Thanks for sharing! I was wondering where you are at in your studies. I am a licensed psychologist with expertise in assistive technology and work with college students with learning challenges. I have been doing webinars and sharing with other professionals and students the value of Eink devices for note-taking and annotating reading material. Glad to chat with you. Brian
@@assistivetek Wow, that’s incredible! How long have you been teaching college students? I’ve chosen a non-traditional path-I’m pursuing an online program by Jator Pierre. One of the students in the program is already a psychologist and wants to use this program as a continue education. Right now, I’m also diving into Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques by Mark E. Young.
@ I just retired after teaching at the University for 25 years. I still do consulting and use a lot of technology of my clients. I have used a lot of technology in my practice like digital pens, e ink devices, and specialized apps for notetaking.
@ I forgot to mention that I also enrolled in the academy of Jordan Peterson. That’s funny you say that because when I do coaching I use the Eink device to note take my experience of them and journaling. Do you miss teaching?
Thanks for sharing! I was wondering where you are at in your studies. I am a licensed psychologist with expertise in assistive technology and work with college students with learning challenges. I have been doing webinars and sharing with other professionals and students the value of Eink devices for note-taking and annotating reading material. Glad to chat with you. Brian
@@assistivetek Wow, that’s incredible! How long have you been teaching college students? I’ve chosen a non-traditional path-I’m pursuing an online program by Jator Pierre. One of the students in the program is already a psychologist and wants to use this program as a continue education. Right now, I’m also diving into Learning the Art of Helping: Building Blocks and Techniques by Mark E. Young.
@ I just retired after teaching at the University for 25 years. I still do consulting and use a lot of technology of my clients. I have used a lot of technology in my practice like digital pens, e ink devices, and specialized apps for notetaking.
@ I forgot to mention that I also enrolled in the academy of Jordan Peterson. That’s funny you say that because when I do coaching I use the Eink device to note take my experience of them and journaling. Do you miss teaching?
@ it’s really been great to have a break from teaching and I’ll be getting some time to do some travel and to focus on my consulting practice.
@@assistivetek I pray your consulting goes well. Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking?