Strongly urging people to try tanking in legion for themselves before completely abandoning the role because of Preaches own opinion he formed on his own for himself by playing the role in Legion. Some guy (warlock?) whispered me on beta the other day Random; Why are you playing tank DH? Me; I normally play ret/blood, not a fan of either so far so I'm trying out other tanks atm Random; Preach said tankings shit in Legion I'm abandoning both of mine xD He asked me this moments before heading into a mythic dungeon where unsurprisingly his damage was lower than the healers on boss fights. Moral of the story please try things out for yourselves and don't take your favorite youtuber/streamers opinion as gospel to the point where you're actually asking your dungeon tanks why they're even playing the role that 100% of groups need.
It's not about opinions, it's about being well-informed. A lot of people who are going to play in Legion are people coming back with years of experience in WoW (Come on, the Illidan returns is nothing but fanservice) so a lot of people already understand that "yeah, things will change, numbers will be tuned" but we don't know what classes are going to change and how they're going to be played. Hell, I was a Survival hunter in WoD (BM and MM would change as I got gear) Guess what, my favorite spec is going to be Melee now, which I don't enjoy. So looking at these vids and getting a person's 2nd opinion who has first hand experience in the Beta is a good source. If our mindsets and playstyles align with this person, (Thinking Enhance is fiddly, or Ret is ADD) it makes that decision that much easier for a person returning to the game.
yosasuke22 Looking forward to trying BM, Slootbags really enjoying tank DH at the moment and I really don't see it, it feels like almost a dps spec with like 2 tank abilities compared to how tanky the other tank classes play now, fingers crossed I find the fun in the spec after a few more days playing it, I enjoy Dh for doing all other content besides tanking dungeons/raids
Dude! This video is actually great! makin it much easier for me to find out what I should play and how i should act in raidguilds. Thanks for the advice and keep up the good work!! :D
This video is extremely well said except for one point. At the beginning you say the main thing is to enjoy what you play. But then later you say that you shouldn't play an inferior spec when you are entirely capable of playing the other one that people want/need. Although that is true it heavily contradicts your first point on what you enjoy.
preach did say at entry leveling raiding most guilds won't force a spec on you he just said if your doing the higher end raiding with a more serious guild that they might expect you to choose most optimal spec as a fact of common sense, so when picking a class you need to be aware of what your raiding requirements are gonna be for your specific situation, so basically if you are gonna be a hardcore raider you need to choose a class where optimal spec is something you enjoy because you will be expected to play that spec
Calabus x Yes I understand that. But when the main point is to play what you enjoy that is still a contradiction. Like I said I agree with him that at that high of a level you should be playing the best spec, but when the BIGGEST thing to ask is if you enjoy it then it is a contradiction.
play something you enjoy... if you enjoy rogue, play a rogue. if sub is better than outlaw but you really like outlaw then play sub. minor difference? don't need to. doing twice the damage as the other? probably should consider changing.
Richard Jones Yes again I understand that. but if THE MAIN THING THAT GOES INTO CHOOSING A CLASS/SPEC IS WHAT YOU ENJOY that is a contradiction. Im not saying hes wrong. Im saying that he made a contradiction that is all. If you read my whole thing I said he is right about it just that you have to put a line between enjoyment and what is better. Where as in this he doesn't.
Cole A. if you enjoy 1 spec and only 1 spec but not the class then problems can occur. if you're in a more casual guild you can play just the one spec. if you're in a top 50 guild your enjoyment isn't going to outweigh an extra bit of output since you're there to be a source of high output not enjoy one spec. he went over this.
That was a great video Preacher. Informative, to the point and the best advice I've ever heard regarding what class to select especially at the start of a new expansion. Well done.
He's saying that your class isn't a spec, you like ret? Well in a raiding environment you like paladin, holy, prot, and ret. Or at least you should be capable of playing all the specs. This increases your value as a player in any raid, and probably helps you grow as a capable player on your main spec as well.
But those statements are still opposed to each other. While I agree with it, it's kind of silly to say "play something you enjoy" and then also say "change to a useful spec". For example: I LOVE Holy paladin, but I really dislike playing Retribution and Protection.
Dylan Volckaert Well, in that case, he's saying you just won't be as valued as little Billy who also LOVES Holy paladin, but is willing to learn and use Ret and prot. He pretty thoroughly explained this.
Basically in the easiest form possible Preach is saying that by being flexible you are not only helping yourself but your friends and guildies as well. As is such in the his example with the person who wants to play Frost DK but it isn't very good in comparison to UH or doesn't get things done to be raid ready due to not finding a tank. He isn't saying that you have to play the other roles regularly, but he is saying that by limiting yourself to ONLY one spec of a class you are hindering yourself far more than you are helping. This can also be applied to life in general. If you work for a company and your job title has specific set of tasks or skills that are required. And your employer is also in need of something else and it isn't too far out of your ability to preform yet you aren't interested in putting forth the extra effort to even try to do the work while someone else is. They might not be perfect at it but your employer recognizes their willingness to learn and be flexible. Then when promotion time rolls around who do you think is going to get it? You? Or the guy/gal who tried to do something extra to the best of their ability? Definitely not you. (I'm not trying to be harsh I am just trying to explain this clearly)
this was definitely one of your best videos of recent memory. i was listening the entire time. I've been asking these types of questions to myself over the last few months. I'm working on finishing my alliance server off with a 100 of each class and trying to keep in mind the current play styles of each while comparing it to the changes in legion. I'll be glad to run through each at launch. Found a new guild that's building up for legion and I've been offering myself up as "i'm the guy who has one of anything and I'm ready to fill any role we need" going in. My main is BrM Monk, but i'm unsure if that's the route i'll go, but i've been trying to tank for any pre-legion content we do. we'll see...ready for anything. leaning towards druid, monk shaman and paladin.
Thanks for this. This will be the first time I've had to consider rolling specifically for raiding and you have already helped me eliminate some of those choices I originally had.
Preacher, over the past month or so my head has been splitting on trying to decide what class to play, so I came onto youtube tonight to search for some legion class gameplay... again... and I see THIS!!!!!! YOU ARE MY ANGEL
Ive actually been doing this from your complete Preview videos of multiple specs in legion. I have no clue how much or what has changed for each class/spec and so ive been watching the videos to see if I would like it or not. Cant wait for you to start making more of them to help me decide :)
I don't blame people for rerolling but I don't see the fun in always seeking after the best class at that patch or expansion. I will continue to play my protection Warr that I have since cata
+Cody Pettigrew I've played since vanilla and this is far from the point. All I meant was that I don't find the fun in constantly switching classes to get to best dps. I will stick with my protection Warr like I have for the past 3 exp.
+ChEILoZ Most people reroll to play a class and spec they prefer to the others. Classes and specs change drastically every expansion. I don't see how exactly it could be this hard to understand, that some people just want to try new things and play something they enjoy. What you're basically saying rn is; "Why do people try different foods? I have always liked cheeseburgers and that's all I'll ever eat.".
eduboeyh Nah I get that they wanna try out different things, but that's not the real reason. I've had tons of people constantly looking for the best dps, tank or heal for the next expansion. And I mean I get why do you it since you clearly wanna get every edge you can but doesnt that also sort of ruin having a main? I don't know maybe I think of wow like I did back when mains were mains.
I have played feral for a long time but I literally can't stand them in legion, they have removed the easy to learn, hard to master feel to it and just added, meh damage and boring gameplay, I'm re-rolling to fire Mage
I love you Preach..... For the last few weeks ive been sitting in front of my login screen, looking at all those lvl 100s (each class once) just not knowing what to play, i really hope this series will finally make me choose one and properly prepare it for Legion (getting all the professions maxed and stuff like that if i didnt do it on that toon alrdy). Thanks! & Greetings from Germany
I messed around with balance on a target dummy on the ptr. I think I like it. Lots of specs had their mobility and utility removed, but I think balance has retained that a bit. I might just main my druid for my dps/tank/heal roles.
