Would you change anything with the ranking? Also I'd like to thank RAID for making this video possible, install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: t2m.io/Doronsmovies_F24 and get a special starter pack with 500k Silver, Energy and Chicken + Epic Juliana after reaching level 15⚡ Available only via the link and for new players. See you on the battlefield!
now not seen lot evoker feel but think in thoery could be strongest or 2nd strongest class hear me out. blue dragonflight lot closer mages so have power mage. also got black dragon powers so prob cause earthquakes like shman. green magic put someone sleep let strave own sleep. bronze magic even though could consider abuse power. could just use time magic force you age really fast until decay to nothingness. then got red dragon power which bring life or in bolvar case MAKE HIM LAVA MONSTER. so i say power strenegth wise evoker are rival warlock or demon hunters shadow priests. but say cause never faced them get but kicked. but once prob work with them enough could aruge be REALLY POWERFUL WIELDING ARCANE TIME MAGIC EARTH ITSELF AND DREAM AND LIFE if really wanted to COULD F SH UP in thoery
I think Fel is one of the only magic sources that can react and change almost anything it touches. You can use the Light, nature magic and to some extents arcane and it won’t have too dramatic of an effect on the user and the world around them. But Fel on the other hand seems to corrupt everything it touches, warping landscapes, armor, weapons, machines, people and even titan constructs. The Legion and Light are both capable of space travel which is very interesting, I wonder if the void still just gets “hurled” at a world like before or if they have some way to travel too.
The elemental dragons lost to the aspects but the aspects had the direct help of the titans the elemental dragons leaders are locked in the elemental plane
@@Zeph914that doesn’t make sense after reading that I said the aspect had direct help from the titans and their titan forged to fight the elemental dragons…the titan magic dragons needed help shows titan magic is weaker
I just want to say that I actually respect the fact you put shaman at the bottom and not for negative reasons. Lore wise, it just wouldnt sense for shamans to want to obtain more power. That isnt what shamans in warcraft are about. They are planetary mediators and bringers of balance. One might take a glance at shamans and the role they play and immediately assume strength. Even if you look at thrall for face value. However digging even slightly past face surface lore shows how the shamans mostly just want peace and serenity with the world around them. I wish thrall would make up his mind 😂
so if DKs are immune to magic how would they lose to mage/warlock then? They literally have anti-magic shell on them the whole time that absorbs magic.
Not to mention if DH are made to slaughter demons, and counter anything demonic, how would they also lose to warlocks? Oh well lol good thing this is an opinion list
DKs are not fully immune to magic if they were they wouldn’t be dying to light magic or other death knights fel and shadow magic is the most volatile and destructive magic no death knight would tank that kind of damage for very long fel magic would quite literally melt their bodies and blow them apart
@@legendaryh9845DH know how to fight demons and use fel magic against them that doesn’t mean they would be able to take out a power humanoid warlock demons and people are not the same DH are not immune to fel magic nor are they invulnerable they get hit or enslaved by a powerful enough warlock they are toast warlocks take the use of fel and magic to much higher levels than Demon hunters that’s all there is to it warlock mage SP > any melee classes
@legendaryh9845 they are made to target demons and creatures enfused with demon blood, which warlocks arent, besides warlocks arent using exclusivly fell, they equally use shadow magic, void, even a bit of death magic and nature magic, and fire as well. Dks are resistant vs magic, but not imune to magic, also warlocks do magic dmg, but thereir demons deal phisical
So years after we discussed this its nice to see you adapting some of my points from back then. That said you still tend to use the high end people of each class rather than the actual average and i think thats a big flaw. Cause what is POSSIBLE with a certain class is not what youll encounter. Shamans as example differ VASTLY in training from each other while Paladins are all trained through pretty much the same process so the average Paladin is much better trained than the average shaman, that doesnt mean high end shamans cant best high end paladins but its averages. Place that you bring up is also a thing - elementals on AZEROTH arent crazy powerfull but they might be on other planets. Similiar a runemaster is absolutely useless anywhere but azeroth as runes work by using the ley lines to cast magic and ley lines are different on each planet, if present at all. Youd have been wise to check the older videos you did however. You are still massively wrong on Deathknights. They do feel pain we discussed that at nauseam multiple times. Its even in game lore books stating that aside from pure logic. We have cutscenes with DKs in pain. You still ignore that DK is a new class you get on top of what you were before. 1st gen DKs still had all the Warlocks powers cause they still were warlocks. We have Dks that used to be Paladins that still wield the light. You could be a mage turned DK still able to use all your magic skills with the DK stuff on top. Its a multiclass. Also DKs arent per se immune to magic - they have some things to do against it but the thing making them immune is saronite Armor and due to its madening properties only Scourge DKs can long term use Saronite armor. Similiar Saronite weapons can destroy souls and thus oneshot basicly anyone and anything. Not to mention DKs do not get tired or exhausted and are not impeded by wounds which is an INSANE advantage in combat and in lore will only die if you destroy their brain, which is a lot more difficult than killing a normal person Your average DK is also a veteran and well trained, disciplined and posessing a runic blade which in itself is quite a power upgrade, if you manage to get a hold of a really powerfull one like apocalypse you are instantly catapulted a few tiers up. Not to mentuion since you rank void so high you might wanna be aware that DKs are said to wield the VOID when using their frost magic which is in lore Void infused. And the Void does leech energy including life hence bloodDKs likely also use void or its vampiric properties. Not to mention saronite is void based (aka old god based) The biggest weakness of DKs is that they rely heavy on rune magic and as said, in Lore, rune magic doesnt work outside of azeroth. Ingame it does for gaming reasons but in lore rune magic wouldnt work off planet making DKs seriously weaker anywhere else unless they retconned that rune magic somehow works even when its power source - azeroths ley lines - is far away. That said it was also stated numerous times that rune magic is the most powerfull form of magic as not only can it reproduce ANY magical effect of all other schools, but it does so without straining or exhausting the user, and the user doesnt even need magical training to use it, the only limiting factor is the runes you know and have in form of say tatoos or inscribed on armor and weaponry. They can be used to cast spells like a mage or simply enhance your physical abilities, heal like a druid and so on. Your DH argument is also still flawed i think. Yes they specialise in killing demons. And yes that makes a huge difference. A Torpedo is fantastic at taking out a warship. How many weapons can take out a warship. But its kinda useless against a tank. DHs are the strongest class against demons but id argue really not against others. They are highly trained and experienced on average which gives them an upper hand and they can transform shortly for a quick power burst but if you look at in lore encounters Demon Hunters loose a lot against non demon enemies, see Arthas vs Illidan or Illidan vs Maiev....or Malfurion....or