite of Brother Allen in this video.
      Think about Lazarus. IF he was IN Heaven, WHY God Jesus resurrected him????🙄🧐
      Also right now NO ONE yet is in the Lake of fire/Gehenna Revelation 20,21🧐
      Jesus is YHWH EL SHADDAI😏✝

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 3 місяці тому

      @@НатанаилСталев-ф2р You're of the flesh. No truth in you.

    • @НатанаилСталев-ф2р
      @НатанаилСталев-ф2р 2 місяці тому

      @@rickhuntling7338 It's all BIBLICAL - John chapters 3 |no one ascended to Heaven|, 11 |verses 11-14| Ecclesiastes 9 |the dead knows NOTHING|/1 Thessalonians 4 first the dead in CHRIST and after that we who are still alive... etc...
      God JESUS/YESHUA bless His people.😇
      P.s. I forgot where but it's written that David is in the grave, but John 3 is more than enough..😌

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 2 місяці тому

      @@НатанаилСталев-ф2р The ungodly are the walking dead lions the godly are live dogs. If you use your literal interpretation, everyone who dies has no more portion. 1st Thess. 4:14 JESUS brings the spirits of the people who will receive their glorified bodies
      Jn. 3:13 no man has ascended and come down from heaven. 3:14 is the future cross and crucifixion the Mose cross symbolized.
      You have a very selective distortion with scripture, lacking context and leaving out things.

  • @biggdeuce9395
    @biggdeuce9395 2 роки тому +9

    I was unconscious for three days after a fatal car accident and I wasn’t saved at the time. I definitely was in a dream world being tormented. Hades/Shaol is real.

  • @charlesbutindaro4164
    @charlesbutindaro4164 Рік тому +3

    I just listened to what you shared with us on the topic, what happens to you when you die. Having heard others speak and teach on this topic, I think the way you explained things and the scriptures you shared, is the best explanation I have heard so far.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to share what you have learned. I really appreciate it. I will share this with others..
    Pastor Charles

    • @pearlettadouglas4218
      @pearlettadouglas4218 Рік тому

      I do belie when people die their soul is controus and the flesh perish.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      @@pearlettadouglas4218 Jesus said “All who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth” (John 5:28, 29). 
“David … is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. … For David did not ascend into the heavens” (Acts 2:29, 34). 
“If I wait, the grave is mine house” (Job 17:13 KJV). People do not go to heaven or to hell at death. They don’t go anywhere-but they wait in their graves for the first or second resurrection. Shes preaching a false doctrine.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      Jesus said “All who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth” (John 5:28, 29). 
“David … is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. … For David did not ascend into the heavens” (Acts 2:29, 34). 
“If I wait, the grave is mine house” (Job 17:13 KJV). People do not go to heaven or to hell at death. They don’t go anywhere-but they wait in their graves for the first or second resurrection. Shes preaching a false doctrine.

  • @blakesmusclecar
    @blakesmusclecar 2 роки тому +9

    Wow! This has been on my mind for a while now, regarding exactly what you described as "Soul Sleep". Thank you for your definition. Thank you sir!!

    • @aaronmonroe7932
      @aaronmonroe7932 2 роки тому +2

      The Apostle Paul wanted his readers to know the truth about the resurrection. "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-15)
      Now is his letter God inspired?
      Early Hebrews didn't believe the soul and body separated. They believed the soul needed the body and the body needed to soul. It was greek belief most noticeably influenced by Plato who believed the soul was eternal and the body dies.
      In his letter to the corinthians, Paul is explaining why Jesus’s resurrection must be bodily. The corinthians believed Jesus soul was raised not his body. It's understandable why the corinthians would believed that because they were influenced by plato and greek thoughts

    • @From_darkness2Life
      @From_darkness2Life 2 роки тому +1

      (…my reply to Allan Parr…please pray & consider the texts mentioned. (…thanks for sharing that text, Aaron Monroe!!…)
      Mr. Parr, so, you continue to keep to Satan’s preaching about death, that we, “…shall not surely die…” & this spiritualistic idea that we have an immortal soul…when the Bible teaches that man BECAME a living soul, after the breath of life was given. (…as the body w/out the spirit…so is faith w/out works dead…);
      “…go to your ancestors…”; “…gathered to your people…” wouldn’t that mean that they’re in one place already…like maybe a burial plot? Doesn’t Acts 2:29, 34 say, that the man after God’s own heart, was dead, buried & hadn’t ascended to heaven? So, David, still buried, was gathered with “his fathers”, asleep until, like He did to Lazarus & what He WILL do w/all that are “dead sleep”now(….pun INTENDED 😉), Jesus calls them forth, with a loud voice & at the time, a 🎺…”…& the dead in Christ will rise first…” (((…side thought, what’s the point of a resurrection, of we go right to God at death…what would be the need to change our “…vile bodies…” into glorified bodies, at that point?…)))
      “…today you will be with me in paradise!”
      Comma placed anywhere w/in that statement wouldn’t change the fact that Jesus didn’t even go right to the paradise of heaven that very day He, they died…”Good Friday”, but on the 1st day of the week, He told Mary not to restrain Him, for He had not yet ascended to the Father. Jesus IS the truth. So, did He lie to the thief about being in paradise w/Him THAT day?
      the Transfiguration: Elijah had been taken to heaven w/out seeing death (…via that fiery chariot…) & Moses actually died on that mountain overlooking the promised land that He was not permitted to go, but Jesus raised him from that death(…see Jude…), the first death.(…please reference what that means…) They were both there, in their glorified bodies…one having died & was raised,(…those that SLEEP in Christ1 Thessalonians 4:16…) & the other having never died(…”…in a twinkling of an eye…mortal puts on immortality…caught up to be with the Lord…” 1 Corinthians 15:52-54 / 1 Thessalonians 4:17…)
      “…the Lake of 🔥 is empty right now…”
      “And they went up on ~the breadth of THE EARTH~ and encompassed the camp of the saints about and the beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them…the devil that deceived them…the beast…the false prophet…death …hell & whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the lake of fire. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away…I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them…”~ Revelation 20:9-15, 21:1-3
      So, WHERE IS THIS PLACE OF TORMENT SUPPOSED TO BE & WHAT WOULD BE THE PURPOSE OF God KEEPING THIS “MUSEUM OF SIN” AROUND, when we’ll already have “the books” to review, as well as the scars that will FOREVER remain on God Himself??? (…moved towards tears here! PLEASE THINK!!! reason with the text, with your gifted minds, lead by the Spirit of truth & make it make sense!!! Please!…)

    • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
      @TruthSetFree-zm1ep 2 роки тому +2

      @From Darkness To Light
      This is sound solid ground,
      We are told of the “mystery of The Gospel” and we are to search out Its rich treasures.
      I believe that seminaries and churches/ denominations really skew minds with wrong teachings/doctrine.
      If there is a New Heaven then does God move us out into a motel during renovations?!
      Does Gods send people to Heaven or to Hell BEFORE judgment day?!
      It’s incredible to me that the logic is faulty but people don’t want to let go of preconceived notions.
      I’m open to learn-but back to back with this presentation and scripture Allen P presented and the scripture and logic in your comments-one thing seems clear-TBWAP is missing some depth here.

    • @НатанаилСталев-ф2р
      @НатанаилСталев-ф2р 2 роки тому

      @@From_darkness2Life Thank you for the Scriptures Bro/Sis in the Holy Spirit/Christ🤗
      Lazarus was NOT in Heaven🧐
      JESUS is EL ELYON😏👍

    • @НатанаилСталев-ф2р
      @НатанаилСталев-ф2р 2 роки тому

      @@TruthSetFree-zm1ep Read how GOD JESUS resurrected Lazarus.
      If Lazarus was IN Heaven, that will be so cruel from our Great Savior...🤔
      But Praise YESHUA, He will loose NO ONE of them that His Father given Him John 6, 10, 17😌

  • @michaelchisulo5933
    @michaelchisulo5933 2 роки тому +6

    Pst Allen, I follow your videos alot but about this lesson, Soul sleep as you say it is very biblical,, every verse quoted can be interpreted.. When we die, we neither go to heaven or hell

  • @johnm.3415
    @johnm.3415 2 роки тому +6

    Allen each time I watch your videos it only draws me closer & closer to Christ . I can’t thank you enough . God bless you 🙏🏻

  • @gussygatlin3093
    @gussygatlin3093 Рік тому +1

    After my husband passed away.... The next morning. I prayed so hard for God to show me that he was with him..... And He showed me a ball of REALLY BRIGHT 🌞 light shooting from here back into God where he came.....

  • @mariamarigo5861
    @mariamarigo5861 2 роки тому +26

    Allen this was so needed!!! I was struggling with this idea these last few days, I was trying to figure out what the truth is and bam this video pops up on the third day since I started questioning. It’s amazing, thank you and God bless you!

    • @alienclay2
      @alienclay2 2 роки тому
      The first guy to speak seems right, until he is cross examined. Proverbs 18:17

    • @donnaroberts4513
      @donnaroberts4513 2 роки тому +2

      I hope you don’t believe when you die you go straight to heaven? That is a lie from the pit of hell. That is also spiritism. Read 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17

    • @timothyanthonysipwanji9639
      @timothyanthonysipwanji9639 2 роки тому +1

      Donna, according to the Bible, how does one gain eternal life?

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому

      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      #1. You Cited
      1st Thessalonians 4 : 16 - 17
      Just look the chapter
      1st Thessalonians 5 : 16 - 18
      The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing ADIALEIPTOS in the GREEK does NOT exclude SUNDAYS , praying and worshipping are interchangeable
      1st Thessalonians 5 : 16 - 17
      Are you going to suggest that ALL
      Seventh day Adventists should NOT WORSHIP on SUNDAYS ?
      By the way NOT ONE
      Seventh day Adventist on ANY of these threads hasn't even bothered to mention ANYTHING about spreading the GRACE of the
      Good News of the Gospel of
      Jesus Christ
      ( NOT ONE ) ( NOT ONCE )
      Are your sins BLOTTED out? Yes.....or.....No
      Did Jesus FINISH his atonement on the CROSS at Calvery FINISHED paid in FULL sins BLOTTED out FINAL payment paid in FULL
      NO SECOND phase of atonement NECESSARY ?
      Does one NEED TO be OBEDIENT to the LAW in order to receive
      GRACE ?
      Did Jesus REST on the Sabbath during his Ministry on EARTH? Yes.....or.....No
      Chapter and verse please
      Did Jesus REST on the Sabbath while in the TOMB / GRAVE ? Yes.....or......No
      Chapter and verse please
      Have ANY of your
      Seventh day Adventist literature
      Seventh day Adventist authorities
      Seventh day Adventist Theologians have EVER said that the writings of Ellen G White are INERRANT ?
      Have ANY of your
      Seventh day Adventist literature
      Seventh day Adventist authorities
      Seventh day Adventist Theologians have EVER said that the writings of Ellen G White are AS indelibly AS the LAW of God written by his finger upon the tables of stone ?
      Have ANY of your
      Seventh day Adventist literature
      Seventh day Adventist authorities
      Seventh day Adventist Theologians have EVER said that the writings of Ellen G White are EQUAL with the Holy Bible of God's word ?
      Have ANY of your
      Seventh day Adventist literature
      Seventh day Adventist authorities
      Seventh day Adventist Theologians have EVER said that Ellen G White is the INFALLIBLE INTERPRETER of the Holy Bible of God's word ? Yes.....or.....No
      2 Timothy 1 : 8 - 9
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good Lord of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Jesus Christ set the PERFECT EXAMPLE of NOT being a vegetarian before and after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY and he ate HONEYCOMB and he ate FLESH EATING BROILED FISH MEAT in front of his Holy Apostles after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Luke 24 : 39 - 42
      G - Gods
      R - Riches
      A - At
      C - Christs
      E - Expense
      Try it. , Jesus = GOD = YESHUA in the flesh loves you and so do I !
      AGAPE !

