@@guyansell9659 oh, chewing gum sounds like it would help to be honest, I get tics where I tense my neck n crack my jaw so that would be great for that.
Just a thing it is usually called Tourette Syndrome not disorder (because it is neurological). But yay thank you for making this video I've been waiting forever for it!!!
I've had OCD and Tourette since childhood. Tourette tics come and go depending on my stress level, but it certainly never went away completely...even though my father was a psychiatrist and treated me through out my teens. I'm 35 now.
idranktheseawater its also a chemical imbalance in the brain due to lack of dopamine. I think that also has a lot to do with anxiety BC in anxiety ur feel good hormones disappear AMD sometimes for no reason, I think its a build up of energy you HAVE to let go of similar to restless leg syndrome (this I have) how it is a nagging dull pain that is only relieved if u move ur muscles
Thank you SO MUCH!!! I've been looking for something like this...I am in a new relationship and love someone with Tourette's. It's not something we've really discussed yet, but I really want to understand. Thank you, 10,000%!!!
When you hold a tic it doesn’t just go away. It may even make it worse and cause a tic attack (aka multiple tics one after the other for a span of time). One thing that does help however is trying to find a way to release that energy in a different form. One I do a lot is leg tapping. You can also try to make smaller motions that satisfy the tic.
Unfortunately you're not correct here. Having undergone CBIT, what therapists means when a person practises it is that that tic goes away, not the actual condition. Tourette's is lifelong and therapy doesn't 'cure' it. Also, the tic gets described as a voluntary reaction to a involuntary cause - the premonitory urge. By saying it could be voluntary you open people up to all sorts of stigma. Tourette's can also develop later on in life, it is not just a childhood condition that the DSM and ICD textbooks say it is. I developed it at 25 with no past experience of it, however a family member has tics themselves. If the past 6 years of living has told me anything about this condition is that it's very complex and that doctors know very little about it.
Sometimes I find these videos slightly misleading, I’ve seen some of these videos, I have Tourette’s and multiple disorders and I think that some things that you mention may mislead someone who doesn’t know anything/to little about it. Especially the therapy parts (that are more complex) as Tourette’s can’t be “cured”. Another video that bothered me was the DID video you made, another disorder I have.
@@galaxycat5940 because its not a coincidence if you have tourette and experience those kind of dreams or morbid dreams in genera,there is a very high chance it's all connected together and caused by the very same source,thats is why im trying to ask people who have tourette if they have those kind of dreams the people i managed to ask all confirmed that they can relate to those kind of dreams, so i'm eager to ask more. Do you know anyone with tourette?
@@vornamenachname6801 this is EXTREMELY interesting to me because I really think I have tourettes, my tics have been getting worse with age, I'm 26 now. My little sister recently told me she thinks she has tourettes as well. When I was little I had TONS of dreams about falling and it sucked. I'm really curious if there's a connection
@@vornamenachname6801 also the drowning or being about to drown in large bodies of water, I had plenty of those dreams as well as flying. I still fly in almost every dream I have till today.
Thank you for your videos, because of you I went to see my doctor and I know go and see my college counsellor, I still struggle a lot but you give me a lot of hope💘
Thanks for your video, I don't remember uncontrollable jerking, grunting or saying stuff as a child. In my 40s is when it became an issue. My Psychiatrist thinks it's Tourettes, the neurologist thinks it’s my meds. Doesn’t matter to me except when I walk out of my house and scream something embarrassing.
I've had tics almost all my life. I'd say i border on Tourettes as sometimes I have multiple motor tics and a vocal, or just multiple motor tics no vocal, or sometimes no motor tics and just 1 vocal. It all switches up over a period of months and years and goes through phases. My best treatment is meditation. I have found that reducing cortisol and stress and anxiety levels almost directly affects the severity of my tics. My tics arent severe on a normal day, but I do have phases where they are severe and get bad "tic attacks" once in awhile, but I wouldn't call myself a severe case. I have noticed that for me personally diet can affect the severity of tics, for example, dairy makes them terrible if I consume dairy daily for a week or more. Tic suppression, especially during meditation is a great practice and almost work in conjunction. As meditation trains your mind to control your thoughts, tic suppression helps you train yourself to get a better hold on your tics; of course probably not completely, but they will help you gain more control and manage the tics better. Again, it's important to not have a victim mentality, it will do you no good and only make your life, and probably the tics worse. Embrace the reality of the cards you were dealt and accept them. Playing victim is neither proactive nor productive. I've been there so I understand how easy it is to get swallowed up in your own pity party. Try your best to not think about them. I have noticed tics thrive off attention. The more you think about them, the more you want to do them. If you see someone else with tics twitch, it reminds you of your own and that'll likely trigger you to tic too. Your mind works in the same way, think of them, and it's as if you seen someone tic; reminding you of your own tics. This is why meditation is key as the more control you gain over your thoughts the less you will acknowledge them and brush them off. That on top of tic suppression training is a great combination to practice.
A tic never does "go away". You can hold it but the urge gets stronger and stronger until you have to let it out then the feeling starts coming back over time. Its like trying to resist scratching yourself when itchy. Holding it in just makes it 10x worse.
That was a fanastic video Kati! Thankyou for the information about Tourette's. I didn't know much about it. As a person who is going to be working in the field of mental health this is important for me to learn all of this. so Thankyou!
I’m confused because tourette’s is called a mental illness, and then called a neurological one. Does it happen within the mind or the brain? Is there specific neurological activity that forces the tics? It feels like the difference between real seizures like in epilepsy, and things that look like those but are not, sometimes called pseudo seizures, like PNES (which I don’t like the name of because it uses the wrong word, these are not actually seizures) or NEAD both of which are mental illnesses, not neurological, and there is no brain activity during the ‘attacks’ or whatever you want to call those behaviours. It also makes people think epilepsy is a mental illness, which it isn’t.
It's not a mental illness it is, in fact, a neurological disorder affecting the connection between the brain (in particular the basil ganglia) and the nervous system
It’s not always “curable” but can be managed. Be careful telling people that if they work hard enough it will eventually go away. It’s very misleading not only to people with TS, but to their loved ones as well, who would understandably become frustrated with them bc they still have tics and their loved ones just think they’re not trying hard enough. If that makes sense?
I had tic disorder I've had it since I was 7 I'm 20 now but they have worsened, i think I have more touretts now as I am exhausted everyday I nod my head constantly, I grunt, and make weird sounds witj my throat every min of the day and breath in and out heavily.. I canf have a drink without jolting my arm and shoulders.. I also stretch my neck and move head up blink, clear throat, sniff , and even bending mu near when I'm standing like all the way ... there more but il be here all day 😂 its so so exhausting I've had it for years 😔
I'm not sure what she meant by the tic just "going away". If someone told me to try to hold my tic in for a little longer, I wouldn't make it past a minute.
Hi Kati! Thank you for always taking the time to talk about these important issues. I was wondering if you could talk about BFRBs and more specifically dermatillomania? I believe I do struggle with this disorder and I'd just like to understand more about what can be done to stop the impulsive feelings.
I can stop myself from hiccuping if I choose to, so does that mean it's a voluntary thing? I can also choose to stop breathing, and hold my breath. Does that mean that breathing is just a voluntary thing? It seems like there's a bit of a blurry line there, I wouldn't want to say that just because someone has a tick that they're doing it on purpose.
