Honda Foreman 450 Wont Shift!!! - (Reverse, Neutral, & 1St Gear Only) Lets Fix It!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @murkeyfuzwart
    @murkeyfuzwart 4 місяці тому +2

    I have the same issue with a 2002 Forman ES. Great solution to the problem and very helpful and well documented video. I will let you know the results of my repair. Thankyou!!!

  • @professorballskin5950
    @professorballskin5950 2 роки тому +7

    One of the best instructional videos I have seen. I don’t have this issue but I just stumbled across the video you did an amazing job

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  2 роки тому +1

      Really appreciate it! That’s why I make these videos, to spread knowledge 🔧🔧🔧

  • @murkeyfuzwart
    @murkeyfuzwart 3 місяці тому +2

    Found the bolt in question loose, waiting for gasket to close it up. Going to remove gears beling shift motor and use manual shifting! Thanks for your help

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  3 місяці тому

      @@murkeyfuzwart glad to hear you found your problem 👍🏻

    • @murkeyfuzwart
      @murkeyfuzwart 3 місяці тому

      @@RaztechPowersports Buttened up and using manual shift handle. Works well

  • @chewiepac5932
    @chewiepac5932 2 роки тому +1

    I got 97 400 w8th add on disc brakes and love it, it won't die it just won't dieeeee, lol it's been swamped many many times more then about 15 or so, I've only ever had to rebuild the top end and it was sooooo easy to due, thanks for the vid and hello from Alaska

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  2 роки тому

      Yeah man they are practically bullet proof! Especially if you know how to turn a wrench

  • @thelildeadpope911
    @thelildeadpope911 8 місяців тому +1

    I had a similar issue, different but similar. But this video was great help in identifying how it should look when shifting. The little arm behind that plate was completely broken so it wont shift at all. Thanks for the video

  • @Road_Rash
    @Road_Rash Рік тому +2

    That's a very good thing to know...a good pressure washing would be a good thing for it as well... excessive dirt & grime, while fun, can cause mechanical failures as well...🖖🏿😎👍🏿

  • @georgemachehomungai3472
    @georgemachehomungai3472 Рік тому +1

    Excellent instructional video. I have the same issue, but I overtightened the loose bolt and broke it. Now I cannot figure how to put the parts back together. I did manage to pull the broken stud out.

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому

      Glad you got the broken stud out. I I want to say most of the parts have an index marking on them. Try to pause my video for a reference as well.

    • @georgemachehomungai3472
      @georgemachehomungai3472 Рік тому

      @@RaztechPowersports You are awesome. She is running like a champ. All gears are back.

    • @georgemachehomungai3472
      @georgemachehomungai3472 Рік тому

      and mind you, I am all the way in Mai Mahiu Kenya

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому

      @@georgemachehomungai3472 haha man glad I could help you 👍🏻🛠️

  • @fergie71
    @fergie71 11 місяців тому +1

    Excellent video with awesome quality sound and video. I just installed a new exhaust to my 99 Foreman yesterday.... interested to see your video on rear brakes for that Honda... my next project.

  • @mooser321
    @mooser321 Рік тому

    Exactly the issue with our 4 wheeler. Much appreciated!

  • @Avalanche2
    @Avalanche2 Рік тому +4

    Found this video looking for solutions for my 98 TRX450s not having 5th gear. What are your thought on this being the issue? ATV runs awesome and last time I rode it I swore it had 5th. No noise and no grinding or anything. Reverse and 1-4th work fine.

    • @DillonHarris-eq6so
      @DillonHarris-eq6so 11 місяців тому

      We’re you able to figure this out ?

    • @Avalanche2
      @Avalanche2 11 місяців тому

      @@DillonHarris-eq6so Not yet, I never even looked at it yet. I really only use it for plowing and never go above 3rd. Maybe in the next spring I'll pull the front cover.

