Fake Catholics

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • In this homily, Fr. Joseph Morgan, CPM, preaches on the parable of the weeds and the wheat for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A). Thank you for your viewership and may God bless you all!
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    The Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy, which was founded in 1808, originally under the title of “The Missionaries of France (SPM)”. The community was founded for the purpose of re-evangelizing the people of France after the Catholic Faith had been subjected to years of attacks and persecution during the French Revolution. It is now exclusively an American community. The Generalate of the Congregation is located in Auburn, Kentucky. The primary apostolate of the Fathers of Mercy is to conduct parish missions and retreats throughout the United States and other countries when called upon. The Congregation also staffs rural parishes in the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky.

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,2 тис.

  • @brendonpremkumar8207
    @brendonpremkumar8207 Рік тому +1509

    I'm a Protestant who is seriously considering entering full communion with the Catholic Church. This was a wonderful homily.

    • @epicmeow7688
      @epicmeow7688 Рік тому +199

      I am a new convert to Catholicism after a lifetime of being "just Christian". It is the best decision I ever made for myself! Praying for you

    • @kevinquinn1993
      @kevinquinn1993 Рік тому +73


    • @sheilasmyth5874
      @sheilasmyth5874 Рік тому +88

      Praying for you. The retirement benefits are out of this world! God bless yoh

    • @aracelia.4532
      @aracelia.4532 Рік тому +77

      Come on over! We've been saving you a spot.

    • @josephjohn3857
      @josephjohn3857 Рік тому +57

      God bless you! Praying for you! It's the church Jesus created. There is real healing in the sacraments.

  • @GoinDownhill361
    @GoinDownhill361 Рік тому +115

    A great sermon. There were moments when this priest's talk reminded me of Ven. Fulton Sheen's homilies. We're going to be judged by what we did, not by what we say we did. God bless him.

  • @yorkiem0m
    @yorkiem0m Рік тому +54

    When I told my daughter I was converting from Methodist to Catholic (I was 56), she said "are you sure mom, its really hard"(her dad is Catholic and took her to Mass every week). I told her that God called me so I must convert - BEST DECISION I EVER MADE - what I used to call "silly rules" of Catholicism, now are life saving Blessings. I don't think I'd have made it through some tough times had I not had the Sacraments I have now. Confession and daily Eucharist are life changing.

    • @thet1375
      @thet1375 Рік тому +5

      Welcome home. The greatest gift God has given us is the Eucharist.

    • @sadie4538
      @sadie4538 Рік тому +3

      Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your story. God bless.

    • @PropertyoftheGraveRobber
      @PropertyoftheGraveRobber Рік тому +1

      Jesus Christ is what gets us through tough times.
      “But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”
      ‭‭1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬ ‭ESV‬‬
      Confessional does nothing for your relationship with God the Father.

    • @yorkiem0m
      @yorkiem0m Рік тому +2

      @@PropertyoftheGraveRobber and that is who we confess to, Jesus Christ. God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit... All the same, three in one, the Trinity

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF Рік тому

      Did you know priests attack children regularly and the Church allows it?

  • @cliffbarber1642
    @cliffbarber1642 Рік тому +25

    Wonderfully direct. More priests should preach with the candour and courage of this priest. Thank you Father. I am certainly trying to be a better Catholic all the time particularly through more prayer, Eucharist, Confession and reading of the Bible.

  • @marie91999
    @marie91999 Рік тому +1054

    'You're not going to get into the gates of heaven by flashing a Catholic ID Card'. This sums it up. We need more homilies like this that speak the truth

    • @archbishoprichardforceginn9338
      @archbishoprichardforceginn9338 Рік тому +4

      Right On Cuzinz 🌠🔥✋️🧙‍♂️

    • @Call_Upon_YAH
      @Call_Upon_YAH Рік тому +11

      They with ears to hear, let them hear:
      Through the Holy Spirit, God has put it on me to preach to those lost in the devil's deceit!
      Hear me when I say, ye that are Catholic have been deceived and know not God. Ye worship Mary, praying to her; when God tells his to worship none other than him. It is idolatry.
      Catholicism has its own Bible and teachings, which are blasphemous to the word of God: the Holy Bible. As ye follow the teachings of man and not God; ye hear the pope, but not Jesus, yet ye claim to be his disciples!
      These are but a few things I named ye dwell within; there are many more. I tell you now to repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and you'll receive the gift of the Holy Spirit upon asking the Father!
      There are *NO* sub-divisions of Christianity. You're either a disciple of Christ or not. A Christian is someone who follows God's word, not a religion. Who obey the Father and follow his will; not man's nor their own heart's. Unless you keep Jesus' commandments, think not the Holy Spirit will dwell within you!
      They who heed this message and did what was stated with an open heart to God...
      Read the Holy Bible (KJV) daily and every time before you read, pray to the Father and ask:
      "Lord I ask that you give me understanding of your word, that I interpret it the way you want me to, and none of my own. I ask you in Jesus' name, amen."
      Revelation 22:8-9 KJV
      8 And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.
      9 Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.
      Acts 2:38 KJV
      38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
      Luke 11:13 KJV
      13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
      John 14:21-24 KJV
      21 *He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.*
      22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?
      23 Jesus answered and said unto him, *If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.*
      24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and *the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.*
      3 John 1:11 KJV
      11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. *He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.*
      1 John 3:6-10 KJV
      6 *Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.*
      7 Little children, let no man deceive you: *he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.*
      8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
      9 *Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.*
      10 *In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God,* neither he that loveth not his brother.

