Controlling set and setting is the most important part. If you're just trying to get high and enjoy a movie it's a risk of a bad trip. I airplane mode my phone, have slow fading led strip, and I listen to native American flute or shamanic drum type relaxing music with no lyrics. It hasn't failed me yet in staying comfortable the whole time. Even if I start to get anxiety I can direct my focus to the visuals or the audio to bring me back on track. I take it purely as a therapeutic very intentionally and it changes the game. I've done so much good work with this method.
I’ve done a little of both. I find bringing up the heart rate and moving a lot can do wonders while tripping. It depends on how much I’ve taken. It’s been a couple months since my last trip. Can’t seem to get in the proper head space lately
Hey buddy there's all different types of mushrooms summer tribute where you're having anxiety body Stone. You just got to find the right mushroom that'll give you the right experience and joy that you want
Potency is very variable between strains and even from mushroom to mushroom from the same growing flush. There are some really good articles and scientific studies covering this which would be worth some research. One other thing I picked up from the microdosing networks is if you feel a dose is out of control and you want to neutralise it a bit to get some control you can chew and then swallow a few black peppercorns. They contain an active ingredient which will help you get control - you should have a rescue kit that you have to hand if you are tripping on your own, especially at the doses you have been venturing up to. I have heard orange juice works too but not heard any experiences first hand on this from those around me who microdose or trip fully.
I've looked for documented information and there doesn't seem to be very much. Most of what I have found were just trip reports. I will have to try peppercorns and see. I remember people saying orange juice when I was much younger. I think the acids may assist digestion and get them through the system faster. Seems to me that the faster full digestion occurs, the less time the trip lasts.
@@DetoxProxy I've found that you need to dig through layers to find the documents as they are often buried in forums etc, worth digging for them as it will enrich your thinking and journey. I have always though that orange juice was a bit of an urban myth if I am honest. But I can say first hand that the peppercorns work.
Brother, try to fast before your dose. Then try silent darkness, no interactions with electronics. We can do our best to escape the darkness. I sing and dance, breathe deep, make sure not to curl up with a blanket. Listen to Terrence McKenna, he has the best description and recommendations on psychedelics.
Most times I fast beforehand at least the day. I normally like to dance and space out. This trip that just wasn't going to happen. I was so borderline falling out of consciousness that it became priority not to pass out and fall. The floor is just a good place I won't hurt myself or end up involving someone else. I've been through most of Terrance's talks but realistically wouldn't have understood a word he was saying during this trip. It was a rough one.
Don't curl up with a blanket? Why? That is one of the most comforting and relaxing things you can do and it also can help with the body chills. I lay on the floor with a pillow and blanket often when I do them, and just let them take me where they want me to - total surrender into deep meditation until my body/mind dissolves, breathe deeply when the waves or nausea crop up. Maybe listen to some ambient, uplifting, non-distracting music (i.e. binaural beats) . I've been to the "black void" this way (ego death/separation) and have been met by several entities and received a ton of intelligence about the universe and how I/we fit into it this way. I ask questions (Who am I? etc..,) as well.
@@bradwarfield I totally agree and will get there one day. My trips go dark when I curl up in my blanket on the way up. I dance and sing and then once I'm peaking I can sit and do breath work, close my eyes and journey.
Listening to your story I can’t help but think of an episode when I was a kid we were going cruising driving around in the car on the strip as they say I ate 2 g and started to feel very uneasy and one of the girls in the car said don’t panic it’s organic and I started laughing everybody started laughing and the laugh and never stopped lol It’s been a long time but like we talked about I’ve always wanted to have a breakthrough experience once I learned about DMT my curiosity for what’s on the other side is overwhelming sometimes but all my attempts have failed have you tried a trip setter somebody to sit with you so that you can go big without worrying about all the little things set and setting I’ve heard that a number of times clear do you your mindset plays a big part I think being secure in your environment knowing somebody sitting there to check you would go along way to surrendering to the experience as you were telling your story that’s all I could think about was he needs to surrender the last time I tried to have a breakthrough I kept repeating show me show me show me what it is I’m supposed to learn and I would just keep repeating it but no breakthrough yet one of these days like you if I do something by myself I get stuck in my head what if what if what if.
I wish a trip sitter was available to me. I’ve designed a decent ritual or routine for myself that works. I play as safe as I can. Worry can really affect the trip and send it off in a different direction. Surrender is important. Resistance is futile 😉🙏
I think that would be a great idea for a video. Everyone's routine will be different for the most part and the same for everyone's creature comforts. There is some things that everyone should incorporate that I could speak on.
Thanks for sharing this knowledge! I believe these newer hybrid/mutations of strains are significantly higher in tryptamines. I'll definitely proceed with caution. Peace
The red with white dots are notorious for that... I can't remember their proper name right now I'd have to go look it up..Also sometimes they can be yellow wth white dots.....
That is amanita muscaria also known as the fly agaric . They contain muscimol instead of psilocybin. A very different type of trip from what I've read. More of a dream state that a person enters into.
Yeah..Last month I 'Lemon-tekked' 5 grams, and was totally unprepared. It came on so quick that I couldnt even operate my stereo or phone so I had to ride it out in silence, in the dark. Pretty sure I was in the lobby of the afterlife and had a conversation with death itself..anyhow, havent touched them since.. LOL.. 2 gs is the sweet spot for me.
@@bluestone11 OMG, you have the same thumbnail that I just switched from! Redial is wonderful, I just changed my thumbnail to a clip from 4Blood. Wishing a very merry Miku-Miku to you!
My roommate gave me a small box of mushrooms for my birthday. I was twenty, bored, and stupid. I was alone and was supposed to work that afternoon. However, the caps started tasting good to me, like potato chips. So I went to looney town that day. These were the days of analog. Kung Fu was on the tube, and the come up was awesome. I decided since I felt so good that I would take a swim in the pool. I had to be grinning great, for I felt like a giant as I stood in the water above it all. My work shift was approaching, so I got dressed and headed outside to roll my bike out. Just then, the house phone rang. It was my dad informing me that my girlfriend's daughter had been killed. Needless to say, the rest of the day and onward turned very dark indeed. I'm glad you came out of your experience. Or should we call it, a lesson?
Sounds like you had a sweet vibe going and it went completely the other direction. I've had plenty of higher dose experiences on strains I hadn't ever tried. These white rabbits really shut me down quickly and there was no fighting it. Still haven't tried them again since lol.