HA! I can easily destroy any rogue or boomkin with my feral. So that is bullshit. Learn the class and push yourself to perfect it and you can destroy "flavours of the month".
Mr. Preacherman! It's always a good day when I come home from a long day at work and a new video from you awaits me. Thank you for always bringing such an intelligent and humorous perspective to this game that I love. Cheers sir.
i think it's better not to judge a spec/class only by the PTR. The PTR right now doesn't have artifact weapons, and a lot of the gameplay revolves around it
Did you test them in beta/on the PTR already? I'd decide after that with how the classes will feel in mind. For my part I was only strengthened in my conviction to stick with my DK.
I'm in the same situation. I hated Arms and Fury in WoD, and I don't really like any of the specs in Legion, so time for a change. Haven't tried DH yet but I really like all 3 DK specs, unholy really surprised me because I usually don't like pet classes, but the talents are just so awesome and really change how you play.
The way you get better is by doing new stuff. Quit your "I don't have to be good" bs. That's fine an all but don't go to a UA-cam channel about getting better at wow and go "BUT I CANT DO THAT!" You gotta practice and learn. If you can't do a mechanic wait til you're in farm and say "Hey can I try doing that, I'm trying to get better" that's what I did when my guild was still playing wod. As long as you're in a decent guild with friends this can happen
+Brekner Catalin it's a game. Not a level of physical fitness which is only available to a very select few. Practice makes perfect. You don't improve by watching a channel about improving and commenting about how you'll never be as good as preach. If you want to you probably could
In highmaul I was pugging normals with no self confidence in my level of play, then I decided to start throwing myself at opportunities and researching. You will become better once you push yourself. You can't expect everything to happen and be given to you. Take opportunities and research your class (Warcraftlogs and further progressed guilds are your best source of information in getting better honestly)
This was actually super helpful given I knew I wanted to re-roll, but didn't know what class I wanted to play. These questions actually have me really thinking more logically instead of "oh their artifact is cool!" or "I like this spec and that's all I want to do!" or "I wanna play x class but y race can't be them so I'll play something else!" etc. Thanks Preacher!
It's because there is not a direct answer he can give you. He can't just say "Play a Hunter!" it doesn't work like that. He's trying to get you to ask the questions yourself on what responsibilities you want, and what you can handle as a player. There is no easy answer on what class to play, but what he said makes sense if you take the time to listen.
Are you insane? the first thing you say is that you should play only the class you enjoy, and the second thing you say is that you should play the class/role your guild needs. WTF with the consistensy? have you really though this through? you should correct this video and you should either say to play the class you enjoy or play the class your guild needs, you cannot have both, maybe you also like that other role but the fact is that 1 of those options has a priority over the other people with fun in mind will go for fun and people with a terrible real life will go for the progresion since games are made to have fun and be challenging, but if you are having no fun then you are using that game the wrong way. I always play my favorite role and spec till i hit the cap for that spec, as soon as my spec is no longer competitive to progress further I stop playing for progression, since its not worth the time and effort of begging raid leaders and guilds to give you a spot when they think your spec is not competitive, somtimes thay are right and sometimes they are not, so i just quit competitive raiding as soon as I hit that cap. This cap is always somewhere in mythic so if you are a regular person with a good real life you would have no need to see for validation from others or an achievement in a game just to prove that you deserve to exist or something. Anyway I digress, my point is that you cannot say that they should play for fun and then say that they should play what is needed regardless of the fun.
That's not really what he said. He said that you should always play "a" class you enjoy, and then move on to the other considerations. So say you've selected four classes you like (mage, warlock, shaman and hunter), the next consideration is what you can do for your guild.
Keith Campbell Rant? I am not pissed about it, using WTF or insane on my comment doesn't make it a rant. Its just an observation, you give way too much interest given your comment. it would be actually easier for you to ignore my comment than for me to go elsewhere.
Honesty time! I dread the moments I open up and say something out in the open... I'm very excited for Legion... I really really want to try and get into doing raids and progressing to things further then normal modes and it was something I did in PUGs for probably the last year or so of Pandaria and would love to get into doing it for legions. Though I'm barely picking the game back up now (costs of finishing college then the time period of searching for a job and getting myself in a better place financially I stopped playing basically almost the entire WoD expansion)... Now job in hand I'm scared that despite my love for this coming expansion and excitement to progress, search for guilds, and just reach for the stars so to say... I'm scared my current work schedule will become an issue, it's chaotic and best I can do is promise that I will be home at a certain time at night on weekdays and evenings on weekends... So major concern and thought for Legion out of the way. Class! I am seriously debating on Priest, and will try to put time into the PTR to see if I love the class or not. Disc looks so much fun, and Shadow also looks like a blast. Holy... I will be honest and state I've never truly like holy in total, some aspects of it I liked but it's never fit a play style I enjoy. I know I love DPS with moments of feeling like you've reached a chaotic point having to manage so many things at once and like every button press matters and your just flinging spells and abilities to every corner of the earth, but I enjoy some down time and breathing where sure I'm not the top of the DPS charts, but I'm not the bottom either I'm just doing me while supplying to the raid. Healing is something I like... I've done it leveling before and truly enjoyed it and the feeling it brought to me, but I never did it in raids or endgame content... I always feel this fear of being the healer or the tank due to worrying that there's a bit of extra weight on me for protecting the group and that every single mistake even the smallest of mistakes I make means I'm dragging everyone down. I worry I'll always be the reason a wipe happens. It's an idiotic fear due to the fact that in all the times I've healed I've had very few wipes, and the few I had... I was still completely new to the concept of even trying to heal. Though Disc... It just looks so fun if it's still how Preaches preview showed it and that spec alone really really makes me want to be a healer, but that stupid voice in my head is there feeding that idiotic fear of me healing in endgame content... So I tentatively look at what's to come and know that I can get over my fear by myself if I have to, especially if I love the class, but I know it won't be as easy as saying "Just do it!" because well... It is that easy to do so to get yourself into actually doing it, but it's hard to get yourself to a point you feel confident in what you do. Though I also love how so many of the classes look which is making a huge issue for me. Warlock has so many cool aspects that just look enticing, same for DK, Demon Hunter, Shaman, and Rogue. So I am putting thought into all of them as well and could probably make entire paragraphs of saying what I like and don't like about them too, but I'll save everyone that trouble and wait for Preaches next video. Why no tank you may ask? Well... That fear I mentioned earlier, but also I had one time I loved tanking, and it was a mix of nerdy goodness and just enjoying the class... Assassin tank in the beginning of SW:ToR. I chose to go tank that game because I never truly tanked before that it was something that intimidated me for some reason, but my guild was forming and the leader worried we might not get a tank before launch. So knowing I already chose Assassin as my class and I had a tank spec I said I'd do it, but did ask to please please keep searching for a tank because I was afraid and had never truly tanked before. Though something about being that double bladed light-saber wielding tank that instead of having this big health bar and or lot of armor I was this middle line health cloth wearing thing that had some self heals, ways to increase damage mitigation through blocking, parrying, ect. I fell in love with that, and I'm very sure that part of the reason way was because it did a bit of everything I like... Managing a lot of things, having moments where all I really needed to do was input a few things and not a lot, it punished me quite readily for being too cocky. (My guild in that game gained a joking phrase due to me doing that. I got cocky, was doing almost perfect in a heroic dungeon... Had the big dick idea "Let's pull this entire room!" and sprinted forward despite the pleas of my guild mates. "We got this!" I shouted to them confidently as I pull the first section of the room which I was too busy being Billy-Big-Bollocks to care that that area had very high damage creatures, and that we were not all fully geared... After I had the first three mobs on me... The mobs looked at me, used their high damage ability all at once... And one shot me into the ground right after my heroic "We got this!" charge..).. I have fond memories of doing that, but I also don't know if I'll find a play style of tanking like that in Legion, but also I will probably mark up that experience being so nice due to having a guild who laughed it off, made a joke of it all, had fun above all else, and also was very supportive of helping me ease into a position I've never fully played before. Well... Here's my novel for people to not really care about because once I open up on something I have no filter until I'm stopped or I'm done... ^^'. Not really sure why I decided to just voice out my thoughts, but I just really felt like it... Maybe it'll show someone they're not the only one with the issues, fears, or worries I have as Legion is coming around the corner. Maybe it can show someone that they're not alone in the fact that maybe they have a similar thought process to me or a similar way of trying to look at this. and they'll gain some confidence and push forward. Who knows it could be just the nudge of confidence someone needs to take a step forward and become something so very much more, or it can just be an annoying wall of text that makes people wonder why I am even aloud to exist and breath. I guess that's up to what other decide to take from this.