    • @vinceschenden7349
      @vinceschenden7349 Рік тому +54

      ​@@Call_Upon_YAHA. We don't WORSHIP Mary. We venerate her.
      B. The Catholic Church is the ONLY Church founded by Christ. Period.
      C. I believe I've read your posts before. DON'T WRITE A BOOK!!! Brevity is the source of wit.

    • @jamesmonahan9408
      @jamesmonahan9408 Рік тому +19

      @@Call_Upon_YAH Leave if you don't like the message.

    • @BitontoAutos
      @BitontoAutos Рік тому +1

      @@Call_Upon_YAHprotestant lies!
      There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church! Repent and become Catholic before its too late!

  • @elizabethbreckenkamp8462
    @elizabethbreckenkamp8462 Рік тому +42

    Praise God for Father Joseph Morgan! This priest gave one of the absolute BEST SERMONS I have ever heard! He is 100% correct. I have to admit that I felt the Holy Spirit convicting me as I was listening. Every single one of us MUST humble ourselves before the Lord and admit we are sinners and in desperate need of His Son's death and resurrection to save us, and let Him transform us into truly authentic Catholics who live our faith day after day. There is NO OTHER WAY to the Kingdom of God but through Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself said this in the Gospel of John 14:6, "I AM the way, the truth, the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me." Notice Jesus did NOT say, "I AM a way, a truth, a life ..." No. He said, "I AM THE way, THE truth, THE life ..." That is so very specific! You can't even try to argue about what He meant. It can't be any clearer than that!

    • @brianruane8505
      @brianruane8505 Рік тому

      Its completely clear that you have an overwhelming desire to be subjugated, to be beaten into the ground like a slave and then abused for a (so called) "original sin" that you had nothing to do with....what a miserable fool you are......

    • @lufhopespeacefully2037
      @lufhopespeacefully2037 Рік тому

      Why does the Trinity not appear in the Bible?peace,,

  • @lakers0224
    @lakers0224 Рік тому +33

    So nice to hear the truth ! I have adult children who are no longer going to church and I tell them these things but they just aren't ready to hear it... Thank you for validating truth Father !

    • @brianruane8505
      @brianruane8505 Рік тому

      .....then your children are to be congratulated for their intelligence and facing up to reality - they have escaped from the utter nonsense of religion and its hate filled dictats!!! There is nothing worse than the catholic religion, both historically and contemporaneeously........

  • @velocirapture89
    @velocirapture89 Рік тому +14

    I'm a member of a different religion but I love hard-hitting talks like this. So uncommon today and yet so refreshing. Just tell me as it is, I can decide what to do with that information myself.

  • @francoiseweisshardt9928
    @francoiseweisshardt9928 Рік тому +3

    Amazing homily , I am a Catholic who strives to live the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ , am a repentant sinner who asks forgiveness and mercy on my soul . God bless you father for telling us the truth .🙏

  • @vivianbunch1963
    @vivianbunch1963 Рік тому +7

    Thank you for speaking truth with boldness and clear instruction.

  • @Guilhermebsh
    @Guilhermebsh Рік тому +11

    From Brazil... great sermon!! This is what we (catholics) stand for!

  • @thewishingacrewithteresawo9380
    @thewishingacrewithteresawo9380 Рік тому +25

    Thank you Father Morgan for speaking the truth in love to us today. We all are in need of a little self-examination and a lot more practicing of our faith.
    Many blessings to all you brave and bold priests who also are being true shepherds to their flocks.