  • @roberttheis6754
    @roberttheis6754 2 роки тому +23

    Great video. You mentioned at the end about other verses that talk about the dead knowing nothing. It would be cool if you addressed those in another video. Not to necessarily address soul sleep again, but to address the differences and what they may have meant. (so they aren't viewed as contradictory to what you used for disagreeing with soul sleep)

    • @martinjakemckinnon5666
      @martinjakemckinnon5666 2 роки тому +5

      I totally agree, scriptures like this must be addressed, his video was very good. However, when it comes to the word of God all scriptures must be addressed

    • @arcguardian
      @arcguardian 2 роки тому +1

      I can get u started. That phrase is in Ecclesiastes, and that book is written from mankind's perspective. The dead know nothing because dead bodies do nothing/lack agency. That isn't to say the spirit knows nothing once it has departed.

    • @arcguardian
      @arcguardian 2 роки тому

      @@martinjakemckinnon5666 agreed but all scriptures can't be addressed in one video, and this subject I'm pretty sure has been addressed. As I've touched on it already in this string.

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому +1

      4 - 3 - 22
      Good SUNDAY RESURRECTION worship day !
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      There is NOT ONE religion on the face of the planet that has more OBVIOUS IDENTICAL similarities between Mormonism and the Jehovah Witnesses than that of Seventh day Adventism
      ( NOT ONE )
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

    • @arshavineroy
      @arshavineroy 2 роки тому

      @@porfiriojohn5276 continue being ignorant and teaching others to be like you. You will definitely receive your reward. But what's the point of claiming to be a Christian yet perverting scripture?

  • @Marquis103
    @Marquis103 7 місяців тому +7

    John 20: 17 - 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

    • @kingofbudokai
      @kingofbudokai 3 місяці тому

      I'm glad at least SOME of the people in this comment section have read their Bibles lol.

    • @kowpatricia
      @kowpatricia Місяць тому

      Jesus didn't go straight to heaven, He stayed for 40 days to present himself to many to proof He's resurrected n conquered death. He also encourage n strengthen His disciples who were in fear.

  • @realliving7340
    @realliving7340 Рік тому +103

    As an Ex Jehovah's Witness this is very encouraging 🥰!!

    • @mikekeyes78
      @mikekeyes78 Рік тому +8

      A ex jw mysejf

    • @yaminivanga5286
      @yaminivanga5286 Рік тому +8

      Oh praise God 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @wizardofahhhs759
      @wizardofahhhs759 Рік тому +10

      ​@@mikekeyes78Glad to hear you left that cult behind.

    • @benjobulatao1865
      @benjobulatao1865 Рік тому +2

      Me too.

    • @ghernandez2263
      @ghernandez2263 10 місяців тому +1

      @@wizardofahhhs759says the group that follow pagan holidays & Europeans doctrine over scripture

  • @7EmpathicBeauty
    @7EmpathicBeauty 2 роки тому +9

    I'm not a SDA but maybe a Baptist...I just read The Bible on my own.
    1) why can't "joining your ancestors in death" be literally being connected by death? I can't see how extra information that they are alive apply.
    2) can the reason God says to not call upon the dead be that false spirits/demons assume the dead person's position and form just to give you lies and confusion so that you won't trust God with your future?
    3) I'm a future thinker and so far, the verses used don't refute that...just like the banquet mentioned in the rich man/poor man story indicates the bride and Bridegroom banquet aka future event.

    • @michaelrayshard4368
      @michaelrayshard4368 2 роки тому +1


    • @aaronmonroe7932
      @aaronmonroe7932 2 роки тому

      I agree
      The Apostle Paul wanted his readers to know the truth about the resurrection. "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-15)
      Now is his letter God inspired?
      Early Hebrews didn't believe the soul and body separated. They believed the soul needed the body and the body needed to soul. It was greek a belief most noticeably influenced by Plato who believed the soul was eternal and the body dies.
      In his letter to the corinthians, Paul is explaining why Jesus’s resurrection must be bodily. The corinthians believed Jesus soul was raised not his body. It's understandable why the corinthians would believed that because they were influenced by plato and greek thoughts

  • @gwennjuthea7073
    @gwennjuthea7073 11 місяців тому +3

    Thank you Pastor Allen Parr. The word of the Lord gives me hope🌱❤

  • @fortressmattimus3984
    @fortressmattimus3984 2 роки тому +4

    I'm really glad Allen made this video as a response to the last video (that he mentioned)!
    I was one of the people in the original video that brought up the discussion of soul sleep. It is an understanding that I personally accept, and I look forward to hearing his response on the topic.
    I must admit that I don't have the time to watch the video now, but I plan to do so today, and I'm open to one of two outcomes. I hope to either learn something new that debunks my previous understanding, or if I still disagree, that I can later take the time to formulate a response on why I haven't changed my position.
    Soul sleep is not a concept that I passionately cleave to, and I'm perfectly willing to be swayed to whichever side of the debate aligns with the truth and I look forward to that possibility either way.
    Thanks Allen, in advance for the video!

    • @taddio76
      @taddio76 2 роки тому

      Here is another great explanation!

  • @Batman-ef6ey
    @Batman-ef6ey Рік тому +2

    When you die you rest of the resurrection day that is the truth you rest until judgment day the Lord Jesus come back and claim all of his children ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @misred28
    @misred28 2 роки тому +8

    Jesus speaks of death as sleep.
    These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.
    Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well. Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep.
    Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is DEAD. John 11:11-14.

    • @walid4184
      @walid4184 2 роки тому

      The single most important message of all prophets to their people was to worship God alone and none else and to follow His teachings. All of them, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad and others, in addition to those we do not know - invited people to worship God and shun false gods.
      Moses declared:"Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord."(Deuteronomy 6:4). This was repeated 1500years later by Jesus, when he said: "The first of all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord.’(Mark 12:29)
      So, the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus, is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said, ‘I am God, worship me.’ Instead, he merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One.
      This aligns with the mission of Jesus, as taught in Islam, where Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel to confirm the message of the past Prophets - to believe in the One True God.
      most Christians nowadays believe in trinity.. Jesus said i came not to destroy the commandments of moses i came just to fulfill.
      Muslims reject the Christian belief that God is a Trinity, not only because the Quran rejects it, but also because if this was God’s true nature, He would have clearly revealed it to Abraham, Noah, Jesus and all of the other prophets.
      ISLAM is the submission in worship to Allah Alone and it is the essence of all the Messages sent to all nations before us. Allah is All-Just and All-Wise. He does not intend confusion for His Creation. The religion accepted to Him is the one chosen by Him. Its essence must be One, because He is One. It is free from geographical, racist, and status oriented concepts. It is Perfect and it is the complete way of life. All these qualities are chosen by Allah in His Only Religion: Islam. Its details are in in the Qur’an, read it and come with an open heart because none can expose better than the World of Allah. The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. He did not author it. He was unlettered. Its translation is available in many languages in bookstores or in an Islamic Center close to you. Take the time to read it and come/call the Islamic Center, or speak to someone who re-verted and submitted to Allah Alone.
      Watch some discussions between Christians and Muslims👇
      (One Message Foundation)
      Thank you for reading the comment🌸

  • @jesuz_ojeda
    @jesuz_ojeda 2 роки тому +9

    Then why does Jesus say "for no one has been up there in heaven" what's the whole point of Jesus second coming? To send everyone back to where they came from? Makes no sense.

    • @margiebkeith8583
      @margiebkeith8583 2 роки тому

      This guy is really wrong

    • @jesuz_ojeda
      @jesuz_ojeda 2 роки тому

      @@margiebkeith8583 who him! Yes. ..... Lazarus was asleep. When Christ comes the dead in Christ will rise and the once alive in Christ will rise up to meet him in the air. Why I thought they were in heaven? Then the wicked in earth will be raised from their graves and be judged and condemned . The Bible also says "the dead know nothing's" is illusions of evil spirits. All in the word. And if it was for me come with scripture not just he wrong ok nice proof en evidence. Take a hike

    • @margiebkeith8583
      @margiebkeith8583 2 роки тому

      Yes and moses and elijah didnt die .. they were accended to heaven

    • @jesuz_ojeda
      @jesuz_ojeda 2 роки тому

      @@margiebkeith8583 Where in the bible does it say that?
      In John 3:13 Jesus said out of his own mouth!!!
      "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven-the Son of Man."
      And you said Moses and Elijah did where? They were examples of Jesus to come later. The sprit of Elijah rested on Elijah after that.
      Moses body was buried . Moses saw Jesus in the fesuture as it was an example of grace but they all resting with their ancestors. Asleep for the second resurrection.
      Only one up there is the son of man who came down and went up. That even Stephen saw Jesus standing next to God in heaven. Repent !
      Keep in mind that Jesus said this way later after the story of Moses and Elijah.

  • @1cewaslost417
    @1cewaslost417 2 роки тому +7

    I remember another video you made about this and it helped me understand what happens when we die and this video just brought it back to the forefront of my mind, thanks for your teachings and God bless you.

  • @d.towerz
    @d.towerz 2 роки тому +4

    My Brother died about two months ago and one experience that God allowed us to have was a supernatural confirmation that his soul is in Gods presence.
    We received Dreams and Visions that are aligned with scriptures on life after death.
    My brother did recognize JESUS as Savior and had proclaimed Christ as Lord but he struggled heavy on drugs and alcohol.
    All though the death of my brother is the most painful thing I have ever gone through specially cause his death was in a tragic way.
    Gods Truth tell us that Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit in someone that has called upon the Name of the LORD will be Saved.
    These last minutes or seconds of life on earth are between the person and God how beautiful it is for a person in their last breath to experience the Saving Grace of God but how devastating it will be to live eternity disconnected from him-Our God (Jesus).
    What Im learning is that
    Everyday has its own Urgency for us to trust and surrender more to the Lord and spread this HOPE IN Christ that only through faith in him alone we are saved and satisfied.
    Brother Allen I respected and enjoy your content for years and have been edified.
    Appreciate your dedication to facilitated Gospel conversations and SOUND advice.

    • @lauras2046
      @lauras2046 2 роки тому

      Can you elaborate more on the dreams and visions you had.