basicly what we did with DHs in burning crusade. Warlocks ON AVERAGE fail miserably by the way we have many accounts of them being killed by the demons they summoned or loosing control over the fel energies and killing themselves on accident. Warlocks are also not mages. Warlocks developed out of SHAMANs which is the weakest class you mentioned and similiar restrictions apply, and avergae demons arent that much more powerfull than average elementals either. You may confuse this with necromancers - necromancy is a branch of arcane magic that on azeroth, started in Dalaran with its most famous mage turned necromancer being Kel Thuzad Similiar you use the justification of "XYZ was beaten by" to rank something lower but for warlocks you ignore that Guldahn and his shadow council got their behinds kicked by mere warriors. Multiple times too. Or rogues. And mages. And paladins and thoser were about the most powerfull warlocks ever. Doomhammer wiped the floor with Guldahn and got killed by a Paladin. So yes you CAN do incredibly destructive feats with warlock stuff but you also can as mage but that doesnt translate to actual fighting capabilities in special as most warlock feats of power require ressources and preperation time to pull off which you just dont have in combat So your list is basicly suffering the same issues of your personal bias showing hard still today. And before people say im a DK simp - my alliance main is a human mage, my horde main an orc shaman and my main RP character is a human paladin. Havent played DK since legion and there i only did it for the artefact quests cause frostmourne My list would be seperated in - feats you can accomplish which would place mages and warlocks as well as shamans in the top 3, and actual fighting capabilities whioch would be deathknights, demon hunters and paladins in the top 3
Wanting to add, since we speak averages, your average DK is a tripple class. The majority of DKs used to be priests who became paladins who where then raised as DKs. Technicly speaking DKs are also runemasters as they were taught to use runes and necromancers - so a quintuple class though they surely arent anywhere near as good in necromancy as a real necromancer
I had many similar views with you about this video, and I think we should compare between the high end characters representative of their own classes instead, since they are considered the skill ceiling, the true potential of their class ( for example when looking at shaman maybe you should look at the performance of the best shamans in the earthern ring, for druids it'll be the archdruids), warrior have low skill floors that's why ppl think warriors are weak, broxigar is the strongest warrior in WOW universe, single handledly slayed thousands of demons and was the only one in wow history that physically wounded Sargeras, that's the skill ceiling of a warrior that many are not able to achieve, in that sense I don't think warrior being a much inferior class compared to demonhunters(Illidan). Some classes need to be split in terms of different specializations just like how you mentioned in DK
@@muller317 you can but i dont think thats a valuable comparrison cause this is more about the individual than the general training. As exmaple in real world that means finland produces the best snipers world wide because the by far best sniperworld wide was a fin. but that was an incredible individual not the average for the finnish army. Its like saying the strongest person in the world is norwegian and a plumber so norwegian plumbers are the strongest people that is just not true. In wow example - Sargeras is a warrior and hence warriors would be the strongest class by far but Sargeras isnt so powerfull cause hes a warrior but because he is a battlehardened Titan. Similiar Broxxigar was an insanely skilled individual wielding one of the most powerfull weapons ever made while buffed by the most insane druids of all time i dont think thats a valid comparison. Also if tharts your line - Aegwynn DEFEATED and inprisoned Sargeras so that means mages are the most powerfull then? Arthas owned everyone he met so...? I think its fair to do a skill ceiling thing - obviously mages, warlocks and shamans can do a LOT more than any other class cause they wield forces of the universe that allow them to move planets, open portals in space and time, anihilate cities with a single spell etc. but i think its also fair to point out that all of these powers usually need lots of prep time and ressources to pull off. Nerzuhl needed over a decade to do the portals on Draenor and the help of a human mage that was actually partially Sargeras to do it. So these dont translate into combat abilities where you dont have prep time and ressources at hand at least not much. So while Jaina could easily move entire armies across planets and Khadgar could blow up a city, neither was able to even make a stand against Arthas. Id credit mages for a much higher power ceiling than Deathknights yet in a 1v1 battle i dont see mages standing a chance. That said we could go and do more differentiation. Obviously "every day occupations" that anyone can do like warrior, rogue or hunter would be weaker on average due to having most of their team being low tier peasants while say Demonhunters are on average milennia old highly trained guys with tons of combat experience so obviously they are better on average. Also some classes are more requipment based than others. A warriors power is linked a lot to his armor and weapon, we see high end warriors doing way worse without high end gear - see Broxigar. Meanwhile classes like mages - while enhanced by good gear - are not nearly as dependant on it. and personally id even split Deathknights in seperate categories cause many of the strongest feats are only open to scourge deathknights. Immunity to mindcontrol stems from being already under mindcontrol from the Lichking. Free Dks dont have that immunity. The ability to wear saronite armor and weapns is also only open to Scourge DKs. which gives them incredible resilience and even immunity to magic including light spells. And scourge Dks are the most powerfull DKs ever raised due to the scourges mastery of necromancy, any prior and later DKs are weaker per fiat. And then ofc second generation Dks depend completly on their runic weapon and their powerlevel is directly tied to its power. Arthas with Apocalypse instead of frostmourne would have been undefeatable (and to this day i say plotarmor and cheating cause Ashbringer was a dwarfen made blade and no where near the powerlevel of a runeforged shadowlandsultrapowered weapon so theres no chance in hell ashbringer could destroy frostmourne) Edit: I think the fairest thing would be to analyse how much power a class adds to an individual. As in we take an average person say a farmer, train him to be a certain class and see what result can be expected as in which class grants the highest power up per se, without gear added. And in that case i think we can narrow it down quickly to shaman, demon hunter and death knight as anyone can become these and all of these are magicly enhanced people
i think you may have downplayed the light and the priests that utilize it, i mean if you look at how the Scarlet Crusader's still used the light, their presence and persistence in scourrge lands and current day activities speaks to the lights untapped potential, especially when considering the 4 hoursemen in both instances have atleast 1 member that still commands the light in iteral undeath - especially the one that was forcebly raised by Arthas.
I think shadow priests are more destructive than mages when it comes to people, but mages are more capable of destroying things, and have just so much utility. If the ranking is how good they're at killing people, I'd say number 1 is DKs cause they always, always win in 1v1 fights. but if we're doing overall capacity, I'd say it's tied up between mages and warlocks, followed by druids. Consider some mages can mess with time.
Ner'zhul, a warlock, was powerful enough to, although unintentionally, cause destruction of an entire planet. No other class come close to that level of power. Death Knights were also a creation of Warlocks.
