Removing the monsters aspect, this story is still pretty creepy. Just imagine it: You're traumatized by something that was so bad that it affects not only your life to the point of depression, but that your _family is willing to put up a façade so you don't remember it._ That's truly horrifying.
I mean, I really thought it was real up until the moment monsters were brought up. It could perfectly have been people who triggered the trauma up until that point, and in a way it can be even scarier
yeah doing that only fucks the kid more up later in life tbh. repressed memories arent a good thing. thats what causes nightmares and other bullshit if u dont face what happened head on
im not saying everyone should face everything head on too. everyone is different but ive never heard of a story that ends well with repressed memories being a main driver of your fears w/o ever facing them
The real problem that makes me not be able to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy the story for what it is is OPs unwillingness to even hint at what he saw when looking into their eyes, even in the most vague way. Like he couldn't be creative enough to come up with something that soul shaking because he built it up to much.
@@NegaZxyz yeah. All that build up, just for disappointment. Other than that, the story is pretty good. Just your average 'cabin in the woods cryptid' story
I went through some truly horrific shit as a child. Up until I was 19 I had a recurring nightmare of being chased through a completely dark neighborhood. Something was chasing me. I never knew what. I'd run to the house at the end of the street and run inside. The door would close. Suddenly glowing eyes would open behind me. I'd wake up terrified. Eventually over the years I'd recognize the dream and wake up before I got to the house. Eventually I fully gained lucid dreaming. The last time I ever had the nightmare, everything happened as normal. However, right as the eyes appeared I killed it. I don't quite remember how I killed it but I never had the nightmare again.
Normally, I usually suspend my skepticism when listening to /x/ stories, and just enjoy the story. I've had my own experiences, so I know how magically strange life can be. Unfortunately, this story has one detail which makes me immediately question it; OP says his family cabin is in a state park... it would be like saying you built your house in a city park.
That's what made you skeptical? Not the fact that this obvious fake story included "the thing" having green eyes and then suddenly black eyes as a distinguished feature? Green eyes and dark, possibly dark gray, skin and yet they made a monster with black eyes and green skin. Bro had one job.
Well I think they meant a cabin they were vacationing in? Like the kind you rent directly from the park... Although I do think you can have a property inside a park if you have family property in the area of a park when ownership of the property predates creation of the park.
@@kittyroxs if his parents were part of a police force, could be something akin to what is in raine with forest rangers. Sort of like a rural authority system that handles forest and fishery whilst aiding official police business when necessary. If OP's parents were some form of authority figures for the state park, then it could mean they were allowed to own property on the park that was registered as a thanks for the service for so long for public safety. Idk, just spitballing
Remember guys with real repressed memories they tend to be stuck and then come through all at once in a cascade. If you slowly remember bits and pieces over the course of a long time it's highly likely that you've made an at least partially false memory
I've never heard this and appreciate it Never had repressed memories come back to me, but some part of me knows they're there, and I don't want them to come back.
this is actually entirely untrue because depending on the memories, the age frame (memories under 5 are stored differently than for older people), whether one was sober or not, and how traumatic it was it can come out in fragments and need to be processed because otherwise it can be so traumatic that your brain can't function if it comes out all at once. please do not misinform or miseducate people like this because this is exactly why so many people doubt their memories.
Damn, haven't been spooked like this in a while. Something I like about these 4chan stories is how they end in a cliff hanger of sorts, leaving room for speculation. It might be fake as hell but still quite cool regardless. Also, I feel like OP seeked help on 4chan cuz where else can he get help?
Ngl I loved the buildup but god damn I was disappointed when it turned out to be "le humanoid cryptid skinwalker" as if every /x/ user seems to think skinny pale humanoid is the scariest monster design ever.
Kid came across pack of wolves. Knew a guy that had it happen as a kid. Left him traumatized and formed odd recollections about it. Edit: yeah. Try looking into the eyes of a starving wolf pack and not freeze with terror. The very idea is primal. I'd have repressed nightmares too.
Would wolves really pursue a kid so relentlessly, that they'd jump through a window into a cabin full of people? Even bang on the closed door repeatedly? As well as be easily pushed aside, when fleeing? Would the father really just dodge the question so relentlessly if that's what it actually was? WHAT KIND OF WOLF LAUGHS!? I don't say I believe the story, but your explanation is just as full of holes.
Cabin Memories was always one of my favorite stories on 4chan, your original narration of it was a great listen. I wish there was more stories being written like this!
@@giornogiovannax4124 bolt action or pump action. Don't recommend a semi-auto just due to more parts meaning more chance for failure in the extreme temps. Almost all the hunters use some form of bolt action for going after Caribou and Seals but you do see the odd semi-auto in the short spring/summer/fall. As for brand... That I'm not too keen on, but worthy of note is that there is a TON of Lee Enfields that get used up here as that's what the Rangers are provided.
Homestly, this story was really captivating for the first part, until I found out it was just a monster. It went from a genuinely interesting mystery to an average cabin in the woods creepypasta.
That dad part and offing yourself hits close to home man. When I was 16ish I was in that mindset. It was the only time I've seen my dad cry when they found out. I'm not saying my dad is a tough manly man, he's more of a hippy than anything but seeing how much even the thought hurt him. Shit hits you harder than a truck in an isekai.
For me it’s obviously fiction. And until OP actually regain his memory it’s really disturbing, it reminds me of Whitley Strieber’s “Communion” (1987) where much of the story is mostly hinted at. “Nothing is scarier” after all. How old / new is this story? It really had the potential to be the next “Penpal” or “Abandoned by Disney” if OP - or someone took the time to do a rewrite and actually keep of the reveal - but keeping the gaze of despair thing; then it has the potential to be a great story
dude Communion has had me fucked up for years. incredible. its lik waking up in the middle of surgery and feeling that fear but you cant move. you cant bring it to the surface. its too painful.
The most merciful thing in the world is the inability of the human mind to correlate all it contends we live on a placid island in the midst of Black Seas (cosmos) and IT was not meant to We would Voyage far. H.P Lovecraft.
I always come back to these kinds of sort-of-maybe-fake spooky stories when the weather gets really cold. It's like a campfire story to help keep me warm. Just a bit of spook to ease the chill for a little while.
Monsters don’t exist in the way that they’re fabled in stories. Often, “monsters” exist as cautionary tales (i.e. don’t commit cannibalism, don’t be a bratty daughter, don’t be jealous, be humble/grateful, etc.) and their stories get ornamented for dramatic flare over time, especially for theatrical/film adaptations. Other times, “monsters” are just the result of an uneducated society showing off their ignorance for things they don’t understand (such as illness, genetic mutation, disorders, and other such conditions that make a human “different” from others of their kind- for example: albinism, personality disorders, wendigo psychosis, epilepsy, etc.)