  • @joshcraig9304
    @joshcraig9304 4 місяці тому

    Thanks for sharing! Mine’s doing the exact same thing. Going to try this. Thanks!

  • @Burkley429
    @Burkley429 Рік тому +2

    Very informative video. I am racking my brain trying to figure out why my 05 foreman will only go into reverse. Tries to go into first but doesn't quite shift the full amount. New shift motor, angle sensor, gears on backside of shift motor and bearings, also new battery. It's an es. Any idea?

  • @garyfort2357
    @garyfort2357 Рік тому +1

    Witch one is the clutch if I have to replace it

  • @lukekincaid946
    @lukekincaid946 Місяць тому

    Yeah. I have a 2001 Honda 450 Forman ES. It seems to be stuck in fifth gear. I cannot shift it with the manual wrench nor will it shift with the push button. Any suggestions?

  • @1jrpete
    @1jrpete 8 місяців тому

    Great vid! Have you ever ran into an issue that a 2014 Honda 420 esp going into reverse but it doesn’t move?

  • @coreycraft3274
    @coreycraft3274 10 місяців тому

    I have this exact same issue I hope and pray it’s this easy for me. But I don’t have a way to lift mine up so this is about to be fun lol

  • @thebanditboys5871
    @thebanditboys5871 Рік тому +1

    I have this same quad and problem but the bolt was tight should I remove it and put it back in or what should I look at next does clutch adjustment have any thing to do with that

  • @lucaswaters1219
    @lucaswaters1219 4 місяці тому

    Hey good morning, Great video....I have an issue my bike is stuck in 4TH....any suggestions? Thanks in advance

  • @yojoebananas
    @yojoebananas 3 місяці тому

    Have a question for you. Great video. My trx450 will go into first and reverse while the engine is off, but it will not engage into reverse with the engine running. its a manual shift. Any clues ?

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  3 місяці тому

      @@yojoebananas the centrifugal clutch might be stuck? You’ll have to take the front cover off to see it regardless.

  • @timothyhubbard2951
    @timothyhubbard2951 4 місяці тому

    Where did you get the gasket? eBay says they have them but idk if it’s the right one

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  4 місяці тому

      @@timothyhubbard2951 I’ve always had good luck with parts on eBay

  • @samantharaziano3101
    @samantharaziano3101 2 роки тому +1

    What would UA-cam do without you sir, professor smart brain! 🥸

  • @shelbylawson5130
    @shelbylawson5130 11 місяців тому +1

    Thanks gor your video an effort it fixed my wheeler

  • @omieyouknowme
    @omieyouknowme Рік тому +1

    Looking at two used ones, one with electric shift. I had a 650 kawai before how would a Foreman do for dragging wood out or pulling a small trailer with wood. The clutch up front seems more user friendly and durable vs a cvt belt?

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому +2

      Yeah the gear shift is much better for pulling than a cvt imo. I prefer the foot shift. I’ve had both.

  • @isakaspebrant6551
    @isakaspebrant6551 5 місяців тому

    Could this be the problem for me to even if i have the electric shifter?

  • @GGannon505
    @GGannon505 4 місяці тому

    So I have the same quad as yours, mine seems to be stuck in 2nd gear, when you shift up or down you don’t get that distinct “click” like you would when you are in gear.. would this problem fix my problem?

  • @eddysharp3588
    @eddysharp3588 Рік тому +1

    I have a 2004 450s that doesn’t want to go into reverse. I was driving in 4WD then had to reverse; it backed out fine then after going forward again it would not go back into reverse and I haven’t been able to get it back into reverse even shifting back to 2wd.
    Any thoughts?

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому +1

      First check the cable tension on the reverse lever going to the engine

    • @eddysharp3588
      @eddysharp3588 Рік тому

      It seems to be the same as before; not too loose. I was driving over a couple of small trees (1-1.5 in dia). Could have something hit that cable? I see where the adjuster section is located near the handle bar.; could I troubleshoot there?

