Pray the rosary everyday and MIRACLES WILL FLOW YOUR WAY!!!! life changed totally when I started praying the rosary, mother mary listens to me and assists me in all my many miracles have happened to me...... I want miracles to happen to all of you, so please pray the rosary atleast once a day ❤
This is the most beautiful, heart moving video I have seen in a long time. God bless you for this! May the mother of God intercede for you always and especially at the hour of death! Ave Maria!
Absolutely beautiful❤️🔥❤️. Traditional FSSP Priests reminding us how beautiful and meaningful it is to pray the Rosary in Latin all to a cracking soundtrack🔥 Just what the Latin Mass environment needs right now. God bless all our Traditional Priests.
🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦 true story- THE GLORIES OF MARY - ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI. EXAMPLE - St. Alphonsus Marie de Liguori. Father Eusebius Nierembergh relates,! that there lived in the city of Aragona a girl, named Alexandra who, being noble and very beautiful, was greatly loved by two young men. Through jealousy, they one day fought and killed each other. Their enraged relatives, in return, killed the poor young girl, as the cause of so mucha trouble, cut off her head, and threw her into a well. A few days after, St. Dominic was passing through that place, and, inspired by the Lord, approached the well, and said;Alexandra, come forth; and immediately the head of the deceased came forth, placed itself on the edge of the well, and prayed St. Dominic to hear its confession. The saint heard its confession, and also gave it communion, in presence of a great concourse of persons who had assembled to to witness the miracle. Then, St. Dominic or dered her to speak and tell why she had received that grace. Alexandra answered, that when she was beheaded, she was in a state of mortal sin, but that the most holy Mary, on account of the rosary, which she was in the habit of reciting, had preserved her in life. Two days the head retained its life upon the edge of the well, in the presence of all, and then the soul went to purgatory. But fifteen days after, the soul of Alexandra appeared to St. Dominic, beautiful and radiant as a star, and told him, that one of the principal sources of relief to the souls in pur gatory is the rosary which is recited for them; and that, as soon as they arrive in paradise, they pray for those who apply to them these power ful prayers. Having said this, St. Dominic saw that happy soul ascending in triumph to the kingdom of the blessed. PRAYER. Oh Queen of heaven and of earth, oh mother of the Lord of the world, oh Mary, creature most great, most exalted, most amiable, it is true that many on the earth do not love thee and do not know tnee; but there are innumerable angels and saints iu heaven who love and praise thee con tinually. On this earth, too, how many souls burn with love of thee, and live enamored of thy goodness. Ah, if I, too, might love tnee, my most lovely Lady! Oh, that I might always be engaged in serving thee, in praising thee, in honoring thee, and in striving to awak en love of thee in others. A God hath been enamored of thee, who, by thy beauty, if I may so speak, hast drawn him from the bo som of the eternal Father, to come upon the earth and become man and thy Son; and I, a miserable worm, shall I not be enamored of thee? Yes, my most sweet mother, I also will love thee, love thee much, and do all in my power to make thee loved by others. Accept, then, oh Mary, the desire I have to love thee, and help me to fulfil it:I know that thy lovers are regarded with much favor by thy God. Next to his own glory, he desires nothing more than thy glory, in seeing thee honored and loved by all. From thee, oh Lady, I await all my blessings. Thou must obtain the pardon of all my sins, thou must obtain for me perseverance, succor in death, de liverance from purgatory, in a word, thou must conduct me to paradise. All this thy lovers hope from thee, and they are not deceived. This I also hope, who love thee with all my heart, and above all things next to God 🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦 EXAMPLE. A young man in Perugia once promised the devil that if he would help him to commit a sin ful act which he desired to do, he would give him his soul; and he gave him a writing to that effect, signed with his blood. The evil deed was committed, and the devil demanded the perfor mance of the promise. He led the young man to a well, and threatened to take him body and soul to hell if he would not cast himself into it. The wretched youth, thinking that it would be impos sible for him to escape from his enemy, climbed the well-side in order to cast himself into it, but terri fied at the thought of death, he said to the devil that he had not the courage to throw himself in, and that, if he wished to see him dead, he himself should thrust him in. The young man wore about his neck the scapular of the sorrowing Mary; and the devil said to him: Take off that Bcapular,and I will thrust you in." But the youth, seeing the protection which the divine mother still gave him through that scapular, refused to take it off, and after a great deal of altercation, the devil departed in confusion. The sinner re pented, and grateful to his sorrowful mother, went to thank her, and presented a picture of this case, as an offering, at her altar in the new church of Santa Maria, in Perugia. PRAYER. Ah, mother, the most afflicted of all mothers, thy Son, then, is dead; thy Son so amiable, and who loved thee so much! Weep, for thou hast reason to weep. Who can ever console thee? Nothing can console thee but the thought that