    • @LAFITZ10
      @LAFITZ10 Рік тому

      no greater deceivers among us than MEN who steal our Father's Hallowed Name robbing others Of DIVINE INTIMACY - ONE Name for ONE God we cry out w/JESUS: "Father! Help us!" & NO we don't mean Catholic Priests/Pedophiles/Rapists in Frocks worshipping SIN that 2Cor5:21 Tells us "JESUS BECAME" instead Of FOLLOW JESUS ALONE & Hear John4:24 "God Is SPIRIT (Invisible Image - Colossians 1:15) & MUST be worshipped In Spirit & Truth" - John 4:24 - Catholics IGNORE God & follow MEN who take God's Hallowed Name & worship the SIN/Flesh/Dust that "JesusBecame"- 2Cor5:21 instead Of worship as Jesus Tells us HE "MUST BE WORSHIPPED IN SPIRIT & TRUTH" yet Catholics follow men who choose 2worship a PERISHABLE piece of BAKED bread out of ovens even though JESUS Tells us that He IS IMPERISHABLE LIVING Bread Out Of HEAVEN - NOT ovens! Acts 17:24 - "God Is NOT Found In earthen vessels" - THIS GUYS' CONDEMANTION OF OTHERS REALLY SUCKS! - so much for listening to Jesus Who Tells us to GET THE LOG out of our own eye first! - his JUDGING & CONDEMNING others by pointing a finger is SICKENING to the Spirit Of God Who Is LOVE & JUDGES NOT NOR CONDEMNS OTHERS. our Father CORRECTS! not condemns like this BROTHER stealing our Father's Hallowed Name & worshipping the SIN that Jesus Became.

    • @thewishingacrewithteresawo9380
      @thewishingacrewithteresawo9380 Рік тому +1

      @@LAFITZ10 Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I’m always very curious what people who scoff at us disillusioned Catholics do when you stumble across John 6:48-64 which clearly teaches that His flesh is true flesh, not some symbolic bread? In verse 56 Jesus indeed says unapologetically that he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him, concluding in verse 57, “so he who eats me will live because of me.” Continue in verse 61 Jesus says, “Do you take offense at this? Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending where he was before? It is the spirit that gives life , the flesh is of no avail;the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But there are some of you that do not believe.” I’m also wondering if you finished listening to this homily to the end where Father Morgan says to start thy judgment with thyself first. I pray these words will bring blessing to you. God be with you.

    • @LAFITZ10
      @LAFITZ10 Рік тому

      @@thewishingacrewithteresawo9380 yes YOU QUOTE WELL & LISTEN TO MEN WELL - try listening to HE YOU QUOTE & NOT men who lie out of pride & taught us ALL WELL! as 60yrs in our Catholic Faith I KNOW IT & i know our lies & i KNOW God's ONE TRuth because HE CALLS me to know It. - "His flesh is true flesh" - "TRUE" = GOD = THE ONLY "TRUE" OR "TRUTH" & GOD IS SPIRIT so "True Flesh" = Spiritual Flesh or GOD MADE SIN - 2Cor5:21 - "Listen to Him" - MARK 9:7 NOT men who steal God's HallowedName & worship SIn in flesh/Dust instead Of GOD IN SPIRIT & TRUTH = JOHN4:24

  • @corinnehumeniuk5111
    @corinnehumeniuk5111 Рік тому +30

    Truly one of the best homily’s I have ever heard. Thank you Father 🙏🏻

  • @teresahuston6650
    @teresahuston6650 Рік тому +33

    Great sermon. It is a struggle. Especially being around family who no longer practice the faith. I am trying to be caring and loving while still distancing myself from conversations that may be harmful to my soul.

    • @mariannemarek6683
      @mariannemarek6683 Рік тому +4

      Theresa your family will be the stars in your crown in heaven. Being an example of the love and mercy of Jesus will show them true Catholism. TRUST (Total Reliance Upon Saving Truth) Jesus I Trust in You.

  • @alonejustfine
    @alonejustfine Рік тому +1

    I always go back to this homily and what struck me most is "do not allow the people around you who do not practice thier Catholic faith as they shoud to draw you away from practicing your Catholic faith as you should". God bless you Fr. Joseph 🙏🙏🙏

  • @mazikode
    @mazikode Рік тому +17

    Thank you dear Father for your powerful homily.

  • @micook3204
    @micook3204 Рік тому +8


  • @gabeescoto6590
    @gabeescoto6590 Рік тому +1

    Father many times I skipped this sermon. But this morning I decided to listen to you. I thank you for this homily. I know several people in my community that are a poisonous weed. I am glad that took the time to listen to you. May my heavenly Father bless you always.

  • @UnOrthodox_Christian
    @UnOrthodox_Christian Рік тому +2

    What a convicting homily. I’ve been living as a weed. Catholic mostly in appearance only. Very uncharitable, judge mental of those who don’t take their faith seriously, and using contraception. I needed to hear this.

