Auch 39 Jahre nach dieser Aufführung hat die Genialität von N. Harnoncourt nichts eingebüsst und auch der Tölzer Knabenchor trägt mit der gewaltigen Klangfülle dazu bei. Chapeau!
Unerträgliches Leid und Schmerz, Agonie und Angst wird durch die Fülle von Dissonanzen dargestellt.Das Volk fleht um Erbarmen und Erlösung.Die Auflösung am Schluss symbolisiert die Erhöhung in einer erlösenden Konsonanz.
Est-il possible à un melomane de ne pas être enthousiasmé par cette interprétation ? Les solistes et les garçons chantent avec tout leur coeur, et le chef, le grand chef Harnoncourt, est totalement immergé dans la musique de Bach et la terrible beauté des Ecritures. Exaltant.
@@Xxxxxxx-i7o Sorry but Richter's tempi were way too slow. I love the Bach Passions but they need not sound like funerals or take so long to finish. Perhaps the slow tempi were standard till the late 60s but I cannot listen to Richter with patience after having heard Harnoncourt, Jacobs, Rilling, Gardiner, Suzuki, and Layton. Sorry.
La pureté d'interprétation se voit à l'absence de vanité , de préoccupation d'être vus, admirés pour leur talent musical : c'est je pense grâce à la partition, et à sa durée, qui provoque un état de prière assez intense, pour effacer peut-être jusqu'au trac, et certainement cette inutile gloire qui vient des hommes. Ici, une cinquantaine de musiciens jouent pour la gloire de Dieu
N'importe quoi... 50 musiciens jouent une musique certainement parce qu'ils la trouvent belle, certes divine, et que même moi en tant qu'athée je sais apprécier les larmes aux yeux, par l'émotion qu'elle provoque. Peu m'importe Dieu, et dites vous bien que ces musiciens en ont certainement rien à cirer d'un hypothétique Dieu. Ils jouent pour la beauté de cette composition et certainement pas à la gloire de Dieu. A moins que vous ne leur ayez demandé personnellement ? Ou que ce soit des prêtres qui composent l'orchestre ? Votre commentaire est cependant très beau, si on enlève la dimension inutile d'une quelconque glorification.
@@lematou5948 Mais remarquez, depuis que les compositeurs ne croient plus, la musique est assez nulle. La musique classique, on n'en compose plus, et pour le reste, on est retombé au niveau du rap, qui est le nihilisme dans sa pleine dilatation : sex, argent, violence. Sans un idéal plus grand, on ne serait jamais arrivé à Bach. On serait resté dans des cases de boue à se taper dessus. L'idéal de beauté est difficile à dissocier de celui du divin. Ça date du temps de Platon tout ça. N'allez pas croire que la civilisation aurait pu exister si nous avions été obsédés par nos petits plaisirs égoïstes pendant les derniers millénaires.
È tanta la Luce dentro e fuori di me, che preferisco negarne l'esistenza. Non è una colpa, è la mia negare la brillantezza della Luce, questo è il danno peggiore che la.mia onesta intellettuale non concepisce. Dunque, dichiaro che non esiste e non accetto nemmeno che altri dicano il contrario. Ecco la prova che esiste Dio: qualcuno tenta di impormi la non esistenza senza dialogarne. Peccato....
Absolutely wonderful. So many videos from the 80's are now lost to us. This recording retains both visual and auditory sharpness. An exemplary performance. To think that the boys in the choir are now almost or over 50 years old!
This is Kurt Equiluz at his prime. Soloists from the Tolzer Knabenchor - 12/13 years old? - put sopranos (21-23 years of age) at Conservetoria in the whole of Europe to shame - or maybe better as an example to strive to. Such a confidence in the solo parts. Just do it. Rehearsed to the max. The confidence of the soloists is just radiant!
I want to see Bach taught in all schools around the world and I want all children to learn how to sing. This is so important for people's minds and well being. Kids must be growing up with the good music so that they can enjoy life and also teach others in turn and share their skills.
Nikolaus Harnoncort. Fa venire i brividi. È Lui stesso il maggiore protagonista della Johannes Passion. Vi è immerso totalmente. Eccezionale. Grazie, compianto Maestro.