That being said, the second op started to imply that these beings were neither human nor animals creatures, I was immediately taken out of the story. It was clearrllyyy bait for skinwalker esque replies/theories. I’m still listening to the story, but I’ll wager that in these last ten minutes, it will get even worse with the monster bait bs. I was really engaged in the story up until that point, so that was really disappointing, especially since this was well written. My suspension of disbelief cant be recovered at this point. It’s either that, or op is just so traumatized that their incredibly young, impressionable, malleable, and self-amnesia-inducing brain exaggerated the traumas of the situation (that’s almost a definite guarantee for any person who has had any real childhood adverse/traumatic experiences) by, perhaps, remembering and exaggerating his family’s screams and terror to be so vivid, as well as exaggerating the fearful aspects of the people attacking them, etc. Our emotions GREATLY bend our memories, ESPECIALLYYYYY in dreams. We remember only what’s most vibrant and sticks out to us because of the emotional response it elicits- and, because we see that part more vividly than the other aspects, it sort of juxtaposes itself to those other elements of the story, and, by contrast, ends up seeming far more grand and vivid and intense and exaggerated than it truly is/was. Many people who were molested as children will see the perpetrators manifest as monster like creatures in their nightmares- because that is how their brain remembers it emotionally, due to the evils they did to the victim. That doesn’t mean their molestor was literally a hydra or slenderman.
I think OP's monster could be some sort of feral vampire. Hypnosis/trances and turning into fog are something vampires can do in some versions of their lore.
The smoke makes me think of ghoul. Something able to travel between dimensions. A somewhat corporeal being able to manifest in our dimension. I'd bet some kind of portal in the woods opened by dark rituals allowing evil things to come through.
I've got a few of those repressed memories myself, some with terrestrial explanations and others that I can't explain. The two I've got a grip on are memories of abuse, you can fill in the details, when I was six years old. They just decided to bubble up one night out of nowhere. I knew I had a rough childhood but I never even thought about what I remembered happening being part of it. I was 19 when I remembered it. A few months later I awoke in a hospital bed surrounded by family, friends and two girls I was dating at the time, neither of which looked very happy. They said I'd hit a tree going really fast after dropping off one of the two girls the previous night. No seatbelt. No airbag. There was a hole in the windshield made by the right side of my face. Not a single broken bone. No serious cuts, although I did pick glass out of my ear for years after that. Whole car was crushed save for the driver's area. They said a witness told them it looked like I did it on purpose. I thought that was ridiculous. Over a decade later and I'm at the tail end of a 7 year stay in state prison about to be released on parole. Since often there's shit all to do in prison sometimes your mind just wanders, and mine wandered to the night of the car accident. I remember mashing the gas pedal, my music cranked up as far as it would go, shooting around a corner and suddenly yelling at the top of my lungs right before I cranked the steering wheel and pointed the car right at that tree, leaning my body forwards in hopes I'd break my neck or go through the windshield, which oddly enough may be what saved me since I didn't build up much momentum before I hit the windshield. I tried to kill myself. I didn't scratch at my wrists or take a bunch of OTC meds in some plea for help. I didn't write any note. It wasn't even planned. Somewhere in the five minutes between dropping that girl off, Molly, pretty little blonde headed angel, and the tree I decided I didn't want to live. The witness was correct. It also wouldn't be my last honest attempt but I remember those. They didn't work and should have, so after the last one I gave up trying to do it. This place isn't going to allow me to leave until it decides I'm ready. For the otherworldly memories they're much more sporadic. More pictures, feelings and fragments than whole events. The most complete was when I was 5 or 6 and at my grandparent's for the weekend. I awoke at maybe midnight and heard what kinda sounded like a distant train and saw a faint light. There were no train tracks anywhere near that house. The noise got louder and the light got brighter until both were in the room with me. The sound was so loud it scared me. Right before the memory ends I remember thinking "Oh no, it's happening again". I knew that this had happened before, many times, but that's the only incident I truly recall. I also remember around the same time floating above my body which was in my bed and feeling like I was being sucked out the ceiling. I also remember some times where I'd wake up on the floor with an awful feeling as if there were something in my body with me. Like it was in every single cell in my body and it hurt, bad. It's a type of pain that doesn't really have any analog. It sorta felt like I had an immense pressure pushing in and out at the same time everywhere, along with feeling as if I was being stabbed by countless tiny needles. I couldn't move right away either. I've had sleep paralysis as an adult and it's not even close to the same thing. I've been a "lucid dreamer" from age 8 and I remember lots of my dreams, lucid or otherwise. None of it had the quality of a dream. There's a bit more but this comment is long enough as it is. Oh and it sounds like the guy had night terrors when he was a kid. I had those too and for a while I thought maybe some of those odd memories were just night terrors, but again, they don't have the same qualities as night terrors. They're pretty bad all by themselves. Like the guy in the video I'd often wake up screaming as loud as I could. Maybe they're side effects of supernatural events since his didn't start until after his cabin incident.
i didn't start getting night terrors until my early 20s. many articles on md sites said night terrors almost always occurs in childhood and is extremely rare to begin in adulthood. my night terrors never came with a dream, i guess i would just start screaming in my sleep and whoever was closest would wake me up. while happening/right after being shook awake, i felt almost unaffected, like not even realize anything was happening and only knew because pretty regularly i would sleep next to partners/friends/roomies. this stint of night terrors lasted nearly two years (which culminated to my first flashback from my repressed memories) and was instantly followed by intense sleep paralysis episodes, and often, for even more years. i had first experienced sleep paralysis when i was 18, but very sporadically and very rarely - up until the night terrors weren't around anymore - then the paralysis kicked into overdrive. those always felt so fucking horrible. and it would happen so often i tried formulating methods to get out of the situation before it totally took over. i would try explaining to whatever friend was staying the night with me about my common occurring sleep paralysis and how to try recognizing certain things to help me back awake. obviously i wasn't able to really do anything but i would be able to feel it start and then build up - from realizing your stuck and slowly growing into that absolute terror feeling - so once i realized i couldn't move i would start trying to breathe as fast and heavy and loud as possible, almost like hyperventilating, hoping the person next to me could pick up on any erratic breathing. that was my s.o.s. to shake me awake. one of my partners (who also dealt with my terrors more than anyone else) eventually figured out to make sure i stay awake for 15 minutes sitting up before closing my eyes again, otherwise i would keep going in and out of paralysis for hours and hours, sometimes all night. after all those years i eventually was able to somehow combine these two things into consciously scream myself out of dreams i don't like, as well as i guess kinda yelp myself out of sleep paralysis as soon as possible, within a couple minutes max (they use to last for hours).
@@mattgonzales774 I sometimes get sleep paralysis, but I don't know how long it lasts. I hate that feeling though, like you try prying yourself out and feeling it drag you back, and breathing is laborous. I've only had one episode where I could see; I looked at my closet and the door to my room, and this shadow person walked in really fast and went straight into the closet. I shot out of the paralysis yelling 'what do you want' at the closet. Hasn't happened much lately luckily.
I had one of those sleep paralysis dreams last night and it felt pretty real it was like i was in the bed with my firearm next to me and this shadow person just got on top of me didn't do nothing and I was trying to reach for my firearm but couldn't. But then i realised i was still asleep and woke myself up
@@xhappyponyxwasmyoldname1395 some people are in open relationships or polyamorus (loving more than one person, often having a relationship with more than 2 people)
i went through something traumatic as a child and my brain also supressed the memories. it happens more than you'd think and that concept of what my brain can hide from me chills me to the bone, this video was great though.
its very scary, i havent experienced trauma (that i know of, pretty much my entire childhood is on vhs!) but what if one day, my brain decides to hide everything from me?