it feels like I am one of the few, who figured this out by myself from playing my top 5 classes and specs in beta. But I'll hand it to you, Preach. Great video! :)
Preach! Can you do another one of these for bfa? I just like hearing you say why you personally don’t want to play a class and how you’ve come to your choice of main for the xpac.
I have one of every spec as an alt but my 10 year old Forsaken lock has and will always be my main I absolutely love the evil feeling that comes with it. And I have never grown tired of playing a lock no matter what changes they have made.
I've decided on Mage, warlock, and warrior going into legion (each on a different token). I tell you this because I unknowingly followed most of the steps you discussed, Preacherman. I think this might be the expack I get into mythic raiding. Here's hoping for an awesome future!
Been playing shaman for past 9 years wanting to reroll finding it SOOO hard with the artifact weps and stuff don't want to pick the wrong class and then fall behind cause I am changing. Thanks alot for the vid it helped!
Love it when you do these videos. Can't wait for the follow up one. I completely agree with your point that if someone doesn't enjoy what they're doing with their free time. They're going to find ways to stop doing it.
I'm missing Warcraft so much while travelling and I know I was getting much better before I left, even topping DPS as arcane mage. I can't wait to start rediscovering Azeroth and all the class changes, unfortunately that won't be until November so keep the vids coming Preach I need them!!!
+Jacob Johnson You don't have to worry about that. That made voidform a cast. So either they change that decision or I'll simply uninstall the game. Good day to you.
What an orator you are. You make me wanna transfer my first ever character, a protection tank to my current realm. I stopped playing because I was new and afraid to have the responsibility of tanking. Thank you! :D
I mained Warrior(I enjoy all specs) From the start of TBC-Start of WoD. I've been maining a Blood DK for the past year, and I simply don't enjoy it... I made the decision of rolling a Warrior for this expansion about 1-2 weeks ago, watching this video simply made me more sure of going back to my roots. Really liked the video! Subbed and liked :)
Really looking forward to your next video, about to play again since quitting pre cata and having not followed any of the scene except your drama time fridays! So I have no idea what's strong or fun at the moment so your video will help me decide who to hurry up and level for legion, thanks man!
Awesome vids dude only recently subbed as I have only just come back to wow after about 2 year love your vids the content and the commantary really helped me out in getting back into the game for Legion :)
before this video I was torn between Demon Hunter, shaman, death knight and rogue. Now I'm only torn between DH and priest weirdly enough. Great help, look forward to part 2!
Thanks Preach, I've decided to stick with my rogue. That last point about the silly fun and those Jesus moments, really made me think about Outlaw's Roll the Bones
I agree with the volunteering to help out your group, even if youre not confident your group will love you. Did it in mop. Our GM needed an off tank in our SoO progression. Gave it a try and have been prot ever since!
By far and away my favorite example of a moment of greatness was in ICC as a Holy pally on Festergut. Shadow Resistance Aura plus Aura Mastery was basically a Shield Wall for the entire raid, and let us down that fight well before we deserved to with our gear level at the time.
Step 1) Make sure you enjoy the game. Step 2) Class identity not spec identity. Step 3) Flexibility. Great video, good message. Going to get my raiders to watch this for sure.
thanks preach. I am currently raid leading and I have loads of people wanting to raid but don't know what to raid as. I ask them similar questions you've brought up in this video. but because we need a tank, a mage that has never tanked wants to now only because we need a tank and not because they want to. now I can show them your video to back up what I've been telling them
I have a story that is very similar to what you were saying about picking a class and being ok with all it can do. My first main was a rogue, but it got boring in WotLK so I started a DK and battled back and forth between unholy and frost, but I liked it so much that I decided it was my new main. I was afraid of tanking because of how they are treated unless they are fucking AMAZING. It was at that point where I got approached for a spot in a raid group. My initial spot was DPS and i was suggested to a few sites to step up my game a little bit and lo and behold I stepped up my game quite a lot. After a few weeks of raiding I got the hang of "not standing in the fire" and what to use and when. I got pretty good at it so much so that the healers hardly had to pay attention to me... but then our secondary tank quit the guild suddenly. So guess who that role fell to? Yep, me. After explaining to them about how I have very little tanking experience and little to no gear for it, but they were totally cool with it and our main healer offered to take me and 3 other guildies on a few randoms to give me a few pointers and gear. That night I watched a few videos on blood DK's and it looked like they were freaking GODS with how much they could pull and just deal with every single scenario that came at them. I got so amped by those vids that after tanking for a few pugs on my own, I found out I liked it... a lot actually. Blood became my new main spec and frost fell to the second position for the first time in my wow playing days. I've been a tank ever since and hardly ever change out of my blood build. So i will be blood tanking in legion and based on your video about it, I will again have those feelings of (close to) godhood lol Anyways, I hope you liked my story because my experience parallels your suggestion to pick a class and have fun with everything it does. ( this reason is the exact reason I will still not play my druid even though I love healing with him lol, but i don't like ALL of the specs they have...)
the role choice brings back some memories. Back in Wrath I joined a top 5 progression guild as a Holy paladin. they had me on reserve because they already had a paladin healer for a few raids. I ended up joining some of their achievement progression raids when they were attempting no light Yog and I was brought in as DPS since I had a semi geared ret spec. Due to the fact that I ended up pushing more DPS than some of their top 10 dps (It was a 25m raiding group) they switched me from holy, to ret dps. Back when judgement of light was pretty OP and you could do 6k healing off of it back then and out heal pure spec healers. I was then brought into every raid then on and given priority cuz I switched, even though I vehemently swore I'd never play ret because I wanted to be a healer/tank. I ended up really enjoying playing ret.
I can't wait for the next video Preach! I'm trying to decide between my Warrior and my Lock. I've never been very good with the Warlock but I love the aesthetic, the spells, and especially demons. But whenever I play a Warrior I just feel like a bad ass killing machine and Warlock has yet to replicate that feeling for me.
Man I have a feeling like you are speaking directly to me all the time, I know it's just because other people feel the same way and this is generally what happends to many WoW players, but damn, feels. Have my like! Thanks for the videos Preach
i still Remember the times back in wrath i was raiding on my shaman but i also had a prot warrior. we was progressing in naxx and had some problems with the tanks on khel thuzad so i stepped in on my warrior and helped them out with the abominations. and this helped my guild a lot and they were happy that i could step in ( the answer to the topic he talks about around the 7:30 mark)
Really enjoyed this video, and it helped me narrow down my selections to 4 classes. What's the ETA on the next one in this series, where I assume you're going to be talking about which classes fill which niches and scratch which itches? Much thanks - narrowed it down to Warrior / Demon Hunter / Hunter (surv) / Mage (fire) myself. I think all have that moment of greatness, and have a fast paced playstyle without being completely GCD locked.