I do believe that trauma in a way can cause tics to occur but it has more so to do with neurological issues. Dopamine is a key factor found in a lot of studies as there seemingly is less of the chemical in the brain than normal (for those who are clinically diagnosed). I was diagnosed with "borderline" Tourette's a few years ago and it has, in my own case, turned into "full-blown" Tourettes... but my tics are not that severe. Over time one can learn to control their tics. A lot of the time, focus helps (as in my own case) keep the tics down as my brain is occupied doing something else. I have neck, joint cracking and some slight facial tics but over time they have weakened to the point where I really only notice my neck tic. Typically tourettes coincides with ADHD... which becomes harder for some to handle as ADHD hinders the ability to focus. I do not have ADHD and thus my focus is a tad a better than most with respects to controlling my own tics. The neurologist that I went to see stated that typically the patient has to have tics of both categories, vocal and physical, in order for it to be considered Tourettes. Typically 3 motor tics and 1 or 2 vocal tics is the minimum for most cases. I have neck tics, slight grin and joint cracking (right elbow); my vocal tics are stuttering (on occasion), repetition (of phrases) and sometimes adding random words to dialogue. A lot of people like to associate coprolalia, the commonly thought "swearing" that coincides with Tourettes. However, the amount of people who have Tourettes WITH coprolalia is a very low percentage... Last I read, studies in England stated it was typically only seen in about 5-8% of people with Tourettes. I myself do not suffer from coprolalia alongside my other tics, but I have a few friends (out of pure chance) that do. It is a stigma that the media likes to focus on more so than the actual studies... As you said, medications can help. However, I for one do not take any medications for my tics as they are not severe enough (personally). But I also have looked into some of them and the side effects are sometimes worse than the actual symptoms. Those that I have come across typically can cause drowsiness, lack of focus, and even more tics within themselves. Mainly I was told to try to create "competitive" responses with my tics. If I can "feel" the urge or need "to tic", I may act against it. Typically if one tries to compete with the urge, it just builds up and eventually it will be strong enough to "come out" in a stronger force, but then back to normal as it takes a toll on the power to focus. Only other treatment I know of is one where they perform open-brain surgery with electricity, while the patient is awake. The idea is to stimulate the nerves in the brain that tell the body to tic... There have been a lot of cases where this has been proven successful... I for one would rather just live with what was dealt to me. Over time, people with tourettes may lose some of the tics and pick others up. Usually people who were diagnosed in childhood may lose their tics altogether when going into adulthood... mine have become less noticeable/symptomatic and I mainly only suffer from stuttering when in excitement (good or bad) and my neck tic occurs typically when I am not focused. With picking tics up... they literally can be picked up from other people. A lot of people may think it is not possible, but I have seen some people lose a tic and in turn pick up the tic of someone else. It is not to say that it is a game of back and forth like with a ball or "tag"... The brain works in mysterious ways, though we are getting to a point where we know more about the general functions of parts that we dare to venture in. This is a correlation that can be seen with Tourettes and other psychological disorders, such as depression and ADHD... I for one see it more so as a neurological disorder but psychology plays a role as a change in mood can have different effects... Focus becomes important when one is trying to fight against the urge to tic.
I met someone who is an adult he twitches a lot and sniffles a lot and politely asked her about it and she didn't know what I was talking about. But it was very significant and I had seen her more than once doing it months apart. I think she has tourette's. How can a grown-up not know? Maybe she was just sheltered and her parents didn't want to tell her or go into it?
Sometimes parents don't notice it at all because they probably don't know what tourettes is, or if they did, it was very mild and didn't think anything of it
Hey Kati I love your content and have watched so many videos to learn more. I have Tourette’s syndrome and many of it’s co-morbidities, but overall I’m lucky my co moreiboties atent bad. Although some of your information is correct for mild cases it is not accurate for anyone who has a more significant case of Tourette’s. Please understand suppressing and sitting with the urge is not healthy especially if it’s common and has very real side effects. Tourette’s and ocd are co morbid but different. Behavioral therapy is not a cure all and does not give you a brake it essentially accommodates other who doesn’t want to see our tics. Tics are semi involuntary or involuntary (they mean the same thing). Tourette is not a mental health condition it’s neurological. Genuine Tourette’s does not go away and the co morbidities last a lifetime along with tics. I’d be happy to talk to you about it, I have significant ts work in behavior and have the goal of becoming a psychologist.
I got diagnosed with tourrettes at like 8-10years old, they wanted me to do treatment but I declined and over the years I've learned to control it to an extent by redirecting the tic to less noticeable things like moving my eyes of clearing my throat. Most people don't even know I have it till they are around me alot
I have some tics that I don't really believe are voluntary in any way because I literally can't do them purposefully. Earlier today I saw myself in the mirror doing an eyebrow shaking tic I can't do on purpose. One of my earlier tics had my shoulder shaking harder and faster than I can do voluntarily. I do get urges to do a lot of mine and sometimes I can hold them in to do something important, but just as in holding your breath, you can work on holding it for a long time, but after a while you have to breathe. It also only goes away in adulthood for half the people living with it.
Really interesting as I have what my psych has described as tics...strangely, just what you have described like coughing, or throat clearing (really embarrassing as when someone mentions it, it gets worse!!) I also have to touch things repetitively, including tapping my forehead when really anxious.Obviously not Tourette's, but more connected to anxiety and ocd. Great information..thanks again! :)
I did CBT and while it did help, the effects went away. To keep Tourettes away you have to keep up the treatment (you can do it by yourself if you know how) but for me it was too exhausting and time consuming to keep it up. I was spending most of my evenings doing it. So yes it does make it go away, but at a huge cost. At least for my case. As they say, every case of Tourette's is different.
Tics and Tourettes is a learned behavior phenomenon that spreads through youth as a copy curiosity, and then becomes an early habit formation. I should know.
#katiFAQ Hi there Kati, can you do a video on night terrors in relation to trauma?, I'm struggling with this at the moment and there's actually not a whole lot of information out there about it. Would just be good to have a better understanding of how and why it happens. your videos are great by the way. thanks :)
Lol at the end!!! "I didn't know how to stop....." Haha. Ur funny lol Really great video it's so interesting Thanku for researching and giving us this info xx
I cloak my tic with a low key through clear. Lol when I feel my torrettes come. Or an awkward word pronounce. I stopped meds at 16 and ever since I control is with sheer will. During the jerks. Ur strength increases. Hard to explain. Lol. Music has always been the key or staying busy.
During one of my stays as an IP in a children's unit I met a girl with Tourette's, she had the vocal tics (uncontrollably swearing/cussing) and physical tics all through her body. A few years later I randomly bumped into her and she had undergone DBS and no longer had the tics. I did not see her again so I don't know if the DBS continued working or not as another girl I still know that underwent DBS was great for a while and is now worse then before she had the sygery. Randomness.
Yes, it happens a lot actually. Many people "outgrow" their tourettes and while they will forever have their diagnosis and the tics may reappear, they will stop all together sometimes.
i realize you have the best of intentions. But don't ever go around saying Tourettes can be "cured." Only the visible manifestations may somehow "wear off" with the years in "mild" cases. i watched my two nephews grow up with tourettes. They were unmanageable children, unparentable, yet known to be "good hearts." They were two little tornadoes feeding off each other when with their parents. They were brought in screaming and yelling every Saturday for my sis and i to take on the city for the day and give my other sis and her hubby a day of sanity. They were angels with us.. imperfect angels, but i'm biased. They were diagnosed in elementary school when a doctor who knew about tourrettes happened to be in their country school hallway as they all spilled out of class. He pointed the two of them out as having tourettes, and diagnoses soon confirmed it. If you told them they can be cured, they may want to kill themselves. They are lliving a hell you in your prissy house with your prissy husband cannot imagine. They literally suffer physical and mental pain because they cannot help being what they are, TOURETTES. They are such great guys, any woman would snatch them up in a second if it weren't for the tourettes. And they have had girl friends. But in a small town every one grew up with the other and so no "boy" ever measures up to a "knight in shining armour." One of them as a kid was a great pitcher. My brother-in-law formed a rag-tag team of kids in town with uniforms paid for by the stores, and he pitched them past the established teams with the "bankrolls" to win the Provincial Championship in their first year. He was Professional Baseball material, could put the ball wherever he wanted. The next year he lost his aim. Unknowingly, the tourettes began to set in. We were robbed of a great pitcher. They have both wanted to kill themselves more times than even i know. And you are going to tell them that they should be "cured?" They are working with the best Tourettes Specialists available. Their brains were made wrongly. Should you be cured of your high forehead? Your "studies" are flawed. They must look only at "mild" cases. Because of "curable" attitudes such as you put out, they have to "prove" their tourettes to Provincial Disability every six months. Do you know what that does to their psyche? Stop with the "cure culture!" Neurodevelopmental disorders RARELY "go away." Meanwhile you subject lifelong handicaps to lifelong torture proving how SICK they are over and over again!
