4 Rosaries = Game Changer

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • To learn more about the 4 Rosaries watch:
    Tips: • The Holy Rosary: 5 Tips!
    Testimonies: • The Rosary Testimonies...
    Origins: • Rosary Origins
    Benefits: • 5 Benefits of the Enti...
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  • @hannahcantera4846
    @hannahcantera4846 Рік тому +473

    I started to pray the entire rosary few months ago and it’s honestly the best decision I’ve ever made. My vices are gone, I commit no mortal sins anymore and I feel so much closer to Our Lady and Our Lord. Now I cannot finish my day without saying the entire rosary broken down throughout my day. I’ve never felt this peaceful, joyful and free until I started praying the entire rosary. It’s almost like having superpowers being a child of Mary.

    • @mariateresa9965
      @mariateresa9965 Рік тому +15

      @@vny9728 you have to pray and fast..🙏🌹🌹🌹God bless you!🙏🌹🌹🌹

    • @diegonunez8684
      @diegonunez8684 Рік тому +5

      @@mariateresa9965 I did a 40-day fast on bread and water (including 3 days without eating or drinking), and that didn't work. I continue to have an addiction to pornography and masturbation.
      I also went to a retreat with charismatic priests and a Marian bonds of love retreat. And nothing happened.

    • @gabiafterhours
      @gabiafterhours  Рік тому +60

      Add fasting. Some demons are only driven out with prayer and fasting persevere. Don't stop. You will either give up the Rosary or give up the sin. Mary WILL help you. 4 Rosaries. Not 3.

    • @herbertkizito6992
      @herbertkizito6992 Рік тому +15

      @@diegonunez8684 continue/ persevere. You'll see Great things happen

    • @JohannaNemo
      @JohannaNemo Рік тому +11

      @@diegonunez8684 How is confession going?

  • @Peaceful_Gojira
    @Peaceful_Gojira Рік тому +303

    I am just going to be blunt and open: I used to struggle w/ porn addiction.
    I wrestled that demon so hard before and during my conversion into the Catholic faith.
    Before, I would give in to mere occasion to sin.
    I'd never been baptized before.
    But: in that battle, I was praying the rosary at every occasion I could remember. That's when my walk of faith brought me to Mass, and into O/RCIA.
    At the Easter Vigil this year, I have been received into the church.
    My temptations are never truly gone, but all my sins in my life: just washed away. I am a new creation, as were the other elect catechumens with me!
    Since then, I have been tempted, but have had no desire to give in; I look it in the eyes and say "no...you're done," with utter confidence and truth...because I now belong to Jesus Christ!
    I do not believe in coincidences anymore. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in His Only Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the unyielding power of the Holy Spirit.
    Mother Mary walked me to the foot of that altar to receive Her Son, and now: I don't feel like sinning that sin anymore.
    As I stated: I am vulnerable to mere occasion through temptation, but the moment I am tempted, I no longer have this wrestling in my stirred and restless soul to fight: I have already won the battle with the power of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. Mary's prayers have become a big piece to the laid foundation that is the One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
    I say all this because if you are reading this, brethrens/sistrens, rejoice: this is truly the time to convert! I will take this to my grave that the Rosary isn't just a tool, it's a literal weapon against evil. We hear all the time about "the armor of God" and "the Sword of the Spirit," and yes this is true...and IN ADDITION, the Rosary is our worldly/fleshly communicant with Mary, Our Lady and Queen of Heaven; Mother of God.
    If you are struggling in sin, and have not converted, I implore...no, BEG you to consider joining all of us in the TRUE Universal church.
    Everything I've known about Catholicism from secularists and modern society has been shattered, and replaced with a community, people who are no different from me, and all of us gathered to sit at His table; to break bread and receive Jesus Christ's body, "in remembrance of Me."
    I will always and firmly state to you now: join Christ at His table. You are never too late, and never too soon to come and dine with us at His side! He is inviting us, we need only listen and trust in Him. Equally, do not fear or worry: Our Lady is praying for us fervently, and always for us sorrowful sinners. Do not fear invoking Her honorable and loving name, because Jesus will rejoice that His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, has come to bring another weary and broken traveler through the coldness of wandering through a broken world, into the warmth of His faith and company, and His dining hall...He will show you.
    As She did for the couple at the Wedding Feast at Cana, Mary: Most Gracious Advocate, initiated Jesus to begin His life as the Messiah *_publicly_* , and not ONCE said "Ok, do as I tell you." No, Our Lady turned to the couple and said "Do as He says," and took NO credit for having begun the public life and ministry of Jesus Christ! Instead She rejoiced, and followed along with Jesus!
    Anyways: thanks for reading my lengthy comment, stranger.
    Truly if this stirred something in your soul, even a little: do not deny it and harden your heart(s). It is the Holy Spirit moving you. It is Jesus trying to reach your heart, whether that's through Our Lady or Himself calling out your name! Do not give up hope, and do not yield to evil...take up your arms (the rosary), prepare your hearts, and walk with Him!
    May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ always be with you!
    Be safe, and God bless! :)

    • @avemaria4063
      @avemaria4063 Рік тому +14

      Yes, the Rosary is our spiritual sword to slay our vices, we must pray it to sharpen it, though. You've come a long way, rejoice. I will pray for you.🙏🙏

    • @rosemars9296
      @rosemars9296 Рік тому +10

      Praise God, thank you for sharing your testimony!

    • @margaritakleinman5701
      @margaritakleinman5701 Рік тому +9

      Beautiful testimony, very inspiring, thank you for sharing. God bless!

    • @BBShaw-cd9wz
      @BBShaw-cd9wz Рік тому +6

      God's love is beyond our understanding. Always remember that God loves you and welcome home.

    • @lulabella9249
      @lulabella9249 Рік тому +7

      Praise be to God and His Blessed Mother!!!

  • @epcotethan9557
    @epcotethan9557 Рік тому +22

    Please pray for me. I’m sixteen, living in a Protestant household. I’m going to become Catholic at eighteen. I started praying my rosary every day a few months ago - it’s caused a miraculous change in my behavior and I’m not longer prone to vices. I never have felt such a general peace in my life. I feel close to Our Lord and Our Lady. I’m going to try to get some of my friends to pray it. I want nothing more than to be confirmed as a member of the Church and receive the Eucharist.
    Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
    “Through the Rosary and Scapular, Our Lady will save the world.”