I love your videos, they're very interesting. I've seen a handful and enjoying them all! Don't suppose you plan on doing a small video for each class running a heroic or raid? I really want to see what they're like in Legion so I can pick a new alt to use my 100 on :)
Aha its so interesting to see someone go through this process, its been such a topic of discussion of the raiders and officers in my guild specifically about Legion. Between artifacts the new new talent system, and a lot of the class revamps it's been such a topic of debate. We're a 3 day per week, goal of clearing mythic eventually kind of guild, with a strong casual base as well so its funny to see how most of the mythic raiders are saying no no no don't ask us whats best. A good player can make most specs viable unless you're looking for realm firsts, world firsts etc. play what you like. Understand the consequences of it, i.e. we only have so many spots and we aren't bringing 15 demon hunters, plan accordingly, or that there will be greater competition for melee dps spots more likely than for ranged, just because of the nature of our current set of raiders. But pick what you like, get on the PTR, try these classes early. Give any potential ones a chance and if you really like it figure out how to make it work. Plan ahead, we know the tier sets, we know the artifact abilities, think of how that'll change the class. I finally am moving on from my beloved resto shaman due to them still having us rely on chain heal. I love my CH but after years of spamming that sob I need something new, and the tier doesn't indicate that'll change. Also changed my *for sure main* about 5 times. There's no magic bullet and going for *the best* especially at launch, if it isn't your favorite class then the numbers themselves get old. And your parse wont get better anyway since you're competing against the same OP class :D. Gah damn PTR and Beta information glut has me rambling every time.
As an altaholic this helped me a lot. I enjoy healing and ranged as well as some tanking. I have decided to take my Druid as my main in Legion. I know keeping up 3 weapons or maybe even all 4 will be tough but maybe just maybe I won't alt as much.
I love being a druid cause I have the option to do exactly what you talk about and fulfilling different roles. When my guild was progressing in Normal HFC on Manny, both tanks had died with no b-rez on cooldown. I as a Resto Druid popped "Heart of the Wild" and switch to bear, taunt that ugly pitlord and we got the kill. One of those moments where you pull greatness right out your own rear end!
Been waiting for this one... Thanks, Mike! I've played a warrior since WotLK, but I'm ready for a change, and I'm thinking it's gonna be DK at this point!
Arms Warrior is a thing I will remain loyal to to the end of time, it is my first spec and it is MY spec. But I've accepted that if someone really needs me to play protection, I will. I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy Arms, nor do I have the personal connection to that I do to Arms but it's still useful to be able to tank when I really need to.
Mained warrior from vanilla through BC. Then switched to DK and have mained it (mostly as frost) ever since. Now I'm going back to warrior main for the first time in a long time. Unholy DK is really fun, but I'm having way too much more fun as fury warrior right now to put it on the back burner. I have to give warrior tanking a go and see how that plays out compared to blood DK tanking, but as long as it isn't horrible I see myself maining warrior for the expansion. Kind of excited for it too, my warrior is the first character I ever made, feels good to finally dust him off. Now for transmog runs to get him set up. Thankfully with the new xmog system i can run old raids 3 times a week (once each on pally/warrior/dk) for plate gear and weapons, so that's nice. Please, Legion, be the comeback WoW (and we the players) desperately want it to be!
i have being torturing my self with what SPEC to play in legion for months. but thanks to your video, i sat back and looked at the bigger picture, Class > Spec. for months it was Shadow or Elemental. but now i realize, i dont really like healing anymore. but instead, tanking has always interested me. but i have never raided as a melee before. and i want something new. so DH might possibly be for me. so thank you Preach for opening my eyes to the real questions i should be asking.
I'm casual WoW player and i usually just pick classes i like and i know i can get better at if i try. But this is a good and eye opening video, especially for someone like me who might actually want to get serious with raiding in the future ...if i ever do that is.
"Mists of Pandaria"
Preach that's Dragon Soul
Foo real?
5:31 is Dragon Soul the Warmaster whoever the fuck fight before Spine. But it says MoP.
I think it's Warmaster Blackhorn and Gloriana. I did a lot of wiping on that fuck :/
***** Goriana, but yeah that shit was dumb. Either way it's not MoP.
Anton Henricsson I liked MoP more than Cata. Unsure why. Maybe it's because Frost DKs were hilariously fun in MoP
step 1: you need buddies (I assume you have them already)
that feel... ;_;
same bro
1. Roll Blood DK
2. Solo 10 mans
3. ????
4. Profit
The feeling ;_;
Forever alone :((
You're not alone! (:
Strongly urging people to try tanking in legion for themselves before completely abandoning the role because of Preaches own opinion he formed on his own for himself by playing the role in Legion.
Some guy (warlock?) whispered me on beta the other day
Random; Why are you playing tank DH?
Me; I normally play ret/blood, not a fan of either so far so I'm trying out other tanks atm
Random; Preach said tankings shit in Legion I'm abandoning both of mine xD
He asked me this moments before heading into a mythic dungeon where unsurprisingly his damage was lower than the healers on boss fights.
Moral of the story please try things out for yourselves and don't take your favorite youtuber/streamers opinion as gospel to the point where you're actually asking your dungeon tanks why they're even playing the role that 100% of groups need.
It's not about opinions, it's about being well-informed. A lot of people who are going to play in Legion are people coming back with years of experience in WoW (Come on, the Illidan returns is nothing but fanservice) so a lot of people already understand that "yeah, things will change, numbers will be tuned" but we don't know what classes are going to change and how they're going to be played. Hell, I was a Survival hunter in WoD (BM and MM would change as I got gear) Guess what, my favorite spec is going to be Melee now, which I don't enjoy. So looking at these vids and getting a person's 2nd opinion who has first hand experience in the Beta is a good source. If our mindsets and playstyles align with this person, (Thinking Enhance is fiddly, or Ret is ADD) it makes that decision that much easier for a person returning to the game.
I tried blood on ptr and I really like the talents plus brewmaster is really fun too
yosasuke22 Looking forward to trying BM, Slootbags really enjoying tank DH at the moment and I really don't see it, it feels like almost a dps spec with like 2 tank abilities compared to how tanky the other tank classes play now, fingers crossed I find the fun in the spec after a few more days playing it, I enjoy Dh for doing all other content besides tanking dungeons/raids
+Chiyori Nakanishi we can't get dh on ptr but I'm excited to try it
Dude! This video is actually great! makin it much easier for me to find out what I should play and how i should act in raidguilds. Thanks for the advice and keep up the good work!! :D
This video is extremely well said except for one point. At the beginning you say the main thing is to enjoy what you play. But then later you say that you shouldn't play an inferior spec when you are entirely capable of playing the other one that people want/need. Although that is true it heavily contradicts your first point on what you enjoy.
preach did say at entry leveling raiding most guilds won't force a spec on you he just said if your doing the higher end raiding with a more serious guild that they might expect you to choose most optimal spec as a fact of common sense, so when picking a class you need to be aware of what your raiding requirements are gonna be for your specific situation, so basically if you are gonna be a hardcore raider you need to choose a class where optimal spec is something you enjoy because you will be expected to play that spec
Calabus x Yes I understand that. But when the main point is to play what you enjoy that is still a contradiction. Like I said I agree with him that at that high of a level you should be playing the best spec, but when the BIGGEST thing to ask is if you enjoy it then it is a contradiction.
play something you enjoy... if you enjoy rogue, play a rogue. if sub is better than outlaw but you really like outlaw then play sub. minor difference? don't need to. doing twice the damage as the other? probably should consider changing.