I know. She literally ended the video saying tics can "go away" which is worded in a misleading way. Tics can wax and wane and therapy can kinda help but she made it sound like OCD where it is possible to stop behaviours and a person should work towards that. That's not how Tourette's patients should be treated. Trying to make your tics "go away" probably won't work and will just make a person feel bad and frustrated.
@@jadeegreaves Exactly, I feel like Tourettes isn't something to be taken lightly. It's not just a video idea, it's an incurable lifelong condition that she doesn't know enough about to talk about it
it does not go away the longer you hold it the worse it gets I have tourettes I try to hold it when I go in front of people in crowds it's a lot worse when I try to hold it it goes out of control I can't stand people staring at me because of it I get paranoid
@@sophieadams0411 It's really hard because at my school kids make jokes about tourettes, they scream the n word and other obscenities at my lunch table but they have no idea I have tourettes and them faking tics makes me need to tic more.
Hi Kati! I just recently found your channel via Shane Dawson, and I was wondering if you had a video on Tourette’s, which I happen to have! A lot of really great stuff in here, you really did you research which I appreciate! However, a couple things I would like to clarify. Firstly, there is no “cure” for Tourette’s. Many people with mild symptoms will notice a fade in tics with therapy or even with age, but for someone like me with a very moderate-severe case, I know that my tics are never going away. Even with extensive CBIT therapy, which helped lessen my symptoms, I still have very frequent and disruptive tics. I was on a documentary on A&E called “Raising Tourette’s, where they do talk a lot about therapy and medication. You should definitely check it out! Secondly, CBIT therapy doesn’t work for everyone. Many of my friends with TS have told me that it does more harm than good, and it feels like they are suppressing their tics. CBIT doesn’t work exactly how you mentioned it does: it helps redirect the tic urge, rather than hold it in. Suppressing tics is VERY uncomfortable for people with TS, and takes almost their entire mental willpower to do for even short periods of time. Overall I think you did a great job on this video, but may I suggest making a follow up where you address some of these things? Thanks so much!
#katifaq can my eating disorder be used as a form of self harm? I have ednos I stave and purge. I do it to lose weight but I also do it as a way to harm myself.
Hi Kati, Please please can you do a video on munchausen syndrome? I asked ages ago and I think you said you would probably do a video on it, but you haven't yet. Thank you!
Tics do react to things touching your body. For example I wear glasses and because of that I get face grimacing tics, so my nose scrunches up constantly
This is so interesting! I wouldn't think it would be in the DSM, but now I know why! I like learning about Tourette's disorder, I find it really interesting lol.
Hi Kati. I don't have tourettes but I have a lot of motor tics all over my body. I've only just found out about using a 'dental' style mouth guard to treat tourettes and to lessen ones tics. Only accidentally came across this today. Can you do a video on these mouth guards.... I have many questions. Can one use a regular mouth guard from pharmacy or is it necessary to have it moulded to your mouth.
Hi Kati, do you know why many general Doctors and even Neurologists don't know what Touretes is? My doctors are diagnosing me with touretes when i don't even have tics and never had them as kid.
Please do correct me if I am wrong, But from what I know P.A.N.D.A.S is not recognized as an actual diagnosis by the majority of doctors and many believe it is a scapegoat for tics that can be passed down genetically This is not my opinion just what I have heard
The d literally stands for disorder, lmao. It’s an illness that does stem from strep, and can cause neurological and psychological disorders directly as a result from having strep. (The antibodies misfire and attack the brain instead of the strep bacteria). It is a somewhat debatable disorder, but it’s gaining more traction and acceptance in the medical community. I got Tourette’s from having PANDAS. My physiatrist diagnosed me with it, and I also got the Cunningham panel which backed up her diagnosis. I’m just saying, PANDAS can cause lasting neurological and psychological effects, so I thought it would be interesting for Kati to talk about it. Besides, there’s lots of other recognized illnesses and disorders that aren’t in the DSM.
#KatiFAQ In elementary I was bullied a lot. And I tryed to kill myself when no one was home but I stoped myself this was in the 5th grade. I noticed that those thoughts of the things people say are coming back and I have been thinking about suicide. Also I have been hating my body image and I fell very lonely. This is kind of new for me and im scared but im not ready to tell my mom and I dont know how to tell someone help! -kylie♡♥
Hello Can you do a video about commitment Phobe.. That is relate to friendships because i think i have that but to friendships and romantic things... Sorry for my bad english Greetz Holland 😊
Is there a relationship between tourettes and trauma? If it is neurological and helped by therapy I would imagine it to involve the nervous system... I wonder if somatic therapy might help? these are my uneducated thoughts
Nice positive energy. Thanks. Can a 27 year old adult just start with tourettes? Why not? I know people who changed diet and lifestyle and started exercising and totally got off all their medications. Hope to hear from you soon. Keeping In fit shape is our own responsibility. Sincerely, K.
Google1 User Hi! Is it real some people got off all medications and became tic free with lifestyle and diet? Can give give me some more detailed examples please 😊
Hi kati, Is there anything I can do to help myself with my borderline personality so I don't need contact with a cpn/therapist. I do currently have a cpn but I find her extremely Unhelpfully and that she does nothing for me or my 'condition' I am also waiting for a dbt group placement but I have found other groups similar to this don't work for me. I know I do need therapy to 'recover' but I was wondering if there was anything at all I can do to help myself at home while I wait on the dbt so I can reduce seeing my cpn.
Thanks for this very informative video! As a therapist myself, I have not yet treated any clients with this disorder. It's alway a good idea to stay sharp, though, on the disorders we are less familiar with.
Hello. I have what I can only describe as vocal tic. I can be doing anything and I will make a humming noise. I want to make a tone of like 4 notes but I try to just do 1. If I can't control it I will go outside and let it rip because I don't want to disturb my wife. I remember being a little kid and doing it but it went away finally. My whole life it comes back time and time. Normally I for several months but it will finally go away. I haven't done it in many years but about 6 months ago it started and I haven't been able to shake it. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. I don't think its turrets but I don't have any idea what it could be.
Thnx for posting this vid! (as Tourette's is not always understood or taken seriously) And for also mentioning how OCD and Tourette seem brothers or cousins. May there also be a link between Tourette's and ADHD?
Idk much about Tourette’s but a few days in my life my back does a thing where I have to jerk back and use my hand to like stop it it’s happened to me for about 4 days of my life it feels like a weak taser is inside my skin with lots of nails going into my back while me skin is being weakly razed but still to the point of being annoying and it hurts idk about this but Tourette’s reminded me of this I wondered If I had it for like 4 days of my life but I think it was just some weird thing
Hi Kati! How do I stop being awkward at therapy sessions? I've been seeing my therapist for over a year now. I can talk to her about things and we've gotten far, but during it seems like, every session, there's a point where neither of us are talking. I will stare at the floor and she will look at me and the silence is there until she says something. Also, if we talk about certain things, like if she asks me a question like, "So what do you think we could do to help this?" my brain shuts down. My words won't come out or I'm afraid to say anything and I'll just nod my head. I have just realized that I do this and now I feel bad. Also, sometimes I feel like she has to pull teeth to get things out of me. And they aren't hard things that I can't talk about, for some reason, I just stop thinking and forget everything. I go into therapy with a plan, but it all goes out the window when I walk in the room. Not out of fear or anxiety, I just lose it for it seems like, no reason. Should I bring this up to her? Sorry this was so long. I love your videos and everything you do! Thank you!