Myeong Caleb Lee: Good morning. Yes, I fully agree with you. I saw some passages from the Messiah that you directed: congratulations. Greetings from Italy.
(0:51)(1)chorus - Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm (12:30)(3)chorale - O große Lieb, o Lieb ohn alle Maße (14:26)(5)chorale - Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich (16:11)(7)alto aria - Von den Stricken meiner Sünden (21:17)(9)soprano aria - Ich folge dir gleichfalls mit freudigen Schritten (28:08)(11)chorale - Wer hat dich so geschlagen (34:40)(14)chorale - Wer hat dich so geschlagen (36:42)(15)chorale - Christus, der uns selig macht (38:14)(17)chorale - Ach großer König, groß zu allen Zeiten (42:04)(22)chorale - Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn (56:40)((26)chorale - In meines Herzens Grunde (1:14:49)(27b)chorus - Lasset uns den nicht zerteilen (1:17:57)(28)chorale - Er nahm alles wohl in acht (1:20:09)(30)alto aria - Es ist vollbracht (1:33:00)(35)soprano aria - Zerfließe, mein Herze (1:40:35)(37)chorale - O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn (1:43:26)(39)chorus - Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine (1:49:55)(40)chorale - Ach Herr, lass dein lieb Engelein.
Whenever I listen to such great liturgical music (Bach's St. John Passion, St. Matthew Passion, B-minör mass; Beethoven's Misse Solemnis; ... ), I feel truly humbled and overwhelmed. This time I am moved more than usual on learning of Harnoncourt's passing away. May God rest hoş solu in peace.
What keeps me riveted to the video (and to the sound of course) is the extraordinary DRAMATIC quality of it all: the boys' voices are perfectly suited to the violence of the crowd's shouts, and all the characters are genuinely involved in their parts. And to see Equiluz singing the whole score FROM MEMORY , even though we know he has sung it hundreds of times, what a feat! A little salute to the continuo cellist, wonderful Christophe Coin, my fellow countryman ( I remember the Creully academy where I sang "Es ist vollbracht" in a masterclass with him).
I love the direction of Harnoncourt - a true master. I once worked with him when he was, surprisingly perhaps, conducting Die Fledermaus in Amsterdam. His direction in Bach's works is wonderful.
Panito has given me cold shivers. What an amazing performer. In fact, what a great pair of Altos, he and Christian Immler. All credit to Helmut Wittek, especially his second aria.
Quelle perte que ces génies ! Harnoncourt et Equiluz ; ils ont rejoint le Maître qu'ils ont si bien servi toute leur existence à travers la musique de celui qui les dépasse tous et qu'on écoute sûrement là-haut
It was written for boys. I feel they are much more versatile, even the choirs are very clear and distinctive. There is a frankness in their voices that we don't really find even in the most well-trained countertenors. We can only lament that all-boys choirs will soon be a thing of the past. Friends have reprimanded me for saying that boys sound better than women, who often sound shrill, when trying to make their singing «attractive». I was told I was being offensive and sexist, and that we could no longer accept that women or girls wouldn't be included. It's a real shame, the education and camaradery that the boys had in these institutions were profoundly rich.
Yes, specially the boys alto, Panito Iconomou and Immler are simple magnificent! Years ago I was told that Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden, their director, could not hold his tears with Panito performance! 1:20:56
Il y a tout au long de cette pièce des cris choraux, comme en 7:38 que le génie de Bach a transformé en harmonies magistrales. Ce sont ces cris d'harmonies que Harnoncourt réussit à rendre et à respecter de façon admirable.
00:00 Herr, unser Herrscher 14:25 Dein Will gescheh, Her Gott, zugleich 15:30 Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann 16:11 Von den Stricken meiner Sünden 20:42 Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesum nach 20:56 Ich folge dir gleichfalls 25:00 Derselbige Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt 28:08 Wer hat dich so geschlagen 29:43 Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden 32:08 Ach, mein Sinn 34:38 Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück
I like him too, but tastes have changed: I remember the record reviews here in France when Harnoncourt's first recordings of Bach passions came out: many considered the Equiluz evangelist to be extremely mediocre compared to his illustrious predecessors! As for Harnoncourt and the historically informed performances that brought Baroque music to life by freeing it from the stiffness of the interpretations up to the 1950s, they were not well received either by many critics...
