Lille24: System thinking and complexity: learning to dance with zombies, Nadine Lamouri-Bajja

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • 21 May 2024
    Keynote Speaker: Nadine Lamouri-Bajja
    Nadine Lyamouri-Bajja, France, intercultural psychologist, systemic psychotherapist and international trainer/consultant.
    After some years of practice as a psychologist in the MEDA and Middle-East with Médecins du Monde, The Red Cross and UNICEF, Nadine Lyamouri-Bajja worked as an educational advisor in the Council of Europe youth Directorate from 2006-2011. Since 2013, she is a co-manager and co-founder of IICoS- Intercultural Institute of systemic competences. She trains people throughout Europe and beyond on solution-focused psychotraumatology, system thinking, solution-focused coaching, conflict transformation and human rights education.
    She keeps wondering about the world, humanity and sustainable peace, and between rare episodes of despair, she remains an incurable optimist and a lover of the complexity of human beings.