Why Christians need the Catholic Church

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024
  • Circumcision - Praise God Christian’s do not need this to be saved.
    God did not leave his Church without clear leadership.
    Praise God He gave humanity the Catholic Church, so that if any questions are left unanswered, or answers need clarifying, or need to be understood in context of the times, we can rely on the Catholic Church throughout the centuries to answer them. Rather than being left in confusion.
    Full video: "Why Be Catholic and Not Just Christian?” by Ascension Present. Presented by Fr Mike Schmitz
    #catholic #history #catholicchurchhistory #churchhistory #catholic #jesus #catholicchurch #catholicism #christianity #catholicfaith #massoftheages #romancatholic #CatholicPriest #mass #catolicos #romancatholic #christian #hailmary #catholics #christianity #saint #saints #christ #romancatholicchurch #church #JMJ #totustuus #God

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,6 тис.

  • @PixelatedMagikarp
    @PixelatedMagikarp Рік тому +429

    We are saved by the grace of God through our LORD and savior Jesus Christ.
    For while we were yet sinners God did not forsake us. while we were fully deserving of Gods wrath he still loved us. being in sin and separated from God he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross to save us from our sins. |
    Jesus lived a perfect life we could not; spotless without sin he went to the cross and paid for our sins. he was then raised again from the dead defeating death giving us a way to eternal life through Him and Him alone.
    Now that we are saved what do we do continue to sin so that grace may abound? no.. now that we are saved we have the ability through the help of the Holy Spirit we can repent and turn away from our sin relying on God when it becomes burdensome. Not only that we are now called to share the gospel and help one another and love one another.
    For while we were yet sinners he loved us. How much more does he love us now that we are made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ.
    The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ intercedes for us when we pray, we do not pray to saints or to stars but to God. even when we do not know what to say the Holy Spirit Intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be uttered as God already knows what is in our hearts and what we desire.
    (addon as theres alot of questions about works in this chat)
    read James 2
    Works does not lead to salvation only Jesus does. regardless from this point forward if you choose to not have faith in Jesus but continued to only do good works you would never be able to earn your way to heaven as it is all dirty rags in the eyes of the living God.
    we are made clean only through the blood of Jesus Christ.
    we are made into a new creation made anew with a mind that is regenerative; our old desires no longer please us we repent and turn away from the things we once enjoyed instead setting our eyes on the things above and on Jesus Christ.
    be weary if you believe you are saved but have no change of heart no desire to read or to spend time with God but instead you continue to indulge in your sinful ways your soil could be filled with thorns and weeds that are chocking out your seeds.
    we can say we have faith but if that faith has no works it is DEAD. not that works brings forth salvation but that having faith means you will be pursuing the will of God doing good works not because it makes you holy or good or even brings you salvation but because it is pleasing to God and you yearn to do his will.
    this is not to say we wont struggle in sin because we are warned that we will that even when our spirits are willing our flesh will be weak. regardless we are to keep fighting picking up our cross daily striving for righteousness and holiness as the Holy Spirit Guides us. we arent meant to only be readers of the word but also doers of the word.

    • @henrybierman8431
      @henrybierman8431 Рік тому +49

      How dare you quote the Bible. Only the pope is allowed to say words from God

    • @PixelatedMagikarp
      @PixelatedMagikarp Рік тому +17

      @@henrybierman8431 then why does Jesus command everyone to be in the word 😜 jk jk ik your joking also hope your having a great day!

    • @jerome8950
      @jerome8950 Рік тому +9

      Actually Pay didn't say that we are saved by faith ALONE. He said that we are saved by faith "apart from works" (Ephesians 2:8). These two statements are not the same thing

    • @PixelatedMagikarp
      @PixelatedMagikarp Рік тому +18

      @@jerome8950we aren’t saved by works but through faith. Because it’s not possible to be saved by works. By being saved and accept Jesus and allowing our hearts to be renewed we should see good fruit. Meaning while we are saved by faith in what Jesus did on the cross our life our works should be good not because it saves us but because we have a new heart. If we say we are saved but we produce bad fruit and live a life of sin without repentance we are a liar.
      “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,”
      ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬ ‭
      “yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.”
      ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭2‬:‭16‬ ‭
      “What shall we say, then? That Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have attained it, that is, a righteousness that is by faith; but that Israel who pursued a law that would lead to righteousness did not succeed in reaching that law. Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as if it were based on works. They have stumbled over the stumbling stone, as it is written, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense; and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.””
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭9‬:‭30‬-‭33

    • @jerome8950
      @jerome8950 Рік тому +9

      I find it interesting that you referenced Galatians 2:16 where Paul says that we are not justified by "works of the LAW". Is it EVERY work that is a "work of the LAW" ?
      Paul specifically said that "works of the LAW" are not required for salvation. He didn't say EVERY KIND OF WORK is not required for salvation. I am sure you know that there are some works that are NOT examples of "works of the LAW".
      I hope you realize that the "LAW" Paul is talking about here is the Law of MOSES, and Paul has always taught that observing the requirements of the LAW OF MOSES is NOT necessary for salvation (for instance, in Acts chapter 15, we see that Paul opposed those who claimed that CIRCUMCISION was necessary for salvation. And we all know that circumcision is one of the rituals contained in the Law of MOSES).
      So once again, let me point out to you that Paul was not excluding EVERY KIND OF WORK as requirements for salvation. He was only excluding the "works of the LAW OF MOSES". This is because faith needs to be accompanied by certain kinds of works (that are NOT "works of the LAW") in order for a person to be saved. He never said that faith ALONE saves neither did he say that works ALONE saves.

  • @majorvictory7428
    @majorvictory7428 Рік тому +340

    Circumcision of the heart rather of the flesh

    • @immanuelpatnaik
      @immanuelpatnaik Рік тому +10

      Facts brother 💪
      These guys are jokes😂

    • @Jesus_Muslim9999
      @Jesus_Muslim9999 Рік тому +1

      Song of Solomon 5:16
      His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether Muhammad. This is my beloved, this is my friend, oh daughters of Jerusalem.
      The Hebrew word mahmadim (Hebrew word מחמדים‪‬‪‬ has been translated as (desirable, lovely) in Song of Solomon 5:16
      The ( im) used in word is plural of respect of royalty.. for example actual name of God in (Genesis 1:1) is Alohim (im) plural of respect of royalty in Hebrew language. Grammatically noun is not translated in grammar so name should be kept in its original form as Muhammad.....

    • @protestant77
      @protestant77 Рік тому +7

      JESUS says keep Sabbath holy!
      POPE says keep Sunday holy!
      7th day Sabbath = (Exodus 20:8-11)
      1st day Sunday = (Mark 7:7)
      “The Bible says remember that thou keep the Sabbath day. The Catholic Church says, 'NO!'. By my divine power, I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And, lo, the entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church." Father Enright, American Sentinal, June
      🤔WHO DO YOU OBEY???????

    • @dandythemandy
      @dandythemandy Рік тому


    • @nemishajoseph4225
      @nemishajoseph4225 Рік тому +1

      ​@@Jesus_Muslim9999 so irrelevant, out of nowhere you are commenting.

  • @pcmalsawmdawngliana4148
    @pcmalsawmdawngliana4148 Рік тому +413

    The Holy Spirit over the Catholic Church.. That is what we really need

    • @michaelbarry6589
      @michaelbarry6589 Рік тому +56

      Well, the descent of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost was in fact witnessed by the people that Jesus hand-picked as His Apostles with St. Peter installed as the first pope of His Church that He specifically stated would stand against the gates of hell. Notice how Christ never mentioned that this would be His Church until the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s, then it will no longer matter whether people are in Communion with the Catholic Church because all they need is the Holy Spirit. He never said that. You may want to rethink your assessment and do some research into early church history and that you may be set free in the truth that is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church that has been here since Christ walked the earth and that will be here until He comes again in His glory. Deo Gratias

    • @clarkstrange2142
      @clarkstrange2142 Рік тому +4

      @@michaelbarry6589 Amen Michael

    • @jalenakeem5059
      @jalenakeem5059 Рік тому +11

      @@michaelbarry6589 if anything Peter was first among equals, not some figure like the modern pope. I’ll give you the credit of peters successor being approved by Christ, but whose to say that the people after linus had the keys to the church???? If you knew anything about God, you would understand that his church is spiritual, not physical.

    • @timw6110
      @timw6110 Рік тому +2

      @@michaelbarry6589 James (Jacob-Jesus’s brother) was the head of the congregation. You can see He made the final decision in acts 15. Not Peter.

    • @cassandragarcia5548
      @cassandragarcia5548 Рік тому +2

      If you want the Holy Spirit...get a new Church!

  • @jhernandezrm77
    @jhernandezrm77 4 місяці тому +3

    Ever since I been reborn I been only drawn to read Gods word , which showed me how to pray and who my mediator is . Moses was an intersessor for the Israelites . But only while he was Alive . Just like we can be for those who are alive and not saved . That’s what an intersessor is . That’s what the Bible tells us who were intersessors between God and those who didn’t obey God (In Sin) . We are only called to Pray one way , through the name of Jesus as he was the ONLY one who lived and could live a perfect life . Everyone after Adam and Even could not , but we can still learn to be obedient by doing his will over our own as the Old Testament and his discipline learn over and over again. This is what God shows me . He also tells me I don’t need anything else , no other teachings . He himself. He shows me what it means to repent and live in the spirit . For 3 weeks straight I been living in the spirit . I been learning what it means to be obedient. He shows me . Not Man . I confess my sins to him and he keeps me clean . He helps me repent , not a practice or certain prayer . The Pope says so many wrongfully things , that God did not say . Everyone talks about to be peaceful , yet Jesus says that he didn’t come here to bring peace , but to divide . Divide the righteous who follow him , or the wicked who stay in sin . Other teachings teach other things that are added prayers and intersessors . That’s what God shows me . I don’t go looking it up to be right . I have no idea what I’m even learning along the way but God is giving me clarity . All these things taken from revelation and put into the church , graven images all over . What he cares about is denying ourselves and living by the spirit . I pray for so many less things about my sinful nature . I can feel his righteousness take over my sinful nature , he makes it so much easier not to fall into temptation or get angry , or be anxious or stressed. All without going to church but reading his word only , which HE directs me to . He tells me I only need the Holy Spirit, to follow and pray through the name of Jesus , and my faith alone and to deny myself. I tried the Hail Mary prayer , and the spirit stopped me . There’s one person we pray through , and his name is Jesus Christ . The Only one we pray through . Following The Word of God is what leads us to righteousness. Not practice, or singing , or the same repetitive prayer . I find myself listening the the Bible more than music now . And it’s been so beautiful to the spirit . I fall in love with Him so much more.