Richard Jones Yes again I understand that. but if THE MAIN THING THAT GOES INTO CHOOSING A CLASS/SPEC IS WHAT YOU ENJOY that is a contradiction. Im not saying hes wrong. Im saying that he made a contradiction that is all. If you read my whole thing I said he is right about it just that you have to put a line between enjoyment and what is better. Where as in this he doesn't.
Cole A. if you enjoy 1 spec and only 1 spec but not the class then problems can occur. if you're in a more casual guild you can play just the one spec.
if you're in a top 50 guild your enjoyment isn't going to outweigh an extra bit of output since you're there to be a source of high output not enjoy one spec.
he went over this.
That was a great video Preacher. Informative, to the point and the best advice I've ever heard regarding what class to select especially at the start of a new expansion. Well done.
So the first point is to play something you love to play, and the 2nd point is reroll to be more useful in early raiding
That is what you got from this? I bet you had a hard time in school...
He's saying that your class isn't a spec, you like ret? Well in a raiding environment you like paladin, holy, prot, and ret. Or at least you should be capable of playing all the specs. This increases your value as a player in any raid, and probably helps you grow as a capable player on your main spec as well.
But those statements are still opposed to each other. While I agree with it, it's kind of silly to say "play something you enjoy" and then also say "change to a useful spec".
For example: I LOVE Holy paladin, but I really dislike playing Retribution and Protection.
Dylan Volckaert Well, in that case, he's saying you just won't be as valued as little Billy who also LOVES Holy paladin, but is willing to learn and use Ret and prot. He pretty thoroughly explained this.
Basically in the easiest form possible Preach is saying that by being flexible you are not only helping yourself but your friends and guildies as well. As is such in the his example with the person who wants to play Frost DK but it isn't very good in comparison to UH or doesn't get things done to be raid ready due to not finding a tank. He isn't saying that you have to play the other roles regularly, but he is saying that by limiting yourself to ONLY one spec of a class you are hindering yourself far more than you are helping.
This can also be applied to life in general. If you work for a company and your job title has specific set of tasks or skills that are required. And your employer is also in need of something else and it isn't too far out of your ability to preform yet you aren't interested in putting forth the extra effort to even try to do the work while someone else is. They might not be perfect at it but your employer recognizes their willingness to learn and be flexible. Then when promotion time rolls around who do you think is going to get it? You? Or the guy/gal who tried to do something extra to the best of their ability? Definitely not you.
(I'm not trying to be harsh I am just trying to explain this clearly)
this was definitely one of your best videos of recent memory. i was listening the entire time.
I've been asking these types of questions to myself over the last few months. I'm working on finishing my alliance server off with a 100 of each class and trying to keep in mind the current play styles of each while comparing it to the changes in legion. I'll be glad to run through each at launch. Found a new guild that's building up for legion and I've been offering myself up as "i'm the guy who has one of anything and I'm ready to fill any role we need" going in. My main is BrM Monk, but i'm unsure if that's the route i'll go, but i've been trying to tank for any pre-legion content we do.
we'll see...ready for anything. leaning towards druid, monk shaman and paladin.
How to choose a class for Legion.
Choose a shaman.
/Ends the video
great, that's it, yes, let's raid with 25 shamans
23 shaman and 2 brewmaster monks. Worst raid build I could think of.
good meme. enhance won't be doing that much on live tho 8^)
10man nax in wotlk with 10 blood dk's, best raid I've ever had ...
Nah, 23 Disco Priests and 2 Fury Warriors
Thanks for this. This will be the first time I've had to consider rolling specifically for raiding and you have already helped me eliminate some of those choices I originally had.
No rerolling for me, Frost Mage for life
I hear Frost and Arcane are ASS in Legion
Arcane ftw
+I Sexually Identify As a GTX 980 Ti nice name
I feel like the biggest dork, I see him running around with his "Kings Defender" and such a strong sense of nostalgia came over me. I love it!
bored at work - good thing preach got some new vid up
My story :D
Preacher, over the past month or so my head has been splitting on trying to decide what class to play, so I came onto youtube tonight to search for some legion class gameplay... again... and I see THIS!!!!!!
Those transmogs though...
Wtf, so you don't like Transmogging, that's cool, but there's NO need to shit all over someone who does...
+Norsebolt I've laughed at you
Indeed man... Warlock \m/
Ive actually been doing this from your complete Preview videos of multiple specs in legion. I have no clue how much or what has changed for each class/spec and so ive been watching the videos to see if I would like it or not. Cant wait for you to start making more of them to help me decide :)
I don't blame people for rerolling but I don't see the fun in always seeking after the best class at that patch or expansion. I will continue to play my protection Warr that I have since cata
+Cody Pettigrew I've played since vanilla and this is far from the point. All I meant was that I don't find the fun in constantly switching classes to get to best dps. I will stick with my protection Warr like I have for the past 3 exp.
+ChEILoZ Most people reroll to play a class and spec they prefer to the others. Classes and specs change drastically every expansion. I don't see how exactly it could be this hard to understand, that some people just want to try new things and play something they enjoy. What you're basically saying rn is; "Why do people try different foods? I have always liked cheeseburgers and that's all I'll ever eat.".
eduboeyh Nah I get that they wanna try out different things, but that's not the real reason. I've had tons of people constantly looking for the best dps, tank or heal for the next expansion. And I mean I get why do you it since you clearly wanna get every edge you can but doesnt that also sort of ruin having a main? I don't know maybe I think of wow like I did back when mains were mains.
+Cody Pettigrew lol what a keyboard warrior.
I have played feral for a long time but I literally can't stand them in legion, they have removed the easy to learn, hard to master feel to it and just added, meh damage and boring gameplay, I'm re-rolling to fire Mage
I love you Preach..... For the last few weeks ive been sitting in front of my login screen, looking at all those lvl 100s (each class once) just not knowing what to play, i really hope this series will finally make me choose one and properly prepare it for Legion (getting all the professions maxed and stuff like that if i didnt do it on that toon alrdy). Thanks! & Greetings from Germany
So long as just 1 of the Druids specs is useful then it's all gravy.
All of them are good
even boomkin?
+Max Powers not feral
I messed around with balance on a target dummy on the ptr. I think I like it. Lots of specs had their mobility and utility removed, but I think balance has retained that a bit. I might just main my druid for my dps/tank/heal roles.
HA! I can easily destroy any rogue or boomkin with my feral. So that is bullshit. Learn the class and push yourself to perfect it and you can destroy "flavours of the month".
Mr. Preacherman! It's always a good day when I come home from a long day at work and a new video from you awaits me. Thank you for always bringing such an intelligent and humorous perspective to this game that I love. Cheers sir.
WoD: everyone was a hunter, made it hard to find a spot even if you were better than other hunters that got into a raid.
Legion: Shamans probably.
True. It looks like I may actually be switching from my hunter now, not liking how it plays on PTR. Warrior or Dk here I come.
i think it's better not to judge a spec/class only by the PTR. The PTR right now doesn't have artifact weapons, and a lot of the gameplay revolves around it
+Agus Frascaroli right but for people who don't have beta it's a good way to see the general direction the class/spec is going
+MnM_Slinky yes, it's a good look in the general direction of the class
Or go Warlock. Can't go wrong there ;)
I'm gonna watch the next video because this one was just wonderful. Thanks a lot man, there was everything i needed. Got a new sub there.
I'm deciding between my trusty warrior the class I main most expansions (in some degree or another), the Demon Hunter or the Death Knight.