Stephanie Schoonover im no specialist haha but i’d personally recommend telling her this so she can help you by not leaving you to talk if you get lost or not waiting in silence to avoid you getting anxious or awkward :) i’m sure she’d understand as shes probably had lots of training dealing with situations like yours
I have sniffled my whole life but it has never been a very serious problem. I tell everyone that's just what I do so I've never went to the doctor for it. I do although have ADD. What my question is, is the sniffling because of the ADD or do I have something else that causes it?
i always have to rock back and forth to comfort myself when i am nervous or when i am eating or just sitting does this mean that i am mentally ill because that's what my family thinks
There is a singer named Jamie Grace who has Tourette's and was recently on The Doctors and talked about how using music snd singing has helped her and I just found it ironic because I had just saw her talking about it and then saw this. It was very interesting to see how she has been able to use music to inspire others and many never knew of her struggle until she shared it there.
Hi Kati! Can Buying A Pet Help cure Anxsity and If You are Really Sad. I Was Going To Biy A Mouse Because I lOve Them But I would Love To Know This Question Because K Hae Seen The Actions Of What They Do But Is That Just Out Minds ? Thinking We Are Okay and Trickng Outselfs Into Thinking It❤️Thank You❤️
There's a video here on youtube of an Australian boy with tourette's who had deep brain stimulation. Before that, he was always punching himself and was very distressed.
Please don't try to give mental health aid to anyone if you're not trained.. be there to support of course but if you're not a trained professional, you should not be trying to aid someone with any mental illness.
I am so sad. I get mad at bus driver who scolds a person with Tourettes who have the swearing of the loud vocalizing. I now learn you can help but maybe the person doesn't have counseling and funds for it. I can't afford it for my MDD . GAD.311# DSM -V1. American psychological Association. (2009). Reserved from Microsoft edge. Sept 28,2021. I know to cite APA . Bachelor degree in works!
Is it possible to go through your entire life and not be diagnosed with text or Tourette’s syndrome because I have this one thing that I do a lot and that’s can’t keep my hands still I also cannot stop moving my leg and a lot of times those two things I will do it and not really even realize until somebody mentions so I was kind of curious is that possible let alone there are moments when I freeze and I just can’t say anything and then sometimes when I say something I’ll come out wrong
That's not tourettes. Tourettes involves involuntary vocal and physical tics. You're describing what seems to be an anxiety reaction. But, if you're really curious, go to a professional in person to get diagnosed, not a youtube video.
I hate that these videos only ever talk about sniffing and shoulder shrugging and throat clearing. I howl like a wolf, I say hi and wave, I hit people. When we refuse to acknowledge the weirder more abnormal tics we leave out the embarrassing and shameful feeling that comes with Tourette’s as well. I don’t care so much when I have a small unnoticeable tic like throat clearing. But when I howl in the supermarket - it’s embarrassing. And when all these educational videos only talk abt these small unnoticeable tics how will people ever think oh - perhaps she has Tourette’s. No they’re gonna think I’m weird and attention seeking.
Can it include the need to say certain words with a certain accent? Or to say certain things outloud after you hear certain things or encounter certain situations. Not aggressive or swear words... Like the kid on the show "the middle" who whispers stuff right after he says it?
It is still considered tourettes if you developed it before the age of 18, or, in more rare occasions, developed it as an adult, it is still valid if you've had motor and vocal tics for more than a year.
The main answer is that WHO put neurological and Mental health as one thing. Which is completely stupid. I have a neurological (Tourettes syndrome) and Mental health problems and they are very different.
Exactly, Tourettes is not a mental health condition, it is neurological. You can have tics without having tourettes, only then anxiety tics would be a mental health issue
Tourette's is a neurological disorder, which means it affects the connection between the brain (mostly the basil ganglia) and the nervous system. Tourettes is a genetic condition and symptoms usually show up around 5-7 years old but you can still develope it later in life. a diagnosis for tourettes requires you to have motor (physical) and vocal tics for more than a year. and these movements and noises cannot be controlled, they are involuntary. you can suppress tics but they will get worse if you do that. tics do not go away, they get better or worse with time.
Hi! I love your channel. If I have a question for you, and it's quite..different and I don't think you have ever talked about the subject my question is about, where do I leave my comment? :) I know you answer some questions and subjects in your videos but I have no idea where I should post it so that you can respond either in a video or if you choose to write back. I can't really ask anyone else about this subject so I need you to help me! Hugs! Xx
Actually when you hold in a tic it’s only temporary and will be like ten times worse later on. A tic does not just “go away”.
yep i have tourettes and if i hold in a tic it gets worse and it will hurt more later
I have tourettes and I find if I hold in a tic it just makes it worse but sometimes I can redirect a tic that it's not very noticable
You can get rid of then for a while, ( if you're not getting triggered)
Just do that breathing exercise, it helps me. (I have anxiety)
Kai. Smartest statement. I use my stomach to release my tic. Usually others can’t see me flexing my stomach Chewing gum also
@@guyansell9659 oh, chewing gum sounds like it would help to be honest, I get tics where I tense my neck n crack my jaw so that would be great for that.
Just a thing it is usually called Tourette Syndrome not disorder (because it is neurological). But yay thank you for making this video I've been waiting forever for it!!!
HighOnLife yea it syndrome ur right
It was changed to Tourette’s disorder
Elle lynne it’s a syndrome as it’s a neurological condition
It’s been changed to disorder
I've had OCD and Tourette since childhood. Tourette tics come and go depending on my stress level, but it certainly never went away completely...even though my father was a psychiatrist and treated me through out my teens. I'm 35 now.
hello do you regularly experience Morbid Dreams or Dreams where you see yourself falling from high heights,drowning in water or flying .
@@vornamenachname6801 I've only experienced it once. Can u tell me more? U don't have to
i have ocd too! i just can’t help playing video games-
OCD means Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
I too have ocd and Tourette
Thanks Kati!
***** I wish I was too. Would have been cool. Another time down the road maybe ;)
Glad you are loving it.
idranktheseawater its also a chemical imbalance in the brain due to lack of dopamine. I think that also has a lot to do with anxiety BC in anxiety ur feel good hormones disappear AMD sometimes for no reason, I think its a build up of energy you HAVE to let go of similar to restless leg syndrome (this I have) how it is a nagging dull pain that is only relieved if u move ur muscles
Thank you SO MUCH!!! I've been looking for something like this...I am in a new relationship and love someone with Tourette's. It's not something we've really discussed yet, but I really want to understand. Thank you, 10,000%!!!
You're a great person!
When you hold a tic it doesn’t just go away. It may even make it worse and cause a tic attack (aka multiple tics one after the other for a span of time). One thing that does help however is trying to find a way to release that energy in a different form. One I do a lot is leg tapping. You can also try to make smaller motions that satisfy the tic.
I usually tap my fingers a lot to satisfy the tic but my family gets so annoyed by it and I bet my classmates do too
Unfortunately you're not correct here. Having undergone CBIT, what therapists means when a person practises it is that that tic goes away, not the actual condition. Tourette's is lifelong and therapy doesn't 'cure' it.
Also, the tic gets described as a voluntary reaction to a involuntary cause - the premonitory urge. By saying it could be voluntary you open people up to all sorts of stigma.
Tourette's can also develop later on in life, it is not just a childhood condition that the DSM and ICD textbooks say it is. I developed it at 25 with no past experience of it, however a family member has tics themselves. If the past 6 years of living has told me anything about this condition is that it's very complex and that doctors know very little about it.
Sometimes I find these videos slightly misleading, I’ve seen some of these videos, I have Tourette’s and multiple disorders and I think that some things that you mention may mislead someone who doesn’t know anything/to little about it. Especially the therapy parts (that are more complex) as Tourette’s can’t be “cured”. Another video that bothered me was the DID video you made, another disorder I have.
hello do you regularly experience Morbid Dreams or Dreams where you see yourself falling from high heights,drowning in water or flying .