Lucky you! I only had an unforgettable conversation with Harnoncourt who took all the necessary time to go around the subject, though he was bound too a tight schedule.
@@philippefritsch1892 Die beste aller Interpretationen auf UA-cam, alle Musiker sind so unglaublich präsent, das spürt man in jeder NOTE! Welchen Part hatten Sie damals? Vielleicht können Sie mir helfen: Wer ist der hingebungsvolle, sehr musikalische JUNGE der von 2.12 - 2.40 in der zweiten Reihe , zweiter von links steht und den Kopf zur Musik bewegt, (mit welligem Haar und dicken Augenbrauen) ??
The boys musicianship, interpretation and technical mastery are ideal for Bach (after all he wrote for these voices)... few women can sing the alto roles effectively due to the range...
Panito is truly brilliant! The way he uses his very fine voice to give expression to the words is, I think beyond comparison with any other young singer although Hans Buchhierl comes close as does the Norwegian Aksel Rykkvin.
Colin Gilbey: It does not matter if you tell yourself that you are an atheist. I spoke with many atheists. Some of them define themselves as atheists because they feel in their soul as a lack of God: almost a nostalgia or regret. This is already a form of "knowledge" of God. (As Agostino says). If you are sensitive to this music it means that in you, God is mirrored. Follow your conscience and love with clarity of soul. Greetings from Italy.
@@mariopizzol107 Thank you Mario. The churches have inspired a lot of very beautiful music, painting, building although they have been singularly unable to inspire the masses, especially leaders, with their professed message for living together.
Déjà 35 ans que les petits chanteurs du Knaben Chor de Dresde ont interprété ce chef d'oeuvre de JS Bach...sous la direction du maître Nikolaus Harnoncourt!
Happy 300th anniversary to this incredible piece! One of the best performances on UA-cam. The Passio secundum Joannem or St John Passion (German: Johannes-Passion), BWV 245, is a Passion or oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach, the older of the surviving Passions by Bach. It was written during his first year as director of church music in Leipzig and was first performed on April 7, 1724, at Good Friday Vespers at the St. Nicholas Church.
Max Buskirk Thanks for the shortcut. The opening chorale is a little bit faster than Karl Richter's rendition, but for once I actually prefer the non-Richter version!
Penso che uno dei punti più belli di quest'opera eccezionale, sia in "Lasset uns den nicht zerteilen" al tempo 1:14:49. L'entrata delle voci spostata di una battuta.... Inoltre è inebriante il dimezzamento della nota, alternativamente, ora si, ora no proprio sul "lasset" a partire dalla battuta 24 del pezzo. Volevo mettere in evidenza questo particolare, evidentemente però, mi piace anche tutto il resto! Saluti.
Helmut Wittek had already sung in the Mahler 4th symphony with Bernstein and the Concertgebouw Orchestra. I believe he became a teacher with TKC for a while before going off to become a distinguished sound engineer.
There are a few negative comments below that reflect, perhaps, that the writers overlooked the fact this was a live performance, as some compared this performance with a recorded one by someone else. Others wanted it to be "smoother" or "more dynamic." How would one make it "more dynamic" than this one?! Another didn't like the pulsing of the opening chorus. To my ears and heart, this is a wonderful musical representation of the heaving sorrow of the sinner's heart as he or she approach the Passion of Christ that heals all sorrowing hearts. And hardly ever mentioned is the world-class Evangelist work of Kurt Equiluz, the premier Bach tenor of that age. How many performances of a Bach Passion is made less memorable by the wrong voice attempting the story narration? Yes, the two Tölzer altos (Iconomou and Immler) are fully prepared and equipped to handle their respective arias. The "Es ist vollbracht" duet of Iconomou and Coin are world-class keepers. None better, period.
Hermosa interpretación de esta Pasión del gran Juan Sebastián Bach!.. llena de sensibilidad por unas angelicales voces, virtuosos instrumentista y una magistral dirección y grandes solistas, de manera especial a los sopranos y contraltos... niños muy talentosos. Gracias desde Puebla, México. Efraín Dávila R.