Je sus, by his death, hath conquered hell, hath open ed paradise which was closed to men, and hath gained so many souls. From that throne of the cross he was to reign over so many hearts, which, conquered by his love, would serve him with. Read more at: 🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦 Miracles of the Mother of God I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer Ill keep that in mind. I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer and respect and truly obey the 10 commandmends of the Lord. I am 15 years of age and i do believe hell, purgatory, and heaven. With all my heart, I promise to myself to not cuss even. I promise to go to church every day, at least every Sunday. I will confess often, and Holy Communion.Thank you very much, Holy Virgin Mary and Saint Faustina for the message for us to be aware. amen. Conversation of the Merciful God with a Despairing Soul. Miracles of the Mother of God
❤️❤️❤️ May God always bless the AUS FSSP ! Thank you for this because I’m new to their community and I would love to learn more 🙏🏻❤️🌹 God bless you always
🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦 true story- THE GLORIES OF MARY - ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI. EXAMPLE - St. Alphonsus Marie de Liguori. Father Eusebius Nierembergh relates,! that there lived in the city of Aragona a girl, named Alexandra who, being noble and very beautiful, was greatly loved by two young men. Through jealousy, they one day fought and killed each other. Their enraged relatives, in return, killed the poor young girl, as the cause of so mucha trouble, cut off her head, and threw her into a well. A few days after, St. Dominic was passing through that place, and, inspired by the Lord, approached the well, and said;Alexandra, come forth; and immediately the head of the deceased came forth, placed itself on the edge of the well, and prayed St. Dominic to hear its confession. The saint heard its confession, and also gave it communion, in presence of a great concourse of persons who had assembled to to witness the miracle. Then, St. Dominic or dered her to speak and tell why she had received that grace. Alexandra answered, that when she was beheaded, she was in a state of mortal sin, but that the most holy Mary, on account of the rosary, which she was in the habit of reciting, had preserved her in life. Two days the head retained its life upon the edge of the well, in the presence of all, and then the soul went to purgatory. But fifteen days after, the soul of Alexandra appeared to St. Dominic, beautiful and radiant as a star, and told him, that one of the principal sources of relief to the souls in pur gatory is the rosary which is recited for them; and that, as soon as they arrive in paradise, they pray for those who apply to them these power ful prayers. Having said this, St. Dominic saw that happy soul ascending in triumph to the kingdom of the blessed. PRAYER. Oh Queen of heaven and of earth, oh mother of the Lord of the world, oh Mary, creature most great, most exalted, most amiable, it is true that many on the earth do not love thee and do not know tnee; but there are innumerable angels and saints iu heaven who love and praise thee con tinually. On this earth, too, how many souls burn with love of thee, and live enamored of thy goodness. Ah, if I, too, might love tnee, my most lovely Lady! Oh, that I might always be engaged in serving thee, in praising thee, in honoring thee, and in striving to awak en love of thee in others. A God hath been enamored of thee, who, by thy beauty, if I may so speak, hast drawn him from the bo som of the eternal Father, to come upon the earth and become man and thy Son; and I, a miserable worm, shall I not be enamored of thee? Yes, my most sweet mother, I also will love thee, love thee much, and do all in my power to make thee loved by others. Accept, then, oh Mary, the desire I have to love thee, and help me to fulfil it:I know that thy lovers are regarded with much favor by thy God. Next to his own glory, he desires nothing more than thy glory, in seeing thee honored and loved by all. From thee, oh Lady, I await all my blessings. Thou must obtain the pardon of all my sins, thou must obtain for me perseverance, succor in death, de liverance from purgatory, in a word, thou must conduct me to paradise. All this thy lovers hope from thee, and they are not deceived. This I also hope, who love thee with all my heart, and above all things next to God 🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦 EXAMPLE. A young man in Perugia once promised the devil that if he would help him to commit a sin ful act which he desired to do, he would give him his soul; and he gave him a writing to that effect, signed with his blood. The evil deed was committed, and the devil demanded the perfor mance of the promise. He led the young man to a well, and threatened to take him body and soul to hell if he would not cast himself into it. The wretched youth, thinking that it would be impos sible for him to escape from his enemy, climbed the well-side in order to cast himself into it, but terri fied at the thought of death, he said to the devil that he had not the courage to throw himself in, and that, if he wished to see him dead, he himself should thrust him in. The young man wore about his neck the scapular of the sorrowing Mary; and the devil said to him: Take off that Bcapular,and I will thrust you in." But the youth, seeing the protection which the divine mother still gave him through that scapular, refused to take it off, and after a great deal of altercation, the devil departed in confusion. The sinner re pented, and grateful to his sorrowful mother, went