  • @JastherLloydTomaneng
    @JastherLloydTomaneng 6 місяців тому +32

    I am an Altar Server from the Philippines, and I started praying the 20 decade rosary a month a go. I am also a Dentistry student and I noticed that upon praying the 20 decade rosary, studying became more easy, and I became more faithful and merciful to others.

  • @myronmercado
    @myronmercado Рік тому +50

    I am Filipino too. I was persecuted at work. Praying the entire rosary helped me to endure and later on discern that I am called to leave work and devote more time to prayer, the sacraments and helping the parish.

  • @catholicarrows
    @catholicarrows Рік тому +446

    Last night I went to Adoration to pray for my cousin who became blind at 18 years old and is having panic attacks. Both optic nerves are completely atrophied. As I sat at Mary's statue, I had a strong sense that I should pray 15,000 Hail Mary's for her sight to be restored. I am only at 200 now, please consider praying even one Hail Mary for her. I felt inspired to ask St. Anthony of Padua to present a bouquet of 15,000 roses to the great Immaculata with the intention of asking Her to ask Her Son to completely restore my cousin's sight. She has been abandoned by all her friends. I believe in miracles.❤

    • @annej.vincent9051
      @annej.vincent9051 Рік тому +28

      Keep praying. Don't lose faith. She will help.

    • @mariajbrum
      @mariajbrum Рік тому +28

      You are a amzaing cousin.🙏
      We all need cousins like you.
      I will pray for you cousin.

    • @MyImmaculateQueen
      @MyImmaculateQueen Рік тому +29

      @@mariajbrum Thank you do much. I started on Thursday and I am only at 800, only 14,200 to go 😀 My wife thinks I'm crazy but I believe she will be cured. I am trying to finish it before St Anthony's Feast Day in June, got to pray 330 every day. I am saying then slow and meditating on the mysteries of the rosary. God Bless you 💘

    • @joanahope3013
      @joanahope3013 Рік тому +22

      @@MyImmaculateQueen I remember the four men who took the paralitic to Jesus, through the roof...now I know they were his cousins...may your prayers be received and her sight restored by the grace of Our Blessed Mother. Most important than her sight restored is her faith in Jesus, pray for it. Hail Mary

    • @MyImmaculateQueen
      @MyImmaculateQueen Рік тому +9

      @@joanahope3013 Yes Joan! Her faith is more important than her sight. She is a devout mass-attending Catholic. I beleive in miracles. Wonderful for you to tell me the men with the paralytic were his cousins! I pray that is a sign for me. God bless you 💘💘💘

  • @Occupied_South
    @Occupied_South Рік тому +24

    Thank you Father. I used to be unable to cope with life because of trauma. The Rosary changed my life. Thank you, my Mary, my Mother

  • @lukebrown5395
    @lukebrown5395 Рік тому +23

    To all the Protestants out there hi. Allow me to explain he rosary. I know I have no hope of changing your mind, but the rosary is simply a meditation of the gospels through our own eyes and her eyes. The hail Mary prayer can be found in Luke 1:
    28 And coming to her, he said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.”
    Spirit, 42 cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 43 And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord[n] should come to me?
    The old translation was Full of Grace.
    There are 4 sets of mysteries. 3 given to St Dominic and a forth added by St John Paul 2 which does well at filling in the gaps. We aren’t forced to pray the rosary or even the luminos mystery. Many Catholics stay away from the rosary like my parents. Let me explain the mysteries because they each have a spiritual fruit attached.
    The annunciation-Humility
    The visitation- Love of neighbor
    The nativity- detachment
    The presentation to Simeon- obedience.
    The finding in the temple- perseverance
    Baptism of Jesus- openness to the Holy Spirit
    Wedding at Cana- To Jesus through Mary.
    The proclamation of the kingdom- Christian witness and conversion
    The transfiguration- courage
    The institution of the Eucharist- love of our Eucharistic lord.
    The agony in the garden- Gods will be done
    The scourging-purity
    The crowing- The reign of Christ in our hearts.
    The carrying of the cross- patient bearing of trials.
    The crucifixion- pardoning of injuries.
    The resurrection- faith
    The ascension- hope
    The descent of the Holy Spirit- the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    The assumption of Mary- A desire for heaven.
    The coronation- Final perseverance.
    Catholics don’t worship Mary through this, but we believe that people in heaven are closer to God than we are and that they have eternal life so they aren’t dead. They just went farther into the church than we are today. They pray for us. We are encouraged to talk to God directly but the rosary can be spiritually fulfilling and plus, the devil hates the rosary. Mary’s humility beat him by bringing Jesus into the world whether she had a choice or not. Plus it was Elizabeth inspired by The Holy Spirit that originally called Mary Blessed.

    • @zapataboy9377
      @zapataboy9377 Рік тому

      i'm a Catholic and use the Rosary to get closer to Mary and worship are in a way

    • @theanomaly2587
      @theanomaly2587 6 місяців тому

      @@zapataboy9377 can you clarify what you are saying

  • @sillymousey
    @sillymousey Рік тому +27

    His rosary is so beautiful. His testimony lit a fire in me to pray the entire rosary.