  • @johntancik9697
    @johntancik9697 Рік тому +19

    Wow Fr. Joseph! Great homily! I grew up on a small farm here in Colorado in the late 60's and early 70's so I am familiar with the working of the soil before and after crops were sewn. Love these parables and your talk on them!

  • @thclaramel5067
    @thclaramel5067 Рік тому +6

    Very clear definition and great reminder...Gracias, Gbu..🙏

  • @cliffordlobo123
    @cliffordlobo123 7 місяців тому

    What a preaching!!! I do listen to so many talks and retreats, but this was straight and direct to the point. Thank you Father for your enlightenment

  • @crane8124
    @crane8124 Рік тому +1

    I dont know how i can help my friends and family that struggle with this. Please pray for them so that they may grow🙏🏼

  • @jmclay4317
    @jmclay4317 Рік тому +8

    What a beautiful homily 🙏🙏Blessings to you Father and let’s pray for each other and more for our priests.🙏😇

  • @ElGancha
    @ElGancha Рік тому +8

    i can relate to this. i moved to a place where people at Church love to show off how Catholic and happy and pious they are, but seem to come very short in terms of humility, chastity and loving one's neighbor and helping the downtrodden. i think Catholic nominalism is on the rise as people become Catholic for the wrong reasons.

  • @bitesdadust
    @bitesdadust Рік тому +1

    Excellent expounding of Scripture Fr Joseph. Oh how I wish we had more good preaching (like this) throughout the Catholic church. God bless you Fr Joseph, from a brother priest in South Africa.

  • @elainemccormick5896
    @elainemccormick5896 Рік тому +6

    I have always been told by their fruits we shall know them. An incredible sermon. Thank you Father.

  • @ciaranclancy3296
    @ciaranclancy3296 Рік тому +3

    Thank you Fr Morgan for a Brilliant talk 😊 , I remember Fr Bill Casey giving a talk similar to yours and he talked about the BUT Catholics, God Bless you Fr Morgan 🙏 🇮🇪 ☘️

  • @teresamelvin1073
    @teresamelvin1073 Рік тому +5

    Beautiful homily Father Morgan .

  • @honey-feeney9800
    @honey-feeney9800 Рік тому +6

    Oh, my , God! this is one of the best homilies I’ve ever heard . Excellent

  • @hugos143
    @hugos143 Рік тому +1

    Salute you Fathe🙏r. You spoke with so much grace on quite a "sensitive topic" but made the points very clear.

  • @Shandalfritz
    @Shandalfritz 5 місяців тому

    This is the first time I get to understand clearly the teachings of the weed in spectacular teaching. Thank you Father. Pls pray for my family and I to live a better Catholic life for heaven. Regards from PNG 🇵🇬🙏❤️ Miss Sogen & family. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @captainquint25
    @captainquint25 Рік тому +10

    It would be difficult to find a more accurate and profound sermon appropriate for our day.

  • @sophiapatras3590
    @sophiapatras3590 Рік тому +3

    Wonderful sermon. God bless you father.

  • @basilmendonce4626
    @basilmendonce4626 11 місяців тому

    Absolutely absorbing sermon father. Simply loved your explanation.I have a lot to think about and change.God bless dedicated priests like you. A true blessing to everyone listening.

  • @keithsimar3450
    @keithsimar3450 Рік тому

    Beautiful Truth! Thank you, Father.

  • @johanneskazemi7657
    @johanneskazemi7657 Рік тому +1

    God bless You abundantly dear Father 🕯📿🙏🏻🕊❤️⛪️✝️

  • @andreeattieh2963
    @andreeattieh2963 Рік тому +3

    Great sermon not easy for me to forget it

  • @theresekirata2576
    @theresekirata2576 Рік тому

    I enjoy good homilies and this one of the best. Thank you father for the good lesson.

  • @JMeve
    @JMeve Рік тому

    Holy Mary grant me the grace to never fall away from God’s perfect will and never forget or stop doing what His teachings say.

  • @maycamilleri8308
    @maycamilleri8308 Рік тому +5

    Great Deliverance. Father thank you

  • @margiedekock2719
    @margiedekock2719 Рік тому +1

    Praise God Father for speaking truth for challenging and reminding everyone of what St.Paul spread revealing that Christ lived in Him.Jesus Christ is alive and as a Catholic i believe we need to protect the Most Holy Eucharist and Blessed Sacraments with our lives.May the Most precious Blood of Jesus Christ save us and the whole world.Jesus Christ died for us ....forgave us by this....lets not disapoint Him.He is truly Holy Pure and Divine...Thank you Father for your powerful Homily God bless and protect you His Priest. May we journey together walking beside our Lord...witnessing the Gospel to everyone we meet by living and being true disciples. ...JMJ intercede for us. ....