Same here. Like OP my parents also didn't tell me, were surprised i didn't remember and said it was for the best. From what I pieced together I am pretty sure I was molested in the beach showers by a man when i was 6 years old. I think the scariest part is that all of us with suppressed memories are never certain, and we can never truly know. Our brains are protecting us from trauma but yet the question lingers in the back of our minds, it's so weird.
From Malaysia here😁 my friend also told me this story of her childhood. She was from an abusive family . From a very young age my friend (Alice) her mom, and her older sisters would go to work in Cameron Highlands. In a field day and night with only few hours of sleep. Alot of people also work in the fields . Every night, this weird creatures would immerge from the ground looking like bats or dogs dark in figure with red glowing eyes moving more like floating just above the ground. Alice mother would warn them to not look in the eyes or bad things will happen. They all won't look at it. They all stop what they're doing until it disappears from sight. Slight movement or noise , it will stop moving turns its head slowly to look at you. Alice remembers that a young man looked at it in the eyes and was in a trance . He then proceeded to kill himself from drowning but people stopped him and quickly shook him from his trance. The people reported this to the owner of the field and he did some Chinese ceremony to get rid of this entity but unfortunately it never disappeared. It would appear in the night time. This happened when my friend Alice was around 8- 12 years old. She is now 38 years old
Awesome video as always! Loved that Mr. Revenant collaborated with you for parts of the story 😀 👏🏻...well quite a bit of collaborators. Awesome to see all you guys helping each other out!
What's being described sounds honestly a lot like the native description of a Wendigo (the image most people think of when picturing one is made by popular culture) since in various native folklore retelling they're generally described as basically emaciated skeletons with skin pulled tightly over the bones, glowing eyes that are sunk so far back into the skull you can see the hollow eye sockets, if they have lips they are red and bloody looking, and that they smell like decay. Sounds like OP either saw a wendigo or learned of the native description or is native themselves to write a story depending on what you believe
Two problems 1. wendigos aren’t stated to ever laugh or smile like the monsters describe here. 2 wendigos were said to move at insane speeds like faster than a human
I don't necessarily believe it's true, but a couple of reasons he'd go to 4chan is that it was possibly relieving to an extent for him to anonymously unload on strangers. Another reason is, judge its users however you may, but they can knuckle down and do a lot of research if motivated enough. Maybe he thought they'd have answers he and his doctor couldn't work out on their own. He might also have been a frequent 4chan user before his first revealing post.
The x board was known for hoaxes/stories like this, from my understanding (I've never used 4chan but I've heard multiple stories that apparently come from there). No wonder someone writing horror content would go there
This sounds like a maybe what a true vampire is?? Like a progenitor or something. It's where we get the vampiric humans. This thing sounds like the source for all of that. The teeth, smoke body, and trance all scream vampire to me.
29:40 You know, in terms of cryptids that could be what OP is describing that are known to be near the Canadian border, there is something in Massachusetts' neighbor New Hampshire that could fit the description. In Coos County New Hampshire there is a localized cryptid that's simply named the "Coos County Wood Devil" iirc. Unfortunately I am not a local to that area (my partner is) and don't really know much, but if memory serves me correctly there isn't much known about them aside from three things, they're big, move really fast, and do not react well to being seen. Outside of that there aren't many eyewitness accounts of seeing these things, not much known on them, hell I don't even think the details of what they look like are agreed upon outside of the broad strokes. The one thing I do know is that while I can't say whether or not these things are real, I certainly don't doubt they exist. My partner has lived their entire life until recently up in that part of NH, and I've visited multiple times, and I can tell you something is off with those woods.
What I’m wondering is how that one random person was able to correctly guess what it looked like. Out of all the pictures of monsters, that guy who said “did it look like this” was able to get fairly close prior to getting any details about what it looked like from OP.
North America and winter when the event occurred. If you know anything about Native American folklore and mythology that is when and where wendigo would be in play. In their Native depictions they are gaunt, pale, emaciated looking creatures with sharp claws and teeth. Vocal mimicry is a trait that they are said to possess as well as some depictions stating that they can move "as wind".
Timesix, I love you're style so damn much, your quiet storytelling voice makes these stories feel like somebody telling a campfire story while your quiet cynicism for the stories creator make it seem as if they're real and you cheekily already know it's ending. Keep it up!! ❤❤
“It’s hard to know your family has been conspiring against you” Story of my life. It’s actually gotten to the point when I told my psychologist about how I’ve never really had any secrets and have always had things blamed on me, she got upset by it to the point where if she wasn’t someone who knew about family dynamics and stuff, she probably wouldn’t have believed me. It’s even harder when you’re the problem child with a mental disability that also developed depression and anxiety for having this particular problem for over 20 years, but thankfully I’m making steps towards getting out of that really bad environment. Even if it’s only gotten worse over the years to the point my mother gets mad when I don’t tell her about things I can handle on my own
thrilling narration, hits the spot everytime. love your work/works, been looking forward to hearing more. Keep doing what you do, dont hold back on the feel.mp4's, great upload!
I am truly impressed with the quality you bring to the table and to have collaborated with other great talents as well, it is all just wonderful. Weather true or not, it is possible. The monster being able to put people into trances and the suppression of the memory, may be a function of its gaze. The nature of the visions may trigger the minds protective mechanism to effectively camouflage itself. That being said I really do think that without further evidence most likely it is a great story, well thought out and executed. Although bailing at the climax takes fortitude, leaving the attention behind would be hard.
I've found a lot of help for my PTSD that comes from early childhood abuse (my first memory is abuse and disassociation) with a therapist I feel really comfortable with the first one in a really long time and ketamine therapy focused on repairing all the broken parts of me. I just thought someone might want to hear that.
He's describing two seperate ogroids from The Witcher franchise. A foglet powerwise and a nekker in appearance (though the former looks and behaves similar).
As someone with repressed memories, I know how to get them back. I just don't know that I know how to get them back, or that they exist most of the time. They're behind a wall. Someone has to point my attention to the wall and tell me memories are behind it. And even then, I know the wall is there in that moment and that yes, of course there are blocked memories behind it. But I do not know what is behind it. It takes effort to tear the wall down. But as my therapist says, you don't want to do that. The wall is there to protect you. Tearing it open is the worst thing you can do. Like ripping open a long healed wound.
Therapists say that because the wall is a part of yourself. I was in a situation where it was imperative to retrieve my repressed memories. I had to smash mine down. I suffered consequences for years, but I did what I had to in order to escape a lethal situation. I remembered how I survived what had happened long before, as a child: I didn’t survive because of repression. The choices I made to stand up, defend myself, and eventually escape were unlocked from blocked out memory. I used those techniques once more to save my life as an adult
Hey bro just wanted to let you know that the amount of effort into making this video is astonishing bro, hope you get the recognition you deserve brother ❤️😊✌️
A gap in his memory for 12 hours when he was 8? I couldn't tell you one single event that happened my entire 8th year without looking at photos and school reports... Actually, I'm hazy about last Monday. No idea what I had for dinner. Is his mind like a VCR or something?