Torn with Rogue and Druid here
+Max Powers I've decided on shadow priest
I'll main shadow priest I'll go disc if needed and I'll learn holy just in case
Did you test them in beta/on the PTR already?
I'd decide after that with how the classes will feel in mind.
For my part I was only strengthened in my conviction to stick with my DK.
I'm in the same situation. I hated Arms and Fury in WoD, and I don't really like any of the specs in Legion, so time for a change. Haven't tried DH yet but I really like all 3 DK specs, unholy really surprised me because I usually don't like pet classes, but the talents are just so awesome and really change how you play.
Good, good, let the salt flow through you!
Looking forward to your tank/healer/dps comparisons, Preach! They helped me tremendously in WoD.
12 Mins ago uploaded, 16 Min video - 2 dislikes...
cause he said a few min into it that get used to tank if youre a dk
because like any other bigger youtuber he has "hate-subscribers" who are just subscribed to dislike the video as soon as it comes out
Those people have very sad lives.
Great vid!! Interesting insight, should be a great series for many players. Good job man, keep up the great work.
dont think you understand, every time less good players volunteer, they get shut out. Happens so often, we aren't all at your level.
The way you get better is by doing new stuff. Quit your "I don't have to be good" bs. That's fine an all but don't go to a UA-cam channel about getting better at wow and go "BUT I CANT DO THAT!" You gotta practice and learn. If you can't do a mechanic wait til you're in farm and say "Hey can I try doing that, I'm trying to get better" that's what I did when my guild was still playing wod. As long as you're in a decent guild with friends this can happen
Then get better? Like that is what Preach made his channel for to help players improve at the basics and up of the game.
You can get better but the skill ceiling for players is not the same, my best can be 80% of someone else's. We can't all be Usain Bolts.
+Brekner Catalin it's a game. Not a level of physical fitness which is only available to a very select few. Practice makes perfect. You don't improve by watching a channel about improving and commenting about how you'll never be as good as preach. If you want to you probably could
In highmaul I was pugging normals with no self confidence in my level of play, then I decided to start throwing myself at opportunities and researching. You will become better once you push yourself. You can't expect everything to happen and be given to you. Take opportunities and research your class (Warcraftlogs and further progressed guilds are your best source of information in getting better honestly)
I admire how Preach tries to give a understanding of the game rather than a dogmatic tactic or rotation. Love your work man.
Preach buddy your section for MoP was actually Dragon Soul so it was still Cata. sorry for being a stickler.
This was actually super helpful given I knew I wanted to re-roll, but didn't know what class I wanted to play. These questions actually have me really thinking more logically instead of "oh their artifact is cool!" or "I like this spec and that's all I want to do!" or "I wanna play x class but y race can't be them so I'll play something else!" etc. Thanks Preacher!
DAMN you like to hear yourself talk. Holy crap.
This exactly. I'm 7 minutes and he has hardly mentioning picking a class for Legion......
Thanks, I was about to start skipping around to find the part where info starts. I was falling asleep with the blah blah blah forever intro haha.
+DnB Junkie to be honest the info never started. save yourself the time.
It's because there is not a direct answer he can give you. He can't just say "Play a Hunter!" it doesn't work like that. He's trying to get you to ask the questions yourself on what responsibilities you want, and what you can handle as a player. There is no easy answer on what class to play, but what he said makes sense if you take the time to listen.
yea cuz he fucking sucks
This video is amazing and will help me make my main class decision easier a lot easier. Can't wait for part two
when is the next vid...................
Your name is very fitting. You explain things the way a preacher does and its pretty helpful.
Are you insane? the first thing you say is that you should play only the class you enjoy, and the second thing you say is that you should play the class/role your guild needs. WTF with the consistensy? have you really though this through? you should correct this video and you should either say to play the class you enjoy or play the class your guild needs, you cannot have both, maybe you also like that other role but the fact is that 1 of those options has a priority over the other people with fun in mind will go for fun and people with a terrible real life will go for the progresion since games are made to have fun and be challenging, but if you are having no fun then you are using that game the wrong way.
I always play my favorite role and spec till i hit the cap for that spec, as soon as my spec is no longer competitive to progress further I stop playing for progression, since its not worth the time and effort of begging raid leaders and guilds to give you a spot when they think your spec is not competitive, somtimes thay are right and sometimes they are not, so i just quit competitive raiding as soon as I hit that cap. This cap is always somewhere in mythic so if you are a regular person with a good real life you would have no need to see for validation from others or an achievement in a game just to prove that you deserve to exist or something.
Anyway I digress, my point is that you cannot say that they should play for fun and then say that they should play what is needed regardless of the fun.
That's not really what he said.
He said that you should always play "a" class you enjoy, and then move on to the other considerations. So say you've selected four classes you like (mage, warlock, shaman and hunter), the next consideration is what you can do for your guild.
Christopher Whyte i guess its what he ment but he didn't say that.
English is hard, go rant somewhere else.
Keith Campbell Rant? I am not pissed about it, using WTF or insane on my comment doesn't make it a rant. Its just an observation, you give way too much interest given your comment. it would be actually easier for you to ignore my comment than for me to go elsewhere.
You're crying again, /yawn.
Honesty time! I dread the moments I open up and say something out in the open...
I'm very excited for Legion... I really really want to try and get into doing raids and progressing to things further then normal modes and it was something I did in PUGs for probably the last year or so of Pandaria and would love to get into doing it for legions. Though I'm barely picking the game back up now (costs of finishing college then the time period of searching for a job and getting myself in a better place financially I stopped playing basically almost the entire WoD expansion)... Now job in hand I'm scared that despite my love for this coming expansion and excitement to progress, search for guilds, and just reach for the stars so to say... I'm scared my current work schedule will become an issue, it's chaotic and best I can do is promise that I will be home at a certain time at night on weekdays and evenings on weekends... So major concern and thought for Legion out of the way.
Class! I am seriously debating on Priest, and will try to put time into the PTR to see if I love the class or not. Disc looks so much fun, and Shadow also looks like a blast. Holy... I will be honest and state I've never truly like holy in total, some aspects of it I liked but it's never fit a play style I enjoy. I know I love DPS with moments of feeling like you've reached a chaotic point having to manage so many things at once and like every button press matters and your just flinging spells and abilities to every corner of the earth, but I enjoy some down time and breathing where sure I'm not the top of the DPS charts, but I'm not the bottom either I'm just doing me while supplying to the raid. Healing is something I like... I've done it leveling before and truly enjoyed it and the feeling it brought to me, but I never did it in raids or endgame content... I always feel this fear of being the healer or the tank due to worrying that there's a bit of extra weight on me for protecting the group and that every single mistake even the smallest of mistakes I make means I'm dragging everyone down. I worry I'll always be the reason a wipe happens. It's an idiotic fear due to the fact that in all the times I've healed I've had very few wipes, and the few I had... I was still completely new to the concept of even trying to heal. Though Disc... It just looks so fun if it's still how Preaches preview showed it and that spec alone really really makes me want to be a healer, but that stupid voice in my head is there feeding that idiotic fear of me healing in endgame content... So I tentatively look at what's to come and know that I can get over my fear by myself if I have to, especially if I love the class, but I know it won't be as easy as saying "Just do it!" because well... It is that easy to do so to get yourself into actually doing it, but it's hard to get yourself to a point you feel confident in what you do.
Though I also love how so many of the classes look which is making a huge issue for me. Warlock has so many cool aspects that just look enticing, same for DK, Demon Hunter, Shaman, and Rogue. So I am putting thought into all of them as well and could probably make entire paragraphs of saying what I like and don't like about them too, but I'll save everyone that trouble and wait for Preaches next video.