    • @avemaria3896
      @avemaria3896 10 місяців тому

      🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦 true story- THE GLORIES OF MARY - ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI. EXAMPLE - St. Alphonsus Marie de Liguori. Father Eusebius Nierembergh relates,! that there lived in the city of Aragona a girl, named Alexandra who, being noble and very beautiful,
      was greatly loved by two young men. Through jealousy, they one day fought and killed each other. Their enraged relatives, in return, killed
      the poor young girl, as the cause of so mucha trouble, cut off her head, and threw her into a
      well. A few days after, St. Dominic was passing through that place, and, inspired by the
      Lord, approached the well, and said;Alexandra, come forth; and immediately the head of the deceased came forth, placed itself on the edge of the well, and prayed St. Dominic to hear
      its confession. The saint heard its confession, and also gave it communion, in presence of a great concourse of persons who had assembled to to witness the miracle. Then, St. Dominic or dered her to speak and tell why she had received that grace. Alexandra answered, that when she was beheaded, she was in a state of mortal
      sin, but that the most holy Mary, on account of the rosary, which she was in the habit of reciting, had preserved her in life. Two days the
      head retained its life upon the edge of the well, in the presence of all, and then the soul went to purgatory. But fifteen days after, the soul of
      Alexandra appeared to St. Dominic, beautiful
      and radiant as a star, and told him, that one of
      the principal sources of relief to the souls in pur
      gatory is the rosary which is recited for them;
      and that, as soon as they
      arrive in paradise, they
      pray for those who apply
      to them these power
      ful prayers. Having said this, St. Dominic saw
      that happy soul ascending
      in triumph to the
      kingdom of the blessed.
      Oh Queen of heaven and of earth, oh mother
      of the Lord of the world, oh Mary,
      creature most great, most exalted, most amiable,
      it is true that many on the earth do not love thee and do not know tnee; but there are innumerable angels and saints iu heaven who love and praise thee con
      tinually. On this earth, too, how many souls
      burn with love of thee, and live enamored of thy
      goodness. Ah, if I, too, might love tnee, my
      most lovely Lady! Oh, that I might always be
      engaged in serving thee, in praising thee, in
      honoring thee, and in striving to awak
      en love of thee in others. A God hath been
      enamored of thee, who, by thy beauty,
      if I may so speak, hast drawn him from the bo
      som of the eternal Father, to come upon the earth
      and become man and thy Son; and I, a miserable
      worm, shall I not be enamored of thee? Yes,
      my most sweet mother, I also will love thee,
      love thee much, and do all in my power to make
      thee loved by others. Accept, then, oh Mary,
      the desire I have to love thee, and help me to
      fulfil it:I know that thy
      lovers are regarded
      with much favor by thy God. Next to his own
      glory, he desires nothing more than thy glory,
      in seeing thee honored and loved by all. From
      thee, oh Lady, I await all my blessings. Thou
      must obtain the pardon of all my sins, thou must
      obtain for me perseverance, succor in death, de
      liverance from purgatory,
      in a word, thou must
      conduct me to paradise. All this thy
      lovers hope from thee, and they are not deceived. This
      I also hope, who love thee with all my heart, and
      above all things next to God
      🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦
      A young man in Perugia once promised the
      devil that if he would help him to commit a sin
      ful act which he desired to do, he would give
      him his soul; and he gave him a writing to that
      effect, signed with his blood. The evil deed was
      committed, and the devil demanded the perfor
      mance of the promise. He led the young man to
      a well, and threatened to take him body and soul
      to hell if he would not cast himself into it. The
      wretched youth, thinking that it would be impos
      sible for him to escape from his enemy, climbed the
      well-side in order to cast himself into it, but terri
      fied at the thought of death, he said to the devil
      that he had not the courage to throw himself in,
      and that, if he wished to see him dead, he himself
      should thrust him in. The young man wore
      about his neck the scapular
      of the sorrowing
      Mary; and the devil said to him: Take off that
      Bcapular,and I will thrust you in." But the youth,
      seeing the protection which the divine mother
      still gave him through that scapular, refused to
      take it off, and after a great deal of altercation,
      the devil departed in confusion. The sinner re
      pented, and grateful
      to his sorrowful mother,
      went to thank her, and presented a picture of
      this case, as an offering,
      at her altar in the new
      church of Santa Maria, in Perugia.
      Ah, mother, the most afflicted of all mothers,
      thy Son, then, is dead; thy Son so amiable, and
      who loved thee so much! Weep, for thou hast
      reason to weep. Who can ever console thee?
      Nothing can console thee but the thought that Je
      sus, by his death, hath conquered hell, hath open
      ed paradise which was closed to men, and hath
      gained so many souls. From that throne of the
      cross he was to reign over so many hearts, which,
      conquered by his love, would serve him with. Read more at:
      🇦 🇻 🇪 💟🇲 🇦 🇷 🇮 🇦
      Miracles of the Mother of God
      I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer Ill keep that in mind. I will pray the 3 o'clock prayer and respect and truly obey the 10 commandmends of the Lord. I am 15 years of age and i do believe hell, purgatory, and heaven. With all my heart, I promise to myself to not cuss even. I promise to go to church every day, at least every Sunday. I will confess often, and Holy Communion.Thank you very much, Holy Virgin Mary and Saint Faustina for the message for us to be aware. amen. Conversation of the Merciful God with a Despairing Soul. ocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/saint-faustina--divine-mercy-divine-mercy-in-my-soul.html
      Miracles of the Mother of God ocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/the-miracles-of-our-lady.html

    • @ProdigalSon70X7
      @ProdigalSon70X7 6 місяців тому

      rugged rosaries on etsy

  • @sugaralien
    @sugaralien Рік тому +56

    There is a distinct difference when I pray one mystery of the rosary versus when I pray all of them. Somehow, I get more done more easily and with greater love.
    I also noticed that when going through trials, there is a peace and a wisdom to draw closer to God versus the worldly ways of consolation (sleep, netflix, drinking, other distractions).
    My life before the rosary and now is like night and day. I encourage anyone who hasn't started to at least try it out. I physically felt a weight lift off of me after my first rosary.
    You have no idea how draining the demons and your sins can be. They flee from Our Blessed Mother. I believe because I felt them leave. She gave me that grace to know how real the help was. I have not stopped praying it and that weight has never returned. 🙏

    • @markantonelli53
      @markantonelli53 Рік тому

      I can honestly say that I’ve never felt anything like that when I pray the rosary (the very few times that I’ve done so). I’ve never felt anything when I pray at all, which is why I don’t pray. I wish I felt something, anything, that tells me my prayer is heard and acknowledged, yet I feel nothing

    • @sugaralien
      @sugaralien Рік тому +4

      @Mark Antonelli I'm sure you're blessed in other ways. Probably a blessing you weren't as infested with demons as I was.
      I definitely have times of dry prayer. We're not always in consolation.
      Do you read much? Reading the bible, catechism, books on saints, books on the rosary really help.
      Like the video mentioned, Secrets of the Rosary is really good, and I also like The Glories of Mary.