My thing with the human death night he can be underwater and still drowned unless blizzard recently changed it the only way you won’t drowned if you make a undead death night
A hunter with engineering (for interdimensional portals and titan-forged weapons and absurd exotic beasts from around various planes of existence) should give most classes a run for their money. Basically the Tony Starks of WoW if you take all things into consideration. :)
Yeah, & if not for stealing the eggs of primal dragons, the ordered dragons still may have lost. It was really trickery that won the war more than brute strength.
best warrior is clapping the best of any class but the issue is thats where the peak is and only there LOL even in the lore only ones to wound sargeras yet the ones who lose most fights because being a warrior is just basically being a guard
Eh i would put evokers below lvl 1 critters. They are literally a botched Deathwing experiment that blizzard dug up in desperation to add a new class with the word dragon in it because DRAGONS!
the real answer is Paladins are the strongest class in WoW and Warcraft lore. Thats why no one messes with the alliance and all the drama and situations are on the horde side. Too many Paladins.
or warrior etc. i woulödnt put those on list either because they are generic. Everyone can become a warrior or rogue or hunter, there isnt really a class standard. And monks while having standardised training and being far from powerless, arent quite the fighters either. Doesnt mean there woulödnt be insane lore characters of these classes but we talk averages. Your average rogue is a stormwind homeless guy pickpocketing drunkards, your average hunter hunts boars in the woods and your average warrior is the usual private ranked soldier in the army / grunt
@@joezar33 as said its ranking by average. while there are some incredibly achieved warriors in lore by far most warriors are your average alliance soldier, horde grunt, tribal troll defender and even conscripted farmers as in your average warrior is one of the weakest people in azeroth
Personally I was super disappointed in evokers . They could have gone so much harder with it , but literally nerfed their design and lore and even roles . Such a waste.
shadowpriest is was and will always be a wannabe warlock, when you said its similarity to spriest. :D I have always refused to play spriest, but play disc or holy a lot, and if i want to dps i make another class, because my principles dont allow me to play a wannabe spec. :D
dont do king varian like that he was stabbed in the back before being killed by weak ass guldan had he not been injured he might have lost his head and id argue paladin is stronger than death knight by wilding the light dont forget them scarlets turning into full blow light monstrosity and what the light did to the shadowlands against danathrious who offended the light burnt they whole zone apart
yeah same thing he did many videos ago. Warlocks arent that powerfull. Look at Guldahn the unquestined most powerfull warlock to exist. got defeated by a warrior. got defeated by a demon hunter. got defeated by a paladin. got defeated by a shaman...and none of those were even particularely strong within their own class maybe aside for doomhammer
You have to compare the average of every class tho. So you cant compare like that. I think he is mostly right the only thing i would change is that dks/dhs should be above shadow priest and shadow priest and mage should change position. I do think the void is one of the most powerful forces but the class cant really use anything that great. The best a sp can do is probably mind control and that wont work on like 30-40% of beings in warcraft at this point.
@@wrongix6544 but DKs use the void, at least frost spec, blood spec and those using saronite ;) not to mention that it used to be that shadow and void was the same an shadow was what animated undead
@@OrkarIsberEstarDude They do use saronite armor ok but that does not equal using void MAGIC. Also shadow and void is basically the same thing (not really but from the same force). BUT the shadow from dks and priest are different its becuase blizzard was lazy and didnt invent necrotic dmg or something. Death magic and void/shadow is not the same thing just beacause they have the same dmg type ingame....
@@wrongix6544 thats why i said it used to be in lore that void = shadow which was retconned in a chronicle and immediately made a lot of stuff that happened impossible to happen which would mean orcs would have won the second war but whatever. point being its said that the Deathnkights frost magic is not elemental ice but void infused frost kinda like void levels cold and the void leeches life and so do blood dks. And sure ingame stuff isnt neccesarily lore just like void elves do shadowfrost damage not void damage cause there is no void damage but it fits the frost dk description. Also i might add that DKs were taught by servants of old gods who definitely used void magic
Bro I'm turning into Thanos Snap Dust in a hour glass then ..lol I remember the 1999 World of Warcraft Blizzard website, when the game was in development all the male characters were butt ugly ..
Im pretty sure a monk is near death knights and demon hunters. Theyre capable of breaking the shell of a Kunchong (Giant Mantid battering ram in the MoP dungeon) with their bare hands. Thats also just a questline in pandaria when you first arrive, any class does that so imagine a skilled monk. I think monks are slept on but great video as always. Also, Taran zhu was weak when he fought Garrosh.
individual accomplishments dont equal class. And i have to say monks are definitely stronger than given credit for buuut putting them on one level with magic enhanced rune using undead or fel infused half demons is also not quite right
@@OrkarIsberEstar No, they're better. They are using spirit enhanced fighting techniques so they don't slowly lose their minds and body but just increase in strength. Monks are looked down on too much IMHO. They created a whole school of magic and fighting style to make your body a weapon without an actual weapon. That is amazing and more dangerous than undead dudes in armor with rune swords.
@@Needler13 so you are trolling ok. Sure being a world class MMA fighter is impressive. in a real fight the untrained guy with the assault rifle is still gonna win against the elite MMA fighter. Gear matters. in special in WoW
@@Needler13wtf is a punch and kick going to do to an undead in full armor ?🤣 dk can just slow a monk to not even move lol, in fact the monk wouldn’t even get close enough to damage a dk as he can cast at range and literally make the monks blood erupt lol
Generally - this doesnt mean one offs, like LK for Dk's or Illiadan for DH's. Its probably something like that. Multi building to City level - Hunters, Warriors Rogues. Normal taurens scale to multi buildint level attack potency and an average Tauren Warrior/Hunter/Rogue could be up to cuty or even Mountain level. mountain to island Level - Priests, Mages and Shamas. A priests power doesn't come from their combat abilities, but I hey have the potency to scale that high, as you said Anduin. Average Mage should be able to obliterate a mountain, obviously some Mages like Medievh or Jaina scale much higher than your average Joe. Shamans is quite easy to scale with their elemental powers. However we have shamas like Thrall who at one point was stronger than Deathwing and NerZhul who both had planetary power levels. Continent / moon level - Evokers, mage, but just better. Planetary - Demon Hunters. Illiadan was able to destroy a planet, by holding it together with a portal, which sould actually be star level to solar level system feat, he also destroyed a Naru, which should be another solar system feat, maybe even galaxy level. However i would not put any Demon Hunter anywhere near Illiadan, but Demon Hunters are consistently able to beat Pit lords, who have planetary scaling, so thats where im putting them. Star level - Paladins. Their power is directly connected to their belief in the light. So they're basically like Mini Naru's, however in moments when hope's about to expire, they cannonicaly have recieved pure blessings of the light and their power can rival Arthas raised Deathknights and even overpower them, which should scale them to much muuuuch muuuuuch stronger than planet level. Solar System Level - Warlocks and first gen Deathknights. Every Warlock has a mark of Sargeras an outerversal being, should easily be at least Solar system base level for attack potency. However their defensive capabilities are way less, essentially making them glass cannons. Druids - they're able to summon stars on you, it's stupid how strong they are. Galaxy level - Shadowpriests, we simply don't know the power of the void lords, but we know they're more powerful than the titans, so even if they havs just 1% of a void lord's power it should be galaxy level attack potency. Universal - arthas raised DK's. A DK is able to travel multidimensionally and they exist in more than one realm at the same time. They should have universal level durability as well, because of the Saronite armour, as Yogg Saron has multiversal scaling. They might not be able to destroy a universe like they do in Dragonball, but they can fight with characters that do and damage characters that can take universal destroying attacks if that makes sense. Any class can reach universal level tho, this was proven in Ulduar lorewise. :) However with the War within expansion i am guessing that shadow priests will actually get the first place.