  • @markjoseph8574
    @markjoseph8574 2 роки тому +16

    I firmly believe when we die we go on to be with the Lord. believers I mean. I lost one of my brothers recently but I understand what the bible says now abt the Lord will bring comfort to those that mourn. not only myself but members of my family dreamt my brother that had passed. he came to everyone to let them know he's in a place of comfort now. and through Christ I pray one day we will be reunited.

    • @aaronmonroe7932
      @aaronmonroe7932 2 роки тому +3

      The Apostle Paul wanted his readers to know the truth about the resurrection. "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-15)
      Now is his letter God inspired?
      Early Hebrews didn't believe the soul and body separated. They believed the soul needed the body and the body needed to soul. It was greek belief most noticeably influenced by Plato who believed the soul was eternal and the body dies.
      In his letter to the corinthians, Paul is explaining why Jesus’s resurrection must be bodily. The corinthians believed Jesus soul was raised not his body. It's understandable why the corinthians would believed that because they were influenced by plato and greek thoughts

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому

      truth be told
      4 - 10 - 22
      Good SUNDAY RESURRECTION worship day !
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      Jehovah's Witnesses
      are the Seventh day Adventists
      JWS : Their FALSE prophet
      Charles Taze Russell mentored by the Millerites
      SAME AS........
      SDA : Their FALSE prophet
      Ellen G White mentored by the Millerites
      JWS : New 19th century FALSE religion
      SAME AS........
      SDA : New 19th century FALSE religion
      JWS : Claims to be the ONLY TRUE religion DENOMINATION church
      SAME AS.........
      SDA : Claims to be the ONLY TRUE religion DENOMINATION church
      JWS : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      SDA : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      JWS : Have their OWN Bible
      SDA : Have their OWN Bible
      JWS : Has their seat in NEW YORK
      SDA : Has their seat in MARYLAND
      Galatians 1 : 1
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

    • @truthbetold8610
      @truthbetold8610 2 роки тому +1

      @@aaronmonroe7932 That is nonsense, Paul never said anything of the sort! Where did you get that understanding, from one of these phony preachers?
      (1 Peter 3:18) For Christ died once for all time for sins, a righteous person for unrighteous ones, in order to lead you to God. HE WAS PUT TO DEATH IN THE FLESH BUT MADE ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT.

  • @theresadimaggio7241
    @theresadimaggio7241 Рік тому +5

    Praise to Almighty God and Jesus

  • @delveguy
    @delveguy 2 роки тому +15

    So, we are delving into "euphemism's" now. You are right it is 'soft and fuzzy' but it also opens the door to "spiritualism" where supposed dead ppl are talking and living! And you do realize that Elijah never did die right? And in Jude the LORD disputed over Moses' body! I will stick with Paul when he said, "we will not all sleep...." Luckily when I put my head on the pillow at night and know nothing till I wake up the next morning! Refreshed and I think you should finish that 1 Thess. chapter for context! And in this instance I would add what the Apostle Peter said about Paul... ll Peter 3:16. Oh... When the LORD rose many graves were opened and went with HIM and will return undoubtedly with HIM!! That is all....

    • @CJILMinistriesprotruth
      @CJILMinistriesprotruth 2 роки тому +3

      He cannot preach those verses you quoted. They will derail many or most of his doctrinal teaching. However, he will wrest them to the destruction of himself and subscribers who are gullible enough to take what he presents instead of Paul's admonition in 2 Timothy 2:15.

    • @CJILMinistriesprotruth
      @CJILMinistriesprotruth 2 роки тому +1

      You just derailed the whole presentation by removing his subsurfaced religious playpen and exposing the deceitful doctrine.

    • @delveguy
      @delveguy 2 роки тому

      @@CJILMinistriesprotruth Is that a good thing or bad?

    • @CJILMinistriesprotruth
      @CJILMinistriesprotruth 2 роки тому

      @@delveguy Very good.

    • @delveguy
      @delveguy 2 роки тому

      @@CJILMinistriesprotruth Ok.. was just checking! It sounded like it could have went either way! :)

  • @edwardmarquis2183
    @edwardmarquis2183 2 роки тому +8

    Respectfully brother I think you’re wrong. Then why does Jesus say the day is coming for those that are asleep in the grave will hear my voice. God bless you brother.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @aahape
      @aahape 2 роки тому

      Matthew 27:52-53 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, [53] And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

    • @samanthagraveswalters8443
      @samanthagraveswalters8443 2 роки тому +1

      That’s referring to the bodies

    • @samanthagraveswalters8443
      @samanthagraveswalters8443 2 роки тому

      Please study the original language

  • @deidravinson1853
    @deidravinson1853 2 роки тому +19

    Praise his holy name, for he is worthy to be praise. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

  • @tel5690
    @tel5690 Рік тому +2

    Powerful video and full of scripture.
    After watching The Revelation bible breakdown you did before.
    Glad to see you reference it again here with the souls under the Tabernacle waiting for God to avenged them.
    I believe when we died we believers go to be with Christ and our ancestors and love ones and be in the presence of our holy Spirit.
    That is what the scripture says and I am all for it.
    Amen to this video
    Brother Parr
    You explained it thoroughly

  • @zurizzle
    @zurizzle 2 роки тому +13

    Hey Allen… I love watching your videos and have been greatly blessed with your content. But i have to disagree with your explanation about the state of the dead. Specifically 1st Thessalonians 4:13-17. You fail to mention verse 16: For the lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the believers who have died will rise from their graves 17: Then together with them, we who are still alive and remain in the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever.
    This clearly states that the dead shall rise during Gods second coming. Also I understand you are using the NLT version and that version says “dead” but in their footnotes it states that in Greek the original translation is “those who have fallen asleep”.
    I believe you need to maybe do a bit more research into this topic. Much love and respect!

    • @soldierzofchrist5303
      @soldierzofchrist5303 2 роки тому +6

      I absolutely love how you said this with compassion and love great ministering brother. But when he returns and raises believers from the dead he is referring to their PHYSICAL body NOT the spirit amen 🙏🏾just thought I would show you that 🔥

    • @bigdaddy195877
      @bigdaddy195877 2 роки тому +1

      All of his teaching are not biblical.

    • @tyronehelm4778
      @tyronehelm4778 2 роки тому

      The only part rising from the grave is the only part that goes into the grave, which is the body.

    • @zurizzle
      @zurizzle 2 роки тому +2

      @@soldierzofchrist5303 appreciate the response my brother… but what is the physical without the spiritual. When God created Adam and breathed Life into him… the combination made him alive, made him human. What would raising our bodies from the grave do if there’s no spirit with it?

    • @soldierzofchrist5303
      @soldierzofchrist5303 2 роки тому +1

      @@zurizzle listen to what you just said God FIRST FORMED Adam THEN he breathed the BREATH of LIFE into him see
      Adam was flesh and blood FIRST then God gave him SPIRIT that’s why Jesus said whoever isn’t born of the SPIRIT cannot enter heaven Gods not focused on the physical aspect of things the physical will fade away but unseen things will last forever

  • @justwatchingyoutube3285
    @justwatchingyoutube3285 2 роки тому +11

    I have recently, in the last few months researched every aspect I could on this subject.. I am a Christian.. Went to private school my entire life and still go to church or listen to the word multiple days a week.. I was taught what everyone I thought was taught, when a Christian whom ever believes and accepts the Lord goes to heaven to be with him.. I recently lost someone close to my wife.. Lord told me to look into it deeper and to my surprise I found what this gentlemen talked about in the video. But everything I have found and tried to find contradicting evidence, believe me I really did. But found that what he says is wrong.. Fact is according to scripture.. many many scriptures.. We do die and sleep and one day we will be with the Lord again but upon the 2nd coming with we rise from the dirt.. There is no mention in the bible itself of any soul or spirit ascending to the heavens.. I remembered what the Lord said to the one on the cross talking about.. “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” But it has been proven that sometimes the punctuation in the bible is wrong.. Read the sentence this way now paying attention to the coma around today.. “Truly, I say to you today, you will be with me in Paradise.”.. Look regardless of exactly when we will be with the Lord.. Take comfort in knowing the dead do not suffer either way and whether you believe they go immediatly to be with the lord or slumber to still wake up to be with the lord the dead never know the difference in time.. And if we really wanted to get into the part of going with our ancestors.. Read the book of ENOCH it is very eye opening.. but in fact where are your ancestors.. They are buried and when we die we get buried and we are with our ancestors.. Never does it say our spirts or souls will unite with our ancestors..
    Now just the note on why you don't contact the dead makes perfect sense.. The Dead are gone, when you contact the dead you are welcoming demonic evil into your home and world.. Not complicated man..

    • @porciusfestus5121
      @porciusfestus5121 2 роки тому +1

      Well said.

    • @4knewt505
      @4knewt505 2 роки тому +3

      I see both sides and definitely agree with contacting spirits are the demonic but I also believe the mysteries of God is what we mistakenly disagree on His ways are higher than ours, time, death, life. I'm ok not having an answer to everything that is higher than I. He is in control. He is faithful.

    • @usmc6911
      @usmc6911 Рік тому

      You need to rightly divide the word of GOD.Get a strong's concordance and read Ecclesiastes and Ezekiel.There is more about the millennium in Ezekiel than in any other book.

    • @porciusfestus5121
      @porciusfestus5121 Рік тому +1

      @@usmc6911: Really! The subject matter is "mystery" *not* millennium. And for your sake, I am familiar with the Strong's Concordance.
      Also, it's best to elaborate on what message you are trying to bring across, else there is no value in the communication.
      *Message Edited:* You come in at the wrong end friend. The original sender read my other messages and responded to the wrong post.

    • @courtneyrichmer6150
      @courtneyrichmer6150 10 місяців тому

      Exactly, Saul brought back Samuel, And why would Yeshua bring Lazarus back from heaven, that would be a bummer to come back from heaven and die again. 😄

  • @divinejournies6629
    @divinejournies6629 2 роки тому +9

    Thank you so much for explaining these verses. You have provided so much insight for me. After watching this video, I feel that Ecclesiastes 9:5 - must be referencing those who are alive in Christ and those who are dead in Christ. Because if you are dead in Christ you know nothing of the wonders of God due to unbelief. Not actually those are living and those who have passed. So for me, that verse doesn’t even support soul sleep. Would like to hear any thoughts. - Super grateful for the time you took to explain. Be blessed.

    • @ralphralpherson9441
      @ralphralpherson9441 Рік тому

      That's also the OLD Testament of the Jews, which means it was BEFORE Jesus died on the cross and paid the price for our souls.
      When He perished on the cross, He exclaimed "IT IS FINISHED" before He returned to the Father. I personally believe since that moment, that sin is defeated and our souls are free to return to our Father in Heaven upon death. Do I know this? No... but its my deep intuition based on a number of factors. Scripture, intuition of a Loving God, and other things like near death experiences etc... My brother is also a Paramedic and has seen things that will truly amaze you. Old people comatose or on life support rise up in their beds and say to their loved ones "Its Ok now, they've come to take me home" and die with a smile. People reaching out their hand for long passed loved ones as they die,... Its crazy some of his stories from being on the job.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      @@ralphralpherson9441 Sorry but if u study gods word you will find out that Your made of dust and spirit which is the breathe that's in you. when u die you will go to the grave while your breathe/spirit leaves your body. The dead are Sleep(unconscious)and will rise again John 14:3 Jesus says "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
      Gen 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath or (spirit)of life; and man became a living soul.
      Psalms 146:4 "His breath(spirit) goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish."
      Psalm 104:29 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath (spirit) they die, and return to their dust.