Auch 39 Jahre nach dieser Aufführung hat die Genialität von N. Harnoncourt nichts eingebüsst und auch der Tölzer Knabenchor trägt mit der gewaltigen Klangfülle dazu bei. Chapeau!
Thank God for Bach, these musicians, and the internet
Agree. Tho God can thank Bach for this one
@@Tristanrex agreed. 😂
I also thank Bach for the lnternet.
Unerträgliches Leid und Schmerz, Agonie und Angst wird durch die Fülle von Dissonanzen dargestellt.Das Volk fleht um Erbarmen und Erlösung.Die Auflösung am Schluss symbolisiert die Erhöhung in einer erlösenden Konsonanz.
also for youtube's recommendation
Est-il possible à un melomane de ne pas être enthousiasmé par cette interprétation ? Les solistes et les garçons chantent avec tout leur coeur, et le chef, le grand chef Harnoncourt, est totalement immergé dans la musique de Bach et la terrible beauté des Ecritures. Exaltant.
Every Good Friday I watch this. And it keeps getting better and better.
37 years later, there has never been a better performance than this!
Subscribo una a una las palabras de Anna."37 años después, no hay una interpretación mejor que ésta,"
You should go out more ! 🤣
I prefer the Netherlands Bach Society version, but this is excellent and the kids do a fine job.
John Eliot Gardner did better imo, studio recording with Joanne lunn
Nikolaus Harnoncourt was the absolute Grand Master of passions. Rest in peace maestro.
Karl Richter was the absolute master of the passions. He conducted both Bach's passions playing without score.
@@Xxxxxxx-i7o Sorry but Richter's tempi were way too slow. I love the Bach Passions but they need not sound like funerals or take so long to finish. Perhaps the slow tempi were standard till the late 60s but I cannot listen to Richter with patience after having heard Harnoncourt, Jacobs, Rilling, Gardiner, Suzuki, and Layton. Sorry.
@@msvalderrama1 according to Bach, his music was characterized by gravitas, and so are Karl Richter's recordings.
Can be Karajan with the fabulous passion according to st Mathieu !
@@Xxxxxxx-i7o , I agree with Manuel Valderrama.
God bless J.S.Bach and Mr. Harnoncourt. R.I.P. (wonderful for ever !)
La pureté d'interprétation se voit à l'absence de vanité , de préoccupation d'être vus, admirés pour leur talent musical : c'est je pense grâce à la partition, et à sa durée, qui provoque un état de prière assez intense, pour effacer peut-être jusqu'au trac, et certainement cette inutile gloire qui vient des hommes. Ici, une cinquantaine de musiciens jouent pour la gloire de Dieu
N'importe quoi... 50 musiciens jouent une musique certainement parce qu'ils la trouvent belle, certes divine, et que même moi en tant qu'athée je sais apprécier les larmes aux yeux, par l'émotion qu'elle provoque. Peu m'importe Dieu, et dites vous bien que ces musiciens en ont certainement rien à cirer d'un hypothétique Dieu. Ils jouent pour la beauté de cette composition et certainement pas à la gloire de Dieu. A moins que vous ne leur ayez demandé personnellement ? Ou que ce soit des prêtres qui composent l'orchestre ? Votre commentaire est cependant très beau, si on enlève la dimension inutile d'une quelconque glorification.
La gloire de Dieu qui n'existe pas ! c'est dire la qualité de l'exploit !
@@lematou5948 Mais remarquez, depuis que les compositeurs ne croient plus, la musique est assez nulle. La musique classique, on n'en compose plus, et pour le reste, on est retombé au niveau du rap, qui est le nihilisme dans sa pleine dilatation : sex, argent, violence. Sans un idéal plus grand, on ne serait jamais arrivé à Bach. On serait resté dans des cases de boue à se taper dessus. L'idéal de beauté est difficile à dissocier de celui du divin. Ça date du temps de Platon tout ça. N'allez pas croire que la civilisation aurait pu exister si nous avions été obsédés par nos petits plaisirs égoïstes pendant les derniers millénaires.
È tanta la Luce dentro e fuori di me, che preferisco negarne l'esistenza. Non è una colpa, è la mia negare la brillantezza della Luce, questo è il danno peggiore che la.mia onesta intellettuale non concepisce. Dunque, dichiaro che non esiste e non accetto nemmeno che altri dicano il contrario. Ecco la prova che esiste Dio: qualcuno tenta di impormi la non esistenza senza dialogarne. Peccato....