Hunters, warriors and rogues are the most common classes and because of that they are commoly weaker. Regular soldiers, archers and....well....rogues. It's really a miracle that a simple guy with a sword can become a godslaying beast. The same thing is for guys with bows or daggers. Yeah, there are Garrosh, Varian, Sylvansas but they are an exception in this rule.
No way that the most powerful force in cosmos next to Void and Fel should be that underestimated - the Light. It is literally the antithesis and the only thing that the all-consuming Void is afraid of. Therefore highly zealous Light infused champions will surely be some of the most OP characters in the game in the new saga trilogy Light vs. Void. P.S Paladins > DKs easily too btw.
Couldn't a Demon Hunter defeat a Warlock? I mean they were built to destroy demons, and Warlocks rely on demon magic. I'm definitely sure, that Illidan was aware of the Warlocks in the ranks of the Burning Legion, so he must have come up with something to counter them with his Illidari.
id point you to my long post here. i dont think warlocks are that powerfull at all. Guldahn the most powerfull warlock of all got his ass handed to him by a warrior, mutliple times. and a deminhunter. and a deathknight. and a shaman
I think I would put druids roughly on par with paladins & I really dk where to put shammys. Like the video said, power ranges wildly between individuals from barely magical at all to the literal avatar. But also their magic doesn't just come from the elements (which they can unify in a way the elements don't naturally do), but they also use spirit magic which last I checked, comes from Azeroth herself on our planet -- & we don't know the upper limit of that mojo.
Dk can beat any class, tell me how shadowpriest using MINDBLAST AND SHADOWWORD PAIN can do anything to a dk? How can a warlock set a dk on fire when he feels nothing? He can grip any caster to him, slow any demon hunter, immune to any magic, feel no fear. As we saw arthas beat everyone including Kaelthas the mage, Antonidas, uther and ILLIDAN
@@Dilllll26 DKs are canonically strong against void & arcane but famously get bodied by the light whenever it decides to. That said, in Arthas' fight against Illidan, Illidan was way powered down during that fight. At a different point in the novel when he was at full power Illidan was able to astral project across the entire universe & blow up an entire planet at a whim.
First off, Jaina is a mary-sue lets not compare the classes to her. Secondly, DK's higher than paladin? We sure about that? I distinctly remember in legion when DK's tried to resurrect tyrion to be the leader of the four horsemen and the most powerful DK's brought to their knees with a flick of a single paladins wrist
@@neinlives9424 First off I don't PVP anymore I retired post Cata when I saw that there wasn't going to be anymore zones like Wintergrasp or Tol Barad so that killed it for me. Second off take your toxic ass elsewhere DH served their purpose and it's time for them to fade away.
Only the main warriors will understand what I'll say: A good sharpened axe can cut down everything, and strategies can win the most toughest battles Rise up my warriors, and let them know who we truly are! LOK'TAR OGAR !!!!
Would you change anything with the ranking? Also I'd like to thank RAID for making this video possible, install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: t2m.io/Doronsmovies_F24 and get a special starter pack with 500k Silver, Energy and Chicken + Epic Juliana after reaching level 15⚡ Available only via the link and for new players. See you on the battlefield!
Number 1 Warriors 😅
Missed your videos like this dude glad you are making them again and hope to see more in the future
Meanwhile rogues are so powerful they’re not even mentioned…
These are the types of videos we miss on your channel
There’ll all good though
Just good fun
Demon Hunter: if you can cut down a massive pit lord which barely any other classes can do
Grom Hellscream: hold my axe ..
Lol and warlocks can enslave one, which we did
He actually had a whole army helping him out.
@@Zeph914It was just him and Thrall
@@MrNechovek bros never played Warcraft just wod lol
@@Needler13 demo locks actually summon them on a regular basis
DEMON HUNTER: it's been nearly a decade since they were added
yeah i feel old now
Number 10: 2:23
Number 9: 3:52
Number 8: 5:38
Number 7: 7:06
Number 6: 8:36
Number 5: 9:36
Number 4: 10:56
Number 3: 12:39
Number 2: 13:54
Number 1: 15:14
now not seen lot evoker feel but think in thoery could be strongest or 2nd strongest class hear me out. blue dragonflight lot closer mages so have power mage. also got black dragon powers so prob cause earthquakes like shman. green magic put someone sleep let strave own sleep. bronze magic even though could consider abuse power. could just use time magic force you age really fast until decay to nothingness. then got red dragon power which bring life or in bolvar case MAKE HIM LAVA MONSTER. so i say power strenegth wise evoker are rival warlock or demon hunters shadow priests. but say cause never faced them get but kicked. but once prob work with them enough could aruge be REALLY POWERFUL WIELDING ARCANE TIME MAGIC EARTH ITSELF AND DREAM AND LIFE if really wanted to COULD F SH UP in thoery
@@monkeyjames9285 I had seventy three full aneurysms trying to translate this comment.
Thank you so much for going back to update the lore of classes. I've loved your class lore series for many years.
I think Fel is one of the only magic sources that can react and change almost anything it touches. You can use the Light, nature magic and to some extents arcane and it won’t have too dramatic of an effect on the user and the world around them. But Fel on the other hand seems to corrupt everything it touches, warping landscapes, armor, weapons, machines, people and even titan constructs. The Legion and Light are both capable of space travel which is very interesting, I wonder if the void still just gets “hurled” at a world like before or if they have some way to travel too.
The elemental dragons lost to the aspects but the aspects had the direct help of the titans the elemental dragons leaders are locked in the elemental plane
Which is the point that elementals are not as strong as titan magic.