    • @markantonelli53
      @markantonelli53 Рік тому +2

      @@sugaralien I have my demons. I do read, but usually fiction. I want to want to pray. As I understand it’s the only way to communicate with God, and I would like to improve my relationship with Him

    • @margaritakleinman5701
      @margaritakleinman5701 Рік тому +3

      @@markantonelli53 Don't give up, keep on knocking, keep on asking for help. Sometimes it can take a good while, but that can teach you valuable lessons of faith, trust, and perseverance. And when you pray, pray with faith, not with doubt in your heart. You will be heard and you will be helped!

    • @markantonelli53
      @markantonelli53 Рік тому

      @@margaritakleinman5701 faith is something I’ve struggled with for longer then I’m sure you could imagine. I’m even struggling with wanting to pray, because of my struggle with faith

  • @reginabrowning8278
    @reginabrowning8278 Рік тому +38

    Started praying four rosaries daily in 2020 and never looked back! As always thank you for your work Gabi and team!

    • @nehaelis8323
      @nehaelis8323 Рік тому +1

      Pls share your testimony for encouragement

    • @reginabrowning8278
      @reginabrowning8278 Рік тому +2

      @@nehaelis8323 I was determined to say four rosaries a day during lent in 2020 and i started listening to the entire rosary in sections throughout the day and praying along to it. I still do this. I listen to the Catholic crusade UA-cam channel. Try it! It’s better to pray the rosary poorly than to
      Not pray at all. You
      Will grow in your devotion and get better at it.

  • @katieann1908
    @katieann1908 Рік тому +12

    My mom prayed the rosary and begged me to pray with her but I always said no. After her death, I decided to try. I have not missed a day in over five years. It's a beautiful way to pray all your intentions and be close to the Blessed Mother and those in heaven.

    • @gabiafterhours
      @gabiafterhours  Рік тому +4

      Wow. Looks like your mother's prayers in heaven were powerful! Keep it up. She is smiling upon you!

    • @katieann1908
      @katieann1908 Рік тому +1

      @@gabiafterhours I sure hope she is in heaven and I will see her again. Thank you for your very sweet comments!!!

  • @Me_a_documentary
    @Me_a_documentary Рік тому +17

    Hello Gabi.
    I started saying my rosary since 2017when at Eucharistic adoration, I heard Jesus call me to start praying the Rosary everyday. I naturally thought he meant one rosary , because i couldn't imagine anyone praying 4 in one day, even 1 was hard enough.
    but it wasn't until 2020 during the pandemic lockdown that i stumbled upon your video on why we should pray the ENTIRE rosary and not just one. before watching that video my spiritual director already told me to use my free time (since it was lock down and i wasn't going to school), to pray at least 3 rosaries, I remember telling him that that was too much and almost impossible, but he urged me to try.
    A few weeks later, I watched that video, and it was then that the Holy spirit convicted me to actually try the 4 rosaries. I tried it that day, and since then I haven't stopped.
    it was too miraculous, because me?, I could never imagine myself praying 4 rosaries, maybe when I'm old and retired and have nothing better to do.
    But the graces i have received, especially when I first started are unfathomable, I started to hear Gods voice more clearly, I started to enter deeper levels of prayer, I started to see dreams, I started to get deep conviction of sins and go for confessions more regularly, love of God, love of Mary, Love of the Eucharist, love of the church, significantly increased.
    In fact, I count it a privilege to be called by God to be a soldier of Mary, also I used to struggle with sexual sin, now that is a thing of the past. I am not even one bit afraid of the devil (all his temptations and oppressions) because i know that my mother crushes his head every time. No one can convince me to leave the church ever, and no one can take away the rosary from me.
    if you are reading this and wondering if you should start praying the rosary of start saying more rosaries in a day, this is your sign, especially if you struggle with sexual sin, or any type of addiction, then this is definitely your sign. it worked for me, it worked for the saint and million other Christians out there, it would definitely work for you, but most importantly it will bring you closer to God
    THANK YOU FOR YOUR VIDEOS, THEY ARE ALWAYS AMAZING!!!, I only ask that you sometimes add videos on ways to pray the rosary better and fight out distractions, and meditate better, thank you, I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS

  • @FrMaximilianMaryDean
    @FrMaximilianMaryDean Рік тому +24

    Fr. Josemaria, F.I.!!! - Great reflection. Blessings to you and the community in Mary's Most Pure and Immaculate Heart...

  • @namutebiirene1332
    @namutebiirene1332 23 дні тому

    The Rosary is so soothing, and Mother Mary is always there. Thank you Father for reminding us how praying the Rosary is so important in our spiritual life.

  • @blueknight5754
    @blueknight5754 Рік тому +24

    This is so to the point that it’s beauty cannot be ignored! 📿🙏

  • @grespinosa
    @grespinosa Рік тому +18

    This video is so timely, I was praying the entire rosary without issue and then it seemed that life got in the way. Thankfully still have the opportunity to get back to it!!❣️🙏

  • @manorama12
    @manorama12 Рік тому +15

    I started praying the rosary every day after watching ur videos and gradually increased to praying all 4 mysteries. Sadly, I'm struggling to praying my rosary nowadays. Still, I want to share the miracle I rcvd when I was praying the 4 mysteries and still am continuing to rcv God's grace even now - I was suffering from impure thoughts and was haunted by such thoughts (awake/asleep). Earlier I used to entertain such thoughts. This made me miserable, as I used to feel terrible after. I think my GA and Holy Spirit urged me find a way to get away from this vicious cycle. I knew this was sinful and desperately wanted to get away from such thoughts. In my search, I used to look for spiritual videos and articles. I came across ur videos and I liked it. You said abt praying all 4 mysteries every day. I gave it a try and without even realising, I was freed of all the impure thoughts I used to get. By God's grace, I am not even tempted to look at impure materials. All praise be to GOD. I am extremely sad though, I am unable to spend any time in prayer now, let alone pray the rosary. I am going through a very bad phase of no prayer at all. Pls pray for me I can overcome this temptation of laziness. All praise be to GOD 🙏🏼 Amen Amen Amen

    • @gabiafterhours
      @gabiafterhours  Рік тому +6

      Praying for you. May Our Lady wrap you in her mantle.