Absolutely wonderful. So many videos from the 80's are now lost to us. This recording retains both visual and auditory sharpness. An exemplary performance. To think that the boys in the choir are now almost or over 50 years old!
This is Kurt Equiluz at his prime. Soloists from the Tolzer Knabenchor - 12/13 years old? - put sopranos (21-23 years of age) at Conservetoria in the whole of Europe to shame - or maybe better as an example to strive to. Such a confidence in the solo parts. Just do it. Rehearsed to the max.
The confidence of the soloists is just radiant!
I want to see Bach taught in all schools around the world and I want all children to learn how to sing. This is so important for people's minds and well being. Kids must be growing up with the good music so that they can enjoy life and also teach others in turn and share their skills.
The guardians of "culture" hate Bach's music and especially hate boy choirs.
Yes the corporate agenda wants people to be unempowered and miserable so that they sign up for the military and buy tacky music.
When that happens the world and our societies will find themselves truly and deeply transformed.
Me too
Who is still listening to Bach as interpreted by Dr. Harnoncourt in the 21st century? ME!!! Always remarkable
And many more. Believe me. Nothing special.
Maravilloso Bach. Maravillosa interpretación. La vida no sería igual sin Bach, sin Harnoncourt. Gracias
Nikolaus Harnoncort. Fa venire i brividi. È Lui stesso il maggiore protagonista della Johannes Passion. Vi è immerso totalmente. Eccezionale. Grazie, compianto Maestro.
The best Johannes-passion ever!
Myeong Caleb Lee:
Good morning.
Yes, I fully agree with you.
I saw some passages from the Messiah that you directed: congratulations.
Greetings from Italy.
This is the Music to bring us closer to God!
(0:51)(1)chorus - Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm (12:30)(3)chorale - O große Lieb, o Lieb ohn alle Maße (14:26)(5)chorale - Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich (16:11)(7)alto aria - Von den Stricken meiner Sünden (21:17)(9)soprano aria - Ich folge dir gleichfalls mit freudigen Schritten (28:08)(11)chorale - Wer hat dich so geschlagen (34:40)(14)chorale - Wer hat dich so geschlagen (36:42)(15)chorale - Christus, der uns selig macht (38:14)(17)chorale - Ach großer König, groß zu allen Zeiten (42:04)(22)chorale - Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn (56:40)((26)chorale - In meines Herzens Grunde (1:14:49)(27b)chorus - Lasset uns den nicht zerteilen (1:17:57)(28)chorale - Er nahm alles wohl in acht (1:20:09)(30)alto aria - Es ist vollbracht (1:33:00)(35)soprano aria - Zerfließe, mein Herze (1:40:35)(37)chorale - O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn (1:43:26)(39)chorus - Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine (1:49:55)(40)chorale - Ach Herr, lass dein lieb Engelein.
Vielen Dank!!
Eres un Dios.
Thank you
Whenever I listen to such great liturgical music (Bach's St. John Passion, St. Matthew Passion, B-minör mass; Beethoven's Misse Solemnis; ... ), I feel truly humbled and overwhelmed. This time I am moved more than usual on learning of Harnoncourt's passing away. May God rest hoş solu in peace.
I love his death glare/ directing gaze he gave to his performers. Meister Harnoncort you will be missed
Solist of Töltzer Knaben is wonderful .
What keeps me riveted to the video (and to the sound of course) is the extraordinary DRAMATIC quality of it all: the boys' voices are perfectly suited to the violence of the crowd's shouts, and all the characters are genuinely involved in their parts. And to see Equiluz singing the whole score FROM MEMORY , even though we know he has sung it hundreds of times, what a feat! A little salute to the continuo cellist, wonderful Christophe Coin, my fellow countryman ( I remember the Creully academy where I sang "Es ist vollbracht" in a masterclass with him).
Das war
Greatest conductor of all time conducting the greatest work of all time.
I love the direction of Harnoncourt - a true master. I once worked with him when he was, surprisingly perhaps, conducting Die Fledermaus in Amsterdam. His direction in Bach's works is wonderful.