@@vornamenachname6801 how is that relevant?
@@galaxycat5940 because its not a coincidence if you have tourette and experience those kind of dreams or morbid dreams in genera,there is a very high chance it's all connected together and caused by the very same source,thats is why im trying to ask people who have tourette if they have those kind of dreams the people i managed to ask all confirmed that they can relate to those kind of dreams, so i'm eager to ask more. Do you know anyone with tourette?
@@vornamenachname6801 this is EXTREMELY interesting to me because I really think I have tourettes, my tics have been getting worse with age, I'm 26 now. My little sister recently told me she thinks she has tourettes as well. When I was little I had TONS of dreams about falling and it sucked. I'm really curious if there's a connection
@@vornamenachname6801 also the drowning or being about to drown in large bodies of water, I had plenty of those dreams as well as flying. I still fly in almost every dream I have till today.
Thankyou for making a video about Tourrettes Syndrome. I have tourrettes but I spread awareness in spanish in my channel. Great job
wow that's cool
Thank you for your videos, because of you I went to see my doctor and I know go and see my college counsellor, I still struggle a lot but you give me a lot of hope💘
There is a lot of incorrect information here :( I also don't agree with you mimicking tics.
Thanks for your video, I don't remember uncontrollable jerking, grunting or saying stuff as a child. In my 40s is when it became an issue. My Psychiatrist thinks it's Tourettes, the neurologist thinks it’s my meds. Doesn’t matter to me except when I walk out of my house and scream something embarrassing.
I've had tics almost all my life. I'd say i border on Tourettes as sometimes I have multiple motor tics and a vocal, or just multiple motor tics no vocal, or sometimes no motor tics and just 1 vocal. It all switches up over a period of months and years and goes through phases.
My best treatment is meditation. I have found that reducing cortisol and stress and anxiety levels almost directly affects the severity of my tics. My tics arent severe on a normal day, but I do have phases where they are severe and get bad "tic attacks" once in awhile, but I wouldn't call myself a severe case.
I have noticed that for me personally diet can affect the severity of tics, for example, dairy makes them terrible if I consume dairy daily for a week or more.
Tic suppression, especially during meditation is a great practice and almost work in conjunction. As meditation trains your mind to control your thoughts, tic suppression helps you train yourself to get a better hold on your tics; of course probably not completely, but they will help you gain more control and manage the tics better.
Again, it's important to not have a victim mentality, it will do you no good and only make your life, and probably the tics worse. Embrace the reality of the cards you were dealt and accept them. Playing victim is neither proactive nor productive. I've been there so I understand how easy it is to get swallowed up in your own pity party.
Try your best to not think about them. I have noticed tics thrive off attention. The more you think about them, the more you want to do them. If you see someone else with tics twitch, it reminds you of your own and that'll likely trigger you to tic too. Your mind works in the same way, think of them, and it's as if you seen someone tic; reminding you of your own tics. This is why meditation is key as the more control you gain over your thoughts the less you will acknowledge them and brush them off. That on top of tic suppression training is a great combination to practice.
A tic never does "go away". You can hold it but the urge gets stronger and stronger until you have to let it out then the feeling starts coming back over time. Its like trying to resist scratching yourself when itchy. Holding it in just makes it 10x worse.
That was a fanastic video Kati! Thankyou for the information about Tourette's. I didn't know much about it. As a person who is going to be working in the field of mental health this is important for me to learn all of this. so Thankyou!
I’m confused because tourette’s is called a mental illness, and then called a neurological one. Does it happen within the mind or the brain? Is there specific neurological activity that forces the tics? It feels like the difference between real seizures like in epilepsy, and things that look like those but are not, sometimes called pseudo seizures, like PNES (which I don’t like the name of because it uses the wrong word, these are not actually seizures) or NEAD both of which are mental illnesses, not neurological, and there is no brain activity during the ‘attacks’ or whatever you want to call those behaviours. It also makes people think epilepsy is a mental illness, which it isn’t.
It's not a mental illness it is, in fact, a neurological disorder affecting the connection between the brain (in particular the basil ganglia) and the nervous system
I live in Elgin where Kati was as she came to my school Elgin academy and she is so nice and helped me a lot, thanks Kati 😃
i'm studying for my lsw and i watch your videos to help out with the mental health areas!! love them :)
It’s not always “curable” but can be managed. Be careful telling people that if they work hard enough it will eventually go away. It’s very misleading not only to people with TS, but to their loved ones as well, who would understandably become frustrated with them bc they still have tics and their loved ones just think they’re not trying hard enough. If that makes sense?
I had tic disorder I've had it since I was 7 I'm 20 now but they have worsened, i think I have more touretts now as I am exhausted everyday I nod my head constantly, I grunt, and make weird sounds witj my throat every min of the day and breath in and out heavily.. I canf have a drink without jolting my arm and shoulders.. I also stretch my neck and move head up blink, clear throat, sniff , and even bending mu near when I'm standing like all the way ... there more but il be here all day 😂 its so so exhausting I've had it for years 😔
I'm not sure what she meant by the tic just "going away". If someone told me to try to hold my tic in for a little longer, I wouldn't make it past a minute.
Yeah the tics don't just go away, she is incorrect on that part
Hi Kati! Thank you for always taking the time to talk about these important issues. I was wondering if you could talk about BFRBs and more specifically dermatillomania? I believe I do struggle with this disorder and I'd just like to understand more about what can be done to stop the impulsive feelings.
I can stop myself from hiccuping if I choose to, so does that mean it's a voluntary thing? I can also choose to stop breathing, and hold my breath. Does that mean that breathing is just a voluntary thing? It seems like there's a bit of a blurry line there, I wouldn't want to say that just because someone has a tick that they're doing it on purpose.
I was recently confirmed to have Tourette’s syndrome. The tics are even more intense. What’s the best drug for this?
I do believe that trauma in a way can cause tics to occur but it has more so to do with neurological issues. Dopamine is a key factor found in a lot of studies as there seemingly is less of the chemical in the brain than normal (for those who are clinically diagnosed). I was diagnosed with "borderline" Tourette's a few years ago and it has, in my own case, turned into "full-blown" Tourettes... but my tics are not that severe. Over time one can learn to control their tics. A lot of the time, focus helps (as in my own case) keep the tics down as my brain is occupied doing something else. I have neck, joint cracking and some slight facial tics but over time they have weakened to the point where I really only notice my neck tic.
Typically tourettes coincides with ADHD... which becomes harder for some to handle as ADHD hinders the ability to focus. I do not have ADHD and thus my focus is a tad a better than most with respects to controlling my own tics.
The neurologist that I went to see stated that typically the patient has to have tics of both categories, vocal and physical, in order for it to be considered Tourettes. Typically 3 motor tics and 1 or 2 vocal tics is the minimum for most cases. I have neck tics, slight grin and joint cracking (right elbow); my vocal tics are stuttering (on occasion), repetition (of phrases) and sometimes adding random words to dialogue.
A lot of people like to associate coprolalia, the commonly thought "swearing" that coincides with Tourettes. However, the amount of people who have Tourettes WITH coprolalia is a very low percentage... Last I read, studies in England stated it was typically only seen in about 5-8% of people with Tourettes. I myself do not suffer from coprolalia alongside my other tics, but I have a few friends (out of pure chance) that do. It is a stigma that the media likes to focus on more so than the actual studies...
As you said, medications can help. However, I for one do not take any medications for my tics as they are not severe enough (personally). But I also have looked into some of them and the side effects are sometimes worse than the actual symptoms. Those that I have come across typically can cause drowsiness, lack of focus, and even more tics within themselves.