@@DetoxProxy Your experience is similar to one I had on 3.5 grams of Albino Penis Envy on November 24, 2024. I got to a point in the trip where I felt like I was literally dying. I started weeping and crying as my visual field was "merging" with me! It got so intense that i just stop resisting and surrendered to the experience and once I laid flat on my back. I couldn't move and started some kind of shallow breathing that eventually stopped! That's when I saw a VERY brilliant white and green light come out of nowhere! I felt my "self" just evaporating away as I became one with the Universe! Challenging trip at first but my surrender turned it into the most peaceful, blissful experience I have ever had and it really humbled me as a human being!
Hi there, Have you ever approached tripping the medical way?....meaning with a certain intention, blindfolded and with music via headphones? And then surrender and see what happens and not fighting anything.
I've had parts of a closed eye trip never a full trip that way. Normally I don't have a lot of intention. I allow the trip to take me where I'm going no matter what happens. A trip like this one I think I was so sedated that I would have fallen asleep had I closed my eyes.
Hi, I was going to ask the same question! My research has led me to believe that for important and lasting and positive psychological effects, something more medical is needed, like laying down quiet with a mask. As opposed to what I used to do as a kid, going camping, driving, playing cards, laughing our asses off, etc. Fun, but no help. I was hoping you'd would have tried this approach and informed me! Planning my shroomex in 2 weeks...
Sorry I had missed this comment. I have found that both settings have therapeutic effects. Alone in darkness is the most beneficial. Someone newer would appreciate a trip sitter to help them along. There are many lessons a person as within themselves. Answers to unknown questions. The mind is a very extraordinary place to explore.
As far as hybrids, man fucks everything up.... I wish I had access to heirloom cannabis strains, hold on to original mushroom strains before we go and skewer all the benefits with a fork!
4 g's is a very high dose for me I've had similar situations and it's terrifying 2grams is my limit at one time I really believe that if I take a high dose I will end up having a heart attack Be safe and thanks for the video
I've pushed myself pretty far in the past. I've tripped out while doing my own full on dance parties and had to force myself to stop my heart gets beating so hard. It could be dangerous for those with health risks. Surprisingly I've had no serious physical health affects from shrooms.
For me the best way to fix a bad trip is to go for a walk. Being indoors makes me feel trapped. Also I like to make tea and discard the mushrooms so I don’t get the heavy body load and am able to walk for miles
This wasn't that sort of bad trip. It wasn't even that bad, I just lost all function. My vision was impaired. The body load was so heavy that I was almost losing consciousness. Not the time to go for a walk. I hear you though. Some positive inspiration can really change the trip for the better. Thanks for commenting!
I always thinking that I'm tough and I understand mushrooms really good, no worrying about bad trip, know how to gave up - this stuff, you know. But one time after 5g lemon-tek of GT, it shoot me straight to the Mather (I don't know why, but It is always all-knowing woman with mother energy) and She look at me with the "be hamble" look... and than I got straight into darkness, when I was not able to breath... In that moment I knew, that this is the end and I'll die.
Some of the deepest lessons come from that state. How far the mind and consciousness can be away from the body. There is always something greater than ourselves but we should realize that we are all a part of it.
I did them late december and my trip was just like this, i remember not being able to tell if i was asleep or not and couldn’t keep my eyes open at all,but there was a point where i knew i fell asleep but don’t know how long i was asleep for, i was in the same position for what felt like hours my hands started sweating so much and it felt like they were swelling too, it wasn’t what i was expecting, i’ve done them a couple times but that probably was my last, wish i could have one more trip tho
That is a very similar experience. I fought so hard to keep my eyes open and to stay awake. If they're that intense next time maybe I will lay down and see what happens. At one point my phone was part of my hand. Then when I put the phone down and looked to the right, I was part of the wall. I have a full jar and it's going to be a while before I try them again.
@@DetoxProxy lucky you got that jar 😂 bro it was weird when i was “sleeping” i wasn’t laying down i was sitting with my legs crossed and my arms crossed over my heart leaning forward but i had perfect balance and wasn’t tipping off the bed, then when i layed down it felt uncomfortable
i wouldve never thought to put mushrooms in ramen noodles/broth not just for the taste but to speed up the comeup as well… imma have to try this with some cup of noodles next time for sure, taking a bite of 0.5g shrooms with every fork of noodles sounds a lot more pleasant then downing 3 grams of just pure shrooms
I used to make it a ritual to munch through 7-8 grams of mushrooms. Then one day I was breaking up some dried shitake mushrooms for some ramen and it hit me. Never heard anyone else doing it or if it would work well. Now it's my go to method of ingesting them. A good quality spicy ramen and I completely forget the shrooms are in there.
I've seen the kits before. I'm not sure if they are a single use or not. They are like $25us. Hard to spend the extra money for one strain but if there were like 6 tests, I could see it being worth trying out. I will look into it.
My issues with shrooms is the nasty body load. Nausea, chills, diaphoresis, the damned twitching and overall sense that something is physically wrong can ruin a perfectly good trip. Someone suggested the synthetic version of shrooms (4-AcO-DMT instead of psilocybin 4-PO-DMT) due to it producing less body load, I found even it was too much and ruined the trip. It's a shame DMT isn't more accessible as it's supposedly far cleaner with a far shorter duration, but offers more of what I'm looking for, the OEVs.
I've tried them all. 4acodmt is a good trip. High enough doses will give you some open eye action. DMT is far more powerful. It can overwhelm a persons senses. It can cause extreme fear. It can also show you things you have never seen before.
@@DetoxProxy That's actually what I'm looking for, stuff I've never seen before. The come up on 4-Aco-DMT was abrupt and I know straight-up DMT will be even more abupt. However, the 4-AcO-DMT and even the natural 4-PO-DMT causes serious anxiety. I'm hoping a setting-controlled DMT trip would be more therapeutic for me.
@@snowdogthewolf Any one of these compounds can give you enough anxiety to never use them again. DMT will show you the most unworldly things but will take your conscious mind away at the same time. Much of what you see will be like altered vision at lower doses. I get a lot of straight edging, where everything appears to be square or rectangular. I've also seen ancient language pour out of the a screen that was playing a screensaver type of video. Higher amounts will completely override your vision where it will be difficult to make out the room that you're in and that's if you're able to stay conscious. Taking too much can make you question where did you go and is it possible to return. The most wild crazy things can take place and you cannot get away from them. Psychedelics are more than just getting visuals and difficult to keep fun, all of the time. Anxiety is just something that comes along with the trip for many people.