    • @RapunzelASMR
      @RapunzelASMR 2 місяці тому

      pope JOhn Paul II even kissed the quran :S

    • @johncats805
      @johncats805 7 днів тому

      Yes born again Christian here, I'm a fully recovered Roman Catholic born into that Cult. Oh dear it's been a long hard difficult time getting out of it, thank God I'm born again Christian and saved, amen 🙏

  • @susanedionwe7049
    @susanedionwe7049 Рік тому +5

    For more context, just cause I like this story, some Jewish teachers had traveled to the Church of Antioch (Greek/gentile church) and were teaching that unless you were circumcised...you could not be saved accordingly to the laws of Moses. Paul and Barnabas debated them on this and thus were appointed by to go back to Jerusalem and ask the disciples. In Jerusalem, after Paul and Barnabas testified of all the amazing things God had already done in the uncircumcised gentiles, the disciples decided circumcision clearly was not required. Truth be told, this was not a hard conclusion for them to make as God had already revealed to Peter that the uncircumcised could receive the Holy Spirit and notably one cannot receive the spirit unless they are saved.
    Let's also remember that the Bible says "THE CHURCH" is the body of Christ...not the leaders of a religious institution. If you are a part of the body of Christ, you ARE the church.

  • @JohnDoe-wt9ek
    @JohnDoe-wt9ek Рік тому +2

    Interesting, considering that the Disciples practiced Passover, Feast of Booths, Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the Sabbath on Saturday, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread in accordance with long established tradition that Y'shua himself ALSO practiced while walking among us.
    And yet the "Church" decided that Jewish influence was no longer allowed, even outlawing Sabbath practices on Saturday in the 9-10th Century AD in their Cardinal Edicts...
    I wonder how Y'shua would feel about the Pope being equated to be like him with authority, power, and dictation, and calling himself the "Right Hand of God" on Earth...
    Or praying to dead people and calling it "intercession"... Which is a stretch considering Scripture speaks of intercession with the brothers in congregation... Not in seances to the dead and departed.
    Or the rosaries... Or putting Mary up as a "Queen of Heaven"...
    Or that Mary retained her virginity, despite the fact that Y'shua would have several half brothers from Mary and Joseph...
    Or that Peter would be Crucified in the city they call their seat of power... Where Roman Paganism was most dominant.
    Which is especially interesting considering it was Paul who would establish the Way in Rome... Not Peter, who was relatively still reserved, throughout his life, in spreading the Gospel to the Romans.

  • @marlonserrano9498
    @marlonserrano9498 Рік тому +122

    i am proud to be a christian in jesus name amen

    • @Jesus_Muslim9999
      @Jesus_Muslim9999 Рік тому

      Song of Solomon 5:16
      His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether Muhammad. This is my beloved, this is my friend, oh daughters of Jerusalem.
      The Hebrew word mahmadim (Hebrew word מחמדים‪‬‪‬ has been translated as (desirable, lovely) in Song of Solomon 5:16
      The ( im) used in word is plural of respect of royalty.. for example actual name of God in (Genesis 1:1) is Alohim (im) plural of respect of royalty in Hebrew language. Grammatically noun is not translated in grammar so name should be kept in its original form as Muhammad.....

    • @jbohnoff
      @jbohnoff Рік тому

      Is that what Jesus said??

    • @Jesus_Muslim9999
      @Jesus_Muslim9999 Рік тому

      @@jbohnoff no

    • @skolsuper8447
      @skolsuper8447 Рік тому +6

      @@Jesus_Muslim9999 The song of Solomon is nothing to do with more-ham-head, mo came 1400 years ago! The song of Soloman is like over 3000 thousand years ago and it was a poem by his wife to her husband to show ever lasting love. go and learn history and stop twisting it to include dirty mo in our Bible.

    • @Jesus_Muslim9999
      @Jesus_Muslim9999 Рік тому

      @@skolsuper8447 Torah and "Good news" Gospel has time distance of 1600 years so you want excuse like jews gave to Prophet Jesus because you came after 1600 years of Prophet Moses we don't value you and jews and Christians going to hell fire because of such excuses back then and present..

  • @Trivdgun-
    @Trivdgun- Рік тому +4

    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- NOT BY WORKS, so that no one can boast.
    Ephesians 2:8-9

    • @jamiehicks2752
      @jamiehicks2752 Місяць тому

      We see that a man is justified by WORKS, and NOT BY FAITH ALONE. James 2:24.

  • @tomislav078
    @tomislav078 Рік тому +77

    Never knew that John Cena was a Priest.

    • @nemishajoseph4225
      @nemishajoseph4225 Рік тому +4


    • @theosis_.
      @theosis_. Рік тому


    • @awuriefnejqwjmnwn4960
      @awuriefnejqwjmnwn4960 Рік тому +3

      Its actually crazy, this guy i genuinely a 1 in 1000 looking guy, he looks like hes out of a perfume advertisement

    • @richiejohnson
      @richiejohnson Рік тому

      He was very popular in seminary 🌈

    • @scrible1073
      @scrible1073 Рік тому +1

      Ok now your just being rude whoever you are and your mocking. Isn't that sin? I'm not condeming you, i'm just pointing it out. We've all sinned we need Jesus Christ to sace us and heal us.
      Shalom shalom good sir

  • @ethanbrown2444
    @ethanbrown2444 Рік тому +4

    When the apostles made this decision, it was because the Gentiles at Cornelius's house received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with speaking in unknown languages just as the 120 did in the upper room in Acts 2. It was undeniable to the Apostles that the Gentiles didn't need circumcision to be saved because of what the Holy Spirit of God did. The church didn't make the decision. The Holy Spirit did and the apostles followed His leading. Believers are to follow the Holy Spirit's leading and the Scriptures first and foremost. The Apostle Paul himself said, "Did Paul die for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?" We are not to be followers of men, but followers of Christ. He is our ultimate authority - not a "church" that historically has sought to silence all opposition, discouraged people to read the Bible in their own language, and been overly involved in politics.

    • @cinnyminnie
      @cinnyminnie 10 місяців тому

      He's a false prophet, wolf in sheep's clothing that Jesus spoke about

  • @fdj3830
    @fdj3830 Рік тому +57

    Not again and again and again. The apostles did it that time. And that’s it. That’s the rock that the church was built on.

    • @marciathehooligan9967
      @marciathehooligan9967 Рік тому +8

      your comment makes no sense

    • @DakkogiRauru23
      @DakkogiRauru23 Рік тому +11

      Nope. The Apostles passed their authority onto their successors.

    • @cosmoslady
      @cosmoslady Рік тому +1

      Wait wait, so men decided some things because of their personal feelings and THAT'S what you base your whole faith on!? Hahaha! Okay then

    • @DakkogiRauru23
      @DakkogiRauru23 Рік тому

      @@cosmoslady Only applies if the presumption is that the Bible is not true. But that’s like saying superman isn’t really a superhero because comic books are fiction.

    • @ericwilki207
      @ericwilki207 Рік тому +2

      Jesus said he was the rock

  • @sopad4629
    @sopad4629 7 місяців тому +2

    We appreciate you Fr. Mike because you teach us so much of the understanding that we need.

  • @Schnooklebear71
    @Schnooklebear71 Рік тому +30

    Jesus did tell us definitively not to hurt children.

    • @Crusade6539
      @Crusade6539 Рік тому +18

      That has happened in other churches too tho, especially Baptist.

    • @Schnooklebear71
      @Schnooklebear71 Рік тому

      @@Crusade6539 Tell me about it. I was born to Baptists and they mutilated me.

    • @abaddon2148
      @abaddon2148 Рік тому +4

      funny joke but would be funnier if it didn’t happen in almost every church

    • @Schnooklebear71
      @Schnooklebear71 Рік тому +6

      @@abaddon2148 I was not joking. It is genital mutilation. Same as fgm.

    • @Valhalla1776
      @Valhalla1776 Рік тому +1

      Shnooklebear has a point...

  • @sicdavid6292
    @sicdavid6292 Рік тому +6

    I like how there are so many details to how the Bible was assembled over centuries when you actually hear it from a Catholic. Whereas American mouth breathers thank God just delivered it dropped it like a

    • @awuriefnejqwjmnwn4960
      @awuriefnejqwjmnwn4960 Рік тому

      Hahah yes 100%
      They are like spoiled children. But the church is the bride of god and a mother to all believers, and it will welcome them back.

  • @Aaron-om6fm
    @Aaron-om6fm 6 місяців тому

    I’m a Lutheran and I’m currently learning more and more about the Catholic Church out of curiosity. I prefer traditional Lutheran services over contemporary ones and I’ve discovered that of the Protestant denominations, traditional Lutheranism is the closest to Catholicism. I’ve come to really respect the Catholic Church to the point where I’m actually inquiring about converting. The only things holding me back are small things, like me not quite understanding the Rosary, the purpose/importance of the Papacy, and (not sure if all Catholics believe this) the fact that they believe you have to be or desire to be Catholic in order to be saved. I don’t really believe you have to be Catholic in order to be saved, but I’ve definitely thought about it a lot and it’s honestly been weighing on me recently- I want more than anything to be saved, and if it turns out I can’t make it into heaven because I made the simple mistake of not being Catholic… that scares me. But I also believe that my Lutheran faith is genuine; I love Jesus and accept him as my Lord and Savior, I do my best to turn from temptations and when I do mess up I repent to God and ask for forgiveness, and I go to church on a weekly basis, pray regularly, and often read the Holy Scripture. I believe that I am saved, but there’s always that lingering thought of “What if I have to be Catholic in order for these things to really mean something?” There’s a lot of uncertainty for me at the moment, and I have been praying to the Lord for wisdom and guidance on this matter. Anyways, massive respect to the Catholic Church coming from a Protestant, and God bless ❤️

  • @Davidplex
    @Davidplex Рік тому +25

    This is probably one of the better points I've seen Catholics make.

    • @9javaldez
      @9javaldez Рік тому

      Read Acts chapter 15 and you’ll see that this has nothing to do with baptism it has everything to do with being saved!

    • @bstein9500
      @bstein9500 Рік тому

      Read Acts chapter 15. There is no mention of baptism.

    • @janettebiggs4550
      @janettebiggs4550 Рік тому +2

      How? It’s nonsensical.

    • @bstein9500
      @bstein9500 Рік тому +1

      @@janettebiggs4550 What's nonsensical? Who are you replying to?

    • @9javaldez
      @9javaldez Рік тому

      @@bstein9500 I think she’s replying to the video? Acts doesn’t mention circumcision as a prerequisite for baptism and baptism isn’t done “in order to” be saved but rather a declaration that our great and merciful God has redeemed, saved, regenerated you. This is a record of the Jerusalem council refuting the notion that circumcision is necessary along with the Gospel for salvation.

  • @Benny-zx6bi
    @Benny-zx6bi Рік тому +19

    The Hole Spirit instructed them this does not mean he instructed all Decisions.

    • @matthewoburke7202
      @matthewoburke7202 Рік тому +7

      The Church established by Christ will be guided into all truth according to the promise of Jesus himself. And the gates of hell will not prevail against it. (John 16:13, Matthew 16:18).

    • @Benny-zx6bi
      @Benny-zx6bi Рік тому

      @@matthewoburke7202 true.

    • @Gm-ok1zb
      @Gm-ok1zb Рік тому

      @@matthewoburke7202 the church is the body of Christ

  • @1cheesemaster113
    @1cheesemaster113 Рік тому +1

    If I remember acts 15 correctly the ones who solved the circumscision issue wasn’t just some church members, it was the apostles discussing this and came to that answer, the same apostles that wrote the majority of the New Testament

  • @seanhillery1231
    @seanhillery1231 Рік тому +89

    “Why Christian’s need the Catholic Church.”
    *The Spanish Inquisition left the chat.

    • @Zurvan101
      @Zurvan101 Рік тому +7

      "Alter boys have left the chat"

    • @Adam-uc9hj
      @Adam-uc9hj Рік тому +9

      Huh? The Spanish Inquisition was simply epic 😎

    • @Mrgaming34241
      @Mrgaming34241 Рік тому +8

      Bro what about expelling the Jews is a bad thing

    • @Adam-uc9hj
      @Adam-uc9hj Рік тому +12

      @@Mrgaming34241 the Jews reject Christ as their savior, thereby abandoning the Father. By order of Pope Innocent III, it was God's will for them to be exiled from Spain under the authority of the Holy See. Religious indifferentism was (and still is) mortal sin of heresy, and so subsequent Popes were right to institute it.

    • @Mrgaming34241
      @Mrgaming34241 Рік тому +3

      @@Adam-uc9hj ikr, unsurprisingly spains golden age started after that

  • @russellhronek3432
    @russellhronek3432 Рік тому +14

    Jesus literally said you don’t need to be circumcised when he was talking to Pharisees

  • @RapunzelASMR
    @RapunzelASMR 2 місяці тому +1

    That does not mean the catholic church! It means to come together with born again Christians, discussing and talking and being led by the holy spirit .

    • @jamiehicks2752
      @jamiehicks2752 Місяць тому

      Which is why we have thousands of denominations with different doctrines that all think they are right and all think they have the Holy Spirit and all think their their personal interpretation of the Bible is correct yet all disagree on doctrine.

    • @RapunzelASMR
      @RapunzelASMR 7 днів тому

      @@jamiehicks2752 the bible message is very simple and doesnt need grand theories. We all love Jesus, want to follow him and accept him as lord and savior, and to be transformed to be moe Christ like through the holy spirit. It will convict any true believers regardless of denomination. Jesus himself commended childlike faith, and so do I. All these different theories just make it more complicated and confusing, or bring in weird things like praying to saint for example or the whole trinity doctrine. its not even necessary to make up these theories. I like to just stick to Jesus and the bible, he made God known to us, came down and walked among us in human form. And then when gone sends the holy spirit to help and guide us. I dont need to say if the holy spirit is a person or not, its just from God period.

    • @jamiehicks2752
      @jamiehicks2752 7 днів тому +1

      @@RapunzelASMR That is your right to believe what you believe.

  • @jamesrowntree108
    @jamesrowntree108 Рік тому +23

    To be a Christian you do not need the Catholic religious system... only Jesus.
    We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus alone. No saints or popes needed.

    • @a.demian
      @a.demian 9 місяців тому +4

      Not Scriptural at all.

    • @Joeyrahmz
      @Joeyrahmz 8 місяців тому +1

      Where does it say that in the Bible, James?

    • @matt_the_man9831
      @matt_the_man9831 8 місяців тому


    • @Iustusxi
      @Iustusxi 8 місяців тому

      We aren’t saved by faith alone. That’s just not biblical.
      Saints are simply Christians who have gone before us, and “ran the race.” Like the Bible said. So I don’t know why you included that.
      And the Pope is the successor of Peter, which is both biblical and historical.
      You “Bible believing” Protestants are always the first to get conquered.
      Your thinking is the reason we have women pastors and queers invading Churches. Repent and turn to Christs Church.

    • @evanbozich4531
      @evanbozich4531 7 місяців тому +3

      ​@@Joeyrahmzsays this in John 3:16

  • @starr4490
    @starr4490 3 місяці тому +4

    Authority. I love my Catholic Church. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. Thank you so much, Fr. Mike. God bless🤗🙏🕊

  • @AndrewKendall71
    @AndrewKendall71 Рік тому +2

    Absolutely. The apostles had to convene and/or had to intervene in 1st century churches regarding their misapprehensions of truths of the gospel, of ecclesiology, of Christian living. In other words, the shepherds and teachers and those with prophetic gifts were insufficient in their local expressions and HAD to be confronted by apostolic authority. So, the question is not of the church's authority separate from the principles of the Bible. The visible, structural church can go wrong by not comporting with the scripture. Therefore, the scripture and its principles is the apostolic measurement, not whether the church declares it itself or not.

  • @happydays310
    @happydays310 Рік тому +4

    Thank you so much Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you died for my sins, was buried and rose again the 3rd day. Thank you for saving me. 1 Corinthians 15 1-4kjv.

  • @6969smurfy
    @6969smurfy Рік тому +7

    Fascinating how Christains try to distance them Selfs from Catholics, but still follow most of there tanted ways, be it in ignorance or not!
    Shabbat Shalom Christains!

    • @jeremyagosto-santana5280
      @jeremyagosto-santana5280 11 місяців тому +1

      Exactly! We need to break all chains with the Catholic Church. Which wasn’t the church Christ left. And we should observe all his commandments and customs. Including the sabbath.
      If only people would read the gospel and know their history.

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy 11 місяців тому

      @@jeremyagosto-santana5280 I think it' might be YAH/Gods Will, for the Word is right there infront of there eyes but they are Blinded to Truths. Only YAH will open there eyes if they ask for sight.
      They follow Man's influance of Interpatations ie religions and don't seek Father for a One on One consultation.
      Shalom Brother,
      make your self a blessed "prep" Day.

  • @debbiegum2226
    @debbiegum2226 Рік тому +1

    Circumcision is more of a hygienic procedure
    One of my kids was a preemie and the doctor recommended we wait to have him circumcised. He ended up with phimosis at the age of 4 so we had to go ahead with the procedure.
    As a Catholic I believe that all sacraments, along with attending weekly Mass, avoiding sin, showing charity to others, and following the 10 Commandments are the recipe needed for salvation

    • @helghannationalist9798
      @helghannationalist9798 Рік тому

      Notice you didn't say Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior

    • @debbiegum2226
      @debbiegum2226 Рік тому

      Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior already goes along with the things I mentioned. When we accept Christ it’s not a one- time event, or a “curtain call”, “altar call” , etc., and bam it’s done.
      We are all born with Original Sin. That’s why we start with Baptism to wash away that sin. Our parents are the ones who are responsible for getting us baptized. From that point on it’s up to our parents to train us up in the faith. All along the way we are accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior. The journey continues as we grow and go through life.

  • @sammygomes7381
    @sammygomes7381 Рік тому +7

    It was James, the brother of Christ, the first bishop of Jerusalem, that handed down the decision.

    • @historycatholic
      @historycatholic  Рік тому +5

      Yes true
      Here's some reasons why:
      We think there are three reasons:
      He's the bishop of Jerusalem. Peter was just a visitor.
      What he says, he ...like Paul and Barnabas ...ties into Peter's declaration: "Brothers, listen to me. SYMEON has described how God..." etc.
      And, most importantly, because James was the leader of the Church's "Jewish wing." Remember, in verse 1 and 2 how Acts 15 describes:

    • @gamingwithapes8532
      @gamingwithapes8532 Рік тому +1

      @@historycatholic boooooo

    • @sammygomes7381
      @sammygomes7381 Рік тому +2

      @@historycatholic I'll take the word of God at face value. We know Paul went to the gentiles and Peter the Jews. We know Paul insisted on spreading the gospel where it had not been preached, Rome. We know Paul went to Rome and there is no mention of him meeting with Peter which he most likely would have mentioned as he mentions meeting Jewish leaders.

    • @richman8082
      @richman8082 Рік тому

      Acts is unreliable. Jesus never said that converts don't need to follow the law. And jewish Christians continued this practice and Acts 15 21 actually says that converts need to visit the synagogues and learn the law. That means that they learn the law and circumcise themselves

    • @sammygomes7381
      @sammygomes7381 Рік тому

      @@richman8082 Circumcision was a covenant between God and His people, not the gentiles. Genesis 17:10 This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you; every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you."

  • @LisaKramer96
    @LisaKramer96 Рік тому +3

    The thief on the cross was never baptized, never went to church, but Jesus told him that the thief was going to be in heaven with him that day.

    • @ejegbavworuemu2129
      @ejegbavworuemu2129 Рік тому +2

      Look up Baptism by desire

    • @LisaKramer96
      @LisaKramer96 Рік тому +2

      @@ejegbavworuemu2129 No thanks I'll stick with the Bible.

    • @ejegbavworuemu2129
      @ejegbavworuemu2129 Рік тому +1

      Good very good, now read 1 Peter 3:8-21, Acts 2:38-41. Baptism is directly linked to salvation

    • @LisaKramer96
      @LisaKramer96 Рік тому +1

      @@ejegbavworuemu2129 First we are saved. Then we follow Christ in baptism as an outward sign of salvation. But the Bible is clear that it is not by works of rightness but by God's Grace we are saved.