@@Zeph914that doesn’t make sense after reading that I said the aspect had direct help from the titans and their titan forged to fight the elemental dragons…the titan magic dragons needed help shows titan magic is weaker
I just want to say that I actually respect the fact you put shaman at the bottom and not for negative reasons. Lore wise, it just wouldnt sense for shamans to want to obtain more power. That isnt what shamans in warcraft are about. They are planetary mediators and bringers of balance. One might take a glance at shamans and the role they play and immediately assume strength. Even if you look at thrall for face value. However digging even slightly past face surface lore shows how the shamans mostly just want peace and serenity with the world around them. I wish thrall would make up his mind 😂
so if DKs are immune to magic how would they lose to mage/warlock then? They literally have anti-magic shell on them the whole time that absorbs magic.
Not to mention if DH are made to slaughter demons, and counter anything demonic, how would they also lose to warlocks? Oh well lol good thing this is an opinion list
DKs are not fully immune to magic if they were they wouldn’t be dying to light magic or other death knights fel and shadow magic is the most volatile and destructive magic no death knight would tank that kind of damage for very long fel magic would quite literally melt their bodies and blow them apart
@@legendaryh9845DH know how to fight demons and use fel magic against them that doesn’t mean they would be able to take out a power humanoid warlock demons and people are not the same DH are not immune to fel magic nor are they invulnerable they get hit or enslaved by a powerful enough warlock they are toast warlocks take the use of fel and magic to much higher levels than Demon hunters that’s all there is to it warlock mage SP > any melee classes
@legendaryh9845 they are made to target demons and creatures enfused with demon blood, which warlocks arent, besides warlocks arent using exclusivly fell, they equally use shadow magic, void, even a bit of death magic and nature magic, and fire as well. Dks are resistant vs magic, but not imune to magic, also warlocks do magic dmg, but thereir demons deal phisical
@@poetofnoreturn7708lol people still want to act like warlocks aren’t the biggest chads in Warcraft.
So years after we discussed this its nice to see you adapting some of my points from back then. That said you still tend to use the high end people of each class rather than the actual average and i think thats a big flaw. Cause what is POSSIBLE with a certain class is not what youll encounter. Shamans as example differ VASTLY in training from each other while Paladins are all trained through pretty much the same process so the average Paladin is much better trained than the average shaman, that doesnt mean high end shamans cant best high end paladins but its averages.
Place that you bring up is also a thing - elementals on AZEROTH arent crazy powerfull but they might be on other planets. Similiar a runemaster is absolutely useless anywhere but azeroth as runes work by using the ley lines to cast magic and ley lines are different on each planet, if present at all.
Youd have been wise to check the older videos you did however. You are still massively wrong on Deathknights. They do feel pain we discussed that at nauseam multiple times. Its even in game lore books stating that aside from pure logic. We have cutscenes with DKs in pain.
You still ignore that DK is a new class you get on top of what you were before. 1st gen DKs still had all the Warlocks powers cause they still were warlocks. We have Dks that used to be Paladins that still wield the light. You could be a mage turned DK still able to use all your magic skills with the DK stuff on top. Its a multiclass.
Also DKs arent per se immune to magic - they have some things to do against it but the thing making them immune is saronite Armor and due to its madening properties only Scourge DKs can long term use Saronite armor. Similiar Saronite weapons can destroy souls and thus oneshot basicly anyone and anything.
Not to mention DKs do not get tired or exhausted and are not impeded by wounds which is an INSANE advantage in combat and in lore will only die if you destroy their brain, which is a lot more difficult than killing a normal person
Your average DK is also a veteran and well trained, disciplined and posessing a runic blade which in itself is quite a power upgrade, if you manage to get a hold of a really powerfull one like apocalypse you are instantly catapulted a few tiers up.
Not to mentuion since you rank void so high you might wanna be aware that DKs are said to wield the VOID when using their frost magic which is in lore Void infused. And the Void does leech energy including life hence bloodDKs likely also use void or its vampiric properties. Not to mention saronite is void based (aka old god based)
The biggest weakness of DKs is that they rely heavy on rune magic and as said, in Lore, rune magic doesnt work outside of azeroth. Ingame it does for gaming reasons but in lore rune magic wouldnt work off planet making DKs seriously weaker anywhere else unless they retconned that rune magic somehow works even when its power source - azeroths ley lines - is far away.
That said it was also stated numerous times that rune magic is the most powerfull form of magic as not only can it reproduce ANY magical effect of all other schools, but it does so without straining or exhausting the user, and the user doesnt even need magical training to use it, the only limiting factor is the runes you know and have in form of say tatoos or inscribed on armor and weaponry. They can be used to cast spells like a mage or simply enhance your physical abilities, heal like a druid and so on.
Your DH argument is also still flawed i think. Yes they specialise in killing demons. And yes that makes a huge difference. A Torpedo is fantastic at taking out a warship. How many weapons can take out a warship. But its kinda useless against a tank. DHs are the strongest class against demons but id argue really not against others. They are highly trained and experienced on average which gives them an upper hand and they can transform shortly for a quick power burst but if you look at in lore encounters Demon Hunters loose a lot against non demon enemies, see Arthas vs Illidan or Illidan vs Maiev....or Malfurion....or basicly what we did with DHs in burning crusade.
Warlocks ON AVERAGE fail miserably by the way we have many accounts of them being killed by the demons they summoned or loosing control over the fel energies and killing themselves on accident. Warlocks are also not mages. Warlocks developed out of SHAMANs which is the weakest class you mentioned and similiar restrictions apply, and avergae demons arent that much more powerfull than average elementals either. You may confuse this with necromancers - necromancy is a branch of arcane magic that on azeroth, started in Dalaran with its most famous mage turned necromancer being Kel Thuzad
Similiar you use the justification of "XYZ was beaten by" to rank something lower but for warlocks you ignore that Guldahn and his shadow council got their behinds kicked by mere warriors. Multiple times too. Or rogues. And mages. And paladins and thoser were about the most powerfull warlocks ever.
Doomhammer wiped the floor with Guldahn and got killed by a Paladin.
So yes you CAN do incredibly destructive feats with warlock stuff but you also can as mage but that doesnt translate to actual fighting capabilities in special as most warlock feats of power require ressources and preperation time to pull off which you just dont have in combat
So your list is basicly suffering the same issues of your personal bias showing hard still today. And before people say im a DK simp - my alliance main is a human mage, my horde main an orc shaman and my main RP character is a human paladin. Havent played DK since legion and there i only did it for the artefact quests cause frostmourne
My list would be seperated in - feats you can accomplish which would place mages and warlocks as well as shamans in the top 3, and actual fighting capabilities whioch would be deathknights, demon hunters and paladins in the top 3
Wanting to add, since we speak averages, your average DK is a tripple class. The majority of DKs used to be priests who became paladins who where then raised as DKs. Technicly speaking DKs are also runemasters as they were taught to use runes and necromancers - so a quintuple class though they surely arent anywhere near as good in necromancy as a real necromancer
I had many similar views with you about this video, and I think we should compare between the high end characters representative of their own classes instead, since they are considered the skill ceiling, the true potential of their class ( for example when looking at shaman maybe you should look at the performance of the best shamans in the earthern ring, for druids it'll be the archdruids), warrior have low skill floors that's why ppl think warriors are weak, broxigar is the strongest warrior in WOW universe, single handledly slayed thousands of demons and was the only one in wow history that physically wounded Sargeras, that's the skill ceiling of a warrior that many are not able to achieve, in that sense I don't think warrior being a much inferior class compared to demonhunters(Illidan).
