I love how these people in the community tell him to step up and be the father. My response, to the people asking him to step up...why don't they step up and be the father?
Yeah, completely insane. "Just marry the woman who cheated on you and got knocked up by another guy and raise a baby that's not yours" No. No, no, no, no, no, NO! Just NO!
Never listen to the so called community they say to do something Noble but I bet you behind his back they are saying what a poor sucker. And when the perceived divorce happens they'll say well he shouldn't have married her 🤷. These people are the worst if you don't like the hand that is delt you just walk away.
Paternity fraud is one of the most disgusting things there is. Cheating women deserve the terrible situation they’re in. No man should ever be a white knight. Those idiots telling him to step up and marry her should do it themselves if they feel so strongly. Marriage is a massive gamble for men which ends up severely damaging if not destroying most men. If you are to marry (I don’t recommend it) it must be with some trustworthy, this woman has proven herself untrustworthy.
Yea they get knocked up by the lover not relisting he's only theirs to smash and not support them so they try living lies with their husbands until he either finds out or someone speaks up
@@jaheimdaughtry8714 in this case she knew nic was leaving the country. She basically risked getting knocked up by a man she knew wouldn't be around to be a father. Just like these morons who have one night stands with guys they don't even know the full name of let alone how to contact them in the event of a pregnancy.
Yes, paternity frauds and lawyers and judges involved should be accountable for it. And I hope that PATERNITY DNA TEST RESULTS MUST BE MANDATORY, regardless of married parents or not." For the sake of the child and paternity fraud. God bless!
Step up and be a Man!!.. You mean sit down and be a SIMP...what gaslighting. As for this Woman shame on you for trying to pass off another Man's child to Luis
LOL, yeah, thats why hes leaving the gf. One thing I notice...while making various comments on various....issues (like...politic, science, lgbtqrtsk stuff...ntr stuff) is that when folks use phrase like 1. Be a man 2. you are insecure 3. you are controlling. Instead of answering with 1. no, thats being a simp 2. its called boundary 3. its called boundary Just say yes to those statement. 1. Be a man. Yes. Thats why OP is leaving. No Man wants to be cukkoled. 2. Insecure. Yes, so what? U gonna assuage my insecurity or u gonna leave for good? 3. Controlling. Errr...so what? U gonna be a good teammate or u gonna leave the team? The first kind of response usually lead to argument of definition of simp n man. Second kind of argument just stay at the definition of Man....and that usually piss them off even more. Its both arguing n trolling at the same time. Then one could...keep saying proper thing and make them feel insulted.
@@qjtvaddict that’s not realistic if you’re with a single mom and plan to be with her, you will most definitely have to do for that kid, better to just leave them alone if you don’t already have kids
Cos hes loaded. Thats why she want OP to take care of the baby. Notice that she would want 50/50 custody even after break up, even before she got married to OP.... Shes manipulative.
u think katrina did this as she ahd a good heart? u defently underestimate women. she probably wanted him or wanted to break them up. keep in mind, this guy is rich, super rich! this was mostly her revenge on the hoe.
@@eleethtahgra7182 The baby daddy is always magically the richest guy she slept with in that period 😂Somehow having a full wallet makes your sperm more potent, or so women say 😂
One of my uncles had a bad case of mumps while going through puberty and it descended into his testicles. He said they 'swelled to the size of grapefruit', a bit of an exaggeration. The most important part is, that with this situation, the 'babymakers' can get cooked while they are developing. His did. Totally sterile. Met a girl he liked, they got serious, but he told her he didn't want kids. One day, she popped on him that she was pregnant. So he told her about the mumps. She freaked. It was over.
What's so scary about this story was the part where the nurse put OP(Luis) as the father in the birth certificate, like even if the nurse has forged the signature, and got a DNA test afterwards, he would still play child support for a kid that isn't his...
@@Themrine2013 And I'm guessing court is free? Of course it's not. So he has to pay to reverse an action that never should've happened in the first place? Why take a woman's word for it? Let the man declare and then put his name on the BC. Don't just let a woman name someone and then nurses just default to that name.
Another thing. USA hospital is privately owned. Unlike various countries where doctors n hospitals are mostly belong to the country (state owned) and doctors are like half-govt-employee, USA hospital which is privately owned and doctors which is a private sector entity could determine a legal status of a citizens. I mean...its one thing if a govt entity determining one's legal status, after all, thats what's govt job. But USA private entity could determine someone's legal status.... You are all living under the thumb of private corporation n rich folks.
I had a girlfriend cheat on me. It broke me. I honestly wasn't mad at her, just broken. I loved her so much .there was no way I could continue. She wanted to get back but I declined and wished her the best.
Look at me brother, under no circumstances do you ever take back a cheater. They will say anything to get you back but deep down the zero respect for you they had previously will be buried 6 feet under the lowest point of hell if you take them back.
@@Eidolon5150 I agree 👍 💯. It's sad to have a loved one cheat on you. I know sh@t happens. I just wanted out! She wanted me back. I said I didn't see that ever happening!
Take comfort knowing that as prices drop DNA testing will one day be commonplace at birth and recorded like we do for blood type. There's a lot of reasons to have it from a preventative medicine standpoint. Like imagine new couples that has those recessive genes that cause terrible problems, you never see them coming because they're recessive and only pop up if the other parent had it also. Once it's available to everyone the potential is limitless. Denying this would almost be like not letting the internet be invented. But won't be tomorrow. We just need to make sure that when it does they won't pass a law to prevent it from being used to determine paternity. Which I can totally see happening.
She was never a high value women. She just pretended to be one. High value women don't cheat - EVER. And they sure as hell don't try and trick men into being the father to another mans offspring.
what makes it worse is the fact she was doing the whole instagram kinda thing too. Telling followers all the drama, sharing almost everything to strangers all for the likes.
Not married, and kid's not his. He has no obligation legally or ethically to help the cheating liar in any way. Time to GTFO and thank whatever deity he belives in that he found out before he could get stuck with child support.