    • @ralphralpherson9441
      @ralphralpherson9441 Рік тому

      @@silasr20 And when it leaves the body, where exactly does it go then? Just wanders around aimlessly until the 2nd coming? I think Jesus knows us, loves us, and takes us home when we expire. Plus, I've just seen too many things to believe otherwise.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      @@ralphralpherson9441 when it leaves the body it returns to god at death. The spirit is nothing more than the breath of life. Breath and spirit are interchangeable in the Bible. Also the Bible says this in Job 27:3
      All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils;”

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      @@ralphralpherson9441 if the spirit was concious then that would mean that wicked people would die and go to heaven to and we know that’s not true. The spirit is the breath of life the soul cease to exist wen we die we won’t realize that we’re dead.

  • @123Tgvkiyabe-j4v
    @123Tgvkiyabe-j4v Місяць тому

    Praise the Lord, Thanks for the amazing message.Truth will set us free.

  • @jasoneveballard7955
    @jasoneveballard7955 2 роки тому +15

    I disagree with your stance brother, but that's ok. To contact the dead is to contact demons. To return with your family in sleep means to sleep. Matthew 25:34-46. 💛🕊️💛

    • @seawcia3925
      @seawcia3925 2 роки тому

      So King Saul contacted a demon named Samuel? Why would God forbid the children of Israel not to contact the dead? King Saul who was then rejected by God brought a witch to help him contact Prophet Samual who was dead. Please check out the Old Testament. Ofcourse this doesnt mean when people contact the dead they are not contacting demons, ofcourse they do but in the case of King Saul, he was Not talking to a demon. And take note that the Old Testament Saints were still in hell (paradise) before Lord Jesus Christ died and rose again. So what King Saul did and what God forbade clearly showed that at that time it was possible for people to contact the dead. And also why would God forbid witches from dwelling with His children?

    • @tonycosta8137
      @tonycosta8137 2 роки тому

      Well thats the way they need to say it but there is no sleep, Remember God is the creator he dictates things not us in a place that not real, soul just shuts offs/dies but remember there is no time the moment we Cross over

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому +1

      4 - 11 - 22
      Yesterday SUNDAY RESURRECTION worship day was GREAT !
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      Jehovah's Witnesses
      are the Seventh day Adventists
      JWS : New 19th century FALSE religion
      SAME AS.......
      SDA : New 19th century FALSE religion
      JWS : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      SDA : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      JWS : Claims to be the ONLY ONE TRUE religion DENOMINATION church
      SAME AS........
      SDA : Claims to be the ONLY ONE TRUE religion DENOMINATION
      JWS : Charles Taze Russell mentored by the Millerites
      SAME AS.......
      SDA : Ellen G White mentored by the Millerites
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

  • @harriettmotley4815
    @harriettmotley4815 2 роки тому +4

    Amen, amen, and amen again❣❣❣ Thank you Brother Allen, for your beautiful and scripturally-sound teaching.

  • @katiecook1269
    @katiecook1269 2 роки тому +11

    Absent from the body, is to be
    present with the LORD. 2 Cor. 5:8

    • @mr.emaaejae6058
      @mr.emaaejae6058 2 роки тому

      When you read that whole chapter for yourself (and get out of the habit of letting your preachers read and think for you and get into the habit of not just following, but following-up on them), you will see (if you chose to) that that verse has nothing at all to do with death, dying and instantly being in heaven with God.
      And pay attention that the word "is", is NOT in that verse.

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому

      5 - 20 - 22
      Adventism are the
      Jehovah's Witnesses

    • @mr.emaaejae6058
      @mr.emaaejae6058 2 роки тому

      Okay, but what does that have to do with what I explained?

    • @mr.emaaejae6058
      @mr.emaaejae6058 2 роки тому


    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому +1

      7 - 8 - 22
      Two days from now will be SUNDAY PHYSICAL RESURRECTION WORSHIP day !
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      Do you normally post ?????
      When someone spreads the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.....?
      ANSWER the questions

  • @dsaved1984
    @dsaved1984 2 роки тому +4

    I was raised as an SDA. I left the church in my early 20's. I am born again and now know to be present out of the body is to be present with the Lord.

    • @jonasaras
      @jonasaras 2 роки тому +1

      Me too.

    • @donstrong1717
      @donstrong1717 2 роки тому

      You left the church then you should have never came back! Because all you came back to was a bunch of lies and deception.. You would have been better off staying away just believe in yourself and who you are as a person and what you represent.. What have you been born again into, a corrupt deceitful deceptive religion that only cares about money?🤔

    • @umabrijmohun6720
      @umabrijmohun6720 2 роки тому

      Left Adventism in 2020 i donot believe in soul sleep

    • @Project144K
      @Project144K 2 роки тому +1

      Dear friend, when that term "out of the body is to be present with the Lord" (aka "absent from the body is to be present with the Lord") is read in context of what Paul shared in 2 Corinthians 5, he doesn't mention anything about dying and going to Heaven. When that chapter (and the book) is carefully studied, Paul was referring to being burdened in our earthly house, these bodies we live in. He said that he'd rather be clothed with his "house" (body) in Heaven. Yet, he said that he'd rather be absent (away) from this body (that is constantly burdened) and be with the Lord. No where did he insinuate, that some erroneously think, that when one dies they are immediately with the Lord. For Paul's point is shown in subsequent verses (like 9 and 10) that "whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him because everyone has to appear before the judgment seat of Christ." This subject is vital to understand because Satan's first lie he told mankind was on the topic of their state in death; and that when one dies, they don't surely die (Genesis 3).

    • @jonasaras
      @jonasaras 2 роки тому

      @@Project144K the NT is clear about the intermediate state of the righteous. The text is clear, “In fact, we are confident, and we would prefer to be AWAY from the BODY and at home with the Lord. Therefore, whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to be pleasing to him.”
      “For me, to live is Christ and to DIE is GAIN. Now if I live on in the flesh, this means fruitful work for me; and I don’t know which one I should choose. I am torn between the two. I long to DEPART and be with Christ  - which is far better  - ” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:21-23‬.
      When Jesus returns, our bodies are resurrected incorruptible (our new habitations FROM heaven, 2 Cor 5:2) and we live and reign with Christ on the earth, just as God always intended (1 Thess 4, 1 Cor. 15, Matt 5:5, Romans 4:13).

  • @DAce-vu5ct
    @DAce-vu5ct 2 роки тому +4

    The Bible does say we will be we're apparently in the ground until then?? Am I wrong?

    • @walid4184
      @walid4184 2 роки тому

      The single most important message of all prophets to their people was to worship God alone and none else and to follow His teachings. All of them, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Jesus, Muhammad and others, in addition to those we do not know - invited people to worship God and shun false gods.
      Moses declared:"Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord."(Deuteronomy 6:4). This was repeated 1500years later by Jesus, when he said: "The first of all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord.’(Mark 12:29)
      So, the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus, is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said, ‘I am God, worship me.’ Instead, he merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One.
      This aligns with the mission of Jesus, as taught in Islam, where Jesus was sent to the Children of Israel to confirm the message of the past Prophets - to believe in the One True God.
      most Christians nowadays believe in trinity.. Jesus said i came not to destroy the commandments of moses i came just to fulfill.
      Muslims reject the Christian belief that God is a Trinity, not only because the Quran rejects it, but also because if this was God’s true nature, He would have clearly revealed it to Abraham, Noah, Jesus and all of the other prophets.
      ISLAM is the submission in worship to Allah Alone and it is the essence of all the Messages sent to all nations before us. Allah is All-Just and All-Wise. He does not intend confusion for His Creation. The religion accepted to Him is the one chosen by Him. Its essence must be One, because He is One. It is free from geographical, racist, and status oriented concepts. It is Perfect and it is the complete way of life. All these qualities are chosen by Allah in His Only Religion: Islam. Its details are in in the Qur’an, read it and come with an open heart because none can expose better than the World of Allah. The Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. He did not author it. He was unlettered. Its translation is available in many languages in bookstores or in an Islamic Center close to you. Take the time to read it and come/call the Islamic Center, or speak to someone who re-verted and submitted to Allah Alone.
      Watch some discussions between Christians and Muslims👇
      (One Message Foundation)
      Thank you for reading the comment🌸

  • @norannmcdaniel2655
    @norannmcdaniel2655 4 місяці тому

    Your teaching confirms everything I've learned in my bible studies. Spot on. Thank you for sharing your gifts from the Holy Spirit.

  • @stepooga1636
    @stepooga1636 2 роки тому +4

    Wouldn't Lazarus had been a witness to what was it like to pass away?

  • @spiritfilled5366
    @spiritfilled5366 2 роки тому +23

    I have struggled with this to the point where I left my church because no one could answer my questions!! Thanks pastor Allen from the bottom of my heart ❤ I love my beat family 👪 ❤ 💙

    • @ricksonora6656
      @ricksonora6656 2 роки тому +7

      This is elementary stuff. If the leaders could not answer it, you were right to leave.