Why no tank you may ask? Well... That fear I mentioned earlier, but also I had one time I loved tanking, and it was a mix of nerdy goodness and just enjoying the class... Assassin tank in the beginning of SW:ToR. I chose to go tank that game because I never truly tanked before that it was something that intimidated me for some reason, but my guild was forming and the leader worried we might not get a tank before launch. So knowing I already chose Assassin as my class and I had a tank spec I said I'd do it, but did ask to please please keep searching for a tank because I was afraid and had never truly tanked before. Though something about being that double bladed light-saber wielding tank that instead of having this big health bar and or lot of armor I was this middle line health cloth wearing thing that had some self heals, ways to increase damage mitigation through blocking, parrying, ect. I fell in love with that, and I'm very sure that part of the reason way was because it did a bit of everything I like... Managing a lot of things, having moments where all I really needed to do was input a few things and not a lot, it punished me quite readily for being too cocky. (My guild in that game gained a joking phrase due to me doing that. I got cocky, was doing almost perfect in a heroic dungeon... Had the big dick idea "Let's pull this entire room!" and sprinted forward despite the pleas of my guild mates. "We got this!" I shouted to them confidently as I pull the first section of the room which I was too busy being Billy-Big-Bollocks to care that that area had very high damage creatures, and that we were not all fully geared... After I had the first three mobs on me... The mobs looked at me, used their high damage ability all at once... And one shot me into the ground right after my heroic "We got this!" charge..).. I have fond memories of doing that, but I also don't know if I'll find a play style of tanking like that in Legion, but also I will probably mark up that experience being so nice due to having a guild who laughed it off, made a joke of it all, had fun above all else, and also was very supportive of helping me ease into a position I've never fully played before.
Well... Here's my novel for people to not really care about because once I open up on something I have no filter until I'm stopped or I'm done... ^^'. Not really sure why I decided to just voice out my thoughts, but I just really felt like it... Maybe it'll show someone they're not the only one with the issues, fears, or worries I have as Legion is coming around the corner. Maybe it can show someone that they're not alone in the fact that maybe they have a similar thought process to me or a similar way of trying to look at this. and they'll gain some confidence and push forward. Who knows it could be just the nudge of confidence someone needs to take a step forward and become something so very much more, or it can just be an annoying wall of text that makes people wonder why I am even aloud to exist and breath. I guess that's up to what other decide to take from this.
+Rompski Thanks for the input ^^
Great video Preacher, very helpful. Now I'm going to watch it again, and listen even more carefully.
I love the harsh advice, especially the "you CAN tank" bit. These kinds of things are why I watch your channel.
it feels like I am one of the few, who figured this out by myself from playing my top 5 classes and specs in beta.
But I'll hand it to you, Preach. Great video! :)
Good advice all around. "What can my class do?" /rolled a druid 11 years ago and still loving every minute :)
Thank you so much for this video. I am going to start raiding next xpac and the advice you gave about specs will help so much!
Preach! Can you do another one of these for bfa? I just like hearing you say why you personally don’t want to play a class and how you’ve come to your choice of main for the xpac.
I have one of every spec as an alt but my 10 year old Forsaken lock has and will always be my main I absolutely love the evil feeling that comes with it. And I have never grown tired of playing a lock no matter what changes they have made.
been waiting for this series, was one of my favorites from WoD beta
I've decided on Mage, warlock, and warrior going into legion (each on a different token). I tell you this because I unknowingly followed most of the steps you discussed, Preacherman. I think this might be the expack I get into mythic raiding. Here's hoping for an awesome future!
Been playing shaman for past 9 years wanting to reroll finding it SOOO hard with the artifact weps and stuff don't want to pick the wrong class and then fall behind cause I am changing. Thanks alot for the vid it helped!
i've been struggling with which character to play in Legion so i needed this thanks Preach
Love it when you do these videos. Can't wait for the follow up one. I completely agree with your point that if someone doesn't enjoy what they're doing with their free time. They're going to find ways to stop doing it.
most usefull video i jave watched in a while. cant wait for the follow up eliminating classes tou spoke of.
I'm missing Warcraft so much while travelling and I know I was getting much better before I left, even topping DPS as arcane mage. I can't wait to start rediscovering Azeroth and all the class changes, unfortunately that won't be until November so keep the vids coming Preach I need them!!!
Fell in love with Shadow Priest the moment I saw the video. Even made up a backup story for much more immersive gameplay ^^
play a different class pls
+Jacob Johnson You don't have to worry about that. That made voidform a cast. So either they change that decision or I'll simply uninstall the game. Good day to you.
What an orator you are. You make me wanna transfer my first ever character, a protection tank to my current realm. I stopped playing because I was new and afraid to have the responsibility of tanking. Thank you! :D
I mained Warrior(I enjoy all specs) From the start of TBC-Start of WoD. I've been maining a Blood DK for the past year, and I simply don't enjoy it... I made the decision of rolling a Warrior for this expansion about 1-2 weeks ago, watching this video simply made me more sure of going back to my roots. Really liked the video! Subbed and liked :)
I think a lot of people are looking to switch class in Legion. This series should be a hit :)
great video man, making points about the WHY and HOW to choose, thanks a lot
Really looking forward to your next video, about to play again since quitting pre cata and having not followed any of the scene except your drama time fridays! So I have no idea what's strong or fun at the moment so your video will help me decide who to hurry up and level for legion, thanks man!
Awesome vids dude only recently subbed as I have only just come back to wow after about 2 year love your vids the content and the commantary really helped me out in getting back into the game for Legion :)
awesome video! exactly what i needed to be reminded before i dive into legion :)
Love the video Preach really helped me with your WOD version a while back!!!
before this video I was torn between Demon Hunter, shaman, death knight and rogue. Now I'm only torn between DH and priest weirdly enough. Great help, look forward to part 2!
Thanks Preach, I've decided to stick with my rogue. That last point about the silly fun and those Jesus moments, really made me think about Outlaw's Roll the Bones
Great video Preach! Was waiting for something like this.
I agree with the volunteering to help out your group, even if youre not confident your group will love you. Did it in mop. Our GM needed an off tank in our SoO progression. Gave it a try and have been prot ever since!
Finally been waiting for this video to come out thank you preacher
I like how he subtly is showing off all his characters in the begining of the video.
As usual brilliant insight Preach and sensible advice! Thank you :)
By far and away my favorite example of a moment of greatness was in ICC as a Holy pally on Festergut. Shadow Resistance Aura plus Aura Mastery was basically a Shield Wall for the entire raid, and let us down that fight well before we deserved to with our gear level at the time.
Step 1) Make sure you enjoy the game. Step 2) Class identity not spec identity. Step 3) Flexibility.