The OP in this story is an idiot of epic proportions. He may have dodged a bullet (for now), but he could've avoided a lot of unnecessary stress, drama, and heartache if he had questioned paternity from jump street and cut her loose immediately after the results. To add insult to injury, he starts buying things, showing support for the baby, and potentially opened himself up for a child support claim if this scheming 304 takes this information to family court.
So Katrina and Bonita went to this Greek place where they serve giant Greek sausage so good you have to come back for seconds. It was a little raw though.....
“Be a better man and raise that affair baby!” Everybody who says this needs to shit up until they can look God in the eyes and say that they will raise an affair baby as their own while marrying or staying married to the cheater. If the can’t then they need to bugger off. If they claim that they can then they need to shut up until fate puts them to the test. Either way; Stop talking and let the man in the situation choose what’s best for his mental health and future.
Actually I would say if they feeeeel that way they can tell Luis step aside and they can be the bigger mansimp or wahman and marry Bonita and take care of the affair baby. Jeeze these people are annoying AF!
Or better yet, who ever told you that, ask them if you show me and be an example and sign the certificate then take care the Affair baby...then I will follow up every year for the lesson ...
@@Ars-Nova258 it's time men start putting shyte back on faces whence it came from. Feministas and manSimps have pushed men's line too far, for too long. Such that when we speak up they get shocked, and tell toxic masculinity. Ain't y'all tired of this shyte?
My gf pulls a stunt like this with me & people tell me to step up & be a real man & raise this kid I would say "I am being a real man by not raising another mans kid that my gf cheated on me with & since you want to be such a white knight you can be the daddy then." And get their reaction.
@@dlewis9760 wrong. Its cruel but understandable logic. They prioritize the child. The child is better off with a duped father than a single mother. Thats it. The doctors, courts only care about the child. If the child cant have a duped dad, they will try to get the aggrieved man to pay anyway. In some provinces if you're married you have THIRTY DAYS to contest paternity otherwise you forfeit your right to challenge paternity ever regardless of dna.
It I had Power to make laws Is say at least a DNA test be offered before the Father signs a birth certificate. If the Potential Father says he wants a DNA test the Mother CAN'T say NO by law.
Some people just don't think it's worth the money, and that their relationship is some kind of special unicorn with rainbows shooting out of it's a$$ and can't fathom that their partner would EVER do that to them, it's called rose tinted glasses
The argument that Louis should step up and be the baby's father is an emotional one. The baby does not carry his genes, he would be liable for all the childcare costs and be hitched to a woman who cheated on him and tried to commit paternity fraud. She is not wife material and he could never trust her. Not worth it dude.
OP started as a realist and logical. Then, he began simping, and almost went full simp mode. Until, with the help of the frenemy and logic that he had left, saved him.
Paternity test should be made mandatory before signing birth certificate. Just name the reason to confirm if baby isn't misplaced in place of telling that it is paternity test.
If Bonita told the truth about "big vs best", it should clue all guys to understand they need to give their gal s-word experiences that not only meet, but beat her expectations. A former gf of mine from years ago once told me that "bigger" guys can't hold their "statues" very long and go soft pretty quick. This, of course, becomes a turn-off for their gal because she needs to constantly "fluff" him up, and can't really get immersed in the experience. Guys also need to understand that gals will have sex with other guys beside their boyfriends and not consider it "cheating" because they don't plan to leave their boyfriend for the other guy. As ridiculous as that sounds, it's the truth. It's how they will rationalize bad behavior. There was a survey given to bodybuilders about s-word partners. Bodybuilders have mostly hook-ups... most of which are with gals who want the experience of doing it with a muscular guy, but are in committed relationships. This Bonita 304 sounds like one of these type of gals. She wants Luis to raise the baby because he's responsible and has resources, Nic is broke. Still, she's described by Luis as nothing to really look at- thick. Luis needs to kick her to the curb and not worry about her life. He's a higher-value man... and can do much better.
The comment your friend about bigger guys going soft quickly is not always true but can see how that would be a possibility. The other part of this and I have experienced it in real life. The bigger girls typically have body insecurities. When they do, they have to have validation from different men in order to make themselves feel they are attractive. The extremely fit women who work out all the time will often feel this way as well, to them, their body is never good enough. The difference is, the extremely fit ones will develope an attitude if it is a man they feel is beneath them who is doing the validation. It's the normal women who have nice bodies that typically will not seek out this external validation. I have seen the change in many women who were normal with nice body and then when they gain a bunch of weight, they are constantly flirting with other men. Either way, men just should treat relationships as women do. They should learn to walk away when they aren't happy. In my relationships I now set boundaries of no girls nights out, and no girls trips. If a woman fights against this, it tells me she doesn't want a relationship with me and I move on. No harm no foul. If a woman agrees to this and some time later begins asking about it, that simply tells me our relationship has run its course and it's time to go our separate way. She can have all the friends she likes, she can go during the day to hang with friends and do whatever. When she decides she must go out at night and it can't involve me, it shows me where are relationship is at. No harm no foul.
@@robchurch881, this gf was from years ago. In more depth, she said the bigger guys can't stay erect, get soft, and they basically bend more than provide movement onside the ladies "V". The bending doesn't do much for her, as far as providing a pleasurable experience. She made a big emphasis about stamina and being able to last a long time being much more important. Twenty minutes is not great. I do get your point, though.
@@LH-lv4zs well, I'm speaking from my own experience. I am not trying to brag because truly there are disadvantages of being larger that nobody really talks about. I am over 9 inches and all the problems you talk about or she talked about are not my problems. The actual problems are more about most women being very sore, especially when you are the type of man that lasts a long time. I found that there is a certain race of women who can accommodate things much better than others. It is truly not a great thing like many men would think it would be. Most women don't realize it until after the first time. Of course a woman's first time, they are all in. Then the reality hits and they realize, it is no fun. I truly wish God did not give me this. I have only found a couple of women who actually enjoy it. I have a friend who is so incredibly large that no woman will even attempt it. It is not a conversation he and I have had. This is what I have heard from women who were mutual friends. So while I agree that larger is not better by any means, the reasons for such, aren't always as you describe.