  • @seattlesix9953
    @seattlesix9953 Рік тому +1

    Went and looked at the Darnel and Wheat pics… they are virtually identical until harvesting. Found a site that sells Darnel seeds? People would have instantly known what the comparison meant then. Thanks for the much needed reminder

  • @hismajesty6272
    @hismajesty6272 Рік тому +2

    I’m a Protestant with close Catholic friends and this is exactly what I think. So many “Catholics” or more broadly, “Christians” use the name of Christ like a piece of jewelry, and it’s sickening.

  • @anne-marielear3338
    @anne-marielear3338 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for a very inspirational homily Father❤

  • @robertplunkett4737
    @robertplunkett4737 Рік тому

    Excellent Homily.
    Pointed, Direct, Clear, Encouraging to “ LIVE AS WHEAT”
    True actions holding all the Truth of our Lord - Savior / Savior - Lord’
    Church within daily living all around us this earth existence.
    Thank you.

  • @sonyaperez4160
    @sonyaperez4160 Рік тому

    Hope to hear more sermons like this that open the eyes of the blind. May God continúe to bless you with His wisdom and the Holy Spirit of God guide you to preach the truth of the word of God. Thanks 🙏🏻 father.

  • @ADM290
    @ADM290 Рік тому

    Woohoo! Love it, Fr. Joseph!

  • @9cats7
    @9cats7 Рік тому +1

    This is a great message and reminds me of the saying, "You don't leave Jesus because of Judas."

  • @stpaulphillip
    @stpaulphillip Рік тому

    Excellent homily. Great priest.

  • @miriammartinez6485
    @miriammartinez6485 Рік тому

    Thank you Father. May God protect and bless you always. May your love for Jesus grow each day. May Mary cover you with her mantle.

  • @jamesmonahan9408
    @jamesmonahan9408 Рік тому +2

    This is what a homily SHOULD be!!! Great homily Father Joseph!

  • @pattiissa9035
    @pattiissa9035 Рік тому

    Let’s hope that this Priest doesn’t get CANCELLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙏🏻😇😊💐🥰❤

  • @MM22272
    @MM22272 Рік тому +3

    Almost hard to believe that a Catholic priest would be speaking like this from the pulpit, since many largely ignore morality or anything specific about it in order to avoid offending anyone and receiving criticisms sent to their Bishops.

  • @v.g.r.l.4072
    @v.g.r.l.4072 Рік тому

    What a beautiful and insightful sermon. This young priest i s a holy man indeed.

  • @nicolotod
    @nicolotod Рік тому +1

    100% correct!!!!!!!

  • @jmdsservantofgod8405
    @jmdsservantofgod8405 Рік тому +1

    I’ve never picked a church based on one visit, one sermon!

  • @petergreen8477
    @petergreen8477 Рік тому +1

    I agree. However, there’s another dimension to the Parable of the Wheat and the Darnel: if we have to ask ourselves if we’re wheat or darnel, that means that it’s possible that the answer to that may not be obvious to us. After all, it’s been my experience of both myself and others that our shortcomings may not be apparent to us. Origen gives a very interesting slant to this in his commentary on this parable: not only are some individuals darnel rather than wheat, it’s also true that some opinions are darnel rather than wheat. In other words, we may find that our own hearts contain the darnel of wrong opinion. What is more, one of the problems of heresy (as opposed to infidelity) is that it can look very similar to orthodoxy.
    One other minor detail … There are some communities in England that describe weeds that look like wheat as “cheat” - as a result, there are those who refer to this parable as “The Parable of the Wheat and the Cheat”.

  • @perrybonney9090
    @perrybonney9090 Рік тому

    This video has been sitting on my feed for days, or more. I saw the title “Fake Catholics” and the thumbnail and erroneously concluded that the video was discussing fake Catholic clergy, not being familiar with this channel.
    It didn’t take too long to realize my mistake once I started watching.
    Insightful homily. Strikes a little too close to home.

  • @projecteucharist
    @projecteucharist Рік тому +1

    Please pray that i become a holy priest ❤

  • @chrisdaniels3929
    @chrisdaniels3929 Рік тому

    I found this was a good explanation.
    I noticed that this is a story set in a wheatfield.

  • @donthejewler74
    @donthejewler74 Рік тому

    i havent been to church in over 20 I am debating going back now.

  • @No-1.In.Particular
    @No-1.In.Particular Рік тому

    I’m an Orthodox Inquirer, but I do agree with what you say.

  • @vivl4862
    @vivl4862 Рік тому +2

    Excellent homily❤

  • @eddieve11
    @eddieve11 Рік тому

    Why can't ALL of our Priests and Bishops speak straight like this one? This is the WORD that nourishes us! God bless you Father!!