Probably because that was the last time his family went there on vacation. So, he remembered being there the previous day but somehow a huge 12 hrs gap that he couldn't remember what had happened until reaching home just to realize this
@@meowkat1898 not how memeory works really. he'd remember "we took that trip when I was 8". a 12 hour "gap" would be totally normal, because at that distance the memory naturally becomes vague
"Yeah we can handle it just fine, just killing some monsters but our dumbass son will probably go crying to his therapist or something equally as pathetic. Probably should lie and hide it from him." - This guys Dad apparently.
It sounds like a wendigo/whetigo to me. I'm in Canada, and among many First Nations in the prairies, there's legends about horrible monsters that were once humans, ones who got the taste for human blood. They're said to smell of rotting meat and have gaping stares that must be avoided at all times.
And now for your regularly scheduled Friday entertainment. Supplied by an under appreciated youtuber. (Also I love this story I think you might have narrated it b4 or someone else but it is an absolute banger. Nice to hear it again. Thanks T6)
I haven't even started the story yet but god the production quality on all of your videos is so good. I'm actually jittering with excitement to dig my teeth into this video
totally unrelated to video but, I can get very severe panic attacks, and your voice really helps calm me down. I love your videos man keep doing what you do :D so happy I found your channel
He's exposing it to a bigger audience, organising it into a full documentary for your smooth brain to understand. I think he deserves more for doing it while not even trying to monetize it. It's my opinion and if you disagree, it's your problem.
I think this is meant to be some sort of eldritch being, seeing that looking into its eyes will make you go into a trance and show you horrific things, similar to how if you look at something like Cthulhu you go mad
To me, it screams something vampiric. Rows of teeth like a lamprey, the ability to move inhumanly fast and fluid, like smoke, the ability to mentally dominate and entrance their prey...
'Tell me about your dream?' "In the distant black where the darkness runs thick as oil the faint shape of the clown from Spawn giggles pogosticking closer. But he has big floppy bewbs barely held back by a wholly inadequate tube top with a red cross on it. Styled like an old timey nurse each jump higher and higher, each landing closer and closer. As he shoots hundreds of feet in the air i realize his next landing will be directly on me! Even worse, I'm now aware ive been looking over my shoulder the whole time and my butt is perked in the air waiting for the clowns descent from heaven..." My therapist: "Nothing to worry about. Everyone has that dream."
Fake or not, that entity from the music video gave me the same reaction the OP in the story supposedly had. I also have a lot of blanks in my memory from childhood and have seen some otherworldly things. Really makes you wonder how true his story is.
i dont care if its true or not, but the way he first tells the story…. god that’s exactly what its like remembering trauma… sheesh made my eyes water lmao
Man what a spooky story! Thanks for posting it. I have always had nightmares, ever since I was a kid, of being chased by something or someone malevolent, so this really struck a chord with me.
There were "therapies" performed in the 1900s on women children etc to bring out "repressed" memories, these therapies would literally make people conjure up memories (because of suggestions given by the therapist) and they would get so convinced that they were true that they'd report people for abuse/assault that had "happened" in the past, only for them to later realise that they maybe weren't true, this whole "repressed memories" Shtick was quickly discontinued after false crime accusations. Even if OP thinks he's telling the truth, there is a very likely chance that his memories are also "conjured up"
12:16 the way the recovered memories are noted feels exactly how I recover lost memories under the influence of psychedelics. really tripped me up for a second.
Imagine my shock when I was like, wow, someone other than T6 is narrating 4chan stories 🤦🏻♀️ Edit: wait, AND it’s a collab with LetsRead????? I can’t, this is too fantastic
I love how the whole time he was saying green eyes and dark,possibly dark gray, skin and yet they made a monster with black eyes and green skin.
fr like you had one job
Fuck yeah that's sick haha
Hi again...
Annoyed me too, mildly, but still
Tell me you’re OCD without telling me that you are OCD -
Removing the monsters aspect, this story is still pretty creepy. Just imagine it: You're traumatized by something that was so bad that it affects not only your life to the point of depression, but that your _family is willing to put up a façade so you don't remember it._
That's truly horrifying.
I mean, I really thought it was real up until the moment monsters were brought up. It could perfectly have been people who triggered the trauma up until that point, and in a way it can be even scarier
yeah doing that only fucks the kid more up later in life tbh. repressed memories arent a good thing. thats what causes nightmares and other bullshit if u dont face what happened head on
im not saying everyone should face everything head on too. everyone is different but ive never heard of a story that ends well with repressed memories being a main driver of your fears w/o ever facing them
The gun clicking with the safety on really took me out of it
Reminds me of my abusive dad, and his side of the family
"What!? that never happened"
Yeah, it did. This is why we don't talk anymore.
it may be a fake story, but sometimes its fun to suspend your disbelief and think for a sec that maybe this guy really did see monsters as a kid
"may be" lmfao
It’s fun to indulge that op did have an encounter with a skin walker, Wendigo, or even a demon
The real problem that makes me not be able to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy the story for what it is is OPs unwillingness to even hint at what he saw when looking into their eyes, even in the most vague way. Like he couldn't be creative enough to come up with something that soul shaking because he built it up to much.
@@NegaZxyz yeah. All that build up, just for disappointment. Other than that, the story is pretty good. Just your average 'cabin in the woods cryptid' story
@@NegaZxyz It's garbage you'd write at a high school level
I went through some truly horrific shit as a child. Up until I was 19 I had a recurring nightmare of being chased through a completely dark neighborhood. Something was chasing me. I never knew what. I'd run to the house at the end of the street and run inside. The door would close. Suddenly glowing eyes would open behind me. I'd wake up terrified. Eventually over the years I'd recognize the dream and wake up before I got to the house. Eventually I fully gained lucid dreaming. The last time I ever had the nightmare, everything happened as normal. However, right as the eyes appeared I killed it. I don't quite remember how I killed it but I never had the nightmare again.
Poetic in a way
Nice! I'm happy that you were able to take your dream world back!
@@martinszmidt6121bruh what??? lmaoo
@@martinszmidt6121 and?
@@martinszmidt6121 😂😂😂
Normally, I usually suspend my skepticism when listening to /x/ stories, and just enjoy the story. I've had my own experiences, so I know how magically strange life can be.
Unfortunately, this story has one detail which makes me immediately question it; OP says his family cabin is in a state park... it would be like saying you built your house in a city park.
That's what made you skeptical? Not the fact that this obvious fake story included "the thing" having green eyes and then suddenly black eyes as a distinguished feature? Green eyes and dark, possibly dark gray, skin and yet they made a monster with black eyes and green skin. Bro had one job.
Well I think they meant a cabin they were vacationing in? Like the kind you rent directly from the park... Although I do think you can have a property inside a park if you have family property in the area of a park when ownership of the property predates creation of the park.
You can camp and live in state forests… my husband and I are looking at a house in one of them on a main route.
@@kittyroxs if his parents were part of a police force, could be something akin to what is in raine with forest rangers. Sort of like a rural authority system that handles forest and fishery whilst aiding official police business when necessary. If OP's parents were some form of authority figures for the state park, then it could mean they were allowed to own property on the park that was registered as a thanks for the service for so long for public safety. Idk, just spitballing
Have you ever seen the Adirondacks? You might be thinking of national parks.
Good story. Believable up to the part where he asked his therapist if he could post on 4chan. Goddam summer figs
Summer fig?