Paternity tests should be mandatory. That would take away from the supposed insults in asking for one. The tests just "ARE". It would cut down on a ton of unnecessary games. But, that's never going to happen. The current system of guys being 2nd class citizens in family and divorce court will keep that from happening.
while the test should be made mandatory by law its just not going to happen, that test would only prove there is a large number of men raising other mens children. then whos going to pay for the children when the sperm donar is gone for the hills and the boyfriend walks away
...and then he gave the Uncle a very high estimate for the landscaping. When she balked at the hospital, what needed said is, "That baby you gave birth to - you know with absolute certainty that baby is yours. I would like to have that same level of certainty."
Maybe I'm harsh, or maybe I'm a douche, but I think OP's nice guy routine plays a role in the situation he found himself in. He allows opens himself up to be walked all over and manipulated.
She would have gotten away with it if it weren't for her meddling frenemy. AHAHA! Luis was almost qualified for simp of the year but he fell short. Better luck next time, Luis.
**Very Important old man info/wisdom for young men** Speaking from experience, and nearly getting tricked into teenage fatherhood, the chances of your girlfriend getting pregnant while on the pill are nearly zero. The other 99.999% of the time, she either: 1) Missed a day and didn't double up the day after, or 2) She purposely stopped taking the pill to Trap you. Women do this when they feel like they're losing you, and know you're a stand up guy who won't leave them if they're pregnant. Never underestimate the treachery, deceit and/or selfish nature of your girlfriend, fiancée, wife or any woman. Your not special, I'm not special and neither are the tens of millions of guys who thought their girlfriends couldn't be capable of such deception. About Marriage Think very carefully before getting married in this day and age. For women, marriage is a win-win-win, and for you it's the greatest gamble of your life that could possibly ruin you emotionally, socially and financially. I've witnessed many strong willed Alpha males driven to their knees and completely destroyed by divorce. It's definitely something to think about. Extremely Important Before you get married, Talk to a Divorce Lawyer, and get schooled on how to Protect Yourself in the probable event that you get Divorced. Have a Prenuptial Agreement drawn up by your Attorney, and make a video of your Fiancée signing it, showing she wasn't coerced, pressured or forced to do so. Have a witness for both of you present. Lastly, if your wife Ever hints at needing space, time alone or asks for a trial separation: 1) Please understand she has already met someone else, has had sex with him and has emotionally bonded with him. 2) There is no "working things out" or seeing a couples therapist Accept the Fact that YOUR MARRIAGE IS OVER 3) Immediately find out who All the Top Divorce Lawyers are in your area, and Schedule Consultations with ALL of them. Regardless of who you choose to represent you, paying for a consultation with all the best Lawyers creates a Conflict of Interest, when your soon to be ex-wife tries to hire them. **Technically, you just hired all the best Attorneys in your area, and your ex-wife has to hire a trash lawyer. She is fucked.** To anyone who made it this far, best of luck to you in all of your endeavors, and stay on your game gentlemen.
Paternity fraud should be a serious crime. And this one as described is pretty blatant and the stupid guy is continuously stepping further into the pile it is.
At 17:00 this really encapsulates the reason why I married a women from outside the US. I have known for a long time that this is what women talk about when they're drunk because I have been around women when this happened - ie worked in bars, restaurants etc whilst at college and on vacation etc. It completely blows out of the water the commonly held myth that women are essentially chaste/conservative, non judgemental and only into relationships. YT, Redditt etc are full of stories just like this. Young men in particular should learn this and be VERY careful who they date/marry. Edit: picture in your mind the image of a woman on her wedding day - all in white etc and then juxtapose that with what is happening at 17:00. Totally disgusting!
I'm Catholic myself, but what a lot of priests and religious figures from every religion forget: context. In this time period a divorce would be his WIFE (ie not girlfriend) would be stoned to death, the key difference is he had no legal or religious attachment to this cheater and she's not going to be put to death for adultery. Not to mention he was also gone to battle in the middle ages for months to years and this guy was gone for a few days in the modern age
Fucking brutal. Also, it was on purpose. She wanted her baby to have top tier genetics bc she already had a provider that she knew would be a wonderful father. Stay. Frosty.
How many women say their babys father is a loser but they had kids with them and multiples in some cases? Women procreate based heavily on genetics. That is something we dont talk enough about. Women would rather have an alphas baby and be a single mother than have a betas child and be a wife and mother with a perceived lesser man.
I would never take on another man's child, irrespective of the circumstances, if I knew that the child was conceived out of infidelity. For me to do so would mean that I would have to look the other way regarding her deception and reward her for her betrayal. That would be adding salt to my wounds. Those idiots who are telling Luis to step up are not in his shoes and most probably never had been. Besides, it is incumbent upon the mother of that baby to seek out the biological father and divulge the truth to him. He has the right to know and therefore is owed that much. This Bonita is a lying manipulative lowlife who doesn't deserve Luis, period!
Good story bro! And yes I definitely think she planned it out and if it wasn't for that frenemy she would have got away with it. It's kind of sad how many people probably do get away with this kind of shady behavior..
Luis is to dam nice. She betrayed him and was about to have him raise another man's child, and he wanted to give her money 💰 for an affair child. I'm beginning to think she might have had this in her the whole time.
I don’t think she meant to get pregnant but she certainly meant to trap this man remember how she was acting when he got back she had already started showing signs of pregnancy and was love bombing and thought that bs 2% chance would work And almost did
Agree with you on all the money he is spending especially about her taking him to court and showing that he provided financial support in the "past" thus setting a "pattern" of support. He is being incredibly stupid.
She can reject the results all she wants, however the court will see things the other way. It's proof of her betrayal and just because she gives the child his name doesn't mean he's responsible at all.
One third of the men seeking paternity of children they are raising are not the father. Now that's a third of all fathers that asked, not all fathers. If it's 33% of those who asked how much higher is it for those who have not asked? DNA testing before any birth certificate is signed should be mandatory.