+Jeremy Munro Lucky you were, indeed.
manuelespinosa02 ץ
He got me onto Bach with a recording of the orchestral suites. Masterful. RIP.
Panito has given me cold shivers. What an amazing performer. In fact, what a great pair of Altos, he and Christian Immler. All credit to Helmut Wittek, especially his second aria.
Quand je vois le maestro diriger, je ne peux toujours pas m'imaginer qu'il nous a quitté. Heureusement qu'il nous reste ces précieux enregistrements.
Panajotis Iconomou has got to be one of the best boy altos I have ever heard in my life, thank you so much for sharing!
Christian Immler was also wonderful. Both have gone on to successful musical careers
Laurence Crauffon
Merveilleux, somptueux et brillant. Harnoncourt est un maître délicat. Quel bonheur!
Quelle perte que ces génies ! Harnoncourt et Equiluz ; ils ont rejoint le Maître qu'ils ont si bien servi toute leur existence à travers la musique de celui qui les dépasse tous et qu'on écoute sûrement là-haut
mais Equiluz est toujours vivant (aout 2018)!
May he rest in peace Nicolaus Harnoncourt. I love the way he conduct choirs!
Knows exactly what he's doing
Judging by how involved in every section of the choir and orchestra he is, its clear to me that he has a great understanding of the music
he is one of the best i have seen. i was once also one of the kids and had to solo at chrismass andsf.
but this is one of the best
I am speechless after this.... Soli Deo Gloria
My God!!! These boy soloists are so much better than the ''professional'' adults that try to imitate well trained boy voices!
It was written for boys. I feel they are much more versatile, even the choirs are very clear and distinctive. There is a frankness in their voices that we don't really find even in the most well-trained countertenors. We can only lament that all-boys choirs will soon be a thing of the past.
Friends have reprimanded me for saying that boys sound better than women, who often sound shrill, when trying to make their singing «attractive». I was told I was being offensive and sexist, and that we could no longer accept that women or girls wouldn't be included. It's a real shame, the education and camaradery that the boys had in these institutions were profoundly rich.
Yes, specially the boys alto, Panito Iconomou and Immler are simple magnificent! Years ago I was told that Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden, their director, could not hold his tears with Panito performance! 1:20:56
@@Rudolph1722 reprimand or not, Men's choral ensembles tend to sound richer, fuller and bolder. This has nothing to diminish/trash girls' sound(s)
Bach tenia mals músics. I cantants.
¡Oh my! What a misconception about history of music. Contratenor voice is part of the western music tradition.
Kurt Equiluz singt herausragend gut.
Il y a tout au long de cette pièce des cris choraux, comme en 7:38 que le génie de Bach a transformé en harmonies magistrales. Ce sont ces cris d'harmonies que Harnoncourt réussit à rendre et à respecter de façon admirable.
C est vrai, ces cris sont magnifiques
Ein Meister, der versucht hat, uns das Wunder Musik ein wenig näher zu bringen. Weiland Nikolaus Harnoncourt sei Dank.
Anton Scharinger! Fantastic! Gorgeous voice and what a musician.
Замечательно, великолепное исполнение ! Спасибо за публикацию .
Another legendary Bach Master Is living us.May he rest in peace
Merci Bach et Harnancourt
Ils donnent ce qu'ils peuvent, de ce qu'ils ont de mieux, de leurs âmes, les yeux parlent !!!
00:00 Herr, unser Herrscher
14:25 Dein Will gescheh, Her Gott, zugleich
15:30 Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann
16:11 Von den Stricken meiner Sünden
20:42 Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesum nach
20:56 Ich folge dir gleichfalls
25:00 Derselbige Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt
28:08 Wer hat dich so geschlagen
29:43 Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden
32:08 Ach, mein Sinn
34:38 Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück
Martin Möllqer
Mari Itoh what is the boy choir singing. St Thomas?
perfect and beautiful
Simply superb.
In jeder Hinsicht ein absolutes Highlight! Thank you so much! Great!
Êxtase e Iluminação!! Toda a grandeza de Bach, toda a paixão de Harnoncourt!
Kurt Equiluz, the best evangelist !