Some classes need to be split in terms of different specializations just like how you mentioned in DK
@@muller317 you can but i dont think thats a valuable comparrison cause this is more about the individual than the general training. As exmaple in real world that means finland produces the best snipers world wide because the by far best sniperworld wide was a fin. but that was an incredible individual not the average for the finnish army. Its like saying the strongest person in the world is norwegian and a plumber so norwegian plumbers are the strongest people that is just not true.
In wow example - Sargeras is a warrior and hence warriors would be the strongest class by far but Sargeras isnt so powerfull cause hes a warrior but because he is a battlehardened Titan. Similiar Broxxigar was an insanely skilled individual wielding one of the most powerfull weapons ever made while buffed by the most insane druids of all time i dont think thats a valid comparison.
Also if tharts your line - Aegwynn DEFEATED and inprisoned Sargeras so that means mages are the most powerfull then? Arthas owned everyone he met so...?
I think its fair to do a skill ceiling thing - obviously mages, warlocks and shamans can do a LOT more than any other class cause they wield forces of the universe that allow them to move planets, open portals in space and time, anihilate cities with a single spell etc. but i think its also fair to point out that all of these powers usually need lots of prep time and ressources to pull off. Nerzuhl needed over a decade to do the portals on Draenor and the help of a human mage that was actually partially Sargeras to do it.
So these dont translate into combat abilities where you dont have prep time and ressources at hand at least not much. So while Jaina could easily move entire armies across planets and Khadgar could blow up a city, neither was able to even make a stand against Arthas. Id credit mages for a much higher power ceiling than Deathknights yet in a 1v1 battle i dont see mages standing a chance.
That said we could go and do more differentiation. Obviously "every day occupations" that anyone can do like warrior, rogue or hunter would be weaker on average due to having most of their team being low tier peasants while say Demonhunters are on average milennia old highly trained guys with tons of combat experience so obviously they are better on average.
Also some classes are more requipment based than others. A warriors power is linked a lot to his armor and weapon, we see high end warriors doing way worse without high end gear - see Broxigar. Meanwhile classes like mages - while enhanced by good gear - are not nearly as dependant on it.
and personally id even split Deathknights in seperate categories cause many of the strongest feats are only open to scourge deathknights. Immunity to mindcontrol stems from being already under mindcontrol from the Lichking. Free Dks dont have that immunity.
The ability to wear saronite armor and weapns is also only open to Scourge DKs. which gives them incredible resilience and even immunity to magic including light spells.
And scourge Dks are the most powerfull DKs ever raised due to the scourges mastery of necromancy, any prior and later DKs are weaker per fiat.
And then ofc second generation Dks depend completly on their runic weapon and their powerlevel is directly tied to its power. Arthas with Apocalypse instead of frostmourne would have been undefeatable
(and to this day i say plotarmor and cheating cause Ashbringer was a dwarfen made blade and no where near the powerlevel of a runeforged shadowlandsultrapowered weapon so theres no chance in hell ashbringer could destroy frostmourne)
Edit: I think the fairest thing would be to analyse how much power a class adds to an individual. As in we take an average person say a farmer, train him to be a certain class and see what result can be expected as in which class grants the highest power up per se, without gear added. And in that case i think we can narrow it down quickly to shaman, demon hunter and death knight as anyone can become these and all of these are magicly enhanced people
Tldr dk simp
@@Needler13 when i dont even play dk.
Don’t forget Alex’s LIFE magic fire, maybe we’ll see more in the future.
Didn't Illidan disenchant Gul'Dan down to a skull?
Illiadan is way more powerful than any other demon hunter tho.
And then got clapped by arthas pre lich king
@@chrisgrant2079 yes.
@@chrisgrant2079like…got his cheeks clapped?
i think you may have downplayed the light and the priests that utilize it, i mean if you look at how the Scarlet Crusader's still used the light, their presence and persistence in scourrge lands and current day activities speaks to the lights untapped potential, especially when considering the 4 hoursemen in both instances have atleast 1 member that still commands the light in iteral undeath - especially the one that was forcebly raised by Arthas.
Evokers almost killed Razsageth in the Scaleborn war book
I think shadow priests are more destructive than mages when it comes to people, but mages are more capable of destroying things, and have just so much utility. If the ranking is how good they're at killing people, I'd say number 1 is DKs cause they always, always win in 1v1 fights. but if we're doing overall capacity, I'd say it's tied up between mages and warlocks, followed by druids. Consider some mages can mess with time.
Shadow Priest are a mage who decided to learn void magic. In-lore they can effectively do anything a mage can do but also void magic.
The only way you can make it really truly undead death night is a forsaken definition I’ll definitely still need air to breathe underwater
what about sub rogues?
Ner'zhul, a warlock, was powerful enough to, although unintentionally, cause destruction of an entire planet. No other class come close to that level of power. Death Knights were also a creation of Warlocks.
My thing with the human death night he can be underwater and still drowned unless blizzard recently changed it the only way you won’t drowned if you make a undead death night
A hunter with engineering (for interdimensional portals and titan-forged weapons and absurd exotic beasts from around various planes of existence) should give most classes a run for their money. Basically the Tony Starks of WoW if you take all things into consideration. :)
Now you need to reconsider with the hero specs. Specialy somthing like Hunter which now gets the update to be more sylvana like 🎉
Druids are nature not life. They mention it during the Academy dungeon with the green dragons using nature and reds using life
Pretty sure the elemental dragons lost because of Neltharion using void powers and not because the titan dragons were more powerful.
Yeah, & if not for stealing the eggs of primal dragons, the ordered dragons still may have lost. It was really trickery that won the war more than brute strength.
If Warlocks are the strongest class in World of Warcraft lorewise, which spec of Warlock is the strongest (Warlock spec and Hero Spec)?
Blizzard give us worgen shamans already
best warrior is clapping the best of any class but the issue is thats where the peak is and only there LOL even in the lore only ones to wound sargeras yet the ones who lose most fights because being a warrior is just basically being a guard
Not a hope 😂
Hmm..How is this list so different from the last one? It s almost the same list beside adding evoker
I would change some of this order. Lore-wise it's close. But keeping in mind videos like this is all opinion and not fact.