    • @ejegbavworuemu2129
      @ejegbavworuemu2129 Рік тому +2

      @@LisaKramer96 I totally agree. But your life must bear fruits of salvation, that is the works. Faith without works is dead.

  • @dianeexley1709
    @dianeexley1709 5 місяців тому +1

    The "church" is all who are born again, in Christ. Born of the spirit. NOT the catholic church or any other church.

  • @importdoc7188
    @importdoc7188 Рік тому +55

    Catholic -- the true church founded by Jesus Christ.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Рік тому +4


    • @nosywendigo592
      @nosywendigo592 Рік тому +15


    • @seanpermann5570
      @seanpermann5570 Рік тому

      It wasn’t founded by Jesus. That’s a lie from they perpetrated from the beginning. If Jesus founded it, then how come Catholics don’t have the assurance of salvation and need purgatory as a safety net in case they weren’t good enough?

    • @ziedznaidi6781
      @ziedznaidi6781 11 місяців тому +1


    • @TarmacSkin
      @TarmacSkin 9 місяців тому +10

      False… Thats what they want you to believe.

  • @MrCarlosVillasenor
    @MrCarlosVillasenor Рік тому +101

    As I Christian I don’t need the Catholic Church I need TheHoly Spirit🕊️

    • @johnosumba1980
      @johnosumba1980 Рік тому +17

      It takes humility to be led, otherwise some said the same about Jesus, the Pharisees couldn’t allow themselves to be led by Jesus.

    • @alexanderbarr7307
      @alexanderbarr7307 Рік тому +8

      @@johnosumba1980 So you suggest that we follow the current Pharisees….the Catholic Church???

    • @johnosumba1980
      @johnosumba1980 Рік тому +16

      @@alexanderbarr7307 it is not Pharisees, it is holy Catholic Church, the Church Jesus Christ established and promised to be with till the end of time, not unless to you Jesus was and is a Pharisees of which he is not.

    • @alexanderbarr7307
      @alexanderbarr7307 Рік тому +3

      @@johnosumba1980 Then He said to them in His teaching, “Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts, who devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers.

    • @alexanderbarr7307
      @alexanderbarr7307 Рік тому

      @@johnosumba1980 The Catholic Church is full of Pharisees.

  • @soniafell8267
    @soniafell8267 Рік тому +1

    In the bible only once do it say faith alone and that was from Mathew. When he says man cannot live by faith alone. Martin Luther hadded alone .

  • @doxiemom95
    @doxiemom95 Рік тому +10

    I was raised episcopal, now go to a community church yet I'm drawn to the Catholic church. I struggle with 2 issues I don't understand, but it's a beautiful and old religion.

    • @rebn8346
      @rebn8346 Рік тому +1

      Which two issues?

    • @eesoteric.
      @eesoteric. Рік тому +7

      Hi :) would you care for some resources? Im Catholic and i can assure you it is a beautiful religion and is the one true Church instituted by Jesus Christ Himself. I can understand how it all might be so much to grasp all at once-and it is- but do not worry; put your Faith in God and pray to Him ask him like a daughter to her Father asking with a contrite heart. Jesus loves to hear us call out to Him and will come to us like a caring Father He is, of course! Learn the Our Father and Hail Mary for starters and you’ll see how precious these prayers that come from Sacred Scripture are.

    • @doxiemom95
      @doxiemom95 Рік тому +4

      @@rebn8346 our 10 commandments are different than the Catholics. It seems they split one commandment into two to make 10 and dropped the do not worship idols and it's hard to accept the sacraments turning into actual blood and flesh during the Eucharist. That being said I know we tiny brained people cannot comprehend the ways of our Lord.

    • @doxiemom95
      @doxiemom95 Рік тому +1

      @@eesoteric. I would welcome any reference material, and I am always happy to hear from true and genuine believers. ❤️

    • @Vladi.G
      @Vladi.G Рік тому +1

      @@doxiemom95 The 10 commandments are different in the catholic Bible because the papacy is a false teacher.
      The prophecies about the antichrist in Daniel 7, 2 Thessalanians 2, and throughout Revelation all clearly point to the papcy. There are about 10 criteria that are perfectly matched with the papacy including time prophecies. For example, the Bible says that the antichrist will persecute the church for 1260 years. In 538 the Justinian decree gave the papacy political and military power and that power was used to persecute the saints... anyone who did not agree with the catholic church's pagan teachings and practices was persecuted and/or killed. Then in 1798 Napoleon removed this power from the papacy. From 538 to 1798 we have exactly 1260 years. Another example would be the changing of times and laws that were prophesied in the Bible... the papacy has changed times (Sabbath is no longer kept by most Christians and now Sunday is the supposed holy day) and laws (the second commandment regarding worshipping graven images is not in the catholic Bible).
      The Bible tells us to get out of Babylon. There are many Christians in the catholic church, but the papacy and the catholic church as an institution is wicked and in the end it will once again persecute the saints.
      Let me know if you're interested in studying these things further.

  • @Corinthians--nx4oz
    @Corinthians--nx4oz Рік тому +6

    2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
    3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
    4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
    5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
    6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
    7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.
    8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
    Trust in the shed blood of our lord Jesus Christ!
    1 Corinthians 15:1-4
    King James Version
    15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
    2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
    3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
    4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    • @Sicilianus
      @Sicilianus Рік тому

      Matthew 16:18-20

    • @Corinthians--nx4oz
      @Corinthians--nx4oz Рік тому +1

      @@Sicilianus that’s the typical false verse to claim Peter was the first pope of the Catholic Church. If you keep reading Jesus calls him Satan. But not only that Jesus was referring to himself as the rock. Not Peter.
      1 Corinthians 10:4
      King James Version
      4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
      Trust me I was a Catholic before I was saved. Once I read the Bible I found out that the Catholic Church was one big lie. A pagan religion. Come out of her as stated in revelation. Christ alone. You do need the Catholic Church to be saved

    • @Sicilianus
      @Sicilianus Рік тому

      @@Corinthians--nx4oz where does Christ called Pope St. Peter satan? and are you kidding me?? Christ literally called Pope St. Peter the Rock; that’s what the name Peter literally means!

    • @Corinthians--nx4oz
      @Corinthians--nx4oz Рік тому +1

      @@Sicilianus like I said you have to READ. Keep going down to verses 21-23
      21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.
      22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.
      23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
      I know it’s hard to believe you’ve been lied to you’re whole life. Believe me I was like you as well. But the facts are the facts. And when he said THIS rock he literally meant himself (Jesus)

    • @Sicilianus
      @Sicilianus Рік тому +3

      @@Corinthians--nx4oz you do understand Christ wasn’t calling Pope St. Peter Satan because he was acting in an intentional malignant manner, but rather became a temporary adversary as Pope St. Peter became an obstacle to Christ’s death and Resurrection due to his human nature not fully understanding what must be done. i know it’s hard that you weren’t properly catechized and that you fell for a protestant heresy, but please read the Church Fathers and return to the Holy Catholic Church for which there is only salvation

  • @johndisip4481
    @johndisip4481 Рік тому

    From the council of Jerusalem grew to be the Ecumenical Council of the seven churches. One of these churches Split in 1054 to the Papel Protestantism. During the council of Jerusalem Peter drew up the apostles and then was silent on the matter Allowing all to speak, to let the Holy Spirit speak in council and did not act like a dictator. Jesus is about we not me.

  • @stevendobo4059
    @stevendobo4059 Рік тому +8

    This is a good argument that I have not heard before. I appreciate your style Father Mike.

    • @ChristRedemption_Ministries
      @ChristRedemption_Ministries Рік тому

      Matthew 23:9

    • @stevendobo4059
      @stevendobo4059 Рік тому

      @@ChristRedemption_Ministries I get your point. However, before we judge Catholics, they carried the Christian church for roughly 1500 years before Protestants existed.

    • @KyrieEleisonMaranatha
      @KyrieEleisonMaranatha Рік тому

      ​@@ChristRedemption_Ministries Jesus called Abraham father in John 8:56-58.
      Paul called himself a father in 1 Corinthians 4:15.
      So either you don't understand what Jesus meant in Matthew 23:9. Or Jesus contradicted himself in John 8:56-58.

  • @Austin-qj8qx
    @Austin-qj8qx Рік тому +10

    Catholics teach a works based salvation anyhow. How would a catholic ever know they’re saved if you have to earn salvation ?

    • @AlphonseMenkefor
      @AlphonseMenkefor Рік тому +10

      I am Catholic and it is only by the grace of God that we are saved. When one believes in Jesus Christ as God incarnate and redeemer for all mankind your actions may reflect good works. No amount of good works can save us.

    • @Austin-qj8qx
      @Austin-qj8qx Рік тому +3

      @AlphonsIus Menkefor amen brother. Our good works do not save us, they prove that we are saved. You identify as catholic but the Catholic Church does not teach that we are saved only by grace through faith. They teach a works based salvation and hold the position that we can never know for sure whether or not we are saved with any certainty. I would recommend finding a Protestant church that reflects your position which is in line with the true gospel. Catholicism teaches a perverted gospel mixed with works and sacraments etc.

    • @sassychimpanzee7431
      @sassychimpanzee7431 Рік тому +9

      Your claim is wrong. Catholics don't believe in works based salvation

    • @Austin-qj8qx
      @Austin-qj8qx Рік тому +1

      @Sassy Chimpanzee yes, they do. “According to official Catholic doctrine, in order for a person to be saved, it's quite a tedious task. It involves steps such as actual grace, faith, good works, baptism, participation in the sacraments, penance, indulgences, and keeping the commandments”

    • @zoeyz7106
      @zoeyz7106 Рік тому +4

      @@Austin-qj8qx Do you believe we shouldn’t have/do those things to be closer to Christ? You’re acting like any of those are “bad” things.. they are not. Again, it’s up to God if we are “saved” and can rest in Heaven, but hell, it sure wouldn’t hurt to do good, charitable acts in order to please Him.

  • @bryanc2262
    @bryanc2262 Рік тому

    Acts 15 is the first Ecumenical Council. At the time, the See of Jerusalem was the only See, with the Sees of Antioch and Alexandria being formed shortly there after, and Rome even later.

  • @FortniteOG420
    @FortniteOG420 Рік тому +6

    Imagine if the Vatican would let the library be public, it would probably blow all the Catholic stuff apart

    • @100megatonYT
      @100megatonYT Рік тому +2

      Or it’d be an unparalleled historical archive

    • @GinoMEGuain
      @GinoMEGuain Рік тому +5

      It IS public. You CAN visit it.
      JUST certain books (well, rooms actually) needs you to be prepared and authorized to be granted, just like you would in any other museum.
      Many have been there, both religious and atheists.

    • @100megatonYT
      @100megatonYT Рік тому +2

      Another thing to mention is many things in there are likely thousands of years old. Of course they’re not just gonna let people see it lol

    • @GinoMEGuain
      @GinoMEGuain Рік тому +2

      @@100megatonYT of course. You don't walk inside the Louvre with your hand reaching out, screaming "give me the Mona Lisa". 🤣

    • @100megatonYT
      @100megatonYT Рік тому +1

      @@GinoMEGuain fr. Lemme caress some Picasso! lol

  • @anwarhussein8043
    @anwarhussein8043 Рік тому +10

    Woe too those who write God's words with their own hands for a terrible punishment awaits them 🙏

    • @josephnavin4451
      @josephnavin4451 Рік тому

      Cannot an omnipotent creative genius God simply materialize his own book from nothing, then distribute these flawless authoritative texts straight from the heavens? Why do these deities depend on their fallible human minions to draft, edit, corrupt, compile, and publish sacred truths?

    • @Levo42691
      @Levo42691 Рік тому

      Proverbs claims that one who doesn't keep the commands and prays in an abomination

    • @Jesus_Muslim9999
      @Jesus_Muslim9999 Рік тому

      @@josephnavin4451 Song of Solomon 5:16
      His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether Muhammad. This is my beloved, this is my friend, oh daughters of Jerusalem.
      The Hebrew word mahmadim (Hebrew word מחמדים‪‬‪‬ has been translated as (desirable, lovely) in Song of Solomon 5:16
      The ( im) used in word is plural of respect of royalty.. for example actual name of God in (Genesis 1:1) is Alohim (im) plural of respect of royalty in Hebrew language. Grammatically noun is not translated in grammar so name should be kept in its original form as Muhammad.....

    • @Jesus_Muslim9999
      @Jesus_Muslim9999 Рік тому

      @@josephnavin4451 Surah Al hadid (Quran 57:25)
      (57:25) Indeed We sent Our Messengers with Clear Signs, and sent down with them the Book and the Balance that people may uphold justice.45 And We sent down iron, wherein there is awesome power and many benefits for people,46 so that Allah may know who, without even having seen Him, helps Him and His Messengers.
      The recent discoveries:
      Explanation : Quran says iron was sent down on earth 🌍 now lets see what scientists say:
      Google it truth finder :
      Did iron come to Earth from space?
      Did iron come from meteorites ?

    • @scottfunkhouser7491
      @scottfunkhouser7491 Рік тому

      thats not torah Anwar and you do know Catholics taught Moses as did rabbi. So if theres any mistakes blame them

  • @christinajenkins611
    @christinajenkins611 Місяць тому +1

    the church and the apostles decide a we dont we need circumcism to be baptised...now the church has decided they have the ability to teach on decisions made between the church and the apostles. Ummm i don't hear God in any of this.

  • @SplitTheSea
    @SplitTheSea Рік тому +6

    Thank you Jesus for making us believers a Royal Priesthood, Thank you Father for being our only Father.

    • @Jesus_Muslim9999
      @Jesus_Muslim9999 Рік тому

      Song of Solomon 5:16
      His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether Muhammad. This is my beloved, this is my friend, oh daughters of Jerusalem.
      The Hebrew word mahmadim (Hebrew word מחמדים‪‬‪‬ has been translated as (desirable, lovely) in Song of Solomon 5:16
      The ( im) used in word is plural of respect of royalty.. for example actual name of God in (Genesis 1:1) is Alohim (im) plural of respect of royalty in Hebrew language. Grammatically noun is not translated in grammar so name should be kept in its original form as Muhammad.....

    • @SplitTheSea
      @SplitTheSea Рік тому +3

      @@Jesus_Muslim9999 repent

    • @Jesus_Muslim9999
      @Jesus_Muslim9999 Рік тому

      @@SplitTheSea i am already in repentance five times a day Bro..
      Why don't you research over Quran you might have studied many books just for the sake of job to earn your livelihood why don't you atleast once study Quran may be you earn your hereafter...

    • @SplitTheSea
      @SplitTheSea Рік тому

      @@Jesus_Muslim9999 all I have to know is the true currency to defect the fakes. I don’t need to examine each one carefully man. Jesus is God, claimed to be The Almighty, Died and rose again on the third day. Our works can’t save us. Why wouldn’t you read the Gospels. 4 different accounts of Jesus’ Messiahship, Servanthood, prophesied Son of God Status, and Deity. Not to mention, this was wrote 600 years before the texts you claim to be from divine inspiration. The same texts that contradict Judaism, whereas Christianity fulfills the promises made from the Old Testament. With love - B

    • @Jesus_Muslim9999
      @Jesus_Muslim9999 Рік тому

      @@SplitTheSea ok brother taking things in laboratory to test setting right criteria what we find is for example Prophet Moses said ( God will raise raise a Prophet like me ) taking this Prophecy to test Prophet Jesus the prophecy doesn't fulfill but taking this Prophecy to test Prophet Muhammad the Prophecy gets fulfilled..now you might say how the answer is Prophet Moses had father , mother and Prophet Muhammad had father,mother while as Prophet Jesus was born miraculously to virgin Mary by the royal order of God Alohim , Allah ( BE and it is ) . If no ego comes in between you will accept my test criteria. 😇

  • @Steve-nm9qy
    @Steve-nm9qy Рік тому +13

    $100 for anyone who can locate a catholic in the bible

    • @langleybeliever7789
      @langleybeliever7789 Рік тому +3

      Or any passage that mentions mary's name when it comes to glory, or repentance.

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 Рік тому +5

      $100 if you can tell me where in the bible it says it must be in the bible

    • @langleybeliever7789
      @langleybeliever7789 Рік тому +2

      Then its irrelevamt ! Anything to do with your salvation is in black and white in the bible !

    • @davidcole333
      @davidcole333 Рік тому

      @@langleybeliever7789 really? go ahead and summarize your vision of salvation then...?

    • @langleybeliever7789
      @langleybeliever7789 Рік тому

      @@davidcole333 The word Mary is no where in it, or another sinful man.

  • @divyaa155
    @divyaa155 Рік тому

    [Part II of comment] Again, what happened in Acts 15 was: Holy Spirit taught them that they don't have to be circumcised to be baptized. The point was not to give power to a group of men who claim to have exclusive access to Holy Spirit, but the point was that men are taught by the HOLY SPIRIT. Nowhere does Acts 15 says that only this church group had access to Holy Spirit.
    Even today, ordinary born-again Christians (from all walks of life) come together and pray over what is right (in key important decisions ranging from matters of faith to family, from the tiniest decision to the weightiest) - and are provided answers by the Holy Ghost in accordance with God's will.

  • @hesicast
    @hesicast Рік тому +15

    Wow u just confirmed that the pope is not infallible

    • @craigsherman4480
      @craigsherman4480 Рік тому +13

      Um… he isn’t infallible in everything he says. He is only infallible when it comes to official teachings on faith and morals.

    • @darrencaruana1350
      @darrencaruana1350 Рік тому

      He is the antichrist. One of many antichrists because who is not with him is against him.

    • @jamesbarlow6423
      @jamesbarlow6423 Рік тому


    • @Vladi.G
      @Vladi.G Рік тому +2

      @@craigsherman4480 According to who? The pope?

    • @craigsherman4480
      @craigsherman4480 Рік тому +11

      @@Vladi.G According to the Church, which Christ founded, that is the pillar and bulwark of Truth. You might want to do a bit of research on this. You might be surprised.

  • @duanewellenkamp984
    @duanewellenkamp984 Рік тому +5

    I still get phantom foreskin pains from my circumcision.

  • @aldenservoss4247
    @aldenservoss4247 Рік тому +1

    The difference is that they were filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered by the spirit to make those decisions.
    Read Acts 2:38 and you’ll see that we ought also to receive the spirit, just as Jesus talked about in John 3:5, Acts 1.
    The church should not introduce new doctrine and teaching found outside of the Word and without the Holy Spirit, or it will cause many people to be lost - good luck facing God thinking you were authorized to change his church without his consent.

    • @hermesgarcia8924
      @hermesgarcia8924 Рік тому

      all dotorine is biblical and is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It's nothing new, as a catholic we believe that there is no new revolution, the church teaches what has already been said in the bible. Like the trinity wasn't an official teaching because it wasn't explicitly stated. but now it's known, we call this a private revolution.

  • @zedek_one
    @zedek_one Рік тому +5

    You dont need to be circumcised to be baptized and you dont have to be baptized to be saved. Glory to Jesus Christ for making salvation easy and accessible for everyone.

  • @kennethbekezelanitwala4273
    @kennethbekezelanitwala4273 Рік тому +7

    Believe and be saved is key

  • @jdaniel11405822
    @jdaniel11405822 9 місяців тому

    There's a difference between the church deciding something and the apostles deciding something. The church, who is actually the people not the religion, didn't decide anything that was part of the foundation of Christianity. The apostles were the ones who decided because they were the ones charged with writing what we know as the New Testament. It's evident by the description of the foundation of the new Jerusalem in Revelation.

  • @jensonsamuel6599
    @jensonsamuel6599 Рік тому +4

    Thank you Father Mike for your wisdom and knowledge!!! May God bless you abundantly always!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🎶🎶🍰🍰

  • @francisanselm5984
    @francisanselm5984 Рік тому +4

    thanks for the l'info

  • @divyaa155
    @divyaa155 Рік тому

    [Part IV of comment]
    (John 17:15) - " My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one."
    May I ask what is keeping you where you are? Is it somewhat a conviction about your institution plus a job security plus a reputation? If it is also job security plus a reputation, then I humbly encourage you to seek the truth, get to the bottom of truth through the Scriptures (pray earnestly while doing so). And then leave the job, work hard in a job in the world and follow Jesus. Then God will give you rest and/or tribulation but with God's rest assured.

  • @_FearNoEvil
    @_FearNoEvil Рік тому +6

    I don’t need the Catholic Church, I have Jesus.

    • @Warhawk7217
      @Warhawk7217 Рік тому +1

      You can only get the fullness of Jesus through the Catholic church.

    • @osgrace3341
      @osgrace3341 Рік тому

      @@Warhawk7217 if your statement and being saved by works was true then why was the thief on the cross saved ?

    • @Warhawk7217
      @Warhawk7217 Рік тому

      @@osgrace3341 he was saved by God's mercy.
      The same mercy that preserved God's Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic church for 2000 years. Come on in, the water is fine!

    • @osgrace3341
      @osgrace3341 Рік тому

      @@Warhawk7217 I’ll join as soon as the pope sells everything he owns and gives it to the poor

  • @jlar1984
    @jlar1984 Рік тому +4

    Catholicism is so far from the truth it’s embarrassing. Stick with the standard word of God.

  • @the_jeremiah_16_19_project
    @the_jeremiah_16_19_project Рік тому

    The discussion in Acts 15 was about "getting saved." A person does not need to get circumcised to be saved. However, the instruction is that the new converts avoid the pollution of idols, fornication, meat that is killed by strangling and eating blood.
    These 4 sins were the most egregious. The new converts could learn more by attending services on Shabbat and hearing the Law of Moses.
    Changing the Shabbat to the "day of the venerable sun" and renaming pagan holidays to accommodate Jesus, the newest god of the Roman pantheon, did not diminish the gods those holidays honor. It only reduced Jesus to their level.

  • @Weesnauh
    @Weesnauh Рік тому +3

    >implying the Apostles are the Roman catholic church
    >implying this truth was decided not revealed
    >ignoring that all Christians are Christ's priesthood

    • @angelcake6869
      @angelcake6869 Рік тому +2

      1. history tells us that Jesus Christ and the apostles founded the Catholic Church, and since apostolic succession is Biblically-sound, yes.
      2. the royal priesthood =/= the spiritual priesthood.

    • @robcrobert
      @robcrobert Рік тому

      ​@@angelcake6869 that's simply nowhere in scripture. Read it forward backwards upside down upside right it absolutely not there

    • @angelcake6869
      @angelcake6869 Рік тому

      @@robcrobert have you considered that you just lack adequate reading comprehension skills?

    • @robcrobert
      @robcrobert Рік тому

      @@angelcake6869 I'll be waiting for you too prove it by the scriptures alone

    • @edmonddantes2745
      @edmonddantes2745 Рік тому

      ​@@robcrobert was everything Jesus ever said in the Bible?

  • @martybeazley3306
    @martybeazley3306 Рік тому +6

    Watch out when they play dress up, as if they are Godly.

    • @annapennrose1158
      @annapennrose1158 Рік тому +1

      Like the man who wears a $2000 suit on Sunday morning and he is the center of the church...I agree. Protestants can't even agree on Baptism or Salvation.

  • @eddyella6554
    @eddyella6554 Рік тому

    In Acts 15, they didn't make a new doctrine or new teaching. They discussed the Instructions given to them by Christ Jesus. At that time, the Gospel hadn't been written yet so they had to discuss it based on what they remembered from Christ teachings. Now that the Gospel is written, we know that the decision was based on John 3:5.
    "Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit."
    Salvation is achieved upon receiving the Holy Spirit. Circumcision became outdated as "the mark" of the OLD covenant. A new covenant had been established and they were going through a transition.

  • @michealferrell1677
    @michealferrell1677 Рік тому

    That is crazy talk
    The Jerusalem council was defending the doctrine of justification by faith alone !
    The church’s authority comes from what is god breathed , not church tradition dogmatically defined by Rome .

  • @mariobethell3731
    @mariobethell3731 Рік тому +1

    If only the disciples had remembered what Jesus had taught about the law, they would not have to pray for the unchanging truth. For example ...
    Matthew 5:17-19
    17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
    18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
    19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
    Proverbs 28:9
    9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

  • @lizicadumitru9683
    @lizicadumitru9683 Рік тому

    The teaching of scripture was always that circumcision was of the "heart" not of the flesh. The apostles didn't come to this by their own understanding but knew it from within scripture.

  • @truthbetold8787
    @truthbetold8787 Рік тому

    Acts chapter 15 is them saying the only way you get saved is by grace through faith and that there is nothing else you do to get saved like getting circumcised. Which is exactly what Jesus taught them. It's not just some random thing the church came up with. This still doesn't give the catholic church any type of authority. The catholic church trys to give itself authority. You have no authority. Jesus has the authority. The word of God has the authority.

  • @rivernm105
    @rivernm105 Рік тому +1

    History is not our teacher, The Word of God is. Man in history is sinful. Christ and His Word is our sole authority and teacher.

  • @AndrewGiles688
    @AndrewGiles688 Рік тому

    And then they decided on topics that are strictly opposed to scripture, not just on what they presume. No man shall be referred to as "Father" here on earth, no man aside from The Son of Man has authority to forgive sins, and no man shall continue the priesthood after Christ (the great High Priest) now holds both the ordinances of Sacrifice and mediation and will hold them forever, free of death. No man can resume that Holy title that Jesus now holds. Interpretation of scripture was a commandment given to the leaders of the church but never were they supposed to contradict it.

  • @Thetroublesome_3
    @Thetroublesome_3 Рік тому +1

    I agree with this. But how does this mean we Christian’s need Catholics? I know about -3 people (sarcasm) who have been circumcised AND baptized, as christans. This… I dont… why? Why does this have any controversy twords christans. We literally agree with this.

  • @ds2110
    @ds2110 Рік тому

    Actually, outside the Bible in secular history, the Egyptians circumcised all slaves, this was part of their culture, and the Egyptians also including the Israelites as they were slaves, which meant that anyone who was circumcised could not do trade in Egypt, nor could they sell, buy property or open businesses.
    This way anyone who wasn't; could do trade and also marry - but slaves couldn't
    When our Creator saved the Israelites from the Egyptian Empire, he promised them the promised land, the land of milk and honey. ( Bees make honey and therefore this meant that the land was full of green vegetation, while cattle produced milk, meaning lots of life stock)
    In brief, the land that the Creator was giving his people, meant that they would never have to work again and could freely live of the land, never having to be slaves to the system we call "civilisation" like the Egyptian Empire, all there needs were catered for
    However, before they could enter the promised land, the Creator made a covenant with the Israelites before they could enter, in others words an agreement was set in place. "I'll do this for you, if you do this for me" - Two way agreement, known as a covenant. (Two-way agreement, and if one party was to break that agreement, either party can rightfully pull out also)
    The covenant was that all males needed to be circumcised before entering, and any male infants that were born after entering the promise land also needed to be chopped. This way no one could steal or take what the Creator had given them freely, and use it for trade back in Egypt to make money or become wealthy of Gods land.
    Even if they had a silly idea that they could wait until their children had grown up, then send them into Egypt, they couldn't, because all males were required to get their penis chopped.
    The Creator placed them in the promised land, so that they would no longer be enslaved to civilisation, and they could live freely with never having to work again.
    However, as they went against Gods laws, over time that land become destroyed, and is no longer the land of milk and honey. Now it's just another part of Gods creation that as become destroyed, just like most of our Planet, and that agreement no longer counts.
    As there is no more green vegetation in 2023, and its just another built up city, like any other city. That agreement was abolished thousands of years ago, it only applied to the people living at that time, as part of that covenant agreement between the Israelites and the Creator at that time in human history.
    However, the history of that account is recorded throughout the Bible, as the Bible is simply a written history of what people demanded and required from the Creator and therefore it is recorded,
    And taught by religion that these are in fact requirements from God in todays modern world which isn't the case, it was only for that short part of human history.
    As its in the Bible those that practise religion assume that this is what God requires, if not this law, then some other pointless arbitrary law what was also recorded in the bible, and taught in todays churches as religion, as though these laws still apply.
    Unlike what we are told in the public educational system, people living in Biblical times, would not have worn clothing, clothing was very expensive and it was only those of the royal house holds, tax collectors, Nobels and the elite, including those high up in social statue that were able to have the luxury of clothing.
    Today all our clothing is mass produced in sweat shops, back then it wasn't, only the wealthy could afford clothing, most likely they would have walked around naked, or simply wore animal skins, what little clothing they had would have been only used for special occasions, fisherman like the apostles including Jesus would have fished naked, so not to damage what little clothing they had.
    Fine linen, was only for the rich and wealthy, unlikely what we see in many bibical Hollywood movies where they dressed in fine linen and different clothing every other day. - In reality they would be naked and therefore having there penis on show would identify them straight away.
    The only laws that the Creator gave directly in the entire Bible can be found in Genesis 2, these are the only laws which were not up for debate, also known as Gods law and it will remain forever
    - eat from the trees I have provided (eat healthy food)
    - Have sex and multiply, spread out and fill the earth ( Just as it says on the tin, have sex, create offspring and fill the earth and spread out) Unlike Cain who decided to built population centres and remain in one location) found in Genesis 4.
    - Care and to tend for my creation ( in other words, look after everything I have created and do not damage my creation or anything in it)
    - And ensure you get plenty of rest.
    These are the only laws, that were given directly by the Creator, we also have the Ten Commandments, which again were all natural laws, that were written by the finger of God, But we will see no silly laws on sexual behaviour, clothing, chopping, diet, etc, if the Creator needed to address anything, I'm more than sure he would have taken to the time to record them in his original Ten. But even these laws were part of a covenant agreement. Only those found in Genesis 2 were not.
    When the Israelities refused Gods natural law, they were given the opposite to natural, and they received the unnatural law (The law of Moses) the law of Man and not the law of God. And because all those pointless laws are also recorded in the Bible, the churches assume that these are requirements from God and teach them in their churches. - Known as religion.
    Gods law is natural law which will remain forever, care for the planet, one another, the animals, eat healthy and enjoy his creation. But as we have all been enslaved in civilisation, natural is now illegal .. also known as the wild beast or Babylon the Great in Revelation. Which is Satan creation, made up of 3 foundation stones which are the Governmental authorities, the beliefs systems (one 4 all) and the economy, all have destroyed and caused harm to Gods Kingdom and misled mankind.. in to falsely believing something else.
    When Jesus died, he did alway with all laws, and the only laws that applied until our Creator saves us all again from civilisation, is to love your brother as yourself and the the Creator with all your heart, no other laws, rituals, festivals, customs matter, they all belong to religion. However, Jesus did make a point of also stating that Gods Laws remains forever "natural law" - However, sadly we are all forced to follow the law set in place by man otherwise we are punished. And while we all remain in Civilisation, we will all remain sinners whether we like or not. The only time that our Creator was happy with his creation recored in the Bible is found at Genesis 1:31 while everyone remained inside the garden, and later at Revelation 21:5 which is a future event.
    Any unnatural act is rightfully a sin, and therefore everything we do today in this modern world outside the garden are all unnatural acts and they are viewed the same... and are not how our creator intended us to live, if we want to make our creator happy, then we need to try and imagine what life was like inside the Garden, what was there and what was not
    for example, picking fruit from a tree = natural act
    picking food from a supermarket shelf = unnatural act, eating processed food = unnatural act
    smoking a cigarette = unnatural act, both will kill you, but you'll never hear a preacher banging on about that .
    Just like the Israelites who was saved from being slaves under the Egyptian Empire, the next time round our Creator is going to save all mankind from civilisation, once he destroys Satans Creation "civilisation" ( which is nothing more then a system based on reward and punishment, those that follow the rules and work hard are rewarded, while those those that don't suffer and are punished.)
    Once Satan is finally removed from Gods Kingdom (Our planet) in that final battle of Armageddon, our Creator is going to restore his creation, including our heavens, and it will be our heavens (solar system) that get restored first - Luke 21:25 "they'll be signs in the sun, moon and stars" These will be the firsts signs to understanding that the last days of civilisation have finally begun
    Then we'll have the 1000 year reign of Christ, and this will begin the resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous, and everyone once again as the opportunity to live as our Creator intended us to live. Some shall awaken to a resurrection of life, while others to a resurrection of Judgement, or in the originally Greek permanent correction. Those that make it to that final day, will never die at all, and in a twinkle of an eye shall be transformed. - 2 Corinthians 15
    A day is like a thousand years and thousand years is like a day, the day of judgement for all mankind is 1000 years. Once Satan is removed from Gods Kingdom our planet - the same planet that sits in that vast space we call the heavens. - Remember Jesus died for ALL, the Greek word pas, and can only be translated as ALL.
    All we have have to do is wait patiently, until satan is removed along with his wicked angels at that final battle.. And not to get involved in Satans creation "civilisation", those that wish to support Satan during that final battle will also be punished on that final day, but they'll be part of the resurrection of the unrighteous. ( there is only two categories, you are either righteous or unrighteous) and both enjoy the resurrection, which is a future event mentioned throughout the Bible once our Creator restores his creation (our planet) and why we are told in Matthew 6 to pray for Gods Kingdom as it is in heaven, also upon earth! Revelation 21: 1-5 is a direct reference to Genesis 1:31.

