  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024


  • @davidatkinson-lifematters4826
    @davidatkinson-lifematters4826  26 днів тому +1

    I produced this video and posted it a day before I left on a family road trip in Europe, and didn't get around to responding to comments until a couple of weeks afterwards. I must say I've been surprised that my musings in this video earned so many views and so much comment. I guess it's nice to know that people took the time to listen, but I feel I must make clear that I never intended to comment in detail about the events of the 13th July. I merely wanted to say something about what may have contributed to creating hostility around Trump the character and candidate and which may have provided the motive to make an attempt on him. Any casual observer can see that the campaign against him has been persistent and, at times, extreme. So, there's plenty of people who have a beef against him, and who knows all the contributing factors behind the attempt?
    Secondly, I've been disappointed that so many people have 'kept their heads down' and don't want to talk about it, leaving me to speculate whether they're disappointed the attempt wasn't successful, feel guilt because they made their own small contribution to the hostile atmosphere by sharing adverse opinion, or are genuinely shocked that a candidate for office can be targeted in such a violent way. I don't know who believes what, because so few want to talk about it. Ordinarily, this wouldn't be an issue, but we're dealing with a genuine historical event here, that would have had grave repercussions had the attempt been successful.
    Although I welcome people taking the time to comment, I don't want to get involved in arguments over whether Trump is a new 1930s-Germany-type figure, or the Second Coming. I judge politicians on what they do in office and do my very best not to take my cues from the media or politicians from other parties.

  • @sheireland3737
    @sheireland3737 Місяць тому +7

    Anyone who dismisses the idea that the assassination attempt might have been plotted, allowed, whatever lacks imagination. It’s shocking to find that the ppl who were working on the day are still working and making decisions re trumps safety rather than suspended pending investigation. What idiot can’t think outside the box.

    • @carljensen5730
      @carljensen5730 Місяць тому +1

      If any of this happened to Obama or Bush or Biden, they would ALL have been fired or suspended. If something like this happened to Biden while Trump was in office, it would have been a completely different story.

    • @davidatkinson-lifematters4826
      @davidatkinson-lifematters4826  26 днів тому

      Yes, that the staff involved are not taken-off active duty, pending the investigation, seems fishy to me too.

  • @billisaacs702
    @billisaacs702 Місяць тому +3

    The simplest solution, not the "most likely". Scientists call it the most parsimonious explanation. Of course we have to have enough relevant facts to arrive at that. Here are three:
    1) Not even a sea turtle on acid would miss the fact that there was an open rooftop merely 130 yards or so with a clear line of sight to the protectee as well as a water tower that had no coverage at all. That not only should not have happened, it is impossible to believe that all of those agents simply missed it. It would be like you trying to play your turntable without a record on it, and that a room full of people sitting with you also would not have noticed the lack of an LP. Make sense?
    2) Despite having at least a minute's warning of police gathering around the building and bystanders screaming "He's got a gun!" the USSS LEFT TRUMP ON THE STAGE. Absolutely against protocol for any protective service on the planet let alone one that protects a head of state. Again, let's say that instead of carefully placing your record back into its sleeve, you simply dropped it on the floor and left it there, and the same people aforementioned also decided to leave it there.
    3) AD-Id data gathered by the Heritage Foundation shows that a cell phone which regularly visited the home of the shooter in the months before the attempt also travelled to the FBI office or some nearby office building in Washington D.C. We need to find out who's phone that was. That is suspicious. That is interesting.
    The most parsimonious, or simplest solution to this question is that there was at the very least a studied neglect going on. It was not an accident. There just isn't a chance in hell.

    • @davidatkinson-lifematters4826
      @davidatkinson-lifematters4826  26 днів тому

      Thanks for commenting Bill. I've been on a road trip to Germany and Austria, so I'm just getting around to reviewing these comments.
      You're absolutely right about me getting Occam's Razor wrong. I just misspoke and just put the video out regardless. 'The most parsimonious explanation' explains it beautifully.
      As for the other points you make, I'm sympathetic. I'm open to every hypothesis being thoroughly explored, and I have found it bizarre that so many simply accept the (not even) official explanation pushed by the media in the immediate aftermath of the incident. It saddens me that most people lack the curiosity and interest in understanding the truth, whatever that may be.