Demon hunters are immortal
Eh i would put evokers below lvl 1 critters. They are literally a botched Deathwing experiment that blizzard dug up in desperation to add a new class with the word dragon in it because DRAGONS!
Really should have been tinkers
Eviler doesn’t have the word dragon in it
botched? they are the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent that were locked up so they didnt overthrow EVERYONE
Just like a good old days XD
the real answer is Paladins are the strongest class in WoW and Warcraft lore. Thats why no one messes with the alliance and all the drama and situations are on the horde side. Too many Paladins.
Where is warrior??
So no monk, hunter, or rogue?
or warrior etc. i woulödnt put those on list either because they are generic. Everyone can become a warrior or rogue or hunter, there isnt really a class standard. And monks while having standardised training and being far from powerless, arent quite the fighters either. Doesnt mean there woulödnt be insane lore characters of these classes but we talk averages. Your average rogue is a stormwind homeless guy pickpocketing drunkards, your average hunter hunts boars in the woods and your average warrior is the usual private ranked soldier in the army / grunt
If you have a brain you would know why they are not on this top 10 xd
There are two types of people ^
Ignore the Warriors ,they should of been added too , But I guess he maybe going by lore ?
@@joezar33 as said its ranking by average. while there are some incredibly achieved warriors in lore by far most warriors are your average alliance soldier, horde grunt, tribal troll defender and even conscripted farmers as in your average warrior is one of the weakest people in azeroth
Personally I was super disappointed in evokers . They could have gone so much harder with it , but literally nerfed their design and lore and even roles . Such a waste.
shadowpriest is was and will always be a wannabe warlock, when you said its similarity to spriest. :D I have always refused to play spriest, but play disc or holy a lot, and if i want to dps i make another class, because my principles dont allow me to play a wannabe spec. :D
The evoker is the weakest hero class ever designed in WoW.
dont do king varian like that he was stabbed in the back before being killed by weak ass guldan had he not been injured he might have lost his head and id argue paladin is stronger than death knight by wilding the light dont forget them scarlets turning into full blow light monstrosity and what the light did to the shadowlands against danathrious who offended the light burnt they whole zone apart
yeah same thing he did many videos ago. Warlocks arent that powerfull. Look at Guldahn the unquestined most powerfull warlock to exist. got defeated by a warrior. got defeated by a demon hunter. got defeated by a paladin. got defeated by a shaman...and none of those were even particularely strong within their own class maybe aside for doomhammer
You have to compare the average of every class tho. So you cant compare like that. I think he is mostly right the only thing i would change is that dks/dhs should be above shadow priest and shadow priest and mage should change position. I do think the void is one of the most powerful forces but the class cant really use anything that great. The best a sp can do is probably mind control and that wont work on like 30-40% of beings in warcraft at this point.
@@wrongix6544 but DKs use the void, at least frost spec, blood spec and those using saronite ;) not to mention that it used to be that shadow and void was the same an shadow was what animated undead
@@OrkarIsberEstarDude They do use saronite armor ok but that does not equal using void MAGIC. Also shadow and void is basically the same thing (not really but from the same force). BUT the shadow from dks and priest are different its becuase blizzard was lazy and didnt invent necrotic dmg or something. Death magic and void/shadow is not the same thing just beacause they have the same dmg type ingame....
@@wrongix6544 thats why i said it used to be in lore that void = shadow which was retconned in a chronicle and immediately made a lot of stuff that happened impossible to happen which would mean orcs would have won the second war but whatever. point being its said that the Deathnkights frost magic is not elemental ice but void infused frost kinda like void levels cold and the void leeches life and so do blood dks. And sure ingame stuff isnt neccesarily lore just like void elves do shadowfrost damage not void damage cause there is no void damage but it fits the frost dk description.
Also i might add that DKs were taught by servants of old gods who definitely used void magic
Hd's nearly a decade... ffs im old😐
Bro I'm turning into Thanos Snap Dust in a hour glass then ..lol I remember the 1999 World of Warcraft Blizzard website, when the game was in development all the male characters were butt ugly ..
Im pretty sure a monk is near death knights and demon hunters. Theyre capable of breaking the shell of a Kunchong (Giant Mantid battering ram in the MoP dungeon) with their bare hands. Thats also just a questline in pandaria when you first arrive, any class does that so imagine a skilled monk. I think monks are slept on but great video as always. Also, Taran zhu was weak when he fought Garrosh.
individual accomplishments dont equal class. And i have to say monks are definitely stronger than given credit for buuut putting them on one level with magic enhanced rune using undead or fel infused half demons is also not quite right
Dude monks would 11 as highest. And i think thats quite obvious.
No, they're better. They are using spirit enhanced fighting techniques so they don't slowly lose their minds and body but just increase in strength. Monks are looked down on too much IMHO.
They created a whole school of magic and fighting style to make your body a weapon without an actual weapon. That is amazing and more dangerous than undead dudes in armor with rune swords.
@@Needler13 so you are trolling ok. Sure being a world class MMA fighter is impressive. in a real fight the untrained guy with the assault rifle is still gonna win against the elite MMA fighter. Gear matters. in special in WoW
@@Needler13wtf is a punch and kick going to do to an undead in full armor ?🤣 dk can just slow a monk to not even move lol, in fact the monk wouldn’t even get close enough to damage a dk as he can cast at range and literally make the monks blood erupt lol
Generally - this doesnt mean one offs, like LK for Dk's or Illiadan for DH's. Its probably something like that.
Multi building to City level - Hunters, Warriors Rogues. Normal taurens scale to multi buildint level attack potency and an average Tauren Warrior/Hunter/Rogue could be up to cuty or even Mountain level.
mountain to island Level - Priests, Mages and Shamas.
A priests power doesn't come from their combat abilities, but I hey have the potency to scale that high, as you said Anduin. Average Mage should be able to obliterate a mountain, obviously some Mages like Medievh or Jaina scale much higher than your average Joe. Shamans is quite easy to scale with their elemental powers. However we have shamas like Thrall who at one point was stronger than Deathwing and NerZhul who both had planetary power levels.
Continent / moon level - Evokers, mage, but just better.
Planetary - Demon Hunters. Illiadan was able to destroy a planet, by holding it together with a portal, which sould actually be star level to solar level system feat, he also destroyed a Naru, which should be another solar system feat, maybe even galaxy level. However i would not put any Demon Hunter anywhere near Illiadan, but Demon Hunters are consistently able to beat Pit lords, who have planetary scaling, so thats where im putting them.
Star level - Paladins. Their power is directly connected to their belief in the light. So they're basically like Mini Naru's, however in moments when hope's about to expire, they cannonicaly have recieved pure blessings of the light and their power can rival Arthas raised Deathknights and even overpower them, which should scale them to much muuuuch muuuuuch stronger than planet level.