Mainly I was told to try to create "competitive" responses with my tics. If I can "feel" the urge or need "to tic", I may act against it. Typically if one tries to compete with the urge, it just builds up and eventually it will be strong enough to "come out" in a stronger force, but then back to normal as it takes a toll on the power to focus.
Only other treatment I know of is one where they perform open-brain surgery with electricity, while the patient is awake. The idea is to stimulate the nerves in the brain that tell the body to tic... There have been a lot of cases where this has been proven successful... I for one would rather just live with what was dealt to me.
Over time, people with tourettes may lose some of the tics and pick others up. Usually people who were diagnosed in childhood may lose their tics altogether when going into adulthood... mine have become less noticeable/symptomatic and I mainly only suffer from stuttering when in excitement (good or bad) and my neck tic occurs typically when I am not focused.
With picking tics up... they literally can be picked up from other people. A lot of people may think it is not possible, but I have seen some people lose a tic and in turn pick up the tic of someone else. It is not to say that it is a game of back and forth like with a ball or "tag"... The brain works in mysterious ways, though we are getting to a point where we know more about the general functions of parts that we dare to venture in.
This is a correlation that can be seen with Tourettes and other psychological disorders, such as depression and ADHD... I for one see it more so as a neurological disorder but psychology plays a role as a change in mood can have different effects... Focus becomes important when one is trying to fight against the urge to tic.
Everett Z no it's anxiety to
I met someone who is an adult he twitches a lot and sniffles a lot and politely asked her about it and she didn't know what I was talking about. But it was very significant and I had seen her more than once doing it months apart. I think she has tourette's. How can a grown-up not know? Maybe she was just sheltered and her parents didn't want to tell her or go into it?
Sometimes parents don't notice it at all because they probably don't know what tourettes is, or if they did, it was very mild and didn't think anything of it
Thank you for this information kati! I had no idea about this before thank you xx
Hey Kati I love your content and have watched so many videos to learn more. I have Tourette’s syndrome and many of it’s co-morbidities, but overall I’m lucky my co moreiboties atent bad. Although some of your information is correct for mild cases it is not accurate for anyone who has a more significant case of Tourette’s. Please understand suppressing and sitting with the urge is not healthy especially if it’s common and has very real side effects. Tourette’s and ocd are co morbid but different. Behavioral therapy is not a cure all and does not give you a brake it essentially accommodates other who doesn’t want to see our tics. Tics are semi involuntary or involuntary (they mean the same thing). Tourette is not a mental health condition it’s neurological. Genuine Tourette’s does not go away and the co morbidities last a lifetime along with tics. I’d be happy to talk to you about it, I have significant ts work in behavior and have the goal of becoming a psychologist.
Fantastic, great information!
I got diagnosed with tourrettes at like 8-10years old, they wanted me to do treatment but I declined and over the years I've learned to control it to an extent by redirecting the tic to less noticeable things like moving my eyes of clearing my throat. Most people don't even know I have it till they are around me alot
I have some tics that I don't really believe are voluntary in any way because I literally can't do them purposefully. Earlier today I saw myself in the mirror doing an eyebrow shaking tic I can't do on purpose. One of my earlier tics had my shoulder shaking harder and faster than I can do voluntarily. I do get urges to do a lot of mine and sometimes I can hold them in to do something important, but just as in holding your breath, you can work on holding it for a long time, but after a while you have to breathe. It also only goes away in adulthood for half the people living with it.
hello do you regularly experience Morbid Dreams or Dreams where you see yourself falling from high heights,drowning in water or flying .
@@vornamenachname6801 go away bot
I really dig this video and am interested in the topic. Shout out to ***** for asking ***** that question!
Love your videos, thank you
Really interesting as I have what my psych has described as tics...strangely, just what you have described like coughing, or throat clearing (really embarrassing as when someone mentions it, it gets worse!!) I also have to touch things repetitively, including tapping my forehead when really anxious.Obviously not Tourette's, but more connected to anxiety and ocd. Great information..thanks again! :)
I did CBT and while it did help, the effects went away. To keep Tourettes away you have to keep up the treatment (you can do it by yourself if you know how) but for me it was too exhausting and time consuming to keep it up. I was spending most of my evenings doing it. So yes it does make it go away, but at a huge cost. At least for my case. As they say, every case of Tourette's is different.
hello do you regularly experience Morbid Dreams or Dreams where you see yourself falling from high heights,drowning in water or flying .
Tics and Tourettes is a learned behavior phenomenon that spreads through youth as a copy curiosity, and then becomes an early habit formation. I should know.
#katiFAQ Hi there Kati, can you do a video on night terrors in relation to trauma?, I'm struggling with this at the moment and there's actually not a whole lot of information out there about it. Would just be good to have a better understanding of how and why it happens. your videos are great by the way. thanks :)
Kati Please Do this!!!!
Catherine Fenton agreed!
Holding in doesn't help. I have to not do it for a few days but that's almost impossible so I have to find a less annoying tic
You can stop the tics, but nor forever! You can suppress, but after you do you’ll let all the tics out and it’ll be an unpleasant experience.
called a tic attack ;)
Lol at the end!!! "I didn't know how to stop....." Haha. Ur funny lol
Really great video it's so interesting Thanku for researching and giving us this info xx
I cloak my tic with a low key through clear. Lol when I feel my torrettes come. Or an awkward word pronounce. I stopped meds at 16 and ever since I control is with sheer will. During the jerks. Ur strength increases. Hard to explain. Lol. Music has always been the key or staying busy.
During one of my stays as an IP in a children's unit I met a girl with Tourette's, she had the vocal tics (uncontrollably swearing/cussing) and physical tics all through her body.
A few years later I randomly bumped into her and she had undergone DBS and no longer had the tics.
I did not see her again so I don't know if the DBS continued working or not as another girl I still know that underwent DBS was great for a while and is now worse then before she had the sygery.
Do you know a case where tics fully stopped???
I think it never fully stop
But you learn how to control
yes, sometimes they just go away with age. i don't believe any have stopped as a result of medication though
Yes, it happens a lot actually. Many people "outgrow" their tourettes and while they will forever have their diagnosis and the tics may reappear, they will stop all together sometimes.
i realize you have the best of intentions.
But don't ever go around saying Tourettes can be "cured."
Only the visible manifestations may somehow "wear off" with the years in "mild" cases.
i watched my two nephews grow up with tourettes. They were unmanageable children, unparentable, yet known to be "good hearts." They were two little tornadoes feeding off each other when with their parents. They were brought in screaming and yelling every Saturday for my sis and i to take on the city for the day and give my other sis and her hubby a day of sanity. They were angels with us.. imperfect angels, but i'm biased.
They were diagnosed in elementary school when a doctor who knew about tourrettes happened to be in their country school hallway as they all spilled out of class. He pointed the two of them out as having tourettes, and diagnoses soon confirmed it.
If you told them they can be cured, they may want to kill themselves.
They are lliving a hell you in your prissy house with your prissy husband cannot imagine. They literally suffer physical and mental pain because they cannot help being what they are, TOURETTES.
They are such great guys, any woman would snatch them up in a second if it weren't for the tourettes. And they have had girl friends. But in a small town every one grew up with the other and so no "boy" ever measures up to a "knight in shining armour."
One of them as a kid was a great pitcher. My brother-in-law formed a rag-tag team of kids in town with uniforms paid for by the stores, and he pitched them past the established teams with the "bankrolls" to win the Provincial Championship in their first year. He was Professional Baseball material, could put the ball wherever he wanted. The next year he lost his aim. Unknowingly, the tourettes began to set in. We were robbed of a great pitcher.
They have both wanted to kill themselves more times than even i know.
And you are going to tell them that they should be "cured?"
They are working with the best Tourettes Specialists available. Their brains were made wrongly.
Should you be cured of your high forehead?
Your "studies" are flawed. They must look only at "mild" cases.
Because of "curable" attitudes such as you put out, they have to "prove" their tourettes to Provincial Disability every six months. Do you know what that does to their psyche?