  • @kdmdlo
    @kdmdlo Рік тому

    I try to practice my faith ... but I fail regularly (and regularly go to confession). This homily makes me wonder how much I am like the wheat or the weeds.

  • @maxmiregwa6731
    @maxmiregwa6731 Рік тому

    Oh my goodness.. I'm so touched

  • @luisgerardoluevanosmedina433


  • @delin62
    @delin62 Рік тому +2

    I hope Biden, Pelosi, Durbin and all Catholics that voted for them watch this video and heed it's message.

    • @TheLeftRbabieskillers
      @TheLeftRbabieskillers Рік тому

      I hope you are perfect; not to negate your comment but we should live our lives as true Christians.

  • @deniselewis7663
    @deniselewis7663 Рік тому

    Christ in us arise and expell all the darkness! Please dont let us be weeds...

  • @DavidHughes-i8j
    @DavidHughes-i8j Рік тому +1

    Sounds like the Pharisees are alive and well.
    Hallelujah, hallelujah I say to you that we are all sinners who by the grace of God alone are redeemed through Christ!

    • @johns7530
      @johns7530 Рік тому

      I feel the same way. I grew up Catholic, and moved away from it b/c of the heaviness of what they preach. Catholic priests do indeed remind me of the Pharisees, indeed. I feel so much better listening to an uplifting pastor who seeks to uplift people, and bring a much more loving and positive message to people than heavy, guilt laden Catholic dogma. Catholicism endlessly perpetuates guilt and belief in God's judgement, as if Christ died for nothing and God's promise of forgiveness is a lie. Yuck.

    • @DavidHughes-i8j
      @DavidHughes-i8j Рік тому

      What got me was that it sounded like he was preaching exactly what the parable said not to do! Namely separating weed from wheat before the harvest. He leaves no room for God to work a miracle or for a journey of repentance to bear fruit. Moreover, how much “wheat” walked away from Mass feeling like “weeds”?

  • @eliinapajunen7500
    @eliinapajunen7500 Рік тому

    This came up recommended for me. I find it interesting how the parable as the priest clearly says shows that the weeds are extremely hard to distinguish from the wheat, yet he goes on to name who the weeds are as if it is easy to do so in contradiction to Jesus' words.

  • @libglade3696
    @libglade3696 Рік тому

    I'm glad you have healthy Catholic teaching in the US. Let's be vigilant because you throw satan out the door, he will try to enter through the window. You close it, he'll try to come in through the chimney.
    I mean, when you overcome a sin, it will make you proud and finally make you sin even worse. Therefore, let us remember that we overcome it ONLY BY THE POWER OF THE LORD. Only the Resurrected has this power and we are to use it - for His glory and for our benefit.

  • @leslierusso4869
    @leslierusso4869 Рік тому

    I think we are being separated already...the blackness and gold colors are arround us...hope I am gold 😢

  • @SyYoung-ni1wl
    @SyYoung-ni1wl Рік тому

    The Vible has incredible scientific accuracy like round Earth and jet streams and the hydrologic cycle and much more.

  • @jeanpollock3206
    @jeanpollock3206 Рік тому

    Thank you, Father! We are so weary of being fed pablum from the pulpits, and this was a GREAT SERMON! WE ARE STARVING FOR THE TRUE, CATHOLIC FAITH!! And we long to return to the beautiful and powerful traditional Mass, Sacraments and prayers that Catholics had for centuries and that helped so many people save their souls AND BECOME SAINTS. Please, please, learn the Traditional Latin Mass and prayers if you don't already know them ... Vatican II was a disaster - the results are in. Let's go back to the language and the Mass that the devil hates. Thank you again!! May God bless you!!

  • @enofrank1842
    @enofrank1842 Рік тому

    And I have other sheep who are not in this flock.. These must come and become one under one Shepherd...🙏

  • @nobillclinton
    @nobillclinton Рік тому

    Homily wonderfully done.

  • @denise-kc6lk
    @denise-kc6lk Рік тому

    Hate the sin love the sinner. When a person comes to God they are reborn,we always pray for others as ourselves we are all sinners.

  • @rhuttner12
    @rhuttner12 Рік тому

    This sermon definitely called me out on a few things, I need to be better

    • @kdmdlo
      @kdmdlo Рік тому

      I hear you, brother! Me too. Keep at it. Go to confession. Keep trying. I'll say a prayer for you!

  • @lukasmakarios4998
    @lukasmakarios4998 Рік тому

    How can I tell whether I am a wheat or a tare? If I'm trying to be pious, is my piety real? I still have too much in my life that I want to reform, and too much sin to get rid of. I don't want to be a weed, but if you were to ask my wife, she would tell you that I'm definitely not wheat. How can I make sure. I am one of those souls who are most in need of Jesus' mercy.