  • @ianjackson3050
    @ianjackson3050 Рік тому

    Gospel of Thomas:
    (53) His disciples said to him: Is circumcision useful or not? He said to them: If it were useful, their father would beget him from their mothers (already) circumcised. But the true circumcision in the Spirit has proved useful in every way.

  • @AiBom-zm5oc
    @AiBom-zm5oc Рік тому +1

    The man that died on the cross beside Christ was not saved for his deeds, circumcision, communion, prayers, or baptism. He was saved as he had been, was, and will be chosen by Christ.

  • @aob7808
    @aob7808 9 місяців тому

    Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matt. 5:17)

  • @harambesstepbrother7579
    @harambesstepbrother7579 Рік тому +1

    Our Holy Mother the Queen of Heaven:
    Eve: The Mother of the Fallen
    Mary: The Mother of the Deemed
    Genesis 1: “In the Beginning...”
    John 1: “In the Beginning...”
    Genesis: “...God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the Darkness.”
    John: “... The Light shines in the Darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it”.
    Genesis: The spirit of God Hovers over the waters.
    John: The spirit of God Hovers over the waters at the Baptism of our Lord.
    Genesis: Seven days after the spirit hovers over the waters, there is a wedding of Adam and Eve.
    John: Seven days after the spirit hovers over the waters, there is a wedding at Cana.
    Genesis: Eve tempts Adam to his First Sin
    John: Mary leads Jesus to his First act of Glory
    Genesis: Adam address Eve as “Women”.
    In the Gospels: Christ addressed Mary as “Women”.
    Genesis: Eve listens to the Angel of Evil
    Luke: Mary listens to the Angel of GOD
    Genesis: Eve is cursed for disbelief
    Luke: “... And blessed is she who believed..”
    Genesis: Eve is the Bone of Adam flesh of Adams flesh.
    The Gospels: Mary is Bone of Christ’s Bone and Flesh of Christ’s Flesh.
    Genesis: Enmity between Eve, her Offspring, and the Serpent.
    Revelations: The Dragon makes war against the women who has given birth to Christ and her deemed Children.
    Genesis: “...Now the man called his wife’s name Eve because she is the Mother of all the living”.
    Jesus: “Here is your Mother.”

  • @hancockwiley7199
    @hancockwiley7199 Рік тому +1

    John 3:16 for God gave His only begotten son for whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life

  • @gregattanasio3185
    @gregattanasio3185 Рік тому

    In a manuscript I have interviewing over 150.,about if they belong to a church..Those who were Catholic left the most and never went back to any church

  • @AdrianR.374
    @AdrianR.374 9 місяців тому

    After reading the comments, I just want to try and explain something. Pretty much everything the Catholic Church does is through Christ, through the teachings of Christ, or through deliberation between Christ and members of the church.
    So confession for example, it’s not the priest acting as God, but the priest acting through God. If I remember correctly, Jesus taught us to do this when he healed the paralytic.

  • @nonenone8752
    @nonenone8752 Рік тому

    Im not a religious person but I read Paul had a vision were God was having him eat impure animals according to the law of Moses and God said eat Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”. it was a sign to preach to the gentiles the uncircumcised..read acts chapter 10...read it all...that's how we learn...don't just listen...be curious of the truth context....

  • @m.richard.helton1547
    @m.richard.helton1547 Рік тому +1

    The only person in the Bible that said that you did not need to get circumcised was Paul not Jesus. God asked for this so I and my family will follow what God asked not what Paul said

  • @joshua4747
    @joshua4747 Рік тому

    At this stage I’m a Protestant by category and I’d like to give my current beliefs.
    I’m not going to be the guy to bash on Catholics by any means.
    There is a lot of stuff that doesn’t make since to me and so I don’t want to pontificate on such matters.
    I see a lot of arguing and name calling, a bunch of back and forth about scripture and church fathers.
    Truth be told I’m completely satisfied with scripture.. i hear Catholics say that stuff about the Bible that in my humble opinion lowers the authority of scripture below that of the church fathers and I don’t even see the church fathers making such claims.
    I think that God put everything I need to know well enough in the scriptures for me to be saved and for me to follow him. I’m amazed by the Bible when I read it.
    And again just being honest a huge thing that trips me up are things like intercession of the saints and prayers to Mary. By all means I honer Mary and respect her very much but I have trouble trying to get myself to a point of praying to her like I have tried but I can’t even get the words out of my mouth because I just don’t feel right about it.
    1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
    John 14:14
    If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.
    Isaiah 8:19
    And when they say to you, “Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,” should not a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living?
    ( note that I’m necessarily calling Catholics necromancers or mediums. Rather pointing out the later bit of the verse, “should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living? There seems to be a point being made )
    I think that in no way shape or form if the Catholics claims are true that they would contradict or add more steps from what is given to us in scripture so when I see things like praying to dead saints and praying to Mary even if you say it’s the same as I would ask my mother to pray for me ( which again in my opinion its not the same at all because my mother is actually alive on earth with me )
    That stuff makes me genuinely uncomfortable and rather confused.
    I was raised this way and I’ve seen God do many wonderful things in my life to confirm that he is with me. It wasn’t until I started getting into all of these theological rabbit holes that I ran into these conflicting ideas.
    I know where the cannon of scripture comes from, I love the church fathers and respect them but there are things that I just don’t believe and not because I’m trying to be the opposition I just simply don’t believe it..
    all of that being said to my catholic brother or sister I’m not one who thinks that you’re not saved if you truly believe in Jesus and put your faith in him, repenting and following after him then by all means I consider you saved and one of my brothers or sisters I’m Christ and just so you know I’m not messing around with you have prayed and I am totally open to the idea of God leading me to to the Catholic Church IF it is the truth because my allegiance and my loyalty doesn’t rest in any man made theological system, it doesn’t rest on my own understanding but it rest on God and his word and wherever he leads me that’s where I will go. If he decides to lead me to a Catholic Church then that’s great but so far I havnt seen anything to suggest that is the case and in fact i believe at the moment I am where I need to be.
    I understand that the majority view of Catholics is that non Catholics can be saved if they are trusting in Jesus for their salvation and leading a Christian Life with good will towards God and that’s me all day long. At the moment I am just very confused and uncomfortable accepting dogmatic theological statements especially when Christ has been so good to me this far in my walk so if you’re a catholic and you know 100% that it’s true then I would kindly ask you to pray for me and all of these believers that the Lord would lead them to that truth.
    But also I would appeal that we don’t need to be arguing and segregating ourselves as the body of Christ and I very much so wish that the church was more United then it was. It makes me sad that we are decided in these things.
    I really appreciate anyone who was kind enough to read this and I hope that you have a wonderful night/day

    • @Awsme
      @Awsme Рік тому

      You are correct in all you said. I would recommend to stay away from the Catholic Church because of it. Find a good Protestant church.

    • @annapennrose1158
      @annapennrose1158 Рік тому

      I wish I could talk to you one on one to show you where you are mistaken.
      i.e. The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus is the sole mediator between God and man.
      CCC 618 The cross is the unique sacrifice of Christ, the “one mediator between God and men”
      CCC 2574 ...“the one mediator between God and men, the man Christ”
      CCC 480 Jesus Christ is true God and true man, in the unity of His divine person; for this reason He is the "ONE" and "ONLY" mediator between God and men.
      Mary is a mediator in the same sense that we are when we pray for others.
      But Mary is NOT a mediator between God and man.

  • @DiscipleofJesus9
    @DiscipleofJesus9 Рік тому +1

    I believe Jesus pretty definitively decided the matter on the cross when He told the thief “today you will be with me in paradise”.