    • @cindsvj717
      @cindsvj717 10 місяців тому

      When my spiritual life is low I say 1 Hail Mary a day.

    • @dilasmiracle
      @dilasmiracle 5 місяців тому

      May our Lord be with you help you and free you❤✝️🙏

  • @goldie862
    @goldie862 8 днів тому

    I've been praying the five decades daily. I can strive for the 25.

  • @SD-fk8bt
    @SD-fk8bt Рік тому +5

    This is so very true Father. I pray the Rosary in my mind (without the beads) on my way to work everyday ever since i was twenty years old. When I woke up from a coma after thirteen days because of a brain haemorage, unaware of what had happened to me, the first thing I asked the ICU nurse was what the time was and she said it was 7.30 am, and I promptly started saying the Rosary in my mind. Mother Mary is always there. She is our advocate in heaven.

  • @michaelcummings8744
    @michaelcummings8744 Місяць тому +1

    Please offer Masses for Our Ladie's intentions... 🙏❤‍🔥✝

  • @rosemars9296
    @rosemars9296 Рік тому +11

    Thanks Gabe, I was going to start reading Secret of the Rosary today (Friday) after watching your other video, then I learnt it was St. Louis de Montfort's feast day, then I saw this. No coincidences, all providence, glory to God in the highest!

    • @margaritakleinman5701
      @margaritakleinman5701 Рік тому +2

      I have that book, but never read the whole book. Maybe I need to!

    • @margaritakleinman5701
      @margaritakleinman5701 Рік тому +2

      Oh and for sure, no coincidences! Especially when it comes to the things of God!

  • @anthonychilaka
    @anthonychilaka Рік тому +6

    thank you for this reminder.
    I started saying 5decades when I drive me kids to school and 5decades when we head home and another 5 with my wife and kids in the evening. It pays to have a constant devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians.
    Happy feast day of St. Louis de Montfort. May Our Lady be more known the world over. Amen!

  • @caribaez5711
    @caribaez5711 Рік тому +12

    Wow! I want to pray the rosary 📿

  • @davischase2546
    @davischase2546 2 місяці тому +1

    Excellent Father!!!!!!!

  • @cissystellampiima2128
    @cissystellampiima2128 Рік тому +9

    Thank you very much Father for this beautiful message on the Holy Rosary of Mary. We pray for the grace to pray it everyday.

  • @MariaMater
    @MariaMater Рік тому +5

    She draws us into her heart, and these Friars are her instruments. Thank you, Lord, for access to their Hermitage.

  • @flower5396
    @flower5396 Рік тому +3

    Please pray for me so that I won't lose faith. Praying the rosary has become difficult even praying the Chaplet of Devine Mercy has become difficult. Mother Mary please pray for me.

  • @JWilkins-lo3gg
    @JWilkins-lo3gg Рік тому +5

    Great testimony. St Louie Marie de Monfort is a giant of a Saint. We are blessed to have access to his works; reading them really fan the flames of love we have for the Blessed Mother and we savor our rosaries all the more! (Same for St. Alphonsus Liguri and the Glories of Mary)

  • @belencarabez6990
    @belencarabez6990 Рік тому +6

    Another great video Gabe. I was sad that I missed his talks

  • @herbertkizito6992
    @herbertkizito6992 Рік тому +5

    Indeed. All the 4 mysteries of the Rosary

  • @CH-Wisdom
    @CH-Wisdom Рік тому +1

    Immaculate Mary, our hearts ate on fire!

  • @francisfischer7620
    @francisfischer7620 11 місяців тому

    Father! Your beautiful enthusiasm is utterly infectious!! Bless you!!

  • @milagrosamistoso5650
    @milagrosamistoso5650 Рік тому +1

    Bless you father,May the Lord bless you and keep you. Thanks for sharing.vancouver❤

  • @margaritakleinman5701
    @margaritakleinman5701 Рік тому +2

    Beautiful video, really enjoyed it. It inspired me to be more faithful and consistent with my daily rosary, even though right now I've only been praying the 5 decades. I always feel so much more calm and peaceful when I pray my rosary! And maybe one day I'll get to praying the 4 rosaries daily. But I also pray the St. Michael chaplet daily, and trying to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet more often. All very powerful prayers! As St. Teresa of Calcutta said, "more prayer, more power; less prayer, less power; no prayer, no power". It's true!

  • @avemaria4063
    @avemaria4063 Рік тому +2

    This was so beautiful! Thank you, I subbed.🙏🙏

  • @7Beave
    @7Beave Рік тому

    Hello father I'm also a Filipino living here in Japan. Kudos.. Holy Rosary is our weapon against darkness nailed it 🙏🏻

  • @therese_paula
    @therese_paula Рік тому +1

    My Immaculate Mother, help me in my sinfulness 🙏🙏🙏

  • @piaheartsjmj1708
    @piaheartsjmj1708 Рік тому +1

    he is Filipino.. 🙏🏼🇵🇭
    Mama Mary, make more Filipino priests too🙏🏼
    I really admire how this ministry/community doing their contents and mission.. i was truly inspired by Gabiafterhours after watching his video many years ago at his WYD talk.. and it was about ROSARY.. his talk really pulling me back to always have devotion to rosary...
    Gabriel, we pray for you and you team.. and please continue do a lot of videos that reaching more millennials too.. (actually your videos are really can catch catholic millennials) We need the young ones to love the Rosary of Our Lady.. 🙏🏼💕

  • @soniaganatra4431
    @soniaganatra4431 Рік тому

    Thank you dear Fr..I do pray rosary but have never been able to pray the full Rosary. Now I will try my best.