7 times I’ve done Mushrooms, and I would Describe them as beautiful profound emotional otherworldly. Always a bit of discomfort and lingering danger in them i figured that was what a bad trip was. 8th time I did it. Was 4gs and I was thinking cool here we go gonna travel the cosmic universe. My house was clean kids were gon wife is happy. Atmospheric playlist ready. Showered. Everything good to go. Long story short. About 30 mins in I ripped my headphone s out my ears. Started seeing clowns and evil stuff. Everything was becoming sinister, ominous danger panic frantic. I freaked out for about 30 mins and the visuals were horrifying with my eyes open. Water and turtle shell texture my skin was red looking. And when I closed my eyes it was worse it was like the mushrooms were angry with me like telling me “ur back already” and I went thru about 5 hours of hell lol. There was no getting out of it it seemed that was the direction they wanted to go. Even moments I would capture calmness and bliss it would be taken from me. Damn I had my first bad trip man. I understand you. I’m keeping my distance for a while:)
I just noted that down to make a video of my first bad trip. I've had a few bad trips in my time and this one wasn't actually bad, although surely most people would have said differently. Maybe I have experienced enough that trips just aren't bad anymore but difficult. A lot of peoples first bad trip is their last trip. Getting beyond that point in psychedelics is where the really cool stuff begins to happen. Breaks are very important and I am currently on one still as well after my last LSD trip. Once I get caught up with some work the time will be right. Thanks for commenting!
@@DetoxProxy I am Taking a Break, but Mushrooms will always be apart of me I’m glad I discovered them. And you’re right it was a bad trip but rather a very very difficult one and not knowing how difficult they can be it was hard. But I came out with it and I have a new respect for shrooms. I will be back just need some time off. I will do them again when they call me.
Start with lower doses and work your way up. Even smaller people can usually handle a gram of most strains easily. Don't grow over-confident though or bad things will happen lol.
@@DetoxProxy it was Amazing 🍄 was Diff then Other Trips more Of a Mind Trip. I was seeing People and Places from My Childhood, My Deceased Family members Were Alive and well in My mind. I could recall names and Places I Totally forgot about As im 43 now so A lot of memories that seemed Gone But Apparently were just Buried deep in my Mind. When I came Outta the Trip my Mind was Scrambled and Still trying to Find out What it all meant today. I feel amazing and Refreshed so everything I experienced Is exactly What I needed. Much Love and Respect for all The People of this Strange Planet
Suggestion: Next time you feel like that. Get cozy in bed... Headphones w/ some chill psychedlic music (Lsdream: higher consciousness will change your life 😂) Focus on your breathing... AND JUST LET GO! You asked to be enlightened... to see a new dimension. So stop clawing at the familiarity and comfort, of that carpeted floor known as sanity, like a scared kitty cat... and JUST LET GO! This is what you wanted and asked for. Be excited. Be greatful. Be mindful. As the endless epiphanies start rolling in. Cry your eyes out... Laugh maniacally... Slobber all over yourself... Its ok. Nobody is judging you. This is how psychedelics are meant to be done. Hell I drank a 8-10 gram tea a few nights ago and did just that. 😂
I've been on much higher doses. Had I been able to get to my bed and stay there with confidence I would have. This wasn't a time to cry, laugh or be judged, it was trying to basically maintain consciousness and breath. I was too far gone to do much else.
All of those things play a role. I personally didn't expect strains to be so far more potent than others and 100% the potency was the cause in this case. New to me strains I will start at 2g's for now on.
@@DetoxProxy I would like to know more as there is not to much info on hybrid strains. I think you are well aware of yourself and your surroundings. Thank you for your videos and replies, it gives me a bit to think about.
You're right, there is such limited info out there. I've seen a number of sites that appear to be taken down by regulators. I feel by the end of this summer I should have a good opinion on whether or not the hybrids have an altered experience. I have a suspicion that strains become too mutated after a second or third generation of crossbreeding to offer a proper mushroom trip. I could be wrong, it could just be varying potency levels and would like to know for myself if that's the case.
Why in good fuck would you want to look at anything on a screen, let alone purposely intending to watch a movie? That's fucking bonkers to me. I don't want to be anywhere near a screen of any sort if Im tripping shrooms. That is the absolute last thing I want to look at. I can't even deal with a radio/CD/mp3 player LCD readout
That all depends on how intense a trip is. I suppose asking yourself why it is you don't look at a screen might reveal something. Does it get scary? Does it jump off of the device? Does it pixelate? Does it distort into other things? If you haven't ever watched a movie while tripping, you're missing out on something. True classics like Disney's Fantasia or Alice in Wonderland will tease your senses and take you to other places. To each is their own though. If technology doesn't mix well with your trips, leave it at the door. I've read reports of people regularly watching horror films on shrooms. That's a little too far for me lol.
@@DetoxProxy There's nothing that scares me about watching TV tripping. It's the technology/artificial aspect of it that disagrees with me. I get uncomfortable because it feels like a waste of time and a trip to have to focus on someone else story/creation when I could be out creating my own adventure. We all already spend WAY too much of our precious lives fixated on a screen consuming the ideas and information of others. I don't even really like being indoors tripping. I want to be outside seeing and doing stuff. Canoeing, hiking, camping, biking, walking around a bar district, etc. Music concerts are fun and I once did Six Flags on a couple of dropped sweet tarts, which was maybe the most hilarious 4 or 5 hours of my life, but trying to sit in place to take in a movie seems awful to me. I wanna go do shit and I'd recommend the same to anyone else if asked. I wish you all the best. Spiral out, keep going.
@@scottw5253 One of my adventure videos is something more like that. I down 2g's and head on a hike where I take a path less travelled. I absolutely enjoy those experiences more. The weather doesn't always agree with it here though. At home I often listen to music, dance or meditate for a while during a trip. Sometimes certain dosages come on strong and even getting shoes on would be near impossible without struggling.
Mushrooms have a tendency to make one's body temperature RISE, which is why one feels cold. It's the same reason one feels cold when having a fever. You sound like you had a normal 3.5-4g trip. Let it guide you and you’ll be fine.
The temperature fluctuation makes sense to me, I am just not usually expecting such change. It was winter and I do tend to keep my place cool. I kept being concerned with poisoning which has never been a thought since I was a kid. Still have a pile of these jarred and haven't brought myself to try them again. Coming from a full blown psychonaut, this was no normal trip and guidance went twirling out the window with reality. All I could do was maintain consciousness, drink water and breath.
@DetoxProxy psilocybin is a spiritual guide, and while it may be fun, ab-using (mis-using) it (or any spiritual guide/medicine) can result in problems. I've had the same thought go through my head in regards to poisoning; to be fair, I had drank mead, smoked weed, and ate mushrooms all together. At a certain point, even the mushrooms and cannabis point one towards sobriety. The dragon is a fantastic friend to have, so long as one doesn’t abuse it. "Love your enemies" "Resist NOT evil" "Freely ye have received, freely give." Some quotes to meditate upon next time one might use cannabis or psilocybin.
I learned the hard way almost two years ago. I cycled my way up to 14 grams and had some life changing events happen. You might like to watch this video on my other channel that inspired this one: Mush love brother.
@@DetoxProxy I watched the whole video. Did I miss it? You explained that other well known strains weren't supposed to ne as strong. But you never mentioned any names.. I presume you were talking about Golden Ts and Penistone envy. But for novices it would be good to hear comparisons.
@@eyeswideopen7126 The first minute of the video and discussed in the comments. A bit difficult to miss. I'm not judging but attentiveness is the next pandemic that TikTok started.
@@eyeswideopen7126 No problem. Most people leave the strain out of their reports. I feel when the strain is left out, it makes the report less genuineness and more inexperienced to other true psychonauts.
the difference is NOT simply psilocybin content. different variants and hybrids have unique balances of like 50 different alkoloids, 45 of which science hasn't even begun to study. science will continue to struggle with understanding mushrooms because mushrooms defy the reductionist paradign. even once all the alkaloids are accounted for, the body chemistry and neural makeup of the person plays a strong role, as does mindset and environment. i say all of that because you had a 14g trip that i guarantee had more psilocybin than your White Rabbit experience. my go-to mushrooms for psychological work is Purple Mystics. they are heavy, and they almost bully me into surrender. LOL! but i've taken much higher doses of B+ and Ecuador, and they are never as difficult. so, yeah, for whatever that's worth. if you get a chance, get yourself some Panaeolus cyanescens mushrooms. best thing to ever happen to me. once i can grow them effectively, i may never go back to cubes. and there are a TON of new people every day who feel the same way. :)
I’ve had someone else recommend trying pans. Agreed that there must be more to it all. I still haven’t tried those rabbits again since. I had a 3g GT trip recently after my break and it was a breeze in comparison. Should have a report in a few days 🙏
That was the issue. U did it by yourself. If u had someone there it won't be like that. It's never a good idea to do shrooms by yourself let alone a big dose
Although you are correct and I agree it wasn't a good idea, I don't think being alone had anything to do with the complexity of this trip. All of my trips are alone. I can refer you to another video I have uploaded on UA-cam for further context of what I deem a high dose.
Time is a concept created by man. It's a theory! The second you are born "time begins" and the second you "die" time stops...for you that is. I've come to realize you only can truly live in the moment when you come to realize these things. I've also time traveled in mushrooms. Not a physical travel but an emotional "time travel". Only true psychonauts know what I'm talking about. Normal people will read this and think I'm the crazy one lol maybe I just see the world different than most.
Time is only relevant to the observer. Take away the clock and day cycle, it no longer exists. Mass defines space time as well. Time here on Earth is much different than it is on planets with gigantic masses, regardless of the day cycle. A woman spent 500 days in a cave without outside contact. When the experiment was over, she thought it had only been about half of that time. Without a clock or day cycle, she completely lost track. Time basically no longer existed because she couldn't observe it passing.
" i have poisoned myself somehow". These are often the immature last words from many ignorant users of unknown substances who end up psychotic. Dont encourage young innocent people who can end up as sad as you. Lost and confused. Hardly an example to anyone. Just don't.
You seem "lost and confused" to be honest. This is a perfect example of why many young innocent people should think twice before entering the abyss. Like you.
I think my comment got deleted. Tripsitter has a chart of 100 strains and White rabbit are said to be VERY potent. More potent than APE and penis envy. So you probably could have taken half that amount and had a nice trip. I got some Casper a week ago and only took .2 as a microdose to get an idea of the potency lol definitely was stronger than i thought it would be
Wow looks like they've really built up that site. A few of the strains I have on hand are on the list and I know two I have are definitely sub-strains. Expected Jedi Mind Fck and Huautla to be higher. Malabar and Amazons to be lower. The white rabbits are without a doubt the strongest shroom I've had to date. Stronger trip than PE's were. Planning on a trip soon, it's been long enough.
Controlling set and setting is the most important part. If you're just trying to get high and enjoy a movie it's a risk of a bad trip. I airplane mode my phone, have slow fading led strip, and I listen to native American flute or shamanic drum type relaxing music with no lyrics. It hasn't failed me yet in staying comfortable the whole time. Even if I start to get anxiety I can direct my focus to the visuals or the audio to bring me back on track. I take it purely as a therapeutic very intentionally and it changes the game. I've done so much good work with this method.
I’ve done a little of both. I find bringing up the heart rate and moving a lot can do wonders while tripping. It depends on how much I’ve taken. It’s been a couple months since my last trip. Can’t seem to get in the proper head space lately
Hey buddy there's all different types of mushrooms summer tribute where you're having anxiety body Stone. You just got to find the right mushroom that'll give you the right experience and joy that you want
He probably took too much
Sounds like james heitfield giving us a trip story.
Potency is very variable between strains and even from mushroom to mushroom from the same growing flush. There are some really good articles and scientific studies covering this which would be worth some research. One other thing I picked up from the microdosing networks is if you feel a dose is out of control and you want to neutralise it a bit to get some control you can chew and then swallow a few black peppercorns. They contain an active ingredient which will help you get control - you should have a rescue kit that you have to hand if you are tripping on your own, especially at the doses you have been venturing up to. I have heard orange juice works too but not heard any experiences first hand on this from those around me who microdose or trip fully.