    • @seekertruth3577
      @seekertruth3577 2 роки тому +5

      @@spiritfilled5366 : *The Origin of the Immortal Soul* [Section 2 of 2]
      Historian Jesse Hurlbut says of this time of transformation: “We name the last generation of the first century, from 68 to 100 A.D., *‘The Age of Shadows,’* partly because the gloom of persecution was over the church, but more especially because of all the periods in the [church’s] history, it is the one about which we know the least. We have no longer the clear light of the Book of Acts to guide us; and no author of that age has filled the blank in the history . . .
      “For fifty years after St. Paul’s life a curtain hangs over the church, through which we strive vainly to look; and when at last it rises, about 120 A.D. with the writings of the earliest church fathers, we find a church in many aspects very different from that in the days of St. Peter and St. Paul” - The Story of the Christian Church, 1970, p. 33.
      This ‘very different’ church would grow in power and influence, and within a few short centuries would come to dominate even the mighty Roman Empire.
      Tyndale that great reformer and revered Bible translator, who was burned in the stake, said about the doctrine of the immortality of the soul, answering to Papal supporter Thomas More :
      “And ye, in putting them [the departed souls] in heaven, hell, and purgatory, destroy the arguments wherewith Christ and Paul prove the resurrection.... *And again, if the souls be in heaven, tell me why they be not in as good case as the angels be?* And then what cause is there of the resurrection? … The true faith putteth [setteth forth] the resurrection, which we be warned to look for every hour. *The heathen philosophers, denying that, did put [set forth] that the souls did ever live.* And the pope joineth the spiritual doctrine of Christ and the fleshly doctrine of philosophers together; things so contrary that they cannot agree, no more than the Spirit and the flesh do in a Christian man. And because the fleshly-minded pope consenteth unto heathen doctrine, therefore he corrupteth the Scripture to establish it.” (An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue (Parker's 1850 reprint), pp. 180, 181., emphasis added)
      He also said: “And I marvel that Paul had not comforted the Thessalonians with that doctrine [he means the doctrine of the immortality of the soul], if he had wist [known] it, that the souls of their dead had been in joy; as he did with the resurrection, that their dead should rise again. *If the souls be in heaven, in as great glory as the angels, after your doctrine, show me what cause should be of the resurrection”* (An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue (Parker's 1850 reprint), pp. 118, emphasis added).
      Furthermore, Martin Luther, the great German Reformer, in response to the same doctrine and the same Bull of Leo X, classified the immortality of the soul to “monstrous opinions”. Here is what he said: “However, I permit the Pope to establish articles of faith for himself and for his own faithful-such are: That the bread and wine are transubstantiated in the sacrament; that the essence of God neither generates nor is generated; that the soul is the substantial form of the human body that he [the pope] is emperor of the world and king of heaven, and earthly god; *that the soul is immortal; and all these endless monstrosities…”* (Assertion of all the articles of M. Luther condemned by the latest Bull of Leo X), article 27, Weimar edition of Luther's Works, vol. 7, pp. 131, 132, emphasis added).
      *The Lutheran scholar Dr. T. A. Kantonen* (The Christian Hope, 1594, p. 37), summarized Luther's position on the death in these words:
      "Luther, with a greater emphasis on the resurrection, preferred to concentrate on the scriptural metaphor of sleep. “For just as one who falls asleep and reaches morning unexpectedly when he awakes, without knowing what has happened to him we shall suddenly rise on the last day without knowing how we have come into death and through death. We shall sleep, until He comes and knocks on the little grave and says, ‘Doctor Martin, get up! Then I shall rise in a moment, and be with him forever.’ "
      We couldn’t agree more with these two great Reformers. Death is indeed sleep! There is no such thing as immortal soul. The comfort of the Bible is NOT the comfort that most preachers give in funerals i.e. that the soul of the deceased supposedly lives on. This was the comfort of Plato and Socrates whose teaching their converted students (I remind again the quotation from the Catholic Encyclopedia: “The great majority of the Christian philosophers down to St. Augustine were Platonists.”) carried on! Will we continue believing on this or we will turn our ear to what the Word of God says?
      As far back as 1931, Archbishop William Temple called for such a re-examination. First, as to the Christian view of death, Temple asserted, in his Drew Lecture on Immortality:
      “The core of the doctrine (of the future life) is this: Man is not immortal by nature or of right; but there is offered to him resurrection from the dead and life eternal, if he will receive it from God and on God’s terms… It is a doctrine, not of Immortality, but of Resurrection… There is a very strong case for thinking out the whole subject again, in as complete independence as possible alike of medieval and of Protestant traditions.” - Recalled in Eric Lewis, Christ, The First Fruits, Boston: Warren Press, 1949, pp15-16.
      “If men had not imported the Greek and unbiblical notion of the natural indestructibility of the individual soul, and then read the New Testament with that already in their minds, they would have drawn from it a belief, not in everlasting torment, but in annihilation.” - Lewis, Christ, The First Fruits, pp.15-16.
      This belief in the immortality of the soul was not simply a slogan with the Greeks. It was a way of life as revealed in the death of the man who embodied the Greek thought in its noblest form. Socrates approached his death with complete peace and composure. As he drank the hemlock, he looked to death as a friend that had come to liberate his soul from the prison house of the body. And so, he said, *"I am as sure as I can be in such matters that I am going to live with gods who are very good masters. And therefore I am not so much grieved at death; I am confident that the dead have some kind of existence, and as has been said of old, an existence that is far better for the good than for the wicked."*
      *So, we have clearly learned that the early church fathers were thoroughly educated in Greek philosophy, from which they borrowed such non-biblical concepts as dualism and the immortality of the soul.*

    • @seekertruth3577
      @seekertruth3577 2 роки тому +4

      Pooh 🐻 and Rabbit 🐇: *Soul Sleep - WHAT DID THE REFORMERS TEACH* Section 1 of 2
      First, *The Catholic View. *Lateran Council of 1513:*
      "Whereas some have dared to assert concerning the nature of the reasonable soul that it is mortal, we, with the approbation of the sacred council do condemn and reprobate all those who assert that the intellectual soul is mortal, seeing, according to the canon of Pope Clement V, that the soul is [...] immortal [...] and we decree that all who adhere to like erroneous assertions shall be shunned and punished as heretics."
      *William Tyndale (1484-1536),* - English Bible translator and Martyr
      In 1530 responding to Sir Thomas More's objection to his belief that "all souls lie and sleep till doomsday" he vigorously replied:
      *"And ye, in putting them [the departed souls] in heaven, hell and purgatory, destroy the arguments wherewith Christ and Paul prove the resurection...And again, if the souls be in heaven, tell me why they be not in as good a case as the angels be? And then what cause is there of the resurrection?"* - William Tyndale, An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue (Parker's 1850 reprint), bk.4, ch.4, pp.180,181
      Tyndale went to the heart of the issue in pointing out the papacy's draft upon the teachings of *"heathen philosophers"* in seeking to establish its contention of innante immortality. Thus,
      "The true faith puteth forth the resurrection, which we be warned to look for every hour. *The heathen philosophers, denying that, did put that the souls did ever live. And the pope joineth the spiritual doctrine of Christ and the fleshy doctrine of philosophers together; things so contrary that they cannot agree, no more than the Spirit and the flesh do in a Christian man. And becuase the fleshy-minded pope consenteth unto heathen doctrine, therefore he corrupteth the Scripture to stablish it. If the soul be in heaven, tell me what cause is there for the resurrection?"* - ibid., p.180
      In yet another section of the same treatise, dealing with the "invocation of saints," Tyndale uses the same reasoning, pointing out that the doctrine of departed saints being in heaven had not yet been introduced in Christ's day: "And when he [More] proveth that the saints be in heaven in glory with Christ already, saying, 'If God be their God, they be in heaven, for he is not the God of the dead;' there he stealeth away Christ's argument wherewith he proveth the resurrection: that Abraham and all saints would rise again, *and not that their souls were in heaven; which doctrine was not yet in the world. And with that doctrine he taketh away the resurrection quite, and maketh Christ's argument of none effect."* - ibid., p.118.
      *Tyndale* presses his contention still further by showing the conflict of papal teaching with St. Paul, as he says is slightly sarcastic vein: "'Nay Paul, thou art unlearned; go to Master More, and learn a new way. We be not most miserable, though we rise not again; for our souls go to heaven as soon as we be dead, and are there in as great joy as Christ that is risen again.' And I marvel that Paul had not comforted the Thessalonians with that doctrine, if he had wist it, that the souls of their dead had been in joy; as he did with the resurrection, that their dead should rise again. If the souls be in heaven, in as great glory as the angels, after your doctrine, shew me what should be of the resurrection?" - ibid. p.118.
      *John Frith (1503-33),* - associate of Tyndale and fellow martyr writes: "Notwithstanding, let me grant it him that some are already in hell and some in heaven, which thing he shall never be able to prove by the Scriptures, yea, and which plainly destroy the resurrection, and taketh away the arguments wherewith Christ and Paul do prove that we shall rise;..and as touching this point where they rest, I dare be bold to say that they are in the hand of God." - An Answer to John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester.
      ALSO READ *Soul Sleep - WHAT DID THE REFORMERS TEACH* Section 2 of 2

    • @seekertruth3577
      @seekertruth3577 2 роки тому +4

      Pooh 🐻 and Rabbit 🐇: *Soul Sleep - WHAT DID THE REFORMERS TEACH* Section 2 of 2.
      *Martin Luther (1493-1546)* - German reformer and Bible Translator: Regarding Luther's position Archdeacon Francis Blackburne of Cleveland; rector of Richmond states in his "Short Historical View of the Controversy Concerning an Intermediate State" of 1765:
      *"Luther espoused the doctrine of the sleep of the soul, upon a Scripture foundation,* and then made use of it as a confutation of purgatory and saint worship, and continued in that belief to the last moment in his life." page 14.
      *Martin Luther declared that it was the Pope, not the bible, who taught that "the soul is immortal"* Martin Luther, Defence, proposition 27
      *"Luther held that the soul died with the body, and that God would hereafter raise both the one and the other."* Catholic Cardinal Du Perron, Historical View, p344.
      Here are some sample Luther citations. The first one is from a 1573 translation.
      *"Salomon judgeth that the dead are a sleepe, and feele nothing at all. For the dead lye there accompting neyther dayes nor yeares, but when they are awaked, they shall seeme to haue slept scarce one minute."* - An Exposition of Salomon's Booke, called Ecclesiastes or the Preacher, 1573, folio 151v.
      "But we Christians, who have been redeemed from all this through the precious blood of God's Son, *should train and accustom ourselves in faith to despise death and regard it as a deep, strong sweet sleep;* to consider the coffin as nothing other than our Lord Jesus' bosom or Paradise, *the grave as nothing other than a soft couch of ease or rest. As verily, before God, it truely is just this; for he testifies, John 11:11: Lazarus, our friend sleeps; Matthew 9:24: The maiden is not dead, she sleeps. Thus too, St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, removes from sight all hateful aspects of death as related to our mortal body and brings forward nothing but charming and joyful aspects of the promised life. He says there [vv.42ff]: It is sown in corruption and will rise in incorruption; it is sown in dishonour (that is, a hateful, shameful form) and will rise in glory; it is sown in weakness and will rise in strength; it is sown in natural body and will rise a spiritual body."* - Christian Song Latin and German, for Use at Funerals," - 1542, Works of Luther (1932), vol. 6, pp.287,288.
      *"Thus after death the soul goes to its bedchamber and to its peace, and while it is sleeping it does not realise its sleep, and God preserves indeed the awakening soul.* God is able to awake Elijah, Moses, and others, and so control them, so that they will live. But how can that be? That we do not know; we satisfy ourselves with the *example of bodily sleep,* and with what God says: *it is a sleep, as rest, and a peace. He who sleeps naturally knows nothing* of that which happens in his neighbor's house; and nevertheless he still is living, even though, contrary to the nature of life, *he is unconscious in his sleep. Exactly the same will happen also in that life, but in another and a better way."* -"Auslegung des ersten Buches Mose," in Schriften, vol.1, cols. 1759, 1760.
      *George Wishart (1500-1546),* - Greek scholar, friend of Latimer, tutor of John Knox, and martyr.
      Wishart was charged with attacking auricular confession, transubstatiation, extreme unction, holy water, invocation of saints and purgatory. Charge "XVI" was for promulgating the doctrine of the sleep of the soul.
      *Charge "XVI":* Thou false heretic has preached openly saying, that the soul of man shall sleep to the latter day of judgment and shall not obtain life immortal until that day." Blackburne, "Historical View", p.21.
      *General Baptists* In his "Institutes of Ecclesiastical History" chancellor of the University of Gottingen, Johann L. von Mosheim records that the "General Baptists" where spread in large numbers over many of the provinces of England As one article of faith they held *"that the soul, between death and the resurrection at the last day, has neither pleasure nor pain, but is in a state of insensibility."*
      *Samuel Richardson (1633-1658)* - Pastor, First Particular Baptist Church, of London wrote a discourse entitled: "A Discourse on the Torments of Hell : The Foundations and Pillars therof discover'd, serch'd, shaken, and remov'd. With Infallible Proofs that there is not to be a punishment after this Life, for any to endure that shall never end" 1658.
      *John Milton (1608-1674)* - "Greatest of the Sacred Poets"; Latin secretary to Cromwell.
      *"Inasmuch then as the whole man is uniformly said to consist of body, and soul (whatever may be the distinct provinces assigned to these divisions), I will show, that in death, first, the whole man, and secondly, each component part, suffers privation of life...The grave is the common guardian of all till the day of judgment."* - "Treatise of Christian Doctine" Vol.1, ch. 13,
      Finally,* Dr A.A. Phelps, pastor Congregational Church,* Rochester, New York, and editor of "The Bible Banner", in discussing "Is Man By Nature Immortal?" (pp.639-650), presents twelve counts against the doctrine of innate immortality:
      *1.* It has a bad history; it was introduced by the serpent in Eden, and springs *from a heathen philosophy;* it is not found in Jewish belief; *is a compromise with Platonism; adopted and authenticated by the Church of Rome.*
      *2* It is at variance with the scriptural account of man's creation.
      *3.* It clashes with the Bible statement of man's fall.
      *4.* It is opposed to the scriptural doctrine of death.
      *5.* It is equally opposed to the physiological facts.
      *6.* Immortality is nowhere ascribed to man in his present state of existance.
      *7.* Immortality is a blessing to be sought, and not a birthright legacy.
      *8.* Inherent immortality is opposed to the scriptural doom of the wicked.
      *9.* It supersedes the necessity of the resurrection.
      *10.* It reduces the judgment scene to a solemn farce.
      *11.* It subverts the bible doctrine of Christ's second coming.
      *12.* It is a prolific source of error -Mohammedanism, Shakerism, Swedenborgianism, Spiritualism, *13.* Purgatory, Mariolatry, Universalism, Eternal-Tormentism.