  • @jakubratajczak9269
    @jakubratajczak9269 Рік тому +9

    Can I share something? This kind of thinking led me away from God. I've struggled with rosary, ever since coming back to the Catholic Church in november last year. I've felt extremely guilty, because Mother Mary was the one who brought me back, whom I called upon from the depths of depression. But I just couldn't go through one rosary daily (now I do, thanks to Hollow app). But hearing about people doing four...
    And don't get me wrong. It's wonderful that it works for you. It's amazing to hear all these testimonies and I'm 100% sure Our Lady is working amazingly in your lives. But... there is something... "boasty" about it, especially if someone is struggling with such devotions. I get your intentions - it works for you, so you want to share this with others and help them. But sometimes it's just not helping. I'm not even sure what I'm pointing finger here at.
    But my general advice is, and it helped me... find your own devotions. Do not get discouraged listening to these beautiful testimonies. If you struggle and have lesser fruits, it does not mean God, Jesus or Mary loves you less. Sure, you can find your way into rosary, but maybe chaplet of the Divine Mercy is your thing? It is mine, for sure. And yes, I pray rosary, by listening and following beads, meditating on the Scriptures in light of the mysteries. But I still would struggle doing it on my own. Anyway, I hope it does not offend anyone. God bless!

  • @thomasj.fulnecky4547
    @thomasj.fulnecky4547 Рік тому

    Ave Maria!
    Dear Fr. Josa Maria. I live in Thailand with my Wife Kael my step Daughter Theresa. You're video truly touched me. I am very blessed to have Archbishop Anthony as well as many Priests as my friends. Here in Thailand. After I viewing your Totally Awesome Video, I sent it to all of my Priest Friends. Some of them immediacy responded back to me. Saying ("Thank you for your shearing that is a wonderful") Fr. Dominic who is studying in Rome learning how to speak the Italian language.
    Fr. Matthew says
    (" I appreciate him.")
    In my comments to my Priest Friends I said.
    ("This is Father Jose Maria he's such a wonderful priest he was in my group when I was a brother he came in he was only 18 years old and then he went to Italy to become a priest and look at him now he's such a wonderful priest and such a wonderful inspiration to everyone.
    That you Father Jose Maria! For Being such a wonderful inspiration to everyone.
    God Bless you

  • @admarie2837
    @admarie2837 Рік тому +1

    Ave Maria! Thank you, Fr. Josemaria! (And Gabi of course)

  • @prayingtherosaryJM
    @prayingtherosaryJM Рік тому

    Thank you God for the Abundance life that you have given in my every days life. I always pray for everybody to give thanks for this beautiful Life God gave us. Lord is my Shepherd and my Breath Who gave me Wisdom to continue on Loving Him and follow His Steps to Heaven. Amen💟💟

  • @RSA-zv9hd
    @RSA-zv9hd Рік тому +2

    I found that book at a local library for free and I took it and read it. It’s one of my favorite books

    • @RSA-zv9hd
      @RSA-zv9hd Рік тому

      It was the secret of the rosary and I never knew of how powerful the rosary truly is and effective it.

    • @brunovbc
      @brunovbc Рік тому +2

      @@RSA-zv9hd books like this deserved to be printed with better material and hard cover.

    • @RSA-zv9hd
      @RSA-zv9hd Рік тому

      @@brunovbc ditto

  • @thclaramel5067
    @thclaramel5067 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Gabi.... Thank you Padre Jose for your explanation details... Rosary does has power to make me more closely to God and Mother Mary.... God bless you both!🙏

  • @heartofpuregold
    @heartofpuregold Рік тому +1

    Beautiful mama mary thank you

  • @ID_No_113xxxxx
    @ID_No_113xxxxx Рік тому

    Filipina here, cradle Catholic, too. God bless you, Father.

  • @leoniea138
    @leoniea138 5 місяців тому

    The blessed mother is so powerful ...i love Our Lady ❤

  • @Godisgood414
    @Godisgood414 Рік тому +4

    Thank you

  • @luisgerardoluevanosmedina433
    @luisgerardoluevanosmedina433 Рік тому +1


  • @Rugbylacroose4life
    @Rugbylacroose4life 10 місяців тому

    God Bless you Fr, God Bless you Gabi, thank you both.

  • @sonusancti
    @sonusancti 6 місяців тому

    Maraming salamat padre sa inyong mahalagang turo.
    Ad Jesum per Maria! Ave Maria!

  • @Charlie-xs9kb
    @Charlie-xs9kb 10 місяців тому

    This was so good, and beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  • @jairousgaspar142
    @jairousgaspar142 Рік тому +1


  • @maresewalsh
    @maresewalsh Місяць тому +1

    Just to put it out there I wish I could do what you guys have suceeded in doing where I have failed. Right now my biggest struggle is scrolling and surfing all day, all night....a never end cycle and well though we complain about our vices we wouldn't do 'em if we didn't love 'em would we???

  • @mjblue84
    @mjblue84 Рік тому

    Thank you and God Bless!!! I LOVE the Rosary.

  • @Maislife
    @Maislife Рік тому

    The power of the Rosary. Thank you very much for this video.

  • @paullettemelliza3504
    @paullettemelliza3504 Рік тому

    Yes, Mama Mary is my refuge, in times of need that she may pray for me to our Lord Jesus Christ

  • @JackGleason543
    @JackGleason543 Рік тому +1

    I believe it works for some people. But not me. Everytime i pray the Rosary, bad luck comes my way. It's freaky.

  • @deluge848
    @deluge848 Рік тому

    I pray the traditional mysteries assigned to the day, the Saint Gertrude chaplet and Saint Michael chaplet, I try to do this daily, it's so awesome to be Catholic!

  • @sonusancti
    @sonusancti Рік тому +1

    The rosary is the most powerful untapped weapon in our spiritual arsenal. If you are a slave to sin, daily rosary will liberate you. All it takes is 15 minutes of prayer from the heart.

  • @vickytheodorides
    @vickytheodorides Рік тому +4

    Great video

  • @margaretkohsamy3404
    @margaretkohsamy3404 Рік тому

    🙏🏻 I tried my very best to pray my rosary daily and I’m always and easily get distracted, Orlando fell asleep pray for me. 🙏🏻 Thank you 🙏🏻 🌹🌹🌹

  • @DavidBassermann
    @DavidBassermann Рік тому +1

    Thank You!

  • @sebastianbolt7886
    @sebastianbolt7886 Рік тому +2

    Sacred Heart of Jesus. Emaculate heart of Mary. ❤️🌹

  • @ayrtonjohn2001
    @ayrtonjohn2001 10 місяців тому +1

    It has only been maybe 2 weeks in a half that i have been praying the 4 mysteries of the rosaries and it has been the best thing that I have ever done for my prayer life, apart from the devine mercy chaplet... both are extremely powerfull tools against evil...If you are reading this I urge you to try it, trust me you will not be disappointed... may Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior bless you all!