Remember guys with real repressed memories they tend to be stuck and then come through all at once in a cascade. If you slowly remember bits and pieces over the course of a long time it's highly likely that you've made an at least partially false memory
when a story about trance-enducing monsters turns out to be fake:
I've never heard this and appreciate it
Never had repressed memories come back to me, but some part of me knows they're there, and I don't want them to come back.
this is actually entirely untrue because depending on the memories, the age frame (memories under 5 are stored differently than for older people), whether one was sober or not, and how traumatic it was it can come out in fragments and need to be processed because otherwise it can be so traumatic that your brain can't function if it comes out all at once. please do not misinform or miseducate people like this because this is exactly why so many people doubt their memories.
Repressed memories aren’t real lol what
@@Xoxo-w5s oooh, you're in for a bad day
Damn, haven't been spooked like this in a while. Something I like about these 4chan stories is how they end in a cliff hanger of sorts, leaving room for speculation. It might be fake as hell but still quite cool regardless. Also, I feel like OP seeked help on 4chan cuz where else can he get help?
/x/ stories used to scare the living out of me back in my late teens, now I just enjoy a good story with a bit of a suspension of disbelief
Ngl I loved the buildup but god damn I was disappointed when it turned out to be "le humanoid cryptid skinwalker" as if every /x/ user seems to think skinny pale humanoid is the scariest monster design ever.
Kid came across pack of wolves. Knew a guy that had it happen as a kid. Left him traumatized and formed odd recollections about it. Edit: yeah. Try looking into the eyes of a starving wolf pack and not freeze with terror. The very idea is primal. I'd have repressed nightmares too.
No it's just a creepypasta
@@Ggjgff882 I know that. Try leaving a shiite comment next time.
This is actually an explanation that makes sense other than "he made it up"
@@Nightwalk444 or it was some people on hardcore drugs,
like krokodil (which would explain the smell,) bath salts, fentanyl, etc.
Would wolves really pursue a kid so relentlessly, that they'd jump through a window into a cabin full of people? Even bang on the closed door repeatedly? As well as be easily pushed aside, when fleeing?
Would the father really just dodge the question so relentlessly if that's what it actually was?
I don't say I believe the story, but your explanation is just as full of holes.
Cabin Memories was always one of my favorite stories on 4chan, your original narration of it was a great listen. I wish there was more stories being written like this!
This is probably my favorite /x story of all time.
And read by my favorite narrator no less. Cheers, Maverick.
I listened to this alone at my arctic cabin, remote and isolated. This was BEYOND creepy to me and i ended up moving several weapons close to me.
what guns do you recommend for arctic temperasture?
@@giornogiovannax4124 bolt action or pump action. Don't recommend a semi-auto just due to more parts meaning more chance for failure in the extreme temps.
Almost all the hunters use some form of bolt action for going after Caribou and Seals but you do see the odd semi-auto in the short spring/summer/fall.
As for brand... That I'm not too keen on, but worthy of note is that there is a TON of Lee Enfields that get used up here as that's what the Rangers are provided.
@@NexVoidGaming With the Enfield rifles, can you still get .303 British for them in Canada? Pretty scant down here in the states.
I want an arctic cabin
This one is a certified classic.
I also love the casual breaks from tone that he does like at 27:21.
Homestly, this story was really captivating for the first part, until I found out it was just a monster. It went from a genuinely interesting mystery to an average cabin in the woods creepypasta.
that's 90% of this genre. we listen for the other 10
Whether true or not, that was definitely entertaining!
Mongolian basket weaving website? What's up w/ that
@@jameswesten2018 I was wondering the same thing 🤔😂
@@jolo3118 old 4chan joke calling 4chan a Mongolian basket weaving forum/kite forum etc
@@quote6013 Ahh.. thank you!
There you go........enter K the crossroad;
The Comment that says IT all Whether True or False The Devil is in the Detail!
That dad part and offing yourself hits close to home man. When I was 16ish I was in that mindset. It was the only time I've seen my dad cry when they found out. I'm not saying my dad is a tough manly man, he's more of a hippy than anything but seeing how much even the thought hurt him. Shit hits you harder than a truck in an isekai.
No it doesn’t. He just wants you to be yet another slave, that is the ultimate purpose of life
@@wolfetteplays8894 L take
@@wolfetteplays8894 wtf does this even mean? Lol, hush.
@@ZeranZerandon’t worry about it, he’s just a corny nihilist loser
For me it’s obviously fiction. And until OP actually regain his memory it’s really disturbing, it reminds me of Whitley Strieber’s “Communion” (1987) where much of the story is mostly hinted at.
“Nothing is scarier” after all.
How old / new is this story? It really had the potential to be the next “Penpal” or “Abandoned by Disney” if OP - or someone took the time to do a rewrite and actually keep of the reveal - but keeping the gaze of despair thing; then it has the potential to be a great story
dude Communion has had me fucked up for years. incredible. its lik waking up in the middle of surgery and feeling that fear but you cant move. you cant bring it to the surface. its too painful.
Communion is exactly what this reminded me of lol
The most merciful thing in the world is the inability of the human mind to correlate all it contends we live on a placid island in the midst of Black Seas (cosmos) and IT was not meant to We would Voyage far.
H.P Lovecraft.
I was super into aliens and stuff as a kid and that book effed me UP lol
It reminded me a bit of Stolen Tongues by Felix Blackwell which was a r/nosleep story originally just like Penpal.
I always come back to these kinds of sort-of-maybe-fake spooky stories when the weather gets really cold. It's like a campfire story to help keep me warm. Just a bit of spook to ease the chill for a little while.
@@EllaNonimato It could be real, as a Muslim I'd say it was Djinn and OP's family stayed at a cabin that was built on their territory
Monsters don’t exist in the way that they’re fabled in stories. Often, “monsters” exist as cautionary tales (i.e. don’t commit cannibalism, don’t be a bratty daughter, don’t be jealous, be humble/grateful, etc.) and their stories get ornamented for dramatic flare over time, especially for theatrical/film adaptations. Other times, “monsters” are just the result of an uneducated society showing off their ignorance for things they don’t understand (such as illness, genetic mutation, disorders, and other such conditions that make a human “different” from others of their kind- for example: albinism, personality disorders, wendigo psychosis, epilepsy, etc.)
That being said, the second op started to imply that these beings were neither human nor animals creatures, I was immediately taken out of the story. It was clearrllyyy bait for skinwalker esque replies/theories. I’m still listening to the story, but I’ll wager that in these last ten minutes, it will get even worse with the monster bait bs. I was really engaged in the story up until that point, so that was really disappointing, especially since this was well written. My suspension of disbelief cant be recovered at this point. It’s either that, or op is just so traumatized that their incredibly young, impressionable, malleable, and self-amnesia-inducing brain exaggerated the traumas of the situation (that’s almost a definite guarantee for any person who has had any real childhood adverse/traumatic experiences) by, perhaps, remembering and exaggerating his family’s screams and terror to be so vivid, as well as exaggerating the fearful aspects of the people attacking them, etc. Our emotions GREATLY bend our memories, ESPECIALLYYYYY in dreams. We remember only what’s most vibrant and sticks out to us because of the emotional response it elicits- and, because we see that part more vividly than the other aspects, it sort of juxtaposes itself to those other elements of the story, and, by contrast, ends up seeming far more grand and vivid and intense and exaggerated than it truly is/was. Many people who were molested as children will see the perpetrators manifest as monster like creatures in their nightmares- because that is how their brain remembers it emotionally, due to the evils they did to the victim. That doesn’t mean their molestor was literally a hydra or slenderman.