Stop with the "cure culture!" Neurodevelopmental disorders RARELY "go away." Meanwhile you subject lifelong handicaps to lifelong torture proving how SICK they are over and over again!
the xpax She said there is no way to cure it.
I know. She literally ended the video saying tics can "go away" which is worded in a misleading way. Tics can wax and wane and therapy can kinda help but she made it sound like OCD where it is possible to stop behaviours and a person should work towards that. That's not how Tourette's patients should be treated. Trying to make your tics "go away" probably won't work and will just make a person feel bad and frustrated.
@@jadeegreaves Exactly, I feel like Tourettes isn't something to be taken lightly. It's not just a video idea, it's an incurable lifelong condition that she doesn't know enough about to talk about it
it does not go away the longer you hold it the worse it gets I have tourettes I try to hold it when I go in front of people in crowds it's a lot worse when I try to hold it it goes out of control I can't stand people staring at me because of it I get paranoid
Matthew Gagnon that happens to me to and I try to hold them in at school all day and when I get home I explode
@@sophieadams0411 It's really hard because at my school kids make jokes about tourettes, they scream the n word and other obscenities at my lunch table but they have no idea I have tourettes and them faking tics makes me need to tic more.
Hi Kati! I just recently found your channel via Shane Dawson, and I was wondering if you had a video on Tourette’s, which I happen to have! A lot of really great stuff in here, you really did you research which I appreciate! However, a couple things I would like to clarify. Firstly, there is no “cure” for Tourette’s. Many people with mild symptoms will notice a fade in tics with therapy or even with age, but for someone like me with a very moderate-severe case, I know that my tics are never going away. Even with extensive CBIT therapy, which helped lessen my symptoms, I still have very frequent and disruptive tics. I was on a documentary on A&E called “Raising Tourette’s, where they do talk a lot about therapy and medication. You should definitely check it out! Secondly, CBIT therapy doesn’t work for everyone. Many of my friends with TS have told me that it does more harm than good, and it feels like they are suppressing their tics. CBIT doesn’t work exactly how you mentioned it does: it helps redirect the tic urge, rather than hold it in. Suppressing tics is VERY uncomfortable for people with TS, and takes almost their entire mental willpower to do for even short periods of time. Overall I think you did a great job on this video, but may I suggest making a follow up where you address some of these things? Thanks so much!
Hey kati great video would you be able to do a video on phychosis
#katifaq can my eating disorder be used as a form of self harm? I have ednos I stave and purge. I do it to lose weight but I also do it as a way to harm myself.
I have a very bad type of Tourette’s syndrome and have both motive and vocal tics and have adhd so i do some bad stuff
Hi Kati, Please please can you do a video on munchausen syndrome? I asked ages ago and I think you said you would probably do a video on it, but you haven't yet. Thank you!
I don’t have Tourette’s syndrome just tics but does anyone else find that bras exacerbate your tics? Sorry if this is tmi
Tics do react to things touching your body. For example I wear glasses and because of that I get face grimacing tics, so my nose scrunches up constantly
Love this, thank you. So so helpful. Xox
This is so interesting! I wouldn't think it would be in the DSM, but now I know why! I like learning about Tourette's disorder, I find it really interesting lol.
It's more commonly called Tourettes Syndrome
I went to this video to figure out what wrong with me and my hole life I did not know I had all the symptoms.
Hi Kati. I don't have tourettes but I have a lot of motor tics all over my body. I've only just found out about using a 'dental' style mouth guard to treat tourettes and to lessen ones tics. Only accidentally came across this today. Can you do a video on these mouth guards.... I have many questions. Can one use a regular mouth guard from pharmacy or is it necessary to have it moulded to your mouth.
Hi Kati, do you know why many general Doctors and even Neurologists don't know what Touretes is? My doctors are diagnosing me with touretes when i don't even have tics and never had them as kid.
Theres 2 one is when ur to nervous or u eat to much chilli or lemon
I think my sister has a tic because she usually just randomly coughs multiple of times and then she stops and then it come back
Tell her to visit a doctor to find out if it is actually a cough or a tic
I have Tourette's. On my channel, I made some helpful awareness vids. I hope they help.
Not anymore😒
I'd love to see a video on P.A.N.D.A.S! (No, not the bear ;) )
Please do correct me if I am wrong,
But from what I know P.A.N.D.A.S
is not recognized as an actual diagnosis by the majority of doctors and many believe it is a scapegoat for tics that can be passed down genetically
This is not my opinion just what I have heard
For example I was diagnosed OCD as a complication of severe flue I got in age 6
Uh.. PANDAS is a streptococcal symptom, not a disorder. And it's not even listed in the DSM
The d literally stands for disorder, lmao. It’s an illness that does stem from strep, and can cause neurological and psychological disorders directly as a result from having strep. (The antibodies misfire and attack the brain instead of the strep bacteria).
It is a somewhat debatable disorder, but it’s gaining more traction and acceptance in the medical community.
I got Tourette’s from having PANDAS. My physiatrist diagnosed me with it, and I also got the Cunningham panel which backed up her diagnosis.
I’m just saying, PANDAS can cause lasting neurological and psychological effects, so I thought it would be interesting for Kati to talk about it.
Besides, there’s lots of other recognized illnesses and disorders that aren’t in the DSM.
In elementary I was bullied a lot. And I tryed to kill myself when no one was home but I stoped myself this was in the 5th grade. I noticed that those thoughts of the things people say are coming back and I have been thinking about suicide. Also I have been hating my body image and I fell very lonely. This is kind of new for me and im scared but im not ready to tell my mom and I dont know how to tell someone help!
Evolution: How much Free Will do you want?
Human brain: Yes.
Anyone here bc of sweet anita
I was wondering if the youth caffe week was worth coming to I saw u today at my school that's why I was asking
Hello Can you do a video about commitment Phobe.. That is relate to friendships because i think i have that but to friendships and romantic things...
Sorry for my bad english
Greetz Holland 😊
over time i mostly overacme the tics but they seem to manifest internally now in other ways, maybe i should just let them loose
Maybe we should look at all of the shots we give our kids and the effects they have.
Tourettes is neurological, not from a vaccine. although certain medicine can exacerbate tics
It does not give someone tourettes
Is there a relationship between tourettes and trauma? If it is neurological and helped by therapy I would imagine it to involve the nervous system... I wonder if somatic therapy might help? these are my uneducated thoughts
No, there isn't a Relationship between Tourette's and trauma
I have one tic in my TS that I really want to get rid of. Idc about the other ones really, but (the n word) I want to get rid of it very bad.
I'm so sorry.
Nice positive energy. Thanks. Can a 27 year old adult just start with tourettes? Why not? I know people who changed diet and lifestyle and started exercising and totally got off all their medications. Hope to hear from you soon. Keeping In fit shape is our own responsibility. Sincerely, K.
Google1 User Hi! Is it real some people got off all medications and became tic free with lifestyle and diet? Can give give me some more detailed examples please 😊
I don't get why some tics are cussing. WHY cuss words? Why not any other words?
You don't get to choose the tics, it can be literally anything in the brain. But only 10% of people with tourettes swear
My parents think I don’t have any problems but I have problems... they don’t love me enough to notice..
I highly doubt that. If you actually have problems, talk to a professional. Doctor, school counselor, etc.
they "don't love you enough"? talk to a therapist and a doctor. to one, sort out your emotions, and two, to see if you actually have tourettes or not
Hi kati,
Is there anything I can do to help myself with my borderline personality so I don't need contact with a cpn/therapist. I do currently have a cpn but I find her extremely Unhelpfully and that she does nothing for me or my 'condition' I am also waiting for a dbt group placement but I have found other groups similar to this don't work for me. I know I do need therapy to 'recover' but I was wondering if there was anything at all I can do to help myself at home while I wait on the dbt so I can reduce seeing my cpn.
kati seems to be a lefty. And also the lefthanded tennis player Rafael Nadal has also a heavy tic
I'm just here because I wanted to learn more
Stop saying disorder its a syndrome not a disorder.
a tic is unvoluntary so someone clearing their throat on purpose isn't a tic 😃
Your mom’s a tic
thank youu
Thanks for this very informative video! As a therapist myself, I have not yet treated any clients with this disorder. It's alway a good idea to stay sharp, though, on the disorders we are less familiar with.