This Chanel is the best covering this this topic and all the stories are just so powerful ! With excellent educational narration thank u for this Chanel
Baby is of Hercules! He drilled three days in a raw lettarly till knocked up! And she knew it from day 1! That’s how much she love Hercules! That’s how much she ever loved or respected Louis
I have had women to ask me to give them a baby? I wudnt have to pay them Anything? But I wud not have any say in raising the child? Yeah right? Just like this story? As soon as baby is born? She wud demand I Pay! I know this becuz she did get someone to get her pregnant.
He should've just got the kid straight to DNA testing IMMEDIATELY without her. I bet this Katrina was and secretly jealous of Bonita ALL along. When she found about the Affair she couldn't help herself and I wouldn't be surprised Katrina try to get with this guy.
He ignores the Red Pill men who tell him not to get into relationships. His choice his consequences. Now he's screwed. He thinks he can walk away. Good luck with that. I pity the fool.
No matter if the girlfriend doesn't accept the DNA results to prove the her boyfriend isn't the father of the baby. I hope he didn't sign the birth certificate ,so he wouldn't be held financially accountable if the girlfriend asks for child support.
Kevin Samuels brought me to LIFE explaining "Modern American Womyn" ... I keep an eye out for posts from you and similar AFTER learning what these Womyn really ARE
Bonita may not have planned on getting pregnant by her lover. However, I don't think Bonita was ever what she tried to pass herself off as a quality candidate for a long term relationship. Everything she said and did after she became pregnant points against her character. Luis needs to find a better and more worthy charity to donate his hard earned funds to.
When a woman says l’m pregnant with “your baby”. Question why she says “your baby”. It goes without saying it’s mine, unless there is another possible option. She would just say “I’m pregnant” or “we’re pregnant” if there was nobody else.
34:29 well in my opinion the biological father would be delighted to learn that he got a child from her and would not turn her down if she contacted him about the child...
As an experienced family court attorney, I can tell you that Luis is extremely lucky I'm not Bonita's lawyer. That guy should just get "Payday" tattooed on his forehead.
The priest was lying or incredibly ignorant about that bastard story he tried to sell. It is not in the Bible. There were cases when some men had more than 1 wife early on (The new testament says to be the husband of 1 wife). Hosea 2, the author rebukes the hore/promiscuous, and says he will not have compassion on the children of *horedom/promiscuity. Although new testament grace and forgiveness is given to us through Jesus, a man is not required to stay with an unfaithful woman.
He doesn't understand the hidden side of female nature He keeps saying we clicked we connected We became very fond of each other no you became very fond of her You caught true feelings while she only saw you as a resource I don't know her true intentions but I think you were the beta male the provider While she still has some toxic bad boy that she was still chasing behind your back
Instead, Nic should just take the baby and go to Greece if he is the father. And taking Bonita's mental state and how she is bombing her Fbook with all this, can show that she might not be as stable as she should be.
I love how these people in the community tell him to step up and be the father. My response, to the people asking him to step up...why don't they step up and be the father?
Yeah, completely insane. "Just marry the woman who cheated on you and got knocked up by another guy and raise a baby that's not yours"
No. No, no, no, no, no, NO! Just NO!
PERFECTLY SAID. Too many cuck men in this world giving cuck advice to non-cuck men.
Beautifully spoken mate
Never listen to the so called community they say to do something Noble but I bet you behind his back they are saying what a poor sucker. And when the perceived divorce happens they'll say well he shouldn't have married her 🤷. These people are the worst if you don't like the hand that is delt you just walk away.
Being Catholic, I'm sure more than a few people referenced Joseph and Mary. And being Catholic they absolutely hate single mother families.
Paternity fraud is one of the most disgusting things there is. Cheating women deserve the terrible situation they’re in.
No man should ever be a white knight. Those idiots telling him to step up and marry her should do it themselves if they feel so strongly. Marriage is a massive gamble for men which ends up severely damaging if not destroying most men. If you are to marry (I don’t recommend it) it must be with some trustworthy, this woman has proven herself untrustworthy.
💯% it’s disgusting and depraved
Yea they get knocked up by the lover not relisting he's only theirs to smash and not support them so they try living lies with their husbands until he either finds out or someone speaks up
It should carry at least one year of jail time as a legal penalty.
@@jaheimdaughtry8714 in this case she knew nic was leaving the country. She basically risked getting knocked up by a man she knew wouldn't be around to be a father. Just like these morons who have one night stands with guys they don't even know the full name of let alone how to contact them in the event of a pregnancy.
Yes, paternity frauds and lawyers and judges involved should be accountable for it. And I hope that PATERNITY DNA TEST RESULTS MUST BE MANDATORY, regardless of married parents or not." For the sake of the child and paternity fraud. God bless!
Step up and be a Man!!.. You mean sit down and be a SIMP...what gaslighting. As for this Woman shame on you for trying to pass off another Man's child to Luis
LOL, yeah, thats why hes leaving the gf.
One thing I notice...while making various comments on various....issues (like...politic, science, lgbtqrtsk stuff...ntr stuff) is that when folks use phrase like
1. Be a man
2. you are insecure
3. you are controlling.
Instead of answering with
1. no, thats being a simp
2. its called boundary
3. its called boundary
Just say yes to those statement.
1. Be a man. Yes. Thats why OP is leaving. No Man wants to be cukkoled.
2. Insecure. Yes, so what? U gonna assuage my insecurity or u gonna leave for good?
3. Controlling. Errr...so what? U gonna be a good teammate or u gonna leave the team?
The first kind of response usually lead to argument of definition of simp n man. Second kind of argument just stay at the definition of Man....and that usually piss them off even more.
Its both arguing n trolling at the same time. Then one could...keep saying proper thing and make them feel insulted.
Lay down and be a doormat.
You are *not* required to raise another man's child! Leave.
As long as she pays for everything it’s all good
@@qjtvaddict who even cares if that kid raised in poverty
@@qjtvaddict that’s not realistic if you’re with a single mom and plan to be with her, you will most definitely have to do for that kid, better to just leave them alone if you don’t already have kids
@@Wgz945I have a son and would never date a single mother. If you as a man don’t have full custody avoid single mothers.
Thank God for dna tests and Katrina doing the right thing. All parties involved deserve the truth.Intentional parental deception is evil
Cos hes loaded. Thats why she want OP to take care of the baby.