@@Barakehit isn't real, the story contradicts itself numerous times
I think OP's monster could be some sort of feral vampire. Hypnosis/trances and turning into fog are something vampires can do in some versions of their lore.
i never even considered a vampire, that's a solid idea!
I was thinking vampire too, and the stench could be their own decay.
They could also be wendigo abut the problem their is they are normally pale.
Feral vampire was my call too, but unless State Troopers are packing holy rounds....
The smoke makes me think of ghoul. Something able to travel between dimensions. A somewhat corporeal being able to manifest in our dimension. I'd bet some kind of portal in the woods opened by dark rituals allowing evil things to come through.
I've got a few of those repressed memories myself, some with terrestrial explanations and others that I can't explain. The two I've got a grip on are memories of abuse, you can fill in the details, when I was six years old. They just decided to bubble up one night out of nowhere. I knew I had a rough childhood but I never even thought about what I remembered happening being part of it. I was 19 when I remembered it.
A few months later I awoke in a hospital bed surrounded by family, friends and two girls I was dating at the time, neither of which looked very happy. They said I'd hit a tree going really fast after dropping off one of the two girls the previous night. No seatbelt. No airbag. There was a hole in the windshield made by the right side of my face. Not a single broken bone. No serious cuts, although I did pick glass out of my ear for years after that. Whole car was crushed save for the driver's area. They said a witness told them it looked like I did it on purpose. I thought that was ridiculous.
Over a decade later and I'm at the tail end of a 7 year stay in state prison about to be released on parole. Since often there's shit all to do in prison sometimes your mind just wanders, and mine wandered to the night of the car accident. I remember mashing the gas pedal, my music cranked up as far as it would go, shooting around a corner and suddenly yelling at the top of my lungs right before I cranked the steering wheel and pointed the car right at that tree, leaning my body forwards in hopes I'd break my neck or go through the windshield, which oddly enough may be what saved me since I didn't build up much momentum before I hit the windshield. I tried to kill myself. I didn't scratch at my wrists or take a bunch of OTC meds in some plea for help. I didn't write any note. It wasn't even planned. Somewhere in the five minutes between dropping that girl off, Molly, pretty little blonde headed angel, and the tree I decided I didn't want to live. The witness was correct. It also wouldn't be my last honest attempt but I remember those. They didn't work and should have, so after the last one I gave up trying to do it. This place isn't going to allow me to leave until it decides I'm ready.
For the otherworldly memories they're much more sporadic. More pictures, feelings and fragments than whole events. The most complete was when I was 5 or 6 and at my grandparent's for the weekend. I awoke at maybe midnight and heard what kinda sounded like a distant train and saw a faint light. There were no train tracks anywhere near that house. The noise got louder and the light got brighter until both were in the room with me. The sound was so loud it scared me. Right before the memory ends I remember thinking "Oh no, it's happening again". I knew that this had happened before, many times, but that's the only incident I truly recall. I also remember around the same time floating above my body which was in my bed and feeling like I was being sucked out the ceiling. I also remember some times where I'd wake up on the floor with an awful feeling as if there were something in my body with me. Like it was in every single cell in my body and it hurt, bad. It's a type of pain that doesn't really have any analog. It sorta felt like I had an immense pressure pushing in and out at the same time everywhere, along with feeling as if I was being stabbed by countless tiny needles. I couldn't move right away either. I've had sleep paralysis as an adult and it's not even close to the same thing. I've been a "lucid dreamer" from age 8 and I remember lots of my dreams, lucid or otherwise. None of it had the quality of a dream. There's a bit more but this comment is long enough as it is.
Oh and it sounds like the guy had night terrors when he was a kid. I had those too and for a while I thought maybe some of those odd memories were just night terrors, but again, they don't have the same qualities as night terrors. They're pretty bad all by themselves. Like the guy in the video I'd often wake up screaming as loud as I could. Maybe they're side effects of supernatural events since his didn't start until after his cabin incident.
i didn't start getting night terrors until my early 20s. many articles on md sites said night terrors almost always occurs in childhood and is extremely rare to begin in adulthood. my night terrors never came with a dream, i guess i would just start screaming in my sleep and whoever was closest would wake me up. while happening/right after being shook awake, i felt almost unaffected, like not even realize anything was happening and only knew because pretty regularly i would sleep next to partners/friends/roomies.
this stint of night terrors lasted nearly two years (which culminated to my first flashback from my repressed memories) and was instantly followed by intense sleep paralysis episodes, and often, for even more years. i had first experienced sleep paralysis when i was 18, but very sporadically and very rarely - up until the night terrors weren't around anymore - then the paralysis kicked into overdrive. those always felt so fucking horrible. and it would happen so often i tried formulating methods to get out of the situation before it totally took over. i would try explaining to whatever friend was staying the night with me about my common occurring sleep paralysis and how to try recognizing certain things to help me back awake. obviously i wasn't able to really do anything but i would be able to feel it start and then build up - from realizing your stuck and slowly growing into that absolute terror feeling - so once i realized i couldn't move i would start trying to breathe as fast and heavy and loud as possible, almost like hyperventilating, hoping the person next to me could pick up on any erratic breathing. that was my s.o.s. to shake me awake.
one of my partners (who also dealt with my terrors more than anyone else) eventually figured out to make sure i stay awake for 15 minutes sitting up before closing my eyes again, otherwise i would keep going in and out of paralysis for hours and hours, sometimes all night.
after all those years i eventually was able to somehow combine these two things into consciously scream myself out of dreams i don't like, as well as i guess kinda yelp myself out of sleep paralysis as soon as possible, within a couple minutes max (they use to last for hours).
@@mattgonzales774 I sometimes get sleep paralysis, but I don't know how long it lasts. I hate that feeling though, like you try prying yourself out and feeling it drag you back, and breathing is laborous. I've only had one episode where I could see; I looked at my closet and the door to my room, and this shadow person walked in really fast and went straight into the closet. I shot out of the paralysis yelling 'what do you want' at the closet. Hasn't happened much lately luckily.
I had one of those sleep paralysis dreams last night and it felt pretty real it was like i was in the bed with my firearm next to me and this shadow person just got on top of me didn't do nothing and I was trying to reach for my firearm but couldn't. But then i realised i was still asleep and woke myself up
Not to brush over everything else you wrote about, but “two girls I was dating at the time” ???
@@xhappyponyxwasmyoldname1395 some people are in open relationships or polyamorus (loving more than one person, often having a relationship with more than 2 people)
i went through something traumatic as a child and my brain also supressed the memories. it happens more than you'd think and that concept of what my brain can hide from me chills me to the bone, this video was great though.
its very scary, i havent experienced trauma (that i know of, pretty much my entire childhood is on vhs!) but what if one day, my brain decides to hide everything from me?