    • @ricksonora6656
      @ricksonora6656 Рік тому +1

      @@Steve_from_318 Hey, you’re right. It’s not elementary fir a guy working full time and raising a family, or a single mom working two jobs. And few people are gifted in this area. But for church leaders, it should be elementary.

  • @checkmate8015
    @checkmate8015 2 роки тому +4

    So in other words you saying that Jesus said, hey Lazarus come back from heaven and come and suffer again here on earth 🌍 ??? Cumon cuz

  • @mrsemilybartrum
    @mrsemilybartrum 8 місяців тому +1

    Anyone watching this: Brother Parr is teaching you how to properly use the WHOLE BIBLE when answering questions. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE)... there will always be several verses to support a clear answer. If you're struggling, ask your study parter or follow your chain of study. Or, it may just be part of the God's Secret Things category. Everything we need is in the Bible. Brother Parr is teaching you how to study by example. Thanks, Brother Parr!

  • @lorrainegrobler340
    @lorrainegrobler340 2 роки тому +4

    Thankyou. This is what I believe and was great hearing you explain it so beautifully and confidently! Blessings

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      Sorry but if u study gods word you will find out that Your made of dust and spirit which is the breathe that's in you. when u die you will go to the grave while your breathe/spirit leaves your body. The dead are Sleep(unconscious)and will rise again John 14:3 Jesus says "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
      Gen 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath or (spirit)of life; and man became a living soul.
      Psalms 146:4 "His breath(spirit) goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish."
      Psalm 104:29 Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath (spirit) they die, and return to their dust.

  • @yovanmartinez2318
    @yovanmartinez2318 2 роки тому +30

    Wow I had a friend talk to me about this and I wasn’t sure about it. Thanks for the video Allen! I love where God has taken your ministry. Much love brother.

    • @chucksmith4624
      @chucksmith4624 2 роки тому


    • @chucksmith4624
      @chucksmith4624 2 роки тому

      @@Mark-gr3rg Oh my. What are you trying to say?

    • @From_darkness2Life
      @From_darkness2Life 2 роки тому +1

      (…please, let us call God the truth & every man that contradicts Him…even our friends & leaders, liars…)
      Mr. Parr, so, you continue to keep to Satan’s preaching about death, that we, “…shall not surely die…” & this spiritualistic idea that we have an immortal soul…when the Bible teaches that man BECAME a living soul, after the breath of life was given. (…as the body w/out the spirit…so is faith w/out works dead…);
      “…go to your ancestors…”; “…gathered to your people…” wouldn’t that mean that they’re in one place already…like maybe a burial plot? Doesn’t Acts 2:29, 34 say, that the man after God’s own heart, was dead, buried & hadn’t ascended to heaven? So, David, still buried, was gathered with “his fathers”, asleep until, like He did to Lazarus & what He WILL do w/all that are “dead sleep”now(….pun INTENDED 😉), Jesus calls them forth, with a loud voice & at the time, a 🎺…”…& the dead in Christ will rise first…” (((…side thought, what’s the point of a resurrection, of we go right to God at death…what would be the need to change our “…vile bodies…” into glorified bodies, at that point?…)))
      “…today you will be with me in paradise!”
      Comma placed anywhere w/in that statement wouldn’t change the fact that Jesus didn’t even go right to the paradise of heaven that very day He, they died…”Good Friday”, but on the 1st day of the week, He told Mary not to restrain Him, for He had not yet ascended to the Father. Jesus IS the truth. So, did He lie to the thief about being in paradise w/Him THAT day?
      the Transfiguration: Elijah had been taken to heaven w/out seeing death (…via that fiery chariot…) & Moses actually died on that mountain overlooking the promised land that He was not permitted to go, but Jesus raised him from that death(…see Jude…), the first death.(…please reference what that means…) They were both there, in their glorified bodies…one having died & was raised,(…those that SLEEP in Christ1 Thessalonians 4:16…) & the other having never died(…”…in a twinkling of an eye…mortal puts on immortality…caught up to be with the Lord…” 1 Corinthians 15:52-54 / 1 Thessalonians 4:17…)
      “…the Lake of 🔥 is empty right now…”
      “And they went up on ~the breadth of THE EARTH~ and encompassed the camp of the saints about and the beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them…the devil that deceived them…the beast…the false prophet…death …hell & whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the lake of fire. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away…I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them…”~ Revelation 20:9-15, 21:1-3
      So, WHERE IS THIS PLACE OF TORMENT SUPPOSED TO BE & WHAT WOULD BE THE PURPOSE OF God KEEPING THIS “MUSEUM OF SIN” AROUND, when we’ll already have “the books” to review, as well as the scars that will FOREVER remain on God Himself??? (…moved towards tears here! PLEASE THINK!!! reason with the text, with your gifted minds, lead by the Spirit of truth & make it make sense!!! Please!…)

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому

      4 - 4 - 22
      Yesterday SUNDAY RESURRECTION worship day was GREAT !
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25
      Adventism are the
      Jehovah's Witnesses
      JWS : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      SDA : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      BOTH the Jehovah Witnesses and the Seventh day Adventists
      ( NOT ONCE ) on ANY of these threads have mentioned ANYTHING about spreading the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of
      Jesus Christ
      JWS : Claims to be the true religion DENOMINATION church
      SAME AS.......
      SDA : Claims to be the true religion DENOMINATION church
      JWS : Charles Taze Russell mentored by the Millerites
      SAME AS........
      SDA : Ellen G White mentored by the Millerites
      JWS : New 19th century FALSE religion
      SAME AS........
      SDA : New 19th century FALSE religion
      If ANYONE want to REFUTE what I am posting........please show our audience from the top to the bottom of the list......where I'm wrong
      JWS : Has their seat in NEW YORK
      SDA : Has their seat in MARYLAND
      JWS : To question the Watchtower is to insult God
      SAME AS.........
      SDA : To question Ellen G White is to insult God
      ( 5T 64 year of 1882 )
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      2 Timothy 1 : 8 - 9
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Jesus Christ set the PERFECT EXAMPLE of NOT being a vegetarian before and after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY and he ate Honeycomb and he ate FLESH EATING BROILED FISH MEAT in front of his Holy Apostles after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Luke 24 : 39 - 43
      G - Gods
      R - Riches
      A - At
      C - Christs
      E - Expense
      Try it , Jesus - God - YESHUA in the flesh loves you and so do I !
      AGAPE !

  • @grahck4391
    @grahck4391 2 роки тому +5

    An Old Testament passage that also refutes Soul Sleep, in my mind, is 1 Samuel 28. King Saul has the witch at Endor summon the Spirit of Samuel. After being asked why the Lord had abandoned Saul and rebuking Saul for his disobedience, Samuel warns the King that Saul and his sons will all be with him the next day. A couple chapters later, Saul and his sons are slain by the Amalekites.

    • @georgekaiser5645
      @georgekaiser5645 2 роки тому

      Right. Also, consider the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. After they die, they go to their respective places and are fully aware where they are. They are not in some hibernation mode or something like that. They know where they are. So, if OT believers went to Abraham's side and knew they were there. Why would God not allow an NT believer to go to heaven where He is?

    • @zurizzle
      @zurizzle 2 роки тому +3

      The witch does no summon Samuel… she summoned familiar spirits which is condemned by God

    • @grahck4391
      @grahck4391 2 роки тому +1

      @@zurizzle Read the passage again. It clearly says that she summoned Samuel's spirit. Now, in some translations, she's called a Summoner of familiar spirits as well as a witch and a medium. However, in the act itself, she summoned Samuel, and is terrified by the act. Furthermore, Samuel speaks of his own accord and predicted Saul's death to the day it happened.