to thank her, and presented a picture of this case, as an offering, at her altar in the new church of Santa Maria, in Perugia. PRAYER. Ah, mother, the most afflicted of all mothers, thy Son, then, is dead; thy Son so amiable, and who loved thee so much! Weep, for thou hast reason to weep. Who can ever console thee? Nothing can console thee but the thought that Je sus, by his death, hath conquered hell, hath open ed paradise which was closed to men, and hath gained so many souls. From that throne of the cross he was to reign over so many hearts, which, conquered by his love, would serve him with. Read more at: 🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦 Miracles of the Mother of God I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer Ill keep that in mind. I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer and respect and truly obey the 10 commandmends of the Lord. I am 15 years of age and i do believe hell, purgatory, and heaven. With all my heart, I promise to myself to not cuss even. I promise to go to church every day, at least every Sunday. I will confess often, and Holy Communion.Thank you very much, Holy Virgin Mary and Saint Faustina for the message for us to be aware. amen. Conversation of the Merciful God with a Despairing Soul. Miracles of the Mother of God
In respectful manner at 30 seconds in when Peter said don't blame me Lord every time I shut the door you're Mother opens the window reminded me of when my late Mother would always say to us shut the doors you're not born in barn it would make me laugh and every New Year and Spring season or there abouts there's Ritual not only to throughly clean the house but to open all the windows to let any lost Soul's leave even at during the Wake and Funeral. I was born Cradle Catholic but for first 17 years of my life I attended different Religious schools and wrong Churches at 18 years I realised I felt i semi lost my Faith and i was confused as didn't understand what was going on after a very special Aunty died so tragically young so soon After I started to really question my Faith in God I then moved away by that time to start new life but I was in terrible very poor health and so unsure of what was going on as I knew God was searching for me and trying get my attention but I couldn't find him I then became Church drifter as my very sever Disabilities worsened I became more despondent crying out where are you God please help me I knew I wasn't Staunch Protestant on my late Grandfather's side family then one day I went in this Catholic Church and i knew I found God as the most marvellous wonderful warm euphoric feeling washed over me so much it embraced me to point I went down on my knees beside Blessed Virgin Mary Statue while holding my Rosary as best as I could get my very severely Arthritic body could manage and cried out again is that you God please help me I'm lost and I'm sorry for doubting you I then heard him say to me yes my child we have found each other be at Peace now my Mother will Bless and watch over you for rest of your days don't despare we love you very much it was then I realised I was Staunch Catholic on my Grandmother's side family I have not looked back since despite my very fast deteriorating health I feel God and his Blessed Mother Mary is always with me along with the Spirits of my Mother, Grandmother, her friend and my Step Father plus all the rest that have died on me and went to Heaven over the decades all watching over me constantly when they see me question my Faith that's when I feel them spuring me on telling me to keep fighting what ever you do don't give up I also feel it when I listen to the Daily Rosary twice day UA-cam has some really stunningly beautifully recited Rosary from Priests to Bishops to normal Catholic people and unfortunately there is some awful ones either there far too close to microphone causing static interference and uncomfortable to enjoy background noise this channel was my recent find I'm so very very delighted to hear these Father's Recite our Blessed Holy Rosary may the most Merciful Lord God Bless you all and embrace you all with his warm guiding loving embrace and I thank you for this beautiful Sacred Prayer I have never ever ever heard of this story it so beautiful done again as mentioned above I will not only pass this video on but all there Daily Rosary to all my Catholic friends and family. The bit where he talks about lovely Lady dressed in blue teach me how to Pray when growing up this is exactly how I would say it just worded slightly different like Blessed Holy Mother dressed in blue teach me how to Pray so that's really spooky as I've never heard of that saying either I have heard if Devoted to her you won't lose your Soul I no there's Ritual during every Funeral and Wake we have all the windows open to let lost Soul's leave and move on to Heaven. I also listen to Aramaic Lord's Prayer and meditation while holding my Blessed Holy Rosary Beads they give me so much comfort last summer I became seriously very unwell but not in life threatening way after getting home at Halloween last year after months in Hospital despite relentless repeated set backs after set backs and Infections after Infections I never once felt God and his Mother leave me I don't care what people say but while in Hospital there was times I not only felt them including my Mother, Grandmother and her friend who I loved so very dearly and miss them all terribly I seen them near my bed it didn't scare me it gave me Hope and comfort
What a beautiful message of hope, courage and faith! May God continue to Bless you and Heal you my friend. We are praying for you in our rosaries. Stay strong. God is good always!