  • @lacedariel777
    @lacedariel777 Рік тому

    Please pray for the miracle healing of my Heart teeth gums eyes ears stomach lungs and all the organs and parts of my body mind spirit 🙏

  • @ACS888
    @ACS888 6 місяців тому

    Thank you for sharing inspiring me with the rosary

  • @gigiziggy2006
    @gigiziggy2006 4 місяці тому

    I cannot live my life without praying daily the holy rosary. Thank you Jesus, Mary & Joseph and all of God’s angels & saints😇🙏❤️✝️🕊️

  • @OurLadyshandsofMercy
    @OurLadyshandsofMercy Рік тому +6

    Amen ❤

  • @brendapeter446
    @brendapeter446 Рік тому

    Yes!! Excellent interview & pure truth!

  • @mariamartins5796
    @mariamartins5796 Рік тому +1

    I try to pray the ROSARY ,but i don't always do it,defenitly I will try to do better.

  • @OurLadysTheology
    @OurLadysTheology Рік тому

    Thanks Mr. Gabriel. This is a video I needed today. Viva Cristo Rey!

  • @josephlaidaban4063
    @josephlaidaban4063 Рік тому +1

    I love to pray pray holy rosary 🙏♥️🙏😇🙏♥️🙏

  • @merynco
    @merynco 4 місяці тому

    My 25 decades m a day, 20 decades for one intention the other 5 for love and peace for mankind.
    Find there are times it’s hard to begin but once in the grove it’s easy.

  • @miriampasetes1499
    @miriampasetes1499 Рік тому

    DEAR JESUS please keep in YOUR Embrace all who are devotees of the Holy Rosary of Mama Mary include me and my family members. Thank YOU.

  • @avemaria3896
    @avemaria3896 10 місяців тому

    God bless you for this!

  • @dominicl.sanchez1833
    @dominicl.sanchez1833 Місяць тому


  • @delnageorge2516
    @delnageorge2516 Рік тому +1

    Amen 🌼 Ave Maria ✨

  • @luckyluckymexo
    @luckyluckymexo Рік тому

    Ah a fellow Filipino like me 🇵🇭🤍 Thank you for this information.

  • @SuperVinccent
    @SuperVinccent Рік тому +2

    Before we start there Rosary it is good to wear the Green Scapular. It will help us to have compunction. Later we can wear Brown Scapular. How did the Rosary change me in less two months.
    Mama was a excellent role model
    Desire for BVM's help
    Reflect on the mysteries of the Rosary
    with gratitude
    Pray at a moderate pace
    Five decades in the morning
    The rest in the evening or which ever ever way is convenient. Regular Confession and Mass receive the Eucharist. Making the Sign of the Cross
    with devotion.
    Books Bishop Sheen's Life of Christ
    Sr. Mary of Agreda's abridged
    Mystical City of God
    St.Thérèse's Story of a soul
    are good books to read
    I have been praying the Rosay for decades
    Temptations don't go away
    We have to be on guard 24/7
    The evil one never get tired, frustrated or
    gives up. The beauty of the Rosary is sensing
    her gentle reminder s like the Fatima message
    Prayer Sacrifice pray for the Pope
    Dress Modestly and lead moral lives
    The sin that leads most souls to hell
    given to little Jacinta are sins of the flesh.

  • @berenicesenra4988
    @berenicesenra4988 8 місяців тому

    Amazing! 💙🙏

  • @kellyismyname777
    @kellyismyname777 Рік тому +3

    So the mom and son crush the head of the "snake"?
    This is very interesting to me...I would love to know more about this...
    Thank you very much for this information.
    I am not Catholic, but I am learning more about my dear brothers and sisters in different denominations! My mom was raised Catholic, but sadly, she was not a really firm believer...just going through the motions so to speak...and this is right across the spread of denominations really...and unfortunately. So its nice to encounter and encourage thise who do share Christ Yeshua and His Values...as we partake in Him here and will in Glory Forever After! Amen and Amen...
    Anyone can respond and I greatly appreciate any responses at all, regarding my interest of what I spoke of earlier here. The more I can understand, the better...please and thank you, because Genesis 3:15 pertains to my personal testimony...again thank you in advance.
    God bless you and if I never meet you here, I will in His House! Amen and Amen 🙏🏼!

    • @desireeyalejandro4470
      @desireeyalejandro4470 Рік тому

      I recommend you to read the book The glories of Mary and you will understand everything. Also I recommend you to investigate the history of Europe when all european countries were catholic. You have to be careful as many lies are told.

    • @alfray1072
      @alfray1072 Рік тому

      Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, The woman of Revelation, the NT Gebirah, and the Daughter of Zion that is why we pray for her intercession and protection, she leads you to the real Jesus of the Trinity. Praying to saints is instructed by the apostles (1 TIM 2:1; EPH 6:18); REV 5, 6, 8 because Saints are alive in heaven, they are the clouds of witnesses (HEB 12). Saints and angels intercede for us in heaven even offering prayers in golden bowls cleansed by incense to the throne of God (REV 5, 6, 8). Sola scriptura is a false doctrine, listen to church teachings, not to your prosperity gospel preachers.
      SUPPLICATION (DEFINITION) - The action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.
      EPHESIANS 6:18 Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,
      ROMANS 16:6 Salute Mary, who hath laboured much among you.
      Pray means polite request, earnest request, entreaty, petition not worship.
      Saints and angels in heaven interceding for us in REVELATION 4, 5, 6, 8.
      "Mediator" is Christ alone in one sense. As intercessors all members are " mediators". according to Catholicism and Scripture:
      1- The Church is the body of Christ
      2- There is only one body of Christ, not one on earth and another one in heaven.
      3- Death does not separate the members of the body.
      4- Christians are bound by the Law of Christ to love and pray for one another.