I heard him in Groningen in the 80s. A very impressive performance, now I can experience this again. Still riveting.
I like him too, but tastes have changed: I remember the record reviews here in France when Harnoncourt's first recordings of Bach passions came out: many considered the Equiluz evangelist to be extremely mediocre compared to his illustrious predecessors! As for Harnoncourt and the historically informed performances that brought Baroque music to life by freeing it from the stiffness of the interpretations up to the 1950s, they were not well received either by many critics...
Harnoncourt ci mancherai moltissimo; se ascolto Bach e Monteverdi il mio pensiero vola sempre alle tue eccellenti esecuzioni.
interpretazione perfetta, orchestra, coro, solisti e Direttore... BRAVI!
Meglio quella di Karl Richter con solisti e strumentisti migliori, senza strumenti calanti e senza fare i versi come Harnoncourt.
L'air de l'alto avec violoncelle (à 1 h 22) : merveille !
C'est une viole de gambe, non un violoncelle!
映像・音声 素晴らしいですね。#名盤です・ ラストまで 大型スピーカ で 拝聴しました。
Sublime! Ele estará agora regendo um coro dos anjos!
it was a great concert! with harnouncourt it was always great to perform! thank you for this video!
Lucky you! I only had an unforgettable conversation with Harnoncourt who took all the necessary time to go around the subject, though he was bound too a tight schedule.
@@philippefritsch1892 Die beste aller Interpretationen auf UA-cam, alle Musiker sind so unglaublich präsent, das spürt man in jeder NOTE! Welchen Part hatten Sie damals?
Vielleicht können Sie mir helfen:
Wer ist der hingebungsvolle, sehr musikalische JUNGE der von 2.12 - 2.40 in der zweiten Reihe , zweiter von links steht und den Kopf zur Musik bewegt, (mit welligem Haar und dicken Augenbrauen) ??
It is a great pleasure to see these cute children sing so beautifully
The boys musicianship, interpretation and technical mastery are ideal for Bach (after all he wrote for these voices)... few women can sing the alto roles effectively due to the range...
This was in my home city. Too bad I wasn't born back then.
So lovely and so very special ❤ thanks for sharing it.
János passiónak ezt az előadását kedvelem a legjobban.
Awesome inmortal forever Bravissssimmmoo Maese Bach and Nikolaus Harnoncourt 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Nikolaus Harnoncourt...Perfetto! Coro di ragazzi, orchestra, interpretazione sono fantastici!
Panito is truly brilliant! The way he uses his very fine voice to give expression to the words is, I think beyond comparison with any other young singer although Hans Buchhierl comes close as does the Norwegian Aksel Rykkvin.
La voz humana, unido a la obra de Bach y con un director como algo grandioso !!!
Harnoncourt exudes enthusiasm and excitement. I'm an atheist yet Panito makes me shiver. Harnoncourt chose the moment for this recording well.
Colin Gilbey:
It does not matter if you tell yourself that you are an atheist.
I spoke with many atheists.
Some of them define themselves as atheists because they feel in their soul as a lack of God: almost a nostalgia or regret.
This is already a form of "knowledge" of God.
(As Agostino says).
If you are sensitive to this music it means that in you, God is mirrored.
Follow your conscience and love with clarity of soul.
Greetings from Italy.
@@mariopizzol107 Thank you Mario. The churches have inspired a lot of very beautiful music, painting, building although they have been singularly unable to inspire the masses, especially leaders, with their professed message for living together.
@@mariopizzol107, I used to believe, but Bach made me an atheist. His music is a hymn to the human, not to divine greatness.
20:00 The score of this part of the work is truly brilliant not only indicates movement but manages to be cheerful in a dramatic moment.
goosebumps everytime!
Harika bir yönetim. Tenor ve bas muhteşem. Es ist volbracht solosu olağanüstü.
What would give to have been part of the choir in this performance. Shame I didn't grow up in Bad Tolz.
Espetacular!!! Não me canso de ouvir e admirar
Déjà 35 ans que les petits chanteurs du Knaben Chor de Dresde ont interprété ce chef d'oeuvre de JS Bach...sous la direction du maître Nikolaus Harnoncourt!
Il s'agit du tölzer knabenchor, de Tölz et non de Dresde...