Beautiful but shame about the spelling mistake at the very end - "Special thanks to the Priestly Fraternity of STAINT Peter. Sorry I always notice these things after a working life of being a PA.
If you want to say the prayers out loud in Latin, please to a better job at prononciation. Some of the priests in the video just butchered the Latin language.
@ No. With all due respect it isn’t. There is maybe 1 of priests that put in the effort (or perhaps already speaks a Romance language), but all the others have not. This really is not to be mean, I have great devotion to the Rosary, but hearing the Latin language being butchered that way is difficult to listen. Most of the words are incomprehensible. If people go to the effort to learn the prayers in Latin, they ought to put in the effort to actually learn how to pronounce the language, otherwise it just seems like a shallow endeavour and lacks any respect for that language.
@@nerdanalog1707 interesting. I’ll watch it again. I have noticed that they zip through the low mass really quickly, sometimes not saying the ending consonants or skipping whole sections. Is it just a FSSP thing or are the other groups like that?
@ I think it has more to do with which is your native tongue. It is always going to be more difficult for a German or English speaking person, let alone a Japanese or Mandarin speaker, to pronounce Latin well. For a native Spanish or Italian, seems logical that it will be easier. Yes, some of the ending consonants are not pronounced. I can understand an accent, but in this extract, I don’t even hear an effort made to place the tonic accent or stress correctly on the Latin words. And I find this bothersome as what is the point of learning the prayers in Latin, if no effort is made to at the very least do the utmost best to pronounce it correctly? Is it just to state that they « know » Latin? Just for aesthetic purposes ? It doesn’t seem sincere, like a person trying on a costume pretending to be sthg they are not. But then again, perhaps I am the only one this bothers because I find Romance languages so beautiful… In the end what truly counts is people’s relationship with God, and I doubt He cares whether we speak English or Latin. I mean the Virgin Mary did speak to Bernadette in Lourdes in her regional language, which wasn’t French, and prayed parts of the Rosary in that regional language.
How did Jesus come into our world? Through the womb of the blessed virgin Mary. We were told to behold our mother by Christ himself at the foot of the Cross. Be careful of blasphemy and heresy yourself.
Pray the rosary everyday and MIRACLES WILL FLOW YOUR WAY!!!! life changed totally when I started praying the rosary, mother mary listens to me and assists me in all my many miracles have happened to me......
I want miracles to happen to all of you, so please pray the rosary atleast once a day ❤
Simply beautiful. I love the rosary, Our Lady, and everything Latin. 📿🙏🏻
You can never go wrong with the wonderful Fulton Sheen. ❤
I remember memorizing that poem, Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue, when I was in first grade. I could still say it 60 years later.
Thank you for the tears.
Our Lady will always help us whenever we reach out to her
Lovely. I miss attending mass at the Maternal Heart of Mary.
This is the most beautiful, heart moving video I have seen in a long time. God bless you for this! May the mother of God intercede for you always and especially at the hour of death! Ave Maria!
God Bless you. Thank you.
Absolutely beautiful❤️🔥❤️. Traditional FSSP Priests reminding us how beautiful and meaningful it is to pray the Rosary in Latin all to a cracking soundtrack🔥 Just what the Latin Mass environment needs right now. God bless all our Traditional Priests.