Hello. I have what I can only describe as vocal tic. I can be doing anything and I will make a humming noise. I want to make a tone of like 4 notes but I try to just do 1. If I can't control it I will go outside and let it rip because I don't want to disturb my wife. I remember being a little kid and doing it but it went away finally. My whole life it comes back time and time. Normally I for several months but it will finally go away. I haven't done it in many years but about 6 months ago it started and I haven't been able to shake it. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. I don't think its turrets but I don't have any idea what it could be.
Thnx for posting this vid! (as Tourette's is not always understood or taken seriously) And for also mentioning how OCD and Tourette seem brothers or cousins. May there also be a link between Tourette's and ADHD?
Tourettes can have co-occuring conditions like OCD and/or ADHD
@@chloedenys76 Yes, I've learnt that in the meantime :) . Happy (sometimes not so happy) triad. 😏
Idk much about Tourette’s but a few days in my life my back does a thing where I have to jerk back and use my hand to like stop it it’s happened to me for about 4 days of my life it feels like a weak taser is inside my skin with lots of nails going into my back while me skin is being weakly razed but still to the point of being annoying and it hurts idk about this but Tourette’s reminded me of this I wondered If I had it for like 4 days of my life but I think it was just some weird thing
Hai, My son is facing problem with tourettes syndrome voice.
What to do.
I'm from India Hyderabad
Hi Kati! How do I stop being awkward at therapy sessions? I've been seeing my therapist for over a year now. I can talk to her about things and we've gotten far, but during it seems like, every session, there's a point where neither of us are talking. I will stare at the floor and she will look at me and the silence is there until she says something. Also, if we talk about certain things, like if she asks me a question like, "So what do you think we could do to help this?" my brain shuts down. My words won't come out or I'm afraid to say anything and I'll just nod my head. I have just realized that I do this and now I feel bad. Also, sometimes I feel like she has to pull teeth to get things out of me. And they aren't hard things that I can't talk about, for some reason, I just stop thinking and forget everything. I go into therapy with a plan, but it all goes out the window when I walk in the room. Not out of fear or anxiety, I just lose it for it seems like, no reason. Should I bring this up to her? Sorry this was so long. I love your videos and everything you do! Thank you!
Stephanie Schoonover im no specialist haha but i’d personally recommend telling her this so she can help you by not leaving you to talk if you get lost or not waiting in silence to avoid you getting anxious or awkward :) i’m sure she’d understand as shes probably had lots of training dealing with situations like yours
I have sniffled my whole life but it has never been a very serious problem. I tell everyone that's just what I do so I've never went to the doctor for it. I do although have ADD. What my question is, is the sniffling because of the ADD or do I have something else that causes it?
@@mars7612 Her information had a couple of gaps in it to be honest
for instance; tics don't go away, they just get better OR worse with time
i always have to rock back and forth to comfort myself when i am nervous or when i am eating or just sitting does this mean that i am mentally ill because that's what my family thinks
happycat3344aj I do it sometimes
you might be autistic, I'm not sure- talk to a doctor about it
There is a singer named Jamie Grace who has Tourette's and was recently on The Doctors and talked about how using music snd singing has helped her and I just found it ironic because I had just saw her talking about it and then saw this. It was very interesting to see how she has been able to use music to inspire others and many never knew of her struggle until she shared it there.
Hi Kati! Can Buying A Pet Help cure Anxsity and If You are Really Sad. I Was Going To Biy A Mouse Because I lOve Them But I would Love To Know This Question Because K Hae Seen The Actions Of What They Do But Is That Just Out Minds ? Thinking We Are Okay and Trickng Outselfs Into Thinking It❤️Thank You❤️
so no one’s gonna talk about how the suggester’s nickname is “Idranktheseawater”???
There's a video here on youtube of an Australian boy with tourette's who had deep brain stimulation. Before that, he was always punching himself and was very distressed.
Hey Kati
I was wondering how well I will be able to help my friend with depression when my thinking is "clouded" too? Hope that makes sense!
Please don't try to give mental health aid to anyone if you're not trained.. be there to support of course but if you're not a trained professional, you should not be trying to aid someone with any mental illness.
I am so sad. I get mad at bus driver who scolds a person with Tourettes who have the swearing of the loud vocalizing. I now learn you can help but maybe the person doesn't have counseling and funds for it. I can't afford it for my MDD . GAD.311# DSM -V1. American psychological Association. (2009).
Reserved from Microsoft edge. Sept 28,2021.
I know to cite APA . Bachelor degree in works!
Is it possible to go through your entire life and not be diagnosed with text or Tourette’s syndrome because I have this one thing that I do a lot and that’s can’t keep my hands still I also cannot stop moving my leg and a lot of times those two things I will do it and not really even realize until somebody mentions so I was kind of curious is that possible let alone there are moments when I freeze and I just can’t say anything and then sometimes when I say something I’ll come out wrong
That's not tourettes. Tourettes involves involuntary vocal and physical tics. You're describing what seems to be an anxiety reaction. But, if you're really curious, go to a professional in person to get diagnosed, not a youtube video.
I hate that these videos only ever talk about sniffing and shoulder shrugging and throat clearing. I howl like a wolf, I say hi and wave, I hit people. When we refuse to acknowledge the weirder more abnormal tics we leave out the embarrassing and shameful feeling that comes with Tourette’s as well. I don’t care so much when I have a small unnoticeable tic like throat clearing. But when I howl in the supermarket - it’s embarrassing. And when all these educational videos only talk abt these small unnoticeable tics how will people ever think oh - perhaps she has Tourette’s. No they’re gonna think I’m weird and attention seeking.
Can it include the need to say certain words with a certain accent? Or to say certain things outloud after you hear certain things or encounter certain situations. Not aggressive or swear words... Like the kid on the show "the middle" who whispers stuff right after he says it?
Will it kill me
I have tics but I did not develop it as a child, so I'm not sure its actually Touretttes
It is still considered tourettes if you developed it before the age of 18, or, in more rare occasions, developed it as an adult, it is still valid if you've had motor and vocal tics for more than a year.
i have got it
The main answer is that WHO put neurological and Mental health as one thing. Which is completely stupid. I have a neurological (Tourettes syndrome) and Mental health problems and they are very different.
Exactly, Tourettes is not a mental health condition, it is neurological. You can have tics without having tourettes, only then anxiety tics would be a mental health issue
Marijuanna often helps a lot for many symptoms of Tourette`s too!
Kernschrott .Production but many people with tourettes (specifically kids) can't smoke it form being underage or it being illegal
Kernschrott .Production also, it's rather unhealthy
나리Nari stfu
sylva lane stfu
ADIZZLE 2123 take your own advice!
I still dont understand
Tourette's is a neurological disorder, which means it affects the connection between the brain (mostly the basil ganglia) and the nervous system. Tourettes is a genetic condition and symptoms usually show up around 5-7 years old but you can still develope it later in life. a diagnosis for tourettes requires you to have motor (physical) and vocal tics for more than a year. and these movements and noises cannot be controlled, they are involuntary.
you can suppress tics but they will get worse if you do that. tics do not go away, they get better or worse with time.
Hi! I love your channel. If I have a question for you, and it's quite..different and I don't think you have ever talked about the subject my question is about, where do I leave my comment? :) I know you answer some questions and subjects in your videos but I have no idea where I should post it so that you can respond either in a video or if you choose to write back. I can't really ask anyone else about this subject so I need you to help me! Hugs! Xx