    • @Fran-zp9uh
      @Fran-zp9uh Рік тому

      They fact that you are trying and examining your conscience and seeing that you are in need of God's mercy, probably shows you are a wheat. It's not that we succeed that our Lord will look at,,,, rather, even if we fall, are we humble in admitting our sin and did we persevere by picking up our cross each time and following Christ to the end? Father Joseph is speaking about those Catholics who call evil - good and good - evil - such as abortion, euthanasia, marital relations out of marriage, things that are against the teaching of Christ while they still claim to be Catholic. He also calls out those within the Church who act pious, who only perform pious works to be seen, but behind closed doors, live a double life ... uncharitable, unfaithful etc. Where is your heart? Do you really want to change, then keep striving towards it to the end, although you may fall along the way, persevere to the end and pray for the grace of perseverance.

  • @eselga8
    @eselga8 Рік тому


  • @bethcarson3722
    @bethcarson3722 Рік тому

    This is the Truth that Jesus Speaks through His sacred servants. What we hear from the woke hierarchy and priests of their ilk cannot possibly come from Jesus. This priest and his homilies are sacred.

  • @AlanJas-ut6ym
    @AlanJas-ut6ym Рік тому

    "Each person is a mixture of darkness and light." - Jean Vanier

    • @jennifernagely5097
      @jennifernagely5097 Рік тому

      Each person is in a batttle. Only Jesus can give us true light.

  • @edukaeshn
    @edukaeshn Рік тому +4

    Tell me how communion in the hand is catholic.

  • @anitagonzales2390
    @anitagonzales2390 Рік тому

    Being Catholic is a way of life.

  • @eugeneedwards5976
    @eugeneedwards5976 Рік тому +1

    I’m gay and I’m a Catholic . There is a lot worst people out there than homosexuals. I love my Catholic religion that I went back into the closet. I’ve only been a Catholic for 5 years but, my Mom and her parents were Catholics her Mother being Roman Catholic from Calabria, Italy. To hear this Catholic Priest call me a Fake Catholic has gone just a little to far. He doesn’t know the struggles and the hardships that I had growing up and the countless times that I had tried to take my own life. I’m a lot happier now that I’m a Catholic,and I will not let a Priest like this take it away from me.

    • @homer5263
      @homer5263 Рік тому +1

      I am pretty sure he said homosexuality is uncatholic not homosexuals. There is all the difference in the world between being a sinner (all of us are) and treating something that is clearly sinful as good and normal. Of course nowadays we outright celebrate it.

    • @eugeneedwards5976
      @eugeneedwards5976 Рік тому

      @@homer5263 I’m so afraid of going to to hell that every little thing scares me. I’m trying to live by his commandments all 10 of them and I do believe in the gospel. I worry about every thing and every one. Thank you for putting my mind at ease for just a while.

    • @irienerd8178
      @irienerd8178 Рік тому +1

      @@eugeneedwards5976 There's a huge difference between struggling with being "gay" and actively living that "out and proud" life knowing it is a mortal sin and one of four sins that cries out to heaven for vengeance. Everyone struggles with sin it is when you take pride in repeatedly committing that sin, recruiting people to sin with you, and then claiming you're a Catholic in good standing that you will have an issue in the end. If you are actively committing homosexual acts while proclaiming you are "Catholic" then yes, you are a fake Catholic, if you are just struggling with the desire to do these things, but not doing them that is your cross God talks about. We all have crosses to bear, it seems like this one is yours stay strong, and don't allow yourself to be sucked into the secular ideology that you can be an active homosexual and please God because that is a lie from the pit of hell. God loves you, but you cannot serve two masters you must choose which you will serve.

    • @eugeneedwards5976
      @eugeneedwards5976 Рік тому +2

      @@irienerd8178 Thank you. I have gone back into the closet and have no desire to go back to that life style ever again. I can not have two masters like you said. I’m in love with my Catholic religion and there is not many Catholics that can say that. Thank you so very much.

    • @irienerd8178
      @irienerd8178 Рік тому

      @@eugeneedwards5976 Instead of thinking about it in the secular term of "being in the closet" think of it as being back in the graces of God. Please stay strong and never let anyone or anything keep you from your eternal crown of glory that God promised everyone that stays in His graces. Go to mass and confession often and pray the Rosary as often as you can. I pray God helps you with your struggles ask Him to help you bear that cross and I know He will!!!

  • @robo6590
    @robo6590 Рік тому +4

    This is why I no longer go to church. Judgment from real or better Catholics all around is palpable. And, as here, it is well encouraged. I can spend an hour on Sunday doing laundry, or standing in the cold and rain, and feel more love than I can in such congregations. "I don't want people going around calling people weeds." Then stop talking about "them."

    • @mhmorris2018
      @mhmorris2018 Рік тому

      I absolutely agree. I’m Catholic and I go to church but these homilies are nothing but political and social spins. Sunday homilies are supposed to focus on the gospel of that week. These priests preach judgment on people they know nothing about. Focus on how we can be Christ centered

  • @cant_afford_the_fancy_plants

    I live in Asia and I am baffled as to the low birth rates of the Catholics in the country where I live. Are American Catholics more serious about not using contraceptives?
    Most of the families I attend mass with only have 3 kids at the most. And the majority only have one. (It's not China where I live)

  • @iloveyoubyee
    @iloveyoubyee Рік тому

    A priest who speaks the truth!

  • @stbernettec794
    @stbernettec794 Рік тому

    🛐 Lord Jesus Christ Son of the Living God who by the will of the Father and Word of the Holy Spirit through Your death gave life to the world free me by this Your most body and blood from all my sins and from every evil🕊️🌿✝️

  • @matandameerazoller986
    @matandameerazoller986 Рік тому

    This guy should be a Baptist!

  • @jmdsservantofgod8405
    @jmdsservantofgod8405 Рік тому

    Most people in all denominations are not sharp as tacks when it comes to what they are suppose to be believing for their denominations

  • @LordCristianWaters
    @LordCristianWaters Рік тому

    Fr. Mitch Pacwa - 'Wheat and Tares': Restoring the Moral Vision of a scandalized Church (2020). Zechariah chapter 3, satan always attacks God's human representative on Earth (Matthew 16:18, Matthew 7:24-29).

  • @LuciaAbundo
    @LuciaAbundo Рік тому

    8207 welcome to the catholic church founded by Jesus Christ at Jerusalem 33 AD. If you are faithful . . .there are so many saints and martyrs who are in heaven. with God .Mama Mary will guide us to Jesus. Amen

  • @herrington292
    @herrington292 Рік тому

    Someone please educate me. I went through RCIA shortly ago, but I no one exaplained why some Catholics hold their hands together at certain times during mass, such as when in line for communion. I don't know what the praying hands are for. Am I suppose to do it?

  • @9cats7
    @9cats7 Рік тому

    On another note, the quality of the video - sharpness, especially, is incredible. How'd you do that? LOL

  • @UltraIceFire
    @UltraIceFire Рік тому

    Thank you for this sermon Fr. 3 Hail Mary for you. But if you please nowadays The Church suffers from corrupt or unfaithful in authority within as well. And I’m the one who was unlucky to met those wolfs in sheeps clothing. What is their harvest you may ask when they destroy wheat and preserve weed? In our times there are those have no King but some president or prime minister or may be oligarchs. Well, Take care and keep focus on Novus Ordo. P.S. Once a time I heard a sermon of a such “bishop” when he was saying: Do you remember how many times you offended Jesus…” Next week when I met him, I told to him not You believe but We believe remember this forever. God bless.

  • @Mike_and_Ike-xb3io
    @Mike_and_Ike-xb3io Рік тому +1

    The “50% of Catholics are wheat” - that’s where he loses me. Narrow are the gates. We are all broken. Some trying to become wheat. Some have no idea they are weeds. Homilies don’t talk about accountability, doing a complete examination of conscience. . Pride is a deadly sin, and I struggle with it daily. I went to confession not too long ago, and the priest laughed and said “is that all?” . It made me look at my Catholic life and discover how broken I am.

  • @dalex60
    @dalex60 Рік тому +1

    The Catholic religion, is steeped in Paganism. Catholics participate in Pagan rituals when you celebrate the deeply rooted in Paganism holidays of Christmans, Easter, and Halloween, as well as the Pagan ritual of fasting, (Lent). Some of the most basic things believed by most professing Christians derive from ancient paganism rather than from the Bible. The idea that people have immortal souls was first taught in ancient Egypt and Babylon. The Greeks likewise taught that at death the soul would separate from the physical body. That idea was merged into Christianity from Greek philosophy. It did not come from inspired Scripture. The ancient Egyptians developed the concept of going to heaven. In their mythology, the god Osiris was killed but then raised back to life, whereupon he went to a distant heavenly realm. The Egyptians concluded that if he could do this, then human beings could follow. This heavenly reward was a central teaching of several ancient mystery religions-but not the religion of the Hebrews or early Christians. Even some Christian teachings about Jesus have origins in paganism rather than the Biblical record. You're all shameless hypocrites bowing down to the Pagan gods...