I've looked for documented information and there doesn't seem to be very much. Most of what I have found were just trip reports. I will have to try peppercorns and see. I remember people saying orange juice when I was much younger. I think the acids may assist digestion and get them through the system faster. Seems to me that the faster full digestion occurs, the less time the trip lasts.
@@DetoxProxy I've found that you need to dig through layers to find the documents as they are often buried in forums etc, worth digging for them as it will enrich your thinking and journey. I have always though that orange juice was a bit of an urban myth if I am honest. But I can say first hand that the peppercorns work.
Bananas and meat... potassium and protein both lessen the effects of mushrooms (yes, this one is documented)
Brother, try to fast before your dose. Then try silent darkness, no interactions with electronics. We can do our best to escape the darkness. I sing and dance, breathe deep, make sure not to curl up with a blanket. Listen to Terrence McKenna, he has the best description and recommendations on psychedelics.
Check out Step by Step guide on escaping the matrix by the channel "Souled Humans".
Most times I fast beforehand at least the day. I normally like to dance and space out. This trip that just wasn't going to happen. I was so borderline falling out of consciousness that it became priority not to pass out and fall. The floor is just a good place I won't hurt myself or end up involving someone else. I've been through most of Terrance's talks but realistically wouldn't have understood a word he was saying during this trip. It was a rough one.
Lol it’s impossible to understand McKenna while shrooming
Don't curl up with a blanket? Why? That is one of the most comforting and relaxing things you can do and it also can help with the body chills. I lay on the floor with a pillow and blanket often when I do them, and just let them take me where they want me to - total surrender into deep meditation until my body/mind dissolves, breathe deeply when the waves or nausea crop up. Maybe listen to some ambient, uplifting, non-distracting music (i.e. binaural beats) . I've been to the "black void" this way (ego death/separation) and have been met by several entities and received a ton of intelligence about the universe and how I/we fit into it this way. I ask questions (Who am I? etc..,) as well.
@@bradwarfield I totally agree and will get there one day. My trips go dark when I curl up in my blanket on the way up. I dance and sing and then once I'm peaking I can sit and do breath work, close my eyes and journey.
Listening to your story I can’t help but think of an episode when I was a kid we were going cruising driving around in the car on the strip as they say I ate 2 g and started to feel very uneasy and one of the girls in the car said don’t panic it’s organic and I started laughing everybody started laughing and the laugh and never stopped lol It’s been a long time but like we talked about I’ve always wanted to have a breakthrough experience once I learned about DMT my curiosity for what’s on the other side is overwhelming sometimes but all my attempts have failed have you tried a trip setter somebody to sit with you so that you can go big without worrying about all the little things set and setting I’ve heard that a number of times clear do you your mindset plays a big part I think being secure in your environment knowing somebody sitting there to check you would go along way to surrendering to the experience as you were telling your story that’s all I could think about was he needs to surrender the last time I tried to have a breakthrough I kept repeating show me show me show me what it is I’m supposed to learn and I would just keep repeating it but no breakthrough yet one of these days like you if I do something by myself I get stuck in my head what if what if what if.
I wish a trip sitter was available to me. I’ve designed a decent ritual or routine for myself that works. I play as safe as I can. Worry can really affect the trip and send it off in a different direction. Surrender is important. Resistance is futile 😉🙏
I think that would be a great idea for a video. Everyone's routine will be different for the most part and the same for everyone's creature comforts. There is some things that everyone should incorporate that I could speak on.
Thanks for sharing this knowledge! I believe these newer hybrid/mutations of strains are significantly higher in tryptamines. I'll definitely proceed with caution. Peace
I'm trying to find more strain information. Seems as if trip details are not documented enough and I have some work to do. Thanks for commenting
The red with white dots are notorious for that... I can't remember their proper name right now I'd have to go look it up..Also sometimes they can be yellow wth white dots.....
That is amanita muscaria also known as the fly agaric . They contain muscimol instead of psilocybin. A very different type of trip from what I've read. More of a dream state that a person enters into.
Yeah..Last month I 'Lemon-tekked' 5 grams, and was totally unprepared. It came on so quick that I couldnt even operate my stereo or phone so I had to ride it out in silence, in the dark. Pretty sure I was in the lobby of the afterlife and had a conversation with death itself..anyhow, havent touched them since.. LOL.. 2 gs is the sweet spot for me.
off topic but I took 100mg weed edibles with no tolerance and I was so high lol
@@bluestone11 OMG, you have the same thumbnail that I just switched from! Redial is wonderful, I just changed my thumbnail to a clip from 4Blood. Wishing a very merry Miku-Miku to you!
Can you use Minute Maid? I’m finna attempt to tek a quarter lol
just came off 4 grams of penis envy as my first 2+gram trip, eq to 8 grams. i saw god for an hour
My roommate gave me a small box of mushrooms for my birthday. I was twenty, bored, and stupid.
I was alone and was supposed to work that afternoon. However, the caps started tasting good to me, like potato chips. So I went to looney town that day. These were the days of analog. Kung Fu was on the tube, and the come up was awesome. I decided since I felt so good that I would take a swim in the pool.
I had to be grinning great, for I felt like a giant as I stood in the water above it all.
My work shift was approaching, so I got dressed and headed outside to roll my bike out. Just then, the house phone rang. It was my dad informing me that my girlfriend's daughter had been killed.
Needless to say, the rest of the day and onward turned very dark indeed.
I'm glad you came out of your experience. Or should we call it, a lesson?
Sounds like you had a sweet vibe going and it went completely the other direction.
I've had plenty of higher dose experiences on strains I hadn't ever tried. These white rabbits really shut me down quickly and there was no fighting it. Still haven't tried them again since lol.
@@DetoxProxy Your experience is similar to one I had on 3.5 grams of Albino Penis Envy on November 24, 2024. I got to a point in the trip where I felt like I was literally dying. I started weeping and crying as my visual field was "merging" with me! It got so intense that i just stop resisting and surrendered to the experience and once I laid flat on my back. I couldn't move and started some kind of shallow breathing that eventually stopped! That's when I saw a VERY brilliant white and green light come out of nowhere! I felt my "self" just evaporating away as I became one with the Universe! Challenging trip at first but my surrender turned it into the most peaceful, blissful experience I have ever had and it really humbled me as a human being!
I used to grow em also.
I would have good and bad trips from the same batch.
Hi there,
Have you ever approached tripping the medical way?....meaning with a certain intention, blindfolded and with music via headphones? And then surrender and see what happens and not fighting anything.