Same here. Like OP my parents also didn't tell me, were surprised i didn't remember and said it was for the best. From what I pieced together I am pretty sure I was molested in the beach showers by a man when i was 6 years old. I think the scariest part is that all of us with suppressed memories are never certain, and we can never truly know. Our brains are protecting us from trauma but yet the question lingers in the back of our minds, it's so weird.
From Malaysia here😁 my friend also told me this story of her childhood. She was from an abusive family . From a very young age my friend (Alice) her mom, and her older sisters would go to work in Cameron Highlands. In a field day and night with only few hours of sleep. Alot of people also work in the fields . Every night, this weird creatures would immerge from the ground looking like bats or dogs dark in figure with red glowing eyes moving more like floating just above the ground. Alice mother would warn them to not look in the eyes or bad things will happen. They all won't look at it. They all stop what they're doing until it disappears from sight. Slight movement or noise , it will stop moving turns its head slowly to look at you. Alice remembers that a young man looked at it in the eyes and was in a trance . He then proceeded to kill himself from drowning but people stopped him and quickly shook him from his trance. The people reported this to the owner of the field and he did some Chinese ceremony to get rid of this entity but unfortunately it never disappeared. It would appear in the night time. This happened when my friend Alice was around 8- 12 years old. She is now 38 years old
Sometimes it's best to let memories fade for living in ignorance is much better than to see what you have purposely forgotten
This is one of my favorite stories. Adding Revenant & LetsRead is an awesome touch!
This is someone with understanding of how repressed memories work like a deep understanding maybe even experience
Awesome video as always! Loved that Mr. Revenant collaborated with you for parts of the story 😀 👏🏻...well quite a bit of collaborators. Awesome to see all you guys helping each other out!
I read this YEARS ago and could never find it again. I started to think I'd imagined it.
It was one of your repressed memories.
What's being described sounds honestly a lot like the native description of a Wendigo (the image most people think of when picturing one is made by popular culture) since in various native folklore retelling they're generally described as basically emaciated skeletons with skin pulled tightly over the bones, glowing eyes that are sunk so far back into the skull you can see the hollow eye sockets, if they have lips they are red and bloody looking, and that they smell like decay. Sounds like OP either saw a wendigo or learned of the native description or is native themselves to write a story depending on what you believe
That’s exactly what I was thinking!
that's exactly what I thought. Sounds like a Wendigo.
plus wendigos are cannibals and do crazy shit which would explain what OP saw through those eyes
yea but they arent real neither is this story
Two problems 1. wendigos aren’t stated to ever laugh or smile like the monsters describe here. 2 wendigos were said to move at insane speeds like faster than a human
I don't necessarily believe it's true, but a couple of reasons he'd go to 4chan is that it was possibly relieving to an extent for him to anonymously unload on strangers. Another reason is, judge its users however you may, but they can knuckle down and do a lot of research if motivated enough. Maybe he thought they'd have answers he and his doctor couldn't work out on their own. He might also have been a frequent 4chan user before his first revealing post.
The x board was known for hoaxes/stories like this, from my understanding (I've never used 4chan but I've heard multiple stories that apparently come from there). No wonder someone writing horror content would go there
Have been looking for years, thank you for this video!
This sounds like a maybe what a true vampire is?? Like a progenitor or something. It's where we get the vampiric humans. This thing sounds like the source for all of that. The teeth, smoke body, and trance all scream vampire to me.
It’s a crawler
29:40 You know, in terms of cryptids that could be what OP is describing that are known to be near the Canadian border, there is something in Massachusetts' neighbor New Hampshire that could fit the description. In Coos County New Hampshire there is a localized cryptid that's simply named the "Coos County Wood Devil" iirc. Unfortunately I am not a local to that area (my partner is) and don't really know much, but if memory serves me correctly there isn't much known about them aside from three things, they're big, move really fast, and do not react well to being seen. Outside of that there aren't many eyewitness accounts of seeing these things, not much known on them, hell I don't even think the details of what they look like are agreed upon outside of the broad strokes. The one thing I do know is that while I can't say whether or not these things are real, I certainly don't doubt they exist. My partner has lived their entire life until recently up in that part of NH, and I've visited multiple times, and I can tell you something is off with those woods.
What I’m wondering is how that one random person was able to correctly guess what it looked like. Out of all the pictures of monsters, that guy who said “did it look like this” was able to get fairly close prior to getting any details about what it looked like from OP.
North America and winter when the event occurred. If you know anything about Native American folklore and mythology that is when and where wendigo would be in play. In their Native depictions they are gaunt, pale, emaciated looking creatures with sharp claws and teeth. Vocal mimicry is a trait that they are said to possess as well as some depictions stating that they can move "as wind".
literal cold reading
The audio sounds fantastic man, great mixing.
Also, classic story right here.
Timesix, I love you're style so damn much, your quiet storytelling voice makes these stories feel like somebody telling a campfire story while your quiet cynicism for the stories creator make it seem as if they're real and you cheekily already know it's ending. Keep it up!! ❤❤
The creature reminds me some of the mythological Romanian Strigoi, or Soul Vampire.
“It’s hard to know your family has been conspiring against you”
Story of my life. It’s actually gotten to the point when I told my psychologist about how I’ve never really had any secrets and have always had things blamed on me, she got upset by it to the point where if she wasn’t someone who knew about family dynamics and stuff, she probably wouldn’t have believed me.
It’s even harder when you’re the problem child with a mental disability that also developed depression and anxiety for having this particular problem for over 20 years, but thankfully I’m making steps towards getting out of that really bad environment.
Even if it’s only gotten worse over the years to the point my mother gets mad when I don’t tell her about things I can handle on my own
Thoroughly enjoyed listening to this! Thanks for having me on man!
What a freaking collab 👏. Amazing, all of you!!
thrilling narration, hits the spot everytime. love your work/works, been looking forward to hearing more.
Keep doing what you do, dont hold back on the feel.mp4's, great upload!
I am truly impressed with the quality you bring to the table and to have collaborated with other great talents as well, it is all just wonderful. Weather true or not, it is possible. The monster being able to put people into trances and the suppression of the memory, may be a function of its gaze. The nature of the visions may trigger the minds protective mechanism to effectively camouflage itself. That being said I really do think that without further evidence most likely it is a great story, well thought out and executed. Although bailing at the climax takes fortitude, leaving the attention behind would be hard.
your voice is really soothing tbh
Love when some of my faves collab! Good to hear Let's Read's voice on this video!
I guess he forgot because the SCP Foundation amnesticized him.
Oh man... "Mongolian basket-weaving website" - I haven't heard that one in a while!
I've found a lot of help for my PTSD that comes from early childhood abuse (my first memory is abuse and disassociation) with a therapist I feel really comfortable with the first one in a really long time and ketamine therapy focused on repairing all the broken parts of me. I just thought someone might want to hear that.
I love your intro song. Even if I didn't think the content you create great that alone would have earned my sub.
He's describing two seperate ogroids from The Witcher franchise. A foglet powerwise and a nekker in appearance (though the former looks and behaves similar).
/x/ can be pretty fun when there are good, suspenseful storytellers like this.