Notice that she would want 50/50 custody even after break up, even before she got married to OP....
Shes manipulative.
u think katrina did this as she ahd a good heart? u defently underestimate women. she probably wanted him or wanted to break them up. keep in mind, this guy is rich, super rich! this was mostly her revenge on the hoe.
@@eleethtahgra7182 The baby daddy is always magically the richest guy she slept with in that period 😂Somehow having a full wallet makes your sperm more potent, or so women say 😂
Katarina is MVP
Make paternity fraud as punishable as any other act of grand larceny
One of my uncles had a bad case of mumps while going through puberty and it descended into his testicles. He said they 'swelled to the size of grapefruit', a bit of an exaggeration.
The most important part is, that with this situation, the 'babymakers' can get cooked while they are developing. His did. Totally sterile.
Met a girl he liked, they got serious, but he told her he didn't want kids.
One day, she popped on him that she was pregnant. So he told her about the mumps.
She freaked. It was over.
I’d have let her have the baby THEN told her 😂
She would have murdered that child because she has no morals or decency
Girl played herself😂
This is way too comon even with men that got a vasectomy and it shows how common paternity fraud is
What's so scary about this story was the part where the nurse put OP(Luis) as the father in the birth certificate, like even if the nurse has forged the signature, and got a DNA test afterwards, he would still play child support for a kid that isn't his...
maybe. he can take it to court and fight it
@@Themrine2013 And I'm guessing court is free? Of course it's not. So he has to pay to reverse an action that never should've happened in the first place? Why take a woman's word for it? Let the man declare and then put his name on the BC. Don't just let a woman name someone and then nurses just default to that name.
Another thing.
USA hospital is privately owned. Unlike various countries where doctors n hospitals are mostly belong to the country (state owned) and doctors are like half-govt-employee, USA hospital which is privately owned and doctors which is a private sector entity could determine a legal status of a citizens.
I mean...its one thing if a govt entity determining one's legal status, after all, thats what's govt job. But USA private entity could determine someone's legal status....
You are all living under the thumb of private corporation n rich folks.
@@eleethtahgra7182 it's definitely a tough pill to swallow
@@samuraitadpole5459 I pity usa folks...
The nerve of this witch! She tried passing the baby off as his to the nurse! She misjudged Luis’ weakness, good on him for wising up.
Eh? cos hes loaded.
Any woman is welcome to step up & be the father to this child. Be strong & brave.
I had a girlfriend cheat on me. It broke me. I honestly wasn't mad at her, just broken. I loved her so much
.there was no way I could continue. She wanted to get back but I declined and wished her the best.
Men need to learn that human beings will always fail!! Stop being so attached to flawed human beings!! Expect people to do horrible things
Look at me brother, under no circumstances do you ever take back a cheater. They will say anything to get you back but deep down the zero respect for you they had previously will be buried 6 feet under the lowest point of hell if you take them back.
@@Eidolon5150 I agree 👍 💯. It's sad to have a loved one cheat on you. I know sh@t happens. I just wanted out! She wanted me back. I said I didn't see that ever happening!
Wish her the best for what? She already thinks you're 2nd, 3rd, 4th, last place.
Make paternity tests mandatory
Just DO IT anyway
Mandatory in the hospital before the kid leaves. Should be the law.
I doubt >50% of the voters will vote for this.
Why >50%, you figure that out.
Take comfort knowing that as prices drop DNA testing will one day be commonplace at birth and recorded like we do for blood type.
There's a lot of reasons to have it from a preventative medicine standpoint. Like imagine new couples that has those recessive genes that cause terrible problems, you never see them coming because they're recessive and only pop up if the other parent had it also. Once it's available to everyone the potential is limitless. Denying this would almost be like not letting the internet be invented.
But won't be tomorrow. We just need to make sure that when it does they won't pass a law to prevent it from being used to determine paternity. Which I can totally see happening.
They should be mandatory, They can do a prenatal DNA test now that only requires a simple blood draw from Mom.
She was never a high value women. She just pretended to be one. High value women don't cheat - EVER. And they sure as hell don't try and trick men into being the father to another mans offspring.
what makes it worse is the fact she was doing the whole instagram kinda thing too. Telling followers all the drama, sharing almost everything to strangers all for the likes.
Not married, and kid's not his. He has no obligation legally or ethically to help the cheating liar in any way. Time to GTFO and thank whatever deity he belives in that he found out before he could get stuck with child support.
I agree
The OP in this story is an idiot of epic proportions. He may have dodged a bullet (for now), but he could've avoided a lot of unnecessary stress, drama, and heartache if he had questioned paternity from jump street and cut her loose immediately after the results.
To add insult to injury, he starts buying things, showing support for the baby, and potentially opened himself up for a child support claim if this scheming 304 takes this information to family court.
Mexico is different
They are in U.S
Their is a dummies born in dream land even if you are born in a foreign country.
@@qjtvaddict USA. Common law is dangerous in this regard, depending in the state.
Yeah, and it means hes loaded.
Thats why gf want him to be the father....
So Katrina and Bonita went to this Greek place where they serve giant Greek sausage so good you have to come back for seconds. It was a little raw though.....
That should be the title of this video.
Well played sir!! LMAO!
So my body my choice means you not only get to decide if you keep a baby or not but also who the father is too? Geez!
“Be a better man and raise that affair baby!”
Everybody who says this needs to shit up until they can look God in the eyes and say that they will raise an affair baby as their own while marrying or staying married to the cheater.
If the can’t then they need to bugger off.
If they claim that they can then they need to shut up until fate puts them to the test.
Either way; Stop talking and let the man in the situation choose what’s best for his mental health and future.
Actually I would say if they feeeeel that way they can tell Luis step aside and they can be the bigger mansimp or wahman and marry Bonita and take care of the affair baby. Jeeze these people are annoying AF!
@@imdon8920 That’s even better!
Or better yet, who ever told you that, ask them if you show me and be an example and sign the certificate then take care the Affair baby...then I will follow up every year for the lesson ...