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому

      @@eddysharp3588 can you pull any additional tension in that cable and try to down shift into reverse?

    • @eddysharp3588
      @eddysharp3588 Рік тому +1

      I was able to loosen the locking nut and tighten the cable 1/4”; it popped in reverse first try.
      Is this something that Will require additional maintenance pretty soon or am I worried for nothing?

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому +1

      @@eddysharp3588 glad to hear 👍🏻 nope, the cable just stretched

  • @KedneyContreras-cw5pt
    @KedneyContreras-cw5pt Рік тому +1

    I do the same to change stator so parts doesn't come off apart put bike side ways

  • @DillonHarris-eq6so
    @DillonHarris-eq6so 11 місяців тому

    I have reverse and 1-4 but not 5th gear . Any chance this is the problem ?

  • @billypappas9943
    @billypappas9943 Рік тому +1

    Wish this video was out 7 months ago when mine was doing a similar thing lol

  • @chadwilt1907
    @chadwilt1907 Рік тому

    Ive got a honda foreman 400, 2000. My son stopped in either second or 3rd, to back up. Now it wont shift. Sounds and fells like its trying to shift, but not quit doing so. A foot shifter. Any suggestions.

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому

      I would pull the front cover and see if the shift linkage has come loose

  • @DirkDiggler-z1z
    @DirkDiggler-z1z 5 місяців тому

    How much did you end up paying for the bike? Seems like a good deal

  • @michaelsnapp7023
    @michaelsnapp7023 Рік тому

    Could this apply to a Honda 400 rancher optional automatic or es?

  • @Josephsoboo
    @Josephsoboo Рік тому

    Can you do the same thing on and rubicon 500?

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому

      I think the rubicon 500 is an automatic. Very different transmission

    • @Josephsoboo
      @Josephsoboo Рік тому

      @@RaztechPowersports it is idk if to do I’d have to pull motor

  • @glossy_5.3
    @glossy_5.3 Рік тому

    So my 99 foreman 450es is stuck in 5th gear the electric shift works but it won’t grab a gear to go back to neutral and the foot shit just spins

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому

      Hmmm sounds like your going to have to open it up unfortunately.

    • @glossy_5.3
      @glossy_5.3 Рік тому +1

      @@RaztechPowersports dang I was hoping to not have to. Thank you for your help

  • @JenniferJohnson-xk9nv
    @JenniferJohnson-xk9nv Рік тому

    Could you use rtv for gaskit

  • @mr.fahrenheit6976
    @mr.fahrenheit6976 Рік тому +1

    Have a 2002 honda foreman s that the clutch went out of. A friend of mine put new clutch plates in it but now it won't move at all. Any ideas?

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому +1

      Either the centrifugal clutch is damaged or your shift linkage is not connected correctly. You’ll have to pull the front cover off the motor again to see what’s going on

  • @garyfort2357
    @garyfort2357 Рік тому

    Mine will not go in reverse I wonder it that’s the problem

  • @pamraziano1129
    @pamraziano1129 2 роки тому +1

    Great video!

  • @HipaStore
    @HipaStore Рік тому

    Really informative video and I'm sure this video will help lots of DIYers. Hipa supplies small engine parts and are you up for a collaboration?
    Maybe we would work together to help more people in the community.

  • @JenniferJohnson-xk9nv
    @JenniferJohnson-xk9nv Рік тому

    My grandpa had one do this and let it sit for 10 to 15 years

  • @corbana4743
    @corbana4743 2 роки тому +1

    Great video

  • @terrywinningham5405
    @terrywinningham5405 Рік тому +1

    This was definitely a bad design by Honda. I have one that has an issue with the transmission control module and used a bypass module. Hondas electric shift is shit.

    • @RaztechPowersports
      @RaztechPowersports  Рік тому +1

      Yeah and it solves a problem that doesn’t exist. There’s really no need for electric shift