Thank you! We love the soundtrack too :)
🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦 true story- THE GLORIES OF MARY - ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI. EXAMPLE - St. Alphonsus Marie de Liguori. Father Eusebius Nierembergh relates,! that there lived in the city of Aragona a girl, named Alexandra who, being noble and very beautiful,
was greatly loved by two young men. Through jealousy, they one day fought and killed each other. Their enraged relatives, in return, killed
the poor young girl, as the cause of so mucha trouble, cut off her head, and threw her into a
well. A few days after, St. Dominic was passing through that place, and, inspired by the
Lord, approached the well, and said;Alexandra, come forth; and immediately the head of the deceased came forth, placed itself on the edge of the well, and prayed St. Dominic to hear
its confession. The saint heard its confession, and also gave it communion, in presence of a great concourse of persons who had assembled to to witness the miracle. Then, St. Dominic or dered her to speak and tell why she had received that grace. Alexandra answered, that when she was beheaded, she was in a state of mortal
sin, but that the most holy Mary, on account of the rosary, which she was in the habit of reciting, had preserved her in life. Two days the
head retained its life upon the edge of the well, in the presence of all, and then the soul went to purgatory. But fifteen days after, the soul of
Alexandra appeared to St. Dominic, beautiful
and radiant as a star, and told him, that one of
the principal sources of relief to the souls in pur
gatory is the rosary which is recited for them;
and that, as soon as they
arrive in paradise, they
pray for those who apply
to them these power
ful prayers. Having said this, St. Dominic saw
that happy soul ascending
in triumph to the
kingdom of the blessed.
Oh Queen of heaven and of earth, oh mother
of the Lord of the world, oh Mary,
creature most great, most exalted, most amiable,
it is true that many on the earth do not love thee and do not know tnee; but there are innumerable angels and saints iu heaven who love and praise thee con
tinually. On this earth, too, how many souls
burn with love of thee, and live enamored of thy
goodness. Ah, if I, too, might love tnee, my
most lovely Lady! Oh, that I might always be
engaged in serving thee, in praising thee, in
honoring thee, and in striving to awak
en love of thee in others. A God hath been
enamored of thee, who, by thy beauty,
if I may so speak, hast drawn him from the bo
som of the eternal Father, to come upon the earth
and become man and thy Son; and I, a miserable
worm, shall I not be enamored of thee? Yes,
my most sweet mother, I also will love thee,
love thee much, and do all in my power to make
thee loved by others. Accept, then, oh Mary,
the desire I have to love thee, and help me to
fulfil it:I know that thy
lovers are regarded
with much favor by thy God. Next to his own
glory, he desires nothing more than thy glory,
in seeing thee honored and loved by all. From
thee, oh Lady, I await all my blessings. Thou
must obtain the pardon of all my sins, thou must
obtain for me perseverance, succor in death, de
liverance from purgatory,
in a word, thou must
conduct me to paradise. All this thy
lovers hope from thee, and they are not deceived. This
I also hope, who love thee with all my heart, and
above all things next to God
🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦
A young man in Perugia once promised the
devil that if he would help him to commit a sin
ful act which he desired to do, he would give
him his soul; and he gave him a writing to that
effect, signed with his blood. The evil deed was
committed, and the devil demanded the perfor
mance of the promise. He led the young man to
a well, and threatened to take him body and soul
to hell if he would not cast himself into it. The
wretched youth, thinking that it would be impos
sible for him to escape from his enemy, climbed the
well-side in order to cast himself into it, but terri
fied at the thought of death, he said to the devil
that he had not the courage to throw himself in,
and that, if he wished to see him dead, he himself
should thrust him in. The young man wore
about his neck the scapular
of the sorrowing
Mary; and the devil said to him: Take off that
Bcapular,and I will thrust you in." But the youth,
seeing the protection which the divine mother
still gave him through that scapular, refused to
take it off, and after a great deal of altercation,
the devil departed in confusion. The sinner re
pented, and grateful
to his sorrowful mother,
went to thank her, and presented a picture of
this case, as an offering,
at her altar in the new
church of Santa Maria, in Perugia.
Ah, mother, the most afflicted of all mothers,
thy Son, then, is dead; thy Son so amiable, and
who loved thee so much! Weep, for thou hast
reason to weep. Who can ever console thee?