I've had parts of a closed eye trip never a full trip that way. Normally I don't have a lot of intention. I allow the trip to take me where I'm going no matter what happens. A trip like this one I think I was so sedated that I would have fallen asleep had I closed my eyes.
Hi, I was going to ask the same question! My research has led me to believe that for important and lasting and positive psychological effects, something more medical is needed, like laying down quiet with a mask. As opposed to what I used to do as a kid, going camping, driving, playing cards, laughing our asses off, etc. Fun, but no help.
I was hoping you'd would have tried this approach and informed me! Planning my shroomex in 2 weeks...
Sorry I had missed this comment. I have found that both settings have therapeutic effects. Alone in darkness is the most beneficial. Someone newer would appreciate a trip sitter to help them along. There are many lessons a person as within themselves. Answers to unknown questions. The mind is a very extraordinary place to explore.
@@DetoxProxy Thank you for your reply !
If you really want to know how far you can go with this stuff you should give ol' Weldon Mac... a call. ;) Hope you're well man! Be careful!
Thanks cuz, I do my best. Hope you're good too
As far as hybrids, man fucks everything up.... I wish I had access to heirloom cannabis strains, hold on to original mushroom strains before we go and skewer all the benefits with a fork!
I hope mushrooms don't become as modified as cannabis did. There is already enough shroom strains as it is.
4 g's is a very high dose for me
I've had similar situations and it's terrifying
2grams is my limit at one time
I really believe that if I take a high dose I will end up having a heart attack
Be safe and thanks for the video
I've pushed myself pretty far in the past. I've tripped out while doing my own full on dance parties and had to force myself to stop my heart gets beating so hard. It could be dangerous for those with health risks. Surprisingly I've had no serious physical health affects from shrooms.
For me the best way to fix a bad trip is to go for a walk. Being indoors makes me feel trapped. Also I like to make tea and discard the mushrooms so I don’t get the heavy body load and am able to walk for miles
This wasn't that sort of bad trip. It wasn't even that bad, I just lost all function. My vision was impaired. The body load was so heavy that I was almost losing consciousness. Not the time to go for a walk. I hear you though. Some positive inspiration can really change the trip for the better. Thanks for commenting!
Soup was prolly a little acidic, ended up lemon tekking yourself lol
I've used soup many times before this trip and it does speed up the process. Working my way back up to give these another try.
I always thinking that I'm tough and I understand mushrooms really good, no worrying about bad trip, know how to gave up - this stuff, you know. But one time after 5g lemon-tek of GT, it shoot me straight to the Mather (I don't know why, but It is always all-knowing woman with mother energy) and She look at me with the "be hamble" look... and than I got straight into darkness, when I was not able to breath... In that moment I knew, that this is the end and I'll die.
Some of the deepest lessons come from that state. How far the mind and consciousness can be away from the body. There is always something greater than ourselves but we should realize that we are all a part of it.
Btw. "Peaking" is caused by your body having to slowly digest the plant matter. With teas/extracts you peak way faster.
Yeah I usually put my shrooms in with ramen soup. Pretty sure I did during this trip.
4gs of highly potent albino ANYTHING is dicey 😂😂😂😂
White Rabbits supposedly are not a true albino. Still though, I hear you!
I did them late december and my trip was just like this, i remember not being able to tell if i was asleep or not and couldn’t keep my eyes open at all,but there was a point where i knew i fell asleep but don’t know how long i was asleep for, i was in the same position for what felt like hours my hands started sweating so much and it felt like they were swelling too, it wasn’t what i was expecting, i’ve done them a couple times but that probably was my last, wish i could have one more trip tho
That is a very similar experience. I fought so hard to keep my eyes open and to stay awake. If they're that intense next time maybe I will lay down and see what happens. At one point my phone was part of my hand. Then when I put the phone down and looked to the right, I was part of the wall. I have a full jar and it's going to be a while before I try them again.
@@DetoxProxy lucky you got that jar 😂 bro it was weird when i was “sleeping” i wasn’t laying down i was sitting with my legs crossed and my arms crossed over my heart leaning forward but i had perfect balance and wasn’t tipping off the bed, then when i layed down it felt uncomfortable
I really wasn’t expecting them to sedate me like they did. Next level mushroom.
i wouldve never thought to put mushrooms in ramen noodles/broth not just for the taste but to speed up the comeup as well… imma have to try this with some cup of noodles next time for sure, taking a bite of 0.5g shrooms with every fork of noodles sounds a lot more pleasant then downing 3 grams of just pure shrooms
I used to make it a ritual to munch through 7-8 grams of mushrooms. Then one day I was breaking up some dried shitake mushrooms for some ramen and it hit me. Never heard anyone else doing it or if it would work well. Now it's my go to method of ingesting them. A good quality spicy ramen and I completely forget the shrooms are in there.
You can buy a kit where you can check psilocybin content of your mushrooms.
I've seen the kits before. I'm not sure if they are a single use or not. They are like $25us. Hard to spend the extra money for one strain but if there were like 6 tests, I could see it being worth trying out. I will look into it.
My issues with shrooms is the nasty body load. Nausea, chills, diaphoresis, the damned twitching and overall sense that something is physically wrong can ruin a perfectly good trip. Someone suggested the synthetic version of shrooms (4-AcO-DMT instead of psilocybin 4-PO-DMT) due to it producing less body load, I found even it was too much and ruined the trip.
It's a shame DMT isn't more accessible as it's supposedly far cleaner with a far shorter duration, but offers more of what I'm looking for, the OEVs.
I've tried them all. 4acodmt is a good trip. High enough doses will give you some open eye action. DMT is far more powerful. It can overwhelm a persons senses. It can cause extreme fear. It can also show you things you have never seen before.
@@DetoxProxy That's actually what I'm looking for, stuff I've never seen before. The come up on 4-Aco-DMT was abrupt and I know straight-up DMT will be even more abupt. However, the 4-AcO-DMT and even the natural 4-PO-DMT causes serious anxiety. I'm hoping a setting-controlled DMT trip would be more therapeutic for me.
@@snowdogthewolf Any one of these compounds can give you enough anxiety to never use them again. DMT will show you the most unworldly things but will take your conscious mind away at the same time. Much of what you see will be like altered vision at lower doses. I get a lot of straight edging, where everything appears to be square or rectangular. I've also seen ancient language pour out of the a screen that was playing a screensaver type of video.