@@Endescendantmontezdonc ok
I've heard all the St. John Passions and this is my favorite...the closest thing to a Bach 'opera'!
Lo mejor que jamás se ha compuesto ni se compondrá
Interprétation de très grande qualité.
Un pur moment de grâce !!!
Превосходно! Замечательно! Спасибо!
That boy at 16min10 sends Robin Blaze cowering away in shame. I am speechless.
გენიალური პასიონის გენიალური
შესრულება! გვწამდეს ქრისტე და
ვილოცოთ გენიალურ ბახზე ❤❤❤
So alt und noch immer lebendige berührende Musik. Wie stark muss sie die Menschen in der damaligen Zeit beeindruckt haben.
gar nicht so, wie man liest
Happy 300th anniversary to this incredible piece! One of the best performances on UA-cam.
The Passio secundum Joannem or St John Passion (German: Johannes-Passion), BWV 245, is a Passion or oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach, the older of the surviving Passions by Bach. It was written during his first year as director of church music in Leipzig and was first performed on April 7, 1724, at Good Friday Vespers at the St. Nicholas Church.
Еще одно чудо работы Баха режиссера Харнoнкoурт. Большое спасибо за обмен этой великой музыки.
Thank you Harnoncourt.
Joaquim Méndez
BACH and HARNONCOURT at their ABSOLUTE BEST. Lobet den Herrn!!!!!!!
Excellent !
lastmanstanley is a underappreciated cinematic genius
grandioso J.S. Bach!!!!!!
Music starts at 0:51!
Max Buskirk Thanks for the shortcut. The opening chorale is a little bit faster than Karl Richter's rendition, but for once I actually prefer the non-Richter version!
Max Buskirk pop
Penso che uno dei punti più belli di quest'opera eccezionale, sia in "Lasset uns den nicht zerteilen" al tempo 1:14:49.
L'entrata delle voci spostata di una battuta....
Inoltre è inebriante il dimezzamento della nota, alternativamente, ora si, ora no proprio sul "lasset"
a partire dalla battuta 24 del pezzo.
Volevo mettere in evidenza questo particolare, evidentemente però, mi piace anche tutto il resto!
I love the little girl in the middle row - her joy of expression makes me want to sing too!
Svukic Music girl? They all are boys
It's Toby, who tragically died not many years after this performance. One for the heavenly choir! :-(
no, it was the daughter of G Schmidt-Gaden the choir master (the only girl in the choir).
Bellissima sinfonia
Helmut Wittek had already sung in the Mahler 4th symphony with Bernstein and the Concertgebouw Orchestra. I believe he became a teacher with TKC for a while before going off to become a distinguished sound engineer.
There are a few negative comments below that reflect, perhaps, that the writers overlooked the fact this was a live performance, as some compared this performance with a recorded one by someone else. Others wanted it to be "smoother" or "more dynamic." How would one make it "more dynamic" than this one?! Another didn't like the pulsing of the opening chorus. To my ears and heart, this is a wonderful musical representation of the heaving sorrow of the sinner's heart as he or she approach the Passion of Christ that heals all sorrowing hearts. And hardly ever mentioned is the world-class Evangelist work of Kurt Equiluz, the premier Bach tenor of that age. How many performances of a Bach Passion is made less memorable by the wrong voice attempting the story narration? Yes, the two Tölzer altos (Iconomou and Immler) are fully prepared and equipped to handle their respective arias. The "Es ist vollbracht" duet of Iconomou and Coin are world-class keepers. None better, period.
19:30 e eu aqui ouvindo esta obra musical do compositor que para mim é o maior de todos, não desmerecendo os outros, são obras divinas...!!!
Unser Herr und Ruht wohl очень вдохновляют!
What an incredible conductor.
Completely refreshing on all accounts.
hear, hear
Nuestro padre Bach siempre sublime..
magnificent thanks
Valóban az!
Hermosa interpretación de esta Pasión del gran Juan Sebastián Bach!.. llena de sensibilidad por unas angelicales voces, virtuosos instrumentista y una magistral dirección y grandes solistas, de manera especial a los sopranos y contraltos... niños muy talentosos. Gracias desde Puebla, México. Efraín Dávila R.