    • @chucksmith4624
      @chucksmith4624 2 роки тому +1

      @@zurizzle Samuel speaks from the dead for the Lord, *Another SDA doctrine goes to Hades*
      In 1 Samuel 28: 5 times the inspired scripture by the Holy Spirit, emphatically and explicitly says it is Samuel speaking, not a Demon! *7 Then Saul told his officers, “Find me a woman who can talk to the spirits of the dead. I’ll go to her and find out what’s going to happen.”
      His servants told him, “There’s a woman at Endor who can talk to spirits of the dead.”
      8 That night, Saul put on different clothing so nobody would recognize him. Then he and two of his men went to the woman, and asked, “Will you bring up the ghost of someone for us?”
      9 The woman said, “Why are you trying to trick me and get me killed? You know King Saul has gotten rid of everyone who talks to the spirits of the dead!”
      10 Saul replied, “I swear by the living Lord that nothing will happen to you because of this.”
      11 “Who do you want me to bring up?” she asked.
      “Bring up the ghost (SOUL) of Samuel,” he answered. * (1st time scripture says ii IS Samuel, not a demon)
      12 When the woman saw Samuel (2nd Time The scripture say is IS Samuel and not a demon!)
      , she screamed. Then she turned to Saul and said, “You’ve tricked me! You’re the king!”
      13 “Don’t be afraid,” Saul replied. “Just tell me what you see.”
      She answered, “I see a spirit rising up out of the ground.”
      14 “What does it look like?”
      “It looks like an old man wearing a robe.”
      *Saul knew it was Samuel,* so he bowed down low. (3rd Time The scripture say is IS Samuel and not a demon!)
      15 “Why are you bothering me by bringing me up like this?” Samuel asked. * (4THTime The scripture say is IS Samuel and not a demon!)*
      “I’m terribly worried,” Saul answered. “The Philistines are about to attack me. God has turned his back on me and won’t answer any more by prophets or by dreams. What should I do?”
      16 Samuel said: *(5TH Time The scripture say is IS Samuel and not (a demon!* )
      If the Lord has turned away from you and is now your enemy, don’t ask me what to do. 17 I’ve already told you: The Lord has sworn to take the kingdom from you and give it to David. And that’s just what he’s doing! 18 When the Lord was angry with the Amalekites, he told you to destroy them, but you didn’t do it. That’s why the Lord is doing this to you. ( *Samuel * )
      19 *Tomorrow the Lord* will let the Philistines defeat Israel’s army, then you and your sons will join me down here in the world of the dead.
      A true Prophet, prophesies and the event comes true and so, Saul died the next day!
      14 1Sam 28:15 *CWB changes Samuel into an evil spirit!* “the evil spirit *personating* Samuel”; *“the spirit looked just lake Samuel and sounded so much like him, that Saul believed it really was the prophet”.*
      This is nothing more than a deliberate attempt to change the inspired holy writings to fit the heresy of Adventistsm DOCTRINE!!!

    • @chucksmith4624
      @chucksmith4624 2 роки тому

      @@grahck4391 Samuel speaks from the dead for the Lord, *Another SDA doctrine goes to Hades*
      In 1 Samuel 28: 5 times the inspired scripture by the Holy Spirit, emphatically and explicitly says it is Samuel speaking, not a Demon! *7 Then Saul told his officers, “Find me a woman who can talk to the spirits of the dead. I’ll go to her and find out what’s going to happen.”
      His servants told him, “There’s a woman at Endor who can talk to spirits of the dead.”
      8 That night, Saul put on different clothing so nobody would recognize him. Then he and two of his men went to the woman, and asked, “Will you bring up the ghost of someone for us?”
      9 The woman said, “Why are you trying to trick me and get me killed? You know King Saul has gotten rid of everyone who talks to the spirits of the dead!”
      10 Saul replied, “I swear by the living Lord that nothing will happen to you because of this.”
      11 “Who do you want me to bring up?” she asked.
      “Bring up the ghost (SOUL) of Samuel,” he answered. * (1st time scripture says ii IS Samuel, not a demon)
      12 When the woman saw Samuel (2nd Time The scripture say is IS Samuel and not a demon!)
      , she screamed. Then she turned to Saul and said, “You’ve tricked me! You’re the king!”
      13 “Don’t be afraid,” Saul replied. “Just tell me what you see.”
      She answered, “I see a spirit rising up out of the ground.”
      14 “What does it look like?”
      “It looks like an old man wearing a robe.”
      *Saul knew it was Samuel,* so he bowed down low. (3rd Time The scripture say is IS Samuel and not a demon!)
      15 “Why are you bothering me by bringing me up like this?” Samuel asked. * (4THTime The scripture say is IS Samuel and not a demon!)*
      “I’m terribly worried,” Saul answered. “The Philistines are about to attack me. God has turned his back on me and won’t answer any more by prophets or by dreams. What should I do?”
      16 Samuel said: *(5TH Time The scripture say is IS Samuel and not (a demon!* )
      If the Lord has turned away from you and is now your enemy, don’t ask me what to do. 17 I’ve already told you: The Lord has sworn to take the kingdom from you and give it to David. And that’s just what he’s doing! 18 When the Lord was angry with the Amalekites, he told you to destroy them, but you didn’t do it. That’s why the Lord is doing this to you. ( *Samuel * )
      19 *Tomorrow the Lord* will let the Philistines defeat Israel’s army, then you and your sons will join me down here in the world of the dead.
      A true Prophet, prophesies and the event comes true and so, Saul died the next day!
      14 1Sam 28:15 *CWB changes Samuel into an evil spirit!* “the evil spirit *personating* Samuel”; *“the spirit looked just lake Samuel and sounded so much like him, that Saul believed it really was the prophet”.*
      This is nothing more than a deliberate attempt to change the inspired holy writings to fit the heresy of Adventistsm DOCTRINE!!!

  • @michaelhogan4666
    @michaelhogan4666 Місяць тому

    This brings to mind all the people who have had near death experiences….NDE, for short…the majority of these folks DO NOT want to come back, from what I’ve “ learned “ on UA-cam and other sources. I’ve been a Christian for 45+ years, and these are comforting thoughts to me, and in my heart it seems that it’s just like Jesus would be…I think we are simply “ gonna know, when we know”. And it’ll be beyond anything we can comprehend now, on this earth.

  • @erict6156
    @erict6156 2 роки тому +7

    Hey brother Allen, I think you’re confusing what a soul is. In Gen 2:7 it says you are a soul. A soul is 2 things: dust(body) and spirit(breath). …”and man became a living soul.” Notice how your spirit is not some separate entity it’s your breath from God. So when you die Ecclesiastes 12:7 says “the dust(body) returns to the ground it came from and the spirit(breath) returns to God who gave it.” Psalm 115:17 says “the dead do not praise the Lord, nor any who go down into silence.” That didn’t say we automatically go to heaven or hell but we sleep(unconscious) in the grave awaiting the resurrection. That lines up with Jesus’s 2nd coming in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 “…and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.” If the dead were already in heaven why would there need to be a resurrection during His 2nd coming? Hope that makes sense

    • @tyronehelm4778
      @tyronehelm4778 2 роки тому

      We have to keep in mind that only bodies go to graves, so only bodies are rising out of graves. Math. 27:52,53. That’s why 1Thess 4:13 said God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. It’s a reunion of body, soul, and spirit.

    • @erict6156
      @erict6156 2 роки тому

      @@tyronehelm4778 I read 1 Thessalonians 4:13 as those who “sleep” in Jesus will be raised back to life and brought back with Him. It’s not saying souls are coming with Jesus it’s saying the souls that have died will be brought back to life to be with Him. Remember a soul=dust+spirit. John 5:28-39 says “All that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth.” They will be raised to be given immortal bodies.

    • @tyronehelm4778
      @tyronehelm4778 2 роки тому

      @@erict6156 Here’s what the passage actually says, 1 these.4:14 “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him”
      It’s only the body that dies and decays, so it’s only the body that needs to be raised, glorified, and reunited with our soul and spirit that was already in Heaven.

    • @erict6156
      @erict6156 2 роки тому

      @@tyronehelm4778 I guess we can just agree to disagree. I don’t believe humans have immortal souls. The Bible says God “who alone” has immortality(1 Timothy 6:16). Humans are only mortal souls(1 Corinthians 15:53-55) that dies but the gift of God is eternal life(Romans 6:23).

    • @tjisrael
      @tjisrael 2 роки тому

      "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish." Psalm 146:4 kjv....
      No where in the Bible can you read dying and going directly to be with the Father in heaven....this is more false doctrine. He likes to read from the watered down NLT

  • @JazzyJan15
    @JazzyJan15 2 роки тому +8

    I’m glad you made this video as I was shown the scripture awhile back saying”the dead know nothing “. There was talk of bodies being sleeping after death, however I’ve always felt that the soul goes to heaven or hell upon death. I couldn’t find enough scriptures like you did to support my belief. I knew of what Jesus said to the other man on the cross. I knew of the meeting on the mountain with Moses n Elijah with Jesus. I think now the explanation is that the body is sleeping and knows nothing after death but the soul is separated at that time from it. So it was important to let people know speaking to a gravesite isn’t where the life force of your loved one is. Jesus is real and people need to learn without him there’s no life after death.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому +1

      Your made of dust and spirit which is the breathe that's in you. when u die you will go to the grave while your breathe/spirit leaves your body. The dead are Sleep(unconscious)and will rise again John 14:3 Jesus says "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."
      Gen 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath or (spirit)of life; and man became a living soul.
      Psalms 146:4 "His breath(spirit) goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish."

  • @soniaanderson7462
    @soniaanderson7462 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much for such a powerful word . I lost my husband in August 20-22 May God richly bless you and your family

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому +1

      Jesus said “All who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth” (John 5:28, 29). 
“David … is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. … For David did not ascend into the heavens” (Acts 2:29, 34). 
“If I wait, the grave is mine house” (Job 17:13 KJV). People do not go to heaven or to hell at death. They don’t go anywhere-but they wait in their graves for the first or second resurrection.

  • @brianallen4614
    @brianallen4614 2 роки тому +9

    Soul sleep is much more “common sense” when you consider the judgements. Also when a person wakes from soul sleep for the judgement he will believe he had just transitioned from this life to eternal no matter if he had been there a million years or 5 min This is due to the time structure but this goes way too deep for most folks. I wish it was like you believe

    • @yahchildg7283
      @yahchildg7283 2 роки тому +3

      Exactly, when the dead are ressurected, they won't know how much time elapsed,it'll b as if they are transitioned immediately after they died,no matter how many years passed,they feel as it was yesterday,and they remember everything then they did before they passed on only to see themselves facing judgement,but in reality,they had died and remained on the grave, awaiting ressurection, some hundreds of year , others ,dys minutes or moments, depending on when the ressurection will take place.after judgement that's when u LL be given eternal life,in paradise or in the second death, because he'll and Hades will also be thrown in the lake of fire.

    • @angelsalgado1984
      @angelsalgado1984 2 роки тому +2

      Wow I never heard this angle. Sounds plausible.

    • @FaithInGod2021
      @FaithInGod2021 2 роки тому

      2 Corinthians 5:8
      King James Version
      8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

    • @dejuannero5260
      @dejuannero5260 2 роки тому

      @@FaithInGod2021 Yes, I believe that verse is actually saying that the body will die and your soul will be returned in the way of, if I give u something and I take it back, because I’m the scriptures it says God breathed life into us (our souls) and that when we die it will return to him. So in a way we are fully dead and have no remaining life at all, but when Christ returns so will our souls and we will be granted new bodies or be thrown into hell, hence it being called the Resurrection

    • @marriage4life893
      @marriage4life893 2 роки тому +2

      @@FaithInGod2021 Paul is saying that he'd rather be present with the Lord in his incorruptible body than at home in his corrupt body. And in another letter to the same church he says when he will be with the Lord:
      Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.
      1 Corinthians 15:51‭-‬53
      Jesus is coming back at the last trumpet to raise the dead in Christ and take those still on the earth in Christ.
      For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
      1 Thessalonians 4:15‭-‬17
      Jesus said in John 14 he goes to prepare a place for you.....
      In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.
      John 14:2‭-‬3
      If you're already with him, then there's no point in him coming back for you.
      Let the dead rest, so the Lord can give us resurrection unto eternal life like he promised.