@@Ars-Nova258 it's time men start putting shyte back on faces whence it came from. Feministas and manSimps have pushed men's line too far, for too long. Such that when we speak up they get shocked, and tell toxic masculinity. Ain't y'all tired of this shyte?
Captain save a hoe
My gf pulls a stunt like this with me & people tell me to step up & be a real man & raise this kid I would say "I am being a real man by not raising another mans kid that my gf cheated on me with & since you want to be such a white knight you can be the daddy then." And get their reaction.
EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAY mate Beautifully spoken
Who are these clowns 🤡🤡
If he married her she would never respect him. She would cheat on him again.
Probably with Nick for baby #2
She Cheat on him no matter if he did or didn't marry her
Why isn't DNA testing automatically done at every birth before the birth certificate can be signed?
Women are half the population. Women won't vote for anyone that would force that.
@@dlewis9760 wrong. Its cruel but understandable logic. They prioritize the child. The child is better off with a duped father than a single mother. Thats it. The doctors, courts only care about the child. If the child cant have a duped dad, they will try to get the aggrieved man to pay anyway. In some provinces if you're married you have THIRTY DAYS to contest paternity otherwise you forfeit your right to challenge paternity ever regardless of dna.
It I had Power to make laws Is say at least a DNA test be offered before the Father signs a birth certificate. If the Potential Father says he wants a DNA test the Mother CAN'T say NO by law.
Money 💰💰💰💰
Some people just don't think it's worth the money, and that their relationship is some kind of special unicorn with rainbows shooting out of it's a$$ and can't fathom that their partner would EVER do that to them, it's called rose tinted glasses
The argument that Louis should step up and be the baby's father is an emotional one. The baby does not carry his genes, he would be liable for all the childcare costs and be hitched to a woman who cheated on him and tried to commit paternity fraud. She is not wife material and he could never trust her. Not worth it dude.
Man he dodged a bullet ! He’d be a fool to take on that burden !
OP started as a realist and logical. Then, he began simping, and almost went full simp mode. Until, with the help of the frenemy and logic that he had left, saved him.
It's called baby trapping!!!
That is NOT being the better man, thats being a fool and staying with a lying cheater!
Sometimes I used to get a tiny bit annoyed with narrators over explanations. Now I find it relaxing and enjoy this style.
Paternity test should be made mandatory before signing birth certificate. Just name the reason to confirm if baby isn't misplaced in place of telling that it is paternity test.
And make it cheap
I think there are countries that banned the DNA test for proof. That's a proof this shit happens often
@@notyourdad361 france. U cant test without mom's approval.
@@eleethtahgra7182what about father's approval?
@@sageart4771 apparently irrelevant. If father want to test, but mom dont want to test, the testing wont be done.
Man I would tell that priest, false prophet, to give me chapter and verse in the KJV. 😂
NEVER step up to take responsibility for some other dude's mistake.
You are spot on. The girlfriend planned this. She wanted the Greek God's genes and OP's 💰 money.
That as far as I remember I’ve never saw that in the Bible.
If Bonita told the truth about "big vs best", it should clue all guys to understand they need to give their gal s-word experiences that not only meet, but beat her expectations. A former gf of mine from years ago once told me that "bigger" guys can't hold their "statues" very long and go soft pretty quick. This, of course, becomes a turn-off for their gal because she needs to constantly "fluff" him up, and can't really get immersed in the experience.
Guys also need to understand that gals will have sex with other guys beside their boyfriends and not consider it "cheating" because they don't plan to leave their boyfriend for the other guy. As ridiculous as that sounds, it's the truth. It's how they will rationalize bad behavior. There was a survey given to bodybuilders about s-word partners. Bodybuilders have mostly hook-ups... most of which are with gals who want the experience of doing it with a muscular guy, but are in committed relationships.
This Bonita 304 sounds like one of these type of gals. She wants Luis to raise the baby because he's responsible and has resources, Nic is broke. Still, she's described by Luis as nothing to really look at- thick. Luis needs to kick her to the curb and not worry about her life. He's a higher-value man... and can do much better.
Shit this is true
Truly sad that girls no longer have any morals and also no loyalty!
The comment your friend about bigger guys going soft quickly is not always true but can see how that would be a possibility. The other part of this and I have experienced it in real life. The bigger girls typically have body insecurities. When they do, they have to have validation from different men in order to make themselves feel they are attractive. The extremely fit women who work out all the time will often feel this way as well, to them, their body is never good enough. The difference is, the extremely fit ones will develope an attitude if it is a man they feel is beneath them who is doing the validation. It's the normal women who have nice bodies that typically will not seek out this external validation. I have seen the change in many women who were normal with nice body and then when they gain a bunch of weight, they are constantly flirting with other men. Either way, men just should treat relationships as women do. They should learn to walk away when they aren't happy. In my relationships I now set boundaries of no girls nights out, and no girls trips. If a woman fights against this, it tells me she doesn't want a relationship with me and I move on. No harm no foul. If a woman agrees to this and some time later begins asking about it, that simply tells me our relationship has run its course and it's time to go our separate way. She can have all the friends she likes, she can go during the day to hang with friends and do whatever. When she decides she must go out at night and it can't involve me, it shows me where are relationship is at. No harm no foul.
@@robchurch881, this gf was from years ago. In more depth, she said the bigger guys can't stay erect, get soft, and they basically bend more than provide movement onside the ladies "V". The bending doesn't do much for her, as far as providing a pleasurable experience. She made a big emphasis about stamina and being able to last a long time being much more important. Twenty minutes is not great. I do get your point, though.
@@LH-lv4zs well, I'm speaking from my own experience. I am not trying to brag because truly there are disadvantages of being larger that nobody really talks about. I am over 9 inches and all the problems you talk about or she talked about are not my problems.
The actual problems are more about most women being very sore, especially when you are the type of man that lasts a long time. I found that there is a certain race of women who can accommodate things much better than others. It is truly not a great thing like many men would think it would be. Most women don't realize it until after the first time. Of course a woman's first time, they are all in. Then the reality hits and they realize, it is no fun. I truly wish God did not give me this. I have only found a couple of women who actually enjoy it. I have a friend who is so incredibly large that no woman will even attempt it. It is not a conversation he and I have had. This is what I have heard from women who were mutual friends. So while I agree that larger is not better by any means, the reasons for such, aren't always as you describe.