Solar System Level - Warlocks and first gen Deathknights. Every Warlock has a mark of Sargeras an outerversal being, should easily be at least Solar system base level for attack potency. However their defensive capabilities are way less, essentially making them glass cannons.
Druids - they're able to summon stars on you, it's stupid how strong they are.
Galaxy level - Shadowpriests, we simply don't know the power of the void lords, but we know they're more powerful than the titans, so even if they havs just 1% of a void lord's power it should be galaxy level attack potency.
Universal - arthas raised DK's. A DK is able to travel multidimensionally and they exist in more than one realm at the same time. They should have universal level durability as well, because of the Saronite armour, as Yogg Saron has multiversal scaling. They might not be able to destroy a universe like they do in Dragonball, but they can fight with characters that do and damage characters that can take universal destroying attacks if that makes sense.
Any class can reach universal level tho, this was proven in Ulduar lorewise. :)
However with the War within expansion i am guessing that shadow priests will actually get the first place.
Wtf are you on about lol, illidan cant destroy planets, he couldn’t even beat a weakened arthas
@@Dilllll26 he did tho in the books.
When in the lore or in the game did any druid summoned a star?
@@OotsutsukiShibai Starfall, Starfire.
@@fireinthesky3379 Sorry bro, Im stoned and I tought about real stars that are much bigger than whole planets
What about hunters
Hunters, warriors and rogues are the most common classes and because of that they are commoly weaker. Regular soldiers, archers and....well....rogues. It's really a miracle that a simple guy with a sword can become a godslaying beast. The same thing is for guys with bows or daggers. Yeah, there are Garrosh, Varian, Sylvansas but they are an exception in this rule.
can we get some roleplay content? there's been alot of Change. how does that influence our rp?
Dks aint at 5 ok... Also pls rank necromancer too
yep had the same arugment with him years ago. too sad he didnt take in any of the points we agreed on back then and just forgot apparently
Higher or lower ?
@@Dilllll26 Use your brain. I believe in you, you can do it!
Hate or love them dks are the strongest class lore wise period
Shamans don't only deal with elements
Thrall has bonded with the spirit of life in his book , he too can use the live force like druids
Yeah, I think shamen are really hard to place on the list because they can run the gamut from local holy man all the way up to the goddamn avatar.
The older one is way better, this one feels meh. You didn’t even add the actual ranking for each etc
No way that the most powerful force in cosmos next to Void and Fel should be that underestimated - the Light.
It is literally the antithesis and the only thing that the all-consuming Void is afraid of.
Therefore highly zealous Light infused champions will surely be some of the most OP characters in the game in the new saga trilogy Light vs. Void.
P.S Paladins > DKs easily too btw.
I love my Dracthyr! I will come back to WoW when they give them access to all of the other classes! I want a Dracthyr Druid so bad!
Gross 🤢
Couldn't a Demon Hunter defeat a Warlock? I mean they were built to destroy demons, and Warlocks rely on demon magic. I'm definitely sure, that Illidan was aware of the Warlocks in the ranks of the Burning Legion, so he must have come up with something to counter them with his Illidari.
id point you to my long post here. i dont think warlocks are that powerfull at all. Guldahn the most powerfull warlock of all got his ass handed to him by a warrior, mutliple times. and a deminhunter. and a deathknight. and a shaman
Illdan has Warlock in his crew back in the days ? Thinking of those Fel Orcs and Blood Elves in his ranks
Illidan was also a warlock. In lore, you can be more than one thing and a powerful warlock could enslave a demon hunter, which happened in lore.
@@OrkarIsberEstaryou would be 100% wrong as well.
@@OrkarIsberEstarGul’dan is not the most powerful Warlock. Kil’jaeden and Archimonde are way ahead
Nah, DKs should be higher. Not above warlocks, but def 2nd place.
I think I would put druids roughly on par with paladins & I really dk where to put shammys.
Like the video said, power ranges wildly between individuals from barely magical at all to the literal avatar. But also their magic doesn't just come from the elements (which they can unify in a way the elements don't naturally do), but they also use spirit magic which last I checked, comes from Azeroth herself on our planet -- & we don't know the upper limit of that mojo.
Dk can beat any class, tell me how shadowpriest using MINDBLAST AND SHADOWWORD PAIN can do anything to a dk? How can a warlock set a dk on fire when he feels nothing? He can grip any caster to him, slow any demon hunter, immune to any magic, feel no fear.
As we saw arthas beat everyone including Kaelthas the mage, Antonidas, uther and ILLIDAN
@@Dilllll26 DKs are canonically strong against void & arcane but famously get bodied by the light whenever it decides to.
That said, in Arthas' fight against Illidan, Illidan was way powered down during that fight. At a different point in the novel when he was at full power Illidan was able to astral project across the entire universe & blow up an entire planet at a whim.
First off, Jaina is a mary-sue lets not compare the classes to her. Secondly, DK's higher than paladin? We sure about that? I distinctly remember in legion when DK's tried to resurrect tyrion to be the leader of the four horsemen and the most powerful DK's brought to their knees with a flick of a single paladins wrist
A rogue can kill any class from stealth if he is good
Hunter's pet can sniff them out.
Please, Demon Hunters are redundant as hell now their hunt is over, the Legion is crippled and fractured they serve no purpose.
Does it mean that they are not powerful?
@@OotsutsukiShibai it means those self mutilating knife ears need to fuck off.
somebody got smoked in open world pvp by a dh and never got over it
@@neinlives9424 First off I don't PVP anymore I retired post Cata when I saw that there wasn't going to be anymore zones like Wintergrasp or Tol Barad so that killed it for me. Second off take your toxic ass elsewhere DH served their purpose and it's time for them to fade away.
Only the main warriors will understand what I'll say: A good sharpened axe can cut down everything, and strategies can win the most toughest battles
Rise up my warriors, and let them know who we truly are!
Didn't like medievh blow up army of trolls by himself? Pretty sure no warrior could do that.
@@andrejakoledin6988 but wasn't a warrior that killed Medievh ?
@@lucashenrique8708 not in 1v1
Only warriors can lift two 2-handers.. therefore the strongest, the other chassis dont Even lift
Laughs in death knight
Death knight i litterly better than warrior in every way except maybe smell xd
@@wrongix6544 But can you lift two 2-handers?
@@sainteirik Ofc i can bro im basically a warrior from wow but without weapon skill :D
Lies lies nothing but lies. Hunters are the most powerfull. :)
Very biased towards mages 😂😂😂
Don’t agree with the list
Cope 😂
I agree with this. Plus, hunters are the fucking worst.