Higher amounts will completely override your vision where it will be difficult to make out the room that you're in and that's if you're able to stay conscious.
Taking too much can make you question where did you go and is it possible to return. The most wild crazy things can take place and you cannot get away from them. Psychedelics are more than just getting visuals and difficult to keep fun, all of the time. Anxiety is just something that comes along with the trip for many people.
7 times I’ve done Mushrooms, and I would Describe them as beautiful profound emotional otherworldly. Always a bit of discomfort and lingering danger in them i figured that was what a bad trip was.
8th time I did it. Was 4gs and I was thinking cool here we go gonna travel the cosmic universe. My house was clean kids were gon wife is happy. Atmospheric playlist ready. Showered. Everything good to go. Long story short.
About 30 mins in I ripped my headphone s out my ears. Started seeing clowns and evil stuff. Everything was becoming sinister, ominous danger panic frantic. I freaked out for about 30 mins and the visuals were horrifying with my eyes open. Water and turtle shell texture my skin was red looking. And when I closed my eyes it was worse it was like the mushrooms were angry with me like telling me “ur back already” and I went thru about 5 hours of hell lol. There was no getting out of it it seemed that was the direction they wanted to go. Even moments I would capture calmness and bliss it would be taken from me. Damn I had my first bad trip man. I understand you. I’m keeping my distance for a while:)
I just noted that down to make a video of my first bad trip. I've had a few bad trips in my time and this one wasn't actually bad, although surely most people would have said differently. Maybe I have experienced enough that trips just aren't bad anymore but difficult.
A lot of peoples first bad trip is their last trip. Getting beyond that point in psychedelics is where the really cool stuff begins to happen. Breaks are very important and I am currently on one still as well after my last LSD trip. Once I get caught up with some work the time will be right. Thanks for commenting!
@@DetoxProxy I am Taking a Break, but Mushrooms will always be apart of me I’m glad I discovered them. And you’re right it was a bad trip but rather a very very difficult one and not knowing how difficult they can be it was hard. But I came out with it and I have a new respect for shrooms. I will be back just need some time off. I will do them again when they call me.
Im so eager to test out my harvest when it's ready but it'll be my first time but videos like these make me not want to try them lol
Start with lower doses and work your way up. Even smaller people can usually handle a gram of most strains easily. Don't grow over-confident though or bad things will happen lol.
Everything will be ok .
Just mixed up 3.87 grams of Hillbilly’s they are Steeping In some Warm water and A bit of lemon Juice. Wish me luck 🍀
Hope it was a good one 👍
@@DetoxProxy it was Amazing 🍄 was Diff then Other Trips more Of a Mind Trip. I was seeing People and Places from My Childhood, My Deceased Family members Were Alive and well in My mind. I could recall names and Places I Totally forgot about As im 43 now so A lot of memories that seemed Gone But Apparently were just Buried deep in my Mind. When I came Outta the Trip my Mind was Scrambled and Still trying to Find out What it all meant today. I feel amazing and Refreshed so everything I experienced Is exactly What I needed. Much Love and Respect for all The People of this Strange Planet
3.5 for me was mental
3-4g for me is right around where the trips are more of an experience.
Suggestion: Next time you feel like that. Get cozy in bed...
Headphones w/ some chill psychedlic music
(Lsdream: higher consciousness will change your life 😂)
Focus on your breathing...
You asked to be enlightened... to see a new dimension. So stop clawing at the familiarity and comfort, of that carpeted floor known as sanity, like a scared kitty cat... and JUST LET GO!
This is what you wanted and asked for. Be excited. Be greatful. Be mindful.
As the endless epiphanies start rolling in.
Cry your eyes out...
Laugh maniacally...
Slobber all over yourself...
Its ok. Nobody is judging you.
This is how psychedelics are meant to be done.
Hell I drank a 8-10 gram tea a few nights ago and did just that. 😂
I've been on much higher doses. Had I been able to get to my bed and stay there with confidence I would have. This wasn't a time to cry, laugh or be judged, it was trying to basically maintain consciousness and breath. I was too far gone to do much else.
Scary how strength can vary between mushrooms strains and flushes @@DetoxProxy
Interesting, is it the strain, dose or intention that causes this? and why? This makes me think of your fear/panic video.
All of those things play a role. I personally didn't expect strains to be so far more potent than others and 100% the potency was the cause in this case. New to me strains I will start at 2g's for now on.
@@DetoxProxy I would like to know more as there is not to much info on hybrid strains. I think you are well aware of yourself and your surroundings. Thank you for your videos and replies, it gives me a bit to think about.
You're right, there is such limited info out there. I've seen a number of sites that appear to be taken down by regulators.
I feel by the end of this summer I should have a good opinion on whether or not the hybrids have an altered experience. I have a suspicion that strains become too mutated after a second or third generation of crossbreeding to offer a proper mushroom trip. I could be wrong, it could just be varying potency levels and would like to know for myself if that's the case.
Today my hand seemed very distant to me, very dissasociated i was
Got watch out for new strains dog
I hear that!
Why in good fuck would you want to look at anything on a screen, let alone purposely intending to watch a movie? That's fucking bonkers to me. I don't want to be anywhere near a screen of any sort if Im tripping shrooms. That is the absolute last thing I want to look at. I can't even deal with a radio/CD/mp3 player LCD readout
That all depends on how intense a trip is. I suppose asking yourself why it is you don't look at a screen might reveal something. Does it get scary? Does it jump off of the device? Does it pixelate? Does it distort into other things?
If you haven't ever watched a movie while tripping, you're missing out on something. True classics like Disney's Fantasia or Alice in Wonderland will tease your senses and take you to other places. To each is their own though. If technology doesn't mix well with your trips, leave it at the door. I've read reports of people regularly watching horror films on shrooms. That's a little too far for me lol.
@@DetoxProxy There's nothing that scares me about watching TV tripping. It's the technology/artificial aspect of it that disagrees with me. I get uncomfortable because it feels like a waste of time and a trip to have to focus on someone else story/creation when I could be out creating my own adventure. We all already spend WAY too much of our precious lives fixated on a screen consuming the ideas and information of others. I don't even really like being indoors tripping. I want to be outside seeing and doing stuff. Canoeing, hiking, camping, biking, walking around a bar district, etc. Music concerts are fun and I once did Six Flags on a couple of dropped sweet tarts, which was maybe the most hilarious 4 or 5 hours of my life, but trying to sit in place to take in a movie seems awful to me. I wanna go do shit and I'd recommend the same to anyone else if asked. I wish you all the best. Spiral out, keep going.