Paternity tests should be mandatory. That would take away from the supposed insults in asking for one. The tests just "ARE". It would cut down on a ton of unnecessary games. But, that's never going to happen. The current system of guys being 2nd class citizens in family and divorce court will keep that from happening.
while the test should be made mandatory by law its just not going to happen, that test would only prove there is a large number of men raising other mens children. then whos going to pay for the children when the sperm donar is gone for the hills and the boyfriend walks away
...and then he gave the Uncle a very high estimate for the landscaping.
When she balked at the hospital, what needed said is, "That baby you gave birth to - you know with absolute certainty that baby is yours. I would like to have that same level of certainty."
Maybe I'm harsh, or maybe I'm a douche, but I think OP's nice guy routine plays a role in the situation he found himself in. He allows opens himself up to be walked all over and manipulated.
Mandatory paternity tests before the baby even leaves the hospital!!
She would have gotten away with it if it weren't for her meddling frenemy. AHAHA! Luis was almost qualified for simp of the year but he fell short. Better luck next time, Luis.
lol @ scooby doo reference.
@@andysheepleton I think Katrina has earned a Scooby snack.
Mandatory DNA testing at birth.
A Mexican landscaper 😂what a surprise
**Very Important old man info/wisdom for young men**
Speaking from experience, and nearly getting tricked into teenage fatherhood, the chances of your girlfriend getting pregnant while on the pill are nearly zero.
The other 99.999% of the time, she either:
1) Missed a day and didn't double up the day after, or
2) She purposely stopped taking the pill to Trap you.
Women do this when they feel like they're losing you, and know you're a stand up guy who won't leave them if they're pregnant.
Never underestimate the treachery, deceit and/or selfish nature of your girlfriend, fiancée, wife or any woman.
Your not special, I'm not special and neither are the tens of millions of guys who thought their girlfriends couldn't be capable of such deception.
About Marriage
Think very carefully before getting married in this day and age. For women, marriage is a win-win-win, and for you it's the greatest gamble of your life that could possibly ruin you emotionally, socially and financially.
I've witnessed many strong willed Alpha males driven to their knees and completely destroyed by divorce.
It's definitely something to think about.
Extremely Important
Before you get married, Talk to a Divorce Lawyer, and get schooled on how to Protect Yourself in the probable event that you get Divorced.
Have a Prenuptial Agreement drawn up by your Attorney, and make a video of your Fiancée signing it, showing she wasn't coerced, pressured or forced to do so. Have a witness for both of you present.
Lastly, if your wife Ever hints at needing space, time alone or asks for a trial separation:
1) Please understand she has already met someone else, has had sex with him and has emotionally bonded with him.
2) There is no "working things out" or seeing a couples therapist
Accept the Fact that YOUR MARRIAGE IS OVER
3) Immediately find out who All the Top Divorce Lawyers are in your area, and Schedule Consultations with ALL of them.
Regardless of who you choose to represent you, paying for a consultation with all the best Lawyers creates a Conflict of Interest, when your soon to be ex-wife tries to hire them.
**Technically, you just hired all the best Attorneys in your area, and your ex-wife has to hire a trash lawyer. She is fucked.**
To anyone who made it this far, best of luck to you in all of your endeavors, and stay on your game gentlemen.
Why can't so many men see that if she screws someone else, she doesn't and never has loved you. Walk away and don't look back.
Paternity fraud should be a serious crime. And this one as described is pretty blatant and the stupid guy is continuously stepping further into the pile it is.
Damn. This makes me glad I don't date. I am disgusted how OP's GF tried to guilt and manipulate him. Absolutely disgusting.
At 17:00 this really encapsulates the reason why I married a women from outside the US. I have known for a long time that this is what women talk about when they're drunk because I have been around women when this happened - ie worked in bars, restaurants etc whilst at college and on vacation etc. It completely blows out of the water the commonly held myth that women are essentially chaste/conservative, non judgemental and only into relationships. YT, Redditt etc are full of stories just like this. Young men in particular should learn this and be VERY careful who they date/marry.
Edit: picture in your mind the image of a woman on her wedding day - all in white etc and then juxtapose that with what is happening at 17:00. Totally disgusting!
Women are women everywhere. Paternity tests should be mandatory.
I'm Catholic myself, but what a lot of priests and religious figures from every religion forget: context.
In this time period a divorce would be his WIFE (ie not girlfriend) would be stoned to death, the key difference is he had no legal or religious attachment to this cheater and she's not going to be put to death for adultery. Not to mention he was also gone to battle in the middle ages for months to years and this guy was gone for a few days in the modern age
Fucking brutal. Also, it was on purpose. She wanted her baby to have top tier genetics bc she already had a provider that she knew would be a wonderful father.
Stay. Frosty.
Top genetics, as in "dumb as a rock"....????? What is important here?
How many women say their babys father is a loser but they had kids with them and multiples in some cases? Women procreate based heavily on genetics. That is something we dont talk enough about. Women would rather have an alphas baby and be a single mother than have a betas child and be a wife and mother with a perceived lesser man.
I would never take on another man's child, irrespective of the circumstances, if I knew that the child was conceived out of infidelity. For me to do so would mean that I would have to look the other way regarding her deception and reward her for her betrayal. That would be adding salt to my wounds. Those idiots who are telling Luis to step up are not in his shoes and most probably never had been. Besides, it is incumbent upon the mother of that baby to seek out the biological father and divulge the truth to him. He has the right to know and therefore is owed that much. This Bonita is a lying manipulative lowlife who doesn't deserve Luis, period!
Bonita is bad news! Eject!Eject!Eject!
Good story bro! And yes I definitely think she planned it out and if it wasn't for that frenemy she would have got away with it. It's kind of sad how many people probably do get away with this kind of shady behavior..
Luis is to dam nice. She betrayed him and was about to have him raise another man's child, and he wanted to give her money 💰 for an affair child. I'm beginning to think she might have had this in her the whole time.