Great video, good message. Going to get my raiders to watch this for sure.
thanks preach. I am currently raid leading and I have loads of people wanting to raid but don't know what to raid as. I ask them similar questions you've brought up in this video. but because we need a tank, a mage that has never tanked wants to now only because we need a tank and not because they want to. now I can show them your video to back up what I've been telling them
I have a story that is very similar to what you were saying about picking a class and being ok with all it can do. My first main was a rogue, but it got boring in WotLK so I started a DK and battled back and forth between unholy and frost, but I liked it so much that I decided it was my new main. I was afraid of tanking because of how they are treated unless they are fucking AMAZING. It was at that point where I got approached for a spot in a raid group. My initial spot was DPS and i was suggested to a few sites to step up my game a little bit and lo and behold I stepped up my game quite a lot. After a few weeks of raiding I got the hang of "not standing in the fire" and what to use and when. I got pretty good at it so much so that the healers hardly had to pay attention to me... but then our secondary tank quit the guild suddenly. So guess who that role fell to? Yep, me. After explaining to them about how I have very little tanking experience and little to no gear for it, but they were totally cool with it and our main healer offered to take me and 3 other guildies on a few randoms to give me a few pointers and gear. That night I watched a few videos on blood DK's and it looked like they were freaking GODS with how much they could pull and just deal with every single scenario that came at them. I got so amped by those vids that after tanking for a few pugs on my own, I found out I liked it... a lot actually. Blood became my new main spec and frost fell to the second position for the first time in my wow playing days. I've been a tank ever since and hardly ever change out of my blood build. So i will be blood tanking in legion and based on your video about it, I will again have those feelings of (close to) godhood lol
Anyways, I hope you liked my story because my experience parallels your suggestion to pick a class and have fun with everything it does. ( this reason is the exact reason I will still not play my druid even though I love healing with him lol, but i don't like ALL of the specs they have...)
the role choice brings back some memories. Back in Wrath I joined a top 5 progression guild as a Holy paladin. they had me on reserve because they already had a paladin healer for a few raids. I ended up joining some of their achievement progression raids when they were attempting no light Yog and I was brought in as DPS since I had a semi geared ret spec. Due to the fact that I ended up pushing more DPS than some of their top 10 dps (It was a 25m raiding group) they switched me from holy, to ret dps. Back when judgement of light was pretty OP and you could do 6k healing off of it back then and out heal pure spec healers. I was then brought into every raid then on and given priority cuz I switched, even though I vehemently swore I'd never play ret because I wanted to be a healer/tank. I ended up really enjoying playing ret.
I can't wait for the next video Preach! I'm trying to decide between my Warrior and my Lock. I've never been very good with the Warlock but I love the aesthetic, the spells, and especially demons. But whenever I play a Warrior I just feel like a bad ass killing machine and Warlock has yet to replicate that feeling for me.
Man I have a feeling like you are speaking directly to me all the time, I know it's just because other people feel the same way and this is generally what happends to many WoW players, but damn, feels. Have my like! Thanks for the videos Preach
Love ya preacher, love the sincerity you've got going on there
Thanks for helping us through this decision Preach!
i still Remember the times back in wrath i was raiding on my shaman but i also had a prot warrior. we was progressing in naxx and had some problems with the tanks on khel thuzad so i stepped in on my warrior and helped them out with the abominations. and this helped my guild a lot and they were happy that i could step in ( the answer to the topic he talks about around the 7:30 mark)
Really enjoyed this video, and it helped me narrow down my selections to 4 classes. What's the ETA on the next one in this series, where I assume you're going to be talking about which classes fill which niches and scratch which itches?
Much thanks - narrowed it down to Warrior / Demon Hunter / Hunter (surv) / Mage (fire) myself. I think all have that moment of greatness, and have a fast paced playstyle without being completely GCD locked.
'pendulum side of the pendulum, pendulum, pendulum swings on the pendulum, pendulum, swing pendulum'
I am really enjoying your work man keep it up !
I love your videos, they're very interesting. I've seen a handful and enjoying them all! Don't suppose you plan on doing a small video for each class running a heroic or raid? I really want to see what they're like in Legion so I can pick a new alt to use my 100 on :)
Aha its so interesting to see someone go through this process, its been such a topic of discussion of the raiders and officers in my guild specifically about Legion. Between artifacts the new new talent system, and a lot of the class revamps it's been such a topic of debate. We're a 3 day per week, goal of clearing mythic eventually kind of guild, with a strong casual base as well so its funny to see how most of the mythic raiders are saying no no no don't ask us whats best. A good player can make most specs viable unless you're looking for realm firsts, world firsts etc. play what you like. Understand the consequences of it, i.e. we only have so many spots and we aren't bringing 15 demon hunters, plan accordingly, or that there will be greater competition for melee dps spots more likely than for ranged, just because of the nature of our current set of raiders. But pick what you like, get on the PTR, try these classes early. Give any potential ones a chance and if you really like it figure out how to make it work. Plan ahead, we know the tier sets, we know the artifact abilities, think of how that'll change the class. I finally am moving on from my beloved resto shaman due to them still having us rely on chain heal. I love my CH but after years of spamming that sob I need something new, and the tier doesn't indicate that'll change. Also changed my *for sure main* about 5 times. There's no magic bullet and going for *the best* especially at launch, if it isn't your favorite class then the numbers themselves get old. And your parse wont get better anyway since you're competing against the same OP class :D. Gah damn PTR and Beta information glut has me rambling every time.
godly moment: holy priest on demon invasions: divine hymn nuff said
As an altaholic this helped me a lot. I enjoy healing and ranged as well as some tanking. I have decided to take my Druid as my main in Legion. I know keeping up 3 weapons or maybe even all 4 will be tough but maybe just maybe I won't alt as much.
This actually really helped. Thanks alot for your thoughts.
Nice song in the beginning Preach! Noisestooooooorm
I love being a druid cause I have the option to do exactly what you talk about and fulfilling different roles. When my guild was progressing in Normal HFC on Manny, both tanks had died with no b-rez on cooldown. I as a Resto Druid popped "Heart of the Wild" and switch to bear, taunt that ugly pitlord and we got the kill. One of those moments where you pull greatness right out your own rear end!
Been waiting for this one... Thanks, Mike!
I've played a warrior since WotLK, but I'm ready for a change, and I'm thinking it's gonna be DK at this point!
Very good points, I think this xpac will definitely be the one where I start raiding again since WotLK.
i love this, i will use this for my guild when someone asks what to play !
Raiding is like chess against a computer, once you've figured out how to beat it, you can beat it endlessly
Arms Warrior is a thing I will remain loyal to to the end of time, it is my first spec and it is MY spec. But I've accepted that if someone really needs me to play protection, I will. I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy Arms, nor do I have the personal connection to that I do to Arms but it's still useful to be able to tank when I really need to.
Mained warrior from vanilla through BC. Then switched to DK and have mained it (mostly as frost) ever since.
Now I'm going back to warrior main for the first time in a long time. Unholy DK is really fun, but I'm having way too much more fun as fury warrior right now to put it on the back burner. I have to give warrior tanking a go and see how that plays out compared to blood DK tanking, but as long as it isn't horrible I see myself maining warrior for the expansion. Kind of excited for it too, my warrior is the first character I ever made, feels good to finally dust him off.
Now for transmog runs to get him set up. Thankfully with the new xmog system i can run old raids 3 times a week (once each on pally/warrior/dk) for plate gear and weapons, so that's nice. Please, Legion, be the comeback WoW (and we the players) desperately want it to be!
LMAO " I'll tank forever!" 8:25
This seriously helped me a lot. My favorite spec in the game is easily Shadow Priest, however I hate Disc and Holy. On a Monk I enjoy all specs.
i lost it at 14:21 when he said "the damage meter flows like wine, everybodis 'is happy"
i have being torturing my self with what SPEC to play in legion for months. but thanks to your video, i sat back and looked at the bigger picture, Class > Spec. for months it was Shadow or Elemental. but now i realize, i dont really like healing anymore. but instead, tanking has always interested me. but i have never raided as a melee before. and i want something new. so DH might possibly be for me. so thank you Preach for opening my eyes to the real questions i should be asking.
"-maybe blizzard changed your class"
*Horrific images of a missing holy power bar rapidly flash about*
What I've seen in your videos (I've seen a lot of them) is that you love the word "Absolutely" hahaha (Y)
Nice video!
I'm casual WoW player and i usually just pick classes i like and i know i can get better at if i try. But this is a good and eye opening video, especially for someone like me who might actually want to get serious with raiding in the future ...if i ever do that is.
"Pissing in a bottle till the boss is dead" got a subscribe from me xD