  • @JoeyLario-t7h
    @JoeyLario-t7h 4 місяці тому


  • @mathurm100
    @mathurm100 Рік тому +2

    I hadn't been to confession in well over 20 years and was utterly terrified of it, so i just held on to my sin, came under diabolical attack, and felt hopeless and doomed. i started praying the 4 rosaries a day - i was already trying to do 1 a day and do the little office. mary said "nuh-uh... do 4" so i did 4. with a few weeks the demon making me afraid of confession had left me alone (along with a few others) and Mary told me to go and filled me with an obsession that would not leave me until i went. so i did. now i have such peace and less desire to sin and am about to start the first 5 saturdays. - its like... if you want a miracle in your life.... Do THIS!!!. just amazing the love and grace that have come from doing it.

    • @avemaria4063
      @avemaria4063 Рік тому +1

      Someone once said two things could happen once you started praying the rosary daily, either you will stop committing mortal sins or you will stop saying the rosary. I'm so happy for you that you chose well!

    • @mathurm100
      @mathurm100 Рік тому +1

      @@avemaria4063 I think what amazes me
      The most about being in a state of grace is how the needling by demons stop. It was actually pretty loud with random thoughts that were not my own - and I could pick some of them out easily. But I didn’t realize how many there actually were trying to get a piece. I even had one tell me in a dream that when I get to hell they’d have their way with me and then punched me awake.

    • @avemaria4063
      @avemaria4063 Рік тому +1

      @@mathurm100 they live off fear. They LIE. Just remember how many times we are told "fear not!" In the Bible. One guardian angel is way stronger than Satan himself. And he's certainly no match for Our Lady.

  • @JoeyLario-t7h
    @JoeyLario-t7h 10 місяців тому

    Pray That I Will Pray The Rosary The Divine Mercy Prayer To St Michael Memorare To St Joseph Poor Souls In Purgatory That Blessings Will Come Upon My Property Belongings Life Health

  • @leoniea138
    @leoniea138 5 місяців тому

    Beautiful video

  • @sheiladumigan451
    @sheiladumigan451 5 місяців тому

    Jesus Jesus Jesus 🙏❤️

  • @fransiskusjeremy4783
    @fransiskusjeremy4783 Рік тому +2


  • @sharonmartinez2988
    @sharonmartinez2988 11 місяців тому

    I was born a Catholic; I did everything the church taught me, after reading the Bible it is my understanding that we should pray to no one else but ALMIGHTY GOD. JESUS is seated at the right hand interceding for us at all times...HE said to come before the THRONE OF GRACE TO FIND MERCY AND GRACE. JESUS CHRIST DELIVERED US FROM SIN.

    • @lp28487
      @lp28487 8 місяців тому +2

      We don’t pray to Mary as if she was a god, we petition her to intercede for us, and who better than the mother of our Lord? The rosary walks us through the life of our lord Jesus. And, yes, I read the Bible as well.

  • @catholicarrows
    @catholicarrows 8 місяців тому

    God bless you. Her name is Claire Forde

  • @SuperSaiyanScandinavian
    @SuperSaiyanScandinavian 5 місяців тому

    Is it true that I can skip the introductory prayers if i continue on to more than one mystery? for a while i was doing 3 rosaries a day, but fell off. i finally got back into a routine of doing on rosary a day, but i'd like to improve on that since not only bingeing your content, but watching a Frater Giovanni interviews that really moved me. i'd like to do all 4 mysteries, and if it isn't considered cheating to omit the 1 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary's, and 1 Glory Be at the beginning after doing the first mystery, then i think that would help. i know that intro doesn't take a long time, but times that by 4, and it starts reaching territory where my sinful nature wants to procrastinate doing the rosary, to the point that i may not give myself the time to even do it.

  • @adelbertleblanc1846
    @adelbertleblanc1846 11 місяців тому

    A Christian grounds his life on FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY.

  • @tinycheemsdog7005
    @tinycheemsdog7005 Рік тому +1


  • @markantonelli53
    @markantonelli53 Рік тому +3

    Part of me wants to pray the rosary, but it seems like I’m just regurgitating the basic prayers that I was taught as a child. I fear that it won’t have the intended effect if I don’t feel anything as a result of doing it

    • @StringofPearls55
      @StringofPearls55 Рік тому +2

      Are you focusing on the Mysteries? Try a scripural rosary. Read a line of scripture from whatever mystery you're focused on, say The Annunciation, then say a Hail Mary. It drastically improved my rosay. It's like your mind gets lost in the mystery. Hope that helps.

    • @markantonelli53
      @markantonelli53 Рік тому +2

      @@StringofPearls55 Maybe it’s because my knowledge and understanding of the Bible is so lacking, but I wouldn’t even know where to begin to look for scripture passages that are related to the various mysteries of the rosary. I mean, I went to Catholic school my entire life, but I clearly wasn’t paying attention given my lack of knowledge regarding the Bible

    • @markantonelli53
      @markantonelli53 Рік тому

      @@FrMaximilianMaryDean could you clarify what you mean when you say “Fidelity, not feelings”?

    • @emb5091
      @emb5091 Рік тому +3

      As for the having the "intended effect", just attempting the rosary is great and can bring you Graces. There are a lot of great tips on praying the rosary on this channel. Watch them because they will help. They have helped me to start praying 1 rosary a day, which use to be difficult for me before...now I enjoy doing it. I'm working my way to 4 rosaries per day like he do discusses in this video. God bless you!

    • @markantonelli53
      @markantonelli53 Рік тому +1

      @@emb5091 it seems really dry and like nobody is listening when I go through it. Like I’m just going through the motions

  • @DavidRodriguez-cm2qg
    @DavidRodriguez-cm2qg Рік тому

    Where can I learn more about the ascetical and mystical life and the stages of prayer?
    This Information sounds important.

  • @gbluesrocker
    @gbluesrocker Рік тому +1

    Where in the Bible did Jesus teach us the rosary?

  • @Mystblueangel
    @Mystblueangel Рік тому

    Thumbs up just for the title ✝️🩸📿

  • @lalalalala9054
    @lalalalala9054 Рік тому

    I entered the formation as an aspirant to the lay carmelite community and was introduced to Brigittine (6decade) rosary. Now I dont know which format should I pray, the brigittine or the dominican (5 decade). 😅 someone share a light.