@@scottw5253 One of my adventure videos is something more like that. I down 2g's and head on a hike where I take a path less travelled. I absolutely enjoy those experiences more. The weather doesn't always agree with it here though.
At home I often listen to music, dance or meditate for a while during a trip. Sometimes certain dosages come on strong and even getting shoes on would be near impossible without struggling.
Mushrooms have a tendency to make one's body temperature RISE, which is why one feels cold. It's the same reason one feels cold when having a fever.
You sound like you had a normal 3.5-4g trip. Let it guide you and you’ll be fine.
The temperature fluctuation makes sense to me, I am just not usually expecting such change. It was winter and I do tend to keep my place cool.
I kept being concerned with poisoning which has never been a thought since I was a kid. Still have a pile of these jarred and haven't brought myself to try them again. Coming from a full blown psychonaut, this was no normal trip and guidance went twirling out the window with reality. All I could do was maintain consciousness, drink water and breath.
@DetoxProxy psilocybin is a spiritual guide, and while it may be fun, ab-using (mis-using) it (or any spiritual guide/medicine) can result in problems. I've had the same thought go through my head in regards to poisoning; to be fair, I had drank mead, smoked weed, and ate mushrooms all together. At a certain point, even the mushrooms and cannabis point one towards sobriety. The dragon is a fantastic friend to have, so long as one doesn’t abuse it.
"Love your enemies"
"Resist NOT evil"
"Freely ye have received, freely give."
Some quotes to meditate upon next time one might use cannabis or psilocybin.
I learned the hard way almost two years ago. I cycled my way up to 14 grams and had some life changing events happen. You might like to watch this video on my other channel that inspired this one: Mush love brother.
White rabbit is a very potent strain lol some strains are like 3x more potent than others . 4G of a very potent strain is A LOT
Why not share the strain?
Why not watch the video?
@@DetoxProxy I watched the whole video. Did I miss it? You explained that other well known strains weren't supposed to ne as strong. But you never mentioned any names.. I presume you were talking about Golden Ts and Penistone envy. But for novices it would be good to hear comparisons.
@@eyeswideopen7126 The first minute of the video and discussed in the comments. A bit difficult to miss. I'm not judging but attentiveness is the next pandemic that TikTok started.
@@DetoxProxymy attention span is normally one to be proud of. I missed it. My apologies. Thanks
@@eyeswideopen7126 No problem. Most people leave the strain out of their reports. I feel when the strain is left out, it makes the report less genuineness and more inexperienced to other true psychonauts.
the difference is NOT simply psilocybin content. different variants and hybrids have unique balances of like 50 different alkoloids, 45 of which science hasn't even begun to study. science will continue to struggle with understanding mushrooms because mushrooms defy the reductionist paradign. even once all the alkaloids are accounted for, the body chemistry and neural makeup of the person plays a strong role, as does mindset and environment. i say all of that because you had a 14g trip that i guarantee had more psilocybin than your White Rabbit experience. my go-to mushrooms for psychological work is Purple Mystics. they are heavy, and they almost bully me into surrender. LOL! but i've taken much higher doses of B+ and Ecuador, and they are never as difficult. so, yeah, for whatever that's worth. if you get a chance, get yourself some Panaeolus cyanescens mushrooms. best thing to ever happen to me. once i can grow them effectively, i may never go back to cubes. and there are a TON of new people every day who feel the same way. :)
I’ve had someone else recommend trying pans. Agreed that there must be more to it all. I still haven’t tried those rabbits again since. I had a 3g GT trip recently after my break and it was a breeze in comparison. Should have a report in a few days 🙏
That was the issue. U did it by yourself. If u had someone there it won't be like that. It's never a good idea to do shrooms by yourself let alone a big dose
Although you are correct and I agree it wasn't a good idea, I don't think being alone had anything to do with the complexity of this trip. All of my trips are alone. I can refer you to another video I have uploaded on UA-cam for further context of what I deem a high dose.
Time is a concept created by man. It's a theory! The second you are born "time begins" and the second you "die" time stops...for you that is. I've come to realize you only can truly live in the moment when you come to realize these things. I've also time traveled in mushrooms. Not a physical travel but an emotional "time travel". Only true psychonauts know what I'm talking about. Normal people will read this and think I'm the crazy one lol maybe I just see the world different than most.
Time is only relevant to the observer. Take away the clock and day cycle, it no longer exists. Mass defines space time as well. Time here on Earth is much different than it is on planets with gigantic masses, regardless of the day cycle.
A woman spent 500 days in a cave without outside contact. When the experiment was over, she thought it had only been about half of that time. Without a clock or day cycle, she completely lost track. Time basically no longer existed because she couldn't observe it passing.
" i have poisoned myself somehow". These are often the immature last words from many ignorant users of unknown substances who end up psychotic. Dont encourage young innocent people who can end up as sad as you. Lost and confused. Hardly an example to anyone. Just don't.
You seem "lost and confused" to be honest. This is a perfect example of why many young innocent people should think twice before entering the abyss. Like you.
I think my comment got deleted. Tripsitter has a chart of 100 strains and White rabbit are said to be VERY potent. More potent than APE and penis envy. So you probably could have taken half that amount and had a nice trip.
I got some Casper a week ago and only took .2 as a microdose to get an idea of the potency lol definitely was stronger than i thought it would be
Wow looks like they've really built up that site. A few of the strains I have on hand are on the list and I know two I have are definitely sub-strains. Expected Jedi Mind Fck and Huautla to be higher. Malabar and Amazons to be lower.
The white rabbits are without a doubt the strongest shroom I've had to date. Stronger trip than PE's were. Planning on a trip soon, it's been long enough.
Get rid of the TV
I probably should. I rarely turn it on.
@@DetoxProxy 🤷 that's what popped into my head.
Good conversations that most people will not talk about.
Copy that,
I injoy because the symbiotic relationship between ungulates the grassland. meat is food plants and fungus is our medicine...
Detox, unreal trip. wnat more followers? take care! :)
Thanks. More than expected for sure 👍
Answers are inside, not in substances.