  • @vickie2658
    @vickie2658 2 роки тому +30

    Awesome sermon!! You know I’ve always tried to tell people that my soul will be with Our Lord and Savior, the very moment I die. Some don’t believe, some agree or disagree, but when someone asks “how do you know?” I have always used the thieves on the sides of the cross. I have no doubt I’ll be in paradise the very second my heartbeat stops. And with so many times I’ve come to brink of death, I’m not afraid. Whenever my heart has stopped, I could barely hear my mother screaming, but I felt comfortable. I didn’t feel a deep sadness that you’d have “never seeing someone again” I felt bad that SHE was so sad. As her voice was fading, (no I wasn’t talking to Jesus or an angel) it was more like I was thinking and knew I was being heard when I thought “ ah, I don’t want her to feel so sad, please go to her in her dreams and let her know I’m ok and I’ll see her again” I could feel the reassurance that it’d be done. (WOW, I’m crying now just thinking how sad she was. ) I couldn’t hear her screaming anymore, it was very calming and then I got jolted back. Every time I’ve gone through close calls, I feel fantastic!! I’m kinda sad that I didn’t go completely but, I’ve never been afraid to die, ever!!!! No pain, no sadness. Peaceful, for me anyway! God bless y’all!! Thank you, Bro. Parr!!🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻♥️

    • @From_darkness2Life
      @From_darkness2Life 2 роки тому

      (…God keeps our hearts beating for reasons not always revealed to us, until much later! Certainly you’re thankful!☺️ please pray & consider this message I replied to Mr. Parr about this video; he still doesn’t quite understand!…)
      Mr. Parr, so, you continue to keep to Satan’s preaching about death, that we, “…shall not surely die…” & this spiritualistic idea that we have an immortal soul…when the Bible teaches that man BECAME a living soul, after the breath of life was given. (…as the body w/out the spirit…so is faith w/out works dead…);
      “…go to your ancestors…”; “…gathered to your people…” wouldn’t that mean that they’re in one place already…like maybe a burial plot? Doesn’t Acts 2:29, 34 say, that the man after God’s own heart, was dead, buried & hadn’t ascended to heaven? So, David, still buried, was gathered with “his fathers”, asleep until, like He did to Lazarus & what He WILL do w/all that are “dead sleep”now(….pun INTENDED 😉), Jesus calls them forth, with a loud voice & at the time, a 🎺…”…& the dead in Christ will rise first…” (((…side thought, what’s the point of a resurrection, of we go right to God at death…what would be the need to change our “…vile bodies…” into glorified bodies, at that point?…)))
      “…today you will be with me in paradise!”
      Comma placed anywhere w/in that statement wouldn’t change the fact that Jesus didn’t even go right to the paradise of heaven that very day He, they died…”Good Friday”, but on the 1st day of the week, He told Mary not to restrain Him, for He had not yet ascended to the Father. Jesus IS the truth. So, did He lie to the thief about being in paradise w/Him THAT day?
      the Transfiguration: Elijah had been taken to heaven w/out seeing death (…via that fiery chariot…) & Moses actually died on that mountain overlooking the promised land that He was not permitted to go, but Jesus raised him from that death(…see Jude…), the first death.(…please reference what that means…) They were both there, in their glorified bodies…one having died & was raised,(…those that SLEEP in Christ1 Thessalonians 4:16…) & the other having never died(…”…in a twinkling of an eye…mortal puts on immortality…caught up to be with the Lord…” 1 Corinthians 15:52-54 / 1 Thessalonians 4:17…)
      “…the Lake of 🔥 is empty right now…”
      “And they went up on ~the breadth of THE EARTH~ and encompassed the camp of the saints about and the beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them…the devil that deceived them…the beast…the false prophet…death …hell & whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the lake of fire. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away…I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them…”~ Revelation 20:9-15, 21:1-3
      So, WHERE IS THIS PLACE OF TORMENT SUPPOSED TO BE & WHAT WOULD BE THE PURPOSE OF God KEEPING THIS “MUSEUM OF SIN” AROUND, when we’ll already have “the books” to review, as well as the scars that will FOREVER remain on God Himself??? (…moved towards tears here! PLEASE THINK!!! reason with the text, with your gifted minds, lead by the Spirit of truth & make it make sense!!! Please!…)

    • @marijowallace4420
      @marijowallace4420 2 роки тому +3

      What a beautiful testimony! I do believe our souls immediately go to the Lord when we take our last breath. The real us, our personality, who God made us, except better! Brand new makeover, all the sins, chains of this world, broken! Those who are born again, in Christ Jesus. In the very presence of God! Wow! God will resurrect our bodies, ashes...our spirit soul is already with Jesus. Thank you for sharing, your story blessed me. ♥️🕊️

    • @nenmaster5218
      @nenmaster5218 2 роки тому

      @@marijowallace4420 Healthy Christians watch Atheist-UA-camrs for obvious reasons. I mean why else would so many of them have so many Christian-Fans?

    • @vickie2658
      @vickie2658 2 роки тому +2

      @@marijowallace4420, well, thank you, sir. Your post is so very kind. There’s no way anyone else could have written such a beautiful response the way you did!. May God continue to bless you and keep you safe, my brother. 🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻♥️

    • @theodorefranklin2059
      @theodorefranklin2059 2 роки тому +1

      @@marijowallace4420 Since we are created being then everything would have to be a first for us.For example first man first woman and unfortunately first sin.So in your study of heaven who was the first to go to heaven?

  • @nicholastaylor6060
    @nicholastaylor6060 2 роки тому +4

    Well explained mate. Keep up the great video's. Amen brother

    • @taddio76
      @taddio76 2 роки тому

      Enjoy "The Big Lie that Preachers Keep Telling"

  • @Fredgangai
    @Fredgangai 9 місяців тому

    Thanks brother, very good learning. I go to a sabbath church and one of the people there was adament we haven't got a soul while he was preaching and looking directly at me whilst he knows nothing on this subject and preaching, i haven't been back since.

  • @lindaduncan2954
    @lindaduncan2954 2 роки тому +6

    Thank you Allen for the scripture references to support that our souls go to be with the Lord.

    • @aaronmonroe7932
      @aaronmonroe7932 2 роки тому +1

      The Apostle Paul wanted his readers to know the truth about the resurrection. "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-15)
      Now is his letter God inspired?
      Early Hebrews didn't believe the soul and body separated. They believed the soul needed the body and the body needed to soul. It was a greek belief most noticeably influenced by Plato who believed the soul was eternal and the body dies.
      In his letter to the corinthians, Paul is explaining why Jesus’s resurrection must be bodily. The corinthians believed Jesus soul was raised not his body. It's understandable why the corinthians would believed that because they were influenced by plato and greek thoughts

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 2 роки тому

      4 - 10 - 22
      Good SUNDAY RESURRECTION worship day !
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION !
      Jehovah's Witnesses
      are the Seventh day Adventists
      JWS : WORKS based religion
      SDA : WORKS based religion
      JWS : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      SDA : Jesus the Archangel Michael
      JWS : Have their OWN Bible
      SDA : Have their OWN Bible
      JWS : Has their seat in NEW YORK
      SDA : Has their seat in MARYLAND
      JWS : New 19th century FALSE religion
      SAME AS........
      SDA : New 19th century FALSE religion
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      His DEATH ( The CROSS )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

  • @whip205inthebam3
    @whip205inthebam3 2 роки тому +4

    Allen, you completely avoided
    1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (KJV)
    13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
    14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
    15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
    16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
    17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
    18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

  • @ruthrecord6430
    @ruthrecord6430 Рік тому

    My brother is actively dying at this moment. I am praying my family is there to greet him.❤

  • @Marquis103
    @Marquis103 7 місяців тому +5

    Matthew 12: 38 - 40 - 38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.
    39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
    40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

  • @theperry500
    @theperry500 Рік тому +3

    Thank you, Pastor Allen, for another excellent episode. God bless.

    • @silasr20
      @silasr20 Рік тому

      Jesus said “All who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth” (John 5:28, 29). 
“David … is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. … For David did not ascend into the heavens” (Acts 2:29, 34). 
“If I wait, the grave is mine house” (Job 17:13 KJV). People do not go to heaven or to hell at death. They don’t go anywhere-but they wait in their graves for the first or second resurrection.

  • @jadematthews4680
    @jadematthews4680 2 роки тому +4

    Praying for clarity for you all who cannot recognize the clear contradictions in this video... I am so sorry for the confusion presented. I hope we all find the truth as clearly written in the Bible and revealed by God, not based on a man's misguided interpretation.

    • @paulallen7962
      @paulallen7962 2 роки тому

      It's not his fault the Bible is full of errors and contradictions. He just tells the people what they want to hear so he can make a nice living for his family. Anybody that believes the Bible is anything more than Hebrew mythology deserves to be exploited like this. Yahweh never existed any more than Baal, Asherah, Chemosh, Dagon, Marduk, Moloch or any of the other gods mentioned in the Bible. It would be obvious to anyone that actually took the time to read the OT and did a little bit of research on ancient near Eastern mythologies that predate the Bible.

  • @theresadimaggio7241
    @theresadimaggio7241 Рік тому +1

    Yes there are many people are in Heaven and can see us.

  • @lecs9385
    @lecs9385 2 роки тому +64

    Thank you for this. I've always been confused on the topic. I was taught that we sleep when we die but somethings didn't seem to add up. I remember when my aunt was passing away in Hospice, she told me that my grandmother and Great grandmother were standing st the end of the bed telling her it was time to go with them. She was so at peace. I thought maybe she was dillusional; makes me wonder if it was real since we are to go to be with our ancestors in heaven

    • @chucksmith4624
      @chucksmith4624 2 роки тому


    • @gabriellemcintyre7153
      @gabriellemcintyre7153 2 роки тому +12

      We experienced the same with my beautiful mother n love when she was transitioning from this life to eternity to be with Jesus. She was speaking to her grandmother who went on before her. She had a peace over her as well. God bless you and your family.❤

    • @samanthagraveswalters8443
      @samanthagraveswalters8443 2 роки тому +4

      Oh wow. That gives me chill bumps.

    • @thebusinessstrategistbw816
      @thebusinessstrategistbw816 2 роки тому +3

      My uncle said, a few days before he passed, that his brothers were calling him at the "place of song." He was the only surviving brother and I had no idea why he would say his dead brothers were calling him.
      Some two months before my mom passed, she visited her much older brother and told him she was going to her mother (she had passed over 20years prior to this,) and she wanted to see how he was doing so she could tell my grandma.
      As a Christian, my belief is the dead are asleep and "know nothing," To this day, I don't know how to reconcile this belief and the two stories

    • @farewelljupiter
      @farewelljupiter 2 роки тому +3

      Well not to damper on it but no your grandmother does not come down from heaven to take you. That’s God and his angels job.