Nothing can console thee but the thought that Je
sus, by his death, hath conquered hell, hath open
ed paradise which was closed to men, and hath
gained so many souls. From that throne of the
cross he was to reign over so many hearts, which,
conquered by his love, would serve him with. Read more at:
🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦
Miracles of the Mother of God
I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer Ill keep that in mind. I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer and respect and truly obey the 10 commandmends of the Lord. I am 15 years of age and i do believe hell, purgatory, and heaven. With all my heart, I promise to myself to not cuss even. I promise to go to church every day, at least every Sunday. I will confess often, and Holy Communion.Thank you very much, Holy Virgin Mary and Saint Faustina for the message for us to be aware. amen. Conversation of the Merciful God with a Despairing Soul.
Miracles of the Mother of God
I love rosary 📿 ❤
Ave Maria gratia plena🙏✝️🥺
Adore The Eucharist
Incredibly beautiful...! Thank you for creating this... soul touching.. 😇🙏🙏🙏
thank you Aylene
God bless your work. Praying for the completion of all the Mysteries!
May God always bless the AUS FSSP !
Thank you for this because I’m new to their community and I would love to learn more 🙏🏻❤️🌹 God bless you always
Amen! They are truly amazing men
🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦 true story- THE GLORIES OF MARY - ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI. EXAMPLE - St. Alphonsus Marie de Liguori. Father Eusebius Nierembergh relates,! that there lived in the city of Aragona a girl, named Alexandra who, being noble and very beautiful,
was greatly loved by two young men. Through jealousy, they one day fought and killed each other. Their enraged relatives, in return, killed
the poor young girl, as the cause of so mucha trouble, cut off her head, and threw her into a
well. A few days after, St. Dominic was passing through that place, and, inspired by the
Lord, approached the well, and said;Alexandra, come forth; and immediately the head of the deceased came forth, placed itself on the edge of the well, and prayed St. Dominic to hear
its confession. The saint heard its confession, and also gave it communion, in presence of a great concourse of persons who had assembled to to witness the miracle. Then, St. Dominic or dered her to speak and tell why she had received that grace. Alexandra answered, that when she was beheaded, she was in a state of mortal
sin, but that the most holy Mary, on account of the rosary, which she was in the habit of reciting, had preserved her in life. Two days the
head retained its life upon the edge of the well, in the presence of all, and then the soul went to purgatory. But fifteen days after, the soul of
Alexandra appeared to St. Dominic, beautiful
and radiant as a star, and told him, that one of
the principal sources of relief to the souls in pur
gatory is the rosary which is recited for them;
and that, as soon as they
arrive in paradise, they
pray for those who apply
to them these power
ful prayers. Having said this, St. Dominic saw
that happy soul ascending
in triumph to the
kingdom of the blessed.
Oh Queen of heaven and of earth, oh mother
of the Lord of the world, oh Mary,
creature most great, most exalted, most amiable,
it is true that many on the earth do not love thee and do not know tnee; but there are innumerable angels and saints iu heaven who love and praise thee con
tinually. On this earth, too, how many souls
burn with love of thee, and live enamored of thy
goodness. Ah, if I, too, might love tnee, my
most lovely Lady! Oh, that I might always be
engaged in serving thee, in praising thee, in
honoring thee, and in striving to awak
en love of thee in others. A God hath been
enamored of thee, who, by thy beauty,
if I may so speak, hast drawn him from the bo
som of the eternal Father, to come upon the earth
and become man and thy Son; and I, a miserable
worm, shall I not be enamored of thee? Yes,
my most sweet mother, I also will love thee,
love thee much, and do all in my power to make
thee loved by others. Accept, then, oh Mary,
the desire I have to love thee, and help me to
fulfil it:I know that thy
lovers are regarded
with much favor by thy God. Next to his own
glory, he desires nothing more than thy glory,
in seeing thee honored and loved by all. From
thee, oh Lady, I await all my blessings. Thou
must obtain the pardon of all my sins, thou must
obtain for me perseverance, succor in death, de
liverance from purgatory,
in a word, thou must
conduct me to paradise. All this thy
lovers hope from thee, and they are not deceived. This
I also hope, who love thee with all my heart, and
above all things next to God
🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦
A young man in Perugia once promised the
devil that if he would help him to commit a sin
ful act which he desired to do, he would give
him his soul; and he gave him a writing to that
effect, signed with his blood. The evil deed was
committed, and the devil demanded the perfor
mance of the promise. He led the young man to
a well, and threatened to take him body and soul
to hell if he would not cast himself into it. The
wretched youth, thinking that it would be impos
sible for him to escape from his enemy, climbed the
well-side in order to cast himself into it, but terri
fied at the thought of death, he said to the devil
that he had not the courage to throw himself in,
and that, if he wished to see him dead, he himself
should thrust him in. The young man wore
about his neck the scapular
of the sorrowing
Mary; and the devil said to him: Take off that
Bcapular,and I will thrust you in." But the youth,
seeing the protection which the divine mother
still gave him through that scapular, refused to
take it off, and after a great deal of altercation,
the devil departed in confusion. The sinner re
pented, and grateful
to his sorrowful mother,
went to thank her, and presented a picture of
this case, as an offering,
at her altar in the new
church of Santa Maria, in Perugia.