    • @annapennrose1158
      @annapennrose1158 Рік тому

      The Sacraments are the norm of the Church est by Christ, but God is not restricted by the Sacraments.
      People who have never heard of the name Jesus Christ will be saved.
      HOW? By God's GRACE ALONE.

  • @hactx
    @hactx Рік тому

    No, it was already know before this, the apostles knew a person was saved through Jesus and not by the law. When Cornelius’ house hold believed, Peter did not say let’s go and circumcise them now, but baptize. What was really decided, is what would be the barrier of fellowship with Gentile Christians. Whatever was decided wasn’t the Apostles deciding how we are saved, God decided that and it was already revealed. It was crystal clear before the end of the 1st century.

  • @RRL13834
    @RRL13834 Рік тому

    And the structure they used to come to that consensus was one of mutual respect and pursuit of the Spirit’s will, not hierarchy or anything resembling the structure of the Catholic Church.

  • @noahw4623
    @noahw4623 Рік тому +1

    If I sent out fisherman to get me more fish to stock my ponds, and I found out one of those fisherman was trying to take the other's fish for their pond, I'd be pretty upset about that.
    Something about not calling unclean what the Lord has made clean comes to mind.

  • @neilosbeverly7462
    @neilosbeverly7462 Рік тому

    Yes it happened in all 7 Ecumenical Councils including when the early church holy fathers hammered out the Nicene Creed which was never to he changed. But who changed it which caused the Great Schism in 1054? The Latin Church in the West otherwise known as the Roman Catholic Church.

  • @martinduplooy259
    @martinduplooy259 Рік тому

    The truth is: Peter was given a vision by God on unclean meat he should eat and 3 times Peter said he never eat unclean meat. Then Peter was called to the Centurion home were any people not Jewish Peter understood that God was talking about people are not unclean.
    When the church had a dispute about who dhould receive the gospel, Peter reminded them about what God showed him and said to the Church that the Gospels need to go to the Gentiles. So Peter, who was a prophet had the over righting rule. This mean the prophet gave the teaching for the Church. That is way I belive in the spirit of prophecy as in Revelation 19:10. Jesus also said that do not think I came to destroy the law and the prophets but to fulfil.

    • @michael_anthony_
      @michael_anthony_ Рік тому

      You people aren't even worth my unfinished comment...
      The churches teaching is out dated..
      They need to post the obituaries and inform their attendants who and what's passed
      This was for the guy talking about meat below...
      So what's that mean? If you have any answers please tell me and correct me
      Where I'm wrong
      I think I have someone that messes with my possibly assigned bread basket I think that the stomach and the bread association relates to the body of Christ even tho I don't attend church..
      Do you like meals that are from where your family came from based on your last name your ancestors... If they're from overseas does the United States have good relations with them?.. is your bible from where your ancestors are from?...
      I think originally and still The animal and it's meat being dirty is possibly from another heaven then your own... The biochemistry of microorganisms I think maybe called like blood cells white blood cells that fight of foreign cells bacteria and the meat is broken down and mixes with your cells and are accepted or rejected.. like colds and depending what heaven for example your under is how it's received... A belief possibly alone with a spirit convincing you it's bad and yourself wired into a system that may cause imitation symptoms that can cause real damage...
      The messed up thing is there's someone there that makes it bad meat

  • @user-re2ey4ti4v
    @user-re2ey4ti4v Рік тому

    Heb 8,9,10 "It is finished." No more 'priesthood.' No more 'sacrifice for sin.' Christ Jesus is at the right hand of the Majesty on high, where He is seated - His saving work is done! - where He ever lives to intercede His finished work for us, in the power of an Indestructible life! He is not 'sacrificed' in a cup, day in, day out. Along with, Forbidding men to marry'" in 1 Tim:4, is 'a doctrine of demons.'
    Mary married Joseph, she worshipped God, and the Lord Jesus. "My Saviour!" She never took worship, ("Do whatever He says!") She never took prayer, she never 'appeared' in lying 'visions.' There is no 'pope.'
    This man says it's all in the Word. My prayer is that he will read and study it, along with the rest of us.
    "For there is One God, and One Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus." Who by His own blood has made us all "priests and kings to our God." Hallelujah Jesus 🌹
    "Come out from among them and be ye separate, and I will receive you," says the Lord.

  • @algerortez6193
    @algerortez6193 11 місяців тому

    The happenings are getting faster than i expected Pray always

  • @brianburns5573
    @brianburns5573 Рік тому

    Colossians 2:6-19 KJV
    [6] As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: [7] Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. [8] Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. [9] For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. [10] And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: [11] In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: [12] Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. [13] And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; [14] Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; [15] And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. [16] Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days : [17] Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. [18] Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, [19] And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.

  • @RainandRelaxationASMR
    @RainandRelaxationASMR Рік тому

    I have one argument for all Catholics, why do you pray to mary and other dead people when the lord clearly states in Leviticus chapter 26”[1] Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.
    “ there is also a Scripture which says that we should not talk to the dead.reject all religion search for truth and only truth read your Bible live based off the Bible not based off religion , the word of his is clear . Praise be to our lord god yeshua

  • @EyeToob
    @EyeToob Рік тому

    In Acts 15 : 20 & 29 we also see the apostles tell the Church to abstain from blood, but the Catholic Church says during the Eucharist the wine turns into the blood of Jesus for Catholics to drink. So Acts 15 lets us know the Catholic Church is lying to us.
    Once prophecy passed away in 70 AD there was no longer any Church members that were communicating God's message(s) with authority. Once the apostles passed away that was it. The Church no longer had men who had met Jesus, spoke for Jesus through prophecy, and backed up their messages with miracles and wonders. The Catholic Church holds to a false gospel that does not have any authority to tell Christians what to do & not do. Christians are to only repeat to each other from the Scriptures what God has already told us to do & not do.

  • @oshea2300
    @oshea2300 10 місяців тому

    Ax was a transitional book where it went from the jews/nation of Israel to the church. Church doctrine comes from Paul's Epistles

  • @SteveLeeder
    @SteveLeeder Рік тому

    yes, but like you said it was the church coming together; not 1 guy calling all the shots - the church is not founded on Peter alone, but the prophets and apostles (plural) Ephesians 2:20

  • @kentbellow9089
    @kentbellow9089 Рік тому

    Well, the Apostles (not just ordinary church goers) saw that those who weren’t circumcised were receiving the gifts of the Spirit of God, so even they didn’t decide anything….they simply observed the truth as shown by the visible signs of the Spirit of God within the uncircumcised.

  • @saradorris3554
    @saradorris3554 Рік тому

    Acts Chapter 15 is known as the Jerusalem Council. Before that Jews were telling Gentiles that they had to do XYZ to be a Christian. The early church put that standard to an end and nipped it in the butt. I think this was before they extended the message outside of Jerusalem. If you haven't read Acts I would encourage you to. It's pretty good!

  • @binklesworthington
    @binklesworthington Рік тому

    "it seemed to us and the holy spirit." yep, the apostles got together and counseled. peter didn't declare his "infallible" word. "first among equals", not equals among the first.

  • @edalbanese6310
    @edalbanese6310 3 місяці тому +1

    why isn’t Christ enough to be saved? Why do I need to join the church?

    • @krater2137
      @krater2137 3 місяці тому

      Christ founded the Church to save

    • @edalbanese6310
      @edalbanese6310 3 місяці тому

      @@krater2137 are you catholic or roman catholic?

    • @krater2137
      @krater2137 3 місяці тому

      @@edalbanese6310 I’m both. Roman Catholics are a part of the Catholic Church, the biggest one - over 98% of Catholics are Roman Catholic.

  • @LightOfAllMankind
    @LightOfAllMankind Рік тому

    Yeah and also in Acts 15 we see Peter getting corrected and a council functioning under the jurisdiction of James in Jerusalem, not Rome.
    The early church was Orthodox.

  • @josephnavin4451
    @josephnavin4451 Рік тому

    There are other churches who will label all that you just said as appalling blasphemy. Each of the churches which I have participated in or explored are all convinced that the others are agents of Satan leading me to hell. I have given up entirely on religion until further notice because unlike science which converges upon a consensus, religions shard further and further into disparate factions. This allows two people who passionately identify as Christians to violently clash on the very basic beliefs. Also, if a God’s ability to save anybody can be defeated by a flap of skin, or a severe drought, this gOd is not omnipotent, and deserves no reverence.
    With regard to the controversy over circumcision, humans had to derive with their questionable and limited reasoning capability what their gOd in his iNfInItE wIsDoM failed to solidly established.
    I can imagine a better book written by a existent, competent, and benevolent god.
    A perfectly written holy text:
    -Leaves no important topic to ambiguity or debate.
    -Comes straight from this god rather than collected writings of men.
    -Contains no scientific or historical errors.
    -Is distributed worldwide immediately in all languages.
    Christianity’s sects are just some out of many diverse religions claiming a monopoly on objective truth.

  • @Starrboy94
    @Starrboy94 Рік тому

    This is a non-sequester. The church can be appointed to teach while also not being the sole producer of doctrine. The reason the church in Acts 15 does what they did is because others were teaching a heretical, works based requirement for non-Jewish Christians to be circumcised in order to be Christians. The church was REPEATING the teachings Christ had already handed down. This was not the church CREATING something out of whole cloth. The later church councils followed this same pattern. This does not mean I disagree with the idea of a unified Catholic (universal) church. The modern Roman Catholic Church can be incorrect as a whole while being correct on some points.

  • @jordanjohnson6498
    @jordanjohnson6498 Рік тому

    No. Peter observed that God Gave the holy spirit to Gentiles along with them.The debate was Pharises claiming you need to fulfill the law of Moses and be circumcised but Peter was saying because of what Jesus did we are saved by grace and not by fulfillment of the law. They didn't just institute a new rule. No Church can change what God has already stated.

  • @Rockjamify
    @Rockjamify Рік тому

    The Church leadership do have authority to make decisions concerning the faithful, but the Bible already has guidelines to which the leaders are obligated to adhere.
    As such, Jesus established the relationship that he had with his mother, once he began his Ministry.
    1. *So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, look, here is your son!”*
    (John 19:26 NET)
    2. *But he replied to them, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.”*
    (Luke 8:21 NET)
    Thus, Mary is likely *not* the Queen Mother of Heaven. It would also appear that she was *not* a virgin, after the birth of Jesus, as Jesus had siblings.