I don’t think she meant to get pregnant but she certainly meant to trap this man remember how she was acting when he got back she had already started showing signs of pregnancy and was love bombing and thought that bs 2% chance would work
And almost did
Love this channel ❤️
Criminalize paternity fraud.
Agree with you on all the money he is spending especially about her taking him to court and showing that he provided financial support in the "past" thus setting a "pattern" of support. He is being incredibly stupid.
She can reject the results all she wants, however the court will see things the other way. It's proof of her betrayal and just because she gives the child his name doesn't mean he's responsible at all.
It depends. In many places if you act like the father long enough you are the legal father forever regardless of dna.
He should sue her to stop her from using his surname in connection with the child.
GF wanted to baby trap OP as he wasn't keen on marriage and was careful about using protection. Getting pregnant by him was going to be challenging.
Great speaker,great story like always
Every man should dna-test HIS children.
Paternity fraud should get prison time. Divorce her asap and he should be entitled to sue her for monetary compensation from such a fraud
One third of the men seeking paternity of children they are raising are not the father. Now that's a third of all fathers that asked, not all fathers. If it's 33% of those who asked how much higher is it for those who have not asked? DNA testing before any birth certificate is signed should be mandatory.
The fact that he left the hospital without a test
Bro, never,never raise some other man s child. Move on ,she is a cheater. You deserve much a better women.Good luck.
"marry her and be the father" yeh i would tell the person you can do it
immediately you said cosmetologist, I knew it was over 🤣
What’s sad, is this same scenario occurs everyday throughout the world, by amoral women, who just want an ATM and babysitter to their bastards.
She is highly toxic,,putting image before everything.She juss good to stay far from
This Chanel is the best covering this this topic and all the stories are just so powerful ! With excellent educational narration thank u for this Chanel
Mandatory jail time for paternity fraud!
Bro latinas have one of the highest rates of cheating in the world, play with her and dont ever let your milk get into her eggs 😂😂😂😂😂
Baby is of Hercules! He drilled three days in a raw lettarly till knocked up! And she knew it from day 1! That’s how much she love Hercules! That’s how much she ever loved or respected Louis
I have had women to ask me to give them a baby? I wudnt have to pay them Anything? But I wud not have any say in raising the child? Yeah right? Just like this story? As soon as baby is born? She wud demand I Pay! I know this becuz she did get someone to get her pregnant.
In the words of SSM...SMACK!
He should've just got the kid straight to DNA testing IMMEDIATELY without her. I bet this Katrina was and secretly jealous of Bonita ALL along. When she found about the Affair she couldn't help herself and I wouldn't be surprised Katrina try to get with this guy.
He is NOT the father!
He ignores the Red Pill men who tell him not to get into relationships. His choice his consequences. Now he's screwed. He thinks he can walk away. Good luck with that.
I pity the fool.
No matter if the girlfriend doesn't accept the DNA results to prove the her boyfriend isn't the father of the baby. I hope he didn't sign the birth certificate ,so he wouldn't be held financially accountable if the girlfriend asks for child support.
Yep I would've told the Nurse exactly why I'm ordering the DNA the day he was born as She Cheated I would say I have Evidence and witnesses as well
NEVER BE A WHITE KNIGHT...Well done my guy
Kevin Samuels brought me to LIFE explaining "Modern American Womyn" ... I keep an eye out for posts from you and similar AFTER learning what these Womyn really ARE
She duped TWO good men. Shame on her. She needs to be stopped. She’ll do it again.
He doesn’t have to step up and be the father as the baby has a father in Greece.
What kind of woman posts intimate relationship details on FB to over 1000?
the average one
DNA tells it how it is! Don’t let the woman stick you”
Bonita may not have planned on getting pregnant by her lover. However, I don't think Bonita was ever what she tried to pass herself off as a quality candidate for a long term relationship. Everything she said and did after she became pregnant points against her character. Luis needs to find a better and more worthy charity to donate his hard earned funds to.
"Birds of a feather flock together."
I just subscribed. I like your videos they are very informative
Mark my words once Hercules meet bonita she be on her back legs up instantly! Getting drilled till knocked up with 3 weeks max! Walk away Bruv
OP run far away from her
Not your child, not your responsibility!
When a woman says l’m pregnant with “your baby”. Question why she says “your baby”. It goes without saying it’s mine, unless there is another possible option. She would just say “I’m pregnant” or “we’re pregnant” if there was nobody else.
34:29 well in my opinion the biological father would be delighted to learn that he got a child from her and would not turn her down if she contacted him about the child...
As an experienced family court attorney, I can tell you that Luis is extremely lucky I'm not Bonita's lawyer. That guy should just get "Payday" tattooed on his forehead.
Taking care of a kid that’s not yours doesn’t make you s REAL man especially one from a affair makes you a complete fool
The priest was lying or incredibly ignorant about that bastard story he tried to sell. It is not in the Bible. There were cases when some men had more than 1 wife early on (The new testament says to be the husband of 1 wife). Hosea 2, the author rebukes the hore/promiscuous, and says he will not have compassion on the children of *horedom/promiscuity. Although new testament grace and forgiveness is given to us through Jesus, a man is not required to stay with an unfaithful woman.
Whamen will always choose a provider, and then other men to put a bun in the oven, they've been doing it since eve turned up.
Hopefully he asked the judge to force her to change the baby's name.
Once a woman violates your trust it will never be the same..
This was a fascinating post, better than a movie. I enjoyed it a it was very entertaining.
Alpha male for hollers.
Beta male for dollars.
He doesn't understand the hidden side of female nature He keeps saying we clicked we connected We became very fond of each other no you became very fond of her You caught true feelings while she only saw you as a resource I don't know her true intentions but I think you were the beta male the provider While she still has some toxic bad boy that she was still chasing behind your back
I bet she was a Party girl like Katrina is but she was cunning and hid it well
If a woman brings up statistics about the effectiveness of condoms after a pregnancy announcement, just know something is up.
Instead, Nic should just take the baby and go to Greece if he is the father. And taking Bonita's mental state and how she is bombing her Fbook with all this, can show that she might not be as stable as she should be.