Ah, mother, the most afflicted of all mothers,
thy Son, then, is dead; thy Son so amiable, and
who loved thee so much! Weep, for thou hast
reason to weep. Who can ever console thee?
Nothing can console thee but the thought that Je
sus, by his death, hath conquered hell, hath open
ed paradise which was closed to men, and hath
gained so many souls. From that throne of the
cross he was to reign over so many hearts, which,
conquered by his love, would serve him with. Read more at:
🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦
Miracles of the Mother of God
I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer Ill keep that in mind. I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer and respect and truly obey the 10 commandmends of the Lord. I am 15 years of age and i do believe hell, purgatory, and heaven. With all my heart, I promise to myself to not cuss even. I promise to go to church every day, at least every Sunday. I will confess often, and Holy Communion.Thank you very much, Holy Virgin Mary and Saint Faustina for the message for us to be aware. amen. Conversation of the Merciful God with a Despairing Soul.
Miracles of the Mother of God
Very nice trailer, well done ❤ much Love from a Hindu God brother
I am waiting for the Glorious mysteries rosary
When are you going to post the Glorious and Luminous mysteries?
Mary Immaculate Queen triumph and reign. Amen.❤
In respectful manner at 30 seconds in when Peter said don't blame me Lord every time I shut the door you're Mother opens the window reminded me of when my late Mother would always say to us shut the doors you're not born in barn it would make me laugh and every New Year and Spring season or there abouts there's Ritual not only to throughly clean the house but to open all the windows to let any lost Soul's leave even at during the Wake and Funeral. I was born Cradle Catholic but for first 17 years of my life I attended different Religious schools and wrong Churches at 18 years I realised I felt i semi lost my Faith and i was confused as didn't understand what was going on after a very special Aunty died so tragically young so soon After I started to really question my Faith in God I then moved away by that time to start new life but I was in terrible very poor health and so unsure of what was going on as I knew God was searching for me and trying get my attention but I couldn't find him I then became Church drifter as my very sever Disabilities worsened I became more despondent crying out where are you God please help me I knew I wasn't Staunch Protestant on my late Grandfather's side family then one day I went in this Catholic Church and i knew I found God as the most marvellous wonderful warm euphoric feeling washed over me so much it embraced me to point I went down on my knees beside Blessed Virgin Mary Statue while holding my Rosary as best as I could get my very severely Arthritic body could manage and cried out again is that you God please help me I'm lost and I'm sorry for doubting you I then heard him say to me yes my child we have found each other be at Peace now my Mother will Bless and watch over you for rest of your days don't despare we love you very much it was then I realised I was Staunch Catholic on my Grandmother's side family I have not looked back since despite my very fast deteriorating health I feel God and his Blessed Mother Mary is always with me along with the Spirits of my Mother, Grandmother, her friend and my Step Father plus all the rest that have died on me and went to Heaven over the decades all watching over me constantly when they see me question my Faith that's when I feel them spuring me on telling me to keep fighting what ever you do don't give up I also feel it when I listen to the Daily Rosary twice day UA-cam has some really stunningly beautifully recited Rosary from Priests to Bishops to normal Catholic people and unfortunately there is some awful ones either there far too close to microphone causing static interference and uncomfortable to enjoy background noise this channel was my recent find I'm so very very delighted to hear these Father's Recite our Blessed Holy Rosary may the most Merciful Lord God Bless you all and embrace you all with his warm guiding loving embrace and I thank you for this beautiful Sacred Prayer