  • @jasonhoffer9017
    @jasonhoffer9017 Місяць тому +3

    Great video and logically thought out. Anyone who objects to "your opinion" and wishes to school you is the problem. Nothing you said was biased and everyone should be allowed to expand on their thoughts in an open society.
    The fact that openly acknowledged war criminals like George Bush are walking free (as just one example) is enough for critical thinking. ✌️

  • @tonyjedioftheforest1364
    @tonyjedioftheforest1364 Місяць тому +2

    This video has made me paranoid David and I hope to god this kind of thing doesn’t happen again. Love him or hate him it’s up to the American people to decide who rules them and not some person of violence. I truly believe that America is the land of the free and they stand against tyranny and oppression in the world and without them the United Kingdom and the rest of the free world would not exist today. God bless America.

  • @philipmatthews7128
    @philipmatthews7128 Місяць тому +5

    Agree with you 100% . I bet you lost a few subscribers with this video.

    • @CalicoSilver
      @CalicoSilver Місяць тому +2

      I agree with Dave also. I miss the days when we had (1) candidates actually worthy of our respect, (2) voters who did not blindly "pick-a-side-and-stick-with-it-no-matter-what", and (3) an actual news media instead of bald-faced propaganda machines. Seems every election is yet another increasingly unwelcome process of having to choose the "lesser of two evils" until we're getting to the point where the "two evils" are converging into each other such that it doesn't hardly seem to matter which one is chosen any more. Or maybe I'm just getting old and weary of it all. Haha!

    • @joshuavasquez1able
      @joshuavasquez1able Місяць тому

      ​@@CalicoSilverif there's propaganda in the media as you said. Then how can you believe that you must vote for the "lesser evil". I would say one is evil and one is being portrayed as evil by the evil "party" to project themselves as the "better" option. Voila the left becomes the lesser evil.

    • @davidatkinson-lifematters4826
      @davidatkinson-lifematters4826  26 днів тому +1

      Cheers Jeff. Maybe we are, as we age, becoming nostalgic for the days when we have intellectual giants in politics, rather than the venal careerists that have emerged over the last thirty years and more. I might be being naive, but it truly feels the pool from which our leaders are selected in getting ever more shallow.

  • @samm928
    @samm928 Місяць тому +1

    I hope that LP get speakers throughout the house .. never seen that big of vinyl collection

  • @ElmoKnowsWhereYouLive5150
    @ElmoKnowsWhereYouLive5150 Місяць тому

    I raised more questions than answers...

  • @igordidenko4354
    @igordidenko4354 Місяць тому +4

    if i use wrong pronounce or wear Trump hat at work it will be my last day in that company . that is where we are in USASSR today.

  • @gilgarza7
    @gilgarza7 Місяць тому


  • @sheireland3737
    @sheireland3737 Місяць тому +2

    Can we place “bets” here? My yt pound is on Trump. He’ll get 270+

  • @guytapper999
    @guytapper999 Місяць тому +9

    I live in Vermont, the most liberal state in the U.S., and I interact mainly with people who lean to the left. To a person, no one I have spoken to has been anything but disgusted by the assassination attempt. But your concerns about the bad actors in this country are grossly misplaced, in my opinion. To not mention Trump's attempt to circumvent the will of the American voters and include no mention of the events of January 6, 2021, and then say that you thought he would just go away if the media had not kept after him when he left office, shows a great misunderstanding of who Donald Trump is and what he has done and continues to try and do. Propped up by the fear of his party's members in the Congress, the Supreme Court, and right wing news outlets, and driven by his crazy and egotistical unwillingness to accept the results of the the 2020 election, he has kept himself in the spotlight for four years and encouraged a hostile and dangerous faction of followers who will accept nothing but his total victory in the next election, no matter what the vote count says. Your commentary seemed sympathetic, or at lease ambivalent, towards Trump and cast a shadow on those who oppose him. It seems to me that you've got it backwards.

    • @NovemXI
      @NovemXI Місяць тому +5

      Glow harder

    • @SkipFrontzJr
      @SkipFrontzJr Місяць тому

      ​@@NovemXImake more excuses for your weirdo cult leader

    • @davidatkinson-lifematters4826
      @davidatkinson-lifematters4826  26 днів тому

      Man, you really hate him, don't you?
      I've followed American and European politics for over forty years, and know that leaders aren't selected from cadre of angels. Egotistical, messianic types are just what they are, but a shrinking violet never made a good leader. We're doomed to have to choose the 'least worst' in our elections, until Batman shows-up on the ballot paper. That bad actors secure influence over the media, and that opposition politicians operate campaigns of smear and vilification, doesn't surprise me, and so I'm learned to be sceptical. I like it that way, because I don't get too disappointed.