As someone with repressed memories, I know how to get them back. I just don't know that I know how to get them back, or that they exist most of the time. They're behind a wall. Someone has to point my attention to the wall and tell me memories are behind it. And even then, I know the wall is there in that moment and that yes, of course there are blocked memories behind it. But I do not know what is behind it. It takes effort to tear the wall down. But as my therapist says, you don't want to do that. The wall is there to protect you. Tearing it open is the worst thing you can do. Like ripping open a long healed wound.
Therapists say that because the wall is a part of yourself. I was in a situation where it was imperative to retrieve my repressed memories. I had to smash mine down. I suffered consequences for years, but I did what I had to in order to escape a lethal situation. I remembered how I survived what had happened long before, as a child: I didn’t survive because of repression. The choices I made to stand up, defend myself, and eventually escape were unlocked from blocked out memory. I used those techniques once more to save my life as an adult
"But what the fuck are we looking at?"
Those off-beat moments are what make me a fan.
Hey bro just wanted to let you know that the amount of effort into making this video is astonishing bro, hope you get the recognition you deserve brother ❤️😊✌️
Great video as always!!
A gap in his memory for 12 hours when he was 8? I couldn't tell you one single event that happened my entire 8th year without looking at photos and school reports... Actually, I'm hazy about last Monday. No idea what I had for dinner. Is his mind like a VCR or something?
Probably because that was the last time his family went there on vacation. So, he remembered being there the previous day but somehow a huge 12 hrs gap that he couldn't remember what had happened until reaching home just to realize this
@@meowkat1898 not how memeory works really. he'd remember "we took that trip when I was 8". a 12 hour "gap" would be totally normal, because at that distance the memory naturally becomes vague
"Yeah we can handle it just fine, just killing some monsters but our dumbass son will probably go crying to his therapist or something equally as pathetic. Probably should lie and hide it from him." - This guys Dad apparently.
Yooooo this channel is seriously underrated.
The narrator is top notch.
I was really invested until the halfway mark when I realised it's basically fiction (I didn't know what /x/ was)
Really loved your narration 👍
awesome video as always
It sounds like a wendigo/whetigo to me. I'm in Canada, and among many First Nations in the prairies, there's legends about horrible monsters that were once humans, ones who got the taste for human blood. They're said to smell of rotting meat and have gaping stares that must be avoided at all times.
And now for your regularly scheduled Friday entertainment. Supplied by an under appreciated youtuber. (Also I love this story I think you might have narrated it b4 or someone else but it is an absolute banger. Nice to hear it again. Thanks T6)
Feels like an amateur horror writer working with a real world prompt... I'm highly skeptical, but I want to believe so bad, it's very intriguing
Idk, the contents of it make me want to think it's just someone's horror story. Not want to think it's true lmao
I haven't even started the story yet but god the production quality on all of your videos is so good. I'm actually jittering with excitement to dig my teeth into this video
I remember when PunishedCreepswork did a reading of this. One of my favorite horror stories from the internet
totally unrelated to video but, I can get very severe panic attacks, and your voice really helps calm me down. I love your videos man keep doing what you do :D so happy I found your channel
You deserve more attention.
Why he's reading someone elses' work from a forum
@@badxradxandy Does that not mean that he deserves more? He's doing what others are afraid of doing. 4chan isn't any "forum".
@@DrBacalhau I'm on there every day and it's kind of disgusting to think you should get some kind of praise or anything off the posts from it.
Grow up and go outside bro
He's exposing it to a bigger audience, organising it into a full documentary for your smooth brain to understand. I think he deserves more for doing it while not even trying to monetize it. It's my opinion and if you disagree, it's your problem.
Love ur content!! No matter what it’s about!! Keep up the gear
I think this is meant to be some sort of eldritch being, seeing that looking into its eyes will make you go into a trance and show you horrific things, similar to how if you look at something like Cthulhu you go mad
The part where fortunate randos help him, you gotta understand, they've got more that 9k man hours to devote to this.
To me, it screams something vampiric. Rows of teeth like a lamprey, the ability to move inhumanly fast and fluid, like smoke, the ability to mentally dominate and entrance their prey...
Wow, this I really like the concept of this story. This one really scared me when I was listening to it! lol
The description of the creature makes me think of the Cyrax, a goblin that has been spotted in Ohio.
I was just checking for content, right on time👌
Always makes my day better when you upload
'Tell me about your dream?'
"In the distant black where the darkness runs thick as oil the faint shape of the clown from Spawn giggles pogosticking closer. But he has big floppy bewbs barely held back by a wholly inadequate tube top with a red cross on it. Styled like an old timey nurse each jump higher and higher, each landing closer and closer.
As he shoots hundreds of feet in the air i realize his next landing will be directly on me! Even worse, I'm now aware ive been looking over my shoulder the whole time and my butt is perked in the air waiting for the clowns descent from heaven..."
My therapist: "Nothing to worry about. Everyone has that dream."
This theme music is fkin music to my ears
Awesome video. I love this channel so much
Finishing my thought.....just listening to the dream sequence gave me anxiety.
I’m so glad I found this channel
Love cabin memories! Good job on getting Let's Read on this one!👏👏Fanfuckintastic!🤩
love the content, thank you for your work!
Well, that was a very gripping and scary story that guy told, regardless of how much of it was real or not.
Was falling asleep watching this and hearing the ad at 7:52 say “CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN” definitely ruined the mood
Best part of fiction . Simple. Keep contradiction to a minimum. But just on the edge of realism
Fake or not, that entity from the music video gave me the same reaction the OP in the story supposedly had. I also have a lot of blanks in my memory from childhood and have seen some otherworldly things. Really makes you wonder how true his story is.
It’s obviously a fictional story
It really doesn't.
I would have been fucking stoked to work with them.
It's nothing more than a moderately well constructed larp.
I love this channel! Great stories!
i dont care if its true or not, but the way he first tells the story…. god that’s exactly what its like remembering trauma… sheesh made my eyes water lmao
the voice acting is great on this waow
Holy cramoly, that was wild and terrifying
Even if it’s fake, it’s a damn entertaining story.
these stories are so good i emjoyed this one a lot!
When you take a writing course at the community college and think everyone needs to read your script.
Man what a spooky story! Thanks for posting it.
I have always had nightmares, ever since I was a kid, of being chased by something or someone malevolent, so this really struck a chord with me.
There were "therapies" performed in the 1900s on women children etc to bring out "repressed" memories, these therapies would literally make people conjure up memories (because of suggestions given by the therapist) and they would get so convinced that they were true that they'd report people for abuse/assault that had "happened" in the past, only for them to later realise that they maybe weren't true, this whole "repressed memories" Shtick was quickly discontinued after false crime accusations. Even if OP thinks he's telling the truth, there is a very likely chance that his memories are also "conjured up"
Man the kind of stories that always be coming out of this Ugandan Clock Making Forum are wild.
Big mistake watching this at nighttime slept maybe 2 hrs. Not gonna lie this one really gave me chills and that rarely happens real or not
12:16 the way the recovered memories are noted feels exactly how I recover lost memories under the influence of psychedelics. really tripped me up for a second.
Imagine my shock when I was like, wow, someone other than T6 is narrating 4chan stories 🤦🏻♀️
Edit: wait, AND it’s a collab with LetsRead????? I can’t, this is too fantastic