I have never ever ever heard of this story it so beautiful done again as mentioned above I will not only pass this video on but all there Daily Rosary to all my Catholic friends and family. The bit where he talks about lovely Lady dressed in blue teach me how to Pray when growing up this is exactly how I would say it just worded slightly different like Blessed Holy Mother dressed in blue teach me how to Pray so that's really spooky as I've never heard of that saying either I have heard if Devoted to her you won't lose your Soul I no there's Ritual during every Funeral and Wake we have all the windows open to let lost Soul's leave and move on to Heaven. I also listen to Aramaic Lord's Prayer and meditation while holding my Blessed Holy Rosary Beads they give me so much comfort last summer I became seriously very unwell but not in life threatening way after getting home at Halloween last year after months in Hospital despite relentless repeated set backs after set backs and Infections after Infections I never once felt God and his Mother leave me I don't care what people say but while in Hospital there was times I not only felt them including my Mother, Grandmother and her friend who I loved so very dearly and miss them all terribly I seen them near my bed it didn't scare me it gave me Hope and comfort
What a beautiful message of hope, courage and faith! May God continue to Bless you and Heal you my friend. We are praying for you in our rosaries. Stay strong. God is good always!
Great trailer I thought I recognized these priests
From Down Under :)
Beautiful but shame about the spelling mistake at the very end - "Special thanks to the Priestly Fraternity of STAINT Peter. Sorry I always notice these things after a working life of being a PA.
Lovely lady ora pro nobis
The music is way too loud to even hear what they are saying
Where is the full film please?
Where can I obtain a copy of this?
Can anyone tell me the where can I watch the whole sermon/homly that is narrated
I like the video but the music sound too strange.
If you want to say the prayers out loud in Latin, please to a better job at prononciation. Some of the priests in the video just butchered the Latin language.
For me, the only way to pray the Rosary is in Latin.
Hopefully your Latin is pronounced better than that of the priests in the trailer…
What do you mean? Their pronunciation is fine.
@ No. With all due respect it isn’t. There is maybe 1 of priests that put in the effort (or perhaps already speaks a Romance language), but all the others have not. This really is not to be mean, I have great devotion to the Rosary, but hearing the Latin language being butchered that way is difficult to listen. Most of the words are incomprehensible. If people go to the effort to learn the prayers in Latin, they ought to put in the effort to actually learn how to pronounce the language, otherwise it just seems like a shallow endeavour and lacks any respect for that language.
@@nerdanalog1707 interesting. I’ll watch it again. I have noticed that they zip through the low mass really quickly, sometimes not saying the ending consonants or skipping whole sections. Is it just a FSSP thing or are the other groups like that?
@ I think it has more to do with which is your native tongue. It is always going to be more difficult for a German or English speaking person, let alone a Japanese or Mandarin speaker, to pronounce Latin well. For a native Spanish or Italian, seems logical that it will be easier.
Yes, some of the ending consonants are not pronounced. I can understand an accent, but in this extract, I don’t even hear an effort made to place the tonic accent or stress correctly on the Latin words.
And I find this bothersome as what is the point of learning the prayers in Latin, if no effort is made to at the very least do the utmost best to pronounce it correctly? Is it just to state that they « know » Latin? Just for aesthetic purposes ? It doesn’t seem sincere, like a person trying on a costume pretending to be sthg they are not.
But then again, perhaps I am the only one this bothers because I find Romance languages so beautiful… In the end what truly counts is people’s relationship with God, and I doubt He cares whether we speak English or Latin. I mean the Virgin Mary did speak to Bernadette in Lourdes in her regional language, which wasn’t French, and prayed parts of the Rosary in that regional language.
The back round music is strange, didn't give me a peaceful feeling.
Jesus is the only way! Be careful folks total blasphemy
Get lost man u protestants are so delusional as if your only goal in life is to talk bad about Catholics the true Christians
No Mary No Jesus and No Jesus No Mary. Both are powerfull force to vanish the devil. Rosary is the journey of Jesus' life
How did Jesus come into our world? Through the womb of the blessed virgin Mary. We were told to behold our mother by Christ himself at the foot of the Cross. Be careful of blasphemy and heresy yourself.