  • @peteyn.y.7960
    @peteyn.y.7960 Місяць тому +5

    TRUMP 2O24!!! 🐐🇺🇸

  • @jeffhartley1989
    @jeffhartley1989 Місяць тому

    Some interesting comments on the video and I would say that US voters probably don't share your view of "it's only four more years" on either side. Certainly some of Trump's pronouncements on citizens "never having to vote again" can only be described as worrying.

    • @phild8761
      @phild8761 Місяць тому

      Would you stop. I am so tired of people taking things out of context, taking jokes as being serious. That is what's driving the insanity, pushing false narratives and fearmongering. The tyrants are in government right now, they openly want to get rid of the constitution, they rig elections world wide, they made up an entire false story of Russian collusion just to stop this man. Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty of, it's an old trick all tyrannical governments have used.

      @THEMADPROFdj Місяць тому

      In 2020 more went down under MOST PEOPLE's radar than most average people would care to actually realize/know. That was just 1-0NE of "it's only four more years"🤯

    • @davidatkinson-lifematters4826
      @davidatkinson-lifematters4826  26 днів тому

      Jeff, I once heard a commentator say of Trump "Take him seriously, not literally" and it made a lot of sense to me. Trump has long prided himself as an ace negotiator and deal-maker, and that was my own career in procurement and sales. He speaks in hyperbole, which us negotiation types call 'framing' and/or 'conditioning', and so when I process what he says I keep that in mind. As an outsider, I have faith in the American system being able to depose a dictator, even though it would take some time and be uncomfortably messy. Given that Trump has already had a period in office, other than his hyperbole, I haven't been presented with evidence that he'd be expecting to hold on to the reins of power for life, like Mugabe, for example. I just can't see it.

    • @jeffhartley1989
      @jeffhartley1989 26 днів тому

      @@davidatkinson-lifematters4826 I get where you're coming from David. Make the deal - and in some ways pragmatic business thinking might solve some of today's problems. There's always a solution if you're willing to circle back. I'm just not sure that Trump can even accept losing the odd battle (in metaphorical sense).

    • @davidatkinson-lifematters4826
      @davidatkinson-lifematters4826  26 днів тому +1

      @@jeffhartley1989 Deal-makers experience poor outcomes all the time, but typically play the percentages expecting to come-out on top over time. Those who see themselves as 'winners' are (rightly) reluctant to openly express failure when it occurs. Retaining the myth of the winner is important in shaping the expectations of opponents during future negotiations. That Trump blusters his way past setbacks doesn't surprise me at all.

  • @ledzeplover58
    @ledzeplover58 Місяць тому +9

    As somebody who lives in the US that was only casually interested in politics I must say that Trump's biggest problem is his divisiveness. His refusal to accept the outcome of the 2020 election and spreading that attitude to his followers is poison of the highest order. Never have I seen such volatile reactions just by bringing up a name (on both sides). He is,in my opinion,an absolute failure as a human being. And I say that without a whiff of liberalism,just common sense. Am I one that wishes the bullet had been a little more to the right? No,because as you said that would only divide us even further and make him even more of a martyr (than he is now). I know you said "it's only four years" but if we are to believe that he wishes to "drain it again",something he failed miserably at the first go round it will end up becoming retribution as he believes he's owed it because of him being "robbed" in the last election. Anyway,just my thoughts. I don't want to go so far as to label you naive in your views but living as me and my family are is quite different.

    • @bugman1776
      @bugman1776 Місяць тому +1

      The 2020 results mirror Venezuela's current election because they were both stolen the exact same way. You are obviously a mental giant.

    • @kkaugare
      @kkaugare Місяць тому +1

      It would help if the media actually investigated the claims. Istead the touted zero evidence while never doing their jobs as investigative journalists. So yeah, they arent investigating this either, zero pushback on the alphabet agencies. So this guys take is right on!!! You are snowed!

    • @sheireland3737
      @sheireland3737 Місяць тому +1

      As an outsider looking in the US elections are open to corruption - why do you accept postal votes without proof of the id of the voter?? That’s insane. Trump had a point in 2020 imo. I’m not in US. In Ireland every voters id papers are checked. Validated. THATs democracy.

    • @sheireland3737
      @sheireland3737 Місяць тому +3

      Pointing out that a voting system is corrupt and unfair shouldn’t be divisive. Thank about it. Why do you accept ppl voting by post without their id being checked?

    • @ledzeplover58
      @ledzeplover58 Місяць тому

      @@sheireland3737 He didn't have a problem with the 2016 results. Did you?

  • @BigPete44
    @BigPete44 Місяць тому +6

    I’m from New York. I think we (anyone who thinks) all know what’s going on. He’s the BEST President of my lifetime and will win for a 3rd time! 👈💪🫡🇺🇸🇺🇸